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1.It should be _____ that the plans comply with the law.

2.Improving the _____ of woodlands to the public is seen as a key issue.
3.Some fetal _____ cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy. (FORM)
4.You make everything sound so _____ simple. (SEDUCE)
5.Most scientists argued that dreams were nothing but a random jumble of
completely_____ images remaining from the sensory accumulation of our daily
6.Recent _____ research on deaf children has produced some interesting
findings abouttheir speech. (QUANTITY)
7.She went through a period of shock and _____ following her husband’s death.
8.Power naps are especially useful for those whose sleep is constrained by a
demanding schedule: for example, mothers of small children or traveling
business _____.(EXECUTE)
9.These _____ produced antibiotics are only available by prescription.
10.The drawings were recently presented to the National Library of Scotland,
which now boasts a superb and _____ collection of the artist’s manuscripts.

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