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4 Going places

Grammar Past
| Present
| was / continuous
simple |&State
Vocabulary Transport
Sports | Sports
| Prepositions
venues and
of movement
Challenge Describe
picture and identify
Interaction Travelling
Interaction AOn
Writing holiday
the phone
blog 4


1 Do the Iceland Quick Quiz with a partner. Use your 3 Look at the photos and find these things.
geothermal pool waterfall glacier hot springs
2 Listen and check your answers.

The Land of Ice and Fire



What do you know about Iceland? I went on a fantastic study trip
Try our quiz! to Iceland with my school last month.
1 There aren’t many people in Iceland. Read about it below!
What do you think the population is? Day 1 7
2 In the winter, how many hours of I got up very early this morning. I met my classmates and teachers and then we
went by train to Heathrow Airport. Our plane was on time. At Keflavik Airport we
daylight are there?
got on a minibus and went to Reykjavik city centre. We left our bags at the hotel,
3 How many active volcanoes are and then we went to the Blue Lagoon. We swam in hot springs outside in the
there? snow! It’s a geothermal pool – that means the heat comes from inside the earth. It’s
4 Iceland’s flag is blue, white and Day 2
red. What do you think the colours
I feel tired. It’s only dark for a few hours here in the summer, and I couldn’t sleep last
represent? night. Today, we drove to the Golden Falls, a beautiful waterfall. I took lots of photos
5 How much of Iceland is covered by ice? on my mobile. There was an amazing volcano too.
Day 3 8
Today was very exciting! This morning, we visited a glacier and then we went up
A a mountain in a snowmobile! In the afternoon, we went on a whale watching tour.
There were lots of seals, but there weren’t any whales.
Day 4
I’m writing this at 11pm – it’s still light! Today, we did a tour of Reykjavik, Iceland’s
capital city. It’s got cool museums. We went shopping and I bought an Iceland football
shirt for my brother and a troll for my mum.
Day 5
We had breakfast at 4.30 this morning because we had an early flight. We arrived in
London at 9.15 ... and then had another breakfast! Now I’m at home again.

40 FA

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4 Read Daisy’s blog and match the photos with days 1–4. 10 Put the types of transport into the categories.
5 Put the events in order. bike bus car coach ferry helicopter
A She saw a glacier. horse hot-air balloon lorry minibus
B She and her friends swam in hot water. moped motorbike plane ship taxi
C She travelled by train to Heathrow Airport. 1 train tram underground van yacht
D She left her bags at the hotel.
E She had two breakfasts.
F She bought a football shirt.
G She had a trip on a boat. land sea air
H She saw a volcano.
11 Complete the text with types of transport. Then
6 Read the blog again and answer the questions. listen and check.
1 Why was Daisy in Iceland?
Daisy was on a study trip in Iceland.
2 What’s the name of the main airport in Iceland? Around the USA
3 What is a geothermal pool?
4 Why was Daisy so tired on Day 2?
in eight ways!
5 What are the Golden Falls? Javier Cruz travelled across the USA in eight different
6 How did she go up the mountain?
ways! First, he went on the 1 underground in New York.
7 What is the capital of Iceland?
They call it the subway there. He went to Grand
7 Read Word Zone. Can you find another example in Central Station and took the 2 … to Washington DC. In
Daisy’s blog? Washington, he rented a 3 … and drove to New Orleans.
we The roads were long and empty – fantastic! Then, he
get on / get off went on a relaxing 4 … trip on the Mississippi River.
It’s Next, he put on a helmet, goggles and a leather jacket
WORD Use get on and get off when you enter or
ZONE leave a bus or train, or when you ride a bike.
and rode a 5 … to Oklahoma City. After that, he rode a
6 … to Santa Fe like a cowboy! From there, he floated
Quick, the train’s leaving. Get on!
last over the Grand Canyon in a 7 … . On the last day, he
He stopped and got off his bike.
tos phoned for a 8 … to take him to Los Angeles Airport.
And finally, he went home to Argentina by 9 … .
8 In pairs, plan a five-day study trip for students to
your country. Include two visits each day. Then write a 12 Study the rules. Then write about your journeys this week.
r. schedule. On Monday, I went to school on foot. But I usually go by car.

Day 1 A rrive at Granada Airport. Visit ● Use by to describe how you travel:
mountains and see Mulhacén. I usually go to school by train. We travelled to Greece by ferry.
tball BUT go on foot, go on the underground
Day 2 ● Use on to say where you are:
Hi, I’m on the bus. We were on the train at six o’clock.
d in
BUT be in a car / taxi / lorry
9 Read the Study Skill. Then present your ideas to the
class using your notes.
13 Discuss how you can travel to the places below.

Brazil school a desert island

Using notes
STUDY When you speak, use your notes to help you, your country’s capital The North Pole
but try to use your own words to explain your
ideas. This helps you sound more natural. How can you travel to Brazil?
You can go by ship. And
you can go by plane.

FAST FINISHERS Write about your last holiday and the journey there and back. 41

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4 Grammar
GRAMMAR Past simple affirmative | was / were

We use the past simple to talk about finished PRONUNCIATION -ed endings More
actions and situations in the past. 3 Listen and repeat the verbs below.
Past simple affirmative
was / were

I walked home last night. I stopped in the park.

/t/ watched stopped walked cooked
Emma went to the café and she had a sandwich. /d/ arrived travelled stayed listened
The past simple of be is was / were. /ɪd/ visited needed started added
More practice? page 148
I was in Salamanca last week. There were a lot of
4 Do you know the past simple form of these verbs?
The station wasn’t open. There weren’t any taxis. Check in the Irregular Verbs List on page 153. Which past
Where were you? Was there a problem? simple form looks the same but sounds different?
We often use these past time expressions with
the past simple: 1 see saw 6 meet 11 give
last night, last week, last year 2 go 7 send 12 put
yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday evening 3 get 8 eat 13 drive
in 2009, in April, on Monday, at 7 o’clock, at midday 4 leave 9 read 14 take
three days ago, two months ago 5 write 10 wear 15 buy 1
Grammar reference page 116
Irregular verbs list page 153
5 Copy the table. Then listen and tick the things Leah,
1 Read and complete the postcard with the correct past Oscar and Melanie did on Saturday.
simple form of be.
Leah Oscar Melanie
Hi Amelia get up late
listen to music
I’m in Australia with my brother
meet friends
Harry. Last week, we 1 were near Alice
eat in a restaurant
Springs, on a camel trek! The weather 2 ... hot and sunny.
But Harry 3 ... happy. There 4 ... lots of really big ants inside do sport
our tent, and one night, there 5 ... a spider in Harry’s sleeping go shopping
bag! And there 6 ... any signal for his mobile, so he couldn’t watch a DVD
call his girlfriend. How 7 ... your birthday party? 8 ... there
many people? 6 Work in pairs. Talk about Leah, Oscar or Melanie,
but don’t say the name. Your partner guesses who.
Nick 3
This person got up late, and
then they went shopping. Is it Oscar?
2 Complete Isabel’s blog for the week with the correct
form of the verbs below. 7 Complete the expressions with ago, last, yesterday, at,
on or in. Sometimes there’s more than one answer.
cook decide drop play start walk watch
1 a week ago 5 … morning
2 … night 6 … afternoon
M I 1 started reading a new novel last night. It’s really exciting! 3 … April 2009 7 three hours …
T My parents 2 ... to buy a new sofa. It’s huge! 4 … Wednesday 8 … half-past six this morning 4
W This is a weird week. My brother 3 ... dinner last night.
8 Write sentences about the last time you did these things.
It was OK!
T There weren’t any buses this morning so I 4 ... to school. Tiring! I sent a text message about twenty minutes ago.
F Disaster! My sister 5 ... a cup of coffee on the new sofa. send a text message go on holiday eat a pizza
S I 6 ... a boring DVD last night. Why are there no good films??
listen to music finish a novel tidy your room
S My grandfather 7 ... his first ever video game today. He was
awesome! watch a DVD write a postcard take a photo

practice FAST FINISHERS Write your blog for the week, like in exercise 2.

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LISTENING Understand a teenager talking about a journey

A nightmare journey

1 Before you listen, look at the photos and discuss 5 Listen again and check your ideas.
the questions.
6 Read the expressions in Face 2 Face. Go to page 146
h, ● What’s happening in the photos? and put them into the dialogues. Listen and check.
● What do you think connects them?
2 Listen to the first part of Poppy’s story and choose
the correct answers. ● Guess what? ● Really?
1 Where was Poppy on holiday?
● You poor thing!
Dialogues page 146
A Tunisia B Egypt C Morocco
2 When did she go there?
7 Look at the pictures. What do you think happens in the
A in the spring B in the autumn C in the summer
end? Imagine you’re the person and write a description
3 How long was she there?
of your nightmare journey.
A 12 days B 10 days C two weeks
4 When was the flight home? Oh no, a
flat tyre! Do you
A Friday B Saturday C Sunday want a lift?
5 How did she hear about the volcano?
A on the radio B in a phone call C in a text message

3 Listen to the rest of Poppy’s story and answer the

1 What was the situation at the airport? Why?
2 Why was the boat journey awful? Thanks for
3 Why was it difficult to get a train in Italy? the lift!
4 What was the problem on the journey to Paris?
5 How long does a flight take between Tunis and London?
How long did their journey take?
No trains!
4 How did Poppy’s family travel between the places What now?
below? What details can you remember?
They went from the mountains to Tunis by coach. Great, a
It was a hot journey. It was boring, too.

