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Lobo Senior High School



1.1 Background of the study

Relationship marketing refers to an arrangement where both the buyer and seller

have an interest in a more satisfying exchange. This approach aims to transcend the post-

purchase-exchange process with a customer in order to make richer contact by providing a

more personalised purchase, using the experience to create stronger ties. A main focus on a

long-term relationship with customers differentiates relationship marketing from other marketing


The technique was first proposed by American marketing scholars Berry (1983)

and Jackson (1985). Berry (1983) argued in a conference about the field of service marketing

that relationship marketing is a marketing activity for enterprises to obtain, maintain and

promote effective relationships with customers.

There are five levels of relationship marketing: basic marketing, reactive

marketing, accountable marketing, proactive marketing, and partnership marketing. Each level

represents a different stage in relationship marketing. Basic is the simplest form that serves as

the first step in relationship marketing, and partnership is the most advanced stage. Here are

the five levels of relationship marketing:

Basic marketing: This is the first step in marketing. It involves acquiring a

customer and successfully guiding them through a sale. Reactive Reactive marketing: The

second step is when a company can receive feedback from a customer

Topic 1
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after a sale. Accountable Accountable marketing: Similar to reactive marketing, but taking it a

step further, this occurs when a business reaches out to a customer for suggestions to improve

their experience with the business. Proactive Proactive marketing: This is where businesses

actively work to improve their products and services, to provide the best possible experience for

their customers. Partnership marketing: Similar to proactive marketing, partnership marketing

involves collaboration with other businesses to improve customer experience and satisfaction.

No matter which level you focus on, good marketing puts its customers

at the center of all campaigns and strategies. A business should start with basic marketing to

build a customer base, then work through the remaining steps to get to know their customers

and provide the best product, service, and experience possible. This will ultimately build loyalty.

Relationship marketing focuses on building long-term relationships with

customers instead of shorter-term objectives like customer acquisition and sales. With

traditional, transactional marketing, a customer may choose a brand one time, but they may not

remain loyal to the company in the future .

You also need to talk to your utility providers because the charge for

business and residential areas are different and having a store does not fall under residential.

The trend in consumer spending is more frequent visits to neighborhood stores for daily needs

and purchasing in small quantities or packs. This has led to increased demand for sari sari

stores within and among neighborhood communities. However, these sari sari storeowners

have not had formal training in running small businesses. Small business in barangay start to

function and build their own names .

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An example of these small business was the Pasia’ s sari sari store( old store here in

calumpit ).

Pasia 's store is one of the small business here in barangay Calumpit Lobo

Batangas. So i choose them as my respondent. In their cope area you can choose and buy

different product that owned by the pasia family. We can also buy meat and pork . But like the

other , pasia's house have many opponent such as Venus, Liza, delica store and Mario’s street

food .But suddenly my respondent have an average performance in their business career. The

aim of this study is to evaluate the factors affecting Relationship Marketing in Pasia’s Sari sari


I conducted this research entittled" Relationship Marketing applied to.

Pasia’ s Sari sari store " to determine what Relationship marketing they done to have a good

business career. This will be conducted t help pasia's store to fight their opponent in terms of

strategies ad to improved it. This will focused to my respondent the pasia's store. The finding of

the study may improve deeper insight about what should my respondent should do to gain more

customer using Relationship Marketing .

This study compile with the reseacher last April 28 , 2021 up to May 6 ,

2021 . This study is primarily focused on Relationship Marketing that Pasia’s Sari Sari store


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The purpose of these study is to identify the Relationship Marketing

applied to Pasia's Sari sari Store.

My respondent seek to answer the following questions below;

1. What are the factor affecting relationship marketing of Pasia’s store?

2. How this factor affect the customers loyalty?

3. What are the advantage and disadvantage of Relationship Marketing to Pasia



Title : Relationships Marketing applied to Pasia’ s Sari sari store

The findings of the study may provide deeper insight on Relationship marketing

applied on Pasia’ s Store . The study will determine the significance effect of having an

opponent of my respondent in business here in our barangay. And their advantage and


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To the customer’s, the result of these will be beneficial to the customers here in

brgy. Calumpit because they will guided by the result of these into who’s business or store

here in barangay calumpit practiced a good career , strategies and who can make them

satisfied and gain loyalty using Relationship marketing.

