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Jorge Cahanda
- Affiliation: Mariana Cahanda

- Date of Birth: 2304/1999

- Angolan nationality
- Address: Avenida 21 de Janeiro house nº 35 Bairro Rocha Pinto

- BI Number. 007163497LA044

- Telephone Contact: 935500739/951137468

Literary Qualification

- High School – Economics and Legal Course (LUANDA – ANGOLA)

Professional course
- Computer Course from the user's perspective

- Ethics, Cultural fit, customer service

- English

Professional experience
- Worked at the security company Lince
- He worked at the company Sodiba as a sales promoter

- He worked at Foser as a sales promoter

- I worked at the company Ambingol as a sales promoter

- I worked at the company Saudabel as a distributor

Spoken languages

- Portuguese: spoken and written

- English: Spoken Written


Immediate availability, good awareness, ease of adapting to new work, high sense of
responsibility, dynamism, efficiency, quick learning capacity and spirit of cooperation.
Considerable level of internet use.
Vast experience of working in a team and adapting to all types of work. Ability to learn and
recognize mistakes made inside and outside the company.
I intend to work at this institution and do my best in order to contribute to its progress, and increase
my experience as a professional in the area assigned to me.

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