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Background of the Study

Poor rural people rely on agriculture as their primary and, in some cases, only, source

of income. For subsistence, the majority of them rely on fisheries and farming. Generally,

indigenous populations, as well as those residing in upland and coastal regions, experience

elevated rates of illiteracy, unemployment, and poverty.

Agriculture encompasses the raising of animals to provide food, wool, and other

products, the cultivation of soil for crop growth, and the efficient harvesting of harvested

commodities. Agriculture enabled the rise of human civilization to its current peak of

greatness and transformed its practitioners from hunter-gatherers to those who inhabit a more

complex social order.

Plants require specific needs for them to survive and proliferate, including light, air,

water, nutrients, and space.

Water is a fundamental component for survival. Water constitutes approximately 70%

of the human organism, whereas plants contain nearly 90% water. Water is essential for the

establishment and development of crops. Irrigation is the term used to describe the method of

artificially watering vegetation in order to satisfy its water requirements.

To perform photosynthesis, plants require water. Water enters the chloroplasts in the

leaves via the stems of a plant after being absorbed by the roots. Additionally, water

facilitates the transfer of roots' nutrients to the plant. Waving or drooping plants may result

from insufficient watering. An excessive quantity of water may induce root deterioration in a


To increase agricultural productivity, two different methods, traditional and modern

are utilized in conjunction with various types of irrigation. A sprinkler system, which, as its

name implies, is a type of modern irrigation, waters the crop in a manner analogous to that of

rainfall and aids in water distribution. While adaptable to the majority of soil types, sprinklers

perform optimally in sandy soils characterized by high infiltration rates. Extensive varieties

of fruits, vegetables, and field commodities are all suitable choices for sprinkler irrigation.

Corn, wheat, legumes, potatoes, tomatoes, and an assortment of fruit trees are some frequent


Over fifty percent of our agricultural produce would perish from pests and diseases in

the absence of the use of pesticides. By safeguarding crops against pests, diseases, and

weeds and increasing productivity per hectare, they help farmers to cultivate more food on a

smaller site.

The concept for a robot capable of autonomously dispensing water and pesticide was

created by the researchers. The robot would operate on solar power, which converts sunlight

into electricity, thereby reducing the system's reliance on external power sources and

contributing to its environmental friendliness. Farmers may avoid the need to travel across

extensive expanses of agricultural land by utilizing this device, as it is a controllable robot

that administers water and pesticides to support the growth of vegetations.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate if I.R.I.S. (Integrated Robot Irrigation Sprinkler) with

Smart Pesticide Sprayer Utilizing Solar-Power can be used as a Support to Growth of


Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Is I.R.I.S. with Smart Pesticide Sprayer Utilizing Solar-Power feasible to be a Support

to Growth of Vegetation?

2. How may the I.R.I.S with Smart Pesticide Sprayer Utilizing Solar-Power perform its

function in terms of:

2.1 Efficiency of Water

2.2 Pesticide Spraying Effectiveness

2.3 Moveability of Robot; and

2.4 Ability of Solar Power to Operate


Ho: The Integrated Robot Irrigation Sprinkler with Smart Pesticide Sprayer has no significant

effect on the growth of vegetation.

Ha: The Integrated Robot Irrigation Sprinkler with Smart Pesticide Sprayer has a significant

effect on the growth of vegetation.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Integrated Robot Irrigation

Sprinkler with Smart Pesticide

Growth of Vegetation
Sprayer Utilizing Solar-Power as


Figure.1 Research Paradigm

The research paradigm shows the relationship between the independent variable and

dependent variable. This study aims to investigate if I.R.I.S. with Smart Pesticide Sprayer

Utilizing Solar-Power as Support can affect the growth of vegetation. The independent

variable is the use of Integrated Robot Irrigation Sprinkler with Smart Pesticide Sprayer

Utilizing Solar-Power as Support while the dependent variable is the growth of vegetations.

