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Perceived Quality of Virtual Reality over Millimeter

Wave Wireless Networks

Abstract—Combined with its increasing use over the years

in both consumer and business contexts, there has been a
significant surge in research and development towards wireless
Virtual Reality (VR) solutions. By replacing the tethered con-
nection between the desktop and the Head-Mounted Display
(HMD) with a high throughput wireless connection, the user
can experience a higher degree of movement freedom, which
in turn increases the immersion. Millimeter Wave (mmWave)
networks have the potential to provide the required bandwidth
and latency needed by interactive wireless VR applications.
However, mmWave wireless VR data transmission is prone to
link degradation due to obstacles and mobility, and state-of-
the-art solutions require compression due to limited throughput
capabilities. These impairments could affect the user’s perceived
quality in unexpected manners. In this paper, we perform an
experimental evaluation of the effects of mmWave networks on
the perceived quality of VR. Therefore, we employed the HTC
Vive VR HMD, which can be used wirelessly with the TPCAST Fig. 1. The hardware components of the wireless testbed and the data flow
mmWave wireless adapter, to assess the perceived quality of between them. The orange and green arrows represent the flow of input
streamed VR video. As a baseline, we used the wired version of data and audiovisual data, respectively. The blue components represent the
the same HMD. We found that the main reductions in perceived TPCAST hardware added to make the setup wireless. In the wired version of
quality are caused by the significant compression used in the the testbed, these blue components are replaced by an HDMI and USB cable
wireless solution, rather than by link degradation and attenuation provided with the VR headset.
due to obstacles or mobility.
Index Terms—Virtual Reality, wireless VR, video quality,
objective quality assessment can be turned into a mmWave HMD. However, the effects
of these wireless VR solutions on perceived quality are not
I. I NTRODUCTION well explored. In [3], an experimental study was conducted
with the HTC Vive to examine the differences between wired
Over the past decade, Virtual Reality (VR) has seen a sig- and wireless VR in terms of presence, cybersickness and game
nificant rise in popularity and is already used for a number of experience. The study reported significant differences in favor
different applications and use cases [1], [2]. As the technology of the wireless setup in terms of game experience. In [5],
evolved, it became clear that VR Head-Mounted Displays an objective quality assessment approach is proposed. Using
(HMDs) requiring a tethered connection to a desktop PC limit the HTC Vive and TPCAST wireless adapter, a testbed was
the immersiveness of the VR experience [3]. As a result, fully developed to capture the wireless HDMI and USB signals
standalone VR solutions with on-board processing, such as to observe video and input traffic, respectively. The study
the Meta Quest 21 , have been developed in recent years to revealed delivery issues in both input and video traffic when
provide a cableless VR experience. However, standalone VR exposed to object blockage.
is constrained by the limited computational power available In this work, we build upon the testbed presented in [5] and
on the HMD. Therefore, HMDs with a wireless connection to add two improvements: (i) we explicitly benchmark wireless
a separate computing device seem promising. More specifi- VR with the wired version of the HMD; (ii) we provide a
cally, Millimeter Wave (mmWave) frequencies can be used in measure of the perceived quality of the system. Therefore,
room-scale VR to enable a low latency, high throughput and we recorded the received video segments to objectively score
untethered connection to the HMD [4]. Additionally, unlike the perceived quality using full-reference video metrics (i.e.,
standalone VR solutions, there are no limitations in terms of VMAF [6]).
computing power.
The HTC Vive2 is a commercially available VR HMD II. W IRELESS VR T ESTBED I NFRASTRUCTURE
that, with the addition of the TPCAST Wireless Adapter3 ,
Fig. 1 shows the structure of the wireless VR testbed. It
1 has two components: the VR setup (Section II-A) and the
2 capture setup (Section II-B), which allow to stream a video
3 en/htcvive.html to the HTC Vive HMD, while simultaneously capturing the

Setting Value
Resolution 2160×1200
Frame rate 89.53 Hz
Video bitrate 32 768 kbps
Audio bitrate 128 kbps
Aspect ratio 9:5
Codec type H.264
GOP size 1s
Bitrate control mode CBR
Profile High

Fig. 2. VR setup.

