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Which of the following statement is incorrect Must reclassify the comparative amounts unless it is

regarding receivables on the statement of financial impracticable to do so

position?* Must not reclassify the comparative amounts
1/1 Must reclassify the current year amounts only.
Can choose whether or not to reclassify
Receivables are a financial asset
Receivables ae financial instruments Basic na Basic Company's account balances during
Non-trade receivables are generally reported as 2020 showed the following changes, all increases:
separate items in the statement of financial position. Assets Php 3,560,000; Liabilities Php 1,080,000;
Accounts receivable are written promises of the Ordinary Share Capital Php 2,400,000; Share Premium
purchaser to pay for goods or services. Php 240,000.There was no changes in accumulated
profits for 2020 other than a Php 520,000 dividend
The statement of financial position contributes to payment and years' earnings. How much is Basic na
financial reporting by providing a basis for all of the Basic Company's net income/loss for 2020?*
following except* 2/2
Php 160,000
Evaluating the capital structure of the enterprise Php 360,000
Determining the increase in cash due to operations Php 520,000
Assessing the liquidity and financial flexibility of the Php 680,000
Computing rates of return Related party transaction includes all, except*
When an entity breaches under a long-term
agreement on or before the end of the reporting A venturer sold goods to he joint venture
period with the effect that the liability becomes Sold a car to the uncle of the entity's finance director
payable on demand, the liability is classified as* Sold goods to another entity owned by the daughter
1/1 of the managing director
All of these are related party transactions
Current under all circumstances
Noncurrent if the lender agreed after the reporting Correct answer
period to provide a grace period for at least twelve Sold a car to the uncle of the entity's finance director
months after the reporting period.
Current if the lender has agreed after the reporting The draft financial statements of BEBE Co, for the year
period and before the issuance and before the ended December 31, 2020, are currently under
issuance of the statements not to demand payment consideration by the directors. the net assets for the
as a consequence of the breach. year are shown as Php 3,500,000. Since December 31,
Noncurrent under all circumstances 2020, the following events have occurred, but have
not been reflected in any way in the draft financial
Which of the following will most likely to cause the statements to that date. Item 1 - A substantial
non-recognition of an asset or liability?* quantity of slow-moving inventory was sold for Php
1/1 320,000. The inventory had cost Php 600,000and had
been valued for the accounts at December 31, 2020,
It is uncertain whether the asset or liability exists. ate its estimated net realizable value of Php
The probability of an inflow (outflow) of future 400,000Item 2 - A paid receivable paid the amount
economic benefits from the asset (liability) is low owing of Php 130,000 in full. On December 31, 2020,
Recognizing the asset or liability would not provide there were doubts as to whether it would be paid, and
relevant and faithfully represented information a specific provision for the full amount had been
There is a measurement uncertainty regarding the made in the accounts. What is the adjusted amount
asset or liability of net assets should BBE Co. report in its December
When the classification of items in the financial 31, 2020 balance sheet?*
statements is changed, the entity* 2/2
1/1 Php 0
Php 3,420,000 S1: Total Comprehensive Income includes all non-
Php 3,630,000 owner changes in equity. It comprises profit or loss
Php 3,550,000 and other comprehensive income. S2: Cash and Cash
Php 3,500,000 Equivalents should always be presented first in the
statement of financial position. S3: A revaluation
Which of the following statements in relation to the surplus on a noncurrent asset in the current year
term expense is false?* should be recognized in the income statement.*
0/1 2/2
Entities do not incur expenses per se but they initially All statements are true
acquire assets All statements are false
Expense is synonymous with expenditure 2 statements are true
All expenses and losses are expired costs but not all Only 1 statement is true
expired costs are expenses or losses. The basis for classifying assets as current or
All expenses decrease owners equity but not all noncurrent is the period of time normally elapsed
decrease in owner's equity are expenses from the time the entity expends cash to the time it
Correct answer converts*

Expense is synonymous with expenditure 1/1

Inventory back into cash or 12 months whichever is

S1: According to PAS 1, an entity shall make an explicit shorter
and unreserved statement of compliance with the Inventory back into cash or 12 months, whichever is
PFRSs in the notes only if the entity complies with all longer
the requirements of PFRSs. S2: An entity may omit the Receivable back into cash or 12 months, whichever is
notes when presenting general purpose financial longer
statements.S3: PAS 1 encourages, but does not Tangible fixed assets back into cash or 12 months,
require, the disclosure of an entity's domicile and whichever is longer
legal form, its country of incorporation and the
The standard of full disclosure is best described by
addresses of its registered office, and a description of
which of the following?*
the nature of its operations and its principal activities.
S4: According to PAS 1, PFRSs apply to financial
statements as well as to other information presented All information related to operating objectives must
in an annual report, a regulatory filing, or another be disclosed in the financial statements.
document.* Enough information should be disclosed in order that
2/2 a prospective investor can make a wise decision.
Information about each account balance appearing in
All statements are true
the financial statements is included in the notes
3 statements are true
Disclosure of any financial facts significant enough to
2 statements are true
influence the judgement of a primary user.
Only 1 statement is true
At the beginning of the current year, an entity signed
An increase in the carrying amount of an asset could
a 5 year contract enabling it to use a patented
not possibly result in*
manufacturing process beginning in the current year.
A royalty is payable for each product produced,
The recognition of an expense subject to a minimum annual fee. Any royalties in
An increase in total equity excess of the minimum will be paid annually. On the
No change in total equity contract date, the entity prepaid a sum equal to two
The recognition of an income years' minimum annual fees. In the current year, only
minimum fees were incurred. The royalty
prepayment shall be reported in the entity's current
Correct answer year-end financial statement as*
The recognition of an expense 0/1
An expenses only Individual business enterprises, industries, and an
A noncurrent asset economy as a whole, rather than to members of
A current asset society as consumers
A current asset and an expense Business industries, rather than to individual
enterprises or an economy as a whole or to members
Correct answer of society as consumers.
A current asset and an expense Individual business enterprises, rather than to
industries or an economy as a whole or to members
Significant financial reporting issues facing global of society as consumers.
financial reporting and efficient capital allocation An economy as a whole and to members of society as
includes all of the following except:* consumers, rather than to individual enterprises or
1/1 industries.
Gains are*
How to provide real-time financial statement
How to report nonfinancial measures such as All of these can be considered gains
customer satisfaction
How to provide backward-looking information Increases in equity from peripheral transactions
How to provide forward-looking information Increases in equity resulting from transfers of assets
to the entity from owners
Which of the following will most likely affect the Inflows from selling a product to a customer
determination of whether an asset or a liability
exists?* PAS 1 requires an entity to provide an additional
balance sheet dated as of the beginning of the
1/1 preceding period if certain instances occur. Which of
the following is not one of those instances, on the
A low probability that the asset or liability will cause
assumption that all of the following has a material
inflows or outflows of future economic benefits
A high level of measurement uncertainty regarding
the asset or liability 1/1
An unresolved dispute over a ight or obligation
All of these are relevant in determining the existence Retrospective restatement
of an asset or liability Retrospective application of an accounting policy
Change in the frequency of reporting
An asset and a liability emphasize that* Reclassification of items in the financial statements
1/1 What might a manager do during the last quarter of a
fiscal year if she wanted to decrease current annual
An asset is a right, and a liability is an obligation, that net income?*
has the potential to produce or cause the transfer of, 1/1
economic benefits.
An asset is a controlled resource, and a liability is an Delay shipments to customers until after the end of
obligation, that is expected to cause inflows or the fiscal year
outflows of economic benefits Relax credit policies for customers.
An asset is a physical object and the liability is the Pay suppliers all amounts owed
ultimate outflow of economic benefits from settling Delay purchases from suppliers until after the end of
the obligation the fiscal year
All of these are emphasized in the revised definitions
Which is not within the definition of a liability?*
The information provided by financial reporting
A present obligation that is estimated in amount
pertains to*
An obligation to provide goods or services in the
A note payable with no specified maturity date
The signing of a three-ear employment contract at a All statements are true
fixed annual salary All statements are false
The financial statements of ABC Company shows line 2 statements are true
items described as "Other Current Assets," "Other Only 1 statement is true
Noncurrent Liabilities," and "Miscellaneous S1: Expropriation loss and casualty loss from
Expenses" Which of the following is correct?* earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, and other natural
disasters are considered components of income from
1/1 continuing operations.S2: An entity shall present
ABC Company considers the items included in these additional line items, headings, and subtotals in the
line items as comprising a material class of similar statement of comprehensive income or separate
items. income statement when such presentation is relevant
ABC Company considers the items included in these to an understanding of the financial performance of
line items as dissimilar and cannot be included in theentity.S3: The partner of a Key Manager is a major
material classes of similar items and are also supplier of the Entity is considered as a related party
individually immaterial to warrant separate transaction.S4: A reporting entity is exempted from
presentation. providing the normal disclosures for transactions with
ABC Company considers the items included in these a government that has control, joint control, or
line items as individually material but with dissimilar significant influence over the entity.*
nature or function 2/2
This matter of presenting items is unacceptable under All statements are true
PAS 1. 3 statements are true
One criticism not normally aimed at a statement of 2 statements are true
financial position prepared using current accounting Only 1 statement is true
and reporting standards is* At December 31, 2014, Ulysses Company’s liabilities
1/1 include the following: 1. Php 10,000,000 of 10% notes
are due on March 31, 2019. The financing agreement
The extensive use of separate classifcation contains a covenant that requires Ulysses to maintain
Failure to reflect current value information current assets at least equal to 200% of its current
Extensive use of estimates liabilities. As of December 31, 2014, Ulysses has
The failure to include items of financial value that breached this loan covenant. On February 10, 2015
cannot be recorded objectively before Ulysses financial statements are authorized for
issue, Ulysses obtained a period of grace from
Which obligations are classified as current even if Mayumi bank until January 31, 2016, having
these are due to be settled after more than twelve convinced the bank that the company’s normal 3 to 1
months from the end of the reporting period?* ratio of current assets to current liabilities will be
1/1 reestablished during 2015. 2. Php 15,000,000 of
Current portion of interest-bearing liabilities noncancelable 12% bonds were issued at face value
Bank Overdrafts on September 30, 1993. The bonds mature on August
Dividends Payable 31, 2015. Ulysses expects to have sufficient cash
Trade Payables and accruals for employee and other available to redeem the bonds at maturity. 3. Php
operating costs 20,000,000 of 10% bonds were issued at face value on
June 30, 1995. The bonds mature on June 30,
2024,but bondholders gave the option to call the
bonds on June 30, 2015. However, the call option is
S1: Both revenues and gains increase both net income not expected to be exercised, given prevailing market
and equity. S2: A strength of the income statement as conditions What portion of Ulysses Company’s debt
compared to the statement of financial position is should be reported as a noncurrent liability*
that items that cannot be measured reliably can be
reported in the income statement. S3: The income 2/2
statement is useful for helping to assess the risk or Php 0
uncertainty of achieving future cash flows.* Php 10,000,000
2/2 Php 30,000,000
Php 15,000,000
Php 20,000,000 Reduce depreciation for the year ended December
31, 2020
Baby Company built a new factory building during the Restate the depreciation expense reported for the
current year. Subsequent to the current year-end and year ended December 31, 2019, in the comparative
before the issuance of financial statements, the figures of its 2020 financial statements as a
building was destroyed by fire and the claim against retrospective restatement of a prior period error.
the insurance entity proved futile because the cause Do nothing
of the fire was negligence on the part of the caretaker
of the building. What should be reported at the An objective of financial reporting is to provide*
current year-end?* 1/1
Information about the investors in the entity
Make a provision for three-fourths of the carrying Information useful in assessing cash flow prospects
amount of the building Information about the liquidation value of the entity
Disclose the nonadjusting event in the notes to Information that will attract new investors
financial statements
Write off the carrying amount of the building 2/2
Make a provision for one-half of the carrying amount
of the building