Atlas Mountains Tunis Tunis port Where

am I?
Livorno Paris London home

2. 43

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1 In pairs, ask and answer the questions. 2
Count the number of ‘yes’ answers and see
if you’re a born explorer!

n e x p lorer? A voyage into the past

a b o r
Are you 4,000 years ago, the Ancient Egyptians built incredible pyramids.
These pyramids are similar to ancient pyramids in Mexico. So did 3
● Do you like being outside in the rain or cold? the Ancient Egyptians build in Mexico, too? Most people said this
● Do you like risky and exciting activities? was impossible – how could they sail thousands of miles across
● Do things scare you easily? the ocean in light reed boats? But the Norwegian explorer, Thor
● Do you want to go to new places? Heyerdahl, wanted to prove it was possible! Did he succeed?
● Are you optimistic when things go wrong? 1 First, Thor studied paintings of boats in the Egyptian pyramids.
● Do you like camping or sleeping outside? Then, African boat builders built a 15-metre-long reed boat in
● Can you survive without your mobile phone? Egypt and drove it in a lorry to the port of Safi, Morocco. He
called the boat Ra, after the Egyptian Sun God. 4
1–2 Give me an armchair and a good film!
2 Thor chose seven men from seven countries, including an
3–5 Adventure is OK, but it’s nice to be home
Egyptian, a Mexican and an American, and sailed under a
for dinner!
United Nations flag. They started their journey across the
6–7 Get your rucksack and tent and let’s go! Atlantic Ocean on 25th May, 1969.
3 It was a dangerous journey. They didn’t have satellite
navigation in those days, the boat filled with water, and there
were terrible storms. But they travelled 4,284 kilometres in 54
days. Unfortunately, only a week from Barbados, Ra broke in 5
half and the crew didn’t finish the journey.
4 The expedition taught them a lot and Thor didn’t want to give
up. So he asked Bolivian boat builders to build a new boat. And
one year later, in May 1970, he started a second journey in Ra II,
a 12-metre-long boat.
5 During the journey they discovered a modern problem – oil
pollution. They took samples of the oil and after the trip, they
presented a report to the UN.
6 Finally, in July 1970, Ra II reached Barbados after a 57-day
journey of 5,260 kilometres. This proved that people could sail
across the Atlantic Ocean in a simple boat. It also showed that
people from different countries could work together.



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VOCABULARY of movement
2 Read the article quickly and match the words and 7 Match the prepositions with the pictures.
the definitions.
across along around away from between
1 reed A show that something is true down into over through towards under up
2 give up B a small amount as an example
3 sample C a river plant with long stems
4 prove D stop doing something 1
3 Read the article again and match the headings A–F with 2
paragraphs 1–6. 4
A Did Ra cross the Atlantic Ocean?
B How did he build his first boat? 1
C How did Thor Heyerdahl choose his crew? 6
D What ecological problem did they find? 11
E What did the journey of Ra II prove? 10
8 9
F When did he make his second journey?

4 Decide if the sentences are true or false. 8 Find these situations in the picture below.
1 The first Ra boat was 15 metres long. true 1 The rollercoaster is going through the tunnel.
2 Thor had a crew of people from Mexico, Egypt and the 2 A girl is running away from her mum.
United States. 3 Three boys are going down the waterslide.
3 The first journey lasted for 54 days. 4 A girl is climbing up a ramp.
4 The second journey lasted for 197 days. 5 Some people are walking towards the pool.
5 Both Ra boats reached Barbados. 6 A girl is rowing across the lake.
6 There was pollution in the Atlantic in 1970.

5 Read Word Zone and put the words in order of length,

starting with the shortest. WELCOME TO
Measurements of length and distance
WORD People often use both metric and non- A
ZONE metric measurements in English. B
Metric: centimetre, kilometre, metre,
Non-metric: foot, inch, mile, yard C
6 Try to complete the biography of Thor Heyerdahl with
these verbs in the past simple. Then listen and check. E

build die go receive sail study

9 Look carefully at the picture and find situations with

Thor Heyerdahl was born in October 1914 in Norway.
these verbs and prepositions. Write sentences.
He 1 studied zoology and geography at university. In
1947, he 2 ... a boat called Kon-Tiki and 3 ... it with five cycle along fall into fly over
other men on a 9,600 km journey across the Pacific. go around go under sail between
He also 4 ... on many other expeditions and promoted
understanding between cultures. He 5 ... many awards, A man is falling into the swimming pool.
too. Thor 6 ... suddenly in 2002. You can still see the
Ra and Kon-Tiki boats in Oslo today. 10 How good is your memory? Cover the picture. Then
in pairs, try to remember what’s happening.
FAST FINISHERS Find what these numbers refer to in the article: 15 7 1969 54 1970 57 5,260 practice

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4 Grammar
GRAMMAR Past simple negative & questions

We use didn’t (did not) with the infinitive to 3 Complete the conversation. Use past simple
make the negative form of the past simple. affirmative, negative and question forms. Then listen
Past simple negative
& questions

The train didn’t go through the tunnel. and check.

You didn’t take the ferry to France.
We use did with the infinitive to make questions.
Did he fly across Asia? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
Remember to use the infinitive, not the past
simple form.
She didn’t see the film. NOT She didn’t saw …
Did you go to the park? NOT Did you went …
Grammar reference page 116

1 Read the article about Joff Summerfield and write the

Adam: 1 Did you have a good weekend, Lola? (have)
1 What did Joff ride on? Lola: No, I 2 ... . It 3 ... terrible. (be) I 4 ... it with my American
cousin Erin. (spend)
Adam: So what 5 ... you ... on Saturday? (do)
Around the world ... on a penny farthing! Lola: We 6 ... along the river and I 7 ... Erin the town centre.
(walk, show) She 8 ... very interested. (be)
Joff Summerfield Adam: Oh dear! And where 9 ... you in the evening? (be)
cycled around the I 10 ... you but you 11 ... . (call, answer)
world to raise money Lola: Oh sorry. We 12 ... at an Indian restaurant. (be) Erin
for charity. But he 13 ... the food, of course! (hate)

didn’t make his journey Adam: So why are you tired this morning?
on a mountain bike! Lola: I 14 ... last night. (sleep) My cousin’s staying in the
room next to mine. And guess what? She likes British
1 what / Joff / ride on? TV! She 15 ... her TV until one o’clock! (turn off)
He rode on a penny farthing bicycle. This was a copy of an
original bicycle from the 1880s.
4 Write ten questions to ask your partner. Use the words
below or your own ideas.
2 when / he / start his journey?
He left London on 1st May 2006. buy do eat go have listen to meet
3 what / he / take with him? play read see send visit watch
He took some clothes, a tent, a stove and a sleeping bag. That’s all!
4 how many countries / he / travel through? in July in 2012 last night last summer last week
He travelled through 24 different countries, including India, China, last weekend last year on Saturday night
the USA and Australia. this morning yesterday morning
5 how far / he / cycle?
He cycled about 35,500 kilometres. Did you play football in the park last week?
6 how long / his journey / take? Did you meet your best friend in 2012?
It took two and a half years. By plane it takes under 50 hours!
5 In pairs, ask and answer your questions. If your
partner’s answer is ‘yes’, ask more questions to keep the
2 Correct the sentences. conversation going.
1 Joff drove around the world on a motorbike.
Did you go to a party
Joff didn’t drive a motorbike. He cycled on a penny farthing. on Saturday night? No, I didn’t. Did you watch
2 He started his journey in Paris. TV yesterday morning?
3 He took lots of things with him. Yes, I did.
4 Joff cycled through 20 countries. What did you watch?
5 He cycled about 3,500 kilometres.
6 His journey took three and a half years. 6 Write sentences about your partner’s recent activity.
Marta wrote a short story last weekend.
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Describe a journey
1 Work in pairs and imagine that you went on a
Starting point
four-day trip around Great Britain.
● Decide where you went on each day, how you Finishing point
travelled, what you saw, what you did and other
experiences that you had.
● Copy and complete the table on the right. For each day, Things that you saw
you must choose different experiences. Be imaginative!
● With your partner, practise describing each day. Things that you did
We started at Portsmouth. On Day 1, we sailed in a big ship to
Newquay. There was a terrible storm. We saw a huge whale. Extra notes
We didn’t eat because we felt sick! We didn’t have a cabin so
we slept in a lifeboat.


2 You are going to interview another pair about their

journey. Write the questions you want to ask them.
Where did you start your journey?

3 Work in groups of four. Decide who is Pair A and

who is Pair B.
Loch Ness
Aberdeen ● Interview Pair B about their journey.
● Make notes of their answers.
h ● Find out as much as you can about their journey.
● Show interest and ask extra questions.
Glasgow Edinburgh
● Answer the questions.

Express yourself
Showing interest
Irish That’s interesting!
Sea Manchester That’s terrible!
What did you do next?
Snowdon Nottingham
Birmingham 4 Swap roles and repeat the activity.

Stonehenge 5 Tell your class about some funny / interesting /
Brighton exciting / terrible experiences from your interviews.
Daniel and Sergio stayed in a castle. They met Johnny Depp!


