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, PUNE 411001
Institute Code: 0141

“Case study of Managerial Skills”

Academic Year: 2023-24 Program Code: CO-6I

Course Name: Management (MAN) Course Code: 22509

Submitted By:
Roll No Student Name Branch Batch Enrollment Number

2509 Dhiraj Patil Computer CO-1 210141037

2512 Prathamesh Mohite Computer CO-2 2101410226

2528 Sushant Patil Computer CO-2 2101410242

2552 Kalpesh Sonone Computer CO-3 2101410274


Under Guidance of:

Mr. R. Y. Pargaonkar



Achieve excellence in quality technical education by imparting knowledge, skills and abilities to
build a better technocrat.

M1: Empower the students by inculcating various technical and soft skills.

M2: Upgrade teaching-learning process and industry-institute interaction continuously.


“Enhance skills by providing value based technical education for fulfilling global
needs in the field of computer engineering.”

• To provide quality education in computer engineering by improving
Psychomotor skills.

• To develop positive attitude, communication skills, team spirit and


• To develop awareness about societal and ethical

responsibility for Professionalism.



PO1 Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Identify and analyses well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.
PO3 Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and
assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
PO4 Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
PO5 Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
PO6 Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member
or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering
PO7 Life-long learning: Ability to analyses individual needs and engage in updating in the context of
technological changes.


The Diploma in Computer Engineering will prepare students to attain:

• PSO 1: Apply computing knowledge with standard practices to develop software.

• PSO 2: Maintain Computer Hardware and Software System
PUNE 411001 InstituteCode:0141


Certified that this micro project report titled “Case study on Managerial Skills”
is the bonafied work of Ms./Mr. Dhiraj Patil, Prathamesh Mohite, Sushant Patil,
Kalpesh Sonone Roll no. 2509,2512,2528,2552 of third year diploma in
Computer engineering for the course: Management Course code: 22509 during
the academic year 2023-24, who carried out the micro project work under my

(Name & Signature of faculty)
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2023-2024 Name of faculty:Mr.R.Y.Pargaonkar

Course: Management Semester: CO 6-I-Scheme

Course Code: 22509

TITLE OF THE PROJECT: “Case study on Managerial Skills”

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication

(if any)More technical applications may be developed.

Marks out of 6 Marks out of 4 for

Roll for performance performance in Total out
No Student Name ingroup activity oral / presentation of 10
(D5:Col. 6) (D5 :Col. 4)

2509 Dhiraj Patil

2512 Prathamesh Mohite

2528 Sushant Patil

2552 Kalpesh Sonone

(Name & Signature of faculty)

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards our teacher for
guiding us in this micro project. After this, we wouldlike to say a huge thank
you to our group members for being so much understanding and for
cooperating with each other.

Thank you!

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1. Annexure I 8-10

2. Micro Project Proposal 8-10

3. Annexure II 11-25

4. Rationale 11

5. Aims/Benefits of the Micro Project 11

6. Course Outcome achieved 11

7. Literature Review 11

8. Actual Methodology Followed 12

9. Actual Resources Used 12

10. Output of the Micro Projects 13-19

11. Skill Developed / Learning outcome of the Micro 20


12. Applications of the Micro Project 20

13. Assessment of Micro Project (Annexure –III) 21-22

14. Micro Project Evaluation Sheet (Annexure –IV) 23-26

15. Logbook 27

Micro-Project Proposal

“Case study on Managerial Skills”

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

1. To know about types of managerial skills.
2. To Understand the differences between various managerial skills.
3. To document them and correlate with real world examples.
4. To list out Pros and Cons of each type of managerial skills.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed:

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
d. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.
e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.

