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region zone woreda kebele watershed

Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Dora Abbu Abbu

Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Homa Sariti Sokoke
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Kodi Gasi Bunayi
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Unta Meko Ula
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Muchucho Chancho Fido
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Lilo Sato Igu
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Alfe Gobicha bosha
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Dima Togo Kurfe
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Dima Jila Gombo Burayi
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Temo Deko aroji
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Kepho Dabana lalistu darge
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Sotallo Jimate Gatira
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Wachale Fota berete
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Gute amuma huruse
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Daye kusaye
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Gero Dageja abdi gero
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Dedesa Sene ticha
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Loko dade chancho
Oromia Buno Bedele Dabo Hana Chora Kenabo gute chora
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Leka sida Siso
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Getema Noke
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Tane tiko Bilo
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Kaba Hararo
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Shunka Ontosha
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Gambo Biqiltu
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha kitawo lomota
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha Rasa sole
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha birkich Abdi bori safo
Oromia Buno Bedele Borecha dalo balcho
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak chaman Megarisa Chemen
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Dima mako shoka
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Homi Kersa Kodo
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Dukache Kusaye Kiltu
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Sotallo Addo Guto
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Ganji Dubbana Gogeti Shuma
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Sanaga Wucale Kololo
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Homi Dabana Kurfu
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Haro Dogi Lumma
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Haro Yajo Warke
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Sanaga Harawe Cancho
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Sotelo Gawa Karabicho
Oromia Buno Bedele Dega Saniga Fato Ale
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Denbali sophe denbali
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko manet salgan Leman
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Busano Ngangno Sabbu
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Haro Gute Haro
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Wato Golbe Dilbo
Oromia Buno Bedele Meko Busano yaro Gunjo
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Duki Hunde Gudina
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak keneni Jeneta dula badadina
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Burka Aneni Café Gafarsa
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Gabina Abdi Gudina
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Waltasis biftu
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Tokuma Harar Barentu
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Boneya Lelistu
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Urji Oromia Marga Magarisa
Oromia Buno Bedele Chewak Debana Murata
The total labor days
Total area (PD) estimated to Year - 1 Year - 2 Year - 3
covered by the complete the five (Estimated (Estimated (Estimated
506 42654 7678 8957 9384
515 35845 6452 7527 7886
424 30777 5540 6463 6771
666 20583 3705 4323 4528
599 13803 2485 2899 3037
543 14771 2659 3102 3250
477 39985 7197 8397 8797
861 79800 14364 16758 17556
939 79586 14325 16713 17509
562 39300 7074 8253 8646
450 21590 3886 4534 4750
621 61989 11158 13018 13638
455 20750 3735 4357 4565
500 20360 3665 4276 4479
506 22495 4049 4724 4949
433 14295 2573 3002 3145
502 16105 2899 3382 3543
685 18820 3388 3952 4140
523 66900 12042 14049 14718
876 75601 13608 15876 16632
657 67638 12175 14204 14880
756 49908 8983 10481 10980
588 48287 8692 10140 10623
549 45516 8193 9558 10014
361 53153 9568 11162 11694
879 57969 10434 12173 12753
732 20162 3629 4234 4436
537 33213 5978 6975 7307
505 25203 4536 5293 5545
569 73559 13241 15447 16183
698 76521 13774 16069 16835
990 55800 10044 11718 12276
522 69141 12445 14520 15211
506 79586 14325 16713 17509
860 76636 13794 16094 16860
562 75406 13573 15835 16589
710 73219 13179 15376 16108
578 67612 12170 14199 14875
755 70178 12632 14737 15439
522 72238 13003 15170 15892
562 79176 14252 16627 17419
493 65105 11719 13672 14323
374 19680 3542 4133 4330
338 22973 4135 4824 5054
595 23493 4229 4934 5168
420 22153 3988 4652 4874
596 23028 4145 4836 5066
Year - 4 Year - 5
(Estimated (Estimated watershed
PD) PD) code
8957 7678 1
7527 6452 1
6463 5540 1
4323 3705 1
2899 2485 1
3102 2659 1
8397 7197 1
16758 14364 1
16713 14325 1
8253 7074 1
4534 3886 1
13018 11158 1
4357 3735 1
4276 3665 1
4724 4049 1
3002 2573 1
3382 2899 1
3952 3388 1
14049 12042 1
15876 13608 1
14204 12175 1
10481 8983 1
10140 8692 1
9558 8193 1
11162 9568 1
12173 10434 1
4234 3629 1
6975 5978 1
5293 4536 1
15447 13241 1
16069 13774 1
11718 10044 1
14520 12445 1
16713 14325 1
16094 13794 1
15835 13573 1
15376 13179 1
14199 12170 1
14737 12632 1
15170 13003 1
16627 14252 1
13672 11719 1
4133 3542 1
4824 4135 1
4934 4229 1
4652 3988 1
4836 4145 1
Agro-forestry Practices
Area Closure, Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands and Management Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Insitu moisture harvesting
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
drainage structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
Insitu moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Agro-forestry Practices
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
Insitu moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
drainage structure
Insitu moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
drainage structure
drainage structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
drainage structure
Insitu moisture harvesting
Insitu moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agricultu
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agricultu
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture

