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Teacher’s Resource Book

Sarah Lewis   Sarah Medina

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Introduction page 4

Vocabulary Worksheets page 11

Grammar Worksheets page 35

Speaking Worksheets page 59

Festivals page 69

Tests page 77

Speaking Tests page 215

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This Teacher’s Resource Book contains a variety of resources
to support the material in the Student’s Book and to enhance
your lessons.

The resources are available both to photocopy and on the Th

Worksheet Generator: an interactive tool which allows you th
to edit or create your own personalized worksheets to adapt di
them to your own needs. m
● Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets: extra practice
of the key language from each Student’s Book unit, for Th
weaker and average-level students ar
● Speaking Worksheets: fun and varied speaking gr
activities th
● Festivals: motivating texts and activities about su
festivals from throughout the English-speaking world as
● Tests: thorough coverage of key language and skills pe
from the Student’s Book at two levels; at the end of Support: These are aimed at weaker students who may have
every unit, every three units, and at the end of the year difficulty keeping up with the rest of the class. They practise
● Diagnostic Test: a challenging test for the start of the the key vocabulary and grammar of each unit through
year to help you identify stronger and weaker students activities which are simpler than those in the Student’s Book.


Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets  Vocabulary Worksheet

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The Vocabulary and Grammar Worksheets provide extra   



practice of the key vocabulary and grammar from the  



Student’s Book.    




You will find 18 Vocabulary Worksheets and 18 Grammar


Worksheets: two for each unit. The Worksheets are available at


two levels: Support and Consolidation.

 Å  ç
   Å ç







  VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 to

Consolidation: These are aimed at average-level students

who may require some more practice to reinforce the key
language. They practise the key vocabulary and grammar of
each unit through activities that are generally a similar level
to those in the Student’s Book.

The Worksheets can be done in class or given as homework.

Use the Worksheets as continuous assessment for your

students. See the Vocabulary and Grammar lessons in each
unit of your Teacher’s Book for which exercises can be used
to assess the different vocabulary and grammar areas.

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Speaking Worksheets Festivals

The Speaking Worksheets provide fun speaking activities The Festivals Worksheets provide activities based on
that fit in with the Student’s Books topics. They provide a festivals from English-speaking countries throughout the
different focus from the Student’s Book, increasing students’ world.
motivation and ensuring that they get the maximum
enjoyment and speaking practice from the topics. There are 6 Festivals Worksheets per level. They feature a
mixture of festivals which are well-known internationally, as
There are 9 Speaking Worksheets: one for each unit. They well as lesser-known intriguing festivals.
are designed to generate key language – vocabulary and
grammar – from each unit. They can be used at any point The Festivals are ordered chronologically throughout the
throughout each Student’s Book unit, but may be more school year, so that they can be covered on or near the time
successful if they are used after the second grammar lesson, that the festival is happening.
as students will be equipped with the necessary language to
perform the activities fluently. Festivals Halloween
e 1 Match the words with their meaning.
very bad
a carved pumpkin

3 evil C frightening
4 jack-o’-lantern D a container for carrying water
5 scary E a woman with magic powers
6 bucket F gift

The doorbell rings. You open the door and hear

‘Trick or Treat?’ Ghosts, witches and fairy
princesses hold out their hands for sweet
treats. It’s 31st October. It’s Halloween! This
fun festival is popular around the world, but
especially in the United States and Canada. But
what exactly is Halloween?

Two thousand years ago, the Celts in Ireland, the Today, food, drink and scary decorations are still a
United Kingdom and France celebrated Samhain. part of the festival, but the true spirit of Halloween
This festival marked the end of autumn and the is to have fun. The festivities begin weeks before
beginning of a long, cold winter. The Celtic New 31st October. Children have to decide on a
Year began on 1st November, and the Celts costume to wear for Halloween and decorate their
believed that the last day of the year, October 31st, homes with scary decorations. On Halloween,
evil spirits were present. Large fires called bonfires people watch horror films and carve jack-o’-
helped scare the spirits away. Celts also offered lanterns. Children go to parties and tell scary
food and drink to assist the spirits on their journey. stories and bob for apples.

2 Read the text. In pairs, discuss the answers to these 3 In pairs, organize a Halloween party. You have to
questions. decide on a costume, the food and the games. Use the
following prompts.
1 What does it mean to go trick or treating?
2 Is Halloween a new festival? What time’s …?
3 What is Samhain, and where did the Celts live? You can play …
4 What is a bonfire? Why don’t you …?
5 What are some typical Halloween festivities? How about …?
Let’s …
Shall we …?

70 FESTIVALS: HALLOWEEN Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

Each worksheet contains a text about the festival, and a

follow-up speaking activity which invites students to relate
Each Speaking Worksheet contains an activity that students the festival to their own culture, or do a mini-project or
do in pairs or small groups. Sometimes, the Worksheets need discussion about the festival.
to be cut up into role cards or game cards. The Festivals Worksheets could be used as homework, with
the final follow-up speaking activity to be done in class the
day after.


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Tests Marking your students

The Tests are designed to thoroughly test key language from Each four-page written Test contains 90 marks, and the
the course and assess your students’ skills development. Speaking Test contains 10 marks. This gives a total mark out
There are two parts to each Test: a four-page written Test of 100. See page 8 for more information about the Speaking
containing Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Listening and Tests.
Writing sections; and a one-page Speaking Test.
The written Tests break down as follows:
You will find the following Tests: Vocabulary 15 marks
● Diagnostic Test to be used at the beginning of the school Grammar 30 marks
year to assess your students’ level: see page 9 for more Reading 15 marks
information. Listening 15 marks
● 9 Unit Tests to be used at the end of each Student’s Book Writing 15 marks
If you aren’t able to do the Speaking Test, you can do the
● 3 round-up Tests to be used after Units 1–3, 4–6 and 7–9.
following equation to convert students’ marks out of 90 into Th
These test language from throughout the previous 3
a percentage: ac
● 2 End-of-Year Tests to be used at the end of the school (mark out of 90) ÷ 90 x 100 = _% Vo
year. These test language from throughout the whole
level. Use End-of-Year Test A with all students. If any
students perform poorly, you could ask them to revise
grammar and vocabulary from throughout the year and
try again, with End-of-Year Test B this time.

Each Unit Test, 3-Unit Test and End-of-Year Test is available

at two levels: Consolidation and Extension.

Consolidation: These are aimed at students who generally

find the Student’s Book material difficult, or the correct level.
The Tests are at roughly the same level as the Student’s Book,
to ensure that students are challenged.

Extension: These are aimed at stronger students who

generally find the Student’s Book material easy. The Tests
are more difficult, to ensure that stronger students are

The audio for the Listening sections of each Test are available Th
in the Teacher’s Audio Material pack. The Audio scripts are Th
available on pages 210–214. ac

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o The first page of each Test contains a column of Vocabulary The second page of each Test contains the rest of the Grammar
activities and the first column of Grammar activities. The activities. The activities in the Extension Tests are more difficult.
activities in the Extension Tests are more difficult. The The Grammar activities always add up to 30 marks.
Vocabulary activities always add up to 15 marks.

The fourth page of each Test contains the Listening and Writing
The third page of each Test contains the Reading section. sections. The Listening section uses the same audio recording
There is always a text, and a number of comprehension for both Consolidation and Extension so that you can test all
activities. The text is longer and more difficult in the students at the same time. However, the activities are longer
Extension Tests, although it is always based on the same and more difficult in the Extension Tests. The Listening activities
topic. The comprehension activities are also more difficult. always add up to 15 marks.
The Reading activities always add up to 15 marks.
The Writing section always ends with a free writing task.
You will need to give students a mark out of 10 for this
task. Encourage stronger students to continue writing on a
separate piece of paper if they run out of space. The Writing
activities always add up to 15 marks.

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Speaking Tests

There is a Speaking Test to accompany every written Test. ● Listen to the students. Pay attention to how effectively Th
they communicate and their use of English, and assign by
The Speaking Tests are role-plays to be done in pairs. each student a mark out of 10. Reward students for al
successful communication and fluent use of language th
and don’t be too strict about language errors unless ar
they impede communication. le
● After the students have finished, give them their mark, ch
and explain why you have given them that mark.
Tell them what they did well, and where they could

How to do the Speaking Tests

● Cut each Test where indicated.

● Ask two students at a time to come and sit with you. m
You could do this while the rest of the students are fo
writing the Written test, or during a separate lesson. w
● If possible, choose pairs of students who have a ex
similar level. This will prevent stronger students gr
from being held back and frustrated by a weaker
student who cannot communicate so well. It will also
prevent weaker students from feeling inhibited and
overwhelmed by having to interact with a stronger
● If there is an odd number of students, take one of the
roles yourself with a student.
● Give each student their part of the Test, and give them
a few minutes to read through the prompts.
● Make sure students know what the situation is,
and what they need to do. If you want, they can ask
you to explain anything on the Test that they don’t
● Make sure students know which student begins the

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Diagnostic Test

y The Diagnostic Test assesses students’ overall level in English Diagnostic Test
n by testing them on the language – mostly grammar but GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY

also some key vocabulary – that they will cover throughout

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. 4 Complete the dialogue with can or can’t and the verbs in
0 Jack ’s got lots of T-shirts in the chest of drawers.
1 you a rubber? Ellie: Tobias, do you think you 0 can teach (teach) me to play

e the level. The aim is to help you identify which students

2 My mum and dad a new red car.
3 Tim a bike? Tobias: Sure! We 1 (practise)
together at the weekend.
4 Harriet lots of nice clothes.
Ellie: Great!
5 I like animals, but I any pets.

are weaker and will need more support throughout the

Tobias: 2 you (play)
any other ball sports?
2 Choose the correct pronoun. Ellie: No, I 3 . But I
0 Monica and I / me are from Wales. 4 (ski).

level, and which students are stronger and will need more 1
This is Ellen. I sit next to she / her in class.
We / us are having a picnic by the river.
Gareth is my brother. Do you know he / him?
I need my glasses, but I can’t find it / them.
Tobias: That’s cool!
Ellie: My brother does a lot of sport. And he
5 (do) karate, too!

5 We are playing football, and our dog is with us / he.

k, 3 Write sentences and questions using the present simple.

5 5 Write the questions using the present continuous and
match them to the answers.
0 we / play / rugby / now?
0 Emma / live / in Belfast
Are we playing rugby now?
Emma lives in Belfast.
1 Sofia / cycle / to work / this morning?

The Grammar and Vocabulary activities become

1 I / not like / chocolate

2 Mark and Kyle / camp / in the wild?

2 Sam / play / the piano

progressively more difficult, and you will be able to get an

3 Lisa / watch / a film on TV / at the moment?
3 you / watch / TV every day?

4 what / music / you listen to / these days?

4 my teacher / not go / to the cinema at the weekend

idea of students’ level by seeing how far they are able to give 5 Lucy and Tom / speak / Russian?

6 Peter / visit / you often?

5 You / study / for a test / right now?

A No, they are staying in a hotel.

correct answers.
B Mostly rock’n’roll, and you?
C No, she’s making dinner.
7 Sam and Amy / not play / videogame on school night
D Yes, I have a test tomorrow.
E No, we’re playing later this evening. _0
8 Silvia / not like / soap operas
F The traffic is horrible so she’s taking a bus.
9 Tom / bring / me the homework when I’m sick 5

● Average-level students for this course should be able 10 You / not listen / to any pop music?

to answer around the first 25–50% of Grammar and

Vocabulary questions correctly, but then will start to
78 DIAGNOSTIC TEST Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

give mostly incorrect answers.

● Weaker students will probably give incorrect answers
6 Read the conversations and circle the correct answer. 9 Write the correct comparative form of the words in bold.

right from the beginning of the Test. 0 A How many / How much cartons of orange juice have
we got in the fridge?
B There are lots.
0 My best friend Holly is tall than me.
1 The cinema is popular on Saturdays than Sundays.
1 A Is there any milk?

● Stronger students will be able to give correct answers

B There’s a few / a little left in the bottle.
2 A Can you put lots of / a lot sugar in my coffee, please 2 I think the train came early today than yesterday.
B No, it’s not good for you. 3 My laptop is good than yours.
3 A There isn’t much / lots traffic on the roads, is there?

for more than 50% of the test. If any students answer B Well, it’s Sunday. Not lots of / many people go out on
a Sunday evening.
4 A What’s the matter?
4 Motorbikes are noisy than bikes.

B I’ve only got a little / a few days to finish my 5 The mountains are far from my house than the sea.

almost the entire Vocabulary and Grammar section homework.

5 A Do you eat much fish?
B Yes, I eat many / a lot of salmon and tuna.
10 Look at the table with information about actor Brad Ryan

correctly, then they have a very high level for this

and answer the questions using the present perfect.
7 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of
do, get, go or have. Born 1992

0 My mum usually does the housework twice a week. Filmography The River and Rainshadows

course. 1 Erika and Ruben always

two hours after school.
2 David’s family
online for

dinner together at
Became a
professional actor
Moved to Los Angeles 2001

6pm every evening.

Acting awards Young Artist Award for Rainshadows
3 Every morning I dressed, brush my
teeth and then go to school. Countries visited 14

The Reading, Listening and Writing activities also become 4 I always

5 My brother
my homework in the

ready for bed at 9.30pm,

Best experience Flying in a helicopter, 2010

0 How long has Brad been a professional actor?

more difficult as students progress through them, in order

but I go to bed at 10.30pm. He’s been a professional actor since he was 10.
5 1 How long has he lived in Los Angeles?
8 Complete Mary’s blog about her holiday using the past
simple of the verb in brackets. 2 How many films has he made?

for you to assess if a student’s ability in skills is consistent Friday My family and I 0 arrived (arrive) at the hotel at
11.30pm last night. We 1
very tired but excited!
(be) all 3 What awards has he won?

with their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. For

Saturday We 2 (go) to the beach yesterday. 4 How many countries has he visited?
The weather was really sunny!
Sunday I3 (not sleep) well last 5 What exciting experience has he had?
night. It was too hot. But this afternoon we

example, it is possible that a student has an excellent level of

4 (take) a hot-air balloon ride. It
was fantastic! 5
Monday My mum and I 5 (visit) a museum Grammar and Vocabulary total 50
this morning. My brother didn’t come. He hates

grammar but poor communication skills, or vice versa.

museums, so he went shopping with my dad instead.

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Vocabulary Worksheets

Support Unit 1 page 12

Consolidation Unit 1 page 13

Support Unit 2 page 14

Consolidation Unit 2 page 15

Support Unit 3 page 16

Consolidation Unit 3 page 17

Support Unit 4 page 18

Consolidation Unit 4 page 19

Support Unit 5 page 20

Consolidation Unit 5 page 21

Support Unit 6 page 22

Consolidation Unit 6 page 23

Support Unit 7 page 24

Consolidation Unit 7 page 25

Support Unit 8 page 26

Consolidation Unit 8 page 27

Support Unit 9 page 28

Consolidation Unit 9 page 29

Answers page 30

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1 Vocabulary Worksheet 1
1 Look at the family tree and complete the words. 4 Match the parts of the expressions. 1
1 meet A relatives
2 go B shower
+ 3 tidy C breakfast
4 have a D friends

Dominic Glenda 5 go to E online
6 visit F the cinema

+ —— +
7 have G your room

5 Complete the expressions with the words below.

Martin Tessa Tom Amy

dinner for bed homework housework
school snack sport your teeth

1 get ready for bed
Danny Chloe Harry 2 do your
(Me!) 3 go to
1 Dominic is Harry’s granddad. 4 brush
2 Glenda is Harry’s g _ _ _ _ _ a. 5 have
3 Chloe is Harry’s s _ _ _ _ r. 6 do the 2
4 Harry and Chloe’s p _ _ _ _ _ s are Tom and Amy. 7 do
5 Harry and Chloe have got one c _ _ _ _ n. 8 have a
6 Harry’s a _ _ _ is Tessa.
7 Tom is Danny’s u _ _ _ _. 6 Look at the everyday activities in exercises 4 and 5.
8 Chloe is Tom and Amy’s d _ _ _ _ _ _ r. Write four activities you like ( ) and four activities you
dislike ( ).
2 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.
Like Dislike
1 Harry’s grandma (ardgmna) is called Glenda.
2 Harry, Chloe and Danny are Dominic and Glenda’s
3 Harry is Chloe’s (ertbohr).
4 Danny is Tom and Amy’s (ehnewp).
5 Chloe is Tessa and Martin’s (icene).
6 Dominic and Glenda are Harry, Chloe and Danny’s

3 Look at the family tree above and correct the sentences.

1 Chloe is Danny’s aunt.
Chloe is Danny’s cousin.
2 Dominic is Glenda’s wife.

3 Tessa is Danny’s stepmother.

4 Tessa is Martin’s niece.

5 Chloe is Dominic and Glenda’s grandson.

12 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 What are the relationships to Harry? Look at the family 3 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the
tree and write the family members. activities.
1 foraisegncdest
meet friends
+ 2 rdlibnuniecrps
1 2

3 rseclhaothiomevweos
4 stpiodyroutse
+ —— + do
5 btshrdurseeh
3 4 5 6 your teeth

| 6 h m o m s e l w o n r e k s t
do your

— 4 Complete the sentences.

7 8 1 How often do you go online?
Harry 2 Do you homework every day?
3 We like going cinema at the weekend.
2 Complete the sentences. 4 Please dressed immediately; it’s late!
5 We always dinner together.
1 Your parents’ son is your brother.
6 I usually for bed at about ten o’clock.
2 Your mum’s daughter is your .
3 Your dad’s father is your . 7 Do you always your room at the weekend?
4 Your aunt’s son is your . 8 She usually snack in the morning.
u 5 Your sister is your uncle’s . 5 Match the descriptions with the words and phrases.
6 Your mum’s second husband is your .
7 Your granddad’s parents are your . 1 You do this if you play football, tennis or basketball. D
8 Your son and daughter are your . 2 This is the person a woman is married to. _
3 If you do this, your house will be clean and tidy. _
4 You do this if you go to see your grandparents. _
5 These are your aunt and uncle’s children. _
6 My sister’s son. _
7 You do this to wash yourself. _
8 This is your mum’s second husband. _
A have a shower
B stepfather
C nephew
D do sport
E cousins
F do the housework
G husband
H visit relatives

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 1 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 13

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2 Vocabulary Worksheet 2
SPORTS 3 Correct the sentences.
1 We play sailing at the weekend.
1 Find eight sports in the word search. We go sailing at the weekend. 1
2 Do you go athletics at school?
M G H J B C K F F R R V I N G 3 He plays climbing with his friends.
G N P B B A Q P W O D W Y F M 4 Do they often play gymnastics?
G C O O B B U Q V M D U L U A 5 I do horse riding a lot.
T E N N I S H I M M F P Q C T 6 She goes volleyball on Fridays.
J Z B L I N W K I G O N J W U 4 Complete the words to make sports venues.
1 gym 5 f _ _ t _ al _ _ it _ _
2 i__ r__k 6 s _ _ te p _ _ _
M S W A G J S Z W P B Y U M O 3 r _ nn _ _ g t _ a _ _ 7 _ wi _ _ i _ g p _ _ _
4 _ _ i sl _ _ e 8 t _ nn _ _ c _ _ r _
2 Match the pictures with the sports in exercise 1.
5 Complete the sports equipment with the words below.

bat board boots net paddle pads racket stick

1 elbow pads
2 baseball
3 surf 2
1 gymnastics 2
4 basketball
5 kayak
6 football
7 hockey
8 tennis

6 Write the sentences.

3 4 1 Thereisalotofsnowontheskislope.
There is a lot of snow on the ski slope.
2 Whereisyourtennisracket?

3 Itisafantasticswimmingpool.

4 Ihaven’tgotasurfboard.
5 6
5 Wegoskateboardinginthepark.

6 Doyouwearahelmetwhenyougomountainbiking?

7 8

14 UNIT 2 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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2 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 4 Complete the sentences.
1 1 Do you want to come to the swimming pool with me?
2 I haven’t got a hockey to hit the ball.
2 3 3 You need a to go surfing.
4 4 I’m buying some new knee and elbow .
5 There’s a big running at my local
sports centre.
s w i m m i n g
6 You need a baseball to hit the ball.

6 5 Look at the example and write about the pictures.

7 He is skateboarding. He is
wearing elbow and knee pads.
He is at the skate park.
5 There are four different styles.
6 You need a boat. 2
7 You need waves.
1 You do this in fast-moving rivers.
2 You hit a ball with a racket.
3 You reach to the top of high mountains.
4 The ball has a different shape. 3
5 Better if it’s cold and it snows.

2 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the


1 ibcaksneinbdaclrl
play baseball 4
2 rgiodumngorusnetsaings
3 rpvolyaykibnagsbkyet
4 sacltmhblyaektnigciksine
do 5
5 bgsoaislietkiactsloe
6 h d p o l g o a t y e n i n c i s e b t y

3 Choose the correct answer.

1 My grandparents do / go / play sailing every Sunday.
2 Does your brother do athletics / tennis / rugby?
3 My friends and I do / go / play football at the sports club.
4 Do you like going ice hockey / volleyball / horse riding?
5 Tommy does / goes / plays skate boarding in the park.
6 I do / go / play gymnastics in national competitions.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 2 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 15

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3 Vocabulary Worksheet 3
1 Find ten words in the word search. Then complete the table. 3 Complete the words to label the things in the picture. 1

Fruits Vegetables 1 p _l a_ t e_ 7 ch _ _ _ t _ _ ks
grapes 2 n__k__ 8 c__
3 s_o__ 9 s_u___
4 _n_f_ 10 g _ _ _ s
5 f___ 11 _ u _
6 t___p_o_

4 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 3.

2 Unscramble the words to complete the food groups.
1 We need a jug of water.
Meat 2 I always eat Chinese food with .
kicnhec 1 chicken 3 A protects your clothes when you eat. 3
krop 2 4 He likes a of sugar in his tea.
fbee 3 5 You drink water from a .
6 Have you got a and
Seafood to cut the steak?
naut 4

waprsn 5
malson 6

Dairy products 5 Match the words.

kiml 7
1 a bottle A of juice
treubt 8
2 a slice B of crisps
goruhty 9
3 a jar C of pears
4 a packet D of ketchup
Carbohydrates 5 a can E of cheese
crie 10
6 a bag F of bread
roful 11 7 a carton G of cola
sapat 12 8 a piece H of marmalade

16 UNIT 3 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Choose the correct answer. 4 Write the names of the things in the picture.
1 Green beans / Prawns / Grapes are my favourite
2 It is healthy to eat fish like pork / salmon / bread.
3 In countries like India and China, rice / cabbage / milk
is an important carbohydrate.
4 Some people only eat white meat like yoghurt / flour /
5 You can’t make sandwiches if you haven’t got any
oil / bread / milk.
6 I love all fruit, but peaches / tomatoes / peppers
are my favourite.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. There

are four you don’t need.

beef bread butter cucumber grapes

milk pork rice tomatoes tuna
1 plate 7
1 Grapes are a type of fruit. Wine comes from them. 2 8
2 is a dairy food that 3 9
comes from a cow. 4 10
3 is meat that comes 5 11
from a pig. 6
4 is a type of fish.
5 is a carbohydrate CONTAINERS & PORTIONS
made from wheat.
5 Swap the words in bold to complete the sentences.
6 are a type of vegetable, which are red.
1 If you go to the supermarket, don’t forget a bottle (jar) of
t. 3 Read the clues and complete the crossword. marmalade and a can ( ) of ketchup.
1 2 I’m hungry! Pass me a jar ( ) of cheese
and two packets ( ) of bread, please.
o n i o n I’ll make a sandwich.
3 I’ll have two slices ( ) of crisps and a
3 piece ( ) of cola.
4 We have run out of milk. Could you buy three bags
( )?
5 We collected two cartons ( ) of apples
from my granddad’s apple tree!

Across 6 Write two sentences about each of the foods below.

2 When you cut this vegetable, your eyes can hurt or water.
1 Strawberries are a type of fruit. You can buy them in a bag
3 Different kinds include blue, cheddar and gruyère.
or carton.
5 This carbohydrate is very popular in Italy.
2 Butter
Down 3 Bread
1 This is food that people make from milk. 4 Cola
2 You buy this in a bottle. You usually cook with it. 5 Tuna
4 These green vegetables are very good for you. 6 Rice

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 3 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 17

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4 Vocabulary Worksheet 4
TRANSPORT 3 Complete the phrases with the prepositions below.

by (x2) in on (x3)
1 Unscramble the words. Take the letters in dark boxes 1
and write a type of air transport.
1 be in a taxi
2 go car
B 5
3 go the underground
1 10 12
CEIROHTEPL 4 go train
11 5 be a bus
6 go foot

13 2
3 8
4 Find two prepositions of movement hidden in each box.
1 duonwdner
TAMR down under 2
2 talowoanrdsg
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- 3 aicnrotsos

2 Read the clues and complete the circles with the means 4 atwhraoyufgromh
of transport.
5 aorouvernd
1 I t carries passengers on 2 C
 arriages which are pulled
long journeys by road. by an engine along a railway. 6 betuwepen

5 Choose the correct answer.

3 I t carries passengers across 4 I t carries passengers and

rivers or short streches of sea. flies through the air.


5 A small motorcycle. 6 A
 boat used for racing or
pleasure trips.
1 The car didn’t travel under / up the bridge.
M Y 2 The yacht is sailing out of / across the sea.
3 The hot-air balloon is going up / down to the sky.
4 Did the train go between / through the tunnel?
5 I dived into / away from the lake.
6 We cycled between / along London and Edinburgh.

18 UNIT 4 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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4 Vocabulary Worksheet
TRANSPORT 3 tbehtrwoeeugahr
We went a very long tunnel.
1 Choose the correct answer. 4 roalunobnetg
He’s cycling the road to his house.
1 A yacht / moped / hot-air balloon has got two wheels. 5 otoutwoairntds
2 A tram / horse / helicopter is a form of air transport. This path goes the sea.
3 People often travel by lorry / underground / ship 6 b a c e r t o w s e i e t o n
in large cities.
My motorbike is the blue car and the
4 A yacht / motorbike / bus is a form of transport used
red one.
on the sea.
5 People usually pay a driver to travel by plane / van / taxi. 5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.
6 A car / bike / minibus hasn’t got a motor.
7 A lorry / bus / tram takes products to shops and 1
supermarkets. The man drove the bus into
x. 8 A hot-air balloon / motorbike / plane is a quiet form of the station.

2 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.

1 It is expensive to travel by train (nitar) in the UK. 2
2 I used a (mrta) for the first time The is
yesterday. going
3 The children went on a school trip by into the sky.
4 It takes approximately two hours to travel by
(lenap) from London to Madrid. 3
5 Some container (hpssi) are enormous! The is
6 My uncle is buying a new (kemootrib). going
7 I love travelling by (ryefr). the river.
8 You can get a (accho) from one end
of the country to the other.

3 Complete the phrases with the prepositions by, in or on. 4

My is
1 go by car parked
2 be a taxi your car and my sister’s car.
3 go the underground
4 go train
5 be a bus 5
6 go foot The
7 go ferry is going
8 be a car a steep hill.

4 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the The
sentences. went
1 uancdresrdd a long tunnel.
The yacht is going under the bridge.
2 taowarydfthrogmh
Why are you walking me?

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 4 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 19

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5 Vocabulary Worksheet 5
ADJECTIVES 4 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

1 Find eight adjectives in the word search. deep expensive interesting 1

late long narrow soft weak
M X T M J A T X D G R N L D X 1 Be careful. The water is very deep.
R S L Y P V R S N C X Y M J W 2 The car is £50,000! It’s too !
T F C L H F M H U X C O B V G 3 I went to sleep at midnight. It was too
P P S K T L J E U V F X C R O , and now I’m tired.
4 This pear is delicious! It’s very .
2 Unscramble the words. Match them with their 5 The road is too for cars and lorries.
opposites in exercise 1. 6 Has your cousin got , blonde hair?
7 I love history! I think it’s really .
1 asft fast slow 3
8 Can you help me to open this jar, please? I’m too
2 fleubuait
3 petym
4 veyah
6 lopunparu
7 teqiu 5 Match two boxes each time to make six words.
8 chkti
er des moun am riv ins
3 Complete the sentences with adjectives from exercises
1 or 2. ey stre pla tain ert vall

1 I can’t carry this bag! How much does it weigh? desert

It’s too heavy.
2 My house is not from here. It’s only
five minutes walking.
3 The disco was crowded. It was of
people everywhere!
4 The house is very . The children must
6 Choose the correct answer.
be sleeping!
5 Ipods are very with teenagers 1 There is a lot of water in a lake / mountain.
nowadays. 2 Great Britain is a large desert / island.
3 The Andes is a mountain range / stream
6 The walls of these houses are too .
in South America.
You can hear your neighbours talking!
4 People often go on holiday to the beach / plains.
5 Volcanoes / Farmland can be very dangerous!
6 There are many trees in a sea / forest.

20 UNIT 5 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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5 Vocabulary Worksheet
1 Complete the adjectives with the letters below. There 4 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.
are three you don’t need.
1 2

all aut eav hic hin mpt 3

f o r e s t
nge one pop uic uie

1 be _a _u _t iful 5 un_ _ _ ular 4

2 e_ _ _y 6 da_ _ _rous
3 h_ _ _y 7 q _ _ _t 5

4 sh_ _ _ow 8 t_ _ _k 6

2 Write the opposites of the adjectives in exercise 1. 7

1 ugly
6 Across
3 4 7 8

3 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below.

There are two you don’t need.
1 2 5 6

cheap early expensive interesting

late long narrow near soft weak
5 Choose the correct answer.
1 I live near my cousin’s house. It’s only five minutes 1 We went for a walk into the desert / beach / forest to
walking. collect chestnuts.
2 I can’t wear these shoes because they’re too 2 Hawaii is a beautiful desert / island / sea.
for me. 3 You get wet if you go in a river / hill / coastline.
3 My parents usually arrive because 4 People often go on holiday to the beach / plains / valleys.
they never leave the house on time! 5 Volcanoes / Farmland / Plains can be very dangerous!
4 Max loves the study of dinosaurs! He thinks that there is 6 A stream is usually deep / shallow / dry.
nothing more . 6 Write two examples of each of the following
5 Mum really likes her cashmere sweater because it’s landscapes.
really and comfortable.
lakes: Victoria
6 Can you help me to carry the suitcases, please? I’m too

7 Has your girlfriend got , blonde hair?

8 Did you pay £1000 for that dress? That’s much too



15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 5 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Consolidation 21

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6 Vocabulary Worksheet 6
FEELINGS & MOODS 3 Choose the correct answer.
1 The players were upset / excited when they lost the
1 Find eight adjectives in the word snake and write them. game. 1
h 2 It’s Tom’s party tonight and he can’t wait! He’s feeling
ba m tir yn e d angry / happy.





3 Please give me something to eat immediately! I’m really


dal ex ci




hungry / thirsty.
annoyed 4 My children haven’t got anything to do so they’re bored /
5 When the bank robber entered the bank, everyone was
thirsty / frightened.
6 Most people were nervous before the exam, but Annie
2 Look at the pictures, unscramble the words and write felt the opposite – she was very upset / calm.
4 Match the parts of the words and write them.
1 wit A pocket
2 shop B artist
3 pick C ness
4 joy D lifter
mlca pyahp 5 E robber
calm 6 bank F rider
3 4 1 witness
3 2

das dehrifgtne 5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

5 6 burglar detective hacker judge mugger vandal

1 A person who tries to solve a crime is a detective.

2 A person who breaks into a house and steals things is a
3 A person who tries to break into computer systems is a
dirte esamrsebrad
4 A person who breaks or damages street property in
7 8 towns and cities is a .
5 A person who hears and decides cases before a court of
law is a .
6 A person who is violent and takes something from you
on the street is a .

yhittrs rugyhn

22 UNIT 6 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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6 Vocabulary Worksheet
FEELINGS & MOODS 3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Federico was upset / happy / embarrassed when he
1 Find six adjectives in the word search. Then match the won the competition.
opposites. 2 Please wait a few minutes. I’m too calm / angry / happy
to talk to you right now.
y G I V Q Z K Y A B X J G K F Y 3 After the race, everyone was so hungry / thirsty /
G D W O B C P C T A A E E C U nervous that they drank a litre of water.
/ D V O K I G P S X M J Z R S E 4 When my parents’ cat died, they were really sad / bored
G W I C N C A L M S J B E P O / frightened.
P V H U C S H Q T I A X P L U 5 Do you feel excited / tired / bored about your birthday
S U O V R E N F U U E D W P M celebration?
6 I felt incredibly upset / calm / embarrassed while I was
watching the beautiful sunset.
4 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.
1 We had a burglar (lrrguab) in our office last night.
I can’t believe it!
2 Were you a (nisetws)
to the crime?
3 When I was in the department store, detectives were
happy following a (oserlfpith).
4 A (roirejdy) stole
Martha’s car. The police found it but it was ruined!
5 My friend’s son is a fantastic
2 Look at the pictures and write the adjectives.
(firiafgt rittas).
1 2 6 Some people think it is clever to be a
(ekhrac), but these
people can cause serious problems.

5 Read the definitions and write the words.

ca l m h____
1 This is a person who steals things from a shop.
3 4 s _h _o _p _l _i _f _t _e _r
2 This is a person who is involved with computer crime.
3 This person may use violence to steal from you on the street.
s__ f_________ 4 This person breaks or damages street property in
5 6 villages, towns and cities.
5 This person’s work is solving crimes.
6 This person steals things from your bag or clothes when
t____ e__________ you’re in the street.
7 8 p_________
7 This person steals things from people’s homes or from
8 This person is in charge of a trial.
t______ h_____ j____

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7 Vocabulary Worksheet 7
1 Match the adjectives with the prepositions. 4 Circle the adjectives for appearance and underline the 1
adjectives for personality.
1 good A about
2 keen B at
C on cheerful plump
3 fond
4 crazy D in
5 terrible E of
6 interested F at
dark serious
2 Complete the table with the phrases below.
adore can’t stand crazy about don’t like
enjoy fond of hate like love funny 2

1 adore 4
tall medium-height
2 5

3 6
5 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 tall and / father / my / is / well-built
My father is tall and well-built.
7 8 2 you / how / have / been / long / bald / ?

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. 3 blonde / really / and she / she’s / friendly / got / has / hair

can’t crazy doesn’t going good

interested terrible watching 4 black / hair / and now / was / long and / short / my / it’s /
and grey

5 dark / and had / my / when / husband / was / a / met /

moustache / I / him

6 you / new / have / seen / glasses / Corin’s / ?

1 Harry loves watching old films.

2 Anna enjoy going to music festivals.
3 I’m in languages and literature.
4 They’re really at football! They never
score a goal!
5 We’re about cats in our family.
6 They stand doing exams.
7 He isn’t very at cooking.
8 We enjoy on holiday to Spain.

24 UNIT 7 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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7 Vocabulary Worksheet
SKILLS & INTERESTS 4 Complete the table with the words in exercise 3.

1 Complete the expressions. Appearance Personality

1 can’t stand well-built

2 keen
3 crazy
4 mind
5 good
6 fond
7 terrible 5 Choose the correct answer.
8 interested

2 Correct the sentences.

1 I really enjoy to dive!
I really enjoy diving!
2 Are you terrible about cooking?

3 My brother isn’t good in going to bed early.

4 She can stand wearing glasses.

5 We adore to go walking in the mountains.

6 They’re completely crazy on each other.

7 I don’t mind play basketball, but I prefer tennis.

1 My daughter has got lots of freckles / moustaches /
8 Do you hate to doing the housework? piercings.
2 I love his personality! He’s so curly / plump / friendly.
3 He isn’t tall and he isn’t short / well-built / slim – he’s
DESCRIBING PEOPLE medium-height.
4 Have you worn freckles / glasses / beards for a long time?
5 I think the children in my class are really wavy / bald / clever.
3 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then write the words. 6 He really loves his wife’s long slim / dark / shy hair.
1 swaetllnd-ybusilht 6 Complete the sentences with the words below.
2 dceusrllyon
bald can’t stand grey keen on moustache shy

3 wfauongnlyo
1 She’s never liked French. She can’t stand speaking
4 rbilancdkh another language.
2 My grandmother has got lovely curly
5 bsleoroiuosucs hair.
3 He’s a little quiet, but that’s because he’s
6 ecdhieuemrefiugl .
4 That tall girl over there is really
7 slbohnay netball. She’s good at it, too.
5 Quite a lot of men in South America have got a
8 b f l r h a i re y n d e l p y .
6 My granddad was from the age of 30.

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8 Vocabulary Worksheet 8
JOBS 5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with
the phrases below.
1 Unscramble the words and write the jobs. 1
cleaned the car clear the table hang out the washing
1 marfre farmer
make your bed sweep the floor the washing
2 lmpreub
3 eusnr
4 rootdc 1 You don’t have to clear the table
5 nacutacont yet.
6 lopti
7 enireegn
8 garmaen
2 Please, can you
9 ecitahcrt ?
10 idrbleu

2 Match the words.

1 business A assistant 3 I was doing
2 sales B officer when the phone
3 shop C professor rang.
4 bus D person
5 police E driver
6 university F representative 4 Dad and Anna
yesterday morning. 1
3 Complete the sentences with the jobs in exercise 2.
1 A business person runs a commercial or industrial firm.
2 A often drives to
different places to sell a company’s products. 5 I’m going to
3 A takes passengers to .
and from different places in a town or city.
4 A works in a shop 4
selling things.
6 Do you
5 A teaches students.
every morning?
6 A has to arrest criminals.

4 Complete the household chores. 6 Write two sentences about the household chores you like
and two about the ones you don’t like. Give your reasons.
1 d_ o_ the
_ _ _i _r o_ n_ _i n_ g_
2 _ o the w _ _ _ ing _ p 1 I like taking my dog out for a walk because it’s relaxing.
3 l _ _ the t _ _ _ e 2 I don’t like taking out the rubbish because it smells horrible.
4 f _ _ d the d _ _ 3
5 do the v _ c _ _ _ _ n _
6 w _ _ _ r the p _ _ _ _ s
7 t _ _ e the _ _ g for a w _ _ _
8 p _ t a _ _ y the _ _ oc _ _ ie _
9 l _ _ d the d _ _ _w _ _ _ _ r 5
10 t _ _ _ o_ _ the r _ _ _ i _ _

26 UNIT 8 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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8 Vocabulary Worksheet
JOBS 3 What do you think is good or bad about the jobs below?
Write one sentence with each job.
1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.
doctor fire fighter business person
1 manager police officer
2 3 4

5 6
a c c o u n t a n t 1 I think being a doctor is interesting because you can help
people in different places in the world.
7 3
8 5

6 7 8 4 Match two boxes each time to form eight household
the groceries for a walk the car

the vacuuming do washing up

g. 1 2 3 do the hang out clean dog

put away feed the the washing

take the dog water the plants

take the dog for a walk

4 5

5 Match the descriptions with the household chores.

1 You do this after eating dinner. D
2 Complete the sentences. 2 You do this with a brush. _
ke 3 You do this before you sit down to eat. _
1 A university professor teaches a specialist subject to older
s. 4 You can do this when your clothes are dirty. _
5 You do this when the dishes need cleaning. _
2 A person who flies aeroplanes or helicopters is a
6 You usually do this when you get up in the morning. _
7 You do this when the bins are full. _
3 A often travels a lot to
8 You do this when you have washed and dried your clothes. _
sell his or her company’s products or services to other
people. A load the dishwasher
4 You normally pay a B sweep the floor
when you buy something in a department store. C take out the rubbish
5 A is responsible for D clear the table
taking passengers to and from different places in a town E make the bed
or city. F do the washing
6 If you need someone to design a new building, you need G lay the table
to call an . H do the ironing

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9 Vocabulary Worksheet 9
PLACES IN A TOWN 3 Match the words.
1 department A bar
1 Find eight places in town in the word search. 2 sandwich B shop 1
3 shopping C hall
Y K O M K W L L F F G I S U W 4 coffee D station
F Q N G U I S R B Z Z V T C J 5 town E store
L U P G B E Z Y W D T F A O K 6 police F café
F V F R O P S Z H E Z Q D C N 7 internet G centre
F N A C T R L U K B Z R I M A 8 art H gallery
N Q B J R O U E E K R Z Y E A 4 Unscramble the words and write them.
B P V E R W L V A H F U W G I 1 lub-yar cdsi ralepy Blu-ray disc player
W S P N G F M D X T A A X Y C 2 tigladi meraca
O U G F R W I H W G R K H B E 3 cdeeeinrsw
S Q B R T T I H Y J K E V O F 4 BUS rotp
X B U A B J A D R V O U D M Z 5 dunorsur nudos
6 3PM kdoc

2 Match the words in exercise 1 with the pictures. 5 Complete the sentences with the words below.

camcorders drive microphone

ports printer surround webcam

1 You need a microphone and a to use

1 bank 2 2 We love our new sound.
3 I’ve got three USB on my computer.
4 My hard is too small for my photos!
5 Have you got a colour ?
6 are great for filming special times.

3 4 6 Complete the table with the electronic devices or

technology in exercises 4 and 5.

PC Home cinema system

digital camera Blu-ray disc player

5 6

7 8

28 UNIT 9 VOCABULARY WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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9 Vocabulary Worksheet
PLACES IN TOWN 3 What do you like and dislike about these places? Write
1 Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then write the 1 cinema
words. I like the big screen and the surrounding sound but I don’t like
the sound of people eating pop corns.
1 acritnueffmeaef
2 restaurant
2 npeawrssatagteionts 3 library

3 spohpaprimnagceynt 4 museum

4 pahroptteolrium 5 park

6 supermarket
5 sanldiwbirbarty


4 Complete the words.
2 Match the descriptions with the places in town.
1 m o_ u_ s _e
2 mul _ _ ca _ _ rea _ _ _
3 mi _ _ _ p _ o _ _
4 w _ _ el _ s _ k _ _ b _ _ r _
5 w _ _ _ sc _ _ _ _
6 B _ _-r _ _ d _ _ c pl _ _ _ r

5 Complete the sentences.

1 Get the camcorder! I want to film Lisa dancing.
2 My new digital is really small, but it
takes great photos.
3 A computer’s main data storage device is called its
1 This is a place where people go to watch plays. D 4 I can’t print these documents because my
2 People can buy their lunch here. _ is broken.
3 This is a natural, green area in a town where people 5 You get an excellent picture on a TV.
can relax. _ 6 If you connect a on your computer,
4 There is a variety of shops in one place here. _ people can see you from the other side of the world.
5 If you need some medicine, you can get it here. _
6 Explain with your own words what each thing is for.
6 People come here to look at paintings and sculptures. _
7 This is the place where most people keep their money. _ 1 A USB port is a cable connection which allows electronic
8 People who like to read a lot usually like to go here. _ devices to be connected to a computer.
2 An MP3 dock is
A art gallery
B shopping centre .
C pharmacy 3 A remote control is
D theatre .
E bank 4 Satellite speakers are
F book shop .
G sandwich bar 5 A digital camera is
H park .

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3 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 3 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 3
2 go by car
3 go on the underground
1 1 4 go by train
2 salmon 5 be on a bus
C Q I G C I C E A Z J G U O Z 3 rice 6 go on foot
P U C W A U A T G A U S D T J 4 chicken
J X C N G T B R P X E D U A R 5 bread 4
T A J U T M B Y F I N I P M H 6 peaches 2 towards, along
V A D H M B A X R Z L E M O N 3 across, into
G M T G E B G R V U P K J T P 2 4 away from, through
Q M O P I N E A P P L E E Q O 2 Milk 5 around, over
F V D T W B K R E S C D C U C 3 Pork 6 up, between
4 Tuna
5 Bread 5
6 Tomatoes 2 across
3 up
V T C C R K M H X I V Z A N U 3 4 through
S I A A J L O C D P D R V M O Across: 3 cheese 5 pasta 5 into
W E O D U H L C J K U G I L C Down: 1 yoghurt 2 oil 4 peas 6 between
fruits: grapes, lemon, peach, pineapple,
2 napkin 4 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation
vegetables: cabbage, cucumber, onion, 3 spoon
4 knife 1
peppers, tomato 2 helicopter
5 fork
6 teaspoon 3 underground
2 4 yacht
2 pork 7 chopsticks
8 cup 5 taxi
3 beef 6 bike
4 tuna 9 saucer
10 glass 7 lorry
5 prawns 8 hot-air balloon
6 salmon 11 jug
7 milk 2
8 butter 5
1 bottle 2 tram
9 yoghurt 3 minibus
10 rice 2 piece ... slices
3 bags ... can 4 plane
11 flour 5 ships
12 pasta 4 cartons
5 bags 6 motorbike
7 ferry
3 coach
2 napkin 6 8
3 spoon Suggested answers:
2 Butter is a type of dairy product. You can 3
4 knife 2 be in a taxi
5 fork buy it in a packet.
3 Bread is a type of carbohydrate. You can 3 go on the underground
6 teaspoon 4 go by train
7 chopsticks buy it in slices.
4 Cola is a type of drink. You can buy it in a 5 be on a bus
8 cup 6 go on foot
9 saucer can or a bottle.
5 Tuna is a type of fish. You can buy it in a 7 go by ferry
10 glass 8 be in a car
11 jug can or in pieces.
6 Rice is a type of carbohydrate. You can buy
it in a packet. 4
4 2 away from
2 chopsticks 3 through
3 napkin 4 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 4 along
4 teaspoon 5 towards
5 glass 1 6 between
6 knife, fork helicopter, motorbike, horse, underground ,
taxi, lorry, tram 5
5 HOT-AIR BALLOON 2 hot-air balloon ... up
2 F 3 ferry ... across
s 3 H 2 4 car ... between
4 B 2 train 5 tram ... down
5 G 3 ferry 6 train ... through
6 C 4 plane
7 A 5 moped
8 E 6 yacht

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Answers A
1 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support
3 4
2 dinner 2 ice rink
3 relatives 3 running track
1 4 sports 4 ski slope 1
2 grandma 5 brush 5 football pitch
3 sister C
6 homework 6 skate park
4 parents P
7 swimming pool
5 cousin 4 8 tennis court J
6 aunt 2 do (your) T
7 uncle 3 to the 5 V
8 daughter 4 get 2 bat G
5 have 3 board Q
2 6 get ready 4 net F
2 grandchildren 7 tidy 5 paddle E
3 brother 8 has a 6 boots K
4 nephew 7 stick
5 niece K
5 8 racket
6 grandparents 2 G
3 F 6
3 4 H 2 Where is your tennis racket? W
2 Dominic is Glenda’s husband. 5 E 3 It is a fantastic swimming pool. P
3 Tessa is Danny’s mother. 6 C 4 I haven’t got a surfboard. fr
4 Tessa is Martin’s wife. 7 A 5 We go skateboarding in the park. st
5 Chloe is Dominic and Glenda’s 8 B 6 Do you wear a helmet when you go ve
granddaughter. mountain biking? pe
4 2 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support
2 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 2
2 E 2
3 G 1
1 3
4 B S M J Y O X V R E U W P M G U 4
5 F Across: 6 sailing 7 surfing
M G H J B C K F F R R V I N G Down: 1 kayaking 2 tennis 3 climbing 5
6 A 6
P K J U F Z R X C W P W S I Y 4 rugby 5 skiing
7 C 7
T L I D G C Y U W O I X Y R N 2 8
5 9
2 homework G C O O B B U Q V M D U L U A 2 go mountain biking
3 play basketball 10
3 school G N U C O V E H M I U T H S S
4 do athletics 11
4 your teeth T E N N I S H I M M F P Q C T 12
5 dinner G N I I H Y N E Z D E H I M I 5 go skateboarding
6 housework N N P V W G G R A H J Q P I C 6 play ice hockey
7 sport G E I T Q N B P U B E I N O S 2
8 snack J Z B L I N W K I G O N J W U
2 athletics 3
N Q O I I K W G N I B M I L C play 4
6 3
M S K J C A O G O H E Y M X B 4 horse riding
Students’ own answers 6
M S W A G J S Z W P B Y U M O 5 goes
6 do 7
1 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 8
2 9
2 swimming 4
1 2 stick 10
2 grandma 3 tennis 11
4 skiing 3 surfboard
3 uncle 4 pads
4 aunt 5 surfing 4
6 rugby 5 track
5 father 6 bat 2
6 mother / mum 7 sailing 3
7 cousin 8 climbing 4
8 sister Suggested answers 5
3 6
2 Do you do athletics at school? 2 He is playing football. He is wearing
2 football boots. He is on a football pitch.
2 sister 3 He goes climbing with his friends. 5
4 Do they often do gymnastics? 3 She is kayaking. She is wearing a helmet
3 grandfather and has a paddle. She is on a river. 2
4 cousin 5 I go horse riding a lot. 3
6 She plays volleyball on Fridays. 4 She is playing tennis. She is using a tennis
5 niece racket. She is on a tennis court. 4
6 stepfather 5 He is skiing. He is wearing skis and a 5
7 great grandparents helmet. He is on a ski slope. 6
8 children 6 She is skating. She is wearing ice skates. 7
She is at a ice rink. 8

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Answers A
5 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 2 4
2 full 2 shoplifter
3 light 3 pickpocket
1 4 deep 4 joyrider 1
5 popular 5 graffiti artist 2
6 safe 6 bank robber 3
7 noisy 4
W F S O D O S H B U O I P T N 5
8 thin 5
2 burglar 6
3 3 hacker
K O H O N T I D I L S K Y Q A 2 narrow 4 vandal 2
P J S N Z T W L G L O I J L G 3 late 5 judge 2
D O M S M O I H H U Y X E D O 4 interesting 6 mugger 3
D R P L I Q U K T F T Q F A R 5 soft 4
G V F U M H G U N H J H U F M 6 weak 5
6 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 6
O O U L L U M F S P N C P U R 7 long
M X T M J A T X D G R N L D X 8 expensive 7
1 8
4 G I V Q Z K Y A B X J G K F Y 9
Across: 4 desert 7 river 8 farmland G D W O B C P C T A A E E C U
Down: 1 mountain range 2 island 5 volcano D V O K I G P S X M J Z R S E
6 sea 2
2 P V H U C S H Q T I A X P L U
2 beautiful, ugly 5 4
3 empty, full S U O V R E N F U U E D W P M 5
2 island
4 heavy, light C J M W A R Q I K R R R G O V 6
3 river
5 near, far 4 beach B V Z G V N C P Y B Z T K B D 7
6 unpopular, popular 5 Volcanoes B B O D Q Q M F B T N G W X N 8
7 quiet, noisy 6 shallow A F T H E D W T O Z R R Q M O
8 thick, thin H E T Z E T N O W M V H S V K 4
6 A M A R N Z I D V C H B N U G ap
3 Suggested answers: H S O Y X N S C Z U W W G E M ta
2 far lakes: Lake Victoria, Lake Titicaca, Lake G B E O T C P T X C L N N N N
3 full Superior sh
4 quiet volcanoes: Mount Etna, Krakatoa, Mount
5 popular Teide happy – sad, calm – nervous, excited – bored 5
6 thin beaches: Venice beach, Miami beach, 2
Ipanema beach 2 3
4 islands: Tenerife, Santorini, Easter Island, 2 happy
2 expensive Koh Tao 3 sad 4
3 late deserts: The Sahara Desert, The Atacama 4 frightened
4 soft Desert, The Gobi Desert 5 tired 5
5 narrow 6 embarrassed
6 long 7 thirsty 6
7 interesting
6 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 8 hungry
8 weak
1 3
5 annoyed, upset, happy, bored, tired, excited, 2 angry
nervous, angry 3 thirsty 1
desert, mountain, plains river, stream, valley 2
4 sad
2 excited 3
6 5
2 island 2 happy 6 calm
3 sad 5
3 range 6
4 beach 4 frightened 4
5 tired 2 witness 7
5 volcanoes 8
6 forest 6 embarrassed 3 shoplifter
7 thirsty 4 joyrider
8 hungry 5 graffiti artist 2
5 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 6 hacker 2
3 3
1 2 happy 5 4
2 empty 3 hungry 2 hacker 5
3 heavy 4 bored 3 mugger 6
4 shallow 5 frightened 4 vandal
5 unpopular 6 calm 5 detective 7
6 dangerous 6 pickpocket
7 quiet 7 burglar 8
8 thick 8 judge

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7 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 3 5
2 curly 2 sweep the floor
3 ugly 3 the washing
1 4 black 4 cleaned the car
2 C 5 serious 5 hang out the washing
3 E 6 cheerful 6 make your bed
4 A 7 shy
5 F 8 friendly 6
6 D Students’ own answers
2 Appearance: well-built, curly, ugly, black
2 crazy about 8 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation
Personality: serious, cheerful, shy, friendly
3 love
4 enjoy 5 1
5 fond of 2 friendly Across: 7 plumber 8 lawyer
6 like 3 short Down: 1 vet 2 farmer 3 nurse 4 engineer
7 don’t like 4 glasses 5 builder
8 can’t stand 5 clever
Y 9 hate 6 dark 2
2 pilot
3 6 3 sales representative
E 4 shop assistant
2 doesn’t 2 grey
O 5 bus driver
3 interested 3 shy
U 4 terrible 6 architect
4 keen on
5 crazy 5 moustache
V 6 can’t 6 bald 3
D 7 good Students own answers.
N 8 going
O 8 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support 4
K 4 clean the car
G appearance: blonde, dark, medium-height, 1 do the vacuuming
tall, well-built 2 plumber do the washing up
personality: clever, friendly, funny, serious, 3 nurse feed the dog
N 4 doctor hang out the washing
U 5 accountant put away the groceries
d 5 6 pilot water the plants
2 How long have you been bald? 7 engineer
3 She’s really friendly and she has got 8 manager 5
blonde hair. 9 architect 2 B
4 My hair was long and black, and now it’s 10 builder 3 G
short and grey. 4 F
5 When I met him, my husband was dark 2 5 A
and had a moustache. 2 F 6 E
6 Have you seen Corin’s new glasses? 3 A 7 C
4 E 8 H
5 B
7 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation 6 C 9 Vocabulary Worksheet: Support
1 3
2 keen on 2 sales representative 1
3 crazy about 3 bus driver Y K O M K W L L F F G I S U W
4 don’t mind 4 shop assistant F Q N G U I S R B Z Z V T C J
5 good at 5 university professor L U P G B E Z Y W D T F A O K
6 fond of 6 police officer F V F R O P S Z H E Z Q D C N
7 terrible at
8 interested in F N A C T R L U K B Z R I M A
4 Z R D R K P P R M R I C U G B
2 do the washing up
2 Y N R E S T A U R A N T M V V
3 lay the table
2 Are you terrible at cooking? 4 feed the dog R P T X C M H S T I C F R D A
3 My brother isn’t good at going to bed early. 5 do the vacuuming N Q B J R O U E E K R Z Y E A
4 She can’t stand wearing glasses. 6 water the plants B P V E R W L V A H F U W G I
5 We adore going walking in the mountains. 7 take the dog for a walk W S P N G F M D X T A A X Y C
6 They’re completely crazy about each 8 put away the groceries O U G F R W I H W G R K H B E
other. 9 load the dishwasher S Q B R T T I H Y J K E V O F
7 I don’t mind playing basketball, but I 10 take out the rubbish X B U A B J A D R V O U D M Z
prefer tennis.
8 Do you hate doing the housework?

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2 4
2 supermarket 2 multicard reader
3 stadium 3 microphone
4 library 4 wireless keyboard
5 cinema 5 widescreen
6 restaurant 6 Blu-ray disc player
7 museum
8 theatre 5
2 camera
3 3 hard drive
2 A 4 printer
3 G 5 widescreen
4 B 6 webcam
5 C
6 D 6
7 F Suggested answers:
8 H 1 A USB port is a cable connection which
allows electronic devices to be connected
4 to a computer.
2 digital camera 2 An MP3 dock is a device that you connect
3 widescreen to your MP3 player to play music out loud.
4 USB port 3 A remote control is a device that allows
5 surround sound you to control a TV from a distance.
6 MP3 dock 4 Satellite speakers are speakers you used to
create surround sound.
5 5 A digital camera is a camera that takes
1 webcam pictures electronically and doesn’t use
2 surround film.
3 ports
4 drive
5 printer
6 camcorders

Suggested Answers
PC: hard drive, MP3 dock, USB port, printer,
webcam, widescreen
Home cinema system: Blu-ray disc player,
camcorder, digital camera, surround sound,

9 Vocabulary Worksheet: Consolidation

2 newsagent’s
3 pharmacy
4 hotel
5 library
6 stadium

2 G
3 H
4 B
5 C
6 A
7 E
8 F

Students’ own answers

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Grammar Worksheets

Support Unit 1 page 36

Consolidation Unit 1 page 37

Support Unit 2 page 38

Consolidation Unit 2 page 39

Support Unit 3 page 40

Consolidation Unit 3 page 41

Support Unit 4 page 42

Consolidation Unit 4 page 43

Support Unit 5 page 44

Consolidation Unit 5 page 45

Support Unit 6 page 46

Consolidation Unit 6 page 47

Support Unit 7 page 48

Consolidation Unit 7 page 49

Support Unit 8 page 50

Consolidation Unit 8 page 51

Support Unit 9 page 52

Consolidation Unit 9 page 53

Answers page 54

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1 Grammar Worksheet 1
5 Doesyourdadworkinthecitycentre?
1 Choose the correct answer. 1
6 Doyouhavelunchatschool?

4 Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 I / cousins / a lot / my / like
I like my cousins a lot.
2 cooking / your / enjoy / does / brother / ?

3 family / Oxford / in / a / live / in / my / house

1 My nephew live / lives in a flat in London. 4 the / weekend / at / tennis / you / play / do / ?
2 Amy’s brothers plays / play football every day.
3 I works / work in a clothes shop. 5 sister / don’t / lunch / have / at school / brother and / my
4 My stepmother are / is my dad’s second wife.
5 Tom’s niece teach / teaches English at a secondary 6 bed / do / time / children / what / your / to / go / ?
6 My grandparents have / has got a beautiful house. 7 doesn’t / friends / during / she / week / the / meet
2 Write sentences using the present simple negative.
1 My brothers and I swim in the morning.
My brothers and I don’t swim in the morning. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY
2 My grandparents are German.
5 Match the parts of the sentences.
3 Patricia speaks terrible English. 1 We always have a tidy your room?
2 Do you usually b goes to the cinema.
4 They practise tennis every afternoon. 3 It often rains c breakfast together.
4 She rarely d go online?
5 I cook fantastic food. 5 Does he always e visit your grandparents.
6 You hardly ever f at the weekend.
6 He lives with his parents.
3 Write the questions. Then write true short answers.
6 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.
1 DoyoustudyEnglish?
1 I can take out the rubbish for you. No problem!
Do you study English?
2 My parents pick me up from school.
Yes, I do.
They’re busy.
2 Doesyourbestfriendlivenearyou?
3 you help me with this, please?
4 What time I see you?
5 You play the piano really well. That’s
3 Doyoutidyyourroom?
6 She come to the party at the weekend.
She is ill.
4 Doyouplaythepiano?
7 No, we visit our uncle today.
8 Yes, my brother play lots of sports.