Correct answer
Disclose the nonadjusting event in the notes to
financial statements Php 18,200,000
Php 17,600,000
The net sales of Grass Manufacturing Company in Answer cannot be determined
2020 is Php 580,000. The cost of goods manufactured Php 19,000,000
is Php480,000. The beginning inventories of Goods in Php 18,400,000
Process and Finished Goods are Php 82,000 and Php
65,000,respectively. The ending inventories are: In the statement of changes in equity, the effects of
Goods in Process - Php 75,000, Finished Goods - Php the correction of a prior period error are presented*
55,000, The Selling Expenses and General and 0/1
Administrative Expenses are 5% and 2.5% of Cost of
Sales, respectively. How much would be the net profit Separately for each component of equity
before tax in the year 2020?* In aggregate for total equity and separately for the
2/2 total amounts attributable to owners of the parent
and the noncontrolling interest
Other Amounts Separately for the total amount attributable to
Php 45,725 owners of the parent and the noncontrolling interest
Php 83,000 In aggregate for a total equity
Php 90,000
Php 53,250 Correct answer
Separately for each component of equity
On March 25, 2020, the entity discovered that, as a The draft financial statements of Clarion Company,
result of a computational error, depreciation expense for the year ended December 31, 2020, are currently
for the year ended December 31, 2019, is overstated. under consideration by the directors. The net assets
The entity's December 31, 2019, Financial statements for the year is shown as Php 3,500,000. Since
were authorized for issue on April 1, 2020. The entity December 31, 2020, the following events have
must* occurred, but have not been reflected in any way in
the draft financial statements to that date. Item 1 - A
substantial quantity of slow-moving inventory was
Correct its December 31, 2019, financial statements sold for Php 320,000. The inventory had cost Php
before issuing them 600,000and had been valued for the accounts at
December 31, 2020, at its estimated net realizable In order for a noncurrent asset to be classified as held
value of Php 400,000Item 2 - A trade receivable paid for sale, the sale must be highly probable. What is the
the amount owing of Php 130,000 in full. On meaning of highly probable?*
December 31, 2020, there were doubts as to whether
it would be paid, and a specific provision for the full 0/1
amount had been made in the accounts. What is the The sale is certain
adjusted amount of net asset should Clarion Company The probability is higher than more likely than not
report in its December 31, 2020 balance sheet?* The future sale is likely to occur
2/2 The future sale is more likely than not occur
Php 3,500,000 Correct answer
Php 3,550,000 The probability is higher than more likely than not
Php 3,420,000
Php 3,630,000 Uncertainty and risk inherent in business situations
Php 0 should be adequately considered in financial
reporting. This statement is an example of the
Between the date on which the financial statements concept of:*
for this year were completed and the date on which 0/1
they were due to be authorized for issue, a number of
events took pace. All of the following events would be Neutrality.
classified as non adjusting events requiring disclosure, Full disclosure.
except?* Completeness.
0/1 Conservatism.
Correct answer
A mistake was discovered in the calculation of the
allowance for uncollectible trade receivables Full disclosure.
resulting in an understatement of the trade
Which of the following statements is incorrect
regarding accounting concepts?*
Destruction of a major production plan by fire
The entity entered into an agreement to purchase the
freehold of its currently leased office building Under the matching concept, revenues are matched
The entity announced the discontinuance of its with expenses in order to properly determine the
assembly operation profit for a period.
Correct answer Under the going concern concept, the business entity
A mistake was discovered in the calculation of the is assumed to carry on its operations for an indefinite
allowance for uncollectible trade receivables period of time.
resulting in an understatement of the trade Under the cost concept, the value of an asset is to be
receivables. determined on the basis of acquisition cost.
Under the materiality concept, items deemed
* material and affect decision making should be
2/2 separately disclosed

