Key To 1000 Câu Viết Lại Dạng Idiom - Bình Boong

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1. He has an obsession about the dishonesty of lawyers. (BEE)

 He has a bee in his bonnet about the dishonesty of lawyers.
(have a been in one’s bonnet about sth: ám ảnh về cái gì)

2. I must have offended her because she isn’t being friendly towards me. (SHOULDER)
 I must have offended her because she is giving me a cold shoulder.
(give sb a/the cold shoulder: đối xử lạnh nhạt với ai)

3. You need to make sure that he has enough money to pay for the car before you sell it to him. (COLOR)
 You need to see the colour of his money before you sell him the car.
(see the color of one’s money: biết chắc được khả năng tài chính của ai)

4. He threatened the officers with violence. (THREATS)

 He made threats of violence against the officers.
(make threats of violence againts sb: đe doạ bạo lực với ai)

5. The students’ rebellious behaviours should have been severely punished. (DESERVED)
 The students deserved severe punishment for their rebellious behaviours.
(deserve sth for: xứng đáng nhận được cái gì vì cái gì)

6. There's no one available in this moment to take her class. (NOTICE)

 There’s no one available at such short notice to take her class.
(at such short notice: báo gấp)

7. Most people seem to think that I will be next to be promoted. (LINE)

 Most people seem to think that I am next in the line for a promotion.
(in the line for: sắp được)

8. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. (SHOULDERS)

 In the area, Thailand is head and shoulders above all other countries in football.
(be/stand head and shoulders above: giỏi hơn)

9. We’ve agreed to share the cost. (AGREEMENT)

 We’ve come to an agreement to share the cost.
(come to an agreement: đi đến thống nhất)

10. What has this experience taught you? (DRAWN)

 What conclusions have you drawn from this experience?
(draw conclusions from sth: rút ra kết luận từ đâu)

11. Coming second didn’t make her feel any better because she only wanted to win.
 Coming second was (of) no consolidation (to her) because winning was all that mattered to her.
(of no consolidation to sb: không có ý nghĩa gì đối với ai)

12. His analysis of the situation was far too complex for me to grasp. (HEAD)
 His analysis of the situation went right over my head.
(go right over one’s head: quá sức đối với ai)

13. The committee members said that they would remain loyal to the chairman. (PLEDGED)
 The committee members pledged their loyalty to the chairman.
(pledge one’s loyalty to sb: thề tận trung với ai)

14 . I can spend more time with my grandchildren when I retire. (FREE)

 Retirement will free me up to spend more time with my grandchildren.
(free sb up to do sth: giúp ai có thêm thời gian để làm gì)

15. She just pretended to welcome him, then quickly left the waiting room. (MOTIONS)
 She just went through the motions of welcoming him, then quickly left the waiting room.
(go through the motions of doing sth: giả vờ làm gì)

16. She gets bored quickly at parties because there is so much trivial conversation. (SMALL)
 Too much small talk means is the reason why she gets bored quickly at parties.
(small talk: chuyện phù phiếm)

17. I think that my parents cope calmly with everything I do. (STRIDE)
 I'm under the impression that my parents take everything I do in their stride.
(under the impression that: có cảm tưởng là)

18. He indicated quite clearly that he would do anything to obtain the contract. (LENGTHS)
 He gave every indication of going to any lengths to obtain the contract.
(give every indication of doing sth: cho thấy mọi dấu hiệu của việc làm gì
Go to any lengths to do sth: sẵn sàng làm mọi việc để có thể)

19. Nowadays I consider casual friendships to be far less important than I used to. (STORE)
 Nowadays I don’t set/put/lay (nearly) as much store by casual friendships as I used to.
(set/put/lay much store by sb: đánh giá cao ai)

20. I'm afraid that negotiations for a settlement are completely impossible. (WHATSOEVER)
 I 'm afraid that there is no chance/ possibility whatsoever of negotiations for a settlement.
(there is no chance/ possibility whatsoever of sth: hoàn toàn không có khả năng)

21. Sam was really anxious, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket team. (TENTERHOOKS)
 Sam was on tenterhooks, waiting to see if he had got a place in the cricket team.
(on tenterhooks: lo lắng)

22. The heir to the family fortune was eventually found to be an impostor. (EXPOSED)
 The heir to the family fortune was eventually exposed as an impostor.
(be exposed as: bị tiết lộ/ phơi bày là)

23. He claimed my point was not relevant to the proceedings. (DISMISSED)

 He dismissed my point as irrelevant to the proceedings.
(dismiss sth as adj: coi cái gì đó như thế nào)

24. So completely incompetent was that secretary that we lost heaps of invoices. (RANK)
 Such was that secretary’s rank incompetence that we lost heaps of invoices.
(rank = especially of something bad) complete or extreme: cực kì, vô đối)

25. A lot of the country’s two million unemployed will probably never work again. (MANY)
 There are two million unemployed in the country, many of whom will probably never work again.
(many of + đại từ quan hệ, whom thay cho two million unemployed)

26. It was difficult to understand her colleagues overt hostility towards her proposal. (OPENLY)
 That her colleagues was (so) openly hostile towards her proposal was difficult to understand.
(That SV + V số ít - mệnh đề danh từ)

27. I didn’t have the faintest idea about the quirks of the antiques business, so I couldn’t give you any
advice. (KEN)
 Had the quirks of the antiques business not been beyond my ken, I could have given you some
(beyond one’s ken: nằm ngoài phạm vi hiểu biết/ kiến thức của tôi)

28. His parents allowed him to buy an iPhone X after they had considered it for three weeks. (GO-
 Having mulled it over for three weeks, his parents gave him the go-ahead to buy an iPhone X.
(give sb the go-ahead to do sth: cho phép ai đó làm gì)

29. Although the people here are of the working class, they are kindness and honesty personified. (SALT)
 Notwithstanding their working-class background, the people here are the salt of the earth.
(the salt of the earth: người tốt)

30. Tom is forever teasing Daisy for having spoonerism. (MICKEY)
 On account of having / her spoonerism, Tom is forever taking the mickey out of Daisy/her.
(on account of doing sth: vì
Take the mickey out of sb: trêu chọc ai)

31. It was about time I went over there and made up with her. (OLIVE)
 It was about time (that) I went over there and held out / offered / extended the olive branch to her.
(hold out/ offer/ extend the olive branch to sb: làm hoà với ai)

32. Remember to check out our thirteen language learning tips! (BAKER )
 Remember to check out our baker’s dozen language learning tips!
(baker’s dozen: mười ba)

33. They may have escaped through the backdoor. (GETAWAY)

 They may have made their getaway through the backdoor.
(make one’s getaway: tẩu thoát)

34. You've been looking miserable all day. (MOON)

 You’ve done nothing but moon about all day.
(do nothing but moon about: không làm gì ngoài việc trầm ngâm)

35. Jim knew he would have to go on the business trip at a moment's notice. (POISED)
 Jim was poised to go on the business trip at a moment's notice.
(be poised to V: sẵn sàng để làm gì)

36. The waiters in the new restaurant were very inefficient. (SHODDY)
 We received shoddy service from the waiters in the new restaurant.
(shoddy service: dịch vụ tệ hại)

37. Sean did all the illustrations for the book but no one acknowledged his work. (CREDIT)
 Sean wasn't given any credit for doing all the illustrations for the book.

(give sb credit for doing sth: công nhận ai đã làm gì)

38. The family members find it hard to accept their father’s fortune will go to charity. (RESISTANCE)
 There is resistance among the family members to the fact/idea that their father's fortune will go
to the charity.
(resistance to sth: phản đối cái gì)

39. His analysis of the situation was far too complex for me to grasp. (HEAD)
 His analysis of the situation went right over my head.
(go right over one’s head: vượt quá khả năng của ai)

40. Start doing some work now if you want to become a rich and powerful man. (PULL)
 Pull your finger out now if you want to become a man of substance.
(pull one’s finger out: cố gắng hết mình; a man of substance: người quyền lực và giàu có)

41. Had it not been for John, she couldn’t have got the job. (AGENCY)
 Only through the agency of John could she get the job.
(through the agency of sb: nhờ có ai)

42. Peter never makes any effort to help his team when it is time for action. (LIFTS)
 Peter never lifts a finger to help his team when it is time for action.
(lift a finger to help: giúp đỡ ai)

43. After a long hard journey, I cheered up when I saw my home. (SIGHT)
 After a long hard journey, my spirits rose/were lifted when I caught sight of my home.
(lift one’s spirits: làm ai phấn trấn; catch sight of: bắt gặp)

44. He didn't want to get into a position where he might lose all his money. (POSSIBILITY)
 He didn't want to expose himself to the possibility of losing to all his money.
(expose oneself to the possibility of: đối mặt với nguy cơ)

45. The company received an enormous number of calls responding to the advert. (DELUGED)
 The company was/ were deluged with calls response to the advert.
(be deluged with: trần ngập)

46. Children enjoy unwrapping their Christmas presents. (A KICK)

 Children get a kick out of/from unwrapping their Christmas presents.
(get a kick out of/ from: có được niềm vui từ)

47. He hid the truth about the matterbecause he didn't want to lose his high position. (CARPET )
 He swept the matter under the carpet because he didn't want to lose his high position.
(sweep sth under the carpet: che giấu điều gì)

48. I've become extremely good at missing the rush hour over the last few weeks. (FINE)
 I've got missing the rush hour down to a fine art over the last-few weeks.
(down to a fine art: biết cách)

49. I feel that to brand her ideas unworkable at this stage would be wrong. (WRITE)
 I don't think we should write off her ideas as unworkable at this stage.
(write off sth as: loại bỏ cái gì chỉ vì)

50. It’s crucial for us to control the juvenile inmates in a very strict way. (KEEP)
 It's crucial for US to keep a tight rein on the juvenile inmates.
(keep a tight rein on sth: kiểm soát cái gì)

51. You’ve done nothing but look miserable all day. (AROUND)
 Y ou've done nothing but moon around all day.
(do nothing but moon around: không làm gì ngoài trầm ngâm)

52. We don’t expect that the tourists in that accident have survived. (HOLD)
 We don’t hold out much hope for the survival of the tourists in that accident.
(hold out much hope for: nuôi hi vọng)

53. Your story is different from the facts. (DOES)
 Your story does not tie in with the facts.
(tie in with: khớp với)

54. His excuse for such bad behavior has little effect on her. (NO)
 His excuse for such had behavior cuts no ice with her.
(cut no ice with sb: không có tác dụng gì với ai)

55. It is extreme ly important that the company rules are observed. (UTMOST)
 Observation of the company rules is of utmost importance.
(of utmost importance: vô cùng quan trọng)

56. Although it was not his fault, the personnel manager resigned from his position. (HANDED)
 Through no fault of his own, the personnel manager handed in his notice.
(hand in one’s notice: nộp đơn thôi việc)

57. Frankly speaking, I do not think that nature and nurture are of equal significance. (SUBSCRIBE)
 To put it bluntly, I do not subscribe to the opinion that nature and nurture are of equal
(subscribe to sth: đồng ý)

58. The business is hardly making a profit at the moment. (EVEN)

 The business is hardly breaking even at the moment.
(break even: hoà vốn)

59. I don't really know why, but I don 't trust him. (FINGER)
 I can't put my finger on why/the reason but I don’t trust him.
(put one’s finger on: xác định/ nói cụ thể)

60. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but what was it? (BACK)

 I felt at the back of my mind that something was wrong, but what was it?
(at the back of one’s mind: mơ hồ)

61. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. (FALSE)
 The Journalist gave the false impression that she was a parent of one of the children.
(give the false impression: gây ấn tượng sai lầm)

62. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. (STRIKE)
 You have to strike a balance between logic and lateral thinking in th is job.
(strike a balance between: cân bằng giữa)

63. Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promoton. (COUNTED)
 Her lack of experience/inexperience counted against her when she applied for promoton.
(count against sb: ảnh hưởng đến ai)

64. The man over there lost his tem per in the public meeting. (HANDLE)
 That's the man that/who flew off the handle in the public meeting.
(fly off the handle: dễ nổi cáu)

65. We honestly all found it almost impossible not to laugh when we saw Josh's new haircut. (FACE)
 Honestly, (our) keeping a straight face was almost impossible when we saw Josh’s new haircut.
(keep a straight face: nghiêm nghị)

66. The phone bill was so expensive that Dave was furious. (ARM)
 Dave was up in arms about such an expensive phone bill.
(up in arms about sth: tức giận về)

67. ‘I’ve decided I really want to go on a cruise round the Med this summer,’ said Molly. (HEART)
 Molly says (that) she has set her heart on going/her heart is set on going on a cruise round the Med
this summer.
(set one’s heart on: quyết tâm)

68. He told USthat getting a later plane was our only option. (BUT)
 ‘You have (got) no option but to get a later plane,’ he said.
(have no option but to V: không có sự lựa chọn nào khác ngoài)

69. Inefficient treatment of customers creates a bad inpression of the company. (REFLECTS)
 Treating customers with a lack of efficiency reflects badly on the company.
(reflect badly on: phản ánh xấu về)

70. The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done. (UTMOST)
 Everything was planned with the utmost care by the organizers.
(be planned with the utmost care: được lên kế hoạch hết sức chu đáo)

71. I hope his story will help USto understand what happened. (SHED)
 Hopefully when he tells UShis Story, it will shed light on what happened.
(shed light on: làm sáng tỏ)

72. He was finally able to adjust himself to the new working condition. (SWING)
 He finally got into the swing of the new working condition.
(get into the swing of sth: làm quen với cái gì)

73. Her role in the plot was of secondary importance. (SECOND FIDDLE)
 She played second fiddle in the plot.
(play second fiddle: ở thế yếu)

74. The offer to go and work in Brazil was a complete surprise. (BLUE)
 The offer to go and work in Brazil came (completely) out of the blue.
(out of the blue: bất ngờ)

75. This liver condition is common in those who drink a lot. (DRINKERS)
 This liver condition is common in heavy drinkers.

(heavy drinkers: người nghiện rượu)

76. Minnie meant well so you mustn't be offended by her comments. (AMISS)
 Please don't take Minnie's comments amiss because she meant well.
(take sth amiss: làm phật ý ai)

77. It’s urgent that the new principal start to deal with the problems facing the school. (GRIPS)
 The new principle will have to get to grips with the problem facing the school straight away.
(get to grips with: giải quyết)

78. My supervisor did not even hint to me that he was about to resign. (INDICATION)
 I was given no indication by my supervisor that he was about to resign.
(give sb no indication: không ra hiệu cho ai)

79. When I saw the exam questions , I couldn't remeber anything. (MIND)
 When I saw the exam questions, my mind just went blank.
(mind go blank: đầu óc trống rỗng)

80. We have recently noticed that you have not been attending staff training sessions. (ATTENTION)
 It has come to our attention that you have not been attending staff training sessions.
(come to one’s attention: ai đó chú ý rằng)

81. If something's worrying you, you should tell me about it now. (CHEST)
 If you have a problem, why don’t you get it off your chest now?
(get it off one’s chest: nói ra điều trong lòng)

82. I think you should confront your boss right now with how you feel about this. (OUT)
 Why don’t you have it out with your boss right now?
(have sth out with sb: trò chuyện với ai)

83. Anna had decided Tom was not telling the truth about what happened. (TEETH)

 Anna was sure Tom was lying through his teeth about what happened.
(lie through one’s teeth: nói dối trắng trợn)

84. Perhaps my sister was bad-tempered because she was tired. (FACT)
 I put my sister’s bad-temper down to the fact that she was tired.
(put sth down to: quy cái gì là do)

85. When confronted with his crime the accused was unrepentant. (REMORSE)
 The accused showed no remorse for crime he had committed.
(show no remorse for: không tỏ ra hối tiếc cho cái gì)

86. The day after I lost my job, I did not feel like getting out of bed. (INCLINATION)
 I had/felt no inclination to get out of bed the day after losing my job.
(have no inclination to V: không có thiên hướng làm gì)

87. It is necessary to free our business from the influence of the bureaucracy right now. (HAND)
 It is necessary to free our business from the dead hand of bureaucracy right now.
(dead hand: sự ảnh hưởng)

88. The train is too crowded with the commuters during the morning rush hour. (SARDINESS)
 The commuters on the train were packed like sardiness during the morning rush hour.
(be packed like sardiness: trật chội)

89. The club has been very successful since the beginning of the season. (ON)
 Since the beginning of the season, the club has been on the up and up.
(on the up and up: rất thành công)

90. The boys fixed all their attention on what the teacher was saying in order not to miss any small
details. (ZEROED)
 The boys zeroed in on what the teacher was saying in order not to miss any small details.
(zero in on sth: tập trung vào)

91. He causes so much trouble that we can do nothing besides from leaving him to worry and suffer the
unpleasant effect of his own actions. (JUICE)
 As he causes so much trouble, there’s nothing we can do now besides from letting him stew in
his own juice.
(let sb stew in one’s own juice: để ai tự gánh chịu hậu quả)

92. Martine cannot go any higher in his career. (PINNACLE)

 Martine has reached the pinacle of his career.
(reach the pinnacle of sth: chạm đến đỉnh cao của cái gì)

93. I will appreciate it if you didn’t pretend to support my view. (LIP)

 I would sooner you hadn’t paid lip service to my view yesterday.
(pay lip service to sth: nói suông về cái gì)

94. Addicts of computer games struggle to distinguish the virtual world from the real world. (DRAW)
 Those obsessed with computer games struggle to draw the line between the virtual world and the
real world.
(draw the line: vạch ra giới hạn)

95. Have a look at this picture . It may help you remember something. (JOG)
 Have a look at this picture. It may help you jog your memory.
(jog one’s memory: làm thức tỉnh kí ức)

96. Apparently, a lot of employees will be made redundant when the 21st Century Fox is taken over.
 Apparently, many an employee will be thrown on the scrap heap upon the takeover of 21st
Century Fox.
(be thrown on the scrap heap: bị sa thải)

97. Although the beginning may be smooth for a business, one has to think about the worst-case scenario.
 Plain sailing though/as the beginning of a business may be, one has to be preoccupied with the
worst-cast scenario.
(plain sailing: thuận buồm xuôi gió)

98. I didn’t dare to tell the truth because my father was there. (GUTS)
 Hadn’t it been for my father's presence, I might/would have had the guts to tell the truth.
(have the guts to V: có gan làm gì)

99. Looking back, we could have managed things in a more organized way. (SHIP)
 With hindsight, we could have run a tight ship/we didn't run a tight ship.
(run a tight ship: quản lý hiệu quả)

100. It was a shame I couldn't come to his father's funeral. (RESPECT)

 I'd like to have paid my/the last respect to his father.
(pay one’s last respect to sb: tỏ lòng thành kính lần cuối với ai)

101. Despite the effort we made, our plan just wouldn 't come off. (PIE)
 Hard as/though we tried/might try, our plan was just pie in the sky.
(pie in the sky: không thể)

102. When it comes to his political view, his comments are sometimes inappropriate. (PALE)
 As regards political view, his comments are sometimes/ at times beyond the pale.
(beyond the pale: không thể chấp nhận được)

103. I hate it that I always have to attract the boss’s criticism when things go wrong. (FIRE)
 I object to always having to draw my boss's fire when things go wrong.
(draw one’s fire: nhận sự chỉ trích từ ai)

104. It was bad the adults pretended to be unaware of the kids' problems. (SAND)

 The adults shouldn't have buried their head in the sand about the kids' problems.
(bury one’s head in the sand about: giả vờ làm ngơ về)

105. I haven’t been told exactly what I will have to do in my new job. (REQUIRED)
 It hasn't been made clear to me what is required of me in the /my new job.
(be required of sb: là trách nhiệm của ai đó)

106. He maintained his position against his adversary. (GROUND)

 He held/kept/stood his ground against his adversary.
(hold/keep/stand one’s ground: giữ vững lập trường)

107. I suddenly realized the meaning of a “freebie” . (DAWNED)

 The meaning of a “freebie” suddenly dawned on me.
(dawn on sb: ai đó chợt nảy ra)

108. Most stores will accept a credit card instead of cash. (ALTERNATIVE)
 Most stores will accept a credit card as an alternative to cash.
(as an alternative to sth: là 1 sự thay thế cho)

109. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (GETAWAY)

 The bank robbers made a getaway in a stolen car.
(make a getaway: tẩu thoát)

110. Do n't panic about som ething so trivial. (MOUNTAIN)

 Don’t make a mountain out of the molehill.
(make a mountain out of the molehill: chuyện bé xé ra to)

111. Frankly speaking , I do not think that nature and nurture are equally significant. (SUBSCRIBE )
 To put it bluntly, I do not subscribe to the opinion that nature and nurture are of equal
(subscribe to sth: đồng ý với)

112. In the area, Thailand used to be much better than all other countries in football. (HEAD)
 In the area, Thailand doesn't stand head and shoulders above all other countries infootball any
(stand head and shoulders above sth: vượt hơn cái gì)

113. He hid the truth about the matter because he didn’t want to lose his high position. (CARPET)
 For fear that he (should) lose his high position, he swept the matter under the carpet.
(sweep sth under the carpet: che giấu điều gì)

114. He indicated very clearly that he would do anything to obtain the contract. (LENGTHS)
 He gave every indication of going to any lengths to obtain the contract.
(go to any lengths: làm mọi thứ để có thể)

