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Aerosol Science and Technology

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Impaction and Rebound of Particles at Acute

Incident Angles

Mindi Xu, Klaus Willeke, Pratim Biswas & Sotiris E. Pratsinis

To cite this article: Mindi Xu, Klaus Willeke, Pratim Biswas & Sotiris E. Pratsinis (1993)
Impaction and Rebound of Particles at Acute Incident Angles, Aerosol Science and Technology,
18:2, 143-155, DOI: 10.1080/02786829308959590

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Impaction and Rebound of Particles at Acute
Incident Angles
Mindi Xu* and Klaus Willeke"
Department of Environmental Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45267-0056

Pratim Biswas
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Sotiris E. Pratsinis
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0171

- - -

When a particle impacts on a surface at an angle < 90", with the model for conditions used in published experi-
only the normal component of the impact velocity is ments compare well with the data and explain observed
usually considered to contribute to deformation. A new dependencies. I t was found that the rebound velocity
model has been developed in which the impact velocity and also the critical velocity, at which rebound starts,
tangential to the surface contributes towards lateral are strongly dependent on the incident impact angle.
rotation during impact, and the remaining tangential Aspects of the new model have been used to calculate
kinetic energy and the stored elastic deformation energy and explain the performance of a newly developed
provide the energy for particle rebound. Calculations particle bounce monitor.

INTRODUCTION Esmen et al. (1978), Ellenbecker et al.

Most investigations on particle bounce (19801, Paw U (19831, Wang and John
have focused on the particle-surface inter- (1987). The bounce of particles from a
action at an incidence angle of 90" to the given surface has been observed to depend
surface (Dahneke, 1971, 1973, 1975; on the incident angle of the particles'
Rogers and Reed, 1984; Wall et al., 1990; trajectories. Broom (1979) measured this
Tsai et al., 1990). When particles impact dependence by high-speed photography
onto a cylinder, a flat surface or the edge of the impaction and rebound of glass
of a blunt-body inlet, however, some or all particles.
of the particle trajectories may deviate More recently, Tabakoff and Malak
from the normal direction, as seen, for (1987) measured the rebound velocity of
instance, in the experiments of Bitter flyash particles after impacting onto a steel
(1963), Rao and Whitby (1977, 1978), plate and found that the rebound velocity
of 15-pm particles was 1.8 times higher at
an acute incident angle of 1.5" than at an
angle of 60". When the impact velocity of
"Present address: Indoor Environment Program,
Building 90-3058, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
a particle exceeds a critical velocity, the
Berkeley, CA 94720. particle rebounds from the surface; below
'TO whom correspondence should be addressed. the critical velocity the particle remains
Aerosol Science and Technology 18:143-155 (1993)
O lW3 Elsevier Scicnce Publishing Co., Inc.
144 Xu et al.

on the impact surface. Wang and John the particle is rotated by the tangential
(1988a) found that the critical velocity of velocity component (Figure 1-11). After
an impacting particle also depends on the time At the particle center has moved
incident angle. Ammonium fluorescein parallel to the target surface by a distance
particles of 6.86 p m impacting on a stain- I/,.,At. During rotation, some of the parti-
less steel cylinder at a velocity of 0.42 m/s cle's kinetic energy is expended towards
stayed on the cylinder when impacted at lifting part of its surface from contact with
90" to the surface, but rebounded when the target surface. This adhesion energy
the angle was decreased to 75" or less. in the tangential direction is labeled E , ,
Wang and John (1988a) attributed this in Figure 1-111.
phenomenon to the change in adhesion The model developed in this study for
energy between the contact surface and acute-angle impaction is an extension of a
the particle. Subsequently, Wang (1990) model developed for 90" impaction (Xu
found that particle lift-up from a surface and Willeke, 1992a). The elastic deforma-
is angle dependent. tion of the original particle material is
In this study a theoretical model is referred to as "primary" elastic deforrna-
developed to determine particle rebound tion, to distinguish it from other elastic
characteristics for impaction at incident deformations that may occur subse-
angles between 0 and 90". The impact quently. Thus, E,,, represents the energy
velocity is resolved into normal and tan- stored in primary elastic deformation of
gential components. The normal compo- the original particle material when
nent results in particle movement towards deformed over an area of radius R,
the impact surface leading to elastic and (Figure 1-111).
plastic deformation in the particle-surface When the elastic stress limit of the
system. The tangential velocity compo- particle material is exceeded, an amount
nent and the energy in elastic deforma- of energy E, is lost in plastic deformation.
tion determine the degree of particle The region above the plastically hardened
rebound. Calculations with the new model zone of radius R , also stores elastic
are compared to several experimental ,
energy, E , (Figure 1-IV). The plastically
measurements. deformed layer hardens and attains a new
stress limit which may be considerably
higher than that of the original material.
PARTICLE-SURFACE INTERACTION Secondary elastic deformation energy in
MODEL the plastically deformed layer, E,, ,, has
Figure 1 is a representation of the distinct been found to be as much as 50% of the
stages of particle impaction and rebound, normal component of E , , , and has,
as we have incorporated them into our therefore, been incorporated into the
model. A particle of radius R and mass rn right-angle impaction model (Xu and
approaches the target surface with veloc- Willeke, 1992a). Removal of the particle
ity Vl and impacts onto the surface at in the normal direction has to overcome
angle ai with impact kinetic energy the adhesion energy in that direction E,, ,.
Ek, = mu2/2, as shown in Figure 1-1. In order to simplify the acute angle model,
Impact velocity V, is resolved into its nor- it is assumed that no horizontal move-
mal component, V,,,, and its tangential ment occurs during plastic deformation by
component, y,,. the normal velocity component.
On impacting the surface, the normal Finally, the particle leaves the impact
velocity component elastically deforms the surface with rebound velocity V, and
particle and the target surface, whereas kinetic energy E,,,, if it can overcome the
Impaction and Rebound of Particles