3.0 Proposed Methodology:

1. As soon as we get the topic, the respective group members will sit together
and discuss regarding the micro project.
2. The selection of topic will be relevant which will teach us to learn something
3. The work of the project will be divided in such a way that each and every
member of our group can contribute equally.
4. Collection of the material will be done as per the requirements.
5. Later, soft copy will be made and shown to the respected subject teacher.
6. Corrections will be done accordingly as per the suggestions given to us.
7. The final hard copy will be submitted.
4.0 Action Plan:

Sr. Details of Activity Planned Start Planned Name of Responsible

No. Date Finish Date Team Members

1 Formation of groups 2-2-2024 3-2-2024 All members

2 Selected the topic for micro 9-2-2024 12-2-2024 All members

3 Discussed about the project 13-2-2024 16-2-2024 All members
4 Assigned the work to each 23-2-2024 23-2-2024 Sushan
group member t Patil
5 Detailed study of micro- 23-2-2024 27-2-2024 All members
6 Collected information on 28-2-2024 2-3-2024 Kalpesh
assignment topic Sonone
7 Started working on micro- 2-3-2024 2-3-2024 All members
8 Assembled all the data 3-3-2024 2-3-2024 Prathamesh Mohite

9 Evaluation of data 2-3-2024 3-3-2024 All members

10 Prepared rough copy 3-3-2024 6-3-2024 Dhiraj Patil
of micro-project
11 Project proposal presentation 7-3-2024 8-3-2024 All members
to guide
12 Corrected the 15-3-2024 17-3-2024 All members
micro-project suggested by
13 Actual implementation 19-3-2024 28-3-2024 All members
of Micro- Project
14 Execution of overall data / 30-3-2024 2-4-2024 All members
prepared final draft copy
15 Final micro-project 6-4-2024 15-4-2024 All members
16 Micro-project submitted 17-4-2024 17-4-2024 All members
5.0 Resource Required:

Sr No. Name of Specifications Qty. Remarks

1. Computer/ Laptop Any desktop or laptop with 1 ---
basic configuration

2. Software MS Office --- ---

6.0 Names of Team Members with Roll Nos.

Sr. No Name of Students Roll No

1 Dhiraj Patil 2509

2 Prathamesh Mohite 2512
3 Sushant Patil 2528
4 Kalpesh Sonone 2552

(Name & Signature of faculty)

Micro Project Report

“Case study on Managerial Skills”

1.0 Rationale:
An engineer has to work in industry with human capital and machines. Therefore,
managerial skills are essential for enhancing their employability and career growth.
This course is therefore designed to provide the basic concepts in management
principles, safety aspects and Industrial Acts.

2.0 Aims/ Benefits of the Micro Project:

1. To know about types managerial skills.
2. To Understand the differences between various managerial skills.
3. To document them and correlate with real world examples.
4. To list out Pros and Cons of each type of managerial skills.

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved:

a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
d. Apply principles of safety management in all activities.
e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.

4.0 Literature Review:

Management can be defined as the process of administering and controlling
the affairs of the organization, irrespective of its nature, type, structure and
size. It is an act of creating and maintaining such a business environment
wherein the members of the organization can work together, and achieve
business objectives efficiently and effectively. Business ownership refers to
legal control over a business. It gives the owner the legal right to make
certain business decisions. To study the topic, we have referred various
management related books, articles on websites, etc.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:
1. As per planned, as soon as we got the topic, the respective group members sat
together and discussed regarding the micro project.
2. The selection of topic is relevant which teaches us to learn something new.
3. The work of the project was divided in such a way that each and every
member of our group contributed equally.
4. Collection of the material has been done as per the requirements.
5. Later, soft copy was made and shown to the respected subject teacher.
6. Corrections were accordingly as per the suggestions given to us.
7. The final hard copy was successfully submitted with DVD attached to it.

6.0 Actual Resources Used:

Sr. No. Name of Specifications Qty. Remarks

1. Computer/ Laptop Any desktop or laptop with 1 ---
basic configuration

2. Software Microsoft Word --- ---

7.0 Outputs of the Micro Project: Introduction:

What Are Managerial Skills?

Managerial skills are the knowledge and ability of the individuals in a managerial position to fulfill
specific management activities or tasks.

Why Will You Need Managerial Skills?

Being a really good manager is not easy because you will need managerial competencies. All companies
have a hierarchy that allows people with the right competencies and key management skills to move
from the bottom to the top levels.