115. I didn 't dare to tell the truth because my father was there. (GUTS)
 Had it it not been for my father's presence, I'd have had the guts to tell the truth.
(have the guts to V: có gan làm gì)

116. She was surprised when he suddenly asked her to marry him. (TOOK)
 His sudden marriage proposal took her by surprise / aback.
(take sb by surprise/ aback: khiến ai ngạc nhiên)

117. After the expedition, I realized that she was not an efficient researcher. (SHAKES)
 It dawned on me after the expedition that she was no great shakes as a researcher.
(no great shakes as: không phải là...giỏi)

118. The accused may imagine a plan of killing the witness. (AWAY)
 The accused may conceive of doing away with the witness.
(do away with: thủ tiêu, bãi bỏ)

119. Don’t run away with the idea that this job is easy. (CONCLUSION)

 Don’t come to/draw the conclusion that job is easy.
(come to/draw the conclusion that: đi đến kết luận rằng)

120. Russ's opinions on the new management policies were very different from those of his fellow
workers. (ODDS)
 Russ was at odds with his f'ellow workers over the new management policies.
(at odds with sb: tranh cãi với ai)

121. The young actress was very nervous before the audition. (BUTTERFLIES)
 The young actress had butterflies in her stomach before the audition.
(have butterflies in one’s stomach: bồn chồn, lo lắng)

122. Margaret is said to be a very good cook. (REPUTATION)

 Margaret has a reputation for being a very good cook.
(have a reputation for: có tiếng về)

123. The rocketing prices have proved too much for most salaried people. (COPE)
 Most salaried people haven't been able to cope with the rocketing prices.
(cope with: giải quyết/ xử lý)

124. I don’t think the television 's likely to blow up at any minute. (LIKEHOOD)
 There is little likelihood that the television will blow up at any time.
(there is little likelihood that: không có khả năng)

125. I’m afraid our problems are just beginning. (ICEBERG)

 These problems of ours are just the tip of the iceberg.
(the tip of the iceberg: mới bắt đầu)

126. Getting to work should be much easier once the new underground line is ready. (COMMUTING)
 The new underground line should make commuting plain sailing.
(make sth plain sailing: làm cho cái gì thuận buồm xuôi gió)

127. Thomas was not given details of the company’s new project. (DARK)
 Thomas was kept in the dark about the company's new projects.
(keep sb in the dark about sth: không nói cho ai biết về cái gì)

128. I was too scare to tell him what I really thought. (LACKED)
 I lacked (the) courage to tell him what I really thought.
(lack the courage to V: thiếu can đảm làm gì)

129. The diplomat has been arrested because it is believed he has been spying for his government.
 The diplomat has been arrested on suspicion of spying for his government.
(on suspicion of: vì nghi ngờ)

130. He got up very early this morning. (CRACK)

 He got up at the crack of dawn this morning.
(at the crack of dawn: tờ mờ sáng)

131. They remained close friends, despite having had many differences. (FALLEN)
 Though they had had many differences, they hadn’t fallen out.
(fall out: cãi nhau)

132. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)
 I am resentful of/at/about the way that she looks down her nose at me.
(look down one’s nose at sb: coi thường ai)

133. Fortunately his route took him very near where they lived. (LUCK)
 As luck would have it, his route took him very near where they lived.
(as luck would have it: thật may)

134. Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to exist on the money they earn. (ENDS)
 Many people nowadays find it increasingly difficult to make (both) ends meet.
(make both ends meet: kiếm đủ sống)

135. I've lost interest in going to the same place all the time. (FED UP)
 I've fed up with going to the same place all the time.
(feed up with: chán)

136. Although the signs are optimistic, there are imminent dark clouds. (TEETH)
 On the cards/horizon are dark cloud in the teeth of optimistic signs.
(in the teeth of: bất chấp)

137. The rain was coming down in torrents. (CATS)

 The rain was raining cats and dogs.
(rain cats and dogs: mưa xối xả)

138. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)

 They arrived at their destination safe and sound.
(safe and sound: bình an vô sự)

139. The police caught the burglar in the process of committing the crime. (RED)
 The burglar was caught red-handed.
(catch sb red-handed: bắt quả tang ai)

140. They think the manuscript was written by a fourteenth century scholar. (ATTRIBUTED)
 The manuscript is thought to have been attributed to a fourteenth century scholar.
(be attributed to sth: là do ai)

141. Have you seen my glasses anywhere by any chance? (HAPPEN)

 You don't happen to have seen my glasses anywhere, do you?
(happen to V: tình cờ làm gì)

142. Whatever happens , you must not go into my office without permission. (ACCOUNT)
 On no account must you go into my office without permission.
(on no account: với bất kì lý do gì cũng không)

143. It's a good idea to take out a small loan to help start your business. (GROUND)
 It’s a good idea to take out a small loan to (help) get your business off the ground.
(get sth off the ground: bắt đầu cái gì)

144. I've become extremely good at missing the rush hour over the last few weeks. (FINE)
 I’ve got missing the rush hour down to a fine art over the last few weeks.
(down to a fine art: giỏi cái gì)

145. Although Rudy really didn’t want to play cricket on Sunday, he agreed in the end. (DEAD)
 Despite (him/ his) being dead (set) against playing cricket on Sunday, Rudy agreed in the end.
(be dead set against ving: không thích cái gì)

146. I tried to remember what has happened all those years before. (CAST)
 I cast my mind back to what has happened all those years before.
(cast one’s mind back to: nhớ lại)

147. My parents are furious with me for getting a tattoo and so have grounded me. (ARMS)
 My parents, who are up in arms about my/ me getting a tattoo, have grounded me.
(up in arms about sth: tức giận về cái gì)

148. Since the company’s methods were exposed in a newspaper, people have lost their good opinion of
 Since the company's methods were exposed in a newspaper, it has fallen into disrepute.
(fall into disrepute: mang tiếng)

149. We only ingratiated ourselves with our teacher because Katie insisted. (CURRIED)
 It was at Katie’s insistence that we curried favour with our teacher.
(curry favour with: lấy lòng ai)

150. It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background. (SHOULDER)
 The young man appeared to be having a chip on his shoulder about his family background.
(have a chip on one’s shoulder: cáu bẩn về cái gì)

151. It is recommended that you take water with you as well as few and far between in this area. (LEST)
 Travellers to this area are advised to carry water lest wells (should) be thin on the ground.
(thin on the ground: hiếm thấy, khó tìm)

152. He was exasperated with being criticized in public all the time. (TEETH)
 He was fed up to the back teeth with being criticized in public all the time.
(fed up to the back teeth with: rất chán cái gì)

153. You have said exactly the right thing. (NAIL)

 You have hit the nail on the head.
(hit the nail on the head: đoán trúng, nói trúng)

154. They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. (SUCH)

 The stadium was designed in such a way (as) to / that it could/would stamp/ rule/iron out
(stamp/rule/iron out: loại bỏ)

155. Initially, losing one's job can seem awful; afterwards it can work out well, for some people.
 Losing one's job has proved a blessing in disguise for some people.
(a blessing in disguise: trong cái rủi có cái may)

156. He's a pleasant man socially, but he's a tough businessman. (BARGAIN)

 He's a pleasant man socially, but drives a hard bargain in business.
(drive a hard bargain: hay mặc cả)

157. As a champion swimmer, she will never be better than she is now. (PRIME)
 As a champion swimmer, she is in her prime.
(in one’s prime: thời tới)

158. A summary' cannot bring out the high quality of this book. (JUSTICE)
 A summary cannot do justice to (the high quality of) this book.
(do justice to sth: thể hiện đúng)

159. The inspector showed USfour potential health hazards. (DREW)

 The inspector drew our attention to four potential health hazards.
(draw one’s attention to sth: thu hút sự chú ý của ai vào)

160. The crash victim was beyond help when emergency services reach her. (WHATSOEVER)
 There was nothing whatsoever emergency services could do on reaching the crash victim.
(nothing whatsoever: không có bất kì cái gì)

161. He worked very hard but he was unable to earn enough for his living. (ENDS)
 Hard-working as he was, he was unable to make ends meet.
(make ends meet: kiếm đủ sống)

162. Competition is fierce, but Frozen is a firm favourite to win the award for Best Anima tion of the year.
 In the face /teeth of fierce competition, Frozen looks set to win the award for Best Animation of
the year.
(look set to V: có vẻ sẽ làm gì)

163. Her latest novel isn't as good as her previous one. (PAR)
 Her latest novel isn't on a par with her previous one.

(on a par with sth: bằng với)

164. She was very angry when her son made changes to her computer without her permission.
 Her son tampering with her computer, she blew her stack.
(tamper with: can thiệp vào; blow one’s stack: tức giận)

165. So many people were really delighted when the government lost the election. (JUBILATION)
 There was much jubilation when the government lost the election.
(much jubilation: nhiều sự vui sướng)

166. The board had a secret meeting in order to discuss changes in company policy. (DOORS)
 The board met behind the closed doors in order to discuss changes in company policy.
(behind the closed doors: bí mật)

167. Peter was in trouble with his boss because he didn’t finish an important project by the deadline.
 Peter was in hot water because he didn’t finish an important project by the deadline.
(in hot water: gặp rắc rối)

168. She told everyone that she had been fired by the company. (SACK)
 She let it be known that she had been given the sack by the company.
(give sb the sack: sa thải ai)

169. Should there be a problem, contact us at all costs. (LINE)

 In the event of a problem, drop us a line at all costs.
(drop a line: liên lạc)

170. Although the manager is sluggish, he is a smooth speaker. (GIFT)

 Sluggish as the manager is, he has the gift of the gab.
(have the gift of the gab: giỏi ăn nói)

171. George won't lend his tape recorder to you if you don't promise to bring it back by Saturday.
 George won’t lend his tape recorder to you unless you promise to bring it back by Saturday.
(unless = if...not: nếu...không)

172. Jerry had terrible problems with solving the riddle. (HARDLY)
 Jerry could hardly solve the riddle.
(could hardly V: hầu như không thể làm gì)

173. Our representatives have been criticizing the new concept. (CRITICAL)
 Our representatives have been critical of the new concept.
(be critical of sth: chỉ trích cái gì)

174. It doesn't make any difference if they paint the board white or yellow. (MATTER)
 It doesn’t matter whether they paint the board white or yellow.
(it doesn’t matter whether: không quan trọng liệu là)

175. Finally, the new prime minister has been appointed. (LAST)
 The new prime minister has been appointed at last.
(at last: cuối cùng gì)

176. I presume you are coming to the party Miriam. (READ)

 Can I take it as read that you are coming to the party Miriam?
(take it as read that: coi cái gì là hiển nhiên)

177. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes. (VAIN)

 The fox tried in vain to reach the grapes.
(try in vain: thất bại)

178. Yvonne did everything she could to ensure the trip was successful. (LENGTHS)

 Yvonne went to great lengths to ensure the success.
(go to great lengths: cố gắng hết sức để)

179. Russ's opinions on the new management policies were very different from those of his fellow
workers. (ODDS)
 Russ at odds with his fellow workers over/concerning the new management policies.
(at odds with sb: tranh cãi với ai)

180. I tried as hard as I could to make sure that this problem would not arise. (POWER)
 I did everything within my power to prevent this problem from arising.
(do everything within one’s power to V: làm mọi thứ trong khả năng để)

181. When confron ted with his crime the accused was unre pentant. (REMORSE)
 The accused showed no remorse for the crime he had committed.
(show no remorse for: không tỏ ra hối tiếc cho)

182. My brother gets a terrible rash every time he eats seafood. (BRINGS)
 Eating seafood brings my brother out in a terrible crash.
(bring sb out in: khiến ai nổi mụn)

183. Journalists are expected to work until late at night. (PUT)

 Journalists are expected to put in long.
(put in long: làm việc cả ngày)

184. He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room. (STORE)
 Little did he realise / know what lay in store for / what was in store for him when he walked into
that room.
(in store for: chờ đợi ai)

185. I was determined to take advantage of the experience. (MISSED)

 I would not have missed out on such an experience for all the world.

(miss out on: bỏ lỡ)

186. Someone must have seen the thieves escaping with the jewels. (MAKING)
 The thieves must have been seen making off with the jewels.
(make off with: cuỗm đi)

187. In order to discover how the disagreement had started, Mary talked to each child separately. (ONE)
 Mary talked to the children one by one/ one at a time in her/an attempt to discover how the
disagreement had started.
(one by one/ one at a time: từng cái một)

188. Minnie meant well so you mustn't be offended by her comments. (AMISS)
 Please don’t take Minnie’s comments amiss because she meant well.
(take sth amiss: làm ai phật ý)

189. There are so many different styles of ethnic cuisine to choose from these days. (SPOILT)
 These days, we are spoilt for choice when it comes to ethnic cuisine.
(be spoilt for choice: có nhiều sự lựa chọn)

190. Ray agonized over whether he should tell his host that the chicken was underdone. (QUANDARY)
 Discovering that his chicken was underdone put Ray in a quandary should he tell his host or not.
(put sb in a quandary: đẩy ai vào thế khó)

191. He contributed significantly to the success of the project. (IMPORT)

 His contribution(s) was/were of great import to the success of the project.
(of great import to sth: rất quan trọng đối với)

192. He was terribly upset by the news. (BLOW)

 The news came as a terrible blow to him.
(come as a terrible blow to: là 1 cú sốc với ai)

193. The new town has made the town centre nicer, but public transport could still be improved a lot.
 The new town has made the town centre nicer, but there could still be plenty of room for
improvement with regard /respect to public transport.
(plenty of room for improvement: cần phải cải thiện nhiều)

194. Trying desperately to compensate for his terrible behaviour, he bought her a bunch of flowers.
 In a desperate attempt/effort/bid to make amends for his terrible behav iour, he bought her a bunch
of flowers.
(make amends for: bù đắp cho)

195. We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the plane. (PROLONGING)
 Our heart/sights was/were set on prolonging our stay(,) so thrill were we by the plane.
(one’s heart/sights was/were set on: quyết tâm)

196. Immediately after winning the race, Sandy began training for the next one. (HAD)
 No sooner had Sandy won the race than she began training for the next one.
(no sooner had S p2 than S Ved: vừa mới...thì)

197. Going to and fro with all the cases is what I can’t stand about holidays. (TOING)
 It's all the toing and froing with all the cases that I can't stand about holidays.
(all the toing and froing with sth: nhiều hoạt động không giúp ích gì)

198. As a result of the bad weather, there may be delay to some international flights. (SUBJECT)
 Due to the bad weather some in ternational flights are / will be subject to possible delay.
(be subject to sth: phải chịu cái gì)

199. Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (LEAF)
 Bill has turned over a new leaf since he came out of prison.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

200. The committee had a long discussion but they could not make up their mind. (REACH)
 Lengthy as /though their discussion was/might be, the committee couldn’t reach any/a decision.
(reach a decision: đi đến quyết định)

201. Sam was so crazy about stamps that he spent lots of money on them every month. (SPLASHED)
 So strong was Sam's craze/ desire /craving/... for stamps that he splashed out on them every
(splash out on sth: chi trội cho cái gì)

202. It’s impossible to predict how long it will take the business to make a great deal of profit.
 There is no telling how long it will take the business to be/become lucrative.
(there is no telling: không thể nói trước được)

203. I don’t mind if you stay at my house tonight. (PUTTING)

 I’m not averse to putting you up at my house tonight.
(put sb up: cho ai ở nhờ)

204. Seeing that Tuan was determined to get the job, I knew he is serious about his future. (BUSINESS)
 In light of Tuan's determination to get the job, I knew he means business with regard/respect to/
when it comes to his future.
(mean business: nghiêm túc)

205. If you want, you can leave. (LIBERTY)

 You are at liberty to leave as you wish.
(at liberty to V: tự do làm gì)

206. The young lady was angry t hat no one confessed to having broken her vase. (BREAST)
 The young lady was beside herself with anger/rage that no one made a clean breast of it and
owned up to having broken the vase.

(make a clean breast of sth: thừa nhận cái gì)

207. Thomas was not given details of the company’s new projects. (DARK)
 Thomas was kept in the dark about the company’s new projects.
(keep sb in the dark about sth: không nói cho ai cái gì)

208. In the area, Thailand is much better than all other countries in football. (SHOULDERS)
 Thailand is/ stands head and shoulders above all other countries in football.
(stand head and shoulders above: giỏi hơn)

209. I'm afraid our problems are just beginning. (ICEBERG)

 These problems of ours are just the tip of the iceberg.
(the tip of the iceberg: mới bắt đầu)

210. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft. (RESEMBLANCE)
 The final version of initial plan bore/ had no/ little resemblance to the final draft.
(bear no/little resemblance to sth: không giống)

Or: There was no (little/ not) much resemblance between the final version of the plan and the initial
211. I expected the film to be good, but it wasn’t at all. (LIVE)
 The film didn't live up to my expectations at all.
(live up to: đáp ứng)

212. You must do something to make sure this doesn’t happen again. (STEPS)
 You must take steps to make sure/ ensure (that) this doesn’t happen again.
(take steps: thực hiện các biện pháp)

213. It’s believed that the school prestige has improved immensely in the last few decades. (MEASURE)
 The school prestige is believed to have increased beyond measure in the last few decades.
(beyond measure: đáng kể)

214. It was rash of Jimmy to react so aggressively that his wife felt heartbroken. (IMPULSE)
 Had Jimmy not reacted so aggressively on impulse, his wife would not have felt heartbroken.
(on impulse: bốc đồng)

215. Tony regretted criticising his friend’s business plan so strongly. (POURED)
 If only T ony hadn’t poured scorn on his friend’s business plan.
(pour scorn on: chỉ trích)

216. Harry didn’t realize who the lady was until she moved forward into the light. (DAWN)
 Not until the lady moved forward into the light did it dawn on Harry.
(dawn on sb: ai đó chợt nhận ra)

217. The whole affair has been a set of misfortunes from the beginning. (CHAPTER)
 From start to finish, the whole affair has been a chapter of accidents.
(a chapter of accidents: một chuỗi các tai nạn)

218. You were so pessimistic about what happened. (VIEWED)

 You should not have viewed what happened in negative light.
(view sth in negative light: bi quan về cái gì)

219. Come what may, you should look on the bright side. (CHIN)
 No matter what happens, you should keep your chin up.
(keep one’s chin up: lạc quan, ngẩng cao đầu)

220. Nobody is sure if the scheme will be allowed to go ahead. (GREEN)

 It is still in the balance whether the scheme will get / be given the green light or not.
(give sb the green light: cho phép ai)

221. “Because of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you ,” the judge told the accused.
 “In the light of this new evidence I have no alternative but to release you,” the judge told the accused.

(in the light of sth: vì)

222. It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. (DRAW)
 It is important to know how to draw the line between a joke and a lie.
(draw the line: vạch ra giới hạn)

223. The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when dealing with young
offenders. (STICK)
 The government favours a carrot and stick approach/policy to young offenders.
(a carrot and stick approach/policy: chính sách thưởng phạt)

224. Let’s all work to gether, and we’ll finish the job very quickly . (NEXT)
 We'll have this job done in the next to no time if we cooperate.
(in the next to no time: rất nhanh chóng)

225. He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car. (GREEN)
 He was green with envy to see his brother's new car.
(green with envy: ghen tỵ)

226. Linda was very nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)
 Such was her nervousness that she came over as a bashful girl.
(come over as: dường như)

227. As soon as the funds ran out, they had to abandon the scheme. (PETERED)
 The instant the funds petered out, they had to abandon the scheme.
(peter out: cạn kiệt)

228. Why did you reveal my plan to Kathy? (BREATHED)

 I'd rather/sooner you hadn’t breathed a word about my plan to Kathy.
(breathe a word about sth: hé răng về cái gì)

229. David was respon sible for the family business as soon as his father retired. (CHARGE)
 Scarcely had his father retired when David took charge / was put in charge of the family
(take charge/ be put in charge of: quản lý)

230. Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy loss. (CUSHION)
 It was your encouragement that helped (to) cushion the blow after such a heavy loss.
(cushion the blow: giảm đi sự đau đớn)

231. Tina was crazy about stamps, so she spends lots of money on them every month. (SPLASHED)
 Had it not been for her craze for stamps, Tina wouldn’t have splashed out on them every month.
(splash out on: chi trội cho cái gì)

232. He tried hard but couldn't compensate for what he had done. (AMENDS)
 Try as he might, he couldn’t make amends for what he had done.
(make amends for: bù đắp cho)

233. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. (DESCENDED)
 All dogs are thought to have been descended from wolves by / according to experts.
(be descended from: tiến hoá từ)

234. We didn't learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter until later. (EKED)
 Not until later did we learn he (still) eked out a (miserable) living / an existence as a waiter.
(eke out a living: sống chật vật)

235. Nobody is certain if the project will be permitted to continue. (GO-AHEAD)

 It's still touch and go whether the project will be given / will get the go-ahead or not.
(get the go-ahead: cho phép)

236. There was absolute quietness after the manager said the factory would be closing. (DROP)
 You could hear a pin drop after the manager said the factory would be closing.

