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I. Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Goldilocks is probably the most famous and most charming “squatter” of all times. While the Bear
family1.Was looking (look) for breakfast, Goldilocks2. ...Broke into (break into) their house and 3. Made
(make) herself at home. The first thing she4.saw (see) when she 5 had entered (enter) the house was food on
the table. This made her happy because she 6....had been walking (walk) in the woods for several hours and
was very hungry. Goldilocks immediately7.sat down (sit down) at the table to eat. When she 8had
finished(finish) the meal, she 9.felt (feel) very tired and decided (decide) to look for a comfortable place to
rest. By the time the bears .10returned (return) from their hunt.

II. For each of the following, choose the sentence in which the subjects and verbs have been correctly
identified and in which the subjects and verbs agree..

1. a) At the end of the story, they was living happily ever after.

b) At the end of the story, they are living happily ever after.

c) At the end of the story, they were living happily ever after.

2. a) Jasmine and Meadeau go to the beach to swim with their friends.

b) Jasmine and Meadeau go to the beach to swims with their friends.

c) Jasmine and Meadeau goes to the beach to swim with their friends.

3. a) A group of children from that school are not listening to Mr. Brooks.

b) A group of children from that school is not listening to Mr. Brooks.

c) A group of children from that schools are not listening to Mr. Brooks.

4. a) Monica depend on Aniesha to pass Reading class.

b) Monica depends on Aniesha to pass Reading class.

c) Monica has depends on Aniesha to pass Reading class.

5. a) William lefts his glasses on the desk.

b) William has lefts his glasses on the desk.

c) William left his glasses on the desk.

III. Join each pair of the following sentences by means of a suitable conjunction.

1. Jaya dances but Her sister does not dance.

2. Ananya hasn’t come. Meeta hasn’t come.

Ananya and Meeta hasn’t come.

3. She speaks English. She speaks Hindi.

She speaks English as well as Hindi.

4. I like him. He is very sincere.

I like him because he is sincere.

5. He did not win. He worked hard.

Although he worked hard he did not win.

IV. Spot the errors and replace it with correct words by using Prepositions :

1. We regret that we cannot comply on your request.

2. The best candidate should be appointed to the post.

3. He is addicted to gambling.

4. Rajesh was blind in one eye.

5. We must be grateful for the blessings that God has bestowed on us. - NO ERROR

V. Tick the sentence with the correct word order.(ADJECTIVES)

1. He was wearing a __________ shirt.

a. dirty old cotton flannel b. cotton flannel old dirty c. old dirty cotton flannel

2. 4. I used to drive __________ car.

a. a blue old German b. an old German blue c. an old blue German

3. He recently married a __________ girl.

a. young beautiful Mumbai b. beautiful young Mumbai c. beautiful Mumbai young

4. This is a __________ restaurant.

a. new Italian wonderful b. wonderful Italian new c. wonderful new Italian

5. She gave him a __________ vase.

a. small Egyptian black b. black Egyptian small c. small black Egyptian

VI. For each of the following sentences, identify the underlined word as either an adjective or an

1. Music has accompanied drama since old times. - ADJECTIVE

2. Beethoven, a composer, tirelessly devoted himself to his music. - ADVERB

3. He often worked late. - ADVERB

4. In the old days, musical selections were performed live by great pianists. - ADJECTIVE

5. Beethoven was terribly shocked when he learned he was losing his hearing when he was in his late twenties.

VII. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate determiner :

1. I have invited only a few friends to my birthday party. (few / a few / a little)

2. I have got a little water if you are really thirsty. (little / a little / a few)

3. Only a few rich people are actually generous. (few / a few / many)

4. Many people have complained about the lack of facilities in our reception area. (Many / Many of / Much /
Much of)

5. Some money is required to renovate that building. (Much / Many / Some)

6. Some people will never understand. (Some / Any / Some of)

7. Some of the students were absent today. (Some / Some of / Any of / Any)

8. Any child can solve this puzzle. (Any / Some / A)

9. He has never shown any interest in politics. (any / some / little)

10. He is a celebrity with lots of followers on social media. (lot of / lots of / a lot of)

11. He earns less than his brother. (less / little / lesser)

12. Few students passed the test. (Few / Less / Little / Much)

VIII. Fill in the blanks given below using a, an, the. Put an X where none is required.

Tortoise is (a) a common name for members of (b) the family of turtles that live entirely on land. Tortoises
are slow-moving animals known for their long life spans, which in some instances may exceed 150 years.
Tortoises inhabit all of (c) the world’s landmasses except for Australia and Antarctica, (d) the greatest
numbers of tortoises are found in (e) the tropical regions of Africa, South America and Asia. Most tortoises
live in dry environments, such as deserts and savannahs, although some species prefer moist habitats, such
as (f) x rainforests and woodlands. Tortoises are protected by heavy shells composed of (g) an inner, bony
layer and (h) the outer layer made of homy plates.

IX. Identify the correct form of pronoun in the following sentences.

1.Many of them came, but few stayed long.

2.Give everybody something to eat before they leave.

3.What did you bring?

4.Did they teach themselves how to speak French?

5.After he cut himself, he went for a tetanus shot.

X. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition in the following paragraphs.

1. Would you please tell me how to get to the baseball park?

Certainly. You go down Arch Street two blocks and turn left on King Street. Stay on King Street for about
two miles. You will go to a bridge and through a tunnel. You will come to Ocean Avenue about four blocks
after you leave the tunnel. Turn right on Ocean Avenue, and in the middle of the block you will see the main
entrance of the ball park. I would suggest that you drive your car to the block and park in the parking lot
behind the field.

2. On June 13 the Circle Players will open at Star Theatre a revival of George Bernard Shaw’s play, Major
Barbara. When the play opened in Philadelphia a week ago, the critics gave the Circle Players enthusiastic
reviews. Good reviews are not unusual for the Circle Players, who have thrilled audiences with their
performances for the past decade. In fact, they were so loudly acclaimed in London for their performance of
Major Barbara that the play ran for three years. Tickets are now on sale in the box office at the Star Theatre
during the three week engagement. There will be a performance every night, except Sunday at 8:30p.m., and
a matinee on Wednesday and Saturday at 2:30p.m. Reservations may be made by mail or telephone.

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