In-Situ Moisture Harvesting Technologies – Physical Soil Moisture Storage

Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies

Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabilitation Technologies
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
drainage structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
area closure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
drainage structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry Practices
area closure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Insitu moisture harvesting
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
area closure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Insitu moisture harvesting
Agro-forestry Practices
area closure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
drainage structure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Agro-forestry Practices
area closure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physicalsoil and water conservation
Physicalsoil and water conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological soil and water conservation
Agro- forestry practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Gully Rehabiltation
Agro-forestry Practices
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Agro-forestry Practices
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-foresty practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-foresty practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Disposal structure
Instu-moisture harvesting
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry practices
Area closure
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Physical Soil and Water Conservation
Disposal structure
Biological Soil and water Conservation, Soil Fertility Management and Conservation Agriculture
Agro-forestry practices
Area closure

Physical soil and water conservation

Physical soil and water conservation
Physical soil and water conservation
Disposal structure
Biological soil and water conservation
Agro-forestery practices
Area closure
Year-2 or 4
Unit of Physical plan PD plan Phy Year-2 or 4
slm_practice measurement (total) (total) plan PD plan
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 10000 2000
rehabilitation of Degraded Lands ha. 166 664
Level Soil Bund km. 60 9000
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 700 490
Contour Cultivation and Planting no. 1025000 20500
Level Soil Bund km. 59 8850
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 2030 1421
Contour Cultivation and Planting no. 500000 10000
Compost Making cubic meter 1300 910
Level Soil Bund km. 100 15000
Stone Bund km. 15 3750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 2010 1407
Compost Making cubic meter 850 595
Home garden agroforestry ha. 1240 25
Level Soil Bund km. 61 9150
Home garden agro-forestry Practices ha. 1680 34
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 740 1057
Compost Making cubic meter 900 750
Level Soil Bund km. 51.5 7725
Home garden agro-forestry Practices ha. 640 13
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 570 399
Compost Making cubic meter 800 666
Level Soil Bund km. 0 0
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 0 0
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 0 0
Micro basins no. 0 0
Home garden agro-forestry Practices ha. 0 0
Pitting no. 0 0
Grass Strips Along the Contours km. 0 0
Compost Making cubic meter 0 0
Graded Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Crop Rotation ha. 125 2000
Intercropping ha. 50 1600
Compost Making cubic meter 1860 1860
Artificial waterway cubic meter 301 430
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Micro basins no. 250 84
Tree Seed Collection kg. 100 20
Level Soil Bund km. 220 33000
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 2425 1698
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Praha. 34800 696
stone bund km. 87 21750
Micro basins no. 4525 905
Eyebrow Basins (EBs) or Eyebrow Terraces no. 1810 905
loose stone check dam m3 0 14
Home garden agro-forestry Practices no. 9050 181
Compost Making cubic meter 0 0
Tree Seed Collection kg. 0 0
Quality Tree Seedling/Germ-plasm Productio no. 0 0
On-farm Tree Integration and Management Prano. 0 0
Level Soil Bund km. 330 49500
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 0 0
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Praha. 264 52800
stone bund km. 0 0
