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Date of Lease Contract:  August 8, 2023

(when the lease contract is filled out) This is a binding document. Read carefully before signing.

Moving In—General Information

1. PARTIES. This Lease Contract is between the following tenants, 4. SECURITY DEPOSIT. Tenant has paid to Landlord the sum of
as tenants (list all people signing the Lease Contract): $ 400.00 (the “Security Deposit”), the receipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, which sum does not exceed one (1) month’s
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela
Rent. The Security Deposit shall be held as collateral security and
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto
applied on any rent or unpaid utility bill or other charge payable by
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez
Tenant that may remain due and owing at any time during or at the

expiration of this Lease, any extension thereof or holding over period,

or applied to any damages to the Premises in excess of ordinary

wear and tear caused by Tenant, Tenant’s family, guests, employees,

trades people, or pets, or other damages and expenses suffered by

Landlord as a result of a breach by Tenant of any covenant or

provision of this Lease. Tenant may not utilize the Security Deposit

as Rent and Tenant shall not apply the same as the last month’s Rent.

Landlord shall not withhold the security deposit for the replacement
value of apartment items that are damaged due to ordinary wear
and  CPT Building Owner, LLC
and tear. Any promise by the Tenant to leave, restore, surrender, or

yield the Apartment in good repair does not obligate the Tenant to

 make substantial repairs, replace obsolete materials, or fix other
defects without negligence or fault on the Tenant’s part. For the
purposes of this Section, the term “ordinary wear and tear” means
as owner (name of owner or agent of owner). The terms “you” and
deterioration that occurs without negligence, carelessness, accident,
“your” refer to all tenants listed above. The terms “we,” “us,” and
or abuse of the Apartment, fixtures, equipment, or other tangible
“our” refer to the owner listed above (or any of owner’s successors’
personal property by the Tenant, immediate family member, or a
in interest or assigns). By this Lease Contract, you agree to lease
from us, and we agree to lease to you, Apartment No.
301-718 (the “Apartment”), at 301 G 5. KEYS. You will be provided 8 apartment key(s), 
Street SW #718 mailbox key(s),
4 FOB(s), and/or 4 other access
(street address) in device(s) for access to the building and amenities at no additional
Washington, D.C.,  20024 (zip code) cost at move-in. If the key, FOB, or other access device is lost or
for use as a private residence only. Written or electronic notice to becomes damaged during your tenancy or is not returned or is
or from owner or agent constitutes notice to or from both owner returned damaged when you move out, you will be responsible for
and agent. If anyone else has guaranteed performance of this Lease the costs for the replacement and/or repair of the same. A fee of
Contract, a separate Lease Contract Guaranty for each guarantor is $
10.00 will be charged for replacing any lost or damaged
attached to this Lease Contract.
keys. A fee of $
50.00 will be charged for replacing any
READ THIS PARAGRAPH BEFORE SIGNING THIS LEASE: PRIOR lost or damaged electronic entry fobs.
THIS APARTMENT [CHECK ONE]: 6. RENT AND CHARGES. Unless modified by addenda,
you will pay to us $
1975.00 per month for rent for the
X is subject to rent control.
 Apartment, payable in advance and without demand:
q i s not subject to rent control and you acknowledge that, prior to X at the on-site manager’s office, or

execution of this Lease Contract by you, we have advised you X at our online payment site, or

that, pursuant to Section 205 of the District of Columbia Rental  at
Housing Act of 1985, rent increases for the Apartment are NOT

regulated by the Rent Stabilization Program (i.e., rent control 
program) of that Act, and that the Apartment is exempt from 
the Rent Stabilization Program. 

2. OCCUPANTS. The Apartment will be occupied only by you and
(list all other occupants not signing the Lease Contract): In addition, prorated rent is due from you to us on execution of this
Lease in the amount of $
395.00 for payment in advance

of rent due for the remainder of the first month.

 You must pay your rent on or before the 1st day of each month (due
 date) with no grace period. Cash is unacceptable without our prior
 written permission. You must pay your rent via cashier’s check,
 money order, or one monthly check rather than multiple checks. At
 our discretion, we may convert any and all checks via the Automated
 Clearing House (ACH) system for the purposes of collecting payment.
 If you don’t pay all rent on or before the fifth (5th) day of the month,
 you’ll pay a late charge. Your late charge will be (check one):
  a flat rate of $ or  X 5 % of the full amount of
 , the total monthly rent payment due by tenant. Regardless of the
as permissive occupant(s). No one else may occupy the Apartment. calculation method chosen above, the total amount of your late
No family member of yours over the age of eighteen (18) years old charges shall not exceed five percent (5%) of your total monthly rent
(except a full-time student) or other person over the age of eighteen payment. This charge is not a penalty but the cost to us of auditing
(18) years old may be listed as an “occupant,” but rather must be your account and, if necessary, sending you a rent deficiency notice.
qualified as, and be listed above as, a resident/tenant. No guest(s) A charge of $
35.00 will be payable by you to us for each
of yours may stay in the Apartment for more than seven (7) returned check or rejected electronic payment.
consecutive days during a 30-day period, without our prior written Landlord shall not impose on Tenant a mandatory fee for any service
consent. or facility that has not been approved pursuant to section 211 or
section 215 of the Rental Housing Act of 1985, if the Apartment is
3. LEASE TERM. The initial term of the Lease Contract begins on
subject to rent control.
25th day of  April ,
2023 (the “Commencement Date”), and ends at 11:59 p.m.
24th day of  April ,

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 1 of 8

7. RENT INCREASES AND LEASE CONTRACT CHANGES. Rent may You shall maintain at all times during the Term of this Lease, at
be increased by us at any time or time(s) permitted by law. You your sole expense, a renter’s insurance policy, or its equivalent,
will receive notices of rent increases, in writing, in accordance issued by a licensed insurance company. Such policy shall provide
with District of Columbia law, which requires us to give you limits of liability of $
100000.00 personal liability, and
written notice of any rent increase at least 15 days before the $ personal property, and you shall provide us with
advance written notice time period as set forth in Paragraph proof of such insurance to our satisfaction.
40 (Move-Out Notice).
If no box is checked, renter’s insurance is not required.
8. UTILITIES. Utilities for the Apartment (and related deposits, Additionally, you are [check one]  X required to purchase personal
charges, fees, or services) shall be paid as follows: liability insurance  not required to purchase personal liability
(1) By you: insurance. If no box is checked, personal liability insurance is not
 Gas X Cable
required. If required, failure to maintain personal liability insurance
q Electricity X Phone
throughout your tenancy, including any renewal periods and/or
  q Water/Sewer X Internet
lease extensions, may be an incurable breach of this Lease Contract
and may result in the termination of tenancy and eviction and/or
(2) By us: any other remedies as provided by this Lease Contract or state law.
X Gas
q q Cable
X Electricity
q q Phone
You acknowledge that no portion of the rent paid by you under this
  X Water/Sewer
q q Internet
Lease Contract will be applied to the owner’s structural fire insurance
on your behalf, and that you are in no way a co-insured or additional
You must not allow utilities to be disconnected during your tenancy insured under any such policy. You are solely responsible for
for any reason, including disconnection for not paying your bills. obtaining renter’s insurance, or other desired insurance coverage,
Cable channels that are provided may be changed during the Lease which may cover you for losses relating to a casualty in the Apartment,
Contract term if the change applies to all tenants. Utilities may be including but not limited to: replacement premises, bodily injury,
used only for normal household purposes and must not be wasted. and/or losses for personal possessions–irrespective of whether we
If your electricity is ever interrupted, you must use only battery- require you to obtain any such insurance(s) as a condition of this
powered lighting, not candles or open flames. If any utilities are Lease Contract above.
submetered for the apartment, or prorated by an allocation formula
for water/sewer, we will attach an addendum to this Lease Contract 10. LOCKS AND LATCHES. Keyed lock(s) will be rekeyed after the
in compliance with state agency rules or city ordinance. Failure to prior tenant moves out. The rekeying will be done before you move
pay any utilities shall be deemed a breach of this Lease Contract. into your apartment.

9. INSURANCE. We do not maintain insurance to cover your personal You may at any time ask us to change or rekey locks or latches during
property or personal injury. We are not responsible to any tenant, the Lease Term with our standard locks or latches. You must pay
guest, or occupant for damage or loss of personal property or for any such change or rekeying, unless otherwise provided by law.
personal injury from (including but not limited to) fire, smoke, rain, Payment for Rekeying, Repairs, Etc. You must pay for all repairs
flood, water and pipe leaks, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind, explosions, or replacements arising from misuse or damage to devices by you
earthquake, interruption of utilities, theft, hurricane, negligence of or your occupants, or guests during your occupancy. You may be
other tenants, occupants, or invited/uninvited guests or vandalism required to pay in advance if we notify you within a reasonable time
unless otherwise required by law. after your request that you are more than 30 days delinquent in
We  X require  do not require you to get your own insurance reimbursing us for repairing or replacing a device which was misused
for losses to your personal property or injuries due to theft, fire, or damaged by you, your guest or an occupant; or if you have
water damage, pipe leaks and the like. requested that we repair or change or rekey the same device during
the 30 days preceding your request and we have complied with your
request. Otherwise, you must pay immediately after the work is

Special Provisions
11. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions and any If there is a delay, and we haven’t given notice of delay as set forth
addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before signing will immediately below, you may terminate up to the date when the
become a part of this Lease Contract and will supersede any apartment is ready for occupancy, but not later. Otherwise:
conflicting provisions of this printed Lease Contract form. (1) If we give you written notice of a delay, after the initial term
See Additional Special Provisions of this Lease Contract is scheduled to begin on the
 Commencement Date (as set forth in Paragraph 3 - Lease Term),
 and the notice states that occupancy has been delayed because
 of construction, or because of a previous tenant’s holding over,
 and that the apartment will be ready on a specific date-you
See any additional special provisions. may terminate the Lease Contract within three (3 calendar
days after you have received the notice, but not later.
You must promptly reimburse us for loss, damage, government fines, (2) If we give you written notice of a delay, before the initial term
or cost of repairs or service in the Apartment and apartment of this Lease Contract is scheduled to begin on the
community due to a violation of the Lease Contract or community Commencement Date (as set forth in Paragraph 3 - Lease Term),
rules, improper use, negligence, or intentional conduct by you or and the notice states that construction delay is expected and
your fellow Tenants, occupants, guests or visitors. Unless the damage that the apartment will be ready for you to occupy on a specific
or wastewater stoppage is due to our negligence, we’re not liable date, you may terminate the Lease Contract within seven (7)
for and except for normal wear and tear, you must pay for—repairs, calendar days after you received the notice, but not later. In
replacement costs, and damage to the following that result from the event of such delay, the Commencement Date of the term
your or your invitees, guests, or occupants’ negligence or intentional of this Lease Contract will be deemed, by agreement hereunder
acts: (1) damage to doors, windows, or screens; (2) damage from and for all purposes, to be the date on which occupancy of the
windows or doors left open; and (3) damage from wastewater Apartment is available to you, and this Lease Contract
stoppages caused by improper objects in lines exclusively serving nonetheless shall terminate on the date previously set forth
your apartment. We may require payment at any time, including in Paragraph 3 (Lease Term) above. This new Commencement
advance payment of repairs for which you’re liable. Delay in Date may not be moved to an earlier date unless we and you
demanding sums you owe is not a waiver. agree to the same, in writing.

13. DELAY OF OCCUPANCY. If initial occupancy of the Apartment by 14. AD VALOREM TAXES/FEES AND CHARGES - ADDITIONAL RENT.
you is or will be delayed for construction, repairs, cleaning, or a Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if, during the term of this
previous tenant’s holding over, we’re not responsible for the delay. Agreement, any locality, city, state, or Federal Government imposes
The Lease Contract will remain in force subject to: (1) abatement upon us, any fee, charge, or tax, which is related to or charged by
of rent on a daily basis during delay; and (2) your right to terminate the number of occupants, or by the apartment itself, such that we
this Lease Contract as set forth below. Termination notice from you are charged a fee, charge, or tax, based upon your use or occupancy
to us must be in writing. After termination, you are entitled only to of the apartment, we may add this charge as Additional Rent, during
refund of deposit(s) and any pre-paid rent. Rent abatement or Lease the term of the Lease Contract, with thirty (30) days advance written
Contract termination does not apply if delay is for cleaning or repairs notice to you. After this written notice (the amount or approximate
that do not prevent you from occupying the apartment. amount of the charge, will be included), you agree to pay, as Additional
© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 8
Rent, the amount of the charge, tax or fee imposed upon us, as a chronic nuisance type statute, 911 or other life safety, per person,
result of your occupancy. As examples, these charges can include, or per unit charge or tax and any utility bill unpaid by you, which
but are not limited to: any charges we receive for any zoning violation, is then assessed to us for payment.
sound, noise or litter charge; any charge under any nuisance or

While You’re Living in the Apartment

15. COMMUNITY POLICIES OR RULES. You, any occupants, and your 18. PARKING. Parking [check one] q is q X is not provided to you
guests and visitors shall comply with any and all written apartment under this Lease Contract. If parking is checked as provided, we
rules and community policies, including instructions for care of our may regulate the time, manner, and place of parking all cars, trucks,
property, which may be attached to this Lease Contract as a written motorcycles, bicycles, boats, trailers, and recreational vehicles. We
addendum. We reserve the right to change any written apartment may charge a fee for any such parking, under a month-to-month
rules and community policies at any time, and such amendments commercial license separate from this Lease Contract, and may
shall become effective and binding hereunder, as of the date the terminate your license to park upon providing you with thirty (30)
owner has sent a copy of them to you via first class mail. You, any days’ written notice. Any violation of the License for Enclosed Garage,
occupants, and your guests and visitors shall comply with any Carport, or Storage Unit is a material breach of lease, including, but
amended apartment rules and community policies at all times after not limited to any failure to pay the monthly charge or security
mailing, as set forth above. Any violation of any written apartment deposit or comply with any other requirements set-forth in the
rules and community policies (or amendments thereof or thereto) License for Enclosed Garage, Carport, or Storage Unit. Your obligations
shall be a violation of this Lease Contract and such apartment rules under this Lease Contract will not be amended or modified in any
and community policies are incorporated herein, by reference. way in the event we terminate parking. Any termination of a parking
license may be with, or without, cause and at our sole discretion.
16. LIMITATIONS ON CONDUCT. The apartment and other areas Any parking provided hereunder shall be deemed a commercial
reserved for your private use must be kept clean by you. Trash must tenancy, not appurtenant to, nor a part of your residential tenancy
be disposed of by you at least weekly in appropriate receptacles in under this Lease Contract. Motorcycles or motorized bikes shall not
accordance with local ordinances. Passageways may be used by you be parked inside an apartment unit or on sidewalks, under stairwells,
only for entry or exit. Any swimming pools, saunas, spas, tanning or in handicapped parking areas. We may have unauthorized or
beds, exercise rooms, storerooms, laundry rooms, and similar areas illegally parked vehicles towed. A vehicle is unauthorized or illegally
(if any of the foregoing exist in the apartment community) must be parked in the apartment community if it:
used by you with care in accordance with apartment rules and
(1) has a flat tire or other condition rendering it inoperable; or
posted signs. Your access to amenities, such as swimming pools,
(2) is on jacks, blocks or has wheel(s) missing; or
exercise or meeting rooms, saunas, spas, tanning beds, storerooms,
(3) has no current license or no current inspection sticker; or
laundry rooms, or the like is not as a matter of right and may be
(4) takes up more than one parking space; or
terminated by us, should you fail to comply with applicable rules
(5) belongs to a tenant or occupant who has surrendered or
and regulations governing the same, or in the event that there is
abandoned the apartment; or
loud, boisterous, objectionable, or damaging behavior/occurrence(s)
(6) is parked in a marked handicap space without the legally
by you, your occupants, your guests or visitors, in or to such
required handicap insignia; or
amenities. Glass containers are prohibited in or near pools and all
(7) is parked in space marked for manager, staff, or guest at the
common areas. You, your occupants, guests or visitors may not
office; or
anywhere in the apartment community: use candles or use kerosene
lamps; cook on balconies or anywhere outside of the Apartment; or (8) blocks another vehicle from exiting; or
solicit business or contributions. Conducting any kind of business (9) is parked in a fire lane or designated “no parking” area; or
(including child care services) in your Apartment or in the apartment (10) is parked in a space marked for other tenant(s) or unit(s); or
community is prohibited-except that any lawful and properly licensed (11) is parked on the grass, sidewalk, or patio; or
business conducted “at home” by computer, mail, or telephone is (12) blocks garbage trucks from access to a dumpster; or
permissible if customers, clients, patients, or other business (13) belongs to a tenant or occupant and is parked in a visitor or
associates do not come to your Apartment or the apartment retail parking space.
community for business purposes. We may regulate: (1) the use of
patios, balconies, and porches; (2) the conduct of furniture movers 19. NO RELEASE OF TENANT/HEIRS & ASSIGNS.
and delivery persons; and (3) recreational activities in common Unless you’re otherwise entitled to terminate your tenancy as a
areas. matter of law, or by an express provision herein, you won’t be released
from this Lease Contract for any reason-including but not limited
We may exclude from the apartment community guests, visitors or to voluntary or involuntary school withdrawal or transfer, voluntary
others who, in our judgment, have been violating the law, violating or involuntary job transfer, marriage, separation, divorce,
this Lease Contract or any apartment rules and community policies, reconciliation, loss of Co-Tenants, loss of employment, bad health,
or disturbing other tenants, neighbors, visitors, or owner or death. This Lease Contract inures only to the benefit of the named
representatives. If any on-site management personnel or security Tenants in Section 1 of this Lease Contract. In the event that the
personnel is provided by us to the apartment community, it is for Tenant(s) listed herein should die at any time during the tenancy,
the benefit of us only, and is not a part of nor an amenity appurtenant there is no right of survivorship, inheritance, or assignment of this
to your tenancy interest hereunder. We’re not responsible for Lease Contract or the Apartment. In the event that the named
obtaining criminal-history checks on any tenants, occupants, guests, Tenant(s) dies, all occupants must immediately vacate the Apartment.
visitors, or contractors in the apartment community. If you or any The tenant(s) hereunder hereby direct their personal representative
occupant, visitor or guest is affected by a crime, you must make a and estate to promptly pay all unpaid rents or other financial
written report to our representative and to the appropriate local obligations due hereunder to us, and to vacate and surrender the
law-enforcement agency. You also must furnish us with the law- Apartment to the us within thirty (30) days after the Tenant(s) date
enforcement agency’s incident report number upon request. of death, or in such time as is provided by a Court of competent
jurisdiction in a probate or similar proceeding.
17. PROHIBITED CONDUCT. You and your occupants, guests or
visitors may not engage in the following activities: behaving in a 20. MILITARY PERSONNEL CLAUSE. All parties to this Lease Contract
loud or obnoxious manner; disturbing or threatening the rights, agree to comply with any federal law, including, but not limited to
comfort, health, safety, or convenience of others (including our the Service Member’s Civil Relief Act, or any applicable state law(s),
agents and employees) in or near the apartment community; if you are seeking to terminate this Lease Contract and/or subsequent
disrupting our business operations; manufacturing, delivering, renewals and/or Lease Contract extensions under the rights granted
possessing with intent to deliver, or otherwise possessing a controlled by such laws.
substance or drug paraphernalia; engaging in or threatening
violence; possessing a weapon prohibited by state law; possessing 21. TENANT DUE CARE AND PROPERTY LOSS. You and all occupants,
any firearm whether or not in compliance with all laws and guests and visitors must exercise due care for your own and others’
regulations; discharging a firearm in the Apartment or apartment safety, especially in the use of smoke detectors, keyed deadbolt
community; displaying or possessing a gun, knife, or other weapon locks, keyless bolting devices, window latches, and access control
in the Apartment or common area; storing anything in closets having devices. You acknowledge and agree that living in an urban
gas appliances; tampering with utilities or telecommunications; or environment, such as Washington, D.C., has risks and dangers that
bringing hazardous materials into the apartment community. are beyond our control. We cannot be, and are not responsible,
legally nor otherwise to protect you from these risks and dangers,
unless otherwise compelled to do so under law, and you agree to
assume all such risks and dangers as part of your tenancy.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 3 of 8

Smoke Detectors. We will furnish smoke detectors to you as part including alarm systems, smoke detectors, furniture, telephone and
of your Apartment rental, and will test them for working order. You cable TV wiring, screens, locks, and access control devices. When
must immediately report smoke detector malfunctions to us in you move in, we’ll supply light bulbs for fixtures we furnish, including
writing. Smoke detectors shall not be disabled by you, your occupants, exterior fixtures operated from inside the Apartment; after that,
guests or visitors. If you damage or disable the smoke detector or you’ll replace them at your expense with bulbs of the same type and
remove power supply without replacing it, you may be liable to us wattage. Your improvements to the Apartment (whether or not we
for the costs of any fine incurred by us via a Notice of Infraction consent) become ours unless we agree otherwise in writing.
issued by the District of Columbia government due to such damage
from disabling of the smoke detector, plus our actual damages. If 23. REQUESTS BY YOU. IF YOU NEED TO SEND A NOTICE OR
you disable or damage the smoke detector, or fail to report known REQUEST—FOR EXAMPLE, FOR REPAIRS, INSTALLATIONS,
smoke detector malfunctions to us, you will likewise be liable to us SERVICES, OR SECURITY-RELATED MATTERS—IT MUST BE
and others for any loss, damage, or fines from fire, smoke, or water. SUBMITTED THROUGH EITHER THE ONLINE TENANT PORTAL, OR
Casualty Loss. We’re not liable to any tenant, occupant, guest or
REPRESENTATIVE (except in case of fire, smoke, gas, explosion,
visitor for bodily injury or death, or damage or loss of personal
overflowing sewage, uncontrollable running water, electrical shorts,
property from any cause, including but not limited to: fire, smoke,
or crime in progress). Our written notes on your oral request do not
rain, flood, water and pipe leaks, hail, ice, snow, lightning, wind,
constitute a written request from you.
explosions, interruption of utilities, theft, or vandalism unless due
to our negligence. During freezing weather, you must ensure that Our complying with or responding to any oral request does not
the temperature in the apartment is sufficient to make sure that waive the strict requirement for written notices under this Lease
the pipes do not freeze (the appropriate temperature will depend Contract. You must promptly notify us in writing of: water leaks;
upon weather conditions and the size and layout of your unit). If the mold; electrical problems; malfunctioning lights; broken or missing
pipes freeze or any other damage is caused by your failure to properly locks or latches; and other conditions that pose a hazard to property,
maintain the heat in your apartment, you’ll be liable for damage to health, or safety. We may change or install utility lines or equipment
our and other’s property. If you ask our representatives to perform serving the Apartment if the work is done reasonably without
services not contemplated in this Lease Contract, you will indemnify substantially increasing your utility costs. We may turn off equipment
us and hold us harmless from all liability for these services. and interrupt utilities as needed to avoid property damage or to
perform work. If utilities malfunction or are damaged by fire, water,
In the event the Apartment, or any part thereof, is taken by
or similar cause, you must notify our representative immediately.
condemnation by any government agency or authority, your tenancy
Air conditioning problems are normally not emergencies. If air
will be terminated at our option. You hereby specifically assign to
conditioning or other equipment malfunctions, you must notify our
us any portion of the award payable as damages for the taking of
representative as soon as possible on a business day. We will act
the property, and you waive any right to participate or make any
with reasonable efforts to make repairs and reconnections, taking
claim in such condemnation proceedings.
into consideration when casualty insurance proceeds are received.
Crime or Emergency. You agree to dial 911 or immediately call Unless otherwise required by law, rent will not abate in whole or
local medical emergency, fire, or police personnel in case of accident, in part.
fire, smoke, or suspected criminal activity, or other emergency
involving imminent harm. You agree to contact our representative. 24. ANIMALS. Unless otherwise provided under federal, state, or
Unless otherwise provided by law, we’re not liable to you or any local law, no animals (including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish,
occupants, visitors or guests for injury, damage, or loss to person rodents, and insects) are allowed, even temporarily, anywhere in
or property caused by criminal conduct of other persons, including the apartment or community unless we’ve so authorized in writing.
theft, burglary, assault, vandalism, or other crimes. We are not You must remove an illegal or unauthorized animal within 24 hours
obliged to furnish security personnel, security lighting, security of notice from us, or you will be considered in default of this Lease
gates or fences, or other forms of security unless required by statute Contract. If we allow an animal as a pet, you must execute a separate
or regulation. We do not provide any security measures or devices. animal addendum which may require additional deposits, rents,
If we provide any access control devices or security measures upon fees or other charges. You agree that an animal deposit is not
the property, they are not an obligation of us to prevent crime or to considered a general security deposit. We will authorize an assistance
reduce the risk of crime on the property. You agree that no access animal for a disabled person where there is a disability-related need
control devices or security measures can eliminate all crime and for the assistance animal. When allowed by applicable laws, before
that you will not rely upon any provided access control devices or we authorize an assistance animal, if the disability is not readily
security measures as a warranty or guarantee of any kind. We apparent, we may require a written statement from a qualified
disclaim any express or implied warranties of security, crime professional verifying the disability-related need for the assistance
prevention or access control. You won’t treat any of our security animal. If we authorize an assistance animal, we may require you
measures as an express or implied warranty of security, nor as a to execute a separate animal and/or assistance animal addendum.
guarantee against crime nor of reduced risk of crime. We’re not Animal deposits, additional rents, fees or other charges will not be
responsible for obtaining criminal-history checks on any tenants, required for an assistance animal needed due to disability, including
occupants, guests, visitors or contractors in the apartment an emotional support or service animal, as authorized under federal,
community. If you or any occupant or guest is affected by a crime, state, or local law. You must not feed stray or wild animals.
you must make a written report to our representative and to the If you or any occupant, guest or visitor violates animal restrictions
appropriate local law-enforcement agency. You also must furnish (with or without your knowledge), you’ll be subject to charges,
us with the law-enforcement agency’s incident report number upon damages, eviction, and other remedies provided in this Lease
request. Contract. If an animal has been in the Apartment at any time during
your term of occupancy (with or without our consent), we will charge
you for and you agree to pay for defleaing, deodorizing, and
the Apartment, fixtures, and furniture as is, except for conditions
shampooing the Apartment. Initial and daily animal-violation charges
required by law to be fixed by us. You will be given an Inventory
are payment of damages for our time, inconvenience, and overhead
and Condition form on or before move-in. You must sign and note
in enforcing animal restrictions and rules. We may remove an
on the form all defects or damage and return it to our representative.
unauthorized animal by following the procedures of paragraph 26
Otherwise, everything will be considered to be in a clean, safe,
(Multiple Tenants or Occupants). We are not liable for loss, harm,
sanitary, and good working condition.
sickness, or death of the animal unless due to our negligence. We
You must use customary diligence in maintaining the Apartment will return the animal to you upon request if it has not already been
and not damaging or littering the common areas. Unless authorized turned over to a humane society or local authority. You must pay
by statute or by us in writing, you must not perform any repairs, for the animal’s reasonable care and kenneling charges. We have no
painting, wallpapering, carpeting, electrical changes, or otherwise lien on the animal for any purpose.
alter the Apartment or our property. No holes or stickers are allowed
inside or outside the Apartment. But we will permit a reasonable 25. WHEN WE MAY ENTER.
number of small nail holes for hanging pictures on sheetrock walls A. Except in the event of an emergency for the protection or
and in grooves of wood-paneled walls, unless our apartment preservation of the Apartment, or for the protection and safety
community rules and policies state otherwise. No water furniture, of the tenants or other persons, the Landlord may enter the
washing machines, additional phone or TV-cable outlets, alarm Apartment during the Tenant’s tenancy only for a reasonable
systems, or lock changes, additions, or rekeying is permitted unless purpose, at a reasonable time, and after having provided the
we have consented in writing. You may install a satellite dish or Tenant with reasonable notice.
antenna provided you sign our satellite dish or antenna lease
addendum which complies with reasonable restrictions allowed by
federal law. You agree not to alter, damage, or remove our property,