When an entity decided to sell a business component,

the gain on the disposal should be*

Presented as Other Income

Netted against the loss from operations of the
component as a part of a discontinued operations
Php 58,500
Included in other comprehensive income
Php 57,000
Presented as an adjustment to retained earnings
Php 117,000
Php 115,500 Andres Bukid Co. was incorporated on January 1, Year
Php 0 6, with Php 500,000 from the issuance of stock and
borrowed funds of Php 75,000. During the first year
of operations, net income was Php 25,000. On 1/1
December 15, Andres Bukid Co paid a Php 2,000 cash
dividend. No additional activities affected equity in Amount due from or to related parties at the end of
Year 6. At December 31, Year 6, Andres Bukid Co's the reporting period.
liabilities had increased to Php 94,000. In Andres Peso amount of the transaction
Bukid Co's December 31, Year 6 balance sheet, total Nature of the relationship between the parties
assets should be reported at* Nature of any future transactions planned between
2/2 the parties and the terms involved
Unusual and infrequent gain and loss should be rep*
Php 692,000
Php 600,000 1/1
Php 598,000 As an extraordinary item net of tax below income
Php 617,000 from continuing operations
Answer cannot be determined As a separate line item within income from continuing
operations but not net of applicable income tax
The information provided by financial reporting As a separate line item within income from
pertains to* discontinued operations net of applicable income tax
1/1 As a separate line item within income from continuing
Business industries, rather than to individual operations net of applicable income tax
enterprises or an economy as a whole or to members A company has outstanding accounts payable of Php
of society as consumers. 30,000 and a short-term construction loan in the
Individual business enterprises, industries, and an amount of Php100,000 at year-end. The loan was
economy as a whole, rather than to members of refinanced through the issuance of long-term bonds
society as consumers after year-end but before the issuance of financial
An economy as a whole and to members of society as statements. How should these liabilities be recorded
consumers, rather than to individual enterprises or in the balance sheet?*
industries. 1/1
Individual business enterprises, rather than to
industries or an economy as a whole or to members Current liabilities of Php 30,000, noncurrent liabilities
of society as consumers. of Php 100,000
The results of operation of a component of an entity Current liabilities of Php 130,000
that either has been disposed of or classified as held Noncurrent liabilities of Php 130,000
for sale shall be reported in discontinued operations Current liabilities of Php 130,000, with required
if S1: The operations and cash flows of the component footnote disclosure of the refinancing of the loan
have been or will be eliminated from the ongoing
operations of the entity as a result of the disposal The full disclosure principle requires a balance
transaction. S2: The entity continues to have a between*
significant continuing involvement in the operations 1/1
of the component after the disposal transactions. S3:
The entity outsources the manufacturing operations Reliability and Neutrality
of a component and sells the manufacturing facility of Comparability and consistency
the component but continues to sell the product Timeliness and Predictive Value
previously manufactured by the facility sold.* Relevance and Cost-effectiveness
An entity classified a noncurrent asset accounted for
2/2 under the cost model as held for sale at the current
All statements are true year-end. Because no offers were received at an
All statements are false acceptable price, the entity decided at the end of next
2 statements are true year not to sell the asset but to continue to use it. The
Only 1 statement is true asset shall be measured at the end of next year at
An entity that entered into a related party transaction what amount?*
would be required to disclose all of the following 1/1
information, except*
The lower of its carrying amount and its recoverable financial statements on April30, 2020, need to reflect
amount adjusting and non adjusting events?*
The lower of its carrying amount on the basis that it
had never been classified as held for sale and its 0/1
recoverable amount July 15, 2020
The higher of its carrying amount on the basis that it July 7, 2020
had never been classified as held for sale and its July 10, 2020
recoverable amount. July 20, 2020
The higher of its carrying amount and its recoverable Correct answer
July 15, 2020
A change in accounting policy shall be made when S1:
Required by law S2: Required by an accounting An entity deals extensively with foreign currency
standard S3: The change will result in more relevant transactions. Subsequent to the end of the reporting
or reliable information about the financial position, period and before the date of authorization of the
financial performance and cash flows of the entity* issuance of the financial statements, there were
abnormal fluctuations in the foreign currency rate.
2/2 What should be reported at the current year-end?*
All statements are true 1/1
All statements are false Ignore the post reporting period event
2 statements are true Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balance to
Only 1 statement is true reflect the abnormal adverse fluctuations
A receivable classified as current on the statement of Disclose the post-reporting period event
financial position is expected to be collected within* Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balances to
1/1 reflect all abnormal fluctuations and not just adverse
The current operating cycle movements
An entity uses calendar year as its accounting period.
The current operating cycle or 1 year, whichever is The statement of financial position prepared on
longer December 31, 2021 covers the period:*
The current operating cycle or 1 year, whichever is 1/1
1 year From business’ inception up to December 31, 2021.
January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.
An entity has a loan due for repayment in six months' December 31, 2020 to December 31, 2021.
time but the entity has the option to refinance for January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.
repayment two years later. The entity plans to
refinance this loan. In which section of the statement Earnings*
of financial position should thisloan be presented.?* 1/1
1/1 Are the same as comprehensive income
Noncurrent Assets Exclude certain gains and losses included in
Current Assets comprehensive income
Current Liabilities Include certain losses excluded from comprehensive
Noncurrent Liabilities income
An entity's financial statements for the year ended Include certain gains excluded from comprehensive
April 30, 2020, were approved by its finance director income
on July 7, 2020,and a public announcement of its The term comprehensive income*
profit for the year was made on July 10, 2020. The 1/1
board of directors authorized the financial
statements for issue on July 15, 2020, and the Includes all changes in equity during a period except
financial statements were approved by the those resulting from investments by and distributions
shareholders on July 20, 2020. After what date should to owners
consideration no longer be given as to whether the
Must be reported on the face of the income Biological assets should be reported in the statement
statement of financial position
Is the net change in owners' equity for the period
Is synonymous with the term net income Mango Company bought a machine on January 1,
2020, for Php 240,000 at which time it had an
Asset measurements in conventional financial estimated useful life of eight years, with no residual
statements:* value. Straight line method of depreciation is used for
1/1 all of Mango's depreciable assets. On January 1, 2020,
the machine's estimated useful life was determined
Are confined to historical cost and current cost. to be only 6 years from the acquisition date. In
Reflect several financial attributes. Mango's 2020 financial statements, how much should
Are confined to historical cost. be reported as the cumulative effect on prior years
Do not reflect output values. because of the change in the estimated useful life of
Public utilities' balance sheets list the plant assets the machine*
before the current assets. This is acceptable under 2/2
which accounting principle/guideline?* Php 28,000
0/1 Php 20,000
Conservatism. Php 12,000
This is not acceptable. Php 0
Industry practices. A cable television entity receives deposits from
Cost. customers that are refunded when service is
Correct answer terminated. The average customer stays with the
entity 8 years. How should these deposits be shown
This is not acceptable. on the financial statements?*
Which of the following cannot be considered fair 1/1
presentation of financial statements*
1/1 Other Revenue
Operating Revenue
To select and apply accounting policies in accordance Paid-in Capital
with applicable PFRS Liability
To present information in a manner that provides When the classification of items in the financial
relevant and faithfully represented financial statements is changed, the entity*
To provide additional disclosures when compliance 1/1
with specific PFRS is insufficient to understand the
Must reclassify the comparative amounts unless it is
financial position and financial performance.
impracticable to do so
To rectify inappropriate accounting policies either by
Must reclassify the current year amounts only.
disclosures of the accounting policies used or by notes
Must not reclassify the comparative amounts
or explanatory information
Can choose whether or not to reclassify
Which statements about the statement of financial
position is not true?* Separate line items in an analysis of expenses by
nature include*
A revaluation surplus on a non current asset in the
Purchases, transport costs, employee benefits,
current year should be recognized in the income
depreciation, extraordinary items
Depreciation, purchases, transport costs, employee
Provisions should be recognized in the statement of
benefits and advertising costs.
financial position
Purchases, distribution costs, administrative costs,
The number of shares authorized for issue should be
employee benefits, depreciation, taxes
reported in the statement of financial position or the
Cost of goods sold, administrative and distribution
statement of changes in equity or in the notes
Correct answer In the period of change and future periods if the
change affects both
Depreciation, purchases, transport costs, employee
benefits and advertising costs. Which of the following is not correct when an entity
opts to use the two-statement presentation of
Why is reclassification adjustment used when
income and expenses*
reporting other comprehensive income?*
The profit or loss section is required to be presented
The adjustment made to adjust for the income tax
in the statement presenting comprehensive income
effect of reporting comprehensive income
The separate statement presenting comprehensive
The adjustment made to avoid double counting of
income begins with the amount of profit or loss
The separate income statement forms part of a
The adjustment made to make net income equal to
complete set of financial statements and shall be
comprehensive income
displayed immediately before the statement
The adjustment to reclassify an item of
presenting comprehensive income
comprehensive income as another item of
The profit or loss section is not presented anymore in
comprehensive income
the statement presenting comprehensive income
Events after the reporting period are defined as* Correct answer
1/1 The profit or loss section is required to be presented
Events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur in the statement presenting comprehensive income
between the end of the reporting period and the date Fair presentation requires an entity (choose the
of the entity's next interim or annual financial incorrect one)*
statements 1/1
Events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur
between the end of the reporting period and the date To rectify inappropriate accounting policies used or
of the entity's next annual financial statements by notes or explanatory information.
Events, favorable and unfavorable, that occur To provide additional disclosures when compliance
between the end of the reporting period and the date with specific PFRS is insufficient to understand the
when the financial statements are authorized for entity's financial position and financial performance.
issue To present information in a manner that provides
All choices relate to events after the reporting period relevant, reliable, comparable, ad understandable
Which of the following is not a justification for a information
change in depreciation method?* To select and apply accounting policies in accordance
1/1 with applicable PFRS

