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Computation of multiplicative topological aspects of hex-derived networks

Haidar Ali a , Didar Abdulkhaliq Ali b , Fareeha Liaqat a , Muhammad Huzaifa Yaseen a ,
Muhammad Ijaz Khan c,d,∗ , Sherzod Abdullaev e , Samia Nasr f
a Department of Mathematics, Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus, Pakistan
b Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zakho, Zakho, Iraq
c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
d Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Riphah International University I-14, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
e Department of Science and Innovation, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Bunyodkor street 27, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
f Chemistry Department, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia


MSC: A chemical network is numerically represented by a topological index in chemical graph theory. As opposed to
05C12 its chemical representation, a topological descriptor correlates with specific physical properties of the underlying
05C90 chemical molecules. In this article, third type of hex-derived networks HDN 3 (r), THDN 3 (r), are described. The
goal of this study is to develop some updated and closed formulas based on multiplicative graph invariants.
Such as ordinary geometric-arithmetic (OGA), general version of harmonic index (GHI), sum connectivity index
(SI), general sum connectivity index (GSI), first and second Gourava and hyper-Gourava indices, Shegehalli
First generalized version of the Zagreb index
(GZI) and Kanabur indices, first generalized version of Zagreb index (GZI), and forgotten index (FI) for the hex-
Forgotten index (FI) derived HDN 3 (r), THDN 3 (r), networks. Moreover, various types of edge for computing have been discovered and
General version of the harmonic index (GHI) analyzed along with the order and size. The calculation of multiplicative topological features in networks that
Sum connectivity index (SI) are generated from hexagonal structures is the main task of this work. Gaining more insight into the structural
General sum connectivity index (GSI) characteristics and possible uses of these networks requires examining the interaction between topological
First and second Gourava and hyper-Gourava aspects and multiplication processes. To interpret the chemical compounds’, physical and biological attributes,
indices we can integrate the analysis of the networks stated above with the chemical compounds and their graphical
Shegehalli and Kanabur indices
structures. These results can be utilized to evaluate the biological and physio-chemical activities of compounds.
Ordinary geometric-arithmetic (OGA)

1. Introduction

Mathematical branch that combines graph theory and chemistry is known as chemical graph theory. Topological indices are just one of the
many helpful tools that graph theory has given to chemists. Chemical graphs are frequently used to model molecules and molecular compounds. A
molecular graph is a graph-theoretical depiction of the structural formula of a chemical compound, where the vertices represent the compound’s
atoms and the edges represent its chemical bonds. Cheminformatics is a brand-new discipline that combines information science, mathematics, and
chemistry. Quantitative Structure-Property Relationship (QSPR) and Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies examine the relationships that
can be utilized for estimating both the chemical and biological attributes of components. Various topological indices, including the first generalized
version of the Zagreb index (GZI), the forgotten index (FI), the general version of the harmonic index (GHI), the sum connectivity index (SI), the
general sum connectivity index (GSI), the first and second Gourava indices, the hyper-Gourava indices, as well as the Shegehalli and Kanabur indices,
are employed for the prediction and assessment of the physical and chemical properties of chemical complexes.
The topological index is a numerical value related to chemical compounds that implies a relationship between chemical compounds and certain
physicochemical properties, reactivities or bioactivities. The process of transforming a chemical network into a number that describes its topology

* Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon.
E-mail addresses: (H. Ali), (D. Abdulkhaliq Ali), (F. Liaqat), (M.H. Yaseen), (M.I. Khan), (S. Abdullaev), (S. Nasr).
Received 27 June 2023; Received in revised form 18 November 2023; Accepted 4 March 2024
2090-4479/© 2024 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (

Please cite this article as: Haidar Ali et al., Ain Shams Engineering Journal,
H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Hexagonal meshes: (a) 𝐻𝑋2 and (b) 𝐻𝑋3 .

is the foundation for developing topological indices. Distance-based topological indices, degree-based topological indices, and counting-related
topological indices are the major types of topological indices for graphs. Firstly, the mathematical graphical structure is compared to the drawn
structure of the chemical molecule. Also, to identify the physical and biological features of a particular molecular network, this theory must be used
as a mathematical tool.

2. Structure of third type hex-derived networks

The construction of a hexagonal mesh involves utilizing complete graph of order 3, (𝐾3 ). These 𝐾3 graphs are also known as oxide graphs
in chemistry. When these 𝐾3 graphs are joined, Fig. 1 is produced. Six 𝐾3 graphs are joined to create the two-dimensional mesh graph 𝐻𝑋2
(Fig. 1(a)) and 𝐾3 graphs are placed around HX to create the three-dimensional mesh graph 𝐻𝑋3 (Fig. 1(b)). Raza et al. [17] discussed topological
indices for polyphenyl networks. Arnawa and Fitriani described how to construct calculus concepts with worksheets [18]. Balal et al. discussed the
review on different topologies [19]. The references [4,7,20–30] provide additional information on described topological descriptors. Chen et al. [2]
obtained the hexagonal mesh by repeating the procedure while enclosing each hexagon in a 𝐾3 graph. It should be emphasized that there is no one-
dimensional hexagonal mesh graph [13]. Hex-derived networks, rooted in the Hex algorithm, revolutionize chemistry by using machine learning
to predict molecular interactions. They expedite drug discovery, optimize protein-ligand studies, and enhance virtual screening of compounds.
These networks are indispensable tools, accelerating advancements in pharmaceuticals and molecular research. For computer scientists, computing
multiplicative topological features in hex-derived networks is important because it improves comprehension of intricate network architectures and
facilitates the creation of algorithms.
The recently introduced network is also known as the third kind of hex-derived network. Huo et al. [8] introduced some topological indices of these
newly derived networks, and the graphic construction procedure for a third form of hexagonal hex-derived network HDN 3 (𝑡) (see Fig. 2), triangular
hex-derived network THDN 3 (𝑡) (see Fig. 3).
An “ordinary generalized geometric-arithmetic index” (OGA) [6] is defined as follows:
[√ ]𝜔
∏ 4𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
OGA𝜔 (Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