Managerial Skills

• Managerial skills are certain abilities or attributes that an executive should possess in order to
fulfil specific tasks in an organization such as his role duties, dealing with subordinates and
co- workers, all of which allows for the easy flow of activities in the organization. These can
be developed through learning and practical experience as a manager.
• Managerial skills are crucial for various positions and at different levels of a company, from
top leadership to intermediate supervisors to first level managers
Three Types of Managerial Skills
The three types of managerial skills that are essential are:

● Technical skills
● Conceptual skills
● Human or interpersonal management

Figure. Of Managerial Skills

1. Technical Skills

• Technical skills involve the knowledge of and proficiency in activities involving methods,
processes and procedures. For example, mechanics work with tools and their supervisors
should have the ability to teach them how to use these tools.
• The skills are acquired through education or experiences in particular industry .These skills
involve the use of tools, equipment, procedures, and techniques of the industry.
• Technical skills are most important for supervisory level or first-level managers. As we go
through a hierarchy from the bottom to higher levels, the technical skills lose their

Technical skills
As the name itself indicates, these skills give the manager knowledge and ability to use
different techniques to achieve what they want to achieve. Technical skills are not related only
to machines, production tools or other equipment, but they are also skills that will be required to
increase sales, design different types of products and services, market the products and services,

Technical skills are most important for first-level managers. Whet it comes to the top
managers, these skills are not something with a high significance level. Therefore, as we go
through a hierarchy from the bottom to higher levels, technical skills lose their importance.
The technical skills of management include:

● Handling machines
● Preparing daily work schedule
● Supervising employees
● Team formation and mobilizing performance appraisal
● Preparing reports
Technical skills are mostly required for operating-level managers since they spend much of their time
training subordinates and answering questions on work-related problems. These management skills are
also significant for middle and top-level managers as well. Engineers, doctors, charted accountants,
musicians, production managers need technical skills.

2. Conceptual Skills

These skills are the managerial ability to engage in more abstract thinking.

• Conceptual skills are the abilities to see the organization as a whole, to recognize inter
relationships among different functions of the business and external forces and to guide
effectively the organization efforts.
• It is easier to learn technical skills than the conceptual skills.
• These skills help in making long-range plans and decisions for expanding the business
• The conceptual skills will help managers to look outside their department’s goals. So, they
will make decisions that will satisfy overall business goals.
• Conceptual skills are vital for top managers, less critical for mid-level managers, and not
required for first-level managers.

3. Human or Interpersonal Managerial Skills

• These skills represent the ability of a manager to work effectively with people.
• They help to build a team and create an environment in which people feel secure and free to
express their opinions. As seen in above figure, these skills are equally essential for managers
at all levels in the company.
• They are classified as:

There is a wide range of skills that management should possess to run an organization effectively and
efficiently. The following are six essential management skills that any manager ought to possess for
them to perform their duties:

1. Planning

Planning is a vital aspect within an organization. It refers to one’s ability to organize activities in line
with set guidelines while still remaining within the limits of the available resources such as time, money,
and labor. It is also the process of formulating a set of actions or one or more strategies to pursue and
achieve certain goals or objectives with the available resources.

The planning process includes identifying and setting achievable goals, developing necessary strategies,
and outlining the tasks and schedules on how to achieve the set goals. Without a good plan, little can be

2. Communication

Possessing great communication skills is crucial for a manager. It can determine how well information is
shared throughout a team, ensuring that the group acts as a unified workforce. How well a manager
communicates with the rest of his/her team also determines how well outlined procedures can be
followed, how well the tasks and activities can be completed, and thus, how successful an organization
will be.
Communication involves the flow of information within the organization, whether formal or informal,
verbal or written, vertical or horizontal, and it facilitates the smooth functioning of the organization.
Clearly established communication channels in an organization allow the manager to collaborate with
the team, prevent conflicts, and resolve issues as they arise. A manager with good communication skills
can relate well with the employees and, thus, be able to achieve the company’s set goals and objectives

3. Decision-making

Another vital management skill is decision-making. Managers make numerous decisions, whether
knowingly or not, and making decisions is a key component in a manager’s success. Making proper and
right decisions results in the success of the organization, while poor or bad decisions may lead to failure
or poor performance.

