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Connect To Divine Light For Personal Transformation

A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite
can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The
powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one's guides, guardians, Christ
Consciousness and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to
facilitate such a connection.

Selenite exists as a portal between Nature on one side and the Spirit on the other. It links
the two worlds, helping them work together. Selenite is believed to receive information
from the Causal plane, which makes it very useful for establishing successful
communication with the ascended teachers and highly developed spiritual beings.

Selenite vibrates with high rate, but we can seldom become aware of this vibration. Some
people have reported seeing Selenite twist, bend, and change color without any visible

Selenite originally comes from the ancient seas and oceans. The water element within
Selenite works on our emotions, because the world of emotions has always been linked to
the water element. Selenite has a direct soothing and balancing effect on our emotions.
Other crystal, such as Smithsonite and Green Aventurine, have a similar calming effect,
but Selenite goes a step further — it activates our spirituality and triggers mystical
experience of the causal plane.

Selenite is capable of directing the feelings that emerge from your heart. This energy is
usually lost and dissipated, but with Selenite’s help you can lift it up on the level of the
Christ Presence in your being.

Selenite works in two ways — it can enhance the frequency of the physical matter, so that
it comes closer to the spiritual world, or it can reduce the frequency of the spiritual light
to harmonize with the physical world.

You should treat Selenite with care because it can change your four lower bodies: physical,
etheric, emotional, and mental. Selenite can effect the three higher spiritual bodies as
well. You need to have a conscious desire for the inner transformation to happen, and to be
willing to accept the changes within your being. If you are predisposed to work with
Selenite on a deeper level, sooner or later, you will feel the call.

Our etheric body contains two important centers: the star of the soul and the star of the
earth. The first is located about 10 inches above the head, whereas the second about 10
inches underneath the soles. Before starting your metaphysical activities with Selenite, it
is necessary to align those two centers so that you may ground yourself and also energize
the star of the soul above your head. If you activate the star of the soul before activating
the star of the earth, your body will not be in balance. Only after you have grounded your
body, can you accept the light that Selenite brings into your microcosm through the star
of the soul. The grounding of the star of the earth can be done with Black Tourmaline,
Smoky Quartz, and Hematite.

Selenite balances the mind and brings a light ray into every environment. You can even
embed information into the Selenite’s light ray. Just sit in meditation and put your
Selenite on the third eye area. Project your mental picture, message, or idea that you
would like to send out, with as clear an intent of accomplishment as you can imagine. For
example, you can send your healing energy and protective thoughts for someone you love.

Here is another way of meditating with Selenite that requires a good preparation to be
successful. Place your Selenite in front of your eyes and gaze into it without blinking. The
moment you notice a change of color or shape, you may potentially open a portal into the
causal realm where your spiritual teachers and guides reside. That is the place where you
can see the world from within, where you stand in the presence of all things and realize
your connection with the Source. Selenite helps you extend your manifestation on the
causal plane.

Place your Selenite under your pillow at night so that you can better absorb its energy and

Due to the saltwater formation of selenite and our own saltwater beginnings, we resonate
with the very essence of this crystal. Can it be that our illumination into the light has been
assisted with selenite throughout our evolution, and it’s one of the key tools to keeping us
in balance?

The answer is found in the healing energy within this powerful crystal. Selenite is an
element of creation. Intensifying the light frequency, the resurgence of Selenite enhances
our consciousness. Returning to this energetic element and tool now, at this point in
history, enables us to create and intensify new seeds of consciousness.
Selenite is extremely sensitive, and acts just like “liquid light” from the angelic realm and
universe. The crystals’ striations (fine parallel grooves and narrow bands) are the pathways
for the illuminated substance of Spirit. Selenite vibrates more on the spiritual level than
on the physical, and resides on the threshold between pure white light and physical matter.

This crystal is capable of displaying total transparency, and is the very essence of dreams
and visions. Selenite builds and acts as the bridge to merge the highest frequencies of
light with the most subtle levels of form. It’s so sensitive, selenite will fracture or break
around extreme negative thoughts.

Selenite crystals work to help you to bring light down from the higher realms into the
physical body, to create personal transformation.

The white or transparent crystals have a strong vibration that may open the crown chakra
and the soul star chakra.

