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Absent 18

Analyze this invitation letter to answer numbers 1 to 5

1. Who is the contact person to confirm your attendance

a. Monica
b. Maureen
c. Suite
e. @+54-123-456789

2. What is the purpose of the invitation letter

a. To invite the reader to go to Maureen’s 50th birthday
b. To invite the reader to go to Monica’s 50th birthday
c. To invite the reader to go to Maureen’s 50th anniversary
d. To invite the reader to go to Monica’s 50th anniversary
e. To invite the reader to go to Maureen’s appreciation
3. Where will the event be held
a. Suite 401 Grand ballroom hotel
b. Suite 402 Grand ballroom hotel
c. Suite 403 Grand ballroom hotel
d. Suite 404 Grand ballroom hotel
e. Suite 405 Grand ballroom hotel

4. What kind of invitation letter is above?

a. Formal invitation letter
b. Semi formal invitation letter

5. The use of RSVP in the letter above is correct?

a. True
b. False

6. RSVP stands for?

Essay: Répondez s’ill vous plait OR Respond, if it pleases you

7. What is the use of a birthday invitation letter?

a. To invite someone to an anniversary
b. To invite someone to a birthday party
c. To invite someone to a party
d. To invite someone to a dinner party
e. To invite someone to a family gathering

8. Why would someone use a formal invitation letter

Essay: multiple reasons
- Inviting an important person / a government person
- Sending an invite for a sponsor
- Etc

9. What is the use of RSVP

Essay: to respond to an invitation letter

10. A birthday party invite to a friend that doesn’t have things like, header, RSVP, and a signature
from an official person is a formal invitation letter
a. True
b. False
Read the text to answer questions 11 to 17

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were pivotal events in
human history, marking the first and only instances of the use of nuclear weapons in
warfare. This discussion delves into the reasons behind the United States' decision to
deploy atomic bombs, the devastating impact on the cities and their inhabitants,
international reactions, and the enduring lessons for global history and politics.

Geopolitical factors and military strategy combined to drive the decision to drop
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In the Pacific theater of World War II,
the United States and its allies were fighting Japan in a bloody and drawn -out battle
at the time. The Allies wanted the war to conclude quickly and decisively in order to
save the huge casualty toll that a conventional invasion of the Japanese mainland was
expected to cause. Furthermore, the US viewed the atomic bombings as a strategic
declaration of its military might and a check on Soviet expansionism in the
impending Cold War, given that the USSR had become a dangerous adversary in the
post-war world order.

The atomic bombings inflicted destruction upon the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
and their civilian populations. Intense heat and radiation from the explosions destroyed
structures and started massive fires that destroyed entire neighborhoods. In the seconds
that followed, tens of thousands of people died, and countless more perished from their
wounds in the days, weeks, and months that followed. The survivors, referred to as
hibakusha, suffered from psychological trauma in addition to physical wounds, and
long-term repercussions of radiation exposure included a higher risk of cancer and
birth problems. The bombings left the cities in ruins, disrupting vital services and
destroying vital infrastructure, which made the humanitarian disaster worse.

Internationally, the atomic bombings instilled fear, condemnation, and shock. While
some allied nations expressed support for the use of atomic weapons as a means to
hasten Japan's surrender, others, including neutral countries, denounced the attacks as
egregious violations of humanitarian principles and called for disarmament and non-
proliferation efforts. The bombings also intensified global concerns about the
destructive power of nuclear weapons and their implications for future conflicts.

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are lasting reminders of the
devastating consequences of conflict and the importance of promoting peace,
diplomacy, and disarmament in the face of existential dangers. They emphasize the
ethical issues that come with possessing and using weapons of mass destruction, as well
as the importance of strong international cooperation in preventing their spread and
ensuring global security. Furthermore, these events highlight World War II's long-
lasting legacy and deep impact on the postwar geopolitical order and the quest for peace
in the modern world.
Hiroshima was chosen as a primary target for the atomic bomb due to several strategic
factors. As a key industrial and military center, the city housed vital infrastructure such
as military bases, factories, and port facilities that contributed to Japan's war effort.
Targeting Hiroshima promised to deliver a significant blow to Japan's ability to
continue the war, potentially hastening its surrender. Additionally, the city's
topography, with surrounding hills that could amplify the destructive force of the
explosion, made it an ideal target for showcasing the devastating power of the atomic
bomb. Hiroshima's relatively lower level of air defenses compared to other Japanese
cities also made it a more feasible target for the precise delivery of the bomb, ensuring
maximum impact.

11. Why was Hiroshima targeted

Essay: - key industrial and military center

12. What does Hiroshima and Nagasaki remind us of

Essay: - the dangers and devastation of conflict

13. Who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki

a. The united states
b. The united kingdom
c. The united arab emirates
d. The Czech Republic

14. What did the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki cause internationally?
Essay: fear, condemnation and shock

15. What year did the united states bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Essay: 1945

16. did the united states bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki to stop more casualties in the long run of
world war 2, wanting the war to end as quick as possible?
a. True
b. False

17. Do you think the actions of the united states are justifiable
Essay: ~boleh apa aja

18. A discussion text is used to discuss a certain topic and give out certain ideas from different
individuals one to another
a. True
b. False
19. Anything can be discussed about even inanimate objects
a. True
b. False

20. Discussion texts and debating have the same premise of giving out your opinion and
convincing other people
a. True
b. False

- All of the questions are made by myself

- The invitation letter I found on google
- The discussion text, I asked chatGPT

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