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M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Version 10.1.2
Published February 26, 2015
Copyright © 2015 Infor. All rights reserved.

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Publication Information
Release: 10.1.2
Publication date: February 26, 2015
Document Number: MAKUG_10.1.2_W_01
Version Log

The version log describes the changes between versions of this document.
Part Number Release Date Description
updated for version
1.0 2009-05
Added the following sections: Working With Entities
2.0 2009-10
in M3 Adaptation Kit and Enabling the Extended
Access Mode.
Updated the section: MAK Navigator.
Updated content in MAK Navigator and Action
Marking a Program.
Updated the procedure Exporting to Tempfix.
Global change in the allowed length and characters
in an action number.
Updated for version
3.0 2010-05
Updated for version
4.0 2010-10
Updated for version
5.0 2011-05
Updated for version
6.0 2011-11
Added the section: "Working with Metadata
Publisher" on page 134
Updated for version
7.0 2012-10
Update for version 10.1.0
8.0 2013-03
Update for version
9.0 2014-05
Updated the topic: Creating a MAK project with new
Update for version 10.1.2
10 2015-05

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Chapter 1: M3 Adaptation Kit Overview..........................................................................................12

M3 Adaptation Kit overview..............................................................................................................12

Users of M3 Adaptation Kit..............................................................................................................13

M3 Adaptation Kit Perspective.........................................................................................................13

MAK Navigator.................................................................................................................................14

MAK Navigator Filter Options...........................................................................................................16

MAK Navigator Context Menu..........................................................................................................17

What is a MAK Info File?..................................................................................................................20


Editor Area.......................................................................................................................................22

Other M3 Adaptation Kit Tools.........................................................................................................23

Opening the MAK Perspective.........................................................................................................24

Chapter 2: Working with Projects....................................................................................................26

What is a MAK Project?...................................................................................................................26

What is a Simple MAK Project?.......................................................................................................27

What is a Java MAK Project?...........................................................................................................27

MAK Project Properties....................................................................................................................27

Exporting Project Settings................................................................................................................28

Creating a MAK Project by Importing Project Settings....................................................................29

Creating a MAK Project by Getting Settings from an Environment..................................................30

Creating a MAK project with new settings........................................................................................31

Configuring Ant to Build a Simple MAK Project...............................................................................33

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Fixing a Project................................................................................................................................34

Chapter 3: Working With Entities....................................................................................................36

Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit......................................................................................36

Enabling the Extended Access Mode..............................................................................................37

Creating an Entity.............................................................................................................................38

Getting an Entity ..............................................................................................................................40

Editing an Entity...............................................................................................................................43

Building an Entity ............................................................................................................................44

Deploying an Entity to the Sandbox.................................................................................................44

Deploying an Entity .........................................................................................................................45

Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number............................................................................47

Viewing and Deleting Entities in the Sandbox..................................................................................49

Exporting Entities.............................................................................................................................50

Promoting an HFix Entity to VFix.....................................................................................................50

Exporting a VFix Entity to a Service Pack........................................................................................52

Exporting to Tempfix.........................................................................................................................53

Chapter 4: Working With Programs.................................................................................................56

Program Packages...........................................................................................................................56

Creating or Getting a Program ........................................................................................................57

Creating a Program by Wizard.........................................................................................................57

Getting a Program in Read-Only Mode............................................................................................60

Editing a Program............................................................................................................................61

Action Marking a Program................................................................................................................62

Viewing the Program Annotation Reports........................................................................................63

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Building and Deploying a Program...................................................................................................63

Chapter 5: Working With Out Interfaces.........................................................................................64

Creating or Getting an Out Interface................................................................................................64

Using the Out Interface Editor..........................................................................................................64

Editing an Out Interface................................................................................................................65

Out Interface Editor Panes............................................................................................................65

Out Interface Editor Tasks.............................................................................................................68

Adding a Record Format to an Out Interface................................................................................68

Adding a Field to a Record Format...............................................................................................69

Adding a Page to an Out Interface................................................................................................70

Adding a Record Format to a Page..............................................................................................71

Copying a Record Format.............................................................................................................71

Copying a Field.............................................................................................................................72

Importing a Field ..........................................................................................................................72

Editing a Record Format...............................................................................................................73

Editing a Field...............................................................................................................................74

Cutting a Field...............................................................................................................................76

Deleting a Record Format.............................................................................................................76

Deleting a Field.............................................................................................................................76

Exporting Outdata to a StreamServe Dictionary File.......................................................................77

Building and Deploying an Out Interface..........................................................................................77

Chapter 6: Working with View Definitions......................................................................................78

Limitation of Working with View Definitions......................................................................................78

Creating or Getting a View Definition...............................................................................................78

6 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide


Editing a View Definition .................................................................................................................78

Building and Deploying a View Definition.........................................................................................79

Merging View Definition Files...........................................................................................................79

Viewing the History Log...................................................................................................................79

Chapter 7: Working with Database Interfaces................................................................................80

Creating or Getting a Database Interface........................................................................................80

Using the Database Interface Editor................................................................................................80

Editing a Database Interface.........................................................................................................81

Database Interface Editor Panes..................................................................................................82

Database Interface Editor Tasks...................................................................................................85

Adding an Index Overview to a Database Interface......................................................................86

Adding a Column ..........................................................................................................................87

Creating Keys................................................................................................................................87

Creating a Condition.....................................................................................................................88

Creating a Join Condition..............................................................................................................89

Importing a Column.......................................................................................................................90

Editing the Table Overview...........................................................................................................90

Editing a Column ..........................................................................................................................92

Editing a Condition .......................................................................................................................93

Editing a Join Condition................................................................................................................94

Deleting an Index Overview .........................................................................................................94

Deleting a Column.........................................................................................................................95

Deleting a Condition......................................................................................................................95

Deleting a Join Condition..............................................................................................................95

Moving a Row...............................................................................................................................96

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Building and Deploying a Database Interface..................................................................................96

Chapter 8: Working with Data Structures.......................................................................................97

Creating or Getting a Data Structure................................................................................................97

Using the Data Structure Editor.......................................................................................................97

Editing a Data Structure................................................................................................................98

Data Structure Editor Panes.........................................................................................................98

Data Structure Editor Tasks........................................................................................................100

Adding a Field to a Data Structure..............................................................................................100

Importing a Field.........................................................................................................................101

Editing a Field.............................................................................................................................102

Changing the Prefix of Fields......................................................................................................103

Deleting a Field...........................................................................................................................103

Moving a Field.............................................................................................................................104

Building and Deploying a Data Structure.......................................................................................104

Chapter 9: Working with Language Files......................................................................................105

Prerequisites for Working with Language Files..............................................................................105

Creating or Getting a Language File..............................................................................................106

Using the Language Editor.............................................................................................................106

Editing a Language File..............................................................................................................107

Language Master XML Files.......................................................................................................107

Language Editor Panes..............................................................................................................108

Language Editor Tasks...............................................................................................................114

Filtering the Language Objects of a View Definition by Panel....................................................115

Searching for a Language Object...............................................................................................116

8 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide


Adding a Program Heading.........................................................................................................117

Adding a Field Heading...............................................................................................................118

Adding an Information Message.................................................................................................118

Adding a Standard Message.......................................................................................................119

Editing a Program Heading.........................................................................................................121

Editing a Field Heading...............................................................................................................121

Editing an Information Message.................................................................................................122

Editing a Standard Message.......................................................................................................123

Editing a Standard Message Template.......................................................................................125

Deleting a Language Object.......................................................................................................126

Locking a Language Object........................................................................................................127

Unlocking a Language Object.....................................................................................................127

Synchronizing Records...............................................................................................................127

Deploying a Language File............................................................................................................128

Copying Data to M3 Business Engine Database...........................................................................128

Chapter 10: Working With Field Help ...........................................................................................130

Creating or Getting a Field Help.....................................................................................................130

Using the Field Help Editor............................................................................................................130

Editing a Field Help ....................................................................................................................130

Field Help Editor Window............................................................................................................131

Field Help Editor Tasks...............................................................................................................132

Inserting a Table in a Field Help .................................................................................................132

Deploying a Field Help...................................................................................................................133

Chapter 11: Working with Metadata Publisher.............................................................................134

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Launching M3 Metadata Publisher from M3 Adaptation Kit...........................................................134

Chapter 12: Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit...............................................................................135

Starting the Debug Server..............................................................................................................135

Stopping the Debug Server............................................................................................................137

Restarting the Debug Server..........................................................................................................137


Eclipse Debug................................................................................................................................138

Viewing Variables........................................................................................................................138

Changing the Primitive Type.......................................................................................................138

Changing the MvxString Value....................................................................................................139

Changing the Value of an Expression.........................................................................................139

Displaying the Value of an Expression........................................................................................139

Chapter 13: Maintaining Action Logs............................................................................................141

Using the MAK Administration Action Logs....................................................................................141

Changing the Action Number of an Entity......................................................................................143

Action Log Status...........................................................................................................................144

Getting an Action Number..............................................................................................................145

Deleting an Action Log...................................................................................................................147

Exporting Action Logs ...................................................................................................................147

Exporting Action Logs to VFix, SP, or Tempfix...............................................................................148

Action Log Location........................................................................................................................148

Chapter 14: Maintaining Locks......................................................................................................149

Using MAK Administration Locks...................................................................................................149

Viewing Locked Entities.................................................................................................................150

10 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide


Creating Locks...............................................................................................................................150

Locking an Entity ...........................................................................................................................151

Unlocking an Entity .......................................................................................................................152

Chapter 15: MAK Comparison.......................................................................................................153

MAK Compare Feature..................................................................................................................153

Importing Non-local Entities...........................................................................................................153

Comparing Entities.........................................................................................................................155

Appendix A: Merge Tool ................................................................................................................157

MvxViewDefMerger Tool................................................................................................................157

Appendix B: Bibliography..............................................................................................................159
List of Reference Documents.........................................................................................................159

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

• "M3 Adaptation Kit overview" on page 12

• "Users of M3 Adaptation Kit" on page 13
• "M3 Adaptation Kit Perspective" on page 13
• "MAK Navigator" on page 14
• "MAK Navigator Filter Options" on page 16
• "MAK Navigator Context Menu" on page 17
• "What is a MAK Info File?" on page 20
• "Properties" on page 22
• "Editor Area" on page 22
• "Other M3 Adaptation Kit Tools" on page 23
• "Opening the MAK Perspective" on page 24

M3 Adaptation Kit overview

M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for M3 Business Engine
(BE). MAK is built as a plug-in to the open source Eclipse development framework. MAK is used to
perform changes and troubleshoot M3 BE related components, excluding foundation components, at
customer sites.
Here is a list of MAK supported features:
• Out interfaces
• View Definitions
• Language files
• Field Helps
• Debug of Programs on read-only mode
When Extended Access Mode is enabled, the additional supported features are the following:

12 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

• Programs
• Database interfaces
• Data structures

Users of M3 Adaptation Kit

Typical users of the M3 Adaptation Kit are IT Managers (at customer’s sites), Infor Systems Engineers
(SE), Application Engineers (AE), key users and super users, who are familiar with Eclipse, Business
Engine (BE), and Java.

M3 Adaptation Kit Perspective

Eclipse contains different perspectives which define the initial set and layout of views in the workbench
window. The M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) perspective is used to work with the M3 Business Engine entities.

The MAK perspective displays the following views:

• MAK Navigator
• Properties
• Editor area
• Other MAK Tools

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

• Console
• Problems
• Error Log
• MAK Administration
• MAK Debug Server
• Progress

MAK Navigator
The M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Navigator tab contains a list of MAK projects and entities. Opening or
closing a project in the MAK Navigator also opens or closes any Eclipse project or an entity that is
connected to that MAK project.

The following table lists the different icons for resources and other objects that appear in the MAK

Icon Type Description

MAK project This icon refers to an open project folder with visible
children. A project consists of different components which
contain the entities.
local This icon refers to local folder usually used to import non-
local entities to your workspace to compare against other

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

component This icon is used to group the project entities according

to configuration. For example, MVX, MSE, and others.
entity folder This icon refers to an open entity folder with visible
program This icon represents a program source.

out interface This icon represents an out interface.

view definition This icon represents a view definition.

database interface This icon represents a database interface.

data structure This icon represents a data structure.

language file This icon represents a language file.

field help This icon represents a field help

java file This icon refers to a java file.

The following table lists the decorators that annotate the icons for resources and other objects that
appear in the MAK Navigator:

Decorator Type Description

Java project This icon is used to mark a Java project.
green lock This icon refers to a record or entity locked by the current
red lock This icon refers to a record or entity locked by another
asterisk If the project is under version control, this icon indicates
that the entity has pending changes that need to be
error This icon indicates that the project or entity causes an
warning This icon indicates that the project or entity causes a
version controlled If the project is under version control, this icon is displayed
to indicate that the entity has been committed to the

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

question mark This icon indicates that the project is connected to the
SVN repository, but the entity has not been added to
Version Control.
market This icon is displayed when MAK detects that the program
exists in both MVX, Market and Industry components.

MAK Navigator Filter Options

In the MAK Navigator tab, you can use the following filter options to display only entities or projects
matching the criteria used.

Option Description
This option allows you to do a free text
search to display only entities matching the
filter text. An Asterisk * can be used as a
The icon to the right of the input field can be
used to clear the search.
Filter This option allows you to select MAK
Navigator filter options.

When you click the Filter button, the following filter options are displayed:

16 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

When the "Filter on A/N" is checked, the Action Number Selector is displayed. The user can now select
which Project A/N is available to filter with.

MAK Navigator Context Menu

The Context menu is displayed when you select and right-click a project or entity in the MAK Navigator
tab. The context menu contains the actions specific to the project or entity and the available options
vary depending on the selected node. The visible options are the only valid operations for one or more
of the objects in the current selection.
The following table lists the tasks available in the context menu. For more information, see Working
with Projects and Working With Entities.

Task Description
Open This is used to open the selected entity in the
editor for modifications.
Build This is only used for compiling entities when a
Simple MAK project is used.
Delete This is used to delete a selected entity or project
in the MAK Navigator tab.
Import This is used to import non-local entities to your
workspace. You can import these files not
associated with any MAK Project in the workplace
using the Local node.
Deploy This is used to deploy a selected entity from the
local workspace to the M3 BE server.
Deploy A/N This is used to deploy multiple entities connected
to the same action number.

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

Set Action Number This is used to set the action number for the
selected entity.
Get This is used to fetch a copy of an entity from the
M3 BE Server to a local project. You have the
following options:
• The Get Entity command retrieves a copy of
an entity that can be deployed.
• The Program read-only command gets a
program in read-only mode that can be used
for debugging a program.

New This is used to create a new entity or a new

project. You have the following options:
• The Entity command creates a new entity.
• The Program by wizard command creates a
new program using the MAK Program wizard.

Note: This is only available when activated

in the Access Control and MAK is in Extended
Access Mode.

• The Project command creates a new project.

Metadata Publisher This is used to open Metadata Publisher using

the selected entity as the parameter.

For more information, "Working with Metadata

Publisher" on page 134
Lock This is used to lock an existing entity in the MAK
Navigator tab.
Unlock This is used to unlock a locked entity. You cannot
unlock an entity locked by another user from the
MAK Navigator context menu. You can, however,
do that using the MAK Administration tab.
Export This is used to export files between fix folders
and to zip files. You have the following options:
• Promote from HFix
• Export VFix to SP
• Export to Tempfix

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

Tools This is used to access the following options:

• The Data Dictionary task has two commands:
Open Browser and Clear Cache. The Open
Browser is used to browse for database
related information, such as fields and their
metadata included in the used M3 BE
installation. The Clear Cache command is
used to remove all data dictionary related
information that MAK has cached.
• The Open MAK Log File task is used to open
MAK log files. MAK log files are the standard
log called "mak.log" and the profiling log
called "profiling.log".
• The Generate MAK Info File (ZIP) task is
used to create an information file containing
selected files from the MAK environment. The
created file called should be
included in error reports to help the support
personnel in troubleshooting. For more
information about see What is a
MAK Info File?.
• The Extended Access Mode task is used to
enable the Extended Access Mode in MAK.
For more information, see Enabling the
Extended Access Mode.
• The Metadata Publisher opens the link to
MDP. For more information, see Setting M3
Metadata Publisher Credentials from M3
Adaptation Kit in MAK Administration Guide.

