Case Study HRM

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A.)Recruitment Plan: To attract the right talent for Krishna Toys, the
company can utilize various sources of recruitment. Here are some
recommendations for each category:
o Nursery Division (Soft Toys and Cloth Dolls):
 Internal Sources:
 Promotions: Consider promoting existing employees
who have relevant skills or experience.
 Employee Referrals: Encourage current employees to
refer suitable candidates from their network.
 External Sources:
 Job Portals: Post job openings on popular job portals
like Naukri, Indeed, and LinkedIn.
 Campus Recruitment: Collaborate with educational
institutions offering courses related to toy design and
 Social Media: Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter to reach potential candidates.
o Educational Division (Problem-Solving Toys):
 Internal Sources:
 Transfers: Look for employees within the organization
who have a passion for educational toys.
 External Sources:
 Industry Associations: Attend industry events and
conferences to connect with professionals in educational
toy design.
 Design Institutes: Partner with design schools or
colleges to recruit fresh talent.
 Online Communities: Engage with online forums or
communities related to educational toys.
o Electronics Division (Interactive Electronic Toys and Gadgets):
 Internal Sources:
 Job Postings: Advertise internally through company
newsletters or intranet.
 External Sources:
 Technical Institutes: Collaborate with engineering
colleges or universities specializing in electronics.
 LinkedIn: Search for professionals with expertise in
electronics and interactive technology.
 Recruitment Agencies: Engage specialized agencies to
find suitable candidates.
o Musical Division (Toy Keyboards and Instruments):
 Internal Sources:
 Talent Pool: Identify employees with a musical
background or interest.
 External Sources:
 Music Schools: Connect with music schools or
conservatories to find skilled musicians.
 Music Forums: Participate in online music
communities or forums.
 Local Advertisements: Place ads in local newspapers
or community boards.

B.)Selection Procedure: Each category requires specific skills and attributes.

Here are suitable selection techniques:
o Nursery Division:
 Interviews: Conduct behavioral interviews to assess creativity,
attention to detail, and passion for soft toys.
 Portfolio Review: Evaluate candidates’ portfolios showcasing
their cloth doll designs.
 Practical Tests: Ask candidates to create a simple soft toy or
cloth doll during the interview process.
o Educational Division:
 Problem-Solving Tests: Administer puzzles or problem-
solving exercises to assess logical thinking.
 Group Discussions: Observe how candidates collaborate and
communicate in a group setting.
 Technical Interviews: Assess their understanding of
educational concepts and toy design principles.
o Electronics Division:
 Technical Assessments: Conduct written or practical tests
related to electronics and gadget design.
 Simulation Exercises: Present candidates with real-world
scenarios to gauge problem-solving abilities.
 Behavioral Interviews: Explore their passion for technology
and innovation.
o Musical Division:
 Auditions: Invite candidates to perform on toy keyboards or
other instruments.
 Music Theory Tests: Assess their knowledge of musical
theory and notation.
 Reference Checks: Speak to their music teachers or mentors
to understand their musical abilities.
Remember, a well-structured recruitment plan and thoughtful selection techniques

will help Krishna Toys build a talented and passionate team. 🌟🧸🎵


A.)In the new performance appraisal system, individuals are expected to play
active and collaborative roles. Here’s how they contribute:

1. Self-Assessment:
o Individuals should reflect on their own performance over the
appraisal period.
o They assess their achievements, strengths, areas for improvement,
and alignment with organizational goals.
o Honest self-evaluation helps set the foundation for the appraisal
2. Goal Setting and Alignment:
o Individuals collaborate with their managers to set clear performance
o They ensure that these goals are aligned with team and
organizational objectives.
o Regular check-ins help track progress and make necessary
3. Performance Documentation:
o Individuals maintain a record of their accomplishments throughout
the year.
o They collect evidence, metrics, and examples that demonstrate their
o This documentation supports their appraisal discussions.
4. Active Participation in Appraisal Meetings:
o During appraisal discussions, individuals actively engage with their
o They provide insights into their performance, challenges faced, and
growth areas.
o Constructive feedback and open communication are essential.
5. Receptiveness to Feedback:
o Individuals should be open to receiving feedback from their
o They listen attentively, acknowledge areas for improvement, and
commit to growth.
o A willingness to learn and adapt is crucial.
6. Development Planning:
o Based on appraisal feedback, individuals collaborate on personal
development plans.
oThey identify training, skill-building, or mentoring opportunities.
o Continuous learning and professional growth are emphasized.
7. Behavioral Alignment:
o Individuals exhibit positive behaviors aligned with organizational
o They contribute to a healthy work environment, teamwork, and
ethical conduct.
o Consistent behavior reinforces their performance evaluation.