FIGURE 1. Particle-surface
interaction model: I, incident
particle before impact; 11, first
PRIMARY contact; 111, at the time before
ELASTIC plastic deformation starts; IV,
DEFORMATION during plastic deformation; V,
after rebound.


sum of energies E,, E,, and E,,,. The plastic deformation starts, the centers of
normal velocity component, V,,,, depends the particle and the target have
on E, and E,,,, and the tangential com- approached each other by distance he
ponent, V,,,, depends on E, ,. In general, (Bitter, 1963; Rogers and Reed, 1984),
the angle of rebound, a,, is, therefore,
different from incident angle, ai.

Particle Rotation where y , is the primary elastic stress limit

Figure 2 represents aspects of particle and K is a mechanical constant, com-
rotation that have been incorporated into posed of elastic constants k, and k , of
our acute-angle impaction model. When the particle and target materials, respec-
Xu et al.


FIGURE 2. Particle rotation

during primary elastic defor-


tively, 1963). The diameter of the primary elastic

4 deformation zone, therefore, - equals
K= (4Rh, - h;)'l2, as shown in the side view
3 i k , + k2) ' of Figure 2-11, During tangential move-
The mechanical constants are calculated ment at rotational speed w = V,,,/R, the
from the Poisson ratio, v, and the modu- particle moves distance V,,,At (which is
lus of elasticity, (Me),, where i = 1 repre- exaggerated considerably in the top view
sents the particle and i = 2 represents the of Figure 2 in order to illustrate the pro-
target material. (The usual representation cess). Time interval At represents the total
of the modulus of elasticity by the symbol time during which primary elastic
E is not used here to avoid confusion with deformation occurs, i.e., the time to move
the various energy terms). the centers closer to each other by he:

It is generally assumed that the particle In this equation, V,,, is assumed to be

is compressed by half of h,, and the tar- constant and equal to the initial velocity,
get is compressed by the other half (Bitter, in that substantial velocity is generally still
Impaction and Rebound of Particles 147

available before plastic deformation starts. contact distance to be the adhesion energy
Upon first contact (top view of Figure of the same contact area.
2-11, the particle starts deforming elasti- During tangential movement dynamic
cally and continues to do so for the entire friction loss of the particle kinetic energy
time interval At (top view of Figure 2-11). is related to several parameters, such as
Estimates with the plastic deformation surface roughness, contact forces, and
equation by Wang and John (1988b) show movement pattern (rolling or sliding). We
that At for primary elastic deformation is assume that the particle is rolling on a
much longer than the plastic deformation smooth surface with an adhesion contact
and outcoming contact duration time. distance of 0.4 nm. Therefore, the dynamic
Therefore, we have simplified the expres- friction loss of the particle kinetic energy
sion for particle rotation by assuming that is negligible.
rotation stops at the onset of plastic
deformation. The contact area between
the two bodies during this tangential Elastic and Plastic Deformation
movement is an isosceles triangle with In the plastically deformed zone the parti-
area A,: cle material hardens to a new elastic stress
limit (Bitter, 1963), which we have defined
as the secondary elastic stress limit, y,.
The energy stored in secondary elastic
The surface adhesion energy overcome deformation is (Xu and Willeke, 1992a)
by the particle's tangential impact kinetic
energy is