The research design investigated on how effective I.R.I.S with Smart Pesticide Sprayer

Utilizing Solar-Power as Support to the Growth of Vegetations.

Significance of the Study

The aims of the project I.R.I.S. are to efficiently and effectively provide water and

pesticide to vegetations in order to promote their growth and enhance agricultural

productivity. The following will gain from this study:

Farmers. Irrigation and pesticides distribution provide farmers with more agricultural

output, greater crop yields, and better financial results. It is more accessible and convenient

for them because they are able to manage their fields without growing overly exhausted.

Production of Food. This increases crop quality and speeds up the production of

foods from completely matured vegetation, thereby ensuring a more sustainable global food


Consumers. Project I.R.I.S. boost the quantity, diversity, and quality of crops

available to customers, which benefits a more dependable and varied food supply.

Agricultural Industry. Crop yield stability guarantees a steady supply of inputs for

food processing, and other sectors, bolstering their activities and promoting general economic


Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study will focus on the utilization of integrated robots to deliver

water and pesticides to crop areas. Harnessing solar energy for operation will increase the

system's sustainability and decrease its reliance on traditional sources of energy This study

will be limited to agricultural field-based farmers. Furthermore, the operational capacity of

the system could potentially be compromised due to its dependence on solar power, extended

periods of low sunlight, or adverse weather conditions. These limitations may prevent the

system from effectively managing particular crop varieties or field arrangements.

Definition of Terms

Agriculture - the study or practice of farming, which includes digging the ground

so that crops can grow and raising animals for food, wool, and other products.

Commodities - a useful product that can be traded, bought, or sold.


Integrated - putting together or arranging different parts to make a whole that works

well and is connected.

Irrigation - the process used to supply water to land or crops so they can grow,

usually through pipelines.

Pesticide - a substance used to kill insects and other organisms that are bad for

animals or plants that are grown in gardens.

Photosynthesis - the process by which plants turn carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight

into oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

Proliferate - to increase quickly and by a lot in number.

Solar Power - the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity.

Vegetation - A group of plants, especially those that grow in a certain place or


Theoretical Framework

The Project I.R.I.S. with Smart Pesticide Sprayer as a Support to Growth of

Vegetation is anchored on the drip irrigation theory (Simcha Blass, 1897-1982), which

proposes that water is drip-irrigated into the soil at a very low rate through emitters that affect

the entire soil profile. It assesses the regularity and precision of water distribution. A few

researchers (Pandao, Rathi, Patel, et al., 2021) have put forth a proposal for an intelligent

robotics-based irrigation system that aims to optimize agricultural crop utilization and assess

water scarcity in the field. The inverse notion of systemic irrigation, on the other hand

(Kirwana Fred, 2023), is that it will result in the unemployment of numerous farmers, as well

as a reduction in their profits and adaptability. This research endeavor seeks to benefit both

the environment and producers.


Related Literature
According to V. Ravikumar (2022) In sprinkler irrigation artificial rainfall is provided

for irrigating crops. In a Sprinkler Irrigation System (SIS), pipes are used for conveyance and

sprinkling of water is brought about by sprinkler heads. Relatively, sprinkler irrigation needs

more pressure than drip irrigation. In this chapter, advantages, types of sprinkler irrigation,

types of sprinkler heads, flow control valves and air valves used in SIS are discussed. The

need of booster pump in sprinkler irrigation and water filtration methods for sprinkler

irrigation are also discussed.

Pimentel, D., & Lehman, H. (2008). Stated that during the initial stages of pesticide

proliferation, the remarkable efficacy of these substances against a wide variety of

arthropods, pathogens, and vegetation led to their widespread and frequently indiscriminate

application in developed nations.

Solar power is the most vital source of energy for life on Earth. The development of

life on Earth has been propelled by the energy contained in sunlight, beginning with the

tiniest organisms and progressing to the plants that have supplied sustenance for higher

organisms and, ultimately, the human race.