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1 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 4 Write sentences using can ( ) or can’t ( ).
verbs in brackets. 1 I / help ( ) / you / today. – I / help ( ) / you / tomorrow.
1 She doesn’t get up (not get up) early on Sundays. I can help you today. – I can’t help you tomorrow.
2 My eldest cousin 2 We / understand ( ) / English. – We / understand ( ) /
(speak) three languages. German.
3 The Eiffel Tower
(not be) in London. 3 My grandparents / have ( ) / a holiday / in July. – My
4 I (not practise) parents / have ( ) / a holiday / in July.
the piano every day.
5 People usually (say) 4 Dad / teach ( ) / me / to play chess. – Mum / teach ( ) /
‘hello’ when they meet. me / to play chess.
6 Mark (not have) pasta
every day. 5 You / be ( ) / an excellent tennis player. – I / be ( ) / an
y excellent tennis player.
2 Correct the questions and short answers.
1 Does you have a snack in the afternoon? Yes, I does.
Do you have a snack in the afternoon? Yes, I do. 5 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then match
the sentences with A-F.
2 Is their grandparents still alive? Yes, they have.
1 got / have / sisters / you / any / ?
3 Does he helps to cook dinner? Yes, he do. Have you got any sisters?
2 speak / my / French / can / uncle
4 Does Laura studies at university? Yes, she doesn’t.
3 get / I / during / always / up / almost / week / the / early
5 Are the weather good in May in Spain? Yes, he is.
4 do / Manchester / live / you / in / ?
6 Works you at the weekend? Yes, we doesn’t.
5 football / don’t / we / at / win / always


b No, I don’t. _
3 Choose the correct answer. c But he doesn’t speak Italian. _
d We’re better at rugby and tennis. _
I 1 always get up at seven o’clock on weekdays. If I get up after
E I’m never late for school. _
that, I’m late for school – and that’s bad news! Our teacher is
2 in class by 8.30, and she’s 6 Complete the text with the words below.
3 happy if we get there after her.
always am are can can’t
My dad 4 drives me to school, but
is knows studies teaches
5 he can’t because he’s got an early
meeting, and then my mum takes me. I 6 I 1 am very fortunate because my family 2
travel to school by bus because it takes too long. help me a lot with my homework. My dad 3
1 a never b sometimes c always a maths teacher, and my mum 4 English
2 a always b never c not often in a secondary school. My sister 5 French
3 a never b sometimes c occasionally at university. My brother 6 speak any
4 a hardly ever b rarely c usually languages, but he 7 a lot about history
5 a not often b sometimes c often and geography. When I ask, they 8
6 a rarely b often c always 9 happy to help me.

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2 Grammar Worksheet 2
PRESENT CONTINUOUS 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below.
am enjoying are running is he playing
1 Write the sentences. isn’t raining isn’t swimming ’m not doing 1

1 It isn’t raining. It’s snowing.

2 She in the sea.
She’s surfing.
3 We very fast!
4 tennis with his
5 I athletics at the
6 I the film a lot.
It’s really exciting!

1 I’mdoinganEnglishexamatschoolthisafternoon. & PRESENT SIMPLE 2
I’m doing an English exam at school this afternoon.
2 Areyouplayingfootballthisweekend? 4 Complete the sentences with the present continuous (PC)
or present simple (PS) form of the verbs in brackets.
3 No,I’mnot.I’mplayingrugby. 1 I prefer (prefer) rugby to football. (PS)
2 She (not believe) that
4 Theyaren’tgoingtoschooltoday. she is good at sport. (PS)
3 My sister (play) tennis
5 Heisgoingmountainbikingwithhisfriends. this afternoon. (PC)
4 you (live)
6 Isyoursistericeskatinginthecompetition? in London? (PS)
5 you (study)
2 Match the questions with the answers. for your exam? (PC)
6 We (not go)
1 Is mum watching TV? d
skateboarding now. (PC)
2 Luke, are you playing tennis later? _
3 Are we eating dinner together tonight? _
4 Are Tom and Amy enjoying the game? _ STATE VERBS
5 Is your brother coming to the party? _
6 Ava, are you wearing your knee pads? _ 5 Tick ( ) the state verbs.
7 Are you going ice skating today? _ 1 believe 2 do _ 3 eat _
4 go _ 5 know _ 6 like _ 3
a Yes, we are. Everyone is home tonight.
b No, they aren’t. They don’t like it. 7 live _ 8 meet _ 9 seem _
c Yes, he is.
6 Choose the correct answer.
d Yes, she is.
e Yes, I am. They are important. 1 I play / I’m playing volleyball for my university team.
f No, we aren’t. The ice rink is closed. 2 We go / We’re going skiing next week.
g No I’m not. I’m watching tennis later. 3 Anita loves / is loving her new book.
4 My little sister doesn’t understand /
isn’t understanding English.
5 Do you do / Are you doing gymnastics at the sports club
on Fridays?
6 He brushes / is brushing his teeth at the moment.

38 UNIT 2 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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2 Grammar Worksheet
3 Eddie
1 Rewrite the sentences to make them opposite.
1 We’re playing tennis this morning.
We aren’t playing tennis this morning. 4 Mum and Dad
2 She isn’t having dinner with us.

3 They aren’t doing gymnastics at the moment.

5 Angie
4 We’re going to the cinema.

5 I’m having dinner with my family.

6 You aren’t going to school. 6 Richard and Mark

2 Complete the sentences with the present continuous

form of the verbs below.
do not drive go not have
listen play not tidy visit
1 We are going horse riding.
2 My parents their 4 Complete the email with the present continuous or the
s present simple form of the verbs in brackets. Then circle
friends later.
3 you in the the state verbs.
baseball match?
4 She lunch because Hi Fran!
she’s very busy. You 1 know (know) that I 2
5 I to work today. (love) playing tennis! So I 3
I’m going by bus. (play) tennis with Debbie this afternoon. Debbie
6 The children their 4 (not play) a lot, but she
room. They’re playing games! 5 (be) quite good. She
7 I to the nine o’clock news. 6 (prefer) doing gymnastics.
8 he the I7 (think) gymnastics
housework at the moment? is extremely difficult – and not much fun! After our tennis
match, we 8 (go) to the
3 Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Write the cinema. We 9 (watch) the
new Twilight film. Fantastic!
1 Ben Ben is brushing his teeth. Love, Chloe

5 Write two sentences using the present simple and two

using the present continuous about you.

2 Sally and Zara 1 I play football every day.

b 3

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3 Grammar Worksheet 3
COUNTABLE & UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 4 Write the sentences.
1 Haveyougotanyolives?
1 Circle the countable nouns and underline the Have you got any olives? 1
uncountable nouns. 2 There’snobreadinthesupermarket.

beef butter 3 You’vegotsomemilk.

cheese 4 Arethereanyprawnsinthesalad?
chicken c
flour grape
5 There’ssomepastafordinner.
green bean
lemon oil 6 Thereisn’tanysalmoninthefridge.

peach 7 He’sgotnofoodinhishouse!

pepper 8 I’vegotsomestrawberries.

salmon tomato QUANTIFIERS

2 Tick ( ) the correct sentences.
5 Match the parts of the sentences.
1 How many a rice have you got?
2 I’ve got b lot of friends.
3 How much c a few strawberries, please.
4 Can I have a d lots of books. 2
5 He’s got a e plates are there on the table?
6 I want f little pasta, please?

6 Put the words in order to make sentences.

1 are / many / chairs / there / how / ?
How many chairs are there?
1 Pineapple is a countable noun.
2 got / haven’t / much / homework / I
2 Cucumber is an uncountable noun. _
3 Bread is an uncountable noun. _
4 Rice is a countable noun. _ 3 juice / a / there / cartons / few / of / are
5 Onion is an uncountable noun. _
6 Pasta is an uncountable noun. _ 4 this / a / of / cake / butter / is / in / there / lot / ?

SOME | ANY | NO 5 I / a / have / chocolate / bit / can / of / ?

3 Choose the correct answer.
6 are / many / coming / how / to / party / the / people / ?
1 There aren’t some / any glasses.
2 She wants to eat some / any grapes.
7 the / are / good / at / there / of / films / lots / cinema
3 Have you got any / no money?
4 He hasn’t got some / any chopsticks.
5 There’s any / no oil for cooking. 8 you / little / a / would / tea / like / ?
6 I’ve got any / no idea.

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3 Grammar Worksheet

1 Circle the countable nouns and underline the 4 Complete the sentences.
uncountable nouns. Then write four more countable
nouns and four more uncountable nouns.

grape beef cheese

peach tomato
green bean
pepper lemon

flour oil salmon butter 1 How many plates are there on the table? We need four.
2 I’ve got lots books. I love reading.
3 rice have you got? Do we need
Countable Uncountable
to buy any more?
4 Can I have a strawberries,
please? I only want three or four.
5 He’s got a friends. He’s very
6 I only want little pasta. I’m not
SOME | ANY | NO very hungry.

2 Correct the use of some, any or no in the sentences. 5 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then match
? the sentences with A-F.
1 Are there some pineapples?
Are there any pineapples? 1 got / have / bread / you / any / ?
2 There are any napkins. Have you got any bread?
2 in / bedrooms / are / house / how / there / many / your / ?
3 We’re buying any cheese and milk.
3 are / some / dinner / having / for / Chinese / tonight /
4 Have you got some skis? we / food

5 Yes, there are any. 4 is / butter / and / there / some! / I / need / no

6 No, there aren’t no. 5 meat / don’t / a / eat / people / of / need / lot / to

6 sister / little / every / eats / a / my / chocolate / day

3 Choose the correct answer.
1 There aren’t some / any / no glasses in the kitchen. a Great! Can we use chopsticks? _
2 She would like to eat some / any / no grapes after lunch. b In fact, vegetarians don’t eat any. _
3 Have you got some / any / no money to pay for the meal? c She says that it’s good for her! _
4 He hasn’t got some / any / no chopsticks. d Yes. There’s some in the kitchen. 1
5 There’s some / any / no oil on the salad already. e There are three. _
6 I’ve got some / any / no idea what she is saying. I don’t f Don’t worry. I can buy some in the local shop. _
understand Russian!

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4 Grammar Worksheet 4
1 Choose the correct answer. 4 Complete the sentences with the words below. 1
1 Carl were / was / weren’t very romantic.
ago at in last months yesterday
2 The kids wasn’t / were / was late at school.
3 I were / weren’t / wasn’t happy with the exam. 1 I saw Beth three weeks ago.
4 You were / wasn’t / was exhausted after the race. 2 I did my homework morning.
5 Were / Was / Weren’t Picasso a great painter?
3 I played badminton yesterday
Yes, he were / wasn’t / was.
six o’clock.
6 Sue and I weren’t / wasn’t / was at the party because
4 We went on holiday four ago.
we was / were / wasn’t ill.
5 He went to university 2007.
6 We had pasta for dinner night.
2 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of
the verbs in brackets.
5 Write the sentences.
1 Weweren’tinMexicolastmonth.
We weren’t in Mexico last month.
2 AndreaandIdidn’tmeetfiveyearsago. 2

3 Theydidn’thavelunchatthreeo’clock.

4 Shedidn’tstudyhardforherexams.

5 Iwasn’taterriblestudent.

1 He played (play) tennis with some friends at school.

6 Hedidn’tlivewithhisparentsin2010.
2 Ben and I (watch) a horror film
at home.
3 I (talk) to my maths teacher about PAST SIMPLE questions
the final exam.
4 The car (stop) at the traffic lights. 6 Match the parts of the questions. Then match them
5 Sue (dance) with Peter all night long. with the answers.
6 They (wash) their car for the
wedding. 1 How many a did you walk?
2 How far b the exam?
3 Unscramble the past simple form of the verbs. Then 3 How much did c you at university?
match them with the infinitive. 4 How long was d like the film?
5 Did you e the meal cost?
1 koto took E
6 When were f people were on the plane?
2 torwe _
3 gobhut _ a Two hours and a half. _
4 roew _ b It was 45 euros. _
5 ftle _ c About two hundred. 1
d No, I didn’t. _
6 tens _
e In 2009. _
a buy d send f About twenty kilometres. _
b leave e take
c write f wear

42 UNIT 4 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Support Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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4 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of
the verb to be.
4 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of
1 Carl was (be) very romantic yesterday at Valentine’s Day. the verbs in brackets and ago, at, in or last.
2 The students (not be) late at school
1 She didn’t see (not see) Beth in town three weeks ago.
as usual.
2 I (not do) my English
3 I (not be) very happy with the exam homework night.
result. 3 We (not go)
4 The drivers (be) completely on holiday to Greece four months .
exhausted after the car race. 4 They
5 (be) Picasso a great painter? (not have) pasta for dinner Saturday.
Yes, he (be). 5 Andrea and I
6 What a shame! Sue and I (not be) at (not meet) 2011.
the party because we (be) ill. 6 He (not send) me a
text message yesterday four o’clock.
2 Write the past simple form of the verbs.
1 pass passed 5 Write questions for the underlined parts of the answers.
2 play 1 How many people were on the plane?
3 get A hundred people were on the plane.
4 leave 2
5 buy I walked about six kilometres.
6 write
The meal cost 45 euros.
7 live
8 wear The exam was two hours long.
9 travel 5
10 study We went to Barcelona last weekend.
11 drive 6
12 take I was at university in 2006.

3 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of 6 Write sentences using the past simple tense.
the regular verbs in exercise 2. 1 My dad / not drive / the school minibus.
1 He passed his driving test when he was 18 years old. My dad didn’t drive the school minibus.
2 I badminton with some friends 2 you / go / to the cinema / last night?
yesterday at school.
3 She hard for her final exams. 3 She / send / a text message / two minutes ago.
4 He with his parents in London
4 he / play / basketball / at school / today?
for a long time.
5 Margaret alone around the United
5 We / go / to Edinburgh / in 2011.

6 I / not watch / a DVD / at the weekend.

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5 Grammar Worksheet 5
1 Complete the comparative form of the adjectives. 4 Complete the table. 1
1 ugly ug _l _i _e _r Adjective Superlative
2 wet we _ _ _ r 1
cheap the cheapest
3 boring m _ _ _ bor _ _ _ 2
4 long l__g__ wet
5 expensive _ o _ _ exp _ _ s _ _ _ the latest
6 bad w___e 4
the most expensive
2 Correct the sentences. empty
1 The lake is beautifuler than the valley. 7
The lake is more beautiful than the valley. the furthest
2 My car is cheaper your car. good

5 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of

3 Is your bag more heavy than mine?
the adjectives in brackets. 2
1 Can I have the softest (soft) shoes you have got, please?
4 Classes finish earlyer on Fridays.
Hard shoes hurt my feet.
2 She always comes last. She’s
5 My sister is gooder at tennis than netball. (slow) runner in our class.
3 Mercury is (near)
6 Climbing mountains is dangerouser than walking on planet to the Sun.
farmland. 4 He doesn’t talk a lot. He’s one of
(quiet) people I know.
5 The Atacama is (dry)
NOT AS … AS | LESS desert in the world. It doesn’t rain a lot there.
6 It’s (beautiful)
3 Complete the sentences with as … as ( ), not as … as ( ) coastline. I love it!
and the adjectives below. Then rewrite the not as … as
sentences using less.
6 Write the sentences.
1 It’sthemostactivevolcanoinItaly.
deep interesting near popular strong warm It’s the most active volcano in Italy.
2 It’stheworstcaronthemarket. 3
1 Rugby is not as popular as football. ( )
Rugby is less popular than football.
3 Theyliveintheleastsafepartofthecity.
2 Your house is my
house to our school. ( )
4 Itwasmyhardestexam.
3 I think science is
geography. ( )
5 Helicoptersarethebestformoftransport!
4 Winter in Rio is almost
summer in Edinburgh. ( )
6 He’stheleastpopularpersonIknow.
5 Small dogs are
big dogs. ( )

6 A stream is a river. ( )

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5 Grammar Worksheet

1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. 4 Complete the table.
1 The lake is more beautifuler than the valley. Adjective Comparative Superlative
The lake is more beautiful than the valley. 1
bad worse the worst
2 My car is more expensive than yours. 2 3
3 Is your rucksack more heavy than mine? boring more boring
5 6
7 8
4 Classes start more late on Fridays. the heaviest
9 10
5 My brother is better at cricket than tennis. 11 12

6 Walking on farmland is easyer than climbing mountains. 5 Complete the sentences with the comparative or
superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

2 Write five sentences using the words below. Use the 1 Do you think I am worse at languages than Science? (bad)
comparative form of the adjectives. 2 The Andes are the Alps. (long)
3 There are 25 students in my class, and you are
you beautiful French
. (good)
cars intelligent books
mountains easy bikes 4 Vegetables are much
skiing useful tennis sweets. (healthy)
English expensive deserts 5 There are several beaches in the area, and this one is
computers fast me . (beautiful)
6 I think strawberries are
1 You are more intelligent than me.
fruit of all! (delicious)
3 6 Complete the sentences with the most (+) or the least (–)
4 and the adjectives in brackets.
5 1 Planes are one of the least dangerous forms of transport.
6 (– / dangerous)
2 Brad Pitt is one of
NOT AS … AS | LESS actors in Hollywood. (+ / popular)
3 I think history was
3 Write sentences using as … as ( ) or not as … as and
subject when I was at school. (– / interesting)
less ( ).
4 This laptop is on the
1 Ice skates / expensive / skis ( ) market. (– / expensive)
Ice skates are not as expensive as skis.
5 That bag is , so you can
They are less expensive.
carry it. (– / heavy)
2 Salmon / healthy / beef. ( )
6 New York is city in the
3 Planes / quiet / hot-air balloons. ( ) world. (+ / exciting)

4 Kayaking / fun / sailing. ( )

5 The Scottish hills / impressive / the Alps. ( )

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6 Grammar Worksheet 6
1 Choose the correct answer. 1
4 Correct the sentences.
1 I was reading a book when my friend was sending me
a text.
I was reading a book when my friend sent me a text.
2 While we watched the film in the cinema, the screen
went off.

3 While Sue was getting dressed, Bill made breakfast.

1 We were having / was having a picnic on the beach.
2 He was study / wasn’t studying for his English exam.
3 Were you talking / Were talking you a lot in class?
4 I were drinking / was drinking coffee in the office. 4 We were standing up when the teacher walked into the
5 They were going / weren’t go to the art gallery in town. classroom.
6 He wasn’t feeling / weren’t feeling hungry and thirsty.
7 Mum was writing / Was Mum writing a book?
8 The dogs wasn’t chasing / weren’t chasing the cat. 2
5 I read a book when the phone rang.

2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form

of the verbs in brackets.
6 When he saw her, he was recognizing her immediately.
1 It was snowing (snow) this morning.
2 My sister (not eat)
spaghetti at lunchtime.
3 you (play) golf 5 Match the parts of the sentences.
this morning?
1 I was walking down the street e
4 At eight o’clock last night Molly and Pat
2 While we were having dinner, _
(do) their homework.
3 When they were driving to town, _
5 My friends (not go) to 4 While the children were getting _
the cinema at six o’clock. 5 She was meeting her _
6 Sally (cook) dinner 6 The burglar was breaking into the house _
for you? 7 When Max arrived, Lucy _
8 When I saw him, _
3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. 3
a dressed, I was making breakfast.
was doing was tidying wasn’t playing b a police officer came to the door.
wasn’t talking were going weren’t getting c it started snowing.
d I remembered him from the party.
1 I wasn’t playing tennis. I was playing squash!
e when I saw an amazing graffiti artist.
2 Harvey the housework
f when he realized the owners were in.
at ten o’clock. g was getting ready to go out.
3 They to the cinema in h friends when she realized she didn’t have any money.
Oxford with friends.
4 She to me. She was on
the phone to her boyfriend.
5 I my room just now.
6 They dressed. They
were sleeping!

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6 Grammar Worksheet
1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 the / on / of / river / group / were / people / the / kayaking 4 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
The group of people were kayaking on the river. wrong.
2 buying / at / shop / he / surfboard / sports / was / the / a / ? 1 I was doing my homework when my friend was sending
me a text.
3 Dad / a / lettuce and / preparing / salad / was / with / I was doing my homework when my friend sent me a text.
cucumber / ? 2 While we watched the film in the cinema, a thief stole
someone’s bag.
4 Tom and / at / Amy / a / having / snack / night / weren’t
3 The joyrider was driving the car dangerously when the
5 police / was / a / the / she / station / working / in / as / police saw him.
4 While Beth was getting dressed, Will made breakfast.
6 me / last / you / night / talking / weren’t / to
5 We stood up when the headmaster walked into the
2 Complete the sentences with the past continuous form
of the verbs below.
6 I read a book when the phone rang.
clean not feel not look sing ski watch
7 When he saw her, he was recognizing her immediately.
1 He was watching a shoplifter steal a watch.
2 We the house
yesterday evening. 5 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
3 I hungry at dinner time continuous form of the verbs below.
tonight. I only had some cheese.
4 You great when I saw cook / knock do / ring drive / see go / rain
you last night. You were very pale! have / brush hear / know read / fall run / shout
5 They in the Alps last
winter. 1 When the judge heard the evidence, he knew that the
6 Chloe at a music man was guilty.
festival at the weekend? 2 While Sam a shower,
Kate her teeth.
3 Write sentences using the past continuous. 3 I my homework when
1 It / rain / this morning. my phone .
It was raining this morning. 4 When they out,
2 They / not eat / pasta / at lunchtime. it a lot!
5 While Dad dinner,
3 you / play / golf / this morning? Mum at the door.
6 We our new car to
4 Sue and I / do / homework / at eight o’clock. town when we an
5 My friends / not go / to the cinema / on Saturday. 7 The mugger away when
the victim for help.
6 Sally / cook / dinner / at the weekend? 8 While you a magazine,
I down the stairs!

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7 Grammar Worksheet 7
1 Complete the table with the verbs below. 4 Complete the sentences with ever or never. 1
1 Have you ever met anybody famous?
ate been came drunk eaten given spoke 2 No, I’ve met a star.
come was/were drank gave spoken
3 We’ve been to Australia.
4 Has he seen a giraffe?
Verb Past simple Past participle
5 Have I been to your house?
drink drank
come 6 He’s drunk wine.
give 5 Choose the correct answer.
2 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. 1 for / since 2012
2 for / since a week
1 He has saw a bald man.
3 for / since three days
He has seen a bald man. 2
4 for / since July
2 I have always liked studying.
5 for / since last month
6 for / since 30 minutes
3 They has visited their grandparents today. 7 for / since two years
8 for / since New Year
4 You have always been my friend.
6 Complete the sentences with the verbs below and for
or since.
5 We have losed all our bags.

has gone hasn’t written have been

6 She has writed an email to her sister.
have taught ’ve known ’ve slept

3 Rewrite the sentences to make them negative. 1 We have been to China three times since 2000.
2 I English
five years.
3 She to the swimming
pool an hour.
4 They my parents
I was a baby.
1 He has owned a dog. 5 He a letter
He hasn’t owned a dog. two years.
2 Mum and Dad have arrived home. 6 You
twelve hours! It’s lunchtime! 3
3 She has slept on the beach in Greece.

4 You have tried Lebanese food.

5 I have seen a joyrider.

6 Isabel has learned Spanish and Italian.

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7 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the table with the verbs below and the 4 Complete with for or since. Add two expressions more
participles. with for and two with since.
1 for a month 5 a long time
call come drink have play 2 three minutes 6 my son was born
sleep speak study try visit
3 my birthday 7 20 years
4 2009 8 March
Regular Irregular
Verb Participle Verb Participle
5 Complete the questions with the words below. Then
match them with the answers.

Have they ever Have you ever Have you met

How long has he How long have How long have you

2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the 1 How long have you lived in Geneva? b
verbs in brackets. Then rewrite the sentences so they 2 lived in London? _
mean the opposite. 3 my friend Lillian? _
1 We haven’t watched (not watch) many films today. 4 had his new car? _
We have watched many films today. 5 been to London’s
2 I (eat) sushi before. West End? _
6 you known each
3 You (not have) many other? _
good friends in your life.
a Yes, they have.
b I’ve been here since 1999.
4 Nicola, your friend
c Since we were children.
(not come) to see you.
d Yes, I’ve known her since your last party!
e For about a month. He uses it every day!
5 I (listen) to the radio f No, I haven’t.
programme you told me about.
6 Write four sentences in the present perfect tense. Use
6 They (see) the new time expressions with for and since.
Mission Impossible film at the cinema. a month
rugby April
English 2010
I study
film last Monday
EVER & NEVER you see
two hours
he/she write since
email I was 10
3 Match the parts of the sentences. we/they know
text September
clothes two years
1 Have a has never eaten octopus. yesterday
2 Lucy hasn’t b your mum ever met my mum?
3 They c have witnessed a crime. 1 She hasn’t seen her friends for a month.
4 Mark d witnessed a crime. 2
5 Has e you ever eaten octopus? 3
6 We’ve never f understood today’s lesson. 4
She needs some help.

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8 Grammar Worksheet 8
1 Write the sentences. 1
1 Youmustn’tfeedthedogtoomuch. 4 Put the words in order to make sentences.
You mustn’t feed the dog too much. 1 not / to / I’m / allowed / stay / 11pm / out / after
2 Thepoliceofficersmustcatchthebankrobber. I’m not allowed to stay out after 11pm.
2 drive / in / you / you / can / UK / when / are / 17 / the
3 Studentsmustn’ttalkduringtheexam.
3 allowed / we / in / aren’t / to / wear / jewellery / school
4 Shemustn’twearcasualclothesintheoffice.

4 pay / credit / you / can’t / card / by

5 Youmustrespectthespeedlimit.

6 Wemustwearourhelmetswhencycling. 5 are / to / questions / ask / they / allowed

6 paying / train / can’t / by / people / travel / without

2 Complete the sentences with has / have to ( ) or doesn’t / 2
don’t have to ( ) and the verbs in brackets.
5 Match the parts of the sentences.
1 Children should b
2 You need _
3 I think that my sister _
4 Children shouldn’t _
5 You could have _
6 We should be _
a to learn five English words every day.
b do lots of exercise.
c nicer to each other.
d needs to relax more. She’s very stressed.
1 Mum has to decorate Eddie’s birthday cake. ( / decorate) e go to bed very late if they have to get up early.
2 We at the weekend. f skiing lessons this winter.
( / work)
6 Read the questions and complete the answers.
3 You the groceries
before you can go out. ( / put away) 1 Can I eat and drink in lessons?
4 Chloe the dog for a No, you can’t.
walk this morning. ( / take) 2 Do I need to study harder?
5 They a new Yes, you .
microphone for the new laptop. ( / buy) 3 Are they allowed to use their mobile phones?
6 Dad volleyball this No, .
weekend. ( / play) 4 Should he have lots of driving lessons?
3 Write the questions for the sentences in exercise 2. Yes, .
5 Can Ellie sleep at our house tonight?
1 Does Mum have to decorate Eddie’s birthday cake?
2 Yes, .
3 6 Do you need to get up early tomorrow?
4 Yes, I .

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8 Grammar Worksheet
MODALS: RULES & OBLIGATION 3 Put the words in order to make questions.
1 to / exam / we / the / do / have / after / leave / quietly / ?
1 Complete the sentences with must ( ) or mustn’t ( ) Do we have to leave quietly after the exam?
and the verbs in brackets. 2 at / have / 6pm / does / to / Anita / leave / ?
1 You mustn’t swim in the sea in this area. ( / swim)
3 the / take / car / do / to / I / garage / have / the / to / ?
2 You the speed limit
at all times. ( / respect)
4 money / to / pay / of / they / go / to / lot / do / have / a / to /
3 You on the walls!
university / ?
( / draw)
4 You what the group
5 have / to / does / Monday / to / Dad / fly / New York / on / ?
leader tells you, for your own safety. ( / do)
5 You at work on time so 6 family / to / in / you / with / the / do / camping / summer /
you can open the shop to the public. ( / arrive) have / holidays / go / your / ?
6 You in the swimming
pool because it’s slippery and dangerous. ( / run)

2 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the MODALS: PERMISSION,
correct form of have to and the phrases below. ADVICE & SUGGESTIONS
clean the car do the vacuuming feed the dog
go to the gym make the bed water the plants
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of can or
be allowed to.
1 I have to feed the dog twice a day. 1 You _c _a _n watch a film when you have tidied your room.
2 Students _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chew chewing gum
during class.
3 Children _ _ _ _ _ _ swim after 7pm because the pool is
only open for adults in the evenings.
2 Peter 4 In the UK, you _ _ _ drive when you are 17 years old.
every day. 5 You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eat and drink in the cinema.
6 No one _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ use mobile phones in the
3 Sue 5 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
every morning.
1 People should to do more exercise if they want to get fitter.
People should do more exercise if they want to get fitter.
2 You need to go to bed earlier on school nights.
4 Sam and Liz
this evening. 3 Rick shouldn’t going out so much.

4 You could to buy a new phone if yours is broken.

5 Claire
5 You could to learn five new English words a day.
twice a day.
6 We should go to the cinema next weekend.

6 My brother 7 You need eat more healthy food!

at weekends.
8 Mum and Dad should go on holiday more often.

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9 Grammar Worksheet 9
1 Write the sentences. 4 Choose the correct answer. 1
1 EllieandSamaregoingtothemuseumlater. 1 It will be / will no be raining tomorrow.
Ellie and Sam are going to the museum later. 2 People will use / will to use more technology in the future.
2 I’mnottakingthedogoutforawalkafterbreakfast. 3 I will hang / won’t hanging out the washing when it is
3 We’rebuyinganewhigh-definitionTVthisweekend. 4 The students won’t to fail / won’t fail their projects.
5 Mum will be / wills be home late tonight.
4 Mydaughterisplayingtennisatschooltoday. 6 I think you will enjoy / will enjoying your holiday a lot!

5 Heisn’tcomingtothesupermarketwithme. FIRST CONDITIONAL

6 Arewegoingonholidaythisyear? 5 Tick ( ) the correct sentences.

7 Wearen’tgoingtothenewsagentthismorning.

8 Areyouvisitingyourgrandparentstomorrow?

2 Match the parts of the sentences.

1 We’re going f
2 They’re going to _
3 He isn’t _
4 Are you going _
5 They aren’t going to see _
6 Is he _
1 If you hang out the washing, I’ll do the ironing.
a have dinner at half past seven. 2 If it is sunny, we had a picnic. _
b their friends at the weekend. 3 Will you to help me with my homework, please? _
c going to play football this afternoon. 4 Yes, I’ll. _
d going to clean the car tomorrow? 5 If he needs a new microphone, I’ll buy one for him. _
e to help Eddie with his homework later? 6 I take you to the coffee shop if you want a drink. _
f to go to the new Indian restaurant tonight. 7 What will they do if they miss the train? _
8 No, it won’t. _
3 Complete the sentences with the words below. 3
6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the
Are you coming I’m not doing
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Is he going to take She’s going to buy
They aren’t going to watch We’re eating 1 If there is a lot of snow, the school will close (close).
2 He (take) you home
1 We’re eating pizza for dinner tonight. if you miss the bus.
2 a film this evening. 3 I will be a pilot one day if I
3 to my birthday party at (work) hard.
the weekend? 4 If you want to borrow a new book, we
4 the ironing today! (go) to the library later.
5 the English exam 5 If you (come) home
next month? late, I won’t be happy.
6 a new laptop at the 6 She will go to the cinema if she
department store in town. (finish) work on time.

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9 Grammar Worksheet
1 Complete the sentences with the present continuous 4 Rewrite the sentences to make them opposite.
form of the verbs in brackets.
1 My dad won’t go on an expedition to Mount Kilimanjaro
e. 1 We’re going (go) swimming after school. next year.
2 I (not have) breakfast My dad will go on an expedition to Mount Kilimanjaro next year.
before I go for a run. 2 It will be hot and sunny at the weekend.
3 Dad (not cook) dinner
this evening because he’s working late. 3 They won’t cancel the festival if it’s raining.
4 you (travel) to
Paris by train at the weekend? 4 Mum will buy me a new mobile phone if I lose this one.
5 I (learn) to fly
a hot-air balloon in the summer. 5 We won’t win the competition.
6 Andrea (meet) her
friends at the cinema tonight. 6 The detective won’t catch the robber quickly.
7 We (not buy) the latest
high-definition TV because we haven’t got enough money.

2 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of FIRST CONDITIONAL

be going to.
1 I’m taking the dog for a walk in a few minutes. 5 Complete the first conditional sentences with the
I’m going to take the dog for a walk in a few minutes. correct form of the verbs in brackets.
2 Mark is loading the dishwasher after breakfast. 1 If it helps (help), I’ll come (come) with you.
2 She (wear) her boots
3 They aren’t meeting at the bar because they prefer the if it (be) very cold.
coffee shop. 3 I (do) the washing if
you (make) the bed.
4 Mum is looking around the museum with some friends. 4 If she (do) more sport,
she (get) fitter.
5 Are you helping me to wash the car later? 5 We (relax) a lot if we
(go) on holiday.
6 We’re having a small snack in a minute.
6 Write two affirmative sentences and two negative
sentences using the first conditional.
3 Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs
below. There is one you don’t need. I play football rain
you cook dinner meet friends
be become do fail fall go have he pass exam revise
she have a picnic sunny
we go by car be hungry
1 I’m going to be a doctor when I finish university.
you go to the beach
2 We a Chinese meal
for dinner tonight.
3 Be careful! You . 1 We’ll play football if it’s sunny.
4 He a famous actor. 2 You won’t pass your exam if you don’t revise.
5 They the exam 3
if they don’t revise. 4
6 My grandmother 5
a yoga class every week. 6

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Answers A
1 Grammar Worksheet: Support
2 3
2 Are their grandparents still alive? Yes, they 2 isn’t swimming
are. 3 are running
1 3 Does he help to cook dinner? Yes, he does. 4 Is he playing 1
2 play 4 Does Laura study at university? Yes, she 5 ’m not doing co
3 work does. / No, she doesn’t. 6 am enjoying pe
4 is 5 Is the weather good in May in Spain? Yes, un
5 teaches it is. 4 oi
6 have 6 Do you work at the weekend? Yes, we do. / 2 She doesn’t believe that she is good a sport.
No, we don’t. 3 My sister is playing tennis this afternoon. 2
2 4 Do you live in London? 2
2 My grandparents aren’t German. 3 5 Are you studying for your exam? 3
3 Patricia doesn’t speak terrible English. 2 A 6 We are not going skateboarding now. 4
4 They don’t practise tennis every afternoon. 3 A 5
5 I don’t cook fantastic food. 4 C 5 6
6 He doesn’t live with his parents. 5 B 2 do 6 like
6 A 3 eat 7 live 3
3 4 go 8 meet 2
2 Does your best friend live near you? 4 5 know 9 seem 3
Yes, he / she does. OR No, he / she doesn’t. 2 We can’t understand English. We can 4
3 Do you tidy your room? understand German. 6 5
Yes, I do. OR No, I don’t. 3 My grandparents can have a holiday in 2 We’re going 6
4 Do you play the piano? July. My parents can’t have a holiday in 3 loves
Yes, I do. OR No, I don’t. July. 4 doesn’t understand 4
5 Does your dad work in the city centre? 4 Dad can’t teach me to play chess. Mum 5 Do you do 2
Yes, he does. OR No, he doesn’t. can teach me to play chess. 6 is brushing 3
6 Do you have lunch at school? 5 You can be an excellent tennis player. I 4
Yes, I do. OR No, I don’t. can’t be an excellent tennis player. 5
2 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 6
4 5 7
2 Does your brother enjoy cooking? 2 My uncle can speak French. C 1 8
3 My family live in a house in Oxford. 3 I almost always get up early during the 2 She is having dinner with us.
4 Do you play tennis at the weekend? week. E 3 They are doing gymnastics at the 5
5 My brother and sister don’t have lunch at 4 Do you live in Manchester? B moment. 2
school. 5 We don’t always win at football. D 4 We aren’t going to the cinema. 3
6 What time do your children go to bed? 5 I’m not having dinner with my friends. 4
7 She doesn’t meet friends during the week. 6 6 You are going to school. 5
2 can 6
5 3 is 2
2 A 4 teaches 2 are visiting 6
3 F 5 studies 3 Are ... playing 2
4 B 6 can’t 4 isn’t having lunch 3
5 D 7 knows 5 ’m not driving 4
6 E 8 are 6 not tidying 5
9 always 7 ’m listening 6
6 8 Is ... doing
2 can’t 7
3 Can 2 Grammar Worksheet: Support 3 8
4 can 2 Sally and Zara are playing tennis.
5 can 1 3 Eddie is playing the piano.
6 can’t 2 Are you playing football this weekend? 4 Mum and Dad are watching TV.
7 can’t 3 No, I’m not. I’m playing rugby. 5 Angie is surfing.
8 can 4 They aren’t going to school today. 6 Richard and Mark are going mountain 1
5 He is going mountain biking with his biking. co
friends. pe
1 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
6 Is your sister ice skating in the 4 un
competition? 2 love oi
1 3 ’m playing
2 speaks 2 4 doesn’t play Su
3 isn’t 2 G 5 is co
4 don’t practise 3 A 6 prefers un
5 say 4 B 7 think
6 doesn’t have 5 C 8 ’re going 2
6 E 9 ’re watching 2
7 F 3
5 4
Students’ own answers 5

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3 Grammar Worksheet: Support 3 4 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
2 some
3 any
1 4 any 1
countable: green bean, lemon, peach, 5 some 2 weren’t
pepper, strawberry, tomato 6 no 3 wasn’t
uncountable: butter, cheese, chicken, flour, 4 were
oil, salmon 4 5 Was ... was
rt. 2 of 6 weren’t ... were
2 3 How much
2 4 few 2
3 5 lot of 2 played
4 6 a 3 got
5 4 left
6 5 5 bought
2 How many bedrooms are there in your 6 wrote
3 house? E 7 lived
2 some 3 We are having some Chinese food for 8 wore
3 any dinner tonight. A 9 travelled
4 any 4 There is no butter, and I need some. F 10 studied
5 no 5 People don’t need to eat a lot of meat. B 11 drove
6 no 6 My sister eats a little chocolate every day. C 12 took

4 3
2 There’s no bread in the supermarket. 4 Grammar Worksheet: Support 2 played
3 You’ve got some milk. 3 studied
4 Are there any prawns in the salad? 1 4 lived
5 There’s some pasta for dinner. 2 were 5 travelled
6 There isn’t any salmon in the fridge. 3 wasn’t
7 He’s got no food in his house. 4 were 4
8 I’ve got some strawberries. 5 Was ... was 2 didn’t do ... last
6 weren’t ... were 3 didn’t go ... ago
5 4 didn’t have ... last
2 D 2 5 didn’t meet ... in
3 A 2 watched 6 didn’t send ... at
4 F 3 talked
5 B 4 stopped 5
6 C 5 danced 2 How far did you walk?
6 washed 3 How much did the meal cost?
6 4 How long was the exam?
2 I haven’t got much homework. 3 5 Where did you go last weekend?
3 There are a few cartons of juice. 2 wrote C 6 When were you at university?
4 Is there a lot of butter in this cake? 3 bought A
5 Can I have a bit of chocolate? 4 wore F 6
6 How many people are coming to the 5 left B 2 Did you go to the cinema last night?
party? 6 sent D 3 She sent the message two minutes ago.
7 There are lots of good films at the cinema. 4 Did he play basketball at school today?
8 Would you like a little tea? 4 5 We went to Edinburgh in 2011.
2 yesterday 6 I didn’t watch a DVD at the weekend.
3 at
3 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 4 months
5 in
5 Grammar Worksheet: Support
1 6 last
countable: green bean, lemon, peach, 1
pepper, strawberry, tomato 5 2 wetter
uncountable: butter, cheese, chicken, flour, 2 Andrea and I didn’t meet five years ago. 3 more boring
oil, salmon 3 They didn’t have lunch at three o’clock. 4 longer
4 She didn’t study hard for her exams. 5 more expensive
Suggested answers: 5 I wasn’t a terrible student. 6 worse
countable: apple, orange, cucumber, egg 6 He didn’t live with his parents in 2010.
uncountable: water, juice, fish, pork 2
6 2 My car is cheaper than your car.
2 2 Af 3 Is your bag heavier than mine?
2 There are some napkins. 3 Eb 4 Classes finish earlier on Fridays.
3 We’re buying some cheese and milk. 4 Ba 5 My sister is better at tennis than netball.
4 Have you got any skis? 5 Dd 6 Climbing mountains is more dangerous
5 Yes, there are some. 6 Ce than walking on farmland.
6 No there aren’t any.

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Answers A
3 4 5
2 Your house is as near as my house to our 2 happy 2 B
school. 3 the happiest 3 C
3 I think science is as interesting as 4 the most boring 4 A 1
geography. 5 faster 5 H Ve
4 Winter in Rio is nearly as warm as summer 6 the fastest 6 F dr
in Edinburgh. 7 heavy 7 G co
5 Small dogs aren’t as strong as big dogs. 8 heavier 8 D sp
Small dogs are less strong than big dogs. 9 further be
6 A stream isn’t as deep as a river. A stream 10 the furthest 6 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation ea
is less deep than a river. 11 more dangerous gi
12 the most dangerous
4 1 2
2 the wettest 5 2 Was he buying a surfboard at the sports 2
3 late 2 longer than shop? 3
4 expensive 3 the best 3 Was Dad preparing a lettuce salad with
5 the emptiest 4 healthier than cucumber? 4
6 the most popular 5 the most beautiful 4 Tom and Amy weren’t having a snack at 5
7 far 6 the most delicious night. 6
8 the best 5 She was working in the police station as a
6 detective. 3
5 2 the most popular 6 You weren’t talking to me last night. 2
2 the slowest 3 the least interesting 3
3 the nearest 4 the least expensive 2 4
4 the quietest 5 the least heavy 2 were cleaning 5
5 the driest 6 the most exciting 3 wasn’t feeling 6
6 most beautiful 4 weren’t looking
5 were skiing 4
6 Grammar Worksheet: Support 6 Was Chloe singing
6 2
2 It’s the worst car on the market. 3
3 They live in the least safe part of the city. 1 3 4
4 It was my hardest exam. 2 wasn’t studying 2 They weren’t eating pasta at lunchtime. 5
5 Helicopters are the best form of transport. 3 Were you talking 3 Were you playing golf this morning? 6
6 He’s the least popular person I know. 4 was drinking 4 Sue and I were doing homework at eight
5 were going o’clock. 5
6 wasn’t feeling 5 My friends weren’t going to the cinema on
5 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 7 Was Mum writing Saturday.
8 weren’t chasing 6 Sally wasn’t cooking dinner at the 4
2 weekend. 5
3 Is your rucksack heavier than mine? 2 6
4 Classes start later on Fridays. 2 wasn’t eating 4 7
5 3 Were you playing 2 While we were watching the film in the 8
6 Walking on farmland is easier than 4 were doing cinema, a thief stole someone’s bag.
climbing mountains. 5 weren’t going 3 6
6 Was Sally cooking 4 While Beth was getting dressed, Will was 2
2 making breakfast. 3
Suggested answers 3 5 4
2 Cars are faster than bikes. 2 was doing 6 I was reading a book when the phone rang. 5
3 Mountains are more beautiful than 3 were going 7 When he saw her, he recognized her 6
deserts. 4 wasn’t talking immediately.
4 Skiing is more expensive than tennis. 5 was tidying
5 English is easier than French. 6 weren’t getting 5
6 Computers are more useful than books. 2 was having ... was brushing
4 3 was doing ... rang 1
3 2 While we were watching the film in the 4 went out ... was raining
2 Salmon is as healthy as beef. cinema, the screen went off. 5 was cooking ... knocked
3 Planes aren’t as quiet as hot-air balloons. 3 While Sue was getting dressed, Bill was 6 were driving ... saw
They are less quiet. making breakfast. 7 ran away ... shouted
4 Kayaking is as fun as sailing. 4 We stood up when the teacher walked into 8 were reading ... fell
5 The Scottish hills aren’t as impressive as the classroom.
the Alps. They are less impressive. 5 I was reading a book when the phone rang.
6 When he saw her, he recognized her

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7 Grammar Worksheet: Support 2 3
2 haven’t eaten. I have eaten sushi before. 2 Do we have to work at the weekend?
3 haven’t had. You’ve had many good friends 3 Do you have to put away the groceries
1 in your life. before you can go out?
Verb Past simple Past participle 4 hasn’t come. Nicola, your friend, has come 4 Does Chloe have to take the dog for a walk
drink drank drunk to see you. this morning?
come came come 5 ’ve listened. I haven’t listened to the radio 5 Do they have to buy a new microphone for
speak spoke spoken programme you told me about. the new laptop?
be was/were been 6 ’ve seen. They haven’t seen the new 6 Does Dad have to play volleyball this
eat ate eaten Mission Impossible film at the cinema. weekend?
give gave given
3 4
2 2 F 2 You can drive in the UK when you are 17.
2 3 C 3 We aren’t allowed to wear jewellery in
3 They have visited their grandparents 4 A school.
today. 5 B 4 You can’t pay by credit card.
4 6 D 5 They are allowed to ask questions.
5 We have lost all our bags. 6 People can’t travel by train without
6 She has written an email to her sister. 4 paying.
a 2 for
3 3 since 5
2 Mum and Dad haven’t arrived home. 4 since 2 A
3 She hasn’t slept on the beach in Greece. 5 for 3 D
4 You haven’t tried Lebanese food. 6 since 4 E
5 I haven’t seen a joyrider. 7 for 5 F
6 Isabel hasn’t learned Spanish and Italian. 8 since 6 C
Students’ own answers
4 6
2 never 5 2 do
3 never 2 Have you ever (F) 3 they aren’t.
4 ever 3 Have you met (D) 4 he should.
5 ever 4 How long has he (E) 5 she can.
6 never 5 Have they ever (A) 6 do.
6 How long have (C)
5 8 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
n 2 for a week 6
3 for three days Suggested answers:
4 since July 2 I have played rugby for two years. 1
5 since last month 3 They have studied English since 2010. 2 must respect
6 for 30 minutes 4 She has written an email for two hours. 3 mustn’t draw
7 for two years 5 They haven’t bought clothes since April. 4 must do
8 since New Year 5 must arrive
6 mustn’t run
8 Grammar Worksheet: Support
s 2 have taught ... for 2
3 has ... for 1 2 has to clean the car
4 ’ve known ... since 2 The police officers must catch the bank 3 has to make the bed
g. 5 hasn’t written ... for robber. 4 have to water the plants
6 ’ve slept for 3 Students mustn’t talk during the exam. 5 has to go to the gym
4 She mustn’t wear casual clothes in the 6 has to do the vacuuming
7 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation 5 You must respect the speed limit. 3
6 We must wear our helmets when cycling. 2 Does Anita have to leave at 6pm?
1 3 Do I have to take the car to the garage?
Regular Irregular 2 4 Do they have to pay a lot of money to go to
2 don’t have to work university?
Verb Participle Verb Participle 3 have to put away 5 Does Dad have to fly to New York on
call called come come 4 has to take Monday?
play played drink drunk 5 don’t have to buy 6 Do you have to go camping with your
6 doesn’t have to play family in the summer holidays?
study studied have had
try tried sleep slept 4
visit visited speak spoken 2 are not allowed to
3 cannot
4 can
5 are allowed to
6 is allowed to

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5 9 Grammar Worksheet: Consolidation
3 Rick shouldn’t go out so much.
4 You could buy a new phone if yours is 1
broken. 2 ’m not having
5 You could learn five new English words a 3 isn’t cooking
day. 4 Are, travelling
6 5 am learning
7 You need to eat more healthy food! 6 is meeting
8 7 aren’t buying

9 Grammar Worksheet: Support 2

2 Mark is going to load the dishwasher after
1 breakfast.
2 I’m not taking the dog out for a walk after 3 They aren’t going to meet at the bar
breakfast. because they prefer the coffee shop.
3 We’re buying a new high-definition TV 4 Mum is going to look around the museum
this weekend. with some friends.
4 My daughter is playing tennis at school 5 Are you going to help me to wash the car
today. later?
5 He isn’t coming to the supermarket with 6 We’re going to have a small snack in a
me. minute.
6 Are we going on holiday this year?
7 We aren’t going to the newsagent this 3
morning. 2 are going to have
8 Are you visiting your grandparents 3 are going to fall
tomorrow? 4 is going to become
5 are going to fail
2 6 is going to do
2 A
3 C 4
4 E 2 It won’t be hot and sunny at the weekend.
5 B 3 They will cancel the festival if it’s raining.
6 D 4 Mum won’t buy me a new mobile phone if
I lose this one.
3 5 We will win the competition.
2 They aren’t going to watch 6 The detective will catch the robber quickly.
3 Are you coming
4 I’m not doing the 5
5 Is he going to take 2 ’ll wear ... ’s
6 She’s going to buy 3 ’ll do ... make
4 does ... ’ll get
4 5 ’ll relax ... go
2 will use
3 will hang 6
4 won’t fail Suggested answers:
5 will be 3 They’ll have a picnic if it’s sunny.
6 will enjoy 4 She’ll cook dinner if she’s hungry.
5 They’ll go by car if it rains.
5 6 I’ll play football if I meet my friends.
Correct: 5, 7 & 8

2 ’ll take
3 work
4 ’ll go
5 come
6 finishes

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1 Speaking Worksheet 2

1 Get into groups of three students. 3 You can use these expressions:

2 You want to find the perfect room-mate for summer How often do you …?
camp. Interview the students in your group. Ask your How many times …?
partners as much information as you can. Find your What time do you …?
similarities and differences and decide if they would be I do this every day.
good camp room-mates. I like …
always, never, sometimes, rarely
A How often do you have a shower?
B I have a shower every day. 4 Decide how similar you are to both students. S
Student 1 Student 2 Student 1 Student 2

have a shower We are exactly the same.

go to bed at We are similar.

get up at We are different.

tidy your room We are totally different.

do homework
go out
have dinner

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Speaking Worksheets

Speaking Worksheet 1 page 60

Speaking Worksheet 2 page 61

Speaking Worksheet 3 page 62

Speaking Worksheet 4 page 63

Speaking Worksheet 5 page 64

Speaking Worksheet 6 page 65

Speaking Worksheet 7 page 66

Speaking Worksheet 8 page 67

Speaking Worksheet 9 page 68

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2 Speaking Worksheet
Student A
1 You are the coordinator of the after-school sports 2 You can use these expressions:
program at your school. Student B is interested in
We have ...
signing up for an after-school sport. Answer his / her
You need ...
questions about the sports you are offering. Get the
We meet on ...
student’s personal information and fill in the sign up
card. 3 Swap worksheets and roles.

B What after-school sports do you offer?

A We have baseball, tennis, ice hockey and volleyball.

What: baseball What: ice hockey

When: Monday, Wednesday and When: Monday, Friday and
Saturday Saturday
Where: at the school baseball field Where: at the local ice rink
Equipment: baseball bat, helmet Equipment: ice skates, hockey stick

What: tennis What: volleyball

When: Tuesday and Friday When: Tuesday and Thursday
Where: at the school tennis court Where: at the school gym
Equipment: tennis racket Equipment: knee pads

Student B
1 You are interested in signing up for an after-school sport. 2 You can use these expressions:
Student A is the coordinator of the after-school sports
What after-school sports do you offer?
program. You are meeting with the after-school sports
What time is ... ?
coordinator to sign up. Find out:
I like ...
What sports are offered I’m interested in ...
When and where the activity meets
What equipment is needed 3 Swap worksheets and roles.

B What after-school sports do you offer?

A We have baseball, tennis, ice hockey and volleyball.

Sign Up Card Student A Student B

After-school sport
Experience playing sport

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3 Speaking Worksheet 4
Student A
1 You are going to prepare a Chicken Salad with Grapes for 2 Now swap roles. Student A comes to see you to get his /
some friends. You need to see Student B at the English her ingredients. Here is the list of prices.
Store to get the ingredients. In the English Store you ‘pay’
by saying sentences in English.
I’d like...
How much is that?
Recipe A
Item ‘Price’ in English sentences
Chicken Salad with Grapes
> chicken > grapes > peppers Butter Say how often you go out to eat.
> lemon > oil Green Beans Describe your country’s eating habits.
Onions Name five objects you can find on a
B Can I help you? table at dinner.
A I’d like a chicken, please. How much is that? 1
B Let’s see. For that you have to describe your favourite sport. Pasta Describe your favourite family recipe.
A OK. My favourite sport is basketball. I love it because … Tuna Discuss three foods that are healthy.

Student B
1 You work at the English Store, a special shop where 2 Now swap roles. You are going to prepare a Tuna Pasta
people come to get food and ‘pay’ in sentences in English. Salad with Green Beans. Go to the English Store and ask
Student A comes to your shop to ask for various things. Student A for the ingredients.
Here are the prices.

I’d like... Recipe B

How much is that? Tuna Pasta Salad with Green Beans
Item ‘Price’ in English sentences > tuna > pasta > green beans
> onions > butter
Chicken Describe your favourite sport.
Grapes Describe your family. B Can I help you?
A I’d like a chicken, please. How much is that?
Lemon Discuss three things you love doing in
your free time. B Let’s see. For that you have to describe your favourite sport.
A OK. My favourite sport is basketball. I love it because …
Oil Discuss two foods you love and two
foods you hate.
Peppers Talk about something you’re studying
at the moment.

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4 Speaking Worksheet

1 Cut out the cards and place them face down on a desk
or table.
Student A: Pick a card, read and discuss. A T he first time I rode my bike, I broke my leg. I was six
Student B: Pick a card, but before reading and discussing, years old.
repeat what Student A said for his / her card. B The first time you rode a bike, you broke your leg. You
Student A: Pick another card, but before reading and were six years old.
discussing, repeat what Student B said for his / I usually go to the city centre by bus.
her card. A You usually go to the city centre by bus.
Last night I had pasta.

The last time

The first time When I was six I travelled by
Last night I…
I rode a bike... I went on… ship or ferry

My friend My parents I usually go to

rt. doesn’t like My first trip on
always take the city center
going to a plane was...
the… by...
school by…

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5 Speaking Worksheet 6
Student A S
1 You are meeting with Student B to discuss this year’s 4 You can use these words and expressions:
end of school trip. You think a trip to the beach is better
I think ... isn’t as ... as...
than a trip to the mountains.
The beach is ... than ...
2 Fill out the information about your suggestion for this I prefer ...
year’s end of school trip. beautiful, ugly, cheap, expensive, interesting, boring, near,
far, popular, unpopular, quiet, noisy, safe, dangerous
Trip to the beach
What to see
How many days?
Fun activities 1
3 Compare your trip with your partner’s suggestion. Use
the information you wrote in exercise 2.
A I think a trip to the beach is better than a trip to the
mountains because you can go for a swim every day.
B But the beach is boring, and going to the mountains is

Student B S
1 You are meeting with Student A to discuss this year’s 4 You can use these words and expressions:
end of school trip. You think a trip to the mountains is I think ... isn’t as ... as...
better than a trip to the beach. The beach is ... than ...
2 Fill out the information about your suggestion for this I prefer ...
year’s end of school trip. beautiful, ugly, cheap, expensive, interesting, boring, near,
far, popular, unpopular, quiet, noisy, safe, dangerous
Trip to the mountains
What to see
How many days?
Fun activities 1
3 Compare your trip with your partner’s suggestion. Use
the information you wrote in exercise 2.
A I think a trip to the beach is better than a trip to the
mountains because you can go for a swim every day.
B But the beach is boring, and going to the mountains is cheaper.

64 UNIT 5 SPEAKING WORKSHEET Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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6 Speaking Worksheet
Student A 2 Role play the conversation with Student B.
B W here were you on the day you were arrested? What were
you doing?
A I was shopping in a clothing store, when a police officer told
me to empty my bag. I couldn’t believe it! Then ...
3 You can use these words and expressions:
I couldn’t believe it!
I’m not sure.
as, after, before, as soon as
when, while
annoyed, upset, embarrassed, sad, hungry, thirsty, nervous,
frightened, angry, happy, calm
witness, judge, shoplifter, pickpocket, detective
4 Swap worksheets and roles.
1 You just got back from a trip overseas. While travelling,
you were falsely accused of shoplifting and spent two
days in jail. Now, you are going to tell your story to a
journalist from a local newspaper. To prepare, write
down the details of what happened on a separate piece
of paper.

Student B
2 Role play the conversation with Student A.
B W here were you on the day you were arrested? What were
you doing?
A I was shopping in a clothing store, when a police officer told
me to empty my bag. I couldn’t believe it! Then ...
3 You can use these expressions:
Were you … ?
What were you … ?
What time did you … ?
Why … ?
What … when … ?
4 Swap worksheets and roles.
1 You are journalist writing a story about a person from
your town who was falsely accused of shoplifting while
on holiday overseas. To prepare, write down a few
questions on a separate sheet of paper.

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7 Speaking Worksheet 8
Student A 3 You can use these expressions:

1 You are going to study in Ireland for a trimester. The I’ve been …
student exchange organization representative (Student I love …
B) is trying to find the perfect host family for you. In I hate …
a telephone interview, answer Student B’s questions I‘ve never …
about your English education, personality and interests. 4 Swap worksheets and roles.
B How long have you studied English?
A I have studied English for four years at school.
B And have you ever stayed with a host family before?
2 At the end of the conversation, describe what you look
like so that your new host family can identify you when
you arrive at the airport.
I am short and slim. I have dark blonde hair and...

Student B 3 You can use these expressions:

1 You are a representative from a student exchange Have you ever … ?

program in Ireland. You are trying to find the perfect Do you like … ?
host family for Student A. In a telephone interview, ask Are you interested in … ?
Student A questions about his / her English education, How long have you … ?
personality and interests. 4 Swap worksheets and roles.
B How long have you studied English?
A I have studied English for four years at school.
B And have you ever stayed with a host family before?
2 At the end of the conversation, ask Student A to
describe what he / she looks like so that the host family
can identify him / her in the airport.

66 UNIT 7 SPEAKING WORKSHEET Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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8 Speaking Worksheet

1 In pairs, you are going to rank the jobs from best (1) 3 You can use these expressions:
to worst (6).
A … can earn a lot of money.
2 First, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of If you’re a … , you can
each job and write them in the table below. Consider If you want to be a … , you must …
these factors: You have to …
You need to …
• Salary I think …
• Opportunities (meeting people, long holidays etc.) I (don’t) agree.
• Education and training
• Duties 4 Then discuss the ranking you give each job from the
• Dress code and other rules best (1) to the worst (6) in the table. You don’t have to
• Timetable agree with each other.
• Place of work 5 Compare your results with the rest of the class. Which is
A L et’s start with the business person. What do you think are the the best job for the whole class?
advantages of that job?
B Well, they can earn a lot of money and they don’t always have
to study much.
A Yes, but they often have to work very long hours.