To the entrepreneur, this research will be beneficial to the business owner

because the result of these serve variety of purposes , including Help them to make a better

decisions and gain advantage over the competition, help to make numerous strategies and

tactical decision in the process of identifying and satisfying customers need.

To community , the result of these study will guide the barangay calumpit to

meet a higher status and this research will contribute a piece to solving a puzzle for being one

of the poor community here in lobo.

To Municipal, the result of these research will be beneficial to the municipal of

lobo because these research is all about the effect of using Relationship marketing so that the

result of this may also used in other barangay here in lobo .

To the future researcher, the result of this study will give information and

ideas to them about Relationship marketing. This will serve as a resources/ guide.

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This study compile with the researchers started last April 27,

2021 up to May 07 ,2021 . The owner of pasia’s house is respondents of this research .

It is stated here in the research paper about Factors affect , advantage and

disadvantage of applying Relationship Marketing to their business . This study is

primarily focused on the assessing of the effect of issues and the proper solution, ideas,

tactics , and relation marketing strategies ,that may help them to meet the satisfaction

and gain loyalty.

This study mainly assesses different factors that affect pasia’s

store performance, identify the relationship marketing strategies and to form new variety

of strategies for my respondent, This will focused to my respondent the Pasia 's sari sari

store. The finding of the study may improve deeper insight about what should my

respondent should do to gain more customer than other stores here in calumpit and

also to gain their loyalty using RM.

This study compile with the reseacher last April 28 , 2021 up to May 6 , 2021 . This

study is primarily focused on assessing strategies for pasia's store and to implement

proper ideas and solutions for them using the Relationship marketing strategy . The

respondents covered was only the family owner of the said store and 10 customers.

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This study will be conducted with limited amount of resource and time frame



Does the Relationship marketing helpful in fostering customer loyalty?

Apart from forging lasting customer relationships and developing

laser-focused brand awareness, relationship marketing helps you in numerous other

ways: You can promote brand loyalty and increase customer lifetime value. Also,

it is less expensive to sell to your existing customers as compared to acquiring new


“ Loyalty is a Virtue” according to Royce, loyalty is a virtue , indeed a

primary virtue the heart of all the virtue, the central duty among all duties. If the

Relationship marketing is design to developed loyalty then if pasia’s store used it then

the will build interaction and long term engagement with the customer.

After this research I expected that my respondent will take advantage to

their competitors using the Relationship marketing that foster customer loyalty,

interaction and long term engagement because the customer was satisfied. I hope the

strong connection between my respondent and the customer was already develop after

this research.

Null hypothesis: There is no significant association between relationship

marketing and organizational productivity in pasia's Sari sari store

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According to LAURA ABERLE ,Relationship marketing is a facet of

customer relationship management (CRM) that focuses on customer loyalty and long-

term customer engagement rather than shorter-term goals like customer acquisition and

individual sales. The goal of relationship marketing (or customer relationship marketing)

is to create strong, even emotional, customer connections to a brand that can lead to

ongoing business, free word-of-mouth promotion and information from customers that

can generate leads. Relationship Relationship marketing stands in contrast to the more

traditional transactional marketing approach, which focuses on increasing the number of

individual sales. In the transactional model, the return on customer acquisition cost may

be insufficient. A customer may be convinced to select that brand one time, but without

a strong relationship marketing strategy, the customer may not come back to that brand

in the future. While organizations combine elements of both relationship and

transactional marketing, customer relationship marketing is starting to play a more

important role for many companies.



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In the Philippine system, however, the commitment between

buyer and seller goes even further. Though the relationship seems informal, it

can be as binding as a formal contract, complete with personal and social

clauses. This contractual aspect of suki may be traced to its original purpose

as a kind of credit check between vendor and customer. If the customer proves

to be loyal and dependable, the vendor may feel secure enough to extend

credit or defer payment. In turn, buyers with limited means expect that their

loyalty will result in the best prices and products to stretch each peso.