English Channel

FAST FINISHERS Write an account of your journey. 47

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INTERACTION Travelling around
Express yourself
On the bus At the station
Does this bus go to ...? Have you got a railcard? Is there a student reduction?
A single / return, please. Are you under 16? What time is the next train?
How long does it take? Can I have a return to ... , please? Which platform does it leave from?
Can you tell me when we get there?

1 Look at Express yourself and match the questions and YOUR TURN TO SPEAK
1 Does this train stop at Winchester? A Single, please. 5 You’re on a bus. In pairs, act out the dialogue below.
2 Single or return? B Yes, I have. Then swap roles.
3 How long does it take? C No, it’s non-stop Passenger Bus driver
to Waterloo.
Ask if the bus goes to
4 Can you tell me when we get there? D Twenty minutes. your destination. Answer.
5 Have you got a railcard? E Yes, of course.
Ask for a ticket. Ask if the traveller wants
A BUS TRIP a single or return.
2 Look at the photo. Where is David? What do you Say the price.
think he and the man are saying? Pay and take your ticket.


6 Listen to the conversation in the station and answer

the questions.
1 Where is Lily?
2 How much is a return ticket for David and Leon?
3 What time does the train leave?
4 Which platform does the train leave from?

7 Listen to the announcements. For each one, write

the following information:
platform number | time | final destination | stops


8 You’re at a station. In pairs, act out the dialogue

below. Invent new destinations and prices.
3 Listen to the conversation and answer the
questions. Passenger Ticket clerk 2
1 Where does David want to go? Ask for a ticket to your
2 What bus does he need? destination. Ask if the traveller wants
a single or return.
3 Who does he plan to meet?
4 Now listen to the conversation on the bus and Ask if the traveller is
Answer. under 16.
answer the questions.
1 What type of ticket does David buy? Pay and ask for the time Confirm the price.
2 How much is it? and platform number
3 Where is Leon? of the next train. Answer.


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WRITING A holiday blog WRITING Sequencing words
SKILL & expressions
1 In pairs, look at the photo and answer the questions.
3 Find the words and expressions below in the blog.
1 What’s happening in the photo? Which ones do we use to describe events that happened
2 Do you like this type of holiday? first and last?

My blog
After that Finally First Then

ng Trip!
4 Complete Day 2 of the blog with the four sequencing
by Anna Milton words and expressions from exercise 3.

Day 2
w. This morning we got up early. We had breakfast and
we started making plans for the day. Five of us
decided to go for a bike ride. 1 First, we looked at the
map and decided where to go. 2 ... , we made our
packed lunches and got our rucksacks ready. 3 ... ,
we went to the campsite shop and hired our bikes
and helmets. 4 ... , we were ready to leave.


We arrived at our campsite at 10.00am after a 14-hour TO WRITE
coach trip. First, we checked in at the campsite
reception. Then we put up our tents. After that, we PLAN BEFORE YOU WRITE
were all very tired and hungry. We had lunch and then
5 Choose three activities for Day 3 and three activities
we went to sleep for two hours. In the afternoon, we
er for Day 4 of Anna’s holiday and make notes. Use the
explored the campsite. The facilities on the campsite
ideas below or your own. Think about what details
were good. There was a shop, a kitchen and a dining
you can add.
hall. There was also a great swimming pool, and the
views of the mountains were amazing! morning bus to local town for sightseeing / museum
visit / shopping
Day 5 afternoon swim in pool / long walk in forest
Our last day! We got up early because we had a lot to evening make a fire / cook dinner / party
do. First, we had breakfast. Then we started packing.
It took me a long time to find all my things! After that,
we took the tents down. Our tent was really dirty on
the bottom so we needed to wash it before we put it 6 Write the blog entries for Day 3 and Day 4.
away. Finally, we put everything into the back of the
1 Use Days 1, 2 and 5 from the holiday blog as a model.
minibus and drove away. The journey home was OK
2 Use your ideas from exercise 5.
but it took 20 hours instead of 14! 3 Include a variety of sequencing words and expressions.

Day 3
2 Read the text and answer the questions. Today was an exciting day! In the morning, we ...
1 What time did they arrive at the campsite?
They arrived at 10.00am. CHECK AND CORRECT
2 How did they travel to the campsite? 7 Check and correct your blog.
3 What did they do first?
4 What did they do before lunch on Day 1? 1 Check that the sequencing words and expressions are
5 What sports facilities were there? correct.
6 What did Anna do after breakfast on Day 5? 2 In pairs, swap your blogs and check each other’s work.
7 Why did it take Anna a long time to pack?
8 How long did they stay at the campsite?


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5 Out of this world
Grammar Comparatives
Present continuous
| not as| …
as | lesscontinuous
and present|simple
the least| State verbs
Vocabulary Adjectives
Sports | Sports
| Landscapes
venues and equipment
Challenge Work
in a group
a pictureto solve
and identify
a problem
Interaction Buying
Interaction AOn
Writing description
the phoneof a region 3


1 What do you know about the planets in our Solar 2 Read the text quickly. Can you find the answers? 4
System? In pairs, answer the questions.

The Secrets
● How many planets are there in the Solar System?
● Before 2006, there was another planet. What is its name?
● Which planet takes about 365 days to orbit the Sun?

of the Solar System

● Which planets have got rings round them?
● Which planets have got lots of moons?

The planets of the Solar System have the names of Ancient Roman gods and we have studied them for thousands of
years. First, we just looked up at the sky to see the planets and stars, and later we used telescopes. Nowadays, our
telescopes are more powerful than in the past, and we can send space probes on incredible expeditions to distant
planets. Thanks to astronomers and scientists, we know that a day on Venus lasts 6,000 hours; the Moon is as wide as
Australia; Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons, is larger than Mercury and Saturn is lighter than water!


Mercury is closest to Earth is the only planet Jupiter is a giant planet Uranus, the ice planet,
the Sun. It gets hotter with liquid water – – 130 times bigger than is extremely cold –
than an oven – 420°C – perfect for life. It’s Earth! It’s very stormy -214°C. It takes 84
but can also be -170°C 150 million km from and can be -150°C! It’s years to orbit the Sun!
– colder than a freezer. the Sun, and sunlight got 66 moons. It’s also It’s got 13 rings and 27
Its day lasts twice as takes 8.5 minutes to got rings like Saturn but moons, which have the
long as its year! arrive here. they are smaller. names of Shakespeare’s


Venus is about as big as Mars is a red rocky Saturn has got colourful Neptune looks blue
the Earth. It’s cloudy but planet. A day on Mars rings made of little because of methane
incredibly hot – 480°C. is about the same as an pieces of ice and rock. gas. It’s freezing cold
Its day is longer than Earth day. But a year is Its day is very short – at -220°C and its winds
Mercury’s – eight Earth nearly twice as long – only 10 Earth hours! reach 2,000 km an
months! But a year is 687 Earth days. Saturn has also got lots hour! Its day is short
shorter – 224 Earth days. of moons, but fewer but its year lasts 165
than Jupiter. Earth years!

50 FA

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3 Read the introduction again. Answer the questions. 7 Find the opposites in the two boxes.
1 What do we use telescopes for? light – heavy
2 Where do space probes go?
boring dangerous empty expensive far late
3 How big is Earth’s moon?
light long narrow noisy shallow slow soft
4 Is Saturn a heavy planet?
strong thick ugly unpopular wet
4 Look at the picture and read the texts about each planet
again. Then try this quiz! beautiful cheap deep dry early fast full
hard heavy interesting near popular quiet
safe short thin weak wide
PLANET QUIZ 8 Read the sentences. Which adjective can’t you use?

m True or false?
Saturn is further from the Sun than Jupiter. true
Venus is Earth’s neighbour.
1 The river’s really deep / thin / fast here – great for
2 I don’t like this café because it’s always so safe / full / noisy.
3 Uranus is colder than Neptune. 3 A carrot is a long / wide / thin orange vegetable.
4 Jupiter is 130 times bigger than Mercury. 4 My dad always takes the unpopular / fast / early train
5 Mercury is next to the Sun. to work.
6 Uranus’s rings have got Shakespearean names. 5 This dictionary is really heavy / thick / deep. It’s got over
7 The weather on Neptune is calm. 1,000 pages.
8 Mars is made of gas.
9 Choose ten nouns from below. Then write short sentences
using one adjective from exercise 7 with each noun.
Which planet …
9 … has 66 moons? Jupiter I saw a dangerous snake in the jungle.
10 … is known as ‘the ice planet’?
athlete book bottle coffee computer cup
11 … is 8.5 light minutes from the Sun?
film hair journey lesson lorry moon music
12 … takes 165 years to orbit the Sun?
party planet river sea snake star street
13 … has rings made of rocks and ice?
suitcase summer sun sweater table train watch
14 … can be extremely hot and cold?
15 … is known as ‘the red planet’?
16 … is about the same size as Earth?

5 Read Word Zone and put the periods of time in order of

length, starting with the shortest.

Periods of time
WORD century day decade hour
ZONE minute month second week year

6 Read the Study Skill. Then cover the picture on page 50

and name the planets in order.
10 In groups, read out your sentences. Call out ‘Snap!’
if you hear the same combination of noun and adjective
as yours.
STUDY To remember items in a list, you can make a
SKILL Last night, the Moon
memorable sentence. For example, M V E M J
was really beautiful.
s S U N are the planets in order. And here is the
What did you put?
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos!
There was a beautiful Moon over the city.