For the organization to run effectively and smoothly, clear and right decisions should be made. A
manager must be accountable for every decision that they make and also be willing to take responsibility
for the results of their decisions. A good manager needs to possess great decision-making skills, as it
often dictates his/her success in achieving organizational objectives.

4. Delegation

Delegation is another key management skill. Delegation is the act of passing on work-related tasks
and/or authorities to other employees or subordinates. It involves the process of allowing your tasks or
those of your employees to be reassigned or reallocated to other employees depending on current
workloads. A manager with good delegation skills is able to effectively and efficiently reassign tasks
and give authority to the right employees. When delegation is carried out effectively, it helps
facilitate efficient task completion. Delegation helps the manager to avoid wastage of time, optimizes
productivity, and ensures responsibility

and accountability on the part of employees. Every manager must have good delegation abilities to
achieve optimal results and accomplish the required productivity results.

5. Problem-solving

Problem-solving is another essential skill. A good manager must have the ability to tackle and solve the
frequent problems that can arise in a typical workday. Problem-solving in management involves
identifying a certain problem or situation and then finding the best way to handle the problem and get
the best solution. It is the ability to sort things out even when the prevailing conditions are not
right. When it is clear that a manager has great problem-solving skills, it differentiates him/her from the
rest of the team and gives subordinates confidence in his/her managerial skills.
6. Motivating
The ability to motivate is another important skill in an organization. Motivation helps bring forth a
desired behavior or response from the employees or certain stakeholders. There are numerous
motivation tactics that managers can use, and choosing the right ones can depend on characteristics
such as company and team culture, team personalities, and more. There are two primary types of
motivation that a manager can use. These are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

7. Teamwork skills
Teamwork skills are also critical here. Why? Working in a team provides much better utilization of different
skills of teammembers. It is a great learning possibility for developing management skills.

Teamwork will help you increase your company’s effectiveness and performance. So, you need excellent
teamwork skills to be a real manager.

8. Leadership
Leadership is a key management skill in creating enthusiasm among employees to create new and better
ways of doing their jobs. Managers need leadership skills if they want to inspire and motivate. They
need leadership skills to ensure that all team members will put their full efforts into achieving the
business’s strategic goals.

You can not underestimate listening skills if you want to be an extraordinary manager. While you listen
to your team members, customers, partners, and other stakeholders, you will continuously learn better
ways to manage your company.

Also, conflict resolution skills are among the most important management skills for managers.

Your team members will not always see in the same way the most crucial issues. There will probably be
a conflict between them in many situations. Therefore, the ability to resolve conflicts is a crucial
management skill. Disagreements and conflict are normal and healthy until some point. You need to
manage them the right way. Because of that, you, as a manager, will need to allow such conflicts.

Case study on managerial skill

Theoretical overview :
According to Friend man and Currall (2001, p. 32) conflict management skills are important in
everyorganizational management. Conflict management consists of negotiations that lead to
Conflict management enhances positive outcomes and reduces negative impacts involved in conflicts.
Conflicts can be effectively managed if a balance between concerns for self and concerns for others are
balanced. Successful conflict management leads to better results. Communication is an effective
component of conflict management.

Reh (2011, p. 1) mentions that team building is an activity that involves motivating employees to work
as a team and to view the benefits of team work as their personal benefits. Team building is a continuous
process that requires participation of every team member. The team is rewarded as a group.

Cooperation and continued efforts are required for every member is made to understand the success of
the team is their success. Setting goals and enhancing communication are important aspects in the team
building. Team members can identify with the team’s success and gain motivation. Team members
should be made to understand that their combined efforts will yield better results than individuals work.

Leadership and empowerment assists in increasing efficiency in the organization. A leader cannot be
able to do all tasks without the assistance of their subordinates. A leader delegates work to be able to
attain the organizational goals. A leader can motivate and empower others to accomplish tasks.

They need to trust and be confident that they will be able to achieve the desired results and support them
when they need assistance. Communication increases clarity and facilitates the exchange of important
information within the organization. Duties can be shared so that overlapping tasks and undesignated
tasks are avoided. Responsibility is shared according to skills and ability (Holistic Management, 2008, p.