Developing and maintaining this level of trust is not taken lightly.

For that matter, establishing suki in the first place is no mean

feat. Given its unwritten and, for the most part, unspoken terms, initiating the

relationship is a nebulous process that is part mating dance and part ESP.

Simply declaring yourself a suki is not enough – you first need to demonstrate

your commitment. When I was trying to establish suki with a local produce

vendor, I bought from her for several weekends in a row, making sure to greet

her before shopping, asking for her recommendations, and complimenting her

offerings. One day, she waved me over and reached beneath the table for a

bag of hard-to-find kaffir limes. She remembered that I had raved about them

before and, knowing how quickly they sold out, she had set aside a half dozen

just for me. With that surprise gesture, she and I became suki without ever

uttering the word.

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Responsibility for maintaining this mutually beneficial

relationship falls equally on both sides. Sellers are expected to offer lower

prices than those quoted to walk-by shoppers or to add a little something extra

(called dagdag). Such perks are not limited to an extra handful of herbs at the

farmers' market: after we called for the same large specialty pizza nearly every

Thursday for six months, our favorite local pizzeria recently started sending a

complimentary small pie with our order.(

market-relationship-in-the-philippines )

According to Emely Carter ( 2016) Relationship marketing focuses on

building long-term relationships with customers instead of shorter-term objectives like

customer acquisition and sales.

With traditional, transactional marketing, a customer may choose a brand one time, but

they may not remain loyal to the company in the future. Instead, they’ll research their

options every time they need to purchase a similar product. On the other hand, when

you work to improve customer interactions with your company, you can encourage

customer loyalty and keep people coming back to your business. Relationship

marketing aims to cultivate two-way communication and can also help you track

customer activities and provide customized information based on interactions.

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In order for relationship marketing to be successful, you need to

learn everything you can about your customers and work to add value to every

interaction with your business. Creating strong connections to your brand and mission

can lead to free word-of-mouth promotion and ongoing business.(

According to Glenn San Luis (2017), On top of the wish list of

most businesses is loyal customers. After all, their purchases translate into repeat

business and referrals—a powerful engine for the growth of sales and profits. And brand

marketers know that building and cultivating a relationship with clients transcends initial

purchase behavior, and can refocus the usual fixation on price. Yet there are still some

common misconceptions about relationship marketing, and many wonder if the extra

effort and expense are worth it.

We asked Maricel Badilla, our resource person on relationship marketing, to share with

us some insights on how to overcome these misgivings (

loyalty/amp )

According to Paulo Joquiño · (15 Jun 2018 ) ,Securing a position in the

market is one thing; gearing up for sustainability is another. At the core of ecommerce

companies are its customers, and going for the long haul is all about customer

relationships founded on trust. “You have to know your customers,” says Abbie

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Victorino, the founder and CEO of StyleGenie. “Eventually, they will tell you what you

want to learn.”( )


According to Warren knight Relationship marketing focuses on

customer retention, satisfaction and valuing customers. The sole purpose of this is to

actually engage with, and nurture your current customers rather than acquiring new

customers. Both sides are important, but I want to focus on actually retaining

current customers and how this can be achieved. You may be thinking that as a

business, you have more opportunity by reaching out to new customers, and driving

unique business rather than retaining existing customers. You might be right in the

short-term but if you’re looking at future proofing your business, relationship marketing

is the way to go. A huge part of my marketing is based around relationship-building, and

I have found this to be so important especially in the digital age. We are more focused

on digital than ever before, but our customers still want that human interaction

regardless of how advanced technology is.

I want to share with you the importance of relationship marketing in

a digital age, and my top tips for building an audience that trusts you, purchases from

you and becomes a brand advocate of yours.

According to Beth Hendricks Relationship marketing

is about building lifelong relationships between a brand and its

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customers. You don't say you have a relationship with someone you

meet one time in a grocery store, right? Your relationships are those

people you've spent time with, built friendships with and enjoyed the

company of over the years.