where Ay is the surface adhesion energy where P, is the average surface contact
between particle and target per unit area pressure between particle and target,
of contact. An estimate of the latter may which can be calculated (Bitter, 1963;
be calculated from Derjaguin, et al. (1975) Johnson, 1970; Tsai et al., 1990)

where E is the adhesion distance, which is

assumed to be 0.4 nm, and A is the
geometrical mean of the two individual
Hamaker constants, A, for the particle Constants C, and C, in our calculations
and A, for the target, i.e., ( A , A2)'l2. are equal to 0.41 and 0.25, respectively
When the rotation stops, seen in Figure 2, (Tsai et al., 1990).
the rear half of the contact area is not The energy stored in primary elastic
broken, but the contact distance is in- deformation is (Bitter, 1963; Rogers and
creased by the tangential movement. This Reed, 1984)
increase in contact distance may not sig-
nificantly change the surface adhesion 1
energy of that contact area, but partial E,,, = -my2,
kinetic energy is consumed by this increase
in contact distance. We consider the where V, is the elastic limiting velocity,
kinetic energy consumed by increasing the above which plastic deformation occurs
148 Xu et al.

and below which only primary elastic is given by the ratio of V,,, to V,,,. The
deformation takes place. kinetic energy at rebound is less than
the kinetic energy upon impact by the
sum of all the energies that need to be
where p, is the particle density. E,,i =E,r +'a,, + E a , t + Ep. ( 16)
Compression of the particle above the The rebound velocity is, therefore,
plastically deformed layer results in addi-
tional storage of elastic energy (Rogers
and Reed, 1984)
The ratio of particle rebound velocity to
impact velocity constitutes the coefficient
of restitution, e,
The energy lost in plastic deformation is
(Bitter, 1963) r
e=--= /l-2(~a,n+~a,t+~p)
v, rnK2
The normal component of the impact The critical velocity, K,, is the maxi-
kinetic energy, E,,i,,, equals the sum of mum impact velocity at which no rebound
all elastic and plastic deformation ener- occurs. The adhesion energy in the nor-
gies mal direction E , , , can be calculated
through the equations for total adhesion
+ E e , l + Ee,2 + E p .
E k , i , n = Ee,o (I4) energy (Wall et al., 1990; Xu and Willeke,
Equation 14 is used in the model to 1992a). From Eq. 17,
calculate the radius of the plastically
deformed layer
\ 1/4
The energy terms in Eq. 19 are a function
of the particle impact velocity, and hence
Eq. 19 is an implicit function of velocity.

Since E , , depends on R,, Eq. 15 is solved Calculations with the new model have
by iteration (Xu and Willeke, 1992a). been performed on the experimental data
of Tabakoff and Malak (1987) who used
laser-Doppler anemometry to measure the
Critical and Rebound Velocity impact and rebound velocities of flyash
When a particle impacts a target in the particles impinging on a stainless steel
normal direction, the stored elastic ener- plate that was positioned at incident
gies are the only energy sources for parti- angles of 15" and 75". The flyash was
cle rebound. When the particle impacts polydisperse with a mass median diameter
on a target at an acute angle, the tangen- of 15 pm. The measured impact velocity
tial component of the particle's impact near the impact surface was 98 m/s for
velocity also contributes towards removal all angles. The experimental measure-
of the particle. The angle of rebound, a,, ments are presented in Figure 3 for each
Impaction and Rebound of Particles

As seen in Figure 3, the theoretical

STEEL TARGET model predicts a decrease in the coeffi-
\ cient of restitution with increase in ai.
The experimental data show a similar rate
of decrease from 15" to 45", but are
approximately constant from 45" to 75".
Because the experimental data have a
wide spread, it is not clear whether the
mean data correctly represent the pro-
cess. The differences in coefficient of
restitution between experimental data and
theoretical prediction may be attributed
to uncertainties in the mechanical param-
eters used in the calculations. The as-
sumption of a single median size for the
polydisperse particle size distribution
may also contribute significantly to the
INCIDENT ANGLE, oli , degrees
FIGURE 3. Model application to the data of As Wall et al. (1990) have made bounce
Tabakoff and Malak (1987). experiments with 2.58 p m ammonium
fluorescein particles on targets of molyb-
ai. A best-fit line (dashed line in Figure 3 ) denum, silicon, and mica, their parame-
connects the mean values representing a ters have been used in calculations with
wide spread of their data. our model. As seen in Figure 4, the criti-
Their experimental conditions were cal velocity at which rebound starts is
used as input parameters for the model 1.8 m/s for impaction on molybdenum at
(Table 1). The mechanical parameters for 15". The critical velocity increases to
flyash were estimated by proportional 2.7 m/s at 60" and 3.2 m/s at 90°, which
averaging of the parameters for its two is 1.7 times higher than at 15". Similar
major components, 45% of Al,0, and increases have been calculated for the
55% of SiO, (Sheehy et a]., 1968). It was other two targets.
assumed that elastic-plastic deformation We attribute the shapes of the curves
occurred at all incident angles. to competition between two dominating