To confirm with the depreciation method prevalent in The entity must disclose comparative information
a particular industry for*
A change in the estimated useful life
A change in the pattern of estimated future benefit
A change in the future benefit from the asset The previous comparable period for all amounts
reported and for all narrative and descriptive
How should the effect of a change in accounting
estimate be accounted for?*
The previous comparable period for all amounts
In the period of change and future periods if the The previous comparable period for all amounts
change affects both reported, and for all narrative and descriptive
By reporting proforma amounts for prior periods information when it is relevant to an understanding
As a prior period adjustment to beginning retained of the current period's financial statements.
earnings None of the given choices
By restating amounts reported in financial statements The net sales of Grass Manufacturing Company in
of prior periods 2020 is Php 580,000. The cost of goods manufactured
Correct answer is Php480,000. The beginning inventories of Goods in
Process and Finished Goods are Php 82,000 and Php Grand Company placed an order with Little Company
65,000,respectively. The ending inventories are: for new specialized machinery. The order was
Goods in Process - Php 75,000, Finished Goods - Php noncancelable once signed and Grand agreed to pay
55,000, The Selling Expenses and General and for the machinery at the time the order was signed on
Administrative Expenses are 5% and 2.5% of Cost of February 1, 2020. Little held the machinery to Grand's
Sales, respectively. How much would be the net profit order from June 1, 2020, the date on which it was
before tax in the year 2020?* completed. Grand commenced using the machinery
0/2 on August 1, 2020 when Little completed the
installation process. Little had staff on standby to deal
Php 45,725 with any operating problems until the warranty
Php 83,000 period ended on November 1, 2020. Little shall
Php 90,000 recognize the revenue from the sale of this
Php 53,250 specialized machinery on*
None of the given choices 0/1
Correct answer June 1, 2020
Php 53,250 November 1, 2020
August 1, 2020
LAGOTNA Co. uses a calendar year accounting period. February 1, 2020
In 2020, LAGOTNA Co. decides to adopt the PFRSs for Correct answer
the first time. LAGOTNA Co., reports one-year
comparative information. If LAGOTNA Co., reports August 1, 2020
two years of comparative information, how many What is the purpose of information presented in
balance sheets will be prepared on December 31, notes to the financial statements?*
2020?* 0/1
To provide disclosures required by generally accepted
3 accounting principles.
1 To correct improper presentation in the financial
4 statements.
2 To present management's responses to auditor
Correct answer To provide recognition of amounts not included in the
totals of the financial statements.
Correct answer
An entity manufactures and sells household products.
The entity experienced losses associated with its To provide disclosures required by generally accepted
small appliance group. Operations and cash flows for accounting principles.
this group can be clearly distinguished from the rest
of the entity's operations. The entity plans to sell the An entity deals extensively with foreign entities, and
small appliance group with its operations. what is the its financial statements reflect these foreign currency
earliest point at which the entity shall report the small transactions. Subsequent to the reporting period, and
appliance group as a discontinued operation?* before the date of authorization of the issuance of the
1/1 financial statements, there were abnormal
fluctuations in foreign currency rates. The entity
When the entity classifies it as held for sale should*
When the entity sells the majority of the assets of the 1/1
When the entity first sells any of the assets of the Disclose the post-reporting event in the notes as a
segment. non adjusting event
When the entity receives an offer for the segment Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balances to
reflect the abnormal adverse fluctuations in foreign
exchnage rate
Adjust the foreign exchange year-end balances to
reflect all the abnormal fluctuations in foreign Indicate the proper order of presenting the notes to
exchange rates and not just adverse movements. financial statements I. Statement of compliance with
Ignore the post-reporting period event PFRS II. Other Disclosures, such as contingent
liabilities, unrecognized contractual commitments,
Andres Bukid determined that due to obsolescence, and nonfinancial disclosures. III. Supporting
equipment with an original cost of Php 180,000 and information for items presented on the face of the
accumulated depreciation at January 1, 2005 of Php financial statements. IV. Summary of significant
84,000 had suffered permanent impairment, and as a accounting policies*
result should have a fair value of only Php 60,000 as 0/1
of the beginning of the year. Additionally, the fair
value of only Php 60,000 as of the beginning of the I, III, IV, and II
year. Additionally, the remaining useful life of the I, IV, II, and III
equipment was reduced from eight years to three I, IV, III, and II
years. In its December 31, 2005 Balance sheet, how I, II, III, and IV
much should Andres Bukid report as accumulated Correct answer
0/2 I, IV, III, and II

Php 20,000 The minimum disclosures prescribed under PAS 24

Php 104,000 are to be made separately for certain categories of
Php 120,000 related parties. Which of the following is not among
Php 140,000 the list of categories specified under the standard for
None of the given choices purposes of separate disclosure?*
Correct answer
Joint ventures in which the entity is a venturer
Php 140,000 Entities with joint control or significant influence over
the entity
A company sell products to a customer who uses An entity that has a common director with the entity
Express Charge, a credit card not issued by a bank. The parent of the entity
The company should record:* The effect of a change in accounting policy that is
0/1 inseparable from the effect of a change in accounting
A small increase in the allowance for doubtful estimate shall be reported*
accounts. 0/1
An account receivable from Express Charge. By restating the financial statements of all prior
An account receivable from the customer. periods presented
A cash receipt. As a correction of an error
Correct answer As a component of income from continuing
operations, in the period of change and future periods
An account receivable from Express Charge. if the change affects both
As a separate disclosure after income from continuing
A debit balance in the cash short or over account at
operations, in the period of change and future periods
the end of the period that can be attributed to the
if the change affects both.
fault of the petty cashier is treated as a:*
Correct answer
As a component of income from continuing
Miscellaneous income. operations, in the period of change and future periods
Payable to employee. if the change affects both
Receivable from employee.
Miscellaneous expense. *
Correct answer 0/2
Receivable from employee.
Accrual basis.

Full disclosure.
Matching principle.
S1 and S2
S2 and S3
S1 and S3 Users are better able to evaluate an entity’s ability to
S1, S2, and S3 generate cash and cash equivalents if they are
Correct answer provided with information that focuses on the
S2 and S3
A new drug named Sinovaccum was introduced by an
Financial position.
entity in the market on December 1, 2020. The
entity's financial year ends on December 31, 2020. It
Cash flows.
was the only entity that was permitted to
All of these.
manufacture this patented drug. The drug is used by
patients suffering from an irregular heart beat. On
March 31, 2021, after the drug was introduced, more
than 1,000 patients died. After a series of *
investigations, authorities discovered that when this 0/2
drug was simultaneously used with AstraZebra, a drug
used to regulate hypertension, the patient's blood
would clot, and the patient suffered a stroke. A
lawsuit for Php 100,000,000 has been filed against the
entity. The financial statements were authorized for
issuance on April 30, 2021.Which of the following Php 160,000
options is the appropriate accounting treatment for None of the given choices
the event after reporting period?* Php 520,000

