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CS6004ES –Application Development

Title: ABC Car Traders Management System

Name: Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

ID Number: 23039047

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Table of Content
Table of Content.............................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3

Diagrams.....................................................................................................................................4 - 6

Software architecture....................................................................................................................... 7

Instructions to run the program................................................................................................ 8 - 16

Test cases....................................................................................................................................... 17

Classes used for development........................................................................................................18

Reflection of own experience........................................................................................................ 19

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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ABC Car Traders implements a system to streamline their operations and effectively track
vehicles, car parts, customer orders. The system has been designed to manage car and car part
details, handle customer orders, and maintain customer records. Additionally, it will generate
various reports including car reports, customer reports, and customer order reports based on
order status.

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Use Case Diagram

Figure 1 Use Case Diagram

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 2 Entity Relationship Diagram

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Class Diagram

Figure 3 Class Diagram

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Software architecture

Figure 4 System Architecture

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Instructions to run the program

Login Page

When the application starts running, the user will be navigated to the user login

Figure 5 Login Page

For the system there will be two users. First user is Admin and the second user is a customer. In
the login form it will be asked to enter username and password. Based on the user name it will
identify the user type by the system and navigate to the corresponding dashboard.

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Customer Registration

Following user interface is used to register new customers to the system.

Figure 6 User Registration

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Admin Dashboard

After login to the system Admin user can manage customer details such as Create / Update /
Delete customers. Following is the user interface for those functionalities.

Figure 7 View customer information

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Add New Customer By Admin

Following is the interface to add customer details to the system by the Admin user.

Figure 8 Add customer details

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Add New Car

The Following interface is used to enter car details by the Admin user. Here information like
Brand, model, year, etc will be captured.

Figure 9 Add Car Information

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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View Car Details

Following user interface is used to view the car details. If the user clicks on a car detail it will be
redirected to the car detail page.

Figure 10 View Car Details

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Add New Spare Parts

Following user interface is used to view the car information. It will be displayed all the car
informations have been registered

Figure 11 Add Spare parts

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View Spare Parts

Shown below is the add new car interface. This interface shows when the add new car button is
clicked in the side menu. Users are able to add new car details using this interface.

Figure 12 View Spare Parts Details

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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View Customer Orders

Following interface is used to display customer order details. When clicking on one of the orders
it will be redirected to the order details page.

Figure 13 Car View Order

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Test cases
Test Condition Expected
ID Tested Result Actual Result

Admin Login
Login with successful
valid user

login with Login
valid user Successful
name and

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Classes used for development
Database Connection Class

This class (DBConnection.cs) is used for make a connection with MySQL database. Host name,
database name, username and password are required for make the connection with the database.
In this class their is two methods OpenConnection and CloseConnection they are used to open
the connection and to close the connection.

Figure 14 DBConnection Class

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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Repository Classes

Repositories are classes that encapsulate the logic required to access data sources. They
centralize common data access functionality to provide better maintainability and technology
used to access databases from the model layer. These classes are used to insert data to database,
update data in database and get data from database. Developer has used,

● CustomerRepository
● CarRepository
● CustomerOrderRepository
● CarPartRepository
● UserRepository

Reflection of own experience

When the course started the developer didn't have much experience on writing programs. After
continuing the course, established the basement for the programming. Even using C# it will be
really easy to do drag and drop to create user interfaces. It’s kind of interesting and has
motivation to continue the course even with the busy lifestyle.

When doing this course work has more challenges the major is lack of knowledge of the
programming and the C# language. But with the advice and lessons from the lecturer was able to
mitigate the problems and reach completion of the course work.

With the all guidance and experience of the course work, certain that it will be a good experience
in the future to become a great software engineer.

Charitha Nayanajith Punchihewa

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