Micro basins no. 0 0
Eyebrow Basins (EBs) or Eyebrow Terraces no. 0 0
loose stone check dam m3 0 0
Home garden agro-forestry Practices no. 0 0
Compost Making cubic meter 0 0
Tree Seed Collection kg. 0 0
On-farm Tree Integration and Management Prano. 0 0
Crop Rotation ha. 300 3000
Intercropping ha. 50 500
Compost Making cubic meter 1860 18600
Graded Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Micro basins no. 1500 300
Crop Rotation ha. 390 3900
Intercropping ha. 50 500
Graded Soil Bund km. 36 5400
Artificial waterway cubic meter 861 1230
Compost Making cubic meter 1560 260
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone Bund cubic meter 0 0
Micro basins no. 2500 500
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 0 0
Micro basins no. 0 0
Eyebrow Basins (EBs) or Eyebrow Terraces no. 0 0
loose stone check dam m3 0 0
Compost Making cubic meter 0 0
Tree Seed Collection kg. 0 0
Quality Tree Seedling/Germ-plasm Productio no. 0 0
On-farm Tree Integration and Management Prano. 0 0
Crop Rotation ha. 320 3200
Compost Making cubic meter 1530 1274
Graded Soil Bund km. 36 5400
Artificial waterway cubic meter 875 875
Crop Rotation ha. 350 350
Compost Making cubic meter 1530 1274
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Micro basin no. 250 50
Graded Soil Bund km. 36 5400
Brush wood 260 86
Graded Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Crop Rotation ha. 390 3900
Micro basins no. 250 50
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 60 20
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Compost Making cubic meter 1530 1274
Graded Soil Bund km. 36 5400
Crop Rotation ha. 250 250
Micro basins no. 250 50
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 60 20
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Compost Making cubic meter 1530 1274
Level Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Crop Rotation ha. 350 3500
Micro basins no. 250 50
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 150 50
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Compost Making cubic meter 1530 255
Graded Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Micro basins no. 250 50
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 60 20
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Crop Rotation ha. 450 4500
Graded Soil Bund km. 48 7200
Crop Rotation ha. 320 3200
Micro basins no. 250 50
Brushwood Checkdam cubic meter 150 50
Improved Pit no. 250 50
Compost Making cubic meter 1860 1549
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 8 1200
Stone Bund cubic meter 6.5 1625 1.3 325
Micro basins no. 12000 2400 2600 520
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 405 284 135 95
Eyebrow Basins (EBs) or Eyebrow Terraces no. 1000 500 200 100
Pitting (no) no. 98,000 1960 19600 392
Area Closure ha. 37.5 150 23 46
Compost Making cubic meter 1224 1020 245 204
Level Soil Bund km. 34 5100 6.82 1023
Micro basins no. 600 120 200 40
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 410 287 137 96
Eyebrow Basins (EBs) or Eyebrow Terraces no. 1200 396 240 80
Pitting (no) no. 99000 1980 19800 396
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Praha. 99000 1980 19800 396
Area Closure ha. 79 158 25 50
Compost Making cubic meter 1296 907 259 216
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 5 750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 400 280 80 56
Micro basins no. 500 100 250 125
Pitting no. 92,210 1844 18442 368
Compost Making cubic meter 1224 1020 259 216
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 8 1200
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 1000 700 333 233
Pitting no. 98210 1964 29100 582
Compost Making cubic meter 2880 2399 576 480
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 7.6 1140
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 1000 700 346
Pitting no. 60000 1200 12500 250
Compost Making cubic meter 4000 3332 800 666
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 8 1200
Stone bund km. 10 2500 3.3 825
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 650 455 216.5 152
Micro basins no. 750 150 246 49
Pitting no. 81810 28000 16362 327
Area Closure ha. 15 60 3 20
Compost Making cubic meter 1500 1250 800 666
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 5 750
stone bund km. 5 1250 1.25 3.12
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 1000 700 333 233
Pitting no. 88210 1764 17642 353