This will assist you to contact the Divine Mind and to access the Angelic realm.

In mythology, it is said to have been a major healing tool, record keeper and energy
generator in Atlantis. Whether or not you believe in Atlantis, there is no denying this
crystal’s power. Satin-spar selenite is, without a doubt, the healing crystal of the future.

These are high vibration crystals, that also deliver clarity of mind, by cleansing the aura of
negative energy build up, both within the physical and the etheric body.

In mythology, it is said to have been a major healing tool, record keeper and energy
generator in Atlantis. Whether or not you believe in Atlantis, there is no denying this
crystal’s power. Satin-spar selenite is, without a doubt, the healing crystal of the future.

Using White Selenite can be powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. It
has the capacity to take you to the higher realms, which often happens quickly.

Selenite is often brilliant white, mainly occuring in long sword-like crystals. They are
partially translucent, and if you tilt them back and forth they visably 'bounce' white light
up and down them. They are basically nature's fibre optics. If you shine a light on one end
- the other end glows strongly...

Selenite can occur as extremely see-through crystals, which are UV reactive. These
crystals are perfectly geometrically balanced. They are externally a perfect clear
Rhombus. Internally they have two subtle but visable triangles/pyramids meeting tips in
the centre of the crystal. They can also appear as Golden Selenite.
Selenite is a crystal which carries and exists at one of highest frequency vibrations in the
mineral kindom. It atoms vibrate at a closer speed to light - than almost any other mineral.
It's sheer white brings purity and White Angelic light to any area it is in. It is Light in
crystal formation.

By just spending a little quiet time gently rubbing a natural blade of Selenite, we can
connect more clearly with our Higher Self. This brings light into the aura, and expands our
awareness of Oneness.

It is perfect for conducting healing, protective and loving energy through.

Selenite intensifies and focuses the healing energy into a direct white laser stream,
perfect for creating a 'grid' around an area with light. By tracing the corners and wall-
meetings of a room, or edges of a garden, Selenite will set a protective boudary of light,
purity and peace. Do not do this around a person's aura, unless you are standing within
their aura, with your back to them, directing the light grid outwards away from them.
Using a wand across someone's aura may literally cut through the aura, and is potentially

It is advisable to do conscious grounding of your energy afterwards. We must integrate

into our physical daily lives the Light which we are able to channel - integrate the lessons
that are avaliable to us by connecting with our own Higher Selves, and Angelic Light.

Some people find that selenite can leave them feeling a bit dizzy or spacey. For this
reason, it's advisable to keep a grounding crystal with you, or nearby, when working with
selenite. Some choices for grounding crystals include obsidian, hematite, red jasper or
black onyx. As an alternative to this you could do some conscious grounding after working
with selenite, such as visualizing roots reaching from the soles of your feet into the
ground, walking outside and feeling your connection to the earth, or eating a light snack.

Because selenite is associated with Higher Truth and our relationship with the spiritual
plane, it's not a crystal to be kept stored away in a drawer or used merely as a decoration.
Good owners of selenite will respect it, and work with its energy in a cooperative manner
every day.

One of the things that makes selenite a unique crystal, is its ability to constantly self
cleanse and recharge itself. In fact, it's only one of two crystals that can do this, with
apophyllite being the other. Other crystals need to be periodically cleansed of negative or
residual energies, through methods such as a salt water bath. But because selenite self
cleanses and recharges, there is never a need for you to cleanse or charge this crystal.

Because selenite is a soft crystal it should be handled with care and not stored with other
crystals which may scratch its surface. When storing it away, wrap it in a soft fabric such
as satin or silk, so that its surface will not be damaged.

Selenite is water soluble, so for this reason it should never be rinsed or immersed in
water. Doing so will cause its surface to erode.

It's best to keep selenite out of direct sunlight, as this may cause its surface to crack and
lose its luster.

To clean off your selenite crystal, simply dust it gently with a gentle cloth. Never use
cleaning products or polishes on it.

Where Does It Come From

Selenite has been found in a large number of locations, including Mexico, Russia, Morocco,
Greece, Poland, Germany, France, England, Australia and the USA.

Its color may be pure white, transparent, orange, peach, grey-blue, green, brown and
bright golden yellow, like the cluster shown in the image above.