Business Person Farmer University Professor Doctor Police Officer Fire Fighter



Ranking (1-6)

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9 Speaking Worksheet
TABOO TOWN 4 Without using the words on the cards, take turns
describing the places and trying to guess the names of
1 Taboo words are words that you cannot use. Cut out the these places in a town (in bold).
cards below and put them face down on a table.
2 Mix them around. Without showing the other person,
take six cards each. food
3 Turn your cards over so that only you can see them.
There are some words written on the cards. These words
are your taboo words. A Y ou can buy things to eat at this place. In the future, this
place will be only on the internet. You have to go to this
place often.
B Is it a supermarket?
A Yes, it is!
5 You can use these expressions:
You can …
This place is …
People usually …
If you want to …
Is it …?

cinema shopping library bank


film buy book money

see shop buy account

police station pharmacy hotel park

police drugs bed play

crime doctor sleep tree

stadium Town Hall museum restaurant

sport government art eat

football city exhibition food

68 UNIT 9 SPEAKING WORKSHEET Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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Halloween page 70

Diwali page 71

Australia Day page 72

Mardi Gras page 73

Baishakki Mela London page 74

Eisteddfod page 75

Answers page 76

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Festivals Halloween F

1 Match the words with their meaning.

1 witch A very bad
2 treat B a carved pumpkin
3 evil C frightening
4 jack-o’-lantern D a container for carrying water
5 scary E a woman with magic powers
6 bucket F gift

The doorbell rings. You open the door and hear

‘Trick or Treat?’ Ghosts, witches and fairy 1
princesses hold out their hands for sweet
treats. It’s 31st October. It’s Halloween! This
fun festival is popular around the world, but
especially in the United States and Canada. But
what exactly is Halloween?

Two thousand years ago, the Celts in Ireland, the Today, food, drink and scary decorations are still a
United Kingdom and France celebrated Samhain. part of the festival, but the true spirit of Halloween
This festival marked the end of autumn and the is to have fun. The festivities begin weeks before
beginning of a long, cold winter. The Celtic New 31st October. Children have to decide on a
Year began on 1st November, and the Celts costume to wear for Halloween and decorate their
believed that the last day of the year, October 31st, homes with scary decorations. On Halloween,
evil spirits were present. Large fires called bonfires people watch horror films and carve jack-o’-
helped scare the spirits away. Celts also offered lanterns. Children go to parties and tell scary
food and drink to assist the spirits on their journey. stories and bob for apples.

2 Read the text. In pairs, discuss the answers to these 3 In pairs, organize a Halloween party. You have to
questions. decide on a costume, the food and the games. Use the
following prompts.
1 What does it mean to go trick or treating?
2 Is Halloween a new festival? What time’s …?
3 What is Samhain, and where did the Celts live? You can play …
4 What is a bonfire? Why don’t you …?
5 What are some typical Halloween festivities? How about …?
Let’s …
Shall we …?

70 FESTIVALS: HALLOWEEN Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Festivals D iwali

1 Is there any country you would like to travel to? Why?


Travel Blog: Back from Diwali!

Hi everyone! I just returned from visiting a friend in I found out that Diwali means ‘row of lamps’. During
India! We celebrated the Hindu New Year festival of Diwali, people decorate their homes with small lamps
Diwali. Most people in India are Hindus and follow and candles so that goddess Lakshmi doesn’t get lost.
the world’s oldest religion: Hinduism. In Hinduism, light represents the good in people. Now I
Diwali lasts five days. I’m going to tell you about understand why Diwali is called the ‘festival of lights’.
some of the best parts. On the first day, we made a Later in the afternoon, we dressed up in new colourful
trip to the flower market to buy fresh flowers. It’s a clothes and went to a religious ceremony at a Hindu
Diwali tradition to clean your home and decorate it temple. After the ceremony, we went back to my
with flowers to make the Hindu goddess Lakshmi feel friend’s house to make some traditional Diwali sweet
welcome and bring better luck for the new year. We treats and open gifts. They even had a gift for me!
also made a beautiful picture of a flower outside my But the best part of Diwali were the fireworks on the
friend’s front door using colored sand. Have a look at third day! Everyone was outside in the streets looking
the picture I took! at the beautiful light decorations and fireworks. With
lights everywhere, I didn’t know if it was night or day!
I hope my friend invites me back next year!

2 Read the text about Diwali. Then cover the text 3 How does your country celebrate the New Year?
and, in pairs, discuss what you remember about the Discuss with a partner.
things below.

Hinduism the importance of flowers

Hindu goddess Lakshmi temple
why Diwali is called the ‘festival of lights’

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 FESTIVALS: DIWALI 71

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Festivals Australia Day F
Australia Day

1 Look at the Australia Day photos above. Describe what you see with a partner. 1


What an exciting day! Australia Day was so ceremonies all across Australia. The speaker at
much fun! If you are thinking of visiting this year’s ceremony told us that over 13,700
Australia, wait until January and you can immigrants from 144 countries became
experience Australia Day too. Australian citizens. Wow! After the ceremony,
Before travelling, I read a little about the my friends and I had fun watching the ‘People’s
history of Australia Day. I discovered that eleven March’ parade. Hundreds of Australians
ships from Great Britain landed in Australia on participate in the parade. They wear colourful
26th January 1788 and formed a British colony. clothing that represents the countries they
This first colony is now Australia’s most famous come from.
and populated city: Sydney. When the festival If you decide to experience Australia Day,
began in 1838, Australia Day was called ‘First remember that January is the hottest time of
Landing Day’. Now Australia Day is one of the the year in Australia. If you are near the coast,
most important holidays of the year. you can enjoy beach parties and water sports to
Today I learned that Australia Day isn’t only help you to cool off. And you won’t be hungry on
a celebration of Australia’s past. It is also a Australia Day. There are picnics during the day
celebration of the future. I went to a ceremony and barbecues at night. And when you can’t eat
today to celebrate new Australian citizens. On anymore, you can sit down, relax, and watch a
Australia Day, you can find these citizenship spectacular fireworks show!

2 Read the text and answer the questions. 3 What would a celebration of your country’s day
1 What is the history of Australia Day? include? In small groups, make a list of activities, food
2 How is Australia Day a celebration of the future? and costumes that represent your country. Next, make
3 What is the ‘People’s March’ parade? a poster to advertise the celebration and present it to
4 What activities are typical on Australia Day? the class.

72 FESTIVALS: AUSTRALIA DAY Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Festivals Mardi Gras

1 Look at the pictures and write down three questions you have about Mardi Gras or Carnival celebrations.

Radio 2 interview with New Orleans Mardi Gras events organizer Helen Johnson.

Radio 2: Helen, most of our listeners have never been R2: Tell us about the Mardi Gras parade traditions.
to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana in the United
H: We have Mardi Gras organizations called ‘krewes’.
States. Can you tell them what Mardi Gras means?
Each krewe has its own theme and prepares its own
Helen: Well, Mardi Gras is French for ‘Fat Tuesday’. Mardi floats, costumes and entertainment for the parade.
Gras is celebrated the night before Ash Wednesday, which The parade is called the ‘Greatest Free Show in Earth’.
is the day that marks the beginning of Lent in the Christian Floats are decorated with purple, green and gold beaded
calendar. During Lent, Christians prepare for Holy Week necklaces, and parade watchers have fun taking these
or Easter by not eating certain foods. In English, we call Mardi Gras coloured necklaces and wearing them during
this fasting. At Mardi Gras, the tradition is to eat rich, fatty the festivities.
foods, which is why it is called ‘Fat Tuesday’. Food is a
R2: What else makes Mardi Gras special?
very important part of the Mardi Gras celebration.
H: We can’t forget music, singing and dancing! On Mardi
R2: When did Mardi Gras become an important
Gras, you will find music in the streets and people
festival in New Orleans?
singing and dancing everywhere. I recommend Mardi Gras
H: The first Mardi Gras Parade was in 1837. Similar to to everyone!
Mardi Gras festivals or carnivals in other countries,
parades are a big part of the celebration.

2 Read the text. Then write the questions to the following 3 In pairs, find the answers to questions in exercise 1.
answers. Then role play a radio interview.
1 It is celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana. 4 In groups, invent a theme for your own float and
2 The night before Ash Wednesday. costumes for this year’s Mardi Gras parade. Share your
d 3 It is a Christian tradition of not eating certain foods ideas with the class.
e before Holy Week.
4 They are Mardi Gras organizations that make floats,
costumes and entertain.
5 Purple, green and gold.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 FESTIVALS: MARDI GRAS 73

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Festivals Baishakhi Mela London F

1 Find the country of Bangladesh and

the Indian State of West Bengal on
a map. What two countries border

In the country of Bangladesh and the Indian

state of West Bengal, the New Year spring
celebration, traditionally called Pohela 1
Boishakh, is one of the most spectacular
festivals of the year. Fortunately, you don’t
have to travel to South Asia to take part in the
celebration. You can go to London, England,
to celebrate the Bengali New Year in the
Baishakhi Mela London festival.

While the Bengali New Year is actually 14th April, Musical performances and dances are a very
the Baishakhi Mela London outdoor celebration is held important part of the Baishakhi Mela London
in May to avoid rain. The fun starts in East London, celebration. In fact, Baishakhi Mela London is the
which is home to a large Bangladeshi community largest open air festival in Europe – with non-stop
that has been organizing the Baishakhi Mela London performances throughout the day and into the
festival every year since its beginning in 1997. Dressed evening. The festival attracts over 80,000 visitors
in colorful Bengali clothes and masks, participants in from around the UK alone. Many visitors come to
the ‘Grand Parade’ walk down the famous East London watch live performances by famous musicians,
street of Brick Lane. Some of London’s best Bengali dancers and actors.
restaurants are on Brick Lane, and during the festival, Baishakhi Mela London gives people the
typical Bengali food such as curry is served in the opportunity to get to know the Bengali culture better,
streets so you don’t have to miss the outdoor fun! and of course... to have a little fun!
2 Read the text. Then match the words with the 3 Student A: You are going to the Baishakki Mela
definition. London festival this year. Convince a friend in the class
1 Pohela Boishakh A a typical Bengali food to go with you. You have been to the festival before.
Describe Baishakki Mela London and answer any
2 takes place B refers to the language and culture
questions that your friend asks.
of West Bengal and Bangladesh
3 open air C continuous Student B: You have never been to the Baishakki Mela
4 Bengali D the traditional name of the Bengali London festival. A friend is going to ask you to go with
New Year celebration him / her. Ask questions about the festival and decide if
5 curry you want to go.
E to happen or occur
6 non-stop F outdoor or outside in a uncovered

74 FESTIVALS: BAISHAKHI MELA LONDON Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 Would you like to participate in a talent competition? Tell your partner why or why not.

Thanks for visiting my website!

When I studied in Spain last summer, I discovered that a lot of students didn’t know what
Eisteddfod was. I created this website to help educate people about my country, Wales,
and to convince you to come to the world’s best festival: Eisteddfod!

Wales is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. the largest competitive music and poetry festival in all of
We have a population of three million people, and we are Europe. There are over 6,000 competitors who participate
a bilingual country. In Wales, people speak our native in competitions and performances all in the Welsh
language of Welsh as well as English. Eisteddfod is a cultural language.
celebration of Wales. It began in 1176 when Lord Rhys began Don’t worry if you can’t speak Welsh. There is an
the tradition of giving a special chair as a prize to the best international Eisteddfod in July. Dancers and musical
poet or musician in the country. Many years have passed groups from all over the world can perform and compete.
since then, but the tradition of the chair still exists! The first There is something for everyone!
National Eisteddfod was held in 1861. The celebration usually If you miss the Eisteddfod in Wales, you can experience
takes place in the beginning of August and lasts eight days. the fun in other countries. The United States, Australia
If you like to compete and celebrate, then Eisteddfod is for and Argentina have Eisteddfod festivals as well. Eisteddfod
you! You may not know that the National Eisteddfod is rocks. Sign up NOW!

2 Read the text. Then choose the correct answer. 3 In pairs, discuss a talent competition in your
1 Wales is part of ... . country. Where and when is it held? Who can
A the Bahamas B the United Kingdom C the Virgin Islands participate? What is the prize?
2 Wales has a population of ... .
A two million B four million C three million
3 The two languages spoken in Wales are English and ... .
A Velt B Welsh C Welp
4 Eisteddfod is a celebration of ... .
A Food B Culture C Cars
f 5 The traditional prize for the best poet or musician is ... .
A a chair B a house C a trip
6 All Eisteddfod performances must be in English.
A true B false C don’t know

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 FESTIVALS: EISTEDDFOD 75

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Halloween Baishakki Mela London

1 2
1 E 1 D
2 F 2 E
3 A 3 F
4 B 4 B
5 C 5 A
6 D 6 C

1 On Halloween, children dress up in Eisteddfod
costumes. They ring your doorbell and ask
for sweet treats. 2
2 No. The Celts celebrated Samhain 2000 1 B
years ago. Halloween comes from this 2 C
festival. 3 B
3 Samhain was a festival celebrated on 31 4 B
October, which was the last day of the 5 A
year for the Celts. This festival marked the 6 B
end of autumn and the beginning of a
long, cold winter. The Celts lived in Ireland,
the United Kingdom and France.
4 a large fire
5 Wear costumes, decorate your home with
scary decorations, watching horror films,
carving jack-o’-lanterns, going to parties
and telling scary stories and bobbing for

Australia Day

1 Eleven ships from Great Britain landed in
Australia on 26th January 1788 and formed
a British colony. The festival began in 1838
and was called ‘First Landing Day.’
2 It is a celebration of future because it
celebrates new citizens.
3 After the citizenship ceremonies, there is a
‘People’s March’ parade. Hundreds of
people participate. They wear colourful
clothing that represents the countries
they come from.
4 beach parties, water sports, picnics at day,
barbecues at night, fireworks shows

Mardi Gras

1 Where is Mardi Gras celebrated?
2 When is Mardi Gras celebrated?
3 What is fasting?
4 What are ‘krewes’?
5 What colours are used to decorate the


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Diagnostic Test page 78

Test 1 Consolidation page 82

Test 1 Extension page 86

Test 2 Consolidation page 90

Test 2 Extension page 94

Test 3 Consolidation page 98

Test 3 Extension page 102

Test 4 Consolidation page 106

Test 4 Extension page 110

Test 5 Consolidation page 114

Test 5 Extension page 118

Test 6 Consolidation page 122

Test 6 Extension page 126

Test 7 Consolidation page 130

Test 7 Extension page 134

Test 8 Consolidation page 138

Test 8 Extension page 142

Test 9 Consolidation page 146

Test 9 Extension page 150

Test Units 1–3 Consolidation page 154

Test Units 1–3 Extension page 158

Test Units 4–6 Consolidation page 162

Test Units 4–6 Extension page 166

Test Units 7–9 Consolidation page 170

Test Units 7–9 Extension page 174

End of Year Test A Consolidation page 178

End of Year Test A Extension page 182

End of Year Test B Consolidation page 186

End of Year Test B Extension page 190

Answers page 194

Listening Scripts page 210

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Diagnostic Test

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have got. 4 Complete the dialogue with can or can’t and the verbs in
0 Jack ’s got lots of T-shirts in the chest of drawers.
1 you a rubber? Ellie: Tobias, do you think you 0 can teach (teach) me to play
2 My mum and dad a new red car. tennis?
3 Tim a bike? Tobias: Sure! We 1 (practise)
together at the weekend.
4 Harriet lots of nice clothes.
Ellie: Great!
5 I like animals, but I any pets.
Tobias: 2 you (play)
any other ball sports?
2 Choose the correct pronoun. Ellie: No, I 3 . But I
0 Monica and I / me are from Wales. 4 (ski).
1 This is Ellen. I sit next to she / her in class. Tobias: That’s cool!
2 We / us are having a picnic by the river. Ellie: My brother does a lot of sport. And he
3 Gareth is my brother. Do you know he / him? 5 (do) karate, too!
4 I need my glasses, but I can’t find it / them.
5 We are playing football, and our dog is with us / he.
5 7
5 5 Write the questions using the present continuous and
match them to the answers.
3 Write sentences and questions using the present simple.
0 we / play / rugby / now?
0 Emma / live / in Belfast
Are we playing rugby now?
Emma lives in Belfast.
1 Sofia / cycle / to work / this morning?
1 I / not like / chocolate

2 Mark and Kyle / camp / in the wild?

2 Sam / play / the piano

3 Lisa / watch / a film on TV / at the moment?

3 you / watch / TV every day?

4 what / music / you listen to / these days?

4 my teacher / not go / to the cinema at the weekend

5 You / study / for a test / right now?

5 Lucy and Tom / speak / Russian? 8
A No, they are staying in a hotel.
B Mostly rock’n’roll, and you? Fr
C No, she’s making dinner.
D Yes, I have a test tomorrow.
E No, we’re playing later this evening. _0
F The traffic is horrible so she’s taking a bus.

78 DIAGNOSTIC TEST Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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6 Read the conversations and circle the correct answer. 9 Write the correct comparative form of the words in bold.
0 A How many / How much cartons of orange juice have 0 My best friend Holly is tall than me.
n we got in the fridge? taller
B There are lots.
1 The cinema is popular on Saturdays than Sundays.
1 A Is there any milk?
y B There’s a few / a little left in the bottle.
2 A Can you put lots of / a lot sugar in my coffee, please 2 I think the train came early today than yesterday.
e) Mum?
B No, it’s not good for you. 3 My laptop is good than yours.
3 A There isn’t much / lots traffic on the roads, is there?
B Well, it’s Sunday. Not lots of / many people go out on
) 4 Motorbikes are noisy than bikes.
a Sunday evening.
4 A What’s the matter?
B I’ve only got a little / a few days to finish my 5 The mountains are far from my house than the sea.
5 A Do you eat much fish? 5
B Yes, I eat many / a lot of salmon and tuna.
5 10 Look at the table with information about actor Brad Ryan
and answer the questions using the present perfect.
7 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the correct form of
do, get, go or have. Born 1992

0 My mum usually does the housework twice a week. Filmography The River and Rainshadows
1 Erika and Ruben always online for Became a 2002
two hours after school. professional actor
2 David’s family dinner together at Moved to Los Angeles 2001
6pm every evening.
Acting awards Young Artist Award for Rainshadows
3 Every morning I dressed, brush my
teeth and then go to school. Countries visited 14
4 I always my homework in the Best experience Flying in a helicopter, 2010
5 My brother ready for bed at 9.30pm, 0 How long has Brad been a professional actor?
but I go to bed at 10.30pm. He’s been a professional actor since he was 10.
5 1 How long has he lived in Los Angeles?
8 Complete Mary’s blog about her holiday using the past
simple of the verb in brackets. 2 How many films has he made?
Friday My family and I 0 arrived (arrive) at the hotel at
11.30pm last night. We 1 (be) all 3 What awards has he won?
very tired but excited!
Saturday We 2 (go) to the beach yesterday. 4 How many countries has he visited?
The weather was really sunny!
Sunday I3 (not sleep) well last 5 What exciting experience has he had?
night. It was too hot. But this afternoon we
4 (take) a hot-air balloon ride. It
was fantastic! 5
Monday My mum and I 5 (visit) a museum Grammar and Vocabulary total 50
this morning. My brother didn’t come. He hates
museums, so he went shopping with my dad instead.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 DIAGNOSTIC TEST 79

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Doing It 4 Real summer camp 2 Read the text again and decide if the questions are true 1
or false.
The summer camp
Do you like being outside? Are you active? Can you live 0 You can do lots of indoor activities at the camp.
without your mobile phone? If your answer to these False
questions is yes, this camp is for you! At the Doing It 4 Real 1 You have lessons and study at the camp.
summer camp you can have fun and learn new skills. It’s got
lots of exciting activities like kayaking, hiking and camping.
2 Lucas Williams stayed at the camp last year.
Lucas Williams went to the camp last summer. ‘It’s
a fantastic place!’ he says. ‘Every day we were either
3 Lucas’s mother and father were with him at the camp.
swimming, climbing, or horse riding. The best thing about
the camp is that you can do activities you can’t usually do at
home, and also there are no parents telling you what to do!’ 4 The camp is popular with people from around the world.

Information for parents

5 Young people can stay at the camp all summer.
The Doing It 4 Real summer camp started in 2005 and was
first popular with young people from the local area. Now
more than 20,000 young people from Europe, America and 5
Australia camp there every year. It’s become one of the
3 Read again and answer the questions.
most popular summer camps in the UK. For two weeks, 11
to 18-year-olds learn how to work in a team and improve 0 When can you go on the Doing It 4 Real camp?
their communication skills. They meet new friends, learn In summer.
how to solve problems together and enjoy new challenges. 1 What did Lucas Williams like most about the camp?
Not only is the camp a fun way to spend a few weeks in the 2
summer, it also gives young people lots of experience that
will help them in the future when applying for university or 2 Where is the camp?
getting a job.
3 Who went to the camp when it started?
1 Read the text and complete the table with the correct
information about the summer camp.
4 How long are young people able to stay at the camp?
Name of camp 0 Doing It 4 Real
Two activities
1 5 How can the camp help young people in the future?
you can do there
First opened
2 5
Number of people
Reading total 15
that stay each year
Age limit
Two things young
people can learn

80 DIAGNOSTIC TEST Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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e 1 2 Listen to a radio interview and complete the 1 Write a personal description about yourself for your
sentences with one word. favourite website.

0 The interview takes place in a village called Eastcombe.

1 Maggie is years old.
2 She lives on a .
3 She lives with her .
4 Maggie’s family has got many animals, including cows,
and pigs.
5 Maggie’s parents are .
6 They food at the local market in the
d. village.
7 Maggie wakes up at .
8 When she’s finished school, Maggie wants to be a
9 Last June she worked in a in the
10 This summer, she’s going to work in an animal
2 2 Listen again and answer the questions.
2 Write a story about something interesting or exciting
0 Where was Maggie born? that happened to you recently.
She was born in Eastcombe.
1 Where is her farm?

2 How often do Maggie’s parents go to the local market?

3 Name two things Maggie does after she wakes up.

4 What does Maggie plan to study later in school and why?

5 Name two things Maggie likes about working.

Listening total 15

Writing total 10
Speaking 10
Total 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 DIAGNOSTIC TEST 81

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1 Test Consolidation


1 Match the family words below with their definitions. 1 Complete the conversation with the words below.

aunt cousins grandma grandson

can you do you have you got how how many
great-grandparents nephew niece
how often what what time when where
only child parents uncle stepfather
where do you usually

0 These are your mother and father. parents

0 What time do you have breakfast?
1 This person is the daughter of your sister or brother.
Usually at eight o’clock.
1 do you live?
2 This is your mum’s second husband.
I live in Stuttgart.
3 These people are the parents of your grandparents.
2 brothers and sisters have you
4 This person is your mum or dad’s brother.
I have no brothers or sisters. I’m an only child.
3 a pet?
5 This person is the son of your daughter or son.
Yes, I have. I’ve got two cats.
4 do you do?
6 This person is the son of your sister or brother.
I study Science at university.
5 do you have lessons?
7 This person doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.
Four times a week.
6 play a musical instrument? 4
8 This person is your mum or dad’s sister.
Yes, I do. I play the drums.
7 speak any other languages?
9 These are your aunt’s children.
Yes, I can. I can speak German and English.
10 This person is your mum or dad’s mum.
8 do you spend your free time?
I love playing basketball and going to the beach with my
5 friends.
2 Choose the correct answer. 9 do you meet your friends?
At the weekend.
0 I usually have a snack / lunch at five o’clock. 10 go on holiday?
1 I usually go school / online for two hours a day.
I go to the UK or Spain.
2 William always has a shower / breakfast everyday.
3 Jo hardly ever does the housework / rubbish.
4 Noah is my stepfather – he’s my mum’s second wife / 2 Put the words in brackets in the correct position.
0 I have a snack after school. (never)
5 The children go / have to school at 8am everyday.
I never have a snack after school.
5 1 I play computer games in the evenings. (rarely)
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have,
go, get or do. 2 I tidy my bedroom after school. (usually)
0 My brother usually does sport twice a week.
3 Tom gets ready for bed at 9.30 pm. (occasionally)
1 I breakfast with my mum every day.
2 Molly always her homework in the
4 Jo doesn’t go swimming. (often)
3 I never up early on a Saturday!
4 They to the cinema every week. 5 My brother plays ice hockey three times a week. (always)
5 Emily dressed before breakfast in the
morning. 5
Vocabulary total 15

82 Unit 1 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Complete the text with the present simple of the verbs 5 Write questions using the words provided.
in brackets.
0 your sister / do / sport?
My name’s Rachel and I come (come) from the UK. I
0 Does your sister do sport?
1 (have got) two brothers and a sister. 1 she / brush / her teeth in the evening?
My sister is fourteen, and she 2 (go)
to secondary school in the city centre. My eldest brother 2 he / work / in a modern glass building?
3 (work) in a bank, and my youngest
brother 4 (study) Architecture at the 3 the film / finish / at four o’clock in the afternoon?
University of Manchester.
4 my niece / study / Science at university?
My favourite day of the week is Saturday, when our cousin
usually 5 (visit) us. She 5 my brother / go / to the mountains every weekend?
6 (speak) Portuguese. She sometimes
u 7 (teach) me! 5
My mum 8 (love) cooking. She always 6 Correct the sentences.
cooks amazing meals for dinner. My dad often 0 I no can swim.
9 (finish) work late. He I can’t swim.
10 (have not got) a lot of free time, but
1 Helen no ride a horse.
we sometimes watch DVDs together on Sundays.
5 2 Do you can speak Italian?
4 Rewrite these sentences to make them negative.
3 Alberto cans play the guitar. He’s great!
0 I go to the cinema every week.
I don’t go to the cinema every week. 4 A Do you play chess?
? 1 Dani eats spaghetti bolognaise. B No, I can’t, but I can juggle.
2 I can count backwards. 5 I don’t can ski, but I’m not very good at it.

3 We often go to the cinema.

4 Rosa can speak Portuguese. Grammar total 30

5 I can dance.


15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 1 TEST Consolidation 83

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2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1
My name’s Sam Walker.
I live in Liverpool, in the 0 Where in the UK is Liverpool?
UK. It’s in the north-west It’s in the north-west of England.
of England. I’m an only 1 Has Sam got any brothers or sisters?
child. I haven’t got any
brothers or sisters. I live 2 Who is Emily?
with my parents, David
and Emily. Actually, David 3 Where do Sam’s parents work?
is my stepfather – he’s my
mum’s second husband. 4 What musical instrument can he play?
We live in a small house with a big old tree in the
garden. My aunt stays with us in our house sometimes,
5 Does he like going online?
too. We have got two dogs and one cat. I love my pets!
I like taking my dogs for walks to the park near our
house. My parents both work in offices in the business
district and I go to secondary school. My school is in a 3 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true
modern building in the city centre. or false. Correct the false answers. 2
In my free time I like shopping at ‘Liverpool One’. 0 Sam lives in London.
It’s a big new shopping centre in the heart of the city. False. He lives in Liverpool.
I’m really good at tennis and I love playing football. 1 Sam has got one brother and one sister.
My favourite football team is Liverpool F.C. and I often
go to home games with my stepfather. I can play the 2 His stepfather’s name is David.
drums but I can’t play the guitar. I practise three times
a week after school. I don’t like computer games.
3 He lives in a house with a garden.
I prefer going online in the evenings to update my blog.

4 He hasn’t got any pets.

1 Read the text and complete the table.

Sam 5 He goes to school in the city centre.

City 0 Liverpool
1 5
2 Reading total 15
Type of home
People in his family
Favourite sports

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1 3 Listen to an interview between two students for a 1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
school newspaper and answer the questions.
also and but or so (x2)
0 Where is Pablo from?
He’s from Chile.
0 My favourite subject is Art. I also like Spanish and Maths.
1 Where do Pablo and his family live?
1 I haven’t got a brother, I’ve got a
younger sister.
2 What languages can Pablo speak?
2 My dad doesn’t work at the weekend,
we usually play tennis.
3 What sport does Pablo do in the evenings?
3 In summer the weather is usually quite warm
really hot!
4 What free time activity does Pablo do every Saturday? 4 My favourite sports are basketball
5 What does Pablo never do? 5 I want to be good at ice hockey,
I practise every day after school.
5 5
2 3 Listen again and complete the sentences in this 2 Write a profile about you and your family for your
newspaper factfile. Use the words in the box. favourite website in 100–125 words. Include the
following information:
cinema dinner football homework
lives occasionally parents rubbish - where you are from
sister sometimes Chile - how many brothers and sisters you have
- the people in your family
New Student Fact File: Pablo - where your parents work
- if you have any pets
Pablo is from 0 Chile but he 1 in the UK - if you play a musical instrument
now. He lives with his 2 and his younger - your favourite free time activity
3 in a house in the city centre. - what your interests are
He can’t play 4 very well but he can play - what you are good at
tennis. He 5 watches TV, but he prefers
going to the 6 to playing computer
games. Pablo often eats fish or chicken for 7
and he usually does his 8 in the evenings.
Pablo 9 does the housework but he
never takes the 10 out!
Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 1 TEST Consolidation 85

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1 Test Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Write the correct verbs to complete the sentences. 2

0 I have a shower every morning before breakfast.
1 Read the definitions and write the family words. 1 Lucia often to work by car.
0 These are your mother and father. parents 2 William got three cousins.
1 This person is the daughter of your sister or brother. 3I breakfast with my mum every day.
4 Molly always her homework.
2 This is your mum’s second husband. 5 My brother and I to bed at 10.30.
3 These people are the parents of your grandparents. 6 I never up early on a Saturday!
7 My family sometimes take-away
4 This person is your mum or dad’s brother. fish and chips on a Friday.
8I karate three times a week.
5 This person is the son of your daughter or son. 9 Emily dressed before breakfast in
the morning.
10 The children to school at 8 am
6 This person is the son of your sister or brother.
every day.
5 3
7 This person doesn’t have any brothers or sisters.
Vocabulary total 15
8 This is your mum or dad’s sister.
9 These are your aunt’s children.
10 This is your mum or dad’s mum. GRAMMAR
2 Complete the sentences. 1 Write the questions to complete the conversation.

0 I tidy my room every day so it’s nice and clean. 0 What’s your name?
1 My are all still alive – my father’s My name is Jan.
parents and my mother’s. 1 ?
2 I use my laptop to go every day. I live in Stuttgart.
3 My favourite is netball. 2 ?
4 Ann never ready for bed before her I don’t have any brothers or sisters. I’m an only child.
3 ? 4
5 My brother and his wife have got two ,
Annie, who’s five, and Jim, who’s two. Yes, I have. I’ve got two cats.
6 They usually go to Scotland to their 4 ?
relatives twice a year. I study Science at university.
7 I always brush my in the morning, 5 ?
after I have breakfast. I have lessons four times a week.
8 Jo hardly ever takes out the or does 6 ?
the housework.
Yes, I do. I play the drums.
9 Maria’s parents have also got a
7 ?
called Tobias, her brother.
I can speak German and English.
10 Noah is my stepfather – he’s my mum’s second
. 8 ?
I play basketball, read or visit my friends.
9 ?
Snacks? I rarely have snacks.
10 ?
I usually go on holiday in summer, normally in August.

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2 Put the words in order to make sentences. 5 Write these present simple sentences in the form in
0 never / before dinner / I / have a snack
I never have a snack before dinner. 0 She’s got a brother called Kevin. (question)
1 computer games / rarely / I / play / in the evenings Has she got a brother called Kevin?
1 Dani eats spaghetti bolognaise every week. (negative)
2 after school / usually / my bedroom / tidy / I
2 Most Dutch people can speak English and German.
3 ready for bed / gets / Tom / 9.30 pm / occasionally / at (question)

4 Jo / often / go swimming / doesn’t 3 My mum can play the piano very well. (negative)

5 my brother / three times / plays / ice hockey / a week 4 You work in the city centre. (question)

5 5 I like walking in the countryside. (negative)

3 Complete the text using an appropriate verb in the

present simple.
5 6 Write five complete sentences about people in your
My name’s Rachel and I 0 come from the UK. I
1 two brothers and a sister. My sister is family using the words below. Use the correct third
fourteen and she 2 to secondary school person singular form in present simple.
in the city centre. My eldest brother 3 0 get ready for bed
in a bank and my youngest brother 4 My brother gets ready for bed at 10pm.
Architecture at university. Every Saturday, our cousin 1 brush his / her teeth
5 us. She 6
Portuguese. She sometimes 7 me a
2 like
phrase or two ! My mum 8 cooking,
? and she is a great cook. My dad often 9
work late. He 10 a lot of free time, but we 3 finish work

? sometimes watch DVDs together on Sunday.

5 4 have lunch
? 4 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
wrong. 5 go to the cinema
? 0 He cans play guitar.
He can play guitar. 5
? 1 Helen no can ride a horse. 30
Grammar total

? 2 Do you can speak Italian?

? 3 Alberto can play the guitar. He’s great!

? 4 A Can you play chess?

B No, I don’t, but I can juggle.

5 I can’t ski very well. I’m not very good at it.


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1 Read the text and correct the sentences. 1
My name’s Sam Walker
and I live in Liverpool, in the 0 Sam lives in London.
UK. It’s in the north-west He lives in Liverpool.
of England. The population 1 The population of Liverpool is 45 million.
of the city is about 450
thousand. I’m an only child 2 Sam has got one brother and one sister.
and I live with my parents,
David and Emily. Actually,
3 He lives with his father.
David is my stepfather

– he’s my mum’s second
4 His aunt lives with him in his house.
husband. We live in a small house with a big old tree in the
garden. My aunt stays with us in our house sometimes,
too. She cooks amazing meals and we often eat spaghetti 5 He can cook amazing meals.
bolognaise or paella. We never eat take-away when my
aunt stays with us. We have got two dogs and one cat. I 6 He goes to school by car.
love my pets! I like taking my dogs for walks to the park
near our house at the weekends. My parents both work in 2
7 His mum works at a secondary school.
offices in the business district. My mum works in a bank
and she goes to work by car. I go to secondary school by
8 He can’t play a musical instrument.
bus and I study Science, Maths and English. My school is

in a modern building in the city centre.
9 He likes computer games.
In my free time I like shopping at ‘Liverpool One’. It’s a big

new shopping centre in the heart of the city. I’m really
10 He rarely goes online.
good at tennis and I love playing football. My favourite
football team is Liverpool F.C. and I often go to home
games with my stepfather. I can play the drums but I 10
can’t the guitar. I practise three times a week after school. 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write
I rarely play computer games. I prefer going online in the full sentences.
evenings to update my blog.
0 Where is Liverpool?
It’s in the north-west of England.
1 Where do Sam’s parents work?

2 Where does he like going in his free time?

3 Who goes to home football games with Sam?

4 What musical instrument can’t Sam play?

5 When does he write his blog?

Reading total 15

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2 Test Consolidation


1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Choose the correct answer.

0 I play ice hockey / athletics every day after school. 0 I play / ‘m playing tennis every Sunday.
1 Mia isn’t doing gymnastics / football today. 1 I’m on a school trip to the mountains today, but I
2 Carlos is going rugby / mountain biking with his dad. don’t go / ’m not going mountain climbing. It’s too scary!
3 Ellie and Michael go sailing / tennis every weekend. 2 Alex always wears / is always wearing protection when
4 Owen is playing surfing / baseball with his friends today. he’s skateboarding.
5 Emma goes skateboarding / basketball every day. 3 I like basketball, but my best friend prefers /
5 is preferring baseball.
4 We don’t watch / ‘re not watching the rugby match
2 Match the sports words below with their definitions. today because it’s raining and the ground is wet.
5 Martha always goes hiking at the weekend. She loves /
athletics climbing football ‘s loving being active.
horse riding swimming tennis 5
0 You play this sport with one opponent and you hit a ball. 2 Match the questions with the short answers.
tennis 0 Are Jesse and Lexi waiting for a bus now? b
1 You play this sport outside on grass. It has two teams 1 Are you swimming? _
and you kick a ball. 2 Is Ben doing athletics at school today? _
2 You do this in the mountains and you wear a helmet. 3 Is Mum going horse riding? _
4 Are you and Emilia playing volleyball? _
3 You need an animal to do this sport. 5 Am I doing well? _
4 You do this sport in a pool and you can do it on your own a Yes, we are.
or with others. b Yes, they are.
5 This sport usually involves running, jumping or c No, she isn’t.
throwing. d No, I’m not. 4
e Yes, he is.
f Yes, you are.
3 Unscramble the sports equipment words to complete 5
the sentences.
0 For ice hockey you need ice skates, a stick and lots of
protective clothing. (c i e k s t a e s)
1 I usually wear for protection when
I’m skateboarding. ( e n k e d p a s)
2 You need a tennis , a net and a tennis
ball to play tennis. (k r e a c t)
3 You only use one when you are
kayaking. (a d p e l d)
4 You need a to go surfing.
(u r s f o a b r d)
5 In football, you try to kick the ball into the
. (a g l o)
Vocabulary total 15

90 Unit 2 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 3 Below is a newspaper factfile based on an interview 1 Complete the sentences with one of the words below.
with a new student, Pablo. Listen to the interview and
complete the factfile. also and but or so (x 2)

New Student Factfile: Pablo

0 My favourite subject is Art. I also like Spanish and Maths.
Pablo is from 0 Chile but he 1 in the UK 1 I haven’t got a brother, I’ve got a
now. He lives with his 2 and his younger sister.
younger 3 in the city centre. He can’t 2 My dad doesn’t work at the weekend,
play 4 very well, but he can play tennis. we usually play tennis.
He 5 watches TV, but he prefers going to 3 In summer the weather is usually quite warm,
the 6 to playing computer games. Pablo really hot!
often eats fish or chicken for 7 , and he 4 My favourite sports are basketball
usually does his 8 in the evenings.
5 I want to be good at ice hockey,
Pablo 9 does the housework, but he I practise every day after school.
never takes the 10 out!
2 Write a profile about you and your family for your
2 3 Listen again and answer the questions. favourite website in 100 – 125 words. Include
0 Does Pablo live in a house or a flat? information about your family and everyday activities.
He lives in a flat.
1 What languages does Pablo speak?

2 How often does Pablo do karate?

3 What free time activity do Pablo and his friends always

do on a Saturday?
4 What does Pablo say is the biggest difference between
Chile and the UK?

5 What does Pablo rarely eat in the UK?

Listening total 15

5 10
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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3 Complete the message below with the present simple 5 Correct the sentences.
or present continuous of the verbs in brackets.
0 Jane don’t like football.
Hi Lucas, Jane doesn’t like football.
How are you? And what 0 are you doing (do)? 1 I not play tennis at the moment.
I imagine you 1
(play) tennis or something, because you usually 2 Jack always go to the running track after school.
2 (do) something sporty
at the weekend! I 3 (not 3 In this photo we kayak on the river. The water is really
study) at home today because I’m on an outdoors cold!
expedition with my friends from school.
I4 (be) really
4 Does Daniel likes sailing?
active! We 5 (do)
lots of exciting activities. Right now I
6 (wait) for an 5 Hanna doesn’t understanding the rules of rugby.
instructor to come and teach us rock climbing.
7 (you / believe) 5
it? I 8 (wear) 6 Write sentences using the present simple or present
a helmet and special shoes. My friends continuous.
9 (go) sailing, but I
0 I / go / home / right now.
prefer to stay on land. The water is really cold, and I
I’m going home right now.
10 (not like) getting wet.
1 Sofia / always / play / basketball / on Wednesdays.
I’m having a really great time!
See you soon!
2 Joe / not do / gymnastics / this year.
3 skateboarding / seem / a difficult sport to learn.
4 Write questions for the answers. Use the words below
to help you.
4 Daisy / cycle / to work / today?
0 what / they / do / today?
What are they doing today?
5 Henry / ski / really well / today.
They are going skiing.
1 which gym / you / go to?
I go to the gym right near my house. Grammar total 30
2 how often / you / play football?

I play football every day except Monday and Thursday.

3 what kinds of sports / you / like?

I like surfing. It’s amazing. But I like horse riding, too.

4 what sports / you think / exciting?

I think rock climbing and kayaking are exciting.

5 where / the team / train / right now?

They’re training at the tennis court.


15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 2 TEST Consolidation 91

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2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true 1
Hi, I’m Joanna, and or false. Correct the false sentences.
I’m a squash player.
0 Joanna is a tennis player.
Squash is a great
False. Joanna is a squash player.
sport! It’s great fun,
1 You play squash in teams.
but you need to be
quite fit, fast and 2 Squash players play on a pitch.
skilful to play. That’s
why I love it. In 3 You need a racket and ball to play squash.
squash, there are no teams and you play on your own.
You play against one opponent. There are also lots of 4 A squash player needs discipline.
rules, but it’s not difficult to learn.
You don’t need expensive equipment, but you do need 5 Compared with tennis matches, squash matches are
quite short.
to play on a squash court. I go to the courts near my
house with my friends. When I play, I always wear the
6 Joanna practises a lot, but she prefers to watch TV. 2
right gear – a T-shirt, shorts and trainers. You also need
a special racket and ball to play. 7 In the future, she wants to be a professional squash
Squash also teaches you discipline and motivation. player.
Squash matches don’t usually last as long as tennis
matches – usually only about an hour – but they are 7
more intense. And like any other sport, you need to
Reading total 15
practise. So when my friends are playing computer
games at home, I’m training at the squash court. I don’t
like sitting at home and watching TV – I prefer to be
active. I think playing in squash competitions is great!
I want to be a professional squash player in the future.

1 Read the text and complete the table.

Name of sport 0 squash

Adjective used
to describe sport
Three things
you need to be
in order to play
of players



Qualities it
teaches you
Length of
a match

92 Unit 2 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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e 1 4 Listen to an interview with a professional 1 Tick ( ) the correct sentence, a or b.
underwater hockey player. Choose the correct answers
0 a Ice hockey is popular in the usa.
in the sentences below. b Ice hockey is popular in the USA.
0 Lexi is a professional / amateur underwater hockey 1 a Mountain biking is fun fast and exciting. _
player. b Mountain biking is fun, fast and exciting. _
1 Underwater hockey is a(n) easy / difficult sport to play. 2 a I play football at my local football pitch every Saturday
2 Ten / Six players on each team play during a match. morning. _
3 The hockey stick you use is small / long. b I play football at my local football pitch every saturday
4 The puck is very big / heavy. morning. _
5 You play the game by kicking / hitting the puck. 3 a Tennis is an amazing sport to watch _
6 You can’t touch another player / hockey stick. b Tennis is an amazing sport to watch. _
7 You can touch the puck with your hand / hockey stick. 4 a Hanna’s favourite sport is gymnastics. _
8 Each underwater hockey match has one half / b Hannas favourite sport is gymnastics. _
two halves. 5 a You need the right gear when youre skateboarding – a
8 helmet knee pads and skate shoes. _
2 4 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or b You need the right gear when you’re skateboarding – a
false. Correct the false sentences. helmet, knee pads and skate shoes. _
0 Underwater hockey is similar to hockey.
True. 2 Write a description of your favourite sport or a sport
1 It’s quite a slow sport. that you do in 100–125 words. Include the following
5 2 The sport is played in the ocean.
- the name of the sport
- the venue it is played at
3 There are only six players in a team.
- the equipment needed
- the number of players
4 A puck is a ball.
- the rules
- the clothes you wear
5 Lexi loves underwater hockey.
- why you like it
6 Each game lasts 30 minutes.

7 Players wear helmets.

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 2 TEST Consolidation 93

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2 Test Extension


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, go 1 Complete the sentences using the present simple or
or play. present continuous of the verbs below.
0 I play rugby on Saturdays.
do not go love prefer not watch wear
1 Owen is baseball now.
2 Mia isn’t gymnastics today.
3 Carlos is mountain biking. 0 I do athletics at school.
4 Ellie and Michael skateboarding 1 I’m on a school trip to the mountains today, but I
every weekend. mountain climbing.
5 I ice hockey every day after school. It’s too scary!
5 2 Alex always protection
when he’s skateboarding.
2 Read the definitions and write the sports words.
3 I like basketball, but my best friend
0 This sport usually involves running, jumping or baseball.
throwing. athletics
4 We the rugby match
1 You play this sport on a court with one opponent, and
today because it’s raining and the ground is wet.
you hit a ball to each other.
5 Martha always goes hiking at the weekend. She
2 You play this sport outside on grass. It has two teams
being active.
and you kick a round ball. You must not touch the ball
with your hands.
3 You do this in the mountains, and you wear a helmet, 2 Match the questions with the answers.
but you don’t need a vehicle. 0 Does John like sport? k
4 You need an animal to do this sport. 1 Are Jesse and Lexi waiting for a bus now? _
5 You do this sport in a pool, and you can do it on your own 2 Where are Leon and his friends? _
or with others. 3 What equipment do you need when you go kayaking? _
4 Is Mum going horse riding? _
5 Where do you play ice hockey? _
3 Write the correct sports equipment for each sport. 6 What is Molly doing at the moment? _ 4
7 Is Ben doing athletics at school today? _
0 For football, you need two goals.
8 Do you do athletics in the afternoon? _
1 You need and a hockey stick to play
9 What do you think about surfing? _
ice hockey.
10 Are you and Emilia playing volleyball this year? _
2 You need to wear elbow and knee for
protection when skateboarding. a Yes, I think she is.
3 In baseball, you hit the ball with a . b She is at the pool, training for the swimming competition.
c They are skateboarding at the skate park.
4 You only use one when you are
d I like it, but I prefer to go sailing.
kayaking. e Well, you need a kayak and a paddle.
5 You need a to go surfing. f No, he isn’t.
5 g Yes, we are.
h Usually at the ice rink in town.
Vocabulary total 15
i No, I don’t. I go to the gym.
j No, they aren’t.
k No, he doesn’t.

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3 Complete the message with the present simple or 5 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
present continuous of the verbs below. wrong.
0 I not play tennis today.
be do (x2) not do go have
I’m not playing tennis today.
not like play wait wear believe
1 Jack goes to the running track every day.

Hi Lucas,
2 In this photo, we kayak in the river.
How 0 are you? I imagine you
1 tennis 3 Do Daniel going sailing now?
or something because you usually
2 something sporty at 4 Hanna doesn’t like rugby.
the weekend! I 3 my
n homework today because I’m on an outdoors expedition 5 We’re preferring football.
with my friends from school.
I4 a really great time! 5
We 5 lots of exciting
6 Write full sentences about what the students are doing
activities here: horse riding, volleyball, mountain biking…
now and what they think about it. Use the words below
Right now I 6 for our to help you.
instructor to come and teach us rock climbing. Do you
0 Paolo / go / horse riding. / love it.
7 it?
Paolo is going horse riding. He loves it.
I8 a helmet and special
1 Emilia / do / gymnastics. / think / challenging.
shoes. Naomi and her friends 9

sailing, but I prefer to stay on land. The water is really cold

2 Miguel / go / rock climbing. / think / scary.
and I 10 getting wet. I’m
learning a lot of new skills here – it’s fantastic! 3 Lisa / watch / volleyball match. / like it.
See you soon!
Lisa 4 Joe / wear / skateboarding jeans. / think / look cool.
5 Tom / watch / rugby. / not understand it.
4 Write questions for the underlined parts of the answers.
0 What are they doing today? 5
They are going skiing today.
Grammar total 30
I go to the gym near my house.
n. I play football every day except Monday and Thursday.
I like surfing. It’s amazing.
I think rock climbing and kayaking are exciting.
The team is training at the tennis court today.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 2 TEST Extension 95

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1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1
Hi, I’m Joanna, and
I play in the school 0 What does Joanna think of squash?
squash team. Squash She thinks it’s a great sport.
1 Why does she love it?
is a great sport! It’s
played all over the
world. It’s a lot of 2 Is squash a team sport?
fun, but you need
to be quite fit to 3 How does a player score a point?
play. Squash is all about skill and speed. That’s why I
love it. In squash, there are no teams, and you play on 4 Where do you play squash?
your own. You play against one opponent. There are
lots of rules, but it’s not difficult to learn. The player 5 What do squash players wear?
hits the ball with a racket. You score a point when your
opponent can’t hit the ball back.
6 What equipment do you need to play squash?
You don’t need expensive equipment, but you do need to
play on a squash court. I go with my friends to the courts
7 According to Joanna, what qualities does a squash player
at my local gym, near my house. When I play squash,
I always wear the right gear – a T-shirt, shorts and
trainers. You also need a special racket and ball to play. 2
8 What does she want to do in the future?
A squash player needs lots of discipline and also to
be very motivated. Squash matches don’t usually last
as long as tennis matches – usually only about an 8
hour – but they are more intense. And like any other 2 Read the text again and find words that mean:
sport, you need to practise. So when my friends are
0 very good
playing computer games at home, I’m training at the
squash court. I don’t like sitting at home and watching 1 in good physical shape
TV – I prefer to be active, but sometimes I watch
squash matches on TV. I love sport, and I think playing
2 the person you play against
in squash competitions is great! I want to become a
professional squash player in the future.
3 gain a goal or point

4 clothes and equipment

5 self-control

6 determined or ambitious

7 practising a sport

Reading total 15

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1 4 Listen to an interview with a professional 1 Add the correct punctuation to the text.
underwater hockey player and answer the questions.
mountain biking is a fast fun and exciting sport its popular
0 What is underwater hockey? with people who like a challenge and love to be active you
It’s basically hockey but under water. dont need much training you just need balance courage
1 Where do you play the sport? and time to practise you also need a bike and the right
protective gear mountain bikers usually wear a helmet and
2 How many players are there in a team? gloves as well as knee and elbow pads then youre ready to
go mountain biking
3 How many players from each team play in a match? 5

4 What is a ‘puck’? 2 Write a description of your favourite sport or a sport

that you do in 100 – 125 words.
5 How do you score a goal?

6 How long is a game?

7 What do players wear?

2 4 Read the sentences below about underwater
hockey. Then listen again and tick ( ) or correct the
sentences. Some of them are wrong.
0 Underwater hockey is an easy sport to play.
It’s a difficult sport to play.
1 The hockey stick you use is small.

2 The puck floats.

3 You kick the puck.

4 Lexi doesn’t like the sport much.

5 You can’t touch another player with your stick.

6 You can touch the puck with your hockey stick or your

7 The first team to score ten points wins.

8 A match can sometimes end in a draw.

Listening total 15 10
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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3 Test Consolidation


1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Correct the sentences.

0 Parmesan is my favourite cheese / oil. 0 I really like pastas.
1 Fresh vegetables like green beans / grapes are important I really like pasta.
for a healthy diet. 1 Fruit make an excellent snack.
2 I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat beef / cabbage.
3 We eat lots of fish at home – especially tuna / lettuce 2 Dairy products like milks are a good source of calcium.
and salmon.
4 Carbohydrates such as butter / bread are a good source
of energy. 3 My mum often cooks with oils because she says it’s
5 Milk / Chicken contains calcium and is good for your healthy.
6 I have a pepper / peach or some strawberries for a snack. 4 I hate pea. They’re disgusting!
Fruit is really good for you.
6 5 My family eats a lot of fish, especially salmons.
2 Match the food words below with their definitions.
5 4
chopsticks fork glass jug knife
napkin packet plate slice teaspoon 2 Complete the text with some, any or no.
I always eat healthily. In the morning I eat 0 some cereal
0 You use this to put sugar in your tea or coffee. teaspoon with milk or 1 fruit. I don’t usually
1 You can use this to protect your clothes when you are eat 2 bread or butter. For lunch I
eating. have a sandwich with 3 cheese or a
2 Bread and cheese can be cut into one of these. salad. A great snack I like is 4 dried
fruit in yogurt. It’s healthy and doesn’t contain
3 You cut your food with this. 5 fat or sugar. I’m a vegetarian,
4 Food such as crisps come in this. so I don’t eat 6 meat. For dinner I
5 People in China and Japan eat food with these. usually eat 7 fish, pasta or rice with
vegetables. As there is 8 meat in my
6 You can fill this with water and put it on the table. diet, I eat other sources of protein such as nuts. There is
9 chocolate or sweet food like cake
in my house. They’re very unhealthy. I prefer to have
7 You drink from this.
10 fruit such as apples or grapes.
8 You put your food on this.
9 You use this to eat your food.
Vocabulary total 15

98 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Tick ( ) the correct sentence, a or b. 5 Put the words in order to make sentences.
0 A Do you take sugar with your tea? 0 lots / coffee / put / of / milk / please / in / my
B Do you take a sugar with your tea? Put lots of milk in my coffee, please.
1 A There is cup of coffee on the table. _ 1 fish / any / menu / there / on / is / the / ?
B There is a cup of coffee on the table. _
2 A You can eat banana at break time. _ 2 plate / there / a / slices / are / of / bread / few / on / the
B You can eat a banana at break time. _
3 A We need to eat balanced diet every day. _
B We need to eat a balanced diet every day. _ 3 aren’t / a / restaurants / lot / in / of / town / my / there
4 A There is some lettuce and peppers we can have in
our salad. _ 4 like / would / you / little / lemon / a / in / tea / your / ?
B There is an lettuce and some peppers we can have in
our salad. _ 5 juice / a / there / bit / left / in / carton / the / is / of
5 A I have a onion, some tomatoes and some cheese in
my sandwich. _
B I have an onion, some tomatoes and some cheese in 5
my sandwich. _ 6 Choose five words from the box and write true sentences
5 about the food in your kitchen. Use the quantifiers (not)
a lot of, lots of, a little, a few, not much or not many.
4 Write the questions about quantities to complete the
Don’t use the same quantifier more than once.
conversations. Use how much or how many.
0 How many chocolates do you have? beef cabbage cheese chicken cucumber
I have lots. Have one! lemon onions peas peppers prawns
1 napkins are there? rice salmon tomatoes yogurt
There are a lot on the table.
2 cheese is there? 0 There is a lot of chicken.
There is a lot in the fridge.
3 strawberries do you
eat? 3
I eat a lot. 4
4 fat is there in this 5
butter? 5
There’s a lot. Butter always contains a lot of fat. Grammar total 30
5 forks are there?
There are about ten.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation 99

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2 Read the text again and complete the table. 1
Hi! I’m George, and I’m
from Greece. Food is very Eating in Greece
important to people in Common

my country, and we have foods

many traditional recipes. Three things

We eat lots of different Greeks use to eat

food such as meat, pasta, What Greeks say

vegetables and rice. And before they eat

we also eat a lot of cooked What not

fish. Dinner time is a time to do

to talk with your family, and eating together is very Four ingredients

important. of Greek
We normally use a knife and fork to eat. Sometimes we Village Salad
use a fork and hold a slice of bread in our other hand to 5
push the food onto the fork. Before we eat, we always
say ‘Kali Oreksi’, which is like ‘Buon Appetito’ in Italian. 3 Read again and answer the questions.
In Greece, you always eat all your food to show you 1 Do Greeks eat much pasta and rice?
enjoyed the meal. It is very rude to start your dinner
before everyone else has their own plate of food. 2 How much fish do Greeks eat?
People in Greece eat a wide variety of food, and some of
our recipes, like Moussaka, are very famous. A popular 3 Why do Greeks always eat all their food?
salad is called ‘Village Salad’, and it contains lots of
cucumber, a few tomatoes, an onion, green peppers
4 What famous recipe is mentioned?
and some cheese. In many areas of Greece, people also
put a bit of lettuce in the salad, too.
5 Does the Greek Village Salad contain any meat?
1 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or
false. Correct the false sentences. 5
0 George is from Italy. Reading total 15
False. George is from Greece.
1 In Greece, they eat a lot of raw fish.

2 Greeks often have dinner with their families.

3 They never eat with a knife and fork.

4 In Greece, you eat all your food to show you enjoyed

your meal.

5 Some people put green beans in the Village Salad.

100 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 5 Listen to a radio program about healthy eating with 1 Circle the correct preposition of time to complete the
Dr Sharon Gray and complete the sentences using the sentence.
words below.
0 I don’t eat a lot in / at the evening.
1 I never eat snacks at / before my lunch.
fat balanced calories carbohydrates
2 After / On school, I eat some fruit or a yogurt.
energy healthy information portions
3 My family sometimes eats pizza in / at the weekend.
sandwich snack salmon
4 In / At the morning, I usually eat cereal with a bit of milk.
0 The program is about healthy lifestyle. 5 My family always has a big lunch after / on Sunday.
1 Dr Gray is giving some about healthy 5
2 Write an article for your school magazine about what
2 Dr Gray says we all need to eat a diet. you like to eat at the weekend in 100–125 words.
3 Cakes and biscuits contain a lot of . Include the following information:
4 Dr Gray says to be careful with food that contains a lot of - what you eat for breakfast
. - what you eat in the afternoon
5 We need five of fruit and vegetables - what time you have dinner
every day. - your favourite food
6 Fruit makes a healthy . - how you prepare your favourite meal and what the
ingredients are
7 Food that gives us helps us every day
- whether you eat out
at school and work.
8 Bread is a good source of .
9 For lunch you can eat a with cheese,
tomato and lettuce.
10 Dr Gray’s recipe for the day contains ,
potatoes and green beans.
2 5 Listen again and choose the correct answer.

0 Dr Gray says cakes and meat / biscuits have a lot of fat.

1 It is important to eat lots of fresh / raw food.
2 Nuts / Biscuits have less fat, which is better for you.
3 We can eat fruit such as lettuce / grapes with our lunch.
4 Pasta / Flour gives us lots of energy throughout the day.
5 Dr Gray’s sandwich contains two slices / packets of bread.
Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Consolidation 101

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3 Test Extension


1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is 1 Choose the correct option or options. There may be
one you don’t need. more than one.

beef bread cheese grapes 0 I don’t like many vegetables, but I like pea / peas /a pea.
green beans milk peach tuna 1 I cook with olive oil / olive oils / an olive oil because it’s
2 I often put a slice of tomato / tomatoes / a tomato in
0 Parmesan is my favourite cheese.
my sandwich.
1 Fresh vegetables like are important 3 My family eats a lot of fish / fishes / a fish and meat.
for a healthy diet. 4 We have rice / rices / a rice in the cupboard, but we
2 I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat . don’t have any pasta.
3 We eat lots of fish at home – especially 5 Some people cry when they chop onion / onions / an
and salmon. onion.
6 In some countries, people don’t eat beef / beefs / a beef.
4 Carbohydrates such as are a good
7 I always have cereal with milk / milks / a milk for
source of energy.
5 contains calcium and is good for 8 Dried apricot makes / Dried apricots make / A dried 4
your bones. apricot makes a healthy snack.
6 I have a or some strawberries for a 9 Peach is / Peaches are / A peach are healthier than
snack. Fruit is really good for you. crisps.
6 10 Dairy product is / Dairy products are / A dairy product
are a good source of calcium.
2 Read the definitions and write the food words.
0 You use this to put sugar in your tea or coffee. teaspoon
2 Complete the text with some, any or no and the correct
1 You can use this to protect your clothes when you are
food noun below.
eating. n
2 Bread and cheese can be cut into one of these. bread cereal cheese chocolate
s chicken dried fruit fat fruit
3 You cut your food with this. k fruit juice meat pasta
4 Food such as crisps come in this. p
I always eat healthily. In the morning, I eat 0 some cereal
5 People in China and Japan eat food with these.
with milk or a piece of fruit, and I drink 1 .
I don’t usually have 2 or butter.
6 You can fill this with water and put it on the table.
For lunch, I have a sandwich with 3 and
salad. A great snack I like is 4 in yogurt.
7 You drink from this. g It’s healthy and doesn’t contain 5 or
8 You put your food on this. p sugar. I’m a vegetarian, so I don’t eat 6
9 You use this to eat your food. f For dinner, I usually eat 7 – I love
9 Italian food. As there is 8 , pork or beef
15 in my diet, I eat other sources of protein such as nuts.
Vocabulary total
There is 9 or other sweet food like
cake in my house. It’s very unhealthy. I prefer to have
10 such as apples or grapes.