FAST FINISHERS Imagine you’re visiting one of the planets. Write a postcard home! 51

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5 Grammar
GRAMMAR Comparatives | not as ... as | less

We can compare two things with comparative We can use not as ... as and less to make
adjectives. comparatives with the opposite meaning to

not as ... as
My brother is stronger than me. comparative forms with -er and more.
Luxembourg is a small country, but Andorra is smaller. Mars isn’t as big as Jupiter. (Jupiter is bigger than Mars.)
The weather in Wales is better than in England. Apples aren’t as juicy as peaches. (Peaches are juicier
than apples.)
My old laptop was heavier than my new one.
Judo is less popular than golf. (Golf is more popular
Telescopes are more powerful now than in the past.
than judo.)
If you like hot weather, summer is better than winter.
Grammar reference page 117
My dad is worse at football than me!
Neptune is further from Earth than Uranus. 4 Complete the blog with the correct form of the adjective
in brackets. Use comparative adjectives or not as ... as.
Grammar reference page 117

1 Look at the adjectives in exercise 7 on page 51. Divide

n spa ce
Life i
them into two groups 1
adjective + -er more + adjective

later more boring Dec 12th My routine

The space station isn’t 1 as comfortable (comfortable)
as my home, but the view from the window is 2 more
interesting (interesting)! Days are much 3 ... (short) – the 2
Sun rises every 45 minutes.
2 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of Micro gravity is a challenge! Everything is 4 ... (light), so
adjectives below. objects float away. Washing is 5 ... (complicated) and 6 ...
(slow) than on Earth. I exercise every day for two hours,
bad deep difficult expensive because your muscles get 7 ... (weak) in space. Food isn’t
8 ... (tasty) as on Earth and it floats around! But we enjoy
fast friendly heavy intelligent
eating together.
Our clothes don’t get 9 ... (dirty) as at home – we can wear
1 Be careful! This new swimming pool is deeper than
the same shirt for 10 days! But when I go outside the
the old one. station, I wear special space suits. They’re much 10 ... (hot)
2 I don’t like exercise 2. It’s ... than exercise 1! than ordinary clothes, and it’s 11 ... (difficult) to move.
3 Do you think people here are ... than in Paris? What do I miss most? My family!
4 Oh dear! My new laptop is ... than my old one.
5 Cinema tickets are ... in London than my home town. 5 Write sentences comparing life on Earth to life in the
6 I’m ... than you on my new bike! space station. 4
7 My cat is ... than my dog.
8 My school bag is a lot ... than yours. clothes exercise free time meals time

The days are longer on Earth than in space.

3 Listen and repeat the sentences. 6 In pairs, compare the things in the lists. Make as
1 Josh is tidier than Clare. many sentences as you can.
2 Footballs are bigger than tennis balls. 1 buses bicycles cars motorbikes trains
3 Peaches are tastier than apples. 2 elephants mice monkeys pandas tigers
4 Anna is taller than Lucy. 3 basketball football rugby tennis volleyball
5 Pigs are more intelligent than sheep. 4 apples grapes melons peaches pears
More practice? page 148 5 Earth Jupiter Mars Saturn Venus

Motorbikes are noisier than bicycles.

Buses aren’t as expensive as trains.

practice FAST FINISHERS Write sentences comparing these things: two famous people two countries two sports teams

657594 _ 0050-0059.indd 52 16/03/16 12:44

LISTENING Follow a family discussion about London museums

See millions of ible Discover the

fascinating objects Explore the incred amazing world
from all over the world natural world of Science

The British Museum Natural History Museum Science Museum

1 Before you listen, look at the brochures and discuss 5 Read the expressions in Face 2 Face. Go to page 146
the questions. and put them into the dialogues. Listen and check.
● In which museums do you think you can see Ancient FACE 2 FACE
Egyptian mummies, old airplanes and dinosaurs?
● What else can you see in the museums? ● No way! ● I’m not into Science.
● That sounds cool.
2 Listen and check your ideas. Which museum do the Dialogues page 146
family decide to go to?
6 In pairs, read Museum Update and choose a museum
3 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or
to visit. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of
false. Then correct the false sentences.
each one and your personal preferences. Try to use the
1 Connor, Holly and their dad plan to visit a museum in expressions from Face 2 Face.
London on Friday.
This one looks fun. I love ice skating.
2 Connor thinks the British Museum is boring.
3 The British Museum has got more items than the I’m not into Shakespeare. I don’t
Natural History Museum. want to go to that exhibition
4 The Natural History Museum is open late on Fridays.
5 There are three cafés in the Natural History Museum.
6 There are three cinemas in the Science Museum.
7 The seats in the 4D cinema move during the film.

4 Who expressed the following opinions? Complete

Museum Update
gaps with the missing words and write Connor, Holly or British Museum
Dad. Then listen again and check. Six special exhibitions including Japanese Manga
cartoons, Life in Roman Britain and William Shakespeare.
Don’t forget to visit the four gift shops!
best better everything exciting like over
Natural History Museum
1 ‘It’s one of the ... museums in the world.’ Special exhibition of wildlife photographs.
There’s also a special free ice rink.
2 ‘Dinosaurs are more ... than mummies.’
Visit the three gift shops.
3 ‘And one of the mummies is ... 5,000 years old!’
4 ‘You can see ... from old airplanes to space rockets.’ Science Museum
5 ‘It’s ... being an astronaut!’ Nine special exhibitions including Electronic Music
6 ‘Maybe it’s ... than the British Museum.’ and Astronomy.
Visit the shop for all your gifts.

7 Tell the class which museum you chose and give


ms 53

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1 Look at the photos and discuss the questions. 2 Read the article and find the names of the places in 3
the photos.
● What natural features can you see?
● Where do you think they are in the world?
● Would you like to visit them? Why / Why not?

We live in an incredible world with some amazing extremes!

The highest places on Earth are mountains. Mount 4
Everest in the Himalayas is the highest at 8,484 metres.
It takes the most experienced climbers weeks to reach
the top. Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe, is
a baby at 4,807 metres. The most dangerous mountains
are volcanoes. Popocatépetl in Mexico could kill millions
of people. But not all mountains are on land. The Mid-
Ocean Ridge system is the longest mountain range in the
world at 56,000 km long, but it’s underwater!

Does the word ‘desert’ make you think of sand dunes
and camels? Well, think again! A desert is any place
where it hardly ever rains, so the world’s largest desert
is actually Antarctica! It covers 14 million km2 – twice the
size of Australia. It’s also the world’s coldest, driest and 6
windiest continent! The largest hot desert in the world
is the Sahara in North Africa. It’s over 9 million km2, and
is almost as big as the USA. The hottest temperature on
Earth was recorded there – 58oC at El Azizya in Libya.
However, it’s not the driest place in the world – that’s
the Atacama Desert in South America.

Look at the Earth from space, and you see more sea
than land. The largest ocean is the Pacific – it covers 7
nearly a third of the globe and holds about half its water. JAPAN
It is also home to the Mariana Trench, which is the CHINA
deepest place on Earth. It’s 10,918 metres deep – the
height of 29 Empire State Buildings! But some places on
land are lower than sea level, and the lowest point is the
Dead Sea, at 400 metres below sea level. It’s so salty that
you can float on your back and do a crossword!

54 FA

657594 _ 0050-0059.indd 54 16/03/16 12:44

n 3 Copy and complete the table with the names of places. 8 Read the web entries and decide which two European
countries are being described. If you aren’t sure, check
1 the tallest mountain Mount Everest
2 the longest mountain range 1 has a border with seven countries, and has a
3 the largest desert coastline on the Baltic Sea. The longest river is the
4 the windiest continent Vistula, and thousands of small streams flow into it. It’s
5 the largest hot desert got about 9,300 lakes, almost a world record! In the
6 the hottest place south, there are 70 mountains over 2,000 metres high,
7 the driest place and lots of hills. 29% of its surface is covered in forests
8 the largest ocean – some of them are the oldest forests in Europe. 60%
of the land is farmland, and it’s the largest producer of
9 the deepest place
potatoes in Europe. It’s also got a desert – one of only five
10 the lowest point on land
deserts in Europe.
2 has 7,600 km of coastline with sea on three sides
4 Read the article again and answer the questions. Write
full sentences. and two big islands. Its beaches are popular because
of its sunny summers. It’s very mountainous with two
1 What’s the tallest mountain in Europe? active volcanoes, one on a small island, and one near a
The tallest mountain in Europe is Mont Blanc. large city. Its main mountain ranges are the Alps in the
2 Where is the Mid-Ocean Ridge? north and the Apennines down the middle. Its highest
3 What’s the definition of a desert? mountain is on the border with France. A quarter of the
4 Which is bigger: the USA or the Sahara Desert? country consists of plains. The Po valley has a huge plain
5 How much of the Earth’s water is in the Pacific Ocean? where vegetables, olives and fruit are grown. It’s got 1,500
lakes altogether, with five large lakes in the north.
6 Why can you float in the Dead Sea?