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 4 of 8

B. “Reasonable notice” means written notice provided to the batteries; retrieving unreturned tools, equipment or appliances;
Tenant at least 48 hours before the time the Landlord wishes preventing waste of utilities; exercising our contractual lien; leaving
to enter the Apartment or a shorter period of time as agreed notices; delivering, installing, reconnecting, or replacing appliances,
to by the Tenant in writing. Written notice may include furniture, equipment, or security devices; removing or re-keying
electronic communication including email and mobile text unauthorized locks or security devices; removing unauthorized
messaging, provided that if the Tenant fails to furnish a written window coverings; stopping excessive noise; removing health or
acknowledgment, the Landlord will provide a paper notice. safety hazards (including hazardous materials), or items prohibited
under our rules; removing perishable foodstuffs if your electricity
C. “Reasonable time” means a time between the hours of 9 a.m.
is disconnected and you fail to remove them; retrieving property
and 5 p.m., and not on a Sunday or federal holiday, or at another
owned or leased by former tenants; inspecting when immediate
time agreed upon by the Tenant.
danger to person or property is reasonably suspected; allowing
D. “Reasonable purpose” means a purpose that is directly related persons to enter as you authorized in your rental application (if you
to the Landlord’s duty to keep the Apartment Community safe die, are incarcerated, etc.); allowing entry by a law enforcement
from damage, to inspect the Apartment, make necessary or officer with a search or arrest warrant, or in hot pursuit; showing
agreed repairs, decorations, alteration, renovations or apartment to prospective tenants (after move-out or vacate notice
improvements, supply necessary or agreed services, has been given); or showing apartment to government inspectors,
maintenance, or exhibit the Apartment to prospective or actual fire marshals, lenders, appraisers, contractors, prospective buyers,
purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workmen or contractors or or insurance agents.
to gain entry for work ordered by a governmental agency.
E. Upon the allegation of a Housing Code violation by the Tenant,
Section 1 of this Lease Contract as a tenant is jointly and severally
the Tenant may not unreasonably prevent the Landlord from
liable for all Lease Contract obligations. If you, any occupant, guest
accessing the Apartment for assessment and abatement of the
or visitor violates the Lease Contract or the Community Policies/
alleged violation and the Tenant must provide access to the
Apartment within 48 hours of the written request by the Rules, all Tenants named in Section 1 of this Lease Contract as tenant
shall be deemed to have violated the Lease Contract. Our requests
Landlord for access.
and notices (including sale notices) to any Tenant shall be addressed
You hereby expressly permit our access to your Apartment by the as notice to all Tenants and occupants. Notices and requests from
owner, management, or by its/their agent(s) in circumstances which any Tenant or occupant (including notices of termination, repair
may include, but are not limited to the following: responding to your requests, and entry permissions) constitute notice from all Tenants.
request; making repairs or replacements; estimating repair or Security deposit refunds will only be issued via one check, and any
refurbishing costs; performing pest control; doing preventive deduction itemizations will be mailed to one Tenant only.
maintenance; changing filters; testing or replacing smoke-detector

27. REPLACEMENT TENANTS AND SUBLETTING. Replacing a Tenant, (3) you, the departing Tenant, will remain jointly and severally
subletting, or assignment is not permitted, except with the prior liable for all Lease Contract obligations for the remainder of
written consent of Landlord in Landlord’s sole and absolute the tenancy created hereby and any extensions thereof, until
discretion. If departing or remaining Tenants find a replacement such date as the apartment is surrendered back to us vacant
tenant acceptable to us before moving out, and we expressly consent and is accepted by us, whether voluntarily, or by legal process.
to the replacement, subletting, or assignment, then: Procedures for Replacement Tenant: If we approve a replacement
(1) a reletting charge will not be due; tenant, then, at our option: (1) the replacement tenant must sign
(2) an administrative (paperwork) and/or transfer fee will be this Lease Contract with or without an increase in the total security
due, and a rekeying fee will be due if rekeying is requested or deposit; or (2) the remaining and replacement tenants must sign
required; and an entirely new Lease Contract. The departing Tenant will no longer
have a right of occupancy of the Apartment, but will remain liable
for all obligations under this Lease Contract, as provided above.

Responsibilities of Owner and Tenant

28. RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER. We will comply with the Housing Eviction. If you fail to pay rent, or any other charge hereunder
Regulation requirements to: otherwise defined as rent, we or our agents/attorney(s) may
forthwith file a non-payment suit for possession of the Apartment.
(1) keep common areas reasonably clean and maintained;
(2) maintain fixtures, furniture, hot water, heating and A/C Liability for Rent and Damages. All rent and other charges
equipment which we have installed and own; and payable by you for the period prior to termination of tenancy due
to your default shall be and remain payable by you even if you are
(3) make all reasonable requested repairs required by this Lease
evicted, and all monthly rent and other charges for the remainder
Contract, subject to your obligation to pay for damages for
of the Lease Contract term or renewal period will be payable by you
which you are liable.
to us as damages incurred by us, and will be immediately due and
Owner is not responsible, as a matter of law in the District of delinquent if, without our written consent (1) you move out or give
Columbia, to make any repair(s) that it has not been informed of. oral or written notice (by you) of intent to move out before the Lease
Contract term or renewal period ends; and (2) you’ve not paid all
29. DEFAULT BY TENANT. You’ll be in default of this Lease Contract rent for the entire Lease Contract term or renewal period. Such
if you or your occupant, guest or visitor violates any terms of this conduct is considered a default for which we need not give you notice.
Lease Contract including but not limited to the following violations: Remaining rent also will be payable by you to us as damages even
(1) you do not pay any rent or other amounts that you owe when if you are judicially evicted or move out when we demand because
due; (2) you or any occupant, visitor or guest violate any other you have defaulted. Your liability for damages is subject to our
provision of this Lease Contract; (3) you or any occupant, guest or mitigation obligations, if any are required by law.
visitor violates the apartment community rules and policies, or fire,
safety, health, or criminal laws; (4) you abandon the Apartment; (5) Holdover. You or any occupant, invitee, or guest or visitor must
you give incorrect or false answers in a rental application; (6) you not hold over beyond the date contained in your move-out notice
or any occupant is arrested, convicted, or given deferred adjudication (or beyond a different move-out date agreed to by the parties in
for a criminal offense in the Apartment or apartment community writing). If a holdover occurs, then: (1) holdover rent is due in advance
involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or involving on a daily basis and may become delinquent without notice or
possession, manufacture, or delivery of a controlled substance, demand; (2) if you hold over after the date contained in your move-
marijuana, or drug paraphernalia as defined in the District of out notice, you shall be liable to us for rent at double the rate payable
Columbia Code; (7) any illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found in according to the terms of the tenancy for all the time that you shall
your Apartment, irrespective of who brought the same into the wrongfully hold over, to be recovered by us in the same way as rent
Apartment, or whether you had actual knowledge of the same; or accruing before the termination of the tenancy.
(8) you or any occupant, guest or visitor engages in any of the
prohibited conduct otherwise described in this Lease Contract.
Timely payment of rent hereunder is a covenant of, and an integral
part of this Lease Contract. Late payment of rent is a default
hereunder, irrespective of whether the rent is ultimately paid, with
or without a late charge.
© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 5 of 8
Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies set forth herein shall be Mitigation of Damages. If you move out early, you will be subject
cumulative, in addition to, and not in limitation of, any other remedies to all of the provisions set forth herein. We will exercise customary
available to Landlord under any applicable law. diligence to re-let the Apartment and mitigate damages, to the extent
required by law. We will credit all subsequent rent that we actually
receive from subsequent tenants under a new lease against your
liability for past-due and future rent and other sums due.

General Clauses
30. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Neither we nor any of our representatives artificial or prerecorded voice messages, text messages, mail, e-mail,
have made any oral promises, representations, or agreements. This and calls to your phone or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service,
Lease Contract is the entire agreement between you and us. or any other data or voice transmission technology. You agree to
promptly notify us if you change any contact information you provide
31. NO AUTHORITY TO AMEND UNLESS IN WRITING. to us. You are responsible for any service provider charges as a
Our representatives (including management personnel, employees, result of us contacting you.
and agents) have no authority to waive, amend, or terminate this
Lease Contract or any part of it, unless in writing, and no authority 36. JURY TRIAL. In the District of Columbia, you have the right to a
to make promises, representations, or agreements that impose jury trial in any legal proceeding. It is your obligation to ascertain
security duties or other obligations on us or our representatives the circumstances for seeking and securing a jury trial, and your
unless in writing. right thereto may be waived should you not proceed in accordance
with District of Columbia law. We have no obligation to provide you
32. NO WAIVER. No action or omission of our representative will be with any such information, and in no instance will the owner nor
considered a waiver of any subsequent violation, default, or time or its/his/her employee, agent, or management company give you legal
place of performance. Our not enforcing or belatedly enforcing any advice.
right hereunder, including but not limited to written-notice
requirements, rental due dates, acceleration, is not a waiver of such 37. FORCE MAJEURE. If we are prevented from completing
rights, under any circumstances. performances of any obligations hereunder by an act of God, strikes,
epidemics, pandemics, public health emergencies or crises, war, acts
33. NOTICE. Except when notice or demand is required by statute, of terrorism, riots, flood, fire, hurricane, tornado, sabotage, or other
you waive any notice and demand for performance from us if you occurrence which is beyond our control, then we shall be excused
default. Written notice to or from our managers constitutes notice from any further performance of obligations and undertakings
to or from us. Any person giving a notice under this Lease Contract hereunder, to the full extent allowed under applicable law.
should retain a copy of the memo, letter or fax that was given. Fax
Furthermore, if such an event damages the Apartment or apartment
and electronic signatures are binding. All notices must be signed.
community to materially affect its habitability by some or all tenants,
34. MISCELLANEOUS. we reserve the right to vacate any and all tenants and suspend or
A. Exercising one remedy won’t constitute an election or waiver of terminate tenancy, and you agree to excuse us from any further
other remedies. performance of obligations and undertakings hereunder, to the full
B. Insurance subrogation is waived by all parties. extent allowed under applicable law.
C. All remedies are cumulative.
38. PAYMENTS. Payment of all sums by you is an independent
D. No employee, agent, or management company is personally liable
covenant. At our option and without notice, we may apply money
for any of our contractual, statutory, or other obligations merely
received first to any of your unpaid obligations, then to current
by virtue of acting on our behalf.
rent—regardless of notations on checks or money orders and
E. This Lease Contract binds subsequent owners.
F. Neither an invalid clause nor the omission of initials on any page regardless of when the obligations arose. All sums other than rent
are due as provided in this Lease Contract and if not so provided
invalidates this Lease Contract.
G. All provisions regarding our non-liability and non-duty apply to then upon our demand. After the due date, we do not have to accept
the rent or any other payments. Should any payment be returned
our employees, agents, and management companies.
to us marked for insufficient or uncollected funds, we have the right
H. T his Lease Contract is subordinate or superior to existing and
to require you to make subsequent payments, for the following six
future recorded mortgages, at lender’s option.
(6) months, via certified funds.
35. CONTACTING YOU. By signing this lease, you are agreeing that
39. ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP. We represent that either: (1) we
we, our representative(s) or agent(s) may contact you. You agree
or; (2) the management company that represents us, is at the time
that we may contact you using any contact information relating to
of signing this Lease Contract or a renewal of this Lease Contract,
your lease including any number (i) you have provided to us (ii)
a member of both the National Apartment Association and any
from which you called us, or (iii) which we obtained and through
affiliated state and local apartment (multi-housing) associations
which we reasonably believe we can reach you. You agree we may
for the area where the apartment is located.
use any means to contact you. This may include calls made to your
cellular telephone using an automatic telephone dialing system,

When Moving Out

40. MOVE-OUT NOTICE. Before moving out, either at the end of the by which you intend to vacate. If the notice does not comply with
lease term, any extension of the lease term as specified in paragraph the time requirements of this paragraph 3 (Lease Term), even if you
3 (Lease Term), or prior to the end of the lease term, you must give move by the last date in the lease term, you will be responsible for
our representative not less than sixty ( 60 ) days an additional month’s rent. If you fail to vacate by the date set forth
advance written notice of your intention to vacate. This advance in your notice, you will automatically and immediately become a
written notice requirement expires upon the expiration of the initial holdover Tenant pursuant to state law, and we will have all remedies
lease term unless you sign a renewal lease for a term of more than available under this Lease Contract and state law.
month-to-month. If you sign a renewal lease for a term of more than
month-to-month, then the advance written notice requirement in 41. MOVE-OUT PROCEDURES. The move-out date you state in your
the renewal lease will become effective. If you do not sign a renewal move-out notice cannot be changed unless we and you both agree
lease or sign a renewal lease for a month-to-month term, then you in writing. You won’t move out before the Lease Contract term or
will have the right to vacate the Apartment upon a 30-day notice renewal period ends unless all rent for the entire Lease Contract
for so long as you remain a month-to-month tenant. If you are a term or renewal period is paid in full. Early move-out may result in
month-to-month tenant and provide a 30-day notice, then the notice re-letting charges and acceleration of future rent. You’re prohibited
shall expire on the first day of the first month at least 30 days after by law from applying any security deposit to rent you won’t stay
the date of the notice. If you move out prior to the end of the lease beyond the date you state in your move-out notice. All Tenants,
term, your notice does not act as a release of liability for the full guests, and occupants must abandon the apartment before the
term of the Lease Contract. You will still be liable for the entire Lease forty-five (45) day period for us to provide you with a written list
Contract term if you move out early under paragraph 19 (No Release of any damages to the Premises together with a statement of costs
of Tenant/Heirs & Assigns) except if you are able to terminate your properly incurred or Rent unpaid that will form the basis of a
tenancy under the statutory rights explained under paragraph 19 deduction from your Security Deposit or tender payment to you of
(No Release of Tenant/Heirs & Assigns) or any other applicable laws. the Security Deposit. You must give us and the U.S. Postal Service,
All notices to vacate must be in writing and must provide the date in writing, each Tenant’s forwarding address.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 6 of 8

42. CLEANING. You must thoroughly clean the apartment, including termination of the tenancy. The Landlord shall conduct the inspection,
doors, windows, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen appliances, patios, if the inspection is to be conducted, at the time and place of which
balconies, garages, carports, and storage rooms. You must follow notice is given to the Tenant. The Landlord shall notify the Tenant
move-out cleaning instructions if they have been provided. If you in writing of the time and date of the inspection. The notice of
don’t clean adequately, you’ll be liable for reasonable cleaning inspection shall be delivered to the Tenant, or at the Premises, at
charges. least ten (10) days before the date of the intended inspection.
Upon vacating the Premises, Tenant must furnish to Landlord, in
43. DEPOSIT RETURN, SURRENDER. The Security Deposit will be
writing, a forwarding address. If Tenant fails to leave a forwarding
deposited in an escrow account devoted to Security Deposits in a
address, it is understood that any communication from Landlord
federally insured banking or savings institution in Washington, D.C.
will be sent to Tenant at Tenant’s last known address; i.e., the
Within forty-five (45) days after termination of the tenancy, Landlord
Apartment vacated.
must either (a) provide to Tenant, by certified mail directed to
Tenant’s last known address, a written list of any damages to the In the event of a sale of the property upon which the Apartment is
Premises together with a statement of costs properly incurred or situated or the transfer or assignment by Landlord of this Lease,
Rent unpaid that will form the basis of a deduction from Tenant’s Landlord has the obligation to transfer the Security Deposit to the
Security Deposit; or (b) tender payment to Tenant of the Security purchaser or assignee. It is agreed that the foregoing will apply to
Deposit funds, plus applicable interest as required by law if there every transfer or assignment made of the Security Deposit to a new
are no deductions to be made. If Landlord notifies Tenant that Landlord.
deductions will be made from the Security Deposit, then Landlord It is expressly understood that Landlord’s application of the Security
has thirty (30) days from the date the notice of deductions was Deposit shall not be Landlord’s sole remedy in the event of Tenant’s
served to tender a refund to Tenant of any balance remaining of the default. SHOULD THE COSTS OF REPAIRS, REPLACEMENTS, AND/
Security Deposit (with interest as required by law) after all OR LANDLORD’S OTHER DAMAGES EXCEED THE SECURITY DEPOSIT,
appropriate deductions have been made, together with an itemized TENANT SHALL PAY LANDLORD FOR SUCH EXCESS COSTS AND
list of expenses incurred or repairs made with the Security Deposit DAMAGES.
funds. Tenant’s obligations under this Lease may not end when
Tenant ceases to occupy the Apartment. Repairs required may be You have surrendered the apartment when: All apartment keys and
so substantial or of such a nature that work will not be completed access devices have been returned to us. If we request that you sign
within the forty-five (45) day period following the termination of a form indicating that you have surrendered the apartment, you
the tenancy. In such event, Landlord reserves the right to pursue hereby expressly agree to do so. Should you fail to sign such a form,
Tenant for reimbursement for damages and costs. you will be held liable for all rents and other charges which accrue;
1) Until the date such form is signed, or 2) Until the last day of the
In order to determine the amount of the Security Deposit or other month in which the US Marshal’s Service has executed a Writ of
payment to be returned to the Tenant, the Landlord may (but shall Restitution for the apartment.
not be required to) inspect the Apartment within three (3) days,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, before or after the

Severability, Originals and Attachments, and Signatures

44. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Lease Contract is invalid Tenant or Tenants (all sign below)
or unenforceable under applicable law, such provision shall be
ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
only without invalidating or otherwise affecting the remainder ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
of this Lease Contract. The court shall interpret the Lease ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Contract and provisions herein in a manner such as to uphold ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
the valid portions of this Lease Contract while preserving the
intent of the parties.
45. ORIGINALS AND ATTACHMENTS. This Lease Contract has been
executed in multiple originals, with original signatures. We will Owner or Owner’s Representative (signing on behalf of owner)
provide you with a copy of the Lease Contract. Your copy of the Lease ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Contract may be in paper format, in an electronic format at your
request, or sent via e-mail if we have communicated by e-mail about Address and phone number of owner’s representative for notice
this Lease. Our rules and community policies, if any, will be attached purposes
to the Lease Contract and provided to you at signing. When an
Inventory and Condition form is completed, you should retain a 140 Q Street NE, Suite 140B
copy, and we should retain a copy. Any addenda or amendments you 
sign as a part of executing this Lease Contract are binding and hereby Washington DC 20002
incorporated into and made part of the Lease Contract between you (202)244-3811
and us. This Lease Contract is the entire agreement between you
and us. You acknowledge that you are NOT relying on any oral
representations. A copy or scan of this Lease Contract and related Name and address of locator service (if applicable)
addenda, amendments, and agreements may be used for any purpose 
and shall be treated as an original. 

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.
Before submitting a rental application or signing a Lease Date form is filled out (same as on top of page 1)
Contract, you may take a copy of these documents to review  08/08/2023
and/or consult an attorney.
Additional provisions or changes may be made in the Lease
Contract if agreed to in writing by all parties.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 7 of 8

SPECIAL PROVISIONS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2)  Occupants listed in Section 2 who are not parties to the
 Lease Contract listed in Section 1 are not tenants and have no legal entitlement to occupy
the apartment or exercise TOPA rights. Additionally, Landlord reserves the right to bar any
 tenant or guest From the premises who has injured, annoyed, disturbed etc. the tenant, any
 other tenant, or any other employee, agent or contractor of the landlord.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. Washington, D.C./National Apartment Association Official Form, September 2022 Page 8 of 8

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. entire lease term is $ and is due payable on

Unit. No. 301-718 , 301 G Street the same day as the buy-out fee, subject to any special
SW #718 provisions in paragraph 9 regarding the amount, calculation
(street address) in method, or payment date.
Washington, D.C., 20024
give us notice of buy-out, the Lease Contract gives us the right
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. to begin showing your unit to prospective tenants and telling
Lease Contract date: August 8, 2023 them it will be available immediately after your new
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC termination date.

7. COMPLIANCE ESSENTIAL. Our deposit of all amounts due

under paragraphs 4(f) and 4(g) constitutes our approval of
the new termination date stated in your notice of buy-out. If
you fail to comply with any of the procedures or requirements
Tenants (list all tenants): in this agreement after we deposit such monies, your buy-out
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela right and this agreement will be voided automatically; and
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto (1) any amounts you have paid under this agreement will
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez become part of your security deposit, and (2) the lease will
continue without buy-out. Then, if you move out early, you
are subject to all lease remedies, including reletting fees and
liability for all rents for the remainder of the original lease

8. MISCELLANEOUS. If moving out by the new termination

date becomes a problem for you, contact us. An extension may
be possible if we have not already relet the dwelling unit to a
successor tenant. We and any successor tenants who may be
leasing your unit will be relying on your moving out on or
3. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT. The purpose of this Buy-Out before the new termination date. Therefore, you may not hold
Agreement is to give you the right to buy out of your Lease over beyond such date without our written consent—even if
Contract early—subject to any special provisions in paragraph it means you have to make plans for temporary lodging
9 below. In order to buy out early, your notice must be signed elsewhere. “Default” as used in paragraphs 4(c) and 4(d) of
by all tenants listed in paragraph 1 of the Lease Contract and this agreement means default as defined in the Lease Contract.
you must comply with all provisions of this Buy-Out Agreement. You will continue to be liable for any damages and any sums
accruing and unpaid prior to the new termination date.
4. BUY-OUT PROCEDURES. You may buy out of the Lease
Contract prior to the end of the lease term and cut off all 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. Your right of buy-out (check one)
liability for paying rent for the remainder of the lease term if q is or q
X is not limited to a particular fact situation. If limited,
all of the following occur: buy-out may be exercised only if the following facts (see below)
occur and any described documents are furnished to us. Any
(a) you give us written notice of buy-out at least 60
special provisions below will supersede any conflicting
days prior to the new termination date (i.e., your new
provision of this printed agreement. Any false statements or
move-out date), which (check one) q must be the last day
documents presented to us regarding buy-out will
of a month or qX may be during a month;
automatically void your right to buy-out of the Lease Contract.
(b) you specify the new termination date in the notice, i.e., The special provisions are:
the date by which you’ll move out;
(c) you are not in default under the Lease Contract on the
date you give us the notice of buy-out;
(d) you are not in default under the Lease Contract on the
new termination date (move-out date);
(e) you move out on or before the new termination date and
do not hold over;
(f) you pay us a buy-out fee (consideration) of $ 3950.00 ;
(g) you pay us the amount of any concessions you received
when signing the Lease Contract; and
(h) you comply with any special provisions in paragraph 9

5. WHEN PAYABLE. The buy-out fee in paragraph 4(f) is due

and payable no later than 60 days after you give us your
buy-out notice. The total dollar amount of any concessions
regarding rent or other monetary lease obligations for the

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner's Representative

(All tenants must sign) (signs below)

__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ Date of Lease Contract
__________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
August 8, 2023

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C.


This addendum is incorporated into the Lease Contract (the “Lease”) identified below and is in addition to all the terms and conditions
contained in the Lease. If any terms of this Addendum conflict with the Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall be controlling:
Property Owner: CPT Building Owner, LLC

Tenant(s): Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez

Unit No:/Address: #301-718, 301 G Street SW #718, Washington, DC 20024

Lease Date: 08/08/2023


Tenant(s) permission for use of all common areas, Tenant amenities, and recreational facilities (together, “Amenities”) located
at the Dwelling Community is a privilege and license granted by Owner, and not a contractual right except as otherwise
provided for in the Lease. Such permission is expressly conditioned upon Tenant’s adherence to the terms of the Lease, this
Addendum, and the Community rules and regulations (“Rules”) in effect at any given time, and such permission may be
revoked by Owner at any time for any lawful reason. In all cases, the most strict terms of either the Lease, this Addendum,
or the Community Rules shall control. Owner reserves the right to set the days and hours of use for all Amenities and to
change the character of or close any Amenity based upon the needs of Owner and in Owner’s sole and absolute discretion,
without notice, obligation or recompense of any nature to Tenant. Owner and management may make changes to the Rules
for use of any Amenity at any time.
Additionally, Tenant(s) expressly agrees to assume all risks of every type, including but not limited to risks of personal
injury or property damage, of whatever nature or severity, related to Tenant’s use of the amenities at the Community.
Tenant(s) agrees to hold Owner harmless and release and waive any and all claims, allegations, actions, damages,
losses, or liabilities of every type, whether or not foreseeable, that Tenant(s) may have against Owner and that are
in any way related to or arise from such use. This provision shall be enforceable to the fullest extent of the law.
Management, officers, partners, employees, agents, assigns, Owners, subsidiaries and affiliates of Owner.