TABLE 1. Parameters Used in Calculating Particle Rebound

Modulus of Elastic Hamaker's
Density, elasticity, Poisson stress constant
P Mc ratio, limit, y, A
Material (g/cm3) (dyn/cm2) v (dyn/cm2 ) (10- " erg)
Steela 7.8 2.1 x 10l2 0.3 1.35 x 10''' 1.2~
Flyash 1.8 7.23 X 10" 0.22 3.2 X 10" 5.0'
(NH,),SO, 1.77 2.38 x lo1'' 0.317" 9.9 X loR 3.66b
A1 2.82d 6.89 X 10"' 0.33' 2.75 X logd 1.48'
"Bitter (1963).
Visser (1972).
"Simmons and Wang (1971).
d ~ a t c (1984).
"Gray (1972).
150 Xu et al.


Particles, d,=2.58 pm Prior to the development of this model,
TARGET we had designed and built a particle
silicon bounce monitor (PBM) for measuring the
bounce properties of unknown aerosols
molyb- (Xu and Willeke, 1992b). The data
obtained with the PBM motivated the
mica search for a new particle impact and
rebound model. The geometry of the PBM
is very complex compared to the simple
impact geometry of the previous exam-
ples. Because only integrated data for all
particle trajectories in the PBM are avail-
able at this time, comparisons of calcu-
INCIDENT ANGLE, a i , degrees lated to measured rebound velocities for
individual particles are not possible. How-
FIGURE 4. Dependence of critical velocity on ever, several calculations have been made
incident angle.
for the PBM that support aspects of the
new model.
Figure 5 shows the relevant coordinates
factors. At low incident angles, relatively and symbols used in the calculations. The
little kinetic energy is stored in the pri- same figure will be used to explain the
mary and secondary elastic deformation principle and significant features of the
by the impact component in the normal PBM. Details are given in Xu and Willeke
direction, and the tangential velocity com- (1992b).
ponent results in particle bounce at a low The aerosol is drawn into the PBM
critical velocity. As the incident angle through a conical inlet with 8, = 60°,
increases, the energy lost in plastic which becomes a channel of constant
deformation increases rapidly and the cross-section with diameter D l = 1.1 cm.
tangential component of the impact veloc- The aerosol leaves the inlet as a free jet
ity decreases which leads to the indicated with air velocity U,. As the particle
increase in critical velocity with increasing approaches the impact surface, labeled
incident angle. At about ai= 45", the "bounce surface" in Figure 5, the particle
curve levels off, because a further increase may have a radial velocity component, I/,.
in V,, due to plastic deformation by the Symbols r and R are not used to avoid
normal velocity component is offset by a confusion with the subscript for rebound
decrease in energy needed to overcome and the various particle and contact area
the total adhesion energy between parti- radii. The vertical direction is labeled by
cle and surface, see also Eq. 19. As the symbol z.
contact area increases at ai> 45", the The bounce surface of outer diameter
energies stored in elastic and plastic D , = 2.54 cm and inner diameter D,=
deformations dominate the rebound pro- 0.48 cm is inclined to the inlet flow by
cess and K, increases again. Ultimately, angle 8,/2, and is separated from the
near 90°, the curve levels off again, inlet by distance S1 = 1.27 cm. The flow
because the normal component of the through the center hole of the bounce
impact velocity becomes less sensitive to surface is constant and is led to a particle
changes in ai. counter, photometer, or size spectrome-
Impaction and Rebound of Particles

FIGURE 5. Coordinates and

dimensions in the particle
bounce monitor.

---- D212 ----t

ter. If no air is withdrawn laterally in the the particle concentration in the extracted
x-direction, few of the particles in the center flow is a measure of particle
inlet reach the bounce surface. However, bounce.
when a flow equal to or larger than the The amount of bounce also depends on
center extraction flow is withdrawn later- the angle of inclination of the bounce
ally, the downward particle velocity is sig- surface. Three angles have been studied:
nificantly increased and particles will 8, = 180" (flat), 120°, and 60°, as shown in
reach the bounce surface. If the particles Figure 6. The particle impact velocities
are liquid, they are removed by that sur- were numerically calculated by assuming
face. If they are solid and bouncy, most of potential flow and a point sink for the
them will bounce into the center flow and center extraction flow (Tietjens, 1934;
significantly increase the particle number Dunnett and Ingham, 1986). The dimen-
concentration measured in that flow. Thus, sionless equations for particle motion

FIGURE 6. Three impact sur-

faces in the particle bounce
Xu et al.

