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Hydrocortisone 100 mg Injection
Anacort Injection: Each vial contains Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate USP 134 mg equivalent to
Hydrocortisone 100 mg. Each ampoule contains Water for Injection BP 2 ml.

Hydrocortisone inhibits prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme phospholipase A2. Hydrocortisone
reduces various vasoactive agents released during inflammation. It also controls the rate of protein synthesis.

Primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, acute adrenocortical insufficiency, shock unresponsive to
conventional therapy, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypercalcemia associated with cancer, nonsuppurative
thyroiditis, rheumatic disorders, dermatologic diseases (allergic states, severe seborrheic dermatitis, severe
psoriasis, pemphigus, severe erythema multiforme), control of severe or incapacitating allergic conditions
(bronchial asthma, contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, serum sickness, seasonal or perennial allergic
rhinitis, drug hypersensitivity reactions, urticarial transfusion reactions, acute noninfectious laryngeal
edema), ophthalmic diseases (herpes zoster ophthalmicus, iritis, iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis, diffuse posterior
uveitis and choroiditis, optic neuritis), gastrointestinal diseases, fulminating or disseminated pulmonary
tuberculosis when used concurrently with appropriate antituberculous chemotherapy, loeffler's syndrome,
aspiration pneumonitis, hematologic disorders (acquired, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura in adults, secondary thrombocytopenia, erythroblastopenia), neoplastic diseases
(leukemias and lymphomas in adults, acute leukemia of childhood), edematous states, acute exacerbations
of multiple sclerosis.

Dosage & Administration

Adult: By IM injection or slow IV injection or infusion. The initial dose of Hydrocortisone sterile powder is 100
mg to 500 mg, depending on the severity of the condition. This dose may be repeated at intervals of 2, 4 or
6 hours as indicated by the patient's response and clinical condition.
Children: By slow IV injection, up to 1 year 25 mg, 1-5 years 50 mg, 6-12 years 100 mg.

Hydrocortisone is generally well tolerated except in prolonged high doses. It may cause cardiac arrhythmia,
esophageal candidiasis, menstrual irregularity, decreased carbohydrate & glucose tolerance, fluid retention,
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increased appetite, weight gain, euphoria, mood swings, depression, insomnia, acne etc.

Hydrocortisone is contraindicated in severe systemic fungal infections and patients with known
hypersensitivity to any component of this product.

Precautions & Warnings

Hydrocortisone should be used with caution in patients with a history of peptic ulceration as it increases the
incidence of peptic ulceration. This drug should be used with caution in patients with congestive heart failure,
hypertension, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus and epilepsy.

Drugs that induce hepatic enzymes such as Phenobarbital, Phenytoin and Rifampin may increase the
clearance of corticosteroids and may require increases in corticosteroid dose to achieve the desired response.
Drugs such as Troleandomycin and Ketoconazole may inhibit the metabolism of corticosteroids and thus
decrease their clearance. Therefore, the dose of corticosteroid should be titrated to avoid steroid toxicity.

Use in pregnancy and lactation

This should be prescribed in pregnancy and lactation only if absolutely required.

Store below 30°C. Protect from light. Keep out of reach of children.

Commercial pack
Anacort Injection: Each box contains- 1 vial of sterile powder of Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate USP 134
mg equivalent to Hydrocortisone 100 mg & 1 ampoule of Water for Injection BP 2 ml.

Manufactured by:
Techno Drugs Unit-2 TECHNO DRUGS LTD.
Revision No.: 00 B.K. Bari, Mirzapur, Gazipur.
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nvB‡W&ªvKwU©‡mvb 100 wg.MÖv. Bb‡RK&kb
GbvKU© Bb‡RK&kbt cÖwZwU fvqv‡j i‡q‡Q nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mvb †mvwWqvg mvw·‡bU BDGmwc 134 wg.MÖv. hv nvB‡WªvKwU©†mvb 100 wg.MÖv. Gi
mgZzj¨| cÖwZwU G¨v¤úy‡j i‡q‡Q IqvUvi di Bb‡RK&kb wewc 2 wg.wj|