eyebro basin no.
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Praha. 88210 1764 17642 353
Area Closure ha. 24 96 8 23
Compost Making cubic meter 2880 2399 576 480
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 5 750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 600 420 200 140
Pitting no. 55000 3667 18000 360
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano 55000 3667 18000 360
Compost Making cubic meter 55000 3667 18000 360
Level Soil Bund km 38 5700 5 750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 600 420 200 140
Pitting no. 62000 1240 13100 262
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 62000 1240 13100 262
Compost Making cubic meter 2000 1400 400 333
Level Soil Bund km. 38 5700 8 1200
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 1000 700 250 175
Pitting no. 55000 3667 12600 252
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 55000 1100 12600 252
Area Closure ha. 18 72 3.75 18
Compost Making ha. 1800 4050
level soil bund km 131 19650 56 8400
level fanaju km 120 24000 44 8800
mentainance of bund km 170 21250 58 7250
cut off drain km 3885 5550 1395 1992
water way cubic metre 2868 1106 1106
micro basin no 280 56 85 17
eye brow no 145 73 54 27
compost making cubic metre 8880 10660 2808 3371
seedling plantation no 160000 3200 55000 1100
Area closure ha 10 40 3 12
Level Soil Bund km. 100 15000
Stone bund km 100 25000
micro basin no. 3475 695
eyebro basin no. 1390 695
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 715 1430
Tree Seed Collection kg. 275 5500
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 835000 16700
Compost Making ha. 10250 8538
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone bund km 22 5500
micro basin no. 5400 1080
eyebro basin no. 2160 1080
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 2000 4000
Tree Seed Collection kg. 159 3180
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 435000 8700
Compost Making ha. 15500 12912
Level Soil Bund km. 245 36750
Stone bund km 124 31000
micro basin no. 4650 930
eyebro basin no. 1860 930
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 2090 4180
Tree Seed Collection kg. 375 7500
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 435000 8700
Compost Making cubic meter 12000 9996
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone bund km 23 5750
micro basin no. 5600 1120
eyebro basin no. 2240 1120
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 730 1460
Tree Seed Collection kg. 166 3320
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 455000 9100
Compost Making cubic meter 11500 9580
Level Soil Bund km. 125 18750
Stone bund km 31 7750
micro basin no. 5200 1300
eyebro basin no. 2080 1040
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 1200 2400
Tree Seed Collection kg. 371 7420
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 1113200 22264
Compost Making cubic meter 13500 11246
Level Soil Bund km. 125 18750
Stone bund km 50 12500
micro basin no. 6050 1210
eyebro basin no. 2420 1210
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 1200 2400
Tree Seed Collection kg. 366 7320
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 1100000 22000
Compost Making cubic meter 13500 11246
Level Soil Bund km. 60 9000
Stone bund km 23 5750
micro basin no. 5625 1125
eyebro basin no. 2250 1125
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 1925 3850
Tree Seed Collection kg. 180 3600
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 540000 10800
Compost Making ha. 15150 12620
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone bund km 22.7 5675
micro basin no. 2825 565
eyebro basin no. 1130 565
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 2030 4060
Tree Seed Collection kg. 166 3320
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 499500 9990
Compost Making cubic meter 15450 12870
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone bund km 22.7 5676
micro basin no. 3850 770
eyebro basin no. 1540 770
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 1575 31150
Tree Seed Collection kg. 161 3220
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 480000 9600
Compost Making cubic meter 11500 9580
Level Soil Bund km. 55 8250
Stone bund km 23.8 5950
micro basin no. 6275 1255
eyebro basin no. 2510 1255
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 965 1930
Tree Seed Collection kg. 175 3500
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 523500 10470
