20.Đinh thị Hà Trang. topic1. Outline

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Outline topic School violence

1. Introduction
- Hello everyone. First of all, let me thank you for all coming here today. Let
me introduce myself,my name is Trang from national economics university.
As u can see on the screen, our topic today is school violence- a matter of
concern and frequently occurs in school environment today.
- I have divided my presentation into three main parts: definitions and
situations, causes and effects, solutions for this issue.
2. Body
 Definition and classify
- What is school violence? => Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school
aged children.
- Classify: physical, psychological, sexual violence.
 Causes and effects
- Causes:
Stress and depression
Effect of media
Lack of guidance in difficult time
Bad environment in family and community
- Effects:
Death and injury
Disrupt the learning process/ Have negative effects on student

Emotional problems

 Solutions
- For school: set into action strong disciplinary measures for which
perpetrators of the act will face.
- For parents/guardians: have a key role to play as they should ensure that the
atmosphere at home, where the child is nurtured violent-free.
3. Conclusion:
To sum up, I hope that the government as well as each parent can take
measures to protect children from school violence. If anyone has any
questions, I will answer right now. Thank you for listening.

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