102 Unit 3 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong. 5 Complete the sentences.
0 Do you take a sugar with your tea? 0 put / lots / milk / my coffee / please.
Do you take sugar with your tea. Put lots of milk in my coffee, please.
1 There is a cup of coffee on the table. 1 there/ fish / menu / today?
s 2 You can eat banana at break time. 2 there /only / few / slices / bread / the plate.

3 We need to eat a balanced diet every day. 3 there / not / lot / restaurants / my town.

4 There is a lettuce we can cut up for dinner. 4 I / like / little / lemon / my tea.

5 There is a onion, some green beans and some tomatoes 5 you / have / bit / juice / left / your carton?
in the salad.
6 Choose five items of food from the box and write true
4 Write the questions for the answers below. Start the sentences about how many or how much of each you
questions with How much / many or Do / Does… + much / eat every day. Use the quantifiers a lot of, lots of, a little,
many. a few, not a lot, not much or not many. Don’t use the
same quantifier more than once.
t 0 How many apples are there?
There are three apples.
beef cabbage cheese chicken cucumber
00 Do we have any oil? lemon onions peas peppers prawns
No, we don’t. I’ll go and get some oil now.
rice salmon tomatoes yogurt
1 ?
There are a lot of napkins.
0 I eat a lot of chicken every day.
2 ? 1
There is a lot of cheese.
3 ? 3
Yes, I do. I eat a lot of strawberries.
4 ? 5
Yes, it does. Butter contains a lot of fat.
d 5 ? Grammar total 30
There are a lot of forks.


15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Extension 103

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2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write 1
Hi! I’m George, and I’m full sentences.
from Greece. Food is very
important to people in 0 Is there much traditional Greek food?
my country, and we have Yes, they have many traditional recipes.
many traditional recipes. 1 What kind of food do Greeks not eat a lot of?
We eat lots of different
food such as meat, pasta, 2 What is important about dinner time?
vegetables and rice. And
we also eat a lot of cooked 3 When do Greeks eat dinner?
fish. The weather in Greece
is often very sunny, so we grow a lot of our own food. We
4 What do Greeks say before they eat?
prefer to eat fresh food and don’t eat a lot of food from
packets. Dinner time is a time to talk with your family,
and eating together is very important. We also usually 5 What do Greeks think is rude that is similar in the UK?
eat late in the evenings.
We normally use a knife and fork to eat. Sometimes we 5
use a fork and hold a slice of bread in our other hand to 3 Read again and complete the sentences with
push the food onto the fork. Before we eat, we always information from the text.
say ‘Kali Oreksi’, which is like ‘Buon Appetito’ in Italian. In
0 In Greece, the weather is often very sunny.
Greece, you always eat all your food to show you enjoyed
the meal. It is very rude to start your dinner before 1 Greeks eat lots of
everyone else has their own plate of food. It is also rude .
to put your elbows on the table, just like in the UK. 2 In Greece, it is important that
People in Greece eat a wide variety of food, and some of . 2
our recipes, like Moussaka, are very famous. A popular 3 People normally use to eat.
salad is called ‘Village Salad’, and it contains lots of 4 It is rude to start
cucumber, a few tomatoes, an onion, green peppers .
and some cheese. In many areas of Greece, people also 5 The Greek Village Salad contains
include a bit of lettuce in the salad, too. .
1 Read the text and correct the sentences below.
Reading total 15
0 George is from Italy.
George is from Greece.
1 In Greece, they eat a lot of raw fish.

2 Greeks eat a lot of packet food.

3 They never eat with a knife and fork.

4 In Greece, you always leave a bit of food on the plate to

show you enjoyed the meal.

5 The Village Salad never contains lettuce.

104 Unit 3 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 5 Listen to a radio program about healthy eating with 1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions
Dr Sharon Gray and complete the sentences. of time below.
0 The radio program is about how to have a healthy after at before in (x2) on
1 The first part of the program was about the importance
0 I never eat snacks before my lunch.
of .
1 I don’t eat a lot the evening.
2 Dr Gray says we all need to eat a diet.
2 Fridays, I come home from school
3 Cakes and biscuits contain a lot of .
and I eat some fruit or yogurt.
4 Dr Gray says to be careful with food that contains a lot of
3 My family sometimes eats pizza
the weekend.
5 We need five of fruit and vegetables
4 the morning, I usually eat cereal
every day.
with a bit of milk.
6 Fruit makes a healthy .
5 dinner, I help my mum clean
7 Food with lots of helps us every day
the plates.
at school and work.
8 Pasta, rice and bread are a good source of
. 2 Write an article for your school magazine about what
9 For lunch you can eat a with cheese, you like to eat at the weekend in 100–125 words.
tomato and lettuce.
10 Dr Gray’s recipe for the day contains ,
. potatoes and green beans.
. 2 5 Listen again and answer the questions.
0 What food is OK to eat now and again?
It’s OK to eat chocolate now and again.
1 Why do we need a bit of fat in our diet?

2 What kinds of food have less fat than biscuits and cakes?

5 3 What does Dr Gray say is very important in our diet?

4 What fruit does she suggest eating after lunch?

5 What does she suggest is a healthy lunch?

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 3 TEST Extension 105

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4 Test Consolidation

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with a preposition of 1

movement below.

1 Choose the correct answer. across along between down towards under
0 I sailed on a large ship / train from Plymouth in Devon to
Cardiff in Wales.
1 My dad is a builder and drives a lorry / minibus at work.
2 On a ferry / hot-air balloon ride you have great views of
a town or city – from up in the air!
3 When we go on a school trip, we usually travel by
car / coach because there are a lot of children.
0 At the weekend we cycled along the river on our bikes.
4 Last year, we went to Greece and travelled slowly on a
yacht / plane around the islands.
5 It is easy to go to school by train / bus because I get on
outside my house and get off at the school gates.
2 Match the transport words below with their definitions.
There is one you don’t need. 1 The flight took an hour London 2
and Paris.
bike coach helicopter moped
taxi underground horse

0 It’s smaller than a motorbike and people travel around

the city centre with them. moped
1 You use it to go cycling.
2 The boat sailed a bridge in the city.
2 It travels through the air but is not a plane.
3 It’s a car that you can stop when you are standing by the
4 It’s a type of train that’s found in big cities and that
travels under the streets.
5 It’s an animal you ride, usually in the countryside. 3 Daisy rowed the lake in her boat.

4 We walked back the car.

5 The children went the waterslide at

the pool.
Vocabulary total 15

106 Unit 4 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 Complete the sentences with the past simple affirmative 4 Rewrite the past simple sentences in the negative.
of the verbs in brackets.
0 I cycled around Great Britain on my bike last summer.
0 My family and I went (go) on a fantastic holiday to I didn’t cycle around Great Britain on my bike last summer.
Iceland last year. 1 We took a hot-air balloon ride over the countryside.
1 Tom and Nick (arrive) at the station
late and missed the train.
2 The train went through the tunnel in the mountain.
2 We (leave) my bags in the hotel and
went straight to the swimming pool.
3 Mary rode her horse around the village.
3 Ben (travel) to Italy by ferry from
4 The ferry left the port at eleven o’clock.
4 I (visit) lots of museums on the
school trip.
5 The school trip started in Manchester.
5 We (have) an early flight from the
airport yesterday morning.
5 5

2 Choose the correct answer. 5 Complete the questions for the answers below.

0 The bus was / were late to school yesterday. 0 Did he ride (ride) his motorbike yesterday?
1 Were / Was Martin and Lucy on the underground No, he didn’t.
yesterday evening? 1 (sail) on the lake
2 The train wasn’t / weren’t on time again! yesterday?
3 There was / were lots of ships at the port. Yes, we did.
4 I were / was on the tram for 25 minutes on Tuesday.
2 (drive) to work today?
5 There wasn’t / weren’t many people on the ferry.
Yes, they did.
3 (take) the train to
3 Correct the sentences. Rome?
0 Julia went on holiday to Australia at 2011. No, I didn’t.
Julia went on holiday to Australia in 2011. 4 (travel) early in the
1 There wasn’t an underground here ago fifty years. morning?
Yes, she did.
2 At Wednesday, I went into town by bus. 5 (arrive) early?
No, you didn’t.
3 We arrived in Paris on two o’clock yesterday. 5
6 Complete the sentences with an appropriate word.
4 My brother was in Mexico month last.
0 I travelled by train last Thursday.
1 She go by bus yesterday. She walked
5 The last train was in midnight.
2 Dina arrived at the train station four
5 o’clock.
3 Brian went to France two years .
4 I visited Norway June.
5 you stay in a hotel on your holiday
last summer?
Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 4 TEST Consolidation 107

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1 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or 1
false. Correct the false sentences.
0 Louise said the journey was boring.
False. Louise said the journey was great.
1 Louise and her family left their bags on the train.

2 They drank water from the thermal springs.

3 Louise took many photos on the trip.

4 At the museum, Louise and her family learnt about the

thermal springs.
A Spa Town in France by Louise
5 Louise didn’t go shopping because they had a flight in
I went on a fantastic weekend trip to France with my the morning.
family in April. Read about it below!
Day 1 5
We left our house at six o’clock in the morning. We went 2
2 Read the text again and write short answers to the
by taxi to St Pancras station in London to get the Eurostar
train. Our train left on time, and very soon we were in
Paris. In Paris, we took another train to Vichy. The journey 0 On day 1, did they leave their house early in the morning?
was great. We arrived at our hotel at two o’clock and left Yes, they did.
our bags. Then we went to the thermal springs in the 1 Did the train from St Pancras station leave late?
centre of town. At the springs, we tasted special mineral
water that comes from volcanoes. The water doesn’t taste 2 Did Louise arrive at her hotel in the afternoon?
like the normal water we have at home, but it’s very good
3 Did Louise and her family take a tour of a museum in Vichy?
for you.
Day 2 4 Did Louise buy anything on their trip?
Today we did a tour around the city on a tour bus. We
went on a boat ride along the beautiful Allier river. And 5 Did Louise and her family go back to London by train?
we rode bikes through the park. I took lots of photos with
my camera. In the afternoon, we went on a tour of a 5
museum. We learnt how the thermal water comes from
the volcanoes to the springs. 3 Read again. For each journey that Louise made, write
which type of transport she used.
Day 3
We had breakfast at 8.30 this morning because we 0 She went from her house to St Pancras train station.
had a flight in the afternoon. Before our flight back to
London, we did a bit of shopping, and I bought some 1 She travelled from Paris to Vichy.
sweets for my best friend.
2 She did a tour around the city.

3 She went along the Allier river.

4 She visited the park.

5 She returned to London.

Reading total 15

108 Unit 4 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 6 Listen to Javier telling his friend Leah about a trip to 1 Complete the blog entry below about a boy’s journey to
London and choose the correct answer. school using the sequencing words and expressions in
the box.
0 Javier went to London in autumn / winter.
1 He had a fantastic / terrible time in London.
After that and then Finally First Then (x2)
2 He had a fantastic / terrible journey home.
3 Their flight home was on Saturday / Sunday.
My journey to school this morning was a nightmare! 0 First,
4 They went to the airport by bus / underground.
the bus was late. 1 it
5 There were lots of flights cancelled because of the
started to rain! I waited at the bus stop for 35 minutes, but a
ice / snow.
bus never came. Then I decided to walk to the underground.
6 Javier and his family stayed at the airport / a hotel on
It took me ten minutes. 2 ,
Saturday night.
my clothes were really wet! I got to the underground
7 Some people travelled back to Spain by boat / bus and
3 waited for a train.
I waited for five minutes.
8 The snow stopped on Sunday / Monday evening.
4 I saw my friend. She was
9 The family arrived home on Tuesday afternoon / night.
late, too! 5 , a train came
10 It took four / five days to get home.
and we arrived only 15 minutes late.
2 6 Listen again and tick ( ) or correct the sentences.
Some of them are wrong.
2 Write a blog for your website about a recent trip or
holiday you went on in 100–125 words. Include the
g? 0 Javier’s nightmare journey happened two years ago. following information:
- where you went
1 Javier didn’t enjoy the snow at first.
- how you travelled there
- what types of transport you used while you were there
2 There was no snow on the ground on Saturday morning.
- what the journey was like there and back
- whether you had any problems
3 The airport was full of people when they arrived.
y? - whether you enjoyed your trip or holiday

4 Javier said it was chaos at the airport on Sunday.

5 The hotels cost the family a lot of money.

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 4 TEST Consolidation 109

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4 Test Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with a preposition of 1

movement below.

1 The following sentences are incorrect. Choose a across along between down towards under
transport word below to correct them.

bus coach hot-air balloon lorry ship yacht

0 I sailed on a large taxi from Plymouth in Cornwall to

Cardiff in Wales.
1 My dad is a builder and drives a minibus at work. 0 At the weekend we cycled along the river on our bikes.

2 On a ferry ride, you have great views of a town or city –

from up in the air!

3 When we go on a school trip, we usually travel by car

because there are a lot of children.
1 The flight took an hour London
4 Last year, we went to Greece and travelled slowly on a and Paris. 2
plane around the islands.

5 It is easy to go to school by train because I get on outside

my house and get off at the school gates.

2 The boat sailed a bridge in the city.
2 Read the definitions and write the transport words.
0 It’s smaller than a motorbike and people travel around
the city centre with them. moped
1 You use it to go cycling.
2 It travels through the air but is not a plane or a hot-air
3 It’s a car that you can stop when you are standing by the 3 Daisy rowed the lake in her boat.
4 It’s a type of train that’s found in big cities and that
travels under the streets.
5 It’s an animal you ride, usually in the countryside.

4 We walked back the car.

5 The children went the waterslide at

the pool.
Vocabulary total 15

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1 Complete the sentences with the past simple 4 Rewrite the past simple sentences in the affirmative.
affirmative of the verbs below.
0 I didn’t cycle around Great Britain on my bike last
arrive have leave travel visit
I cycled around Great Britain on my bike last summer.
1 We didn’t take a hot-air balloon ride over the
0 My family and I went on a fantastic holiday to Iceland
last year.
1 Tom and Nick at the
station late and missed the train. 2 The train didn’t go through the tunnel in the mountain.
2 We my bags in the
hotel and went straight to the swimming pool. 3 Mary didn’t ride her horse around the village.
3 Ben to Italy by ferry
from Greece.
4 The ferry didn’t leave the port at eleven o’clock in the
4 I lots of museums on
the school trip. morning.
5 We an early flight from
the airport yesterday morning. 5 The school trip didn’t start in Manchester.
2 Complete the sentences using either was or were in the
affirmative or negative. 5 Write questions in the past simple for the underlined
0 The bus was late to school yesterday. parts of the answers.
1 Martin and Lucy on the underground 0 What did he do yesterday?
yesterday evening? Yesterday he went cycling.
2 The train on time again! How 1 ?
annoying! She caught the bus on Monday.
3 There lots of ships at the port.
2 ?
4 I on the tram for 25 minutes on
Tuesday. We drove to London.
5 There many tourists on the ferry to 3 ?
France. They saw Adele on the plane.
5 4 ?
We walked because it was easier.
5 ?
3 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are
wrong. He went to Rome by train.
0 Julia went on holiday to Australia at 2011.
Julia went on holiday to Australia in 2011. 6 Complete the sentences with an appropriate word.
1 There wasn’t an underground in my city ago fifty years.
0 I travelled by train last Thursday.
1 She go by bus yesterday. She walked
2 At Wednesday I went into town by bus, but usually I go
by car.
2 Dina arrived at the train station four
3 We arrived in Paris at two o’clock yesterday. o’clock.
3 Brian went to France two years .
4 My brother was in Mexico month last. 4 I visited Norway June.
5 you stay in a hotel on your holiday
5 The last train was at midnight. last year?
5 5
Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 4 TEST Extension 111

657627 _ 0106-0113.indd 111 17/03/16 11:48

1 Read the text and answer the questions. Write full 1
0 What time did the family leave their house on day 1?
They left their house at six o’clock in the morning.
1 How did Louise and her family travel to St Pancras Station?

2 How long was the second train journey?

3 Where did Louise and her family leave their bags before
they visited the city?

4 What did the family drink while they were in Vichy?

A Spa Town in France by Louise
5 Did Louise take any photos during her trip?
I went on a fantastic weekend trip to France with my
family in April. Read about it below! 6 Did Louise and her family take a tour of a museum in Vichy?
Day 1
7 What did people do at the spas many years ago?
We left our house at six o’clock in the morning. We

went by taxi to St Pancras station in London to get the
8 When did the family have breakfast on day 3?
Eurostar train. Our train left on time, and very soon

we were in Paris. In Paris, we took another train to 9 What did Louise buy on the trip?
Vichy. The train journey was great. It took about three
hours. We arrived at our hotel in the afternoon and 10 How did the family travel back to London?
left our bags. Then we went to the thermal springs in 2
the centre of town. At the springs, we tasted special 10
mineral water that comes from volcanoes. The water
doesn’t taste like the normal water we have at home, 2 Read the text again. Write full sentences about how
but it is very good for you. Many people filled up plastic Louise used the types of transport.
bottles with the water and took it home with them. 0 taxi
Day 2 She went by taxi to St Pancras station.
Today we did a tour around the city on a tour bus. We 1 Eurostar
went on a boat ride along the beautiful Allier River. And
we rode bikes through the park. I took lots of photos with 2 bus
my camera. In the afternoon, we did a tour of a museum.
We learnt how the thermal water comes from the
3 boat
volcanoes to the springs. And we also saw the old spas
where people swam and took baths many years ago.
4 bike
Day 3
We had breakfast at 8.30 this morning because we had
a flight to Heathrow Airport in the afternoon. We did 5 plane
a bit of shopping before our flight, too. I bought some
sweets for my best friend. Then we took a taxi to the 5
airport. 15
Reading total

112 Unit 4 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 6 Listen to Javier telling his friend Leah about a 1 Complete the blog entry below about a boy’s journey
nightmare journey and complete the sentences. to school using the correct sequencing words and
0 Javier went to London with his family.
1 Javier had a journey home. My journey to school this morning was a nightmare! 0 First,
n? the bus was late. 1 T it started to rain! I
2 Their first flight was supposed to be on
waited at the bus stop for 35 minutes but a bus never came,
so I decided to walk to the underground. It took me ten
3 There were lots of flights cancelled because of the minutes. 2 A t , my
e . clothes were really wet! I got to the underground
4 The aiport cancelled the flights because it was too 3a t waited for a
for the planes to fly. train. I waited for five minutes. T
4 I saw
5 There were lots of flights cancelled all around the my friend. She was late, too! 5 F , a train
. arrived and we got there only 15 minutes late.
6 Some people travelled back to Spain by 5
and train. 2 Write a blog for your website about a recent trip or
7 It was also very at the ports and train holiday you went on in 100–125 words. Include the
stations because there were no flights. following points:
8 The snow stopped on evening. - the place
9 The family arrived home on Tuesday . - types of transport used
10 It took Javier and his family to get - the difficulties or problems
home. - your opinions/feelings on the journey
2 6 Listen again and answer the questions.
0 0 When were Javier and his family in London?
They were in London at Christmas time.
1 What did Javier think about the snow at first?

2 What was the situation when they arrived at the airport?

3 Why weren’t there any flights?

4 What did Javier and his family do on Saturday night?

5 Why didn’t Javier’s family try to leave from one of the ports?

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 4 TEST Extension 113

657627 _ 0106-0113.indd 113 17/03/16 11:48

5 Test Consolidation


1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Complete the sentences using the comparatives of the
adjectives in brackets.
0 I looked at the beautiful / popular moon through my
telescope. 0 The lake near the mountain is deeper (deep) than the one
1 We got on an early / slow flight from the airport at the park.
yesterday morning. 1 My suitcase is (heavy) than yours.
2 I washed my sweater a few hours ago, and it’s still wet / dry. 2 The train tickets to Paris were
3 I just read a really interesting / boring book about our
(cheap) last year.
Solar System – it was great!
3 The Earth is (far) away from the Sun
4 When I was ten years old, I had long / shallow hair.
than the planet Mercury.
5 This street can be very ugly / dangerous at night.
6 Our planet is quite late / far from the Sun. 4 This restaurant is (noise) than the café.
7 My dad drinks thick / strong coffee in the morning. 5 The view from my hotel room is
7 (beautiful) than the one from my home.
2 Complete the sentences with the landscape words below.
2 The words in bold are incorrect. Write the correct
beach coastline farmland island comparative forms.
mountains river sea stream volcano
0 The stream is more slow than the river.
0 Greece has 13,676 km of coastline – it’s the 11th longest in
1 This book is good than the one I read last week.
the world.
1 The UK has a lot of and produces
2 My brother says that rhinoceroses are more ugly than
many different types of food.
2 The in Austria are popular during the 4
winter with skiing tourists.
3 I thought the dinosaur museum was exciting than the
3 I only swim in the when the water is
space one.
warm and the waves aren’t too big.
4 The world’s largest active is Mauna
Loa in Hawaii. 4 My muscles were more weak before I started exercising.
5 A narrow flows at the bottom of my
garden, and sometimes we fish there. 5 Temperatures at the equator tend to be more hot.
6 We went to the every day on our
summer holiday last year. 5
7 The longest in the world is the Nile,
which runs through ten countries.
8 The world’s largest is Greenland,
which is over two million km².
Vocabulary total 15

114 Unit 5 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 114 17/03/16 11:51

3 Read the information in the chart. Then write sentences 5 Tick ( ) the correct sentence, A or B.
using not as ... as and the adjective in brackets.
0 A The oldest person in my family is my grandfather.
Planet Venus Jupiter Uranus B The most old person in my family is my grandfather. _
Temperature 480oC -150oC -214oC 1 A I think laptops were the bestest invention. _
Number of B I think laptops were the best invention. _
Earth days in a 224 4,330 30,666 2 A I have the least important job at work. _
year B I have the important job at work. _
Distance from 108 million 778 million 2,871 3 A Zurich is the most expensive city in Europe. _
the Sun km km million km B Zurich is most expensive city in Europe. _
4 A Jade is the most intelligent person in class. _
n 38,025 439,264 159,354 B Jade is the intelligentest person in class. _
around the
km km km 5 A The river near my house is the safe place to go
é. kayaking. _
0 Jupiter isn’t as cold as Uranus. (cold) B The river near my house is the safest place to go
1 A year on Venus is a kayaking. _
year on Jupiter. (long) 5
2 Jupiter is Uranus (far 6 Write sentences using the superlative form.
from the Sun).
0 blue whale / heavy / animal
3 Jupiter is Venus. (close
The blue whale is the heaviest animal.
to the Sun)
1 my brother / young /person in my family
4 Uranus is Jupiter. (big)
5 Venus is Uranus or
Jupiter. (wide) 2 spaghetti / good / food

3 football / popular / sport in my country
4 Complete the sentences with the superlatives of the
adjectives in brackets. Then match the parts of the
sentences. 4 snakes / scary / animals

0 I believe the peacock is the most beautiful (beautiful) c

5 Science / interesting / subject at school
1 Mount Everest is (high) _
2 Being an astronaut is
(interesting) _ 5
3 Ben Stiller is (funny) _ 30
Grammar total
4 My dad thinks that Italy is
(good) _
5 That new restaurant is
(bad) _

a job in the world.

b actor in Hollywood.
c bird with its colourful feathers.
d mountain in the world.
e place to eat in town.
f place to go on holiday.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 5 TEST Consolidation 115

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 115 17/03/16 11:51

1 Read the article and answer the questions. Write full 1
0 On what two seas does Ukraine have coastline?
On the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
1 Which is bigger, Ukraine or Texas?
2 What is the capital of Ukraine?
3 What type of landscape does Ukraine consist of mostly?
4 What is the importance of Lake Synevyr?
5 Why is Ukraine known as the ‘bread basket of Europe’?
2 Read the text again. Find the facts related to these
Ukraine names and numbers. Then complete the table.

Ukraine has a border with seven other countries and Ukraine

has a coastline that is 2,782 km long. Its coastline is Seven 0
 kraine has a border with
on the Black Sea and on a smaller sea called the Sea seven other countries.
of Azov. The country is over 603,000 km2 in area and 2, 782 km
1 2
is the second largest in Europe and the 44th largest in
the world. Ukraine is nearly as big as Texas. Kiev is the 603,000 km2
capital and the biggest city in the country. The city’s 44th

population is over 2.7 million.

Most of the country consists of plains. The average
height above sea level is only 175 metres. The country’s 2.7 million

main mountain range is the Carpathian Mountains in 6

the west. Its highest mountain, Hora Hoverla, is 2,061 175 metres
metres high. There are almost 23,000 rivers in Ukraine. 2,061 metres

Its longest river is the Dnieper, which is 966 km long.

Lake Synevyr is the biggest lake in the Carpathian 966 km
Mountains. The most popular fish there are carp and 9
Lake Synevyr
bream. It is also the most important lake in Ukraine, as

it provides the country with most of its water. 12% of 58%
Ukraine’s surface is covered in forests and 58% of the
land is farmland. Ukraine is known as the ‘bread basket
of Europe’, as it grows so much food. Reading total 15

116 Unit 5 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 116 17/03/16 11:51

5 Test Extension


1 Complete the sentences with the adjectives below. 1 Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of
There are two you don’t need. the adjectives below .

beautiful dangerous dry early far cheap deep heavy beautiful noisy far
interesting long slow strong wet
0 The lake near the mountain is deeper than the one at the
0 I looked at the beautiful moon through my telescope. park.
1 We got on an flight from the airport 1 My suitcase is than
yesterday morning. yours.
2 I washed my sweater yesterday, but it’s still 2 The train tickets to Paris were
. last year.
3 I just read a really book about our 3 Earth is away from the
Solar System – it was great! sun than the planet Mercury.
4 When I was ten, I had hair, but now 4 This restaurant is than
it’s always short. the café – the music is very loud.
5 This street can be very at night. 5 The view from my hotel room is
Be careful! than the one from my
6 Our planet is quite from the Sun. home.
7 My dad drinks coffee in the morning 5
to wake him up. 2 Underline and correct the mistakes. Write full
7 sentences.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct landscape 0 The stream is more slow than the river.
words. The stream is slower than the river.
0 Greece has 13,676 km of coastline – it’s the 11th longest in 1 This book is good than the one I read last week.
the world.
1 The UK has a lot of f and produces 2 My brother says that rhinoceroses are more uglier than
many different types of food. elephants.
2 The m in Austria are popular during
the winter with skiing tourists. 3 I thought the dinosaur museum was exciting than the
3 Mont Blanc is 4,810 metres above s space one.
4 The world’s largest active v is Mauna 4 My muscles were more weak before I started exercising.
Loa in Hawaii.
5 A narrow s flows at the bottom of my 5 Temperatures at the equator tend to be more hot.
garden and sometimes we fish there.
6 We played on the b every day during 5
our summer holiday last year.
7 The longest r in the world is the Nile,
which runs through ten countries.
8 The world’s largest i is Greenland,
which is over 2 million km².
Vocabulary total 15

118 Unit 5 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 118 17/03/16 11:51

1 7 Listen to two friends discussing a place to go 1 Complete the text about Australia. Write one word in
camping. Complete the sentences with an appropriate each gap.
Australia has many types of landscapes, 0 including deserts,
0 Petit Praz is the highest campsite in Europe. plains and a vast coastline. Most popular of all are the
1 Sandra says the Petit Praz campsite sounds beaches. Beaches 1 s as Bondi, Bell’s
c . Beach and the beaches of the Gold Coast attract millions of
? 2 John says it’s a g place to go tourists every year. But Australia also has some surprising
mountain biking. landscapes. 2 F example, there is an
3 The Austrian campsite is more e than extensive mountain range in the east with many places to
the one in Switzerland. ski, such 3 a Thredbo, Perisher and Fall’s
4 The easiest month to find space for your tent Creek. There are also tropical forests in the northeast, for
4e the Daintree. And there are many
is J .
places to stay, i
5 hotels, hostels and
5 The w at Petit Praz in June isn’t as
campsites, all over the country.
good as it is in July or August.
2 Write a description of an area in your country for your
2 7 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or
school newspaper in 100–125 words. Make sure you
false. Then correct the false sentences.
include examples of different landscapes.
0 It is less windy at the Petit Praz campsite than other places.
False. The Petit Praz campsite is one of the windiest campsites.
1 John says it’s boring to go camping in the mountains.

2 The campsite is right near the edge of the mountain.

3 There are many outdoor activities for people to do at
Petit Praz.

4 Sandra thinks mountain biking is more fun than

5 Sandra’s been camping in Austria before.
6 The campsite in Switzerland is only open for a few

7 The Petit Praz campsite is the least popular in

8 The campsite is busier in July and August than June.

9 Sandra suggests it’s probably better to go in June.

10 John thinks the best time to go is in August. 10
Writing total 15
10 Speaking 10
Listening total 15 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 5 TEST Consolidation 117

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 117 17/03/16 11:51

3 Read the information in the chart. Then complete the 5 Rewrite the sentences using superlatives.
sentences using not as ... as.
0 The chocolate ice cream from the supermarket is better
f Planet Venus Jupiter Uranus than the other flavours.
Temperature 480oC -150oC -214oC The chocolate ice cream from the supermarket is the best.
Number of 1 Tortoises can live longer than other animals in the
Earth days in a 224 4,330 30,666 world.
e year
Distance from 108 million 778 million 2,871 2 My sister is taller than the other children in her class.
the Sun km km million km
Distance 3 Tom’s new mobile is more expensive than anyone else’s.
38,025 439,264 159,354
around the
km km km
4 Lee is faster than the other players in his football team.
0 Jupiter / cold / Uranus.
Jupiter isn’t as cold as Uranus. 5 The island where I live is bigger than all the others in the
n Mediterranean.
1 A year on Jupiter / long / a year on Uranus.

2 Jupiter / far from the Sun / Uranus.

6 Complete each sentence so that it means the same as
3 Jupiter / close to the Sun / Venus. the sentence above it.
0 Simon thinks that there are no more exciting sports than
4 Uranus / big / Jupiter. tennis.
Simon thinks tennis is the most exciting sport.
5 Venus / wide / Uranus or Jupiter. 1 Football is more popular than volleyball.
Volleyball than
5 football.
2 A year on Earth is longer than a year on Venus.
4 Complete the sentences with the superlative forms of the
adjectives below. Then match the parts of the sentences. A year on Venus as a
year on Earth.
bad beautiful funny good high interesting 3 My book was more boring than yours.
My book was less
0 I believe the peacock is the most beautiful C yours.
1 Mount Everest is _ 4 This is the most comfortable sofa.
. 2 Being an astronaut is _ The other sofas aren’t
3 Ben Stiller is the _ this one.
4 My dad thinks that Italy is _ 5 There is no job I like less than ironing.
5 That new restaurant is _ Ironing is my job.

a job in the world. 5

b actor in Hollywood. Grammar total 30
c bird with its colourful feathers.
d mountain in the world.
e place to eat in town.
f place to go on holiday.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 5 TEST Extension 119

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 119 17/03/16 11:51

1 Read the article and answer the questions. Write full 1
0 Ukraine’s coastline is on which seas?
Ukraine’s coastline is on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
1 Which country is bigger: Russia or Ukraine?

2 How many countries in the world are bigger than Ukraine?

3 What’s the name of the biggest city?

4 What type of landscape does Ukraine consist of mostly?

5 What’s the name of Ukraine’s highest mountain?
Ukraine has a border with seven different countries
and has a coastline that is 2,782 km long. Its coastline 6 Where is Ukraine’s highest mountain?
is on the Black Sea and on a smaller sea called the Sea
of Azov. The country is over 603,000 km2 in area and, 7 What’s the longest river in Ukraine?
while it is not as big as Russia, it is the second largest
in Europe and the 44th largest in the world. Kiev is the 8 What is the importance of Lake Synevyr?
capital and the biggest city in the country. The city’s

population is over 2.7 million.
9 How much of the land do they use for farming? 2
Most of the country consists of plains and small hills.
The average height above sea level is only 175 metres. 10 Which season is the wettest in Ukraine?
The country’s main mountain ranges are the Carpathian
Mountains in the west and Crimean Mountains in 10
the south. Its highest mountain, Hora Hoverla in the
Carpathian Mountains, is 2,061 metres high. There 2 Read the text again and find the facts in the text related
to these names and numbers. Then complete the table.
are almost 23,000 rivers in Ukraine. Its longest river
is the Dnieper, which is 966 km long. Lake Synevyr is Ukraine
the biggest lake in the Carpathian Mountains. The 0
Seven  kraine has a border with
most popular fish there are carp and bream. It is also seven other countries
the most important lake in Ukraine, as it provides the 1
2, 782 km
country with most of its water.
12% of Ukraine’s surface is covered in forests, and 58%
of the land is farmland. Ukraine is known as the ‘bread 603,000 km2
basket of Europe’, as it grows so much food. Each year, 44th

it rains the heaviest in the north and north-west of the 5

2.7 million
country. The wettest time of the year is in summer. The
driest areas of Ukraine are in the south. 175 metres
2,061 metres
966 km
Lake Synevyr

Reading total 15

120 Unit 5 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 120 17/03/16 11:51

1 7 Listen to two friends discussing a place to go 1 Complete the text about Australia. Write one word in
camping. Complete the sentences with an appropriate each gap.
Australia has many types of landscapes, 0 including deserts,
0 Petit Praz is the highest campsite in Europe. plains and a vast coastline. Most popular of all are the
1 Sandra says the campsite really beaches. Beaches 1 as Bondi, Bell’s
cool. Beach and the beaches of the Gold Coast attract millions of
e? 2 John says it isn’t to go camping up tourists every year. But Australia also has some surprising
the mountain. landscapes. 2 example, there is an
3 The campsite is on a near a small extensive mountain range in the east with many places to
forest. ski, such 3 Thredbo, Perisher and Fall’s
? 4 John says it’s a place for mountain Creek. There are also tropical forests in the north-east, for
4 the Daintree. And there are many
places to stay, 5 hotels, hostels and
5 Sandra says at the campsite she went to you paid £7 for a
campsites, all over the country.
6 The Petit Praz campsite is in June
than it is in July and August. 2 Write a description of an area in your country for your
7 John says the at Petit Praz in June school newspaper in 100–125 words. Make sure you use
isn’t as good as it is in July or August. examples of different landscapes.
2 7 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 What does John think is interesting about Petit Praz

It’s 2,000 metres up a mountain.
0 1 What is the only problem John mentions?
. 2 What four activities can you do at the campsite?

3 Which activity does Sandra say she doesn’t like?

4 Where and when did Sandra say she went camping?

5 How much does it cost for one person with a tent to

camp at Petit Praz?

6 Which of the campsites mentioned is cheaper?

7 When does Sandra suggest going to Petit Praz?

8 What does John suggest they do?

8 10
Listening total 15 Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 5 TEST Extension 121

657627 _ 0114-0121.indd 121 17/03/16 11:51

6 Test Consolidation


1 Read the definitions and write the words for people in 1 Billy and Daniel were at the park on Sunday morning.
crime. Complete Billy’s description with the past continuous of
the verbs in brackets.
0 This person steals cars and drives them dangerously for
fun. joyrider 0 Daniel and I were cycling (cycle) in the park with our
1 A person who breaks into a house and steals something. bikes.
b 1 We (wear) coats
2 Someone who sees a crime happening but isn’t part of it. because the weather was cold.
w 2 A woman (walk) by the
3 This person steals items from shops without paying for river with her dog.
them. s 3 Some children (play)
4 A person whose job it is to investigate crime and find the football on the grass.
criminals. d 4 A girl (take) some
5 This person steals important information from other photographs with her camera.
people – usually from their computers. 5 A man (have) lunch at 4
h a small café near the river.
6 Am steals possessions from people 5
in the street and is sometimes violent.
7 This person’s job is to decide if a criminal should go to 2 Complete the story with the past continuous or past
prison. j simple of the verbs in brackets.
8 Av damages public property on A man in Washington D.C. 0 was returning (return) home
streets in towns or cities. when he heard loud noises from his neighbour’s house.
9 Someone who secretly steals possessions from people’s He 1 (knock) at the door,
bags and pockets. p but there was no reply. So he called the police. While
10 Someone who steals money from a bank. he 2 (wait), he heard
b r . the noises again. This time someone was shouting for
10 help. When the police 3
(arrive), they found a young man in the chimney trying
2 Choose the correct answer. to break into the house. Unfortunately for him, while
0 When I’m I usually go to bed early. he 4 (climb) down the
a tired b frightened chimney, he got stuck. The man helped pull the burglar
1 I was feeling , so I played some games out and the police soon 5
on my laptop until dinnertime. (arrest) him.
a angry b bored 5
2 Max was with the boy behind him at
the cinema who was talking throughout the film.
a annoyed b nervous
3 Were you that the detective caught
the mugger?
Yes, I was.
a embarrassed b happy
4 My dog went missing yesterday, and I’m really
a calm b upset
5 When I’m , I talk to my best friend,
and she makes me feel better.
a excited b sad
Vocabulary total 15

122 Unit 6 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Complete the sentences with the past continuous of the 5 Connect the two sentences with the word in brackets.
verbs in brackets.
0 Chloe was waiting for the train. The mugger stole her
0 I wasn’t travelling (not travel) on the train at seven o’clock bag. (when)
of last night. Chloe was waiting for the train when a mugger stole her bag.
1 The detective (interview) 1 Josh was walking home from school. He saw two bank
the bank clerk about the robbery. robbers. (when)
2 Adam (not wait) in his car
for his friends. 2 The detective knocked at the door. I was cooking dinner.
3 Angela and her daughter (while)
(shop) in the grocery store on Saturday.
e 4 The zoo keepers (feed) the 3 I left the house in the morning. It wasn’t snowing. (when)
animals in the morning.
5 The robbers (not wear) 4 I was walking along the pavement. I saw the joyrider.
masks. (when)
5 Ryan and Nick were playing cards. The lights went out.
4 Put the words in order to make questions. Then match a
short answer to each question.
0 night / you / watching / a film / last / were / ? 5
Were you watching a film last night? b
1 your / mother / in / talking / on / phone / the / morning /
6 Complete the sentences using one verb in the past
simple and one in the past continuous.
the / was / ?
0 The detectives / work / when / a young woman / enter /
2 on Saturday / you / your friends / eating / pizza / were / their office.
and / ? The detectives were working when a young woman entered
the office.
3 your / at / studying / was / 7pm / Maths / brother / ? 1 While / Jules and Matilda / have coffee / I / finish / my
4 your / listening / in / to music / sisters / the afternoon /
were / ? 2 Natalie / study in her room / when / she / hear / the
5 it / raining / the morning / was / in / ?
3 When / we / arrive / home / Dad / wait for us.

a No, he wasn’t. 4 While / the graffiti artists / spray the wall / a police car /
b Yes, I was. stop.
c Yes, they were.
d No, she wasn’t. 5 When / Marco / call / Jane / have a shower.
e Yes, it was.
f Yes, we were. 5
Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 6 TEST Consolidation 123

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2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true 1
or false. Correct the false answers.
0 The thief in story 1 was working in the jewellery shop.
False. She was shopping there.
1 The jewellery shop assistant called the police.

2 The jewellery thief gave her name and address to the

shop assistant.

3 The police arrested the jewellery thief in the shop.

Funny Crime News from around the World

4 The thief stole a bike from outside the owner’s house.
1 Jewellery Thief Leaves her Name
A woman was shopping in a jewellery shop in Germany
5 The bike thief may have felt bad for stealing.
when she grabbed some jewellery. The shop assistant
called the police and gave them the woman’s name
and address. How did she have these details? Well, the 6 One bank robber held the gun while the other was
woman gave them to the shop assistant while she was opening the safe.
shopping because she wanted her watch fixed. The
police soon arrested the woman at her home. 7 The bank robbers ran away with lots of money.
2 Thief Returns Bike with Sorry Note
A thief stole a bike outside a shop in the north of 8 The bank clerk was frightened by the gun.
England on Sunday while the owner was buying some
milk. Unfortunately, no one saw who took it. The next 8
day when the owner was leaving his house, he saw the
Reading total 15
bike in his garden! Beside the bike there was a chocolate
bar and a note that said: ‘Sorry I took your bike.’
3 Scared by Own Gun
Two young bank robbers in Texas were trying to steal
money from a bank. One of the bank robbers pulled
out a gun and asked the bank clerk to open the safe.
However, while the bank clerk was putting the money
into bags, the gun went off. The bank robbers were so
frightened that they ran away and left all the money.

1 Read the crime stories from a news website and write

the number of the story where these things happened.
0 She gave her personal details to the shop assistant. 1
1 They used a gun in the crime. _
2 The thief returned the stolen item. _
3 The police knew where she lived. _
4 They ran away and left the money. _
5 The thief admitted that he / she had done something
wrong. _
6 They were too terrified to continue. _
7 The shop assistant knew who the thief was. _

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e 1 8 Listen to a boy telling a police officer about a burglary 1 Choose the correct past time expressions below.
on Great Walden Street. Complete the witness statement 0 We were eating pizza just then / when the lights went out.
about the crime. 1 Leon was walking down the street when in the end /
suddenly he saw a mugger grab an old woman’s handbag.
Witness Statement 2 The policemen chased the shoplifter from the shops and
across the park. Just then, / In the end, they caught him
Name of witness: 0 David Young by the river.
Witness’s address: 1 3 Chloe knocked on the door and waited. But just then /
when there was no reply, she opened the door and
rushed in.
What witness was doing: David 2
4 Last Saturday morning, / Suddenly, I was at home when
on the pavement
a detective rang my doorbell.
along his street at eight o’clock last night. 5 It was getting late, and the shop assistant was closing the
He was alone but 3 shop. Just then, / When a man in a mask holding a gun
appeared and demanded money from the shop assistant.
What witness saw: A man and a woman. 5
The man was climbing 4
2 You are a witness to a crime. Answer the questions and
fill out the police witness statement. Include as much
while the woman 5
detail as possible and use past time expressions.
Description of criminals: They were both
wearing 6 clothes and
Where did the crime happen?
the man was wearing 7 .
2 8 Listen again and correct the sentences.

0 The police officer is interviewing David about a bank

5 robbery.
What were you doing when you saw the crime?
1 It wasn’t raining that night.

2 David was walking slowly.

3 David was walking to his friend’s house.

What did you see?

4 Ben was looking out of his window when David walked

by outside.

5 The female burglar was waiting by the car.

6 David was hiding at Ben’s house on the opposite side of

the street. Writing total 15
Speaking 10
7 The burglars were wearing T-shirts and blue jeans.
8 David took a photo of the burglars.

Listening total 15

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6 Test Extension


1 Read the definitions and write the words for people in 1 Billy and Daniel were at the park on Sunday morning.
crime. Complete Billy’s description with the past continuous of
the verbs below.
0 This person steals cars and drives them dangerously for
fun. joyrider cycle have play take walk wear
1 A person who breaks into a house and steals something.
0 Daniel and I were cycling in the park with our bikes.
2 Someone who sees a crime happening but isn’t part of it.
1 We coats because the
weather was cold.
3 This person steals items from shops.
4 A person whose job it is to investigate crime and find the 2 A woman by the river
criminals. with her dog.
5 This person steals important information from 3 Some children football
other people – usually from their computers. on the grass.
4 A girl some
6A steals possessions from people in photographs with her camera. 4
the street and is sometimes violent. 5 A man lunch at a small
7 This person’s job is to decide if a criminal should go to café near the river.
8A damages public property on streets
in towns or cities. 2 There are five more mistakes in past tense use in the
9 Someone who secretly steals possessions from people’s story. Find and correct them.
bags and pockets.
A man in Washington DC, USA, returned home when
10 Someone who steals money from a bank. he heard loud noises from his neighbour’s house. He
knocking at the door, but there was no reply – so he called
10 the police. While he wait, he heard the noises again. This
time someone was shouting for help. When the police
2 Correct the sentences about feelings and moods. Write
were arriving, they found a young man in the chimney. He
one word on the line.
was trying to break into the house. Unfortunately for the
0 When I’m nervous I usually go to bed early. burglar, while he climb down the chimney, he got stuck.
tired The man helped pull the burglar out, and the police soon
1 I was feeling angry because I had nothing to do. were arresting him.

2 Max was bored with the boy behind him at the cinema 0 was returning
who was talking throughout the film. 1
3 Were you nervous that the detective finally caught the
mugger who stole your purse? Yes, I was.
4 My dog went missing yesterday, and I’m really 5
embarrassed that we can’t find him. 5

5 Rosa was feeling sad after she exercised, so she drank a

big glass of water.

Vocabulary total 15

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3 Complete the sentences with the past continuous of 5 Write sentences using the past continuous and past
the verbs below. simple. Use when or while.

feed interview shop not travel not wait not wear 0 Chloe / wait for the train / the mugger steal / her bag
of Chloe was waiting for the train when the mugger stole her
0 I wasn’t travelling on the train at 7 o’clock last night. bag.
1 The detective the bank 1 Josh / walk home from school / he / see two bank robbers
clerk about the robbery.
2 Adam for his friends in 2 The detective / knock at the door / I / cook dinner
his car.
3 Angela and her daughter 3 it / not snow / I / leave the house this morning
in the grocery store on Saturday.
4 The zoo keepers the 4 what / you do / you see the joyrider?
ll animals in the morning.
5 The robbers masks. 5 Ryan and Nick / play cards / the lights go out
4 Write questions in the past continuous. Then write 5
ll short answers that are true about you.
6 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the
0 you / watch a film / last night? past continuous or past simple.
Were you watching a film last night? 0 The detectives were working when
Yes, I was. a young woman entered their office.
1 your mother / talk on the phone / in the morning? 1 While Jules and Matilda were having coffee,
2 Natalie was studying in her room when
2 you and your friends / eat pizza / on Saturday?
? 3 When we arrived at school,

3 you / study Maths / at 7pm? 4 While the graffiti artists were painting on the wall,
5 When he rang the doorbell,
4 you / listen to music / in the afternoon?
? 5
Grammar total 30
5 your teacher / wear something colourful / yesterday?

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1 Read the crime stories from a news website and correct 1
the sentences.
0 The jewellery thief grabbed the jewellery and put it in
her bag.
She grabbed the jewellery and ran away.
1 The shop assistant asked the police for the woman’s details.

2 The robber stole the bike from the owner’s house.

3 The bike robber returned the bike to the place where he

stole it.
Funny Crime News from around the World
4 The bank robber without the gun was checking the money.
1 Jewellery Thief Leaves her Name
A woman was shopping in a jewellery shop in Germany 5 The bank robbers left the bank with all the money.
when she grabbed some jewellery and ran away. The
shop assistant called the police and gave them the 6 The joyrider stole the policeman’s car.
woman’s name and address. How did she have these
details? Well, the woman gave them to the shop 7 The joyrider called the woman and asked if she wanted
assistant while she was shopping because she wanted to buy the car.
her watch fixed. The police soon arrested the woman at
her home. 7
2 Thief Returns Bike with Sorry Note 2 Read the text again and answer the questions. Write
A robber stole a bike outside a shop in the north of complete sentences.
England on Sunday while the owner was buying some
0 What was the woman in story 1 doing at the shop?
milk. Unfortunately, no one outside the shop saw who
She was shopping.
took it. The next day, when the owner was leaving his
1 How did the jewellery shop assistant get the woman’s
house, he saw the bike in his garden! Beside the bike
personal details?
there was a chocolate bar and a note that said: ‘Sorry I
took your bike.’
2 What happened in the end to the woman who stole the
3 Scared by Own Gun jewellery?
Two young bank robbers in Texas were trying to steal
money from a bank. One of the bank robbers pulled 3 What was the bike owner doing when his bike was stolen?
out a gun and asked the bank clerk to open the safe.
The other was standing by the door, looking out for the 4 What did the bike owner find when he was leaving his
police. However, while the bank clerk was putting the house?
money into bags, the gun went off. The bank robbers
were so frightened that they ran away and left all the 5 What was the bank clerk doing while the bank robbers
money. were in the bank?
4 A Clever Trick
A woman was reporting to a policeman that a joyrider 6 Why did the bank robbers run away?
had stolen her car when she mentioned there was a car
7 How did the policeman contact the joyrider?
phone in it. When the policeman called the phone, a
man answered and the policeman told him he wanted
8 How did the policeman trick the joyrider?
to buy the car. They arranged to meet, and he arrested
the joyrider.
Reading total 15

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t 1 8 Listen to a boy telling a police officer about a burglary 1 Complete the sentences with the past time expressions
on Great Walden Street. Complete the witness statement below.
about the crime.
five minutes later in the end just then
last Saturday morning suddenly when
Witness Statement
s. 0 We were eating pizza when the lights went out.
Name of witness: 0 David Young 1 Leon was walking down the street when
Witness’s address: 1 he saw a mugger grab an old
woman’s handbag.
What witness was doing: David 2 2 The policemen chased the shoplifter from the shops and
across the park. , they caught him by
at eight o’clock last night. He was alone but the river.
y. 3 3 Chloe knocked on the door and waited. But
there was no reply, so she opened
What witness saw: A man and a woman.
the door and rushed in.
The man 4
4 , I was at home when a detective
while the woman 5 rang my doorbell.
Description of criminals: They were both 5 It was getting late, and the shop assistant was closing
wearing 6 the shop. , a man in a mask holding
and the man was wearing 7 . a gun appeared and demanded money from the shop
2 8 Listen again and answer the questions about the
2 You are a witness to a crime. Write a detailed report
about the crime for the police. Include as much detail as
0 What is officer Marlow interviewing Daniel about? possible and use past time expressions.
She is interviewing him about a burglary. Last Saturday morning I was…
1 Where was David at eight o’clock last night?

2 What was the weather like?

3 Where was David walking to?

n? 4 What was Ben doing?

5 How did David know the burglars were a man and a


6 Where was David during the burglary?

7 What happened while David was calling the police?

8 What did David do after calling the police?

8 15
Writing total
Listening total 15 10
5 TOTAL 100

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7 Test Consolidation

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the descriptions with the words below. 2

beard curly freckles glasses
1 Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. long medium height short
0 Jane quite likes dancing. (into) tall slim straight well-built

Jane is quite into dancing.

1 Raj finds Maths boring. (interested)

2 Drawing isn’t one of Naomi’s talents. (good)

3 Maria hates athletics. (stand)

4 Don loves science fiction. (crazy)

5 Jade really likes trance music. (keen)

2 Choose the correct adjective to describe each person.
0 Ruby finds being with new people a bit difficult. She’s
quite friendly / shy. Sophia is 0 tall and 1 . She’s got
1 Lucas doesn’t often have fun or laugh with others. He 2 ,3 dark hair. She
studies a lot and is very serious / funny.
wears 4 .
2 Mark always gets good marks. He’s very honest / clever.
3 Lucy loves meeting new people, and she’s really easy to
Roberto has got 5 ,6
talk to. She’s very funny / friendly.
4 Charlie is always happy and is rarely sad. He’s very fair hair. He’s 7 and 8 .
cheerful / generous. He’s got 9 and a 10 .
5 Justin likes to make people laugh with his jokes. He’s 5
really loyal / funny. 15
Vocabulary total

1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
0 have / my family and I / travelled / across Europe by train
My family and I have travelled across Europe by train.
1 flown / my brother / in / has / a helicopter

2 Mark and Tom / the US / had / a holiday / haven’t / in

3 sung / I / public / have / in

4 Amelia / in / slept / a tent / in / has / the mountains

5 eaten / octopus / my sister / hasn’t

130 UNIT 7 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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2 Complete the sentences with the present perfect or 5 Write questions using How long and the present perfect
past simple of the verb in brackets. to complete the conversations.
0 I stayed (stay) with my aunt in her house in Italy last 0 How long / know / Juan
summer. How long have you known Juan?
1 No, not that film - I I have known Juan for four months.
(see) it before. 1 How long / play / professional tennis
2 Cristina (meet) her
new piano teacher last week at school. I have played professional tennis since 2009.
3 Maria (never ride) a 2 How long / study / English
horse on the beach.
4 My brother (appear) in
Lucia has studied English for two years.
two rock music videos!
3 How long / be / in Louis’s band
5 Andrei (not write)
anything on his blog yesterday.
We have been in Louis’s band for three weeks.
4 How long / have / her new laptop
3 Write questions using the words below. Use ever in all
Emily has had her new laptop for three days.
0 you / play the guitar? 5 How long / live / in their current home
Have you ever played the guitar?
1 Maria / watch a sci-fi film at the cinema? My grandparents have lived in their current home since
2 your parents / drive a car in the UK? 5
6 Complete the dialogues with been or gone.
3 Brian / go to a rock concert?
. 0 A: Which places have you visited in the UK?
B: I’ve been to Liverpool, Oxford and Cardiff.
4 we / visit another country?
1 A: You look really tired!
5 B: Yes, I’ve to the gym.
5 Alisha / hold a snake in her hands?
2 A: Have you ever to Canada?

5 B: Yes, twice!
3 A: Where are Lisa and Jason?
4 Complete the sentences using for or since. B: They’ve to the music festival
0 Rosie has lived in her flat for two years. in town.
n 4 A: Has someone taken my umbrella?
1 Theo and Jake haven’t spoken to each other
July. B: Yes, Max. He’s for a walk with the
2 Leonie has been at the gym an hour. dog, and it’s raining.
3 Lauren hasn’t bought any new clothes 5 A: I went ice skating at the weekend.
last month. B: Oh, really! I’ve never ice skating.
4 Brian has had his pet dog a long time. 5
5 Chris hasn’t cooked dinner for me 30
Grammar total
my birthday.

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1 Read the text and fill out the form about Emma’s 1
interests and personal qualities.

Emma enjoys 0 acting in the local theatre and singing

on stage at school.
She’s good at 1

She likes 2

She’s crazy about 3

She’s keen on 4

Emma is a good she is 5

friend because
she gives 6

she is very 7

she never 8

My Best Friend 8
My best friend is Emma. We’ve known each other since 2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true
2009, when we met on the first day of dance classes. or false. Then correct the false sentences. 2
Emma is medium height, slim and really pretty. She’s got 0 Lisa and Emma have known each other for a year.
long, straight, fair hair and green eyes. She sometimes
False. Lisa and Emma have known each other since 2009.
wears glasses when she’s reading, and she’s got a piercing
1 Emma is slim and has got curly hair.
in both ears.
Emma is really fun to be with, and she always makes
2 Emma always wears glasses.
me laugh. When I’m feeling upset, she’s there to tell me
a joke and always gives me good advice. We share our
problems with each other, too. Emma’s really good at 3 Lisa is terrible at dancing and acting.
dancing and acting. So am I.
We share the same interests. We’ve both enjoyed 4 The two friends have sung in public.
acting in our local theatre and singing in concerts at
school. We like listening to pop music. I’m a fan of Adele, 5 Lisa and Emma like different singers.
but Emma’s crazy about Lady Gaga. I trust Emma. She’s
very honest and never talks about me to our other 6 Lisa has played in a tennis tournament at Wimbledon.
friends. We’re both really keen on sport, too. I’ve won a
swimming championship, and Emma has played tennis 7 Lisa and Emma have been to the US together.
at a junior tennis tournament at Wimbledon.
What’s the best thing we’ve ever done together? We 7
went on holiday to Florida in the US and swam with
Reading total 15
Lisa, UK

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1 9 Listen to an interview with a football player and 1 Read the article below and choose the correct referencing
complete the factfile. word from the box to complete the text.
0 Name of player I admire the singer Adele. 0 She / They was born in 1988
Tom Adam in North London. She started singing when she was four
years old. Since then she has released over 26 songs. 1 It /
1 Team
These include ‘Someone Like You’ and ‘Rolling in the Deep’.
Many of 2 them / they have been successful all around
2 Lives 50 km from… the world. She has also recorded two albums. 3 She / Her
second album, 21, has been the most popular. 4 It / These
3 Nationality has sold over 4 million copies in the UK. 5 They / It say she
is one of the best singers ever.
4 Age
2 Write a description of your best friend in 100–125 words.
5 Age he joined current team Include the following:
- appearance
6 Played for his country in … - personality
- achievements
- skills and interests
7 Any injuries
- what qualities make this person a good friend

8 Two things he likes

e 8
2 9 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 Which area of England is Tom from?

1 How long has Tom played football?

2 How long has he been professional?

3 What did doctors tell him because of his injury?

4 What type of computer games does Tom like most?

5 Name two countries that Tom has visited.

6 What has Tom found difficult this year?

7 What has been Tom’s happiest career moment?

5 10
Listening total 15
Writing total 15

Speaking 10


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7 Test Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the descriptions of Sophia and Roberto. 2

1 Rewrite the sentences using one of the words below.

crazy good interested into keen stand

0 Jane quite likes dancing.

Jane is quite into dancing.
1 Raj finds Maths boring.