The entity should provide Php 100,000,000 because Php 360,000

this is an adjusting event and the financial statements Php 680,000
were authorized to be issued after the incident. Correct answer
If the probability of the lawsuit being decided against
the entity is remote, the entity should disclose it in Php 360,000
the notes, because it is a non adjusting material event
The entity should disclose the Php100,000 as a
On March 25, 2020, the entity discovered that, as a
contingent liability because it is an adjusting event
result of a computational error, depreciation expense
The entity should disclose Php 100,000,000 as a
for the year ended December 31, 2019, is overstated.
contingent liability because it is a present obligation
The entity's December 31, 2019, financial statements
with an improbable outflow
were authorized for issue on April 1, 2020. The entity
Correct answer must*
The entity should disclose Php 100,000,000 as a
contingent liability because it is a present obligation Restate the depreciation expense reported for the
with an improbable outflow year ended December31, 2019, in the comparative
figures of its 2020 financial statements as a
Determining periodic earnings and financial position retrospective restatement of a prior period error.
depends on measuring economic resources and Reduce depreciation for the year ended December
obligations and changes in them as these changes 31, 2020
occur. This explanation pertains to:* Do nothing
Pray and Trust the Process expense would have been Php 380,000 instead of Php
Correct its December 31, 2019,financial statements 285,000. In 2020, bad debt expense will be Php
before issuing them 120,000 instead of Php 90,000.If Jaguar's tax rate is
32%, what amount should it report as the cumulative
Correct answer effect of changing estimated bad debts expense?*
Correct its December 31, 2019,financial statements 0/2
before issuing them Php 64,600
Why are certain costs of doing business capitalized Php 95,000
when incurred and then depreciated or amortized Php 120,000
over subsequent accounting cycles.* None of the given choices
0/1 Php 0

To aid management in the decision-making process Correct answer

To adhere to the accounting concept of conservatism Php 0
To reduce the income tax liability
To match the costs of production with revenue as When the current year’s ending inventory is
earned overstated*
Correct answer 0/1

To aid management in the decision-making process The current year’s net income is overstated
The current year’s total assets are understated
Which of the following most likely would be The next year’s income is overstated
considered a discontinued operation?* The current year’s cost of gods sold is overstated
Correct answer
An entity that is a franchisor in the quick-service
restaurant business also operates company-owned The current year’s net income is overstated
restaurants that are unprofitable in a certain region The primary purpose of the statement of financial
and, as a result, the entity decides to exit both the position is to reflect*
quick-service business as well as the company-owned 1/1
restaurants in that region.
The unprofitable brands of a beauty products The success of a company's operations for a given
component of an entity that manufactures and sells amount of time
consumer products are discontinued. The status of the firm's assets in case of forced
Shifting or marketing function from one location to liquidation of the firm
another Items of value, debt, and net worth
A sporting goods manufacturer has a bicycle division The fair value of the firm's assets at some moment in
that meets the definition of a component of the entity time
and decides to outsource the manufacture of its Which of the following characteristics may result in
bicycles. the classification of a liability as current?*
The financial statements prepared under GAAP*
1/1 Violation of provisions of a debt agreement.
Debts to be liquidated from funds that have been
Reflect a single measurement basis which is historical accumulated and are reported as noncurrent assets.
Are not highly precise because many estimates and Obligations for advance collections that involve long-
judgement must be made term deferment of the delivery of goods or services.
Do not articulate with one another Short-term obligations refinanced with long-term
Contain a limited number of future projections. debt at the end of the reporting period.
Jaguar Company has recorded bad debts expense in Correct answer
the past at a rate of 1.5% of net sales. In 2020, Jaguar Violation of provisions of a debt agreement.
decides to increase its estimate to 2%. If the new rate
had been used in prior years, cumulative bad debt
What criterion is excluded in the definition of cash The obligation to provide goods that customers have
equivalents?* ordered and paid for during the current year
Correct answer
Readily convertible to known amounts of cash.
Subject to an insignificant change in value. The obligation to provide goods that customers have
Short-term, highly liquid investments. ordered and paid for during the current year
Investment in high quality instruments. The valuation of an assurance to receive cash in the
Correct answer future at present value on a business entity’s financial
statements is well-founded because of the accounting
Investment in high quality instruments. concept of:*
Entity A determined that an asset exists. However,
the asset's low probability of inflows of economic Periodicity.
benefits and its very high level of measurement Materiality.
uncertainty affected Entity A's recognition decisions Business continuity.
about the asset, as these raised doubt on whether the Business entity.
asset's recognition would result in useful information.
Consequently, Entity A did not recognize the asset, Correct answer
but because Entity A deemed it relevant, information
Business continuity.
about the asset was nonetheless provided in the
notes. Which of the following statements is correct?*
0/1 Which of the following is generally classified as a
current liability on the balance sheet?*
Entity A's accounting treatment is grossly incorrect
because all items that meet the definition of an asset
should always be recognized, regardless of the asset's Postdated checks.
potential to produce economic benefits and its Customer NSF checks.
measurement uncertainty Bank overdrafts.
Entity A's non-recognition of the asset is correct. Travel advances.
However, the asset should have been completely
ignored as providing information about unrecognized Correct answer
items in the notes is not acceptable under the Bank overdrafts.
conceptual framework
Entity A's treatment for the asset is acceptable. The At the beginning of the current year, an entity
asset is referred to as a non-existent asset. installed cabinets to display its merchandise in
Entity A's treatment for the asset is acceptable. The customer's stores. The entity expects to use these
asset is referred to as an unrecognized asset cabinets for 5 years. The income statement for the
current year should include.*
Correct answer 0/1
Entity A's treatment for the asset is acceptable. The
One-fifth of the cabinet costs in cost of goods sold
asset is referred to as an unrecognized asset
All of the cabinet costs in selling, general and
Which of the following represents a liability* administrative expenses
0/1 One-fifth of the cabinet costs in selling general, and
The obligation to pay for goods that an entity expects administrative expenses
to order from suppliers next year All of the cabinet costs in cost of goods sold
Correct answer
The obligation to pay interest on a five year note
One-fifth of the cabinet costs in selling general, and
payable that was issued the last day of the current
administrative expenses
The obligation to distribute an entity's own shares Which of the following statements in relation to the
next year as a result of a stock dividend declared near term expense is false?*
end of the current year
1/1 Is reduced by the proportionate change in the
working capital ratio
Expense is synonymous with expenditure May exceed the amount available for refinancing
All expenses and losses are expired costs but not all under the agreement
expired costs are expenses or losses Depends on the demonstrated ability to consummate
All expenses decrease owners equity but not all the refinancing
decrease in owner's equity are expenses
Entities do not incur expenses per se but they initially Correct answer
acquire assets.
Depends on the demonstrated ability to consummate
Which of the following statements is true regarding the refinancing
accounting and reporting standards for discontinued
A statement of financial position allows investors to
assess all of the following except the*
Discontinued operations shall follow gross income on
Liquidity and financial flexibility of the enterprise
the face of the income statement.
Net realizable value of enterprise assets
A component of an entity always represents the same
The capital structure of the enterprise
concept as an operating segment used in reporting
The efficiency with which enterprise assets are used
disaggregated information
A recognition of an impairment loss would be An entity that sprays chemicals in residences to
necessary for a component that had not been sold by eliminate or prevent infestation of insects requires
year-end if the fair value of the component was that customers prepay for 3 months service at the
determined to be less than the carrying amount beginning of each new quarter. Select the term that
The results of the discontinued operation include only appropriately describes this situation from the
the gain or loss on disposal of the component and not viewpoint of the entity*
the income or loss from operating the discontinued 0/1
If an entity ended a period with a larger inventory Accrued Income
that it had at the beginning of the period, which of the Earned Income
following statements is true?* Deferred income
0/1 Prepaid Expense
Correct answer
The cost of goods sold was smaller than net purchases
The cost of goods sold was greater than net purchases Deferred income
The cost of goods available for sale was smaller than
Non-current assets are presented as current assets in
cost of goods sold
the statement of financial position*
Net income was greater than gross profit
Correct answer
Never presented as current items.
The cost of goods sold was smaller than net purchases
Only if they are actually sold after the reporting
period but before the date of authorization of the
PASADO Company intends to refinance a portion of financial statements for issue.
its short-term debt in Year 2 and is negotiating a long- Only when they are expected to be sold within
term financing agreement with a local bank. This 12months from the end of reporting period.
agreement would be noncancelable and would Only when they qualify as held for sale assets under
extend for a period of 2years. The amount of short- PFRS 5.
term debt that PASADO Company can exclude from
Correct answer
its statement of financial position at December 31,
Year 1* Only when they qualify as held for sale assets under
0/1 PFRS 5.