5 Find the facts in the text related to these distances and 9 Look at the words in blue in the texts and match them
areas. with features 1–16 in the picture below. Can you find
1 4,807 m 4 10,918 m any of them in the photos on page 54?
Mont Blanc is 4,807 metres high. 5 56,000 km
2 400 m 6 9 million km2
3 8,484 m 7 14 million km2
e 3
6 Look at the compass in Word Zone and label it with the
words below. 6
4 5
Points of north 7
WORD the compass 1 2
ZONE south-east
south-west west east 10
north-east 13
3 4
south 14
15 16

7 Look at the table in exercise 3, and cover the names 10 Choose a country and write a description similar to the
of the places. Test your partner. texts above. Use a map to help you if possible.
What’s the largest hot desert in the world? It’s got a long / short coastline ...
It’s got a lot of islands / mountains / beaches …
I think it’s the Sahara.
In the south / north / east / west, there’s …

11 Read your description to your partner. Guess the

FAST FINISHERS Write a description of the scenery in your region. practice

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5 Grammar
GRAMMAR Superlatives | the least

4 Write sentences using superlatives.

We use superlatives to compare three or more
things. 1 Think about your family. Who is … ?
the least

Peter is strong, but I’m the strongest! young | old | tall | funny | intelligent
History is the easiest lesson for me. The youngest person in my family is my cousin’s baby, Kevin.
Spot is the most intelligent dog I know! He’s 2 months old.
The best thing about Scotland is the landscape. 2 Think about your possessions. What is … ?
small | big | expensive | old | beautiful
The worst thing is the weather!
Of all my friends, Joe lives the furthest from my house. 5 Write an answer for each question.
We can use the least with long adjectives. It What / Who is … in the world?
means the opposite of the most.
I have the least exciting job in the world. the most exciting film the best food
Grammar reference page 117
the least exciting sport the funniest actor
1 Write the superlative of the adjectives below.
the worst film the most interesting book
beautiful – the most beautiful
the best singer the least useful gadget
beautiful dangerous fast hairy heavy
long poisonous slow small strong ugly the best invention the best place to go on holiday

the most annoying thing the most beautiful animal

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative of the
adjectives in exercise 1. There are three adjectives you 6 Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. Give
don’t need. Don’t forget to add the. reasons when possible.

What’s the best food

in the world?

Chocolate. I know it’s unhealthy, but I

could eat chocolate all day!

7 Look at the information about the aliens. Then choose

one and write a description using the adjectives below.
Use comparatives and superlatives.

fast heavy intelligent light short slow strong tall

1 Tortoises live the longest of all animals. They can live to
Omega is the shortest alien, but he’s not the heaviest. He’s faster
over 170 years old!
than Jibba but he’s not as fast as Simonio …
2 ... bird to humans is the cassowary, because it’s got
powerful legs and very sharp claws. OMEGA
3 ... land animal is the cheetah. It can run over 113 JIBBA SIMONIO
kilometres an hour!
4 ... mammal is the sea otter. It’s got between 800 million
and 1 billion hairs!
5 It’s a matter of opinion of course, but perhaps … bird is
the male peacock with his incredible tail feathers.
6 ... animal is the blue whale. It can weigh up to 209 tons.
7 ... creature is the sea wasp. The poison from one wasp
could kill 60 humans! It’s not actually a wasp – it’s a
Height: Height: 250cm 175cm
jellyfish. 90cm Height:
Weight: Weight: 400kg 80kg
100kg Weight:
8 ... animal is probably the rhinoceros beetle. It can carry Speed: Speed: 10km/h 75km/h
40km/h Speed:
850 times its own weight! Intelligence: Intelligence: 3/10
Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: Strength: 5/10 3/10
8/10 Strength:
3 Listen and check your answers.
practice FAST FINISHERS Write more sentences about your family and possessions using superlatives.

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Work in a group to solve a problem


3 In small groups, read Part 2 of the scenario and

follow the instructions. Use the language in Express
yourself to help you.

Survival on the Moon Part 2

PREPARATION You need to survive and get back to
base camp. You can only take six items.
1 Find these items in the pictures above. Discuss which items to take and which items to leave
behind because they aren’t useful. You must all agree.
•aa torch •food
a box of matches •a magnetic compass
. •two guns 20concentrate
box of •15 moneof box
•a 50 kg container
• of oxygen •a parachuteof dried milk
litres of water The water is the most important The radio isn’t as useful as
•a map of the stars three signal• flares a first-aid kit thing because we need to drink. the signal flares. We can use
• • • them to attract attention.

• a solar-powered radio

2 Read the scenario and discuss the questions. Express yourself

Making suggestions Agreeing and
Survival on the Moon Part 1 Let’s take the ... . disagreeing
You are a member of a What about the ... ? I agree. / I don’t agree.
space crew. You’re on a flight Giving reasons That’s a good idea.
to the Moon, but there’s a The ... is / are more important because ...
problem. Your space craft The … isn’t / aren’t useful because …
crashes on the lunar surface!
You and the other crew members
are OK, but you are 80 km from the
main base. The crash caused a lot of damage.
0kg 4 Report back to the class and compare your ideas.
m/h ● What are the main differences between life on Earth
9/10 and on the Moon? 5 Listen to the suggestions of NASA, the US space
3/10 ● What are your biggest problems on the Moon? organization. Did you have similar ideas?

es. 57

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INTERACTION Buying things

Express yourself 1
Customer Shop assistant
I’d like one of those … , please. Have you got any … ? Can I help you? That’ll be £15.
Can I have … , please? How much is / are … ? Can you show me which one? Would you like a bag?
Have you got this … in Can I see that … in the display case? I’m sorry, we’ve sold out of Here’s your receipt and
French / Spanish / Chinese? Can I pay for these, please? those. change.
IN A GIFT SHOP 3 Imagine you are at the museum gift shop. Which
items would you like to buy for yourself and your family?
1 Match the words and the pictures.
I’d like the telescope and
the map of the stars. I’d like the fridge magnet for
fridge magnet guidebook jigsaw key ring my mum. She collects them.
map of the stars mug pencil postcard robot telescope
4 Listen to the conversations and complete the table.
E What do they buy? How much is it?
C D David

5 Listen again. Note the expressions in Express
yourself that you hear.
I 6 Look at Express yourself again. Which expressions do
you use to …
2 Look at the photo and answer the questions. Then ● … ask for the price?
listen and check. ● … ask to pay?
1 Where are the three friends? ● … ask for something?
2 What does David want to buy? ● … offer to help?
3 What does Leon want to get? ● … give the total price?
4 Where is the gift shop?

7 Work in pairs. Imagine that you’re in a shop. Then

swap roles.
Student A: You’re a shop assistant. Go to page 151 and follow
the instructions.
Student B: You’re a customer. First, choose 3 items from
exercise 1 that you want to buy. Then go to page 152 and
follow the instructions. 3


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A description
Giving examples
of a region SKILL

1 In pairs, look at the photos and the map and answer 4 Complete the following words and expressions for giving
the questions. examples in the text.
1 Can you name any National Parks in your country? 1 f... e...
2 What kind of landscape do you often find in National 2 i...
Parks? 3 s... a...

2 Read the text. Match A–C on the map with these names. 5 Complete these sentences about you.
1 Ambleside 2 Bowness 3 Scafell Pike 1 I like lots of types of landscape, including ... and ... .
? 2 Some landscapes are beautiful, such as ... and ... .
3 Some landscapes in my country are very famous, for
example ... and ... .

The Lake District In pairs, compare sentences.

he Lake District is in
Northwest England. It TO WRITE
is the largest National
Park in the country. It has PLAN BEFORE YOU WRITE
its highest mountains and
deepest lakes. It also has some 7 Choose a region in your country to write about. Make
of the most beautiful villages B
notes about the things below.
in Britain, such as Grasmere C
and Coniston. About 8 million accommodation the countryside
people visit the Lake District famous or important places the towns and villages
every year.
Windermere is 17 km long and 8 Complete a paragraph plan with your notes.
is England’s largest lake. There Paragraph 1 – general information, including its name,
are two busy towns near the lake: Ambleside to the north and location and some facts and figures.
Bowness to the east. These have many cafés, restaurants and
Paragraphs 2 & 3 – information about what you can do
shops. Windermere is a popular place for activities such as
sailing, walking and fishing. and see there.
Paragraph 4 – information about accommodation.
At 978 m, Scafell Pike is England’s highest mountain. You do
not need special equipment to climb it, but you need to be fit
and strong. Other mountains, for example Skiddaw (just north
of Derwent Water), are easier to climb. 9 Write your description.
There is a variety of accommodation in the Lake District, 1 Use the Lake District description as a model.
including hotels, guesthouses, campsites and youth hostels. 2 Use your notes and paragraph plan from exercise 8.
w It rains a lot in the Lake District, so youth hostels are a better
3 Give examples using the correct expressions.
choice than campsites. They are not as expensive as hotels
m and guesthouses, but are often in very beautiful places. CHECK AND CORRECT
10 Check and correct your description.
3 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true
or false. 1 Check that the expressions for giving examples are
1 It’s in the South West of England. false
2 In pairs, swap your descriptions and check each
2 Coniston is a beautiful village in the Lake District.
other’s work.
3 Bowness is a city.
4 Fit and strong people can’t climb Scafell Pike.
5 Scafell isn’t as easy to climb as Skiddaw.
6 There aren’t many different kinds of places to stay.
7 The Lake District is the driest part of England.