II. POOL. This Community  X DOES;  DOES NOT have a pool. When using the pool, Tenant(s) agrees to the following:
• Tenants and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the pool area and Management policies.
• All Swimmers swim at their own risk. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Owner is not responsible for accidents or injuries.
• For their safety, Tenants should not swim alone.
• Pool hours are posted at the pool.
• No glass, pets, or alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area. Use paper or plastic containers only.
• Proper swimming attire is required at all times and a swimsuit “cover up” should be worn to and from the pool.
• No running or rough activities are allowed in the pool area. Respect others by minimizing noise, covering pool furniture
with a towel when using suntan oils, leaving pool furniture in pool areas, disposing of trash, and keeping pool gates closed.
• Tenant(s) must accompany their guests.
• Tenant(s) must notify Owner any time there is a problem or safety hazard at the pool.


III. FITNESS CENTER. This Community  X DOES;  DOES NOT have a fitness center. When using the fitness center, Tenant
agrees to the following:
• Tenants and guests will adhere to the rules and regulations posted in the fitness center and Management policies.
• The Fitness Center is not supervised. Tenant(s) are solely responsible for their own appropriate use of equipment.
• Tenant(s) shall carefully inspect each piece of equipment prior to Tenant’s use and shall refrain from using any equipment
that may be functioning improperly or that may be damaged or dangerous.
• Tenant(s) shall immediately report to Management any equipment that is not functioning properly, is damaged or appears
dangerous, as well any other person’s use that appears to be dangerous or in violation of Management Rules and Policies.
• Tenant(s) shall consult a physician before using any equipment in the Fitness Center and before participating in any aerobics
or exercise class, and will refrain from such use or participation unless approved by Tenant’s physician.
• Tenant(s) will keep Fitness Center locked at all times during Tenant’s visit to the Fitness Center.
• Tenant(s) will not admit any person to the Fitness Center who has not registered with the Management Office.
• Tenant(s) must accompany guests, and no glass, smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, or black sole shoes are permitted
in the Fitness Center.
Card # issued: (1) (3) (5)
(2) (4) (6)

IV. PACKAGE RELEASE. This Community 

X DOES;  DOES NOT accept packages on behalf of Tenants.
For communities that do accept packages on behalf of its Tenants:
Tenant(s) gives Owner permission to sign and accept any parcels or letters sent to Tenant(s) through UPS, Federal Express,
Airborne, United States Postal Service or the like. Tenant agrees that Owner does not accept responsibility or liability for
any lost, damaged, or unordered deliveries, and agrees to hold Owner harmless for the same.

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V. BUSINESS CENTER. This Community  X DOES;  DOES NOT have a business center.
Unless otherwise prohibited by law, Tenant(s) agrees to use the business center at Tenant(s) sole risk and according to the
Rules and Regulations posted in the business center and Management policies. Owner is not responsible for data, files,
programs or any other information lost or damaged on Business Center computers or in the Business Center for any reason.
No software may be loaded on Business Center computers without the written approval of Community Management. No
inappropriate, offensive, or pornographic images or files (in the sole judgment of Owner) will be viewed or loaded onto the
Business Center computers at any time. Tenants will limit time on computers to minutes if others are waiting
to use them. Smoking, eating, alcoholic beverages, pets, and any disturbing behavior are prohibited in the business center.

VI. AUTOMOBILES/BOATS/RECREATIONAL VEHICLES. The following policies are in addition to those in the Lease, and may
be modified by the additional rules in effect at the Community at any given time:
• Only vehicle per licensed Tenant is allowed.
• All vehicles must be registered at the Management office.
• A ny vehicle(s) not registered, considered abandoned, or violating the Lease, this Addendum, or the Community Rules, in
the sole judgment of Management, will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense after a hour notice is placed on
the vehicle.
• Notwithstanding this, any vehicle illegally parked in a fire lane, designated no parking space or handicapped space, or
blocking an entrance, exit, driveway, dumpster, or parked illegally in a designated parking space, will immediately be
towed, without notice, at the vehicle owner’s expense.
• The washing of vehicles is not permitted on the property unless specifically allowed in designated area.
• Any on property repairs and/or maintenance of any vehicle must be with the prior written permission of the Management.
• Recreational vehicles, boats or trailers may only be parked on the property with Management’s permission (in Management’s
sole discretion), and must be registered with the Management Office and parked in the area(s) designated by Management.
• We may charge a fee for any parking, thus creating a month-to-month commercial license, and may terminate your license
to park upon providing you with thirty (30) days’ written notice. (See Paragraph 18 of your Lease for complete provisions.)

VII. FIRE HAZARDS. In order to minimize fire hazards and comply with city ordinances, Tenant shall comply with the following:
• Tenants and guests will adhere to the Community rules and regulations and other Management policies concerning fire
hazards, which may be revised from time to time.
• No person shall knowingly maintain a fire hazard.
• Grills, Barbeques, and any other outdoor cooking or open flame devices will be used only on the ground level and
will be placed a minimum of
20 feet from any building. Such devices will not be used close to combustible
materials, tall grass or weeds, on exterior walls or on roofs, indoors, on balconies or patios, or in other locations which
may cause fires.
• Fireplaces: Only firewood is permitted in the fireplace. No artificial substances, such as Duraflame® logs are permitted.
Ashes must be disposed of in metal containers, after ensuring the ashes are cold.
• F lammable or combustible liquids and fuels shall not be used or stored (including stock for sale) in dwellings, near exits,
stairways, breezeways, or areas normally used for the ingress and egress of people. This includes motorcycles and any
apparatus or engine using flammable or combustible liquid as fuel.
• No person shall block or obstruct any exit, aisle, passageway, hallway or stairway leading to or from any structure.
• Tenant(s) are solely responsible for fines or penalties caused by their actions in violation of local fire protection codes.

VIII. EXTERMINATING. Unless prohibited by statute or otherwise stated in the Lease, Owner may conduct extermination
operations in Tenants’ dwelling several times a year and as needed to prevent insect infestation. Owner will notify Tenants
in advance of extermination in Tenants’ Dwelling, and give Tenant instructions for the preparation of the Dwelling and safe
contact with insecticides. Tenants will be responsible to prepare the Dwelling for extermination in accordance with Owner’s
instructions. If Tenants are unprepared for a scheduled treatment date Owner will prepare Tenants’ dwelling and charge
Tenants accordingly. Tenants must request extermination treatments in addition to those regularly provided by Owner in
writing. Tenants agree to perform the tasks required by Owner on the day of interior extermination to ensure the
safety and effectiveness of the extermination. These tasks will include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Clean in all cabinets, drawers and closets in kitchen and pantry.
• If roaches have been seen in closets, remove contents from shelves and floor.
• Remove infants and young children from the dwelling.
• Remove pets or place them in bedrooms, and notify Owner of such placement.
• Remove chain locks or other types of obstruction on day of service.
• Cover fish tanks and turn off their air pumps.
• Do not wipe out cabinets after treatment.
In the case of suspected or confirmed bed bug infestation, tenant will agree to the following:
• Tenant will wash all clothing, bed sheets, draperies, towels, etc. in extremely hot water.
• Tenant will thoroughly clean, off premises, all luggage, handbags, shoes and clothes hanging containers.
• Tenant will cooperate with Owner’s cleaning efforts for all mattresses and seat cushions or other upholstered furniture,
and will dispose of same if requested.



IX. DRAPES AND SHADES. Drapes or shades installed by Tenant, when allowed, must be lined in white and present a uniform
exterior appearance.

X. WATER BEDS. Tenant shall not have water beds or other water furniture in the dwelling without prior written permission
of Owner.

XI. BALCONY or PATIO. Balconies and patios shall be kept neat and clean at all times. No rugs, towels, laundry, clothing,
appliances or other items shall be stored, hung or draped on railings or other portions of balconies or patios.

XII. SIGNS. Tenant shall not display any signs, exterior lights or markings on dwelling. No awnings or other projections shall
be attached to the outside of the building of which dwelling is a part.

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XIII. SATELLITE DISHES/ANTENNAS. You must complete a satellite addendum and abide by its terms prior to installation or

XIV. WAIVER/SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. No waiver of any provision herein, or in any Community rules and regulations, shall
be effective unless granted by the Owner in a signed and dated writing. If any court of competent jurisdiction finds that any
clause, phrase, or provision of this Part is invalid for any reason whatsoever, this finding shall not effect the validity of the
remaining portions of this addendum, the Lease Contract or any other addenda to the Lease Contract.

XV. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
Tenant Lockouts - Authorized personnel will unlock the apartment home after hours for
authorized Tenants/Occupants. A fee of $100.00 will be posted to tenant ledger the
following business day. Smoking of any kind is not permitted in common areas of your
apartment community.

I have read, understand and agree to comply with the preceding provisions.

 08/09/2023  08/09/2023
Tenant Date Tenant Date

Tenant Date Tenant Date

Tenant Date Tenant Date

Owner Representative Date

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Are You Planning to Buy or Rent a Home Built
Before 1978?

Did you know that many homes built before 1978 have lead-based
paint? Lead from paint, chips, and dust can pose serious health

Read this entire brochure to learn:

• How lead gets into the body
• How lead affects health
• What you can do to protect your family
• Where to go for more information

Before renting or buying a pre-1978 home or apartment, federal

law requires:
• Sellers must disclose known information on lead-based paint or lead-
based paint hazards before selling a house.
• Real estate sales contracts must include a specific warning statement
about lead-based paint. Buyers have up to 10 days to check for lead.
• Landlords must disclose known information on lead-based paint
or lead-based paint hazards before leases take effect. Leases must
include a specific warning statement about lead-based paint.

If undertaking renovations, repairs, or painting (RRP) projects in

your pre-1978 home or apartment:
• Read EPA’s pamphlet, The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate Right,
to learn about the lead-safe work practices that contractors are
required to follow when working in your home (see page 12).

Simple Steps to Protect Your Family Lead Gets into the Body in Many Ways
from Lead Hazards
Adults and children can get lead into their bodies if they:
If you think your home has lead-based paint: • Breathe in lead dust (especially during activities such as renovations,
repairs, or painting that disturb painted surfaces).
• Don’t try to remove lead-based paint yourself.
• Swallow lead dust that has settled on food, food preparation surfaces,
• Always keep painted surfaces in good condition to minimize and other places.
• Eat paint chips or soil that contains lead.
• Get your home checked for lead hazards. Find a certified
inspector or risk assessor at Lead is especially dangerous to children under the age of 6.
• At this age, children’s brains
• Talk to your landlord about fixing surfaces with peeling or
and nervous systems are
chipping paint.
more sensitive to the
damaging effects of lead.
• Regularly clean floors, window sills, and other surfaces.
• Children’s growing bodies
• Take precautions to avoid exposure to lead dust when absorb more lead.
• Babies and young children
often put their hands
• When renovating, repairing, or painting, hire only EPA- or state-
and other objects in their
approved Lead-Safe certified renovation firms.
mouths. These objects can
have lead dust on them.
• Before buying, renting, or renovating your home, have it
checked for lead-based paint.
Women of childbearing age should know that lead is dangerous to
a developing fetus.
• Consult your health care provider about testing your children
for lead. Your pediatrician can check for lead with a simple • Women with a high lead level in their system before or during
blood test. pregnancy risk exposing the fetus to lead through the placenta
during fetal development.
• Wash children’s hands, bottles, pacifiers, and toys often.

• Make sure children eat healthy, low-fat foods high in iron,

calcium, and vitamin C.

• Remove shoes or wipe soil off shoes before entering your


Health Effects of Lead Check Your Family for Lead

Lead affects the body in many ways. It is important to know that Get your children and home tested if you think your home has
even exposure to low levels of lead can severely harm children. lead.

In children, exposure to lead can cause: Brain Nerve Damage Children’s blood lead levels tend to increase rapidly from 6 to 12
Hearing months of age, and tend to peak at 18 to 24 months of age.
• Nervous system and kidney damage Problems

• Learning disabilities, attention-deficit Consult your doctor for advice on testing your children. A simple blood
disorder, and decreased intelligence Slowed
test can detect lead. Blood lead tests are usually recommended for:

• Speech, language, and behavior • Children at ages 1 and 2

problems • Children or other family members who have been exposed to high
levels of lead
• Poor muscle coordination
• Children who should be tested under your state or local health
• Decreased muscle and bone growth screening plan
• Hearing damage Your doctor can explain what the test results mean and if more
Problems testing will be needed.
While low-lead exposure is most common, Reproductive
exposure to high amounts of lead can have (Adults)
devastating effects on children, including
seizures, unconsciousness, and in some cases, death.

Although children are especially susceptible to lead exposure, lead can

be dangerous for adults, too.

In adults, exposure to lead can cause:

• Harm to a developing fetus
• Increased chance of high blood pressure during pregnancy
• Fertility problems (in men and women)
• High blood pressure
• Digestive problems
• Nerve disorders
• Memory and concentration problems
• Muscle and joint pain 4

Identifying Lead-Based Paint and Lead-Based Paint

Where Lead-Based Paint Is Found Hazards

In general, the older your home or childcare facility, the more likely it Deteriorated lead-based paint (peeling, chipping, chalking,
has lead-based paint.1 cracking, or damaged paint) is a hazard and needs immediate
attention. Lead-based paint may also be a hazard when found on
Many homes, including private, federally-assisted, federally- surfaces that children can chew or that get a lot of wear and tear,
owned housing, and childcare facilities built before 1978 have such as:
lead-based paint. In 1978, the federal government banned consumer • On windows and window sills
uses of lead-containing paint.2
• Doors and door frames
Learn how to determine if paint is lead-based paint on page 7. • Stairs, railings, banisters, and porches

Lead can be found: Lead-based paint is usually not a hazard if it is in good condition
• In homes and childcare facilities in the city, country, or suburbs, and if it is not on an impact or friction surface like a window.
Lead dust can form when lead-based paint is scraped, sanded, or
• In private and public single-family homes and apartments,
heated. Lead dust also forms when painted surfaces containing
• On surfaces inside and outside of the house, and lead bump or rub together. Lead paint chips and dust can get on
surfaces and objects that people touch. Settled lead dust can reenter
• In soil around a home. (Soil can pick up lead from exterior paint or the air when the home is vacuumed or swept, or when people walk
other sources, such as past use of leaded gas in cars.) through it. EPA currently defines the following levels of lead in dust as
Learn more about where lead is found at • 10 micrograms per square foot (μg/ft2) and higher for floors,
including carpeted floors
• 100 μg/ft2 and higher for interior window sills

Lead in soil can be a hazard when children play in bare soil or when
people bring soil into the house on their shoes. EPA currently defines
the following levels of lead in soil as hazardous:
• 400 parts per million (ppm) and higher in play areas of bare soil
• 1,200 ppm (average) and higher in bare soil in the remainder
of the yard

Remember, lead from paint chips—which you can see—and lead

dust—which you may not be able to see—both can be hazards.
“Lead-based paint” is currently defined by the federal government as paint with
lead levels greater than or equal to 1.0 milligram per square centimeter (mg/cm2), or The only way to find out if paint, dust, or soil lead hazards exist is to
more than 0.5% by weight. test for them. The next page describes how to do this. 6
“Lead-containing paint” is currently defined by the federal government as lead in new
dried paint in excess of 90 parts per million (ppm) by weight.
Checking Your Home for Lead Checking Your Home for Lead, continued

You can get your home tested for lead in several different ways: In preparing for renovation, repair, or painting work in a pre-1978
home, Lead-Safe Certified renovators (see page 12) may:
• A lead-based paint inspection tells you if your home has lead-
based paint and where it is located. It won’t tell you whether your • Take paint chip samples to determine if lead-based paint is
home currently has lead hazards. A trained and certified testing present in the area planned for renovation and send them to an
professional, called a lead-based paint EPA-recognized lead lab for analysis. In housing receiving federal
inspector, will conduct a paint inspection assistance, the person collecting these samples must be a certified
using methods, such as: lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor

• Portable x-ray fluorescence (XRF) machine • Use EPA-recognized tests kits to determine if lead-based paint is
absent (but not in housing receiving federal assistance)
• Lab tests of paint samples
• Presume that lead-based paint is present and use lead-safe work
• A risk assessment tells you if your home
currently has any lead hazards from lead
There are state and federal programs in place to ensure that testing is
in paint, dust, or soil. It also tells you what
done safely, reliably, and effectively. Contact your state or local agency
actions to take to address any hazards. A
for more information, visit, or call 1-800-424-LEAD
trained and certified testing professional, (5323) for a list of contacts in your area.3
called a risk assessor, will:
• Sample paint that is deteriorated on doors, windows, floors, stairs,
and walls
• Sample dust near painted surfaces and sample bare soil in the
• Get lab tests of paint, dust, and soil samples

• A combination inspection and risk assessment tells you if your home

has any lead-based paint and if your home has any lead hazards, and
where both are located.

Be sure to read the report provided to you after your inspection or risk
assessment is completed, and ask questions about anything you do not

Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access this number through TTY by
calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.

What You Can Do Now to Protect Your Family Reducing Lead Hazards

If you suspect that your house has lead-based paint hazards, you Disturbing lead-based paint or
can take some immediate steps to reduce your family’s risk: removing lead improperly can
increase the hazard to your family by
• If you rent, notify your landlord of peeling or chipping paint. spreading even more lead dust around
the house.
• Keep painted surfaces clean and free of dust. Clean floors, window
frames, window sills, and other surfaces weekly. Use a mop or sponge • In addition to day-to-day cleaning
with warm water and a general all-purpose cleaner. (Remember: and good nutrition, you can
never mix ammonia and bleach products together because they can temporarily reduce lead-based paint
form a dangerous gas.) hazards by taking actions, such as
repairing damaged painted surfaces
• Carefully clean up paint chips immediately without creating dust. and planting grass to cover lead-
contaminated soil. These actions are
• Thoroughly rinse sponges and mop heads often during cleaning of
not permanent solutions and will need
dirty or dusty areas, and again afterward.
ongoing attention.
• Wash your hands and your children’s hands often, especially before
• You can minimize exposure to lead
they eat and before nap time and bed time.
when renovating, repairing, or painting by hiring an EPA- or state-
• Keep play areas clean. Wash bottles, pacifiers, toys, and stuffed certified renovator who is trained in the use of lead-safe work
animals regularly. practices. If you are a do-it-yourselfer, learn how to use lead–safe
work practices in your home.
• Keep children from chewing window sills or other painted surfaces, or
eating soil. • To remove lead hazards permanently, you should hire a certified lead
abatement contractor. Abatement (or permanent hazard elimination)
• When renovating, repairing, or painting, hire only EPA- or state- methods include removing, sealing, or enclosing lead-based paint
approved Lead-Safe Certified renovation firms (see page 12). with special materials. Just painting over the hazard with regular
paint is not permanent control.
• Clean or remove shoes before entering your home to avoid tracking
in lead from soil.
Always use a certified contractor who is trained to address lead
• Make sure children eat nutritious, low-fat meals high in iron, and hazards safely.
calcium, such as spinach and dairy products. Children with good diets
• Hire a Lead-Safe Certified firm (see page 12) to perform renovation,
absorb less lead.
repair, or painting (RRP) projects that disturb painted surfaces.
• To correct lead hazards permanently, hire a certified lead abatement
contractor. This will ensure your contractor knows how to work safely
and has the proper equipment to clean up thoroughly.

Certified contractors will employ qualified workers and follow strict

safety rules as set by their state or by the federal government.

9 10
Renovating, Repairing or Painting a Home with
Reducing Lead Hazards, continued Lead-Based Paint

If your home has had lead abatement work done or if the housing is If you hire a contractor to conduct renovation, repair, or painting
receiving federal assistance, once the work is completed, dust cleanup (RRP) projects in your pre-1978 home or childcare facility (such as
activities must be conducted until clearance testing indicates that lead pre-school and kindergarten), your contractor must:
dust levels are below the following levels:
• Be a Lead-Safe Certified firm approved by EPA or an
• 10 micrograms per square foot (μg/ft2) for floors, including carpeted EPA-authorized state program
• Use qualified trained individuals (Lead-Safe
• 100 μg/ft2 for interior windows sills Certified renovators) who follow specific lead-safe
work practices to prevent lead contamination
• 400 μg/ft2 for window troughs
• Provide a copy of EPA’s lead hazard information
document, The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to
Abatements are designed to permanently eliminate lead-based Renovate Right
paint hazards. However, lead dust can be reintroduced into an
abated area.
RRP contractors working in pre-1978 homes and childcare facilities
• Use a HEPA vacuum on all furniture and other items returned to the must follow lead-safe work practices that:
area, to reduce the potential for reintroducing lead dust.
• Contain the work area. The area must be contained so that dust and
• Regularly clean floors, window sills, troughs, and other hard surfaces debris do not escape from the work area. Warning signs must be put
with a damp cloth or sponge and a general all-purpose cleaner. up, and plastic or other impermeable material and tape must be used.

Please see page 9 for more information on steps you can take to • Avoid renovation methods that generate large amounts of
protect your home after the abatement. For help in locating certified lead-contaminated dust. Some methods generate so much lead-
contaminated dust that their use is prohibited. They are:
lead abatement professionals in your area, call your state or local
agency (see pages 15 and 16),, or call 1-800-424-LEAD. • Open-flame burning or torching
• Sanding, grinding, planing, needle gunning, or blasting with
power tools and equipment not equipped with a shroud and
HEPA vacuum attachment
• Using a heat gun at temperatures greater than 1100°F
• Clean up thoroughly. The work area should be cleaned up daily.
When all the work is done, the area must be cleaned up using special
cleaning methods.
• Dispose of waste properly. Collect and seal waste in a heavy duty
bag or sheeting. When transported, ensure that waste is contained to
prevent release of dust and debris.

To learn more about EPA’s requirements for RRP projects, visit, or read The Lead-Safe Certified Guide to 12
Renovate Right.

Other Sources of Lead Other Sources of Lead, continued

Lead in Drinking Water • Lead smelters or other industries that release lead into the air.

The most common sources of lead in drinking water are lead pipes, • Your job. If you work with lead, you could bring it home on your body
faucets, and fixtures. or clothes. Shower and change clothes before coming home. Launder
your work clothes separately from the rest of your family’s clothes.
Lead pipes are more likely to be found in older cities and homes built
before 1986. • Hobbies that use lead, such as making pottery or stained glass,
or refinishing furniture. Call your local health department for
You can’t smell or taste lead in drinking water. information about hobbies that may use lead.
To find out for certain if you have lead in drinking water, have your • Old toys and furniture may have been painted with lead-containing
water tested. paint. Older toys and other children’s products may have parts that
contain lead.4
Remember older homes with a private well can also have plumbing
materials that contain lead. • Food and liquids cooked or stored in lead crystal or lead-glazed
pottery or porcelain may contain lead.
Important Steps You Can Take to Reduce Lead in Drinking Water
• Folk remedies, such as “greta” and “azarcon,” used to treat an upset
• Use only cold water for drinking, cooking and making baby formula. stomach.
Remember, boiling water does not remove lead from water.
• Before drinking, flush your home’s pipes by running the tap, taking a
shower, doing laundry, or doing a load of dishes.
• Regularly clean your faucet’s screen (also known as an aerator).
• If you use a filter certified to remove lead, don’t forget to read the
directions to learn when to change the cartridge. Using a filter after it
has expired can make it less effective at removing lead.
Contact your water company to determine if the pipe that connects
your home to the water main (called a service line) is made from lead.
Your area’s water company can also provide information about the lead
levels in your system’s drinking water.
For more information about lead in drinking water, please contact
EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791. If you have other
questions about lead poisoning prevention, call 1-800 424-LEAD.*
Call your local health department or water company to find out about
testing your water, or visit for EPA’s lead in drinking
water information. Some states or utilities offer programs to pay for 4
In 1978, the federal government banned toys, other children’s products, and furniture
water testing for residents. Contact your state or local water company with lead-containing paint. In 2008, the federal government banned lead in most
to learn more. children’s products. The federal government currently bans lead in excess of 100 ppm
by weight in most children’s products.
* Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access this number through TTY
13 by calling the Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339.
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
For More Information Regional Offices

The National Lead Information Center The mission of EPA is to protect human health and the environment.
Learn how to protect children from lead poisoning and get other Your Regional EPA Office can provide further information regarding
information about lead hazards on the Web at and regulations and lead protection programs., or call 1-800-424-LEAD (5323).
Region 1 (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Region 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico,
EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont) Oklahoma, Texas, and 66 Tribes)
For information about lead in drinking water, call 1-800-426-4791, or Regional Lead Contact Regional Lead Contact
U.S. EPA Region 1 U.S. EPA Region 6
visit for information about lead in drinking water. 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, OES 05-4 1445 Ross Avenue, 12th Floor
Boston, MA 02109-3912 Dallas, TX 75202-2733
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Hotline (888) 372-7341 (214) 665-2704
For information on lead in toys and other consumer products, or to
report an unsafe consumer product or a product-related injury, call Region 2 (New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska)
Virgin Islands)
1-800-638-2772, or visit CPSC’s website at or Regional Lead Contact Regional Lead Contact U.S. EPA Region 7
U.S. EPA Region 2 11201 Renner Blvd.
2890 Woodbridge Avenue Lenexa, KS 66219
State and Local Health and Environmental Agencies Building 205, Mail Stop 225 (800) 223-0425
Some states, tribes, and cities have their own rules related to lead- Edison, NJ 08837-3679
based paint. Check with your local agency to see which laws apply (732) Region 8 (Colorado, Montana, North
to you. Most agencies can also provide information on finding a lead Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming)
Region 3 (Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania,
abatement firm in your area, and on possible sources of financial aid Virginia, DC, West Virginia)
Regional Lead Contact
U.S. EPA Region 8
for reducing lead hazards. Receive up-to-date address and phone Regional Lead Contact 1595 Wynkoop St.
information for your state or local contacts on the Web at, U.S. EPA Region 3 Denver, CO 80202
or contact the National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD. 1650 Arch Street (303) 312-6966
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 814-2088 Region 9 (Arizona, California, Hawaii,
Hearing- or speech-challenged individuals may access any of the Region 4 (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Regional Lead Contact
Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South
phone numbers in this brochure through TTY by calling the toll- Carolina, Tennessee)
U.S. EPA Region 9 (CMD-4-2)
75 Hawthorne Street
free Federal Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339. Regional Lead Contact San Francisco, CA 94105
U.S. EPA Region 4 (415) 947-4280
AFC Tower, 12th Floor, Air, Pesticides & Toxics
61 Forsyth Street, SW Region 10 (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon,
Atlanta, GA 30303 Washington)
(404) 562-8998
Regional Lead Contact
Region 5 (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, ra c rc c
Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin) 1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 1
Regional Lead Contact Seattle, WA 98101
U.S. EPA Region 5 ( 1 ) (206) 553-1200
77 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, IL 60604-3666


Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

The CPSC protects the public against unreasonable risk of injury

from consumer products through education, safety standards
activities, and enforcement. Contact CPSC for further information
regarding consumer product safety and regulations.
4330 East West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814-4421
1-800-638-2772 or

U. S. Department of Housing and Urban

Development (HUD)

HUD’s mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive

communities and quality affordable homes for all. Contact to
Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes for further
information regarding the Lead Safe Housing Rule, which
protects families in pre-1978 assisted housing, and for the
lead hazard control and research grant programs.