The concept of relationship marketing focuses on

building loyalty to a brand, instead of simply encouraging a single sale,

never to hear from the person again. For relationship marketing to

work, a brand has to take the focus away from selling a single plane

ticket, for example, and engage in business behaviors (such as a

loyalty program with rewards) that encourage repeat, and prolonged,

interaction with the brand.

So, the big question is: Why is a relationship between a

brand and its consumers so important? Aren't you just buying a plane

ticket? What difference does it really make? Believe it or not,

relationship marketing is hugely important and can have big

implications for your business. First and foremost, relationship

marketing is important because it helps you not only get new

customers, but keep them once you have them. Why? Because you're

building a better experience for them as they engage with your

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business. (

marketing-important-purpose-use.html )

According to Zhang, Watson, Palmatier & Dant

(2016), business houses engaged in relationship marketing to improve

their ongoing rapport with other business partners, customers, and

other stakeholders. However, there are set strategies of relationship

marketing and those who desire to apply relationship marketing have

to maintain its major implications. The author also mentioned in this

literature that the organization should consider strategies as against

their internal and external environmental factors. These sets of

strategies need to be modified as per on-going conditions. Apart from

this, it is also concluded in this literature even with strong and great

relationships, customers can migrate towards different relationships

from time to time. In this literature, the author has applied the

multivariate hidden Markov model to a six-year longitudinal data set of

553 business-to-business relationships (Zhang, Watson, Palmatier &

Dant, 2016).

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According to Gregory Ciotti (2016) Relationship

marketing is strategy that emphasizes customer retention,

satisfaction, and lifetime customer value. Relationship marketing can

be defined as marketing to current customers vs. new customer

acquisition through sales and advertising. AS opposed to

transactional marketing’s focus on one-off sales, a good

relationship marketing strategy is rooted in building customer

loyalty and lasting, long-term engagement with your customer

base. Benefits include increased word-of-mouth, repeat business,

and a willingness on the customer’s part to provide valuable

feedback to the company.(

Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer

loyalty and long-term engagement. These marketing strategies are developed with

strong connections to customer loyalty. The major implication of this type of marketing is

that the customer only connects with the business when they get premium services.

Relationship marketing incorporates three levels such as basic marketing, reactive marketing,

and proactive marketing. ECRM stands for electronic customer relationship marketing as per

Felix, Rauschnabel & Hinsch (2017). ECRM provides an effective system for the interaction of

two parties (customers and business employees) with the help of web-based technologies.

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Various benefits of CRM are improved customer relations, a centralized database, and customer

loyalty to name a few. This process helps an organization to create and manage the centralized

database of their customers so that they effectively and efficiently focus on their customers.( )

According to Sheth (2017), in the mid-1970s the

fundamental factor for the rise of relationship marketing is the

economic recession. The author has further explained the reason

behind saying this is that due to the economic recession people

started withdrawing their money from banks, real estate, stock

exchange, etc. After that, people started searching for their own

relationship manager to keep a personal track on their investments.

People also started to appoint a person who can personally handle and

allocate their funds. Thus, in this era, relationship marketing came to

be. Initially, relationship marketing was needed to handle funds and

people who carried out this job was known as relationship managers.

After that, other organizations also started adopting

the norms of relationship marketing because relationship marketing is

a great way to encourage customers and creates bonds towards long-

term relationships with them. In this era, relationship marketing is

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considered an effective way to gain market shares with inorganic

growth such as mergers, acquisitions, and alliances (Sheth, 2017).



According to Mariella Diane M. Barit, Mariah Angelita P.

Marasigan, and Ma. Leonora V. Alusen ,As the fast paced global competition

arises, many companies are thinking of tactics and strategies in order to arrive at

the fact of gaining a competitive advantage against competitors. And one of the

most important strategies that could be considered as base tactic for every company

is to come up on developing a strong relationship to keep customers. Building a

strong customer relationship is a key functionality to retain customers and gain new

ones that could also create a mutually satisfying long term collaborative relationship

between company and customers.

Thus, Relationship Marketing is a relationship-type strategy that

focuses on creating a favorable relationship between the company and customers that

results in continuous patronage of customers in the organization that leads on sharing

their satisfying and favorable experiences to other people which can create a positive

effect on the organization, and as well as customer loyalty. Customer Loyalty is the

baseline and very important part in marketing since it has a positive result on long term

success and profitability. Hence, these strategies is done mainly on businesses whose

operation includes front line employees who deals directly with customers.