657594 _ 0050-0059.indd 59 16/03/16 12:44

6 Crime watch
Grammar Past continuous | Past continuous
& past simple | when & while
Vocabulary Feelings & moods | People in crime
Challenge Interview suspects and solve a crime
Interaction Talking about your weekend or holiday
Writing A story 3


1 Look at the pictures and the title of the story and 2 Read the story quickly and check your ideas.
discuss the questions.
Monica Li was feeling bored. She looked in her lunch box.
Picture 1: Who’s the young woman? What’s her job?
A ham sandwich, two sausages and an apple. Boring! She
Where is she? Do you think she knows the old woman?
was thinking about her lunch when an old woman entered her
Picture 2: Why is she at the house? What can she see?
office. She was wearing a wet raincoat and carrying a broken
How is she feeling? What do you think happens?
‘Are you that detective girl?’ she asked.
‘Yes, I am. How can I help you?’
Monica and the House of Dogs ‘My name’s Abigail Clarke. I can’t sleep! And I’m very upset!
They’re keeping dogs in the house next door and they’re
very noisy! Help me, please.’
Monica sighed. This was no job for a Number 1 detective, 4
but it was better than nothing.
‘OK,’ she said. ‘Where do you live, Abigail?’
Monica grabbed her lunch, her mobile and her jacket, and
left the office. An hour later, she was standing outside an
ugly house on the edge of town.
It was raining. It was getting dark. And she couldn’t hear a
thing. But then a big white shape jumped up at the window
and barked.
‘That’s weird,’ thought Monica. ‘That’s Jake, my friend
Lucy’s dog. He went missing yesterday. What’s he doing
She knocked at the door. There was no reply. She tried the
handle – and the door opened. She felt nervous but she
decided to go in. The room was empty except for a table with
a pile of notes. Each one said:
‘Do you want your dog?
’t forget the money!’
Meet me at ____ . And don
She rushed into the next room. Jake was wagging his tail
happily. There were lots of other dogs in there, too!
She saw a big wardrobe in the corner. She looked inside it –
and found a suitcase full of money. This was serious!
Monica was reaching for her mobile when she heard voices.
She was frightened so she climbed into the wardrobe and
closed the door. Two men entered the room. All the dogs
started barking.
‘These stupid dogs are always hungry,’ said one man.
‘Let them stay hungry, Sammy! Their owners can feed
them – when they pay us the money!’
‘Why’s that white dog staring at the wardrobe?’
‘I don’t know, Sammy. Look inside!’
To be continued ...
60 FA

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VOCABULARY Feelings & moods

3 Read the Study Skill. Then read the story and put the 7 Write your answers to the questionnaire.
events in the correct order.
Thunderstorms make me feel frightened.
Putting events in order When I’m sad, I watch a funny programme on TV.
STUDY Read the story carefully and make sure
SKILL you understand it. Then read the list and What makes you feel … ?
find the corresponding events in the story. 1 … annoyed 3 … happy 5 … frightened
Finally, number the events in the list and
then check it for mistakes. 2 … upset 4 … calm

A Monica found a note on the table. What do you do when you’re … ?

B She hid inside the wardrobe.
n 6 … sad 8 … hungry 10 … tired
C She saw a white shape in the window.
D She saw Jake wagging his tail.
7 … bored 9 … thirsty
E Monica decided to help the woman.
F She discovered money inside a suitcase. When did you last feel ... , and why?
! G A woman entered Monica’s office. 1
H She heard men enter the house. 11 … excited 13 … embarrassed

4 Write answers to questions 1–4. Then discuss 12 … nervous 14 … angry

questions 5–7 in pairs.
What do you think?
d 8 In pairs, ask and answer the questions from the
1 Why did Monica accept the job?
n questionnaire.
2 Why was Jake at the house?
3 Why did the dogs start barking when the men entered 9 Look at the photos and write sentences. How do the
a the room? photos make you feel? How do you think the people feel?
w 4 Why did the men decide to look inside the wardrobe?
Picture A makes me feel hungry.
What happens next?
5 What does Monica do now?
6 Can she escape? B
7 How does the story end?

She can’t escape. I think the

men capture her. I think she calls the police
h on her mobile phone.

5 Listen to the rest of the story. Did you guess the

ending? C
6 Read Word Zone. Then write the missing verb in each
sentence. Make sure it is in the correct tense.

Verbs of perception
WORD feel hear see smell taste
We usually use can with these verbs.
I can see a bus. NOT I see a bus.
10 Choose an emotion from the questionnaire. Remember
an experience when you felt that emotion and write a
1 It was dark and I couldn’t see anything.
description. Think about these questions:
2 Can you ... that smoke? Something’s burning.
3 Can you ... that crying noise? Is it a baby? Where? When? Who was with you? What happened?
4 I ... a hand on my shoulder, and I turned round. I remember a time when I felt very frightened. We were on
5 I ... an accident on my way to school yesterday. holiday by a deep river valley. There was a high bridge and we
6 Did you put any salt in this soup? I can’t ... any. decided to go bungee jumping ...
FAST FINISHERS Imagine you’re Monica Li. Write your diary for the day. 61

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6 Grammar
GRAMMAR Past continuous

4 Write questions about yesterday.

We use the past continuous to talk about
activities in progress in the past, and to 1 your father / work / at 11am ?
Past continuous

describe a scene in the past. Was your father working at 11am yesterday?
I was studying for an exam at nine o’clock last night. 2 you / sleep / at midnight ?
It was a lovely spring day and the sun was 3 your teacher / teach a lesson / at midday ?
shining. People were walking along the river and 4 you / wear anything blue / in the morning ?
eating ice creams. 5 your best friend / sit next to you / at school ?
The police officers were chasing the thief. 6 it / rain / at 3pm ?
They weren’t talking on the phone.
5 Write true short answers to the questions in exercise 4.
The thief wasn’t wearing a blue coat.
Were you watching a film? Yes, I was. 1 Yes, he was.
Was it raining? No, it wasn’t. 6 Complete the conversations with the verbs below in
Grammar reference page 118 the past continuous. Then listen and check.
1 Josh and Rosa were in town on Saturday morning.
Complete Josh’s description with the correct form of do fry go listen look make
the past continuous. sit study travel walk
A: 1Were you studying Maths yesterday at eight o’clock?
B: At eight o’clock? No, I 2 .... along the street.
A: Where 3 ... ?
B: To my piano lesson.
A: What 4 ... at eight o’clock last night?
B: I 5 ... onions and garlic in the kitchen.
Rosa Me (Josh)
A: What 6 ... ?
1 Rosa and I were having coffee at a café. (have) B: Soup!
2 We ... T-shirts and shorts. (wear)
3 A woman on the table next to us ... on her mobile. (talk)
A: I 7 ... on a train at eight o’clock last night.
4 I ... postcards to my family. (write)
B: 8 ... alone?
5 Rosa... photos with her mobile. (take)
A: Yes, I was. I 9 ... to music and 10 ... out of the window.
6 One waiter ... a chat with a customer. (have)
7 Another waiter ... drinks to a table. (take)
8 Some birds ... crumbs under my chair. (eat) PRONUNCIATION was and were More

7 Listen and repeat the sentences.

2 Now look at the picture on page 151 and correct the
1 It was raining.
sentences above.
2 She was eating a lovely pizza.
1 Rosa and Josh weren’t having coffee in a café. They were having 3 We were cycling in the park. 2
orange juice. 4 I wasn’t watching the film.
5 They weren’t talking.
3 Write what you think these people were doing More practice? page 149
yesterday at midday. Use your imagination. Then
compare your ideas with the class. 3
8 What were you doing at these times last weekend?
1 Angela, a journalist Write five true sentences and one false sentence.
I think Angela was interviewing a witness. 05.00 08.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 19.00 22.00
2 Max, a student At three o’clock on Saturday afternoon, I was watching
3 Chloe, a teacher a tennis match.
4 Snoopy, a dog
5 Jules, an actor 9 Read your sentences to your partner. Can he / she
6 Matilda, a zoo keeper guess the false one?
62 FAST FINISHERS What were you doing at midnight on New Year’s Eve last year? Write a description of the scene.

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LISTENING Interpret information in police interviews

One minute
before the robbery...


1 Read the newspaper article and make notes. 4 Work with a partner. Discuss which witness you
think was the most useful. Why?

High Street Robber y 5 Read the expressions in Face 2 Face. Go to page 146
and put them into the dialogues. Listen and check.
CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Yesterday afternoon, FACE 2 FACE
robbers took valuable gold rings and a diamond
necklace from Jasmine’s Jewels in 5th Avenue. The ● I’m impressed. ● I couldn’t believe it.
robbery happened at four o’clock in the afternoon ● I’m not sure.
while people were shopping. The two masked Dialogues page 146
robbers jumped into a car and drove away.
6 Look carefully at the picture below for one minute.

Are you
Name and location of store a good
Time of robbery witness?
Items stolen

Information about suspects

2 Listen to the police interviews and find the people

in the picture above.