In 2017, V. R. Kulli developed 1𝑠𝑡 and 2𝑛𝑑 Gourava and hyper-Gourava indices [9,10] and these indices are computed by
∏ [ ]
GO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]
GO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]2
HGO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]2
HGO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) .

Zhong introduced the concept of the harmonic index in 2012 [16]

∏ 2
HI (Υ) = .
𝑑 𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

Generalised form of Harmonic index is given by [15].

[ ]𝜔
∏ 2
𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

SK, 𝑆𝐾1 and 𝑆𝐾2 [14] were introduced by Shegehalli and Kanabur that are
∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾(Υ) = ,

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 2. Hex-derived network of type 3 (HDN 3 (4)).

[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾1 (Υ) = ,
[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = .

Lucic described sum connectivity index (SI) and it is computed [12]

∏ [ ]−( 1 )
𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 2 .

Zhou and Trinajistic generalized [3,15]

∏ [ ]𝑘
𝐺𝑘 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 .

Generated the 1𝑠𝑡 Zagreb index’s general version [11]

∏ [ ]
𝑀1 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠𝑠−1 + 𝑑𝑡𝑠−1 , 𝑠 ∈ ℝ, 𝑠 ≠ 0 and 𝑠 ≠ 1

An invariant known as the F-index [5] was created by Furtula and Gutman
∏ [ ]
𝐹 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠2 + 𝑑𝑡2 .

3. Main results

In this work, the third type of hex-derived networks that has recently emerged [8] are discussed and we compute the results for degree-based
topological indices for the first generalized version of the Zagreb index (GZI), forgotten index (FI), general version of the harmonic index (GHI),
sum connectivity index (SI), general sum connectivity index (GSI), first and second Gourava and hyper-Gourava indices, Shegehalli and Kanabur
indices, and ordinary geometric-arithmetic (OGA) indices. For the purpose of studying topological indices of various graphs [1]. Table 3 and Table 4
respectively represent numerical computation of all indices for HDN 3 (𝑟) and THD3 (𝑟).

3.1. Results for third type of hex-derived network HND3 (𝑟)

For the first time, we compute the indices of the third type of hex-derived network HND3 (𝑟), where 𝑟 ≥ 2.

Theorem 3.1.1. For HND3 its OGA can be developed as

ln |OGA𝜔 (Υ)| = 𝜔(54𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 93) ln |2| + 𝜔(108𝑟2 − 96𝑟 + 66) ln |3|
+ 𝜔(−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| + 𝜔(−12) ln |17| + 𝜔(24𝑟 − 54) ln |5|
+ 𝜔(−48𝑟 + 117) ln |7|.

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 1
Edge partition of the type 3 HDN 3 hex-derived network
based on the degrees of each edge’s end vertices.

(𝑑𝑠 , 𝑑𝑡 ) Number of Edges (𝑑𝑠 , 𝑑𝑡 ) Number of Edges

(4, 4) 18𝑟2 − 36𝑟 + 18 (7,18) 6

(4,7) 24 (10,10) 6r-18
(4,10) 36r-72 (10,18) 12r-24
(4,18) 36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 84 (18,18) 9𝑟2 − 33𝑟 + 30
(7,10) 12

Proof. With the help of Table 1, we infer

[√ ]𝜔
∏ 4𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
OGA𝜔 (Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
[√ ]𝜔(18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [√ ]𝜔(24) [ √ ]𝜔(36𝑟−72)
64 112 160
OGA𝜔 (Υ) = × ×
4+4 4+7 4 + 10
[√ ]𝜔(36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84) [√ ]𝜔(12) [√ ]𝜔(6)
288 280 504
× × ×
4 + 18 7 + 10 7 + 18
[ √ ]𝜔(6𝑟−18) [ √ ]𝜔(12𝑟−24) [ √ ]𝜔(9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
400 720 1296
× × × ,
10 + 10 10 + 18 18 + 18

ln |OGA𝜔 (Υ)| = 𝜔(54𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 93) ln |2| + 𝜔(108𝑟2 − 96𝑟 + 66) ln |3|
+ 𝜔(−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| + 𝜔(−12) ln |17| + 𝜔(24𝑟 − 54) ln |5|
+ 𝜔(−48𝑟 + 117) ln |7|. □

Theorem 3.1.2. For HND3 1𝑠𝑡 and 2𝑛𝑑 Gourava descriptors can be developed as

ln |GO1 (Υ)| = ln |4 × 1030 | + (117𝑟2 − 213𝑟 + 6) ln |2| + (36𝑟2 + 12𝑟 − 120) ln |3|
+ (9𝑟2 − 27𝑟 + 12) ln |5| + (12𝑟) ln |13| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 84) ln |47|,
ln |GO2 (Υ)| = ln |5 × 1014 | + (306𝑟2 − 600𝑟 + 192) ln |2| + (66𝑟 − 126) ln |5|
+ (48𝑟 − 54) ln |7| + (63𝑟2 − 195𝑟 + 156) ln |9| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 108) ln |11|.
∏ [ ]
GO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]
GO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) .