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Pawnshops is one of a great example of these, thus, it lends money

to customers in exchange of a thing with higher or lower value and offers lower interest

rates which makes it an attractive good alternative source of credit. Customers of this

type of business are mainly people who are in need of urgent and upfront need of cash.

Furthermore, it also provide auxiliary services such as remittance and bills payment

facilitation, insurance loans, mobile banking services, and money changing which

requires more employee performance to develop a deep and strong relationship with


Aligned with this, the researchers have come up in identifying the

effect of relationship marketing on customer loyalty among the clients of Cebuana

Lhuillier - AC Alabang, situated in the southern part of Metro Manila whose operation is

on its 30th year. Apparently, this study is for the purpose of determining the effect of

relationship marketing strategies that drives loyalty among customer that drives the

profitability of the company.


According to Javad Zebardast Gashti The purpose of his study is

evaluating the impact of relationship marketing on the customer attitude (CA) with

emphasis on the role of advertising effectiveness (AE) in Bank Mellat in the city of

Tehran. The statistical population of this study consists of all employees, managers and

relevant experts in Bank Mellat. We set the sample size at 221 persons based on the

krejcie and Morgan table. Also, we used the random sampling method. This study is a

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descriptive/correlational research and we collected the data with the help of a

questionnaire. We used the Likert scale for the measurement of the

€ ‚™s variables. Several specialists and experts confirmed the

validity of the research tools and the reliability of the relationship marketing

questionnaire was verified by using the Chronbach's alpha 0.890, customer attitude

0.877, and the advertising effectiveness 0.872. We analyzed the data using the

structural equations model. The results showed that the relationship

€ ‚™s dimensions (trust, bonding, communication, shared values (SV),

empathy and interaction) have a significant effect on customer attitude, while the effect

of bonding was more pronounced than other factors. In recent years the global business

atmosphere has witnessed a lot of developments and one of these alterations is an

attitude changes in the companies from tangible assets to the intangible assets.

Therefore, the intangible asset valuation process is of great

importance to the companies. By taking the intangible asset into account, one may

conduct a better assessment of the performance of the organizations in the short and

long term [1]. Furthermore, nowadays the communities need an increasing amount of

banking services and the people expect better and vastly varied services offered by

banks. Maintaining the loyalty of existing customers and creating trust to attract new

customers requires an efficient and effective management in all aspects of banking

services with emphasis on relationship marketing category. Successful marketing

enables a company to attract and maintain the customers . So, the success of financial

institutions depends on the quality of long-term communication with their partners

including customers, employees, financial intermediaries, banks and so on. In the

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banks, movement from traditional marketing towards a comprehensive marketing is

deemed a new approach. Traditional marketing focuses on the customer needs,

therefore it can gain an immediate advantage. But this approach does not always brings

about benefits for the banks and it customers. Today, the companies with superior

performance across various industries are moving towards maintaining the customers

and attracting their loyalty, because most markets are often in their maturation stage,

competition is increasing, and the cost of attracting new customers has also increased


According to ABDULLAH HERSH Nowadays, the main marketing

focus is shifting towards customers. Over the past fifteen years, a major shift has

occurred in the ways that industrial companies deal with their customers and suppliers.

This change came about when companies recognized that a sustainable competitive

advantage in the global economy, increasingly, requires companies to become

trusted participants in various networks or sets of strategic alliances (Morgan and Hunt,

1994). Relationship marketing has emerged over the years as an exciting area of

marketing that focuses on building long-term relationships with customers and

other parties. Customer relationship marketing management is moving to become

an integral part of the marketing management function (Aaltonen, 2004). There is

general agreement that the quality of the relationship between the parties involved is an

important determinant of the permanence and intensity of the relationship and

the consequent success of relationship-marketing practices (Gwinner et al., 1998).

