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1. Roles
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Presenter & compose Trần Ngọc Anh
Presenter & Trương Lê Quốc Bảo
Powerpoint creation
Presenter & Brochure Đào Thị Phương Anh

2. Brochure and Presentation draft

In my group, discuss the questions below.
1. Who is your target audience? (or: Who will read this brochure?)
- Everyone will read it.
2. What type of brochure will you use?
- Half-fold
3. Content structure:
- Brochure includes:
Page 1:
 Introduction to extreme sports ( Phương Anh )
The sport of alpine climbing is an adventure sport and physical activity in which
participants attempt to scale high mountain peaks using appropriate climbing techniques
and equipment. This is an activity that requires patience, strength, control, and shaping
 Purpose of play ( Phương Anh )
- Firstly, this game helps players exercise.
- Secondly, climbing mountains helps us practice mentally.
- Lastly, climbing also helps us improve our communication skills.
 The feeling when climbing ( Quốc Bảo )
- Before climbing: Nervous
- In climbing
+ Breath control.
+Learn how to overcome fear of heights.
+ Tiredness ( use a lot of muscle to climbing )
- After climbing
+ Pride because conquer a new heights.
+ Happy
+ our body stronger.

Page 2:
 Benefits of playing that sport ( Quốc Bảo )
- Helps firm muscles and slim body.
- Increase cardiovascular and respiratory health.
- Relieve stress and relax the mind.
- Improve memory and brain function.
- Better quality sleep.
 Where can I play? ( Ngọc Anh )
If you have economy , you can play climbing mountain in Dinh Mountain ; Ba Den
Mountain; Langbiang Mountain….
Also you can climbing mountain in house such as: X-rock climbing Saigon ; Saigon
climbing center ; Jump arena climbing ….
 Notes when playing ( Ngọc Anh )
- you need to consider your health.
- you need to test your skills.
- you need to check your protective gear before climbing.
- prepare yourself mentally to participate comfortably.

3. Presentation:
- Introduction:
+ What topic does your group choose? Why do you choose this topic?
My group choose topic “ Extreme Sports ” because we find it interesting and
exciting. Activities like climbing, skydiving, jumping,.. give a strong feeling. We want to
understand why people participate in these sports amd how it affects them. This topic
provides an opportunity for lively research and discussion.
+ Why do you choose this type of brochure?
Because it will fully demonstrate the ideas we prepare.
- Body:
+ Why do you choose these images/ charts/…?
· Suitable for the topic
· Beautiful
· Clearly express the topic content
+ Why do you choose this piece of information?
· Because it helps people easily visualize
· Attractive and appealing
· Suitable for the topic

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