(hear a pin drop: không thể nghe được tiếng động nào)

237. Susie believes this job interview is really important. (STORE)

 Susie is setting great store on this job interview.
(set great store on: coi trọng cái gì)

238. I very much want to know - you must tell me who has won! (CURIOSITY)
 I am burning with curiosity - you must tell me who has won!
(burn with curiosity: rất muốn biết)

239. Given their recent matches, it’s unlikely that the Spanish team will win the cup. (EVIDENCE)
 On the evidence of their recent matches, it’s unlikely that the Spanish will win the cup.
(on the evidence of: căn cứ theo)

240. While most writers earn only modest royalties, a lucky few create a bestseller. (STRIKE)
 A few writers strike it lucky by/with creating a bestseller, but earning only modest royalties is the
(strike it lucky by/with sth: may mắn có được)

241. Christ would only eat a pizza if he could have a mushroom topping. (ON)
 Christ insisted on having a mushroom topping when he ate a pizza.
(insist on Ving: khăng khăng làm gì)

242. My sister finds commuting every day annoying. (PUT)

 It’s difficult for my sister to put up with commuting every day.
(put up with: chịu đựng)

243. The Mediterranean is warm, whereas the North Sea is much colder. (NOTHING)
 The North Sea is nothing like as warm as the Mediterranean.
(nothing like: còn lâu mới)

244. My father persuaded me to learn another foreign language. (TALKED)
 My father talked me into learning another foreign language.
(talk sb into doing sth: thuyết phục ai đó làm gì)

245. Whatever difficulties Anna had, she still attended university. (SHINE)
 Anna still attended university (come) rain or shine.
(come rain or shine: dù thế nào đi nữa)

246. The view from the hotel is absolutely breathtaking. (BREATH)

 The view from the hotel will take your breath away.
(take one’s breath away: đẹp hút hồn)

247. I think John is planning to take over the business when his boss retires. (DESIGNS)
 I am of the opinion/view that John has designs on (taking over) the business when his boss
(have designs on sth: muốn có được cái gì)

248. John advised starting the project over again from the beginning to get it perfect. (SCRATCH)
 It was on John’s recommendation that the project be started from scratch to ensure perfection.
(start from scratch: bắt đầu lại từ đầu)

249. Making a fuss over such trivial things at this stage will get USnowhere. (MOUNTAIN)
 Making a mountain out of a molehill at this stage will be / is of no avail.
(make a mountain out of a molehill: chuyện bé xé ra to)

250. P eople always hold fate responsible for whatever’s going wrong in their life. (UNTOWARD)
 People always pin the blame on fate whenever something untoward in their life happens.
(something untoward: điều chẳng may)

251. People say that Nguyen Chi Thanh was once an example of an exceptionally green street.
 Ngu yen Chi Thanh is said to have been singled out as (being) an exceptionally green street.
(be singled out: được chọn)

252. I regret not having the feeling of achieving anything after reaching the summit but I was too
exhausted. (SENSE)
 I wish I had felt/ had a sense of achievement after reaching the summit but I was too exhausted.
(have/feel a sense of sth: có được cảm giác gì)

253. With that bad cold you won’t be able to help US, so take the day off work. (USE)
 With that bad cold you’ll be (of) no use to anyone so take the day off work.
(of no use to sb: không có ích với ai)

254. Most employees used to be proud of working for the same company all their lives but not an ymore.
 Most employees no longer pride themselves on/ take pride in working for the same company all
their lives.
(pride oneself on/ take pride in: tự hào về)

255. They still haven’t carried out a full assessment of the effects of these changes. (FULLY)
 The effects of these changes have yet to be fully assessed.
(have yet to V: vẫn chưa làm gì)

256. He thinks his friends do not appreciate him. (GRANTED)

 He disliked being taken for granted by his friends.
(take sth for granted: coi cái gì là hiển nhiên)

257. You don’t realize quite how much fat there is in that pizza. (DEAL)
 There’s a great deal more fat in that pizza than you realize.
(a great deal nhấn mạnh so sánh hơn)

258. I imagine it was tough for you to refuse every beggar that asked you for money. (TURN)
 It must have been tough/ difficult/ hard to turn down every beggar that asked you for money.
(turn down: từ chối)

259. Nowadays many doctors are too busy with their work, so they have less time for their children.
 Nowadays many doctors are too bound up in their work to have time for their children.
(be bound up in: bận ngập đầu với)

260. I did not attend the farewell party last night because I had a lot of work to deal with. (NECK)
 If I had not been up to my neck in work, I would have attended the farewell party last night.
(up to one’s neck in sth: bận ngập đầu)

261. Despite having been very nervous at first, he completed the test successfully. (STATE)
 Despite having been in/having got into a state at first, he was cooking with gas.
(get into/in a state: rất lo lắng, bối rối)

262. Sam’s impressive speech helped her achieve very good results for her promotion. (MIRACLES)
 Sam’s impressive speech helped her work/ perform miracles for her promotion.
(work miracles for: làm lên kì tích cho)

263. The secretary admires her manager so much that she doesn’t see his faults, so she does everything he
orders. (TUNE)
 The secretary dances to her manager’s tune because she puts /places him on a pedestal.
(dance to one’s tune: làm theo ý ai)

264. When the year is coming, all members are excited. (FEVER)
 When the year is coming, all memmbers are gripped with a fever.
(be gripped with a fever: rất phấn khích)

265. The singer was willing to sacrifice her happiness to become famous. (ALTAR)
 The singer was willing to sacrifice her happiness at/on the altar of fame.
(at/on the altar of fame: trở nên nổi tiếng)

266. I think we should not make the discussion last longer because we need to reach a decision. (DRAG)
I think we should not drag out the discussion because we need to reach a decision.
(drag out the discussion: kéo dài sự thảo luận)

267. In the court, a lawyer made every effort to find mistakes in the witness’s statement. (HOLES)
 In the court, a lawyer made every effort to pick holes in the witness’s statement.
(pick holes in: bắt lỗi)

268. Digging in the garden allows me to vent my frustrations. (OUTLET)

 Digging in the garden gives me an outlet for my frustrations.
(give sb an outlet for: cho ai trút đi cái gì đó)

269. In his new book the writer presents an interesting theory of art. (FORWARD)
 In his new book the writer puts forward an interesting theory of art.
(put forward: đề xuất)

270. The pop star insisted that there was no basis to the claims made against him. (UNFOUNDED)
 The pop star insisted that the claims made against him were unfounded.
(be unfounded: không có căn cứ)

271. We are not responsible for valuables that are not left in the hotel safe. (DISCLAIM)
 We disclaim responsibility for valuables that are not left in the hotel safe.
(disclaim responsibility for: rũ bỏ trách nhiệm cho cái gì)

271. Would she feel offended if I offered to help ? (AMISS)

 Would she take it amiss if I offered to help?
(take sth amiss: phật ý)

272. When Mary starts talking, no one else can say anything because she is speaking too much.
 When Mary starts talking, no one else can get a word in edgeways.
(get a word in edgeways: có cơ hội nói)

274 . 1 was determined to go despite any difficulties. (WATER)

 I was determined to go, come hell or high water.
(come hell or high water: bất chấp khó khăn)

275. He got promoted so quickly because he knew important people who could help him. (FRIENDS)
 He got promoted so quickly because he had friends in high places.
(have friends in high places: quen biết người có vị trí quan trọng)

276. She seems to find the way Tom’s behaves more a source of amusement than embarrassment.
 Far from being embarrassed by Tom’s behavio(u)r, she seems to be amused by it.
(far from ving: còn lâu mới)

277. I was amazed because there were no problems throughout the holiday. (WENT)
 To my amazement, nothing went wrong throughout the holiday.
(to one’s N chỉ cảm xúc: ai đó cảm thấy như thế nào)

278. I felt relaxed at Gita’s house because her parents greeted me so warmly. (EASE)
 Gita’s parents put me at (my) ease with the warmth of their greetings.
(put sb at one’s ease with: để ai thoải mái với)

279. We need to give that new supervisor a lesson because he thinks he’s so superior. (PEG)
 That new supervisor needs to be taken/brought down a peg (or two), for he thinks he’s so superior.
(take/ bring sb down a peg or two: cho ai 1 bài học)

280. You should observe the task carefully before you decide. (WEATHER)
 You should keep the weather eye on/open for the task before you decide.
(keep the weather eye on: trông chừng cái gì)

281. Since there wasn’t a better alternative, I accepted the job. (ABSENCE)
 In the absence of a better alternative, I accepted the job.
(in the absence of sth: không có cái gì)

282. It seems to me that my parents cope calmly with everything I do. (STRIDE)
 I’m under the impression that my parents take everything I do in their stride.
(take sth in one’s stride: xử lý đẹp đẽ cái gì)

283. It’s clear to everyone that he’s excellent at his job. (DENYING)
 There’s no denying (the fact) that he’s excellent at his job.
(there is no denying that: không thể phủ nhận rằng)

284. We were told not to communicate by radio except in an emergency. (SILENCE)

 We were not told to break radio silence except in an emergency.
(break sth silence: giao tiếp bằng gì)

285. The new examination regulations will become operational next month. (FORCE)
 The new examination regulations will come into force next month.
(come into force: có hiệu lực)

286. Doctors almost always take a patient’s temperature first. (PLACE)

 It is standard practice/procedure for doctors to take a patient’s temperature in the first place.
(in the first place: ban đầu)

287. I resent the way that she clearly feels herself to be superior to me. (NOSE)
 I reseent the way that she looks down her nose at me.
(look down one’s nose at sb: coi thường ai)

288. The effects of the gale were felt mainly along the south coast. (BRUNT)
 The south coast took/ bore the brunt of the gale.
(take/bear the brunt of sth: chịu đựng chủ yếu sự tàn phá của cái gì)

289. The tourists were unharmed after the train crash. (WORSE)
 The tourists tourists were none the worse for their experience in the train crash.
(none the worse for: không bị ảnh hưởng bởi cái gì)

290. Harry was close to swimming the big race. (ACE)

 Harry was within an ace of winning the big race.
(within an ace of Ving: gần đạt được cái gì)

291. The police caught the burglar in the process of committing the crime. (RED)
 The burglar was caught red-handed.
(catch sb red-handed: bắt qủa tang ai đó làm gì)

292. I suddenly realized the meaning of a “freebie”. ( DAWNED)

 The meaning of a "freebie" suddenly dawned on me.
(dawn on sb: ai đó chợt nhận ra)

293. You look grumpy this morning. (BED)

 You get out of bed on the wrong side this morning.
(get out of bed on the wrong side: cáu kỉnh, không vui)

294. She felt uncomfortable in the huge hotel. (FISH)

 She felt like a fish out of water in the huge hotel.
(feel like a fish out of water: cảm thấy lạc lõng)

295. If you don’t have time, don’t visit Mr Jones today because he will talk for a long time. (HEAD)
 If you don’t have time, don’t visit Mr. Jones today because he will talk your head off.

(talk one’s head off: nói quá nhiều)

296. Although the signs are optimistic, there are imminent dark cloud. (TEETH)
 On the horizon/ cards are dark cloud in the teeth of optimistic signs.
(in the teeth of: bất chấp)

297. We only ingratiated ourselves with our teacher because Kate insisted. (CURRIED)
 It was at Kate’s insistence that we curried favor with our teacher.
(curry favor with sb: lấy lòng ai)

298. Nobody expected it of him but Sam was laid off. (RANKS)
 Against all expectations, Sam joined the ranks of the unemployed.
(join the ranks of: gia nhập thành)

299. If the candidates didn’t work harder, they would fail the exam. (SOCKS)
 The candidates were they not to / if they did not pull their socks up, I would not make the grade.
(pull one’s socks up: cố gắng hết sức)

300. The lawyer for the defence suspected the witness gave false testimony. (PERJURED)
 The defence lawyer called into question whether/if the witness perjured himself.
(perjure oneself: nói dối)

301. He was really jealous when he saw his opponent make it through to next round. (ADVANCE)
 He was green with envy upon seeing his opponent advance to the next round.
(advance: tiến vào)

302. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police. (REFUSAL)
 Refusal to give a breath sample to the police can lead to / result in your arrest.
(refusal to V: từ chối làm gì)

303. Tony shared his deepest feelings with me. (HEART)

 Tony opened his heart to me.
(open one’s heart to sb: mở lòng với ai)

304. The offer to go and work in Brazil was a complete surprise. (BLUE)
 The offer to go and work in Brazil came (completely) out of the blue.
(out of the blue: bất ngờ)

305. He is the kind of man who will do anything to crush the competition (GO)
 He is the kind of man who will/ would go to any lengths crush the competition.
(go to any lengths: làm mọi thứ để)

306. What has this experience taught you? (CONCLUSIONS)

 What conclusions have you drawn from this experience?
(draw sth from sth: rút ra cái gì từ cái gì)

307. Nowadays goods are often acquired but not paid for immediately. (CREDIT)
 Nowadays goods are often bought on credit.
(buy sth on credit: mua trả góp)

308. They were never aware of any moment that something was wrong. (TIME)
 At no time were they (ever) aware that some thing was wrong.
(at no time: chưa bao giờ)

309. It’s difficult to answer her question adequately. (A)

 Hers is a difficult question to answer adequately.

310. Being in prison seems to have changed Kevin’s behavior for the better. (LEAF)
 Kevin has turned over a new leaf since he got out of prison.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

311. She just managed to see the Queen as she went past in her carriage. (GLIMPSE)

 I just caught a glimpse of the Queen as she went past in her carriage.
(catch a glimpse of: bắt gặp)

312. We were lucky to find somewhere to park so quickly. (STROKE)

 It was a stroke of luck that we found somewhere to park so quickly.
(a stroke of luck: thật may)

313. The modern factory doesn’t look right in the countryside, surrounded by fields and hedges.
 The modern factory looks out of place in the countryside, surrounded by fields and hedges.
(out of place: lạc lõng)

314. Everyone knows that Janet hates insects. (AVERSION)

 Janet’s aversion to insects is well known.
(aversion to: ghét)

315. I didn’t want to give up while some hope of success remained. (DEFEAT)
 I was loath to admit defeat while there was still/ while there remained some hope of success.
(admit defeat: chịu thua)

316. The police have put a barrier around the building to keep people out. (CORDONED)
 The building has been cordoned off by police.
(cordon off: phong toả)

317. I can’t cope at all with my new job, and that bothers me. (DEPTH)
 I wish wasn’t/weren’t out of my depth in/with my new job.
(out of one’s depth: vượt qúa khả năng)

318. I never thought of borrowing money from him. (OCCURRED)

 It never occurred to me to borrow money from him.
(occur to sb: ai đó chợt nảy ra)

319. The boys hurled lots of snowballs at their next-door neighbor. (PELTED)
 The boys pelted their next-door neighbor with snowballs.
(pelt sb with sth: ném ai bằng cái gì)

320. We wan t to breathe new life into this project. (REJUVENATE )

 We want to rejuvenate this project.
(rejuvenate sth: hồi sinh cái gì)

321. This essay shows a slight improvement on the last. (MARGINALLY)

 This essay is marginally better than the last.
(marginally: một chút  nhấn mạnh so sánh hơn)

322. Jim knew he would have to go on the business trip at a moment’s notice. (POISED)
 Jim was poised to go on the business trip at the moment’s notice.
(be poised to V: sẵn sàng làm gì)

323. I always had the feeling she was not pushing our friendship forward. (ARM)
 I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length.
(keep sb at arm’s length: giữ khoảng cách đối với ai)

324. One day, she suddenly announced that she was leaving. (BLUE)
 One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.
(out of the blue: bất ngờ)

325 There's no one available at this moment to take her class. (NOTICE)
 There's no one available at such short notice to take her class.
(at such short notice: báo gấp)

326. Roman ia won all of the medals. (SWEEP)

 Roman ia made a clean sweep of the medals.

(make a clean sweep of sth: giành được)

327. It all boils down to one thing - we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.
 The bottom line is that we need another ten thousand dollars to complete the project.
(the bottom line: chốt lại là)

328. After making Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio appeared in The Beach. (PREVIOUS)
 Leonardo Dicaprio’s previous film before The Beach was Titanic.

329. You can’t possibly expect me to pay for the tickets. (QUESTION)
 There is no question of me/my paying for the tickets.
(there is no question of: không có khả năng)

330. He’s so garrulous that we are not able to say anything. (WORD)
 He’s so garrulous that we are not able to /can’t get a word in edgeways/ edgewise.
(get a word in edgeways: có cơ hội nói chuyện)

331. Tony’s habit of taking risks doesn’t fit in his image as a family man. (COMPATIBLE)
 Tony’s habit of taking risks is not compatible with his image as a family man.
(compatible with: tương thích với)

332. The authorities had decided they would get tough with dissidents. (CRACK DOWN)
 The authorities had decided there would be (/had decided on) a crackdown on dissidents.
(a crackdown on sth: biện pháp thẳng tay với)

333. Have you decided to enter the poster competition? (GO)

 Have you decided to go in for the poster competition?
(go in for: tham gia)

334. Don’t expect him to spare your feelings: he always says exactly what he thinks. (MIND)

 Don’t expect him to spare your feelings: he always speaks his mind.
(speak one’s mind: nói những điều mình nghĩ)

335. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. (STRIKE)
 You have to strike a balance between logic and lateral thinking in this job.
(strike a balance between: cân bằng)

336. The effects of the gale were felt mainly along the south coast. (BRUNT)
 The south coast bore/took the brunt of the gale.
(bear/take the brunt of: hứng chịu chủ yếu cái gì)

337. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (MONOPOLY)
 Our company has (got)/holds (the/a) monopoly of/on/over the import/importing/importation of
these chemicals.
(hold a monopoly on sth: độc quyền về cái gì)

338. The handling of the matter has been heavily criticised by the press. (SCORN)
 The press has poured scorn on the handling of the matter.
(pour scorn on: chỉ trích)

339. Joan was not sure if it was a good idea to employ such young staff. (MISGIVINGS)
 Joan had misgivings about employing such young staff.
(have misgivings about: bận tâm về)

340. Nobody else in the country possesses his skills on the trumpet. (UNMATCHED)
His skills on the trumpet are unmatched by anyone/anybody else in the country.
(be unmatched by: không xứng với)

341. My son has finally come to accept that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. (DAWNING)
 It’s finally dawning on my son that there’s no such thing as a free lunch.
(dawn on sb: ai đó chợt nhận ra)

342. I think he’s at last beginning to agree with me. (ROUND)
 I think he’s at last coming round to my way of thinking.
(come round to one’s way of thinking: làm theo ý ai/ nghe theo ai)

343. Initially, I think you develop the plot very convingcingly. (UNFOLDS)
 Initially, I think the plot unfolds convincingly.
(sth unfolds: cái gì đó diễn ra)

344. Why didn’t you ask me before you used my computer? (RATHER)
 I’d rather you had asked me before you used my computer.
(would rather S had P2: muốn ai đó làm gì trong QK)

345. What he told me made me very curious to hear the rest of the story. (APPETITE)
 What he told me whetted my appetite for the rest of the story.
(whet one’s appetite: kích thích ai)

346. Competitors were amazed by how shrewdly he conducted his business affairs. (MARVELLED)
 Competitors marvelled at the shrewdness with which he conducted his business affairs.
(marvel at sth: ngạc nhiên về cái gì)

347. He was sacked only because he was inefficient. (OFF)

 To put it simply, he was laid off because he was inefficient / of his inefficiency.
(be laid off: bị sa thải)

348. I said that I thought he was wrong about the best way for US to proceed. (ISSUE)
 I took issue with him about how best we should proceed.
(take issue with: cãi nhau với)

349. I didn't want to give up while some hope of success remained. (DEFEAT)
 I was loath to admit defeat while there was still/while there remained some hope of success.