Reh (2006, p. 1) indicates that listening is a significant skill in management. In communication, it is

equally important to listen to others just as it is important to give information. Listening involves letting
others talk as one pays attention. Therefore, the listener is able to deduce meaning from the person
conveying the message. One can develop the correct perception of an issue and address a problem
comprehensively by gaining more understanding.

Power and politicking in organization reflects in organizations. To have power means one can influence
another. To increase one’s power in an organization, individuals have increased their skills and
demonstrated that they are knowledgeable. Employees willingly support leaders whose power is
acceptable than one who is coercive. Those who are able to politicize and gain the attention of their
bosses as good at performance are able to gain promotion and power in an organization.
8.0 Skills developed/ Learning Outcome of the Micro Project:

Through this microproject the following things are learnt and the skill developed by the group
● The concept of project understood.
● The structure and requirement of proposal and report understood.
● The necessity of team work is understood.
● What is the role of group leader and team member? It well understood.
● The importance of time management and good communication skill is understood.
● How to search information and use of different online tools came to know.
● The writing in English skill is developed.
● The new words are collected.
● The computer access skill is developed.
● Able to tackle and solve the problem arises due to miscommunication and
● The decision making ability is developed but needed good cooperation.

9.0 Applications of this Micro Project:

When we say Micro project management, we are referring to the practice of keeping
track of and analyzing the progress of a single project. With this approach, the key
factors that are being studied are: Visualization of change in data from the beginning of
the process to the end.

(Name & Signature of faculty)
Annexure - III

Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project

(The marks may be allotted to the characteristics of the Micro-Project by considering the
suggested rubrics)
S. Characteristics to Poor Average Good Excellent
No be assessed (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9-10)
1. Relevance to Related Related Addressed Addressed
the Course to very few to some atleast one more than
Los Los CO one CO
2. Literature Not more than At-least 5 At-least 7 About 10
Review/information two sources relevant relevant relevant
collection (Primary and sources, at sources, most sources, most
Secondary), least 2 latest latest
very old latest

3. Completion of Target Completed Completed 50 Completed 60 Completed

as per Project proposal less than to 60% to 80% more than
50% 80%
4. Analysis of Data and Sample Size Sufficient and Sufficient and Enough data
representation all, data appropriate appropriate collected by
neither sample, sample, sufficient and
organized nor enough data enough data appropriate
presented well generated but generated sample size.
not organized which is Proper
and not well organized and inferences
presented presented drawn by
well. No or well. But organizing
poor poor and
inferences inferences presenting
drawn drawn data through
tables, charts
and graphs
5. Quality of Incomplete Just Well a Just Well a Just
prototype/Mode fabrication assembled/ assembled/ assembled/
l / fabricated fabricated fabricated
asssembly and parts are with proper with proper
not functioning functioning
functioning parts. In
well. Not in proper shape, proper shape,
proper shape, within within
dimensions tolerance tolerance
beyond dimensions dimensions
limit. and good and good
Appearance/ finish. But no finish/
finish are creativity in appearance.
shabby. design and
Creativity in
use of
material design and
use of
6. Report Preparation Very short, Nearly Detailed, Very detailed,
poor quality sufficient and correct and correct, clear
sketches, correct details clear description of
Details about about description of methods,
methods, methods, methods, materials,
materials, materials, materials, precautions
Precautions precautions precautions and
and and and conclusion.
Conclusions conclusion. conclusion. Enough
omitted, some But clarity is Sufficient tables, charts
details are not there in graphic and sketches
wrong. presentation. description
But not

7. Presentation of the Major Includes Includes Well

Micro-Project information is major major organized,
not included; information information includes
information is but not well but not well major
not well organized not organized not information,
organized. presented presented presented
well. well. well.