Refresh This is used to refresh and synchronize with the

underlying Eclipse structure, a project that you
have selected in the MAK Navigator tab. This
option is only available and enabled when at least
one project node is selected.
Team This is used as a container for Team-related
menu options. This command is not available in
the context menu by default. To enable it, you
need to install the MAK SVN Team Support plug-
in. For more information, see M3 Adaptation Kit
Installation Guide.

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

Compare With This is used to compare one or more entities in

the workspace with either of the following options:
• Each Other compares two or three entities
(one ancestor and two siblings) of the same
or different types in the workspace. For more
information, see MAK Comparison.
• Revision compares a selected entity against
a version in the SVN Repository.
• Latest from SVN Repository compares a
selected entity against the latest version of
that entity in the SVN repository.
• Source Path compares a selected entity
against base code, HFix or TFix from the
server side.

Replace With This is used to replace the local version of the

entity with either of the following:
• Revision - replaces any of the versions of the
corresponding file in the repository
• Latest from SVN Repository - replaces the
most recent version of the corresponding file
in the repository
• Latest from HFix - replaces using the most
recent fix from BE.

Properties The Properties command is used to display

information about the Build, Configuration Info,
General M3 Business Engine Settings that are
specified while creating the project.

What is a MAK Info File?

A MAK Info file called, is an information file containing selected files from the MAK
environment. It contains several files, most of which are in text and HTML formats. The
is created using the Generate MAK Info File (ZIP) command. For more information, see MAK Navigator
Context Menu.
You should include the in error reports to help the support personnel in troubleshooting.
The following table lists the files found in the file and what information is contained in each

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

File Description
<MAK Project Name>.configInfo.txt This file contains essential locations of the
libraries to be used concurrently by MAK. Read
and Write (+R +W) access status is appended to
each directory entry to indicate the corresponding
access in them.
<MAK Project Name>.classpathInfo.txt This file contains the classpath information of the
<MAK Project Name>_properties.txt This file contains miscellaneous property value
misc.txt file This file contains the Java Runtime Version,
Platform, Java Temp, Workspace path, and
Access control file path.
Similar to the <MAK Project Name>.configInfo.
txt, this file also has Read and Write (+R +W)
access status for Java Temp, Workspace path,
and Access control file path.
linkedFolders.txt This file is used to check the conditions of the
linked folders used in MAK. This information is
useful when users attempt to copy-paste their
workspaces in different locations. This action is
strictly not supported by MAK but to determine if
such actions were performed, the conditions are
listed with status "ok" or "broken".
configDetails.txt This file contains the same details found in
Eclipse when you select Help > About >
Configuration Details.
makInfo.txt and about.mappings This file contains the MAK Version and build.
config.ini and .eclipseproduct These files contain the configuration and
information of the current Eclipse software used.
mak.log.*, profiling.log and .log These files are important MAK and Eclipse log
files. They contain useful error logs for
wsProjects.txt This file contains information about which projects
exist in the workspace, and if the said projects
are open or closed.

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

The Properties tab contains information about selected entities. When a project node is selected in the
M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Navigator view, the properties of that particular project are shown in the
Properties tab below the MAK Navigator tab. Information about the M3 configuration that a particular
project is connected to, the action number that is currently selected (if any) to filter the entities in the
project, the default language selected and others are shown.

Tip: The same information can also be accessed by clicking File > Properties or right-clicking the entity
and selecting Properties > General in the context menu.

If you select an entity, the Properties tab is displayed with the properties of the entity, such as the Action
number that the entity is connected to, the deploy details, lock status and source path.
This Action Number corresponds to an action log that is used to keep track of an entity under work or
deployed. It contains all the file paths and various states of the Action Number.

Editor Area
The editor area is used to display the appropriate editor that is connected to the type of file or entity
that you want to edit. The name of the file is displayed in the tab of the editor. If an asterisk (*) is
displayed to the left of the tab, the editor has unsaved changes.

You can right-click the editor area to show available commands. The menu is context-sensitive, that
is, it differs depending on which type of entity that is displayed in the editor. For more information about
these commands, see the Eclipse documentation in

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

Other M3 Adaptation Kit Tools

The M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) perspective contains other views that are displayed as tabs below the
Editor area. You can select which tabs to display by selecting in Eclipse Window > Show View > Other.
The following table lists these tools and their descriptions:

Tab Description
Console This tab displays information about the performed
Problems This tab is used to display compilation errors and
Error Log This tab is used to show more severe errors
related to the tools.
MAK Administration This tab is used for the following tasks:
• Maintaining Action Logs
• Maintaining Locks
• Viewing and Deleting Entities in the Sandbox

MAK Debug Server This tab is used to manage the MAK Debug
feature from within MAK.
For more information, see Debugging in M3
Adaptation Kit.
Progress This tab provides information about processes
that run in the background.

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

Opening the MAK Perspective

Use this procedure to open the M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) perspective.

To open the MAK perspective

1 Start Eclipse. A user authentication message is displayed.

2 Select a user ID in the list or type a new user ID.

3 Click OK. The Eclipse Welcome tab is now enabled.
4 Click the Workbench icon. The Eclipse workbench is displayed.

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M3 Adaptation Kit Overview

5 Select Window > Open Perspective > Other. The Open Perspective window is displayed.

6 Select MAK in the available perspectives.

7 Click OK. The MAK perspective is displayed with its default views.

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Working with Projects

• "What is a MAK Project?" on page 26

• "What is a Simple MAK Project?" on page 27
• "What is a Java MAK Project?" on page 27
• "MAK Project Properties" on page 27
• "Exporting Project Settings" on page 28
• "Creating a MAK Project by Importing Project Settings" on page 29
• "Creating a MAK Project by Getting Settings from an Environment" on page 30
• "Creating a MAK project with new settings" on page 31
• "Configuring Ant to Build a Simple MAK Project" on page 33
• "Fixing a Project" on page 34

What is a MAK Project?

A MAK project is a container for your work in progress. Before any modifications can be made in M3
Adaptation Kit (MAK), you need to create a project. A project corresponds to a certain M3 system
configuration and there can only be one project per workspace for a specific configuration.
A MAK workspace can contain multiple projects towards different M3 system configurations. If two or
more projects are created towards different configurations belonging to the same M3 BE environment,
they will share one or more components. At least the "MVX" component will be shared. A modification
of an entity in a shared component under one project affects all projects that contain the same
There are two types of MAK projects that you can create:
• Simple
• Java

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Working with Projects

What is a Simple MAK Project?

A Simple M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) project uses less CPU, RAM and client-server communication
compared to a Java project. You can create a MAK project of type Simple if you are going to use MAK
mainly to work with non-java entities such as Language, Field Help or if there is a poor connection to
the Application Server or poor client resources.
A Simple MAK project requires more manual work since the build of Java entities is not automatically
started in the background which is the case when working with a Java project. When debugging a
Simple MAK project, the contents of the entities in M3 BE cannot be watched through the "Watch
expression" function in the Eclipse debugger.

What is a Java MAK Project?

Java is the default project type. It is also the recommended type to use when you create a M3 Adaptation
Kit (MAK) Project. Using a Java project type will provide you with powerful features from the Eclipse
framework such as extended support while debugging, automatic background compilation and code
assistance in Java editors.
A Java Project requires more CPU, RAM, and Client-Server communication compared to a Simple

MAK Project Properties

The properties of a M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) project can be accessed by right-clicking a project in the
MAK Navigator tab and selecting Properties.

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Working with Projects

The project properties window contains the settings of the selected project. Some are editable and
some are read-only. The following table lists the different project properties:

Property Description
Build This property shows the type of the project. The
type of a project is chosen when it is created and
can not be changed after that.

Configuration Info This property displays information about the class

path and view path that was used to create the
project, which are used when retrieving sources
and for building.

General This property displays the following settings:

• M3 Settings
• M3 User
• Language
• Export Project Properties

Exporting Project Settings

Use this procedure to export project settings. You can save the project settings in a properties file and
use it to create a new project.

To export project settings

1 Start Eclipse.
2 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click the project whose settings you want to export.
3 Select Properties from the context menu. The Properties window is displayed.
4 Select General. The name of the default path where you save the properties file is displayed in the
Export project properties field.
5 Accept the default path or browse another location. You must provide the full export file path.
6 Click Export. The properties file of the selected project is exported to the specified location.
7 Click OK. The MAK Console displays a message with the location of the properties file after a
successful export.

28 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Projects

Creating a MAK Project by Importing Project Settings

Use this procedure to create a new project by import project settings. You can import project settings
while creating a new project from a properties file that has been exported from an existing project. For
more information, see Exporting Project Settings.

To create a MAK project by importing project settings

1 Start Eclipse.
2 Go to File > New > Project. The New Project wizard window is displayed.
3 Select MAK > MAK Project and click Next. The Create new MAK project window is displayed.
4 Select Import project settings from file. The name of the default properties file is displayed in the
5 Accept the default file displayed or browse another properties file.
6 Click Next. The System window is displayed.
7 Edit or accept the following information imported from the project properties file:
Address Type or accept the M3 server Address, for example, seli4002.
Port Type or accept the M3 server port.
Root path Type or accept the path to the M3 BE installation folder on the M3 BE
application server.
The path can be mapped to a network drive or to a shared folder, for
example, K:\M3Root or \\\M3Root,
Configuration Select a system configuration from the Configuration list, which contains
all the system configurations available under the particular M3 BE Server
You cannot select a system configuration that has been used by an existing
project, with the same environment in the current workspace.

8 Click Next to set the general properties for the project.

9 Provide the following information:
Project type Select the type of project: Simple or Java.
User ID Verify that this is your M3 BE user ID. This ID is used to activate the debug
server and to authenticate a user while deploying to a sandbox.
Preferred language Select the language code that you want to use in the editors such as
code Database Interface Editor, Out Editor and Screen Designer. This list
contains both the language codes and the country codes. You can select
either of the codes to set your preferred language.
The default language code is the language of the system.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 29

Working with Projects

Custom language file Optional. Type a three character prefix that will be used when working
prefix with a new custom language file. The prefix should be the same as the
custom component that you are working with.
Any combination of three characters is valid except MVX, HUM, and Mxx
where xx is a valid language code.

10 Click Finish. The project is now created and can be viewed in the MAK Navigator tab.
The name of the project is derived from the server address, server port, and system configuration
name. The project node contains the Local folder and project entities grouped according to
component. For example, MVX, MSE, and others.

Creating a MAK Project by Getting Settings from an Environment

Use this procedure to create a Simple or Java M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) project by getting settings from
an environment in the workspace. You will import all environment settings from an existing project in
the workspace, such as server address, port and root path to create your new project.

Before you start Make sure that you already have existing projects or environments in your workspace.

To create a MAK project by getting settings from an environment

1 Start Eclipse.
2 Go to File > New > Project. The New Project wizard window is displayed.
3 Select MAK > MAK Project and click Next. The Create new MAK project window is displayed.
4 Select Get settings from an environment in the workspace.
5 Select a project in the list. All existing projects in the your workspace are listed.
6 Click Next. The System window is displayed.
7 Edit or accept the following information imported from the project:
Address Type or accept the M3 server Address, for example, seli4002.
Port Type or accept the M3 server port.
Root path Type or accept the path to the M3 BE installation folder on the M3 BE
application server.
The path can be mapped to a network drive or to a shared folder, for
example, K:\M3Root or \\\M3Root,

30 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Projects

Configuration Select a system configuration from the Configuration list, which contains
all the system configurations available under the particular M3 BE Server
You cannot select a system configuration that has been used by an existing
project, with the same environment in the current workspace.

8 Click Next to set the general properties for the project.

9 Provide the following information:
Project type Select the type of project: Simple or Java.
User ID Verify that this is your M3 BE user ID. This ID is used to activate the debug
server and to authenticate a user while deploying to a sandbox.
Preferred language Select the language code that you want to use in the editors such as
code Database Interface Editor, Out Editor and Screen Designer. This list
contains both the language codes and the country codes. You can select
either of the codes to set your preferred language.
The default language code is the language of the system.
Custom language file Optional. Type a three character prefix that will be used when working
prefix with a new custom language file. The prefix should be the same as the
custom component that you are working with.
Any combination of three characters is valid except MVX, HUM, and Mxx
where xx is a valid language code.

10 Click Finish. The project is now created and can be viewed in the MAK Navigator tab.
The name of the project is derived from the server address, server port, and system configuration
name. The project node contains the Local folder and project entities grouped according to
component. For example, MVX, MSE, and others.

Creating a MAK project with new settings

Use this procedure to create a new simple or Java M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) project.
1 Start Eclipse.
2 Select File > New > Project. The New Project wizard window is displayed.
3 Select MAK > MAK Project and click Next. The Create new MAK project window is displayed.
4 Select New Settings.
5 Click Next. The System window is displayed.
6 Specify this information:
Address Type the M3 server Address, for example, seli4002.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 31

Working with Projects

Port Type the M3 server port.

To get the port number, access LCM and open the Grid Home Page.
Expand the view of the router "M3Router". Find the port for the property
xxx.EXT. Use this port number for M3 server.

Root path Type or browse to the folder location of M3 BE installation on the M3 BE

application server.
The path can be mapped to a network drive or to a shared folder, for
example K:\M3Root or \\\M3Root
Configuration Select a system configuration from the Configuration list that contains all
the system configurations available under the particular M3 BE Server
You cannot select a system configuration that has been used by an existing
project, with the same environment in the current workspace.

7 Click Next to set the general properties for the project.

8 Specify this information:
Project type Select the type of project: Simple or Java.
User ID Verify that this is your M3 BE user ID. This ID is used to activate the debug
server and to authenticate a user while deploying to a sandbox.
Preferred language Select the language code to use in the editors such as Database Interface
code Editor, Out Editor, and Screen Designer. This list contains both the
language codes and the country codes. Select one of the codes to set
your preferred language.
The default language code is the language of the system.
Custom language file Optionally, type a three character prefix to use when working with a new
prefix custom language file. The prefix should be the same as the custom
component that you are working with.
Any combination of three characters is acceptable except for MVX, HUM,
and Mxx, where xx is a valid language code.

9 Click Finish.

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Working with Projects

The project is now created and is viewable in the MAK Navigator tab.
The full project name is concocted from the server address, server port, and system configuration
details. The project node contains the Local folder and project entities grouped according to
component. For example, MVX, MSE, and others.

Configuring Ant to Build a Simple MAK Project

Use this procedure to configure Ant to build a Simple M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) project. A Simple MAK
project uses ‘Ant’ for building the Java sources and in order for ‘Ant’ to work properly, it must be first
configured correctly.

To configure Ant to build a simple MAK project

1 Open the MAK Perspective.
2 Select Window > Preferences. The Preferences window is displayed.
3 Expand the Ant node and select Runtime. The Runtime settings are displayed.
4 On the Classpath tab, expand Global Entries.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 33

Working with Projects

5 Make sure that the tools.jar provided has at least the same Java version or higher than the Java
version used by Business Engine (BE). For more information about Java version requirements, see
System Requirements in M3 Adaptation Kit Installation Guide.
6 If there is no entry for tools.jar, click Add External JARs.
7 Browse for the JAR file in the local Java SDK installation folder.
8 Click Apply the OK to save the changes.

Fixing a Project
When Eclipse is started and when a project is created, M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) checks to see if there
is a mismatch between the settings of the local projects and the settings currently in their corresponding
configuration in M3. MAK also checks to determine if the M3 configuration and its components have
been set up properly server side. If any mismatch is found a warning is shown presenting the problem
and how to solve it.
If there is a mismatch between a project and the current M3 configuration, the warning message has
the Fix button enabled. Clicking this button updates the local project with settings currently in the
configuration on the server. Issues that can be fixed this way are:
• Component mismatch
• Class path mismatch
• View path mismatch

If the problems are found on server side, the Fix button is disabled. Server side issues could be:
• Recommended enabling of HFix or VFix
• Mismatch between class path and view path

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Working with Projects

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Working With Entities

• "Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit" on page 36

• "Enabling the Extended Access Mode" on page 37
• "Creating an Entity" on page 38
• "Getting an Entity " on page 40
• "Editing an Entity" on page 43
• "Building an Entity " on page 44
• "Deploying an Entity to the Sandbox" on page 44
• "Deploying an Entity " on page 45
• "Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number" on page 47
• "Viewing and Deleting Entities in the Sandbox" on page 49
• "Exporting Entities" on page 50
• "Promoting an HFix Entity to VFix" on page 50
• "Exporting a VFix Entity to a Service Pack" on page 52
• "Exporting to Tempfix" on page 53

Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit

As of M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK), you can use the default access mode settings or you can enable
Extended Access Mode. When default settings are used, you are allowed access to all entities, except
programs, database interfaces, and data structures. When Extended Access Mode is enabled, you are
allowed access to all entities.
The default configuration of MAK, with and without Extended Access Mode enabled, are specified in
the following table. For more information, see M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.