After some calculations, we have

2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)
GO1 (Υ) = [24](18𝑟 × [39](24) × [54](36𝑟−72) × [94](36𝑟 × [87](12)
2 −33𝑟+30)
× [151](6) × [120](6𝑟−18) × [352](12𝑟−24) × [360](9𝑟 ,
ln |GO1 (Υ)| = ln |4 × 10 | + (117𝑟 − 213𝑟 + 6) ln |2| + (36𝑟 + 12𝑟 − 120) ln |3|
30 2 2

+ (9𝑟2 − 27𝑟 + 12) ln |5| + (12𝑟) ln |13| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 84) ln |47|.
2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)
GO2 (Υ) = [128](18𝑟 × [308](24) × [560](36𝑟−72) × [1584](36𝑟
× [1190](12) × [3150](6) × [2000](6𝑟−18) × [5040](12𝑟−24)
2 −33𝑟+30)
× [11664](9𝑟 ,
ln |GO2 (Υ)| = ln |5 × 10 | + (306𝑟2 − 600𝑟 + 192) ln |2| + (66𝑟 − 126) ln |5|

+ (48𝑟 − 54) ln |7| + (63𝑟2 − 195𝑟 + 156) ln |9| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 108) ln |11|. □

Theorem 3.1.3. For HND3 1𝑠𝑡 and 2𝑛𝑑 hyper-Gourava descriptors can be developed as

ln |HGO1 (Υ)| = ln |17 × 1060 | + (234𝑟2 − 426𝑟 + 12) ln |2| + (3𝑟2 + 139𝑟 − 240) ln |3|
+ (18𝑟2 − 54𝑟 + 24) ln |5| + (24𝑟) ln |13| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟 + 168) ln |47|,

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

ln |HGO2 (Υ)| = ln |33 × 1028 | + (612𝑟2 − 1200𝑟 + 384) ln |2| + (96𝑟 − 108) ln |7|
+ (132𝑟 − 252) ln |5| + (126𝑟2 − 390𝑟 + 312) ln |9| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟 + 216) ln |11|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ [ ]2
HGO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]2
HGO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) .

By executing some calculations, we obtain

2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)
HGO1 (Υ) = [24]2(18𝑟 × [39]2(24) × [54]2(36𝑟−72) × [94]2(36𝑟
2 −33𝑟+30)
× [87]2(12) × [151]2(6) × [120]2(6𝑟−18) × [208]2(12𝑟−24) × [360]2(9𝑟 ,
ln |HGO1 (Υ)| = ln |17 × 10 | + (234𝑟 − 426𝑟 + 12) ln |2| + (3𝑟 + 139𝑟 − 240) ln |3|
60 2 2

+ (18𝑟2 − 54𝑟 + 24) ln |5| + (24𝑟) ln |13| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟 + 168) ln |47|.
2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)
HGO2 (Υ) = [128]2(18𝑟 × [308]2(24) × [560]2(36𝑟−72) × [1584]2(36𝑟
× [1190]2(12) × [3150]2(6) × [2000]2(6𝑟−18) × [5040]2(12𝑟−24)
2 −33𝑟+30)
× [11664]2(9𝑟 ,
ln |HGO2 (Υ)| = ln |33 × 10 | + (612𝑟2 − 1200𝑟 + 384) ln |2| + (96𝑟 − 108) ln |7|

+ (132𝑟 − 252) ln |5| + (126𝑟2 − 390𝑟 + 312) ln |9| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟 + 216) ln |11|. □

Theorem 3.1.4. For HND3 HI can be developed as

ln |𝐻𝐼(Υ)| = (−45𝑟2 + 87𝑟 + 18) ln |2| + (6 − 6𝑟) ln |5| + (−48𝑟 + 96) ln |7|
+ (−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 30) ln |9| + (−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| − ln |58 × 1013 |.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ 2
ln |𝐻𝐼(Υ)| = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

After simplifications, we obtain

[ ](18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) ] [ [ ](36𝑟−72)
2 2 (24) 2
𝐻𝐼(Υ) = ××
4+4 4+7 4 + 10
[ ](36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84) [ ](12) [ ](6)
2 2 2
× × ×
4 + 18 7 + 10 7 + 18
[ ](6𝑟−18) [ ](12𝑟−24) [ ](9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
2 2 2
× × × ,
10 + 10 10 + 18 18 + 18
ln |𝐻𝐼(Υ)| = (−45𝑟2 + 87𝑟 + 18) ln |2| + (6 − 6𝑟) ln |5| + (−48𝑟 + 96) ln |7|
+ (−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 30) ln |9| + (−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| − ln |58 × 1013 |. □

Theorem 3.1.5. For HND3 , 𝐻𝜔 𝐼 is developed as

ln |𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ)| = 𝜔(−45𝑟2 + 87𝑟 + 18) ln |2| + 𝜔(6 − 6𝑟) ln |5| + 𝜔(−48𝑟 + 96) ln |7|
+ 𝜔(−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 30) ln |9| + 𝜔(−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| + 𝜔(−12) ln |17|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

