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Match the principle to its definition.

Sustainable Design
Principle Definition

Adopting a design approach where products and materials are viewed as nutrients
circulating in closed-loop systems, with the goal of eliminating waste and maximizing
Reduce resource efficiency by ensuring that materials can be perpetually reused or recycled.

Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental impacts associated with a

product, process, or service throughout its entire life span, from raw material extraction to
Reuse disposal, to identify areas for improvement and guide sustainable design decisions.

Designing products and materials that can decompose naturally into non-toxic substances
when disposed of, reducing the accumulation of waste in landfills and minimizing
Recycle environmental pollution.

Designing products or systems with the intention of making them easy to dismantle and
separate into component parts for repair, reuse, or recycling at the end of their life cycle,
Energy Efficiency promoting resource recovery and minimizing waste generation.

Minimal Designing products, buildings, or systems to minimize energy consumption while maximizing
Environmental performance. This involves using energy saving technologies, optimizing design for energy
Impact conservation, and reducing energy waste.

Designing with the goal of minimizing negative effects on the environment throughout the
entire lifecycle of a product, service, or system. This principle considers factors such as
Renewable Energy resource use, pollution, emissions, and habitat destruction.

Drawing inspiration from nature's designs, processes, and systems to create sustainable
solutions that utilise biological strategies for efficiency, resilience, and adaptability, resulting
Biodegradability in innovative and environmentally friendly designs.

Extending the lifespan of products, materials, or components by finding new uses for them
Cradle-to-Cradle instead of disposing of them after initial use. It reduces waste generation and conserves
Design resources by preventing the need for new production.

Implementing design strategies and technologies to reduce water consumption in products,

Life Cycle buildings, and processes, while also managing and treating the resource efficiently to
Assessment (LCA) minimize pollution and conserve freshwater resources.

Minimizing the consumption of resources by using less material, energy, or other inputs in
the design and production process. This principle focuses on decreasing the overall
Biomimicry environmental footprint.

Recovering materials from products at the end of their useful life and processing them into
Design for new materials or products. It reduces the demand for virgin materials, conserves resources,
Disassembly and decreases the environmental impact of waste disposal.
Sustainable Design
Principle Definition

Utilizing energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric,
and biomass, to reduce reliance on finite fossil fuels and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Water Efficiency associated with energy production.

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