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 Software is set of instruction or set of program’s

which is use to perform a specific task.
 2 types of software:
1] System software 2] Application software.


It is type of software which is used to interact with hardware

as well as software can also be used as a platform for other
application software. Eg: OS


 It is type of software which is used to perform a specific task.

 there are two type of application software
1] Stand alone application software.
2] Web application software.

Stand-alone application software

It is type of software which can run without help of internet example: notepad, MS, mysql

Web application software

It is type of software which can run with the help of internet

OS [ Operating Software ]

It is type of system software which support the basic functionality’s of a computer like :

Controlling the hardware & scheduling task etc..

Type of OS :

1] Host os : it is type of os which is installed in computer

2] Guest os : it is type of os which installed in host os with the help of virtual machine

 It allows one computer to run multiple os.
 Each virtual machine run each os.
 Partition physical resource in vm like ram, rom cpu.
 Terminology host os guest os, virtual machine snapshot.
 Hyper voicer is tool that helps create virtual machine.
 Snapshot : is used to take back up form virtual machine.

manage all virtual machines settings in file, virtual machine changes through vagrant file

Simple command like

Vagrant init : create

Vagrant up : power on VM

Vagrant ssh : login to VM.

Vagrant halt : power off vm

Vagrant destroy : vagrant destroy.


It is open source community operating system which is used to develop to manage the devices. Like
mobile servers, computers etc..

Two types of Linux

Server based Linux operating system

Network based Linux operating system

Server based : is used to manage all the different types of server’s like web server, database server,
file server etc..

Network based : is used to manage all the network operation and devices like routers, switches etc..

Different of type/flavour/distribution of linux : UNIX, FINUX,KALI-LINUX,RED HAT, UBUNTU, CENT OS,

FEDORA etc..

Shell : it is command line interpreter which lets user to execute the commands.

Kernel : it is interface between hardware and shell where it takes the instruction from shell &
executes on hardware.

Commands of Linux:

1. cd : used to change directory or change the path from one folder to another folder
2. mkdir : this command used to create “folder”
3. pwd : this is present working directory, this is used to check the current folder.
4. ls : this is used to list all the file and folders present i the directory.
5. clear : this command is used to clear the screen.
6. cat : this command used to read and display the content of the file.
7. tac : this command used to read and display the content of the file in reverse order.
8. touch : this command used to create the file.
9. sudo –i : this is command is used to create root user.
10. vi : is used to write the content inside the file.
[ vim : vim is editor which allows the user to write content in the file ]
11. :wq : is used save and exit from the file
12. :w : save the content of the file.
13. :q : is used to close editor.
14. history : used to see all commands which are taken by user.
15. exit : used to exit from the terminal.
16. rm file-name : this is used to remove particular file from the folder.
17. rmdir “folder-name” : used to delete or remove the empty folder.
18. rm –r “folder-name” : this command is used to delete the folder which contains file.
19. rm –r *.extension : remove type of files.
20. rm –r * : remove all the folder from disk.
21. rm –r folder-name/* .extension : remove particular file from particular folder being in
22. rm –r * : remove all the folder from the disk.
23. cp –r : this command us to copy the entire folder from one folder to an other folder.
24. cp –r source folder/* destination folder : this command used to copy all the files from
one folder to another folder.
25. head “” : this command used to display the content of the file from top 10
26. head –n “number” “” : this command used to display the mentioned lines from
head of the file .
27. tail “” : this command used to display the last 10 lines of the file.
28. tail –n “number” “”: this command used to display the mentioned lines from
tail of the file.
29. mv : this command will move the folder or file from source to destination.
30. mv source-folder/ destination-folder :
31. mv source-folder/*.extension destination-folder :
32. mv source-folder/* destination-folder :
33. mv source-folder destination-folder :

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