Cat1 2023-Emt 2335

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Date: November 2023 Time: 1 hour

1. Define the first law of thermodynamics in regard to an open system and state three conditions
for steady flow processes. (4 marks)

2. Define the terms: System, process, state and working fluid, as they are used in
thermodynamics. (4 mark)

3. (a) Sketch a combined line for a saturation state. (2 marks)

(b) Sketch a pressure-volume diagram for steam and mark on it the following points, label-
ing clearly the pressure, the specific volume and temperature for each point.

(i) p = 20 bar, t = 250o C (1 marks)

(ii) t = 212.4, v=0.09957 m3 /kg (1 marks)
(iii) p = 10 bar, h = 2650 kJ/kg (2 marks)
(iv) p= 6 bar, h= 3166 kJ/kg (1 marks)

Calculate the internal energy for each of the four states. (3 marks)

4. A mass of 0.05 kg of dry saturated steam is heated at a constant pressure of 2 bar until the
volume occupied is 0.0658 m3 . Calculate the heat supplied and the work done. (4 marks)

5. A pressure cooker contains 1.5 kg of saturated steam at 5 bar. Find the quantity of heat
which must be rejected so as to reduce the quality to 60% dry. Determine the pressure and
temperature of the steam at the new state. (4 marks)

6. Show that the steady flow energy equation for an open system is expressed as, Q̇ − Ẇ =
ṁ(h2 − h1 ). (6 marks)

7. A cylinder containing the air comprises the system. Cycle is completed as follows :

(a) 82000 N-m of work is done by the piston on the air during compression stroke and 45
kJ of heat are rejected to the surroundings.

(b) During expansion stroke 100000 N-m of work is done by the air on the piston. Calculate
the quantity of heat added to the system. (4 marks)

8. In a steam plant, 1 kg of water per second is supplied to the boiler. The enthalpy and velocity
of water entering the boiler are 800 kJ/kg and 5 m/s. The water receives 2200 kJ/kg of heat
in the boiler at constant pressure. The steam after passing through the turbine comes out
with a velocity of 50 m/s, and its enthalpy is 2520 kJ/kg. The inlet is 4 m above the turbine
exit. Assuming the heat losses from the boiler and the turbine to the surroundings are 20
kJ/s, calculate the power developed by the turbine. Consider the boiler and turbine as single
system. (4 marks)

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