Solar energy therefore provides the foundation for a significant portion of our

everyday energy sources. The entirety of the biomass on our planet was generated through

the process of photosynthesis, which harnesses solar energy to convert carbon dioxide from

the atmosphere into organic compounds. The resultant substance comprises biomass

presently in growth on Earth as well as fossil fuels, which are fossil fuels composed of

ancient biomass that has been progressively buried beneath the Earth. Presently, these fuels

are being burned for electrical generation and to discharge the carbon dioxide that has been

captured back into the atmosphere.

Related Studies

In this paper, the development of a solar-powered irrigation system is discussed. This

SCADA-based system would be highly beneficial in regions characterized by abundant

sunlight but inadequate water resources for agricultural operations, including but not limited

to rubber plantations, strawberry plantations, and other crops that necessitate frequent

watering. As a renewable energy source, the system is fuelled by a solar system comprised of

solar panel modules that transform sunlight into electricity. (Abdelkerim, A. I., et al., 2013)

Automation is utilized in every industrial system of the current era, but to a lesser

extent in agriculture. At present, particularly in developing nations, the majority of farmers

employ manual methods to administer fertilizers and pesticides to their fields. This results in

numerous health complications for them due to the substances they are employing.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are anticipated to be implemented in agricultural fields in

the near future for various purposes such as monitoring operations, field analysis, disease

detection, identification of problematic areas, pesticide selection, and pesticide application to

the affected regions. Currently, quadcopter sprinkling systems are operated manually or with

a degree of autonomy. This initiative employs UAVs to perform agricultural spraying in a

semi-autonomous fashion. (P, V. S. R., & Gorantla, S. R., 2019)


Solar energy serves as an essential energy source for supporting life on our planet,

supplying a substantial proportion of the energy we use on a daily basis. Sprinkler irrigation

irrigates crops with artificial precipitation through the use of pipelines to transport water and

sprinkler heads to distribute it. Despite requiring greater pressure than trickle irrigation, this

technique has become prevalent in developed countries due to its effectiveness. Biomass is

also produced via photosynthesis, wherein carbon dioxide is converted into organic

compounds using solar energy. Presently, fossil fuels are incinerated to produce electricity

and release carbon dioxide. The development of solar-powered irrigation systems for

agricultural purposes is currently taking place in regions characterized by plenty of sunlight

but insufficient water resources. By converting sunlight into electrical energy using solar

panel modules, these systems effectively mitigate the necessity for manual irrigation.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are anticipated to be utilized in developing countries for

agricultural field monitoring, disease detection, and pesticide selection. This semi-

autonomous method has the potential to substantially enhance agricultural operations and

decrease health complications.


Research Design

The present study employs a quantitative research design that explains the current

condition of the variables being examined. In order to determine the effect of an independent

variable on a dependent variable, this study will employ an experimental research design. By

facilitating an objective analysis of the relationships among variables, the experimental

design enhances the accuracy of the findings. This particular research design will help with

the formulation of a conclusion in support of our hypothesis. This can determine whether or

not Project I.R.I.S. is truly capable of supporting growth of vegetations.


Materials and Equipment

Table 1. List of Materials and Equipment

Robotic Chassis Printed Circuit Board

Wheels Solar Panel

Pipes Arduino Uno

Sprinkler RF controller

Switch DC motor

Ultrasonic Sensor Spraying Motor

RF sensor Battery

Atmega controller L298n module

Motor Driver R0 Tube

General Procedure
A. Gathering of materials
The researchers will gather the materials that would be used to make the I.R.I.S.

with Smart Pesticide Sprayer Utilizing Solar-Power as Support to Growth of

Vegetation. For the irrigation sprinkler robot these are the materials that will be

gathered: Table
Robotic Chassis.
1. List Wheels,and
of Materials Pipes, Sprinkler, Ultrasonic Sensor, RF sensor,

Atmega controller, Motor driver, Printed Circuit Board, and Solar Panel. As for the

Pesticide sprayer these are the following materials needed to be gathered: Arduino Uno,

RF controller, DC motor, Spraying Motor, Battery, L298n module, Switch, and R0

Tube, these materials are available in electronic shops, online shops, and other

hardware shops.