GbvKU© (nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mvb) dm‡dvjvB‡cR G2 GbRvBg ‰Zwi eÜ K‡i †cÖv÷vMøvwÛb Drcv`b eÜ K‡i| nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mvb cÖ`v‡ni mgq
ˆZwi wewfbœ †f‡mvGKwUf Dcv`vb†K n«vm K‡i †cÖvwU‡bi Drcv`b nviI wbqš¿b K‡i|

nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mvb Rxevbygy³ cvDWvi wb¤œwjwLZ †ivM mg~‡n AvBwf ev AvBGg Bb‡RK&kb wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq: cÖvBgvwi ev †m‡KÛvwi
A¨v‡Wª‡bvKwU©K¨vj Bbmvwdwm‡qwÝ, A¨vwKDU A¨v‡Wª‡bvKwU©K¨vj Bbmvwdwm‡qwÝ, mvavib wPwKrmvq Awbqwš¿Z kK, Kb‡RwbUvj
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†m‡evwiK Wvgv©UvBwUm, †mvwiqvwmm, †cgwdMvm, wmwfqvi Bwiw_gv gvwëdg©&), gvÎvwi³ A¨vjvwR© wbqš¿‡b (eªswKqvj A¨vRgv, KbUv±
Wvgv©UvBwUm, A¨v‡UvwcK Wvgv©UvBwUm, wmivg wmK‡bm, A¨vjvwR©K ivBbvBwUm, WªvM nvBcvi‡mbwmwfwU, i³ cwimÂvjb wewµqv,
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wUDevi‡Kv‡jvwmm, †jvdjvm© wmb‡Wªvg, Av¨vmwc‡imb wbD‡gvwbqv, †ngv‡UvjwRK¨vj wWmAWv©i (†n‡gvjvBwUK A¨vwbwgqv, BwWIc¨vw_K
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wkï‡`i A¨vwKDU wjD‡Kwgqv), BwW‡gUvm †÷Um, gvwë‡cvj †¯‹‡j‡ivwmm|

†mebgvÎv I †mebwewa
AvBwf ev AvBGg ev BbwdDk‡b cÖ‡qvM Kiv nq| wPwKrmvi ïiæ‡Z nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mv‡bi gvÎv n‡jv 100 wg.MÖv. †_‡K 500 wg.MÖv., hv
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Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i|
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gvÎvq cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e|

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8 in

cvk^© cÖwZwµqv
j¤^v mgq a‡i AwaK gvÎvq cÖ‡qvM Kiv bv n‡j, nvB‡W&ªvKwU©‡mvb mvavibZ †Kvb cvk^©cÖwZwµqv cÖ`k©b K‡i bv| j¤^v mgq AwaK gvÎvq
e¨envi Ki‡j KvwW©qvK A¨vwi_wgqv, A¨v‡mv‡dMvj K¨bwWwWqvwmm, AwbqwgZ gvwmK, Kv‡ev©nvB‡WªU Ges Møy‡KvR Ujv‡iÝ K‡g hvIqv,
d¬zBW wi‡Ubkb, IRb e„w×, AvPvi AvPvi‡bi cwieZ©b, Nyg K‡g hvIqv, nZvkv Ges eªb n‡Z cv‡i|

†h‡nZz nvB‡W&ªvKwU©‡mvb †ccwUK Avjmv‡ii cÖebZv evovq myZivs hv‡`i †ccwUK Avjmv‡ii mgm¨v i‡q‡Q †mB mKj †ivMx‡`i †ÿ‡Î
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GB IlyawU mveavbZvi mv‡_ e¨envi Kiv DwPZ|

Ab¨ Ily‡ai mv‡_ cÖwZwµqv

†h mg¯Í Jla wjfvi GbRvBg e„w× K‡i †hgbt †d‡bvevwe©Uvj, wdbvB‡Uv‡qb Ges widvgwcwmb e¨env‡ii †ÿ‡Î AwaKgvÎvq
nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mvb cª‡qvRb| †h mg¯Í Jla nvB‡WªvKwU©‡mv‡bi †gUv‡evwjRg Kgvq †hgbt †Uªvwjb‡WvgvBwmb Ges wK‡Uv‡Kvbv‡Rvj, †m mg¯Í
†ÿ‡Î Kg gvÎvq e¨envi Kiv DwPZ|

Mf©ve¯’vq I ¯Íb¨`vbKv‡j e¨envi

AZ¨vek¨Kxq †ÿÎ Qvov Mf©ve¯’vq Ges ¯Íb¨`vbKv‡j e¨envi Kiv DwPZ bq|
300 †mt ZvcgvÎvi wb‡P msiÿY Kiæb| Av‡jv †_‡K `~‡i ivLyb| wkï‡`i bvMv‡ji evB‡i ivLyb|
GbvKU© Bb‡RK&kbt cÖwZwU ev‡· i‡q‡Q- nvB‡W&ªvKwU©‡mvb †mvwWqvg mvw·‡bU BDGmwc 134 wg.MÖv. hv nvB‡W&ªvKwU©‡mvb 100 wg. MÖv. Gi
mgZyj¨ GKwU fvqvj Ges 2 wg. wj. IqvUvi di Bb‡RKkb wewc Gi GKwU G¨v¤úyj|
†UK‡bv WªvMm BDwbU-2
we.‡K. evox, wgR©vcyi, MvRxcyi|
†UK‡bv WªvMm wjt

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