Compost Making ha. 15150 12620
Level Soil Bund km. 60 9000
Stone bund km 23.8 5950
micro basin no. 2350 470
eyebro basin no. 940 470
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 350 700
Tree Seed Collection kg. 159 3180
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 523600 10472
Compost Making ha. 7500 6248
Level Soil Bund km. 65 9750
Stone bund km 25.6 6400
micro basin no. 4325 865
eyebro basin no. 1730 865
loose-Stone Checkdam cubic meter 1530 3060
Tree Seed Collection kg. 187 3740
Tree Seedling Planting & Post Management Prano. 561000 11220
Compost Making cubic meter 13500 11246
Level Soil Bund km. 64.5 9675
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 540 450
Compost Making cubic meter 1050 875
Level Soil Bund km. 58.5 8775
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 690 483
Compost Making cubic meter 1300 1083
Area Closure ha. 8 32
Level Soil Bund km. 62.5 9375
stone bund km. 11 2750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 497 348
Compost Making cubic meter 600 500
Level Soil Bund km. 68 10200
stone bund km. 7.9 1975
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 990 693
Compost Making cubic meter 750 625
Level Soil Bund km. 64 9600
stone bund km. 6.1 1525
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 695 487
Compost Making cubic meter 650 541
Level Soil Bund km. 61 9150
stone bund km. 11 2750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 540 378
Compost Making cubic meter 900 750
Level Soil Bund km. 163 24450 60 9000
level fanaju km 116 23200 43 8600
mentainance of bund km 160 20000 61 7625
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3178 4526 1267 1810
water way cubic meter 2328 2328 875 972
eyebro basin no.
seedling plantation no. 182000 3640 67000 1340
Compost Making cubic meter 11300 13565 4200 5042
Area Closure ha. 12 48 3 12
Level Soil Bund km. 180 27000 60 9000
level fanaju km. 130 26000 46 9200
Mentainance of bund km. 80 10000 31 3780
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3817 5453 1519 2170
water way cubic meter 2803 1118 1118
mayicro basin no. 188 38 75 15
miyicro trench no. 930 1329 368 526
eyebro basin no. 183 92 68 34
Compost Making cubic meter 178920 21393 7128 8556
seedling plantation no. 241039 4821 93720 1875
Area Closure ha. 14 56 4 16
Level Soil Bund km. 171 26250 53 7950
level fanaju km. 140 28000 50 10000
mentainance of bund km 165 20625 60 7500
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3562 5089 1350 1929
water way cubic meter 2949 2949 910 910
eyebro basin no.
Compost Making cubic meter 15480 18583 5940 7140
seedling plantation no. 397450 7949 156250 3125
Area Closure ha.
Level Soil Bund km. 100 15000 40 6000
level fanaju km. 125 25000 44 8800
mentainance of bund km. 120 15000 47 5875
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3672 5246 1312 1874
eyebro basin no. 180 90 63 32
Compost Making cubic meter 9894 11878 2866 4401
seedling plantation no 1000000 20000 300000 6000
Area Closure ha.
Level Soil Bund km. 84.5 12675 25 3750
level fanaju km. 147 29400 58 11600
mentainance of bund km. 67.6 8450 30 3750
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3741 5344 1484 2119
water way cubic meter
micro basin no. 173 35 61 12
Trench no.
eyebro basin no.
Compost Making cubic meter 22080 26507 8832 10602
seedling plantation no. 400192 8004 118048 2361
Area Closure ha. 8 32 3 12
Level Soil Bund km. 188.5 28275 72 10800
level fanaju km. 188 37600 72 14400
mentainance of bund km. 192 24000 72 9000
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3774 5391 1490 2128
water way cubic meter 2852 2852 1138 1138
eyebro basin no. 62 31 24 12
mayicro basin no.
Compost Making cubic meter 15780 18944 6312 7588
seedling plantation no. 114235 2285 43780 876
Area Closure ha.
Level Soil Bund km. 170 25550 70 10500
level fanaju km. 162 32400 66 13200
mentainance of bund km. 130 16250 47 5875
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3375 4821 1133 1618
water way cubic meter 2890 2890 1049 1049
mayicro basin no.
Compost Making cubic meter 10500 12605 4200 5042
seedling plantation no. 100,000 2000 55000 1100
Area Closure ha.
Level Soil Bund km 204 30600 78 11700
level fanaju km 160 32000 58 11600
mentainance of bund km 145 18125 53 6625
Cut Off Drain cubic meter 3802 5431 1480 2114
Compost Making cubic meter 12785 15404 5108 6132
seedling plantation no 185978 3720 70268 1405
Area Closure ha.