Using this You can work with the following:

36 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

M3 Adaptation Kit • Out interfaces

(Extended Access Mode
• View Definitions
not enabled)
• Language files
• Field Helps
• Debug of Programs in read-only mode

Note: No License Key or Access Control configuration is needed as of

MAK for this configuration.

M3 Adaptation Kit • Out interfaces

(Extended Access Mode
• View Definitions
• Language files
• Field Helps
• Debug of Programs in read-only mode
Extended Access Mode
• Programs
• Database interfaces
• Data structures

Note: An administrator must configure MAK Access Control settings

before a user can enable Extended Access Mode. For more information
on how you can enable Extended Access Mode in MAK, see Enabling
the Extended Access Mode.

Enabling the Extended Access Mode

Use this procedure to enable Extended Access Mode in M3 Adaptation Kit. For more information, see
Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.
Before you start Make sure that Access Control settings have already been configured by an
Administrator. For more information, see Configuring M3 Adaptation Kit Access Control in M3 Adaptation
Kit Administration Guide.

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Working With Entities

To enable Extended Access Mode

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click and select Tools > Extended Access Mode. A Logon window
is displayed.
2 Type a password to enable Extended Access Mode.
3 Click OK. MAK with Extended Access Mode is now enabled.

Creating an Entity
Use this procedure to create a new entity.

Important: The entities you can create depends on whether Extended Access Mode is enabled or
not. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

To create a new entity

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click a project where you want to create the entity.
2 Select New > Entity. The Create New window is displayed.

3 Provide necessary information to create a new entity. Consider the following fields:
Project Select a project in the list where you want to create your entity.

38 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

Type Select to create one of the following entities:

• Field Help
• Language
• Out interface
• View Definition
If Extended Access Mode is enabled, in addition to the list above, you can
also select to create the following entities:
• Database interface
• Data structure
• Program
For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.
Action Number Allocate your entity to an action number by performing one of the following
• Select an action number in the Action Number list. The list is sorted
in reverse alphabetical and descending numerical order.
• Use Ctrl + Space for content-assisted text.
• Click the browse icon to view all action numbers and their descriptions.
• Click New to create a new action number for your entity. An action
number can be created up to a length of 14 characters which can
include a dash (-).

Note: A warning message is displayed if the selected Action Number is

in use by another user. You can continue using the Action Number but
the A/N user will be changed to your User ID.

Show only action Select this option to filter the Action Numbers that are unused or belonging
numbers that are to the particular MAK user.
unused or belonging to
<User ID>
Create Lock Select this option to lock a source by default. If you do not lock a source,
you cannot deploy the entity.

4 Click Next. The Create a new entity by copying an existing one window is displayed.
5 Provide the following information. Consider the fields applicable to the entity you are creating:
Name Type a name for the new entity that you are creating.
Package This field is only available if you are creating a new program. Select a
package component to which the new program is to be associated with.

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Working With Entities

Component Select a corresponding component to which the new entity is to be

associated with.
File Type This field is only available if you are creating a language file. Select the
file type in the list, which include CON and MSG.
Language This field is only available if you are creating a field help. The language
code is pre-filled with the settings on the General tab in the Properties
window, but you can change the language code.
Name Prefix This field is only available if you are creating a language file. Type the
prefix used as name of the Language File. It is strongly recommended to
use the same name as the component’s. For example, Component: CUS;
Name Prefix: CUS
Field Prefix This field is only available if you are creating a database interface. Type
a field prefix for the database interface.
Name (Under Source) Type an entity name or select an entity to copy from in the list. You can
get a description of each entity that is displayed in the table. Click an entity
in the list to display the tooltip.
Extend Source Select this option if you want to extend the source to your program entity.
If the selected target package is standard, plist, or util, the Extend source
is disabled. If the selected source is from the parameter or utility list
package, the Extend source is also disabled.

Note: Program Entity will prompt the wizard to automatically identify the matching package for the
selected component. A read-only package field will be displayed except for the Standard component.

6 Click Finish. The new entity is created and listed under the appropriate component and folder in the
MAK Navigator tab.
If MAK detects that the Program exists in both MVX and Market components, then the program will
be marked by an M icon.

Getting an Entity
Use this procedure to get an entity. To work with an existing entity, the source file must first be copied
from the M3 Business Engine (BE) Server into the local environment in Eclipse.

Important: The entities you can get depends on whether Extended Access Mode is enabled or not.
For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

40 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

To get an entity
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click a project where you want to put the entity.
2 Select Get > Entity. The Get Entity wizard is displayed.

3 Provide necessary information to get the new entity. Consider the following fields:
Project Select a Project in the list
Action Number Allocate your entity to an action number by performing one of the following
• Select an action number in the Action Number list. The list is sorted
in reverse alphabetical and descending numerical order.
• Use Ctrl + Space for content-assisted text.
• Click the browse icon to view all action numbers and their descriptions.
• Click New to create a new action number for your entity. An action
number can be created up to a length of 14 characters which can
include a dash (-).

Note: A warning message is displayed if the selected Action Number is

in use by another user. You can continue using the Action Number but
the A/N user will be changed to your User ID.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 41

Working With Entities

Show only action Select this option to filter the Action Numbers that are unused or belonging
numbers that are to the particular MAK user.
unused or belonging to
<User ID>
Create Lock Select this option to lock a source by default. If you do not lock a source,
you cannot deploy it – only to a sandbox. If you do not lock it in this window,
you will receive a message while deploying to lock the entity.
You can lock the entity once it is available in the MAK Navigator tab using
the Lock option in the context menu. However, you should be prepared
to have this entity replaced by a version in HFix or VFix.
Name Type the first characters of the name of the entity that you want to Get
and press CTRL+space. All matching entities will appear in a list. When
you double-click an entity in the list, it will automatically be added to the
selection that lists all files ready for copying to a local workspace. You can
add multiple entities to the selection by repeating the process.

Tip: You can get a description of a program entity by clicking it so that a

tooltip will be displayed.
Clicking the entity will display a tooltip that displays the MAK Status. If the
entity is a Program, the description is also displayed in the tooltip along
with the MAK Status.

Note: A warning message is displayed if the selected version is already

locked by another user. You can still use the file by clearing the Create
Lock check box. However, you cannot deploy the file to the Server. You
can only deploy the file to a sandbox. For information about deploying an
entity to a sandbox see Deploying an Entity to the Sandbox.

Browse Click Browse to type a search text related to the entity. All matching entities
will be listed. You can select multiple entities at the same time by pressing
Shift or CTRL.
Remove Click Remove to delete entities already in the selection.
Details Click Details to see the information of Status column if it is not empty. The
connected Action Number(s) to the entity will be displayed along with their
statuses. The following are the possible values of the Status Column:

a D - Development
b T - Test
c R - Rejected
d * - Multiple Action Numbers actively connected

42 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

Entity Filter Select the entity that you want to get:

If you are using M3 Adaptation Kit, you can get the following entities:
• Field Help
• Language
• Out interface
• View Definition
• Program (read-only mode)
If you are using M3 Adaptation Kit with Extended Access Mode, in addition
to the list above, you can also get the following entities:
• Database interface
• Data structure
• Program
For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

4 Click Finish. The following events happen simultaneously:

• The entity is copied from the M3 BE Server to your local environment. It is placed in the
corresponding folder under the component folder to which the source belongs.
• The source code of the entity is displayed in the corresponding editor.
For programs, the action number information in the source code is updated.
• The entity is locked if Create Lock has been selected.
• If MAK detects that the Program, Out interface, or View definition exists in both MVX and Market
components, then the entity will be marked by an M icon in the MAK Navigator tab.

Editing an Entity
Important: The entities you can edit depends on whether Extended Access Mode is enabled or not.
For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

You can edit an entity using the corresponding editor. For more information about editing specific
entities, see the following sections:
• Editing a Program
• Editing an Out Interface
• Editing a View Definition
• Editing a Database Interface
• Editing a Data Structure

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 43

Working With Entities

• Editing a Language File

• Editing a Field Help

Building an Entity
The auto build feature of Eclipse is used to compile the entity. As soon as you save the file, the autobuild
feature takes over and the build happens in the background.
You can click the Problems tab to see if there are build errors.

Deploying an Entity to the Sandbox

The MAK sandbox provides the option of deploying an entity to a personal area in the M3 BE Server.
Entities deployed to the sandbox do not affect any other user. The M3 BE user ID is the unique key
for the sandbox. The lock file for the entity is not removed when deploying to a sandbox, which keeps
it checked out as long as you need to test it in the sandbox.
When the same user ID that has a version located in the sandbox is starting a program, the sandbox
version is used, if the user has started a debug subsystem.
The sandbox feature can be used for the following entities:
• Programs
• Out interfaces
• View definitions
• Data structures
When a user deploys to the sandbox for the first time, a new folder with the MAK User ID or name is
created on the M3 BE Server. The necessary files are then deployed in that file structure. For example,
for a user 13545, a folder called 13545 is created in MVX.

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Working With Entities

Deploying an Entity
Use this procedure to deploy an entity. When the source file is compiled successfully, the files can be
deployed. It is recommended to connect only one component to an Action number; otherwise the
system displays a warning.

Important: The entities you can deploy depends on whether Extended Access Mode is enabled or
not. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

To deploy an entity
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select or get an entity.
2 Right-click the entity and select Deploy. The Deploy Entities window is displayed.

Note: If the entity is not connected to an Action number, a message is displayed prompting you to
connect the entity with an Action number.

3 Select the entity that you want to deploy.

4 Select the following deploy options as needed:

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 45

Working With Entities

Deploy to sandbox Select this option if you want to use the MAK Sandbox
functionality. When deploying to the sandbox, the Remove after
deploy setting is disabled and the component will remain in the
MAK Navigator tab.
Selecting this option means that the files are deployed to a
specific folder for each user located under the HFix folder. The
folder is added to the classpath and the modified file can be
tested by the user without affecting other users.
Keep lock on source Select this option to keep lock on the file even after deploying.
This option is selected by default.
Remove after deploy Select this option to remove the entity from the workspace after
Set to status Test Select this option to automatically set the A/N status to Test.

5 Click Finish. The Deployment Comments window is displayed.

6 Type comments in the text box.

7 Deselect the Apply to all option if you want to specify various comments for every entity.
8 Click OK. The entity is now deployed.

Note: If MAK is under Version Control, it performs an auto-commit to the SVN server when an
entity is deployed and its corresponding project is connected to SVN. When you browse the SVN
history of the deployed entity, the comment column will display the following: <AN>: <User Comment>
(Automatic MAK commit)

9 Optional. View the MAK Console for file and location information.

46 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

Use this procedure to deploy multiple entities using the action number. Entities that are connected to
the same action number can easily be deployed to the server at the same time.

Important: The entities you can deploy depends on whether Extended Access Mode is enabled or
not. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit.

To deploy multiple entities using action number

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click to display the context menu.
2 Select Deploy A/N. The Select Action number window is displayed.

3 Select the Action number that connects the entities that you want to deploy.
4 Click Next. The Deploy Entities window is displayed. All entities in workspace that are connected
to the selected action number are listed.

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Working With Entities

5 Select one or more entities that you want to deploy using the Action Number.
6 Select the following deploy options as needed:

Deploy to sandbox Select this option if you want to use the MAK Sandbox
functionality. When deploying to the sandbox, the Remove after
deploy setting is disabled and the component will remain in the
MAK Navigator tab.
Keep lock on source Select this option to keep lock on the file even after deploying.
This option is selected by default.
Remove after deploy Select this option to remove the entity from the workspace after
Set to status Test Select this option to automatically set the A/N status to Test.

7 Click Finish. The Deployment Comments window is displayed.

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Working With Entities

8 Type comments in the text box.

9 Select the Apply to all option if you want your comments to be applied to all the entities that you
selected for deployment.
10 Click OK. The entities are now deployed.

Note: If MAK is under Version Control, it performs an auto-commit to the SVN server when an
entity is deployed and its corresponding project is connected to SVN. When you browse the SVN
history of the deployed entity, the comment column will display the following: <AN>: <User Comment>
(Automatic MAK commit)

Viewing and Deleting Entities in the Sandbox

The MAK Administration tab displays allows you to view all the files in the sandbox for the current MAK
user. The sandbox file structure is removed when all files in the sandbox is removed. You can delete
files in the sandbox only from the entity level and above.

Files are also removed from the sandbox when the entity is removed from the MAK Navigator or when
a deploy is done on the specific component with the Deploy to sandbox checkbox cleared.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 49

Working With Entities

Exporting Entities
It is possible to export entities deployed for one or several action numbers between fix folders and to
zip files. The zip file can be used to install in an M3 Business Engine (BE) environment. The Export
window presents a list of action logs that can be used when exporting, and a list view which shows the
contents of an action log.
The Action Logs list can be filtered to make it easier to find a particular log. A filter button is located
under the action log list. When the filter button is clicked, a status selection window is displayed.

Selecting a particular status or statuses filters the action log list, and shows logs only in the selected
status or statuses.

In exporting an action log containing entities that have been modified and included in other action logs,
inconsistencies may occur if not all of the action logs involved are exported at the same time. To help
find out if there are such dependencies, a check for dependencies is done when a user clicks Finish.
The check is enabled by selecting Check action log dependencies under the project selection control
in each of the export windows.
The said option is selected by default, indicating that there is an action log dependency check when
clicking Finish. If it is not selected, the export finishes without checking dependencies. When
dependencies are found, a confirmation window is displayed, presenting the dependencies and prompting
the user to choose whether the export should continue.

Promoting an HFix Entity to VFix

Use this procedure to promote one or more entities from HFix, which are non-Market or non-standard
(MVX) like CUS, to VFix.

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Working With Entities

To promote an HFix entity to VFix

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click and select Export > Promote from HFix. The Promote from
HFix window is displayed.

2 Provide the following information to export from HFix. Consider the following fields:
Check action log This option is selected by default to help you determine if an action log
dependencies that you want to export contains entities that have been modified and
included in other action logs. For more information, see "Exporting Entities"
on page 50.
Action Logs Select one or more action numbers to export.
Action logs connected to standard or market components are not listed.
Action Logs Content This lists the files in the HFix folder connected to the selected the Action
Selection This lists the files waiting for export. If the same physical file is connected
to more than one action log, it will only be added once in the list.

3 Click OK. A window is displayed, informing you whether there are dependencies found.
4 If there are no dependencies, click OK to promote the selected files. All selected non-standard and
non-market files are promoted to VFix. These files are moved together with the action logs.
Otherwise, click Yes to continue the export or No to cancel.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 51

Working With Entities

Exporting a VFix Entity to a Service Pack

Use this procedure to export VFix files to a customer modification service pack zip file.

To export a VFix entity to Service Pack

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click and select Export > Export VFix to SP. The Export VFix to
Service Pack window is displayed.

2 Provide the following information to export VFix to service pack. Consider the following fields:
Check action log This option is selected by default to help you determine if an action log
dependencies that you want to export contains entities that have been modified and
included in other action logs. For more information, see "Exporting Entities"
on page 50.
Action Logs Select one or more action numbers to export to a service pack.
Action Logs Content This lists the files in the VFix folder connected to the selected Action
Selection This lists the files waiting for export. If the same physical file is connected
to more than one action log, it is added once in the list and in the resulting
service pack zip file.

52 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Entities

Use Base Format Select this if you want to export using base format. The resulting zip file
will be formatted so that it can be installed into the base structure of a
component. An exported base zip file only contains entities from one
Selecting this checkbox will automatically disable the Existing SP and
Suffix fields.
Existing SP If you want to export files to an existing SP file, click the browse button to
select the particular SP. In this case, there is no need to provide the
Destination and suffix details.
Destination Type or browse for the folder where the resulting zip file should be created.
The first time an Export VFix to Service Pack is performed for a particular
project, the target location is empty. For subsequent exports for the same
project, however, the previously selected target location is set as default
Suffix Specify the component name as suffix
Retain copy in VFix Select this check box to keep the files in the VFix folder after export;
otherwise, the files are removed.
Delivery PDF Fill in the fields to provided information used in the PDF file, which is
Information fields created along with the SP file. A calendar option is provided to select the
export delivery date.

