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Notes for Definition of Community

1. Important terms

A number of individuals assembled together or having some unifying relationship.
The group of people living in the same place or group of people having a particular common characteristic
called as Community
A group of people sharing the same culture, interests, opinions, called as Society
A feeling of being happy or comfortable as part of a particular group and having a good relationship with
the other members of the group called as Belongings

2. Different type of communities

Criteria Primary group Secondary group

Other name Group of belongings Group of Reference
belongings Automatic belongings Manual belongings
Emotional relationship Strong Weak
Availability of choice Not available Available
Type of Participation Permanent Temporary
Rules and regulations Rules and Regulations are Have to follow the rules and
Optional Regulations
Based on Logic Irrational Groups Rational Group

3, Benefits of being the member of a Community group

 Individuals can fulfil personal and social desires that they cannot normally fulfil on their own.
 Individuals have a sense of security and calm within a group that they accept and which
accepts them.
 Individuals adopt the standards and values of the group to which they belong, which requires
identifying with its
 Behaviour.
 Individuals acquire the cultural heritage that enables them to interact positively with members of their
Notes for the Role of Our Communities

1. Social identity and its importance

 The identity derived from the belonging social group or community called as Social identity
 Importance of Social identity
 It provides insights about individual behaviour in groups
 Social identity provides self-reflection
 This helps individual to be responsible
 Social identity supporting people to achieve their goals
 This develops he social and mental growth

2. Importance of Education in Community

 Education helps students to gain Morals

 Education brings discipline in society
 Education Provide knowledge to the people in Society
 Education providing training to the people
 Education Reducing poverty in Society
 Education Reducing crime in society

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