[ ]𝜔
∏ 2
𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

By making some computations, we get,

[ ]𝜔(18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [ ]𝜔(24) [ ]𝜔(36𝑟−72) [ ]𝜔(36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84)
2 2 2 2
𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) = × × ×
8 11 14 22
[ ]𝜔(12) [ ]𝜔(6) [ ]𝜔(6𝑟−18) [ ]𝜔(12𝑟−24)
2 2 2 2
× × × ×
17 25 20 28
[ ]𝜔(9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
× ,
H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

ln |𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ)| = 𝜔(−45𝑟2 + 87𝑟 + 18) ln |2| + 𝜔(6 − 6𝑟) ln |5| + 𝜔(−48𝑟 + 96) ln |7|
+ 𝜔(−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 30) ln |9| + 𝜔(−36𝑟2 + 108𝑟 − 108) ln |11| − 𝜔(−12) ln |17|. □

Theorem 3.1.6. For HND3 𝑆𝐾 , 𝑆𝐾1 , and 𝑆𝐾2 descriptors can be developed as

ln |𝑆𝐾(Υ)| = ln |1.3 × 1069 | + (45𝑟2 − 87𝑟) ln |2| + (6𝑟) ln |5| + (48𝑟) ln |7|
+ (9𝑟2 − 33𝑟) ln |9| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟) ln |11|,

ln |𝑆𝐾1 (Υ)| = ln |31 × 1034 | + (135𝑟2 − 267𝑟 + 90) ln |2| + (60𝑟 − 120) ln |5|
+ (54𝑟2 − 162𝑟 + 162) ln |9|,

ln |𝑆𝐾2 (Υ)| = ln |1.7 × 1034 | + (90𝑟2 − 174𝑟) ln |2| + (12𝑟) ln |5| + (96𝑟) ln |7|
+ (18𝑟2 − 66𝑟) ln |9| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟) ln |11|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾(Υ) = ,
[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾1 (Υ) = ,
[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = .

By making some calculations, we get

[ ](18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [ ](24) [ ](36𝑟−72) [ ](36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84)
8 11 14 22
𝑆𝐾(Υ) = × × ×
2 2 2 2
[ ](12) [ ](6) [ ](6𝑟−18) [ ](12𝑟−24) [ ](9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
17 25 20 28 36
× × × × × ,
2 2 2 2 2
ln |𝑆𝐾(Υ)| = ln |1.3 × 10 | + (45𝑟 − 87𝑟) ln |2| + (6𝑟) ln |5| + (48𝑟) ln |7|
69 2

+ (9𝑟2 − 33𝑟) ln |9| + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟) ln |11|.

[ ](18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [ ](24) [ ](36𝑟−72) [ ](36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84)
16 28 40 72
𝑆𝐾1 (Υ) = × × ×
2 2 2 2
[ ](12) [ ] [ ] [ ]
70 126 (6) 100 (6𝑟−18) 180 (12𝑟−24)
× × × ×
2 2 2 2
[ ] 2
324 (9𝑟 −33𝑟+30)
× ,
ln |𝑆𝐾1 (Υ)| = ln |31 × 10 | + (135𝑟2 − 267𝑟 + 90) ln |2| + (60𝑟 − 120) ln |5|

+ (54𝑟2 − 162𝑟 + 162) ln |9|.

[ ]2(18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [ ]2(24) [ ]2(36𝑟−72) [ ]2(36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84)
8 11 14 22
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = × × ×
2 2 2 2
[ ]2(12) [ ]2(6) [ ]2(6𝑟−18)
17 25 20
× × ×
2 2 2
[ ]2(12𝑟−24) [ ]2(9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
28 36
× × ,
2 2
ln |𝑆𝐾2 (Υ)| = ln |1.7 × 1034 | + (90𝑟2 − 174𝑟) ln |2| + (12𝑟) ln |5| + (96𝑟) ln |7|
+ (18𝑟2 − 66𝑟) ln |9| + (72𝑟2 − 216𝑟) ln |11|. □

Theorem 3.1.7. For HND3 𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) descriptor can be developed


ln |𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ)| = (−54𝑟2 + 105𝑟 − 24) ln |2| + (−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 36) ln |3| + (−3𝑟 + 9) ln |5|

+ (−24𝑟 + 45) ln |7| + (−18𝑟2 + 54𝑟 − 54) ln |11| − ln |24 × 106 |.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ [ ]−( 1 )
𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 2 .

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

[ ]18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18 [ ]24 [ ]36𝑟−72 [ ]36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84

1 1 1 1
𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) = √ × √ × √ × √
2 8 11 14 22
[ ]12 [ ]6 [ ]6𝑟−18 [ ]12𝑟−24 [ ]9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30
1 1 1 1 1
× √ × √ × √ × √ × √ ,
17 126 20 28 36
ln |𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ)| = (−54𝑟2 + 105𝑟 − 24) ln |2| + (−9𝑟2 + 33𝑟 − 36) ln |3| + (−3𝑟 + 9) ln |5|

+ (−24𝑟 + 45) ln |7| + (−18𝑟2 + 54𝑟 − 54) ln |11| − ln |24 × 106 |. □

Theorem 3.1.8. For HND3 , 𝐺𝑘 (Υ) is represented as

ln |𝐺𝑘 (Υ)| = 𝜅(108𝑟2 − 210𝑟 + 42) ln |2| + 𝜅(6𝑟 − 6) ln |5| + 𝜅(48𝑟 − 96) ln |7|
+ 𝜅(9𝑟2 − 99𝑟 + 90) ln |9| + 𝜅(36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 108) ln |11|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ [ ]𝑘
𝐺𝑘 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 .