451 Seventh Street, SW, Room 8236
Washington, DC 20410-3000
(202) 402-7698

This document is in the public domain. It may be produced by an individual or organization without
permission. Information provided in this booklet is based upon current scientific and technical
understanding of the issues presented and is reflective of the jurisdictional boundaries established by
the statutes governing the co-authoring agencies. Following the advice given will not necessarily
provide complete protection in all situations or against all health hazards that can be caused by lead

U. S. EPA Washington DC 20460 EPA-747-K-12-001

U. S. CPSC Bethesda MD 20814 March 2021
U. S. HUD Washington DC 20410

Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards
Lead Warning Statement
Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health
hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before
renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint
hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.
Lessor’s Disclosure
(a) Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards (check (i) or (ii) below):
(i) q
X Known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing (explain).
Building built before 1978 so lead based paint may be present; extensive
renovations have taken place that are believed to have removed most if not
all lead.

(ii) q Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.
(b) Records and reports available to the lessor (check (i) or (ii) below):
(i) q
X Lessor has provided the lessee with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint
and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents below).
Phase 1 Environmental Reports and Renovation Reports available in the
leasing office upon request.

(ii) q Lessor has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in
the housing.
Lessee’s Acknowledgement (initial)

(c) _____________ Lessee has received copies of all information listed above.

(d) _____________ Lessee has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.

Agent’s Acknowledgement (initial)

(e) _____________ Agent has informed the lessor of the lessor’s obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852d and is aware
of his/her responsibility to ensure compliance.

Certification of Accuracy
The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify, to the best of their knowledge, that the
information they have provided is true and accurate.
CPT Building Owner, LLC, 301 G Street SW #718 #301-718

Apartment Name & unit number OR street address of dwelling City
08/09/2023 08/09/2023
Lessee (Tenant) Date Lessee (Tenant) Date

Lessee (Tenant) Date Lessee (Tenant) Date

Lessee (Tenant) Date Lessee (Tenant) Date

CPT Building Owner, LLC

Lessor (Owner) Agent

Date Date
Department of Energy and Environment

Lead-Safe and Healthy Housing Division

Lead Compliance & Enforcement Branch


( f o r t e n a n t s i n r e n t a l h o us i n g b ui lt b e f o r e 1 9 7 8 )

A s a te n a n t in th e D is tr ic t o f C o lum b i a , yo u a r e e n t i t le d t o li v e in a p ro p e r t yt h a t is fr e e o f le a d -b a s e d p a in t
h a z a r d s , i n c lud i n g in c o m m o n a re a s , s uc h a s h a lls a n d la un d r yr o o m s . A le a d -b a s e d p a in t h a z a r d e x is ts if
p e e li n g , c h i p p i n g , o r o th e r w is e d e te r io r a tin g p a in t c o n d itio n s a re p re s e n t. A le a d - b a s e d p a in t h a z a rd c a n
a ls o e x i s t i f t h e r e a r e t i n y le a d p a r t i c le s m i x e d i n t o h o us e h o ld d us t , o r in to b a r e s o i li n a ya r d a t t h e p r o p e r t y.
R i g h t s t h a t yo u h a v e a s a t e n a n t un d e r a n y o t h e r D i s t r i c t o f C o lum b i a la w a r e n o t a ffe c te d in a n yw a yb y
yo ur r i g h t s un d e r t h i s L e a d L a w .


B e fo r e yo u s i g n a n y le a s e t o r e n t in th e D i s t r i c t o f C o lum b i a , yo ur la n d lo r d m us t g i v e yo ua L e a d -B a s e d
P a in t H a z a r d D i s c lo s ur e F o r m , a n d if a m e m b e r o f yo ur h o us e h o ld i s a c h i ld w h o i s le s s t h a n s i x ( 6 ) ye a r s
o ld , o r a p re g n a n t w o m a n , th e la n d lo r d m us t a ls o g i v e yo u a C le a r a n c e R e p o r t th a t is d a te d n o m o re th a n
t w e lv e ( 1 2) m o n t h s b e f o r e yo ur m o v e i n d a t e . A C le a r a n c e R e p o r t is a d o c um e n t th a t s ta te s t h a t yo ur h o m e
h a s b e e n c h e c k e d f o r le a d - b a s e d p a in t h a z a rd s , a n d th a t n o n e w e re f o un d .


If a m e m b e r o f yo ur h o us e h o ld o r s o m e o n e w h o re g ula r ly v i s i t s yo u i s e ith e r a c h i ld w h o i s le s s th a n s ix ( 6 )
ye a r s o ld o r a p re g n a n t w o m a n , yo u m a y a s k yo ur la n d lo r d , i n w r i t i n g , to g iv e yo u a C le a ra n c e R e p o r t. T h e
la n d lo r d th e n h a s 3 0 d a ys t o g i v e yo u a C le a ra n c e R e p o r t th a t is n o m o re th a n tw e lv e ( 1 2) m o n t h s o ld . A
C le a r a n c e R e p o r t is a d o c um e n t th a t s ta te s th a t yo ur h o m e h a s b e e n c h e c k e d f o r le a d -b a s e d p a in t h a z a r d s ,
a n d th a t n o n e w e re f o un d .
I f yo u s e e p a i n t t h a t i s c h ip p in g o r p e e li n g , yo u s h o uld n o t i f y yo ur la n d lo r d a b o ut t h e c o n d it io n . It is
a g a i n s t t h e la w t o h a v e p e e li n g , c h ip p in g , o r o th e r d e te r io r a tin g p a in t in a n yh o m e b ui lt b e fo r e 1 9 7 8 . If
yo ur la n d lo r d d o e s n ’ t r e p a ir th e p a in t o r in r e p a ir in g th e p a in t, d o e s n ’t d o t h e w o r k s a fe ly, t h e n yo uc a n
c a ll t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f E n e r g ya n d E n v i r o n m e n t ( D O E E ) a t 202- 5 3 5 -1 9 3 4 to m a k e a c o m p la i n t. A le a d
s p e c i a li s t w i ll f o llo w up a n d c o n ta c t yo u t o d i s c us s t h e s i t ua t i o n a n d d e te r m in e if a D O E E le a d i n s p e c tio n
is a p p r o p r ia te .
If the DC Government finds a lead-based paint hazard in your home, DOEE will order your landlord to
e li m i n a t e t h e h a z a r d a n d w i ll f o llo w up t o m a k e s ur e t h e r e p a i r w o r k g e t s d o n e a c c o r d i n g t o D C le a d
r e g ula t i o n s . Y o ur o t h e r r i g h t s un d e r t h e D i s t r i c t ’ s L e a d L a w i n c lud e :

1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002 | (202) 535-2600 |
A. Protection against retaliation by your landlord
Y o ur la n d lo r d m a y n o t e v i c t o r o t h e r w i s e p un i s h yo u j us t b e c a us e yo u h a v e us e d a n y o f t h e r i g h t s d i s c us s e d
in th is n o tic e .
B. Conditions under which your landlord or his employee or agent, may enter your unit
A s a t e n a n t , yo u m us t a llo w t h e la n d lo r d t o h a v e a c c e s s t o yo ur h o m e a t r e a s o n a b le t i m e s f o r w o r k r e la t e d
t o le a d - b a s e d p a i n t h a z a r d s . T h e la n d lo r d m us t g i v e yo u a d v a n c e n o t i c e i n w r i t i n g , a t le a s t 4 8 h o ur s b e f o r e
t h e la n d lo r d w a n t s t o e n t e r f o r w o r k r e la t e d t o le a d - b a s e d p a i n t h a z a r d s . T h e a d v a n c e n o t i c e m us t :
• Describe the work that will be done in your unit, including the specific location of where the work will
o c c ur ;
• E x p la i n h o w t h e la n d lo r d p r o p o s e s t o s e p a r a t e t h e w o r k a r e a ( s ) f r o m t h e r e s t o f t h e un i t , t o e li m i n a t e
t h e p o s s i b i li t y o f d us t o r d e b r i s s p r e a d i n g o ut s i d e t h e w o r k a r e a ( s ) ; a n d
• S t a t e w h e n t h e w o r k m a yb e g in a n d w h e n it is e x p e c t e d t o e n d .
C. Procedures governing refusal to let the landlord have access to do the lead work in your unit
I f yo u r e f us e t o a llo w t h e la n d lo r d o r h i s o r h e r a g e n t o r e m p lo ye e a c c e s s t o yo ur h o m e t o d o le a d r e la t e d
work or do a lead inspection, and you have already received an official DOEE government property access
f o r m , t h a t h a s b e e n p r o p e r ly s i g n e d a n d d a t e d , t h e la n d lo r d m a y n o t b e r e q ui r e d t o c o n t i n ue le a d - b a s e d
h a z a r d w o r k o n yo ur p r o p e r t y a n d w i ll b e c o n s i d e r e d t o b e i n c o m p li a n c e w i t h t h e la w .
T h e o n ly r e a s o n s f o r r e f us i n g t o a llo w a la n d lo r d t o h a v e a c c e s s t o yo ur h o m e t h a t a r e v a li d a r e t h e f o llo w i n g :
• Y o u h a d a r e a s o n a b le b a s i s f o r r e f us i n g a c c e s s b e c a us e t h e p e r s o n t o d o t h e w o r k w a s n o t p r o p e r ly
certified to do the work; or
• Y o u o f f e r e d t h e la n d lo r d a r e a s o n a b le a lt e r n a t i v e f o r a t i m e t o g a i n a c c e s s a n d t h e la n d lo r d r e j e c t e d t h e
r e a s o n a b le c o n d i t i o n s .
I f yo u r e f us e yo ur la n d lo r d o r i t s a g e n t a c c e s s t o yo ur h o m e w i t h o ut a v a li d r e a s o n a n d a ll o f t h e n o t i c e
r e q ui r e m e n t s h a v e b e e n m e t , a w a r r a n t t o e n t e r yo ur h o m e m a y b e i s s ue d b y t h e S up e r i o r C o ur t .
D. Requirement for lead-safe work practices
W o r k e r s r e m o v i n g le a d h a z a r d s f r o m t h e un i t m us t f o llo w “ le a d - s a f e w o r k p r a c t i c e s ” a n d s o m us t a n yo n e
w h o d o e s m a i n t e n a n c e , r e p a i r , o r r e n o v a t i o n w o r k t h a t i n v o lv e s d r i lli n g , s a w i n g , o r o t h e r w i s e d i s t ur b i n g
p a i n t . T h e s e a r e w o r k p e r f o r m a n c e s t a n d a r d s t h a t a r e r e g ula t e d b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t .
E. Access to Lead Reports
Y o u h a v e a r i g h t t o r e v i e w a n d p h o t o c o p y a n y r e p o r t s t h a t yo ur la n d lo r d h a s , r e la t i n g t o le a d c o n d i t i o n s
a b o ut t h e b ui ld i n g yo u li v e i n . P r o p e r t y o w n e r s m us t m a k e t h e s e r e p o r t s a c c e s s i b le t o t e n a n t s a n d t o
t e n a n t s ’ a g e n t s , a t r e a s o n a b le h o ur s a n d a t a lo c a t i o n r e a s o n a b ly c lo s e t o t h e p r o p e r t y.
F. Temporary moves
Due to the seriousness of any identified lead-based paint hazards that may be found in your home, the
D C G o v e r n m e n t m a y r e q ui r e t h a t yo u t e m p o r a r i ly m o v e , t o p r o t e c t a n y c h i ld un d e r s i x ye a r s o f a g e o r a
p r e g n a n t w o m a n li v i n g i n yo ur h o us e h o ld f r o m p o s s i b le e x p o s ur e t o le a d . T h e c o s t o f t h e t e m p o r a r y m o v e
w i ll b e p a i d f o r b y t h e la n d lo r d . T h e t e m p o r a r y m o v e w o uld la s t un t i l a ll le a d - b a s e d p a i n t h a z a r d s a r e
t a k e n c a r e o f i n yo ur h o m e , a n d yo u’ v e h a d a r e a s o n a b le a m o un t o f t i m e t o m o v e b a c k t o yo ur h o m e . T h e
Government must give you an “Order to Relocate” notice within five (5) days of the date before the work to
r e m o v e t h e le a d b e g i n s .

July 2020
I f t h e D C G o v e r n m e n t r e q ui r e s yo u t o m o v e i n o r d e r t o p r o t e c t yo u o r m e m b e r s o f yo ur h o us e h o ld f r o m th e
e f f e c t s o f e x p o s ur e t o le a d - b a s e d p a i n t h a z a r d s , yo u h a v e t h e f o llo w i n g r i g h t s :
• Y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t t o a 1 4 - d a y w r i t t e n n o t i c e t h a t i n d i c a t e s w h e n yo u a r e b e i n g a s k e d t o t e m p o r a r i ly
m o v e , un le s s yo u a g r e e t o m o v e s o o n e r o r t h e D i s t r i c t G o v e r n m e n t d e c i d e s t h a t s h o r t e r n o t i c e i s
n e c e s s a r y b e c a us e o f h e a lt h - t h r e a t e n i n g e m e r g e n c y c o n d i t i o n s i n yo ur un i t .
• Y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t t o b e t e m p o r a r i ly r e lo c a t e d i n t o a c o m p a r a b le , s a f e un i t i n t h e s a m e b ui ld i n g w h e r e
yo u li v e , i f o n e i s a v a i la b le . I f n o un i t s a r e a v a i la b le , t h e la n d lo r d m us t m a k e a ll r e a s o n a b le e f f o r t s t o
m o v e yo u t o a s a f e p la c e i n t h e s a m e s c h o o l d i s t r i c t o r w a r d t h a t yo ur un i t i s lo c a t e d i n , a n d n e a r p ub li c
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n i f p o s s i b le .
• Y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e yo ur o w n a r r a n g e m e n t s f o r a t e m p o r a r y h o m e , i n s t e a d o f m o v i n g t o t h e o n e
yo ur la n d lo r d c h o o s e s f o r yo u. Y o ur la n d lo r d s t i ll h a s t o p a y f o r r e a s o n a b le r e lo c a t i o n e x p e n s e s .
• Y o u h a v e t h e r ig h t to r e c e iv e a w r i t t e n , s i g n e d s t a t e m e n t o n a D O E E - i s s ue d r i g h t t o r e t ur n f o r m
c o m p le te d b yt h e o w n e r / a g e n t a n d m o v e b a c k h o m e f r o m t h e t e m p o r a r y lo c a t i o n a s s o o n a s t h e le a d
h a z a r d e li m in a tio n w o r k is d o n e a n d t h e un i t h a s p a s s e d a c le a r a n c e e x a m i n a t i o n , w i t h o ut a n i n c r e a s e
in r e n t o r a n yo t h e r c h a n g e s to t h e le a s e .
• Y o u h a v e t h e r i g h t t o r e c e i v e a c o p y o f t h e C le a r a n c e R e p o r t a n d w r i t t e n , s i g n e d a n d d a t e d C le a r a n c e
A c k n o w le d g e m e n t b e f o r e r e t ur n i n g t o yo ur un i t , t o d o c um e n t t h a t t h e le a d - b a s e d p a i n t h a z a r d s a n d
un d e r lyi n g c o n d i t i o n s t h a t c o n t r i b ut e d t o t h e m h a v e b e e n e li m i n a t e d f r o m yo ur un i t .

If you have any questions about your rights,

please call the Office of the Tenant Advocate, at (202) 719-6560

Owner or Agent’s Signature Date

Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date

Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date

Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date
Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date

Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date

Prospective or Current Tenant’s Signature Date

301 G Street SW #718 #301-718, Washington, DC 20024
Property Address

July 2020
Purpose: Inform potential renters of the presence of lead-based paint, lead-bearing plumbing, and related hazards at this

This form is required for properties built before 1986. For properties built before 1978, this form must be used in addition to the
Federal Lead Disclosure form because the DC Law provides additional protections for the renter. For properties built
between 1978 and 1986, property owners or managers do not need to complete Section B below regarding lead-based
 Housing built before 1978 is presumed to contain lead-based paint.
 Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust may pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is
especially harmful to young children and pregnant women.
 Anyone disturbing paint during home repair or maintenance should use lead-safe work practices.
 Residential dwellings built before 1986 are presumed to have lead service lines and lead-bearing plumbing.
 Lead service lines and lead-bearing plumbing (pre-2014 lead containing faucets, valves, and fittings, lead solder
and lead pipes) are capable of releasing lead into water that may cause permanent health harm even when
present in small amounts.
 Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, learning disabilities, reduced
intelligence quotient, behavioral problems, and impaired memory.
 Lead poisoning poses a particular risk to developing fetuses and pregnant women.
 Tenants residing in dwelling units served by lead service lines and/or lead-bearing plumbing should: 1) have your
water tested for lead, 2) only use cold, filtered water for drinking, cooking, or preparing infant formula, beverages,
and ice, and 3) consider obtaining a water filter that is certified by NSF/ANSI Standard 53 for lead removal and
maintaining the water filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
DC requires the renter to have this information before they decide to rent the property.

Are you a POTENTIAL TENANT? Review this page carefully before following instructions on page two.


You will need the following information to complete this form:
 Copies of any lead-based paint, lead service line, or lead-bearing plumbing reports, assessments, or surveys related
to the property.
 Copies of any lead tests conducted on the water supply of the property or dwelling unit.
 The latest version of EPA’s Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home pamphlet, if the property was built before
 Knowledge about lead-contaminated dust/soil and condition of the paint on the property, if the property was built
before 1978.
 Knowledge about any lead-related legal actions taken against the property.
 Knowledge about whether the property is listed on the DC Water website at
as a property with lead water service lines. DC Water has collected pipe material data for service lines based on
permit, water main tap, meter, maintenance, repair, and replacement work. If available, DC Water has recorded
on their website the type of pipe material by the sections of the service line in public space and the private portion
from the property line to the building.
 Knowledge about the replacement of lead water service lines (on public and private property), including
replacement dates.
Property owners: keep the signed original of this form on record for at least 6 years from the date of the most recent
signature, as you may be audited by the DC Department of Energy and Environment.

What to look for inside the property or in the property’s common areas:
 Peeling, chipping, chalking, cracking, or damaged paint.
 Lead-based paint on windows, doors, stairs, railings, banisters, porches, or other high-wear surfaces that children
might chew.
 Lead that is present in bare soil.
 Lead dust that forms when lead-based paint is scraped, sanded, or heated, or when painted surfaces with lead in
them bump or rub together.
 Surfaces with lead paint chips/dust, or settled dust that reenters the air through vacuuming or sweeping.
 Check type of pipe material by looking at the pipe that enters your home. Lead is a gray metal and can be easily
scratched with a coin. See DC Water’s website for Guide to Identifying Household Plumbing at

DC Department of Energy r Updated March 2020 Page 1 of 4

For more information see the District of Columbia Lead-Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act of 2008, D.C. Official Code § 8-231.01 et seq., and the Federal Lead Warning Statement, 24 CFR Parts 35 and 745. Housing
built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before
renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning

If you need help in your language, please call 202-535-2600. | በአማርኛ እርዳታ ከፈለጉ በ 202-535-2600 ይደውሉ። | Si necesita ayuda en
Español, por favor llame al 202-535-2600. | Si vous avez besoin d’aide en Français appelez-le 202-535-2600. |如果您需要中文服務,請致電
202-535-2600|한국어로 도움이 필요합니까? 무료 한국어통역: 202-535-2600| Nếu quý vị cần giúp đỡ bằng tiếng Việt, xin gọi 202-535-2600.


 Complete Sections A, B (for pre-1978 properties), C and D

The property owner
 Provide a copy to the tenant.

 Carefully review Sections B, C, and D

The potential tenant
 Sign Section E.


Property Address:301 G Street SW #718 Unit: 301-718 Washington, DC ZIP: 20024

I am the owner of this property and will truthfully give the answers to the following questions about lead-
based paint/hazards in or around this property, and lead test results, lead service lines and lead-bearing
CPT Building Owner, LLC
Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:


Note: Section B must only be completed for properties that were built before 1978. Lead-based paint is
assumed to be present in properties built before 1978. To the best of your knowledge, is there lead-based
paint inside or around the property, including common area(s)?

 Yes, in the following location(s): For more space attach a summary

 No, I am not aware of any lead-based paint, but because the property was built before 1978
it is assumed to be present.

To the best of your knowledge, is there peeling or chipping paint, lead-contaminated dust/soil, or other lead-
based paint hazards inside or around the property?

 No  Yes, in the following location(s): For more space attach a summary

DC Department of Energy r Updated March 2020 Page 2 of 4

Lead-bearing plumbing is assumed to be present in housing built before 1986. To the best of your knowledge,
is there lead-bearing plumbing present in the property?

 Yes, there is lead-bearing plumbing in the  No, I am not aware of any lead-bearing
following location(s): For more space attach a summary plumbing, but because the property was built
before 1986 it is assumed to be present
throughout the dwelling unit.

Lead-service lines are assumed to be present in housing built before 1986. To the best of your knowledge, are
there any lead service lines serving the dwelling unit on the private property or in public space?

 Yes, there are lead-service line(s) in the following  No, I am not aware of any lead service line, but
location(s): For more space attach a summary because the property was built before 1986 it is
__ Private Property __ Public Space assumed to be present throughout the dwelling

To the best of your knowledge has the portion of the lead water service line on private property been

 No  Yes, on the following date(s):

To the best of your knowledge has the portion of the lead water service line in public space been replaced?

 No  Yes, on the following date(s):

As of the date of execution of this disclosure, the DC Water website at

contains the following information about lead water service lines for this property.
In Public Space In Private Space
• Type: • Type:
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
• Description: • Description:
_______________________________________ __________________________________________


Does DC Government have any pending actions related to lead-based paint for this property or have you
ever been issued any civil fines, fees, or penalties for failure to disclose lead water service lines and/or lead-
bearing plumbing for this property?
Check all that apply

 A notice of violation
 A notice of lead-based paint hazards
 An administrative order to eliminate lead-based paint hazards
 Other notices or orders related to lead-based paint. Please list: ________________________________________
 Civil fines, penalties, or fees related to failure to disclose lead water service line, and/or lead-bearing
X No; I am not aware of any pending actions, notices, orders, or penalties.

DC Department of Energy r Updated March 2020 Page 3 of 4

Are there any reports or documents about lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards at this property
(including in bare soil and sheds, garages, or other appurtenances), or results of any lead tests conducted on
the water supply for this property?
This includes reports or documents provided to you by a previous or current owner, tenant, property
manager, DC Government agency, or contractor.

 No  Yes and I understand I must provide a copy of those documents to the tenant if they ask.


I was provided this form and, if the property was built before 1978, the Protect Your Family from Lead in Your
Home pamphlet before I signed a lease agreement.

X Yes
  No, I have already signed a lease agreement.

I understand I have the right to ask the owner for any reports or documents about lead-based paint or lead-
based paint hazards at this property (including on bare soil and sheds, garages, or other appurtenances)
and the results of any lead tests conducted on the water supply for this property.

Name: Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga Signature: Date: 08/09/2023

Name:Daniela Judith Trejos Avila Signature: Date:

Name: Maria Paula Pinto Blanco Signature: Date: 08/09/2023

Name:Jorge Luis Guerra Florez Signature: Date: 08/09/2023

Name: Signature: Date:

Name: Signature: Date:

DC Department of Energy r Updated March 2020 Page 4 of 4

Propósito: Informar a los inquilinos potenciales de la presencia de pintura a base de plomo, plomería con plomo y peligros
relacionados en esta propiedad.

