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Action Research Proposal

Name: Jaype Llamo Dalit

Proposed Title:Blended learning for student with medical and other condition and its effect on student

I.Context and rationale

This field research seeks to examine the effects of blended learning on student achievement in the
classroom. The focus of the research is the idea that students do not use their full potential in
assessments, and the question of how to most effectively help them realize their potential through a
new teaching method. This research study tend to answer the research question. This study involved a
group of 11th grade students attending Yapang National High School. Some students were taught
blended learning due to medical and other condition. Qualitative and quantitative research was
conducted using student surveys and student evaluation data. Based on quantitative data collected
through formative and summative assessments, overall student performance improved. Based on
qualitative data collected through both pre- and post-concept surveys and researcher journal
contributions, students' understanding of blended learning as a classroom methodology showed
increased achievement and positive student perceptions of the learning process. .Blended learning is a
technique that has gained traction in educational communities in recent years and has shown promise in
effectively doing what it set out to do: educate students in ways that fit their learning style. Definitions
of blended learning differ as individual practitioners describe it in the way that it works best for them in
their classrooms. Blended learning is described by Russell T. Osguthorpe and Charles R.Graham (2003):

Blended-learning combines face-to-face with distance delivery systems. … the internet is involved, but
it's more than showing a page from a website on the classroom screen. And it all comes back to teaching
methodologies—pedagogies that change according to the unique needs of learners. Those who use
blended learning environments are trying to maximize the benefits of both face-to-face and online
methods— using the web for what it does best, and using class time for what it does best. According to
one researcher, the “use of blended learning technology could provide students with the flexibility to
learn at their own pace and (help strengthen) other outside responsibilities” (Edrem, 2014, p. 203).

II: Action Research question

Based on my experience in the classroom, I realized that I would sit down and master the teaching
method. Sharing and testing the required information with students became my daily goal, and I noticed
that students lost interest in the content being discussed and were easily distracted by other things in
class. With that, I began to realize that my direct teaching and focus on test scores caused students to
miss the important connections and applications that social studies has to the real world—relevance
became a more difficult discussion because it wasn't given to kids. chance to see it. An action research
project was conducted with Yapang National High School students to investigate the impact of blended
learning and its impact on student achievement to answer the following question:
How does the implementation of blended learning for some students in a Yapang national high school
affect student achievement?

III: Proposed innovation, intervention strategy

To develop a plan that works to answer the question for this action in practice, there were several
considerations that were taken into account. In order to effectively answer the question, the study was
designed in such a way so that at the completion of it, the answer should be apparent. The dependent
variable for the quantitative piece of the research question is student achievement on assessments and
surveys administered after the unit was taught using blended learning and the independent variable for
the study is the blended learning teaching method, the method in which the material will be taught. The
qualitative piece will explore the ways in which students respond to the blended learning methodology
on a daily basis as the study is executed.

The 11th grade students were participants in Yapang national hight school Experience Unit in their
General academic strands using a blended learning teaching method. This mixed method approach
which includes a combination of direct instruction and a mixture of self-directed activities, and
cooperative group work was carefully designed and research driven.

IV:Action Research methods

Several considerations were taken into account in developing a plan to address this action research
question in practice. In order to effectively answer the question, the survey was designed in such a way
that the answer is obvious after completion. The dependent variable of the quantitative part of the
research question is the achievements of the students in the evaluations and surveys completed after
teaching the unit using blended learning, and the independent variable of the research is the blended
teaching method according to which the material is taught . Qualitative work examines how students
react to a blended learning methodology on a daily basis during the research. Grade 11 students
attended the Yapang National Hight School Experience Unit for their general academic strands using a
blended learning approach. This mixed-methods approach, which includes a combination of direct
instruction and self-directed activities and collaborative group work, is carefully designed and inquiry-

A.Participant and other sources data

The school that is being used as a context for this study is a traditional public high school, grades 11,
which is in Yapang Baranggay Batong buhay.There are approximately 35 students that will be taking
part in this action research study. The students that will be participating will be enrolled in the Yapang
national high school Grade 11 for the entirety of the 2023-2024 school year.