Is zero unless the refinancing has occurred by year Noncurrent asset or disposal group is classified as
end held for sale when the asset is available for immediate
sale and the sale is highly probable. For the sale to be
highly probable. (choose the incorrect one)* Only 1 statement is true
Correct answer
The sale is expected to qualify for recognition as a
Only 1 statement is true
completed sale within two years from the date of
classification of the asset as held for sale For the purpose of decision making:*
An active program to locate a buyer and complete the 1/1
plan must have been initiated.
Management must be committed to a plan to sell the Accounting information provides information about
asset future events.
The asset must be actively marketed for sale at a The future is used as a guide to past estimates.
reasonable price in relation to its current fair value Accounting information provides information about
the outcomes of past decisions.
Which is incorrect concerning the presentation of The accountant never becomes involved in the
comparative interim financial statements?* budgeting process.
0/1 The entity decided to extend its reporting period from
a year to a 15-month period. Which of the following
Income statements for the current interim period and
is not required in case of change in reporting period?*
cumulatively for the current year to date with
comparative income statement for the immediately
preceding year. The entity shall change the reporting period only if
Statement of cash flows cumulatively for the current other similar entities in the geographical area in
financial year to date with comparative statement for which it generally operates have done so in the
the comparable year to date period of the current year.
immediately preceding year. The entity shall disclose the reason for using a longer
Statement of changes in equity cumulatively for the period than a period of12 months.
current financial year to date with a comparative The entity shall disclose the period covered by the
statement for the comparable year to date period of financial statements
the immediately preceding year. The entity shall disclose that comparative amounts
Statement of financial position as of the end of the used in the financial statements are not entirely
current interim period and comparative statement of comparable
financial position as of the end of the immediately
preceding fiscal year. Correct answer
Correct answer The entity shall change the reporting period only if
Income statements for the current interim period and other similar entities in the geographical area in
cumulatively for the current year to date with which it generally operates have done so in the
comparative income statement for the immediately current year.
preceding year.
At the end of the current year, an entity had cash
accounts at three different banks. One account is
S1: Provisions should be recognized in the statement segregated solely for payment into a bond sinking
of financial position S2: A revaluation surplus on fund a second account used for branch operations is
noncurrent assets in the current year should be overdrawn. The third account, used for regular
recognized in the statement of changes in equity S3: corporate operations has a positive balance. How
Dividends paid should be recognized in the statement should these accounts be reported?*
of comprehensive income S4: A loss on disposal of
assets should be recognized in the statement of
changes in equity* The segregated and regular accounts should be
0/2 reported as current assets net of the overdraft.
The segregated account should be reported as a
All statements are true
noncurrent asset, and the regular account should be
3 statements are true
reported as a current asset net of the overdraft
2 statements are true
The segregated and regular accounts should be Which of the following information shall be disclosed
reported as current assets, and the overdraft should in the summary of significant accounting policies?*
be reported as current assets, and the overdraft 0/1
should be reported as current liability
The segregated account should be reported as a Criteria for determining which investments are
noncurrent asset, the regular account should be treated as cash equivalents
reported as a current asset, and the overdraft should Adequacy of pension plan assets relative to vested
be reported as a current liability benefits
* Refinancing of debt subsequent to the reporting
0/2 Guarantees of indebtedness of others
Correct answer
Criteria for determining which investments are
treated as cash equivalents

All statements are true
3 statements are true
2 statements are true
Only 1 statement is true

Correct answer
Only Statement 1
2 statements are true
Both Statements 1 and 3
A chemical entity has no overseas sales. The entity Only Statement 3
produces different products from the process. The Both Statements 2 and 3
entity sells its products from the process. The entity
Correct answer
sells its product to small businesses, larger national
businesses, and multinational entities. Internal Only Statement 3
reports are reviewed by the chief operating decision-
Which of the following will most likely to cause the
maker on this basis. The management of the entity
non-recognition of an asset or a liability?*
proposed to disclose just one business segment
because it sells all of its products nationally?* 1/1
Recognizing the asset or liability would not provide
Yes, even though there are three different groups of relevant and faithfully represented information
customers, they all present the same risks to the The probability of an inflow (outflow) of future
entity economic benefits from the asset (liability) is low
Yes, PFRS 8 will allow the entity to disclose a single It is uncertain whether the asset or liability exists
business segment There is a measurement uncertainty regarding the
asset or liability
No, the entity can identify three different sets of
customers and shall therefore disclose information on A transaction that is material in amount, unusual in
that basis. nature, and infrequent in occurrence, shall be
PFRS 8 on segment reporting presented separately as*

Correct answer 0/1

No, the entity can identify three different sets of Component of income from discontinued operation,
customers and shall therefore disclose information on net of applicable income tax
that basis. Component of income from continuing operations,
but not net of applicable income tax
Component of income from continuing operations, Most short-term receivable are not interest-bearing.
net of applicable income tax The amount of discount is not material.
Prior period error, net of applicable income tax Correct answer
Correct answer
The amount of discount is not material.
Component of income from continuing operations, Entity A enters into a purchase commitment with
but not net of applicable income tax Entity B (Seller). Neither party performs its obligation
The estimated life of a building that has been on the contract, i.e., Entity A did not yet pay the
depreciated 30 years of an originally estimated life of purchase price, while Entity B did not yet deliver the
50 years has been revised to a remaining life of 10 goods. Which of the following is incorrect?*
years. What is the treatment of the accounting 1/1
change?* If Entity A performs its obligation first, Entity A's
1/1 combined right and obligation changes to a liability
Adjust accumulated depreciation to its appropriate The contract is executory. Entity A has a combined
balance, through net income, based on a 40-year life right to receive the goods and an obligation to pay for
and then depreciate the adjusted carrying amount as them.
though the estimated life had always been 40 years. Entity A recognizes neither an asset nor liability
Continue to depreciate the building over the original except when the contract becomes burdensome,
50-year life such as when the goods become obsolete before they
Depreciate the remaining carrying amount over the are delivered.
remaining life of the asset If Entity B performs its obligation first, entity A's
Adjust accumulated depreciation to its appropriate combined right and obligation changes to liability
balance, through retained earnings, based on a 40- S1: Financial statements do not provide all the
year life and then depreciate the adjusted carrying information that users may need to make economic
amount as though the estimated life had always been decisions since they largely portray the financial
40 years. effects of past events and do not necessarily provide
PAS 1 requires an entity to provide an additional nonfinancial information. S2: Financial statements
balance sheet dated as of the beginning of the show the results of stewardship of management or
preceding period if certain instances occur. Which of the accountability of management for the resources
the following is not one of those instances? (Assume entrusted to it. S3: An entity whose financial
all of the following has a material effect)* statements comply with PFRS shall not make an
0/1 explicit and unreserved statement of such compliance
Reclassification of items in the financial statements in the notes. S4: Materiality provides that the specific
Retrospective restatement requirements of PFRS need not be met if the resulting
Retrospective application of an accounting policy information is not material.*
Change in the frequency of reporting All statements are true
Correct answer 3 statements are true
2 statements are true
Change in the frequency of reporting Only 1 statement is true

Correct answer
Assuming that the ideal measure of short-term
receivable in the balance sheet is the discounted 3 statements are true
value of the cash to be received in the future, failure
An expense is recognized immediately in the income
to follow this practice usually does not make the
statement I. When an expenditure produces no future
balance sheet misleading because:*
economic benefits II. When cost incurred ceases to
qualify for recognition as an asset in the statement of
Most receivables can be sold to a bank or factor. financial position*
The allowance for uncollectible accounts includes a 0/1
discount element.
I only To provide relevant information about cash receipts
II Only and cash payments of an entity during a period
Either I or II To assess the ability of the entity to pay dividends to
Neither I nor II stockholder
To help investors, creditors and other users to assess
Correct answer the entity's ability to generate positive future net cash
Either I or II flows