Este formulario es obligatorio para las propiedades construidas antes de 1986. Para las propiedades construidas antes de
1978, este formulario debe usarse además del formulario de Divulgación de Plomo Federal porque la Ley del DC
proporciona protecciones adicionales para el arrendatario. Para las propiedades construidas entre 1978 y 1986, los
propietarios o administradores de propiedades no necesitan completar la Sección B a continuación con respecto a la
pintura a base de plomo.
 Se presume que las viviendas construidas antes de 1978 contienen pintura a base de plomo.
 El plomo de la pintura, las virutas de pintura y el polvo pueden presentar riesgos para la salud si no se manejan
adecuadamente. La exposición al plomo es especialmente dañina para los niños pequeños y las mujeres
 Cualquier persona que altere la pintura durante reparaciones o mantenimientos del hogar debe usar prácticas de
trabajo seguras con el plomo.
 Se presume que las viviendas residenciales construidas antes de 1986 tienen líneas de servicio de plomo y tuberías
con plomo.
 Las líneas de servicio de plomo y tuberías con plomo (grifos, válvulas, dispositivos, soldaduras y tuberías que
contienen plomo, anteriores a 2014) son capaces de liberar plomo en el agua, lo que puede causar daños
permanentes a la salud incluso si se presenta en pequeñas cantidades.
 La intoxicación por plomo en niños pequeños puede producir daño neurológico permanente, problemas de
aprendizaje, cociente intelectual reducido, problemas de comportamiento y problemas de memoria.
 La intoxicación por plomo plantea un riesgo particular para los fetos en desarrollo y las mujeres embarazadas.
 Los inquilinos que residen en unidades de vivienda atendidas por líneas de servicio de plomo y/o plomería con
plomo deben: 1)analizar su agua para detectar plomo, 2) solo usar agua fría y filtrada para beber, cocinar o
preparar fórmula infantil, bebidas, y hielo, y 3) considere obtener un filtro de agua que esté certificado por
NSF/ANSI Estándar 53 para la eliminación del plomo y el mantenimiento del filtro de agua de acuerdo con las
instrucciones del fabricante.
El DC requiere que el arrendatario tenga esta información antes de decidir alquilar la propiedad.

¿Es usted un INQUILINO POTENCIAL? Revise esta página cuidadosamente antes de seguir las instrucciones en la página

¿Es usted un PROPIETARIO?

Necesitará la siguiente información para completar este formulario:
 Copias de cualquier pintura a base de plomo, línea de servicio de plomo o informes, evaluaciones o encuestas de
plomería con plomo relacionadas con la propiedad.
 Copias de cualquier prueba de plomo realizada en el suministro de agua de la propiedad o unidad de vivienda.
 La última versión del folleto Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (Proteja a su familia del plomo en su
hogar) de la EPA, si la propiedad fue construida antes de 1978.
 Conocimiento sobre el polvo / tierra contaminada con plomo y el estado de la pintura en la propiedad, si la
propiedad fue construida antes de 1978.
 Conocimiento sobre cualquier acción legal relacionada con el plomo tomada contra la propiedad.
 Conozca si la propiedad figura en el sitio web de DC Water en como una
propiedad con líneas de servicio de agua de plomo. DC Water ha recopilado datos de materiales de tubería para
líneas de servicio basados en permisos, grifo principal de agua, medidor, mantenimiento, reparación y trabajo de
reemplazo. Si está disponible, DC Water ha registrado en su sitio web el tipo de material de tubería por las
secciones de la línea de servicio en el espacio público y la parte privada desde la línea de propiedad hasta el
 Conocimiento sobre el reemplazo de las líneas de servicio de agua con plomo (en propiedades públicas y
privadas), incluidas las fechas de reemplazo.
Propietarios: mantenga el original firmado de este formulario en sus registros durante al menos 6 años a partir de la fecha
de la firma más reciente, ya que puede ser auditado por el Departamento de Energía y Medio Ambiente del DC.

Qué buscar dentro de la propiedad o en las áreas comunes de la propiedad:

 Pintura descascarada, astillada, marcada con tiza, agrietada o dañada.
 Pintura a base de plomo en ventanas, puertas, escaleras, barandas, barandillas, porches u otras superficies de alto
desgaste que los niños pueden masticar.

Departamento de Energía & Medio Ambiente del DC│202.535.2600 │ Updated Página 1 de 4
Marzo de 2020
 Plomo que está presente en el suelo desnudo.
 Polvo de plomo que se forma cuando la pintura a base de plomo se raspa, lija o calienta, o cuando las superficies
pintadas con plomo golpean o frotan.
 Superficies con astillas / polvo de pintura con plomo, o polvo asentado que vuelve a entrar en el aire al aspirar o
 Compruebe el tipo de material de la tubería mirando la tubería que ingresa a su hogar. El plomo es un metal gris y se
puede rayar fácilmente con una moneda. Visite el sitio web de DC Water para obtener una Guía para identificar la
fontanería doméstica en

Para obtener más información, consulte la Ley de prevención y eliminación de riesgos de plomo del Distrito de Columbia de 2008, el Código Oficial del DC § 8-231.01 y siguientes, y la Declaración Federal de Advertencia
de Plomo, 24 CFR, partes 35 y 745. Las viviendas construidas antes de 1978 pueden contener pintura a base de plomo. El plomo de la pintura, las virutas de pintura y el polvo pueden presentar riesgos para la salud si no se
manejan adecuadamente. La exposición al plomo es especialmente dañina para los niños pequeños y las mujeres embarazadas. Antes de alquilar una vivienda construida antes de 1978, los arrendadores deben revelar la
presencia de pintura conocida a base de plomo y/o peligros de pintura a base de plomo en la vivienda. Los arrendatarios también deben recibir un folleto aprobado por el gobierno federal sobre la prevención del
envenenamiento por plomo. Http: //

If you need help in your language, please call 202-535-2600. | በአማርኛ እርዳታ ከፈለጉ በ 202-535-2600 ይደውሉ። | Si necesita ayuda en
Español, por favor llame al 202-535-2600. | Si vous avez besoin d’aide en Français appelez-le 202-535-2600. |如果您需要中文服務,請致電
202-535-2600|한국어로 도움이 필요합니까? 무료 한국어통역: 202-535-2600| Nếu quý vị cần giúp đỡ bằng tiếng Việt, xin gọi 202-535-2600.


 Completar las secciones A, B (para propiedades anteriores a
El dueño de la propiedad 1978), C y D.
 Proporcionar una copia al inquilino.

 Revisar cuidadosamente las secciones B, C y D

El inquilino potencial
 Firmar la Sección E.


Dirección de Propiedad: Unidad: Washington, DC Código postal:

Soy el propietario de esta propiedad y responderé sinceramente a las siguientes preguntas sobre la pintura
a base de plomo/peligros en esta propiedad o sus alrededores, y los resultados de las pruebas de plomo, las
líneas de servicio de plomo y las tuberías con plomo.

Nombre: Firma:

Nombre: Firma:


Nota: La Sección B solo debe completarse para las propiedades que se construyeron antes de 1978. Se
supone que la pintura a base de plomo está presente en las propiedades construidas antes de 1978. Según
su conocimiento, ¿hay pintura a base de plomo dentro o alrededor de la propiedad? incluyendo áreas

 Sí, en las siguientes ubicaciones: para obtener más espacio adjunte un resumen

 No, no conozco ninguna pintura a base de plomo, pero dado que la propiedad fue
construida antes de 1978, se asume que está presente.

Según su conocimiento, ¿hay pintura descascarada o desportillada, polvo/tierra contaminada con plomo u
otros riesgos por pintura a base de plomo dentro o alrededor de la propiedad?

 No  Sí, en las siguientes ubicaciones: para obtener más espacio adjunte un resumen

Departamento de Energía & Medio Ambiente del DC│202.535.2600 │ Updated Página 2 de 4
Marzo de 2020
Se asume que las tuberías con plomo están presentes en viviendas construidas antes de 1986. Según su
conocimiento, ¿hay tuberías de plomo en la propiedad?

 Sí, hay tuberías con plomo en las siguientes  No, no tengo conocimiento de ninguna tubería
ubicaciones: para obtener más espacio adjunte un con plomo, pero debido a que la propiedad fue
resumen construida antes de 1986, se supone que está
presente en toda la unidad de vivienda.

Se asume que las tuberías con plomo están presentes en viviendas construidas antes de 1986. Según su
conocimiento, ¿hay alguna línea de servicio con plomo que sirva a la unidad de vivienda en la propiedad
privada o en el espacio público?

 Sí, hay líneas de servicio principal en las  No, no tengo conocimiento de ninguna tubería
siguientes ubicaciones: para obtener más espacio con plomo, pero debido a que la propiedad fue
adjunte un resumen construida antes de 1986, se asume que está
__ Propiedad privada __ Espacio público presente en toda la unidad de vivienda.

Según su conocimiento, ¿se ha reemplazado la parte de la línea de servicio de agua con plomo en
propiedad privada?

 No  Sí, en las siguientes fechas:

Según su conocimiento, ¿se ha reemplazado la parte de la línea de servicio de agua con plomo en el
espacio público?

 No  Sí, en las siguientes fechas:

A partir de la fecha de ejecución de esta divulgación, el sitio web de DC Water en contiene la siguiente información sobre las líneas de servicio de plomo
para esta propiedad.
En Espacio Público En espacio privado
 Tipo:  Tipo:
_____________________________________ __________________________________________
 Descripción:  Descripción:
_______________________________________ __________________________________________
_______________________________________ __________________________________________
________________________________ __________________________________________
¿Tiene el Gobierno de DC alguna acción pendiente relacionada con la pintura a base de plomo para esta
propiedad o alguna vez se le han emitido multas, tarifas o sanciones civiles por no revelar las líneas de
servicio de agua de plomo y / o las tuberías con plomo para esta propiedad?
Marque todo lo que corresponda

 Un Aviso de violación
 Aviso de peligros de pintura a base de plomo
 Una orden administrativa para eliminar los peligros de la pintura a base de plomo
 Otros avisos u órdenes relacionados con pintura a base de plomo. Enumere:

Departamento de Energía & Medio Ambiente del DC│202.535.2600 │ Updated Página 3 de 4
Marzo de 2020
 Multas civiles, sanciones o tarifas relacionadas con la falta de divulgación de la línea de servicio de
agua de plomo y / o plomería con plomo.
 No; No tengo conocimiento de acciones, avisos, órdenes o sanciones pendientes.

¿Hay informes o documentos sobre pintura a base de plomo o riesgos de pintura a base de plomo en esta
propiedad (incluso en suelos desnudos y cobertizos, garajes u otros equipamientos), o los resultados de
cualquier prueba de plomo realizada en el suministro de agua para esta propiedad?
Esto incluye informes o documentos proporcionados a usted por el actual o un antiguo propietario, inquilino,
administrador de la propiedad, agencia gubernamental del DC o contratista.

 No  Sí y entiendo que debo proporcionar una copia de esos documentos al inquilino si lo solicitan.


Recibí este formulario y, si la propiedad fue construida antes de 1978, el folleto Proteja a su familia del plomo
en su hogar antes de firmar un contrato de arrendamiento.

 Sí  No, ya he firmado un contrato de arrendamiento.

Entiendo que tengo derecho a pedirle al propietario cualquier informe o documento sobre la pintura a base
de plomo o los riesgos de la pintura a base de plomo en esta propiedad (incluso en suelos desnudos y
cobertizos, garajes u otros equipamientos) y los resultados de cualquier prueba de plomo realizado en el
suministro de agua para esta propiedad.

Nombre: Firma: Fecha:

Nombre: Firma: Fecha:

Departamento de Energía & Medio Ambiente del DC│202.535.2600 │ Updated Página 4 de 4
Marzo de 2020
Becomes part of Lease Contract

Please note: We consider animals a serious responsibility and a risk to each tenant in the dwelling. If you do not properly control and
care for an animal, you’ll be held liable if it causes any damage or disturbs other tenants.

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. 6. LIABILITY NOT LIMITED. The additional monthly rent and
Unit No. ,
301-718 301 G Street additional security deposit under this Animal Addendum do
SW #718 not limit tenants’ liability for property damages, cleaning,
 (street address) in deodorization, defleaing, replacements, or personal injuries.
Washington, D.C.,
20024 (zip code).
7. DESCRIPTION OF ANIMAL(S). You may keep only the
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. animal(s) described below. You may not substitute any other
Lease Contract Date: August 8, 2023 animal(s). Neither you nor your guests or occupants may bring
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC any other animal(s)—mammal, reptile, bird, amphibian, fish,
 rodent, arachnid, or insect—into the dwelling or apartment
 Animal’s name: 
Tenants (list all tenants): Breed: 
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela Color: 
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto Weight: Age: 
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez City of license: 
 License no.: 
 Date of last rabies shot: 
 Animal owner’s name: 
 Animal’s name: 
The term of this Addendum is as follows: Color: 
Begins on , and Weight: Age: 
ends on , . City of license: 
The Lease Contract is referred to in this Addendum as the License no.: 
“Lease Contract.” Date of last rabies shot: 
3. A.  NO APPROVED ANIMALS. If this box is checked, you Animal owner’s name: 
are not allowed to have animals (including mammals, reptiles, 
birds, fish, rodents, and insects), even temporarily, anywhere 
in the apartment or apartment community unless we’ve Animal’s name: 
authorized so in writing. We will authorize support and/or Type: 
service animals for you, your guests, and occupants pursuant Breed: 
to the parameters and guidelines established by the Fair Color: 
Housing Act, HUD regulatory guidelines, and any applicable Weight: Age: 
state and/or local laws. City of license: 
If this box is checked, you may keep the animal that is described Date of last rabies shot: 
below in the dwelling until the Lease Contract expires. But Housebroken? 
we may terminate this authorization sooner if your right of Animal owner’s name: 
occupancy is lawfully terminated or if in our judgment you 
and your animal, your guests, or any occupant violate any of 
the rules in this Addendum. Animal’s name: 
4. ANIMAL DEPOSIT. An animal deposit of $ 
will be charged. We [check one]  will consider, or
 will not consider this additional security deposit the
Weight: Age: 
general security deposit for all purposes. The security deposit
City of license: 
amount in Provision 4 of the Lease Contract [check
License no.: 
one]  does, or  does not include this additional deposit
Date of last rabies shot: 
amount. Refund of the animal deposit will be subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in the Lease Contract regardless
Animal owner’s name: 
of whether it is considered part of the general security deposit.

5. ADDITIONAL FEE. You must also pay a one-time non- 
refundable fee of $ for having the animal in
the dwelling unit. It is our policy to not charge a deposit for
support animals. In addition, you will pay a monthly fee of
$ for having the animal in the dwelling unit. It
is our policy to not charge this monthly fee for support animals.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 1 of 3

8. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions allow animal defecation inside the dwelling unit in this
control over conflicting provisions of this printed form: Addendum, you must ensure that it’s done in a litter box
The following canine breeds are with a kitty litter-type mix. If the animal defecates
restricted: American Pit Bull Terrier, anywhere on our property (including in a fenced yard for
Bull Stafforshire Terrier, Malamute, your exclusive use), you’ll be responsible for immediately
American Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Wolf-Dog removing the waste and repairing any damage. Despite
Hybrid, Doberman Pinscher, , Mastiff, anything this Addendum says, you must comply with all
Great Dane, Rottweiler, Bullmastiff, SAt. local ordinances regarding animal defecation.
Bernard, German Shepard, Presa Canario, 11. ADDITIONAL RULES. We have the right to make reasonable
Akita, Tosa Inu, Siberian Husky, Chow changes to the animal rules from time to time if we distribute
Chow, American Stafforshire Terrier, and a written copy of any changes to every tenant who is allowed
Cane Corso. UIP reserves the right to to have animals.
amend this list without notice.
 12. V
 IOLATION OF RULES. If you, your guest, or any occupant
 violates any rule or provision of this Animal Addendum
 (based upon our judgment) and we give you written notice,
 you must remove the animal immediately and permanently
 from the premises. We also have all other rights and remedies
 set forth in the Lease Contract, including damages, eviction,
 and attorney’s fees.

 13. C
 OMPLAINTS ABOUT ANIMAL. You must immediately
and permanently remove the animal from the premises if
9. EMERGENCY. In an emergency involving an accident or we receive a reasonable complaint from a neighbor or other
injury to your animal, we have the right, but not a duty, to tenant or if we, in our sole discretion, determine that the
take the animal to the following veterinarian for treatment, animal has disturbed neighbors or other tenants.
at your expense.
14. R
 EMOVAL OF ANIMAL. In some circumstances, we may
allow an animal control officer or humane society
representative to enter the dwelling unit and remove the
animal if, in our sole judgment, you have:
• abandoned the animal;
10. A NIMAL RULES. You are responsible for the animal’s • left the animal in the dwelling unit for an extended period
actions at all times. You agree to abide by these rules: of time without food or water; or
• T
 he animal must not disturb the neighbors or other tenants, • failed to care for a sick animal;
regardless of whether the animal is inside or outside the If you have violated our animal rules or let the animal defecate
dwelling. or urinate where it’s not supposed to you will be subject to
• D
 ogs, cats, and support animals must be housebroken. All eviction and other remedies under the Lease Contract.
other animals must be caged at all times. No animal
15. L
offspring are allowed.
You and all co-tenants will be jointly and severally liable for
• I nside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in these the entire amount of all damages caused by the animal,
designated areas:  including all cleaning, defleaing, and deodorizing. This
 provision applies to all parts of the dwelling unit, including
 utside, the animal may urinate or defecate only in these
• O carpets, doors, walls, drapes, wallpaper, windows, screens,
designated areas:  furniture, appliances, as well as landscaping and other outside
 improvements. If items cannot be satisfactorily cleaned or
repaired, you must pay for us to replace them completely.
• A
 nimals may not be tied to any fixed object anywhere Payment for damages, repairs, cleaning, replacements, etc.
outside the dwelling units, except in fenced yards (if any) are due immediately upon demand.
for your exclusive use.
As owner of the animal, you’re strictly liable for the entire
• Y
 ou must not let an animal other than support animals amount of any injury that the animal causes to a person or
into swimming-pool areas, laundry rooms, offices, anyone’s property. You’ll indemnify us for all costs of litigation
clubrooms, other recreational facilities, or other dwelling and attorney’s fees resulting from any such damage.
• Y
 our animal must be fed and watered inside the dwelling 16. MOVE-OUT. When you move out, you’ll pay for defleaing,
unit. Don’t leave animal food or water outside the dwelling deodorizing, and shampooing to protect future tenants from
unit at any time, except in fenced yards (if any) for your possible health hazards, regardless of how long the animal
exclusive use. was there. We—not you—will arrange for these services.
• Y
 ou must keep the animal on a leash and under your 17. MULTIPLE TENANTS. Each tenant who signed the Lease
supervision when outside the dwelling or any private Contract must sign this Animal Addendum. You, your guests,
fenced area. We or our representative may pick up and any occupants must follow all animal rules. Each tenant
unleashed animals and/or report them to the proper is jointly and severally liable for damages and all other
authorities. We may impose reasonable charges for picking obligations set forth in this Animal Addendum, even if the
up and/or keeping unleashed animals. tenant does not own the animal.
• U
 nless we have designated a particular area in your
dwelling unit or on the grounds for animal defecation and
urination, you are prohibited from letting an animal
defecate or urinate anywhere on our property. You must
take the animal off our property for that purpose. If we

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 3

18. GENERAL. You acknowledge that no other oral or written
agreement exists regarding animals. Except for special
provisions noted in paragraph 8 above, our representative
has no authority to modify this Animal Addendum or the
animal rules except in writing, as described under paragraph
11. This Animal Addendum and the animal rules are
considered part of the Lease Contract described above. It
has been executed in multiple originals, one for you and one
or more for us.

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner’s Representative

(All tenant’s must sign) (Signs below)

 Date of Signing Addendum


© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 3 of 3


1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. from a carrier with an AM Best rating of A-VII or better,
Unit. No. 301-718 , 301 G Street licensed to do business in Washington, D.C. The carrier is
SW #718 required to provide notice to us within 30 days of any
(street address) in cancellation, non-renewal, or material change in your coverage.
Washington, D.C., 20024 (zip code). We retain the right to hold you responsible for any loss in
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. excess of your insurance coverage.
Lease Contract date: August 8, 2023 5. We may provide you with information of an insurance
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC program that we make available to tenants, which provides
you with an opportunity to buy renter’s insurance from
a preferred company. However, you are free to contract
for the required insurance with a provider of your
Tenants (list all tenants): 6. SUBROGATION ALLOWED. You and we agree that
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela subrogation is allowed by all parties and that this agreement
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto supersedes any language to the contrary in the Lease Contract.
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez 7. YOUR INSURANCE COVERAGE. You have purchased the
required personal liability insurance from the insurance
company of your choosing listed below that is licensed to do
business in this state, and have provided us with written
proof of this insurance prior to the execution and
commencement of the Lease Contract. You will provide
additional proof of insurance in the future at our request.
Insurance Company:

8. DEFAULT. Any default under the terms of this Addendum

This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above shall be deemed an immediate and material default under the
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, terms of the Lease Contract. If you do not cure this default
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease within 30 days we shall be entitled to exercise all rights and
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this remedies under the law.
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. 9. MISCELLANEOUS. Except as specifically stated in this
Addendum,all other terms and conditions of the Lease Contract
3. ACKNOWLEDGMENT CONCERNING INSURANCE OR shall remain unchanged. In the event of any conflict between
DAMAGE WAIVER. You acknowledge that we do not the terms of this Addendum and the terms of the Lease
maintain insurance to protect you against personal injury, Contract, the terms of this Addendum shall control.
loss or damage to your personal property or belongings, or
to cover your own liability for injury, loss or damage you (or 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: I agree to name the
your occupants or guests or the guest of any occupant(s)) may property as an "Interested Party" or
cause others. You also acknowledge that by not maintaining "Additional Interest" as follows: CPT
your own policy of personal liability insurance, you may be Building Owner LLC P.O. Box 115009
responsible to others (including us) or the full cost of any Carrollton, TX, 75011-5009
injury, loss or damage caused by your actions or the actions
of your occupants or guests or the guest of any occupant(s).
You understand that paragraph 9 of the Lease Contract
requires you to maintain a liability insurance policy, which
provides limits of liability to third parties in an amount not
less than $ 100000.00 per occurrence. You understand
and agree to maintain at all times during the Term of the
Lease Contract and any renewal periods a policy of personal
liability insurance satisfying the requirements listed below,
at your sole expense.
4. REQUIRED POLICY. You are required to purchase and
maintain personal liability insurance covering you, your
occupants, guests and the guest of any occupant(s), for
personal injury and property damage any of you cause
to third parties (including damage to our property), in a
minimum policy coverage amount of $ 100000.00 ,
I have read, understand and agree to comply with the preceding provisions.
Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner's Representative
(All tenants must sign here) (signs here)

Date of Lease Contract

August 8, 2023

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C.


August 8, 2023
(when this Addendum is filled out)
Please note: It is our goal to maintain a quality living environment for our tenants. To help achieve this goal, it is important to work
together to minimize the potential for any bed bugs in your dwelling or surrounding dwellings. This addendum contains important
information that outlines your responsibility and potential liability with regard to bed bugs.

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. guests, and invitees must cooperate and will not interfere
Unit No. ,
301-718 301 G Street with inspections or treatments. We have the right to select
SW #718 any licensed pest control professional to treat the dwelling
 (street address) in and building. We can select the method of treating the dwelling,
Washington, D.C.,
20024 (zip code). building and common areas for bed bugs. We can also inspect
and treat adjacent or neighboring dwellings to the infestation
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. even if those dwellings are not the source or cause of the
Lease Contract Date: August 8, 2023 known infestation. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC are responsible for and must, at your own expense, have your
 own personal property, furniture, clothing and possessions
 treated according to accepted treatment methods established
 by a licensed pest control firm that we approve. You must do
 so as close as possible to the time we treated the dwelling. If
Tenants (list all tenants): you fail to do so, you will be in default, and we will have the
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela right to terminate your right of occupancy and exercise all
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto rights and remedies under the Lease Contract. You agree not
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez to treat the dwelling for a bed bug infestation on your own.

 6. NOTIFICATION. You must promptly notify us:
 • of any known or suspected bed bug infestation or presence
 in the dwelling, or in any of your clothing, furniture or
 personal property.
 • of any recurring or unexplained bites, stings, irritations,
 or sores of the skin or body which you believe is caused
 by bed bugs, or by any condition or pest you believe is in
 the dwelling.