3 Click OK. A window is displayed, informing you whether there are dependencies found.
4 If there are no dependencies, click OK to export the selected files from the VFix folder to a service
pack zip file for a customer modification. Otherwise, click Yes to continue the export.
5 Locate and verify the contents of the service pack zip file having the following format: SP<BE
Version>C<Solution number>_<Component>.zip. For example,
Unzip the file to access the PDF file containing all the information pertaining to the Fix.

Exporting to Tempfix
Use this procedure to export projects or entities connected to one or several action numbers that are
located in the HFix or VFix folder to a Tempfix zip file.

To export to Tempfix
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click and select Export > Export to TempFix. The Export to Tempfix
window is displayed.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 53

Working With Entities

2 Type or select necessary information to export files to tempfix. Consider the following fields:
Check action log This option is selected by default to help you determine if an action log
dependencies that you want to export contains entities that have been modified and
included in other action logs. For more information, see "Exporting Entities"
on page 50.
Show Select the Fix type folder to export files from – HFix or VFix.
Action Logs Select one or more Action numbers to export to a Tempfix zip file. It is
recommended that you export one action number to one tempfix zip file.
Action Logs Content This lists the files in the folder connected to the selected Action number.
Prefix Select a prefix in the list.
Name The name is automatically filled with the Action number that you selected
by default.
Destination Type the folder name or browse for the folder where the zip file should be
The first time an Export to Tempfix is performed for a particular project,
the target location is empty. For subsequent exports for the same project,
however, the previously selected target location is set as default path.
Keep locks Select this option to retain the entities in the lock state inside A/N.

3 Click OK. A window is displayed, informing you whether there are dependencies found.

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Working With Entities

4 If there are no dependencies, click OK to finish the export operation. Otherwise, click Yes to continue
the export.
5 Locate and verify the contents of the Tempfix zip file having the following format: <Fix Type>_
<Name>_<Component>.zip. For example,

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 55

Working With Programs

• "Program Packages" on page 56

• "Creating or Getting a Program " on page 57
• "Creating a Program by Wizard" on page 57
• "Getting a Program in Read-Only Mode" on page 60
• "Editing a Program" on page 61
• "Action Marking a Program" on page 62
• "Viewing the Program Annotation Reports" on page 63
• "Building and Deploying a Program" on page 63

Important: The functionality to work with programs is only available in M3 Adaptation Kit with Extended
Access Mode enabled. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation Kit and M3
Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.

Program Packages
There are five types of M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) packages that you can work with:
• Standard – programs that belong to the package
• Market – programs that belong to the package
• Customer – programs that belong to the package
• Parameter list (Plist) - programs that belong to the package
• Utility list (Util) - programs that belong to the package

56 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Programs

Creating or Getting a Program

To start working with programs, you can either create a new program or you can get an already existing
program. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Creating a Program by Wizard
• Getting an Entity

Creating a Program by Wizard

Use this procedure to create a new program by wizard.

Before you start The database interface that is used in the new program must be fetched into the
M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Navigator before creating the new program.

To create a program by wizard

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click a project and a corresponding component in the project to work
2 Select New > Program by wizard. The New Program by wizard windows is displayed.

3 Provide necessary information to set up the project settings. Consider the following fields:
Project Select a Project in the list

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 57

Working With Programs

Action Number Allocate your entity to an action number by performing one of the following
• Select an action number in the Action Number list. The list is sorted
in reverse alphabetical and descending numerical order.
• Use Ctrl + Space for content-assisted text.
• Click the browse icon to view all action numbers and their descriptions.
• Click New to create a new action number for your entity. An action
number can be created up to a length of 14 characters which can
include a dash (-).

Note: A warning message is displayed if the selected Action Number is

in use by another user. You can continue using the Action Number but
the A/N user will be changed to your User ID.

Show only action Select this option to filter the Action Numbers that are unused or belonging
numbers that are to the particular MAK user.
unused or belonging to
<User ID>
Create Lock Select this option to lock a source by default. If you do not lock a source,
you cannot deploy the entity.

4 Click Next. The New program settings window is displayed.

5 Provide the following information:

58 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Programs

Name Type a name to the new entity that you are creating.
Package Select a package component to which the new entity is to be associated
with: standard, customer, market, plist – parameter list, or util – utility list.
Component Select a corresponding component to which the new entity is to be
associated with.
Type Only the type "work with" is supported in this version.
Generate Program This option is selected by default. Select this option if you want to create
a new program.
Generate This option is selected by default. Select this option if you want to create
ViewDefinition a new view definition.

Important: The wizard will not proceed if neither Generate checkbox is selected.

Note: The wizard will automatically identify the matching package for the selected component. It
will display a read-only package field except for Standard component.

6 Click Next. The Database interface settings page is displayed.

7 Provide the following information:
Database Interface Type a name of the database interface used by the new program.
Component Select a corresponding component in the list.

8 Click Next. The Panels page is displayed.

9 Type the number of additional panels used by the new program. Panels A to E and P are already
created by default. The additional Detail Panels will start from F to J depending on the number
10 Click Next. The Assign fields to panels window is displayed. This window lists all fields except those
designated as non-unique keys based on the Database Interface specified in Step 6.
11 Assign which fields will appear on each Details Panel to be generated by selecting the panel in the
Panels column.

Note: Panel E is the only Detail Panel created by default. The additional Detail Panels will start
from F to J depending on the number of additional panels you created.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 59

Working With Programs

12 Click Finish. The two entities, Program and View Definition, are now created. The Program will be
generated according to the Database Interface and the number of Panels specified. The View
Definition will be generated with all requested panels. The fields that were assigned to each panel
should be visible.
If MAK detects that the Program exists in both MVX and Market components, then the program will
be marked by an M icon.

Getting a Program in Read-Only Mode

Use this procedure to get a program in read-only mode for debug purposes. If you are working with
M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) without enabling Extended Access Mode, you can only open programs in a
read-only mode and debug the program.

To get a program in read-only mode

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select a program that you want to open in read-only mode.
2 Right-click and select Get >Program read-only. The Get program in read-only mode window is

60 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Programs

3 Provide necessary information to get the program. Consider the following fields:
Project Select a Project in the list
Type Program is selected by default.
Name Type the name of the program that you want to get. All matching programs
will appear in a list. Click a program in the list to display the program
description tooltip.

4 Select a program in the list and click Finish. The Opening information window is displayed informing
you that the program will be opened in read-only mode and that although this program can be used
for debug it cannot be edited or deployed.
5 Click OK to continue. The program is opened in the Editor area in read-only mode.
6 Start debugging the program as described in Starting the Debug Server.

Editing a Program
You can edit a program using the Java Editor. The program source is displayed in the editor after
getting a program. For more information about how to use the Java editor, see the Eclipse documentation
found on the page.
After editing, go to File > Save or press CTRL+S to save your changes.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 61

Working With Programs

In the Java Editor, when a program is successfully edited and saved, and locked by the current user,
its source will be automatically updated with the following change:
• public final static String_spNumber is updated with a value of MAK<User ID>_<Date>_
For example, public final static String _spNumber="MAK_15895_090311_16:23";.

Action Marking a Program

The M3 programming standard requires to action mark every change, such as adding or deleting a line
or block of lines, to an existing entity. This is done to ensure modifications are tracked, and blocks of
code belonging to an action number are determined during upgrade.
You can tag the source code manually using the following methods:
• Highlight and right-click the line or block of lines being modified. Select Mark As > Added or Deleted,
depending on that action that you want to perform.
• Use key sequence
• To mark a line or block of lines that were added or changed, press CTRL + ALT + A.
The line or block of lines is appended by the comment : //A <Action Number> <Date>
• To mark a line or block of lines that were deleted, press CTRL + ALT + D.
The line or block of lines is appended by the comment : //D <Action Number> <Date>

62 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Programs

Action marking is done automatically when a program is modified using the Get command or when a
program is successfully deployed. The action marking is added in the file header under Modification
area - Customer.
When a program is successfully deployed after saving the changes, the existing source will be
automatically appended and updated with the following changes:
• Modification area - Customer in the header is updated with a value of <Action Number>
<Date> <User ID> <A/N Description>
For example, 81229 070927 14473 MMS300CL_does_not_follow_CRS158_selection_fields
• public final static String [][] _standardModifications declaration at the end
of the source is updated with a value of "<Action Number>", "<Date>", <User ID>","
<Description><User ID>__<Time>"
For example, public final static String [][] _standardModifications={

Viewing the Program Annotation Reports

MCE Packages downloaded and installed to the M3 Business Engine 15.1 contains its own annotation
information that can be viewed in MAK.
Do the following steps to view annotation information:

1 Use the Get Wizard to fetch the relevant Program Entity. (See "Getting an Entity " on page 40 for
more information).
2 From MAK Navigator, right-click on the selected entity > Get > Annotation Reports.
3 The reports will be displayed in their respective editors.

Building and Deploying a Program

For more information about building and deploying a program, see the following procedures:
• Building an Entity
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 63

Working With Out Interfaces

• "Creating or Getting an Out Interface" on page 64

• "Using the Out Interface Editor" on page 64
• "Exporting Outdata to a StreamServe Dictionary File" on page 77
• "Building and Deploying an Out Interface" on page 77

Creating or Getting an Out Interface

To start working with out interfaces, you can either create a new out interface or you can get an already
existing out interface. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Using the Out Interface Editor

• "Editing an Out Interface" on page 65
• "Out Interface Editor Panes" on page 65
• "Out Interface Editor Tasks" on page 68
• "Adding a Record Format to an Out Interface" on page 68
• "Adding a Field to a Record Format" on page 69
• "Adding a Page to an Out Interface" on page 70
• "Adding a Record Format to a Page" on page 71
• "Copying a Record Format" on page 71
• "Copying a Field" on page 72

64 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

• "Importing a Field " on page 72

• "Editing a Record Format" on page 73
• "Editing a Field" on page 74
• "Cutting a Field" on page 76
• "Deleting a Record Format" on page 76
• "Deleting a Field" on page 76

Editing an Out Interface

You can edit an out interface using the Out Interface Editor. Out Interfaces define the layout of the
report using the available fields in the corresponding program. The editor is displayed when using the
Get or New command for Out interfaces, or when opening an Out interface from the MAK Navigator
tab. The editor can be viewed with horizontal or vertical alignment using the buttons located at the top
right corner of the window.

Out Interface Editor Panes

The Out Interface Editor consists of different panes that are displayed when you select objects in the
Out Interface Objects pane. The following sections describe the available panes in the Out Interface

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 65

Working With Out Interfaces

Out Interface Objects

The Out Interface Objects pane consists of two main folders: Record Formats folder and Pages folder.
The Record Formats folder contains all record formats defined in the out interface. You can expand a
record format to view its fields. The Pages folder contains all pages defined in the out interface. You
can expand a page to see the record formats that are included in that page.
This pane also contains the different tasks available in the editor. For more information, see Out Interface
Editor Tasks.

Record Format Details

The Record Format Details pane is used to edit or copy a record format. Select the Record Formats
folder, and click Add to display this pane. You can also select any record format from the Record
Formats folder to display this pane. All the details of the record format are displayed, allowing you to
edit them.

66 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

Field Details
The Field Details pane is used to edit or copy a field. Select a field of a record format, and click Add to
display this pane. You can also select any field of a record format to display this pane. All the details
of the fields are displayed, allowing you to edit them

Page Details
The Page Details pane is used to edit or copy a page. Select the Pages folder, and click Add to display
this pane. You can also select any page from the Pages folder to display the pane.

Page Record Format Details

The Page Record Format Details pane is used to edit or copy a field. Select a page record format of
a page, and click Add to display this pane. You can also select any page record format to display this
pane. All the details of the page record format are displayed, allowing you to edit them

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 67

Working With Out Interfaces

Out Interface Editor Tasks

The following options are available in the Out Interface Editor:

Add This option is used to add a record format, a page, or

a field with the specified metadata to the data structure.
Import This option opens the Data Dictionary window to select
fields to import to the out interface.
Copy This option copies the selected field or record format
to the clipboard.
Cut This option cuts the selected field or record format to
the clipboard
Paste This option pastes a field from the clipboard to the
selected record format or a record format from the
clipboard to the out interface.
Delete This option is used to delete a record format, a page,
or a field.

Adding a Record Format to an Out Interface

Use this procedure to add a record format to an out interface.

To add a record format to an out interface

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the Record Formats folder.
2 Click Add. The Record Format Details pane is displayed.

68 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

3 Provide the following information:

Name Type the name of the new record format. By default, the name
begins with the prefix of a particular file, and contains eight
Suffix Type a suffix or change the suffix.
Stream This is the stream file in which the record format is included.
This field is read-only. However, it automatically reflects any
change or update made in the Suffix field.
Type Select a type of the record format in the list.

4 Click the Out Interface Objects pane area to update the list. The new record format is added to Out
Interface Objects.
5 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Adding a Field to a Record Format

Use this procedure to add a field to a record format.

To add a field to a record format

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select a record format in the Record Formats folder.
2 Click Add. The Field Details pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

Field Name Select or type a valid field name to add to the record format.
Reference Field Type or select a field in the Select Reference Field window to
which the added field can be referred.
If a reference field is used here, it is not possible to change the
field characteristics of the adding field. Data of the referenced
field is retrieved in runtime.
Reference File This field is read-only. The table name of the selected Reference

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 69

Working With Out Interfaces

Type Select a type of the record format in the list. The following types
are possible:
• Blob – binary large entity
• Char – character field
• Decimal – decimal field, zoned.

Length Type the valid length of the field, if needed.

Decimals Type the valid decimals in the field, if needed. This must be an
integer >= 0 and <= Length.
Field heading Type or browse a field heading using the Field Headings
window. The field heading is retrieved if using a reference field.
Edit code Select the edit code for the field. The code controls how the
field is presented in panels and lists. It is the base for the field
properties displayed in Screen Designer.
For information about valid edit codes, refer to the "Reference
Fields" chapter in the Infor User’s Guide Integrated Development
Visible indicators Type the visible indicators that are required to display the field.
The entry must follow Java syntax. For example, 56 and 57 or
58 and 59 is written as IN56&&IN57||||IN58&&IN59.
Invisible indicator Type the invisible indicator that is required to hide the field.
When deploying the out interface, indicator strings entered in
Invisible indicator will be merged with the indicator string in
Visible indicators.

4 Click the Out Interface Objects pane area to update the list. The field is now added to the record

Adding a Page to an Out Interface

Use this procedure to add a page to an out interface.

To add a page to an out interface

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the Pages folder.
2 Click Add. The Page Details pane is displayed.

70 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

3 Provide the following information:

Name Type the name of the page.

4 Click the Out Interface Objects pane area to update the list. The new page is added to Out Interface
5 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Adding a Record Format to a Page

Use this procedure to add a record format to a page.

To add a record format to a page

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select a page in the Pages folder.
2 Click Add. The Page Record Format Details pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

Name Select a record format in the list.

Description Type a description of the record format.
Stream This is the stream file in which the record format is included.
This field is read-only.

4 Click the Out Interface Objects pane area to update the list.
5 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Copying a Record Format

Use this procedure to copy a record format.

To copy a record format

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the record format in the Record Formats folder to copy.
The Record Format Details pane is displayed.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 71

Working With Out Interfaces

2 Click Copy then click the Record Formats folder The Paste button is now enabled.
3 Click Paste. The record format is copied into the Record Formats folder with the same name as that
of the out interface. In the following example CRS602A2 is copied as shown in the out interface
CRS602 marked with a red circle.

4 Click the record format that was copied. The Record Format Details pane is displayed.
5 Edit the name and other details of the out interface as needed.
6 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Copying a Field
Use this procedure to copy a field.

To copy a field
1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select a field belonging to a record format in the Record Formats
folder to copy. The Field Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Copy then select another record format. The Paste button is now enabled.
3 Click Paste. The field is copied into the record format selected in the Record Formats folder.
4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Importing a Field
Use this procedure to import a field to the out interface. When importing a field or several fields, the
settings for the fields are transferred into the out interface.

72 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

To import a field
1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the record format to add the field to. The Record Format
Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Import. The Select Field window is displayed.

3 Select the table from where you want to reference the field or column. All fields in the table are
displayed in the right panel. The field name, its field characteristics, and connected field heading
are pre-filled for the field to be added. It is possible to change the field metadata according to your

Tip: You can filter the display based on field names by specifying any character in the first text box.
All the fields containing the specified characters are displayed. Alternately, you can choose to filter
by description by specifying the description criteria in the second text box.

4 Select one or more fields that you want to import.

5 Click OK. The Import result window is displayed with information about the imported fields and the
new field names.
6 Click OK. The Out Interface Objects pane is updated with the new fields. If the new column name
already exists a number is added as suffix. The new field is added at the end of list of fields for the
selected record format.