What happens when an entity record the payment of An operating segment is considered reportable when
payable made in the subsequent period as if it were any of the following conditions is met, except*
made in the current period?* 1/1
0/1 Segment revenue is 10% or more of the combined
Lapping. revenue of all of the entity's segments
Kiting. Segment assets are 10% or more of the combined
Window dressing. assets of all segments
Fishing. Segment liabilities are 10% or more of the combined
liabilities of all segments.
Correct answer Segment profit or loss is 10% or more of the combined
profit of all segments that did not incur a loss
Window dressing.
If at the end of period an entity erroneously excluded
Which of the following should not be reported as some goods from its ending inventory and also
inventory?* erroneously did not record the purchase of these
0/1 goods in its accounting records, these errors would
Land acquired for resale by a real estate firm 1/1
Shares and bonds held for resale by a brokerage firm
Partially completed goods held by a manufacturing No effect on net income, working capital and retained
entity earnings
Machinery acquired by a manufacturing entity for use
The ending inventory, cost of goods sold and retained
in the production process.
earnings to be understated.
Correct answer
Machinery acquired by a manufacturing entity for use Cost of goods available for sale, cost of goods sold and
in the production process. net income to be understated.
The ending inventory, cost of goods available for sale
The results of a discontinued operations are and retained earnings to be understated.
presented in the statement of profit or loss*
1/1 Haggard Company entered into a call option contract
for speculation with a bank speculator on January1,
Before the profit or loss from continuing operations 2020. The contract gave the entity the option to
but after the profit for the year. purchase 10,000 shares at Php 100 per share. The
Separately from the profit or loss from continuing option expires on April 30, 2020. Each share is trading
operations and it does not affect the profit for the at Php 100 on January 1, 2020 at which time the entity
year. paid Php 10,000 for the call option. The price per
As an adjustment to the beginning balance of the share is Php 120 on April 30, 2020, and the time value
retained earnings. of the option has not changed. In order to settle the
After the profit or loss from continuing operations but option contract, the entity would most likely?*
before the profit for the year.
The primary purpose of statement of cash flows is*
1/1 Pay the bank Php 200,000
None of the given choices
To disclose separately noncash investing and Receive Php 200,000 from the bank
financing activities
Purchase the shares at Php 100 per share and sell the An embedded derivative shall be bifurcated from the
shares at Php 120 per share to the bank host contract when all of the following conditions are
Receive Php 190,000 from the bank satisfied except*
On the statement of cash flows, which of the
following items will affect both financing activities The economic characteristics and risks of the host
and operating activities?* contract and the embedded derivative are not closely
1/1 related.
The host contract is measured at fair value through
Payment of dividends. proÒt or loss
Redemption of debt. A separate instrument with the same terms as the
Collection of loans to other entities. embedded feature would meet the deÒnition of a
Issuance of equity securities. derivative
The premium on a three-year insurance policy The host contract is measured at fair value through
expiring on December 31, 2020, was paid in total on other comprehensive income.
January 1, 2018. If the original payment was recorded Correct answer
as a prepaid asset, how would total assets and The host contract is measured at fair value through
shareholders' equity be affected during 2018?* proÒt or loss
S1: A two-year treasury note purchased six weeks
Both total assets and shareholders' equity would prior to maturity would not qualify as a cash
decrease equivalent. S2: To qualify as cash equivalent, an item
Neither total assets nor shareholders' equity would generally must be readily convertible to cash and
change have an original maturity of three months or less. S3:
Both total assets and shareholders' equity would Original maturity, for the determination of cash
increase equivalency is defined as the date of original
Total assets would decrease and shareholders' equity issuance.*
would increase 2/2
Compared to the accrual basis of accounting, the cash All statements are true
basis understates income by the net decrease during All statements are false
the accounting period of* 2 statements are true
1/1 Only 1 statement is true
Accounts receivable but not of accrued expenses Derivatives derive their value from change in a
Neither accounts receivable nor or accrued expenses benchmark based on any of the following, except*
Both accounts receivable and accrued expenses 1/1
Accrued expenses but not of accounts receivable
Fortitude Company purchased cattle at an auction for Share price
P200,000 on July 1, 2022. Cost of transporting the Foreign currency rate
cattle back to the company's farm was P2,000 and the Discount on accounts receivable
company would have to incur cost similar Commodity price
transportation cost if it was to sell the cattle in the In a statement of cash flows, if the equipment is sold
auction, in addition an autioneer's fee of 2% of sales at a gain, the amount shown as a cash inflow from
price. What amount should the biological assets be investing activities equals the carrying amount of the
initially recognized?* equipment.*
Plus the gain only
200,000 Plus the gain and less the amount of tax attributable
198,000 to the gain
194,000 With no addition or subtraction
196,000 Plus both the gain and the amount of tax attributable
to the gain
An interim financial report must consist of a
When preparing a reconciliation of net income to cash condensed set of financial statements
from operations, an increase in the ending inventory An interim financial report may consist of a
will result in an adjustment to reported net income condensed set or complete set of financial statements
because?* On December 30, 2020, Fine corporation sold
1/1 merchandise for Php 75,000 to Day Company. The
terms of the sale were n/30, FOB shipping point. The
Inventory is an expense deducted in computing net merchandise was shipped on December 31, 2020, and
income but is not a use of cash arrived at Day on January 2, 2021. Due to clerical
All changes in noncash accounts must be disclosed. error, the sale was not recorded until January 2021
The net increase in inventory is part of the di×erence and the merchandise sold at a 25%markup on cost,
between cost of goods sold and cash paid to suppliers. was included in Fine's inventory at December 31,
Cash is increased because inventory is a current asset 2020.As a result, Fine's cost of goods sold for the year
* ended December 31, 2020 was*


Understated by Php 75,000

Understated by Php 60,000
The error was counterbalanced.
Understated by Php 15,000


C Php 600,000 provided by financing activities
D None of the given choices
Score Php 48,000 used by financing activities
Question 1 Php 48,000 provided by financing activities
2/2 Php 428,000 used by financing activities
Question 2 If a financial report contains both the consolidated
2/2 financial statements of a parent and the parent's
Question 1 separate financial statements, segment information is
Question 2 required in*

Which of the following statements about an interim The separate financial statements only
report is true* The consolidated financial statements only
1/1 Both the separate and consolidated financial
An interim financial report must consist of a complete Neither the separate nor the consolidated financial
set of financial statements statements
Interim financial statements must be presented with
the most recent annual financial statements *
Php 1,000
None of the given choices
Php 7,000
Php 3,000
Php 6,000
Php 220,000 On September 1, 2020, Omskrt began a service
Php 215,000 proprietorship with an initial investment of Php
Php 195,000 400,000.Omskrt provided Php 800,000 of services
None of the given choices during September. Collections were made except for
Php 225,000 Php 200,000 which were paid the following month.
Expenses were incurred in the amount of Php 400,000
The following are options of embedded derivative
including Php 100,000 which are to be paid next
month. Omskrt withdrew Php 60,000 against the
capital account. In September 30, 2020 financial
A detachable warrant which gives the holder the right statement, what amount of capital should be
to purchase the underlying asset at a specific price reported under the cash basis accounting?*
within a certain time frame
Equity conversion option in a convertible bond
instrument that allows the holder to convert the bond Php 800,000
into shares of the issuer Php 740,000
Redemption option in an investment in redeemable Php 840,000
preference share that allows the issuer to repurchase Php 640,000
the preference shares None of the given choices
An investment in bond whose interest or principal
payment is linked to the price of gold or silver Correct answer
Correct answer Php 640,000
A detachable warrant which gives the holder the right Graphic Publishers offered a contest in which the
to purchase the underlying asset at a specific price winner would receive Php 1,000,000 payable over
within a certain time frame 20years. On December 31, 2020. Graphic announced
Preparing the statement of cash flows, using the the winner of the contest and signed a note payable
indirect method, involves all of the following except to the winner for Php 1,000,000, payable in 50,000
determining the* installments every January 2. Also, on December 31,
1/1 2020, Graphic purchased an annuity for Php 418,250
to provide the Php 950,000 prize monies remaining
Cash provided by operations after the first Php 50,000 installment, which paid on
Change in cash during the period. January 2, 2020.In its 2020 income statement, what
Cash provided by or used in investing and Ònancing should graphic report as contest prize expense?*
activities. 2/2
Cash collections from customers during the period.
On February 1, 2023, BESH began service Php 1,000,000
proprietorship with an initial cash investment of Php Php 0
2,000. The proprietorship provided Php 5,000 of Php 468,250
services in February and received full payment in Php 418,250
March. The proprietorship incurred expenses of Php In preparing for a statement of cash flows, sale of
3,000 in February, which were paid in April. During treasury stock at an amount greater than cost would
March, BESH drew Php 1,000 against the capital be classified as a(an)*
account. In the proprietorship's financial statements 1/1
for the two months ended March 31, 2023, prepared Financing activity
under the cash basis of accounting, what amount Investing activity
should be reported as capital?* Operating activity
2/2 Transfer activity
Php 200,000
An entity must disclose all of the following about each Php 76,000
reportable segment if the amounts are reviewed by None of the given choices
the chief operating decision maker, except*
1/1 In preparing a statement of cash flows, cash flows
from operating activities*
Depreciation expense 1/1
Allocated expense
Interest expense Can be calculated by appropriately adding to or
Income tax expense deducting from net income those items in the income
statement that do affect cash
* Can be calculated by appropriately adding to or
0/2 deducting from net income those items in the income
statement that do not affect cash.
Are calculated as the difference between revenues
and expenses.
Are always equal to accrual accounting income.