(admit defeat: chịu thua)

350. His smooth manner didn’t deceive US. (TAKEN)

 We were not taken in by his smooth manner.
(take in: lừa)

351. I haven’t realized what it means yet. (SUNK)

 It hasn’t sunk in yet.
(sink in: được hiểu)

352. The disagreement is a lot of fuss about nothing. (TEACUP)

 The disagreement is a storm in a teacup.
(a storm in a teacup: chuyện bé xé ra to)

353. Organic vegetables are said to be very healthy. (WONDERS)

 Organic vegetables are said to do wonders for one’s health.
(do wonders for: có ích cho)

354. The regiment’s reputation was greatly damaged by his outrageous conduct. (HARM)
 His outrageous conduct did great harm to the regiment’s reputation.
(do harm to: có hại cho)

355. Christmas and roast turkey go together in my mind. (WITH)

 I associate Christmas with roast turkey.
(associate sth with sth: liên kết cái gì với cái gì)

356. Don’t eat so many sweets and you won’t have to visit the dentist so often. (SAVE)
 Eating fewer sweets will save you having to visit the dentist so often.
(save sb sth: cứu ai khỏi cái gì)

357. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. (TERMS)

 He cannot come to terms with the fact that he will never race again.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận)

358. It was a tight fit, but we parked the car eventually. (DEAL)
 There wasn’t a great deal of room, but we parked the car eventually.
(a great deal of N không đếm được: nhiều cái gì)

359. They are waiting, for him to arrive at any minute. (DUE)
 He is due to arrive at any minute.
(be due to V: được dự định là)

360. Brian couldn’t explain how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car. (LOSS)
 Brian was at a loss to explain how the stolen computer got into the boot of his car.
(at a loss: bối rối làm gì)

361. The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees. (COUNT)
 The company’s employees shouldn’t count on being allocated a car-parking space.
(count on: tin tưởng vào)

362. My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. (RECOLLECTION)
 My grandfather didn’t have any recollection (at all) of phoning me last night.
(have any recollection of: nhớ về)

363. Your mobile phone should be switched off at all times during the performance. (SHOULD)
 Under no circumstances (at all) should you have/keep/learn your mobile phone switched on during
the performance.
(under no circumstances: trong bất kì trường hợp nào cũng không)

364. The publi creacted angrily to the minister’s remarks. (DREW)

 The minister’s remarks drew an angry response from the public.
(draw sth from sth: có được cái gì từ cái gì)

365. I must have offended her because she isn’t being friendly towards me. (SHOULDER)
 I must have offended her because she is giving me a cold shoulder.
(give sb a cold shoulder: đối xử lạnh nhạt với ai)

366. Bad publicity badly affected sales figures. (DETRIMENTAL)

 Bad publicity had a detrimental effect on sales figures.
(have a detrimental effect on: có ảnh hưởng xấu đến ai)

367. Once we had made sure the re was no reason to be afraid, we went ahead. (FEAR)
 Having satisfied ourselves that there was nothing to fear, we went ahead.
(there is nothing to fear: không có gì phải sợ)

368. She was concen trating so hard on her work that she didn ’t notice when I came in. (TOOK)
 She was so wrapped up in her work that she took no notice when I came in.
(take no notice: không chú ý)

369. Laura’s tendency to interrupt every conversation makes me furious! (BEND)

 It drives me round the bend when/that Laura interrupts every conversation.
(drive sb round the bend: khiến ai bực mình)

370. This property has been totally neglected and is in need of complete renovation. (DISREPAIR)
 Having fallen into (a state of ) disrepair, this property needs renovating completely.
(fall in disrepair: bị bỏ rơi)

371. We only ingratiated ourselves with our teacher because Kate insisted. (CURRIED )
 It was was at Kate’s insistence that we curried favour with our teacher.
(curry favor with: lấy lòng)

372. Don’t make me suffer because of your problems! (ON)

 Don’t take it out on me just because you’ve got problems!
(take sth out on sb: giận cá chém thớt ai)

373. She just pretended to welcome him, then quickly left the waiting room. (MOTIONS)
 She just went through the motions of welcom ing him, then quickly left the waiting room.
(go through the motions of ving: giả vờ làm gì)

374. We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. (EVEN)
 We have broken even this year.
(break even: hoà vốn)

375. It would be easy to make a film adaptation of Danielle Steel’s latest novel. (ITSELF)
 Danielle Steel’s latest novel lends itself to being made into a film.
(lend itself to: thích hợp làm gì)

376. George seems to have been putting his website together for a long time. (CONSTRUCTION)
 George’s website seems to have been under construction for a long time.
(under construction: đang được xây dựng)

377. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of bird flu. (LIGHT)
 Theories about the causes of bird flu have changed in the light of recent research.
(in the light of: theo như, căn cứ)

378. I'd rather not go out this afternoon. (FEEL)

 I do not feel like going out this afternoon.
(feel like: thích)

379. Milan is sure that he was right to turn down the job. (REGRETS).
 Milan has no regrets about turning down/that he turned down the job.
(have no regrets about ving: không hối hận về cái gì)

380. In spite of his efforts, his plans failed. (NOTHING)
 His plans came nothing although he tried hard.
(come nothing: chẳng đi đến đâu)

381. There are plans to close down the cinema due to poor attendance levels. (THREATS)
 The cinema is under the threats of closure due to poor atte ndance levels.
(under the threats of: bị đe doạ)

382. Mr Downson accused Richard of leaking the news. (PUT)

 Mr Downson put the blame on Richard for leaking the news.
(put the blame on: đổ tội cho)

383. Don’t tell the boss anything about this. (BREATHE)

 Don’t breathe a word of this to the boss./ Don’t breathe a word to the boss about this.
(breathe a word to sb about sth: tiết lộ cho ai về cái gì)

384. At the moment I can’t afford to buy a new car. (QUESTION)

 At the moment a new car is out of the question.
(out of the question: không thể)

385. I was not sure whether to go with him or not. (MINDS)

 I was in/of two minds about whether to go with him.
(in two minds about: lưỡng lự về cái gì)

386. “I don’t approve of people who tell lies”, said Jack (EXPRESSED)
 She expressed her disapproval of people who tell lies.
(express one’s disapproval: tỏ vẻ không tán thành)

387. Our boss criticizes our work all time (FAULT)

 Our boss is always finding fault with our work (present progressive to make complaint)
(find fault with: bắt lỗi)

388. Louise should have been given more time to complete her thesis. (INSUFFICIENT)
 Louise was given insufficient time to complete her thesis.
(give sb sth: cho ai cái gì)

389. You certainly could never accuse Tom of being mean. (NOTHING)
 Tom is nothing other than generous.
(nothing other than: không có gì ngoài)

390. Why on earth did you do something as dangerous as that? (POSSESSED)

 What on earth possessed you to do something as dangerous as that?
(what possessed sb to V: không thể hiểu được tại sao ai đó lại làm như vậy)

391. Brian is a strong contender for the position. (LIST)

 Brian is on the short list for the position.
(on the short list for: vào vòng sơ tuyển)

392. Katy hasn’t been feeling well lately. (RUN)

 Katy has been feeling run down lately.
(run down: không khoẻ)

393. There was no further delay in awarding the prizes. (ADO)

 The prizes were awarded without further ado.
(without further ado: cho đến khi có thông báo mới)

394. The money was released very gradually. (DRIBS)

 The money was released in dribs and drabs.
(in dribs and drabs: dần dần, từ từ)

395. You have said exac tly the right thing. (NAIL)
 You have hit the nail on the head.

(hit the nail on the head: nói trúng, đoán trúng)

396. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but what was it? (BACK)
 I felt at the back of my mind that something was wrong, but what was it?
(at the back of one’s mind: mơ hồ)

397. What exactly am I supposed to have done wrong? (STAND)

 What exactly do I stand accused of having done wrong?
(stand accused of Ving: bị buộc tội làm gì)

398. The incident ruined my chances of promotion. (PAID)

 The incident put paid to my chances of promotion.
(put paid to: phá huỷ)

399. Sam made absolutely sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition. (CHANCE)
 Sam left nothing to chance when he planned the expedition.
(leave nothing to chance: sắp xếp xong xuôi)

400. Nobody helped me at all. (FINGER)

 Nobody lifted/raised a finger to help me.
(lift/raise a finger to help: giúp đỡ)

401. Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promotion. (COUNTED)
 Her lack of experience counted against her when she applied for promotion.
(count against: có ảnh hưởng đến)

402. I don’t think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. (JUSTIFIED)
 I don’t think you were justified in making such a fuss about the service.
(be justified in Ving: có lý khi làm gì)

403. The manager said that he had paid attention to my complaints and would take the appropriate action.
 The manager said that he had taken note of my complaints and would act accordingly.
(take note of sth: chú ý đến)

404. His behaviour at the conference gave him the bad reputation he now has. (CONDUCTED)
 The way he conducted himself at the conference (has) resulted in the bad reputation he now has.
(conduct oneself: cư xử)

405. He had no idea what was going to happen to him when he walked into that room. (STORE)
 Little did he know/realise what lay/was in store for him when he walked into that room.
(in store for sb: chờ đợi ai)

406. He became famous but it cost him his privacy. (EXPENSIVE)

 His rise in fame was/came at the expense of his privacy.
(at the expense of: đánh đổi cái gì)

407. You shouldn't let trivial matters worry you so much. (PREY)
 You shouldn't let trivial matters prey on you/your mind to such an/to such a great/to so great an/ to
that extent.
(sth prey on one’s mind: khiến ai bận tâm)

408. I said that I thought he was wrong about the best way for US to proceed. (ISSUE)
 I took issue with him about how best we should proceed.
(take issue with: cãi nhau)

409. We decided to stay for longer because we were so thrilled by the place. (PROLONG)
 We decided to prolong our stay so thrilled were we by the place.
(prolong one’s stay: kéo dàu chuyến đi)

410. I’ll have to find out about the background to the problem before I can comment. (ACCQUAINT)
 I’ll have to aquaint myself with the background to the problem before I can comment.
(acquaint oneself with: làm quen với)

411. I told the manager very clearly that I would not tolerate such appalling service. (UNCERTAIN)
 I told the manager in no uncertain terms that I would not tolerate such appalling service.
(in no uncertain terms: rất rõ ràng)

412. Since there wasn’t a better alternative, I accepted the job. (ABSENCE)
 In the absence of a better alternative, I accepted the job.
(in the absence of: không có)

413. She is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)

 She has set her heart on becoming a doctor.
(set one’s heart on: quyết tâm)

414. The forthcoming biography of him will make him seem an arrogant and selfish man.
 In the forthcoming biography of him , he is/will be portrayed as being arrogant and selfish.
(be portrayed as: được khắc hoạ là)

415. My uncle did not suffer from his experience. (NONE)

 My uncle was none the worse for his experience.
(none the worse for: không bị ảnh hưởng bởi)

416. Tim was always an optimist even when things were going wrong. (SIDE)
 Tim invariably looked on the bright side even when things were going wrong.
(look on the bright side: lạc quan)

417. 1really admire you for your improvement. (HAT)

 I take my hat off to you for your improvement.

(take one’s hat off to sb: ngả mũ thán phục ai)

418. David feels uncomfortable in front of all those people. (ILL)

 David seems really ill at ease in front of all those people.
(ill at ease: không thoải mái)

419. Don’t be upset by what she said. (HEART)

 Don’t take what she said to heart.
(take sth to heart: để bụng cái gì)

420. I promised him that the situation wouldn’t be repeated in the future. (WORD)
 I gave him my word that there would be no reception of the situation in the future.
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

421. Mike has a more complex personality than you may think. (DEPTHS)
 Mike has greater depths to him than you may think.
(have great depths to sb: nhiều tâm tư)

422. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
 Zoe always acts on impulse when she makes /making her travel plans.
(act on impulse: hành động bốc đồng)

423. How will the changes affect the company? (IMPLICATIONS)

 What implications will the changes have on / for the company?
(have implications on: có hậu quả/ ảnh hưởng lên cái gì)

424. Since the advertisement, we’ve had more applications than we can deal with. (SWAMPED)
 Since the advertisement, we have been swamped with applications.
(be swamped with: tràn ngập cái gì)

425. Julie always listens to my complaints about work. (EAR)

 Julie always lends an ear to my complaints about work.
(lend an ear to sth: lắng nghe)

426. I had spent every last penny of mymoney. (WHATSOEVER)

 I had absolutely no money left whatsoever.
(no + N left whatsoever: không còn bất kì cái gì)

427. Owing to illness, Sally was unable to sing the solo, as arranged. (HAVE)
 Sally was to have sung the solo but she fell ill.
(be to have p2: định làm gì nhưng không)

428. Fancy you and I having the same surname! (SHOULD)

 It's odd (that) you and I should have the same surname!
(it’s odd that S should V: thật kì lạ)

429. The mechanic put a lot of effort to repair the engine of my car. (PAINS)
 The mechanic was at great pains to repair the engine of my car.
(at great pains to V: mất công sức làm gì)

430. Several years of heavy working in the harmful conditions of the coalmine have undoubtedly
undermined my father’s health. (TOLL)
 Several years of heavy working in the harmful conditions of the coalmine have undoubtedly
taken their toll on my father’s health.
(take one’s toll on sth: có ảnh hưởng xấu đến cái gì)

431. She just came to see me when she had nothing to do.
 Only when she was at a loose end did she come to see me.
(at a loose end: rảnh rỗi)

432. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell any one that he had been in the prison.

 The personnel officer gave him her word that she wouldn’t tell anyone that he had been in the
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

433. She is not upset; she is only pretending. (ACT)

 She is not upset; she is only putting on an act.
(put on an act: giả vờ)

434. He was finally able to adjust himself to the new working condition. (SWING)
 He finally got into the swing of the new working condition.
(get into the swing of: làm quen với)

435. The company’s profits appear to be improving significantly this year. (EVIDENCE)
 The company’s profits show evidence of significant improvement this year.
(evidence of sth: bằng chứng về cái gì)

436. She’s forever warning her husband about driving too fast, but he pays no attent ion. (OFTEN)
 No matter how often she warns her husband about driving too fast, he pays no attention.
(no matter how adj/adv SV, SV: cho dù...vẫn)

437. She emigrated immediately after gaining her degree. (GRADUATED)

 No sooner had she graduated than she went abroad.
(No sooner had S p2 than S Ved: vừa mới...thì)

438. Phil stopped being so unrealistic when he lost his job. (BROUGHT)
 The loss of his job brought Phil down to earth.
(bring sb down to earth: đưa ai về thực tại)

439. She got her license because her father helped her learn to drive. (ASSISTANCE)
 But for her father’s assistance, she wouldn’t have passed her driving test.
(but for sth: nếu không có)

440. It wasn’t Susan’s fault that the dog chewed your slipper. (BLAME)
 Susan’s not to blame for the dog chewing your slipper.
(be to blame for: chịu trách nhiệm cho)

441. You must not enter this area unless you are wearing protective clothing. (STRICTLY)
 Entry to this area is strictly forbidden to anyone who is not wearing protective clothing.
(be strictly forbidden to V: bị nghiêm cấm làm gì)

442. My father persuaded me to learn another foreign language. (TALKED)

 It was was my father w ho talked me into learning another foreign language.
(talk sb into Ving: thuyết phục ai đó làm gì)

443. She’d only just got dressed when the first of the guests arrived. (DRESSING)
 No sooner had she finished dressing (herself) than the first of the guests arrived.
(dress oneself: mặc đồ)

444. My grandmother would always make us eat everything on our plates when we visited her. (WASTE)
 Nothing we were given to eat was allowed to go to waste.
(go to waste: lãng phí)

445. The factory is making every possible effort to finish the orders on time. (FIRING)
 The factory is firing on all cylinders to finish the orders on time.
(fire on all cylinders: cố gắng hết sức)

447. Forecasters were trying to protect themselves from making the wrong prediction about the storm,
saying that it could bring lots of snow, or it could head away from US. (HEDGING)
 Forecasters were hedging their bets about the storm, say that it could bring lots of snow, or it
could head away from US.
(hedge one’s bets about sth: đặt cược về cái gì)

448. The software company leaves you no choice - if you don't accept the license, you can't use the
software. (BARREL)
 The software company has you over a barrel - if you don't accept the license, you can't use the
(have sb over a barrel: đẩy ai vào đường cùng)

449. The comedian made the audience all laugh uncontrollably with his jokes. (AISLES)
 The comedian had the audience rolling in the aisles with his jokes.
(have sb rolling in the aisles: khiến ai cười rất nhiều)

450. The door-to-door sales representative was just pretending to be honest and was actually a swindler.
 It turned out that the door-to-door sales representative was sailing under false colors and was
actually a swindler.
(be sailing under false colors: giả vờ)

451. They were among the first to be innovative and use clay to build contemporary sculptures.
 They were among the first to break with tradition and use clay to build contemporary sculptures.
(break with tradition: phá cách, đổi mới)

452. We decided to go for a walk despite the bad weather. (BRAVE)

 We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk.
(brave the elements: chịu đựng thời tiết khắc nghiệt)

453. Rumors of his ill health brought an atmosphere of grief to the celebrations. (GLOOM)
 Rumors of his ill health cast gloom over the celebrations.
(cast gloom over: phá hỏng cái gì)

454. He spent the rest of his life helping the poor as a punishment for the crimes he had committed.

 He devoted the rest of his life to helping the poor as a penance for his past crimes.
(as a penance for: để chuộc lỗi cho)

455. They were so worried that they didn’t know how the y would manage the task in time. (END)
 They were at their wits’ end, wondering how they would manage the task in time.
(at one’s wits’s end: vào thế bí)

456. It is unwise to draw conclusions too quickly about people’s motives. (JUMP)
 It is unwise to jump to conclusions about people’s motives.
(jump to conclusions: đi đến kết luận)

457. Surprisingly, a large number of people believe left-handed people are more intelligent.
 Surprisingly, there is a widespread belief that left-handed people are more intelligent.
(widespread belief: niềm tin rộng rãi)

458. It is better to give vent to your feelings. (BOTTLE)

 It is better not to bottle up your feelings.
(bottle up: giấu (cảm xúc) )

459. It will be extremely difficult to get your work finished by the deadline. (UPHILL)
 It will be an uphill struggle to get your work finished by the deadline.
(an uphill struggle: rất khó khăn)

460. The appeal of Shakespeare’s plays has certainly lasted through centuries. (TEST)
 The appeal of Shakespeare’s plays has certainly stood the test of time.
(stand the test of time: chịu sự thách thức của thời gian)

461. It would be sensible of you to do what he advises. (FOLLOW)

 It would be sensible of you to follow his advice.
(follow sth: làm theo/ tuân theo)

462. If you want my opinion, he’s useless. (WORTH)
 For what it is worth, he is useless.
(for what it’s worth: theo tôi thì)

463. Living environment enormously affects our personality development. (EFFECT)

Living environment has an enormous effect on our personality development, /developing our
personality, /the development of our personality.
(have an enormous effect on: có ảnh hưởng đến)

464. He was unable to solve the problem alone. (BE)

 The problem couldn’t be solved by him alone/alone by him.
(bị động: be p2)

467. When I grow up, I’m going to be really important. (CAT)

 I’m going to be a fat cat when I grow up.
(a fat cat: người quyền lực)

468. He usually invents ridiculous stories like that. (MAKES)

 He usually makes up ridiculous stories like that.
(make up: bịa ra)

469. The first sign of the disease is blurred vision. (ONSET)

 The onset of the disease is blurred vision.
(onset of sth: bắt đầu của cái gì)

470. I bet your friend could tell several stories about you. (GOOD)
 I bet your friend could tell a good few stories about you.
(a good few: một vài)

471. Although Mia was a bit off colour, she decided to take the exam. (SET)
 Being under the weather, she set her mind on taking the exam.
(set one’s mind on Ving: quyết tâm làm gì)

472. This knife sharpener is completely useless. (DEAD)

 This knife sharpener is a dead loss.
(a dead loss: hoàn toàn vô dụng)

473. Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. (APPLE)
 Being her only niece, Ann is the apple of her eyes.
(the apple of one’s eyes: là cục cưng của ai)

474. That he decided to retire early marked the end of his distinguished career. (CURTAIN)
 His decision to retire early brought the curtain down on his distinguished career.
(bring the curtain down on: hạ màn, kết thúc, chấm dứt)

475. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. (CLEARED)
 Only when I had cleared the spare room could start decorating.
(Only when SV + TĐT S V)

476. Being in prison seems to have changed Kevin’s behavior for the better. (LEAF)
 Kevin has turned over a new leaf since he got out of prison.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

477. I decided right there and then to buy it and now I really regret it! (WHIM)
 I bought it on a whim and now I really regret it!
(on a whim: ngay lập tức)

478. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager’s approach. (EYE)
 I left my last job because I didn’t really see eye to eye with my manager.
(see eye to eye with sb: đồng ý với ai)

479. I sincerely promise you that I’m telling you the truth. (BOTTOM)
 I promise you from the bottom of my heart that I’m telling you the truth.
(from the bottom of one’s heart: từ tận đáy lòng)

480. A reliable source told me that the local newspaper is going to shut down. (AUTHORITY)
 I have it on good authority/ got it on good authority that t he local news paper is going to shut
(have sth on good authority: có được cái gì từ nguồn đáng tin cậy)

481. Don’t you think you should be a bit more respectful to them, Edward? (TREAT)
 Don’t you think you should treat them with a bit more respect, Edward?
(treat sth with sth: đối xử với ai như thế nào đó)

482. He had made no effort to conceal his dislike for me ever since I was promoted over him.
 He has had a grudge against me ever since I was promoted over him.
(have a grudge against sb: có thù hằn gì với ai)

483. He seems to be more active because he has won a scholarship to study overseas. (LEASE)
 That he has won a scholarship to study overseas gives (has given ) him a new lease of life.
(give sb a new lease of life: cho ai 1 sức sống mới)

484. Police arrested Johnson because they think he was involved in the robbery. (SUSPICION)
 Johnson was detained on suspicion of involvement/ being involved in the robbery.
(on suspicion of sth: vì bị nghi ngờ)

485. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (JEOPARDY)

 His career (as a doctor) has been put in jeopardy because of his irresponsible.
(put sth in jeopardy: đe doạ cái gì)

486. It is usual for young children to ask a lot of questions. (APT)
 Young children are apt to ask a lot of questions.
(be apt to V: thường làm gì)

487. Don’t let her give in however hard they try to persuade her. (GUNS)
 Make sure she sticks to her guns however hard they try to persuade her.
(stick to one’s guns: giữ vững lập trường)

488. I couldn't stop thinking about the exam despite playing backgammon with Paul. (MIND)
 Playing backgammon with Paul didn't / failed to take my mind off the exam.
(take one’s mind off: ngừng suy nghĩ về)

489. Being inexperienced was a disadvantage to her when she applied for promotion. (COUNTED)
 Her lack of experience counted against her when she applied for promotion.
(count against: có ảnh hưởng đến)

490. I don't mind staying in on a Saturday night if 1have good company. (AVERSE)
 I'm not averse to staying in on a Saturday night if I have good company.
(be averse to Ving: ghép làm gì)

491. I find grammar exercises extremely boring. (STIFF)

 Grammar exercises bore me stiff.
(bear sb stiff: làm ai phát chán)

492. I really don't like it when you c heated me yester day. (RIDE)
 I'd rather you hadn’t taken me for a ride yesterday.
(take sb for a ride: lừa ai)

493. Don't make a fuss over such trivial things. (MOUNTAIN)

 Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
(make a mountain out of a molehill: chuyện xé ra to)

494. We were amazed to know that he was a liar. (UNTRUTH)
 To our amazement, he told that/an untruth.
(to one’s N cảm xúc: ai đó cảm thấy như thế nào đó)

495. Everyday television viewers witness some sort of violence or crime on their screens. (GOES BY)
 Hardly a day goes by without television viewers witnessing some sort of violence or crime on their
(hardly a day goes by without: không ngày nào mà không có)

496. Some parents are confident that their children will succeed. (HOPES)
 Some parents have high/great hopes for/of their children / that their children will succeed.
(have high/great hopes of/for: rất có hi vọng về)

497. It is best for you to give up resistance and to co-operate. (INTEREST)

 It is in your (best) interest(s) to give up resistance and to co-operate.
(in one’s best interests to V: ai đó có lợi khi làm gì)

498. I can’t stand your stupid remarks any longer. (ENOUGH)

 I’ve had enough of your stupid remarks.
(have enough of: chán cái gì)

499. He insisted on absolute obedience and recognition of his right to give orders. (NOTHING)
 He insisted on nothing but his right to give orders.
(nothing but: chỉ có)

500. She bears a strong resemblance to somebody else that I used to know. (REMINDS)
 She reminds me very much/ forcefully/ forcibly/ sharply/ strongly/ vividly of somebody else that I
used to know.
(remind sb of sth: gợi nhớ ai về cái gì)

501. You will start to feel better as soon as this drug is effective. (EFFECT)
 The moment this drug takes effect, you will start to feel better.
(take effect: có ảnh hưởng/ có tác dụng)

502. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)
 You have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

503. The success of our local theatre has made our city famous. (MAP)
 The success of our local theatre has put our city on the map.
(put sth on the map: khiến ai nổi tiếng)

504. You may be dismissed if you fail to observe the company’s dress code. (RESULT)
 Failure to observe the company’s dress code could result in your dismissal.
(result in: dẫn đến)

505. I really think my son is going to be a hugely successful businessman. (HOPES)

 I have high hopes of my son being a hugely successful businessman.
(have high hopes of: rất có hi vọng về cái gì)

506. His exam results will determine what choice he has for further education. (DEPENDENT)
 His choice for further education is dependent on his exam results.
(dependent on: dựa vào)

507. Thanks to the surgeons' quick acts, his eyesight was saved. (GOOD)
 If it hadn’t been for the surgeons’ quick acts/If the surgeons hadn’t acted quickly, his eyesight
would have gone for good.
(for good: mãi mãi)

508. It seemed the young man was feeling bitter about his family background. (SHOULDER)
 The young man appeared to be having a chip on his shoulder about his family background.