𝐺𝑘 (Υ) = [8]𝜅(18𝑟 × [11]𝜅(24) × [14]𝜅(36𝑟−72) × [22]𝜅(36𝑟 × [17]𝜅(12)

2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)

× [25]𝜅(6) × [20]𝜅(6𝑟−18) × [28]𝜅(12𝑟−24) × [36] 𝜅(9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)

By making some computations, we get,

ln |𝐺𝑘 (Υ)| = 𝜅(108𝑟2 − 210𝑟 + 42) ln |2| + 𝜅(6𝑟 − 6) ln |5| + 𝜅(48𝑟 − 96) ln |7|
+ 𝜅(9𝑟2 − 99𝑟 + 90) ln |9| + 𝜅(36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 108) ln |11|. □

Theorem 3.1.9. For HND3 , 𝜔 𝑀1 (Υ) can be represented as

ln |𝜔 𝑀1 (Υ)| = (18𝑟2 − 36𝑟 + 18) ln |22𝑠−1 | + (24) ln |4𝑠−1 + 7𝑠−1 |

+ (36𝑟 − 72) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 | + (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 84) ln |4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 |
+ (12) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 | + (6) ln |7𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |2𝑠 + 5𝑠−1 |
+ (12𝑟 − 24) ln |10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (9𝑟2 − 33𝑟 + 30) ln |2𝑠 + 9𝑠−1 |.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ [ ]
𝑀1 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠𝑠−1 + 𝑑𝑡𝑠−1 , 𝑠 ∈ ℝ, 𝑠 ≠ 0 and 𝑠 ≠ 1

[ ](18𝑟2 −36𝑟+18) [ 𝑠−1 ](24) [ 𝑠−1 ](36𝑟−72)
𝑀1 (Υ) = 4𝑠−1 + 4𝑠−1 × 4 + 7𝑠−1 × 4 + 10𝑠−1
[ ](36𝑟2 −108𝑟+84) [ 𝑠−1 ](12) [ 𝑠−1 ](6)
× 4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 × 7 + 10𝑠−1 × 7 + 18𝑠−1
[ ](6𝑟−18) [ 𝑠−1 ](12𝑟−24)
× 10𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 × 10 + 18𝑠−1
[ ](9𝑟2 −33𝑟+30)
× 18𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 ,
ln |𝜔 𝑀1 (Υ)| = (18𝑟2 − 36𝑟 + 18) ln |22𝑠−1 |
+ (24) ln |4𝑠−1 + 7𝑠−1 | + (36𝑟 − 72) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 |
+ (36𝑟2 − 108𝑟 + 84) ln |4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (12) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 |
+ (6) ln |7𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |2𝑠 + 5𝑠−1 |
+ (12𝑟 − 24) ln |10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (9𝑟2 − 33𝑟 + 30) ln |2𝑠 + 9𝑠−1 |. □

Theorem 3.1.10. For HND3 developing an F-index can be done as

ln |𝐹 (Υ)| = 330.49𝑟2 − 692.415𝑟 + 359.172

Proof. With the assistance of Table 1, we calculate

∏ [ ]
𝐹 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠2 + 𝑑𝑡2 .

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 3. Triangular hex-derived network of type 3 (THND3 (7)).

Table 2
Edge partition of a type 3 THDN 3(r) hex-derived network
according to the degree of each edge’s end vertex.

(𝑑𝑠 , 𝑑𝑡 ) Number of Edges (𝑑𝑠 , 𝑑𝑡 ) Number of Edges

(4, 4) 3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9 (10,18) 3r-6

(4,10) 18r-30 (10,10) 6r-18
2 −21𝑟+36
(4,18) 6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36 (18,18) ( 3𝑟 2

2 −36𝑟+18) 2 −108𝑟+84)
𝐹 (Υ) = [32](18𝑟 × [65](24) × [116](36𝑟−72) × [340](36𝑟 × [149](12)
2 −33𝑟+30)
× [373](6) × [200](6𝑟−18) × [424](12𝑟−24) × [648](9𝑟 .
By making some computations, we get

ln |𝐹 (Υ)| = 330.49𝑟2 − 692.415𝑟 + 359.172 □

3.2. Results for third type of triangular hex-derived network THND3 (R)

In this section, we determine specific degree-based topological indices for the type 3 THDN 3 (r) triangular hex-derived. We compute the indices
of the newly third type of hex-derived network.

Theorem 3.2.1. For THND3 its OGA can be developed as

9𝑟2 − 27𝑟 + 21
ln |OGA𝜔 (Υ)| = 𝜔( ) ln |1| + 𝜔(18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.904| + 𝜔(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.771|
+ 𝜔(6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.9583|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

[√ ]𝜔
∏ 4𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
OGA𝜔 (Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
[√ ]𝜔(3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9)
[√ ]𝜔(18𝑟−30) [ √ ]𝜔(6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36)
64 160 288
OGA𝜔 (Υ) = × ×
4+4 4 + 10 4 + 18
[ √ ]𝜔(3𝑟−6) [ √ ]𝜔(6𝑟−18)
400 720
× ×
10 + 10 10 + 18
[√ ]𝜔( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
× .
18 + 18

By making some computations, we get

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

− 27𝑟 + 21
ln |OGA𝜔 (Υ)| = 𝜔( ) ln |1| + 𝜔(18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.904|
+ 𝜔(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.771| + 𝜔(6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.9583|. □

Theorem 3.2.2. For THND3 1𝑠𝑡 and 2𝑛𝑑 Gourava descriptors can be developed as

ln |GO1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |24| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |54| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |94|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |120| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |352| + ( ) ln |360|,
ln |GO2 (Υ)| = (3𝑟 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |128| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |560| + (6𝑟 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |1584|
2 2

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |2000| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |5040| + ( ) ln |11664|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]
GO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]
GO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) .

