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Name ___________________________________ Date _____________

Collaboration Lesson 3
Worked Example for the Main activity
Challenge topic: Biodiversity and ecosystem loss
Team: Jack’s team

Question: Are humans responsible for biodiversity and ecosystem loss?

Perspective: Yes, humans are responsible for biodiversity and ecosystem loss.

Opinion Comment

Was there a range of visuals (text, images)? Well-chosen visuals

Was the type of font and size suitable for the audience? Yes, easy to read

Was there a clear structure (beginning, middle and end)? Conclusion missing

Was the content relevant? Yes, very

Did the content answer the question? Not really, as there was no conclusion

Were the arguments supported with evidence? Some but not all points had evidence

Did the presenters make eye contact with the audience? Yes

Did they speak clearly? Yes

Were all members of the team actively involved? Jack did more than the others and Maria did
very little

Peer feedback comments:

Highlight(s): Engaging presentation with lots of ideas relevant to the topic.
Area(s) for development: Needs a conclusion to answer the question and would benefit from further evidence to
support points made.

Teacher feedback comments: Agree with peer feedback

Self-assessment comments: Agree with peer feedback

Targets for development:

1 Add a conclusion
2 Answer the question
3 Include at least one piece of evidence for each point.

Cambridge Lower Secondary Global Perspectives 8 – Laycock © Cambridge University Press 2021

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