(have a chip on one’s shoulder: nổi cáu)

509. The public reaction to the design of the new theater turned out to be bitterly critical. (TEETH)
 The way the public reacted to the design of the new theater turned out to be like a kick in the
(like a kick in the teeth: đòn đau đớn)

510. It’s bad you didn’t try to do your share of the job. (WEIGHT)
 You should have pulled your weight in the job.
(pull one’s weight: chịu trách nhiệm)

511. His mother's heart sank when she heard the news of his accident. (PIECES)
 On hearing the news of his accident, his mother went to pieces.
(go to pieces: suy sụp)

512. I felt as if she was trying to deceive US. (IN)

 I had the the feeling that she was trying to take US in.
(take sb in: lừa ai)

513. My brother, who is a professional estate agent, is more than willing to house hunt for our parents.
 A professional estate agent, my brother is really in his element house-hunting for our parents.
(in one’s element: vui sướng, đúng sở trường)

514. I can't understand why our team have performed so badly recently. (POOR)
 It doesn't make sense to me why our team have put on such poor performances recently.
(put on sth: tổ chức cái gì)

515. It is a good idea for a retired craftsman to do something occasionally to keep his skills. (HAND)
 It is advisory that a retired craftsman (should) sometimes keep his hand in.
(keep one’s hand in: duy trì trình độ)

516. We were surprised to see that he got mad at our decision. (RED)
 Much to our surprise/amazement, he saw red at our decision/hearing our decision.
(see red: nổi nóng)

517. The warmth of her welcome surprised me. (ABACK)

 I was taken aback by her warm welcome.
(be taken aback: ngạc nhiên)

518. Sally showed absolutely no fear when climbing the wall. (DISREGARD)
 Sally showed complete/total disregard for her own safety when climbing the wall.
(disregard for sth: coi thường cái gì)

519. I don’t want to be disturbed at all this morning! (ACCOUNT)

 On no account am I to be disturbed this morning!
(on no account: không có bất kì lý do gì)

520. He is so ambitious - he's determined that he'll be successful in the company. (MARK)
 He is determined to make his mark in the company.
(make one’s mark: thành công)

521. I thought very hard but couldn't remember the answer. (RACKED)
 I racked my brain to remember the answer.
(rack one’s brain: vắt não suy nghĩ)

522. He was too frightened to admit that he had broken the window. (OWN)
 So frightened was he that he couldn’t own up to breaking/having broken the window.
/ So frightened did he feel that...
(own up to Ving: thừa nhận)

523. I wish he would stop criticizing my work. (FAULT)

 I’d sooner he didn’t find fault with my work./ I’d sooner he stopped finding fault with my work.
(find fault with: bắt lỗi)

524. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
 Zoe always acts on impulse when she makes her travel plans.
/ Zoe always acts on impulse when making her travel plans.
(act on impulse: hành động bốc đồng)

525. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
 He really kicked me in the teeth when breaking the promise to help me out.
(kick sb in the teeth: khiến ai thất vọng)

526. If her father hadn’t retired, she wouldn’t have taken over his work. (STEPPED)
 But for her father’s retirement, she wouldn’t have stepped into his shoes.
(step into one’s shoes: kế vị)

527. When I grow up, I’m going to be really important. (CAT)

 When I grow up, I’m going to be a fat cat.
(a fat cat: người có tầm ảnh hưởng)

528. I thought very hard but couldn’t remember the answer. (RACKED)
 I racked my brain to remember the answer.
(rack one’s brain: vắt óc suy nghĩ)

529. Alex grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED)

 Alex pulled a face as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine.
(pull a face: nhăn mặt)

530. I realized that I was standing outside the house where Larry was living. (MYSELF)
 I found myself standing outside the house where Larry was living.
(find oneself Ving: thấy ai đó đang làm gì)

531. George said that he had won as a result of his constant effort. (ATTRIBUTED)
 George attributed his win/victory/success/achievement/triumph to his constant effort.
(attribute sth to sth: coi cái gì là do cái gì)

532. He was in a happy mood after his big brother’s skillful performance. (SPIRITS)
 He was in high spirits after his big brother’s skillful performance.
(in high spirits: rất phấn khích)

533. I don’t want you to buy me such an expensive present. (SOONER)

 I’d sooner you hadn’t bought/ didn’t buy me such an expensive present.
(would sooner S had p2: muốn ai đó làm gì ở QK)

534. You must accept the fact that he’s left you to pursue his career abroad. (TERMS)
 You must come to terms with the fact that he’s left you to pursue his career abroad.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận)

535. My can’t get used to travelling abroad every fortnight. (ACCUSTOMED)

 My is not accustomed to travelling abroad every fortnight.
(accustomed to Ving: quen với)

536. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. (BREATHE)

 Don’t breathe a word to your colleagues about this.
(breathe a word to sb about sth: tiết lộ cho ai về cái gì)

537. The residents protested loudly against the closure of the local library. (ARMS)
 The residents were up in arms against the closure of the local library.
(up in arms against: phản đối cái gì)

538. We found it absolutely astonishing that Manchester City lost in the final match. (ABSOLUTE)
 To our absolute astonishment, Manchester City lost in the final match.

(To one’s N cảm xúc: ai đó cảm thấy như thế nào)

539. His computer game addiction is getting worse. (AND)

 He is getting more and more addicted to his computer game.
(so sánh càng ngày càng more and more adj)

540. We took the ring road because we didn't want to get caught in the traffic in the city center. (AS)
 We took the ring road as we didn't want to get caught in the traffic in the city center.
(as = because: vì)

541. It wasn't necessary for him to bring a present, but he did. (NEEDN'T)
 He needn’t have brought a present.
(needn’t have p2: lẽ ra không cần làm gì nhưng làm rồi)

542. I find it difficult not to laugh every time I remember what happened. (HELP)
 I can’t help/resist laughing every time I remember what happened.
(can’t help ving: không thể không làm gì)

543. The coffee machine in our office hasn't worked for three months. (OUT)
 The coffee machine in our office has been out of order for three months.
(out of order: hỏng)

544. Danny found it difficult to control his bicycle on the steep slope. (UNDER)
 Danny found it difficult to keep his bicycle under control on the steep slope.
(keep sth under control: kiểm soát cái gì)

545. You should think about the price before you decide whether to buy it or not. (CONSIDERATION)
 You should take the price into consideration before you decide whether to buy it or not.
(take sth into consideration: cân nhắc cái gì)

546. Don't forget you are due to see the dentist at 10 o'clock. (APPOINTMENT)

 Don't forget that you have an appointment with the dentist at 10 o'clock.
(have an appointment with: có hẹn với)

547. That dress is a third of the cost of the pink one. (MUCH)
 The pink dress is three times as much as that one.
(three times as much as: gấp 3)

548. The two theories appear to be completely different. (COMMON)

 The two theories seem to have nothing in common.
(have sth in common: có cái gì đó chung)

549. Jake was the person who started my interest in collecting pottery. (GOT)
 It was the person who got me interested in collecting pottery.
(get sb interested in: khiến ai thích thú về)

550. I wish people wouldn't talk during a performance - it makes me really uptight! (NERVES)
 It really gets on my nerves when people talk during a performance.
(get on one’s nerves: khiến ai bực mình)

551. We didn't understand how challenging the programme would be. (DEMANDS)
 Little did we understand what demands of the programme would be.
(demands of sth: nhu cầu về cái gì)

552. You have to use logic and lateral thinking in equal measure in this job. (STRIKE)
 You have to strike a balance between logic and lateral thinking in this job.
(strike a balance: cân bằng)

553. Being in prison seems to have changed Kevin's behaviour for the better. (LEAF)
 Kevin has turned over a new leaf since he got out of prison.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

554. John and his father look very similar. (IMAGE)
 John is the spitting image of father.
(the spitting image of: giống y đúc)

555. She decided to start her own business because she wanted to be independent. (TO)
 She decided to start own business with a view/ an eye to being independent.
(with an eye to Ving: để làm gì)

556. The villagers said that they opposed the plans for the new shopping center. (DISAPPROVAL)
 The villagers expressed their disapproval of the plans for the new shopping center.
(express one’s disapproval: tỏ vẻ không tán thành)

557. Jughead soon recovered after the operation and was able to rejoin the team. (MADE)
 After the operation, Jughead made a quick recovery and was able to rejoin the team.
(make a quick recovery: hồ phục nhanh chóng)

558. He was dismissed for neglecting his work. (LED)

 His neglect of work led to his dismissal.
(lead to sth: dẫn đến)

559. It will be nice to see you again at the party. (FORWARD)

 I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the party.
(look forward to Ving: mong đợi làm gì)

560. My views on this subject are exactly the same as yours. (DIFFERENCE)
 There is no difference between my views on this subject and yours.
(no difference between: không có sự khác biệt giữa)

561. I haven't got enough money to go on holiday this year. (AFFORD)

 I wish I could afford to/ I had got enough money to go on holiday this year.
(afford to V: có thể chi trả cái gì)

562. We went swimming despite the heavy rain. (EVEN)
 We went swimming even though it rained heavily.
(even though SV: mặc dù)

563. Let me try to finish this exercise. (CHANCE)

 Give me a chance to finish this exercise.
(give sb a chance to V: cho ai cơ hội làm gì)

564. She is certainly not a good cook. (MEANS)

 She is by no means a good cook.
(by no means: không chút nào)

565. I could tell by the tone of his voice how serious the situation was. (HOME)
 The tone of his voice brought home to me how serious the situation was.
(bring home to sb: làm cho ai hiểu)

566. No one stands a chance of beating him in a year’s championship. (FOREGONE)

 It’s a foregone conclusion that he will win this year’s championship.
(a foregon conclusion: kết quả biết trước)

567. We ask travellers not to use their mobile phones when they pass through security. (REFRAIN)
 Travellers are asked to refrain from using their mobile phones when they pass through security.
(refrain from: nhịn làm gì)

568. The festival was so well organized that everything went smoothly. (CLOCKWORK)
 Everything at the festival went like clockwork thanks to the excellent organization.
(go/run like clockwork: thuận buồm xuôi gió)

569. It’s unusual for Linda to get angry with her kids. (TEMPER)
 Linda hardly ever loses her temper with her kids.

(lose one’s temper: nổi giận)

570. The boy does whatever his father wants in an obedient way. (ATTEDANCE)
 The boy dances attendance on his father.
(dance attendance on: làm theo ai)

571. You must accept the fact that she was left you. (RESIGN)
 You must resign yourself to the fact that she left you.
(resign oneself to sth: chấp nhận cái gì)

572. You should get used to being under pressure if you wanted to make it in this field of work.
 To survive in this field of work, you should learn to handle pressure.
(handle sth: xử lý cái gì)

573. We demanded to see the manager to lodge our complaint. (SEEING)

 We insisted on/upon seeing the manager to lodge our complaint.
(insist on Ving: khăng khăng làm gì)

574. Someone stole my bracelet as I was leaving for the airport. (ROBBED)
 I was robbed of my bracelet as I was leaving for the airport.
(be robbed of sth: bị trộm cái gì)

575. A person is more likely to get a cold in the winter than in the summer. (FEWER)
 Most people get fewer colds in the summer than in the winter.
(fewer...than: ít hơn)

576. The drunken man was driving so fast that there was no way he was going to stop. (SUCH)
 The drunken man was driving at such a high speed that there was no way he was going to stop.
(such a/an adj N that)

577. I’ve considered the advantages and disadvantages, and I’ve decided not to go. (WEIGHED)
 I’ve weighed up pros and cons, and I’ve decided not to go.
(weigh up pros and cons: cân nhắc ưu nhược điểm)

578. The young actress was very nervous before the audition. (BUTTERFLIES)
 The young actress had butterflies in her stomach before the audition.
(have butterflies in one’s stomach: lo lắng, bồn chồn)

579. I didn’t particularly like either of the two laptops that the assistant showed me. (NEITHER)
 The assistant showed me the two laptops, neither of which I particularly liked.
(neither of N: không cái gì trong)

580. My sister was against my taking her motorbike to school yesterday. (SOONER)
 My sister would sooner I hadn't taken her motorbike to school yesterday.
(would sooner S had p2: muốn ai đó làm gì ở QK)

581. My friend took no notice of my advice. (DEAF)

 My friend turned a deaf ear to my advice.
(turn a deaf ear to sth: nhắm mắt làm ngơ)

582. If you hadn’t changed our original agreement, everything would have been fine. (STUCK)
 If you had stuck to what we originally agreed on, everything would have been fine.
(stick to sth: tuân theo)

583. John found it difficult to get used to the fact that he was fined. (TERMS)
 John found it difficult to come to terms with the fact that he was fined.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận)

584. Women outnumber men by two to one in Greece. (TWICE)

 There are twice as many women as men in Greece.
(twice as ... as: gấp đôi)

585. We can’t possibly imagine how we are going to afford a new car. (FAINTEST)
 We don’t have the faintest idea how we are going to afford a new car.
(not have the faintest idea: không thể biết)

586. I had no idea that Vincent was the owner of Eco. (REALIZE)
 Little did I realize that Vincent was Vincent.
(little TĐT S V - đảo ngữ với từ phủ định đứng đầu)

587. The professor was able to complete the project because her assistant was so efficient. (THANKS)
 The professor succeeded in completing the project thanks to her assistant's efficiency.
(thanks to sth: nhờ vào cái gì)

588. He advised me to rest for a month. (ADVICE)

 His advice for me was to rest for a month.
(advice for sb: lời khuyên cho ai)

589. Students who wish to work here should complete all sections of the application form. (REQUIRED)
 Students who are required to fill in all sections of the application form.
(be required to V: được yêu cầu làm gì)

590. You can't possibly expect me to have breakfast ready by 5 am. (QUESTION)
 It is out of the question for me to have breakfast ready by 5 a.m.
(out of the question: không thể)

591. Taylor is not responsible enough to be in charge of the department. (RUN)

 Taylor is too irresponsible to run the department.
(run sth: điều hành cái gì)

592. You have to realize there's a problem that needs to be dealt with. (WAKE)
 As for the problem at hand, you have to wake up and smell the coffee.

(wake up and smell the coffee: tỉnh mộng đi)

593. Have you ever thought of changing jobs? (CROSSED)

 Has it crossed your mind to change jobs jobs?
(cross one’s mind: ai đó chợt nảy ra)

594. It rained again, which really annoyed Molly, you know. (ANNOYING)
 That it rained again was really annoying to Molly, you know.
(be annoying to sb: gây bực mình đối với ai)

595. Sharon, who was anxiously waiting, was very jealous when he heard that Mitchell's performance
came next. (GREEN)
 Sharon, anxiously waiting, was green with envy to hear that next came Mitchell's performance.
(be green with envy: ghen tỵ)

596. The yatch race was postponed until next Saturday due to strong winds. (BECAUSE)
 It was because of the strong winds that the yatch race was postponed until next Saturday.
(because of sth: vì cái gì)

597. They have been building their dream house for the past three years. (UNDER)
 Their dream house has been under construction for the past three years.
(under construction: đang được xây dựng)

598. Children find it more interesting to visit museums than read about history. (PREFER)
 Children prefer visiting museums to reading about history.
(prefer doing sth to doing sth: thích làm gì hơn làm gì)

599. The show was just about to be canceled due to low ratings. (VERGE)
 The show was on the verge of being canceled due to low ratings.
(on the verge of: trên bờ vực của cái gì)

600. Marie scolded her son for breaking the vase. (TOLD)
 Marie told off her son for breaking the vase.
(tell off sb for doing sth: trách mắng ai vì đã làm gì)

601. Son Tung’s new MV release was so controversial that it was banned in Viet Nam. (CAUSED)
 Such was the controversy caused by Son Tung’s new MV release that it was banned in Viet Nam.
(be caused by: được gây ra bởi)

602. You should take advantage of all the sports facilities while you’re at university. (MOST)
 I recommend you make the most (out) of all the sports facilities while you’re at university.
(make the most out of sth: tận dụng)

603. You’d better not tell him anything because he may reveal it. (BEANS)
 You ought not to tell him anything because he may spill the beans.
(spill the beans: tiết lộ bí mật)

604. We get on well with both of John’s parents. (TERMS)

 We are on good terms with both of John’s parents.
(on good terms with: hoà hợp với)

605. John changed his ways when he came out of prison. (LEAF)
 John turned over a new leaf when he came out of prison.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

606. The interviewers will assume that you have found out something about the company and the job.
 The interviewers will take it for granted that you have found out something about the company
and the job.
(take sth for granted: coi cái gì là hiển nhiên)

607. Mary is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge. (MATCH)

 When it comes to technical knowledge, I am no match for Mary.
(no match for: không bì được với)

608. Linda is very bright so she won’t be taken in, whatever they say. (UPTAKE)
 Linda is quick on the uptake so she won’t be taken in, whatever they say.
(quick on the uptake: thông minh)

609. She will probably be elected. (STANDS)

 She stands a good chance of being elected.
(stand a good chance of: có cơ hội)

610. Linda's plans for a picnic have been spoilt by the weather. (FALLEN)
→ Linda’s plans for a picnic have fallen through because of the weather.
(fall through: thất bại)

611. Diane was supposed to write to her parents last week. (OUGHT)
→ Diane ought to have written to her parents last week.
(ought to have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì nhưng lại không làm)

612. His handwriting is so small that I can hardly read it. (SUCH)
→ He has such small handwriting that I can hardly read it.
(such (a/an) adj N that: đến mức mà)

613. I was strongly impressed by the performance of that singer. it. (MADE)
→ The performance of that singer made a strong impression on me.
(make a strong impression on: gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ với ai)

614. As far as I know, he is still working in Bristol. (KNOWLEDGE)

→ To (the best of) my knowledge, he is still working in Bristol.
(to the best of one’s knowledge: theo như tôi được biết)

615. My dad is now abroad and I am in charge of the office. (UNDER)
→ My dad has put me under charge of the office as he is now abroad.
(put sb under charge of: giao cho ai quản lý cái gì)

616. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (DISAPPROVAL)
→ Local residents expressed their disapproval of the new traffic scheme.
(express one’s disapproval of: tỏ ra phản đối cái gì)

617. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)
→ You will have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed.
(turn over a new leaf: cải tà quy chính)

618. The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. (CONSIDERATION)
→ The manager should take experience into consideration when hiring new staff.
(take sth into consideration: cân nhắc, xem xét cái gì)

619. He always calls his house his ‘castle’. (REFERS)

 He always refers to his house as his 'castle'.
(refer to sth as sth: gọi cái gì là cái gì)

620. She was proud of her work, and she was also well respected by her colleagues. (TAKE)
 Not only did she take pride in her work, she was also well respected by her colleagues.
(take pride in: tự hào về)

621. During the winter I prefer watching football to playing it. (SOONER)
 During the winter I would sooner watch football than play it.
(would sooner V than V: thích làm gì hơn làm gì)

622. Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but I’m sure she has got it wrong. (MUST)
 Karen says it takes less than an hour to drive there, but she must be making a mistake.
(must be: chắc hẳn là; make a mistake: mắc lỗi)

623. They can’t come into the country without getting a visa first. (LONG)
 They can’t come into the country as long as you don’t get a visa first.
(as long as: miễn là)

624. They are proud of their achievements. (TAKE)

 They take pride in their achievements.
(take pride in: tự hào về)

625. Please excuse Jane’s poor typing; she’s only been learning for a month. (ALLOWANCE)
 Please make allowance(s) for Jane's poor typing; she's only been learning for a month.
(make allowance for: chiếu cố cho)

626. You didn’t think carefully enough before you decided. (OUGHT)
 You ought to have thought more carefully before you decided.
(ought to have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì nhưng lại không làm)

627. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (VIEW)
 Alison bought a big house with a view to opening a hotel.
(with a view to Ving: để làm gì)

628. People often think that Peter is his twin brother. (MIX)
 People often mix Peter up with his twin brother.
(mix sb up with sb: nhầm ai với ai)

629. I never forget to consider her ideas before making the final decision. (ACCOUNT)
 I never forget to take her ideas into account before making the final decision.
(take sth into account: cân nhắc, xem xét)

630. They arrived at the station with only a minute to spare. (NICK)
 They arrived at the station just in the nick of time.