After some calculations, we have

2 −6𝑟+9) 2 −30𝑟+36)
GO1 (Υ) = [24](3𝑟 × [54](18𝑟−30) × [94](6𝑟 × [120](3𝑟−6)
3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
× [208](6𝑟−18) × [360]( 2
ln |GO1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |24| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |54| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |94|

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |120| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |208| + ( ) ln |360|.
2 −6𝑟+9) 2 −30𝑟+36)
GO2 (Υ) = [128](3𝑟 × [560](18𝑟−30) × [1584](6𝑟
3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
× [2000](3𝑟−6) × [5040](6𝑟−18) × [11664]( 2
ln |GO2 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |128| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |560| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |1584|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |2000| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |5040| + ( ) ln |11664|. □

Theorem 3.2.3. For THND3 1𝑠𝑡 and 2𝑛𝑑 hyper-Gourava descriptors can be developed as

ln |HGO1 (Υ)| = (6𝑟2 − 12𝑟 + 18) ln |24| + (36𝑟 − 60) ln |54| + (12𝑟2 − 60𝑟 + 72) ln |94|
+ (6𝑟 − 12) ln |120| + (12𝑟 − 36) ln |352| + (3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36) ln |360|,
ln |HGO2 (Υ)| = (6𝑟2 − 12𝑟 + 18) ln |128| + (36𝑟 − 60) ln |560| + (12𝑟2 − 60𝑟 + 72) ln |1584|
+ (6𝑟 − 12) ln |2000| + (12𝑟 − 36) ln |5040| + (3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36) ln |11664|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]2
HGO1 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 ) + (𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) ,
∏ [ ]2
HGO2 (Υ) = (𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 )(𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡 ) .

By making some computations, we get

2 −12𝑟+18) 2 −60𝑟+72)
HGO1 (Υ) = [24]6𝑟 × [54]36𝑟−60) × [94]12𝑟
2 −21𝑟+36)
× [120]6𝑟−12 × [208]12𝑟−36 × [360]3𝑟 ,
ln |HGO1 (Υ)| = (6𝑟 − 12𝑟 + 18) ln |24| + (36𝑟 − 60) ln |54| + (12𝑟2 − 60𝑟 + 72) ln |94|

+ (6𝑟 − 12) ln |120| + (12𝑟 − 36) ln |352| + (3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36) ln |360|.
2 −12𝑟+18) 2 −60𝑟+72)
HGO2 (Υ) = [128]6𝑟 × [560]36𝑟−60 × [1584]12𝑟
2 −21𝑟+36
× [2000]6𝑟−12 × [5040]12𝑟−36 × [11664]3𝑟 ,
ln |HGO2 (Υ)| = (6𝑟 − 12𝑟 + 18) ln |128| + (36𝑟 − 60) ln |560| + (12𝑟2 − 60𝑟 + 72) ln |1584|

+ (6𝑟 − 12) ln |2000| + (12𝑟 − 36) ln |5040| + (3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36) ln |11664|. □

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Theorem 3.2.4. For THND3 HI can be developed as

ln |𝐻𝐼(Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.25| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.143| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.0909|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.1| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.0714| + ( ) ln |0.05556|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ 2
𝐻𝐼(Υ) = .
𝑑 𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

After simplifications, we obtain

[ ](3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ ](18𝑟−30) [ ](6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36)
2 2 2
𝐻𝐼(Υ) = × ×
4+4 4 + 10 4 + 18
[ ](3𝑟−6) [ ](6𝑟−18) [ ]( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
2 2 2 2
× × × ,
10 + 10 10 + 18 18 + 18
ln |𝐻𝐼(Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.25| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.143| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.0909|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.1| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.0714| + ( ) ln |0.05556|. □

Theorem 3.2.5. For THND3 𝐻𝜔 𝐼 is developed as

ln |𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ)| = 𝜔(3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.25| + 𝜔(18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.143| + 𝜔(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.0909|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ 𝜔(3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.1| + 𝜔(6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.0714| + 𝜔( ) ln |0.05556|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

[ ]𝜔
∏ 2
𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) = .
𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡

By making some computations, we get

[ ]𝜔(3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ ]𝜔(18𝑟−30) [ ]𝜔(6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36)
2 2 2
𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) = × ×
8 14 22
[ ]𝜔(3𝑟−6) [ ]𝜔(6𝑟−18) [ ]𝜔( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
2 2 2 2
× × × ,
20 28 36
ln |𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ)| = 𝜔(3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.25| + 𝜔(18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.143| + 𝜔(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.0909|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ 𝜔(3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.1| + 𝜔(6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.0714| + 𝜔( ) ln |0.05556|. □

Theorem 3.2.6. For THND3 𝑆𝐾 , 𝑆𝐾1 , and 𝑆𝐾2 descriptors can be developed as

ln |𝑆𝐾(Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |4| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |7| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |11|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |10| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |14| + ( ) ln |18|,
ln |𝑆𝐾1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |8| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |20| + (6𝑟 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |36|
2 2

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |50| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |90| + ( ) ln |162|,
ln |𝑆𝐾2 (Υ)| = (30𝑟 − 54𝑟 + 48) ln |2| + (12𝑟 − 24) ln |5| + (96𝑟 − 192) ln |7|

+ (6𝑟2 − 24𝑟 + 72) ln |9| + (24𝑟2 − 120𝑟 + 144) ln |11|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾(Υ) = ,
[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾1 (Υ) = ,
[ ]2
∏ 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = .

By making some calculations, we get

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

[ ](3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ ](18𝑟−30) [ ](6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36)

8 14 22
𝑆𝐾(Υ) = × ×
2 2 2
[ ](3𝑟−6) [ ](6𝑟−18) [ ]( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
20 28 36 2
× × × ,
2 2 2
ln |𝑆𝐾(Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |4| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |7| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |11|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |10| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |14| + ( ) ln |18|.
[ ](3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ ](18𝑟−30) [ ](6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36)
16 40 72
𝑆𝐾1 (Υ) = × ×
2 2 2
[ ](3𝑟−6) [ ](6𝑟−18) [ ] 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
100 180 324 ( 2
× × × ,
2 2 2
ln |𝑆𝐾1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |8| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |20| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |36|

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |50| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |90| + ( ) ln |162|.
[ ]2(6𝑟2 −12𝑟+18) [ ]2(36𝑟−60) [ ]2(12𝑟2 −60𝑟+72)
8 14 22
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = × ×
2 2 2
[ ]2(6𝑟−12) [ ]2(12𝑟−36) [ ]2(3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36)
20 28 36
× × × ,
2 2 2
2 −24𝑟+36) 2 −120𝑟+144)
𝑆𝐾2 (Υ) = [4](12𝑟 × [7]72𝑟−120 × [11](24𝑟
2 −42𝑟+72)
× [10](12𝑟−24) × [14](24𝑟−72) × [18](6𝑟 ,
ln |𝑆𝐾2 (Υ)| = (30𝑟 − 54𝑟 + 48) ln |2| + (12𝑟 − 24) ln |5| + (96𝑟 − 192) ln |7|

+ (6𝑟2 − 24𝑟 + 72) ln |9| + (24𝑟2 − 120𝑟 + 144) ln |11|. □

Theorem 3.2.7. For THND3 𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) can be represented as


ln |𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ)| = (3𝑟 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.35355| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.2673|


+ (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.21320| + (3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.2236|

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.18898| + ( ) ln |0.166667|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]−( 1 )
𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 2 .
[ ]18𝑟−30 [
]3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9 [ ]6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36
1 1 1
𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ) = √ × √ × √
2 8 14 22
[ ]3𝑟−6 [ ]6𝑟−18 [ ] 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
1 1 1
× √ × √ × √ ,
20 28 36
ln |𝐺−( 1 ) (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |0.35355| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |0.2673|

+ (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |0.21320| + (3𝑟 − 6) ln |0.2236|

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (6𝑟 − 18) ln |0.18898| + ( ) ln |0.166667|. □

Theorem 3.2.8. For THND3 GSI can be developed as

ln |𝐺𝑘 (Υ)| = 𝜅(3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |8| + 𝜅(18𝑟 − 30) ln |14| + 𝜅(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |22|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ 𝜅(3𝑟 − 6) ln |20| + 𝜅(6𝑟 − 18) ln |28| + 𝜅( ) ln |36|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]𝑘
𝐺𝑘 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠 + 𝑑𝑡 .

𝐺𝑘 (Υ) = [8]𝜅(3𝑟 × [14]𝜅(18𝑟−30) × [22]𝜅(6𝑟

2 −6𝑟+9) 2 −30𝑟+36)

3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
× [20]𝜅(3𝑟−6) × [28]𝜅(6𝑟−18) × [36]𝜅( 2
By making some computations, we get

H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 3
Numerical computation of all indices for HDN 3 (𝑟).

r OGA𝜔 (Υ) GO1 (Υ) HGO1 (Υ) HI (Υ) 𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) SK (Υ) 𝐺−1∕2 (Υ) 𝐺𝜅 (Υ) 𝑠 𝑀 (Υ) 𝐹 (Υ)

4 17945 2413.54 4119.63 -1191.7 -21328.5 1200.9 -800.324 16630.9 13053.6 2877.36
5 27720 4314.24 7365.13 -2138.59 -37258.4 2147.79 -1427.65 33275.4 23294.6 5159.35
6 39587.8 6762.41 11554 -3360.07 -57307 3369.26 -2235.93 55348.6 36483.8 8102.33
7 53548.2 9758.06 16686.2 -4856.12 -81474.3 4865.32 -3225.18 82850.7 52621.3 11706.3
8 69601.3 13301.2 22761.2 -6626.76 -109760 6635.96 -4395.38 115782 71706.9 15971.2
9 87747.1 17391.8 29780.6 -8671.98 -142165 8681.18 -5746.54 154141 93740.8 20897.2
10 107986 22029.9 37742.8 -10991.8 -178689 11001 -7278.66 197930 118723 26484.1

ln |𝐺𝑘 (Υ)| = 𝜅(3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |8| + 𝜅(18𝑟 − 30) ln |14| + 𝜅(6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |22|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ 𝜅(3𝑟 − 6) ln |20| + 𝜅(6𝑟 − 18) ln |28| + 𝜅( ) ln |36|. □

Theorem 3.2.9. For THND3 1𝑠𝑡 GZI can be developed as

ln |𝜔 𝑀1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |22𝑠−1 | + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 |

+ (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (3𝑟 − 6) ln |2𝑠 + 5𝑠−1 |

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (6𝑟 − 18) ln |10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + ( ) ln |2𝑠 + 9𝑠−1 |.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]
𝑀1 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠𝑠−1 + 𝑑𝑡𝑠−1 , 𝑠 ∈ ℝ, 𝑠 ≠ 0 and 𝑠 ≠ 1