Meaning- of the name Selenite comes from the Greek word meaning "moon". This related
to the way that there was a reflection of color within the first stones being looked at, and
this was the color of the moon.

Beautiful white non-transparent Gypsum selenite crystals, as well as the partly

transparent stones commonly come from Mexico. These are popular as they can be shaped
into many uses for metaphysical purposes.

Wonderful flat pieces of optical selenite can be easily bought, and many of these are made
into long flat and rounded wands.

A lovely but less common color is the Green Selenite, which is very unusual, and mainly
comes from Australia.

They occur as clusters of crystals and they are very fragile. They are fine needle-like
green crystals, with some white and brown color towards the base of them.
Another very beautiful formation that is becoming more sought after is the formation
known as Fishtail Selenite or Angel Wing Selenite.

This formation and the beautiful Golden Selenite, are powerful crystals to use for
metaphysical purposes.

Desert Rose Selenite is a very helpful stone to use to strengthen the power of positive
affirmations. This is a quite beautiful peachy brown rose shaped type that occurs naturally
in Morocco.

Golden Ray Selenite is another beautiful high vibration type that has come to light and is
powerful to have in a healing environment.

Why Would You Use It

Selenite allows access to the transpersonal chakras (eight chakra all the way up to the 14 th
chakra) which grants the capacity to take one directly into the higher realms.

After working with Selenite for two months I attended a lecture by a Mayan Wisdom
Keeper named Ac Tah. He was discussing the 4,000 year prophecy of the solar flares we
are now experiencing and the effects they have not only on Earth's magnetic field but also
on each human's individual electro-magnetic field. According to the Mayan beliefs, these
solar induced disruptions, which are well documented by modern day scientists, are
responsible for the increase of such conditions as ADD, ADHD, Bi-polar and schizophrenia
since 1992. He shared about his use of magnets to rebalance the electro-magnetic fields
of individuals. As he described the results that the magnet therapy had on his clients I
thought it strange that he described the same results I was having with the Selenite.
After the lecture, I asked him about it and he pointed to one of my slabs and said "that
stone there does the same thing."

Aids access into other dimensions to recover and activate psychic abilities from past
Place on the Third-Eye, or Heart Chakra, to feel its energy flow into the Crown Chakra.
Once it removes any stagnant energy, blockages or distortions within the Crown the energy
of Selenite will then move into the higher chakras to trigger the flow of energy from the
Stellar Gateway Chakra directly into the Soul Star Chakra. This is why Selenite is known
as, The Lightbody Stone, as it anchors the lightbody into the physical body. Selenite
bridges the conscious mind to the super-conscious mind.
Selenite crystals are high vibration stones that will move your spiritual growth forward
quickly. They are a stone of the third eye chakra, the crown chakra and the soul star

By opening the crown chakra, this stone allows you to access the transpersonal chakras,
from the eighth chakra through to the fourteenth chakra.

White Selenite

Use this stone at the heart chakra or third eye first, and you may find that you will feel
the energy moving through the crown chakra.

Once it clears any negativity or distortions from the crown chakra, the energy is then free
to flow via the stellar gateway to the soul star chakra.

Many of you that have incarnated at this time have been spiritually active in past lives, and
developed gifts and talents that your higher self still remembers.

Using Selenite may help you to learn how to be psychic, as it has a strong vibration. This
stone may act as a conduit to other dimensions, as you remember your past lives in
different places.

How Will It Help You

There are many different ways you can use Selenite crystals. A simple energy shifting
technique you can do at work, or in your home, is to sit in a chair while placing your bare
feet on a selenite wand or stone. As you sit quietly, breathe and feel the energy of the
Earth under you feet. Allow yourself to relax and let go. Within 15 minutes, clarity and
balance will be restored within your body.

To cleanse your aura, take a selenite wand and use it like it’s an eraser. Comb the crystal
up and down your body, visualizing it sucking all the negativity, anxiety and worries from
your day away. Make sure you start at the top of your head, moving to the bottom of your
feet, about 5 inches away from the body, and let the Selenite healing crystal energetically
cleanse you. This simple technique is extremely powerful to do, in less than 5 minutes, if
you are around large groups of people or find yourself around negative people or
environments. This energy clearing technique helps to cleanse and purify your aura, making
sure that you don’t pick up on other peoples’ energy and unwanted “stuff”.