video by means of a capture card. In the wired version of the
testbed, that serves as a baseline, the blue components shown This section describes the experiments performed to assess
in Fig. 1 are replaced by an HDMI and USB cable provided the perceived quality of VR over wireless VR. During the
with the VR headset. experiments, the HMD beacons were placed approximately
2 m away from each other, while the HMD was placed 1.5 m
A. VR Setup in front of the beacons. The TPCAST transmitter was placed
The VR setup consists of a VR-enabled laptop, which at 1.5 m of the receiver on the headset (Fig. 2).
renders the VR applications, and the HTC Vive HMD, which The steps described below were performed under three
displays the content rendered by the laptop. The HTC Vive different VR scenarios: Wired, Wireless and Wireless with
has a resolution of 2160×1200 (1080×1200 per eye) and a Blockage. For the last scenario, we generated blockage on the
refresh rate of 89.53 Hz. The used laptop has an Intel Core i7- mmWave link by placing a tin cookie box over the transmitter,
10750H CPU, a Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 GPU and 16 GB in order to simulate environmental obstacles that might cause
of RAM. attenuation. The tin box reliably caused quality degradation
In the wireless testbed, the cable between the laptop and and artifacts in the HMD, visible with the naked eye.
HMD is replaced by three wireless TPCAST components: the
transmitter, the HMD adapter and the router. The transmitter A. Video Segments Generation
streams video data to the HMD adapter over a 60 GHz We used the OpenVR Benchmark tool [8] to generate
mmWave link using WirelessHD and a proprietary TPCAST video segments. This benchmark renders a minute-long, fully
compression algorithm [7]. The TPCAST adapter not only reproducible video in the HMD, independent of the controller
receives the video data sent by the transmitter, but also and HMD positions. This allowed us to make a recording in
sends input data (e.g., controllers and HMD positions) to the each of the different scenarios and then compare them. The
TPCAST router over a 5 GHz Wi-Fi link. The router receives benchmark renders a fly-through through a voxel world (see
the input data and forwards it to the VR laptop over Ethernet. Fig. 3), at the HMD’s native resolution of 2160×1200.
Finally, an HDMI splitter is used to split the video signal in
two, so that one can be used for recording. B. Recording
Using the Magewell Capture Express software, we were
B. Capture Setup
able to record the minute-long video sequences generated by
The capture setup in each testbed consists of a capture PC the benchmark as they would appear in the HMD. The settings
with an Intel Core i7-4790K processor, 16 GB of memory used in the capture software can be found in Table I. We
and did not have a GPU. Furthermore, a Magewell Pro recorded one video in each scenario (i.e., three recordings in
Capture HDMI 4K Plus4 capture card was added to record total), as well as a Reference video. This is simply a second
the incoming video frames. The Magewell Capture Express5 recording in the Wired scenario and serves as the reference in
software was installed on the capture PC, which allowed us to the video metric.
record the split HDMI video signal in native resolution, both
in the wired and wireless VR configuration. C. Video Pre-processing for the Evaluation
In the wired testbed, the HDMI cable coming from the VR Before using the recordings in the full-reference video met-
laptop is used as input to the splitter. In the wireless testbed, ric, we performed three transformations on all video segments,
the video signal received by the TPCAST adapter serves as namely trimming, cropping and frame rate stabilization.
input to the splitter, allowing us to record the received video First, as the recordings were started and stopped manually,
signal as it is displayed on the HMD after transmission over they turned out to be of slightly different length. As such, the
the mmWave link. first step before the objective evaluation was to trim them to
4 60 s from the first benchmark frame, in order to compare them
5 to the benchmark recording.
Fig. 3. OpenVR benchmark in the Wireless scenario, showing a green artifact
along the right-hand side. This artifact was not visible inside the HMD.

Fig. 4. VMAF scores and statistics of each scenario. The Wired scenario has
a larger interquartile range compared to the other scenarios, while the Wireless
Next, the wireless scenarios produced recordings with a and Wireless with Blockage scenarios have significantly more outliers.
green artifact on the far right side of the screen (see Fig. 3),
which we suspect to be caused by the proprietary TPCAST
compression algorithm. Since the artifact consistently reoc- IV. R ESULTS
curred in all wireless recordings and was not visible on the Fig. 4 presents the VMAF scores for each of the scenarios
HMD itself, we cropped the artifact out of the recording so over time, as well as, the statistical characteristics of the
it would not impact the final results. More specifically, we VMAF score in each scenario. We noticed that the scores for
removed 60 pixels from the left and right hand side of all the Wired recording are very noisy. This could be caused by:
videos, resulting in a video resolution of 2040×1200. (i) the frame rate transformation; and (ii) the fact that Wired
Finally, the resource-intensive nature of the OpenVR bench- and Reference are two separate videos recorded in the same
mark caused the rendered content to be only 30 Hz, instead wired environment.
of the stable 89.53 Hz supported by the HMD. Since full- The low median value of the Wired scenario, representing
reference video metrics compare videos frame by frame, we a comparison between two distinct recordings in the wired
re-encoded all videos to a stable frame rate of 20 Hz. environment, shows the effects of the video transformations.
It is important to note that the frame rate stabilization is Moreover, the large difference in the median value between
quite a destructive transformation. The original recordings Wired and Wireless indicates that the proprietary compression
had slightly different frame rates due to the nature of the has a greater impact on the VMAF score than the artificial
benchmark, meaning that different frames were removed in blockage.
order to reduce the overall rate to 20 Hz. This had a significant The discrepancy between the Wired and Wireless scores
impact on the output score of our video metric, and as a result, emphasizes the need to develop high-quality compression
we cannot interpret these results as absolute values. However, algorithms, as well as wireless technologies that can stream
since we applied the same transformations to all videos, we high-quality 3D video content without applying significant
can compare the results with each other. compression (e.g., IEEE 802.11ay). The further reduction in
quality between Wireless and Wireless with Blockage can be
D. Perception Quality Metric alleviated by avoiding blockages through predictive spatially
aware beamforming and handovers between access points [12].
To assess the perceived quality of the recordings, we
used the Video Multimethod Assessment Fusion (VMAF) [9] V. C ONCLUSION & F UTURE W ORK
metric. VMAF predicts the perceptual quality of a video by In this paper, we have performed an objective comparison
using multiple elementary metrics, human vision modeling and between the wired and mmWave version of the HTC Vive
machine learning [6]. This metric produces a linear output in terms of perceived video quality. The results showed that
score between 0 and 100, where a higher score is better. the wireless compression caused a significantly larger drop in
VMAF was originally designed to score 2D content and perceived quality than the artificially generated blockage.
comes with three pre-trained models: “1080p”, “mobile In future work, we will first perform a subjective evalu-
phone” and “4K”. However, according to [10], the 4K VMAF ation of the content to complement the perception analysis.
model can also be used for high-resolution omnidirectional Moreover, the study will be extended to determine the effects
videos. Moreover, it has been shown to correlate very well of other environmental factors, such as wireless interference
with the human visual system for VR environments [11]. Thus, or user mobility. Finally, the use of a less resource-intensive
we used the 4K VMAF model to score each of the scenarios, benchmark and a higher performing rendering machine would
with the wired Reference video serving as the reference. eliminate the need for the video transformations.
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