9 1 Maggie 2 Billy 3 Natalie 4 James 5 Ethan

3 Listen to the rest of the interviews. Note the

important information that the people give.
1 Maggie – saw a man and a woman

mobile phone cell phone

number plate licence plate 7 Work in pairs. Turn to page 151 and follow the
pavement sidewalk instructions.
shop store
8 Check your answers. Are you a good witness?

e. 63

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1 In pairs, describe what’s happening in the pictures 2 Read the article quickly and match the pictures 3

below. Here are some expressions to help you. with the criminals.

break into a car demand money pull out a gun

rob a bank steal a bag write graffiti



Crime doesn’t pay!


Crime doesn’t pay!


1 Go straight to jail!
Two young criminals in California were trying to break into a car when police officers saw them. While the
police were chasing them, the friends decided to climb over a fence. Unfortunately, the fence they climbed over
belonged to the famous San Quentin prison!

2 While you wait ...

A bank robber in Belgium demanded a lot of money from a bank clerk. ‘Can you wait in your car?’ she asked
politely, ‘and I can bring the money to you.’ While he was waiting outside, the bank staff called the police. He
was still sitting in his car when the police arrived.

3 Signature crime
Two young English vandals, Peter Addison and his friend Mark Ridgeway, broke into a summer camp. While
Mark was smashing plates and setting off the fire extinguishers, Peter wrote some graffiti on the wall. He
wrote, ‘Peter Addison was here.’ The police soon arrested the two criminals.

4 Change for the worse

A thief walked into a convenience store in New York and asked for change from a $20 note. The man pulled
out a gun while the assistant was opening the till. The assistant was terrified and gave him all the cash he had.
The thief grabbed the money and ran away. But he left his $20 note behind. So how much money did he take?

Fifteen dollars!

5 Positive ID
While a woman was leaving a grocery store in Sydney, Australia, a mugger grabbed her bag and ran away. The
shop assistant called the police and the woman gave them a description of the man. The police arrested him
in the next street and then asked the woman to identify him. But the thief was quicker. ‘Yes, Officer,’ he said.

‘That’s the woman I stole the bag from!’

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VOCABULARY People in crime

3 Read the article and write the numbers of the stories. 7 Match the people with the pictures. Which ones aren’t
1 He wrote his own name on the wall. 3
2 They climbed into a prison. bank robber burglar detective graffiti artist
3 He identified the woman he stole from. hacker joyrider judge mugger pickpocket
4 He waited in his car and the police came. shoplifter vandal witness
5 He robbed a shop and lost money.
6 He used a gun in the crime.
1 2 3 4
7 They ran away from the police.
8 They caused damage to a building.

4 The newspaper editor decided to write new headlines.

Match them with the stories.
5 6 7 8
ves break
into pris

behind 9 10 11 12
Criminals leave a clue

Robber waited for police to come

ME SCENE 8 Read the articles and complete them with people from
exercise 7.

Thief tells police he did the crime

A 1 bank robber stole over
€ 3 million from CosmoBank T he 5 ... sent the
woman to prison
for 5 years. He said,
in central Berlin. A 2 ... said,
‘I saw three people in masks ‘We keep more and
run out of the bank.’ more information on
5 Complete the phrasal verbs in Word Zone with the our computers, and that
words below. information must be
Between 2am and 3am, a 3 ... secure! 6 ... are a terrible
covered the Town Hall with
away into off large brightly coloured writing. danger to society.’

Phrasal verbs (2) the

Perhaps the most famous ... was
WORD 1 The robber broke ... the house. Cha rles Dick ens’
Artful Dod ger from
ZONE 2 The mouse ran ... from the cat. their
Oliver Twist. He robbed people of
3 The burglar set ... the alarm when silk handkerchiefs and wat ches.
he broke the window.
9 Match the definitions with people from exercise 7.
6 Discuss the questions with your partner.
1 A shoplifter takes things from shops without paying.
1 Which criminal was the most unlucky? 2 A ... damages street property in towns and cities.
2 Which criminal was the most stupid? 3 A ... breaks into houses and shops and steals things.
3 Which criminal was the most dangerous? 4 A ... steals possessions from people in the street, often
with violence.
I think the criminals in number 1 5 A ... investigates crimes and tries to find the criminals.
were the most unlucky.
6 A ... steals cars and drives them fast and dangerously for fun.
I don’t agree. The man in
number 4 was more unlucky 10 In groups, play What’s my crime? Choose a crime
because … and mime it. The rest of the group guesses what type of
ME SCENE criminal you are.
FAST FINISHERS Read the stories again. Find words that describe roles and jobs. practice

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6 Grammar
GRAMMAR Past continuous & past simple | when & while

3 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past

We often use the past continuous and the past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
simple together. The past continuous describes
Past continuous &
past simple | when & while

an action or situation that was in progress, and 1 Josh and Nick were playing tennis when they saw the
the past simple describes a completed action. plane. (play / see)
The burglar was climbing through the window 2 While she ... her mobile phone, Lisa ... the knife.
when the police officer saw him. (look for / found)
When I went out, it was raining. 3 The muggers ... the money when they ... the police car.
We connect the actions with when and while. (count / hear)
I was cooking dinner when I heard a loud noise. 4 When they ... to the pool, it ... . (get / rain)
When / While I was reading a magazine, the thief 5 I ... my friend in the street while I ... to school. (see / walk)
took my bag. 6 Ryan ... a book in his room when the lights ... out.
Grammar reference page 118 (read / go)
7 My parents ... when they ... at university. (meet / study)
1 Read and complete the dialogues. 8 When my cousin ... , I ... my website. (arrive / update)

4 Write sentences using the past simple or past continuous.

Use when or while.
1 I / swim in the sea / I / see a shark
I was swimming in the sea when I saw a shark.
I saw a shark while I was swimming in the sea.
2 the man / shop / the pickpocket / take his wallet
3 Nathan / dance / he / fall over
Policeman: Where were you at ten o’clock last night?
4 they / get lost / they / walk in the forest
Ronnie: I 1 was sitting (sit) in my apartment. I
2 ... (eat) a pizza with my mate Gary.
5 Claire / work in her office / she / hear the accident
6 my granddad / sleep / the film / end
Policeman: What time 3 ... (Gary / arrive)?
7 it / snow / we / get to the hotel
Ronnie: At about half past eight.
8 Martina / read a text message / she / walk into a tree
Policeman: What 4 ... (you / do) when 5 ... (he / arrive)?
Ronnie: When 6 ... (he / ring) the doorbell, 5 Complete the start of the sentences with your own ideas.
7 ... (I / watch) a film.

Policeman: What film 8 ... (you / watch)? 1 ... when the detective was knocking on the door.
Ronnie: Pirates of the Caribbean. 2 ... while the police were driving to the bank.
3 ... when it started to rain.
4 ... when she was looking out of the window.
5 ... while I was waiting for the train.
6 ... when the Queen entered the room.

6 Work in pairs. One of you reads the start of one of

the sentences that you wrote in exercise 5. The other
guesses the end of the sentence. Then swap.

Policeman: Where were you at 10pm? The robber escaped ...

Gary: I was at Ronnie’s house.
... while the police were
Policeman: Were 9 ... cards (you and Ronnie / play) ? driving to the bank?
Gary: No, we 10 ... (eat) a pizza.
Policeman: 11 ... (Ronnie / watch TV) when 12 ... (you / arrive)? Right! Your turn.
Gary: Yes, he 13 ... .
Policeman: 14 ... (he / watch) Pirates of the Caribbean?

Gary: No way! Ronnie hates pirate films.

15 ... (he / watch) The Hobbit!

2 Listen and check your answers to exercise 1.

practice FAST FINISHERS Write six true sentences about yesterday evening.

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Interview suspects and solve a crime
PREPARATION An expensive cup of coffee!
1 Read the article and answer the questions. On Tuesday at 2.30pm,
Colin and Karen Gordimer
1 When did the crime happen? went to the bank and took
2 What did the thief steal? out £1,000 for their holiday.
3 What were Colin and Karen doing when the crime Karen put the money into
happened? her bag. Instead of going
straight home, they decided
2 Work in pairs and think about what questions the
to go for a coffee. That was a big mistake, because
police ask the suspect.
) the police believe a thief followed the couple from
the bank to the café. While they were queuing to
DO THE CHALLENGE buy a coffee, a pickpocket took the money out of
Karen’s bag. The police have arrested a suspect.
3 You are going to play Alibi. Follow the rules below.


