Don Carlos Rivilla Elementary School Robin S. Beltran MARCH 18-21, 2024 Week 8

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School Don Carlos Rivilla Elementary School Grade Grade 6

Teacher Robin S. Beltran Learning Area TLE – Home Economics

Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date MARCH 18-21, 2024 week 8 Quarter Quarter 3 – Week 8


A. Content applies knowledge and skills, applies knowledge and skills, applies knowledge and applies knowledge and Catch Up Friday
Standards and develops one’s interest I and develops one’s interest I skills, skills,
animal/ fish raising animal/ fish raising and develops one’s interest I and develops one’s
animal/ fish raising interest I
animal/ fish raising
B. Performance manages family resources manages family resources manages family resources manages family
Standards applying the principles of home applying the principles of home applying the principles of resources
management management home applying the principles
management of home
C. Learning conducts simple research to conducts simple research to conducts simple research to conducts simple research
Competencies determine market trends and determine market trends and determine market trends and to determine market
demands in preserved/ processed demands in preserved/ processed demands in preserved/ trends and demands in
foods TLE6HE-0i- 13 foods TLE6HE-0i- 13 processed foods TLE6HE- preserved/ processed
0i- 13 foods TLE6HE-0i- 13

D. Learning conducts simple research to conducts simple research to conducts simple research to conducts simple research
Objectives determine market trends and determine market trends and determine market trends and to determine market
demands in preserved/ processed demands in preserved/ processed demands in preserved/ trends and demands in
foods TLE6HE-0i- 13 foods TLE6HE-0i- 13 processed foods TLE6HE- preserved/ processed
0i- 13 foods TLE6HE-0i- 13

Conducting Simple Conducting Simple

II. CONTENT Conducting Simple Research Conducting Simple Research
Research Research
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages
Materials from
Resource LR
B. Other Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual, Laptop, Audio-visual,
Learning Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
A. Drill/Reviewing Identify the following ramble Let’s go back to what have you Review the previous lesson Review the previous
previous Lesson words: learn in preserving/processed lesson
or presenting new foods. Answer the following
angnnipl questions.
strmoingrbain 1. What are the different ways of
food preservation/processing?
What do you think is the 2. In making
meaning of these words? preserved/processed food what
are the skills you need to have?
3. What are the things to
consider in selecting food to be

B. Establishing a How do planning works? Think of a processed/preserved Now it’s your turn to make The student will report
purpose for the How does brainstorming work? food product that you want to your own simple research. their conducted research.
lesson Do you know the research? Have sell in the market.
you tried one? The class will be group into
5. Each group will conduct
their own simple research
about preserved/processed
food and how they will
market it in their community.

Make sure to use the


- Introduction
- Body
- Closing
C. Presenting How will you think these Group Activity (Simple Presentation of research
examples/ preserved food will be sell in the Research)
instances of the market?
new lesson
To answer this question, we will
discuss the process of the
research and what will be the
step by step.

D. Discussing new Research is a careful and detailed Steps in conducting simple Group Activity (Simple Presentation of research
concepts and investigation of a specific research Research)
practicing new problem, concern, or issue using 1. Brainstorming
the scientific method. It is best to A research paper teaches
accomplish by turning the issue information. You need to find a
into a question, with the intent of topic and choose.
the research to answer the 2. Planning
question. Think of what you already know
and you do not know yet. Start
by choosing different topics to
research. These are big ideas that
people want to know.
3. Researching
It is finding information about
the topic you have chosen. You
can look for details from books,
watching videos or even find
information through the internet.

4. Writing
This is now the time to write
your paper.
a. Introduction- tells the readers
what the paper is about. Start
writing a question or any
interesting fact. Try to convince
reader why they need to read
your paper.
b. Body- is a heading use to
organize your writings. The
tell what the section is all about.
Make sure you write facts in
your own words. Do not copy
what someone exactly has
c. Closing- is the final
conclusion of your paper. The
conclusion is
intended to help the reader
understand why your research
should matter to them after they
have finished reading. It is
not merely a summary of the
main topics covered but a
synthesis of key points and
recommends new areas for

5. Revising
It makes your writing better.
You can improve your writing
by adding,
changing, or removing
information. Revising is
rereading your paper.
6. Editing
Editing is fixing the mistakes in
our writing. We can fix
grammar, spelling,
capitalization, and punctuation.
7. Publishing
The last step in the writing
process is publishing. This can
be done by allowing
pupils to encode or write their
final paper.
E. Discussing new Importance of Research Read and study the given Group Activity (Simple Presentation of research
concepts and Research is important in our situation below. Research)
practicing new everyday life because it:
skills #2. 1. gives us a light to inquire Help Aling Eva and Mang Canor
about the right information; decide what particular
2. evolves us to mark out processed/preserved foods they
between truth and lie; need to sell by conducting
3. empowers us with knowledge simple research.
and efficient learning of new
4. helps us understand various
issues of life in a larger manner;
5. makes good habits of reading, Aling Martha has 6 children. All
analyzing, thinking, and of them go to school. Mang
learning; Juan, her husband is a farmer.
6. leads us to the ultimate He plants papaya, ampalaya,
philosophy of all the subjects and string bean, pepper, and other
builds a graphic fruits and vegetables in the
vision of life garden. They worked hard to
send their children to school.
They decided to preserve some
of the harvested fruits and
vegetables so that they can sell
and have an extra income.
The couple lacks knowledge of
what particular method to use in
order to preserve their harvested
fruits and vegetables in the
F. Developing Identify the following. Write Read the statement carefully. Group Activity (Simple Assessment
Mastery your answer in the answer sheet. Write T if the statement is true Research)
(Lead to Formative and F if not.
Assessment 3) 1. a discussion in order to find
ideas in solving a problem or
issue. 1. Research help us to solve and
2. checking of information that investigate specific problem.
you need to add, change, or 2. Research is not important in
remove. our daily life.
3. encoding or writing a final
paper for publication. 3. We should guess all the data
4. checking of grammar, with will gather in our research.
spelling, capitalization, and 4. Write every detail that is
punctuation marks. important in our research.
5. making plans for 5. Planning is important in
something research.

G. Finding practical How does research will help you Make a simple research to help Group Activity (Simple Assessment
application of in marketing? to give solution in selling the Research)
concepts and process food.
Make a scenario.
skills in daily

H. Making Complete the thought of the Complete the thought of the Complete the thought of the Complete the thought of
Generalizations sentence. sentence. sentence. the sentence.
and Abstraction The steps in conducting simple The steps in conducting simple The steps in conducting The steps in conducting
research are research are simple research are simple research are
about the Lesson.
___________________, ___________________, ___________________, ___________________,
__________________, __________________, __________________, __________________,
_________________, _________________, _________________, _________________,
___________________, ___________________, ___________________, ___________________,
__________________ and __________________ and __________________ and __________________
_________________. _________________. _________________. and
I. Evaluating Give the importance of research Give the step by step in What have your learn in Assessment
Learning in our daily life. conducting research. conducting your research?

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
J. Additional Make a very simple research in Make a very simple research in Make a very simple research Make a very simple
Activities for selling your product. selling your product. in selling your product. research in selling your
Application or product.


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Teacher III- SST School Head

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