2 Drawing isn’t one of Naomi’s talents.

3 Maria hates athletics.

4 Don loves science fiction. 3

5 Jade likes trance music.

Sophia is 0 tall and 1 s . She’s got
2l ,3s dark hair. She
wears g
4 .
2 Complete the sentences with the correct personality
adjective below. Roberto has got 5 s ,6c
fair hair. He’s 7 m h and 8 w -
cheerful clever friendly funny serious shy b . He’s got 9 f and a
10 b .
0 Ruby finds being with new people a bit difficult. She’s 5
quite shy.
Vocabulary total 15
1 Lucas doesn’t often have fun or laugh with others. He
studies a lot and is always .
2 Mark always gets high grades. He’s very
3 Lucy loves meeting new people, and she’s really easy to
talk to. She’s really . 1 Write sentences in the present perfect.
4 Charlie is always happy and is rarely sad. He always has
0 My family and I / travel / across Europe by train
a smile, and he’s very .
My family and I have travelled across Europe by train.
5 Justin likes to make people laugh with his jokes. He’s 4
1 My brother / fly / in / a helicopter
really .
2 Mark and Tom / not have / a holiday / in / the US

3 I / sing / in / public

4 Amelia / sleep / in / a tent / in the mountains

5 My sister / not eat / octopus

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2 Complete the sentences with a verb below in the present 5 Write questions for the answers below using How long
perfect or past simple. and the present perfect.

appear meet never ride see stay not write 0 How long have you known Juan?
I have known Juan for four months.
0 I stayed with my aunt in her house in Italy last summer. 1 ?
1 No, not that film – I it
I have played professional tennis since 2009.
2 ?
2 Cristina her new piano
teacher last week at school. Lucia has studied English for two years.
3 Maria a horse. 3 ?
4 My brother in two rock We have been in Louis’s band for three weeks.
music videos! 4 ?
5 Andrei anything on his
Emily has had her new laptop for three days.
blog yesterday.
5 ?
My grandparents have lived in their current home since
3 Write questions using the words below. Use ever in all 1992.
questions. Then complete the short answers. 5
0 you / the guitar? (play)
6 Complete the dialogues in the present perfect and
Have you ever played the guitar?
using been or gone.
No, I haven’t.
1 Maria / watch / a sci-fi film at the cinema? 0
A: Which places have you visited in the UK?
Yes, B: I’ve been to Liverpool, Oxford and Cardiff.
2 your parents / drive / a car in the UK? 1
A: You look really tired!
B: Yes, I to the gym.
3 Brian / be / at a rock concert?
No, A: you ever
4 we / visit / another country? to Canada?
B: Yes, twice!
Yes, 3
5 Alisha / hold / a snake in her hands? A: Where are Lisa and Jason?
B: They to the music
festival in town.
4 Choose the correct answer. A: Has someone taken my umbrella?
0 Rosie has lived in her flat for 2010 / last month / two years. B: Yes, Max. He for a
1 Theo and Jake haven’t spoken to each other since three walk with the dog, and it’s raining.
days / July / five minutes. 5
2 Leonie has been at the gym for Wednesday / A: I went ice skating at the weekend.
four o’clock / an hour.
B: Oh, really! I never
3 Lauren hasn’t bought any new clothes since
ice skating.
last month / one month / a month.
4 Brian has had his pet dog for 2008 / a long time /
Christmas. Grammar total 30
5 Chris hasn’t cooked dinner for me since
my birthday / two weeks / a few hours.

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1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1
0 How long have Lisa and Emma been friends?
They have been friends since 2009.
1 How tall is Emma?

2 What’s Emma’s hair like?

3 What does Emma do when Lisa is upset?

4 Name two things that the friends have in common.

5 Name two things that the friends do not have in


6 Why does Lisa trust Emma?

7 What interesting sporting activity has Emma done?
My Best Friend
My best friend is Emma. We’ve known each since 2009 8 What country have they visited together?
when we met on the first day of dance classes. Emma
is medium height, slim and really pretty. She’s got long, 8
straight, fair hair and has green eyes. She sometimes
2 Read the text again. Find evidence in the text that
wears glasses when she’s reading, and she’s got a piercing
contradicts these sentences.
in both ears.
0 Lisa and Emma were in the same class at primary school
Emma is really fun to be with, and she always makes
me laugh. When I’m feeling upset, she’s there to tell me
a joke and always gives me good advice. We share our They met on the first day of dance classes.
problems with each other, and we never argue. Emma’s 1 Emma has very good vision.
very intelligent – she’s good at Maths and Science and can
speak two other languages. 2 Emma is always serious.
We share the same interests. She’s interested in dancing
and acting. So am I. We’ve both acted in our local theatre 3 Lisa doesn’t tell Emma her problems.
and sung on stage at school during the Christmas concert.
We like listening to pop music. I’m a fan of Adele, but 4 Lisa isn’t very good at swimming.
Emma’s crazy about Lady Gaga. I trust Emma. She’s very
honest and never talks about me to our other friends.
5 Lisa probably likes sci-fi films.
We’re both really keen on sport, too. I’ve won a swimming
championship, and Emma has played tennis at a junior
6 The girls probably argue about which film to see.
tennis tournament at Wimbledon. At the weekend, we
often go to the cinema together, but we don’t always
agree about which film to see! I like watching comedies, 7 Emma is afraid of the water.
but Emma enjoys sci-fi films.
What’s the best thing we’ve ever done together? We went 7
on holiday to Florida in the US and swam with dolphins! Reading total 15
Lisa, UK

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1 9 Listen to an interview with a professional football 1 Complete the article with the correct referencing word
player and answer the questions. below.
0 How far from London does Tom live? her it she them these they
50 km
1 How long has Tom played football? I admire the singer Adele. 0 She was born in 1988 in
North London. She started singing when she was four
2 Which team has Tom played for since he was a child? years old. Since then she has released over 26 songs.
1 include ‘Someone Like You’ and
3 Why hasn’t Tom played football this year? ‘Rolling in the Deep’. Many of 2 have
been successful all around the world. She has also recorded
two albums. 3 second album, 21, has
4 Name two countries Tom has been to.
been the more popular. 4 has sold over 4
million copies in the UK. 5 say she is one
5 What has been Tom’s happiest career moment? of the best singers ever.
2 Write an essay about your best friend in 100–125 words.
2 9 Listen again and complete the sentences from the Include the following:
- appearance
0 I’m really excited to have a special guest in the studio - personality
with us today. - achievements
1 I’m from a town called Hatfield. - skills and interests
- what qualities make this person a good friend
2 But yes, I’m .
3 Interviewer: And you’re 20, Tom?
Tom: .
ol 4 Well, . I’ve played football since I was
four years old.
5 I the Arsenal team when I was nine.
6 I’ve always .
7 I hurt my foot last year, and I haven’t been
8 I’m really keen on playing .
9 I have been to many with my
football team.
10 This year has been . I haven’t played
football very much.

Listening total 15


Writing total 15
5 10

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8 Test Consolidation


1 Read the definitions and write the jobs. 1 Fill in the gaps with must / mustn’t and the verbs in
brackets to complete the job rules of the restaurant.
0 I work in a shop and help people with what to buy. shop
assistant The Garden Restaurant
1 I work with people. I work in an office and help people 0 You must take out (take out) the rubbish through the
with problems related to the law. l back door and not through the restaurant.
2 I design buildings and houses. I work in an office and use 1 You (leave) the dirty
a computer. a plates, knives, forks or rubbish on the tables in the
3 I fly aeroplanes and work at an airport. I wear a special restaurant. Clear them immediately.
uniform. p 2 You (eat) any food from
4 I work in bathrooms and kitchens and repair water the kitchen during opening hours.
pipes. p 3 You (wear) your
5 I work in a small hospital for animals, and I look after uniform at all times.
them. v 4 You (be) pleasant and
6 I build houses and buildings. I wear a hard hat and work polite with all the customers.
outdoors. b
5 Hygiene is very important, so you
7 I stop fires and drive a big vehicle. My job can be very (wash) your hands
dangerous. f regularly.
8 I grow food for shops, markets and supermarkets. 5
I work in the countryside and with animals.
2 Write sentences about what household chores Sally and
her family do. Use have to or don’t have to.
0 I / feed the dog ( )
2 Complete the sentences about household chores with
I have to feed the dog.
appropriate verbs in the correct form.
1 I / do the washing ( )
0 I do the ironing every Sunday. I hate it because
sometimes I burn the clothes.
2 My brother / lay the table ( )
1 I enjoy the dog for a walk because
then I don’t have to do the boring chores at home.
3 My older sister / load the dishwasher ( )
2 I have to my bed every day before I
go to school.
4 My mum and dad / sweep the floor ( )
3 We never the washing up because
we have a dishwasher.
5 My baby sister / do anything ( )
4 My brother and I hate the rubbish,
but we don’t want our house to smell!
5 I usually help my dad the car in the 5
garage at the weekend. It gets very dirty driving the
whole family around all week!
6 I can’t stand the vacuuming. I have
to do the whole house and it’s so noisy!
7 My mum always the groceries as
soon as she gets home from doing the shopping.

Vocabulary total 15

138 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 138 17/3/16 13:42

3 Put the words in order to make questions. 5 Read the problems below and write some advice for
each person. Use should / shouldn’t, could or need to.
0 you / at home / have to / do / do / the vacuuming / ?
Do you have to do the vacuuming at home? 0 I have a job interview next week and I’m really nervous.
1 does / have to / a police officer / what special qualities / John
have / ? You could practice answering interview type questions with
a friend.
2 Noah / have to / the dentist / to / on Thursday / does / go / ? 1 My friend smokes, and I don’t like it. But I
don’t want to stop being his friend. Nico

3 they / a uniform / wear / at school / have to / do / ?

2 I’m very busy all day and usually only eat snacks like
m 4 why / today / get up early / have to / we / do / ?
crisps. Daniel

5 have to / visit his relatives / Zac / when / does / ?

3 I love watching films in the evening, but they usually

finish very late. Then I’m tired the next morning. Laura
4 Correct the underlined parts of the sentences about
school rules.
0 We aren’t allowed use a calculator in our Maths exams. 4 I want to join a football team, but I don’t know if I’m fit
aren’t allowed to use enough. Andrew
1 We don’t can run in the corridors.

2 We can to buy food at the canteen or bring our own 5 I always forget to do my homework. Janet

3 No one are allowed to leave the school during 5

lunchtime. 6 Your friend is not doing well in school. Write five
suggestions to help him/her be a better student.
4 Only our teacher allowed to use the computer in our
0 You should watch less TV.
5 I don’t allowed to chew gum in the classroom.

Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation 139

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 139 17/3/16 13:42

2 Read the text again and complete the table with the 1
Summer Jobs: what information about each job.
you need to succeed
Work Must… Need Should…
Babysitter with… to…
Looking after children is 0 1 2 3
Babysitter children
fun. You don’t need any
qualifications, but you do
need to be responsible. You must be good with children,
and you should have a good sense of humour. You should
also be friendly.
4 5
Restaurant waiter / waitress Waiter/ be clean, be good
waitress friendly with money
You need to serve customers and work in a team, so you
and good
must be friendly and good with people. You also need
with people,
to take money from customers, so you should be good and wear a
with money. You mustn’t wear any jewellery, you must uniform
be a clean person and you must wear a uniform. 6 7 8
Farm be quite fit
Assistant on a farm or at riding stables assistant
It’s dirty work but brilliant if you love animals. You need
to enjoy being outside and should be quite fit. Think
you can do it? You don’t need experience, but you do
need to be good with animals. You must also get up 9 10
early, and you mustn’t be late. The animals need to be Gardener no one be very fit

fed on time.
Gardening for neighbours
You don’t have to wear a special uniform, but you must
enjoy being outside and working in all different weather
conditions. You usually work alone and must sometimes 5
work long hours, so you should be very fit. You don’t
3 Write short answers to the questions.
have to know much about gardens, but you need to be
interested in them. 0 Do you have to be responsible to look after children?
Yes, you do.
1 Read the text. Write the name of the job which would 1 Are you allowed to wear your own clothes when you
suit these types of people. work at a restaurant?

0 Someone who likes being outdoors

2 Do you have to wear a uniform when you’re gardening?
Gardening for neighbours
1 A morning person
3 Do you need experience to work on a farm or at riding
2 Someone who doesn’t mind the rain

3 Someone who thinks hygiene is important 4 Is gardening a tiring job?

4 Someone who enjoys being with children 5 Do you have to work with other people if you work as a
waiter or waitress?
5 Someone punctual
5 15
Reading total

140 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 140 17/3/16 13:42

1 10 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about 1 Put the adverb in brackets in the correct position.
his job as a firefighter. Then complete Elliot’s school
0 Our school has got 800 students. (almost)
Our school has got almost 800 students.
The Job of a Firefighter
1 I sit next to a very funny boy at school, but it’s difficult to
By Elliot Dunn
concentrate. (really)
We met Graham Metcalf this week, a firefighter
from 0 Liverpool. He has worked in his job for 2 At lunchtime, students can play sport outside or chat in
1t years. His everyday duties the canteen with friends. (just)
include driving a fire engine, stopping fires and
2r people. A firefighter needs to
3 We’re allowed to use our mobiles at break or lunchtime,
have many different qualities and skills. You must
y or after school. (only)
be good at 3 t and have good
4c skills because you have to deal with
many different people at the same time in order to solve 4 I don’t do sport on Saturday – I have piano class. (instead)
problems in a calm and 5 l way . He says
you should also be fit and 6 r and that, 5 Our facilities are good at my school – we have a sports
because the job is dangerous, you need to wear a special centre, and there’s a swimming pool. (also)
uniform, including a 7 h hat.
Graham says there is a lot of s 8 in 5
his job and that, as well as being dangerous, it’s also
very 9 t . It’s 10 e , too.
2 Write an email about your school to a friend who’s
starting there next week in 100–125 words. Include
10 some adverbs and the following information:
2 10 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or - an opening
false. - how many students there are
0 A fire engine is a big vehicle that a firefighter drives. True - what the school timetable is like
- some of the school rules
1 Graham has to be good with people to do his job.
- what the facilities are like
- a closing
2 Training is short but intense.
3 He wears a special uniform so people know he is a
4 Graham likes his job because he has a variety of duties to
5 He has to work in an office.

Listening total 15


Writing total 15

Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 8 TEST Consolidation 141

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 141 17/3/16 13:42

8 Test Extension


1 Write a job that matches the definitions below. 1 Complete the rules with must / mustn’t and appropriate
0 I work in a shop and help people with what to buy. shop
assistant The Garden Restaurant
1 I work with people. I work in an office and 0 You must take out the rubbish from the back door and not
help people with problems related to the law. through the restaurant.
1 You the customer’s
2 I design buildings and houses. I work in an office and use dirty plates or rubbish on the tables in the restaurant.
a computer. Clear them immediately.
3 I fly aeroplanes and work at an airport. I wear a special 2 You any food from the
uniform. kitchen during opening hours.
4 I work in bathrooms and kitchens and repair water 3 You your uniform at all
pipes. times.
5 I work in a small hospital for animals, and I look after 4 You pleasant and
them. polite with all the customers.
6 I build houses and buildings. I wear a hard hat and work 5 Hygiene is very important, so you
outdoors. your hands regularly.
7 I stop fires and drive a big vehicle. My job can be very 5
2 Write sentences about what household chores Sally
8 I grow food for shops, markets and supermarkets.
and her family do. Use have to or don’t have to and an
I work in the countryside and with animals.
appropriate verb.

8 0 I / the dog for a walk ( )

I have to take the dog for a walk.
2 Complete the sentences about household chores.
1 I / the washing ( )
0 I do the ironing every Sunday. I hate it because sometimes
I burn the clothes. 2 My brother / the table ( )
1 I enjoy because I love
our dog and I can go outside. 3 My older sister / the dishwasher ( )
2 I have to every day
before I go to school so that my bedroom looks a bit
4 My mum and dad / the floor ( )
3 We never because we
5 My baby sister / anything ( )
have a dishwasher.
4 We every Tuesday and
Thursday because that’s when it’s collected.
5 I usually help my dad
in the garage at the weekend. It gets very dirty.
6 I can’t stand . I have to
do the whole house, and it’s so noisy!
7 My mum always as
soon as she gets home from doing the shopping.

Vocabulary total 15

142 Unit 8 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 142 17/3/16 13:42

3 Write questions using the words below and the correct 5 Read the problems below and write two pieces of
form of have to. advice for each. Use should / shouldn’t, could or need
to. Do not use the same structure twice for the same
e 0 you / do / vacuuming / at home?
Do you have to do the vacuuming at home?
1 what special qualities / a police officer / have? 0 I have a job interview next week, and I’m really nervous.
You could practice answering interview questions with a friend.
ot You should make sure you’re on time.
2 Noah / go / to the dentist / on Thursday?
1 My friend smokes and I don’t like it, but I don’t want to
stop being his friend.
3 they / wear / a uniform / at school?

e 4 why / we / get up early / today?

2 I’m very busy all day and usually only eat snacks like
ll 5 when / Zac / visit his relatives?

3 I love watching films in the evening, but they usually
4 Correct the sentences about school rules. finish very late. Then I’m tired the next morning.
0 We aren’t allowed use a calculator in our Maths exams.
We aren’t allowed to use a calculator in our Maths exams.
1 We don’t can run in the corridors. 4 I want to join a football team, but I don’t know if I’m fit
2 We can to buy food at the canteen or bring our own
5 I always forget to do my homework.
3 No one are allowed to leave the school during
4 Only our teacher allowed to use the computer in our 6 Your friend is not doing well in school. Write five
classroom. suggestions to help him/her be a better student.
0 You should watch less TV.
5 I don’t allowed to chew gum in the classroom.

Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 8 TEST Extension 143

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 143 17/3/16 13:42

1 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or 1
Summer Jobs: what false. Correct the false sentences.
you need to succeed
0 To work as a babysitter you need qualifications.
Babysitter False. You don’t need any qualifications.
Looking after children 1 You should have a friendly personality to work with
is fun. You don’t need children.
any qualifications, but
you do need to be responsible. You must be good with 2 You’re allowed to wear jewellery when you’re working in
children, and you should have a good sense of humour. a restaurant.
You should also be friendly.
Restaurant waiter / waitress 3 Hygiene is important when working as a waiter or
You need to serve customers, so you must be friendly waitress.
and good with people. You need to take money from
customers, so you must be honest and good with 4 The farm or riding stables assistant must like working
money. You mustn’t wear any jewellery, you must be a
clean person and you must wear a uniform.
5 You need experience to work on a farm or at riding
Assistant on a farm or at riding stables stables.
It’s dirty work but brilliant if you love animals. You need
to enjoy being outside and should be quite fit. Think 6 The gardener should be curious about plants.
you can do it? You don’t need experience, but you do
need to be good with animals. You must also get up 7 You must have teaching experience to be a sports tutor.
early and be punctual. The animals need to be fed on
time. 7
Gardening for neighbours
2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
You don’t have to wear a special uniform, but you must
enjoy being outside and working in different weather 0 What does a babysitter do?
conditions. It’s a tiring job, and you sometimes must He/She has to look after children.
work long hours, so you should be fit. You don’t have to 1 What doesn’t a babysitter need?
know much about different plants, but you need to be
interested in them. 2 Why might being good at Maths help in the waiting job?
Sports tutor
3 What dress rules are there for the waiting job?
Why not make your hobby into a summer job? Teach
people a sport that you like. Experience is desirable,
4 Bill spends hours in the library reading about animals.
and you must be good at the sport you want to teach
Why might the farm or stable assistant’s job not be good
and enjoy helping people. You have to have good
for him?
communication skills, and you need to be patient.
5 What does the farm or stable assistant have to do on

6 Name two bad things about the gardening job.

7 Name two skills you need to be a sports tutor.

8 What must you enjoy doing to teach sport?

Reading total 15

144 Unit 8 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 144 17/3/16 13:42

1 10 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about 1 Unscramble the adverb in brackets and rewrite the
his job as a firefighter. Then complete Elliot’s school sentence with the adverb in its correct place.
0 Our school has got 800 students. (slomat)
The Job of a Firefighter Our school has got almost 800 students.
By Elliot Dunn 1 I sit next to a very funny boy at school, but it’s difficult to
We met Graham Metcalf this week, a firefighter from concentrate. (laryel)
0 Liverpool. He has worked in his job for 1 .
n His everyday duties include driving a fire engine, stopping 2 At lunchtime, students can play sport outside or chat in
fires and 2 people. A firefighter the canteen with friends. (stuj)
needs to have many different qualities and skills. You
must be good at 3 and have good 3 We’re allowed to use our mobiles at break or lunchtime,
4 skills because you have to deal with or after school. (yoln)
many different people at the same time in order to solve
problems in a calm and 5 way . He says 4 I don’t do sport on Saturday – I have piano class. (dastein)
you should also be fit and 6 and that,
because the job is dangerous, you need to wear a special
5 Our facilities are good at my school – we have a sports
uniform, including a 7 .
centre and there’s a swimming pool. (soal)
Graham says there is a lot of 8 in his
job and that, as well as being dangerous, it’s also very
9 . It’s 10 , too.
10 2 Write an email about your school to a friend who’s
starting there next week in 100–125 words. Include
2 10 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or
some adverbs in your email.
false. Correct the false sentences.
0 A fire engine is a big vehicle that a firefighter drives.
1 Graham has to be good with people to do his job.

2 Training is short but intense.


3 He wears a special uniform so people know he is a


d 4 Graham loves his job because he has a variety of duties

to do each day.

5 He doesn’t have to work in an office.

Listening total 15


Writing total 15

Speaking 10
5 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 8 TEST Extension 145

657627 _ 0135-0145.indd 145 17/3/16 13:42

9 Test Consolidation


1 Complete the sentences with appropriate places in town. 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
be going to and the verbs in brackets.
0 I’m going to buy some medicine at the pharmacy this
afternoon. 0 Mary ’s going to have (have) lunch at the sandwich bar in
1 Amy’s going to borrow some books at the town this afternoon.
l after school. 1 I (visit) my relatives in Rome
2 We’re staying one night at a h and next weekend.
then we’ll continue our journey the next day. 2 Sam and Kim (not hang out)
3 You’ll get a discount on those jeans if you buy them from in the park today – it’s raining.
the d s today. 3 you
4 We’re having a meal at a r in town for (come) to the art gallery with Jake and me on Friday?
Jack’s birthday tonight. 4 Toby (not tidy) his room today
5 The m has got lots of amazing – he’s meeting his friends instead.
exhibitions and collections from all around the world. 5 Lucas (learn) how to ice skate
6 We’re going to watch lots more 3D films at the at the city ice rink.
c in the future – I love them! 5
7 Louis isn’t playing tennis with Sara at the
s c today because 2 Put the sentences in order to make questions. Then
he’s got a horrible cold. match the questions to the answers (A–F).
8 I’m going to pay some bills at the b 0 is / at the park / playing / with Amy / what time / Theo /
after work this afternoon. tennis / ?
8 What time is Theo playing tennis at the park with Amy? (e)
2 Read the definitions and write the electronic devices. 1 doing / what / Friday evening / is / on / Theo / ?

0 This is the place where you put your memory stick so your
2 buying / Theo / the football tickets / when / is / ?
laptop or computer can read the data. USB port
1 This device has no wires, and you use it to type.
w k 3 Saturday afternoon / Theo / going / is / to the park / on / ?
2 You can store all your media files and data on this – it’s
usually inside the computer. h 4 Theo / Sunday morning / is / what / on / doing / ?
3 This device has many buttons, and you use it to control 5 at the stadium / who / watching / with / is / Theo /
a TV or home cinema system. r the football match ?
4 This device lets you play high definition films on
your TV. B d a No, he isn’t.
p b He’s going to a theatre workshop until noon.
5 You move this device around on a desk to control your c He’s watching a film at the cinema with Tom.
computer. m d John and Ryan are watching it with him.
6 It’s a computer device that lets you see your friends and e He’s playing tennis with Amy at 1pm.
chat on the computer with them. w f He’s buying the tickets on Saturday morning.
7 This is the place where you put your 5
MP3 player so it can play music out loud.
M d

Vocabulary total 15

146 Unit 9 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0146-0153.indd 146 17/03/16 11:55

3 Complete the sentences about Holly’s predictions for 5 Write short answers to the questions using will / won’t.
her future. Use will / won’t and the verbs below. There is
0 Will you meet Jessica at the coffee shop if you finish your
one you don’t need.
project early? ( )
be get have learn move study travel Yes, I will.
1 Will the restaurant be open if we go there after the
0 After I leave school, I’ll study History and Art at university. cinema? ( )
( )
1 I married until I’m over 30. ( ) 2 Will they send me an email if I get the job? ( )
2 I think I around the world
with my best friend. ( ) 3 Will we stop at the bank if we drive through town? ( )
3 I at least two other languages
and speak them regularly. ( ) 4 Will you go to the concert on Saturday if you can get
y 4 I think I to New York and tickets? ( )
become an artist or a writer. ( )
e 5 I ( ) rich, just really famous! 5 Will she visit her aunt in Sydney if she goes on holiday to
5 Australia next year? ( )
4 Match the parts of the sentences.
0 If you go to the dance festival this afternoon, d
1 You’ll miss the beginning of the film _ 6 Complete the first conditional sentences so they are
2 If I can’t come to Laura’s party at the weekend, _ true for you.
3 I’ll print out my work on my printer at home _
0 If I save enough money, I’ll buy a new touchscreen
4 You won’t pass your exams _
5 If you’re still unwell tomorrow morning, _ computer.
1 ,
a if I can’t do it at school. I’ll be really happy.
b I’ll send her a text message. 2 If it’s sunny on Sunday,
c we’ll go to the doctor’s. .
d you’ll see all the live performances. 3
e if you don’t study hard enough.
if I go to bed late tonight.
f if you don’t leave soon.
4 If I don’t have any household chores to do at the weekend,
5 ,
I’ll be in big trouble.

Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 9 TEST Consolidation 147

657627 _ 0146-0153.indd 147 17/03/16 11:55

1 11 Listen to a radio programme about a festival and 1 Read the summary report and underline ten expressions
complete the leaflet with the information below. for reporting statistics.
For my report, I spoke to 0 ten people in my class. I asked
south-west Friday 24th
them about what digital entertainment they have in their
4pm Saturday 30th 7.30pm
house and what electronic device they think they’ll buy in
9am Tuesday Sunday
the future.

Feast Week in Mevagissey About half of the people I spoke to have a Blu-ray disc
The best summer festival in the 0 south-west of England! player in their homes. All of them have computers with
internet access, and most of them have a webcam and
Main Events and Dates microphone to chat with friends online. Three people have
a wireless keyboard with their computer, and four of them
The festival starts on 1
have a printer. Two people have a high definition TV. Only
and finishes on 2 one student has a touchscreen desktop PC.
About 80% of people in my class said that they will buy an
The fish festival starts at 3 and goes on
MP3 dock for their MP3 players in the future. Two people I
until 4 .
spoke to will buy satellite speakers for their televisions. No
The village concert on Monday starts at one is going to buy a widescreen television.
5 . 5
Singing and dancing, sport competitions and concerts from
6 to 7 . 2 You interviewed five friends about what they are doing
this weekend. Invent the results of the questionaire and
See you there!
write a summary report of 100–125 words. Remember to
n 7 include the following:
2 11 Listen again and choose the correct answer. - an introduction
0 Feast Week is a new / traditional festival in the village. - the information from the table
- an opinion on your results: what you found interesting/
1 The festival celebrates the fisherman in the village /
the food they make in the village.
2 The festival is one of the biggest / oldest festivals in Britain.
3 Feast Week happens every June / July and lasts for a
whole week.
4 At the fish festival, there will be street parades /
performers and live bands.
5 People visiting the festival can take part in theatre /
cinema workshops.
6 On Sunday, people wear colourful uniforms / costumes
during the parade.
7 The parade will have lots of floats / music.
8 There will be a concert / fireworks display at the end of
the night on Sunday.

Listening total 15


Writing total 15

Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 9 TEST Consolidation 149

657627 _ 0146-0153.indd 149 17/03/16 11:55

1 Read the article about Brighton and write the name 1
of the corresponding place or activity next to each
description below.
0 It is over one hundred years old.
Brighton Pier
1 It takes place two evenings a week.

2 It’s open every day except Monday and Sunday.

3 The same ticket can be used many times.

4 You can see what the city is like from the air.

5 This activity goes on for more than an hour.

Cool Things to Do in Brighton
Where are you going this weekend? Are you looking to
have some fun? Well, why not visit Brighton! 2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
Ghost Walk of the Lanes 0 How long does the Ghost Walk last?
Join your costumed guide Tim Martin as he takes 70 minutes.
you on a 70-minute mysterious ghost walk around 1 Which activities can’t you do on a Sunday?
Brighton’s famous Lanes. The Ghost Walk runs every
Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm. 2 How many different exhibits can you see in the Brighton
Brighton Toy and Model Museum Toy and Model Museum? 2
This museum has one of the largest collections of
toys and models in the world. You can see over 10,000 3 When does the writer suggest going on the Brighton
exhibits – from trains, planes and boats to dolls and Wheel?
puppets – so all the family will enjoy the visit. Open
4 What does the writer suggest is the best way to see
Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00am to 5.00pm.
Brighton Wheel
Hold on to your hats! Brighton’s newest tourist 5 What can you do at the end of Brighton Pier?
attraction is a big wheel. Take a ride in the evening and
get a fantastic view of Brighton as the sun goes down. 5
Brighton Bus Tour
3 Read again and decide if the sentences are true or false.
There’s no better way to see Brighton. One ticket is
valid for 24 hours, so you can get on and off whenever 0 People have to wear costumes when they go on the
and wherever you like. Ghost Walk. False
1 The Ghost Walk begins at 7.30pm on Friday and
Brighton Pier
Take a walk along the hundred-year-old pier. There are
2 If you do the Brighton Bus Tour two full days in a row,
lots of fun activities, including a fairground and many you can use the same ticket.
places to eat and drink when you reach the end. 3 The Brighton Toy and Model Museum has more than
10,000 exhibitions.
4 The Toy and Model museum is only for children.

5 The Brighton Pier is a ride at a fairground.

Reading total 15

148 Unit 9 TEST Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

657627 _ 0146-0153.indd 148 17/03/16 11:55

9 Test Extension


1 Complete the sentences with appropriate places in town. 1 Complete the questions in the present continuous.
Then look at Theo’s diary for the weekend and answer
0 I’m going to buy some medicine at the pharmacy this
the questions.
1 Amy’s going to borrow some books at the 0 What time / Theo / play tennis / at the park / with Amy?
after school. What time is Theo playing tennis at the park with Amy?
He’s playing tennis with her at 1pm.
2 We’re staying the night in a room at the
1 What / Theo / do / on Friday evening?
and we’ll have breakfast the
next morning.
3 My mum’s going to the later
2 When / Theo / buy / the football tickets?
to get some food for dinner.
4 We’re having a meal at a in
town for Jack’s birthday tonight.
5 The has got lots of amazing 3 Theo / go / to park / on Saturday afternoon?
exhibitions and collections from all around the world.
6 We’re going to watch lots more 3D films at the
in the future – I love them! 4 What / Theo / do / on Sunday morning? 3
7 Louis isn’t going to his tennis lesson at the
today because he’s got a
horrible cold. 5 Who / watch the football match / with Theo / at the
8 I’m going to pay some bills and take out some money at stadium?
the after work this afternoon.
2 Read the definitions and write the electronic devices.
0 This is the place where you put your memory stick so your Theo’s Diary
laptop or computer can read the data. USB port
1 This device has no wires, and you use it to type.
play tennis at park with Amy (1pm)
watch a film at cinema with Tom (7.30pm)
2 You can store all your media files and data on this – it’s
usually inside the computer.
3 This device has many buttons, and you use it to control a buy tickets for football match in morning
TV or home cinema system. study for Maths exam in afternoon
4 This device lets you play high definition films on your TV.
5 You move this device around on a desk to control your go to theatre workshop (10am)
computer. lunch at home with Mum and Dad
6 You can use it to see and chat on the computer watch football match at stadium with John
and Ryan (2pm)
with your friends who are in a different place.
7 This is the place where you put your MP3 player so it can
play music out loud.

Vocabulary total 15

150 Unit 9 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 5 Complete the questions for the underlined answers below.
be going to and a verb in the box.
0 What sport will you play if you go to the sports centre
come not hang out have learn not tidy visit
I’ll play tennis.
0 Mary’s going to have lunch at the sandwich bar in town 1 if you go to the shopping
this afternoon. centre today?
1 I my relatives in Rome next I’ll buy some new jeans.
weekend. 2 to school if they miss the bus?
2 Sophie and Kelly in the park They will go by bike.
today – it’s raining. 3 for a walk if you’re at work?
3 you to the Tom will take him.
art gallery with Jake and me on Friday?
4 if the art gallery isn’t open?
4 Toby his room today – he’s
I will go to the theatre.
meeting his friends instead.
5 if you go to the cinema?
5 Lucas how to ice skate at the
We’ll see that new scary film.
city ice rink.
5 5

3 Complete Holly’s predictions for her future using will or

6 Complete the first conditional sentences so they are
true about you.
won’t and an appropriate verb.
0 If I save enough money, I’ll buy a new touchscreen
0 After I leave school, I ’ll study History and Art at university.
( )
1 I married until I’m over 30. ( ) 1 ,
2 I around the world with my I’ll be really happy.
best friend. ( ) 2 If it is sunny on Sunday,
3 I at least two other languages .
and speak them regularly. ( ) 3
4 I think I to New York and if I go to bed late tonight.
become an artist or a writer. ( ) 4 If I don’t have any household chores to do at the weekend,
5 I rich, just really famous! ( ) .
5 5 ,
I’ll be in big trouble.
4 Write first conditional sentences using the words below.
0 If / you / need a webcam / I / lend you mine. 30
Grammar total
If you need a webcam, I’ll lend you mine.
1 We / miss the beginning of the film / if / we / not leave soon

2 If / I / not can come to the party / I / send you a text message.

3 I / print out my work on the printer at school / if / I / not

can do it at home.

4 You / not pass your exams / if / you / not study enough.

5 If / you / still be unwell tomorrow / we / go to the doctor’s.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 9 TEST Extension 151

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1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1
0 How long does the Ghost Walk last?
70 minutes.
1 Which activities can’t you do in Brighton on a Sunday?

2 Name three types of models in the Brighton Toy and

Model Museum.

3 When does the writer suggest you go on the Brighton


4 How does the writer recommend seeing Brighton?

5 What can you do at the end of Brighton Pier?

Cool Things to Do in Brighton
Where are you going this weekend? Are you looking to
have some fun? Well, why not visit Brighton! 2 Read the text again and decide if the sentences are true
or false. Correct the false sentences.
Ghost Walk of the Lanes
Join your costumed guide Tim Martin as he takes 0 People have to wear costumes when they go on the 2
you on a 70-minute mysterious ghost walk around Ghost Walk. False. The guide wears a costume.
Brighton’s famous Lanes. The Ghost Walk runs every 1 The Ghost Walk is on Friday and Saturday.
Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm. £8 adults, £4 children
2 The Toy Museum has more than 10,000 exhibits.
and £5 for students.
Brighton Toy and Model Museum 3 The Brighton Wheel has been open for many years.
This museum has one of the largest collections of
toys and models in the world. You can see over 10,000 4 One Brighton Bus Tour ticket can be used many times.
exhibits of toys and models, from trains, planes and
boats to dolls and puppets, so everyone will enjoy the 5 The Brighton Pier is 524 metres high.
visit. Don’t forget to visit the shop! Open Tuesday to
Saturday from 10am to 5pm. 5
Brighton Wheel 3 Read again. The teenagers below are going to Brighton
Hold on to your hats! Brighton’s newest tourist this weekend. Suggest an activity for each and give a
attraction this year is a big wheel next to the sea. Take a reason.
ride in the evening and get a fantastic view of Brighton
0 Louis loves visiting old places and being outdoors.
as the sun goes down.
The pier – because it’s outside and it’s a hundred years old.
Brighton Bus Tour 1 Shelley enjoys scary stories.
There’s no better way to see Brighton. Our friendly
guides will show you all the sights and sounds of this 2 George collects model vehicles. He loves history.
exciting city. One ticket is valid for 24 hours, so you can
get on and off whenever and wherever you like. 3 Lucy loves rides and isn’t scared of heights.
Brighton Pier
4 Javier is an active guy. He likes walking.
Take a walk along the 100-year-old pier, which goes
524 metres out to sea. There are lots of fun activities, 5 Liza loves visiting lots of new places but doesn’t like to
including a fairground and many places to eat and walk around a lot.
drink when you reach the end.

Reading total 15

152 Unit 9 TEST Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 11 Listen to a radio programme about a festival and 1 Read the summary report and choose the correct answer.
complete the leaflet with times, days and dates.
For my report, I spoke to 10 people 0 in / of my class. I asked
Feast Week in Mevagissey them about what digital entertainment they have in their
The best summer festival in the 0 south-west of England! house and what electronic device they think they’ll buy in
the future.
Main Events and Dates About half of 1 the people / people I spoke to have a
Blu-ray disc player in their homes. Most 2 of them / they
The festival starts on 1
have a webcam and microphone to chat with friends
2 and finishes 3
online. Three people have a wireless keyboard with their
4 June.
computer and four of them have a printer. Two people have
The fish festival starts at 5 and goes on a high definition TV. Only one student has a touchscreen
until 6 desktop PC.
The village concert on 7 starts at 3 Almost / About all of the students in my class have a

8 digital camera. Some of them have a camcorder too. 4 They

Singing and dancing, sport competitions and concerts all / Everyone has a computer to do their homework.
5 About / The 80% of the people in my class said that they
from 9 to 10 .
will buy a MP3 dock for their MP3 players in the future. Two
e See you there!
people will buy satellite speakers for their televisions. No
10 one is going to buy a widescreen television.
2 11 Listen again and correct the sentences. 5

0 The festival celebrates the food they make in the village. 2 You interviewed five friends about what they are doing
It celebrates the fisherman in the village. this weekend. Invent the results of the questionaire and
write a summary report of 100–125 words. Remember to
1 The festival is one of the biggest festivals in the UK.
include the following:

2 Feast Week happens every July and lasts for a whole - an introduction
- the information from the table
- an opinion on your results: what you found interesting/
3 At the fish festival, there will be street parades and live

4 On Sunday, people wear colourful uniforms during the


5 There will be a concert at the end of the night on Sunday.

Listening total 15


Writing total 15

Speaking 10


15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Unit 9 TEST Extension 153

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Test Units 1–3 Consolidation


1 Choose the correct answer. 1 Choose the correct question word. Then complete the
answers with the present simple form of the verbs
0 My grandparents / children are still alive – we often
visit them at the weekend.
1 We rarely see my niece / cousin Carla because she lives
be not have live play visit work
in Australia with my aunt and uncle.
2 Dairy products such as cheese / pork and milk contain
0 Where / Who do you live?
calcium, which helps to build our bones.
3 I love to eat strawberries / green beans in the summer I live in Toronto, in Canada.
– they’re my favourite fruit. 1 How / When do you spend your free time?
4 I have got one brother, Javier. His wife’s / aunt’s name is I a lot of free time,
Anna, and they have got two children. but I like going to the cinema with my friends.
5 ‘Simon, have we got any fish?’ ‘Yes, we’ve got a piece of 2 When / What sport do you do at school?
salmon / prawns in the fridge.’
I football and tennis.
6 David is an only child / a brother, he hasn’t got any
brothers or sisters. 3 What / Who is your best friend?
7 I’m going skateboarding / surfing in the sea at the My best friend Suzie.
weekend with my brother. 4 What / How does your dad do?
8 Joe doesn’t like skiing / kayaking on the river – he says He in a bank in the city
the water is too cold and he gets wet. centre.
9 There aren’t any vegetables in the cupboard – we need
5 How often / What does Dani see his grandparents?
some tomatoes / grapes for dinner.
10 We are doing football / athletics on the school field He them twice a
today for our sports lesson. month.
10 5

2 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 2 Tick ( ) the correct sentences, A or B.
1 2 0 A I do always my homework in the evening.
c h
b I always do my homework in the evening.
1 a My sister and I sometimes have arguments.
b My sister sometimes and I have arguments.
b o t t l e 2 a Peter and I go occasionally online after school.
b Peter and I occasionally go online after school.
t 3 a Clark usually leaves work at 5.30pm.
c b Clark leaves usually work at 5.30pm.
4 a My family is at home hardly ever for lunch.
b My family is hardly ever at home for lunch.
Across 5 a My parents are never late for work.
3 This type of container holds milk or water. b My parents never are late for work.
5 People in China and Japan eat their food with these.
1 You play tennis at this type of sports venue.
2 This type of sports equipment you wear on your head
for protection.
3 You do this to your teeth twice a day after you eat a meal.
4 You do this to your bedroom when it is messy.
Vocabulary total 15

154 TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Complete the conversation with the present continuous 5 Correct the sentences.
form of the verbs in brackets.
0 We’ve got a milk in the fridge.
We’ve got some milk in the fridge.
1 My favourite foods is chicken.

2 I normally have some peach with my lunch.

3 They’ve got any napkins on the table.

4 We haven’t got some clean knives or forks.

5 There is any bread in the cupboard – none at all.

Harry: Hi, Owen. 0 Are you watching (watch) the tennis
match on TV?
Owen: No, I 1 (listen) to 5
music and trying to do my homework. 6 Complete the questions with How much or How many.
Harry: Oh, poor you! 2 Then, choose the correct answer.
(you / do) your science project?
y Owen: Yes – it’s really difficult! Where are you? 0 How much cheese is there in my sandwich?
Harry: I’m at the park with Kyle. We 3 A There is a lot. B There aren’t much.
(not play) basketball because it’s raining. So we 1 people are eating at
4 (drink) hot chocolate in the restaurant?
the café here instead. A Not many people. B Not much people.
Owen: 5 (you / have) a good time? 2 packets of rice are
Harry: Yes, we are. there on the shelf?
Owen: Cool! A Just a little. B Just a few.
5 3 salad is there in the
4 Write sentences using the present simple (PS) or
present continuous (PC). A Just a little. B Just a few.
4 students are
0 I / not swim / in the sea / today (PC)
vegetarian in your class at school?
I’m not swimming in the sea today.
A There are not a lot. B There are not lots.
1 Lisa / always / wear / a helmet and knee pads / at the
5 honey is there?
skate park. (PS)
A Not many. B Not much.
2 Henry / often / go / horse riding / on Saturdays. (PS)
Grammar total 30
3 the children / do / gymnastics / at the moment? (PC)

4 Sam / go mountain biking / this week. (PC)

5 Hannah / train / at the swimming pool / every day. (PS)

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2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are 1
true or false. Correct the false sentences.
0 Matt plays baseball.
False. Matt plays basketball.
1 Matt hardly ever eats a balanced diet.

2 Matt never eats unhealthy food.

3 Matt has time to do the housework.

4 You need no protection to play basketball. 2

My Life
Matt Brown

My name’s Matt Brown, and I’m a professional 5 Matt has no time to go out with friends.
basketball player. I live in an apartment in New York.
My life is really active. I play basketball every day, so I
always eat a balanced diet. I try to eat five portions of
fruit and vegetables a day, carbohydrates such as pasta 5
and rice, and protein such as chicken. This gives me lots 3 Read the article again and complete the sentences with
of energy. I drink lots of water too, but I never have any information from the text.
fizzy drinks. And there’s no junk food in my house.
0 Matt is a professional basketball player.
I wake up at 7.45 every day. My day is really busy. I don’t
1 Matt lives in
have a lot of free time. So I never do the housework!
New York.
I’m either training at the gym or at the basketball court
with my team. 2 Matt drinks
Basketball is a fast sport, which means you need to 3 Matt
be fit. When you’re playing basketball, you also need a quarter to eight.
to have the right gear and equipment – a basketball
4 Matt always
net, a basketball, a T-shirt, shorts and some basketball
the gym or at
shoes. But you don’t need protection like baseball or
ice hockey players do. A basketball player needs lots
5 Matt wears a ,
of discipline, and you need to practice. So while my
and some to play
friends are going out and having fun, I’m training at the
basketball court. But I love my sport!
Reading total 15
1 Read the article and match the parts of the sentences.
0 Matt never A the washing up.
1 Matt trains B drinks water.
2 Matt always C drinks cola.
3 Matt never has D a lot of discipline.
4 A basketball player needs E a burger and chips.
5 Matt never does F every day.

156 TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 12 Listen to the cookery programme and tick ( ) the 1 Choose the correct answer.
ingredients that you hear.
0 I usually don’t play computer games at / on the weekend,
0 lettuce but / or sometimes I watch TV.
1 tomatoes _ 1 I don’t eat fruit so / or cereal before / also I go to school.
2 olives _ 2 I’m playing football or / and going to the cinema in / on
3 bread _ Saturday – I’m really busy!
4 green beans _ 3 My mum and dad don’t finish work until late, so / but
5 onion _ I usually go to my grandparents for dinner in / at the
6 cheese _ evenings.
7 peppers _ 4 After / So I do my homework, I go online and I
8 potatoes _ also / before have a snack.
9 tuna _ 5 My dad usually cooks dinner, so / but sometimes we
10 cucumber _ have take away pizza in / on Friday.
5 5
2 12 Listen again and complete the instructions for the 2 Write a personal description for your school website
special summer salad. about how healthy your lifestyle is. Include the
0 Put some lettuce in the bowl.
1 Then, add the . - what you eat and drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner
- what sports you play/do
2 Slice a few and put them in the bowl.
- when you play/do the sport
3 Cook the and . - your interests and hobbies
4 Open the two cans of . - healthy and unhealthy habits
5 Slice a red and put it in the bowl. - use and, but, or, so or also to connect your ideas
h - include time expressions
6 Add lots of first.
7 And then add some and .
8 Now, add the on top of the vegetables.
9 Take the and cut them in half – then
add them to the bowl.
10 Mix all the together and add a little
Listening total 15


Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 1-3 Consolidation 157

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Test Units 1–3 Extension

Down 3
VOCABULARY 1 You play tennis at this type of sports venue.
2 You wear this type of sports equipment on your head for
1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There is
one you don’t need.
3 You do this to your teeth twice a day after you eat a meal.
athletics cheese cousin grandparents 4 You do this to your bedroom when it is messy.
kayaking only child salmon strawberries 5
surfing tomatoes volleyball wife
Vocabulary total 15
0 My grandparents are still alive – we often visit them at
the weekend. GRAMMAR
1 We rarely see my Carla because she
lives in Australia with my aunt and uncle.
1 Complete the questions with the correct question
2 Dairy products such as and milk
word. Then complete the answers.
contain calcium, which helps to build our bones.
3 I love to eat in the summer – they’re 0 Where do you live?
my favourite fruit. I live in Toronto, in Canada.
4 I have got one brother, Javier. His ’s 1 do you spend your free time?
name is Anna, and they have got two children.
going to the cinema
5 ‘Simon, have we got any fish?’ ‘Yes, we’ve got a piece of
with my friends.
in the fridge.’
6 David is an ; he hasn’t got any 2 sport do you do at school? 4
brothers or sisters. football and tennis.
7 I’m going at the weekend with my 3 is your best friend?
brother at our favourite beach. My Suzie.
8 Joe doesn’t like on the river – he says
4 do your mum and dad do?
the water is too cold.
9 There aren’t any vegetables in the cupboard – we need My mum a nurse and my dad
some for dinner. in a bank.
10 We are doing on the school field 5 do you see your grandparents?
today for our sports lesson. them twice a month.
10 5
2 Read the clues and complete the crossword. 2 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
1 2
0 I do always my homework in the evening.
I always do my homework in the evening.
1 My sister sometimes and I have arguments.

b o t t l e 2 Peter and I occasionally go online after school.

3 Usually Clark leaves work at 5.30pm.

4 My family is hardly ever at home for lunch.

Across 5 My parents never are late for work.

3 This type of container holds milk or water.
5 People in China and Japan eat their food with these. 5

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3 Complete the conversation with the present 5 Complete the sentences with a, some, any or no.
continuous form of the verbs below.
r 0 We’ve got some milk in the fridge. Don’t buy more!
do drink have listen not play watch 1 I normally have peach with my
al. lunch.
Harry: Hi, Owen. 0 Are you watching the tennis match on TV? 2 Have you got napkins?
Owen: No, I 1 to music 3 We haven’t got clean knives and
and trying to do my homework. forks.
Harry: Oh, poor you! 2 4 There is bread in the cupboard.
your science project? Could you go to the bakery?
Owen: Yes – it’s really difficult! Where are you? 5 For breakfast, I usually have slice of
Harry: I’m at the park with Kyle. We 3 bread with some cheese or ham.
basketball because it’s raining. So we 4 5
hot chocolate in the café here instead.
6 Complete the questions with How much or How many.
Owen: 5 a good time? Then, write short answers with the correct form of
Harry: Yes, we are. There is/There are and the quantifiers in brackets.
Owen: Cool! 0 How much cheese is there in my sandwich? (a lot)
5 There is a lot.
4 Write sentences using the present simple or present 1 people are eating
continuous. at the restaurant? (not many)

0 I / not swim / in the sea / today/ because / it / be / cold.

I’m not swimming in the sea today because it is cold. 2 packets of rice are
there on the shelf? (a few)
1 Lisa / always / wear / a helmet and knee pads / at the
skate park / because / it / be / dangerous.
3 salad is there in the
bowl? (a little)

2 Henry / often / go / horse riding / on Saturdays / but /

today / he / not go. 4 students are
vegetarian in your class at school? (not a lot)

3 the children / do / gymnastics / at the moment / or / they 5 jars of honey

/ play tennis? are there? (a lot)

4 Shelley / know / that / Sam / go mountain biking / this week? 30
Grammar total

5 Paul / think / that / Hannah / train / at the swimming

pool / today.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 1-3 Extension 159

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2 Read the article again and answer the questions. 1
0 What does Matt eat a lot of each day?
He eats five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
1 Why are carbohydrates important in Matt’s diet?

2 What type of drink does Matt never have?

My Life 3 How does Matt describe his sport?

Matt Brown

My name’s Matt Brown, and I’m a professional basketball

player. It’s important for me to have a healthy lifestyle when
4 Why does Matt say basketball is different to some other
I’m playing sport. I play basketball every day, and I often
need to eat a balanced diet. I try to eat five portions of fruit 2
and vegetables a day. For breakfast, I have a piece of fruit,
and occasionally I eat some eggs with two slices of bread.
Carbohydrates such as pasta and rice, and protein such as 5 What does Matt say a professional sports player needs?
chicken give me lots of energy. I always eat them for dinner.
I drink lots of water, but I never have any fizzy drinks. And
there’s no junk food in my house. 5
I wake up at 7.45 everyday. My day is usually really busy. I
don’t have a lot of free time. So I never do the housework or 3 Read the article again and complete the sentences with
information from the text.
anything like that. I’m either training at the gym or at the
basketball court with my team. 0 Matt is a professional basketball player.
Basketball is a fast sport, which means you need to be fit 1 It’s important for Matt to
and have a lot of skill. When you’re playing basketball, you
need to have the right gear and equipment – a basketball when he is playing sport.
net, a basketball, a T-shirt, shorts and some basketball 2 For breakfast, Matt
shoes. But you don’t wear protection like baseball or .
ice hockey players do. A basketball player needs lots of 3 Matt doesn’t have time
discipline, and you need to practice. So while my friends .
are going out and having fun, I’m training at the basketball
4 Matt’s two main activities are
court. But I love being active, and I love my sport.
1 Read the article and complete the sentences with the 5 Matt enjoys
words below. .
a lot of always every day never (x2) occasionally
Reading total 15
0 Matt trains every day.
1 Matt has eggs for breakfast.
2 Matt drinks water.
3 Matt drinks cola.
4 Matt does the washing up at home.
5 To be a professional basketball player you need

160 TEST UNITS 1-3 Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 12 Listen to the cookery programme and write the 1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
ingredients of the special summer salad.
after also and at before but (x2) in or on (x2) so
0 One small lettuce.
1 Sixteen
0 My mum and dad don’t finish work until late, so I usually go
2 115g to my grandparents house for dinner in the evenings.
3 One 1 I don’t eat fruit cereal
4 Eight I go to school. I have them in the
5 Two cans of evening.
6 One or two 2 I’m playing football going to the
7 Lots of cinema Saturday – I’m really busy!
8 Some 3 I usually don’t play computer games
9 A little the weekend sometimes I watch TV.
r 9 4 I do my homework, I go online and I
have a snack.
2 12 Listen again and correct the instructions for the
5 My dad usually cooks dinner, sometimes
we have take away pizza Friday.
0 First, put some green beans in the bowl. 5
First, put some lettuce in the bowl.
2 Write a personal description for your school website
1 Slice some olives.
about how healthy your lifestyle is. Connect your ideas
using and, but, or, so and also and use time expressions.
2 Put lots of tomatoes in the salad.
3 Slice a red onion and cook it with the potatoes.

4 Add some salt and pepper and olive oil to the salad.
Then, add some prawns.

5 Take the cooked potatoes and slice them.

6 Mix all the ingredients together and add some more
. olive oil, if you want.

. 6
Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 1-3 Extension 161

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Test Units 4–6 Consolidation

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the words in the sentences. 3

0 The bu _r _g _l _a r broke into the house and stole lots of
1 Find ten more words in the word search and complete money, some jewellery and a TV.
the table. 1 A b_ _ _ r _ b _ _ _ stole over €5 million from a bank.
2 Two g_ _ f _ _ _ _ a _ t _ _ _s were caught this morning
covering the monument in town with red paint.
3 The d _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ was investigating a crime.
N G R C U W R J V W N D O T O 4 Unfortunately there were no w _ _ n _ _ s _ s to the
H O L O A A R G T S R E W E Z robbery at the grocery store.
O Q O F U Y J Z X E C S A S Y 5 While I was waiting for the bus, a p _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _
U A Z L S G M C T T T S R P N pushed me and stole some things from my bag.
V L G T L Z H P F G U A D U F 5
Vocabulary total 15
E R E J N X D V X A Q M J K V 1 Choose the correct answer.
H H G S I G M Q Q K T E H V N I’m in Scotland on holiday. Last week, my family and I
N T C O A S T L I N E O F H X 0 were / was in the Highlands – it’s in the north of Scotland!

T U A J V K U O S O E B H P F We 1 staid / stayed in a castle near a beautiful lake and the

Scottish mountains. The weather 2 was / wasn’t very good,
but we 3 haved / had a good time doing lots of different
Transport Prepositions Landscapes Feelings
activities. We 4 went / goed hiking in the hills and fishing in 4
helicopter along the lake. The water was freezing, so we 5 didn’t swam /
didn’t swim! At the weekend, we 6 drived / drove to the
nearest town by car and went shopping. I 7 bought / didn’t
buy you a gift – I hope you like it! We 8 visitted / visited a
museum, but we 9 didn’t walked / didn’t walk around the
5 old part of the town because it was raining. Yesterday, we
10 eated / ate some traditional Scottish food. It was delicious!
2 Rewrite the sentences with the opposite of the
adjectives in bold below. 5

boring cheap light quiet shallow strong 2 Complete the conversation with past simple forms. Use
the verbs in brackets where they are given.
0 My suitcase is very heavy. Simon: 0 Did you have (have) a good evening, Poppy?
My suitcase is very light Poppy: No, I 1 . It was terrible!
1 The street’s really noisy at night. I2 (be) with my sister Elena.
Simon: What 3 you (do)?
Poppy: At 5pm, I 4 (meet) Elena outside
2 The train is an expensive way to travel around the city. her university.
Simon: So, where 5 you (go)?
3 My dad likes his coffee quite weak in the mornings. Poppy: Then we 6 (go) to the cinema. It
7 (be) really busy with people. But the
worst thing was, while we were queuing to buy the tickets,
4 I thought the journey on the tram yesterday was quite
two muggers 8 (steal) Elena’s purse.
Simon: Oh, no! 9 anyone
(catch) them?
5 The swimming pool is deep at this end. Poppy: No, they 10 . They took all her
money, her mobile phone and her keys.
5 Simon: Oh, dear! That was a terrible evening!

162 TEST UNITS 4-6 Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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3 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of 5 Write questions using the past continuous. Then match
the adjectives below. them with the short answers.

cheap cold delicious 0 you and your friend / have a coffee at a café / on Saturday?
heavy interesting popular Were you and your friend having a coffee at a café on Saturday?
1 you / sleep / at midnight on Sunday?
0 The plane tickets were cheaper on the internet than
at the airport.
2 your brother / eat pizza / on Friday?
1 The weather is up the mountain
it is in the valley. You should wear
3 it / rain / on Sunday afternoon?
a coat then.
2 Julia bought lots of things on holiday. Her suitcase is
4 your sister / cycle through town / at 4.30pm on Sunday?
it was before.
3 The film we saw at the cinema last week was
the one we saw today. 5 your mother and her sister / talk on the phone / at 10.45am
I enjoyed it a lot! on Saturday?
4 Apples aren’t peaches.
5 The national history museum is
A No, I wasn’t. _
with visitors the science museum.
B Yes, she was. _
Not many people visit the national history museum. c No, it wasn’t. _
5 d Yes, we were. 0
e Yes, they were. _
4 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of
f No, he wasn’t. _
the adjectives in brackets.
0 I think the most dangerous (dangerous) animal is the
crocodile because they have very sharp teeth. 6 Complete the story with the past simple or past
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Matt is (funny) person
in class. He always makes us laugh! Last night while I 0 was watching (watch) TV,
s! 2 Hamburgers are I1 (hear) a loud noise
(popular) junk food in the world. outside in the garden. I 2

3 ‘What do you think is (look) out the window, but it was dark and it
(less useful) gadget of all?’ – ‘Not my mobile, of course!’ 3 (rain), so I didn’t see
4 Ice Age 4 is one of anything. I continued watching TV when I heard the noise
(good) animation films I’ve seen recently. again – someone 4
(try) to break into the house! I was really scared.
5 Kite surfing is
My neighbour told me just last week that a
)? (exciting) sport I’ve ever tried!
burglar tried to break into her house while she
e 5 5 (cook) dinner. Maybe it
was the same burglar? I 6
(think) about calling the police when the person
7 (say) my name. It was
, my brother – he 8 (climb)
through the window because he forgot his key! He said
he 9 (knock) on the door
for ages, but no one 10
Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 4-6 Consolidation 163

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2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are 1
true or false. Correct the false sentences.
0 Michael used seven different types of transport on his
False. He used nine different types of transport.
1 Michael went backpacking around Europe.

2 Michael was in Croatia when he travelled by bus.

3 He travelled along wide roads between huge mountain

The Best Trip Around Europe
By Michael Aldridge
ranges in Slovakia.

I travelled around Europe in nine different ways last 4 Michael said that the safest way to travel in Slovakia
summer and visited seven different countries! I only was by coach.
took a backpack with a few basic possessions. I think
backpacking is the best way to travel. I started my
5 In Austria, Michael took a ride in a hot-air balloon.
journey in London and went by plane to Venice in Italy.
From there, I went by bus along the coastline to the
port. Then I got on a ferry and travelled across the sea 5
to Croatia. In Croatia, I rented a car and drove to Serbia, 3 Read the article again and match the parts of the
then into Hungary and finally through Slovakia. The sentences.
roads were long, but I went through forests and valleys
0 Michael travelled by plane A
and drove on narrow roads between huge mountain
1 Michael travelled by ferry _
ranges. While I was in Slovakia, I rode a horse in the 2 Michael drove a car _
national park. It was fantastic! After that, I got on a 2
3 Michael rode a horse _
train to Austria. Trains were the best way to travel in 4 Michael travelled by train _
Slovakia. They were less expensive than other types of 5 Michael travelled by coach _
transport, and they were the safest. Next, I floated over
the largest lake in Austria in a hot-air balloon. And from A from London to Venice.
Austria, I went by coach to Germany. On my last day, I B from Italy to Croatia.
phoned for a taxi to take me to the airport. And finally, C from Slovakia to Austria.
I went back home to the UK. D in a national park in Slovakia.
E from Austria to Germany.
F from Croatia to Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia.
1 Read the article and number the transport in the order
that Michael used them. Put a cross in the transport he 5
did not use. 15
Reading total
A horse _
B bus _
C car _
D coach _
E ship _
F plane 0
G ferry _
H hot-air balloon _
I tram _
J train _
K taxi _

164 TEST UNITS 4-6

1-3 Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 13 Listen to the police interview and correct the 1 Read the story and choose the correct answer.
sentences. 0 Last / In Saturday, we got up early and went hiking at the
0 John was standing inside the shop when he saw the lake. 1 After that / First, we checked the map and decided
robbery. where to go, 2 and then / finally we started on our walk. We
outside were walking for about half an hour when 3 for example /
suddenly I found a wallet on the floor. Someone had lost
1 John said he saw a woman stealing from the computer shop.
it. But who? We looked around for a while, but no one else
was there. 4 Before / Just then we heard a man shouting
behind us. It was the man who lost his wallet. He was
2 The man who was buying something from the shop very happy we found it. 5 Finally / Suddenly, after we said
chased the shoplifter. goodbye, we continued on our walk.
2 Write a story about something interesting or unusual
3 The shoplifter was wearing a red mask. that happened to you recently. Include the following:
- the people: who they were and what they were doing
- the place: where they were
4 The shoplifter escaped in a green car. - the events: what was happening and what happened
- the end: what happened in the end
- use sequencing words and past time expressions

5 John wrote down the shoplifter’s number plate.

2 13 Listen again and complete the police crime report.