● Do the interview
s. The police officer
s interview the susp
and the friend sepa ect
● When you finish
, go back to your or
iginal pairs.
officers, one suspect ● Police officers:
Play in groups of four: two police Try to find differenc
stories. If you find es between the
and his / her friend. four differences, th
s: police officers If you find fewer th e suspect is guilty.
● First, prepare for the game in pair an four, the suspec
t is innocent.
. ● Suspect and fr
together, suspect and friend together iend: Compare th
officers asked you, qu es tions the police
and your answers.
police officers will Do you think the
s. find the suspect gu

Police officers Express yourself

You are going to interview Checking a story
the suspect and his / her
Ask them questions separa friend.
tely so you can find differ You said you went to the Tell me again about the museum.
their alibis. Prepare 10 qu ences in
estions to ask. cinema, where did you sit? Are you sure the tickets cost
What were you doing betwe
en 1.30pm and 3.30pm yes Your friend said you ate a €15.00?
What did you eat? terday?
How much was the meal? pizza. Is that right? I don’t believe you!

friend FOLLOW UP
Suspect and
u were doing
story about what yo
Create a convincing ay . Make your alibi. 4
ee n 1.3 0p m an d 3.30pm yesterd Report back to the class. Did the suspects and their
tails as possible. friends have strong alibis? Are the suspects guilty or
Decide as many de
• You must: en go to the cinema / a museum / a football
have a meal, th nsport
friend / use public tra Luca and Adrian were very good!
match / meet an old They only gave 2 different answers.
e things:
• Think about thuresclo th es facts about the
film or museum
et We think Adrian is innocent.
the we at he r yo about who you m
m ea l wh at it co st what you talked
used who paid
what transport you Emma and Sara gave 8 different
answers. So Emma is definitely guilty!

g. 67

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INTERACTION Talking about your weekend or holiday

Express yourself 1
Asking questions Talking about what you did Responding 2
Did you have a nice weekend / holiday? I went swimming. That sounds fun.
How was your weekend? I had a great time. What was it like?
What else did you do? It was quite boring. Great! / How awful!
How about you? What a shame!

ON MONDAY MORNING 4 Work in pairs. Can you remember which activities

below they mentioned? Then listen and check.
1 Look at the photo and discuss the questions.
1 2 3
● What are they doing?
● What do you think they are talking about?
● How do Lily and David feel?
● How does Leon feel? 4 5 6
2 Listen and check your answers.

7 8 9

10 11 12

5 Write possible responses to the following sentences.

1 ‘We went mountain climbing.’
2 ‘How was your weekend?’
3 ‘I broke my mobile phone!’
4 ‘It was really boring!’
5 ‘How was the film last night?’
6 ‘What did you do next?’


6 Think about an interesting weekend or holiday. Make

some notes about some different things that you did.
stayed at a big hotel
went swimming every day
saw a famous football player!
3 Listen again and answer the questions. 7 Imagine that it’s the first day in school after the
1 What was David doing when Leon texted him? weekend or holiday. Work with a partner and talk about
2 Which animals did David see? the things you did.
3 Why did he fall over on Sunday? ● Ask about your partner’s weekend or holiday.
4 What did Lily do on Saturday afternoon? ● Respond, and ask more questions about each activity.
5 Did she have a good time? ● Ask what else they did.
6 What happened to Leon on Saturday? ● Remember to ask ‘How about you?’ when you finish
7 What did he do on Sunday? talking about your weekend or holiday.


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Past time expressions

1 In pairs, describe what’s happening in each picture. 4 Find past time expressions in the crime story. How
many can you find?
2 Read the story quickly and put the pictures in order.

Last Saturday morning, ...

5 Complete the expressions in the sentences below.

1 Just ... , the phone rang.
A B 2 ... Wednesday, I went to the cinema after school.
3 Five minutes ... , Emily arrived at the station.
4 In the ... , I realised that it was all a dream.



6 Choose a title for your story.

E F 7 Read the questions and think about your story. Make

The people – Who were they? What were they doing?
The places – Where were they?
The events – What happened?
What was happening when ... ?
Last Saturday morning, Ravi was the only one at home.
The ending – What happened in the end?
His parents were out shopping and his sister was visiting
a friend. Smiling happily, he made himself some toast and How did the people feel?
jam. Five minutes later, he sat down on the sofa to eat it.
Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the street
outside. He jumped up and opened the blinds. He couldn’t 8 Write your story.
believe his eyes! A man was grabbing a girl and pulling her
into a car. She was kicking and screaming but no one was 1 Use Kidnap! as a model.
helping her. 2 Use your notes from exercise 7 and the plan below.
Ravi quickly phoned the police. Then he ran downstairs. 3 Use past time expressions.
But when he got there, he noticed something strange. 4 Use the past continuous and the past simple.
All his neighbours were in the street, but they didn’t look Paragraph 1 – Set the scene and introduce your main
worried or frightened. They were laughing and joking and character.
looked happy. Paragraph 2 – Make something interesting happen.
Ravi pushed his way to the front of the crowd, and in the Describe how the main character reacts
end, he understood what was happening. There were and what he or she did.
no kidnappers in his street. They were actors making a Paragraph 3 – Finish the story with a clear, logical
film. Just then he heard the police car arrive. Feeling very
embarrassed, he went over to explain his mistake.

3 Write your answers to these questions. Then compare CHECK AND CORRECT
with a partner. 9 Check and correct your story.
ut 1 Where were Ravi’s parents on Saturday morning? 1 Check the past time expressions are correct.
They were out shopping. 2 In pairs, swap your stories and check each other’s
2 What was his sister doing? work.
3 Why did Ravi open the blinds in his living room?
4 What did he see through the window?
5 What did Ravi do after he phoned the police?
6 Why were the people in the street smiling and laughing?


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Review Units 4—6

1 Look at the pictures and describe what is 2 Read Part 1 of the story and put the pictures in order. 6
happening in them.

The Mystery of the Black Box Part 1

S imon looked out of the train window and sighed. He was on his
way to stay with his Uncle Jack for two weeks, and he wasn’t
happy about it. He understood that the summer holidays were long
and that both his parents worked, but staying with Uncle Jack was
no fun. He lived alone in a tiny village in the countryside and never
went out or had any visitors. He always kept his curtains half-
closed and doors and windows locked. Why this was necessary in a
quiet village, Simon couldn’t understand.
To cheer himself up, he decided to go to buy himself something C D
to eat. He put his money and his phone into his pocket, but left his
heavy backpack on the seat. At the buffet car, he bought a chocolate
bar and started walking back to his carriage. He was almost at his
seat when a man came running from the opposite direction and
bumped into him. They both fell onto the floor. Simon got up first
and went to help the man.
‘Are you OK?’ he asked.
‘I’m fine, I’m fine!’ the man said, and he hurried away.
Simon found his seat and sat down. He immediately noticed that E F
his bag was open.
‘I’m pretty sure I closed this before I went to the buffet car,’ he
thought. He didn’t have time to worry about it though because a
few minutes later the train arrived at the station. Uncle Jack was
waiting for him on the platform. He was wearing a large hat pulled 8
down over his face.
‘Simon! How are you?’ he asked. But before Simon could reply, he
said, ‘Let’s get out of here. We’ve got a three-hour drive ahead of us.’

3 Write questions with the prompts below. Then answer
them. 5 Listen to Part 2 of the story and answer the questions.
1 Simon / excited / about his holiday? 1 What did Uncle Jack tell Simon about the internet?
Was Simon excited about his holiday? No, he wasn’t. 2 What did Simon find in his bag?
2 Uncle Jack / live with his family? 3 What do you think Simon wrote on his postcard to his
3 Simon / take his backpack to the buffet car? friend? Choose A, B or C.
4 man / help Simon get up?
5 What / Simon / notice / about his bag?
A T here are lots of kids the same age as me in the
6 How long / take / to get to Uncle Jack’s house?
village and we are having a great time exploring
the mountains and forests. 9
4 Find the irregular past tenses of these verbs in the story. B I’m having the worst holiday of my life! It’s so
boring here. I can’t wait to see you all soon. 10
buy can’t fall find get up go have C Uncle Jack says it’s more dangerous here than in
keep leave put say understand the city, so we don’t go out much. But there are
plenty of things to do at home so I’m quite happy.
4 What did Simon find out in the shop?
5 Who did Simon see in the shop?


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Video The USA

6 Now listen to Part 3 of the story and answer the

1 How many questions can you remember beginning with
2 How did Simon feel when he found Uncle Jack? Why?

7 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences.

1 Simon thought about A when he bumped
his holiday into a man. BEFORE YOU WATCH
2 While Simon was B he saw the man from
buying a snack the train. 1 Work in pairs. What do you know about the USA?
3 Simon was walking C while he was looking What can you see in the photo?
back to his seat out of the train window. 2 What do you think is the importance of these things to
4 Uncle Jack was waiting D he went to find the USA?
on the platform Uncle Jack.
5 When Simon was E when the train slavery migrants Washington D.C.
looking for his wallet arrived.
Hollywood National Parks
6 While Simon was F someone opened
buying stamps his backpack.
7 As soon as Simon got G he found the black NOW WATCH
home box.
3 Check your answers to exercises 1 and 2.
WRITING 4 Answer the questions.
1 According to the video, in what ways has the USA
8 In groups, discuss how the story ends, continuing influenced the rest of the world?
from the sentences below. Use the ideas to help you. 2 What four important historical events are mentioned
and why are they important?
Uncle Jack sat down and closed his eyes
3 What factor does the narrator say was probably the
for a moment. most important influence on the USA?
‘OK Simon. Listen carefully. I need to tell 4 Which places are mentioned for their Latin American
you something ...’ influence?
s. 5 What famous American monuments and natural
features did you see?

an interesting landscape a criminal FOLLOW UP

a journey some feelings and moods 5 In pairs, discuss the questions.

a mystery the police 1 What do you think of US culture? Do you wear US brands,
listen to American music and watch Hollywood films?
2 What other influences do you think the USA has had on
9 Write your ending.
the rest of the world?
10 Read the story to your class. Which group has the most 3 Has your country influenced the rest of the world?
exciting ending?

Choose a US President to research, and write a paragraph
about who they were and how they were important to US

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