level soil bund km 170 25500 61 9150

level fanaju km 130 26000 49.5 9900
mentainance of bund km 100 12500 45 5625
cut off drain cubic metre
conpost making cubic metre 11400 13685 4332 5222
seedling plantation no 237580 4752 86298 1726
Area closure ha
Year-2 or 4 Phy Year-2 or 4 PD Geo_sample Geo_sample watershed
achievment Achievment point one point Two code _parent_index WS _Name
1 273
1 273
1 273 Abbu
1 273
1 273
1 281
1 281
1 281
1 281
1 284
1 284
1 284 Bunayi
1 284
1 284
1 304
1 304
1 304
1 304
1 105
1 105
1 105
1 105
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 637
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 642
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 651
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 676 Gombo Burayi
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 676
1 686
1 686
1 686
1 686
1 698
1 698
1 698
lalistu darge
1 698
1 698
1 698
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 745 Gatira
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 745
1 762
1 762
1 762
1 762
1 767
1 767
1 767
1 767
1 767
1 767
1 804
1 804
1 804
1 804
1 804
1 804
1 812
1 812
1 812
abdi gero
1 812
1 812
1 812
1 880
1 880
1 880
1 880
1 880
1 880
1 881
1 881
1 881 dade chancho
1 881
1 881
1 882
1 882
1 882
gute chora
1 882
1 882
1 882
7.2 1080 1 1100
0.78 195 1 1100
1425 285 1 1100
127 89 1 1100
202 101 1 1100
20200 404 1 1100
16.75 33 1 1100
212 177 1 1100
5.5 825 1 1101
200 40 1 1101
129 90 1 1101
220 73 1 1101
19100 382 1 1101
19100 382 1 1101
17.7 35 1 1101
226 188 1 1101
4.7 705 1 1102
80 56 1 1102
128 26 1 1102 Bilo
14150 283 1 1102
226 188 1 1102
7.2 1080 1 1103
268 188 1 1103
20200 404 1 1103
449 374 1 1103
6.2 930 1 1104
278 1947 1 1104
12100 242 1 1104
600 500 1 1104
7 1050 1 1105
0.7 175 1 1105
202 141 1 1105
228 46 1 1105 Biqiltu
15680 313 1 1105
3 20 1 1105
600 500 1 1105
4.5 675 1 1106
0.4 100 1 1106
246 172 1 1106
16700 334 1 1106
1 1106
16700 334 1 1106
6 19 1 1106
512 426 1 1106
4 600 1 1107 sole
159 111 1 1107
16200 324 1 1107
16200 324 1 1107
16200 324 1 1107
4 600 1 1108
153 107 1 1108
12600 252 1 1108 Abdi bori safo
12600 252 1 1108
312 260 1 1108
6.5 975 1 1109
226 158 1 1109
11790 236 1 1109
11790 236 1 1109
3 15 1 1109
1 1109
73 10950 1 1110
79 15800 1 1110
93 11625 1 1110
1652 2373 1 1110
1350 1350 1 1110
Megarisa Chemen
135 27 1 1110
79 40 1 1110
Megarisa Chemen

3204 3846 1 1110

93000 1860 1 1110
3 12 1 1110
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1111
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1112
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1113
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1114
1 1115
1 1115
1 1115
1 1115
Gogeti Shuma
1 1115
1 1115
1 1115
1 1115
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1116
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1117
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1118
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1119
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1120
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1121
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1122
1 1123
1 1123 Denbali
1 1123
1 1124
1 1124
1 1124
1 1124
1 1125
1 1125
1 1125
1 1125
1 1126
1 1126
1 1126
1 1126
1 1127
1 1127
1 1127
1 1127
1 1128
1 1128
1 1128
1 1128
80 12000 1 1129
61 12200 1 1129
70.2 8774 1 1129
1361 1944 1 1129
875 972 1 1129 Hunde Guddina
1 1129
75450 1509 1 1129
5096 6114 1 1129
3 12 1 1129
118.5 17775 1 1130
78 15600 1 1130
39.8 4975 1 1130
1919 2741 1 1130
1408 1408 1 1130
90 18 1 1130 Dula Badadina
385 550 1 1130
104 52 1 1130
5940 7131 1 1130
102,200 2044 1 1130
4 16 1 1130
89.5 13425 1 1131
69 13800 1 1131

Café Gafarsa
80.7 10088 1 1131
1782 2545 1 1131
1600 1600 1 1131 Café Gafarsa
1 1131
6954 8348 1 1131
170335 3406 1 1131
1 1131
61.5 9225 1 1132
61.5 12300 1 1132
56.5 7063 1 1132
1540 1177 1 1132
Abdi Gudina
90 45 1 1132
3863 4634 1 1132
175630 3914 1 1132
1 1132
60.5 7075 1 1133
66.6 13320 1 1133
56 7000 1 1133
1618 2311 1 1133
1 1133
91 20 1 1133 biftu
1 1133
1 1133
10920 13109 1 1133
121772 2435 1 1133
3 12 1 1133
84.5 12675 1 1134
85 17000 1 1134
76 9500 1 1134
1581 2258 1 1134
1072 1072 1 1134
56 28 1 1134
1 1134
7842 5415 1 1134
58500 1170 1 1134
1 1134
100 15000 1 1135
68 16460 1 1135
68 8500 1 1135
1633 2332 1 1135
1680 1680 1 1135 Lelistu
1 1135
4998 6000 1 1135
65400 1306 1 1135
1 1135
93.5 14025 1 1136
81.5 16300 1 1136
78 9750 1 1136
Marga Magarisa
1847 2638 1 1136
Marga Magarisa
5405 6488 1 1136
81684 16334 1 1136
1 1136
1 1136
87.5 13125 1 1137
81.5 16300 1 1137
89 11125 1 1137
1 1137 Murata
5022 6029 1 1137
108642 2173 1 1137
1 1137

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