B. Illustrating the Framework of I.R.I.S.

The researchers will conceptualize the I.R.I.S. Project's framework in order to

demonstrate the prototype's design.


C. Assembling Experimental Layout of I.R.I.S.

Before starting the process of developing the prototype, the researchers will

first put together the components that are necessary for the construction of the

irrigation sprinkler robot. The pesticide sprayer will then be constructed by

assembling the necessary components, which will take place after the previous step.

D. Testing

The Project I.R.I.S will be subjected to different standard testing to determine its

effectiveness to support the growth of vegetations. The following variables will be

used to test as follows.

 Efficiency of Water

The researchers will measure both the amount of water given to plants as well

the uniformity of water distribution across the fields.

 Pesticide Spraying Effectiveness

The researchers will examine the pesticide sprayer's coverage, the amount of

pesticide applied, and its performance in pest control.

 Moveability of Robot

The researchers will evaluate the robot's ability to move and the amount of

time it takes to cover a specific area.

 Ability of Solar Power to Operate

The researchers will determine whether the conversion of sunlight into

electricity will be sufficient to operate the I.R.I.S. robot.

E. Analyzing the Gathered Data


Data from previous experiments was gathered by the researchers, who will

now analyze the results for each tested variable in order to determine whether or not it

affected the growth of vegetation. By employing ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), the

outcomes of the gathered data can be ascertained.

F. Formulating Conclusions

Following the assessment of the gathered data, the researchers will derive

conclusions predicated on the experiments that were carried out to quantify its

functionalities. The researchers will show the capability to ascertain the response to the


Data Analysis

In order to analyze the collected data, which consists of numerical values and is

quantitative in nature, the researchers will employ descriptive statistics to simplify the

explanation and description of the data, despite the presence of numerous associated

numbers. This study will utilize descriptive statistics to calculate the central tendency, which

comprises the mean, median, and mode. This technique is commonly employed to illustrate

the distribution of values at different levels.


Gathering of Materials

Illustrating the Framework of I.R.I.S.

C. Assembling Experimental
Layout of I.R.I.S.


Efficiency of Pesticide Ability of

Moveability of
Water Spraying Solar Power to
Effectiveness Operate

Measurement of
Is the variable no
variables and


Statistical Data Treatment

Gathered Data

Formulating Conclusions

Figure 2. Methodology Flowchart

Risk and Safety

To successfully and safely implement an Integrated Robot Irrigation Sprinkler with

Smart Pesticide Sprayer Utilizing Solar Power, many risks and safety concerns must be

addressed. Regular system checks are needed to prevent unwanted movements or operational

disturbances from system malfunctions or control failures. To reduce hazards to humans,

animals, and non-target plants from accidental pesticide exposure, accurate targeting,

obstacle detection sensors, and no-spray zones are needed. Solar panel maintenance concerns

include electrical hazards and falls during cleaning or repairs require rigorous safety practices

and training for maintenance staff. Due to adverse weather, soil and terrain issues, and

unexpected soil compaction must limit risks.


Cost Analysis

Price (Php)
Quantity Unit Item Cost Per Unit (Php)

1 set Robotic Chassis 699 699

4 pcs Wheels 149 596
1 meter Pipe 45 45
1 set Sprinkler 56 56
1 set Ultrasonic Sensor 89 89
1 set RF Sensor 99 99
1 set Atmega Controller 138 138
1 set Motor Driver 75 75
1 set PCB 64 64
1 set Solar Panel 800 800
1 set Arduino Uno 599 599
1 set RF Controller 80 80
1 set DC motor 39 39
1 set Spraying Motor 0 0
3 pcs Battery 15 45
1 set L298n Module 75 75
1 set R0 Tube 53 53
1 set Switch 13 13

TOTAL Php 3565.00


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