3. PURPOSE. This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the • if you discover any condition or evidence that might indicate
above described Lease Contract for the above described the presence or infestation of bed bugs, or of any
premises, and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of confirmation of bed bug presence by a licensed pest control
such Lease Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in professional or other authoritative source.
this Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions 7. COOPERATION. If we confirm the presence or infestation
found in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control. of bed bugs, you must cooperate and coordinate with us and
This Addendum modifies the Lease Contract and addresses our pest control agents to treat and eliminate the bed bugs.
situations related to bed bugs (cimex lectularius) which may You must follow all directions from us or our agents to clean
be discovered infesting the dwelling or personal property in and treat the dwelling and building that are infested. You
the dwelling. You understand that we relied on your must remove or destroy personal property that cannot be
representations to us in this Addendum. treated or cleaned as close as possible to the time we treated
4. INSPECTION AND INFESTATIONS. BY SIGNING THIS the dwelling. Any items you remove from the dwelling must
ADDENDUM, YOU REPRESENT THAT: be disposed of off-site and not in the property’s trash
receptacles. If we confirm the presence or infestation of bed
• YOU HAVE INSPECTED THE DWELLING PRIOR TO MOVING bugs in your dwelling, we have the right to require you to
IN, OR PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS ADDENDUM, AND YOU DID temporarily vacate the dwelling and remove all furniture,
NOT FIND ANY EVIDENCE OF BED BUGS OR A BED BUG clothing and personal belongings in order for us to perform
INFESTATION; pest control services. If you fail to cooperate with us, you will
OR be in default, and we will have the right to terminate your
right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies under
the Lease Contract.
OR BED BUG INFESTATIONS. reasonable costs of cleaning and pest control treatments
You agree that you have read the information provided in this incurred by us to treat your dwelling unit for bed bugs. If we
Addendum and that you are not aware of any infestation or confirm the presence or infestation of bed bugs after you
presence of bed bugs in your current or previous dwellings, vacate your dwelling, you may be responsible for the cost of
furniture, clothing, personal property, or possessions. You cleaning and pest control treatments. If we must move other
also acknowledge that you have fully disclosed to us any tenants in order to treat adjoining or neighboring dwellings
previous bed bug infestations or bed bug issues that you have to your dwelling unit, you may be liable for payment of any
experienced. lost rental income and other expenses incurred by us to
relocate the neighboring tenants and to clean and perform
If you disclose to us a previous experience with bed bug
pest control treatments to eradicate infestations in other
infestations or other bed bug related issues, we can review
dwellings. If you fail to pay us for any costs you are liable for,
documentation of the previous treatment(s) and inspect your
you will be in default, and we will have the right to terminate
personal property and possession to confirm the absence of
your right of occupancy and exercise all rights and remedies
bed bugs.
under the Lease Contract, and obtain immediate possession
5. ACCESS FOR INSPECTION AND PEST TREATMENT. of the dwelling. If you fail to move out after your right of
You must allow us and our pest control agents access to the occupancy has been terminated, you will be liable for holdover
dwelling at reasonable times to inspect for or treat bed bugs rent under the Lease Contract.
as allowed by law. You and your family members, occupants,

© 2023, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 4/2023, Washingtin, D.C. Page 1 of 3

 nless otherwise prohibited by applicable law, we are not
INSPECTIONS OR TREATMENT AND LEASE TERMINATION. liable for any personal injury or property damage that may
We have the right to charge you for inspections for, or result from a bed bug infestation and recommend that you
treatment to eradicate the presence of bedbugs if you: (a) obtain renter’s insurance to protect against any loss or
knowingly interfere with, obstruct, or actively hinder damages.
inspection for, or treatment to eradicate the presence of
bedbugs in your dwelling unit or (b) repeated eradications 12. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
are necessary due to your failure to properly maintain the control over the conflicting provisions of this printed form:
dwelling unit. We may also charge you for the costs of 
inspections for, or treatment to eradicate the presence of 
bedbugs in adjacent or adjoining units that become infested 
as determined by a pest control professional: (a) based on 
your knowingly interfering with, obstructing, or actively 
hindering inspection for, or treatment to eradicate the 
presence of bedbugs in your dwelling unit or (b) because 
repeated eradications are necessary due to your failure to 
properly maintain the dwelling unit. 

If you knowingly interfere with, obstruct, or actively hinder 
inspection for, or treatment to eradicate the presence of 
bedbugs in your dwelling unit, you will be in breach of your 
Lease, and we are entitled to terminate your Lease pursuant 
to applicable law based on your violation of an obligation of 
tenancy. If you fail to pay charges levied against you by us 
as set-forth herein after being provided an itemized receipt 
of the charges and written notice as required by applicable 
law, you will be in breach of your Lease, and we are entitled 
to terminate your Lease pursuant to applicable law based 
on your violation of an obligation of tenancy.

10. T
 RANSFERS. If we allow you to transfer to another dwelling
in the community because of the presence of bed bugs, you
must have your personal property and possessions treated
according to accepted treatment methods or procedures
established by a licensed pest control professional. You must
provide proof of such cleaning and treatment to our

You are legally bound by this document. Please read it carefully.

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner's Representative

(All tenants must sign) (Signs below)

����������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������
����������������������������������������������������������������������� Date of Signing Addendum

����������������������������������������������������������������������� ________________________________________________________________________

You are entitled to receive an original of this Addendum after it is fully signed. Keep it in a safe place.

© 2023, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 4/2023, Washingtin, D.C. Page 2 of 3

BED BUGS — A Guide for Rental Housing Tenants

Bed bugs, with a typical lifespan of 6 to 12 months, are wingless, • Because bed bugs leave some persons with itchy welts strikingly
flat, broadly oval-shaped insects. Capable of reaching the size similar to those caused by fleas and mosquitoes, the origination
of an apple seed at full growth, bed bugs are distinguishable by of such markings often go misdiagnosed. However, welts caused
their reddish-brown color, although after feeding on the blood of by bed bugs often times appear in succession and on exposed
humans and warm-blooded animals—their sole food source—the areas of skin, such as the face, neck and arms. In some cases,
bugs assume a distinctly blood-red hue until digestion is complete. an individual may not experience any visible reaction resulting
from direct contact with bed bugs.
Bed bugs don’t discriminate • W hile bed bugs typically prefer to act at night, they often do
Bed bugs increased presence across the United States in recent not succeed in returning to their hiding spots without leaving
decades can be attributed largely to a surge in international traces of their presence through fecal markings of a red to dark
travel and trade. It’s no surprise then that bed bugs have been brown color, visible on or near beds. Blood stains tend also to
found time and time again to have taken up residence in some appear when the bugs have been squashed, usually by an
of the fanciest hotels and apartment buildings in some of the unsuspecting host in their sleep. And, because they shed, it’s
nation’s most expensive neighborhoods. not uncommon for skin casts to be left behind in areas typically
Nonetheless, false claims that associate bed bugs presence with frequented by bed bugs.
poor hygiene and uncleanliness have caused rental housing Preventing bed bug encounters when traveling
tenants, out of shame, to avoid notifying owners of their presence. Because humans serve as bed bugs’ main mode of transportation,
This serves only to enable the spread of bed bugs. it is extremely important to be mindful of bed bugs when away
While bed bugs are, by their very nature, more attracted to from home. Experts agree that the spread of bed bugs across all
clutter, they’re certainly not discouraged by cleanliness. regions of the United States is largely attributed to an increase
in international travel and trade. Travelers are therefore
Bottom line: bed bugs know no social and economic bounds;
encouraged to take a few minutes upon arriving to their temporary
claims to the contrary are false.
destination to thoroughly inspect their accommodations, so as
Bed bugs don’t transmit disease to ensure that any uninvited guests are detected before the
There exists no scientific evidence that bed bugs transmit disease. decision is made to unpack.
In fact, federal agencies tasked with addressing pest of public
Because bed bugs can easily travel from one room to another, it
health concern, namely the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
is also recommended that travelers thoroughly inspect their
and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have refused
luggage and belongings for bed bugs before departing
to elevate bed bugs to the threat level posed by disease
for home.
transmitting pests. Again, claims associating bed bugs with
disease are false. Bed bug do’s and don’ts
• Do not bring used furniture from unknown sources into
Identifying bed bugs
your dwelling. Countless bed bug infestations have stemmed
Bed bugs can often be found in, around and between:
directly from the introduction into a tenant’s unit of second-
• Bedding
hand and abandoned furniture. Unless the determination can
• Bed frames
be made with absolute certainty that a piece of second-hand
• Mattress seams
furniture is bed bug-free, tenants should assume that the reason
Upholstered furniture, especially under cushions and
a seemingly nice looking leather couch, for example, is sitting
along seams
curbside, waiting to be hauled off to the landfill, may very well
• A round, behind and under wood furniture, especially along
be due to the fact that it’s teeming with bed bugs.
areas where drawers slide
• Do address bed bug sightings immediately. Rental housing
• Curtains and draperies
tenants who suspect the presence of bed bugs in their unit must
• Along window and door frames
immediately notify the owner.
• Ceiling and wall junctions
• Do not attempt to treat bed bug infestations. Under no
• Crown moldings
circumstance should you attempt to eradicate bed bugs. Health
• Behind and around wall hangings and loose wallpaper
hazards associated with the misapplication of traditional and
• Between carpeting and walls (carpet can be pulled away from
non-traditional, chemical-based insecticides and pesticides
the wall and tack strip)
poses too great a risk to you and your neighbors.
• Cracks and crevices in walls and floors
• Do comply with eradication protocol. If the determination
• Inside electronic devices, such as smoke and carbon monoxide
is made that your unit is indeed playing host to bed bugs, you
must comply with the bed bug eradication protocol set forth
by both your owner and their designated pest management

© 2023, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 4/2023, Washingtin, D.C. Page 3 of 3


Please note: It is our goal to maintain a quality living environment for our tenants. To help achieve this goal, it is important
to work together to minimize any mold growth in your dwelling. That is why this addendum contains important information
for you, and responsibilities for both you and us.

1. DWELLING UNIT DESCRIPTION. or cooking with open pots. When showering, be sure to
Unit. No. 301-718 , 301 G Street SW keep the shower curtain inside the tub or fully close the
#718 shower doors. Also, the experts recommend that after
(street address) in taking a shower or bath, you: (1) wipe moisture off of
Washington, D.C., 20024 shower walls, shower doors, the bathtub and the bathroom
(zip code). floor; (2) leave the bathroom door open until all moisture
on the mirrors and bathroom walls and tile surfaces has
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. dissipated; and (3) hang up your towels and bath mats so
Lease Contract date: August 8, 2023 they will completely dry out.
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC
• Promptly notify us in writing about any air conditioning
or heating system problems you discover. Follow our rules,
if any, regarding replacement of air filters. Also, it is
recommended that you periodically open windows and
doors on days when the outdoor weather is dry (i.e.,
Tenants (list all tenants): humidity is below 50 percent) to help humid areas of your
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela dwelling dry out.
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto • Promptly notify us in writing about any signs of water
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez leaks, water infiltration or mold. We will respond in
accordance with state law and the Lease Contract to repair
or remedy the situation, as necessary.
• Keep the thermostat set to automatically circulate air in
the event temperatures rise to or above 80 degrees

5. IN ORDER TO AVOID MOLD GROWTH, it is important to

prevent excessive moisture buildup in your dwelling. Failure
to promptly pay attention to leaks and moisture that might
This Addendum constitutes an Addendum to the above accumulate on dwelling surfaces or that might get inside walls
described Lease Contract for the above described premises, or ceilings can encourage mold growth. Prolonged moisture
and is hereby incorporated into and made a part of such Lease can result from a wide variety of sources, such as:
Contract. Where the terms or conditions found in this • rainwater leaking from roofs, windows, doors and outside
Addendum vary or contradict any terms or conditions found walls, as well as flood waters rising above floor level;
in the Lease Contract, this Addendum shall control.
• overflows from showers, bathtubs, toilets, lavatories, sinks,
3. ABOUT MOLD. Mold is found virtually everywhere in our washing machines, dehumidifiers, refrigerator or A/C drip
environment—both indoors and outdoors and in both new pans or clogged up A/C condensation lines;
and old structures. Molds are naturally occurring microscopic • leaks from plumbing lines or fixtures, and leaks into walls
organisms which reproduce by spores and have existed from bad or missing grouting/caulking around showers,
practically from the beginning of time. All of us have lived tubs or sinks;
with mold spores all our lives. Without molds we would all
be struggling with large amounts of dead organic matter. • washing machine hose leaks, plant watering overflows,
pet urine, cooking spills, beverage spills and steam from
Mold breaks down organic matter in the environment and excessive open-pot cooking;
uses the end product for its food. Mold spores (like plant
pollen) spread through the air and are commonly transported • leaks from clothes dryer discharge vents (which can put
by shoes, clothing and other materials. When excess moisture lots of moisture into the air); and
is present inside a dwelling, mold can grow. A 2004 Federal • insufficient drying of carpets, carpet pads, shower walls
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that and bathroom floors.
there is currently no scientific evidence that the accumulation
of mold causes any significant health risks for person with 6. IF SMALL AREAS OF MOLD HAVE ALREADY OCCURRED
normally functioning immune systems. Nonetheless, ON NON-POROUS SURFACES (such as ceramic tile, formica,
appropriate precautions need to be taken. vinyl flooring, metal, wood or plastic), the federal
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that
4. PREVENTING MOLD BEGINS WITH YOU. In order to you first clean the areas with soap (or detergent) and water,
minimize the potential for mold growth in your dwelling, you let the surface dry, and then within 24 hours apply a pre-mixed,
must do the following: spray-on-type household biocide, such as Lysol Disinfectant®,
• Keep your dwelling clean—particularly the kitchen, the Pine-Sol Disinfectant® (original pine-scented), Tilex Mildew
bathroom(s), carpets and floors. Regular vacuuming, Remover® or Clorox Cleanup®. (Note: Only a few of the
mopping and using a household cleaner to clean hard common household cleaners will actually kill mold). Tilex®
surfaces is important to remove the household dirt and and Clorox® contain bleach which can discolor or stain. Be
debris that harbor mold or food for mold. Immediately sure to follow the instructions on the container. Applying
throw away moldy food. biocides without first cleaning away the dirt and oils from
the surface is like painting over old paint without first cleaning
• Remove visible moisture accumulation on windows, walls, and preparing the surface.
ceilings, floors and other surfaces as soon as reasonably
possible. Look for leaks in washing machine hoses and Always clean and apply a biocide to an area 5 or 6 times larger
discharge lines—especially if the leak is large enough for than any visible mold because mold may be adjacent in
water to infiltrate nearby walls. Turn on any exhaust fans quantities not yet visible to the naked eye. A vacuum cleaner
in the bathroom and kitchen before you start showering with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can be

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 1 of 2

used to help remove non-visible mold products from porous 9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
items, such as fibers in sofas, chairs, drapes and carpets— control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:
provided the fibers are completely dry. Machine washing or
dry cleaning will remove mold from clothes.

7. DO NOT CLEAN OR APPLY BIOCIDES TO: (1) visible mold

on porous surfaces, such as sheetrock walls or ceilings, or (2)
large areas of visible mold on non-porous surfaces. Instead,
notify us in writing, and we will take appropriate action.

8. COMPLIANCE. Complying with this addendum will help

prevent mold growth in your dwelling, and both you and we
will be able to respond correctly if problems develop that
could lead to mold growth. If you have questions regarding
this addendum, please contact us at the management office
or at the phone number shown in your Lease Contract.
If you fail to comply with this Addendum, you can be held
responsible for property damage to the dwelling and any
health problems that may result. We can’t fix problems in
your dwelling unless we know about them.

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner's Representative

(All tenants must sign here) (Signs here)

Date of Lease Contract

August 8, 2023

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 2


This Utility Addendum is incorporated into the Lease Contract (referred to in this addendum as “Lease Contract” or “Lease”) dated
August 8, 2023 between CPT Building Owner, LLC

(“We”) and
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto Blanco, Jorge
Luis Guerra Florez

(“You”) of Unit No. 301-718 located at 301 G Street SW #718

(street address) in
Washington, DC 20024 and is in addition to all terms and conditions in the Lease.
To the extent that the terms of this Utility Addendum conflict with those of the Lease, this Utility Addendum shall control.

1. Responsibility for payment of utilities, and the method of metering or otherwise measuring the cost of the utility, shall be as
a) Water service to your dwelling will be paid either:
qX by Us, because the payment for water service is included in your rent charged, pursuant to Paragraph 8 of your Lease
Contract; or
q by You directly to the utility service provider (NOTE: CHECK THIS ONLY IF THE DWELLING IS SEPARATELY METERED
q by You when water bills are billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:

q If flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $ per month.

q 3rd party billing company if applicable
b) Sewer service to your dwelling will be paid either:
X by Us, because the payment for sewer service is included in your rent charged, pursuant to Paragraph 8 of your Lease
Contract; or
q by You directly to the utility service provider (NOTE: CHECK THIS ONLY IF THE DWELLING IS SEPARATELY METERED
q by You when sewer bills are billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:

q If flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $ per month.

q 3rd party billing company if applicable
c) Gas service to your dwelling will be paid either:
X by Us, because the payment for gas service is included in your rent charged, pursuant to Paragraph 8 of your Lease
Contract; or
q by You directly to the utility service provider (Note: CHECK THIS ONLY IF THE DWELLING IS SEPARATELY METERED
d) Trash service to your dwelling will be paid either:
X by Us, because the payment for trash service is included in your rent charged, pursuant to Paragraph 8 of your Lease
Contract; or
q by You directly to the utility service provider (NOTE: CHECK THIS ONLY IF THE DWELLING IS SEPARATELY METERED
q by You when trash bills are billed by the service provider to us and then allocated to you based on the following formula:

q If flat rate is selected, the current flat rate is $ per month.

q 3rd party billing company if applicable
e) Electric service to your dwelling will be paid either:
X by Us, because the payment for electric service is included in your rent charged, pursuant to Paragraph 8 of your Lease
Contract; or
q by You directly to the utility service provider (NOTE: CHECK THIS ONLY IF THE DWELLING IS SEPARATELY METERED

2. If an allocation method is used, we or our billing company will calculate your allocated share of the utilities and services provided
and all costs. Under any allocation method, Tenant may be paying for part of the utility usage in common areas or in other
residential units as well as administrative fees. Both Tenant and Owner agree that using a calculation or allocation formula as
a basis for estimating total utility consumption is fair and reasonable, while recognizing that the allocation method may or may
not accurately reflect actual total utility consumption for Tenant. Where lawful, we may change the above methods of determining
your allocated share of utilities and services and all other billing methods, in our sole discretion, and after providing written
notice to you. More detailed descriptions of billing methods, calculations and allocation formulas will be provided upon request.
If a flat fee method for trash or other utility service is used, Tenant and Owner agree that the charges indicated in this Agreement
(as may be amended with written notice as specified above) represent a fair and reasonable amount for the service(s) provided
and that the amount billed is not based on a monthly per unit cost.

3. When billed by us directly or through our billing company, you must pay utility bills by the due date stated on the bill. If a
payment is late, you will be responsible for a late fee as indicated below. The late payment of a bill or failure to pay any utility
bill is a material and substantial breach of the Lease and we will exercise all remedies available under the Lease, up to and
including eviction for nonpayment. To the extent permitted by law, to the extent there are any new account, monthly administrative,
late or final bill fees, you shall pay such fees as indicated below.
New Account Fee: $ (not to exceed $ )
Monthly Administrative Billing Fee: $ (not to exceed $ )
Late Fee: $ (not to exceed $ )
Final Bill Fee: $ (not to exceed $ )
If allowed by state law, we at our sole discretion may amend these fees, with written notice to you.

© 2018, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2018, Washington, D.C. Page 1 of 2

4. For utilities which you are to pay (as stated above) you will be charged for the full period of time that you were living in, occupying,
or responsible for payment of rent or utility charges on the dwelling. If you breach the Lease, you will be responsible for utility
charges for the time period you were obliged to pay the charges under the Lease, subject to our mitigation of damages. In the
event you fail to timely establish utility services which are your responsibility, we may charge you for any utility service billed
to us for your dwelling and may charge a reasonable administration fee for billing for the utility service in the amount of
$ .

5. When you move out, you will receive a final bill which you must pay by the due date stated on the bill.

6. We are not liable for any losses or damages you incur as a result of outages, interruptions, or fluctuations in utility services
provided to the dwelling unless such loss or damage was the direct result of negligence by us or our employees.

7. You agree not to tamper with, adjust, or disconnect any utility metering or sub-metering system or device. Violation of this
provision is a material breach of your Lease and may subject you to eviction or other remedies available to us under your Lease
and this Utility Addendum.

8. In the event we are using a ratio utility billing system, any dispute relating to the computation of your bill is between you and
us and not a third party billing agent.

9. In the event we are using a ratio utility billing system, you have the right to receive information from us to verify the water and
sewer utility bill.

10. This Addendum is designed for use in multiple jurisdictions, and no billing method, charge, or fee mentioned herein will be used
in any jurisdiction where such use would be unlawful. If any provision of this Addendum or the Lease is invalid or unenforceable
under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability only without
invalidating or otherwise affecting the remainder of this Addendum or the Lease. Except as specifically stated herein, all other
terms and conditions of the Lease shall remain unchanged. In the event of any conflict between the terms of this Addendum and
the terms of the Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall control.

11. The following special provisions and any addenda or written rules furnished to you at or before signing will become a part of
this Utility Addendum and will supersede any conflicting provisions of this printed Utility Addendum and/or the Lease Contract.

Tenant Signature 08/09/2023

Date ____________________________________________
Tenant Signature Date ____________________________________________
Tenant Signature 08/09/2023
Date ____________________________________________
Tenant Signature 08/09/2023
Date ____________________________________________
Tenant Signature Date ____________________________________________
Tenant Signature Date ____________________________________________
Management Date ____________________________________________

© 2018, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2018, Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 2


101.1 The maintenance of leased or rental habitations in violation of the provisions of this subtitle,
where those violations constitute a danger to the health, welfare, or safety of the occupants, is
declared to be a public nuisance.

101.2 The abatement of the public nuisances referred to in subsection 101.1 by criminal prosecution or
by compulsory repair, condemnation, and demolition alone has been and continues to be

101.3 The public nuisances referred to in subsection 101.1 additionally cause specific, immediate,
irreparable and continuing harm to the occupants of these habitations.

101.4 The public nuisances referred to in subsection 101.1 damage the quality of life and the mental
development and well-being of the occupants, as well as their physical health and personal
property, and this harm cannot be fully compensated for by an action for damages, rescission or
equitable set-off for the reduction in rental value of the premises.

101.5 It is the purpose of this section to declare expressly a public policy in favor of speedy abatement
of the public nuisances referred to in subsection 101.1, if necessary, by preliminary and
permanent injunction issued by Courts of competent jurisdiction.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2901,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).



106.1 After an inspection of a habitation, the Director shall provide the tenant of the habitation a copy
of any notification with respect to that habitation issued to the owner pursuant to this subtitle.

106.2 The notification to the tenant shall state plainly and conspicuously that it is only for the tenant’s
information; Provided, that if the notice places duties on the tenant, it shall state those duties.

106.3 In any instance where a violation of this subtitle directly involves more than one habitation, the
Director shall post a copy of any notification issued to the owner pursuant to this chapter for a
reasonable time in one or more locations within the building or buildings in which the deficiency
exists. The locations for posting the notification shall be reasonably selected to give notice to all
tenants affected.

106.4 No person shall alter, modify, destroy, or otherwise tamper with or mutilate a notification posted
under this section.

106.5 Any tenant directly affected by the violation(s) shall, upon request to the Director, be sent a copy
of the posted notification.

106.6 This section shall not be subject to any notice requirement of this subtitle.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2903(b),

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).

300.1 The owner of each habitation shall provide to each existing tenant, and shall at the
commencement of any tenancy provide to the tenant, a copy of the provisions of this chapter and
a copy of the following sections of chapter 1 of this subtitle:

(a) Chapter 1, § 101 (Civil Enforcement Policy); and

(b) Chapter 1, § 106 (Notification of Tenants Concerning Violations).

AUTHORITY: Unless otherwise noted, the authority for this chapter is contained at paragraphs
28 and 46 of section 7 of An Act Making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the
government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred
and three, and for other purposes (“Act of 1902”), Public, No.218, 32 Stat. 590, approved July 1,
1902, as amended by: An Act approved July 1, 1932 to amend section 7 [of the Act of 1902],
Public, No. 237, 47 Stat. 550; and An Act approved July 22, 1947, Public Law 215, 61 Stat. 402.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2904,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).


301.1 There shall be deemed to be included in the terms of any lease or rental agreement covering a
habitation an implied warranty that the owner will maintain the premises in compliance with this

301.2 The rights, remedies, and duties set forth in this chapter shall not be deemed to be exclusive of
one another unless expressly so declared or to preclude a court of law from determining that
practices, acts, lease provisions and other matters not specifically dealt with in this chapter are
contrary to public policy or unconscionable or otherwise unlawful.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR §§ 2902, 2913,
Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).


302.1 The leasing of any habitation which, at the beginning of the tenancy, is unsafe or unsanitary due
to violations of this subtitle in that habitation or in the common space of the premises (whether or
not those violations are the subject of a notice issued under this subtitle) of which the owner has
knowledge or reasonably should have knowledge, shall render void the lease or rental agreement
for the habitation.

302.2 After the beginning of the tenancy, if the habitation becomes unsafe or unsanitary due to
violations of this subtitle in that habitation or in the common space of the premises (whether or
not the violations are the subject of a notice issued under this subtitle), the lease or rental
agreement for the habitation shall be rendered void if both of the following apply:

(a) The violations did not result from the intentional acts or negligence of the tenant or his
or her invitees; and

(b) The violations are not corrected within the time allowed for correction under a notice
issued under this subtitle (or, if a notice has not been issued, within a reasonable time
after the owner has knowledge or reasonably should have knowledge of the violations).

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2902,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).



303.1 In each lease or rental of a habitation entered into after June 12, 1970, the owner shall provide to
the tenant upon execution (or within seven (7) days after execution) an exact, legible, completed
copy of any agreement or application which the tenant has signed.

303.2 This section shall not be subject to any notice requirement of this subtitle.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2905,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).



304.1 Any provision of any lease or agreement contrary to, or providing for a waiver of, the terms of
this chapter, or § 101 or § 106 of chapter 1, shall be void and unenforceable.

304.2 No person shall cause any of the provisions prohibited by this section to be included in a lease or
agreement respecting the use of the property in the District of Columbia, or demand that any
person sign a lease or agreement containing any such provision.

304.3 No owner shall cause to be placed in a lease or rental agreement any provision exempting the
owner or premises from liability or limiting the liability of the owner or the residential premises
from damages for injuries to persons or property caused by or resulting from the negligence of
the owner (or the owner’s agents, servants, or employees) in the operation, care, or maintenance
of the leased premises, or any facility upon or portion of the property of which the leased
premises are a part.

304.4 No owner shall place (or cause to be placed) in a lease or rental agreement a provision waiving
the right of a tenant of residential premises to a jury trial, or requiring that the tenant pay the
owner’s court costs or legal fees, or authorizing a person other than the tenant to confess
judgment against a tenant. This subsection shall not preclude a court from assessing court or legal
fees against a tenant in appropriate circumstances.

304.5 The provisions of this section shall not be subject to any notice requirement of this subtitle.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR §§ 2906, 2907, and
2912, Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).