Editing a Record Format

Use this procedure to edit a record format.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 73

Working With Out Interfaces

To edit a record format

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the Record Formats that you want to edit. The Record
Format Details pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Name Edit the name of the new record format. By default, the name
begins with the prefix of a particular file, and contains eight
Suffix Type a new suffix or change the suffix.
Stream This is the stream file in which the record format is included.
This field is read-only. However, it automatically reflects any
change or update made in the Suffix field.
Type Select another type of the record format in the list, if needed.

For more information about the field descriptions, see Adding a Record Format to a Page.
3 Click the Out Interface Objects area to update the list.
4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Editing a Field
Use this procedure to edit a field.

To edit a field
1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the field in the Record Formats to edit. The Field Details
pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Field Name Edit the field name.

74 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

Reference Field Type or select a field in the Select Reference Field window to
which the added field can be referred.
If a reference field is used here, it is not possible to change the
field characteristics of the adding field. Data of the referenced
field is retrieved in runtime.
Reference File is updated automatically when the Reference
Field changes.
Type Select atype of the record format in the list. The following types
are possible:
• Blob – binary large entity
• Char – character field
• Decimal – decimal field, zoned.

Length Type a valid length of the field, if needed.

Decimals Type valid decimals in the field, if needed. This must be an
integer >= 0 and <= Length.
Field heading Type or browse a field heading using the Field Headings
window. The field heading is retrieved if using a reference field.
Edit code Select the edit code for the field. The code controls how the
field is presented in panels and lists. It is the base for the field
properties displayed in Screen Designer.
For information about valid edit codes, refer to the "Reference
Fields" chapter in the Infor User’s Guide Integrated Development
Visible indicators Type the visible indicators that are required to display the field.
The entry must follow Java syntax. For example, 56 and 57 or
58 and 59 is written as IN56&&IN57||||IN58&&IN59.
Invisible indicator Type the invisible indicator that is required to hide the field.
When deploying the out interface, indicator strings entered in
Invisible indicator will be merged with the indicator string in
Visible indicators.

If there are multiple Record Formats of this field:

• Changes made to Field Heading, Visible Indicator, Invisible Indicator, and Edit code affect only
the particular record format that you have chosen for editing the field.
• Changes to Type, Length and Decimal affect all the Record Formats to which the field belongs.

3 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 75

Working With Out Interfaces

Cutting a Field
Use this procedure to cut a field.

To cut a field
1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select a field belonging to a record format in the Record Formats
folder to cut. The Record Format Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Cut. The field is copied to the clipboard and not removed until it is pasted to a record format.
3 Select another record, and click Paste.
4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Deleting a Record Format

Use this procedure to delete a record format.

To delete a record format

1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select the record format in the Record Formats folder to delete.
The Record Format Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation window is displayed
3 Click OK. The Record Format is now deleted in the Record Formats folder.

Deleting a Field
Use this procedure to delete a field.

To delete a field
1 In the Out Interface Objects pane, select a field belonging to a record format in the Record Formats
folder to delete. The Field Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation window is displayed.
3 Click OK. The field is now deleted.

76 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working With Out Interfaces

Exporting Outdata to a StreamServe Dictionary File

Use this procedure to export outdata to a StreamServe Dictionary file.

To export outdata to a StreamServe Dictionary file

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select an out interface, or get an out interface.
2 Right-click the out interface and select Export OutData DIC.
The result from the Export is a .dic file which contains information about the selected Out interface,
information such as what fields the Out interface contain. The .dic file can be imported in to
StreamServe via its tooling, to provide input for the corresponding StreamServe layout.
The following figure is an example of the .dic files information for the FLS601 Out interface

Building and Deploying an Out Interface

For more information about building and deploying an out interface, see the following procedures:
• Building an Entity
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 77

Working with View Definitions

• "Limitation of Working with View Definitions" on page 78

• "Creating or Getting a View Definition" on page 78
• "Editing a View Definition " on page 78
• "Building and Deploying a View Definition" on page 79
• " Merging View Definition Files" on page 79
• "Viewing the History Log" on page 79

Limitation of Working with View Definitions

When working with view definitions from MAK, the following is a known limitation: IWS (Infor Web
Services) – new fields added with Screen Designer do not get any field description support in the IWS

Creating or Getting a View Definition

To start working with view definitions, you can either create a new view definition or you can get an
already existing view definition. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Editing a View Definition

You can edit a view definition using the Screen Designer. For information about how to use the Screen
Designer tool, see Infor User’s Guide Integrated Development Studio Screen Designer.

78 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with View Definitions

Building and Deploying a View Definition

For more information about building and deploying a view definition, see the following procedures:
• Building an Entity
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

Merging View Definition Files

Use this procedure to merge view definition files. View definitions can be merged manually using the
MvxViewDefMerger tool.

To merge view definition files

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select the view definition file you want to merge.
2 Right-click and select Merge.
3 Select another view definition file to merge with and click Open. All differences are marked as merge
4 Merge the file by selecting the alternatives in file 1 or the base.
5 Save the file when all merge points are corrected.
6 Exit the MvxViewDefMerger tool with File > Exit. The merged file is now saved in the ViewDefinitions
folder in the MAK Project.
For more information about the MvxViewDefMerger tool, see Infor User’s Guide Integrated Development
Studio Screen Designer.

Viewing the History Log

Use this procedure to view the history log and verify the modifications that have been made for a specific
view definition. The action number is also present in the History Log.

To view the history log

1 Open a view definition in the Screen Designer.
2 Select Tools > Show History Log.
3 Expand the node to view all modifications.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 79

Working with Database Interfaces

• "Creating or Getting a Database Interface" on page 80

• "Using the Database Interface Editor" on page 80
• "Building and Deploying a Database Interface" on page 96

Important: The functionality to work with database interfaces is only available in M3 Adaptation Kit
with Extended Access Mode enabled. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation
Kit and M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.

Creating or Getting a Database Interface

To start working with database interfaces, you can either create a new database interface or you can
get an already existing database interface. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Using the Database Interface Editor

• "Editing a Database Interface" on page 81
• "Database Interface Editor Panes" on page 82
• "Database Interface Editor Tasks" on page 85
• "Adding an Index Overview to a Database Interface" on page 86
• "Adding a Column " on page 87
• "Creating Keys" on page 87
• "Creating a Condition" on page 88

80 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

• "Creating a Join Condition" on page 89

• "Importing a Column" on page 90
• "Editing the Table Overview" on page 90
• "Editing a Column " on page 92
• "Editing a Condition " on page 93
• "Editing a Join Condition" on page 94
• "Deleting an Index Overview " on page 94
• "Deleting a Column" on page 95
• "Deleting a Condition" on page 95
• "Deleting a Join Condition" on page 95
• "Moving a Row" on page 96

Editing a Database Interface

You can edit a database interface using the Database Interface Editor. The editor is used to manage
tables and logical views for Database Interfaces. The editor is displayed when using the Get or New
command for database interfaces, or when opening a Database Interface from the MAK Navigator tab.
The editor can be viewed with horizontal or vertical alignment using the two buttons located at the top
right corner of the window.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 81

Working with Database Interfaces

Database Interface Editor Panes

The Database Interface Editor consists of different panes that are displayed when you select objects
in the Table pane. The following sections describe the available panes in the Database Interface Editor:

The Table pane has a main folder named Table that contains sub-folders for all columns and index
overviews of the selected database Interface.
This pane also contains the different tasks available in the editor. For more information, see Database
Interface Editor Tasks.

Table Overview
The Table Overview pane is used to edit the properties of the table. Select a table in the Table pane
to display this pane. All the details of the table are displayed, allowing you to edit them.

Note: The Browse program, Archiving function, Mass delete function, Program heading for description
fields are only applicable for M3 Business Engine 14.1.2. or later.

82 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Column Overview
The Column Overview pane is used to view the number of columns in a table. This pane is read-only.

Column Details
The Column Details pane is used to edit or copy a column. Select the Columns list, and click Add to
display this pane. You can also select any column in the Columns list to display the pane.

Index Overview
The Index Overview pane is used to add or edit a field in an Index overview. Select a logical view to
display this pane. All the details of the index are displayed, allowing you to edit them. You can also
specify whether the index overview is unique.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 83

Working with Database Interfaces

Key Overview
The Key Overview pane is used to view the number of keys in an index overview. This pane is read-only.

Key Details
The Key Details pane is used to edit or copy a key. Select the Keys list, and click Add to display this
pane. You can also select any key in the Keys list to display the pane.

Condition Overview
The Condition Overview pane is used to view the number of conditions in an index overview. This pane
is read-only.

Condition Details
The Condition Details pane is used to insert conditions for displaying selected fields in a logical view.
Select the Conditions list, and click Add to display this pane.

84 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Join Condition Overview

The Join Condition Overview pane is used to view the number of join conditions in an index overview.
This pane is read-only.

Join Condition Details

The Join Condition Details pane is used to join fields from two tables or add or remove joined fields in
a view. Select the Join Conditions list, and click Add to display this pane.

Database Interface Editor Tasks

The following options are available in the Database Interface Editor:

Add This option adds a new logical view, column, key or

condition depending on the element selected.
Import This option adds multiple columns by importing settings
from other database interfaces.
Copy This option copies a column to an index or keys
between indexes to the clipboard.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 85

Working with Database Interfaces

Cut This option removes the selected column or key to the

Paste This option pastes a column to an index or keys
between indexes.
Delete This option removes the selected element from the
database interface. When a column is selected, the
Delete button is disabled if the column is part of an
Up This is used to move the row up one position in the list
Down This is used to move the row down one position in the

Adding an Index Overview to a Database Interface

Use this procedure to create a new index overview to a database interface.

To add an index overview to a database interface

1 In the Table pane, select a table name.
2 Click Add. The Index Overview pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

Name Type the name of the Index Overview. The name of

the index usually starts with the name of the table
and has a two digit suffix. A table should contain at
least one Index Overview.
Unique Select this option if your index overview contains a
unique key. There can only be one unique index key
in each table.

4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The new Index Overview is now created and added to the
Table pane.

86 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Adding a Column
Use this procedure to add a column in the database interface.

To add a column
1 In the Table pane, select Columns Node in the list.
2 Click Add. The Column Details pane is displayed. The default column name always begins with the
current prefix, for example, MM.
3 Provide the following information as needed:

Name Type a new Field name in this table, with the chosen
field prefix.
Field heading Type the field heading connected to the field or
browse a field heading using the Field Headings
window. The field heading is retrieved from the
language file that is valid according to a language
search order.
Type Select the type of the field data. The following types
are possible:
• String
• Decimal

Length Type a new value for the length of the field.

Decimals Type the number of decimals in the field if it is a
decimal field.
Edit code Select the edit code that is to be used for the field.
The code controls how the field is presented in panels
and lists. It is the base for the field properties
displayed in Screen Designer.

4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The column is added to the table.

Creating Keys
Use this procedure to create keys.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 87

Working with Database Interfaces

To create keys
1 In the Table pane, select the index overview for which you want to create keys.
2 Select Keys and click Add. The Key Details pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

Name Select a column that will be used as key.

Order Select the Order of sorting in the Order list, ascending
or descending.

4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Creating a Condition
Use this procedure to create a condition for displaying fields in an index overview.

To create a condition
1 In the Table pane, select the index overview for which you want to create conditions.
2 Select Conditions and click Add. The Condition Details pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

Property Select a rule, a logical AND/OR, which links the

condition with the previous row in the list.
Name Select a Column in which you want to make a
condition. All fields belonging to the table are
displayed in the list.

88 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Operator Select an operator for the condition in the list. These

are the valid operators:
• < Less than
• <= Less than or equal to
• = Equal to
• > Greater than
• >= Greater than or equal to
• IS NOT Not equal to
• LIKE Equal to

Value Type a value with which the field is compared.

4 Click Add again to add more rows to the condition.

5 Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The condition for displaying the index overview is now inserted.

Creating a Join Condition

Use this procedure to create a join condition to display two or more tables.

To create a join condition

1 In the Table pane, select an index overview from the list.
2 Select Join Conditions and click Add. The Join Condition Details pane is displayed.
3 Provide the following information:

From Select a Column name that will be used for the join.
To Click the browse button to select a field heading.
Select the table where the column you want to join
exists. The columns in the table are displayed. Select
the field or column from the list.
Table The table name selected in the Select Field window
is displayed.

4 Click Add again to create more joined fields.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 89

Working with Database Interfaces

5 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Importing a Column
Use this procedure to import a column in the database interface.

To import a column
1 In the Table pane, select Columns Node.
2 Click Import. The Select Fields window is displayed.
3 Select the table from where you want to reference the field or column. All fields in the table are
displayed in the right panel.
The field name, its field characteristics, and connected field heading are pre-filled for the field to be
added. It is possible to change the field metadata to your liking.
4 Select one or more fields to import.
5 Click OK. The Import result window is displayed. The prefixes of the new columns are renamed to
the prefix used in database interface. If the new column name already exists then a number is added
as suffix.

Editing the Table Overview

Use this procedure to edit the properties of a table of a database interface.

To edit the table overview

1 In the Table pane, select a table. The Table Overview pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Name Type a new table name.

90 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Description Type a new description of the current table The

abbreviation of the file type is placed first in the
These are the different types of abbreviations:
• MF – Master table
• PT – Temporary program table
• SF – System table
• ST – Temporary session table
• TF – Transaction table
• WF – Work table
The text line ends with the field prefix of the file within
For example, MF: Item master file (MM) For JOIN
tables, the text line contains the tables joined in this
file. For example, Join: MWRKMA, MWRKOP.
File Type Select the abbreviation of the file type as described
Tablespace Select the tablespace that the table is connected to.
The following tablespaces are created for tables in
an M3 BE database:
• TMVXL – large extent size > 1 000 000 rows
• TMVXM – medium extent size 10 000 < rows ≤
1 000 000
• TMVXS – small extent size 100 < rows < 10 000
• TMVXT – tiny extent size < 100 rows

Browse program This field is only applicable for M3 Business Engine

14.1.2 or later.
Specify the main program used to display and edit
data in the table. It does not need to be a menu
Archiving function This field is only applicable for M3 Business Engine
14.1.2 or later.
Specify the menu function name of an archiving
program where the table is included.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 91

Working with Database Interfaces

Mass delete function This field is only applicable for M3 Business Engine
14.1.2 or later.
Specify the menu function for a mass delete program
where the table is included.
Program heading for description This field is only applicable for M3 Business Engine
14.1.2 or later.
Specify a program heading that will be used for
Comment Type comments to describe the use of tables. These
comments can also be applied by using the
CommentDB administration tool.

3 Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The changes are now applied to the Table Overview.

Editing a Column
Use this procedure to edit a column in the database interface.

To edit a column
1 In the Table pane, select a column to edit. The Column Details pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Name Type a new Field name in this table, with the chosen
field prefix.
Field heading Type the field heading connected to the field or
browse a field heading using the Field Headings
window. The field heading is retrieved from the
language file that is valid according to a language
search order.
Type Select the type of the field data. The following types
are possible:
• String
• Decimal

92 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Length Type a new value for the length of the field.

Decimals Type the number of decimals in the field if it is a
decimal field.
Edit code Select the edit code that is to be used for the field.
The code controls how the field is presented in panels
and lists. It is the base for the field properties
displayed in Screen Designer.

3 Press CTRL+S to save the changes. The changes are now applied to the column.

Editing a Condition
Use this procedure to edit a condition for displaying fields in an index overview.

To edit a condition
1 In the Table pane, select the condition that you want to edit. The Condition Details pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Property Select a rule, a logical AND/OR, which links the

condition with the previous row in the list.
Name Select a Column in which you want to make a
condition. All fields belonging to the table are
displayed in the list.
Operator Select an operator for the condition in the list. These
are the valid operators:
• < Less than
• <= Less than or equal to
• = Equal to
• > Greater than
• >= Greater than or equal to
• IS NOT Not equal to
• LIKE Equal to

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 93

Working with Database Interfaces

Value Type a value with which the field is compared.

3 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Editing a Join Condition

Use this procedure to edit a join condition.

To edit a join condition

1 In the Table pane, select the join condition that you want to edit. The Join Condition Details pane
is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

From Select a Column name that will be used for the join.
To Click the browse button to select a field heading.
Select the table where the column you want to join
exists. The columns in the table are displayed. Select
the field or column from the list.
Table The table name selected in the Select Field window
is displayed.

3 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

Deleting an Index Overview

Use this procedure to delete an index overview.