B.Data gathering methods

This study focuses on the level of academic achievement of students when a blended classroom
environment is implemented for general academic areas. Reporting was mainly based on numerical or
quantitative data - test scores and rating scales describing attitudes or feelings about the teaching
method - collection of written, observational notes - teacher/researcher diary or qualitative data. To
effectively carry out the action research project on the classroom scenario that changes the structure of
the learning environment - collecting test results and answers on a numerical scale does not give a
complete picture of the success or failure of the teaching method. A prospective teacher whose ultimate
goal is to ensure student success is not only concerned with numerical data, but must constantly seek
ways to improve their practice. If there is data showing that student perception is positive, but test
data shows a negative effect, there may be room for further investigation. Collecting data from both can
indicate that the particular instruction was ineffective, giving the opportunity to repeat the action
research later, just in a different way. Therefore, quantitative data collection is not sufficient in this
action research design - both types of data were collected.

C.Data analysis plan

A comparison of pre- and post-assessment data was completed to measure student growth from the
beginning to the end of the lesson. Then, based on data from the students about their observations
and learning styles both before and after the combined unit, surveys were used to gain insight into the
possible different external factors that may have led to the results. In particular, information from
learning style surveys, attitude surveys, and access to technology were compared with positive or
negative achievement scores observed in student ratings. Individual and group achievements from
previous assessments were then compared with the results of the blended learning assessment to
assess the effectiveness of the blended learning teaching and learning method. These instruments used
to measure student understanding and academic achievement are reliable because the questions used
are carefully considered in their design.

V: Action Research work plan

Problem Intervention Possible AR title Research question Data sources

Some student with Provide enough Blended learning for How can blended Questionare
diffirent situation learning materials some student with learningbaffect the
take blended medical and other student
learning like situation and its performance
modular and how it effect on student
Give a video lesson What is the
affect thier
from youtube or
academic other reliable achievement difference between
performance source. student learn face-
compare with the to-face and student
student going to learn with blended
school and teach by learning.
the teacher.

VI:Cost estimated

The estimated cost for this action research is one thousand pesos for bond paper,printed materials.

VII:Plan for dissemination and utilization

The researcher will be promped to asses the academic performance of between student in Blended
learning and face-to-face learning.The teacher and principal will be ask for approval to have a formal
observation in order to answer the question and interview.

VII: Reference

Erdem, M., & Kibar, P. N. (2014). Students' opinions on Facebook supported blended
learning environment. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology -TOJET, 13(1), 199-206.
Mertler, C. A. (2014). Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators (4th ed.). Los
Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc

Osguthorpe, R. T., & Graham, C. R. (2003). Blended learning environments: definitions and directions.
Quarterly Review Of Distance Education


1.What was your experience in writing action research plan?

I experience an excellent opportunity to develop relationships with faculty members who work in my
area of interest and make connections with other students working on research.

2.What knowledge, attitude,and skills did you have that help you accomplish it?

I will become a critical thinker because a successful researcher is a deductive thinker who can think
clearly and logically and make the necessary connections between observations, research results and
basic knowledge learned. Based on these relationships, observations and research findings can be
described and concluded.
3. What do i need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher -researcher?

I need to improve my organizational skills because good organization allows me to see where i have
been and helps me to see how to move forward. Keeping all my research organized will help me avoid
inefficient searches.

Check for 1astery

Preparing an Action Research Plan requires observation, noticing, inquiry, reflection,prior readings. It is a
tedious process but vou wìll find it easy to implement if you have a good plan.As mentioned earlier "A
good plan, is half of the work done."

Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given.

1. As a beginning action researcher, what should be your primary task?

A. ldentify the problem that is a cause of concern in the class.

B. Reflect on the other problematic situations.

C. Ask help from your mentor on how to solve the problem.

D. Disregard the problem, after all you are still a student.

2. In doing action research, continuous reflection in every step of the way should be done.

A. This statement is NOT true since reflection has its own time.

B. This statement is true since research requires continuous inquiry.

C. This statement is doubtful since there are steps to follow.

D. This statement is only applicable to other kinds of research.

3. In looking for an appropriate solution to the identified problem, the main purpose is to

A. remove malpractices in teaching-learning

B. reward learners who do more than others

C. promote teachers who conduct research

D. A, B and C

4. In an action research, you should see to it that the intervention

A. is doable

B. is new
C. is of short duration

D. should not require statistics

5. Planning an action research requires a researcher to

A. follow strict procedure

B. frequently reflect on the process

C. match the solution to the identified problem

D. A, B and C

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