305.1 Following a judicial determination that the owner has breached the implied warranty of
habitability applying to the premises (under § 301 of this chapter), or following a judicial
determination that a lease or rental agreement is void, the owner shall obtain a certificate from the
Director that the habitation is in compliance with this subtitle prior to the next reletting of the

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2911,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).


306.1 In each lease or rental of a habitation, the owner shall provide written receipts for all monies paid
to him or her by the tenant as rent, security, or otherwise, unless the payment is made by personal

306.2 Each receipt issued under this section shall state the following:

(a) The exact amount received;

(b) The date the monies are received; and

(c) The purpose of the payment.

306.3 Each receipt shall also state any amounts still due which are attributable to late charges, court
costs, or any other such charge in excess of rent.

306.4 If payment is made by personal check, and there is a balance still due which is attributable to late
charges, court costs, or any other such charge in excess of rent, the owner shall provide a receipt
stating the nature of the charges and the amount due.

306.5 The provisions of this section shall not be subject to any notice requirement of this subtitle.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2909,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).



307.1 No action or proceeding to recover possession of a habitation may be brought against a tenant,
nor shall an owner otherwise cause a tenant to quit a habitation involuntarily, in retaliation for
any of the tenant’s actions listed in § 307.3.

307.2 No demand for an increase in rent from the tenant, nor decrease in the services to which the
tenant has been entitled, nor increase in the obligations of a tenant shall be made in retaliation
against a tenant for any of the tenant’s actions listed in § 307.3.

307.3 This section prohibits the taking of any of the actions set forth in this section in retaliation against
the tenant for any of the following actions by a tenant:

(a) A good faith complaint or report concerning housing deficiencies made to the owner or
a governmental authority, directly by the tenant or through a tenant organization;
(b) The good faith organization of a tenant organization or membership in a tenant

(c) The good fait assertion of rights under this subtitle, including rights under §§ 301 and
302 of this chapter, or § 101 of chapter 1.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2910,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955).


308.1 For purposes of this chapter, the term “security deposit” shall mean all monies paid to the owner
by the tenant as a deposit or other payment made as security for performance of the tenant’s
obligations in a lease or rental of the property.

308.2 On or after February 20, 1976, any security deposit or other payment required by an owner as
security for performance of the tenant’s obligations in a lease or rental of a dwelling unit shall not
exceed an amount equivalent to the first full month’s rent charged that tenant for the dwelling
unit, and shall be charged only once by the owner to the tenant.

308.3 All monies paid to an owner by tenants for security deposits or other payment made as security
for performance of the tenant’s obligations shall be deposited by the owner in an interest bearing
escrow account established and held in trust in a financial institution in the District of Columbia
insured by a federal or state agency for the sole purposes of holding such deposits or payments.

308.4 All monies held by an owner on February 20, 1976 for security deposits or other payments
covered by this section shall be paid into an escrow account within thirty (30) days.

308.5 The owner of more than one residential building may establish one (1) escrow account for
holding security deposits or other payments by the tenants of those buildings.

308.6 For each security deposit or other payment covered by this section, the owner shall clearly state
in the lease or agreement or on the receipt for the deposit or other payment the terms and
conditions under which the payment was made.

308.7 The housing provider shall post in the lobby of the building and rental office at the end of each
calendar year, the following information: Where the tenants’ security deposits are held and what
the prevailing rate was for each 6-month period over the past year. At the end of a tenant’s
tenancy, the housing provider shall list for the tenant the interest rate for each 6-month period
during the tenancy.

308.8 The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to Federal or District of Columbia agencies’
dwelling units leased in the District of Columbia or to units for which rents are Federally

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2908,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955); as amended by: section 3 of the Security
Deposit Act, D.C. Law 1-48, 22 DCR 2823 (November 28, 1975); and section 2 of the
Adjustment of Interest Rates Paid on Rental Security Deposits Amendment Act of 1992, D.C.
Law 9-212, §§ 2908.1(b) and 2908.5, 40 DCR 2204 (March 17, 1993), incorporating by reference
the text of D.C. Act 9-341, 40 DCR 23 (December 21, 1992); as amended by D.C. Act 16-633 at
54 DCR 889 (February 2, 2007).

309.1 Within forty-five (45) days after the termination of the tenancy, the owner shall do one of the

(1) Tender payment to the tenant, without demand, any security deposit and any similar
payment paid by the tenant as a condition of tenancy in addition to the stipulated rent,
and any interest due the tenant on that deposit or payment as provided in paragraph
(4)(a) and (a-1) (14 DCMR § 311); or

(2) Notify the tenant in writing, to be delivered to the tenant personally or by certified mail
at the tenant's last known address, of the owner's intention to withhold and apply the
monies toward defraying the cost of expenses properly incurred under the terms and
conditions of the security deposit agreement.

309.2 The owner, within 30 days after notification to the tenant pursuant to the requirement of
paragraph (2)(a)(2) (14 DCMR § 309.1(b)), shall tender a refund of the balance of the deposit or
payment, including interest not used to defray such expenses, and at the same time give the tenant
an itemized statement of the repairs and other uses to which the monies were applied and the cost
of each repair or other use.

309.3 Failure by the owner to comply with § 309.1 and § 309.2 of this section shall constitute prima
facie evidence that the tenant is entitled to full return, including interest as provided in § 311, of
any deposit or other payment made by the tenant as security for performance of his or her
obligations or as a condition of tenancy, in addition to the stipulated rent.

309.4 Failure by the owner to serve the tenant personally or by certified mail, after good faith effort to
do so, shall not constitute a failure by the owner to comply with § 309.1 and § 309.2.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2908,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955); as amended by: section 3 of the Security
Deposit Act, D.C. Law 1-48, 22 DCR 2823 (November 28, 1975); and section 2 of the Unitary
Rent Ceiling Adjustment Amendment Act of 1992, D.C. Law 9-191, §§ 2908.6 and 2908.7, 40
DCR 2184 (April 2, 1993); as amended by D.C. Act 16-633 at 54 DCR 889 (February 2, 2007).



310.1 In order to determine the amount of the security deposit or other payment to be returned to the
tenant, the owner may inspect the dwelling unit within three (3) days, excluding Saturdays,
Sundays, and holidays, before or after the termination of the tenancy.

310.2 The owner shall conduct the inspection, if the inspection is to be conducted, at the time and place
of which notice is given to the tenant.

310.3 The owner shall notify the tenant in writing of the time and date of the inspection.

310.4 The notice of inspection shall be delivered to the tenant, or at the dwelling unit in question, at
least ten (10) days before the date of the intended inspection.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2908,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955); as amended by section 3 of the Security
Deposit Act, D.C. Law 1-48, 22 DCR 2823 (November 28, 1975).



311.1 The interest in the escrow account described in § 309 on all money paid by the tenant prior to or
during the tenancy as a security deposit, decorating fee, or similar deposit or fee, shall commence
on the date the money is actually paid by the tenant, or within thirty (30) days after February 20,
1976, whichever is later, and shall accrue at not less than the statement savings rate then
prevailing on January 1st and on July 1st for each 6-month period (or part thereof) of the tenancy
which follows those dates. On those dates, the statement savings rate in the District of Columbia
financial institution in which the escrow account is held shall be used. All interest earned shall
accrue to the tenant except for that described in paragraph (4)(a-1) or as set forth in paragraph (2)
(14 DCMR § 309).

311.2 Interest on an escrow account shall be due and payable by the owner to the tenant upon
termination of any tenancy of a duration of twelve (12) months or more, unless an amount is
deducted under procedures set forth in paragraph (2) (14 DCMR §§ 309.1 and 309.2). Any
housing provider violating the provisions of this section by failing to pay interest on a security
deposit escrow account that is rightfully owed to a tenant in accordance with the requirements of
this section, shall be liable to the Rent Administrator or Rental Housing Commission, as
applicable, for the amount of the interest owed, or in the event of bad faith, for treble that amount.
For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "bad faith" means any frivolous or unfounded refusal
to return a security deposit, as required by law, that is motivated by a fraudulent, deceptive,
misleading, dishonest, or unreasonably self-serving purpose and not by simple negligence, bad
judgment, or an honest belief in the course of action taken. Any housing provider who willfully
violates the provisions of this section by failing to pay interest on a security deposit escrow
account that is rightfully owed to a tenant in accordance with the requirements of this section
shall be subject to a civil fine of not more than $ 5000 for each violation.

(1) If the housing provider invests the security deposit in an account with an interest rate
that exceeds that of the statement savings rate as required in subparagraph (a)(14) (14
DCMR § 311.1), the housing provider may apply up to 30% of the excess interest for
administrative costs or other purposes.

311.3 Except in cases where no interest is paid to the tenant as provided in § 311.2, the owner shall not
assign the account or use it as security for loans.

311.4 It is the intent of this section that the account referred to in this section and § 309 shall be used
solely for the purpose of securing the lessees’ performance under the lease.

311.5 This section and § 309 and § 310 shall not be subject to the notice requirements of any other
section of this subtitle.

SOURCE: The Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, 5G DCRR § 2908,

Commissioners’ Order 55-1503 (August 11, 1955); as amended by: section 3 of the Security
Deposit Act, D.C. Law 1-48, 22 DCR 2823 (November 28, 1975); and section 2 of the
Adjustment of Interest Rates Paid on Rental Security Deposits Amendment Act of 1992, D.C.
Law 9-212, § 2908.4(a), 40 DCR 2204 (March 17, 1993), incorporating by reference the text of
D.C. Act 9-341, 40 DCR 23 (December 21, 1992); as amended by D.C. Act 16-633 at 54 DCR
889 (February 2, 2007).

315.1 Prior to the acceptance of a nonrefundable application fee or security deposit, the owner of the
habitation shall provide written notice of any requests that are pending for an adjustment in the
rent ceiling of the habitation, as the adjustments are specifically enumerated in section 207 of the
Rental Housing Act of 1985, D.C. Law 6-10, D.C. Official Code § 42-3502.07 (2001).

315.2 The notification shall include the current rent ceiling, the new rent ceiling requested in the
petition, the petition filing date and petition number, and the nature of any repairs or
rehabilitation planned in the dwelling unit as part of the petition.

315.3 A violation of this section shall be a Class 2 civil infraction pursuant to Titles I- III of the
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs Infractions Act of 1985. Adjudication of any
infraction of this article shall be pursuant to titles I-III of the Department of Consumer and
Regulatory Affairs Civil Infractions Act of 1985.

SOURCE: Section 2 of the Rent Ceiling Adjustment Notification Amendment Act of 1992, D.C.
Law 9-79, §§ 2915.1 through 2915.3, 39 DCR 673 (February 7, 1992).


399.1 The provisions of section 199 of chapter 1 of this title and the definitions set forth in that section
shall be applicable to this chapter.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Landlord and Tenant have signed this Lease as of the date first written



Print Name: 

Print Name: 



Unit No. ,
301-718 301 G Street SW RISKS AND WAIVER. You acknowledge that no charge is
#718 made for this service and, in consideration of this gratuitous
 (street address) in service, you agree to the following: As to any package for
Washington, D.C.,  20024 which we sign and/or receive on your behalf, you understand
(zip code). and agree that we have no duty to notify you of our receipt of
such package, nor do we have any duty to maintain, protect,
2. LEASE CONTRACT DESCRIPTION. or deliver said package to you, nor do we have any duty to
Lease Contract date: August 8, 2023 make said package available to you outside disclosed business
Owner’s name: CPT Building Owner, LLC hours. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, any packages or
 personal property delivered to us or stored by us shall be at
 your sole risk, and you assume all risks whatsoever associated
 with any loss or damage to your packages and personal
 property. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, you, your guests,
Tenants (list all tenants): family, invitees, and agents hereby waive and release us and
our agent (and their respective employees) from any and all
Miguel Angel Osorio Reatiga, Daniela
claims, liabilities, damages and costs (including, without
Judith Trejos Avila, Maria Paula Pinto
limitation, attorneys’ fees), of whatsoever nature, for receiving,
Blanco, Jorge Luis Guerra Florez
holding, losing, misplacing, damaging or destroying any such

package or item received by us, except in the event of our or

our agent’s gross negligence or willful misconduct. You also

agree to defend and indemnify us and our agents and hold us

both harmless from any and all claims that may be brought

by any third party relating to any loss of or damage to property

or injury sustained relating to or arising from any package

that we received on your behalf. You also agree to indemnify

us and our agents and hold us harmless from any damage

caused to us or our agents by any package received by us for
This document shall serve as an addendum (“the Addendum”) you. You also authorize us to throw away or otherwise dispose
that is hereby incorporated into and made part of the of any package that we, in our sole discretion, deem to be
Apartment Lease Contract (the “Lease”) between Tenant and dangerous, noxious, or in the case of packaged food, spoiled,
Owner. Where the terms of the Lease and this Addendum and waive any claim whatsoever resulting from such disposal.
may conflict, the terms of this Addendum shall control.
7. SEVERABILITY. If any provision of this Addendum or the
3. PURPOSE OF ADDENDUM. By signing this Addendum, you Lease Contract is illegal, invalid or unenforceable under any
wish for us to sign for, and to accept, U.S. mail and privately- applicable law, then it is the intention of the parties that
delivered packages or other items on your behalf, subject to (a) such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such
the terms and conditions set forth herein. invalidity or unenforceability only without invalidating or
otherwise affecting the remainder of this Addendum or the
4. PACKAGE ACCEPTANCE. Lease, (b) the remainder of this Addendum shall not be affected
A. Generally. You hereby authorize us and our agent to thereby, and (c) it is also the intention of the parties to this
accept, on your behalf, any package or item delivered to Addendum that in lieu of each clause or provision that is illegal,
our on-site management office during disclosed business invalid or unenforceable, there be added as a part of this
hours, including but not limited to any package delivered Addendum a clause or provision similar in terms to such
by the U.S. Postal Service or by any private courier service illegal, invalid or unenforceable clause or provision as may
or individual. You also specifically authorize us to sign be possible and be legal, valid and enforceable.
on your behalf if the person or entity delivering said
package or item requires an adult signature prior to 8. This Addendum shall remain in effect continuously until such
delivery, including but not limited to the delivery of date as you deliver to us or we deliver to you written notice
certified or registered mail. A photo I.D. is required before of termination of this Addendum, but the release and
any packages will be released. Packages will only be indemnity set forth above shall nonetheless survive any such
released to verified Tenants or approved representatives. termination.
B. Limitations. You understand and agree that we may
refuse to accept any package for any reason or no reason
at all.

5. TIME LIMITATION. Due to limited storage space, you are

required to pick up your package as soon as possible. You also
agree that we shall have no duty whatsoever to hold or store
any package for more than 3 days after receipt
(accordingly, you should notify the management office if you
are going to be away from the apartment home and expect to
be receiving a package(s)). After that time, you agree that any
such package is deemed abandoned and you authorize us to
return the package to its original sender, and you agree that
we will have no liability to you.

© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 1 of 2

9. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions
control over conflicting provisions of this printed form:

Tenant or Tenants Owner or Owner's Representative

(All tenants must sign) (Signs below)

����������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������������������������

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Date of Signing Addendum

����������������������������������������������������������������������� ________________________________________________________________________




© 2022, National Apartment Association, Inc. - 9/2022, Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 2


Declaración de Derechos de los Inquilinos del

Distrito de Columbia

La Ley de Enmiendas de la Declaración de Derechos de los Inquilinos de 2014 , con entrada en

vigor el 17 de diciembre de 2014 (Ley del D.C. 20-147; Código Oficial del D.C., artículos 42-
3531.07(8) y 42-3502.22(b)(1)) requiere a la Oficina del Defensor del Inquilino del D.C. que
publique una “Declaración de Derechos de los Inquilinos del D.C.” que se actualizará
periódicamente y se anuncie en el Registro del D.C.. Este documento no es exhaustivo y está
destinado a proporcionar a los inquilinos una visión general de los derechos fundamentales del
arrendamiento en el Distrito. Excepto por el control de arrendamientos, todos estos derechos se
aplican a todos los inquilinos del Distrito.

1. CONTRATO DE ARRENDAMIENTO: No se necesita un contrato de arrendamiento

escrito para establecer el arrendamiento. Si hay uno, el propietario debe proporcionarle una
copia del contrato de arrendamiento y todos los apéndices. El propietario también debe
proporcionarle copias de ciertas regulaciones de la vivienda del Distrito, incluyendo copias
de las regulaciones de las relaciones entre Propietario e Inquilino. Ciertas cláusulas del
contrato de arrendamiento están prohibidas, incluyendo la renuncia de responsabilidad del
propietario por no mantener adecuadamente la propiedad. El propietario no puede cambiar
las condiciones de su contrato de arrendamiento sin su acuerdo. Después de que expire el
plazo inicial de arrendamiento, usted tiene el derecho de continuar su arrendamiento por
tiempo indefinido de mes a mes en las mismas condiciones, a excepción de los aumentos
de arrendamiento legales. (Título 14 de las Regulaciones Municipales del D.C., artículos
101, 106 y 300-399)

2. DEPÓSITO DE GARANTÍA: El monto del depósito de garantía no podrá superar la

cantidad de 1 mes de renta. El propietario debe colocar el depósito de garantía en una
cuenta que genere intereses. El propietario debe colocar avisos indicando dónde se retiene
el depósito de garantía y cuál es la tasa de interés vigente. Si hay una inspección después
de “mudarse”, el propietario debe notificarle la fecha y la hora. En un plazo de 45 días
después de que desocupe el apartamento, el propietario debe devolverle su depósito de
seguridad con interés, o darle una notificación escrita de que el depósito de garantía se
utilizará para sufragar los gastos legítimos (que deben ser detallados en un plazo de 30 días
más). (Título 14 de las Regulaciones Municipales del D.C., artículos 308-311)

3. DIVULGACIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN: Al recibir su solicitud para rentar un

apartamento, el propietario debe divulgar: (a) el alquiler correspondiente de la unidad de
alquiler; (b) cualquier petición pendiente que podría afectar al alquiler (si se aplica el

control de alquileres); (c) los recargos sobre el alquiler y la fecha de su vencimiento (si se
aplica el control de alquileres); (d) el control de alquileres o el estado de exención de la
vivienda; (e) ciertos informes de violación del código de vivienda; (f) la cantidad de
cualquier cargo no reembolsable de la solicitud, el depósito de garantía y la tasa de interés;
(g) cualquier conversión pendiente de condominio o cooperativa; (h) la información de
propiedad y licencia comercial; (i) o bien un historial de 3 años sobre la “contaminación de
moho” (tal como se define) en la unidad y áreas comunes, o la prueba de remediación
adecuada; y (j) una copia de este documento de Declaración de Derechos de los Inquilinos
del D.C. El propietario debe poner a disposición esta información durante su alquiler. A
petición de un inquilino una vez por año, el propietario también debe divulgar el monto de,
y la base para, cada aumento de los alquileres de los últimos 3 años. Código Oficial del
D.C., artículos 42-3502.22 y .13(d))

4. RECIBOS DE PAGOS DE ALQUILER: El propietario debe proporcionarle un recibo por

cualquier dinero pagado, excepto cuando el pago se realiza mediante cheque personal y sea
la plena satisfacción de todos los montos adeudados. El recibo debe indicar el propósito y
la fecha del pago, así como la cantidad de dinero que se adeuda. (Título 14 de las
Regulaciones Municipales del D.C., artículo 306)

5. AUMENTOS DE ALQUILER: El “Control de alquileres” limita la cantidad y la

frecuencia de los aumentos de alquiler. Para las unidades que están exentas del control de
alquileres, en general, sólo limitan los aumentos de alquiler las condiciones de
arrendamiento. Si corresponde el control de alquileres, el propietario no puede aumentar el
alquiler: (a) a menos que el propietario y el gerente estén debidamente autorizados y
registrados; (b) a menos que las unidades y las áreas comunes cumplan sustancialmente con
el código de la vivienda; (c) más de una vez cada 12 meses; (d) por más del Índice de
Precios al Consumidor (IPC) para un inquilino de edad avanzada (62 años o más) o un
inquilino con una discapacidad, independientemente de sus ingresos, si está registrado con
el Administrador de Alquileres; (e) por más del IPC + 2% para todos los otros inquilinos.
Un aumento de alquiler mayor que (d) o (e) requiere la aprobación del gobierno de una
petición del propietario, la cual los inquilinos pueden impugnar. También puede impugnar
un aumento de alquiler implementado dentro de los últimos 3 años.

6. ESTADO DEL EDIFICIO: El propietario debe asegurarse de que su unidad y todas las
áreas comunes sean seguras y sanitarias desde el primer día de su arrendamiento. Esto se
conoce como la “garantía de habitabilidad.” El propietario debe mantener su apartamento
y todas las áreas comunes del edificio, en cumplimiento con el código de la vivienda,
incluyendo mantener las instalaciones seguras y libres de roedores y plagas, manteniendo la
estructura y las instalaciones del edificio en buen estado, y asegurarse de que haya una
calefacción, iluminación y ventilación adecuadas. El inquilino tiene derecho a recibir una
copia de una notificación de violación emitida al propietario (Título 14 de las Regulaciones
Municipales del D.C., artículos 106; 301; y 400-999)

7. PELIGRO DE PINTURA DE PLOMO: Para las propiedades construidas antes de 1978,

el propietario debe (a) proporcionar a la familia del posible inquilino un formulario emitido
por el Departamento de Medio Ambiente acerca de sus derechos bajo las leyes de plomo
del D.C.; (b) proporcionar un “informe de ausencia de peligro” actual con respecto al
plomo a (i) la familia del posible inquilino que incluya un niño menor de 6 años de edad o
una mujer embarazada, (ii) a la familia del inquilino que ya esté viviendo allí pero que
vayan a agregar una persona y solicite el informe por escrito al propietario, y (iii) a la
familia del inquilino visitada con regularidad por tal persona; y (c) divulgar a la familia del
inquilino lo que el arrendador razonablemente debería saber acerca de la presencia en la
unidad del inquilino de un peligro de pintura a base de plomo o de pintura a base de plomo,
que se supone está presente a menos que haya documentación que demuestre lo contrario.
(Título 20 de las Regulaciones Municipales del D.C., artículos 3300 y siguientes
8. MOHO: Tras la notificación por escrito de un inquilino que existe moho o sospecha de
moho en la unidad o en un área común, el propietario debe inspeccionar los sitios en un
plazo de 7 días y remediarlo en un plazo de 30 días. La evaluación y remediación del moho
se deben realizar de conformidad con las regulaciones del Distrito. (Código Oficial del
D.C., artículo 8-241)

9. DISFRUTE Y REPRESALIAS: El propietario no puede interferir de manera injustificable

en el confort, la seguridad o el disfrute del inquilino de una unidad de alquiler, ya sea con
el propósito de hacer que la unidad quede vacante o con uno diferente (Código Oficial del
D.C., artículo 42-3402.10). El propietario no puede tomar represalias en su contra por el
ejercicio de cualquier derecho de arrendamiento. La represalias incluyen tratar ilegalmente
de recuperar la posesión de su unidad, para aumentar el alquiler, para disminuir los
servicios o aumentar sus obligaciones; y también incluye violar su privacidad, acosarlo, o
negarse a cumplir con su contrato de arrendamiento. (Código Oficial del D.C., artículo 42-

10. DISCRIMINACIÓN: El propietario no puede participar en actos discriminatorios basados

en la: raza, color, religión, origen nacional, sexo, edad, estado civil, información genética,
apariencia personal, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, estado civil,
responsabilidades familiares, discapacidad, matriculación, afiliación política, fuente de
ingresos, condición de víctima de un delito intrafamiliar, o el lugar de residencia o negocio
de cualquier persona, reales o percibidos. Los actos de discriminación incluyen negarse a
alquilar; alquilar en términos, condiciones o privilegios desfavorables; la creación de un
entorno de vida hostil; y negarse a hacer ajustes razonables para dar una persona igual
oportunidad de usar y disfrutar de las instalaciones. (Código Oficial del D.C., artículo 2-
1401.01 y siguientes)

11. DERECHO DE ORGANIZAR: El propietario no puede interferir con el derecho de los

inquilinos de organizar una asociación de inquilinos, convocar reuniones, distribuir
literatura, publicar información, y proporcionar el acceso al edificio a un organizador de
inquilinos externo. (Código Oficial del D.C., artículo 42-3505.06)

12. VENTA Y CONVERSIÓN: Los inquilinos deben tener la oportunidad de comprar un

alojamiento antes de que el propietario venda o demuela el alojamiento o cese en la
utilización de la vivienda. El propietario no puede convertir el alojamiento de alquiler en
una cooperativa o un condominio a menos que una mayoría de los inquilinos vote a favor
de la conversión en una elección de inquilinos certificada por el Administrador de Ventas y
Conversión del Distrito. (Código Oficial del D.C., artículos 42-3404.02 y 42-3402.02)

13. ASISTENCIA DE REUBICACIÓN: Si usted es desplazado debido a cambios o reformas,

rehabilitación sustancial, demolición, o la interrupción del uso de vivienda, es posible que
tenga derecho a recibir asistencia para la reubicación de su propietario. (Código Oficial del
D.C., artículo 42-3507.01)

14. DESALOJO: El propietario puede desalojarlo solamente por una de las diez razones
específicas expuestas en el Título V de la Ley de Viviendas de Alquiler de 1985. Por
ejemplo, es posible que no pueda ser desalojado sólo porque su plazo de arrendamiento
expire, o porque la propiedad de alquiler haya sido vendida o ejecutada. Incluso si hay
una base válida para desalojarlo, el propietario no puede usar métodos de “autoayuda” para
hacerlo, tales como cortar sus servicios públicos o cambiar las cerraduras. En vez de eso,
el propietario tiene que pasar por el proceso judicial. En general, usted debe recibir un
Aviso de Desalojo (una excepción es la falta de pago de la renta, por la que renuncia al
derecho a que se le dé aviso en el contrato arrendamiento); una oportunidad para subsanar
la violación del contrato, si esa es la base para la acción; y una oportunidad para impugnar
las reclamaciones del propietario en el tribunal. Finalmente, cualquier desalojo debe ser
conforme a una orden judicial, y debe ser programado y supervisado por el Servicio de
Alguaciles de Estados Unidos. (Código Oficial del D.C., artículo 42-3505.01)

Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo de la Oficina del Defensor del Inquilino del D.C.
Comunidad del D.C. 2000 14th Street, NW, Suite 300 North
1800 Martin Luther King Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20009
Washington, DC 20020 Teléfono: (202) 719-6560
Teléfono: (202) 442-9505 Fax: (202) 719-6586
Fax: (202) 645-6727 Sitio web:
Sitio web:
Departamento del Consumidor y Asuntos Departamento de Medio Ambiente del
Regulatorios del D.C. Distrito
1100 4th Street, SW 1200 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20024 Washington, DC 20002
Teléfono: (202) 442-4400 Teléfono: (202) 535-2600
Fax: (202) 442-9445 Fax: (202) 535-2881
Sitio web: Sitio web:

Yo/Nosotros, ______________________________, confirmo/confirmamos que he/hemos

recibido el Formulario de la Declaración de Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Inquilinos el
(fecha): ________________________.