To remove an index overview

1 In the Table pane, select the index overview that you want to remove.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the deletion of the index
3 Click Yes. The index overview is now removed.

94 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Database Interfaces

Deleting a Column
Use this procedure to delete a column in the database interface.

To delete a column
1 In the Table pane, select a column in the list.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the deletion of the
selected column.
3 Click Yes to delete the column.

Deleting a Condition
Use this procedure to delete a condition for displaying fields in an index overview.

To delete a condition
1 In the Table pane, select a condition that you want to delete. The Condition Details pane is displayed.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the deletion of the
selected condition.
3 Click Yes to delete the condition.

Deleting a Join Condition

Use this procedure to delete a join condition.

To delete a join condition

1 In the Table pane, select a join condition that you want to delete. The Join Condition Details pane
is displayed.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the deletion of the
selected join condition.
3 Click Yes to delete the join condition.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 95

Working with Database Interfaces

Moving a Row
Use this procedure to move a row up or down in the list.

To move a row
1 In the Table pane, select a row in the list .
2 Click one of the following options:

Up Select this option to move the row one position up in the list.
Down Select this option to move the row one position down in the list.

Building and Deploying a Database Interface

Deploying a database means that the class and source files for the database are compressed to a zip
file, and saved on the M3 Business Engine Server. The SE (systemengineer) must then install the
database on the environment using the Upgrade Database task in LifeCycle Manager. For more
information, see "Upgrading Database with a Fix or Fixpack" in M3 BE LifeCycle Manager User Guide.
The deployed zip file can be found in the HFix folder in the file structure for M3 Business Engine. The
zip file is named HFix_<DBI name>_<component>_<action no>.zip. Besides the .class and .java files,
it contains a .txt file that includes messages from the AE (Application Engineer) to the SE of the changes
that are done. The information is added by the AE during the deployment.
The best practice in MAK is to keep the lock on the DB interface until the zip file is unzipped.
For more information about building and deploying a database interface, see the following procedures:
• Building an Entity
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

96 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Data Structures

• "Creating or Getting a Data Structure" on page 97

• "Using the Data Structure Editor" on page 97
• "Building and Deploying a Data Structure" on page 104

Important: The functionality to work with data structures is only available in M3 Adaptation Kit with
Extended Access Mode enabled. For more information, see Working With Entities in M3 Adaptation
Kit and M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.

Creating or Getting a Data Structure

To start working with data structure, you can either create a new data structure or you can get an
already existing data structure. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Using the Data Structure Editor

• "Editing a Data Structure" on page 98
• "Data Structure Editor Panes" on page 98
• "Data Structure Editor Tasks" on page 100
• "Adding a Field to a Data Structure" on page 100
• "Importing a Field" on page 101
• "Editing a Field" on page 102
• "Changing the Prefix of Fields" on page 103

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 97

Working with Data Structures

• "Deleting a Field" on page 103

• "Moving a Field" on page 104

Editing a Data Structure

You can edit a data structure using the Data Structure Editor. The Data Structure Editor is used to
manage fields for data structures. The editor is displayed when you use the Get or New functions for
data structures or open a data structure from MAK Navigator tab. The editor can be viewed in horizontal
or vertical alignment using the buttons located at the top right corner of the window. The version field
displays the version string from the java file.

The Data Structure Editor can detect if a data structure is of type Standard or MI. However, this can
only be done by M3 Adaptation Kit if the data structure already contains a string of length 1. Otherwise,
M3 Adaptation Kit prompts the user for input on how to save the string. For more information about
editing and saving a string, see Editing a Field.

Data Structure Editor Panes

The Data Structure Editor consists of different panes that are displayed when you select objects in the
Fields pane. The following sections describe the available panes in the Data Structure Editor:

The Fields pane has a main folder named Table that contains sub-folders for all columns and index
overviews of the selected database Interface.

98 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Data Structures

This pane also contains the different tasks available in the editor. For more information, see Data
Structure Editor Tasks.

Field Details
The Field Details pane is used to edit or copy a field. You can also select any field in the Fields pane
to display the Field Details pane.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 99

Working with Data Structures

Data Structure Editor Tasks

The following options are available in the Data Structure Editor:

Add This option displays the Field Details pane to add a

field with the specified metadata to the data structure.
Import This option opens the Data Dictionary dialog for select
fields to import to data structure.
Prefix This option opens the Prefix dialog for setting new
prefix for selected fields.
Delete This option removes the selected field from the data
Up This is used to move the field up one position in the
Down This is used to move the field down one position in the

Adding a Field to a Data Structure

Use this procedure to add a field in the data structure.

To add a field to a data structure

1 In the Fields pane, click Add. The Field Details pane is displayed.
2 Provide the following information:

Name Type a field name to be used in the data structure.

The default value has the format <prefix> + 000 +
<count>, for example, ZC0002.
Type Select the type of the field data. The following types
are possible:
• String
• Decimal

100 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Data Structures

Length Type a new value for the length of the field in number
of characters.
Decimals Type the number of decimals allowed. This field is
enabled only for type decimal.

3 Click the Fields pane area to update the list.

4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.
5 For Datastructures which MI type is still unknown, if you changed the length value of the field to 1
in step 2, a window is displayed, prompting you to save the string as MI.
• When you click OK, the data structure is saved as MI (MvxString, 1).
• When you click Cancel, the data structure is saved as standard (char, 1).

Importing a Field
Use this procedure to import a field in the data structure. When importing a field or several fields, the
settings for the fields are transferred into the data structure.

To import a field
1 In the Fields pane, click Import. The Select Fields window is displayed.
2 Select the table you want to view fields for. The fields are displayed to the right.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 101

Working with Data Structures

3 Select the table from where you want to reference the field or column. All fields in the table are
displayed in the right panel. The field name, its field characteristics, and connected field heading
are pre-filled for the field to be added. It is possible to change the field metadata according to your

Tip: You can filter the display based on field names by specifying any character in the first text box.
All the fields containing the specified characters are displayed. Alternately, you can choose to filter
by description by specifying the description criteria in the second text box.

4 Select one or more fields that you want to import.

5 Click OK. The Import result window is displayed with information about the imported fields and the
new field names.
6 Click OK. The Fields pane is updated with the new fields. The imported fields will acquire the prefix
of the first field in this pane.

Editing a Field
Use this procedure to edit a field in the data structure.

To edit a field
1 In the Fields pane, select a field that you want to edit. The Field Details pane is displayed.
2 Modify the following information as needed:

Name Type a new field name to be used in the data

Type Select the type of the field data. The following types
are possible:
• String
• Decimal

Length Type a new value for the length of the field in number
of characters.
Decimals Type the number of decimals allowed. This field is
enabled only for type decimal.

3 Click the Fields pane area to update the list.

4 Press CTRL+S to save the changes.

102 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Data Structures

5 For Datastructures which MI type is still unknown, if you changed the length value of the field to 1
in step 2, a window is displayed, prompting you to save the string as MI.
• When you click OK, the data structure is saved as MI (MvxString, 1).
• When you click Cancel, the data structure is saved as standard (char, 1).

Changing the Prefix of Fields

Use this procedure to change the prefix of multiple fields.

To change the prefix of fields

1 In the Fields pane, select one or more fields.
2 Click Prefix. The Prefix window is displayed.

3 Type two characters for the new prefix.

4 Click OK. The window is closed and the selected fields in the Fields pane are updated with the new

Deleting a Field
Use this procedure to delete a field in the database structure.

To delete a field
1 In the Fields pane, select a field that you want to delete.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the delete action.
3 Click OK. The field is deleted from the Data structure.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 103

Working with Data Structures

Moving a Field
Use this procedure to move a field up or down in the fields list.

To move a field
1 In the Fields pane, select a field that you want to move.
2 Click one of the following options:

Up Select this option to move the field one position up in the list.
Down Select this option to move the field one position down in the list.

Building and Deploying a Data Structure

For more information about building and deploying a data structure, see the following procedures:
• Building an Entity
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

104 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Language Files

• "Prerequisites for Working with Language Files" on page 105

• "Creating or Getting a Language File" on page 106
• "Using the Language Editor" on page 106
• "Deploying a Language File" on page 128
• "Copying Data to M3 Business Engine Database" on page 128

Prerequisites for Working with Language Files

To be able to work with a language file, a master XML file must have been created and it needs to be
located in the MAK Home folder. For more information, see M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.
Language constants and messages consist of a language file and a table in the M3 BE database. The
language file and the database table have the same name, and they must be synchronized.
When working with language files, it is possible to do the following tasks:
• Edit constant and message files by using the MAK Language Editor.
• Update language tables in the database using the following three steps:

1 Modify the Language Entity using the Language Editor. This task is done by New or Get Language
2 Deploy the XML file. The changes in the XML file are merged into the language file and the
Master XML file on the M3 BE Server. A zip file containing the XML file with the changes is also
deployed to the server.
3 Use the zip file in LifeCycle Manager (LCM) to update the database with new data.

Important: If the language is new for the component, it is prerequisite to create new language tables
in the database by using the Create Database Language Tables in LCM. For more information about
Creating Database Language Tables, see M3 BE LifeCycle Manager User Guide.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 105

Working with Language Files

Creating or Getting a Language File

To start working with language file, you can either create a new language file or you can get an already
existing language file. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Using the Language Editor

• "Editing a Language File" on page 107
• "Language Master XML Files" on page 107
• "Language Editor Panes" on page 108
• "Language Editor Tasks" on page 114
• "Filtering the Language Objects of a View Definition by Panel" on page 115
• "Searching for a Language Object" on page 116
• "Adding a Program Heading" on page 117
• "Adding a Field Heading" on page 118
• "Adding an Information Message" on page 118
• "Adding a Standard Message" on page 119
• "Editing a Program Heading" on page 121
• "Editing a Field Heading" on page 121
• "Editing an Information Message" on page 122
• "Editing a Standard Message" on page 123
• "Editing a Standard Message Template" on page 125
• "Deleting a Language Object" on page 126
• "Locking a Language Object" on page 127
• "Unlocking a Language Object" on page 127
• "Synchronizing Records" on page 127

106 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Language Files

Editing a Language File

You can edit a language file or component using the Language Editor. The Language Editor is used
to manage language files. It is displayed when you use the Get or New command for language files,
or when you open a language file from the M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Navigator view.

For more information about the procedures on how to open XML file in a special XML editor, or if there
are problems with opening the language file, see M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.

Language Master XML Files

The Language Master XML files for M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) must be generated from Business Engine
(BE) using LifeCycle Manager (LCM). The exported files are extracted and stored in the BE folder
To maintain a Language File, the XML must be first fetched from the BE folder structure using Get,
which copies the XML into the local workspace. The Language Editor then parses the XML in the local
workspace, and displays it. After changes are made, the Language can be deployed using Deploy,
merging the changes into the Language Master XML file in the BE folder structure. As a result, it creates
a merged log file in the same location. The changes are also merged with the language file stored in
the BE Environment path.
A zip file containing the updates, which can be used to update the BE Language Table using LCM, is
generated during deploy.
For more information about Language Master XML files, see M3 Adaptation Kit Installation Guide.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 107

Working with Language Files

Language Editor Panes

The Language Editor consists of different panes that are displayed when you select objects in the
Fields pane. The following sections describe the available panes in the Data Structure Editor:

The Filter pane is used to extract the language constants or messages to the Language Editor based
on a given View Definition and panel name. The constant or message IDs are fetched from the view
definition file. Before you can fetch any IDs, the view definition must already exist in the workspace
and listed in the MAK Navigator tab. It is possible to add constants for the whole program or select
panels only. You have the option to filter which panels to work on.

The Search pane is used to search for headings and messages associated with the language file. using

Language Objects
The Language Objects pane is used to display all headings and messages associated with the language
file. This pane also contains the different tasks available in the Language editor. For more information,
see Language Editor Tasks.

108 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Working with Language Files

New CON Object

The New CON Object pane is used to create a new CON object, either a program heading or a field
heading. Click Add in the Language Objects pane to display this pane. You can then select the type
of CON object to create whether Program heading or Field heading.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 109

Working with Language Files

Edit CON Object

The Edit CON Object pane is used to edit a CON object, either a program heading or a field heading,
in the Language editor. Select an object in the Language Objects pane to display the Edit CON Object
pane. The properties displayed would depend whether the object selected is a Program heading or a
Field Heading.

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Working with Language Files

New MSG Object

The New MSG Object pane is used to create a MSG object, either a program heading or a field heading,
in the language editor. Click Add in the Language Objects pane to display the New MSG Object pane.
You can then select the type of MSG object to create whether Information Message or Standard

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Working with Language Files

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Working with Language Files

Edit MSG Object

The Edit MSG Object pane is used to edit a MSG object, either an information message or a standard
message, in the language editor. Select an object in the Language Objects pane to display the Edit
MSG Object pane. The properties displayed would depend whether the object selected is an Information
Message or a Standard Message.

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Working with Language Files

Base Language
The Base Language pane is used as a language reference when translating the fields of language
objects. You can select the language code in the list to show the translation of a message or heading
in that language.

Language Editor Tasks

The following options are available in the Language Editor:

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Working with Language Files

Add This option creates a new heading or message in the

language file.
• Creates a program heading in a <Prefix>CON<lng
code> file
• Creates a field heading in a <Prefix>CON<lng
code> file
• Creates information messages in a <Prefix>MSG
<lng code> file.
• Creates standard messages in a <Prefix>MSG<lng
code> file.

Delete This option removes selected heading or message

record from the language file. This command requires
Lock This is used to lock a selected heading or message
record that you want to edit in the language file. A lock
status is displayed in the first column of the table. A
green lock icon refers to the record locked by the
current user and a red icon by other users.
Unlock This is used to unlock a heading or message record
that is previously locked by the current user in the
language file. Unlocking the record discards all the
changes made by the user since the last deployment.
Synchronize This is used to get the latest value or values of the
selected row or rows from the master XML file in the
The Synchronize option is disabled when one of the
selected rows has green lock.
Synchronize All This is used to get the latest master XML file from the
server and overwrite the one loaded in the workspace
but keeping all the undeployed changes in MAK.

Filtering the Language Objects of a View Definition by Panel

Use this procedure to filter the headings or messages of a selected view definition by selecting specific

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Working with Language Files

Before you start Make sure that the view definition already exists in the workspace and is listed in
the MAK Navigator tab in order to use the Filter feature.

To filter the language objects of a View Definition by panel

1 In the Filter pane, provide the following information:

View Definition Select a view definition from which the heading or

message IDs that will be updated is fetched.
Panels Select a panel of the view definition where you want
to filter headings messages. You can select one or
more panels by pressing CTRL-Select or you can
select all panels using the Select All option.

2 Click Filter. The headings or messages of the selected panel are displayed in the Language Objects
3 Select a message or heading ID or message or heading in the list. The Edit CON Object or Edit
MSG Object pane is displayed.
4 Modify the heading or message as needed.

Tip: You can use the Base Language pane as language reference when you translate the fields.
You can select the language code in the list to show the message or heading in that language.

5 Press CTRL+S to save the language file. The Language Editor reflects the changes made.

Searching for a Language Object

Use this procedure to search for a heading or message in a language file.

To search for a heading or message

1 In the Search pane, provide the following information:

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Working with Language Files

Type the heading or message ID that you want to find

in the first field and type the content of a heading or
message in the second field.
You can specify a content, (for example, a particular
word or a part of a sentence.) You can also use
wildcards in the search field.
Maximum number displayed: Select the maximum number of language components
in the search result that must be displayed:
• 100
• 1000
• 10000
• Input from user

2 Click the Search icon. You can stop the search anytime by clicking the Stop icon. The results are
displayed in the Language Objects pane.

Adding a Program Heading

Use this procedure to add a program heading in the language editor.

To add a program heading

1 In the Language Objects pane, click Add. The New CON Object pane is displayed.
2 Select Program Heading. The properties are displayed.
3 Provide the following information to create a new program heading:

Heading ID Type the Program Heading ID. The ID must be seven characters
long, beginning with two to three uppercase letters followed by
Heading Type the content or description of the program heading. A read-
only counter to the right of the field automatically indicates the
number of characters used.

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. A new program heading with a green lock is displayed
in the Language Objects pane.