(in the nick of time: vừa kịp lúc)

631. To pass the time, I looked through some magazines. (WHILED)

 I whiled away the time by looking through some magazines.
(while away the time: giết thời gian)

632. Being her only niece, Ann is very precious to her. (APPLE)
 Being her only niece, Ann is the apple of her eye.
(the apple of one’s eye: là cục cưng của ai)

633. I know I can convince Dave that I’m right about that matter. (BRING)
 I know I can bring Dave around to my way of thinking on this matter.
(bring sb around to one’s way of thinking on sth: thuyết phục ai nghe theo ai đó về cái gì)

634. It is true that oil floats when you put it in water. (IF)
 Oil floats if you put it in water in water.
(S Vs/es if S Vs/es - điều kiện loại 0, diễn tả chân lý, quy luật sự thật hiển nhiên)

635. My father always has his breakfast before leaving for work. (UNTIL)
 My father never leaves for work until he has his breakfast.
(not/never...until: mãi đến khi)

636. I didn't believe in the explanation he gave. (WAS)

 The explanation he gave was beyond my belief.
(beyond one’s belief: nằm ngoài sự tin tưởng của ai)

637. It is necessary to make such a fuss about my being late? (SONG)

 Do you have to make such a song and dance about my being late?
(make such a song and dance about: làm ầm ĩ về)

638. James got furious when he found out about her lies. (WIND)

 James got furious when he got/had wind of her lies.
(get wind of: nghe phong thanh)

639. She wasn't very big but she was very strong. (LACKED)
 What she lacked in size, she made up for in/with strength.
(make up for: bù đắp cho)

640. Peter made absolutely sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition. (CHANCE)
 Peter left nothing to chance when he planned the expedition.
(leave nothing to chance: sắp xếp mọi thứ ổn thoả)

641. The audience didn't enjoy his performance. (DOWN)

 His performance didn't go down well with the audience.
(go down well with: được đón nhận)

642. As far as I am concerned, the project is nearly completed. (NEARING)

 To the best of my knowledge, the project is nearing completion.
(to the best of my knowledge: theo như tôi được biết; nearing completion: gần xong)

643. David cannot possibly borrow the car tonight. (QUESTION)

 It's out of the question for David to borrow the car tonight.
(out of the question: không thể)

644. The only thing that saved the whole team from being arrested was their ability to speak the dialect.
 Had they not been able to speak the dialect, the whole team would have been arrested.
(be able to V: có thể làm gì)

645. He had finally accepted the situation, although he was concerned. (TERMS)
 Despite his concerns, he had finally come to terms with the situation.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận)

646. Their first album was considerably more successful than their second. (NEAR)
 Their second album was nowhere near as successful as their first.
(nowhere near: còn lâu)

647. He makes sure that he isn’t associated with policies he disagrees with. (DISTANCES)
 He makes sure that he distances himself from policies he disagrees with.
(distance oneself from sth: không dính dáng đến cái gì)

648. That the prices of almost all goods are increased forces people to spend less money. (BELT)
 People have to tighten their belts due to the increase in the price of almost all goods.
(tighten one’s belts: thắt lưng buộc bụng)

649. The jumper you knitted for her daughter no longer fits her. (GROWN)
 My daughter daughter has grown out of the jumper you knitted for her.
(grow out of: không còn vừa nữa)

650. Minh was very pleased to be selected for the team. (DELIGHT)
 Much to Minh's delight, he was selected for the team.
(much to one’s delight: ai đó rất vui)

651. I am dying to visit Santorini. (BUCKET)

 Santorini is on my bucket list.
(on one’s bucket list: trong danh sách những điều mà ai muốn trải nghiệm)

652. Diane finds that creaing things stops her from thinking about her work. (MIND)
 Diane finds that creaing things takes her mind off thinking about her work.
(take one’s mind off: ngừng nghĩ về, quên đi)

653. The project has been given funding for another year, but there is still difficulty. (WOODS)
 The project has been given funding for another year, but it is not out of the woods yet.

(out of the woods: thoát khỏi nguy hiểm)

654. He hasn’t announced anything, but my take on the situation is that the Prime Minister’s going to
resign soon. (LINE)
 He hasn’t announced anything, but from my line of thinking, I’d say that he Prime Minister’s going
to resign soon.
(from one’s line of thinking: theo quan điểm của tôi)

655. Fans were anxious waiting for the final whistle. (BREATH)
 Fans held their breath waiting for the final whistle.
(hold one’s breath: nín thở)

656. I promise that your money is safe with me. (WORD)

 I give you my word that your money is safe with me.
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

657. Her daughter is determined to become brain surgeon. (HEART)

 Her daughter has her heart set on becoming a brain surgeon.
(have one’s heart set on: quyết tâm)

658. It is possible to walk from the hotel to the city centre? (WITHIN)
 Is the city centre within walking distance the hotel?
(within walking distance: ở khoảng cách gần)

659. I don’t mind what you wear so long as it’s appropriate for the occasion. (CONSEQUENCE)
 It is of no/little consequence to me what you wear so long as it’s appropriate for the occasion.
(of no/little consequence to sb: không quan trọng đối với ai)

660. The new salesman tried to fulfil every requirement his director had. (TUNE)
 The new salesman tried to dance to his director’s tune.
(dance to one’s tune: làm theo lời ai)

661. Given that he has no experience, will Frank be able to do this job? (AFFECT)
 Will Frank’s lack of experience affect ability to do this job?
(affect sth: ảnh hưởng đến cái gì)

662. Passengers are absolutely forbidden to cross the railway track. (ALLOWED)
 On no account should passengers be allowed to cross the railway track.
(on no account: với bất kì lý do gì cũng không)

663. We should have had someone repair the roof in the dry season rather than leaving it until the rainy
one. (BETTER)
 It would have been better if we had had the roof repaired in the dry season rather than leaving it
until the rainy one.
(have sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

664. The company avoids employing unqualified staff unless there is no alternative. (RESORT)
 Only as a last resort does the company employ unqualified staff.
(as a last resort: như là 1 biện pháp cuối cùng)

665. Williams suggested a guest list should be written. (DRAWN)

 “Why don’t we have a guest list drawn up,” said Williams.
(draw up: lập ra cái gì)

666. Bill was concentrating hard on his work, so he didn’t notice when I came in. (WRAPPED)
 Bill was so wrapped up in his work that he didn't take notice of my coming in.
(be wrapped up in sth: vùi đầu vào cái gì)

667. She always enjoys this programme although she watches it very often. (TIRES)
 However often she watches it, she never tires of it.
(tire of sth: chán cái gì)

668. The organizers planned everything as carefully as they could possibly have done. (UTMOST)
 Everything was planned with the utmost care by the organizers.
(be planned with the utmost care: được lên kế hoạch hết sức chu đáo)

669. “The situation won’t be repeated in the future, I promise,” said Mike to his mother. (WORD)
 Mike gave his word that there wouldn't be any repetition of the situation in the future.
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

670. Jack admitted that he was responsible for the broken window. (OWNED)
 It was Jack that owned up to breaking the window.
(own up to Ving: thừa nhận làm gì)

671. The boy was about to cry when he was punished by his teacher. (POINT)
→ The boy was on the point of crying when he was punished by his teacher.
(on the point of ving: sắp sửa làm gì)

672. I'm sure it isn't Mrs. Smith you saw because she's in Singapore. (BEEN)
→ It can’t have been Mrs. Smith you saw because she's in Singapore.
(can’t have p2: chắc chắn đã không làm gì trong QK)

673. I cannot afford to buy a train ticket. (HAVE)

→ I don't have enough money to buy a train ticket.
(enough N to V: đủ cái gì để làm gì)

674. These days, she is very cheerful. (SPIRITS)

→ She is in high spirits these days.
(in high spirits: rất phấn khích)

675. There were very few people at the concert last year. (CAME)
→ Hardly anyone came to the concert last year.
(come to somewhere: đến đâu)

676. “Keep off the grass”, the sign says. (MUSTN’T)
 You mustn’t walk on the grass according to the sign.
(mustn’t V: không được phép làm gì)

677. David impressed his new boss by settling down to work. (GOOD)
 David made a good impression on his new boss by settling down to work.
(make a good impression on: gây ấn tượng tốt với ai)

678. The builders installed a wind turbine on Mr. Sean’s roof. (HAS)
 Mr. Sean has had a wind turbine installed on his roof by the builders.
(have sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

679. It wasn’t planning to read the whole newspaper. (INTENTION)

 I had no intention of reading the whole newspaper.
(have no intention of doing sth: không có ý định làm gì)

680. The young girl stopped working through the salary was very high. (GAVE)
 No matter how high the salary was, the young girl gave up working.
(give up ving: từ bỏ làm gì)

681. If you don’t work harder, you’ll fail the exam. (SOCKS)
 You will have to pull your socks up if you want to pass the exam.
(pull one’s socks up: cố gắng hết sức)

682. I think you should have more consideration for those who don’t have lives as privileged as yours.
 I think you should spare a thought for those whose lives aren’t as privileged as yours.
(spare a thought for: nghĩ về)

683. Harry desired to be famous so much that he participated in a reality show. (FOR)

→So great was Harry's desire for being/becoming famous that he participated in a reality show.
(desire for sth: mong muốn cái gì)

684. As a singer, Kay has recently become involved in more diverse styles of music. (BRANCHED)
→ Recently Kay has branched out into (singing) other styles of music.
(branch out into: lấn sân sang)

685. It's urgent that the new principal start to deal with the problems facing this school. (GRIPS)
→ The new principal will have to get to grips with the problems facing this school.
(get to grips with: giải quyết)

686. Could you take a quick look at my essay before I hand it in? (EYE)
→ Would you mind casting an eye over my essay before I hand it in?
(cast an eye over: nhìn qua)

687. You can only go out if you promise to be home by midnight. (WORD)
→ Unless you give me your word that you will be hime by midnight, you can't go out.
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

688. His irresponsible attitude is endangering his career as a doctor. (JEOPARDY)

 His irresponsible attitude is putting his career as a doctor in jeopardy.
(put sb in jeopardy: đặt ai vào nguy hiểm)

689. Only final-year students are allowed to use the main college car park. (RESTRICTED)
 The main college car park is restricted to final-year students.
(be restricted to: giới hạn đối với)

690. He could not explain why he was always late for work. (ACCOUNT)
 He couldn't give any account of why he was always late for work.
(give account of sth: cung cấp cái gì)

691. She doesn’t see or hear from her childhood friends any more. (LOST)
 She has lost touch with her childhood friends.
(lose touch with: mất liên lạc)

692. A government official leaked the story to the world press. (WIND)
 The world press got wind of the story from a government official.
(get wind of: nghe phong thanh)

693. At the end of the party we all helped with the clearing up. (OVER)
→ When the party was over, all of us helped with the clearing up.
(be over: đã qua)

694. I didn't think carefully enough about the situation. (MORE)

→ I should have thought more carefully about the situation.
(should have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì nhưng lại không làm)

695. This is the first time I have seen her in my life. (SET)
→ I have never set my eye on her before.
(set one’s eye on: nhìn ai)

696. The deaths of almost sixty people were caused by the tornado. (RESULTED)
→ The tornado resulted in the deaths of almost sixty people.
(result in: dẫn đến)

697. I had just started the new job when I got flu. (CAME)
→ I came down with the flu as I started the new job.
(come down with: mắc bệnh)

698. Declan was angry because Claire arrived late. (TIME)

 If Claire had arrived on time, Declan would not have been angry.
(on time: đúng giờ)

699. Mark can’t wait to use his new computer games console. (FORWARD)
 Mark is looking forward to using his new computer-games consoles.
(look forward to ving: mong đợi làm gì)

700. It’s possible that the thieves entered the building through the windows. (BROKEN)
 The thieves may have broken into the building.
(break into: đột nhập)

701. My friend took no notice of my advice. (DEAF)

 My friend turned a deaf ear to my advice.
(turn a deaf ear to: nhắm mắt làm ngơ)

702. There is nothing new about crimes of passion. (HILLS)

 Crimes of passion are as old as the hills.
(as old as the hills: cũ rích)

703. We cannot see animals in a vast area after the forest fire. (ABSENCE)
 There is an absence of animal in vast area after the forest fire.
(absence of sth: không có cái gì)

704. Carol has trouble communicating her ideas to others. (ACROSS)

 Carol has trouble getting her ideas across to others.
(get sth across to: truyền đạt cái gì cho ai)

705. Nobody expected it of him but Sam was laid off. (RANKS)
 Against all expectations Sam joined the ranks of the unemployed.
(join the ranks of the unemployed: trở thành một trong những người thất nghiệp)

706. That medicine was very effective and I started to feel better immediately. (MAGIC)
 That medicine worked like magic, and I started to feel better immediately.

(work like magic: rất công hiệu)

707. I’m sure Nancy is still presuming that the party starts at nine. (IMPRESSION)
 I’m sure Nancy still has the impression that the party starts at nine.
(have the impression that: có cảm tưởng rằng)

708. If you don’t obey the regulations, you will not be permitted to fish in this river. (LONG)
 As long as you don’t obey the regulations, you will not be permitted to fish in this river.
(as long as: miễn là)

709. A great many people will congratulate her if she wins. (SHOWERED)
 She will be showered with great many congratulations if she wins.
(shower sb with sth: cho ai rất nhiều cái gì)

710. Nadia’s friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. (POINT)
 Nadia’s friend arrived just as she was on the point of leaving the restaurant.
(on the point of ving: sắp sửa làm gì)

711. When they broke the news, she stayed perfectly calm and controlled. (HAIR)
 When they broke the news, she did not turn a hair.
(not turn a hair: không hề nao núng)

712. He always makes everything look so difficult. (WEATHER)

 He always makes heavy weather of everything.
(make heavy weather of sth: phức tạp hoá cái gì)

713. You should consider the fact that Mary hasn’t spoken French for years. (ALLOWANCES)
 You should make allowances for Mary’s not speaking French for years.
(make allowances for: chiếu cố cho)

714. Whatever happens, I will never trust him again. (EVER)
 Under no circumstances will I ever trust him again.
(under no circumstances: trong bất kì trường hợp nào cũng không)

715. Everyone was shocked by the success of the novel. (SHOCK)

 The success of the novel came as a shock to everyone.
(come as a shock to sb: là 1 cú sốc đối với ai)

716. If I had been you, I would have punished him. (SHOES)

 Had I been in your shoes, I would have punished him.
(in one’s shoes: ở trong tình cảnh của ai)

717. The coach accepted that he was fully responsible for the way his team performed. (TOOK)
 The coach took full responsibility for his team's performance.
(take full responsibility for: chịu trách nhiệm hoàn toàn cho cái gì)

718. Mark promised sincerely that he wouldn’t watch so much TV. (SINCERE)
 Mark made a sincere promise not to watch so much TV.
(make a sincere promise: hứa chân thành)

719. He bought a new jacket without having planned to. (SPUR)

 He bought a new jacket on the spur of the moment.
(on the spur of the moment: ngay lập tức)

720. I prefer to go by car rather than go by couch. (SOONER)

 I would sooner go by car rather than go by couch.
(would sooner Vnt rather than Vnt: thích làm gì hơn làm gì)

721. Sheila has become too big to wear this pullover. (GROWN)
 Sheila has grown out of pullover.

(grow out of: không còn vừa nữa)

722. The question of medical costs often makes old people become anxious. (COMMON)
 The question of medical costs is a common cause of anxiety among old people.
(a common cause: nguyên nhân phổ biến)

723. It’s entirely your own fault that you failed the exam. (BLAME)
 You have no one but yourself to blame for failing the exam.
(to blame for: chịu trách nhiệm về cái gì)

724. Was your mother any better when you visited her? (IMPROVEMENT)
 Was there any improvement in your mother when you visited her?
(improvement in sb: ai đó đã cải thiện về tình hình sức khoẻ)

725. The climbers will try to reach the summit again in the morning. (ANOTHER)
 The climbers will make another attempt to reach the summit in the morning.
(make another attempt to V: cố gắng thêm lần nữa)

726. My tutor says she’s been too busy to read my essay, but she’ll mark it by the end of the
week. (ROUND)
 My tutor says she has not got round to reading my essay yet, but she will mark it by the end of the
(get round to Ving: có thời gian làm gì)

727. “I promise I will never tell anyone about the missing files,” said Jenny. (WORD)
 Jenny gave me her word that she would never tell anyone about the missing files.
(give sb one’s word: hứa với ai)

728. You must keep this door when the red light is illuminated. (CIRCUMSTANCES)
 Under no circumstances must you open this door when the red light is illuminated.
(under no circumstances: trong trường hợp nào cũng không)

729. “If I were you, I would not smoke in the office, David.” I said to him. (ADVISED)
 I advised David not to smoke in the office/ against smoking in the office.
(advise sb not to V/ advise sb against Ving: khuyên ai đó không làm gì)

730. A true story forms the basis of Mary’s new novel. (BASED)
 Mary’s new novel is based on a true story.
(be based on: dựa vào)

731. With hindsight, we should have been more careful. (RETROSPECT)

 In retrospect, we should have been more careful.
(In restrospect: nhìn lại)

732. Tom hates parties, so don’t try to persuade him to go. (WORTH)
 It is not worth persuading him going to parties because he hates them.
(worth Ving: đáng làm gì)

733. “It’s not a good idea to call Leo just yet,” Valerie told me. (AGAINST)
 Valerie advised me against calling Leo for a while.
(advise sb against Ving: khuyên ai đó không làm gì)

734. “Why didn’t I ask Linda for her phone number?” thought Sam. (ONLY)
 “If only I had asked Linda for her phone number!” thought Sam.
(If only = I wish: giá mà)

735. “I don’t mind you staying out late, but your father does,” Robbie’s mother told him. (RATHER)
 “It’s your father rather than me minding you staying out late,” Robbie’s mother told him.
(rather than: chứ không phải)

736. The town council have decided not to delay building a wall round the park. (AHEAD)
 The town council have made a decision to go ahead with building of a wall round the park.