What You
NEED TO Know About
Rent Control in the
District of Columbia
Revised January 2022

John Falcicchio,
Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development
Drew Hubbard, DHCD Interim Director
1800 Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue S.E.
Washington, DC 20020
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Key Divisions ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Rental Accommodations Division (RAD) ........................................................................................................ 1
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) ..................................................................................................... 1
Rental Housing Commission................................................................................................................................ 1
Rent Control Terms ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Applicability .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Registration .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Increases in Rent .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Allowable Rent Increases Based on CPI-W ................................................................................................ 2
Rent Increases When a Unit Becomes Vacant or ‘Vacancy Increase’............................................. 3
Other Allowable Rent Increases ........................................................................................................................... 3
Hardship...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Capital Improvements .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Services and Facilities ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Substantial Rehabilitation ................................................................................................................................... 5
70 Percent Voluntary Agreement................................................................................................................... 5
Tenant Petition ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Protections for Elderly and Persons with a Disability.................................................................................. 6
Act and Regulations ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Where to Get Help ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Technical Assistance and Resource Support for Housing Providers and Tenants ........................ 8
This pamphlet will help you understand rent control laws and regulations. The rent control
law is the Rental Housing Act of 1985 (D.C. Law 6-10) as amended (the Act), which is codified
as D.C. Official Code §42-3501.01 et seq., as well as the corresponding D.C. Municipal
Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 4200 et seq. You can find the complete law in most District
of Columbia public libraries or online at:

Key Divisions
Rental Accommodations Division (RAD)
The Rental Accommodations Division (RAD), which is part of the Department of Housing and
Community Development’s (DHCD) Housing Regulation Administration (HRA), is responsible for
administering the Act. The head of RAD is the Rent Administrator. HRA was transferred from the
Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) to DHCD effective October 1, 2007.

Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)

The Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) conducts hearings on RAD petitions.

Rental Housing Commission

A three-member Rental Housing Commission (RHC) is the first level of appeal of the decisions
made on RAD housing provider petitions. The RHC also writes regulations under the Act.

Rent Control Terms

Under the Act, an apartment building, apartment complex or house is called a housing
accommodation, and a single apartment or room is called a rental unit. A tenant is a tenant,
but a landlord is referred to as a housing provider. For certain types of rental units, the Act
regulates how often and how much a housing provider may increase rent. That is called
“rent stabilization” under the Act but is commonly known as “rent control.”

The Act applies to all housing accommodations and rental units in the District of Columbia.
The rent adjustment section of the Act does not apply to rental units that are specifically
exempted by the Act. The most common exemptions are rental units in these categories:
• rental units owned or subsidized by the Federal or District governments;
• rental units built after 1975;
• rental units (including condominium or cooperative units) owned by a natural person
who owns no more than four rental units in the District of Columbia;

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 1 of 10

• rental units that were vacant when the Act took effect; and
• Housing accommodations under a building improvement plan and receiving
rehabilitation assistance through DCHD.

Every housing accommodation or rental unit must be registered with RAD by filing a RAD
Registration or Claim of Exemption form (RAD Form 1). Once registered, the housing
accommodation or rental unit is assigned a registration number. If the housing
accommodation or rental unit is qualifies for exemption, it is assigned an exemption number.
If a housing accommodation or rental unit was initially exempt from rent stabilization but
later falls under rent stabilization, the housing provider must amend the RAD Registration or
Claim of Exemption form at that time. Changes in ownership or management must be filed
with RAD within 30 days of the event. Unregistered housing accommodations or rental units
are automatically rent stabilized until the property is registered with an approved

Increases in Rent
Under the Act, any increase in rent for a rental unit that is rent stabilized must meet these
1. The new rent charged may not be more than the prior rent plus an allowable increase
(described below).
2. The increase in rent charged cannot be more than the increase allowed under any
single section of the Act.
3. The last increase in rent must have been at least 12 months ago (unless the unit is
4. The increase must not violate the lease agreement.
5. The housing accommodation must be properly registered with the RAD.
6. The rental unit and the housing accommodation’s common elements must be in
substantial compliance with housing condition regulations.
7. The housing provider must give a tenant a 30-day advance notice of any increase in

Allowable Rent Increases Based on CPI-W

The most common allowable increase in rent is an annual adjustment, based on the increase
in the Consumer Price Index for the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Statistical Area (CPI-W).
For most tenants, the most that their rent can increase is the CPI-W percentage plus 2
percent, but not more than 10 percent. For elderly tenants or tenants with a disability, the
maximum increase in rent charged is the Consumer Price Index (CPI) percentage or the
Social Security Act Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), whichever is less, but not more than 5
Allowable increases based on CPI or COLA are sometimes called automatic — because no
petition or other special steps are required.

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 2 of 10

Rent Increases When a Unit Becomes Vacant or ‘Vacancy Increase’
The only exception to the limit of one rent increase per year is when a rental unit becomes
vacant. When a tenant vacates a rental unit, he housing provider can raise the rent charged
1. 10 percent more than the rent charged to the former tenant if the former tenant
occupied the unit for 10 years or less; or
2. 20 percent more than the rent charged to the former tenant if the former tenant
occupied the unit for more than 10 years.

Once there has been a vacancy increase in rent, the housing provider cannot make another
increase in rent of any type for 12 months, even if another vacancy occurs.

Other Allowable Rent Increases

A housing provider may choose to seek larger allowable increases under other provisions of
the Act, by filing petitions for hardship, capital improvements, services and facilities
substantial rehabilitation, or a voluntary agreement with 70 percent of the tenants. The
other allowable increases, described in more detail below, are not automatic. The housing
provider must petition or otherwise seek the consent of the Rent Administrator and tenants
may choose to participate in the process, often at hearings before an administrative hearing

Under the Act, housing providers are allowed to raise rents enough to earn a 12 percent
rate-of-return on the housing provider’s rental property investment.
To apply for this increase, the housing provider must document operating expenses for 12 of
the last 15 months preceding the filing of the hardship petition. RAD will notify the tenants
that a hardship petition has been filed and allow the tenants to designate a representative
to support or oppose the petition.
RAD performs an audit of the hardship petition and supporting income and expense
documents. The Rent Administrator issues an order granting or denying the hardship
petition. The housing provider and tenants may each submit exceptions and objections to
the Rent Administrator’s order. If exceptions and objections are submitted, a hearing will be
held with OAH to resolve the disputed matters. OAH will issue an order setting the rent

Capital Improvements
A housing provider can petition to increase rents by an amount enough to cover the cost of
capital improvements. This type of increase in rent is called a surcharge. A capital
improvement is an improvement or renovation other than ordinary repair, or maintenance if
the improvement or renovation is deemed depreciable under the Internal Revenue Code. A
housing provider files a petition, serves copies to the tenants, and presents the case to OAH.
For non-emergency improvements, the capital improvement petition must be filed before the

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 3 of 10

work begins. For emergency improvements, the capital improvement petition must be filed
no later than 10 calendar days after the installation of the emergency improvement.
Tenants may support or oppose the petition. If OAH does not approve or deny the
surcharge within in 60 days after the petition is filed, the housing provider may begin to
perform the work pending OAH approval. If OAH approves the surcharge, the housing
provider completes the work and may then raise rents.
OAH makes a ruling on the capital improvement petition, based on whether:
• the improvement will protect or enhance the health, safety and security of the
tenants or the habitability of the housing accommodation;
• the improvement will be depreciable under the Internal Revenue Code;
• required governmental permits and approvals have been secured; and
• the design and cost of the work are sufficiently documented.

In addition to the work’s cost, the housing provider can include financing costs, including
interest and service charges. The housing provider must spread the costs of a building-wide
improvement project over 96 months. For an improvement to one or more but not all rental
units, the costs must be spread over 64 months. Only units affected by the capital
improvements are subject to rent increases.
The surcharge may be no more than 20 percent of the prior rent charged for a building-wide
capital improvement and no more than 15 percent for an improvement that does not affect
all rental units.
The Act allows a housing provider to continue the surcharge until the housing provider has
recovered all costs, including interest and service charges, of the capital improvement.
Certain low-income elderly and disabled tenants can be exempted from a capital
improvement surcharge.
The surcharge is terminated once the housing provider recovers all costs of the capital

Services and Facilities

The Act allows an adjustment in rents when related services or facilities supplied by a
housing provider or a housing accommodation or for any rental unit in the housing
accommodation are increased or decreased.
A housing provider files a petition, serves copies to the tenants, and presents the case for
the change at an OAH hearing. Tenants may support or oppose the petition. OAH makes a
ruling on the petition, based on:
• the cost to the tenant of buying alternate related services or comparable facilities;
• the operating cost to the housing provider of the related services or facilities; or
• the fair market value of comparable related services or facilities.

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 4 of 10

Substantial Rehabilitation
The housing provider may submit a petition to raise rents for a substantial rehabilitation of
the housing accommodation. A substantial rehabilitation petition is filed only when
proposed rehabilitation cost equals or is more than 50 percent of the real property tax
assessment of the rental unit or housing accommodation. The petition must include detailed
plans, specifications and projected costs. The tenants are notified, a hearing is conducted,
and OAH issues a decision before the work starts. The maximum allowed rent increase is
125 percent.
This rent increase is not a temporary surcharge, but a permanent increase. When
determining if a substantial rehabilitation is warranted, OAH considers:

• whether the substantial rehabilitation is in the interest of the tenants;

• the existing physical condition of the rental unit or housing accommodation as shown
by reports or testimony of D.C. housing inspectors, licensed engineers, architects and
contractors, or other qualified experts;
• whether the existing physical condition impairs or tends to impair the health, safety,
or welfare of any tenant;
• whether the existing physical conditions can be corrected by improved maintenance,
repair or capital improvement; and
• the impact of the proposed rehabilitation on the tenant or tenants in terms of
proposed financial cost, inconvenience, or relocation.

70 Percent Voluntary Agreement

The Act allows tenants of a housing accommodation to enter into a Voluntary Agreement
with the housing provider to establish the rent, capital improvements, services and facilities,
or repairs and maintenance. If the housing provider initiates the Voluntary Agreement, the
tenants must be given at least 14 days to review it following the filing of the Voluntary
Agreement with RAD and service on the tenants.
The Rent Administrator must approve the Voluntary Agreement and any conditions in the
Voluntary Agreement must be met before rents can be raised. If approved, the Voluntary
Agreement will affect all tenants, including those tenants who did not sign the Voluntary
Note: The Voluntary Agreement Moratorium Amendment Act of 2020 (D.C. Law L23-0246
effective March 16, 2021) prohibits voluntary agreements for two years. RAD is not presently
accepting voluntary agreements for review.

Tenant Petition
A tenant who believes that a rent adjustment is incorrect may file a tenant petition with RAD.
When a petition is filed:

1. RAD accepts the petition,

2. RAD transfers the petition to OAH for a hearing;
3. OAH conducts a hearing;
4. The tenant and the housing provider each present their argument(s); and

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 5 of 10

5. OAH issues a decision and order.
A tenant petition may address any perceived violation(s) of the Act.

Protections for Elderly and Persons with a Disability

Under the Act, elderly and persons with a disability are exempt from specific rent
To qualify:
• As an elderly tenant — a tenant must be at least 62 years old.
• Asa tenant with a disability — a tenant must have a disability as defined by the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title 42, Section 12102(2)(A) of the United
States Code).

A tenant who believes he or she fits the definitions of elderly or disabled under the Act
should contact the Rental Accommodations Division when receiving a rent increase to
determine whether he or she qualifies for an exemption from the rent increase.

Act and Regulations

This pamphlet outlines the Act but does not include every detail. Interested parties are
encouraged to review the Act and its regulations or to ask a lawyer or housing professional
for more help.
When laws are enacted, they are called statutes. Statutes then become part of the D.C. Official
Code; in that process section numbers are changed. The website shows the law in code form.
The section numbers from the statute appear in the notes below the text of the law.
To find the Act online, go to
/35/subchapters/II/ and click on the section you want. The Act can be printed from the

The regulations are part of Title 14 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations (2004
ed., as amended). The complete regulations cover Chapter 38-44, but Chapter 42 has key
provisions for registration, rent stabilization, petitions, and evictions.
To find the regulations online, go to ChapterNum=14-
42&ChapterId=2275 and click on the section you want.
The regulations can be printed from the website.

Where to Get Help

For a list of organizations that provide help and support to housing providers and tenants,
go to the end of this pamphlet.

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 6 of 10

At the time this pamphlet was revised, the regulations were revised and went into effect on
December 31, 2021.

Notice of Non-Discrimination: In accordance with the DC Human Rights Act of 1977, as

amended, D.C. Official Code Section 2-1401.01 et seq. (Act) the District of Columbia does not
discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age,
marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial
status, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, genetic information, disability,
source of income, status as a victim of an intrafamily offense, or place of residence or business.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination which is prohibited by the Act. In addition,
harassment based on any of the above protected categories is prohibited by the Act.
Discrimination in violation of the Act will not be tolerated. Violators will be subject to
disciplinary action.

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 7 of 10

Technical Assistance and Resource Support for
Housing Providers and Tenants
These groups and organizations provide technical assistance and resource support to
housing providers and/or tenants under the Rental Housing Act of 1985 (Act), as amended,
D.C. Law 6-10, D.C. Official Code §42-3501 et seq., pursuant to D.C. Official Code §42-
3502.08(f) of the Act.
The following organizations can help housing providers and tenants:
* For housing providers only
** For tenants only

Apartment and Office Building Association Landlord & Tenant Resource Center
of Metro Washington (AOBA) * Superior Court of the District of
1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Columbia
Suite 1005 510 4th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036 Building B, Room 208
(202) 296-3390 Washington, D.C. 20001
w (202) 879-4879
Archdiocese of Washington—Catholic matters/landlord-tenant
924 G Street, N.W. Latino Economic Development Center
Washington, D.C. 20001 (LEDC)
(202) 772-4300 1401 Columbia Road N.W. Unit C-1
Washington, D.C. 20009
D.C. Bar Association Referral Service (202) 588-5102
901 4th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 737-4700 Legal Information Helpline (202) 626-3400
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
Legal Advice and Referral Clinic Legal Aid Society of the District of
(2nd Saturday of each month) Columbia
Northwest Office Main Office
1525 7th Street, N.W. 1331 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20001 Suite 350
(202) 265-2400 Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 628-1161
Southeast Office
640 Good Hope Road, S.E. Southeast Office (The Big Chair)
Washington, D.C. 2041 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E.
20020 Suite 201
(202) 561-8587 Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 628-1161
Housing Counseling Services (HCS)
2410 17th Street, N.W.
Suite 100, Adams Alley
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 667-7006

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 8 of 10

Legal Counsel for the Elderly
601 E Street, N.W.
Suite A-4400
Washington, D.C. 20049
(202) 434-2120
Lydia’s Housing (Ward 7 & Ward 8)
4101 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20032
(202) 373-1050
Marshall Heights Community Development Organization (MHCDO)
Neighborhood Legal Service Program
64 New York Avenue, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
(202) 832-6577
Far Northeast Office
4609 Polk Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20019
(202) 832-6577
Southeast Office
2412 Minnesota Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 832-6577
Rising for Justice
(formerly D.C. Law Students in Court)
901 4th Street, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20001
(202) 638-4798
Small Multifamily Owners Association (SMOA) *
1001 L Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
(202) 873-9211

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 9 of 10


American University Howard University School of Law

Washington College of Law The Clinical Law Center
Clinical Programs 2900 Van Ness Street, N.W.
4300 Nebraska Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008
Washington, D.C. 20016 (202) 806-8082
(202) 274-4000 center
University of the District of Columbia
Catholic University David A. Clarke School of Law
Columbus School of Law Housing Consumer Clinic **
3602 John McCormick Road, N.E. 4340 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20064 Washington, D.C. 20008
(202) 319-6788 (by appointment only) (202) 274-5120 / (202) 274-5073


Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA)
1100 4th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20024
(202) 442-4400
D.C. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
1800 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20020
(202) 442-7200
Rental Accommodations Division (RAD)
(202) 442-9505
Conversion and Sale Division (CASD)
(202) 442-4407
Inclusionary Zoning Program
(202) 442-7221
Office of the Tenant Advocate (OTA)
2001 14th Street, N.W.
Suite 300-North
Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 719-6560
Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH)
441 4th Street, N.W.
Suite 450-North
Washington, D.C. 20001

Rent Control in District of Columbia Pamphlet Page 10 of 10


District of Columbia Tenant Bill of Rights

The Tenant Bill of Rights Amendment Act of 2014 , effective December 17, 2014 (D.C. Law 20-
147; D.C. Official Code §§ 42-3531.07(8) & 42-3502.22(b)(1)) requires the D.C. Office of
Tenant Advocate to publish a “D.C. Tenant Bill of Rights” to be updated periodically and
noticed in the D.C. Register. This document is not exhaustive and is intended to provide tenants
with an overview of the basic rights of tenancy in the District. Except for rent control, all these
rights apply to every tenant in the District.

1. LEASE: A written lease is not required to establish a tenancy. If there is one, the landlord
must provide you with a copy of the lease and all addendums. The landlord must also
provide you with copies of certain District housing regulations, including those for
Landlord & Tenant relations. Certain lease clauses are prohibited, including waiver of
landlord liability for failing to properly maintain the property. The landlord may not change
the terms of your lease without your agreement. After the initial lease term expires, you
have the right to continue your tenancy month-to-month indefinitely on the same terms,
except for lawful rent increases. (14 DCMR §§ 101, 106 & 300-399)

2. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The amount of the security deposit may not exceed the amount of
1 month’s rent. The landlord must place your security deposit in an interest-bearing
account. The landlord must post notices stating where the security deposit is held and the
prevailing interest rate. If there is a “move-out” inspection, the landlord must notify you of
the date and time. Within 45 days after you vacate the apartment, the landlord must either
return your security deposit with interest, or provide you with written notice that the
security deposit will be used to defray legitimate expenses (which must be itemized within
30 more days). (14 DCMR §§ 308-311)

3. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION: Upon receiving your application to lease an

apartment, the landlord must disclose: (a) the applicable rent for the rental unit; (b) any
pending petition that could affect the rent (if rent control applies); (c) any surcharges on the
rent and the date they expire (if rent control applies); (d) the rent control or exempt status
of the accommodation; (e) certain housing code violation reports; (f) the amount of any
non-refundable application fee, security deposit, and interest rate; (g) any pending condo or
coop conversion; (h) ownership and business license information; (i) either a 3-year history
of “mold contamination” (as defined) in the unit and common areas, or proof of proper
remediation; and (j) a copy of this D.C. Tenant Bill of Rights document. The landlord must
make this information accessible to you throughout your tenancy. Upon a tenant’s request
once per year, the landlord must also disclose the amount of, and the basis for, each rent
increase for the prior 3 years. (D.C. Official Code §§ 42-3502.22 & .13(d))

FORM OTA 2015.07.03 p. 1

4. RECEIPTS FOR RENTAL PAYMENTS: The landlord must provide you with a receipt
for any money paid, except where the payment is made by personal check and is in full
satisfaction of all amounts due. The receipt must state the purpose and the date of the
payment, as well as the amount of any money that remains due. (14 DCMR § 306)

5. RENT INCREASES: “Rent control” limits the amount and the frequency of rent
increases. For units that are exempt from rent control, generally only the lease terms limit
rent increases. If rent control applies, the landlord may not raise the rent: (a) unless the
owner and manager are properly licensed and registered; (b) unless the unit and common
areas substantially comply with the housing code; (c) more frequently than once every 12
months; (d) by more than the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for an elderly tenant (age 62 or
over) or tenant with a disability, regardless of income, if registered with the Rent
Administrator; (e) by more than the CPI + 2% for all other tenants. A rent increase larger
than (d) or (e) requires government approval of a landlord petition, which tenants may
challenge. You also may challenge a rent increase implemented within the prior 3 years.

6. BUILDING CONDITIONS: The landlord must ensure that your unit and all common
areas are safe and sanitary as of the first day of your tenancy. This is known as the
“warranty of habitability.” The landlord must maintain your apartment and all common
areas of the building in compliance with the housing code, including keeping the premises
safe and secure and free of rodents and pests, keeping the structure and facilities of the
building in good repair, and ensuring adequate heat, lighting, and ventilation. The tenant
has the right to receive a copy of a notice of violation issued to the landlord (14 DCMR §§
106; 301; & 400-999)

7. LEAD PAINT HAZARD: For properties built prior to 1978, the landlord must (a) provide
a prospective tenant household with a form issued by the District Department of the
Environment about their rights under the D.C. lead laws; (b) provide a current lead-safe
“clearance report” to (i) a prospective tenant household that includes a child less than 6
years of age or a pregnant woman, (ii) an in-place tenant household that gains such a
person and requests the report in writing from the landlord, and (iii) any tenant household
regularly visited by such a person; and (c) disclose to a tenant household what the landlord
reasonably should know about the presence in the tenant’s unit of a lead-based paint hazard
or of lead-based paint, which is presumed to be present unless there is documentation
showing otherwise. (20 DCMR §§ 3300 et seq.)
8. MOLD: Upon written notice from a tenant that mold or suspected mold exists in the unit
or a common area, the landlord must inspect the premises within 7 days and remediate
within 30 days. Mold assessment and remediation must be performed in compliance with
District regulations. (D.C. Official Code § 8-241)

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9. QUIET ENJOYMENT AND RETALIATION: The landlord may not unreasonably
interfere with the tenant’s comfort, safety or enjoyment of a rental unit, whether for the
purpose of causing the housing accommodation to become vacant or otherwise (D.C.
Official Code § 42-3402.10). The landlord may not retaliate against you for exercising any
right of tenancy. Retaliation includes unlawfully seeking to recover possession of your
unit, to increase the rent, to decrease services or increase your obligations; and also
includes violating your privacy, harassing you, or refusing to honor your lease. (D.C.
Official Code § 42-3505.02)

10. DISCRIMINATION: The landlord may not engage in discriminatory acts based upon the
actual or perceived: race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, genetic
information, personal appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, familial
status, family responsibilities, disability, matriculation, political affiliation, source of
income, status as a victim of an intra-family offense, or place of residence or business of
any individual. Discriminatory acts include refusing to rent; renting on unfavorable terms,
conditions, or privileges; creating a hostile living environment; and refusing to make
reasonable accommodations to give a person an equal opportunity to use and enjoy the
premises. (D.C. Official Code § 2-1401.01 et seq.)

11. RIGHT TO ORGANIZE: The landlord may not interfere with the right of tenants to
organize a tenant association, convene meetings, distribute literature, post information, and
provide building access to an outside tenant organizer. (D.C. Official Code § 42-3505.06)

12. SALE AND CONVERSION: Tenants must be given the opportunity to purchase an
accommodation before the landlord sells or demolishes the accommodation or discontinues
the housing use. The landlord may not convert the rental accommodation to a cooperative
or condominium unless a majority of the tenants votes for the conversion in a tenant
election certified by the District’s Conversion and Sale Administrator. (D.C. Official Code
§§ 42-3404.02 & 42-3402.02)

13. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE: If you are displaced by alterations or renovations,

substantial rehabilitation, demolition, or the discontinuance of the housing use, you may
have the right to receive relocation assistance from your landlord. (D.C. Official Code §

14. EVICTION: The landlord may evict you only for one of ten specific reasons set forth in
Title V of the Rental Housing Act of 1985. For example, you may not be evicted just
because your lease term expires, or because the rental property has been sold or foreclosed
upon. Even if there is a valid basis to evict you, the landlord may not use “self-help”
methods to do so, such as cutting off your utilities or changing the locks. Rather, the
landlord must go through the judicial process. You generally must be given a written
Notice to Vacate (an exception is non-payment of rent where you waive the right to notice
in the lease); an opportunity to cure the lease violation, if that is the basis for the action;
and an opportunity to challenge the landlord’s claims in court. Finally, any eviction must
be pursuant to a court order, and must be scheduled and supervised by the U.S. Marshal
Service. (D.C. Official Code § 42-3505.01)

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D.C. Dept. of Housing and Community D.C. Office of the Tenant Advocate
Development 2000 14th Street, NW, Suite 300 North
1800 Martin Luther King Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20009
Washington, DC 20020 Phone: (202) 719-6560 Fax: (202) 719-
Phone: (202) 442-9505 Fax: (202) 645-6727 6586 Website:
D.C. Dept. of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs District Dept. of the Environment
1100 4th Street, SW 1200 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20024 Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 442-4400 Fax: (202) 442-9445 Phone: (202) 535-2600 Fax: (202) 535-
Website: 2881 Website:

I/We, ______________________________, confirm that I/We have received a Tenant Bill of

Rights and Responsibilities Form on (insert date): ________________________.

FORM OTA 2015.07.03 p. 4

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