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Working with Language Files

Adding a Field Heading

Use this procedure to add a field heading in the language editor. Field headings are located in the
<Prefix>CON<lng code> files

To add a field heading

1 In the Language Objects pane, click Add. The New CON Object pane is displayed.
2 Select Field Heading. The properties are displayed.
3 Provide the following information to create a new field heading:

Heading ID Type the Field Heading ID . The ID must be seven characters

long, beginning with letter W.
Suffix This is the Content of the field heading, which depends on the
suffix, as follows:
• AA – the entire field heading that can accommodate up to
40 characters. By default, the heading starts with the letter
• 03 – first three positions or characters of the field heading
• 05 – first five positions or characters of the field heading
• 10 – first ten positions or characters of the field heading
• 15 – first 15 positions or characters of the field heading
• C0 – column heading showing the first 15 characters
• C1 – first row of a two-row column heading showing the first
15 characters
• C2– second row of a two-row column heading showing the
first 15 characters

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. A new field heading with a green lock is displayed in
the Language Objects pane.

Adding an Information Message

Use this procedure to add an information message. Information messages are located in the
<Prefix>MSG<lng code> files.

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Working with Language Files

To add an information message

1 In the Language Objects pane, click Add. The New MSG Object pane is displayed.
2 Select Information Message. The properties are displayed.
3 Provide the following information to create a new information message:

Message ID Type the Information Message ID. The ID must be seven

characters long.
Message Type the content of the information message. The field can
accommodate up to 128 characters.
Type (1-4) Select the Type of the substituted variable:
• Character
• Decimal
The Type lists are enabled when you type &1, &2, &3, or &4 in
the Message field, where &1, &2, &3, or &4 are the variables
that are substituted with the type that you select.
Length Type the Length of the character or decimal type.
Decimal (1-4) Type the number of decimals that a decimal type displays. The
integer values are from 0 through 9. For example, if the length
of the decimal type is set to 4, and that of the Decimals is set to
2, then the value presented is 1234.42.

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. A new information message with a green lock is
displayed in the Language Objects pane.

Adding a Standard Message

Use this procedure to add a standard message. Standard messages are located in the <Prefix>MSG<lng
code> files.

To add a standard message

1 In the Language Objects pane, click Add. The New MSG Object pane is displayed.
2 Select Standard Message. The properties are displayed.
3 Provide necessary information to create a new standard message. Consider the following fields:

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Working with Language Files

Message ID Type the Standard Message ID per Field Heading. The ID must
be seven characters long.
Type Select the Type of the substituted variable, &1:

Length Type the Length of the substituted variable, &1.

Decimal Type the Decimals of the substituted variable, &1, if it is of type
Suffix This is the Content of the standard message, which depends on
the suffix, as follows:
• AA – the entire field heading that can accommodate up to
40 characters. By default, the Message ID starts with letter
W. Click Template to display the Standard Message
Template properties.
• 01 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 01, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 is invalid”.
• 02 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 02, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
must be typed”.
• 03 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 03, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 does not exist”.
• 04 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 04, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 already exists".
• 05 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 05, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is
“Confirm deletion of <X> &1.
The notation <X> refers to the field heading and &1 refers to the
entry in the current field.

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Working with Language Files

4 Click OK to save the changes made to the template or click Cancel to cancel any changes made
and to close the Standard Message Template display. These options appear only when Template
is clicked.
5 Click the object name to reflect the changes. A new standard message with a green lock is displayed
in the Language Objects pane.

Editing a Program Heading

Use this procedure to edit an existing program heading.

Important: The heading ID cannot be modified. Only the Heading field and any type (CHAR or DEC)
can be edited. A heading can be edited only if the user has a green lock icon.

To edit a program heading

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a heading that you want to edit. The Edit CON Object pane
is displayed.
2 Select Program Heading. The properties are displayed.
3 Modify the following information as needed:

Heading ID You cannot modify the Program Heading ID. This is a read-only
Heading Type the content or description of the program heading. A read-
only counter to the right of the field automatically indicates the
number of characters used.

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. An asterisk (*) is displayed on the second column of
the modified heading in the Language Objects pane.

Editing a Field Heading

Use this procedure to edit an existing field heading. Field headings are located in the <Prefix>CON<lng
code> files

Important: The heading ID cannot be modified. Only the Heading field and any type (CHAR or DEC)
can be edited. A heading can be edited only if the user has a green lock icon.

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Working with Language Files

To edit a field heading

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a heading that you want to edit. The Edit CON Object pane
is displayed.
2 Select Field Heading. The properties are displayed.
3 Modify the following information as needed:

Heading ID You cannot modify the Field Heading ID. This is a read-only
Suffix This is the Content of the field heading, which depends on the
suffix, as follows:
• AA – the entire field heading that can accommodate up to
40 characters. By default, the heading starts with the letter
• 03 – first three positions or characters of the field heading
• 05 – first five positions or characters of the field heading
• 10 – first ten positions or characters of the field heading
• 15 – first 15 positions or characters of the field heading
• C0 – column heading showing the first 15 characters
• C1 – first row of a two-row column heading showing the first
15 characters
• C2– second row of a two-row column heading showing the
first 15 characters

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. An asterisk (*) is displayed on the second column of
the modified heading in the Language Objects pane.

Editing an Information Message

Use this procedure to edit an information message. Information messages are located in the
<Prefix>MSG<lng code> files.

Important: The message ID cannot be modified. Only the Message field and any type (CHAR or DEC)
can be edited. A heading can be edited only if the user has a green lock icon.

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Working with Language Files

To edit an information message

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a message that you want to edit. The Edit MSG Object pane
is displayed.
2 Select Information Message. The properties are displayed.
3 Modify the following information as needed:

Message ID You cannot modify the Message ID. This is a read-only field.
Message Type the content of the information message. The field can
accommodate up to 128 characters.
Type (1-4) Select the Type of the substituted variable:
• Character
• Decimal
The Type lists are enabled when you type &1, &2, &3, or &4 in
the Message field, where &1, &2, &3, or &4 are the variables
that are substituted with the type that you select.
Length Type the Length of the character or decimal type.
Decimal (1-4) Type the number of decimals that a decimal type displays. The
integer values are from 0 through 9. For example, if the length
of the decimal type is set to 4, and that of the Decimals is set to
2, then the value presented is 1234.42.

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. An asterisk (*) is displayed on the second column of
the modified message in the Language Objects pane.

Editing a Standard Message

Use this procedure to edit a standard message. Standard messages are located in the <Prefix>MSG<lng
code> files.

Important: The message ID cannot be modified. Only the Message field and any type (CHAR or DEC)
can be edited. A heading can be edited only if the user has a green lock icon.

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Working with Language Files

To edit a standard message

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a message that you want to edit. The Edit MSG Object pane
is displayed.
2 Select Standard Message. The properties are displayed.
3 Modify the following information as needed:

Message ID You cannot modify the Message ID. This is a read-only field.
Type Select the Type of the substituted variable, &1:

Length Type the Length of the substituted variable, &1.

Decimal Type the Decimals of the substituted variable, &1, if it is of type

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Working with Language Files

Suffix This is the Content of the standard message, which depends on

the suffix, as follows:
• AA – the entire field heading that can accommodate up to
40 characters. By default, the Message ID starts with letter
W. Click Template to display the Standard Message
Template properties.
• 01 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 01, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 is invalid”.
• 02 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 02, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
must be typed”.
• 03 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 03, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 does not exist”.
• 04 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 04, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is “ <X>
&1 already exists".
• 05 – value of this field defaults to the global value of the
Template window field 05, showing a maximum of 99
characters. If you click Template, the default value is
“Confirm deletion of <X> &1.
The notation <X> refers to the field heading and &1 refers to the
entry in the current field.

4 Click the object name to reflect the changes. An asterisk (*) is displayed on the second column of
the modified message in the Language Objects pane.

Editing a Standard Message Template

Use this procedure to edit standard message templates. The patterns used when automatically creating
the 01 – 05 messages from an AA message are stored in a template. When a standard message is
created or edited, MAK tries to look up which template to use for the current language. Templates for
a couple of predefined languages are built into MAK (GB, SE, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, and NO). If the
current language does not match any of these, MAK tries to look up a template from existing language

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Working with Language Files

files for the current language. If no template can be looked up, the GB template is used as the default

To edit a standard message template

1 In the Edit MSG Object pane, select Standard Message. The properties are displayed.
2 Click Template. The Standard Message Template properties are displayed.

3 Modify the information as needed. The character combination {0} is replaced with the value of the
AA message when the template is used.
4 Click OK to save the template and exit the template editor. The values in the 01 – 05 fields are
updated according to the template modification made.

Deleting a Language Object

Use this procedure to delete an existing language object whether a heading or a message object.

Important: The delete function is only enabled when one of the selected rows has a green lock.

To delete a language object

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a heading or message object that you want to delete.
2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the delete action.
3 Click Yes. The heading or message object is now deleted.

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Working with Language Files

Locking a Language Object

Use this procedure to lock a language object whether a heading or a message object, allowing you to
edit a particular record.

Important: All records are read-only when viewed. The lock status is displayed in the first column of
the Language Objects pane. A red lock refers to record locked by other users while a green lock refers
to a record or records lock by the current user.

To lock a language object

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a heading or message object.
2 Click Lock. The editor reads the lock information found on the server side in the following path:
For records that have no lock information, the editor checks a timestamp of the master XML, and
compares it against the timestamp stored in the local entity.
• If the timestamp is different, the user is prompted to manually trigger synchronization of the local
record with the record on the server Master XML file.
• If there is no difference, lock is acquired and locking information is created.

Unlocking a Language Object

Use this procedure to unlock a language object whether a heading or a message object.

To unlock a language object

1 In the Language Objects pane, select a heading or message object that has a green lock.
2 Click Unlock. All undeployed changes in a certain record are discarded.

Synchronizing Records
Use this procedure to get the latest value or values of a selected record or records from the master
XML file on the server.

Important: The Synchronize tab is disabled when one of the selected rows has a green lock.

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Working with Language Files

To synchronize records
1 In the Language Objects pane, select a record or records that you want to synchronize. If you want
to synchronize all records, proceed to step 2.
2 Click one of the following buttons:
• Synchronize - for particular records
• Synchronize All - for all records

Deploying a Language File

For more information about deploying a language file, see the following procedures:
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

Note: Language Entity Details button will only appear when a language file is included in the list.

Copying Data to M3 Business Engine Database

Use this procedure to copy data to an M3 Business Engine (BE) database using the LifeCycle Manager
(LCM). The Systems Engineer (SE) must copy data to the database language tables. The zipped file

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Working with Language Files

contains a text file including the messages from the Application Engineer (AE) of what changes that
are done. The information in the text file is added by the AE during the deployment.
For more information about Creating Database Language Tables and Importing XML to Database, see
M3 BE LifeCycle Manager User Guide.

To copy data to M3 BE database

1 If the language does not exist for the component, create new language tables using the LCM tool
Create Database Language Tables.
2 Import language data to the language table using the function Import XML to database.

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Working With Field Help

• "Creating or Getting a Field Help" on page 130

• "Using the Field Help Editor" on page 130
• "Deploying a Field Help" on page 133

Creating or Getting a Field Help

To start working with language file, you can either create a new field help or you can get an already
existing field help. For more information, see the following procedures:
• Creating an Entity
• Getting an Entity

Using the Field Help Editor

• "Editing a Field Help " on page 130
• "Field Help Editor Window" on page 131
• "Field Help Editor Tasks" on page 132
• "Inserting a Table in a Field Help " on page 132

Editing a Field Help

You can edit a field help message by modifying the text in the Body area. The Field Help Editor is used
to manage and create new field help files. The editor is displayed using the Get command for field help
files or when a Field Help is opened from the M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Navigator view.

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Working With Field Help

Note: If a complex Field Help structure has been detected, a warning message will appear that will
prompt you to install Eclipse XML Editor.

Field Help Editor Window

The following table lists the elements in the Field Help Editor tab:

Field Help ID This is the ID of the field help message. The ID is, for
example, used in the view definitions in Screen
Designer when referring to the field help message.
Field Heading This is the heading of the field help.
Body This is the Field help message that is displayed for a
specific field.
Show tab symbol Select this option to display the tab symbol in the body:
Preview This is used to create a preview of the help text in a

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Working With Field Help

Field Help Editor Tasks

The following options are available in the Field Help Editor when you right-click anywhere in the Body

Undo This option reverses the latest change in the Body area.
Cut This option removes the selected content from the Body
area and moves it to the clipboard.
Copy This option makes a copy of the selected content and
moves it to the clipboard.
Paste This option pastes the content of the clipboard to the
Body area.
Delete This option removes the selected content from the Body
Select All This option selects all text in the Body area.

Inserting a Table in a Field Help

You can insert a table in a field help by using a tab character between each column in the table. The
most common tables used in field help messages are alternative tables with three columns:

You can display the tab symbols by selecting Show tab symbol.

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Working With Field Help

If field help is used the column for “=” is added automatically when displaying the field help.

Deploying a Field Help

For more information about deploying a field help, see the following procedures:
• Deploying an Entity
• Deploying Multiple Entities using Action Number

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Working with Metadata Publisher

• "Launching M3 Metadata Publisher from M3 Adaptation Kit" on page 134

Launching M3 Metadata Publisher from M3 Adaptation Kit

The Metadata Publisher (MDP) is a tool used to explore M3-related metadata with its files (tables),
fields (columns) and also relations between files-programs and program-files. Use this procedure to
launch M3 Metadata Publisher from M3 Adaptation Kit.

Important: Before you proceed, ensure that you have set the Metadata Publisher credentials from the
M3 Adaptation Kit settings. For more information, see Setting M3 Metadata Publisher Credentials from
M3 Adaptation Kit from M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide.
Ensure that you have set Internet Explorer as your default browser.

To launch M3 Metadata Publisher from M3 Adaptation Kit

1 In the MAK Navigator tab select the entity that you want to view.
2 Right-click and select Metadata Publisher. M3 Metadata Publisher page is displayed in a browser.

Note: MDP is disabled in Field, ViewDef and Language entities.

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Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit

• "Starting the Debug Server" on page 135

• "Stopping the Debug Server" on page 137
• "Restarting the Debug Server" on page 137
• "ServerView" on page 138
• "Eclipse Debug" on page 138

Starting the Debug Server

Use this procedure to start the debug server. Debug is always performed on the file that is deployed
on the Server. The subsystem is started with the default Company (CONO) and Division (DIVI) values
that are specified for the used M3 BE user/system configuration in M3 Business Engine (BE).

Important: MAK will automatically detect if there is an existing debug subsystem running. Clicking
Retry will attempt to close the detected existing connection while clicking Cancel will disregard the
option to start a new debug system.

To start the debug server

Important: Ensure that you have stopped an existing debug subsystem process before you can
start a new session.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 135

1 In the MAK Debug Server tab, click the start button. The following actions are performed:
• Activate the M3 user as debug user.
• Start a debug subsystem on M3 Application Server.
• Start the local debug server on the MAK server.
• Start a connection between the debug server and the debug subsystem.

2 Click the Debugger Properties icon (see red box) to modify the MAK Debugger Settings:

• By default a free port number is assigned while starting the debug server. In the Allowed port
range field, ensure that you fill in both maximum and minimum port values or leave them both
blank. The port range must be within the range of values from 1024 to 65535. You can click the
Default button if you want to reset the port values to their default values.

• If you do not select Auto-connect debug, only the local debug server is started. The activation
of the debug user, the start of the debug subsystem and the start of the connection must be
done manually.

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Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit

3 Add breakpoints in a program entity.

4 Start the program to debug in Explorer or Net Extension. If a breakpoint is active in the program
that is running, the execution stops on the selected line in the Debug perspective.
The debug section is now ready for stepping and viewing variables.
5 To make the debug easier, open the following views in the Debug perspective:
• Debug – shows the threads that execute
• Editor with code – displays the source file
• Variables – shows all variables
• Breakpoints – lists all breakpoints that is set
• Expression – lists all variables that are watched
• Display – used to execute expressions
If these views are not opened, go to Window > Show View and select the view you want to display.

Important: Make sure that the Program being debugged is synchronized with the copy in the M3
Business Engine (BE) or Sandbox. You can do this using the Deploy task. If you need to debug all
changes that you made to the program, you have to deploy it to the Sandbox first to test and then
deploy it to the BE when it's ready.

Stopping the Debug Server

Stopping the debug session shuts down the local debug server. If you have Auto-connect debug
enabled, the current M3 Business Engine (BE) debug user will be deactivated and all subsystems
connected to that user will be shutdown.
To stop the debug server, click the stop button in the MAK Debug Server tab.

Restarting the Debug Server

To restart the debug session, click the stop then start button in the MAK Debug Server tab.
If you had programs running in the restarted subsystem, you must also restart those programs to be
able to debug them in the restarted subsystem.
To restart the debug session, click the stop then start button in the MAK Debug Server tab.