(go ahead with: tiến hành)

737. It is highly likely that this novel will win the book prize. (CHANCE)
 This novel is in with a chance of winning the book prize.
(in with a chance of: có cơ hội)

738. There is no doubt that Lucy will agree with the president’s point of view. (SAYING)
 It goes without saying that Lucy will fall in with the president’s point of view.
(it goes without saying that: rõ ràng là)

739. The manager will not be satisfied unless you apologise immediately. (LESS)
 Nothing less than your immediate apology will satisfy the manager.
(nothing less than: chỉ có)

740. The supermarket may be forced to close if demand doesn’t increase. (FACING)
 The supermarket appears to be facing force closing unless demand increases.
(face sth: đối mặt với cái gì)

741. Women outnumber men by two to one on the ballet course. (TWICE)
 There are twice as many women as men on the ballet course.
(twice gấp đôi)

742. If the power fails, there are some candles in the hall cupboard. (EVENT)
 There are some candles in the hall cupboard in the event of a power failure.
(in the event of: trong trường hợp)

743. The dog stole the sausages while the butcher was busy. (OFF)
 The butcher was too busy that the dog ripped off the sausages.
(rip off: trộm cái gì)

744. No one listened to what the politician was saying last night. (EARS)
 What the politician was saying fell on deaf ears last night.
(fall on deaf ears: bỏ ngoài tai)

745. After the scandal, he was asked to resign. (HAND)

 After the scandal, he was asked to hand in his resignation.
(hand in one’s resignation: nộp đơn từ chức)

746. “It certainly wasn’t me who broke your vase!” said John to me. (DENIED)
 John denied breaking the vase.
(deny Ving: phủ nhận làm gì)

747. After the accident the repairs to my car cost me £150. (HAVE)
 It cost me £150 to have my car repaired after the accident.
(have sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

748. It is pointless to ask me about it, because I don’t know anything. (USE)
 It is no use to ask me about it because I don’t know anything.
(It is no use to V: thật vô ích khi làm gì)

749. Don’t you remember anything about your lifetime in London as a child? (RECOLLECTION)
 Haven’t you had any recollection of your lifetime in London as a child?
(have recollection of sth: nhớ về cái gì)

750. This tree will soon be as tall as our house. (SAME)

 This tree will soon be the same height as our house.
(the same N as: giống)

751. I wish they wouldn’t talk during the performance – it makes me really uptight. (NERVES)
 It really gets on my nerves when they talk during a performance.
(get on one’s nerves: khiến ai bực mình)

752. The people who used to do this kind of work have been replaced by machines. (PLACE)
 Machines have taken the place of the people who used to do this kind of work.
(take the place of: thay thế)

753. We got to work late because we decided to drive rather than take the train. (INSTEAD)
 We got to work late because we decided to drive instead of taking the train.
(instead of ving: thay vì làm gì)

754. I cannot get all my clothes in the suitcase (BIG)

 The suitcase is not big enough to take all my clothes.
(adj/adv enough to V: đủ để làm gì)

755. The earthquake made many people homeless. (LARGE)

 The earthquake made a large number of people homeless.
(a large number of = many: nhiều)

756. Tickets for the concert cannot be bought before 12th May. (SALE)
 Tickets for the concert will not be on sale before 12th May.
(on sale: được bán)

757. I really don’t want to go to work today. (FEEL)

 I really don't feel like going to work today.
(feel like ving: thích làm gì)

757. I didn’t like Chemistry when I was at school. (USED)

 I used to like Chemistry when I was at school.
(used to V: đã từng làm gì và bây giờ không còn nữa)

758. “All your complaints will be investigated by my staff tomorrow,” said the bank manager. (LOOK)
 The bank manager promised that his staff would look into all our complaints the next day.

(look into: điều tra)

759. She has always been proud of her appearance. (PRIDED)

 She has always prided herself on her appearance.
(pride oneself on: tự hào về cái gì)

760. The town hall has approved the plans for a new sports center. (GREEN)
 The town hall has gave the green light to the plans for a new sports center.
(give the green light to sth: cho phép cái gì)

761. She didn’t like the young man asking her so many questions (OBJECTED)
 She objected to the young man asking her so many questions.
(object to Ving: phản đối làm gì)

762. Natalie’s friends talked her out of going to the concert alone. (DISSUADED)
 It was Natalie's friends who dissuaded her from going to the concert alone.
(dissuade sb from doing sth: thuyết phục ai đó không làm gì)

763. He didn’t try to conceal his dislike for me. (EFFORT)

 He made no effort to conceal his dislike for me.
(make no effort to V: không nỗ lực làm gì)

764. When her uncle died, she inherited big sums of money. (CAME)
 When her uncle passed away, she came into big sums of money.
(come into: thừa kế)

765. The research has shown very useful value in the study of children’s language. (INVALUABLE)
 The research has shown invaluable value in the study of children's language.
(invaluable = very useful: cực kì hữu ích)

766. Instead of learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn many different subjects
for their broad background knowledge. (ALL-ROUND)
 Instead of learning some subjects for a special exam, students should learn many different
subjects for their all-round background knowledge.
(all-round (adj): toàn diện)

767. You have to accept the truth although it is hurtful. (TERMS)

 Hurtful as the truth is, you have to come to terms with it.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận cái gì)

768. The wind was so strong that we coudn’t walk. (HARDLY)

 Such was the strength of the wind that we hardly could walk.
(such tobe N that: đến nỗi mà; hardly could: hầu như không thể)

769. You will start to feel better as soon as this drug is effective. (EFFECT)
 The moment this drug takes effect, you will start to feel better.
(take effect: có hiệu quả, phát huy tác dụng)

770. My dad is now abroad and I am in charge of the office. (UNDER)

 My dad has has put me under the charge of the office as he is now abroad.
(put sb under the charge of: giao cho ai trách nhiệm quản lý)

771. He was extremely happy because he won that scholarship. (MOON)

 Had he not won that scholarship, he would not have been over the moon.
(over the moon: cực kì sung sướng)

772. He received another letter from her as soon as he found the time to reply to her. (ROUND)
 No sooner had he got round to replying to her than he received another letter from her.
(get round to Ving: có thời gian làm gì)

773. I really don’t like it when you cheated me yesterday. (RIDE)
 I’d rather you hadn’t taken me for a ride yesterday.
(take sb for a ride: lừa ai)

774. Don’t make a fuss over such trivial things. (MOUNTAIN)

 Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
(make a mountain out of a molehill: chuyện bé xé ra to)

775. We were amazed to know that he was a liar. (UNTRUTH)

 To our amazement, he told an untruth.
(to one’s N cảm xúc: ai đó rất như thế nào khi)

776. Everyday television viewers witness some sort of violence or crime on their their screens. (GOES
 Hardly a day goes by when television viewers don’t witness any sort of violence or crime on their
(hardly a day goes by when ... not: hiếm có ngày nào trôi qua... mà không)

777. This mix-up is not my fault. (BLAME)

 I am not to blame for this mix-up.
(be blame for: chịu trách nhiệm cho)

778. My brother is not feeling terribly well these days. (WEATHER)

 My brother is feeling a bit under the weather these days.
(under the weather: không được khoẻ)

779. I’d like to express my thanks for everything you’ve done for me (THANKFUL)
 I am very thankful for everything you've done for me.
(be thankful for sth: biết ơn về cái gì)

780. On no account will I lend you $500. (QUESTION)

 There is no question of me lending you $500.
(there is no question of: không có khả năng)

781. His smooth manner didn’t deceive us. (TAKEN)

 We were not taken in by his smooth manner.
(take in: lừa ai)

782. I think you should get someone to fix the computer. (FIXED)
 I would prefer it if you had/got the computer fixed.
(have/get sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

783. Jack was so nervous that his mind couldn’t function properly. (STRAIGHT)
 Such was Jack's nervousness that he couldn’t think straight.
(couldn’t think straight: không thể nghĩ thông suốt)

784. Suddenly, the management said it was important for us to wear dark suits to the meeting. (ONCE)
 The management insisted that we wear dark suits to the meeting all at once.
(at once: ngay lập tức)

785. To say briefly, this school regulation cannot be abolished right away. (DO)
 In a nutshell, this school regulation cannot be done away with right away.
(in a nutshell: tóm lại; do away with: thủ tiêu, bãi bỏ)

786. Trying to persuade someone to agree with you can be a formidable task. (VIEW)
 Trying to bring someone around/round to your (point of) view can be a formidable task.
(bring sb around/round to one’s point of view: thuyết phục ai nghe theo quan điểm ý kiến của ai)

787. Anna inherited a fortune when her father died. (INTO)

 After the death of Anna’s father, she came into a fortune.
(come into: thừa kế)

788. We were not late for school because you took us in your car. (TIME)
 If it hadn’t been for the lift you gave us, we wouldn’t have gone to school on/in time.
(on time: đúng giờ, in time: kịp giờ)

789. I managed to finish the task, but it was difficult. (SUCCEED)

 Only with difficulty did I succeed in finishing the task.
(succeed in Ving: thành công trong việc làm gì)

790. Although she didn’t agree with the management’s decision, Chloe was forced to accept
it. (CHOICE)
 Much as she didn’t agree with the management’s decision, Chloe had no choice but to accept it.
(have no choice but to V: không có sự lựa chọn nào khác ngoài)

791. Fred didn’t tell Sophie his news until she had finished her homework. (TELLING)
 Fred waited for Sophie to finish her homework before telling his news.

792. When we met again, he didn’t mention our previous conversation at all. (REFERENCE)
 When we met again, he made no reference to our previous conversation at all.
(make no reference to sth: không đề cập đến cái gì)

793. Her boyfriend greatly impressed her parents at their first meeting. (MADE)
 Her boyfriend made a great impression on her parents when they first met.
(make a great impression on: tạo ấn tượng mạnh mẽ về cái gì)

794. I don’t feel like going to the party. (MOOD)

 l’m not in the mood for going to the party.
(in the mood for: có tâm trạng làm gì)

795. The police asked the woman to describe the thief to them in detail. (FULL)
 The police asked the woman to give them a full description of the thief.
(give sb a full description of sth: đưa cho ai bản mô tả chi tiết về cái gì)

796. Any correspondence from the head office must be dealt with before other matters. (PRIORITY)
 Any correspondence from the head office takes priority over other matters.
(take priority over: ưu tiên cái gì)

797. Mary felt entirely comfortable when her boss was around. (EASE)
 Mary felt entirely at ease with her boss.
(feel at ease: cảm thấy thoải mái)

798. He said their marriage has been successful as they are tolerant of each other. (PUT)
 He put the success of their marriage down to the fact that they are tolerant of each other.
(put sth down to: coi cái gì là cái gì)

799. It would be impossible for us to redecorate the house at the moment because we don’t have enough
money. (QUESTION)
 Redecorating the house is out of the question at the moment because we don’t have enough money.
(out of the question: không thể)

800. These days people regard that kind of behaviour as normal. (COME)
 That kind of behaviour has come across as normal.
(come across as: dường như)

801. I don’t understand one word of this document. (HEAD)

 I can’t make head or tail of this document.
(not make head or tail of sth: không hiểu cái gì)

802. The applicant’s cover letter impressed his prospective employers immediately on viewing it.
 No sooner had the prospective employers viewed the applicant's cover letter than his prospective
employers were impressed by it.
(no sooner had S p2 than S Ved: vừa mới...thì)

803. The researcher insisted on proper conduct of the experiment. (CONDUCTED)
 The researcher was insistent on having the experiment conducted properly.
(have sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

804. Only the top fifteen players will make it through to the next round. (ADVANCE)
 The top fifteen players will advance to the next round.
(advance: tiến vào)

805. I did my best to arrive here on time. (EFFORT)

 I made every effort to get here on time.
(make every effort to V: cố gắng hết sức làm gì)

806. He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car. (GREEN)
 He was green with envy to see his brother’s new car.
(be green with envy: ghen tị)

807. I was amazed because there were no problems throughout the holiday. (WENT)
 To my amazement, nothing went wrong throughout the holiday.
(to one’s N chỉ cảm xúc: ai đó rất như thế nào)

808. No matter what happens. Jane will never forgive Mark for what he did. (EVER)
 Under no circumstances will Jane ever forgive Mark for what lie did.
(under no circumstances: trong bất kì hoàn cảnh nào cũng không)

809. Can anyone solve this problem? (COME)

 Can anyone come up with a solution to this problem?
(come up with: nảy ra ý tưởng)

810. You probably won’t find a better deal for a holiday. (CHANCES)
 The chances are that you won't find a better deal for a holiday.

(the chances are that: có khả năng là)

811. Apparently the entire warehouse was destroyed in a fire last month. (FLAMES)
 Apparently the entire warehouse went up in flames last month.
(go up in flames: bị thiêu rụi)

812. I think it’s disgraceful the way they never get round to repairing this pavement. (SHOULD)
 This pavement should have been repaired time ago.
(should have p2: lẽ ra nên làm gì nhưng lại không làm)

813. They have been building their dream home for the past ten years. (UNDER)
 Their dream home has been under construction for the past ten years.
(under construction: đang được thi công)

814. Shortly after Sue and Brian met, he announced they were getting married. (HAD)
 Scarcely had Sue and Brian met when he announced they were getting married.
(scarcely had S p2 when S Ved: vừa mới...thì)

815. Although I had imagined my parachute jump would terrify me, it was actually quite exciting.
 Far from being the terrifying experience I had imagined, my parachute jump was actually quite
(far from being: còn lâu)

816. In his speech, the College Principal spoke highly of the third-year science students who had won an
award. (PAID)
 The College Principal paid a high compliment to the award-winning third-year science students in
his speech.
(pay a high compliment to: khen ngợi)

817. Everyone believed my neighbor’s claims about once being a famous singer. (TAKEN)

 Everyone was taken in by my neighbor’s claims about once being a famous singer.
(take in: lừa ai)

818. Leo is the most infuriating person I’ve ever met. (YET)
 I’ve yet to meet as infuriating a person as Leo.
(have yet to V: chưa từng làm gì)

819. If it hadn’t rained so heavily, the garden would have been a success. (DOWNPOUR)
 But for the downpour, the garden would have been a success.
(downpour (n): mưa xối xả)

820. Would you mind if I asked you to sign this petition? (RAISE)
 Would you raise any objections to my asking you to sign this petition?
(raise objecttions to sth: phản đối cái gì)

821. I’ve never really been able to follow all the details of the argument. (OUTS)
 I’ve never been able to know all the ins and outs of the argument.
(know all the ins and outs of sth: biết chi tiết cái gì)

822. Most people seem to think that I will be next to be promoted. (LINE)
 Most people seem to think that I will be in line for promotion.
(in line for: sắp được)

823. Your scheme is brilliant, but it won’t succeed. (DOOMED)

 Brilliant as your scheme is, it's doomed to failure.
(be doomed to failure: chắc chắn sẽ thất bại)

824. It’s likely that local residents will be suspicious of the company’s plans for development in the area.
 The company’s plans for development may be considered suspicious by local residents.
(may V: có lẽ)

825. The police have to verify the details of everyone taking part in the event today. (MUST)
 Everyone taking part in the event today must be verified by the police.
(must V: phải)

826. We suppose the new models are about ten thousand dollars. (VICINITY)
 The new models are supposed to be in the vicinity of ten thousand dollars.
(be in the vicinity of: gần/ xấp xỉ)

827. There are several categories of people who don’t have to pay the new tax. (EXEMPT)
 Several categories of people are exempt from paying the new tax.
(exempt from: miễn)

828. I forgot my friend’s birthday last week and do not know how to make it up to her. (AMENDS)
 I do not know how to make amends for forgetting my friend’s birthday last week.
(make amends for: bù đắp cho)

829. Since his wife gave birth to twins, Steve has felt truly happy. (NINE)
 Steve has been on cloud nine since his wife gave birth to twins.
(on cloud nine: cực kì hạnh phúc)

830. They are having problems because they did not take out medical insurance. (COST)
 They are counting the cost because medical insurance was not taken out.
(count the cost: chịu hậu quả)

831. I didn’t follow the speech exactly, but I understand the general meaning of what was being said.
 I didn’t follow the speech exactly, but I got the drift of what was being said.
(get the drift of sth: hiểu được ý chính của cái gì)

832. They ceased to find his jokes amusing. (LONGER)

 They no longer find his jokes amusing.
(no longer: không còn nữa)

833. She didn’t realize her mistake until she had put the phone down. (AWARE)
 Only after putting the phone down did she become aware of her mistake.
(be/become aware of: nhận thức)

834. The eldest of Hoa’s three daughters is a famous poet. (WHOM)

 Hoa has three daughters, the eldest of whom is a famous poet.
(whom thay thế cho three daughters)

835. “I’m really sorry we didn’t inform you about the room changes,” the receptionist told us. (HAVING)
 The receptionist apologized for not having informed us about the room changes.
(apologize for ving: xin lỗi vì đã làm gì)

836. If you need any further information, please call me. (HESITATE)
 If you need any further information, don't hesitate to give me a call.
(hesitate to V: do dự làm gì)

837. We tried not to laugh at his new haircut, but it was impossible. (HELP)
 We couldn't help laughing at his new haircut.
(couldn’t help ving: không thể nhịn được)

838. We really need to determine the cause of his leaking tap! (BOTTOM)
 We really must get to the bottom of what is causing this tap to leak.
(get to the bottom of sth: tìm hiểu gốc rễ của cái gì)

839. He always gives the impression that he’s very confident. (ACROSS)
 He always comes across as very confident.
(come across as: dường như)

840. In my opinion, Pele is the best soccer player. (CONCERNED)
 As far as I'm concerned, no one plays soccer better than Pele.
(As far as I’m concerned: như tôi được biết)

841. The author was extremely happy when he knew how much influence his writings had on later
generations. (MOON)
 The author was over the moon when he knew the extent of his writings’ influence on later
(over the moon: cực kì sung sướng)

842. He would do almost anything to win the girl’s heart. (LENGTHS)

 He would go to great lengths to win the girl's heart.
(go to great lengths to V: cố hết sức để có thể)

843. You have said exactly the right thing. (NAIL)

 You have hit the nail on the head.
(hit the nail on the head: đoán trúng, nói trúng)

844. Since she met that boy, she’s been thinking only about him. (WRAPPED)
 Since she met that boy, she’s been wrapped up in thoughts of him.
(be wrapped up in thoughts of sb: chìm đắm trong suy nghĩ)

845. He needs to consider the amount the holiday is going to cost. (ACCOUNT)
 He needs to take into account much the holiday is going to cost.
(take into account: cân nhắc)

846. We are on good terms with both of John's parents. (GET)

 We get on good terms with both of John's parents.
(get on good terms with: hoà hợp với)

847. Kids and seniors are much more prone to infection than others. (PICK)

 Kids and seniors pick up infections more than others.
(pick up: mắc bệnh)

848. What's the point of all this furniture? (AID)

 What is all this furniture in aid of?
(what is all sth in aid of?: tất cả cái này để làm gì)

849. I don’t like him because he boasts a lot. (MOUTH)

 I don’t like him as he has a big mouth.
(have a big mouth: hay khoe khoang)

850. She got a scholarship as soon as she registered for the training course. (SCARCELY)
 Scarcely had she registered for the training course when she got a scholarship.
(scarcely had S p2 when S Ved: vừa mới...thì)

851. Books on animal diseases in Outer Mongolia are not exactly best sellers. (CALL)
 There is little call for books on animal diseases in Outer Mongolia.
(little call for sth: không có nhu cầu cho cái gì)

852. Fleming discovered penicillin as a result of a little luck. (RESULTED)

 A little luck resulted in Fleming’s discovering penicillin.
(result in: dẫn đến)

853. Wilson has so much talent that a number of different clubs are interested in him. (SO)
 Wilson is so good a player that a number of different clubs are interested in him.
(so adj a/an N that: đến nỗi mà)

854. When she left home, she had to do everything on her own. (FEND)
 When she left home, she had to fend for herself.
(fend for oneself: tự chăm sóc cho bản thân)

855. You cannot get to the village in winter because of the snow. (ACCESS)
 You can’t get/have access to the village in winter because of the snow.
(get/have access to sth: tiếp cận cái gì)

856. Martin had difficulty in accepting the loss of his money. (HARD)
 It was hard for Martin to accept the loss of his money.
(be adj for sb to V: thật như thế nào để ai đó làm gì)

857. It was Peter who pointed the mistake out to me. (ATTENTION)
 It was Peter who drew my attention to the mistake.
(draw one’s attention to sth: thu hút sự chú ý của ai về cái gì)

858. You are not allowed to smoke in the public places. (BAN)
 There is a ban on smoking in the public places.
(a ban on sth: lệnh cấm về cái gì)

859. Claire was not allowed to stay out late when she lived at home with her parents. (LET)
 Claire's parents didn't let her stay out late when she lived at home.
(let sb V: cho phép ai đó làm gì)

860. Today's meeting is postponed and it will be held next week. (PUT)
 Today's meeting has has been put off until next week.
(put off: trì hoãn)

861. This is the most delicious meal I have ever eaten. (SUCH)
 I have never eaten such a delicious meal like this before.
(such a/an adj N)

862. The two boys are identical twins and they look exactly the same. (TELL)
 I can't tell the difference between the two boys.
(tell the difference: phân biệt)

863. Simona last wrote to me seven months ago. (HEARD)
 I haven't heard from Simona for seven months.
(hear from: nghe tin tức từ ai)

864. Tim and Barbara are not talking to each other at the moment. (TERMS)
 Tim and Barbara are not on speaking terms at the moment.
(on speaking terms: nói chuyện với nhau)

865. I would prefer it if they had given me some bonus. (BEEN)

 I'd rather have been given some bonus.
(would rather have p2: muốn làm gì ở quá khứ)

866. I am sure Tim didn't misunderstand. (WRONG)

 Tim can't have got the wrong end of the stick.
(get the wrong end of the stick: hiểu lầm)

867. We decided to pay a mechanic to look at the car. (LOOKED)

 We decided to have the car looked at by a mechanic.
(have sth done: có cái gì được làm bởi ai)

868. He was jealous when he saw his brother's new car. (ENVY)
 He was green with envy to see brother's new car.
(be green with envy: ghen tỵ)

869. Everything was covered with gold paint except two very small holes. (EXCEPTION)
 With the exception of two very small holes, everything was covered with gold paint.
(with the exception of: ngoại trừ)

870. Do you ever think that geology is a very interesting field? (OCCUR)
 Does it ever occur to you that geology is a very interesting field?