These lovely crystals have many wonderful qualities, and are positive stones for opening up
of gifts that you had not been aware of.
As you use them to make contact with your guides and open yourself to spirit, many
interesting possibilities may emerge.

Using them can be very beneficial, as using one of these crystals is also one of the
methods to relieve stress.

These crystals embody a helpful energy to relieve anxiety, and using this crystal instills
deep peace.

Selenite crystals dissolve in water readily, so if you think about this fact, you may not be
surprised to learn that they will aid the kidneys.

This is one interesting area that they will help, but they may improve many other places in
the body as well.

Overall they are positive stones, and may assist the movement of your spirituality and
health in a positive direction.

You may like to use a long flat selenite wand to create a multi-crystal wands, as this is one
common way they are used.

But the possibilities are many and varied. This will depend on exactly what healing outcome
you desire to achieve.

Although it is important to cleanse crystals regularly, Selenite is a stone that you need to
take a degree of care with when cleansing it.

Cleansing Selenite

Note: DO NOT WET your Selenite Crystals, as they may dissolve in water. Alternatively
they may not actually dissolve but may discolor or pit. This may vary according to the
specific variety.

Even sealed pieces that have been fashioned into pendants or made into hearts or other
shapes may lose their lovely sheen. In some cases, depending on the type, thin slices may
come away.

Contact with water is not recommended for any variety of Selenite. When cleansing these
stones, use other methods of cleansing your crystals.

Who Should Use It

The best way to begin using your Selenite crystals is in meditation. Start by going deeply
into relaxed inner awareness and allow yourself to feel and experience what the vibration
of your particular stone has to offer you.

Selenite is a link to the Lightbody, and helps to bring through new codes to assist in its

Using this crystal may allow you to gain access to your past memories and gifts, and make
major changes in your current life, in line with your soul's purpose.

It aids you to break through illusion, so you may see yourself as you truly are, from a
spiritual perspective.

As you make contact with the higher realms, it is common to find that you will see quite
strong colors, including lovely golden light.

They are on the zodiac birthstone list, and Selenite crystals are easy to buy.

It is possible to obtain these lovely stones in a variety of different formations quite


These crystals are often very beautiful, so it is common for people to be drawn to one of
these stones, and have no idea why.

These lovely stones have been designated as a Taurus birthstone, so if this is your sign you
may particularly benefit by using them.

How To Use It

Many people own Selenite Crystals yet have not used them. Once you make contact with
the energy of your stone, you may find out the best way to use it, to benefit you

It is now coming to a time on this earth, as the vibration of the planet is rising, that many
of you who own one of these, may wonder the best way to use it.

Selenite crystals can be held at the heart as you are meditating, and this can be beneficial
to help to relieve any stress or anxiety you may be feeling.

It can be beneficial to keep a piece on your body and Selenite crystals can also be used to
grid the home to aid the removal of negativity.
Just as long as you keep in mind that it should be kept dry. Begin by using a piece of
Selenite in your daily meditation.

You may choose to use them at the third eye chakra. The energy will move up to the crown
chakra and the soul star chakra, and into the higher transpersonal chakras.

Using Selenite For Healing

The vibration of a piece of Selenite crystal often sets in train the birth of the psychic
power of mental telepathy.

So how do you use them, you may wonder? If you have a wand shaped piece of this stone,
you can gently squeeze it to activate it, then hold it to any area of the body where you feel
you might need help.

A healer, or anyone who wishes to use them for healing, can also use them to sense where
the health problem is located in the body.

This is useful if you are unsure of exactly where in the body the problem originates. The
way that you discover where the problem might be, is by gently squeezing the wand and
moving it.

When you recognize that you are feeling a change in the energy flow, this tells you that
the energy in this area is not flowing as it should be.

The healer would also activate their wands to use them for healing, by gently squeezing

You then point them towards the specific problem area that you have become aware of,
when you previously used them to locate the health issue.