According to our witness, 0 John Underwood, a shoplifter

stole a 1 from a computer
shop in town. He was very dangerous and was carrying
a2 while he was
escaping. There were many other witnesses to the crime.
A man was 3 inside the
shop, and a woman 4

along the street. Two teenagers were walking along

5 . And there was
also a man drinking 6
5 at a café. The shoplifter was wearing
7 and a
8 , and he drove away on
a green 9 . The witness
tried to write down the number plate but the shoplifter
10 .
Listening total 15
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST

TESTUNITS 4-6 Consolidation
UNITS1-3 Consolidation 165

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Test Units 4–6 Extension

3 The d is investigating a crime that

happened outside the park during the night.
1 Find fourteen more words in the word search and 4 Unfortunately, there were no w to
complete the table. the robbery at the grocery store.
5 While I was waiting for the bus, a p
pushed me and stole some things from my bag.
N H H K T D R E G G U M T T N 3
H O L O A A R G E S R E W E Z Vocabulary total 15
N H O T L R H P F G U A D U L 1 Complete the postcard with the past simple form of the
O F R U Y A O E P V B R S Z A verbs in brackets.
E S J J I D A R D V H A M S N Hi Ethan,
D R Z L L I S W I B J B T T A I’m in Scotland on holiday. Last week, my family and
E R E J N X D V X A Q M J K V I 0 were (be) in the Highlands – it’s in the north of
H H G S I G M Q Q K T E H V N Scotland! We 1 (stay) in a castle
near a beautiful lake and the Scottish mountains. The
weather 2 (not be) very good, but we
3 (have) a good time doing lots of
different activities. We 4 (go) hiking in
Transport Prepositions Landscapes Feelings Crime the hills and fishing in the lake. The water was freezing, so
helicopter we 5 (not swim)! At the weekend, we
6 (drive) to the nearest town by car and
went shopping. I 7 (buy) you a gift – I
hope you like it! We 8 (visit) a museum,
but we 9 (not walk) around the old
5 part of the town because it was raining. Yesterday, we 4
10 (eat) some traditional Scottish food.
2 Choose the incorrect answer. It was delicious!
0 A blue whale is a very long / heavy / deep animal. See you soon.
1 The street’s really dangerous / shallow / noisy at night. Natalie
2 The underground in London is a(n) early / popular / fast
way to travel around the city. 5
3 My dad likes his coffee really weak / thin / strong in the 2 Complete the conversation with past simple forms. Use
mornings. the verbs below when necessary:
4 I thought the journey on the tram yesterday was quite
interesting / slow / late. be (x2) catch do go (x2) have meet steal take want
5 This sweater is made from wool, and it’s really soft /
thick / full. Simon: 0 Did you have a good evening, Poppy?
5 Poppy: No, it 1 terrible. As you know, I
2 to spend some time with my sister Elena.
3 Complete the sentences with people in crime. Simon: What 3 you ?
0 The burglar broke into the house and stole lots of money, Poppy: At 5pm, I 4 her outside her
some jewellery and a TV. university.
1 Ab stole over €5 million from a bank Simon: And where 5 you ?
in Paris yesterday. No one saw the person’s face because Poppy: We 6 to the cinema. It
he was wearing a mask. 7 really busy with people. But the worst
2 Two g were caught this morning thing was, while we were queuing to buy the tickets, two
covering the monument in town with red paint. muggers 8 Elena’s purse.

166 TEST UNITS 4-6 Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Simon: Oh, no! 9 anyone them? 5 Write questions using the past continuous. Then write
Poppy: No, they didn’t. They 10 all her short answers.
money, her mobile phone and her keys.
0 you and your friend / have a coffee at a café / on
Simon: Oh, dear! That was a terrible evening!
Saturday ? ( )
5 Were you and your friend having a coffee at a café on Saturday?
3 Rewrite the sentences using comparative forms. Yes, we were.
0 My sister is really tall and my brother is short. 1 you / sleep / at midnight on Sunday? ( )
5 My sister is taller than my brother.
1 The weather is cold in the mountains and it is warm in
the valley. 2 your brother / eat pizza / on Friday? ( )
e The weather is it is in
the valley.
2 Julia’s suitcase is quite heavy but mine is very light.
3 it / rain / on Sunday afternoon? ( )
Julia’s mine.
3 The film we saw at the cinema last week was really
interesting, but the one we saw today was boring.
Today’s film wasn’t the 4 your sister / cycle through town / at 4.30pm on
one we saw last week. Sunday ? ( )
4 I think peaches are really tasty, but apples aren’t that nice.
I think apples are
5 your mother and her sister / talk on the phone / at 10.45am
5 The National History Museum isn’t very popular with
on Saturday? ( )
visitors, but the Science Museum is.
The National History Museum is
the Science Museum.
5 5
4 Write sentences using the superlative form of the 6 Complete the story with the past simple or past
adjectives. continuous form of the verbs below.
0 I / think / dangerous / animal / be / the crocodile.
answer climb cook hear knock
I think the most dangerous animal is the crocodrile. look rain say think try watch
1 Matt / be / funny / person / class / because / he / always /
make / us / laugh! Last night while I 0 was watching TV, I 1 a
loud noise outside in the garden. I 2 out
the window, but it was dark and it 3 ,
2 Hamburgers / be / popular / junk food / world. so I didn’t see anything. I continued watching TV when I
heard the noise again – someone 4 to
break into the house! I was really scared. My neighbour
3 What / you / think / be / less useful / gadget / of all?
told me just last week that a burglar tired to break into
her house while she 5 dinner. Maybe
a. it was the same burglar? I 6 about
4 Ice Age 4 / be / one / of / good / animation films / I’ve seen /
? calling the police when the person 7
my name. It was my brother – he 8
through the window because he forgot his key! He said
? he 9 on the door for ages, but no one
5 Kite surfing / be / exciting / sport / I’ve practised / ever!
10 !
t 5
5 Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 4-6 Extension 167

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2 Read the text again and answer the questions. 1
0 How many types of transport did Michael use during his
Michael used nine different types of transport on his journey.
1 According to Michael, what is the best way to travel?

2 What was the most expensive part of Michael’s trip?

My Best Europe Trip
By Michael Aldridge

3 Where was Michael when he was travelling by train?

I travelled around Europe in nine different ways last
summer and visited seven different countries! I didn’t
have a heavy suitcase or many things. I only took a
backpack with a few basic possessions. I booked the 4 Which countries did Michael travel along narrow roads?
hotels before I left and then travelled from place to place 2
using as many different types of transport as I could. I
think backpacking is the best way to travel. And of course 5 Where did Michael take a taxi to?
the cheapest! I started my journey in London and went by
plane to Venice in Italy. This was the most expensive part
of my trip. From there, I went by bus along the coastline
to the port. Then I got on a ferry and travelled across
the sea to Croatia. In Croatia, I rented a car and drove to 3 Read the text again a complete the sentences with
Serbia, then out of Serbia and into Hungary, and finally information from the text.
through Slovakia. The roads were long, but I went through
0 Michael went by bus along the coastline to the port.
beautiful forests and valleys and drove on narrow roads
1 Michael rented
between huge mountain ranges. While I was in Slovakia,
I rode a horse in the national park. It was fantastic! After
2 Michael drove a car through
that, I got on a train to Austria. Trains are the best way
to travel in Slovakia – they are less expensive than other
types of transport, and they are the safest. Next, I floated 3 Michael rode a
over the largest lake in Austria in a hot-air balloon. And .
from Austria, I went by coach to Germany. On my last day, 4 Michael floated over
I phoned for a taxi to take me to the airport. And finally, I .
went back home to the UK. 5 Michael phoned

1 Read the text and tick ( ) the activities that he did on his in Germany.
trip. Cross ( ) the activities that he didn’t do on his trip. 5
0 Michael had a flight from the UK to Italy. Reading total 15
1 Michael sailed across the sea from Italy to Croatia on
a boat. _
2 Michael drove through four countries in a car. _
3 Michael rode a horse in Slovakia. _
4 Michael took a hot-air balloon ride over the mountains
in Austria. _
5 On the last part of Michael’s trip, he travelled to
Germany from Austria. _

168 TEST UNITS 4-6

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1 13 Listen to the police interview and complete the 1 Complete the story with the words and phrases below.
police crime form. There are three you don’t need.
Name of police 0 after and then finally for example
. officer Emma Hopkinson in just then last suddenly first
Name of witness
0 Last Saturday, we got up early and went hiking at the lake.
Location of crime
1 , we checked the map
and decided where to go, 2
Item(s) stolen we started on our walk. We were walking for about
half an hour when 3
Other witnesses I found a wallet on the floor. Someone had lost it.
But who? We looked around for a while, but no one
Information 5 He was wearing ...
else was there. 4
about the robber
we heard a man shouting behind us. It was the man
? 5 who lost his wallet. He was very happy we found it.
2 13 Listen again and answer the questions.
5 , after we said goodbye,
we continued on our walk.
0 What was John doing when the crime happened?
He was looking in the shop window.
1 How did the man steal the item(s)? 2 Write a story about something interesting or unusual
that happened to you recently. Use sequencing words
and past time expressions to describe what happened.

2 What was happening on the street when the crime took


. 3 What was the man carrying with him when he ran out of
the shop?

. 4 How did he escape?

5 What was John doing while the man escaped?

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TESTUNITS

TEST UNITS1-3 Extension
4-6Extension 169

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Test Units 7–9 Consolidation

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs below.
1 Read the definitions and write the words. clear feed hang out load put away water
0 This person works outdoors and wears a hard hat. They
build houses. b u_ _i _l _d _e _r 0 After my mum’s been to the supermarket, I help her
1 You go here to watch a sports competition or match. You put away the groceries.
must buy a ticket first. s _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 My sister and I always
2 You can buy a newspaper or magazine here, a bottle of the table after dinnertime.
drink or some sweets. n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 I never the dishwasher.
3 This place has got lots of different shops and places to It’s boring, and I can’t always fit everything in.
eat all together under one roof. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ 3 the plants is easy. I like
doing it in the summer when the weather is warm.
4 This person looks after sick animals. v_ _
4 We can’t the washing
5 You go here to borrow books or DVDs. You can also sit
in the winter because it usually rains.
and use the computers. l_ _ _ _ _ _
5 My brother usually the
6 This person grows food and works outside, often
dog twice every day.
on farmland. f_ _ _ _ _
7 You can watch high definition DVDs or films on this
electronic device. B_ _ - _ _ _ d_ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ Vocabulary total 15
8 This is where you put you memory stick so your
computer can read it. U _ _ p _ _ _ GRAMMAR
9 This person generally works in an office and uses a
computer. They design buildings. a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
10 You can see and chat with your friends on the internet 0 never / Mark / visited / an art gallery / has 4
using one of these. w_ _ _ _ _ Mark has never visited an art gallery.
5 1 ever / you / on a waterslide / have / been / ?
2 Match the words with the pictures.
2 a kangaroo / has / in Australia / my sister / seen
bald cheerful curly freckles glasses
3 played / Angela / a video game / has / never
long black hair moustache piercing
plump serious slim
4 in a tree house / slept / ever / Harry / has / ?

5 a car / I / driven / never / have

2 Complete the answers with the present perfect form
and for or since.
0 How long have you studied English?
I have studied English for two years.
1 How long has Leonie lived in China?
Leonie in China
Sally: cheerful , , 2 How long has Theo been a pilot?
, , . Theo a pilot
ten years.
Thomas: , , ,
3 How long have Brian and Lauren had their digital camera?
, .
Brian and Lauren their
5 digital camera last month.

170 TEST UNITS 7-9 Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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4 How long has Jake not eaten junk food? 5 Put the words in order to make questions. Then read
Jake junk food Amy’s plans for Monday and match the questions with
January. the answers (A-F).
5 How long have you not spoken to your cousin in New York? 0 Monday morning / doing / what / Amy / is / on / ?
I to my cousin in New What is Amy doing on Monday morning?
York about six months. 1 with / tennis / play / who / Amy / is / going to / ?
2 having / where / lunch / Amy and / are / Lola / ?
3 Choose the correct answer.
The Art Gallery 3 Amy / Monday afternoon / what / is / doing / on / ?
e 0 All children under the age of 16 must / mustn’t be with
an adult at all times. 4 is / Amy / when / library / going to / the / go / to / ?
1 You must / mustn’t touch any of the exhibits or collections.
2 Photography is allowed, but you must / mustn’t use 5 Monday evening / is / going / Amy / the theatre / on / to / ?
e your camera without a flash.
3 You must / mustn’t bring any food or drink with you into
A With Louis. _
the gallery. You also must / mustn’t put all chewing gum
B Yes, she is. _
in the bin before you enter.
5 C She’s cleaning the car. _
4 You must / mustn’t turn off your mobile phones.
D She’s going to take her dog for a walk. 0
5 You must / mustn’t walk inside the gallery, and you
E At the new sandwich bar. _
must / mustn’t talk loudly.
F At 3pm. _
4 Give some advice for each of these problems. Complete Monday
them with should or shouldn’t. > Take the dog for a walk in the morning
0 My dad always looses his keys in the house. > Play tennis with Louis at 11am
A - He shouldn’t leave them just anywhere in the house > Lunch with Lola at new sandwich bar
B - He should have a specific place to put them > Clean the car in the afternoon
1 I find it difficult to get up in the morning, and I’m always > Research school project at library (3pm)
late for school. > Meet mum and dad in town after work, go
A - You go to bed late. to the theatre (7pm)
B - You set an alarm clock.
2 My brother plays computer games all the time. 5
A - He go outside more. 6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the
B - He sit in front of a computer screen correct form of the verbs in brackets.
for many hours.
0 If I miss (miss) the bus to school, I’ll ride (ride) my bike instead.
3 It’s difficult to concentrate in class because my friend
1 I (stay) in a camping near the sea
always chats to me.
if I (go) on holiday this year.
A - You explain to your friend your
2 If I (not have) any homework this
problem. weekend, I (play) computer games
B - You get angry or annoyed. with my friends.
4 My sister doesn’t eat healthy food. 3 If the weather (not be) good on Saturday
A - She try to start eating more fruit and evening, I (watch) a DVD at home.
vegetables each day. 4 If I (pass) all my exams this year, I
B - She eat junk food. (be) really excited.
5 I want to get fit, but I don’t like the gym. 5 I (take) an aspirin if I
a? (feel) ill.
A - You choose a sport to do outside.
B - You do something that you hate! 5
5 Grammar total 30

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 7-9 Consolidation 171

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2 Read the description again and complete the sentences 1
Best Friends with information from the text.
My best friend is Josh. 0 Max and Josh work at an animal rescue centre.
We’ve known each
1 They have to the animals,
other since 2009 when
the floors and
his family moved next
the animal .
door. He’s medium
2 Max and Josh work for during the
height and quite thin.
week and on Saturdays.
He’s got short blonde
3 They must as part of
hair, and he wears
a , and they must be
glasses. Josh is fun to
with the public.
be with and always makes me laugh. He’s also really
intelligent and is good at Science. We share the same 4 You have to be good at and be
interests. We enjoy playing baseball and are crazy – never late to work!
about ice hockey! We’re both really keen on rock music, 5 You have to with animals and know 2
too. I think Josh is a good friend because he respects me. .
Josh and I both have a part time job. We work at an
animal rescue centre. We’re really fond of animals. We 3 Read the description again and correct the information
feed the animals, sweep the floors and clean the animal in the sentences.
hospital. We can only work for a few hours during the 0 Josh is slim, and he’s got long hair.
week, but on Saturdays we’re allowed to work for five
Josh is slim, and he’s got short hair.
hours. We love it! It gives us a sense of responsibility,
1 Max is fun to be with and makes his friend Josh laugh.
and we’ve also learnt lots of important skills. We must
work as part of a team, and we must be polite with
the public. You have to be good at teamwork and be
punctual – you mustn’t arrive late to work. You have to 2 Max and Josh love playing basketball.
be good with animals, and you must know first aid, too.
Max, Wales
3 Max and Josh don’t like playing ice hockey.
1 Read the description and complete the table. 3

Name Josh 4 Max and Josh can’t stand rock music.
Hair type
5 Max and Josh work full time at an animal hairdresser’s.
Good at …
Interests 15
Reading total

172 TEST
UNITS Consolidation
1-3 7-9 consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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s 1 14 Listen to the conversation and complete the 1 Choose the correct answer. Then, look at the underlined
information about the exhibition. words. What do they refer to? Match them with their
The Annual 0 Technology Exhibition My best friend is Jason. I’ve known him for 0 nearly / also two
at Earl’s Court, London years. That’s when he moved to Cardiff from Oxford. He lives
1 only / quite near my house – 2 especially / only five minutes
1 people and media are welcome
on foot. Jason is tall with short black hair. He’s got many
during the first week. Open to the public from
hobbies and interests. Many of them we like to do together.
2 to 3 January.
He’s 3 really / instead keen on sport, 4 nearly / especially
Tickets must be bought before you enter.
rugby and mountain biking. And he 5 also / almost likes tennis.
Entry prices: Adults 4 He plays it every weekend. He’s always at the sports centre or
Children 5 at the park. Those are definitely his favourite places to go at
the weekend. Jason is funny and always makes me laugh. He’s
5 honest too, and he never talks about me to our other friends.
These are some of the reasons why he’s my best friend.
2 14 Listen again and decide if the sentences are true or
false. Correct the false sentences. 0 him A Jason’s hobbies and interests
0 Andrea is looking at the newest technology that is available. 1 That B tennis
True. 2 them C two years ago
n 3 it D Jason’s good qualities
1 The exhibition lasts for one week.
4 Those E the sports centre and park
2 The Samso is a touchscreen television. 5 These F Jason
3 You can store lots of data on the Samso. 2 Write an essay about your best friend. Use the essay above
about Jason as a model. Remember to use referencing
4 Shops are already selling the Engo electronic device. words and adverbs in your essay. Include the following:
- appearance
5 The Engo is a device that is made for use in houses.
- personality
- the person’s interests
5 - why this person is your best friend
3 14 Listen again and answer the questions.

0 Who is Andrea?
She is a technology news reporter.
1 What kind of technology and electronic devices do they
have at the exhibition?

2 What electronic device at the exhibition does Andrea like?

3 What device does Andrea think will be in every home in

the future?

5 4 What does Andrea say we’ll be able to do around our

house in the future?

5 How will we be able to interact with the technology in

our homes? 10
Writing total 15
5 10
Listening total 15 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Consolidation 173

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Test Units 7–9 Extension

VOCABULARY 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs. There are two you don’t need.
1 Read the definitions and write the words. clear feed hang out load
0 This person works outdoors and wears a hard hat. They put away sweep take out water
build houses. builder 3
1 You go here to watch a sports competition or match. You 0 After my mum’s been to the supermarket, I help her
must buy a ticket first. s put away the groceries.
2 You can buy a newspaper or magazine here, a bottle of 1 My sister and I always
drink or some sweets. n the table after dinnertime.
3 This place has got lots of different shops and places to eat 2 I never the dishwasher.
all together under one roof. s c It’s boring and I can’t always fit everything in.
4 This person looks after sick animals. v 3 the plants is easy. I like
doing it in the summer when the weather is warm.
5 You go here to borrow books or DVDs. You can also sit and
4 We can’t the washing
use the computers. l
in the winter because it usually rains.
6 This person grows food and works outside, often on
5 My brother usually the
farmland. f
dog twice every day.
7 You can watch high definition DVDs or films on this
electronic device. B d p
8 This is where you put you memory stick so your computer Vocabulary total 15
can read it. U p
9 I generally work in an office and use a computer. I design GRAMMAR
buildings. a
10 You can see and chat with your friends on the internet 1 Write sentences using the present perfect.
using one of these. w 0 Mark / never / visit / an art gallery.
5 Mark has never visited an art gallery.
1 you / ever / be / on a waterslide?
2 Look at the pictures and complete the descriptions. Use
the words below. 2 My sister / see / a kangaroo / in Australia.
bald black cheerful curly forty-five freckles
glasses long moustache a piercing plump 3 Angela / never / play / a video game.
Sally serious slim thirteen Thomas
4 Harry / ever / sleep / in a tree house?
0 i ntroduction: This is Sally.
She is years old. 5 I / never / drive / a car.
1 build: She is .
2 hair: She has . 5
3 general: She has 2 Complete the questions with How long and the present
. perfect form of the verbs. Use for or since in the answers.
4 personality: She is .
0 How long have you studied (you / study) English?
1 introduction: This is . For two years.
He is years old. 1 (Leonie / live) in China?
2 build: He is 2010.
2 (Theo / be) a pilot?
ten years.
3 hair: He is .
3 (Brian and Lauren /
4 general: He has
have) their digital camera?
. last month.
5 personality: He is . 4 (Jake / not eat) junk food?
5 January.

174 TEST UNITS 7-9 Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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5 (Kate / not speak) to 5 Put the words in order to make questions. Then read
her cousin in New York? Amy’s plans for Monday and answer the questions with
about six months. the information from her diary.
5 0 Monday morning / doing / what / Amy / is / on / ?
3 Complete the museum rules with must / mustn’t and What is Amy doing on Monday morning?
the verbs below. She’s taking the dog for a walk.
1 with / tennis / play / who / Amy / is / going to / ?
be bring put talk touch turn off use walk

er. The Art Gallery 2 having / where / lunch / Amy and / are / Lola / ?
0 All children under the age of 16 must be with an adult.
e 1 You any of the exhibits
or collections. 3 Amy / Monday afternoon / what / is / doing / on / ?
2 Photography is allowed, but you
your camera without a flash.
e 4 is / Amy / when / library / going to / the / go / to / ?
3 You any food or drink with you
into the gallery. You also all
chewing gum in the bin before you enter.
5 Monday evening / is / going / Amy / the theatre / on / to / ?
5 4 You your mobile phones.
5 You inside the gallery,
and you loudly.
5 > Take the dog for a walk in the morning

4 Give advice for each of the problems. Write one > Play tennis with Louis at 11am
sentence with should or shouldn’t. > Lunch with Lola at new sandwich bar
- have a specific place to put them > Clean the car in the afternoon.
- try to start eating more fruit and vegetables every day
> Research school project at library (3pm)
- go to bed late
- sit in front of a computer screen for many hours > Meet mum and dad in town after work,
- explain to your friend your problem go to the theatre (7pm)
- do something that you hate!
0 My dad always loses his keys in the house.
He should have a specific place to put them. 6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct
1 I find it difficult to get up in the morning, and I’m always form of the verbs below.
late for school. not be / watch not have / play miss / ride
You pass / be stay / go take / feel
2 My brother plays computer games all the time.
He 0 If I miss the bus to school, I’ll ride my bike instead.
3 It’s difficult to concentrate in class because my friend 1 I in a camping near the sea if
always chats to me. I on holiday this year.
You 2 If I any homework this weekend,
a? 4 My sister doesn’t eat healthy food. I computer games with my friends.
She 3 If the weather good on Saturday
5 I want to get fit, but I don’t like the gym. evening, I a DVD at home.
You 4 If I all my exams this year,
5 I really excited.
5 I an aspirin if I ill.

? 5
Grammar total 30

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1 14 Listen to the conversation and choose the correct 1 Complete the text with the adverbs below. Then look at
answer. the words in bold. What do they refer to?
m. 0 The exhibition takes place every year for … . also especially nearly only quite really
A one week
B two weeks My best friend is Jason. I met him 0 nearly two years ago.
C one month That’s when he moved to Cardiff from Oxford. He lives
1 The exhibition is open to the public from Saturday … 1 near my house –
January. 2 five minutes on foot.
A 19th Jason is tall with short black hair. He’s got many hobbies
B 25th and interests. Many of them we like to do together.
C 29th He’s 3 keen on sport,
2 If you want to visit the exhibition, you have to … . 4 rugby and mountain
e A buy tickets before you come to the exhibition centre. biking. And he 5 likes tennis.
B buy tickets as soon as you enter the exhibition centre. He plays it every weekend. He’s always at the sports centre or
C buy tickets at the entrance of the exhibition centre. at the park. Those are definitely his favourite places to go at
3 … tickets for the technology exhibition cost £7.50 each. the weekend. Jason is funny and always makes me laugh. He’s
A Children honest too, and he never talks about me to our other friends.
B Adult
n These are some of the reasons why he’s my best friend.
C Student
4 Andrea thinks we’ll see … in our homes in a few years. 0 him Jason
A touchscreen technology 1 That
B the Engo 2 them
C the Samso 3 it
5 In the future, we’ll be able to interact … with the
4 Those
technology in our homes.
5 These
A easily
B naturally 5
C quickly 2 Write an essay about your best friend. Use the essay
5 above about Jason as a model. Remember to use
referencing words and adverbs.
2 14 Listen again and complete the descriptions.

Experience high definition quality on your computer

with the Samso 0 Touchscreen desktop PC. The HD
1 will give you amazing images, and
you will never have to worry again about storing data with
the computer’s 1TB 2 . It’s large enough
to store all your 3 media. You will enjoy
. web 4 and 5 your
. media with this PC.
Take 6 of the technology in your
house with the Engo. Life becomes easier when you
. 7 everything with one device!
The Engo let’s you stream 8 and
. 9 anywhere you want in your home.
. You’ll be able to interact with technology using just your
. 10 .
. 10
. Writing total 15
Listening total 15
Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Extension 177

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4 Josh is a good student and is clever. 1
Best Friends
My best friend is Josh. 5 Max thinks Josh is a good friend because he respects him.
We’ve known each
other since 2009 when 5
his family moved next
2 Read the text again and answer the questions.
door. He’s medium
height and quite thin. 0 Where do Max and Josh work?
He’s got short blonde Max and Josh work at an animal rescue centre.
hair, and he wears 1 What responsibilities do they have in their job?
glasses. Josh is fun to
be with and always makes me laugh. He’s also really 2 What working hours do Max and Josh have at the rescue
intelligent and is good at Science, Maths, languages centre?
and sports. We share the same interests. We enjoy
playing baseball and are crazy about ice hockey! We’re
3 What rules must they follow?
both really keen on rock music too. I think Josh is a good
friend because he respects me.
4 What special qualities must someone have to work at an
Josh and I both have a part time job. We work at an animal rescue centre?
animal rescue centre. We’re really fond of animals. We
feed the animals, sweep the floors and clean the animal
5 What special knowledge must they have to do the job?
hospital. We can only work for a few hours during the
week, but on Saturdays we’re allowed to work for five
hours. We love it! It gives us a sense of responsibility, 5
and we’ve also learnt lots of important skills. We must 3 Read the text again and look at the future plans. Write
work as part of a team, and we must be polite with M for Max or J for Josh. Then write full sentences in the
the public. You have to be good at teamwork and be future.
punctual – you mustn’t arrive late to work. You have to
A be a vet _ G help people _
be good with animals, and you must know first aid too.
B be a writer M H live in different countries _ 2
We both have different plans for the future. Josh will go C get married _ I not stay in the same place _
to university. He’s going to be a vet when he grows up. D go to Africa _ J work for a charity _
Josh thinks he’ll get married and have children and will E go to university _ K live in the countryside _
live in a house in the countryside. I want to go to Africa F have children _
and work for a charity. I want to help people. I won’t stay Max
in the same place. I will live in many different countries, 0 Max will be a writer.
and I’ll become a writer. 1 He .
Max, Wales 2 He .
3 He .
1 Read the text and decide if the sentences are true or 4 He .
false. Correct the false sentences. 5 He .

0 Max and Josh met each other in 2009. Josh

1 Josh .
2 He .
1 Josh is short and thin with blonde hair.
3 He .
4 He .
2 Max and Josh have common interests.
5 He .

3 The friends don’t like the same music. 5

Reading total 15

176 TEST UNITS 7-9

1-3 Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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End of Year Test A Consolidation


1 Match the words below with their definitions. There are 3 Choose the correct answer.
two you don’t need.
0 The … decided that the criminals will spend five years
book shop cucumber fork lorry napkin paddle in prison.
police station remote control running track A judge B detective
stream surfing underground volcano 1 The … broke into a sports centre and started setting off
the fire extinguishers.
A hacker B vandal
0 You usually do athletics at this sports venue.
2 I called a(n) … to repair the pipes in the bathroom.
running track
A plumber B engineer
1 You eat food with this. 3 Lucy is very … . She doesn’t find it easy to talk to new people.
2 You go on this in many cities around the world. In some A serious B shy
places it’s called the metro or subway. 4 My … told me I have done really well on the Science
3 This is a green vegetable that you can slice and put in a A university professor B manager
sandwich or salad. 5 John and Linda have got two … and a son.
4 This is a small river. A daughters B sisters
5 People use this to protect their clothes while eating or to 5
wipe their mouth after eating.
Vocabulary total 15

6 This type of transport carries large items from one place
to another.
7 You can report a crime here or something suspicious
1 Correct the sentences.
you’ve seen.
8 This is the most dangerous type of mountain. 0 What sport can you do play?
What sport can you play?
9 This sports equipment is used when you are kayaking. 1 Jo like Italy, but she don’t like pizza.

10 This electronic device has many buttons and is used to 2 Suzy are playing the guitar, and Paul and Sam is playing
control a TV or DVD player. the drums.
3 We always are late! Can’t you hurry up?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs below.
4 My brother can’t to play the piano very well.
do get have lay make take out
5 Are you knowing my brother?
0 My younger brother never does the housework. 4
1 We always lunch at school. 6 Would you like a few salad?
2 My sister usually the table, and
I clear it. 7 You should doing more exercise.
3 the bed is boring, but my mum says
I have to do it every day. 8 They didn’t went on holidays last year.
4 I can’t stand the rubbish –
it’s disgusting! 9 How much apples do you need for the cake?
5 I usually dressed before breakfast
every morning. 10 If it don’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.

178 END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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2 Choose the correct answer. 5 My brother (repair) his
skateboard when my mum
Mum: Matteo, have we got 0 any / no milk?
(call) him for dinner.
Matteo: Hmm… Yes, there’s 1 any / some milk in the fridge.
But we haven’t got 2 any / no eggs, and there’s 3 some / no 5
bread in the cupboard either. 5 Write questions in the present perfect using Have and
Mum: Right. What about meat and vegetables? ever. Then match them with the short answers.
Matteo: Well, we’ve got 4 any / some chicken and beef and
there are 5 some / any tomatoes. But there aren’t 6 some / 0 you / won / a sports competition?
any green beans or onions. Have you ever won a sports competition?
Mum: Is there 7 any / no pasta? 1 Martina / go / skiing?
Matteo: No, we’ve only got 8 any / some brown rice. And
there aren’t 9 some / any packets of crisps left. 2 Jacob / eat / Mexican food?
Mum: Well... You don’t need 10 any / no more junk food.
5 3 you and your family / ride / a camel?

3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or 4 I / taste / octopus?

superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
0 A hot-air balloon ride isn’t the fastest (fast) way to travel, 5 your grandparents / play / computer games?
but it is the most interesting (interesting).
1 ‘Do you think a firefighter has a
A Yes, they have. _ D Yes, he has. _
5 job (dangerous) a policeman?’
B Yes, I have. 0 E No, you haven’t. _
‘Well, I think being a firefighter is C No, we haven’t. _ F No, she hasn’t. _
(hard) than being a policeman.’
2 (good) place in my town in the
summer is the beach. It’s 6 Complete the conversations with be going to, will or the
(popular) the lake. present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
3 My brother is (young)
Clark: What 0 are you doing (you / do) this afternoon?
my cousin. They are both eight years old. But I’m twelve,
Simon: I 1 (watch) a film
so I’m (old) of the three.
with Paul and Sue. We 2
4 The river is here
g (meet) at six o’clock. Do you want to come?
(wide) over there. This is
Clark: I’m busy this afternoon. My parents 3
(deep) part of the river too.
(buy) a new TV, and I 4
5 I think the supermarket is
(go) with them. But if we finish soon, I
(busy) at the weekend during the 5 (call) you.
week. I think Saturday is
Simon: OK.
(bad) time to go.
5 Sally: 6 (you / go) to university
next year?
4 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past
Chloe: Well… I think I 7 (take)
continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
a gap year.
0 I was having (have) lunch at the sandwich bar when a Sally: 8 (you / travel) around
pickpocket stole (steal) my wallet. the world?
1 While we (play) rugby, Chloe: No, I think I 9 (work)
we (see) an eagle. full time for six months at my aunt’s shop, and then, if I get
2 The man (take) his dog enough money, I 10 (travel)
for a walk when he around Spain for the other six months.
(get) lost in the forest. Sally: That sounds nice.
3 Sam (miss) her train while 5
she (talk) to her friend.
4 It (rain) when we Grammar total 30
(get) to the beach.

15 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation 179

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2 Read the article again and write the name of the country. 1
Which country…
0 eats a fish that can be dangerous for your health?
1 eats insects because they are a cheap snack?

2 uses an ingredient in a meal that is still living?

3 has rules on who can cook a particular fish?

4 makes biscuits from insects?

5 eats spiders because they are a good source of protein?

What’s on the Menu?
By Sonja Larsson

Have you ever eaten spiders, insects or raw fish? 2
Have you ever been to a restaurant where they serve 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
scorpions? Well, if you’re like me, then probably not. 0 How popular is eating insects around the world?
But in fact millions of people all around the world have
Millions of people eat insects in many countries.
these types of ingredients in their meal every day. In
1 Why do people in Cambodia and Thailand eat spiders?
countries like Cambodia and Thailand, they fry spiders
and eat them with some onion and a little bit of salt. For
the people who live there, spiders are the cheapest snack
to eat, and they’re a good source of protein. In Thailand, 2 What do people in Cambodia and Thailand eat with
they also make flour from insects. The flour is then used their fried insects?
to make chocolate biscuits!

Japanese people eat a lot of raw fish. One fish in particular,

3 How do they make flour in Thailand?
called the pufferfish, is the most dangerous fish in the
world. Only expert chefs are allowed to cook this fish
because it is so poisonous. The chefs make it into a soup
and serve it with spring onions and some rice. 4 Why are expert chefs the only people allowed to cook
In Korea, they also have some strange food. One of their the pufferfish?
most popular dishes is raw octopus. The octopus is cut
into pieces and eaten with a bit of oil. In some parts of
Korea, they also eat fish and octopus while it’s still alive! 5 How do people in Korea eat octopus?

1 Read the article and tick ( ) the ingredients which are

mentioned in the text and cross ( ) the ones which 5
aren’t mentioned.
Reading total 15
0 spiders 6 scorpions _ 12 pasta _
1 raw fish _ 7 ants _ 13 pepper _
2 raw meat _ 8 flour _ 14 onion _
3 salt _ 9 bread _ 15 tomato _
4 oil _ 10 chocolate _
5 butter _ 11 rice _

180 END OF YEAR TEST A Consolidation Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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y. 1 15 Listen to Andreas’s story and choose the correct 1 Complete the sentences with the words below.
about half after him on or such as
0 Andreas and his family were on holiday in Greece / Italy.
1 They were travelling by car in spring / summer.
0 I’m an only child – I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
2 They heard at the ticket office / on the radio that the
weather was going to be bad. 1 I’ve known for six years.
3 The family took a flight / ferry from Ancona. 2 of the students in my class use the
4 During the journey they stayed in a cabin / seats. library to search for information.
5 The journey to Patras usually takes twenty-two / 3 Sam’s going to the new art gallery
thirty hours. Saturday afternoon.
6 It rained for a few hours / the whole journey.
4 My country has many different beautiful landscapes,
7 While they were travelling, they couldn’t find a place to
lakes, mountains and beaches.
sit / free cabin.
8 The family ate lots of food / felt sick during the journey. 5 I usually eat a piece of fruit I get
9 They reached Patras on Saturday / Sunday morning. home from school.
9 5
2 15 Listen again and answer the questions. Write short 2 Write an essay describing the town, city or the place
answers. where you live. Include the following:

0 Was the weather nice at the beginning of the holiday? - name, location and some facts and figures
- what you can see and do there
Yes, it was.
- details about the famous and important places
1 Did the family book a cabin on the ferry?
- details about the transport
- the types of landscape
2 Can you stay in a seat on the boat? - if there is any crime
- a description of the types of people who live there
3 Was the journey longer than usual?

4 Did the family feel ill during the journey?

5 Did Andreas feel happy when they arrived in Patras?

6 Will Andreas travel on a ferry again in the future?

Listening total 15

Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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End of Year Test A Extension

1 Read the definitions and write the words. 3 Lucy is very … . She doesn’t find it easy to talk to new people.
A friendly B shy C weak
0 You usually do athletics at this sports venue.
4 My … told me I have done really well on the Science
running track
project. 3
1 You eat food with this. f
A accountant B manager C university professor
2 You go on this in many cities around the world. In some
5 John and Linda have got two … and a son.
places it’s called the metro or subway.
A daughters B sisters C nieces
3 This is a green vegetable that you can slice and put in a 5
sandwich or salad. c 15
Vocabulary total
4 Water flows up or down this type of small river.
5 People use this to protect their clothes while eating or to
wipe their mouth after eating.
1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
6 This type of transport carries large items from one place 0 What sport can you do play?
to another. l What sport can you play?
7 You can go here to report a crime here or something 1 Jo like Italy, but she don’t like pizza.
suspicious you’ve seen. p
8 This is the most dangerous type of mountain. 2 Suzy is playing the guitar, and Paul and Sam are playing
v the drums.
9 This sports equipment is used when you are kayaking.
p 3 We always are late! Can’t you hurry up?
10 This electronic device has many buttons and is used to
control a TV or DVD player. r 4 My brother can’t play the piano very well.
5 Are you knowing my brother?
2 Complete the everyday activities and household chores
with a verb in the correct form. 6 Would you like a little salad?
0 My younger brother never does the housework.
1 We always lunch at school. 7 You should do more exercise.
2 My sister usually the table and
I clear it. 8 They didn’t went on holidays last year.
3 the bed is boring, but my mum
says I have to do it every day. 9 How much apples do you need for the cake?
4 I can’t stand out the rubbish – it’s
disgusting! 10 If it don’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.
5 I usually dressed before breakfast
every morning. 5
5 2 Complete the conversation with some, any or no.
3 Choose the correct answer. Mum: Matteo, have we got 0 any milk?
0 The … has decided that the criminals will spend five Matteo: Hmm… Yes, there’s 1 milk in the
years in prison. fridge. But we haven’t got 2 eggs, and
A detective B judge C witness there’s 3 bread in the cupboard either.
1 The … broke into a sports centre and started setting off Mum: Right. What about meat and vegetables?
the fire extinguishers. Matteo: Well, we’ve got 4 chicken and
A hacker B mugger C vandal beef, and there are 5 tomatoes. But
2 I called a(n) … to repair the pipes in the bathroom. there aren’t 6 green beans or onions.
A plumber B builder C engineer Mum: Is there 7 pasta?

182 END OF YEAR TEST A Extension Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Matteo: No, we’ve only got 8 brown rice. 5 Write questions using the present perfect with Have
And... there aren’t 9 packets of crisps left. you ever. Then write short answers.
Mum: Well... you don’t need 10 more
e. 0 you / won / a sports competition? ( )
junk food.
Have you ever won a sports competition?
Yes, I have.
3 Complete the sentences with the comparative or 1 Martina / go / skiing? ( )
or superlative form of the adjectives below.

busy / bad dangerous / hard fast / interesting

2 Jacob / eat / Mexican food? ( )
good / popular wide / deep young / old

0 A hot-air balloon ride isn’t the fastest way to travel, but it
3 you and your family / ride / a camel? ( )
is the most interesting.
1 ‘Do you think a fire fighter has a
job a policeman?’
g. 4 your mum / cook / octopus? ( )
‘Well, I think being a firefighter is
than being a policeman.’
2 place in my town in the
summer is the beach. It’s 5 your grandparents / play / computer games? ( )
the lake.
g 3 My brother is my
cousin – they are both eight. I’m twelve, so I’m 5
of the three.
4 The river is here 6 Complete the conversations with be going to, will or the
over there. This is present continuous form of the verbs below.
part of the river too.
buy call do go (x2) meet
5 I think the supermarket is
take travel (x2) watch work
at the weekend during the week.
I think Saturday is
Clark: What 0 are you doing this afternoon?
time to go.
Simon: I 1 a film with
5 Paul and Sue. We 2 at six
4 Write the sentences using the past simple or past o’clock. Do you want to come?
continuous and when or while. Clark: I’m busy this afternoon. My parents 3
a new TV, and I 4
0 A pickpocket / steal / my wallet / ... I / have / lunch / at the
with them. But if we finish soon, I 5
sandwich bar.
you. We can meet for a drink after the cinema.
A pickpocket stole my wallet while I was having lunch at the
Simon: OK.
sandwich bar.
1 Ryan and I / play rugby at the park / ... we / see a helicopter. Sally: 6 you
to university next year?
2 The man / get lost / in the forest / ... he / take / his dog / for
Chloe: Well… I think I 7 a gap year.
a walk.
Sally: 8 you
around the world?
he 3 Sam / talk / to her friend / ... / she / miss / the train.
Chloe: No, I think I 9 full time
for six months at my aunt’s shop, and then, if I get enough
4 It / rain / ... we / get / to the beach.
money, I 10 around Spain for
the other six months.
5 My brother / repair / his skateboard / ... my mum / call /
him / for dinner. Sally: That sounds nice.
5 Grammar total 30

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2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are 1
true or false. Correct the false sentences.
0 In Cambodia and Thailand, people eat insects because
they are healthy.
1 Biscuits are made from insects in Thailand.

2 The pufferfish is a common ingredient used in food

at home.
What’s on the Menu?
By Sonja Larsson
3 In Korea, people eat octopus that isn’t cooked.
Have you ever eaten spiders, insects or raw fish? Have you
ever been to a restaurant where they serve scorpions? Well, 4 The sea cucumber is a large vegetable.
if you’re like me, then probably not. But in fact, millions of
people all around the world have these types of ingredients 5 The sea cucumber is used in medicine in Korea.
in their meal every day. In countries like Cambodia and
Thailand, they fry spiders and eat them with some onion
and a little bit of salt. For the people who live there, spiders
are the cheapest snack to eat, and they’re a good source of 3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
protein. In Thailand, they also make flour from insects. The 0 Why do people in Cambodia and Thailand eat spiders?
flour is then used to make chocolate biscuits!
They eat spiders because they are a cheap snack and they are
Japanese people eat a lot of raw fish. One fish in particular, a good source of protein. 2
called the pufferfish, is the most dangerous fish in the 1 Which ingredient needs someone with special skills to
world. Only expert chefs are allowed to cook this fish cook it?
because it is so poisonous. The chefs make it into a soup
and serve it with spring onions and some rice.
In Korea, they also have some strange food. One of their 2 Why does Sonja say the pufferfish is the most dangerous
most popular dishes is raw octopus. The octopus is cut fish?
into pieces and eaten with a bit of oil. In some parts of
Korea, they also eat fish and octopus while it’s still alive!
I think one the strangest things I’ve ever seen on a menu 3 In which country do people eat a fish that is still alive?
is a sea cucumber. This strange sea creature looks like a
very large cucumber, but in fact it’s a fish. It is also very
slippery to touch. Sea cucumbers are really popular in
4 How is octopus prepared in Korea?
China during their New Year celebrations. The Chinese
also use sea cucumber in medicine, as they believe it
improves your health.
5 What does Sonja say is the strangest ingredient she has
1 Read the article and write ten ingredients more which ever seen?
are mentioned in the text.
Reading total 15

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1 15 Listen to Andreas’s story and correct the sentences. 1 Complete the sentences. Then, rewrite them using the
correct punctuation.
0 Andreas and his family were on holiday in France.
Italy. 0 i’m an only child – i haven’t got any brothers or sisters
1 They were travelling by car in summer. I’m an only child – I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
1 toms my best friend. i’ve known for
2 The family took a flight from Ancona. six years

3 They heard at the ticket office about the bad weather.

2 sams going to the new art gallery
saturday afternoon
4 During the journey, they stayed in a cabin.

3 my country has many different beautiful landscapes

5 The journey to Patras usually takes thirty hours.
such lakes mountains and beaches
6 It rained for a few hours.
4 my parents dont work during august,
7 There very few cabins free on the ferry. thats when we go to our house by the lake

8 The family ate lots of food during the journey. 5 i hate doing household chores, taking
out the rubbish!
9 They reached Patras on Sunday morning.

e 9
2 Write an essay describing the town, city or the place
2 15 Listen again and answer the questions. where you live. Include information about the location,
0 What was the weather like at the beginning of Andreas’ things you can do and see there, the transport and the
holiday? people. Add some more important details.
It wasn’t very hot.
1 Why didn't the family book a cabin on the ferry?

2 Which part of Andreas’ holiday was the worst?

3 Why was the journey awful?

4 What was the situation like on the boat?

s 5 How did the family spend their time while they were on
the boat?

6 How did Andreas feel when they arrived in Patras?

5 15
Writing total
6 10
Listening total 15 100

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End of Year Test B Consolidation


1 Unscramble the words to complete the sentences. 3 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below.
0 We always wear our big coats when we’re watching an along around between into through under
ice hockey (cie cyheok) game at the ice rink (cei rnik).
1 There was a (siwetsn) who saw a
0 Mark cycled around Britain and raised money for charity.
(gumgre) attacking my mum in the
1 The tourists went the bridge on the
street and stealing her handbag.
tour boat.
2 While Cara was (ugnsirf) in the sea, she
2 The men sailed their yacht two rocks.
hit a rock and broke her (sfbuordar).
3 We must travel the tunnel to reach
3 Don’t forget the (tiglaid macrea) to
the small village on the other side.
take pictures and the (rocmacred) to
record your holidays! 4 I walked the river with my younger
brother – he loves feeding the birds.
4 You need a (opson) to have the soup
and a (salsg) to drink water. 5 My mobile phone fell the water
when we were playing by the stream.
5 I’ll have a salad with (telutec) and
some (moatot) to start with. 5
5 Vocabulary total 15
2 Complete the sentences.
0 are small light brown spots on people’s faces. freckles
1 This is a place where you can buy fruit and vegetables, 1 Write the interview questions using the present simple 3
or continuous. Then match them with the answers.
meat and other food. s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2 It’s like a bus, but smaller. m_ _ _ _ _ _ 0 Where / be / you / right now?
3 Many people enjoy hiking up these in the summer. Where are you right now?
m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 What / you / do / at the moment?
4 You load this with dirty plates, glasses and cuttlery.
d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 What / crimes / you / investigate / at the moment?
5 This type of landscape is where food is grown.
f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 you / interviewing / any suspects / today?
6 A person who works in a shop. s_ _ _ a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7 A place where you can buy medicine, face cream, 4 you / have got / many crimes to solve at the moment?
perfume, shampoo or soap. p_ _ _ _ _ _ _
8 It’s the way you feel when you need to drink something. 5 What / you / like / about your job?
t_ _ _ _ _ _
9 You can sit down and have a meal served by waiters
here. r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A I love catching criminals and investigating crimes. _
10 The opposite of deep. s_ _ _ _ _ _ B I’m trying to find the shoplifter who stole jewellery from
5 a department store. _ 4
C Yes, I am. Some of them are lying and have false alibis. _
D I’m eating my lunch and chatting to you! _
E I’m in my office in Chicago, U.S.A. 0
F Yes, I have. I’m investigating a bank robbery and a
burglary at a house. _

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2 Complete Poppy’s blog with the past simple form of the 2 How many gigs / she / play / around the world? (13)
verbs in brackets.


3 How many albums / she / record? (2)
Mon I 0 searched (search) online for a present for my best
friend Laura last night – her birthday is on Saturday.
y. Tues I 1 (drive) a car for the first time 4 she / ever / win / any awards? ( )
yesterday morning. It was my first lesson.
Wed I 2 (not go) out yesterday afternoon
s. because it 3 (rain). 5 she / ever / be / to Africa? ( )
Thurs My mum 4 (take) me shopping
in town yesterday, and I 5 (buy) Laura’s
present. 5
Fri My parents 6 (decide) to buy a new 5 Correct the modal verbs in the sentences.
computer for the office. It’s great.
0 You mustn’t to arrive late for work.
Sat My grandma 7 (visit), and we
You mustn’t arrive late for work.
8 (eat) lots of cake and biscuits!
1 Does Louise must do the washing up?
5 Sun I 9 (go) to Laura’s birthday party last
night. I 10 (wear) my new jeans and T-shirt.
2 I has to do my homework every day.
e 3 Have I to go to the dentist today?
3 Choose the correct answer.
0 The department store has got a lot of / a lot widescreen 4 You do have not to wear a uniform in school.
TVs for sale, but not many / much are under £300!
1 The police have interrogated a lot of / much of suspects
this week, and many of / many them have false alibis. 5 You need eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day.
2 My brother eats a lot of / many junk food, but he doesn’t
eat many / many of vegetables – it’s very unhealthy! 5
3 ‘There are a lot / lots of people at the coffee shop today,
aren’t there?’
6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the
correct form of the verbs below.
‘Well, it’s Saturday afternoon. Much / Many people like
to drink coffee after lunch.’ buy / come get / miss go / rain
4 ‘Do you do a lot of / many exercise every week?’ read / love take / go visit / go
‘No, not much / not many, but I take the dog for a walk
every day.’ 0 If you read this book, you’ll love it.
5 I try not to spend much / a lot of hours on my computer
1 I my grandma if we
every day, but many of / much of my friends spend
to Spain next year.
hours playing video games.
2 Shelley and I to the cinema if it
m on Saturday.
4 Write the questions and answers about singer Rita 3 What you if you
Monae. Use the present perfect. mountain biking?
0 How long / Rita / be / a professional singer? (15) 4 If Lucas to school late, he
How long has Rita been a professional singer? his exam.
She’s been a professional singer since she was 15. 5 you some more
food if Sam for lunch?
1 How long / she / live / in California? (2010)
Grammar total 30

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2 Read the article again and find the information in the text. 1
0 Nathan’s job
Professional LEGO builder
1 Nathan’s age when he was given his first set of LEGO

2 The year in which he left his first job

3 Two examples of Nathan’s pieces of art

A dream job
4 The number of plastic bricks Nathan has
What’s your dream job? Have you ever thought about
LEGO building? No, it’s not a joke – it’s a real job! Well,
for one creative man at least. 5 How much newest Nathan’s piece of art cost

Nathan Sawaya’s childhood was like that of many

other children. He played with toys and had lots of fun.
He was always really creative, and he loved to draw and 3 Read the article again and complete the sentences with
build things. But it was on his fifth birthday that his life information from the text.
changed. His grandparents bought him his first set of 0 You need to be a creative person to be a LEGO builder.
LEGOs. And since then he has never stopped building!
1 The LEGO Company wanted Nathan to build
Nathan was a lawyer, but he quit his job in 2004 to start .
playing with the plastic bricks full-time. ‘I remember 2 Nathan’s artwork has appeared in
walking into my manager’s office and just telling him, .
you know, I’m going to start a new job – playing with 3 Nathan uses to create
LEGO,’ he said. It was a bit difficult at first, but when the his artwork.
LEGO Company saw my work, they wanted me to build 4 Nathan works in .
sculptures and portraits for them all the time! Now
5 You can see his newest piece of art in
Nathan is a professional LEGO builder, and his work has
appeared in museums and art galleries around the world. 2
Nathan uses plastic LEGO bricks to build famous
Reading total 15
buildings like the Statue of Liberty and to build models
of famous people like Superman. At his art studio, he
has more than 1.5 million coloured bricks. Nathan’s
newest piece of art is in the New York Public Library.
The artwork cost over €20,000!

1 Read the article and put the events in the correct order.
A His grandparents gave him his first set of LEGO. 0
B He spoke to his manager and left his job to become a
LEGO brick artist. _
C The LEGO Company wanted him to build lots of models. _
D His artwork appeared in the New York Library. _
E He was working as a lawyer. _
F His LEGO artwork appeared in many art galleries and
museums around the world. _

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t. 1 16 Listen to the radio programme and complete 1 Tick the correct sentence, A or B.
the factfile.
0 A David plays football and also does athletics.
B David plays football also does athletics.
Bossaball 1 A You should eat a banana or peach in break time.
An exciting sport that’s a combination of B You should eat a banana or peach at break time.
0 volleyball, 1
2 A I first travelled by train. Then I travelled on a ferry.
and 2 . B I finally travelled by train. Then I travelled on a ferry.
3 A Spain has a variety of landscapes, included plains,
How to play mountain ranges and coastline.
Played on an inflatable B Spain has a variety of landscapes, including plains,
3 with a mountain ranges and coastline.
4 across the 4 A Emma doesn’t like snakes. She hates those!
middle and a trampoline on each side. B Emma doesn’t like snakes. She hates them!
The aim of the game is to hit the ball onto the 5 A There were almost 200 people at the match.
B There were quite 200 people at the match.
5 on the other
side of the net. 5
Each team can only touch the ball 2 Write an email to an exchange student coming to stay
6 times before with your family for a week. Include the following:
hitting it over the net. - details about your family
You can only touch it once with your - details about your routines and eating habits
7 and twice with - ask the student to tell you about himself / herself
remember to open and close your email.
your 8 .
How to win
. ◊ 
The first team to score 9
e wins a set. A team must win three sets to win
a match.
2 16 Listen again and choose the correct answer.

0 The presenters are at the world / European bossaball

5 championship.
1 There are one to three / three to five players in each
2 If you hit the ball on the court / the wall you get a point.
3 A team scores one point / three points when they hit
the ball on the trampoline.
4 You are able to catch / serve the ball any way you like
during a match.
5 You can / can’t touch the ball with any part of your body.
6 Players must jump / hit the ball carefully.
Listening total 15 10
Writing total 15
Speaking 10

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End of Year Test B Extension


1 Complete the sentences with the words below. There 7 You can sit down and have a meal served by waiters here.
are four you don’t need. 9 The opposite of deep.
camcorder climbing digital camera glass grapes
jug ice hockey ice rink mugger peach peas 3 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of
shoplifter spoon surfboard surfing witness movement.
0 Mark cycled around Britain and raised money for
0 We always wear our big coats when we’re watching an children's charities.
ice hockey game at the ice rink. 1 The tourists went the bridge on the
1 There was a who saw a tour boat.
attacking my mum in the street and stealing her handbag. 2 The men sailed their yacht two rocks
2 While Cara was in the sea, she hit a on the lake.
rock and broke her . 3 We must travel the tunnel to reach
3 Don’t forget the to take pictures and the small village on the other side.
the to record your holidays! 4 I walked the river with my younger
4 You need a to have the soup and a brother – he loves feeding the birds.
to drink water. 5 My mobile phone fell the water when
5 ‘I’ll have some fruit for the desert.’ ‘What about a we were playing by the stream.
and a few ?’ 5
5 15
Vocabulary total
2 Read the clues and complete the crossword.
f r e c k l e s
3 3
4 5 6
1 Write the interview questions and answers using the
present simple or present continuous.
0 Where / be / you / right now?
I / my office / Chicago, U.S.A.
8 9 Where are you right now?
I’m in my office in Chicago, U.S.A.
1 What / you / do / at the moment?
I / eat lunch / and / chat to you!


2 What / crimes / you / investigate / at the moment?

I / try / to find / a shoplifter.
2 They are small light brown spots on people’s faces.
4 This is a place where you can buy fruit and vegetables, 3 you / interview / many witnesses / this week? ( )
meat and other food.
8 It’s like a bus, but smaller.
10 Many people enjoy hiking up these in the summer. 4 you / have got / many crimes to solve at the moment? ( ) 4
1 You load this with dirty plates, glasses and cuttlery.
2 This type of landscape is where food is grown. 5 What / you / like / about your job?
3 A person who works in a shop. I / love / catch criminals / and / investigate crimes.
5 A place where you can buy medicine, face cream,
perfume, shampoo or soap.
6 It’s the way you feel when you need to drink something. 5

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2 Complete Poppy’s blog with the past simple form of the 2 gigs / you / play around the world? (13)
verbs below.
e. buy decide drive eat go not go
rain search take visit wear 3 albums / you / record? (2)


Mon I 0 searched online for a present for my best friend 4 you / ever / win / any awards? ( )
Laura last night – her birthday is on Saturday.
Tues I 1 a car for the first time
yesterday morning. It was my first lesson. 5 you / ever / go / to Africa? ( )
Wed I 2 out yesterday afternoon
s because it 3 .
Thurs My mum 4 me shopping in 5
town yesterday, and I 5 Laura’s present
– it’s her favourite band’s album. 5 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
Fri My parents 6 to buy a new 0 You mustn’t to arrive late for work.
computer for the office. You mustn’t arrive late for work.
Sat My grandma 7 , and we 1 Does Louise have to do the washing up?
8 lots of cake and biscuits!
Sun I 9 to Laura’s birthday party last
2 I has to do my homework every day.
night. I 10 my new jeans and T-shirt.

5 3 Have I to go to the dentist today?

3 Choose the correct answer.
0 The shop has got many of / a lot of / a lot widescreen 4 You’re not allowed to chew gum in school.
TVs, but not many / lots / much are under £300!
1 The police have interrogated a lot of / much of / much 5 You need eat lots of fruit and vegetables every day.
suspects this week, and many of / many / much of them
have false alibis.
2 My brother eats a lot of / much of / many junk food, but
he doesn’t eat many /much of / many of vegetables. 6 Write first conditional sentences.
3 ‘There are a lot / lot of / lots of people at the coffee shop
0 if / you read this book / you love it.
today, aren’t there?’ ‘Well, it’s Saturday afternoon. Much /
Lots / Many people like to drink coffee after lunch.’ If you read this book, you’ll love it.
4 ‘Do you do a lot of / a lot / many exercise every week?’ 1 I visit my grandma / if / we go to Spain next year.
‘No, not much / not a lots / not many.
5 I try not to spend much / many of / a lot of hours on my 2 Shelley and I go to the cinema / if / it rain on Saturday.
computer every day, but many / many of / much of my
friends spend hours playing video games.
3 What / you take / if / you go mountain biking?
) 4 Write the questions and answers about singer Rita 4 If / Lucas get to school late, / he miss his exam.
Monae. Use the present perfect.
0 you / be / a professional singer? (since I was 15) 5 You buy some more food / if / Sam come for lunch?
How long have you been a professional singer?
I’ve been a professional singer since I was 15. 5
1 you / live / in California? (for 3 years)
Grammar total 30

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2 He spoke to his manager and left his job to become a 1
LEGO sales representative.