(Friedlander, 1977) were used to calculate

the particle velocities and trajectories (Xu,

Impact Kinetic Energy

The average particle impact velocity was
used to calculate the kinetic energy on the
bounce surface of the PBM. The experi-
mental data, obtained with the PBM, have
been presented as the bounced particle
concentration, C,, , defined as the differ-
ence between the centrally extracted con-
centrations of bouncy and nonbouncy
particles (Xu and Willeke, 1992b),

The data obtained for 2-18 p m potas-

sium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) and 2-15

p m ammonium sulfate [(NH4),S04] par-
ticles are shown in Figure 7 as a function
of the calculated particle impact kinetic
energies. The initial particle velocities in (NH4)2S.04 PARTICLES
the inlet of the PBM ranged from 5 to 20
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5 0 0 0
As expected, only a few of the small IMPACT KINETIC ENERGY, Ek,i . 10-'ergs
particles with low impact velocity (smal- FIGURE 7. Dependence of the bounced particle
lest Ek,i)rebound, while the fraction of concentration on impact kinetic energy.
rebounded larger particles (high Ek,i) is
high. The best-fit lines are approximately
linear over the indicated range of impact nate rebound at small incident angles,
kinetic energies. The coefficients for the while the mechanisms associated with the
lines, C,,/Co = A + B E , , , are given in normal kinetic energy dominate rebound
Figure 7. For a given impact kinetic at large incident angles. Figure 8 shows
energy, the 8, = 60" bounce surface results that for the geometry of the PBM the
in a higher fraction of bounced particles tangential impact velocities are indeed
than the other two surfaces. As a, is highest for 0, = 60". The normal impact
lower for 60" than for 120" and 180°, the velocity dominates at 8, = 180". The cal-
critical velocity for rebounding the parti- culations are shown for the range of radial
cle is lowest for 60". This effect has been positions over which particle impact
predicted, as shown in Figure 4, and has occurs.
now been verified by the experimental
data of Figure 7.
In the discussion of Figure 4 it was Particle Rebound Velocity
argued that the mechanisms associated When the critical velocity is exceeded and
with the tangential kinetic energy domi- the particle rebounds, one may ask how
Impaction and Rebound of Particles

NH4)2S04 PARTICLES d p = l 1.3 prr


ANGLE, a i

I 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 1 1 !

5 10 15 20 25 30 i

FIGURE 9. The effect of impact incident angle

on particle rebound velocity.

This implies that less of the impact kinetic

energy is lost at a, = 30° than at a, = 60"
or 90" (approximately corresponding to
0, = 120" and 180"). The energy lost in
plastic deformation may be close to 50%
a.& ! O.& o.;~ of the normal component of the kinetic
impact energy (Xu and Willeke, 1992a).
RADIAL POSITION, x/(~,/2) Therefore, the relative amount of impact
kinetic energy lost in plastic deformation
FIGURE 8. Components of particle impact
and adhesion is likely to be higher for
velocity in particle bounce monitor.
large incident angles than for small one.
The higher coefficient of restitution for
small incident angles also implies that
much of the impact velocity is recovered particles rebounding at an acute angle will
in rebound. Figure 9 shows calculations reapproach the surface at a further dis-
with our model for (NH4),S04 particles tance than particles rebounding at a high
impacting on an aluminum plate. The angle of rebound. The particle rebound-
parameters used in the calculations are ing at an acute angle travels further
given in Table 1. The bounce surface of because of the angle, but also because
the PBM is made of aluminum and more of its impact velocity is retained.
(NH4),S04 particles have been used in Secondary deposits have been observed in
the experiments over the indicated range many inertial impactors (May, 1975;
of impact velocities. As seen, the coeffi- Willeke and Pavlik, 1979). In such devices,
cient of restitution is considerably higher only the particle trajectory at the stagna-
for ai= 30" (approximately corresponding tion point is perpendicular to the impact
to 8, = 60") than for the larger angles. surface. Adjacent particle trajectories may
154 Xu et al.

approach the surface at an angle which and a high tangential component, and will,
may result in bounce away from the pri- therefore, rebound more readily.
mary deposition region. The secondary
deposit region may be some distance away The financial support of Mindi Xu by the University of
with little or no particles collected in Cincinnati through a graduate rcsearch assistantship is
gratefully acknowledged.

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