8. Viva Could not Replied to Replied Replied most

reply to considerable properly of the
considerable number of considerable questions
number of questions nut number of properly
question not very question.
Annexure IV

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Dhiraj Patil Enrollment No.:2101410237
Name of Program: TYCO Semester: CO 6I
Course Name: Management Code: 22509
Title of the Micro-project: “Case study on Managerial Skills”
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CO22518a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
CO22518b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
CO22518c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
CO22518e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
Sr Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No be accessed (Marks (Marks (Marks (Marks Total
. 1- 4- 6- 9-
3) 5) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to
the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of the
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/ Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 10
(6 Marks) Marks)

Comments/ suggestions about Team work/ Leadership/Inter-Personal communication (If any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher: ……………
Dated Signature………………………………
Annexure IV

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student : Prathamesh Mohite Enrollment No.:2101410226
Name of Program: TYCO Semester: CO 6I
Course Name: Management Code: 22509
Title of the Micro-project: “Case study on Managerial Skills”
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CO22518a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
CO22518b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
CO22518c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
CO22518e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
Sr Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No be accessed Total
. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6- (Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to
the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of the
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/ Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 10
(6 Marks) Marks)

Comments/ suggestions about Team work/ Leadership/Inter-Personal communication (If any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher: ……………
Dated Signature………………………………
Annexure IV

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student : Sushant Patil Enrollment No.:2101410242
Name of Program: TYCO Semester: CO 6I
Course Name: Management Code: 22509
Title of the Micro-project: “Case study on Managerial Skills”
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CO22518a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
CO22518b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
CO22518c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
CO22518e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
Sr Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No be accessed Total
. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6- (Marks 9-
3) 5) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to
the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of the
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/ Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 10
(6 Marks) Marks)

Comments/ suggestions about Team work/ Leadership/Inter-Personal communication (If any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher: ……………
Dated Signature………………………………
Annexure IV

Micro Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student : Kalpesh Sonone Enrollment No.:2101410274
Name of Program: TYCO Semester: CO 6I
Course Name: Management Code: 22509
Title of the Micro-project: “Case study on Managerial Skills”
Course Outcomes Achieved:
CO22518a. Use basic management principles to execute daily activities.
CO22518b. Use principles of planning and organizing for accomplishment of tasks.
CO22518c. Use principles of directing and controlling for implementing the plans.
CO22518e. Understand various provisions of industrial acts.
Sr Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent Sub
No be accessed Tota
. (Marks 1- (Marks 4- (Marks 6- (Marks 9- l
3) 5) 8) 10)
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert above total marks out of 6 Marks)
1 Relevance to
the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the
Target as per project
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of the
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/ Viva (Convert above total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process and Product Assessment Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 10
(6 Marks) Marks)

Comments/ suggestions about Team work/ Leadership/Inter-Personal communication (If any)

Name and Designation of the Teacher: ……………
Dated Signature………………………………
Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project

Academic Year: 2023-2024 Name of Faculty: Mr.R.Y.Pargaonkar

Course: Management Course Code: 22509
Semester: 6-I-Scheme

Title of the micro-project: “Case Study of Manegerial Skills”

Roll Student Name Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for Total
No performance in performance in oral / out of
group activity (D5 presentation (D5 :Col. 10
:Col. 8) 9)

2509 Dhiraj Patil

2512 Prathamesh Mohite

2528 Sushant Patil

2552 Kalpesh Sonone

(Name & Signature of faculty)
Log Book of the Student (Weekly Work Report)
Academic Year :2023-2024

Name of Students: Dhiraj Patil, Prathamesh Mohite, Sushant Patil, Kalpesh Sonone
Title of the Project: “Case study on Managerial Skills”
Sr. No./ Date Time Work Done
Hour No.

1. 03-2-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Formation of groups

2. 12-2-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Selected the topic for micro project

3. 16-2-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Discussed about the project

4. 23-2-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Assigned the work to each group member

5. 27-2-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Detailed study of micro-project

6. 02-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Collected information on assignment topic

7. 02-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Started working on micro-project

8. 02-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Assembled all the data

9. 03-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Evaluation of data

10. 06-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Prepared rough copy of micro-project

11. 08-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Project proposal presentation to guide

12. 17-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Corrected the micro-project suggested by guide

13. 28-3-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Actual implementation of micro-project

14. 02-4-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Execution of overall data / prepared final draft


15. 05-4-2024 4.00pm-5.00pm Final micro-project presentation

16. 09-4-2024 2.00pm-3.00pm Micro-project submitted

(Name & Signature of faculty)

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