3 The LEGO Company wanted him to build lots of models.

4 His LEGO artwork appeared in many art galleries and

museums around the world.

5 His artwork appeared in the Lancaster Public Library.

2 Read the article again and write sentences explaining
A dream job what the following things represent in the text.
What’s your dream job? Have you ever thought about
LEGO building? No, it’s not a joke – it’s a real job! Well, 0 five years old
for one creative man at least. Nathan’s age when he was given his first set of LEGO.
Nathan Sawaya’s childhood was like that of many 1 2004
other children. He played with toys and had lots of fun.
He was always really creative, and he loved to draw and 2 1.5 million
build things. But it was on his fifth birthday that his life
changed. His grandparents bought him his first set of 3 20,000
LEGOs. Ever since then he has never stopped building!
Nathan’s dream was always to become a LEGO builder, 4 2007
and in 2004 his dream came true. Nathan was a lawyer,
but he quit his job to start playing with the plastic bricks 5 25,000
full-time. ‘I remember walking into my manager’s office
and just telling him, you know, I’m going to start a new 5
job – playing with LEGO,’ he said. It was a bit difficult
3 Read the article again and answer the questions.
at first, but when the LEGO Company saw my work,
they wanted me to build sculptures and portraits for 0 What kind of person is a LEGO builder?
It’s a creative person.
them all the time! Now Nathan is a professional LEGO
builder, and his work has appeared in museums and art 1 What was Nathan’s life like when he was young?
galleries around the world.
Nathan uses bricks to build famous buildings like the
Statue of Liberty and to build models of famous people like 2 When did Nathan start his interest in LEGO building?
Superman. At his art studio, he has more than 1.5 million
coloured bricks. Nathan’s newest piece of art is in the New
York Public Library. The artwork cost over €20,000! 3 What types of models has Nathan built?
Nathan’s LEGO artwork is popular with people from many
different countries. In 2007, when his first exhibition
opened at the Lancaster Museum of Art in America,
4 What does Nathan use to create his artwork?
25,000 people visited the museum in just 45 days!

1 Read the article and decide if the sentences are true or

false. Correct the false sentences. 5 Where did Nathan’s first exhibition take place?

0 His parents gave him his first set of LEGO.

False. His grandparents gave him his first set of LEGO.
1 He was working as an architect. 5
Reading total 15

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1 16 Listen to the radio programme and decide if the 1 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are wrong.
sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
0 David plays football on Mondays and also does athletics
0 Amanda and Rafael are at a bossaball championship in on Fridays.
South America.
False. They are in the Czech Republic, in Europe. 1 You should eat a banana or peach at break time instead
of a packet of crisps.
1 Bossaball is an exciting sport that’s a combination of
volleyball, beach rugby and gymnastics.
2 On my trip around the world, I first travelled by car. Then I
travelled on a ferry. And finally, I returned home by plane.
2 The sport is played on a beach.
3 Maria was outside looking for her dog. It was raining, and
3 The players jump on a trampoline to hit the ball. it was dark. She couldn’t see a thing. But then just, a big
white shape jumped out from behind a tree and barked!

4 You win a point when the other team can’t hit the ball back. 4 Emma doesn’t like snakes. She hates those!

5 Each team can touch the ball five times before hitting it 5 There are almost 200 people from my town helping out
over the net. at the athletics championship this summer.

6 You can hit the ball twice with your hands. 5

2 Write an email to an exchange student coming to stay
7 Any part of the body can be used to hit the ball. with your family for a week. Include the following:
- details about your family – the type of people they are
8 There are four sets in a match. and their personalities
- your daily routine and everyday activities
- details about the food you eat at home, your favourite
9 The team wins a set by scoring 25 points.
meal and the food the student likes
- details about what sport you play or do
9 - details about your school
2 16 Listen again and complete the information.

0 There are three to five players in each team.

1 Bossaball is a game between .
2 If you hit the ball onto
you get a point.
3 A team scores when they
hit the ball on the trampoline.
4 You are able to the ball
any way you like during a match.
5 You touch the ball with
your body and feet.
6 Players must carefully.
Listening total 15 10
Writing total 15
Speaking 10
5 TOTAL 100

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3 4 5
Diagnostic Test 1 You can do activities you can’t usually do 1 Dani doesn’t eat spaghetti bolognaise. 8
at home and there are no parents telling 2 I can’t count backwards.
Grammar and Vocabulary you what to do. 3 We don’t often go to the cinema. 2
2 In the UK 4 Rosa can’t speak Portuguese. 1
1 3 Young people from the local area 5 I can’t dance. 4
1 Have ... got 2 have got 3 Has ... got 4 Two weeks 8
4 has got 5 haven’t got 5 It gives them experience that will help 5
them when they apply for university or for 1 Does she brush her teeth in the evening? 3
2 a job. 2 Does he work in a modern glass building? 1
1 her 2 We 3 him 4 them 5 us 3 Does the film finish at four o’clock in the 5
Listening afternoon? 9
3 1 4 Does my niece study Science at university?
1 I don’t like chocolate. 1 13 2 farm 3 parents 4 sheep 5 Does my brother go to the mountains G
2 Sam plays the piano. 5 farmers 6 sell 7 six 8 vet every weekend? 1
3 Do you watch TV every day? 9 café 10 rescue 1
4 My teacher doesn’t go to the cinema at 6 2
the weekend. 2 1 Helen doesn’t ride a horse. / Helen can’t
5 Do Lucy and Tom speak Russian? 1 About a mile from the village ride a horse. 3
2 Once a week 2 Can you speak Italian? 4
4 3 She helps her parents feed the animals, 3 Alberto can play the guitar. He’s great. 5
1 can practise 2 Can, play 3 can’t has breakfast, gets dressed and goes to 4 A: Can you play chess? B: No I can’t, but I 6
4 can 5 can do school (any two). can juggle. 7
4 Lots of Science subjects, so she can 5 I can ski, but I’m not very good at it. 8
5 become a vet 9
1 Is Sofia cycling to work this morning? F 5 Earning money and the sense of Reading 10
2 Are Mark and Kyle camping in the wild? A responsibility 1
3 Is Lisa watching a film on TV at the moment? 1 England 2
C 2 a small house 1
4 What music are you listening to these 1 Test Consolidation 3 His parents David and Emily
days? B 4 two dogs and one cat 2
5 Are you studying for a test right now? D Vocabulary 5 tennis and football 3
6 1 niece 2 stepfather 2 4
1 a little 2 lots of 3 much 3 great-grandparents 4 uncle 1 No, he’s an only child. 5
4 a few 5 a lot of 5 grandson 6 nephew 7 only child 2 Emily is his mother.
8 aunt 9 cousins 10 grandma 3 They work in offices in the business
7 district. 3
1 go 2 has 3 get 4 do 5 gets 2 4 The drums 1
1 online 2 shower 3 housework 5 Yes, he likes going online. 4
8 4 husband 5 go 7
1 were 2 went 3 didn’t sleep 3 10
4 took 5 visited 3 1 False. He’s an only child. 2 True 3 True
1 have 2 does 3 get 4 go 5 gets 4 False. He has two dogs and one cat. 4
9 5 True 1
1 more popular 2 earlier 3 better Grammar 2
4 noisier 5 farther 1 Listening 3
1 Where 2 How many 3 Do you have / 1 4
10 Have you got 4 What 5 How often 1 In the UK 2 English, Spanish and Italian
1 He has lived in Los Angeles since 2001. 6 Do you 7 Can you 8 How 3 Karate 4 Swimming 5
2 He has made two films. 9 When 10 Where do you usually 5 He never takes out the rubbish.
3 He has won the Young Artist Award 5
4 He has visited 14 countries. 2 2 1
5 He has flown in a helicopter. 1 I rarely play computer games in the 1 lives 2 parents 3 sister 4 football
evenings. 5 occasionally 6 cinema 7 dinner 2
Reading 2 I usually tidy my bedroom after school. 8 homework 9 sometimes 10 rubbish
1 3 Tom occasionally gets ready for bed at 3
1 (Any two of) kayaking, hiking & camping 9.30 pm. Writing 4
2 2005 4 Jo doesn’t often go swimming. 1 5
3 20,000 5 My brother always plays ice hockey three 1 but 2 so 3 or 4 and 5 so
4 11 to 18 times a week. 6
5 (Any two of) work in teams, improve 2 Students’ own answers 1
communication skills & solve problems 3
together 1 ’ve got 2 goes 3 works 4 studies 2
5 visits 6 speaks 7 teaches 8 loves 1 Test Extension 3
2 9 finishes 10 hasn’t got 4
1 False 2 True 3 False Vocabulary 5
4 True 5 False 1
1 niece 2 stepfather
3 great grandparents 4 uncle

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5 grandson 6 nephew 7 only child Reading 2
8 aunt 9 cousins 10 grandma 1 1 D 2 E 3 C 4 A 5 F
1 The population of Liverpool is about
2 450,000. 3
1 grandparents 2 online 3 sport 2 Sam is an only child. 1 ’re playing 2 do 3 ’m not studying
4 gets 5 children 6 visit 7 brush 3 He lives with his mother and stepfather. 4 ’m 5 ’re doing 6 ’m waiting
8 rubbish 9 son 10 husband 4 His aunt stays with them in their house 7 Do you believe 8 ’m wearing
sometimes. 9 are going 10 don’t like
3 5 His aunt can cook amazing meals.
? 1 goes 2 has 3 have 4 does 6 He goes to school by bus. 4
5 go 6 get 7 has 8 do 7 His mum works in an office. 1 Which gym do you go to?
9 gets 10 go 8 He can play a musical instrument – the 2 How often do you play football?
y? drums. 3 What kinds of sports do you like?
Grammar 9 He doesn’t like computer games much. 4 What sports do you think are exciting?
1 10 He prefers going online. 5 Where is the team training right now?
1 Where do you live?
2 How many brothers and sisters have you 2 5
got? 1 They work in offices in the business 1 I’m not playing tennis at the moment.
3 Have you got any pets? district. 2 Jack always goes to the running track after
4 What do you do / study? 2 In his free time, he likes going to the new school.
5 How often do you have lessons? shopping centre. 3 In this photo we’re kayaking on the river.
6 Do you play any musical instrument? 3 Sam’s stepfather often goes to home The water is really cold.
7 Can you speak any other languages? football games with him. 4 Does Daniel like sailing?
8 How do you spend your free time? 4 Sam can’t play the guitar. 5 Hanna doesn’t understand the rules of
9 How often do you have snacks? 5 He writes his blog in the evenings. rugby.
10 When do you usually go on holiday?
Listening 6
2 1 1 Sofia always plays basketball on
1 I rarely play computer games in the 1 lives 2 parents 3 sister Wednesdays.
evenings. 4 football 5 occasionally 2 Joe isn’t doing gymnastics this year.
2 I usually tide my bedroom after school. 6 cinema 7 dinner 8 homework 3 Skateboarding seems a difficult sport to
3 Tom occasionally get ready for bed at 9.30 9 sometimes 10 rubbish learn.
pm 4 Is Daisy cycling to work today?
4 Jo doesn’t often go swimming. 2 5 Henry is skiing really well today.
5 My brother plays ice hockey three times a 1 He speaks English, Spanish and Italian.
week. 2 He does karate four times a week. Reading
3 They always go swimming every Saturday 1
3 morning. 1 fun 2 fit, fast and skilful 3 two
1 ’ve got / have 2 goes 3 works 4 The biggest difference between Spain and 4 T-shirt, shorts and trainers
4 studies 5 visits 6 speaks the UK is the food. 5 racket and ball 6 squash courts
7 teaches 8 loves 9 finishes 5 Pablo rarely eats pork. 7 discipline and motivation
10 hasn’t got / doesn’t have 8 about one hour
ue Writing
4 1 2
1 Helen can’t ride a horse. 1 but 2 so 3 or 4 and 5 so 1 False. You play squash on your own.
2 Can you speak Italian? 2 False. Squash players play on a court.
3 2 Students’ own answers 3 True
4 A: Can you play chess? B: No, I can’t, but I 4 True
n can juggle. 5 True
5 2 Test Consolidation 6 False. She doesn’t like watching TV.
7 True
5 Vocabulary
1 Dani doesn’t eat spaghetti bolognaise 1 Listening
every week. 1 gymnastics 2 mountain biking
3 sailing 4 baseball 5 skateboarding
2 Can most Dutch people speak English and 1 difficult 2 six 3 small
h German? 4 heavy 5 hitting 6 player
3 My mum can’t play the piano very well. 2 7 hockey stick 8 two halves
4 Do you work in the city centre. 1 football 2 climbing 3 horse riding
5 I don’t like walking in the countryside. 4 swimming 5 athletics
1 False. It’s a fast sport.
6 Suggested answers: 3 2 False. It’s played in a pool.
1 My sister brushes her teeth after 1 knee pads 2 racket 3 paddle
3 False. There are ten players on a team.
breakfast. 4 surfboard 5 goal
4 False. A puck is a disc that’s used like a ball.
2 My mother likes books. 5 True
3 My dad finishes work at 5pm Grammar 6 True
4 My brother usually has lunch at school. 1 7 False. They wear a hat (and a swimming
5 My sister often goes to the cinema with 1 ’m not going
costume and gloves).
her friends. 2 always wears
3 prefers
4 ’re not watching
5 loves

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Writing Reading 2 7
1 1 1 napkin 2 slice 3 knife 9
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 1 She loves it because it is all about skill and 4 packet 5 chopsticks 6 jug
speed. 7 glass 8 plate 9 fork 2
2 Students’ own answers 2 No. In squash, there are no teams, and you 1
play on your own. Grammar 4
2 Test Extension 3 You score a point when your opponent 1
can’t hit the ball back. 1 Fruit makes an excellent snack. W
4 You play squash in a squash court. 2 Dairy products like milk are a good source 1
Vocabulary 5 Squash players wear a T-shirt, shorts and of calcium. 1
1 trainers. 3 My mum often cooks with oil because she 4
1 playing 2 doing 3 going 6 To play squash, you need a special racket says it’s healthy.
4 go 5 play and a ball. 2
4 I hate peas. They’re disgusting!
7 A squash player needs discipline and 5 My family eats a lot of fish, especially
2 motivation. salmon.
1 squash 2 football 3 climbing 8 In the future, she wants to become a
4 horse riding 5 swimming professional squash player. 2 Vo
1 some 2 any 3 some 4 some 1
3 2 5 any 6 any 7 some 8 no
1 ice skates 2 pads 3 bat 1
1 fit 2 opponent 3 score 4 gear 9 no 10 some
4 paddle 5 surfboard 4
5 discipline 6 motivated 7 training
3 2
Listening 1 B 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B
1 1 1
1 ’m not going 2 wears 3 prefers 4
4 aren’t watching 5 loves
1 You play it on the bottom of a swimming 4 7
pool 1 How many 2 How much
2 There are ten players in a team. 3 How many 4 How much
2 3 Six players from each team play in a
5 How many 1
1 J 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 H match.
6 B 7 F 8 I 9 D 10 G 1
4 A ‘puck’ is a disc that’s used like a ball. 5 4
5 To score a goal you hit the puck with your 1 Put lots of milk in my coffee, please.
3 stick into the goal. 2 Is there any fish on the menu?
1 ’re playing 2 do 3 ’m not doing 8
6 The game is 30 minutes. 3 There aren’t a lot of restaurants in my
4 ’m having 5 do 6 ’m waiting 9
7 Players wear a swimming costume, a hat town.
7 believe 8 ’m wearing 9 ’re going and gloves. 4 Would you like a little lemon in your tea? 2
10 don’t like
5 There is a bit of juice left in the carton. 1
4 1 6 Students’ own answers 3
1 Where do you go to the gym? 5
2 The puck doesn’t float.
2 How often do you play football? 8
3 You hit the puck with the hockey stick. Reading 10
3 What do you like to do?
4 What do you think is exciting?
4 Lexi loves the sport. 1
5 1 In Greece, they eat a lot of cooked fish.
5 Where is the team training today? 6 You can only touch the puck with your 2 True
hockey stick, not your hands. 3 They normally eat with a knife and fork.
5 7 The team that scores the most points at 4 True
1 3
the end of the game wins. 5 Some people put a bit of lettuce in the
2 In this photo, we are kayaking in the river. 4
8 ‘Village Salad’.
3 Is Daniel going sailing now? 5
4 Writing
5 We prefer football.
1 1 Meat, pasta, vegetables and rice 4
Mountain biking is a fast, fun and exciting 2 Knife, fork, a slice of bread
6 sport. It’s popular with people who like a 3 Kali Oreski
1 Emilia is doing gymnastics. She thinks it’s 2
challenge and love to be active. You don’t 4 Don’t start your dinner before everyone
challenging. 3
need much training. You just need balance, else has their own plate of food.
2 Miguel is going rock climbing. He thinks 4
courage and time to practise. You also need a 5 (Any four of) cucumber, tomatoes, onion,
it’s scary. 5
bike and the right protective gear. Mountain green peppers, cheese & lettuce
3 Lisa is watching a volleyball match. She bikers usually wear a helmet and gloves, as
likes it. well as knee and elbow pads. Then you’re 3 5
4 Joe is wearing skateboarding jeans. He 1
ready to go mountain biking. 1 Yes, they do.
thinks they look cool. 2
2 Greeks eat lots of cooked fish.
5 Tom is watching rugby. He doesn’t 2 Students’ own answers 3 They eat all their food to show they 3
understand it.
enjoyed the meal.
4 Moussaka
3 Test Consolidation 5 No, the Greek ‘Village Salad’ contains no
1 Listening
1 green beans 2 beef 3 tuna
1 6
4 bread 5 Milk 6 peach
1 information 2 balanced 3 fat
4 calories 5 portions 6 snack

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7 energy 8 carbohydrates Reading Grammar
9 sandwich 10 salmon 1 1
1 In Greece, they eat a lot of cooked fish. 1 arrived 2 left 3 travelled
2 2 Greeks eat a lot of fresh food. 4 visited 5 had
1 fresh 2 Nuts 3 grapes 3 They normally eat with a knife and fork.
4 Pasta 5 slices 4 In Greece, you always eat all your food to 2
show you enjoyed the meal. 1 Were 2 wasn’t 3 were
Writing 5 The Village Salad contains lettuce in some 4 was 5 weren’t
e 1 parts of Greece.
1 before 2 After 3 at 3
e 4 In 5 on 2 1 There wasn’t an underground here fifty
1 Greeks don’t eat a lot of food from packets. years ago.
2 Students’ own answers 2 Eating together and talking with your 2 On Wednesday, I went into town by bus.
family is important 3 We arrived in Paris at two o’clock
3 Greeks eat dinner late in the evenings. yesterday.
3 Test Extension 4 Greeks say ‘Kali Oreksi’ before they eat. 4 My brother was in Mexico last month.
5 Greeks think it is rude to put your elbows 5 The last train was at midnight.
Vocabulary on the table.
1 4
1 green beans 2 beef 3 tuna
4 bread 5 Milk 6 peach
3 1 We didn’t take a hot-air balloon ride over
1 meat, pasta, vegetables and rice the countryside.
2 families eat and talk together 2 The train didn’t go through the tunnel in
2 3 a knife and fork the mountain.
1 napkin 2 slices 3 knife
4 your dinner before everyone else has their 3 Mary didn’t ride her horse around the
4 packet 5 chopsticks 6 jug
own plate of food village.
7 glass 8 plate 9 fork
5 cucumber, tomato, onion green pepper 4 The ferry didn’t leave the port at eleven
and cheese o’clock.
Grammar 5 The school trip didn’t start in Manchester.
1 Listening
1 olive oil 2 tomato 3 fish
4 rice 5 onion & an onion
1 5
1 exercise 2 balanced 3 fat 1 Did we / you sail 2 Did they drive
6 beef 7 milk
4 calories 5 portions 6 snack 3 Did you take 4 Did she travel
8 Dried apricots make & A dried apricot makes
7 carbohydrates 8 energy 5 Did I arrive
9 Peaches are 10 Dairy products are
9 sandwich 10 salmon
2 6
1 some fruit juice 2 any bread
2 1 didn’t 2 at 3 ago 4 in 5 Did
1 A bit of fat gives us energy.
3 some cheese 4 some dried fruit
5 any fat 6 any meat 7 some pasta
2 Meat, cheese or nuts have less fat than Reading
8 no chicken 9 no chocolate
biscuits and cakes. 1
3 Fruit and vegetables are very important in 1 False. Louise and her family left their bags
10 some fruit
our diet. at the hotel.
4 She suggests eating a banana, a peach or 2 True
3 some grapes after lunch. 3 True
5 She suggests a healthy lunch is a 4 True
2 You can eat a banana at break time.
sandwich with cheese, lettuce and 5 False. Louis went shopping before their
tomatoes. flight in the afternoon.
5 There is an onion, some green beans and
some tomatoes in the salad.
Writing 2
1 1 No, it didn’t. 2 Yes, she did.
1 in 2 On 3 at 4 In 5 After 3 Yes, they did. 4 Yes, she did.
4 5 No, they didn’t.
1 How many napkins are there?
2 How much cheese is there?
2 Students’ own answers
3 Do you eat many strawberries?
1 train 2 tour bus 3 boat
4 Does butter contain a lot of fat? 4 Test Consolidation 4 bikes 5 airplane
5 How many forks are there?
Vocabulary Listening
5 1 1
1 Is there fish on the menu today? 1 lorry 2 hot-air balloon 3 coach 1 fantastic 2 terrible 3 Saturday
2 There are only a few slices of bread on the 4 yacht 5 bus 4 underground 5 snow 6 a hotel
7 boat 8 Monday 9 afternoon
3 There are not a lot of restaurants in my 2 10 four
town. 1 bike 2 helicopter 3 taxi
4 I like a little lemon in my tea. 4 underground 5 horse
5 Do you have a bit of juice left in your
1 False. He thought it was fantastic.
carton? 3 2 False. The ground was thick with snow.
1 between 2 under 3 across 3 True
6 Students’ own answers 4 towards 5 down 4 True
5 True
6 False. They didn’t pay for the hotels.

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Writing 6 Grammar 2
1 1 didn’t 2 at 3 ago 1 1
1 Then 2 After that 3 and then 4 in 5 Did 1 heavier 2 cheaper 3 further
4 Then 5 Finally 4 noisier 5 more beautiful 2
2 Students’ own answers 1 2 3
1 They travelled to St Pancras Station by 1 better 2 uglier 3 more exciting 4
taxi. 4 weaker 5 hotter 5
4 Test Extension 2 The second train journey was three hours. 6
3 The left their bags at the hotel. 3 7
Vocabulary 4 They drank special mineral water in Vichy. 1 not as long as
1 5 Yes, she took lots of photos. 2 not as far from the Sun as 8
1 My dad is a builder and drives a minibus 3 not as close to the Sun as
6 Yes, they took a tour of a museum. 9
at work. 4 not as big as
7 Many years ago, people swam and took 10
lorry 5 not as wide as
baths at the spas.
2 On a ferry ride, you have great views of a
8 On day 3, the family had breakfast at 8.30.
town or city – from up in the air! 4
9 Louise bought some sweets for her best W
hot-air balloon
3 When we go on a school trip, we usually
friend. 1 the highest (D) 1
10 The family travelled back to London by 2 the most interesting (A) 1
travel by car because there are a lot of 3 the funniest (B)
plane. 4
children. 4 the best (F)
4 Last year, we went to Greece and travelled
2 5 the worst (E) 2
1 They took the Eurostar train from London
slowly on a plane around the islands. 5
to Paris
yacht 1 B 2 A 3 A 4 A 5 B
2 They took a tour around Vichy on a bus
5 It is easy to go to school by train because I
3 They went on a boat ride along the Allier
get on outside my house and get off at the
River. 6 Vo
school gates.
4 They rode bikes through the park. 1 My brother is the youngest person in my 1
bus family. 1
5 They took a plane to Heathrow Airport
2 Spaghetti is the best food. 4
2 Listening 3 Football is the most popular sport in my 6
1 bike / bicycle 2 helicopter 3 taxi
4 (the) underground 5 horse
1 country.
1 terrible 2 Saturday morning 4 Snakes are the scariest animals.
3 snow 4 dangerous 5 UK 5 Science in the most interesting subject at 2
3 6 boat 7 busy 8 Monday school. 1
1 between 2 under 3 across 4
9 afternoon 10 four days
4 towards 5 down Reading 7
2 1
Grammar 1 At first, he thought the snow was 1 Texas is bigger than Ukraine. G
1 fantastic. 2 The capital of Ukraine is Kiev. 1
1 arrived 2 left 3 travelled 3 Ukraine consists mainly of plains. 1
2 It was full of people.
4 visited 5 had 4 Lake Synevyr provides Ukraine with most 4
3 The flights were cancelled because of the
snow. of its water.
2 4 On Saturday night, they stayed at a hotel 5 It’s known as the ‘bread basket of Europe’ 2
1 Were 2 wasn’t 3 were because it grows so much food. 1
near the airport.
4 was 5 were
5 The trains and ferries were full.
2 2
3 Writing 1 Ukraine has a coastline that is 2,782 km
1 There wasn’t an underground in my city 3
fifty years ago.
1 long.
1 Then 2 After that 3 and then 2 Ukraine is over 603,000 km2.
2 On Wednesday I went into town by bus, 3 Ukraine is the 44th largest country in the 4
4 Then 5 Finally
but I usually go by car. world.
3 5
4 My brother was in Mexico last month.
2 Students’ own answers 4 Ukraine is nearly as big as Texas.
5 The population of Kiev is over 2.7 million.
5 6 The average height above sea level is only
5 Test Consolidation 175 metres. 3
4 7 Its highest mountain, Hora Hoverla, is 1
1 We took a hot-air balloon ride over the Vocabulary 2,061 metres high.
countryside. 1 8 Its longest river is the Dnieper, which is 2
2 The train went through the tunnel in the 1 early 2 wet 3 interesting 966 km long. 3
mountain. 4 long 5 dangerous 6 far 9 Lake Synevyr is the biggest lake in the 4
3 Mary rode her horse around the village. 7 strong Carpathian Mountains. 5
4 The ferry left the port at eleven o’clock in 10 In Ukraine, 58% of the land is farmland.
the morning. 2 4
5 The school trip started in Manchester. 1 farmland 2 mountains 3 sea Listening 1
4 volcano 5 stream 6 beach 1 3
5 7 river 8 island 1 cool 2 great 3 expensive 5
1 When did she catch the bus? 4 June 5 weather
2 Where did you drive?
3 Who did they see on the plane?
4 Why did you walk?
5 How did he go to Rome?
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2 5 Writing
1 False. He says it’s exciting to go camping 1 Tortoises can live the longest in the world / 1
in the mountains. are the longest-living animals in the world. 1 such 2 For 3 as
2 False. It’s far away from the edge of the 2 My sister is the tallest in her class. 4 example 5 including
mountain. 3 Tom’s new mobile is the most expensive.
3 True 4 Lee is the fastest in his football team. 2 Students’ own answers
4 True 5 The island where I live is the biggest in the
5 True Mediterranean.
6 True
6 Test Consolidation
7 False. The Petit Praz campsite is one of the 6 Vocabulary
most popular in Switzerland. 1 is less popular 2 isn’t as long
8 True 3 interesting as 4 as comfortable as
1 burglar 2 witness 3 shoplifter
9 True 5 least favourite
4 detective 5 hacker 6 mugger
10 False. John thinks the best time to go is
7 judge 8 vandal 9 pickpocket
July. Reading
10 bank robber
Writing 1 Russia is bigger than Ukraine.
1 2 In the world, 43 countries are bigger than
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 B
1 such 2 For 3 as Ukraine.
4 example 5 including 3 Kiev is the biggest city.
4 Ukraine consists mostly of plains and
2 Students’ own answers small hills.
1 were wearing 2 was walking
5 Hora Hoverla is the highest mountain in
3 were playing 4 was taking
5 Test Extension 6 Its highest mountain is in the Carpathian
5 was having
Vocabulary 7 The Dnieper is the longest river in Ukraine.
1 8 Lake Synevyr provides Ukraine with most
1 knocked 2 was waiting 3 arrived
1 early 2 wet 3 interesting 4 was climbing 5 arrested
of its water.
4 long 5 dangerous 9 They use 58% of the land for farming.
6 far 7 strong 10 Summer is the wettest season in Ukraine.
1 was interviewing 2 wasn’t waiting
3 were shopping 4 were feeding
t 2 1 Ukraine has a coastline that 2,782 km long.
5 weren’t wearing
1 farmland 2 mountains 3 sea 2 Part of the coastline is on the Sea of Azov.
4 volcano 5 stream 6 beach 3 Ukraine is over 603,000 km2.
7 river 8 island 1 Was your mother talking on the phone in
4 Ukraine is the 44th largest country in the
the morning? (D)
Grammar 5 The population of Kiev is over 2.7 million.
2 Were you and your friends eating pizza on
1 6 The average height above sea level is only
Saturday? (F)
1 heavier 2 cheaper 3 further 3 Was your brother studying at 7pm? (A)
175 metres.
t 4 noisier 5 more beautiful 4 Were your sisters listening to music in the
7 Hora Hoverla is 2,061 metres high.
afternoon? (C)
8 The Dnieper River is 966 km long.
’ 2 9 Lake Synevyr is the biggest lake in the
5 Was it raining in the morning? (E)
1 This book is better than the one I read last Carpathian Mountains.
week. 10 In Ukraine, 58% of the land is farmland.
2 My brother says that rhinoceroses are 1 Josh was walking home from school when
uglier than elephants. he saw two bank robbers.
3 I thought the dinosaur museum was more 2 The detective knocked at the door while I
1 was cooking dinner.
exciting than the space one. 1 sounds 2 dangerous 3 hill
4 My muscles were weaker before I started 3 When I left the house in the morning, it
4 great 5 tent 6 emptier
exercising. wasn’t snowing.
7 weather
5 Temperatures at the equator tend to be 4 I was walking along the pavement when I
hotter. saw the joyrider.
2 5 While Ryan and Nick were playing cards,
y 1 It’s one of the windiest places to go
3 camping.
the lights went out.
1 A year on Jupiter isn’t as long as a year on 2 climbing, walking, horse riding, mountain
Uranus. biking
2 Jupiter isn’t as far from the Sun as Uranus. 1 While Jules and Matilda were having
3 Sandra doesn’t like climbing.
3 Jupiter isn’t as close to the Sun as Venus. coffee, I finished my dinner.
4 She went camping in Austria last year.
4 Uranus isn’t as big as Jupiter. 2 Natalie was studying in her room when
5 £11.30 (£10 a night and an extra £1.30 to
5 Venus isn’t as wide as Uranus or Jupiter. she heard the doorbell.
camp in your own tent)
3 When we arrived home, Dad was waiting
6 Petit Praz, the campsite in Switzerland, is
4 cheaper.
for us.
1 the highest (D) 2 the most interesting (A) 4 While the graffiti artists were spraying the
7 Sandra suggests going in June.
3 funniest (B) 4 the best (F) walls, a police car stopped.
8 John suggests they book early and camp
5 the worst (E) 5 When Marco called, Jane was having a
there in July.

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Reading 2 Reading 2
1 1 I was feeling angry because I had nothing 1 1
1 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 to do. (bored) 1 The police asked the shop assistant for the 4
5 2 6 3 7 1 2 Max was bored with the boy behind him woman’s details.
at the cinema who was talking 2 The robber stole the bike outside a shop. 3
2 throughout the film. (annoyed / angry) 3 The bike robber returned the bike to the 1
1 True 3 Were you nervous that the detective owner’s house. 4
2 True finally caught the mugger? Yes, I was. 4 The bank robber without the gun was 7
3 False. The police arrested the jewellery (happy / excited) standing by the door, looking out for the 8
thief at her home. 4 My dog went missing yesterday, and I’m police. 9
4 False. The thief stole a bike from outside a really embarrassed that we can’t find him. 5 The bank robbers left the bank without
shop. (upset / sad) any money. G
5 True 5 Rosa was feeling sad after she exercised, 6 The joyrider stole the woman’s car. 1
6 False. The robbers asked the bank clerk to so she drank a big glass of water. (thirsty) 7 The policeman called the car phone and 1
open the safe. told the joyrider he wanted to buy the car. 2
7 False. The bank robbers left the money. Grammar
8 False. The robbers were frightened by the 1 2 3
gun. 1 were wearing 2 was walking 1 The woman gave them to the shop 4
3 were playing 4 was taking assistant while she was shopping because
Listening 5 was having she wanted her watch fixed. 5
1 2 The police arrested her at her home.
1 64 Great Walden Street 2 3 He was buying some milk. 2
2 was walking his dog A man in Washington DC, USA, returned 4 He found his bike with a chocolate bar and 1
3 he saw his mate Ben. home when he heard loud noises from his a note. 4
4 through the window neighbour’s house. He knocking at the door, 5 He was putting the money into bags.
5 waited outside in a black car. but there was no reply – so he called the 6 They were frightened by the gun that 3
6 black clothes police. While he wait, he heard the noises went off. 1
7 a mask. again. This time someone was shouting for 7 He called the car phone.
help. When the police were arriving, they 8 He said he wanted to buy the car, so they 2
2 found a young man in the chimney. He was arranged to meet.
1 It wasn’t raining that night. trying to break into the house. Unfortunately 3
was raining heavily for the burglar, while he climb down the Listening 4
2 David was walking slowly. chimney, he got stuck. The man helped pull 1 5
quickly the burglar out, and the police soon were 1 64 Great Walden Street
3 David was walking to his friend’s house. arresting him. 2 was walking his dog 4
home 3 he saw his mate Ben 1
4 Ben was looking out his window when 1 knocked 2 was waiting 3 arrived 4 was climbing through the window 4
David walked by outside. 4 was climbing 5 arrested 5 waited in a black car
taking out the rubbish 6 black clothes 5
5 The female burglar was waiting by the car. 3 7 a mask 1
in the car 1 was interviewing 2 wasn’t waiting
6 David was hiding at Ben’s house on the 3 were shopping 4 were feeding 2 2
opposite side of the street. 5 weren’t wearing 1 He was on Great Walden Street. 3
behind a parked car 2 It was raining heavily. 4
7 The burglars were wearing T-shirts and 4 3 He was walking to his house.
blue jeans. 1 Was your mother talking on the phone in 4 Ben was taking out the rubbish. 5
black trousers and jackets the morning? Students’ own answers 5 He heard them talking.
8 David took a photo of the burglars. 2 Were you and your friends eating pizza on 6 David was hiding behind a parked car on
the number plate on the burglars’ car Saturday? Students’ own answers the opposite side of the street. 6
3 Were you studying Maths at 7pm? 7 The man ran out of the house with a 1
Writing Students’ own answers rucksack, then they drove away. 4
1 4 Were you listening to music in the 8 He took a photo of the number plate of the
1 suddenly 2 In the end 3 when afternoon? Students’ own answers car. R
4 Last Saturday morning, 5 Just then 5 Was your teacher wearing something 1
colourful yesterday? Students’ own Writing 1
2 Students’ own answers answers 1 2
1 suddenly 2 In the end 4
6 Test Extension 5 3 five minutes later 6
1 Josh was walking home from school when 4 Last Saturday morning 5 Just then 8
he saw two bank robbers.
Vocabulary 2 The detective knocked at the door while I 2 Students’ own answers 2
1 was cooking dinner. 1
1 burglar 2 witness 3 shoplifter
3 It wasn’t snowing when I left the house
4 detective 5 hacker 6 mugger
this morning.
7 Test Consolidation 2
7 judge 8 vandal 9 pickpocket
4 What were you doing when you saw the 3
10 bank robber
5 Ryan and Nick were playing cards when
1 4
1 Raj isn’t interested in Maths.
the lights went out. 5
2 Naomi isn’t good at drawing.
3 Maria can’t stand athletics.
6 Students’ own answers 4 Don is crazy about science fiction.
5 Jade is keen on trance music.
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2 Listening 3 Has Brian ever been at a rock concert? No,
1 serious 2 clever 3 friendly 1 he hasn’t.
he 4 cheerful 5 funny 1 Arsenal FC 4 Have we ever visited another country? Yes,
2 London we have.
3 3 British 5 Has Alisha ever held a snake in her hands?
1 slim 2 long 3 straight 4 20 Yes, she has.
4 glasses 5 short 6 curly 5 Nine years old
7 medium height / well-built 6 2010 4
8 well-built / medium height 7 He hurt his foot last year. 1 July 2 an hour 3 last month
9 freckles 10 beard 8 He likes travelling and meeting new 4 a long time 5 my birthday
Grammar 5
1 2 1 How long have you played professional
1 My brother has flown in a helicopter. 1 Since he was four tennis?
r. 2 Mark and Tom haven’t had a holiday in 2 Since 2009 2 How long has Lucia studied English?
the US. 3 He couldn’t play. 3 How long have we / you been in Louis’s
3 I have sung in public. 4 Football games band?
4 Amelia has slept in a tent in the 5 (Any two of) Japan, China, Spain, Holland 4 How long has Emily had her new laptop?
e mountains. & Germany 5 How long have my grandparents lived in
5 My sister hasn’t eaten octopus. 6 Sitting and watching his team their current home?
7 Scoring his first Premier League goal in 2009
2 6
nd 1 ’ve seen 2 met 3 has never ridden Writing 1 have been 2 Have…been
4 has appeared 5 didn’t write 1 3 have gone 4 has gone
1 These 2 them 3 Her 5 have ... been
3 4 It 5 They
1 Has Maria ever watched a sci-fi film at the Reading
cinema? 2 Students’ own answers 1
2 Have your parents ever driven a car in the 1 She is medium height.
UK? 2 Her hair is long, straight and fair.
3 Has Brian ever been to a rock concert?
7 Test Extension 3 She tells her a joke and gives her good
4 Have we ever visited another country? advice.
5 Has Alisha ever held a snake in her hands?
Vocabulary 4 The both like dancing and theatre.
1 5 Lisa likes the singer Adele and comedy films.
1 Raj isn’t interested in Maths. Emma likes Lady Gaga and sci-fi films.
4 2 Naomi isn’t good at drawing.
1 since 2 for 3 since 6 Lisa trusts Emma because Emma never
3 Maria can’t stand athletics. talks about Lisa to their friends.
4 for 5 since
4 Don is crazy about science fiction. 7 She played tennis at a junior tennis
5 Jade is keen on trance music. tournament at Wimbledon.
1 How long have you played professional 8 They visited the US together.
1 serious 2 clever 3 friendly 2
2 How long has Lucia studied English?
4 cheerful 5 funny 1 Emma wears glasses when she’s reading.
3 How long have we been in Louis’s band?
4 How long has Emily has had her new 2 She tells jokes.
3 3 They share their problems with each other.
1 slim 2 long 3 straight 4 Lisa’s won a swimming championship.
5 How long have your grandparents lived in
4 glasses 5 short 6 curly 5 They don’t always agree about which
their current home?
7 medium height 8 well-built films to see because Lisa likes comedies
9 freckles 10 beard and Emma prefers sci-fi.
1 been 2 been 3 gone 6 They never argue.
4 gone 5 been
Grammar 7 She swam with dolphins in Florida with Lisa.
he 1
1 My brother has flown in a helicopter. Listening
2 Mark and Tom haven’t had a holiday in the 1
1 US.
1 dancing and acting 1 since he was four
3 I have sung in public. 2 Arsenal FC
2 listening to pop music 3 Lady Gaga
4 Amelia has slept in a tent in the 3 He hurt his foot last year.
4 sport 5 fun to be with
mountains. 4 (Any two of) Japan, China, Spain, Holland
6 good advice 7 honest
5 My sister hasn’t eaten octopus. & Germany
8 talks about Lisa to their other friends
5 Scoring his first Premier League goal in 2009
2 2
1 ’ve seen 2 met 3 has never ridden 2
1 False. Emma is slim and has got straight
4 has appeared 5 didn’t write 1 actually 2 British 3 That’s right
2 False. Emma sometimes wears glasses. 4 believe it or not 5 joined
3 False. Emma is good at dancing and
3 6 loved sport 7 running much
1 Has Maria ever watched a sci-fi film at the 8 computer games 9 different countries
cinema? Yes, she has. 10 a nightmare
4 True
2 Have your parents ever driven a car in the
5 True
UK? No, they haven’t.
6 True
7 True

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Writing 2 Grammar 2
1 1 be good with children 1 1
1 These 2 them 3 Her 2 be responsible 1 mustn’t leave 2 mustn’t eat 2
4 It 5 They 3 have a good sense of humour and be friendly 3 must wear 4 must be
4 customers / people 5 must wash 3
2 Students’ own answers 5 serve customers, work in a team and take
money from customers 2 4
6 animals 1 I don’t have to do the washing. 5
8 Test Consolidation 7 get up early and not be late 2 My brother has to lay the table
8 enjoy being outside and be good with 3 My older sister has to load the dishwasher. 6
Vocabulary 4 My mum and dad have to sweep the floor.
1 animals
9 enjoy being outside and working in 5 My baby sister doesn’t have to do anything. 7
1 lawyer 2 architect 3 pilot
4 plumber 5 vet 6 builder different weather conditions
7 firefighter 8 farmer 10 be interested in gardens 3 8
1 What special qualities does a police officer
2 3 have to have?
1 taking 2 make 3 do 1 No, you aren’t. 2 No, you don’t. 2 Does Noah have to go to the dentist on Li
4 taking out 5 wash 6 doing 3 No, you don’t. 4 Yes, it is. Thursday? 1
5 Yes, you do. 3 Do they have to wear a uniform at school? 1
7 puts away
4 Why do we have to get up early today? 3
Grammar Listening 5 When does Zac have to visit his relatives? 5
1 1 8
1 mustn’t leave 2 mustn’t eat 1 ten 2 rescuing 3 teamwork 4
3 must wear 4 must be 4 communication 5 logical 1 We can’t run in the corridors. 2
6 reliable 7 hard 8 stress 2 We can buy food at the canteen or bring 1
5 must wash
9 tiring 10 exciting our own lunch. 2
3 No one is allowed to leave the school 3
2 2 during lunchtime.
1 I don’t have to do the washing.
1 False 2 False 3 False 4 Only our teacher is allowed to use the 4
2 My brother has to lay the table.
4 True 5 False computer in our classroom. 5
3 My older sister has to load the dishwasher.
5 I’m not allowed to chew gum in the
4 My mum and dad have to sweep the floor.
5 My baby sister doesn’t have to do anything.
classroom. W
Writing 1
3 1 5 Suggested answers: 1
1 I sit next to a very funny boy at school, but 1 A You should help him (to) stop smoking.
1 What special qualities does a police officer
it’s really difficult to concentrate. B You could buy him a book about how to 2
have to have?
2 At lunchtime, students can play sport stop smoking.
2 Does Noah have to go to the dentist on
outside or just chat in the canteen with 2 A You need to eat more fruit.
friends. B You shouldn’t eat crisps. 3
3 Do they have to wear a uniform at school?
3 We’re only allowed to use our mobiles at 3 A You need to go to bed earlier.
4 Why do we have to get up early today?
break or lunchtime, or after school B You should watch movies on DVD. 4
5 When does Zac have to visit his relatives?
4 I don’t do sport on Saturday – instead, I 4 A You need to find a team first.
have piano class. B You should go running to improve your 5
4 5 Our facilities are good at my school – we fitness.
1 can’t 2 can 3 is allowed
have a sports centre, and there’s also a 5 A You need to be more organised.
4 is allowed 5 I’m not allowed
swimming pool B You could make a list of things to do.
5 Suggested answers: 2
1 You should help him to stop smoking. 2 Students’ own answers 6 Students’ own answers
2 You should eat healthier food, such as fruit.
3 You should watch movies earlier on DVD. 8 Test Extension 1
4 You could ask your doctor. Vo
1 True
5 Your parents could help you to remember. Vocabulary 1
2 False. You mustn’t wear any jewellery.
1 3 True 1
6 Students’ own answers 1 lawyer 2 architect 3 pilot 4 False. You need to enjoy being outside. 4
4 plumber 5 vet / veterinarian 5 False. You don’t need experience. 7
Reading 6 builder 7 firefighter 8 farmer 6 True
1 7 False. Experience is desirable. 2
1 Assistant on a farm or at riding stables 2 1
2 Gardening for neighbours 1 taking the dog for a walk 3
3 Restaurant waiter / waitress 2 make my bed 5
4 Babysitter 3 do the washing up
5 Assistant on a farm or at riding stables 4 taking out the rubbish G
5 wash the car 1
6 doing the vacuuming 1
7 puts away the groceries 2

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2 2
1 A babysitter needs to be responsible. 1 What is Theo doing on Friday evening? (C) 9 Test Extension
2 You need to count the money the 2 When is Theo buying the football tickets? (F)
customers give you. 3 Is Theo going to the park on Saturday Vocabulary
3 Waiters and waitresses must wear a afternoon? (A) 1
uniform. 4 What is Theo doing on Sunday morning? (B) 1 library 2 hotel 3 supermarket
4 Bill might not enjoy being outdoors. 5 Who is Theo watching the football match 4 restaurant 5 museum 6 cinema
5 The farm or stable assistant has to feed at the stadium with? (D) 7 sports centre 8 bank
the animals on time.
er. 6 It’s a tiring job, and you sometimes must 3 2
r. work long hours. 1 won’t get 2 ’ll travel 3 ’ll learn 1 wireless keyboard 2 hard drive
g. 7 You need good communications skills and 4 ’ll move 5 won’t be 3 remote control 4 Blu-ray disc player
you need to be patient. 5 mouse 6 webcam 7 MP3 dock
8 To teach a sport, you must enjoy helping 4
er people. 1 F 2 B 3 A 4 E 5 C Grammar
Listening 5 1 What is Theo doing on Friday evening?
1 1 No, it won’t. 2 Yes, they will. He’s watching a film at the cinema with
? 1 ten years 2 rescuing people 3 No, we won’t. 4 Yes, I will. Tom at 7.30pm.
3 teamwork 4 communication 5 No, she won’t. 2 When is Theo buying the football tickets?
? 5 logical 6 reliable 7 helmet He’s buying the football tickets on
8 stress 9 tiring 10 exciting 6 Suggested answers: Saturday morning.
1 If I pass my test 3 Is Theo going to the park on Saturday
2 2 I’ll ride my bicycle afternoon?
1 True 3 I’ll be more relaxed tomorrow No, he’s studying for a Maths exam on
2 False. Training takes many years. 4 I’ll go to the cinema with my friends Saturday afternoon.
3 False. He wears a special uniform so the 5 If I don’t tidy my room 4 What is Theo doing on Sunday morning?
fire doesn’t burn him. He’s going to a theatre workshop on
4 True Reading Sunday morning.
5 True 1 Ghost Walk of the Lanes 5 Who is watching the football match with
2 Brighton Toy and Model Museum and Theo at the stadium?
Writing Ghost Walk of The Lanes John and Ryan are watching the football
1 3 Brighton Bus Tour match with Theo at the stadium.
1 I sit next to a very funny boy at school, but 4 Brighton Wheel
it’s really difficult to concentrate. 5 Ghost Walk of the Lanes 2
o 2 At lunchtime, students can play sport 1 ’m visiting 2 are not hanging out
outside or just chat in the canteen with 2 3 Are … coming 4 isn’t tidying
friends. 1 Brighton Toy and Model Museum 5 is learning
3 We’re only allowed to use or mobiles at 2 Over 10,000 3 In the evening
break or lunchtime, or after school. 4 Brighton Bus Tour 5 Eat and drink 3
4 I don’t do sport on Saturday – I have piano 1 won’t get 2 ’ll travel 3 ’ll speak
class instead. 3 4 will go 5 won’t be
5 Our facilities are good at my school – we 1 True 2 False 3 True
have a sports centre, and there’s also a 4 False 5 False 4
swimming pool. 1 We will miss the beginning of the film if
Listening we don’t leave soon.
2 Students’ own answers 1 2 If I can’t come to the party, I’ll send you a
1 Sunday 24th 2 Saturday 30th text message.
3 9am 4 4pm 5 7.30pm 3 I’ll print out my work on the printer at
9 Test Consolidation 6 Tuesday 7 Friday school if I can’t do it at home.
4 You won’t pass your exams if you don’t
Vocabulary 2 study enough.
1 1 the fisherman in the village 2 oldest 5 If you are still unwell tomorrow, we’ll go to
1 library 2 hotel 3 discount store 3 June 4 performers 5 theatre the doctor’s.
4 restaurant 5 museum 6 cinema 6 costumes 7 music
7 sports centre 8 bank 8 fireworks display 5
1 What will you buy 2 How will they go
2 Writing 3 Who will take him 4 Where will you go
1 wireless keyboard 2 hard drive 1 5 What will you see
3 remote control 4 Blu-ray disc player 1 About half of the people 2 All of them
5 mouse 6 webcam 7 MP3 dock 3 most of them 4 Three people 6 Suggested answers:
5 four of them 6 Two people 1 If we have a party
Grammar 7 Only one student 2 we’ll have a picnic
1 8 About 80% of people in my class 3 I’ll wake up late tomorrow
1 ’m going to visit 9 Two people I spoke to 10 No one 4 I will do sports
2 are not going to hang out 5 If I don’t pass my exams
3 Are ... going to come 2 Students’ own answers
4 isn’t going to tidy
5 is going to learn

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Reading 2
1 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 A 3
Test Units 1-3 Extension 1
1 Ghost Walk of the Lanes, Brighton Toy and
Model Museum 3 Vocabulary
2 Trains, planes and boats 1 ’m listening 2 Are you doing
3 In the evening 3 aren’t playing 4 ’re drinking
1 3
1 cousin 2 cheese 3 strawberries 4
4 By taking the Brighton Bus Tour 5 are you having 4 wife 5 salmon 6 only child 5
5 Eat and drink
7 surfing 8 kayaking 9 tomatoes
4 10 athletics
2 1 Lisa always wears a helmet and knee pads Li
1 True at the skate park 1
2 True 2 Henry often goes horse riding on Saturdays.
2 1
Across: 3 bottle 5 chopsticks 4
3 False. It opened this year and is Brighton’s 3 Are the children doing gymnastics at the Down: 1 court 2 helmet 3 brush 4 tidy 7
newest attraction. moment?
4 True 4 Sam is going mountain biking this week. 9
5 False. The Brighton Pier is 524 metres long.
5 Hannah trains at the swimming pool 1
every day. 2
1 How ... I enjoy 2 What ... I play
3 3 Who ... best friend is
1 Ghost Walk of the Lanes – because it’s 5 4 What ... is ... works 5 How often ... I see
mysterious. 1 My favourite food is chicken. 2
2 The Brighton Toy and Model Museum 2 I normally have a peach with my lunch.
– because it has a collection of models. 3 They’ve got some napkins on the table.
2 3
1 My sister and I sometimes have
3 Brighton Wheel – because it’s a big wheel 4 We haven’t got any clean knives or forks. arguments.
next to the sea. 5 The is no bread / There isn’t any bread in the 2 4
4 Brighton Pier – because it’s 524 metres out cupboard – none at all. 3 Clark usually leaves work at 5.30pm.
to sea.
5 Brighton Bus Tour – because she can see 6 5 My parents are never late for work.
the city from the bus. 1 How many (A) 2 How many (B) 5
3 How much (A) 4 How many (A) 3
Listening 5 How much (B) 6
1 am listening 2 Are you doing
1 3 aren’t playing 4 are drinking
1 Sunday 2 24th (June) 3 Saturday Reading 5 Are you having
4 30th 5 9am 6 4pm 7 Monday 1
8 7.30pm 9 Tuesday 10 Friday 1 F 2 B 3 E 4 D 5 A W
4 1
1 Lisa always wears a helmet and knee pads
2 2 at the skate park because it is dangerous.
1 The festival is one of the oldest. 1 False. Matt always eats a balanced diet. 4
2 Henry often goes horse riding on
2 Feast Week happens every June and lasts 2 True Saturdays, but today he’s not going. 2
for a whole week. 3 False. Matte never has time to do the 3 Are the children doing gymnastics at the
3 At the fish festival, there will be street housework. moment, or are they playing tennis?
performers and live bands. 4 True 4 Does Shelley know that Sam is going
4 On Sunday, people wear colourful 5 True mountain biking this week?
costumes during the parade.
5 Paul thinks that Hannah is training at the Vo
5 There will be a fireworks display at the end 3 swimming pool today.
of the night on Sunday. 1 Matt lives in an apartment in New York
2 Matt drinks lots of water.
Writing 3 Matt wakes up at a quarter to eight.
1 a 2 any 3 any 4 no 5 a T
1 4 Matt always trains at the gym or at the N
1 the people 2 of them 3 Almost basketball court.
4 Everyone 5 About 5 Matt wears a T-shirt, shorts and some
6 N
1 How many ... There aren’t many. H
basketball shoes to play basketball. 2 How many ... There are a few.
2 Students’ own answers O
3 How much ... There’s a little. U
Listening 4 How many ... There aren’t a lot.
Test Units 1-3 Consolidation
1 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 & 9 5 How many ... There are a lot.
2 Reading K
1 olives 2 tomatoes 1 D
1 3 potatoes, green beans 4 tuna
1 cousin 2 cheese 3 strawberries 1 occasionally 2 always 3 never Q
5 onion 6 olive oil 7 salt and pepper 4 never 5 a lot of
4 wife’s 5 salmon 6 an only child E
8 tuna 9 cooked potatoes
7 surfing 8 kayaking 9 tomatoes H
10 ingredients, lemon juice 2
10 athletics N
1 Carbohydrates give him lots of energy.
Writing T
2 1 2 Matt never has any fizzy drinks.
Across: 3 bottle 5 chopsticks 3 Basketball is a fast sport. Tr
1 or, before 2 and, on 3 so, in It’s different because you don’t wear Pr
Down: 1 court 2 helmet 4 brush 6 tidy 4
4 After, also 5 but, on protection. La
Grammar 5 A professional basketball player needs lots Fe
1 2 Students’ own answers of discipline and practice.
1 How ... don’t have 2 What ... play
3 Who ... is 4 What ... works
5 How often ... visits
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Listening 5
2 1 1 Who is Amy going to play tennis with? A
1 was 2 wanted 3 did ... do 4 met 1 John Underwood 2 Where are Amy and Lola having lunch? E
5 did ... go 6 went 7 was 2 computer shop 3 What is Amy doing on Monday afternoon? C Vo
8 stole 9 Did ... catch 10 took 3 laptop 4 When is Amy going to go to the library? F 1
4 a man in the shop, a woman cycling on the 5 Is Amy going to the theatre on Monday 1
3 street, two teenagers walking along the evening? B 3
1 colder in the mountains than pavement, a man at a café 6
2 suitcase is heavier than 5 He was wearing dark blue jeans, a red 6 8
3 as interesting as T-shirt and a black mask. 1 will stay ... go 2 don’t have ... will play
4 not as tasty / nice as 3 isn’t ... will watch 4 pass ... will be 2
5 less popular than the Science Museum. 2 5 will take ... feel 1
1 He grabbed a laptop from a shelf and ran 4
4 out of the shop. Reading
1 Matt is the funniest person in class 2 A woman was cycling along the street, two 1 1
because he always makes us laugh! teenagers were walking along the pavement 1 thin and medium height 3
2 Hamburgers are the most popular junk opposite, and a man was sitting at a café. 2 short and blonde 5
food in the world. 3 The man was carrying a gun. 3 fun and intelligent 4 Science
3 What do you think is the least useful 4 He escaped on a moped. 5 baseball, ice hockey and rock music 3
gadget of all? 5 He was trying to write down the number 1
4 Ice Age 4 is one of the best animation films plate. 2 4
I’ve seen recently. 1 feed ... sweep ... clean ... hospital
5 Kite surfing is the most exciting sport I’ve Writing 2 a few hours ... five hours G
ever practiced. 1 3 work ... team ... polite 1
1 First 2 and then 3 suddenly 4 teamwork ... punctual 1
5 4 Just then 5 Finally 5 be good with ... first aid 2
1 Were you sleeping at midnight on 3
Sunday? Yes, I was. 2 Students’ own answers 3 4
2 Was your brother eating pizza on Friday? 1 Josh is fun to be with and makes his friend 5
No, he wasn’t. Max laugh.
3 Was it raining on Sunday afternoon? No, it Test Units 7-9 Consolidation 2
2 Max and Josh love playing baseball.
wasn’t. 3 Max and Josh are crazy about ice hockey. 1
4 Was your sister cycling through town at Vocabulary 4 Max and Josh are really keen on rock music.
4.30p.m on Sunday? Yes, she was. 1 5 Max and Josh work part time at an animal 2
5 Were your mother and sister talking on the 1 stadium 2 newsagents
rescue centre.
phone at 10.45 on Saturday? Yes, they were. 3 shopping centre 4 vet 5 library 3
6 farmer 7 Blu-ray disc player
6 8 USB port 9 architect 10 webcam 4
1 heard 2 looked 3 was raining 1 Business 2 Saturday, 19th
4 was trying 5 was cooking 2 3 Friday, 25th 4 £8.50 5 £6 5
6 thought 7 said 8 was climbing Sally: curly, freckles, long black hair, piercing,
was knocking 10 answered slim
Thomas: bald, glasses, moustache, plump,
1 False. The exhibition lasts for two weeks. 3
Reading serious 1
2 False. The Samso is a touchscreen
1 desktop PC. 3
1 2 3 4 5 3 3 True 5
1 clear 2 load 3 Watering
4 False. We’ll see it in the future.
2 4 hang out 5 feeds 4
5 True
1 He thinks backpacking is the best way to 1
travel. Grammar 3 2
2 Venice was the most expensive part of the 1 1 Mobile phones, digital cameras,
trip. 1 Have you ever been on a waterslide? 3
3 Michael was in Slovakia when he was 2 My sister has seen a kangaroo in Australia.
2 A touchscreen desktop PC
travelling by train. 3 Angela has never played a video game. 4
3 The Engo
4 Michael travelled along narrow roads in 4 Has Harry ever slept in a tree house?
4 Stream video and music all around the
Croatia, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia. 5 I have never driven a car. 5
5 Michael took a taxi to the airport in 5 With our voices
Germany. 2 5
1 has lived ... since 2 has been ... for 1
3 3 have had ... since 4 hasn’t eaten ... since
5 haven’t spoken ... for
1 a car 1 quite 2 only 3 really 2
2 Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia 4 especially 5 also
3 horse in the national park 3
4 the largest lake in Austria in a hot-air 1 mustn’t 2 must 3 mustn’t ... must 3
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 E 5 D
balloon 4 must 5 must ... mustn’t
5 for a taxi 2 Students’ own answers 4
1 A shouldn’t, B should 5
2 A should, B shouldn’t
3 A should, B shouldn’t
4 A should, B shouldn’t
5 A should, B shouldn’t
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2 Listening
3 1 The street’s really quiet at night. 1
1 have a healthy lifestyle 2 The train is a cheap way to travel around 1 John said he saw a woman stealing from
2 has a piece of fruit and occasionally eggs the city. the computer shop.
with bread 3 My dad likes his coffee quite strong in the a man
3 to do the housework mornings. 2 The man who was buying something from
4 training at the gym and playing basketball 4 I thought the journey on the tram the shop chased the shoplifter.
5 being active yesterday was quite boring. no one
5 The swimming pool is shallow at this end. 3 The shoplifter was wearing a red mask.
Listening black
1 3 4 The shoplifter escaped in a green car.
1 olives 2 green beans 3 red onion 1 bank robber 2 graffiti artists on a green moped
4 new potatoes 5 tuna 6 tomatoes 3 detective 4 witnesses 5 John wrote down the shoplifter’s number
7 olive oil 8 salt and pepper 5 pickpocket plate.
9 lemon juice couldn’t write
2 1 2
1 Slice some olives. 1 stayed 2 wasn’t 3 had 4 went 1 laptop 2 gun 3 buying something
Add 5 didn’t swim 6 drove 7 bought 4 was cycling 5 the pavement opposite
e 2 Put lots of tomatoes in the salad. 8 visited 9 didn’t walk 10 ate 6 coffee 7 dark blue jeans 8 black mask
one or two 9 moped 10 was too fast
3 Slice a red onion and cook it with the 2
potatoes. 1 didn’t 2 was 3 did ... do 4 met Writing
put it in the bowl 5 did ... go 6 went 7 was 1
4 Add some salt and pepper and olive oil to 8 stole 9 Did ... catch 10 didn’t 1 First 2 and then 3 suddenly
the salad. Then add some prawns. 4 Just then 5 Finally
the tuna 3
5 Take the cooked potatoes and slice them. 1 colder / than 2 heavier than 2 Students’ own answers
cut them in half 3 more interesting than 4 as delicious as
6 Mix all the ingredients together and add 5 more popular / than
some more olive oil, if you want. Test Units 4-6 Extension
a little lemon juice 4
1 the funniest 2 the most popular
Writing 3 the least useful 4 the best
1 5 the most exciting T T X W B E X Y T M Y E J D Y
ds 1 or .. before 2 and ... on 3 at ... but N H H K T D R E G G U M T T N
4 After ... also 5 but ... on 5 N G R C U W R J V R N D O T O
1 Were you sleeping at midnight on
2 Students’ own answers H O L O A A R G E S R E W E Z
Sunday? A
2 Was your brother eating pizza on Friday? F A Q O F U Y J D X E C S A S Y
3 Was it raining on Sunday afternoon? C N R Z L S G I C T T T S R P N
Test Units 4-6 Consolidation N H O T L R H P F G U A D U L
4 Was your sister cycling through town at
e Vocabulary 4.30pm on Sunday? B O F R U Y A O E P V B R S Z A
5 Were your mother and her sister talking Y R M O N C B L T S E R O F D
1 on the phone at 10.45am on Saturday? E E S J J I D A R D V H A M S N
T T X W B E X Y T M Y E J D Y 6 E R E J N X D V X A Q M J K V
N H H K T D C H D E R I T T N 1 heard 2 looked 3 was raining
4 was trying 5 was cooking H H G S I G M Q Q K T E H V N
6 thought 7 said 8 was climbing
9 was knocking 10 answered
U A Z L S G M C T T T S R P N Transport: hot-air balloon, yacht
Reading Prepositions: through, towards, around
V L G T L Z H P F G U A D U F 1 Landscapes: coastline, forest, plains
Y O R P C A O E P V B R S Z Z A (4) B (1) C (3) D (7) E (X) F (0) Feelings: embarrassed, upset, annoyed
K N M T N C B L T S E R O F G G (2) H (6) I (X) J (5) K (8) Crime: vandal, joyrider, mugger
Q R Z L L I S W I B J B T T U 2 2
1 True 1 shallow 2 early 3 thin
2 False. Michael was in Venice, Italy, when 4 late 5 full
H H G S I G M Q Q K T E H V N he travelled by bus.
N T C O A S T L I N E O F H X 3 False. He travelled along narrow roads
between huge mountain ranges in Slovakia. 1 bank robber 2 graffiti artists
Transport: hot-air balloon, yacht 4 False. Michael said that safest way to 3 detective 4 witnesses
Prepositions: through, towards travel in Slovakia was by train. 5 pickpocket
Landscapes: coastline, forest, plains 5 True
ts Feelings: embarrassed, upset, tired Grammar
3 1
1 B 2 F 3 D 4 C 5 E 1 stayed 2 wasn’t 3 had 4 went
5 didn’t swim 6 drove 7 bought
8 visited 9 didn’t walk 10 ate
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Test Units 7-9 Extension 6 End of Year Test A Consolidation
1 will stay ... go 2 don’t have ... will play
C Vocabulary 3 isn’t good ... will watch 4 pass ... will be Vocabulary
1 5 will take ... am 1
1 stadium 2 newsagents 1 fork 2 underground 3 cucumber
3 shopping centre 4 vet 5 library Reading 4 stream 5 napkin 6 lorry
6 farmer 7 Blu-ray disc player 1 7 police station 8 volcano
8 USB port 9 architect 10 webcam 1 False. He’s medium height and thin with 9 paddle 10 remote control
y blonde hair.
2 2 True 2
1 thirteen 2 slim 3 long curly black hair 3 False. They like rock music. 1 have 2 lays 3 Making
4 freckles and a piercing 5 cheerful 4 True 4 taking out 5 get
5 True
1 Thomas ... forty-five 2 plump 3
3 bald 4 glasses and a moustache 2 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 A
5 serious 1 They feed the animals, sweep the floors
and clean the animal hospital. Grammar
3 2 They can work a few hours during the 1
1 clear 2 load 3 Watering week, and 5 hours on Saturdays. 1 Jo likes Italy, but she doesn’t like pizza.
4 hang out 5 feeds 3 They must be punctual, work as part of a 2 Suzy is playing the guitar, and Paul and
team and be polite with the public. Sam are playing the drums.
Grammar 4 They must be good at teamwork, punctual 3 We’re always late! Can’t you hurry up?
1 and good with animals. 4 My brother can’t play the piano very well.
1 Have you ever been on a waterslide? 5 They have to know first aid. 5 Do you know my brother?
2 My sister has seen a kangaroo in Australia. 6 Would you like a little salad?
3 Angela has never played a video game. 3 7 You should do more exercise.
4 Harry has never slept in a tree house. AJ B M C J D M E J F J 8 They didn’t go on holidays last year.
d 5 I have never driven a car. GM H M I M J M K J 9 How many apples do you need for the cake?
10 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the
2 Max beach.
1 How long has Leonie lived in China? Since 1 will go to Africa.
c. 2010. 2 will help people. 2
al 2 How long has Theo been a pilot? For ten 3 will live in different countries. 1 some 2 any 3 no 4 some
years. 4 won’t stay in the same place. 5 some 6 any 7 any 8 some
3 How long have Brian and Lauren had their 5 will work for a charity. 9 any 10 any
digital camera? Since last month.
4 How long has Jake not eaten junk food? Josh 3
Since January. 1 will be a vet. 1 more dangerous ... than ... harder / less hard
5 How long has Kate not spoken to her 2 will get married. 2 The best ... more popular than
cousin in New York? For about six months. 3 will go to university. 3 as young as ... the oldest
4 will have children. 4 wider ... than ... the deepest
3 5 will live in the countryside. 5 busier … than ... the worst
1 mustn’t touch 2 must use
3 mustn’t bring / must put 4 must turn off 4
5 must walk / mustn’t talk Listening 1 were playing / saw 2 was taking / got
1 3 missed / was taking 4 was raining / got
4 1 A 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 B 5 was repairing / called
1 You shouldn’t go to bed late.
2 He shouldn’t sit in front of a computer 2 5
screen for many hours. 1 widescreen 2 hard drive 3 digital 1 Has Martina ever gone skiing? F
3 You should explain the problem to your 4 browsing 5 sharing 6 control 2 Has Jacob ever eaten Mexican food? D
friend. 7 connect 8 video 9 music 3 Have you and your family ever ridden a
4 She should eat more fruit and vegetables 10 voice camel? C
every day. 4 Have I ever tasted octopus? E
5 You shouldn’t do any exercise you hate. Writing 5 Have your grandparents ever played
1 computer games? A
5 1 quite 2 only 3 really
1 Who is Amy going to play tennis with? 4 especially 5 also 6
She’s going to play tennis with Louis. 1 ’m watching 2 ’re meeting
2 Where are Amy and Lola having lunch? 3 are buying 4 ’m going 5 ’ll call
They’re having lunch at the new sandwich 1 nearly two years ago 6 Are you going 7 ’ll take
bar. 2 hobbies and interests 8 Will you travel 9 ’ll work
3 What is Amy doing on Monday afternoon? 3 tennis 10 ’ll travel
She’s cleaning the car. 4 the sports centre and park
4 When is Amy going to go to the library? 5 Being honest and never talking about him Reading
She’s going to the library at 3pm to their friends 1
5 Is Amy going to the theatre on Monday 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11 & 14
evening? 2 Students’ own answers
Yes, she is.