[ ](3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ 𝑠−1 ](18𝑟−30)
𝑀1 (Υ) = 4𝑠−1 + 4𝑠−1 × 4 + 10𝑠−1
[ ](6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36) [ 𝑠−1 ](3𝑟−6)
× 4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 × 10 + 10𝑠−1
[ ]( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
× [10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 ](6𝑟−18) × 18𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 2 ,

[ ](3𝑟2 −6𝑟+9) [ 𝑠−1 ](18𝑟−30)
𝑀1 (Υ) = 22𝑠−1 × 4 + 10𝑠−1
[ ](6𝑟2 −30𝑟+36) [ 𝑠 ](3𝑟−6)
× 4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 × 2 + 5𝑠−1
[ ]( 3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36 )
× [10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 ](6𝑟−18) × 2𝑠 + 9𝑠−1 2 ,

ln |𝜔 𝑀1 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |22𝑠−1 | + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |4𝑠−1 + 10𝑠−1 |

+ (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |4𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + (3𝑟 − 6) ln |2𝑠 + 5𝑠−1 |

3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (6𝑟 − 18) ln |10𝑠−1 + 18𝑠−1 | + ( ) ln |2𝑠 + 9𝑠−1 |. □

Theorem 3.2.10. For THND3 F-index can be developed as

ln |𝐹 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |32| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |116| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |340|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |200| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |424| + ( ) ln |648|.

Proof. With the assistance of Table 2, we calculate

∏ [ ]
𝐹 (Υ) = 𝑑𝑠2 + 𝑑𝑡2 .
2 −6𝑟+9) 2 −30𝑟+36)
𝐹 (Υ) = [32](3𝑟 × [116](18𝑟−30) × [340](6𝑟 × [200](3𝑟−6)
3𝑟2 −21𝑟+36
× [424](6𝑟−18) × [648]( 2
By making some computations, we get

ln |𝐹 (Υ)| = (3𝑟2 − 6𝑟 + 9) ln |32| + (18𝑟 − 30) ln |116| + (6𝑟2 − 30𝑟 + 36) ln |340|
3𝑟2 − 21𝑟 + 36
+ (3𝑟 − 6) ln |200| + (6𝑟 − 18) ln |424| + ( ) ln |648|. □
H. Ali, D. Abdulkhaliq Ali, F. Liaqat et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Numerical computation of all indices for THDN 3 (𝑟).

r OGA𝜔 (Υ) GO1 (Υ) HGO1 (Υ) HI (Υ) 𝐻𝜔 𝐼(Υ) SK (Υ) 𝐺−1∕2 (Υ) 𝐺𝜅 (Υ) 𝑠 𝑀 (Υ) 𝐹 (Υ)

4 -114.229 284.98 781.679 -185.862 -2787.93 185.901 -127.256 3817.83 2014.36 452.056
5 -238.936 617.33 1411.24 -338.95 -5084.25 339.002 -229.797 6894.14 3695.27 821.911
6 -410.456 1058.68 2223.3 -537.802 -8067.04 537.867 -362.498 10875.2 5867.55 1301.93
7 -628.788 1680.93 3217.85 -782.419 -11736.3 782.495 -525.36 15761.1 8531.19 1892.11
8 -893.931 2268.08 4394.89 -1072.8 -16092 1072.89 -718.381 21551.8 11686.2 2592.46
9 -1205.89 3036.14 5754.43 -1408.95 -21134.2 1409.04 -941.562 28247.3 15332.6 3402.96
10 -1564.65 3913.1 7296.45 -1790.86 -26862.9 1790.96 -1194.9 35847.6 19470.4 4323.64

4. Conclusion

In this article, we conducted an in-depth analysis of HDN 3 , THDN 3 , and a newly developed third type of hex-derived networks. This pioneering
study introduced an evaluation of the third type of hex-derived networks through various graph theoretic measures, including the first generalized
version of the Zagreb index (GZI), forgotten index (FI), general version of the harmonic index (GHI), sum connectivity index (SI), general sum connec-
tivity index (GSI), first and second Gourava and hyper-Gourava indices, Shegehalli and Kanabur indices, and ordinary general geometric-arithmetic
(OGA) indices. Furthermore, we provided numerical computations for these networks, offering valuable insights for researchers in pharmaceutical
sciences and various chemical disciplines. This research not only enhances our understanding of these networks but also serves as a valuable resource
for computer scientists and chemists encountering hex-derived networks in their work. Hex-derived networks exhibit improved connection dynam-
ics that promote robustness and efficiency when analyzed using multiplicative topology. Upcoming research attempts to investigate applications in
resilient distributed systems and maximize network scalability.

CRediT authorship contribution statement

All authors are equally contributed in the research work.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declared that they have no conflict of interest and the paper presents their own work which does not been infringe any third-
party rights, especially authorship of any part of the article is an original contribution, not published before and not being under consideration for
publication elsewhere.

Data availability

All the data is included within the article.


The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University for funding this work through large group
Research Project under grant number RGP2/440/44.


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Dr. M. Ijaz Khan is working as a Professor in department of mechanical engineering, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon. He is working mainly
in the field of Newtonian, Single processing, non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, Porous Media, Heat and mass transfer, stretching sheet, stretching cylinders, curved
surfaces etc. Also, working in structural systems, MEP (Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing) systems, stability of the building etc.


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