Based on the above, relationship marketing has received increasing attention in both

marketing theory and practice. The strategy of relationship marketing is particularly

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important to the service industries because of the intangible nature of service

and their high level of customer interaction. A key feature of the strategy of

relationship marketing is that it not only results in increased customer retention and

company profitability, but it also provides a sustainable competitive advantage to a

service firm as the intangible aspects of a relationship are not easily duplicated by

competitors (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). Consequently, there is a growing

interest in the subject of relationship marketing. More and more firms are focusing on

strong firm-customer relationships (Ndubisi, 2004). Enhancement and focus on

customer relationship building creates many benefits for firms and customers. By

building a relationship with customers, firms can gain quality sources of marketing

intelligence for better planning of marketing strategy.

Relationship marketing (RM) is widely ac-knowledged as a useful

tool in gaining customer loyalty in various sectors. In the world of business, the

concept of relationship marketing (RM) is widely understood, both academically and

professionally. Its goal is to maintain strong relationships and convert indifferent

customers into loyal ones (Berry & Parasurarnan, 1991prohibited.solid base of

customers (Alexander & Colgate, 2000). For customers, RM provides closer and longer-

term relationships that yield three types of benefits: 1) social (familiarity, friendship and

information-sharing), 2) economic (discounts or other money-saving benefits) and 3)

customiza-tion (tailor made services/products), as noted by Sheth and Parvatiyar

(1995), Berry (1995), Gwinmer et al. (1998), and Peterson (1995). RM is relatively

more emotional

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According to Saeed Samiee, Brian R. Chabowski , and Tomas Hult

(2015) Relationship marketing is a central and important tenet in marketing thought, and

considerable research effort in the discipline has been devoted to examining various

facets of relationship marketing, resulting in a large body of knowledge. In this study,

the authors specifically focus on the international dimension of the relationship

marketing literature and use citation and cocitation data to identify and unfold its

intellectual foundations. The goal is to provide new and meaningful avenues for further

research using the knowledge structure on which international relationship marketing

stands. The examination of the literature spans more than 40 years, divided into three

time periods that permit detection of longitudinal trends as well as meaningful visual

representations of the cocitation data. Overall, the authors survey 29 key publications

and identify 3,509 articles that include 230,684 citations, examining the data for 1972–

1993, 1994–2003, and 2004–2013 to unfold research possibilities. Drawing on the

analysis of emergent multidimensional scaling results, the authors discuss potential

international relationship marketing research incorporating social relations and

networking, new ventures, internationalization, trust and commitment, tacit knowledge,

and cultural values.(

According to master’s thesis( 2007) The term customer relationships,

strategic partnerships with vendors, and the issues involved in creating, managing, and

dissolving these partnerships over time”. While Tuten and Urban (2001:150) hold that

“Webster’s charge still provides guidance” in the new millennium and encourage further

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research. Among the identified needs is a more comprehensive model of relationship

success than has been previously proposed.

Within this stream relationship marketing (RM) has been marked to

be a new paradigm able to provide answers for the new reality. Still, confusion remains

about what exactly RM is and how it can help achieve superior performance through the

attainment of competitive advantages.

A basic reason for the confusion arises from the academic

disagreement about the constituent elements and thus the various definitions of the

term “relationship” that exist. While some scholars see customers as separate entities

forming targets with which products are exchanged, others recognize a whatsoever

relationship between a supplier and a customer within which goods and possibly other

things are exchanged.

Another part of confusion derives from the hype-like praising of RM

as a new “must-do” paradigm that disregards the economic value as well as the

reciprocal propensity of customers to accept a close relationship. RM is often seen

universally valid across all sectors and in all situations which presumably is a result of

the tendency to mingle unspecified research findings.

Equally, to date most of the literature on buyer-seller relationships

has taken the perspective of large corporations operating in western business

environments while close relationships have remained commonplace among SMEs, the

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owners of which may know each of their customers individually. Most of the principles of

RM have been practiced by such businesses for a long time (Palmer, 2000).