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2 3 3 They heard at the ticket office about the 4
1 Cambodia and Thailand 2 Korea 1 more dangerous … than ... harder than / bad weather.
3 Japan 4 Thailand less hard than on the radio 5
5 Cambodia and Thailand 2 The best ... more popular than 4 During the journey, they stayed in a cabin.
3 as young as ... the oldest their seats 2
3 4 wider … than ... the deepest 5 The journey to Patras usually takes thirty 1
1 Spiders are the cheapest snack to eat, and 5 busier … than ... the worst hours. 4
they are a good source of protein. 22 7
2 They eat their fried insects with onion and 4 6 It rained for a few hours.
salt. 1 Ryan and I were playing rugby at the park the whole journey 3
3 They make flour with from insects. when we saw a helicopter. 7 There were very few cabins free on the ferry. 1
4 Because the pufferfish is the most 2 The man got lost in the forest when / while no 3
dangerous fish in the world. It is poisonous. he was taking his dog for a walk. 8 The family ate lots of food during the 5
5 In Korea, people eat raw octopus cut into 3 Sam was talking to her friend when she journey.
pieces with a bit of oil. In some parts they missed the train. didn’t eat anything 4
eat it while it’s still alive. 4 It was raining when we got to the beach. 9 They reached Patras on Sunday morning. 1
5 My brother was repairing his skateboard Saturday
Listening when my mum called him for dinner. 2
1 2
1 spring 2 on the radio 3 ferry 5 1 Because it was too expensive.
4 seats 5 twenty-two 1 Has Martina ever gone skiing? Yes, she has. 2 The ferry to Greece was the worst part of 3
6 the whole journey 7 free cabin 2 Has Jacob ever eaten Mexican food? No, the holiday.
8 felt sick 9 Saturday he hasn’t. 3 It was awful because it took nearly 30 4
3 Have you and your family ever ridden a hours and it was raining.
2 camel? No, we haven’t. 4 It was chaos. 5
1 No, they didn’t. 2 Yes, you can. 4 Has your mum ever cooked octopus? Yes, 5 They stayed in their seats, they slept, they
3 Yes, it was. 4 Yes, they did. she has. walked around and they went shopping.
5 Yes, he did. 6 No, he won’t. 5 Have your grandparents ever played 6 He felt happy. 5
computer games? No, they haven’t. 1
Writing Writing
1 6 1 2
1 him 2 About half 3 on 1 ’m watching 2 ’re meeting 1 Tom’s my best friend. I’ve known him for 3
4 such as 5 after 3 ’re buying 4 ’m going / ’m going to go six years. 4
5 ’ll call 6 Are … going to go 7 ’ll take 2 Sam’s going to the new art gallery on 5
2 Students’ own answers 8 Will … travel 9 ’ll work 10 ’ll travel Saturday afternoon.
3 My country has many different beautiful
Reading landscapes such as lakes, mountains and 6
End of Year Test A Extension 1 beaches. 1
4 My parents don’t work during August, so 2
Any ten of insects, raw fish, scorpions, onion,
Vocabulary salt, flour, chocolate, pufferfish, rice, raw that’s when we go to our house by the lake. 3
1 octopus, oil, sea cucumber 5 I hate doing household chores, especially 4
1 fork 2 underground 3 cucumber taking out the rubbish! 5
4 stream 5 napkin 6 lorry 2
7 police station 8 volcano 2 Students’ own answers R
1 True 1
9 paddle 10 remote control 2 False. The pufferfish is used in restaurants B
because only expert chefs are allowed to End of Year Test B Consolidation
2 cook this fish.
1 have / eat 2 lays 3 Making 2
3 True Vocabulary 1
4 taking 5 get 4 False. The sea cucumber is a sea creature
that looks like a very large cucumber.
1 3
3 1 witness ... mugger 2 surfing ... surfboard 4
5 True 3 digital camera ... camcorder
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A
4 spoon ... glass 5 lettuce ... tomato 3
3 1
Grammar 1 The pufferfish needs someone with
1 special skills to cook it.
2 2
1 Jo likes Italy, but she doesn’t like pizza. 1 supermarket 2 minibus 3
2 It’s the most dangerous fish because it’s so 3 mountains 4 dishwasher 4
2 poisonous.
3 We are always late! Can’t you hurry up? 5 farmland 6 shop assistant 5
3 In Korea. 7 pharmacy 8 thirsty
4 4 In Korea, octopus is prepared raw, cut into
5 Do you know my brother? 9 restaurant 10 shallow Li
pieces and eaten with a bit of oil. 1
6 5 Sea cucumber is the strangest ingredient
7 3 1
she has ever seen. 1 under 2 between 3 through 3
8 They didn’t go on holidays last year.
9 How many apples do you need for the cake? 4 along 5 into 7
10 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll go to the 1
beach. Grammar 2
1 They were travelling by car in summer. 1 1
spring 1 What are you doing at the moment? D 4
2 2 The family took a flight from Ancona.
1 some 2 any 3 no 4 some 2 What crimes are you investigating at the
ferry moment? B W
5 some 6 any 7 any 8 some 1
9 any 10 any 3 Are you interviewing any suspects today? C

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4 Have you got many crimes to solve at the 2 Students’ own answers 6
moment? F 1 I’ll visit my grandma if we go to Spain next
5 What do you like about your job? A year.
n. End of Year Test B Extension 2 Shelley and I’ll go to the cinema if it rains
2 on Saturday.
1 drove 2 didn’t go 3 rained Vocabulary 3 What will you take if you go mountain
4 took 5 bought 6 decided 1 biking?
7 visited 8 ate 9 went 10 wore 1 witness ... mugger 2 surfing ... surfboard 4 If Lucas gets to school late, he’ll miss his exam.
3 digital camera ... camcorder 5 Will you buy some more food if Sam
3 4 spoon .... glass 5 peach ... grapes comes for lunch?
y. 1 a lot ... many of 2 a lot of ... many
3 lots of ... Many 4 a lot of ... not much 2 Reading
5 a lot of hours ... many of Across: 2 freckles 4 supermarket 8 minibus 1
10 mountains 1 False. He was working as a lawyer.
4 Down: 1 dishwasher 2 farmland 3 shop 2 False. He left his job to start playing with
1 How long has she lived in California? assistant 5 pharmacy 6 thirsty 7 restaurant LEGO full-time.
She’s lived in California since 2010. 9 shallow 3 True
2 How many gigs has she played around the 4 True
world? 3 5 False. His artwork appeared in the New
She has played 13 gigs around the world. 1 under 2 between 3 through York Public Library (and the Lancaster
3 How many albums has she recorded? 4 along 5 into Museum of Art in America).
She has recorded two albums.
4 Has she ever won any awards? Grammar 2
Yes, she has. 1 1 The year he quit his job to make his dream
5 Has she ever been to Africa? 1 What are you doing at the moment? come true.
y No, she hasn’t. I am eating lunch and chatting to you! 2 The number of coloured LEGO bricks he has.
2 What crimes are you investigating at the 3 How much his artwork costs.
5 moment? 4 The year his first exhibition opened.
1 Must Louise do the washing up? / Does I’m trying to find a shoplifter. 5 The number of people who visited his first
Louise have to do the washing up? 3 Are you interviewing many witnesses this exhibition.
2 I have to do my homework every day. week? 3
3 Do I have to go to the dentist today? Yes, I am. 1 He played with toys and had lots of fun.
4 You don’t have to wear a uniform at school. 4 Have you got many crimes to solve at the 2 His interest in LEGO building started on
5 You need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables moment? his fifth birthday.
every day. No, I haven’t. 3 He has built sculptures and portraits.
5 What do you like about your job? 4 He uses coloured LEGO bricks.
6 I love catching criminals and investigating 5 It took place at the Lancaster Museum of
1 ’ll visit ... go crimes. Art in America.
2 ’ll go ... rains
e. 3 will…take ... go 2
4 gets ... will miss
1 drove 2 didn’t go 3 rained 1
5 Will…buy ... comes 4 took 5 bought 6 decided 1 False. It combines volleyball, beach
7 visited 8 ate 9 went 10 wore football and gymnastics.
1 2 False. The sport is played on an inflatable
3 court.
B 2 C 3 D 5 E 1 F4 1 a lot of ... many of 2 a lot of ... many 3 True
3 lots of ... Many 4 a lot of ... not much 4 True
2 5 a lot of ... many of
1 5 2 2004 5 False. They can touch it eight times before
3 The Statue of Liberty and Superman hitting it back.
4 6 False. You can hit the ball once with your
d 4 1.5 million 5 €20,000 1 How long have you lived in California? hands.
I’ve lived in California for three years. 7 True.
3 2 How many gigs have you played around
1 sculptures and portraits for them 8 False. There are three sets in a match.
the world? 9 True
2 museums and art galleries around the world. I’ve played 13 gigs around the world.
3 plastic LEGO bricks 3 How many albums have you recorded?
4 his art studio 2
I’ve recorded two albums. 1 two teams 2 the court
5 the New York Public Library 4 Have you ever won any awards? 3 three points 4 serve 5 can
Yes, I have. 6 control their jumps
Listening 5 Have you ever been to Africa?
1 No, I haven’t.
1 beach football 2 gymnastics Writing
3 court 4 net 5 floor 6 eight 1
5 1
7 hands 8 feet 9 25 points 1 2
2 I have to do my homework every day. 3 But just then, a big white shape jumped
2 3 Do I have to go to the dentist today?
1 three to five 2 the court 3 three points out from behind a tree and barked.
4 4 Emma doesn’t like snakes. She hates them.
4 serve 5 can 6 jump
5 You need to eat lots of fruit and vegetables 5
Writing every day.
C 1 2 Students’ own answers
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A

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Listening scripts
P: The biggest difference is the food, but the weather is also very
DIAGNOSTIC TEST different. I mean, in Chile, the weather is often warm and sunny.
A – Andy M – Maggie C: What do you eat for dinner here in the UK? H
A: Welcome to our show, British life. I’m Andy Griffiths and today P: We often eat fish or chicken and vegetables. We hardly ever eat a
I’m in the village of Eastcombe, near Bristol. It’s a sunny day and pork. an
I’m interviewing Maggie Turpin, a thirteen year old from the village. C: What time do you usually eat dinner?
Hi Maggie! P: British people have dinner very early, at 6 or 7pm. But in my Fi
M: Hi Andy! family we always eat dinner around 8 or 9pm. ea
A: So, Maggie, tell me about yourself. You live on a farm, right? C: When do you usually do your homework? w
M: That’s right. I was born in Eastcombe but I now live on a farm P: In the evenings before dinner. no
with my parents. It’s about one mile from the village. C: How often do you do the housework or take out the rubbish? fo
A: What animals have you got there? P: I sometimes do housework but I never take out the rubbish. My yo
M: We’ve got cows, sheep and pigs. My parents are farmers and dad takes it out! bu
once a week they go to the local market and sell the food we C: Thanks Pablo! That’s great! fa
produce. P: No worries!
A: What’s a normal day like for you? Fr
M: Well, I usually wake up very early at 6 o’clock and help my UNIT 2 ha
parents feed the animals. We have breakfast at around 7.30, then I an
get dressed and at 8.10 I go to school. My school’s in Stroud - a town T – Theo L – Lexi yo
about 20 minutes away by car. T: Hello and welcome to the underwater hockey championship. I’m
A: So, would you like to work with animals in the future? here with professional player Lexi Gardener. Hi, Lexi! It
M: Yes, I want to be a vet when I’ve finished school. I’ll probably L: Hi, Theo! w
have to study lots of Science subjects later. T: So, Lexi, you’re here to tell us about this unusual sport. First of all, pa
A: Do you have a part-time job? what is underwater hockey? sa
M: No, not at the moment. I worked in a café in the village last June. L: Underwater hockey is basically hockey … but underwater. It’s a an
I did the washing up and cleared the tables. During the school term fast, exciting and difficult sport to play. You play it on the bottom of
I can only work for two hours a day. But on Saturdays I’m allowed a swimming pool. Fi
to work for 5 hours. I love working. It’s brilliant to earn some money T: How many players are in a team? to
and it gives you a sense of responsibility. This summer, I’m going L: There are two teams. Each team has ten players, but only six
to work in a local animal rescue centre. I’m already good with players on each team play during the match.
animals because I work on my parents’ farm, but it’s best to get lots T: How do you play the game?
of different work experience. L: Well, you play with a small hockey stick and a puck, which is a J–
A: That’s great Maggie! Thanks for sharing everything with us. disc that’s used like a ball. It’s also very heavy so it doesn’t float. You J:
M: No worries! hit the puck with the hockey stick. And to score a goal you hit the at
puck with your stick into the goal. It’s a challenge, but I love it! L:
T: What are the rules? J:
UNIT 1 L: You can’t touch another player. And you can only touch the puck L:
C – Carla P – Pablo with your hockey stick, not your hands. Contact can only be hockey J:
C: Hi, Pablo! Can you answer some questions about yourself? It’s stick to hockey stick, or hockey stick to puck. pa
for the school newspaper. T: How long is a match? L:
P: Sure! L: Usually a match has two halves. Each half is fifteen minutes. J:
C: Right, OK. Let’s start. Where are you from? T: So, you need a hockey stick and puck to play. What else? ni
P: I’m from Chile, but I live in the UK with my parents and younger L: Players wear a swimming costume and hat. You also need to un
sister now. wear gloves, to protect your hands. fu
C: Do you live in a flat? T: I see. How do you win the game? of
P: No, we don’t. We live in a house in the city centre. L: The team that scores the most points at the end of the game th
C: Your English is great! Can you speak any other languages? wins. If both teams have the same points it’s a draw. L:
P: Yes, I can. I can speak Spanish, of course, but I can also speak J:
Italian. ou
C: Do you play any sports? ai
P: Well, I play football at school once a week, but I’m not very good L:
at it. I can play tennis and I do karate four times a week in the J:
evenings. Th
C: What’s your favourite free time activity? ho
P: I occasionally watch TV or play computer games, but I prefer L:
going to the cinema with my friends. We go swimming on Saturday J:
morning every weekend. to
C: What is the biggest difference between Chile and the UK? ve

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ry evening the snow stopped and the planes could fly again. Our flight
UNIT 3 was on Tuesday afternoon and we got home that night. In total our
Hi! I’m Doctor Sharon Gray and we’re talking about how to have journey home took four days!!
at a healthy lifestyle. We’ve talked about the importance of exercise, L: Poor you!
and now I’d like to talk to you about healthy eating.

First of all, think about your typical week. How much sugar do you
eat? Does your diet contain a lot of fat? Maybe you don’t know. Well, S – Sandra J – John
we all need to eat a balanced diet. It’s OK to eat some chocolate S: So where do you want to go camping this summer?
now and again, but you also need to eat lots of fresh food. Sweet J: I’d like to go camping in the mountains. There’s a campsite in
food like cakes and biscuits contain lots of fat, which isn’t good for the Swiss Alps called Petit Praz. It’s 2,000 metres high! And it’s the
My you. We all need a bit of fat in our diet because it gives us energy, highest campsite in Europe.
but it’s better to eat food such as meat, cheese or nuts that has less S: That sounds cool.
fat. Food that has a lot of fat also has a lot of calories. So be careful! J: Here, have a look at the brochure ... One problem is that it’s also
one of the windiest places to go camping.
Fruit and vegetables are very important in our diet. We all need to S: Is it more dangerous to camp there then?
have five portions a day. A banana, a peach or some grapes make J: No, I don’t think so. It’s more exciting! You don’t just stay in a
an excellent snack throughout the day or you can eat them after boring campsite in a field. You camp on a hill near a small forest.
your lunch. The campsite is far away from the edge of the mountain, which
m also makes it safer and you get to do lots of different activities there
It is important we get lots of energy from our food, especially when – climbing, walking, horse riding …
we have busy days at school or work. Carbohydrates such as bread, S: I’m not into climbing.
ll, pasta and rice are a good source of energy. For lunch you can eat a J: But climbing is great! And it’s also a great place for mountain
sandwich. Take two slices of bread and add some cheese, lettuce biking.
a and tomatoes. S: That sounds like more fun. I went camping last year in Austria
of and it was £20 a night per person and £7 for a tent.
Finally, here’s my top healthy recipe for the day. Why not, for dinner J: That’s much more expensive than Switzerland. It’s only £10 a
tonight, try some salmon, new potatoes and fresh green beans? night and an extra £1.30 to camp in your own tent.
ix S: Wow! That is cheaper.
J: It’s one of the most popular campsites. But it isn’t open for as long
UNIT 4 as other places. You can only camp there from June to August. It
a J – Javier L – Leah gets full very fast and it can be difficult to find a space to put your
ou J: A couple of years ago I was on holiday in London with my family tent in July and August. But it’s usually emptier in June.
he at Christmas time. S: Maybe it’s better to go in June then.
L: Was it really cold? J: Well, it’s not as busy then, but the weather in June sometimes
J: Yeah, it was. And it even snowed … a lot!! isn’t as good as it is in July and August. The best thing to do is to
ck L: Wow! Was it exciting? book early and camp there in July.
ey J: Yeah, it was fantastic! We played in the snow and walked in the S: Brilliant! Let’s book it.
parks. But we had a really terrible journey home.
L: Really? Why was it so bad?
J: Well, our flight was on Saturday morning. It snowed again the
night before and the ground was thick with snow. We went on the
to underground to the airport and when we arrived the airport was
full of people. The airport cancelled all the flights that day because
of the snow. They said it was too dangerous for the planes. In fact,
me there were lots of flights cancelled all around the UK.
L: So, what did you do?
J: Well, we waited for hours but no planes could fly. They told us
our flight was now the next day. So we stayed in a hotel near the
L: And were there any flights on Sunday?
J: No! There were no flights for the next two days! It was chaos.
There were so many people at the airport. We stayed in a different
hotel every night. But luckily we didn’t pay for them.
L: So, what did you decide to do?
J: Well, we just waited. Some people went on a boat from England
to France, and then took a train to Spain – but we didn’t. It was also
very busy at the ports and train stations because so many people
couldn’t fly. The trains and ferries were full. Fortunately, on Monday

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Listening scripts
I: You’ve played for your country as well. When was that?
UNIT 6 T: That was … what? 2010 … yeah, 2010.
P – Police Officer D – David I: You haven’t played this year – why’s that? S
P: Hi, I’m officer Marlow. I’m just interviewing people in the area T: Well, I hurt my foot last year and I haven’t been running much. S:
about the burglary at number 42 Great Walden Street. Can you give The doctors said I couldn’t play this year. E:
me your full name, please? I: That’s a shame! I hope you feel better soon! S:
D: Yes, of course. It’s David Young. T: Thanks! E:
P: Thank you, David. And where do you live? I: So, Tom, tell us what you like doing in your spare time. m
D: I live at number 64 Great Walden Street. T: Um … well, I love travelling and meeting new people. I’m really M
P: Where were you at eight o’clock last night? keen on playing computer games – especially the football games! S:
D: Well, I was walking my dog on the pavement along Great I: Which countries have you visited? E:
Walden Street. It was raining heavily and it was getting dark, so I T: Well, I’ve been to many different countries with my football team En
was walking quickly. – Japan, China, Spain, Holland and Germany. It
P: I see. Where were you walking? I: Have you had any bad moments in your career so far? ev
D: To my house. T: Yes, I have. This year has been a nightmare. I haven’t played much S:
P: Right, OK. Were you alone? football. It’s difficult to just sit and watch my team. E:
D: Yes, I was. But I saw my mate Ben while I was walking by his I: And what’s the best moment? fe
house. He was taking out the rubbish. Ben lives at number 23. I said T: I think it was when I scored my first Premier League goal, in 2009. S:
‘Hi!’ to him. I: A great goal, I remember it. Well, thank you Tom! E:
P: OK, David. Tell me what you remember about the burglary. What ye
did you see? UNIT 8 S:
D: Well, there was a man and a woman. The man was climbing E:
through the window while the woman waited outside in a black T – Teacher As – Alessia G – Graham B – Ben Ab – Alba E – Elliot pe
car. I couldn’t believe it! M – Maryam O
P: You’re sure? How did you know it was a man and a woman? T: Right class, as you know, we’re talking to Graham Metcalf today, 7.3
D: Absolutely sure. I heard them talking. a firefighter from Liverpool. He’s worked as a firefighter for ten S:
P: Where were you when you saw the burglars? years and is here to answer your questions about his job. So, you all E:
D: I was hiding behind a parked car on the opposite side of the need to listen carefully. Who would like to start? Alessia? ev
street. As: Yes, OK. Mr Metcalf … ea
P: What were they wearing? G: Please, call me Graham. co
D: Black clothes. Trousers and jackets, I think ... Yeah, that’s right. As: OK. Graham, what kind of things do you have to do as a S:
The man was wearing a mask, too. firefighter? E:
P: OK. And what happened next? G: I have to drive a big vehicle – a fire engine. And I stop fires, and I in
D: Well, while I was calling the police, the man ran out of the house rescue people. to
with a rucksack. When I saw them driving away, I took a photo of B: What qualities and skills do you need to have? di
the number plate of the car. G: There are lots of different qualities and skills you need to have. S:
P: I’m impressed. Well done, David. Thank you for your help! Firstly, you must be good at teamwork. You have to work with lots E:
of people at the same time. So, being able to deal with different
people while sorting out a problem is important. This means that
UNIT 7 you must also have very good communication skills. Secondly,
I – Interviewer T – Tom you must enjoy solving problems in a calm and logical way. All S
I: I’m really excited to have a special guest in the studio with us firefighters should be fit, and they need to be reliable, too. It takes S:
today. We have Tom Adam! Tom’s a professional footballer for many years to train as a firefighter, and you need to have a lot of w
Arsenal F.C. I’ve watched him play twice this year! So hey Tom, it’s experience to do the job well. Al
great to have you here today. T: Alba? A:
T: Thanks, it’s nice to be here. Ab: Do you have to wear any special clothes? de
I: Tell us a little bit about yourself Tom. You’re from London, right? G: Yes, I do. I must wear a special uniform so the fire doesn’t burn S:
T: Well, I’m actually from a town called Hatfield. It’s in an area in me. I also need to wear a hard hat. Yes? A:
England called Hertfordshire, 50 km away from London. But yes, E: Graham, what do you like about your job? S:
I’m British. G: Well, I don’t have to do the same thing every day, and I don’t have A:
I: And you’re 20, Tom? to work in an office. to
T: That’s right. T: Ok, last question … Maryam? ei
I: OK! So, Tom, how long have you played football? M: Is there a lot of stress in your job? th
T: Well, believe it or not, I’ve played football since I was about four G: Yes, there is. My job is dangerous, and you have to be careful. It’s an
years old. But I joined the Arsenal junior team when I was nine and also very tiring. But it’s exciting, too. S:
I have been a professional player since 2009. T: Well, that’s all we have time for. Thanks, Graham, for talking with A:
I: Wow! You were so young! us today. po
T: Yeah, I’ve always loved sport. re

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S: Do I put the tuna in the bowl, too?
UNIT 9 A: Hang on! We want to add olive oil first. Lots of olive oil on top of
S – Steve E – Ellie the vegetables in the bowl. Then add some salt and pepper.
h. S: OK, so now Ellie Cotton’s here with her ‘What’s On’ weekly update. S: OK!
E: Hi, Steve. A: Now you can add the tuna on top. Next, take the cooked potatoes
S: Ellie, tell us what special events are going on this month. and cut them in half – carefully, Sam, they’re hot!
E: Well, there are many events. It’s summer, and there are always S: Do I mix the salad?
many festivals happening. My favourite has to be Feast Week in A: Yes, slowly mix all the ingredients together with a big spoon –
ly Mevagissey. but not too much. You can also add a little lemon juice, if you want.
! S: What’s Feast Week, Ellie? And where exactly is Mevagissey? And there it is. My special summer salad. Now, what do you think?
E: Mevagissey is a small fishing village in the south-west of S: It’s awesome!
m England, and Feast Week is a traditional festival that is held there.
It celebrates the fisherman of the village. Fishing is a big part of UNITS 4–6
everyday life there.
ch S: A festival in a fishing village … that doesn’t sound very exciting. P – Police Officer J – John
E: You are so wrong, Steve! I think it’s one of the most exciting P: Hello, I’m Officer Emma Hopkinson. You called the police about a
festivals in the UK. It’s also one of the oldest in Britain. robbery at the computer shop?
9. S: OK. Tell us about the festival. What are the key dates? J: Yes, that’s right.
E: Well, the festival happens every June, and it lasts for a week. This P: Can you give me your full name, please?
year it starts on Sunday 24th and finishes on Saturday 30th June. J: Yes, of course. It’s John Underwood.
S: Great! Tell us more about the main events. P: Right, John. Now, what were you doing when the robbery took
E: There’s an amazing fish festival on Sunday 24th with street place?
ot performers and live bands. That starts at 9am and finishes at 4pm. J: Well, I was shopping. I was looking in the shop window.
On Monday evening, there will be a village concert. That starts at P: And … what did you see?
y, 7.30pm. J: Well, there weren’t many people in the shop. I was standing
en S: What’s happening the rest of the week? outside by the door when a man grabbed a laptop from a shelf
all E: Well, from Tuesday to Friday there are going to be many exciting and ran out of the shop. He was holding it under his arm. He also
events. There’ll be singing and dancing, lots of different food to pushed me, and I fell over. I couldn’t believe it! I was really angry.
eat, activities for kids, sports competitions, theatre workshops and P: Right. Did anyone chase after him?
concerts. J: No, they didn’t. I think everyone was too frightened.
a S: And then there’s the final day, Sunday. P: Yes, of course.
E: That’s right. There’ll be a huge festival parade with many people J: The man also pulled out a gun while he was running away.
dI in colourful costumes and two big floats. There’ll be lots of music, P: OK, John. Describe the scene. I mean, what were other people
too. And at the end of the night there’s going to be a fireworks doing at the time?
display. J: Like I said, I was standing near the door. There was a man in the
e. S: Brilliant! shop, he was buying something – I’m not sure what. There was a
ts E: Yeah, so go to Feast Week in Mevagissey. You won’t regret it! woman cycling along the street on her bike, and two teenagers
nt were walking along the pavement opposite. They were chatting
at quite loudly, too. Oh, and there was also a man sitting at a café
y, UNITS 1–3 nearby. He was drinking coffee.
All S – Sam A – Alicia P: What was the shoplifter wearing? Can you identify him?
es S: Hello and welcome to Let’s cook! with me, Sam. On today’s show J: He was wearing dark blue jeans and a red T-shirt, I think. He was
of we have top TV chef, Alicia Green. What are you going to cook today, also wearing a black mask.
Alicia? P: Right, OK, did you see anything else?
A: Hi, everyone. Well, I’m going to make a quick, healthy and J: While I was getting up, I saw the shoplifter run towards a small
delicious lunch: my special summer salad. green moped. When I saw him drive away, I tried to write down the
rn S: I see. What ingredients are in your summer salad? number plate, but he was too fast.
A: We start with a popular salad ingredient … P: Don’t worry, John. That’s still very helpful. Thanks!
S: Lettuce?
ve A: That’s right. One small lettuce. So, for the salad we also need
tomatoes, sixteen olives, 115 grams of green beans, one red onion,
eight new potatoes and two cans of tuna. Sam, put some lettuce in
the bowl, then add the olives … That’s lovely. Slice a few tomatoes
t’s and put them in the bowl, too.
S: How many tomatoes, Alicia?
th A: Not too many. One or two. Now, while I’m cooking the new
potatoes and green beans, open the two cans of tuna. Then, slice a
red onion and put it in the bowl.

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Listening scripts
very nice. We thought about staying in Italy, but we finally decided
UNITS 7–9 to continue our journey to Greece anyway. We took the ferry
N – Nathan A – Andrea from Ancona in Italy. We didn’t book a cabin because it was quite
N: OK, let’s speak to our technology news reporter. She’s at Earl’s expensive. Usually the journey takes twenty-two hours, but this
Court Exhibition Centre in London. Hi, Andrea. time it took nearly thirty! It was a nightmare!
A: Hi, Nathan. M: Oh, no! Why did it take so long?
N: So, what’s happening today? A: We had terrible storms. It didn’t stop raining for the whole
A: Well, I’m here for the annual Technology Exhibition. I’m looking journey. We didn’t eat anything because we felt sick! And worst of
at the latest electronic devices and technology – mobile phones, all, we couldn’t get a cabin – it was full. It was chaos!
digital cameras and computers. I’m also testing technology that M: That’s terrible! What did you do next?
will be available in the future. A: Well, we just stayed in our seats. We slept for a few hours. We
N: That sounds fun! OK, Andrea. Tell me about the Technology walked around the ferry and went shopping in the small shop.
Exhibition. Fortunately, my brother had his laptop with him, so we watched
A: The exhibition happens every year and lasts for two weeks. The some films and listened to music. But finally, after sailing for over
first week is for business people and the media – news reporters a day, we arrived on Saturday morning in Patras, Greece. I’ve never
like me. But on the second week, the public can come and enjoy been so happy to be on dry land! I won’t ever go on a ferry again!
the exhibition. This year the exhibition is open to the public from M: Oh poor you! That really was a nightmare journey.
Saturday 19th to Friday 25th January. You must buy tickets at the
entrance before you enter. Adult tickets are £8.50 each, student END OF YEAR TEST B
tickets are £7.50 and a child ticket is £6.00.
N: So, what kind of technology has interested you so far? A – Amanda R – Rafael
A: Well, I like the new Samso touchscreen desktop PC. It’s great for A: Welcome to the European Bossaball Championship in the Czech
web browsing and sharing media content with friends. It has a 1TB Republic. I’m Amanda Harris.
hard drive where you can store lots of data and digital media and a R: And I’m Rafael Rodríguez.
HD widescreen that gives you amazing images. A: Rafael, can you tell everyone listening who might not know
N: Andrea, tell me more about the electronic devices we could see about bossaball what the sport is?
in the future. R: Yeah sure, Amanda. Bossaball is a new, fast, exciting and unusual
A: One device I think we’ll definitely see in our houses in a few years sport that’s a combination of volleyball, beach football and
is called the Engo. gymnastics. It’s played on an inflatable court. The court’s got a net
N: What will this device do? across the middle, and there’s a trampoline on each side.
A: It’s a small device – the size of a smartphone. It connects to other A: That sounds fun! What are the rules, Rafael? Can you give us a
electronic devices and technology in your home. You can then quick lesson?
control everything with it. You’ll be able to stream video and music R: Sure. It’s a ball game between two teams. On each team there
all around the house. You’ll also be able to interact naturally with are three to five players.
your technology using just your voice. A: How do you score a goal?
N: Wow! That’s brilliant! R: Well, the aim of bossaball is to hit the ball onto the floor on the
A: Yeah, there are many different electronic devices like this at other team’s side of the court. You win a point when the other team
the exhibition. If you come, you’ll see many cool things. You won’t can’t hit the ball back over the net. If you hit the ball onto the court,
regret it! it’s one point and if you hit the ball onto the trampoline, it’s three
points. If the ball hits the wall of the inflatable court, then play
END OF YEAR TEST A A: What are the rules?
M – Maxine A – Andreas R: You can serve the ball any way you like, but it must be creative
M: Hi everybody and welcome to Teen Chat. I’m Maxine Carter, and and really impressive. Each team can touch the ball eight times
we’ve got another great show for you today. As usual, we’ll have before it has to be hit over the net. The player on the trampoline
a guest in the studio sharing their experiences with you. Today’s has to jump high to hit it hard over the net.
topic is nightmare journeys. OK, let’s say hello to our guest, 16-year- A: And how do players hit the ball?
old Andreas from Liverpool. R: You can touch the ball once with your hands, and you can touch
A: Hi! It’s nice to be here. it twice with your feet, body or head.
M: So, Andreas, you had an ‘interesting’ trip recently, didn’t you? A: So, any part of your body can be used?
A: Well … it started well, but in the end it was awful! R: That’s right.
M: Really? Tell us what happened. A: How do you win a match?
A: A few months ago, I was on holiday with my family in Italy. We R: A match consists of three sets. The winner of each set is the first
were visiting different cities by car. It was May, and the weather team to score twenty-five points. The team who wins the most sets
wasn’t too hot – perfect for our trip. We were having a great time wins the match.
until we decided to get the ferry across to Greece. A: Any advice?
M: Was that a bad idea then? R: Players must carefully control their jumps while on the
A: Yes, it was. While my mum was booking the tickets at the ticket trampoline. And they should spend some time on a bossaball court
office, we heard on the radio that the weather wasn’t going to be before playing a match.

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Speaking Tests

Diagnostic Speaking Test page 216

Speaking Test 1 page 217

Speaking Test 2 page 218

Speaking Test 3 page 219

Speaking Test 4 page 220

Speaking Test 5 page 221

Speaking Test 6 page 222

Speaking Test 7 page 223

Speaking Test 8 page 224

Speaking Test 9 page 225

Speaking Test Units 1–3 page 226

Speaking Test Units 4–6 page 227

Speaking Test Units 7–9 page 228

Speaking Test A page 229

Speaking Test B page 230

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Diagnostic Speaking Test 1
Student A S
1 Describe your family to Student B. 3 You and Student A have just returned from a short 1
holiday. First tell him / her about your holiday.
● Say who is in your family.
● Say where you went.
● Say what you all like and dislike.
● Say how you travelled.
● Say what you do together.
● Say what you did.
Now swap roles and listen to Student B describe
his / her family. Now swap roles and listen to Student A describe
his / her holiday. Respond and ask more questions
2 Ask Student B about his / her plans for the about each activity.
● Ask what he / she is doing this weekend.
● Ask if he / she is going anywhere special.
Now swap roles and talk about your plans for the
weekend. Answer Student B’s questions.

Student B S
1 Listen to Student A describe his / her family. 3 You and Student B have just returned from a short 1
holiday. First listen to Student B describe his / her
Now swap roles and describe your family to
Student A. 2
Now swap roles and tell him / her about your
● Say who is in your family.
● Say what you all like and dislike.
● Say where you went.
● Say what you do together.
● Say how you travelled.
2 Talk about your plans for the weekend. Answer ● Say what you did.
Student A’s questions.
Respond, and ask more questions about each
Now swap roles and ask Student A about his / her activity.
plans for the weekend.
● Ask what he / she is doing this weekend.
● Ask if he / she is going anywhere special.

216 DIAGNOSTIC SPEAKING Test Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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1 Speaking Test
Student A
t 1 Ask Student B about his / her daily life.
● What does he / she do after school on weekdays?
● What does he / she usually do at the weekend?
● What does he / she usually eat for dinner?
● What sport does he / she enjoy playing?
● Where does he / she go on holiday?
● How often does he / she visit his / her relatives?

2 Then answer Student B’s questions and tell him /

her about your daily life.
A: What do you usually do
after school on weekdays?

B: I often do karate in the

evenings. And I sometimes…

Student B
t 1 Answer Student A’s questions and tell him / her
about your daily life.

2 Then ask Student A about his / her daily life.

● What does he / she do after school on weekdays?
● What does he / she usually do at the weekend?
● What does he / she usually eat for dinner?
● What sport does he / she enjoy playing?
● Where does he / she go on holiday?
● How often does he / she visit his / her relatives?

A: What do you usually do

after school on weekdays?

B: I often do karate in the

evenings. And I sometimes…

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2 Speaking Test 3
Student A S
You meet Student B at a sports centre. Take turns to 1
ask and answer questions about the sports you are
doing. For each sport, talk about:
● where you’re doing it.
● the equipment you’re using.
● the clothes you’re wearing.
● what you like and don’t like about it.
A: Hi! What are you
doing here?

B: I’m playing tennis. What

about you?

A: I’m doing gymnastics. Where

are you playing tennis?

Student B S
You meet Student A at a sports centre. Take turns to 1
ask and answer questions about the sports you are
doing. For each sport, talk about:
● where you’re doing it.
● the equipment you’re using.
● the clothes you’re wearing.
● what you like and don’t like about it.
A: Hi! What are you
doing here?

B: I’m playing tennis. What

about you?

A: I’m doing gymnastics. Where

are you playing tennis?

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3 Speaking Test
Student A
1 You are the shop assistant in a sandwich bar.
Student B is a customer.
● Ask Student B what he / she wants.
● Answer his / her question.
● Ask if he / she wants anything else.
● Answer Student B’s question.

2 Student B is now your friend, and you are at his /

her house for lunch.
● Decide what you’d like for lunch.
● Answer Student A’s questions.
A: Hi! Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like a …, please.

Student B
1 You are a customer in a sandwich bar. Student A is
the shop assistant.
● Decide what you want in your sandwich.
● Ask if there’s any egg in it. (You’re allergic to them.)
● Answer Student A’s question.
● Ask how much it costs.

2 You are at your house. Student A is now your friend

and is at your house for lunch.
● Ask Student A what he / she wants for lunch.
● Say you’re sorry, but you haven’t got any.
● Offer him / her something different, and ask if he /
she likes it.
A: Hi! Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’d like a …, please.

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4 Speaking Test 5
Student A S
1 Tell Student B about a holiday you went on Im
recently and answer Student B’s questions. Ta

2 Then ask Student B about a holiday that he / she ●

went on recently. Find out:
● the destination. ●

● whether it was good / bad. ●

● the transport he / she used.

● what he / she did on the holiday.
A: I went on a terrible /
fantastic holiday recently.

B: Oh really? Where
did you go?

Student B S
1 Ask Student A about a holiday he / she went on Im
recently. Find out: Ta
● the destination. ●
● whether it was good / bad.

● the transport he / she used.

● what he / she did on the holiday.

2 Then talk about a holiday that you went on ●

recently. Answer Student A’s questions.
A: I went on a terrible /
fantastic holiday recently.

B: Oh really? Where
did you go?

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5 Speaking Test
Student A
Imagine what life is like for an astronaut in space.
Talk about:
● the main differences between living on Earth and in
● the difficulties astronauts have in space.
● the most difficult / interesting / exciting thing about
being an astronaut.
● which planet you think is the most dangerous for
A: What do you think is the
main difference between living
on Earth and in space?

B: I think it’s that there’s no gravity in

space. What about you?

Student B
Imagine what life is like for an astronaut in space.
Talk about:
● the main differences between living on Earth and in
● the difficulties astronauts have in space.
● the most difficult / interesting / exciting thing about
being an astronaut.
● which planet you think is the most dangerous for
A: What do you think is the
main difference between living
on Earth and in space?

B: I think it’s that there’s no gravity in

space. What about you?

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6 Speaking Test 7
Student A S
1 You sent a text to Student B on Saturday morning, 1
but he / she didn’t reply. Now you meet Student B
at school. Say that you texted him / her.
2 Then find out:
● Where was he / she?
● What was he / she doing when you texted?
● What did he / she do on Saturday and Sunday
● Did he / she have a nice weekend?
3 Finally, tell Student B about your weekend and
answer his / her questions.

Respond and ask more questions about each activity.

A: Where were you on Saturday
morning? I sent you a text.

B: Oh, really? I didn’t get it. I was

swimming at the pool. Why? What
did you text me about?

Student B S
1 Student A sent you a text on Saturday morning, 1
but you didn’t get it. Now you meet Student A at
school. Find out the reason for their text.
2 Then tell Student A about your weekend and
answer his / her questions.
3 Finally, ask Student A about his / her weekend. Find
● Where was he / she?
● What was he / she doing on Saturday morning?
● What did he / she do on Saturday and Sunday
● Did he / she have a nice weekend?
Respond and ask more questions about each activity.
A: Where were you on Saturday
morning? I sent you a text.

B: Oh, really? I didn’t get it. I was

swimming at the pool. Why? What
did you text me about?

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7 Speaking Test
Student A
1 Ask Student B about different experiences he / she
has had in life. Find out:
● What different places has he / she been on holiday to?
● Has he / she eaten or drunk anything unusual?
● What sports has he / she done?
● What films, plays and concerts has he / she seen?
● What books has he / she read?
● Has he / she done anything else interesting?

2 Then, tell Student B about different experiences you

have had in your life. Answer his / her questions.
A: Where have you been on holiday to?
Have you ever been to the USA?

B: No, I haven’t. But I have

been to China.

Student B
1 Tell Student A about different experiences you
have had in your life. Answer his / her questions.

2 Then ask Student A about different experiences he /

she has had in life. Find out:
● What different places has he / she been to on holiday?
● Has he / she eaten or drunk anything unusual?
● What sports has he / she done?
● What films, plays and concerts has he / she seen?
● What books has he / she read?
● Has he / she done anything else interesting?
A: Where have you been to on holiday?
Have you ever been to the USA?

B No, I haven’t. But I have been

to China.

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8 Speaking Test 9
Student A S
1 You are interviewing Student B for a sales assistant 2 Then swap roles. Student B is the interviewer and Yo
position in a clothes shop. Ask Student B: you are the candidate. Think: Yo
● What experience do you have? H
● What experience does he / she have?
● Why does he / she think he / she is right for the job? ● Why do you think you are right for the job? What
qualities and skills do you have? Ta
What qualities and skills does he / she have?
Answer Student B’s questions and also ask him / her: ●
Also, invent some information to give Student B
about the job. Include: ● What are the conditions (hours, salary, benefits, etc.)? ●
● The conditions (hours, salary, benefits, etc.) . ● What are the duties and rules? ●
● The duties and rules. ●
A: So, let’s begin! Have you
got any experience working ●
in a shop?

B: Yes, I have. I have worked in
a shop for six months.

Student B S
1 Student A is interviewing you for a sales assistant 2 Then swap roles. You are the interviewer and Yo
position in a clothes shop. Think: Student A is the candidate. Ask Student A: Yo
● What experience does he / she have? H
● What experience do you have? (Invent some!)
● Why do you think you are right for the job? What ● Why does he / she think he / she is right for the job?
What qualities and skills does he / she have? Ta
qualities and skills do you have?
Also, give Student A some information about the ●
Answer Student A’s questions and also ask him / her:
job. Include: ●
● What are the conditions (hours, salary, benefits, etc.)?
● The conditions (hours, salary, benefits, etc.). ●
● What are the duties and rules?
● The duties and rules. ●
A: So, let’s begin! Have you ●
got any experience working
in a shop? ●

B: Yes, I have. I have worked in

a shop for six months.

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9 Speaking Test
Student A
You are at a language school and it’s break time. First, ask Student B a question. Wait for a reply. Then
You’re sitting next to a student who you don’t know. answer his / her question. Take it in turns to ask and
Have a conversation and find out some information answer questions.
about him / her.
A: Where do you live?
Talk about:
B: I live in a small house
r: ● the area where you live. in the town centre.
What about you?...
? ● your families and your parents’ jobs.
● free time and weekend activities.
● sports you like and don’t like.
● food you like and don’t like.
● places you’ve been to on holiday.

Student B
You are at a language school, and it’s break time. First, answer Student A’s first question. Then ask him /
You’re sitting next to a student who you don’t know. her a question. Take it in turns to ask and answer
Have a conversation and find out some information questions.
about him / her.
? A: Where do you live?
Talk about:
B: I live in a small house
● the area where you live. in the town centre.
What about you?...
● your families and your parents’ jobs.
● free time and weekend activities.
● sports you like and don’t like.
● food you like and don’t like.
● places you’ve been to on holiday.

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Speaking Test Units 1—3

Student A S
1 You are on the phone ordering some food and drink 1
from a take-away pizza restaurant. Student B works
at the restaurant. Student B starts.
● Reply to Student B’s greeting and ask what is on the
● Tell Student B what you want to order.
● Thank Student B and say goodbye.

2 Swap roles. You work at the restaurant and Student

B is the customer. You start.
● Greet Student B and ask how you can help him / her.
● Tell Student B what is on the menu today. Mention
at least three options.
● Tell Student B the price and say when it will be ready.
A: Hello! Green’s Pizzeria.
How can I help?

B: Hello, I’d like to order a take-

away pizza, please. What have
you got on the menu today?

Student B S
1 You work at a pizza restaurant. Student A phones you 1
to order some take-away food and drink. You start.
● Greet Student A and ask how you can help him / her.
● Tell Student A what is on the menu today. Mention
at least three options.
● Tell Student A the price and say when it will be ready.

2 Swap roles. You are the customer and you phone

Student B at the pizza restaurant. Student B starts.
● Reply to Student A’s greeting and ask what is on the
● Tell Student A what you want to order.
● Thank Student A and say goodbye.
A: Hello! Green’s Pizzeria.
How can I help?

B: Hello, I’d like to order a take-

away pizza, please. What have
you got on the menu today?

226 SPEAKING Test Units 1–3 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Speaking Test Units 4—6

Student A
1 You are looking for a gift in a souvenir shop in London. 2 Now swap roles. You are the shop assistant and
Student B is the shop assistant. Student B starts. Student B is the customer. You start.
● Describe something you saw in the shop window ● Ask Student B if you can help him / her.
and ask to see it. ● Show Student B the thing he / she wants to see.
● Ask the price. ● Tell Student B the price.
● Pay Student B. ● Give Student B the receipt and change. Then thank
him / her.
A: Hello. Can I help you?

B: I’d like to see...

Student B
1 You are the shop assistant in a souvenir shop in 2 Now swap roles. You are the customer and
London. Student B is looking for a gift in your shop. Student B is the shop assistant. Student A starts.
You start. ● Describe something you saw in the shop window
● Ask Student A if you can help him / her. and ask to see it.
● Show Student A the thing he / she wants to see. ● Ask the price.
● Tell Student A the price. ● Pay Student A.
● Give Student A the receipt and change. Then thank A: Hello. Can I help you?
him / her.
B: I’d like to see...

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Speaking Test Units 7—9

Student A S
1 This weekend, a friend of yours that you haven’t 2 Now swap roles. You ask Student B about his / her 1
seen for a while is coming to your house to stay. It’s plans for the weekend. You start.
Friday and Student B asks you about your plans for ● Ask Student B what plans he / she has for the
the weekend. Student B starts. weekend.
● Say that a friend is coming to stay. ● Ask how Student B met the friend.
● Say how you met your friend and how long you’ve ● Ask Student B to describe the friend.
known him / her.
● Ask Student B what he / she and the friend are
● Describe your friend. going to do.
● Tell Student B what you’ve planned to do with
your friend.

Student B S
1 It’s Friday and you ask Student B about his / her 2 Now swap roles. A friend of yours that you haven’t 1
plans for the weekend. You start. seen for a while is coming to your house to stay.
Student B starts.
● Ask Student A what plans he / she has for the
weekend. ● Say that a friend is coming to stay.
● Ask how Student A met the friend. ● Say how you met your friend and how long you’ve
known him / her.
● Ask Student A to describe the friend.
● Describe your friend.
● Ask Student A what he / she and the friend are
going to do. ● Tell Student A what you’ve planned to do with
your friend.
A: Hey, it’s Friday! What are
you doing this weekend?

B: A friend of mine is coming

to stay the weekend.

228 SPEAKING Test Units 7–9 Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 Ph

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Speaking Test Final A

Student A
1 It’s the last day before the summer holidays. Ask 2 Now it’s the first day back after your summer
Student A about his / her plans for the holidays and holidays. Ask Student B about his / her holidays
tell him / her about your plans. Talk about: and tell him / her about yours. Talk about:
● Travel plans, if you have any. (Say where, who with ● What you did.
and what you’re going to do there.) ● If you went to any nice restaurants or cafés and
● Plans to see friends or relatives. (Say who, describe what food you ate.
them and say what you’re going to do together.) ● If you did any sport.
● Any other plans you have. ● How you feel to be back at school again.
● What you think the summer holidays will be like
(fun / boring / hot / busy…).

Student B
t 1 It’s the last day before the summer holidays. Ask 2 Now it’s the first day back after your summer
Student B about his / her plans for the holidays and holidays. Ask Student A about his / her holidays
tell him / her about your plans. Talk about: and tell him / her about yours. Talk about:
● Travel plans if you have any. (Say where, who with ● What you did.
and what you’re going to do there.) ● If you went to any nice restaurants or cafés and
● Plans to see friends or relatives. (Say who, describe what food you ate.
them and say what you’re going to do together.) ● If you did any sport.
● Any other plans you have. ● How you feel to be back at school again.
● What you think the summer holidays will be like
A: So, tomorrow is the first day of the holidays!
(fun / boring / hot / busy…). What are you going to do this summer?

B Well,....

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Speaking Test Final B

Student A
1 You are an exchange student who is going to spend 2 Swap roles. Student B is now the exchange student
a month living at Student B’s house and go to and you are continuing the same conversation. You
his / her school. You have just arrived at Student start.
B’s house. You have never met Student B before ● Give Student B his / her drink and ask him / her to
and have never been to his / her town. Introduce tell you a bit about himself/herself.
yourself. Student B starts.
● Answer Student B’s questions.
● Reply to Student B’s greeting and introduce yourself.
● Tell Student B the things you like to do in town. Ask
● Say how you got to Student B’s house (plane / train / him / her what he / she likes to do.
bus…) and how you feel after the journey.
● Tell Student B what plans you’ve already made for
● Thank Student B and ask for a drink of something things to do together and suggest possible things
(you decide what). to do in future.
● Say goodbye and that you’ll see Student B later at

Student B
1 Student A is an exchange student who is going to 2 Swap roles. You are now the exchange student
spend a month living at your house and go to your and you are continuing the same conversation.
school. He / she has just arrived at your house. You Student A starts.
have never met Student A before and he / she has ● Thank Student A and tell him / her about yourself!
never been to your town. Introduce yourself. You Ask Student A about himself / herself and about the
start. school.
● Greet Student A and introduce yourself. ● Ask Student A about what there is to do in town.
● Ask him / her about the journey to your house. ● Say what you normally do in your town. Ask if Student
● Say you’ll show him / her his room and ask if there’s A has planned anything for you to do already.
anything he / she wants. ● Respond to Student A’s plans and suggestions and
● Offer to bring it to his / her room. say politely that you need to unpack your suitcase.
A: Hello and welcome! I’m ...

B: Hi! My name’s ... .

Pleased to meet you.

230 SPEAKING Test Final B Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015

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