(sth occur to sb: ai đó chợt nảy ra rằng)

871. Your contract says that you are to be here by nine every day. (UNDER)
 Under the terms of your contract, you are to be here by nine every day.
(under the terms of: theo điều khoản)

872. Taxpayers had to pay the cost of the privatization plan. (FOOT)
 Taxpayers had to foot the cost of the privatization plan.
(foot the cost of sth: chi trả cho cái gì)

873. Some people say that there's hardly any difference between love and hate. (LINE)
 Some people say that there’s a fine line between love and hate.
(a fine line between: ranh giới mong manh giữa)

874. I know it was a waste of money - don't make me feel worse about it! (SALT)
 I know it was a waste of money - there's no need to rub salt in the wound by reminding me!
(rub salt in the wound: đổ dầu vào lửa)

875. When they started their trek, they had no idea how bad the weather would become. (OUTSET)
 Nobody realized at the outset of trek how bad the weather would become.
(at the outset of sth: đầu của cái gì)

876. Guy made absolutely sure nothing would go wrong when he planned the expedition. (CHANCE)
 Guy left nothing to chance when he planned the expedition.
(leave nothing to chance: sắp xếp mọi thứ)

877. As a pop singer, Kay has recently become involved in more diverse styles of music. (BRANCHED)
 As a pop singer, recently Kay has branched out into other styles of music.
(branch out into: lấn sân sang)

878. She speaks Spanish very well. (COMMAND)

 She has a good command of Spanish.
(have a good command of: có năng khiếu về cái gì)

879. He is likely to be promoted. (CARDS)

 His promotion is on the cards.
(on the cards: có khả năng)

880. The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to express their feelings. (VENT)
 The meeting will be an opportunity for everyone to give vent to their feelings.
(give vent to: trút bầu /giãy bày tâm sự)

881. Ian was ill yesterday, so he didn’t go to school. (WEATHER)

 Ian wishes he hadn’t been under the weather yesterday, so he could go to school.
(under the weather: không được khoẻ)

882. It’s a waste of time to get Tim to lend you his car. (POINT)
 There is no point in trying to get Tim to lend you his car.
(there is no point (in) Ving: vô ích khi làm gì)

883. As Justin becomes addicted to computer games, his eye sight is seriously affected. (MORE)
 The more addicted Justin becomes to computer games, the more seriously affected his eyesight is.
(the so sánh hơn SV, the so sánh hơn SV: So sánh càng thì càng)

884. My supervisor said it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position. (SHOULD)
 My supervisor suggested that I should accept this new position.
(suggest that S (should) V: gợi ý làm gì)

885. Darius soon recovered after the operation. (MADE)

 Darius soon made a full recovery after the operation.
(make a full recovery: hồi phục hoàn toàn)

886. It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down. (POINT)
→ I should have made a point of writing down the telephone number.
(make a point of Ving: lưu ý làm gì)

887. Police are warning people to check for forged notes which are currently in circulation.
→ Police are warning people to be on the lookout for forged notes which are currently in circulation.
(on the lookout for: cảnh giác)

888. Students at this school are not allowed to go into the Rainbow Disco. (BOUNDS)
→ The Rainbow Disco is out of bounds for/ to students at this school.
(out of bounds for/to sb: không cho phép ai vào)

889. She can't get into the habit of studying every evening. (USED)
→ She can't get used to studying every evening.
(get used to Ving: quen với)

890. Jane regretted speaking so rudely to the old lady. (MORE)

→ Jane wishes/wished she/he had spoken more politely to the old lady.
(wish S had p2: ước trái quá khứ)

891. Leonardo spent a long time painting this picture. (TO)

 It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture.
(It took/takes sb time to V: ai đó mất bao lâu để làm gì)

892. The girl said to the boy, “I saw your uncle at my house last night.” (TOLD)
 The girl told the boy that she had seen his uncle at her house the night before.
(told sb that: nói với ai rằng)

893. When it comes to population, Beijing’s is much bigger than Auckland’s. (POPULATED)
 Beijing is much more populated than Auckland.

(more populated than: đông dân hơn)

894. Are you sorry that you didn’t accept his offer? (REGRET)
 Do you regret not accepting his offer?
(regret Ving: hối hận vì đã làm gì)

895. Do you want to listen to K-pop music? (FEEL)

 Do you feel like listening to K-pop music?
(feel like Ving: thích làm gì)

896. He didn't know whether to wait or eat alone because his friends weren't in the cafeteria. (MIND)
 His friends weren't in the cafeteria, so he couldn't make up his mind whether to wait or eat alone.
(make up one’s mind: quyết định)

897. The local surgery is reported to have bought scanners to help doctors in their diagnoses. (THAT)
 It is reported that scanners have been/were bought by the local surgery to help doctors in their

898. Peter is angry because Joanna did not accept his invitation. (TURNED)
 If Joanna had not turned down his invitation, Peter wouldn't be angry.
(turn down: từ chối)

899. She doesn't know much about sports but she acts like an expert. (THOUGH)
 She acts as though she were an expert on sports.
(act as though: cư xử cứ như thể)

900. I sincerely promise you that I'm telling the truth. (BOTTOM)
 I promise from the bottom of my heart that I'm telling the truth.
(from the bottom of one’s heart: từ tận đáy lòng)

901. Non-passengers are strictly forbidden from entering the departure lounge of the airport. (NO)

 On no account are non-passengers allowed to enter the departure lounge of the airport.
(on no account: với lý do gì cũng không)

902. I'm sure they didn't show up here last night. (SHOWN)
 They can’t/couldn’t have shown up here last night.
(can’t/couldn’t have p2: chắc chắn ai đó không làm gì)

903. The accident happened just behind that statue. (WHERE)

 The place where the accident happened was just behind that statue.

904. Taking out a private pension scheme will benefit you. (INTEREST)
 It is in your best interest to take out a private pension scheme.
(in one’s best interest to V: ai đó có lợi khi làm gì)

905. It's a shame we can't get more people to support our campaign. (DRUM)
 I wish we could drum up more support for our campaign.
(drum up: có được cái gì)

906. My grandmother was sixty when she learnt to drive. (AGE)

 My grandmother learnt to drive at the age of sixty.
(at the age of: ở độ tuổi)

907. The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. (CONSIDERATION)
 The manager should take experience into consideration when hiring new staff.
(take sth into consideration: cân nhắc cái gì)

908. They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow. (FEAR)
 They chose not to drive for fear that there would be too much snow.
(for fear that: vì sợ rằng)

909. How do our sales compare with those of other firms? (RELATION)

 How do our sales stand in relation to those of other firms?
(be/stand in relation to: được so với)
910. Money is of little value on a desert island. (COUNTS)
 Money counts for little on a desert island.
(count for little: không có giá trị)

911. I sincerely promise that I will finish the task on time. (BOTTOM)
 I promise you from the bottom of my heart that I will finish the task on time.
(from the bottom of one’s heart: từ tận đáy lòng)

912. She was such a charming girl that I couldn’t stop looking at her. (EYES)
 So charming was the girl that I couldn't take my eyes off her.
(take one’s eyes off sb: rời mắt khỏi ai)

913. They spent the whole afternoon figuring out the solution to that math problem. (TO)
 It took them the whole afternoon to figure out the solution to that math problem.
(it took sb time to V: ai đó mất bao lâu để làm gì)

914. I do not have enough money to have the automatic lighting installed. (PUT)
 Were I to have enough money/ Were it not for the lack of money, I would have had the automatic
lighting put in.
(put in: lắp đặt)

915. When the war broke out, a lot of Ukrainians fled to neighbor countries to escape misfortune.
 No sooner had the war broken out than a lot of Ukrainians fled to neighbor countries to save
their neck.
(save one’s neck: thoát khỏi nghịch cảnh)

916. The management board decided to offer the strikers a pay rise to alleviate their anger. (FEATHERS)

 With a view to smoothing the strikers' ruffled feathers, the management board decided to offer
them a pay rise.
/ With a view not to ruffling their feathers, the management board decided to offer the strikers a
pay rise.
(ruffle one’s feathers: làm ai bực mình/ smooth one’s ruffled feathers: làm ai nguôi giận)

917. It was wrong of the antifans to make negative influence on the journalists about the star.
 The antifans should not have prejudiced the journalists against the star.
(prejudice sb against sth: khiến cho ai có thành kiến về)

918. Kevin was so interested in the hockey match on TV that he invented an excuse for his day off.
 Such was Kevin's interest in the hockey match on TV that he cooked up an excuse for his day off.
(cook up: bịa ra)

919. No one can believe that Laura earns money to support the whole family at such a tender age.
 Hardly anyone believes that Laura brings home the bacon at such a tender age.
(bring home the bacon: kiếm tiền về cho gia đình)

920. The local authorities made the museum suitable for the public hall after the war. (KEYED)
 It was the museum that was keyed to the need for a/the public hall by the local authorities after
the war.
/ It was after the war that the museum was keyed to the need for a/the public hall by the local
(key sth to sth: biến đổi cái gì phù hợp cho cái gì)

921. Nice art works from litter should be exhibited now. (LAUNCHED)
 It's high time people launched an exhibition on nice art works from litter.
/It's high time the exhibition of nice art works from litter was launched.

(it’s high time S Ved: đã đến lúc ai đó phải làm gì)

922. Our team could not have been favoured by the judges if we had been experienced enough. (WIN)
 Due to our lack of experience, our team could not win the judges’ favour.
/Due to our lack of experience, our team didn’t manage to win the judges’ favour.
(win one’s favor: có được sự ủng hộ của ai)

923. Although quiet members seem to be patient, they do not always take criticism. (COME)
 Patient as/though quiet members may seem, they do not always come to terms with criticism.
(come to terms with: chấp nhận)

924. They have discovered some interesting pieces of information. (LIGHT)

 Some interesting pieces of information have come to light.
(come to light: được phơi bày)

925. When they broke the news, Sally stayed perfectly calm and controlled. (HAIR)
 When they broke the news, Sally did not turn a hair.
(not turn a hair: không nao núng)

926. We had a long discussion about the problem but we could not solve it. (LENGTH)
 We discussed the problem at length but we could not solve it.
(speak/talk/discuss sth at length: nói về cái gì đó trong 1 khoảng thời gian dài)

927. Jack didn't mention our previous conversation at all. (REFERENCE)

 Jack made no reference to our previous conversation at all.
(make no reference to sth: không đề cập đến cái gì)

928. When people tell my sister that she looks like me, she doesn't like it. (TOLD)
 My sister doesn't like being told that she looks like me.
(like ving: thích làm gì)

929. Judging from her notes, Sharon wasn't concentrating very hard on the lesson. (CAN'T)
 Sharon can't have been concentrating very hard on the lesson as her notes are incomplete.
(can’t have p2: chắc chắn đã không làm gì trong QK)

930. "Do I have to book a place in advance?" Jane asked me. (NECESSARY)
 Jane wanted to know if it was necessary to book a place in advance.
(it is/was necessary to V: cần thiết để làm gì)

931. The yacht race was cancelled due to strong winds. (BECAUSE)
 It was because of strong winds that the yacht race was cancelled.
(because of sth: vì; it was....that: chính...là)

932. The car door accidentally shut on Lucy's fingers. (GOT)

 Lucy got her fingers caught in the car door.
(get sth caught in sth: có cái gì bị mắc vào)

933. My sociology lecturer always knows what to say in every situation. (LOSS)
 My sociology lecturer is never at a loss for words, whatever the situation.
(at a loss for words: không biết nói gì)

934. It's a foregone conclusion that Julia will do her best to be offered the job. (GOES)
 It goes without saying that Julia will make every effort to be offered the job.
(it goes without saying that: rõ ràng là)

935. I haven't had the time to reply to her letter yet. (ROUND)
 I haven't got round to replying her letter yet.
(get round to Ving: có thời gian làm gì mà đã dự định từ trước)

936. Although the couple are getting old, they do not need anyone to care for them. (FEND)
 The elderly couple fends for themselves despite their age.
(fend for oneself: tự chăm sóc)

937. Lending Tom so much money was a rather foolish thing to do. (BETTER)
 You should have known better than to lend Tom so much money.
(know better than to V: đủ khôn ngoan để không làm gì)

938. We never questions her ability to run the department. (MOMENT)

 Not for a moment did we question her ability to run the department.
(not for a moment = never: không bao giờ)

939. He will only be included in the team if he passes a fitness test. (SUBJECT)
 His inclusion in the team is subject to a fitness test.
(be subject to: phải chịu)

940. It was far from obvious why they began to argue fiercely. (APPARENT)
 There was no apparent reason for them to begin arguing fiercely.
(no apparent reason for sth: không có lý do rõ ràng cho cái gì)

941. John's colleagues ignored him after he reported one of them for leaving work early.
 John was given the cold shoulder by his colleagues for reporting one of them for leaving work early.
(give sb the cold shoulder: phớt lờ ai)

942. The twins look very much alike to me. (DIFFERENCE)

 I can't tell/see the difference between the twins.
(tell/see the difference between sth: phân biệt)

943. Jack has such a vivid imagination; it is possible that he invented the whole story. (MADE)
 Jack has such a vivid imagination that he might have made up the whole story.
(make up sth: bịa ra cái gì)

944. I wish I hadn’t said that to her. (TAKE)
 If only I had been able to take back what I said to her.
(take back: rút lại lời nói)

945. It’s encouraging to discover that the group is both talented and enthusiastic. (ONLY)
 It’s encouraging to discover that the group shows not only talent but enthusiasm as well.
(not well: không những...mà còn)

946. They moved to Rome two years ago. (IN)

 They have been in Rome for two years.

947. They advised us not to drink that water. (DRINKING)

 We were advised against drinking that water.
(be advised against ving: được khuyên không nên làm gì)

948. Anne is proud of her ability to speak five languages fluently. (PRIDES)
 Anne prides herself on her ability to speak five languages fluently.
(pride oneself on: tự hào về cái gì)

949. “I wonder if you could possibly open the door for me?” (MIND)
 Would you mind opening the door for me, please?
(would you mind ving: bạn có phiền nếu)

950. If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have played football for England. (REPRESENTED)
 If Smith hadn’t broken his leg, he would have represented England in football.
(represent sth/sb: đại diện cho)

951. The ban on hunting was only imposed because the minister insisted. (FOR)
 But for the minister's insistence, the ban on hunting wouldn't have been imposed.
(but for: nếu không có/ nếu không vì)

952. You should wash your shirt right now before that stain dries. (NEEDS)
 Your shirt needs to be washed right now before that stain dries.
(need ving /to be p2: cần được làm gì)

953. My manager didn’t agree with the idea. (FAVOR)

 My manager was not in favor of the idea.
(in favor of: ủng hộ)

954. I’d prefer him not to phone me at home. (RATHER)

 I’d rather he didn't phone me at home.
(would rather S Ved: muốn ai đó làm gì ở hiện tại)

955. I did not intend to tell you what I knew. (INTENTION)

 I had no intention of telling you what I knew.
(have no intention of Ving: không có ý định làm gì)

956. Linda’s plan for a picnic has been spoilt by the weather (FALLEN)
 Linda’s plan for a picnic has fallen through due to the weather.
(fall through: thất bại)

957. His handwriting is illegible. (SENSE)

 I can't make sense of his handwriting.
(make sense of: hiểu)

958. They paid no attention to the man’s sudden disappearance. ( NOTICE)

 They didn't take any notice of the man's sudden disappearance.
(take notice of: chú ý đến cái gì)

959. The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff. (CONSIDERATION)
 The manager should take experience into consideration when hiring new staff.

(take sth into consideration: cân nhắc/ xem xét điều gì)

960. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. (WORD)
 I tried to have a word with Jack about the problem but he was too busy.
(have a word with sb: nói chuyện với ai)

961. Fred tried hard to start the car, but without success. (MATTER)
 No matter how hard Fred tried, he failed to start the car.
(no matter how adj/adv SV, SV: mặc dù...nhưng)

962. He likes to be addressed as “Professor”. (CALL)

 He likes to be called "Professor".
(be called: được gọi là)

963. They continued to suggest that I was lying. (PERSISTED)

 They persisted in suggesting that I was lying.
(persist in ving: khăng khăng/ kiên quyết làm gì)

964. This is the first time I have seen her in my life. (SET)
 This is the first time I have set eyes on her in my life.
(set eyes on: nhìn/ để mắt đến)

965. The police arrived as the thieves were committing the crime. (RED-HANDED)
 The police caught the thieves red-handed.
(catch sb red-handed: bắt quả tang ai đó làm gì)

966. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket. (CREDITED)
 Tsiolkovsky is credited with inventing the space rocket.
(be credited with: được tin là)

967. What are you trying to say something? (AT)
 What are you getting at something?
(get at sth: ám chỉ cái gì)

968. Graham stopped talking to deal with a customer. (OFF)

 Graham broke off to deal with a customer.
(break off: dừng nói chuyện)

969. You can rely on Susan for help. (COUNT)

 You can count on Susan for help.
(count on: tin tưởng/ phụ thuộc vào)

970. Let’s visit the museum this afternoon. (GO)

 Why don't we go to the museum this afternoon?
(why don’t we V: tại sao chúng ta không)

971. Valerie found it hard to concentrate on her book because of the noise. (DIFFICULTY)
 Valerie had difficulty concentrating on her book because of the noise.
(have difficulty (in) ving: gặp khó khăn trong việc làm gì)

972. His last book helps to understand what the world of beer brewing is really like. (INSIGHT)
 His last book provides insight into the world of beer brewing.
(insight into: cái nhìn sâu rộng về)

973. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. (RESULTED)
 The landslides are believed to have resulted from recent floods.
(result from: do)

974. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. (IMPRESSION)
 The journalist gave the impression that she was a parent of one of the children.
(give the impression that: có cảm tưởng rằng)

975. It was raining cats and dogs last night. (TORRENTS)
 The rain was coming down in torrents last night.
(come down in torrents: mưa xối xả)

976. Will you please stay with me for a while? (COMPANY)

 Will you keep me company for a while?
(keep sb company: ở cùng ai đó)

977. Recent research has changed theories about the causes of the disease. (LIGHT)
 Recent research has shed light on theories about the causes of the disease.
(shed light on sth: làm sáng tỏ cái gì)

978. Collecting stamps give me a lot of pleasure. (DERIVE)

 I derive a lot of pleasure from collecting stamps.
(derive sth from sth: có được cái gì từ cái gì)

979. What you have been saying is quite irrelevant. (BESIDE)

 What you have been saying is quite beside the point.
(beside the point: lạc đề, không liên quan)

980. Although the papers claim that they are going to get divorced, they are not. (CONTRARY)
 Contrary to the papers' claims, they are not going to get divorced.
(contrary to sth: trái với)

981.You have disobeyed; you will therefore be punished. (AS A RESULT)

 As a result of your disobedience, you will be punished.
(as a result of: là kết quả của/ vì)

982. His real identity will always remain a secret.(NO ONE)

 No one will ever know his real identity.

983. Jonh spends all his time working. (DEVOTED)
 John is devoted to spending all his time working.
(be devoted to ving: cống hiến)

984. They sent him to prison for three years. (SENTENCED)

 He was sentenced to three years in prison.
(be sentenced to: bị kết án)

985. Tim looks nothing like his father. (TAKE)

 Tim doesn’t take after his father.
(take after: giống)

986. I find Harold’s behavior quite incomprehensible. (LOSS)

 I am at a loss to understand Harold's behavior.
(at a loss: bối rối, lúng túng)

987. The President was impeached because of his financial misconduct. (GROUNDS)
 The President was impeacheda on grounds of financial misconduct.
(on grounds of: vì)

988. After six-year relationship, Martha and Billy have decided to get married. (KNOT)
 Martha and Billy have decided to tie the knot after a six-year relationship.
(tie the knot: kết hôn)

989. She began to suffer from irrational fears. (PREY)

 She began to fall prey to irrational fears.
(fall prey to: là nạn nhân của)

990. Turning down that job was very foolish of you. (FOOL)
 Turning down that job made a fool of yourself.

(make a fool of oneself: biến ai thành kẻ ngốc)

991. The cost of the repairs to the house was about 50$. (REGION)
 The cost of the repairs to the house was in the region of 50$.
(in the region of = about: khoảng)

992. You should not make fun of him. He seems not to like improper behavior. (PRIM)
 You should not make fun of him. He seems to be quite prim and proper.
(prim and proper: nghiêm túc, đứng đắn)

993. The new ambassador is well-informed about current affairs. (WIDE)

 The new ambassador has a wide knowledge of current affairs.
(have a wide knowledge of sth: có kiến thức sâu rộng về cái gì)

994. He is very likely to come. (PROBABILITY)

 In all probability, he will come.
(In all probability: rất có thể)

995. I may not have my problem solved but at least I know I’m doing correctly. (TRACK)
 I may not have my problem solved, but at least I know I'm on the right track.
(on the right track: đi đúng hướng)

996. Corporal Green was killed just before the armistice. (EVE)
 Corporal Green was killed on the eve of the armistice.
(on the eve of: ngay trước)

997. One night Jack arrived at my flat right unexpectedly. What a surprise! (BLUE)
 One night, Jack arrived at my flat out of the blue. What a surprise!
(out of the blue: hoàn toàn bất ngờ)

998. Bruce said that the situation at work was like a family argument. (LIKENED)

 Bruce likened the situation at work to a family argument.
(liken sth to sth: so sánh cái gì với cái gì)

999. When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was cheated. (RIDE)
 When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was taken for a ride.
(take sb for a ride: lừa ai)

1000. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)

 They arrived at their destination safe and sound.
(safe and sound = alive and kicking: bình an vô sự)



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