The vibration of these wands is powerful, as once activated they will cleanse the etheric
field of the body of any negativity.

ghosts and entities do not like to occupy spaces where Selenite resides. I am passing on
the information that she shared with me—as always make your own opinion. However, I
have personally selenite crystals in all the rooms of my home, as well as under my bed, and
notice that I sleep like a baby. For space and energy clearing, you can also burn white
candles in a selenite candle holder. This is a simple, and beautiful, way to keep the energy
clear and cleansed while there are many people in your home.
Selenite crystals help to remove all energy blockages in the body. Place a selenite wand on
any area of the body that feels sore or tight, for about 20 minutes, and you will feel the
difference. Selenite is also excellent for clearing and purifying jewelry and environments.
I often place my crystal healing jewelry on a Selenite cleansing crystal over night, and in
the morning, it feels light and clean.

Selenite is also a stone of truth and honesty. This promotes good business practices as
well as honesty in other types of relationships.

Selenite is associated with the moon it is named for. This brings associations and energies
of the unconscious, instinct, subconscious, and emotional well-being. The moon association
also brings water energy to the fore, creating the flexibility and intuition.

Though Selenite is associated with the moon, it is also a sweet angel stone. It is used for
contacting and communicating with angels for guidance. It can also be used for finding and
working with other spirit guides.

Selenite remove energy blocks, particularly from the physical and etheric bodies. It can
also remove energy blocks in the bodies of other crystals and stones. This makes it
excellent for enhancing the properties of other stones and for clearing and charging them.
It is also an excellent stone for protection grids, as one visitor pointed out.

Selenite is a stone of powerful intuition and psychic awareness through its influence on
the third eye chakra. You can access past lives and do past life work and healing with it. It
is also beneficial for psychic efforts, especially clairvoyance.

Meditation and spiritual development are eased and promoted by selenite. Meditations
become sparkling clear over time when working with selenite and it brings a clarity to your
spiritual understanding of the universe and your place in it.

Selenite can be used to dispel negativity, both on an emotional and an etheric level. This
makes it a good stone for protection. This energy combined with its angel associations
makes it outstanding for angelic protection. You need only hold the selenite and pray or ask
with intent for angels to protect you.

Selenite is a stone of love, which on the surface may seem odd. Its properties of mental
flexibility and honesty, help maintain a loving relationship comfortably and with ease. It
also brings harmony and inner peace which allow for recognizing love and acting in a loving

Selenite is used in crystal healing for removing blocks to healing, dissolving secondary gain
issues, confusion, particularly from alzheimer's disease or dementia, aligning the spine,
decreasing epilepsy and seizures.It also promotes flexibility, assists with absorption of
calcium and other minerals and vitamins. Selenite is used to promote fertility, increase the
libido, and is a protector of pregnancy and motherhood. Note that healing crystal
meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare

Selenite is primarily associated with the Crown and Third Eye chakras. It is also related to
the sacral chakra.

Brings the fifth dimensional light into third dimensional matter.

Quickly opens balances and activates any chakra and is especial good with the third eye,
crown chakra, and the soul star chakra above the head. It’s the most powerful clearing
stone for the upper chakras.

Cleanses the aura.

Clears and energize all the glands of the body.

Clears all blockages in the energy field.

Cuts cords of dysfunctional energy from the etheric body.

Ideal for purification and energetic cleansing, which makes it a perfect tool for healers.

Directs high frequency energy into the body, stimulating spiritual, physical and emotional

Opens the inner self to the spiritual world.

Magnifies the energy of what ever is placed on it many times over (including other

Adds positive intentions into the energy body.

Elevates the frequency of physical matter and lowers the frequency of light, enabling a
new substance to bring spirit into matter.
Acts as a tool for enlightenment as it heralds the link between spirit and matter.

Superb for physical problems with straight things! - such as back / spine issues, neck
pains, and RSI. Put Selenite down the arm and fingers affected for instant relief from the
tendon and musclar inflamation, aching and pain.

Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. It corrects deformities of the
skeletal system and can stabilise epileptic disorders. It is used to improve disorders
associated with metal poisoning due to teeth fillings and can reverse the effects of "free
radicals" in the cell structure. Effects that can be overcome include cancer, tumours, age
spots, wrinkles and light sensitivity.

Some say that rubbing a smooth piece of Selenite will help you enter into the realm of
dreams, intuition, Spiritual Guides and Angels, but the most common benefit is that it will
calm and lift your energy when making contact for more than five minutes

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