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Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit

The M3 ServerView will open when the ServerView tab is clicked. For more information on how to user
the Grid Management Pages, see M3 BE LifeCycle Manager User Guide.

Eclipse Debug
• "Viewing Variables" on page 138
• "Changing the Primitive Type" on page 138
• "Changing the MvxString Value" on page 139
• "Changing the Value of an Expression" on page 139
• "Displaying the Value of an Expression" on page 139

Viewing Variables
Use this procedure to display variables in the Variables view.

To view variables
1 Select Window > Show View > Debug > Variables. If the variable is a primitive type, such as int,
long and char, the value is displayed after ‘=’. If the variable is MvxString, the value is displayed
under ‘value’.
2 View the variables and details. You can now start working with variables.

Changing the Primitive Type

Use this procedure to change the primitive type of a variable.

To change the primitive type of a variable

1 Double-click the variable to change.
2 Type the new value.

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Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit

3 Click OK.

Changing the MvxString Value

Use this procedure to change the MvxString value of a variable.

To change the MvxString value of a variable

1 Click the value field for the variable.
2 Change the values character by character.
In Display view it is possible to execute Java code if the local project is a Java project.

Changing the Value of an Expression

Use this procedure to change the value of an expression.

To change the value of an expression

1 Copy the expression to the Display view. For example, DSP.WWTX15.moveLeftPad (“HOMER”);
2 Mark the expression.
3 Right-click and execute.

Displaying the Value of an Expression

Use this procedure to display the value of an expression.

To display the value of an expression

1 Copy the expression to the Display view.
2 Add toString() after the expression. For example, PLEAD.getPLEA().toString().
3 Mark the expression.
4 Right-click and execute. The value is displayed under the expression.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 139

Debugging in M3 Adaptation Kit

For more information about how to run Eclipse debug, see the Eclipse documentation found on the page.

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Maintaining Action Logs

• "Using the MAK Administration Action Logs" on page 141

• "Changing the Action Number of an Entity" on page 143
• "Action Log Status" on page 144
• "Getting an Action Number" on page 145
• "Deleting an Action Log" on page 147
• "Exporting Action Logs " on page 147
• "Exporting Action Logs to VFix, SP, or Tempfix" on page 148
• "Action Log Location" on page 148

Using the MAK Administration Action Logs

An action number is always connected to an Action Log containing information about the connected
entities and M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) status.
The action logs are displayed by default. You can also switch back to this view by clicking on the Action
Logs tab located at the left bottom corner of the MAK Administration tab. The columns of the table can
be sorted by clicking the column headings.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 141

Maintaining Action Logs

You can filter the list using the different combinations such as Fix folder, component, status and user.
The filter is set by clicking Filter on the toolbar.

The filter selection window is displayed when you click the Filter.

142 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Maintaining Action Logs

After selecting filtering options and clicking OK, only those action logs matching the selected filter are
shown in the Administration Tool’s action log list. If filtering has been set, the filters are cleared by
deselecting all checked items in the filter selection window and clicking OK.

Changing the Action Number of an Entity

Use this procedure to change the action number of an entity.

Important: The Action Number cannot be reset using this procedure if it was already connected to
another Action Number which was not exported yet.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 143

Maintaining Action Logs

To change the action number of an entity

1 Select an entity whose action number you want to change. Right-click and select "Set Action
Number..." . The Action Number Selection is displayed.

2 Allocate your entity to a new action number by performing one of the following options:
• Type an action number in the Action Number list. The Action Number description will appear if
the input Action Number is found. You can also use Ctrl + Space to assist in locating an entry.
• Click the browse icon to view all action numbers and their descriptions.
• Click New to create a new action number for your entity. Type an Action number and description.
An action number can be created up to a length of 14 characters which can include a dash (-).

Note: A warning message is displayed if the selected Action Number is in use by another user.
You can continue using the Action Number but the A/N user will be changed to your User ID.

3 Click OK to save the Action number.

4 Click OK in the Select Action Number window. The properties view for the entity is now updated
with the selected action number.

Action Log Status

The following table lists the status levels set and managed by M3 Adaptation Kit:

Status Level Description

Created Newly created action numbers, not yet containing
any deployed entities.
Exported Action numbers that have been exported from
the system.
Removed Action numbers that have been removed from
the system using the Admin tool.

144 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Maintaining Action Logs

The following table lists the status levels set and managed by the users. The description of each level
is the recommended usage:

Status Level Description

Development The initial status once the first entity has been
deployed to an action number.
Test The entities connected to this action number are
ready to be tested.
Approved The entities connected to this action number have
been successfully tested and are ready for
Rejected The test of the entities connected to this action
number has failed.

When an action log is first created, it is set to status archive and its component is set to ‘Created’, as
the right component name is only known when the first deployment of this action number takes place.
When the first entry is written to the action log (first deployment associated with this A/N is made), the
status is set to ‘development’ and is placed in HFix. After that you can set it to any status - development,
test, approved or rejected using the Admin Tool.
The entities are connected to any one of the following folders - HFix, VFix, and Archive. When an action
log shows ‘Archive’, only the particular action number is moved to the archive. The files connected to
an action number are not moved to the Archive. ‘Archive’ is the folder (location) and the action log will
be placed in Archive when an action number is created or removed or moved from the VFix folder.

The status can be modified as long as the entity the Action Log is connected to is located in HFix or
VFix. To change the status of an action number, right-click on any row and select Set Status from the
context menu. Choose the status that you want to move the action number to from the list of status
that is displayed. You cannot change the status of an action log in the Archive.

Getting an Action Number

Use this procedure to get entities connected currently to the selected action number.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 145

Maintaining Action Logs

To get an action number

1 From the MAK Navigator tab, right-click the project where you want to put the entity.
2 Select Get A/N... The Get Action Number wizard is displayed.

3 Provide the necessary information. Consider the following fields:

Action Number Select an action number by performing one of the following options:

a Select an action number in the Action Number list. The list is sorted in
reverse alphabetical and descending numerical order.
b Use Ctrl + Space for content-assisted text.
c Click the browse icon to view all action numbers and their descriptions.

Note: Action numbers that can be used in this wizard should have
status Development, Test, or Approved and the component should be
available in the present MAK Project

Show only action Select this option to filter the Action Numbers that are unused or belonging
numbers that are to the particular MAK user.
unused or belonging to
<User ID>

4 After selecting a valid Action Number, the connected entities will be listed in the Entities Table.

146 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Maintaining Action Logs

5 Click Finish. The following events happen simultaneously:

• The entities are copied from the M3 BE Server to your local environment. It is placed in the
corresponding folder under the component folder to which the source belongs.
• The source code of the entity is displayed in the corresponding editor.
• If MAK detects that the Program, Out Interface, or View Definition exists in both MVX and Market
components, then the entity will be marked by an M icon in the MAK Navigator tab.

Deleting an Action Log

Use this procedure to delete an action log. An Action log can be deleted by any user, regardless of
who created it.

To delete an action log

1 In the MAK Administration tab, select and right-click one or more action numbers. The context menu
is displayed.

2 Click Delete. A confirmation message is displayed prompting you to confirm the removal of the
selected action number
3 Click OK. The action log is deleted. All the entities that were mapped to the action log will no longer
be mapped to it.

Exporting Action Logs

Use this procedure to export action logs to an Excel file. Action logs can be saved as .xls using the
Export and Export All functions.

To export action logs

1 In the MAK Administration tab, right-click the Action Logs list. The context menu is displayed.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 147

Maintaining Action Logs

2 Click Export to export selected action logs or click Export All to export all action logs in the list. The
Action Log – Save As window is displayed.
3 Specify a file name and location where you want to save the file, then click Save.

Exporting Action Logs to VFix, SP, or Tempfix

An action number, Action Log, and connected entities can be promoted from HFix and the action log
and its status is updated accordingly.
An action number can be exported from VFix to a service pack (SP). When exported to an SP and the
check box Retain Copy in VFix is not selected, the action log is removed from VFix and placed in the
Archive folder.
When an action log is deleted from the Admin view and its status is not ‘created’ or ‘removed’, it is
moved to the Archive with status ‘removed’. If an action log is already in status ‘removed’ or is in status
‘created’, the action log will be permanently removed from disk.

Action Log Location

The action logs are stored in a structure under the "MAK Home" folder. MAK Home = "<movex root
Under that folder there are folders for each environment, and under the environment folder the root
folder for action logs are located. For example, \<MAK HOME>\<Environment>\actions.

148 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Maintaining Locks

• "Using MAK Administration Locks" on page 149

• "Viewing Locked Entities" on page 150
• "Creating Locks" on page 150
• "Locking an Entity " on page 151
• "Unlocking an Entity " on page 152

Using MAK Administration Locks

M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK) Administration Locks display all the locked entities on the M3 Business Engine
(BE) Server for the selected configuration. You can display the details of the locked entities by clicking
the Locks tab in the MAK Administration tab. The results can be sorted by clicking the column header
or filter locked entities by user.

A corresponding lock file is created in a folder called Locks located in the tools/mak/<environment>/
folder for the component on the server.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 149

Maintaining Locks

Viewing Locked Entities

Use this procedure to view locked entities.

To view locked entities

1 In the MAK Administration tab, click the Locks tab.
2 Select a project name in the Project list.
3 Select a user ID in the Filter locks on user list.
4 Select an entity from the Locked entities to view the details. The following details are displayed:

Column Heading Description

Entity Name of the entity that is locked
Component Component that the entity belongs to
Type Type of entity (Program, Language, and others)
User MAK User ID selected when MAK or Eclipse
was started
Created Date and time stamp when the lock was created
IP IP address of the machine where the working
copy is located
A/N The Action Number assigned to the locked
Status The MAK status of the A/N attached to the
locked Entity

Creating Locks
A lock can be created when creating a new entity or getting a working copy of an entity from the server.
To create a lock, select the Create lock check box.

150 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Maintaining Locks

• If no lock exists for the entity, a lock is created

• If a lock exists, a message is displayed that the entity is locked by another user. Clear the Create
lock check box and click Finish to open the entity.
• When the entity is displayed in MAK Navigator, a lock is placed before the name of the locked
entity. If the entity is locked by another user, a red lock is displayed. If the entity is locked by you,
a green lock is displayed.

When deploying an entity a check is made to see if the entity is locked. An entity must be locked by
the user to be deployed to the Server. An entity can be deployed to the sandbox even if the entity is
not locked or locked by another user:
• If the entity is locked by the same user that checked out the entity and Keep lock on source is not
selected, the lock file is removed and deployment is done when you click Finish.
• If the entity is locked by the same user that checked out the entity and Keep lock on source is
selected , the lock file is not removed and deployment is done when you click Finish.
• If no lock file exists for the entity and the Deploy to sandbox check box is not selected, a message
is displayed informing the user that the entity must be locked in order to be deployed.

Locking an Entity
Use this procedure to lock an entity in the workspace.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 151

Maintaining Locks

To lock an entity
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click the entity that you want to lock.
2 Select Lock.
3 When the selected entity is locked, the Action Number Selection window is displayed.
4 Select an Action Number in the list.
5 Select Show only action numbers that are unused or belonging to <User ID> to filter the Action
Numbers that are unused or belonging to the particular MAK user.
6 Click OK. A warning message is displayed if the selected Action Number is in use by another user.
7 Click Yes to continue using the Action Number.
8 If the entity exists in HFix or VFix, a window is displayed stating that the local version of the entity
will be replaced with the current copy in HFix or VFix. Click OK to proceed. Otherwise, the entity is
locked and displayed with a green lock. Click OK to proceed.

Unlocking an Entity
Use this procedure to unlock an entity in the workspace. You can only unlock an entity in the workspace
that is locked by you.

To unlock an entity
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, right-click the entity that you want to unlock.
2 Select Unlock. The entity is now unlocked and is no longer displayed with a green lock icon.

152 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

MAK Comparison

• "MAK Compare Feature" on page 153

• "Importing Non-local Entities" on page 153
• "Comparing Entities" on page 155

MAK Compare Feature

The MAK Compare feature can perform a three-way compare, and specify an ancestor when comparing
files. It can be useful to compare two or more entities for example, comparing a customer modification
of a program and a tempfix to the standard version of the same program. In this case, you can compare
your customer modified version with the newly issued standard version to determine whether any
changes need to be included in your modified version.
To compare entities, it is necessary to have these sources in the Eclipse workspace. A customer
modified version can be retrieved to the workplace by using the Get operation to bring it into the MAK
Project. MAK also provides you with the option of comparing files that are not associated with the MAK
Project in the workplace using the Local node in the MAK Navigator tab.

Importing Non-local Entities

Use this procedure to import non-local entities to your workspace. You can import these files not
associated with any MAK Project in the workplace using the Local node.

To import non-local entities

1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select a project where you want to import the files.
2 Right-click the Local node under the project name. The context menu is displayed.
3 Select Import. The Import to Local folder window is displayed.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 153

MAK Comparison

4 Click Browse to navigate to the folder where the files are stored. The Select source directory window
is displayed.
5 Select the files that you need to import. You can only import the following file types:

Entity File Type

Program .java file
Language XML file
Database Interface .java, .class, XML file
Database Interface contains two files of .java
(dta and def) and .class (dta and def) each. If
you import Database Interface or OutInterface,
the file is converted to XML format.
When you import, you need to select either both
the .java files or both .class files.
Data Structures XML file
.java file

154 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

MAK Comparison

Out Interface .java. XML file

If you import Out Interface, the file is also
converted to XML format.
View definition XML file
Tempfix zip file
All valid entities in the tempfix should be
imported and displayed in the Local node tree

6 Click OK. A progress window is displayed.

7 Click Finish. The files are copied into the Local folder in the project, and displayed in the MAK
Navigator tab.

Comparing Entities
Use this procedure to compare two or three local entities.

Before you start If you are comparing non-local entities, make sure that you already imported them
to your workspace. For more information, see Importing Non-local Entities.

To compare entities
1 In the MAK Navigator tab, select the two entities that you want to compare. You can press CTRL
to select the succeeding entities.
2 Right-click and select Compare With > Each Other. The Compare window is opened with the
differences in the two entities highlighted.
3 If three files are selected, the Select Common Ancestor window is displayed, prompting you to select
which of the files should be considered the ancestor before they can be opened in the Compare
4 Click OK. The Compare Editor window is displayed.
5 If three files are selected, the Select Common Ancestor window is displayed, prompting you to
choose which of the files should be considered the ancestor before they can be opened in the
Compare Editor.

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 155

MAK Comparison

When the common ancestor is opened, the interface is as follows:

6 Save the MAK file after merging the changes and deploy it once again. A file in the Local node
(folder) cannot be deployed.
7 Edit the files accordingly.
• When comparing one local and one non-local (with or without ancestor, 2- or 3-way), the local
file is shown to the right in the Compare Editor and be non-editable, and the non-local file is
shown to the left in the Compare Editor and be editable.
• When comparing two local files or two non-local files (with or without ancestor, 2- or 3-way),
both files are editable in the Compare Editor.

8 Save the entity after merging the changes and deploy it once again. A file in the Local node or folder
cannot be deployed.

156 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide

Merge Tool

• "MvxViewDefMerger Tool" on page 157

MvxViewDefMerger Tool
The MvxViewDefMerger merge tool for view definitions can merge two or three .mvx files. The MVX
file contains all information for a view definition and consists of one or more record formats.
A record format can consist of the following:
• record field information
• visual parts
• function keys
• options
• array
• list
You can start the merge tool by first selecting a View Definition file in the M3 Adaptation Kit (MAK)
Navigator and then selecting Merge from the context menu.
The tool presents the MVX file content as a tree with icon symbols:

• Record Format

• Record field info – defining field reference, such as field name, type and length

• Visual Part – edit field, caption, dropdown list, button, check box

• Function keys

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 157

Merge Tool

• Options

• Array – two or more fields united with an array name

List – consists of views, indicators and fields in one or several columns.

158 | M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide


• "List of Reference Documents" on page 159

List of Reference Documents

The table lists documents that provide additional information related to the installation and use of M3
Adaptation Kit.

To do this Use this document

Install M3 Adaptation Kit M3 Adaptation Kit Installation Guide
Configure M3 Adaptation Kit M3 Adaptation Kit Administration Guide
Get information about Eclipse Eclipse documentation in
Get information about M3 BE related tasks M3 BE LifeCycle Manager User Guide
Use the Screen Designer tool Infor User’s Guide Integrated Development Studio
Screen Designer

M3 Adaptation Kit User Guide | 159

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