Remember, the success of the performance appraisal system relies on active

participation, transparency, and a growth mindset from both individuals and

B.) The possibility of conflict between individual and organizational objectives is

not uncommon. Here’s why it can occur and how to mitigate it:

1. Misalignment of Goals:
o Issue: Individuals may have personal goals that do not align with the
organization’s overall mission or strategic objectives.
o Mitigation:
 Clear Communication: Regularly communicate
organizational goals and priorities to employees.
 Individual Goal Setting: Involve employees in setting their
performance goals, ensuring alignment with organizational
2. Short-Term vs. Long-Term Focus:
o Issue: Individuals may prioritize short-term gains (e.g., meeting
quarterly targets) over long-term organizational sustainability.
o Mitigation:
 Balanced Metrics: Evaluate performance using a mix of short-
term and long-term metrics.
 Incentives: Design incentives that encourage both immediate
results and long-term value creation.
3. Resource Allocation:
o Issue: Limited resources (budget, time, manpower) may lead to
conflicts when individuals compete for these resources.
o Mitigation:
 Transparency: Clearly communicate resource constraints and
allocation decisions.
 Collaboration: Encourage cross-functional collaboration to
optimize resource utilization.
4. Personal Ambitions vs. Team Goals:
o Issue: Individuals may prioritize personal career growth over team
o Mitigation:
 Team Building: Foster a collaborative team culture where
success is celebrated collectively.
 Recognition: Recognize and reward teamwork and
5. Ethical Dilemmas:
o Issue: Individuals may face ethical conflicts between personal values
and organizational practices.
o Mitigation:
 Code of Ethics: Establish a clear code of conduct and ethical
 Ethics Training: Provide training on ethical decision-making.
6. Work-Life Balance:
o Issue: Overemphasis on work-related goals can lead to burnout and
conflict with personal well-being.
o Mitigation:
 Flexible Policies: Offer flexible work arrangements to support
work-life balance.
 Wellness Programs: Promote employee health and stress
7. Resistance to Change:
o Issue: Individuals may resist organizational changes that disrupt their
routines or comfort zones.
o Mitigation:
 Change Management: Involve employees in change
initiatives and address their concerns.
 Training: Provide training to adapt to new processes or
8. Lack of Trust:
o Issue: If employees perceive a lack of transparency or fairness,
conflicts can arise.
o Mitigation:
 Open Communication: Foster trust through transparent
communication and fair decision-making.
 Feedback Channels: Create channels for employees to
express concerns without fear of reprisal.

Remember, proactive communication, shared values, and a supportive

organizational culture are essential to minimize conflicts and promote a
harmonious balance between individual and organizational objectives.

C.)The Management by Objectives (MBO) approach can significantly benefit

organizations. Let’s explore how:
1. Clear Goal Alignment:
o Benefit: MBO ensures that individual goals are aligned with
organizational objectives.
o Explanation: When employees understand how their work
contributes to the overall mission, they become more focused and
2. Increased Accountability:
o Benefit: MBO encourages employees to take ownership of their
o Explanation: By setting specific objectives and tracking progress,
employees feel accountable for their performance.
3. Improved Communication:
o Benefit: MBO promotes regular communication between managers
and employees.
o Explanation: Ongoing discussions about goals, progress, and
challenges lead to better understanding and collaboration.
4. Enhanced Performance Measurement:
o Benefit: MBO provides a structured framework for evaluating
o Explanation: Clear objectives allow for effective measurement,
leading to fair and accurate performance appraisals.
5. Employee Development:
o Benefit: MBO encourages employees to focus on skill development.
o Explanation: As employees work toward their objectives, they learn
and grow, benefiting both themselves and the organization.
6. Motivation and Engagement:
o Benefit: MBO motivates employees by linking their efforts to
tangible outcomes.
o Explanation: When employees see progress toward their goals, they
feel a sense of achievement and stay engaged.
7. Customized Goals:
o Benefit: MBO allows for personalized objectives.
o Explanation: Each employee’s Key Result Areas (KRAs) are
tailored to their role, skills, and interests.
8. Focus on Results:
o Benefit: MBO shifts the focus from activities to outcomes.
o Explanation: Employees prioritize achieving results rather than
merely completing tasks.
9. Better Teamwork:
o Benefit: MBO encourages collaboration.
o Explanation: When team members share common objectives, they
work together more effectively.
10.Strategic Alignment:
o Benefit: MBO ensures that day-to-day actions align with long-term
organizational strategy.
o Explanation: Employees contribute directly to strategic goals.

In summary, MBO helps organizations by fostering goal clarity, accountability,

and continuous improvement. It empowers employees and contributes to overall

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