The literatures above discusses and show different articles and

researches about Relationship marketing , the used if it and at the same time are the

importance , the two literature above and been similar in the form of they both shows

the relationship management in their topic / subject matter , And Among the many

definitions of the term:

“Relationship marketing is a strategy designed to foster customer loyalty,

interaction and long-term engagement. It is designed to develop strong connections with

customers by providing them with information directly suited to their needs and interests

and by promoting open communication. “While I agree with the above it leaves out one

very important word. It kind of implies the word somewhat but does not include the

actual word and it should for this word cuts right to the heart of the term itself and in

particular the word “relationship. “The word I am referring to is “emotion.”

They also discusses the purpose of relationship marketing ,and base on

the sources above , the relationship marketing is a strategy used to gain customer

loyalty .

The sources above have a difference in the way that the related

literature is just an article ,a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper,

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magazine, or other publication,. Article is used to refer to specific or particular nouns;

a/an is used to modify non-specific or non-particular nouns. We call the definite article

and a/an the indefinite article. But suddenly the research literature is a Research paper

that already conducted by other researcher with the guide of their research teacher /

adviser or by their own knowledge’s. .

According to Yin (2008) there are three types of research namely;

exploratory, descriptive and explanatory the stated that exploratory research intends to

define the question and hypothesis of a theory or it aimed of determining the feasibility

of the desired research procedures. In other words, it is designed to generate basic

knowledge, clarify relevant issues, uncover variables associated with problems, uncover

information needs, and/or define alternatives for addressing research objectives. The

second approach descriptive (statiscal), aims at presenting a complete description pf a

phenomenon within its context, or to estimate the proposition of a population that has a

defined set of characteristics. This design provides further insight into the research

problem and describes the variables of interest and examining associative relationships

between variables is the main aim.

The descriptive method of study was used to collect the necessary

information needed by the researchers. With this method, the data and characteristics

about what is being study will be describe and its meaning, and significance of it will

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also be interpreted. The researcher will conducted an interview and they will distributed

survey questionnaires to collect the relevant data about Relationship marketing.

The Quantitative Method of research was used to collect the relevant data for the study.

The method and data are being discuss in the study. The researcher conducted an

interview and collect the necessary information about the Relationship Marketing

applied by pasia’s sari sari store

The experimental method of the study was used to collect the necessary

information. The method and the data gathered are being discussed in the study. It will

conducted an interview and will distributed survey questionnaire to collect the relevant

data to prove the used of Relationship marketing in pasia’s Sari sari store.


The local of this study is in Pasia’s sari sari store ,Which is located

at Calumpit lobo Batangas. Here in our barangay there’s have 10+ Sari sari Store.

Pasia ’s store located at sitio Centro barangay Calumpit Lobo Batangas.


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The study focused on how the researcher will determine, who will be the

respondent of the study . The study focused only on 4 member of the family owner of

the said store and 10 customers . During the interview the each respondent will ask

about the used of Relationship marketing applied on the said store.

Name Name of business Years in service

Gregoria Pasia Pasia's sari sari store 14 years

Ron casapao Pasia’s sari sari store 7 years

Kuya mac Pasia’s sari sari store 7 years


In this sections will state the sequence on how the researcher will

gathered the data .At first ,the researcher construct a title and validated by the research

teacher ,it was stated here the general problem to be answered through this study. The

researcher made descriptive method. The researcher got the survey questionnaire

about Relationship marketing applied by pasia’s Sari sari store.

Will give survey questionnaire to my respondent and they will seek

to answer it, all of the respondent will given same questionnaires. After the assessment

was conducted , the researcher will tabulate the data and analyze . The teacher will be

asked by the researcher about the implementation once the assessment was done.

Topic 27
Lobo Senior High School
Interview and questionnaires to the owner and customers were to know the data in this

case. This is the best way to gathered information for the study.


- I ask the owners of the said store if it is okay for them to be my respondent .

- I gathered Ideas using the proper method

- I gave them the questionnaire that they need to answer.

- I’ll collect the questionnaire and

- Analyze the answer that they gived.


A Likert Scale is a question which contains 5 or 7 options . The choices range

from strongly agree, to strongly dis agree so the survey maker can get a holistic view of

people opinion and their level of agreement.


N = n-1/n

Where: N= the highest point

n = number of level used

Topic 28
Lobo Senior High School

Topic 29

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