Cash equivalents would not include short-term

investments in a money market funds*
None of the given choices Commercial Paper
Php 6,900,000 Money market funds
Php 5,900,000 Certificate of Deposit
Php 7,900,000 FVOCI
Php 8,900,000
Correct answer In a period of inflation, an entity discloses income on
a current cost basis. Compared to historical cost
Php 5,900,000 income, which condition increases the current cost
Caroline, Inc. exchanged a tract of land it held in
Mississippi for a tract of land owned by Rosalie
Corporation located in Illinois. How is this transaction Current cost is the same as historical cost
reported on Caroline, Inc.’s statement of cash flows?* Current cost of goods sold is less than historical cost
1/1 Ending net monetary assets are less than beginning
Current cost of land is less than historical cost
As a cash inflow and a cash outflow from financing
activities. At December 31, 2020, Dayplanner Inc. had 250,000
As a cash inflow and a cash outflow from investing shares of common stock outstanding. On October 1,
activities. 2021, an additional 60,000 shares of common stock
As a cash inflow from investing activities and a cash were issued for cash. Dayplanner also had 2,000,000
outflow from financing activities. of 8 percent convertible bonds outstanding at
This transaction is not reported in the body of the December 31, 2021, which are convertible into
statement of cash flows. 50,000 shares of common stock. The bonds are
* dilutive in the 2021 earnings per share computation.
No bonds were issued or converted into common
stock during 2021. What is the number of shares that
should be used in computing diluted earnings per
share for the year ended December 31, 2021?*


Php 190,000
Php 170,000
For Book Value per Share, an entity has not declared 1/1
or paid dividends on its cumulative preference shares
in the last three years. The dividends in arrears shall Inventory
be reported* Financial Asset
0/1 Property Plant and Equipment
Investment in Joint Venture
As a current liability If the maximum amount available for cash dividend is
As a noncurrent liability declared on December 31, 2021, what amount of
In a note to the financial statements dividend is payable to the ordinary shareholders? *
As a reduction in shareholders’ equity
Correct answer 0/3

In a note to the financial statements

What is the date of transition to IFRS for SMEs?*


The end of the earliest period for which an entity

presents full comparative information under IFRS for
The end of the latest period in the most recent annual
financial statements under previous GAAP
The beginning of the earliest period for which an 0
entity presents full comparative information under Correct answer
The beginning of the latest period in the most recent 2,100,000
annual financial statements under previous GAAP Of the following, select the incorrect statement
Which argument in favor of price level adjusted concerning earnings per share.*
financial statements is not valid?* 1/1
During a loss period, the amount of loss attributed to
Price level financial statements use historical cost each share of common stock should be computed.
Price level financial statements measure current During a period, changes in stock issued or reacquired
value by a company may affect earnings per share.
Price level financial statements compere uniform During periods when all income is paid out as
Price level financial statements measure earnings in dividends, earnings per share and dividends per share
terms of a common peso under a simple capital structure would be identical.
Correct answer Under a simple capital structure, no adjustment to
Price level financial statements measure current shares outstanding is necessary for a stock split on the
value last day of the fiscal period.
Earnings per share information should be reported for
A general price level statement of financial position is all of the following except*
prepared and presented in terms of*
1/1 0/1

The general purchasing power of the peso in the base Extraordinary gain.
period Continuing operations.
The average general purchasing power of the peso Net income.
The general purchasing power of the peso at the time Cash flows from operating activities.
the financial statements are issued
Correct answer
The general purchasing power of the peso at the
latest end of reporting period Cash flows from operating activities.
Which of the following is required to be shown as line
item for an SME but not under full IFRS*
At December 31, 2020 and 2021, November Corp. had Callable.
outstanding 2,000 shares of P110 par value, 8% Participating.
cumulative preference shares and 10,000 shares of Preference shares participate ratably within the
P10 par value ordinary shares. At December 31, 2020, ordinary shareholders in any profit distribution
dividends in arrears on the preference shares were beyond the prescribed preference rate*
P12,000. Cash dividends declared in 2019 totaled
P35,000.What amount were payable on ordinary 1/1
shares? * Redeemable feature
0/2 Cumulative feature
23.22 Participating feature
Correct answer Callable featre

5,400 Dividends in arrears are:*

The main purpose of reporting diluted earnings per
share is to* Noncumulative preferred dividends that has not been
1/1 declared for a given period of time.
Dividends on common stock that have not been
Indicate earnings shareholders will receive in future
Cumulative preferred dividends that have not been
Show the maximum possible dilution of earnings.
declared for a given period of time.
Distinguish between companies with a complex
Dividends on preferred stock that have been declared
capital structure and companies with a simple capital
but not paid.
Provide a comparison figure for debt holders. Correct answer
The main purpose of reporting diluted earnings per Cumulative preferred dividends that have not been
share is to:* declared for a given period of time.
If there is a deficit, the preference shareholders
Indicate earnings shareholders will receive in future would share on a pro rata basis with the ordinary
periods. shareholders. The preference share may have a call
Distinguish between entities with a complex capital price, and this is __________ for book value
structure and entities with a simple capital structure. computation*
Provide a comparison figure for debt holders. 0/1
Show the maximum possible dilution of earnings.
Earnings per share disclosures are strictly required Ignored
for:* Deducted to total shareholders' equity
Added to total shareholders' equity
0/1 Deducted to Net Income
Correct answer
Small and medium entities (SMEs).
Publicly accountable entities (PAEs). Ignored
Both SMEs and PAEs.
The purchase (acquisition) of treasury shares:*
Neither SMEs nor PAEs.
Correct answer
Publicly accountable entities (PAEs). Increases shares issued.
Decreases shares outstanding.
Which of the following features of a preference share Decreases shares issued.
would most likely be opposed by the ordinary Increases shares outstanding.
shareholders?* Correct answer
Decreases shares outstanding.
Glendale Enterprises had 200,000 shares of common The accounting for quasi-reorganization usually
stock issued and outstanding at December 31, 2019. involves:*
On July 1, 2020, Glendale issued a 10 percent stock 1/1
dividend. Unexercised stock options to purchase
40,000 shares of common stock (adjusted for the Write-down of assets and elimination of a deficit.
2020 stock dividend) at Php 20 per share were Write-up of assets and elimination of deficit.
outstanding at the beginning and end of 2020. The Write-down of both assets and retained earnings.
market price of Glendale's common stock (which was Write-up of assets and write-down of retained
not affected by the stock dividend) was Php 25 per earnings.
share during 2020. Net income for the year ended The primary purpose of quasi-reorganization is to give
December 31, 2020, was Php 1,100,000. What should the entity the opportunity to:*
be Glendale's 2020 diluted earnings per common 0/1
···/2 Revalue understated assets to their fair value.
Eliminate a deficit in retained earnings.
5.05 Distribute shares of a newly created subsidiary to
Correct answer shareholders.
4.82 Obtain relief from its creditors.

Which of the following gain and loss should be Correct answer

recognized in other comprehensive income of an Eliminate a deficit in retained earnings.
1/1 In computing basic earnings per share, the amount of
preference dividends on noncumulative preference
Gain and loss arising on translating the financial shares shall be*
statements of a foreign operation 1/1
Gain and Loss from discontinued operations
Gain on remeasuring equity investment at FVOCI Ignored
Extraordinary gain and loss Added to net income only when declared
Deducted from net income only when declared
What is the book value per ordinary share?* Deducted from net income whether declared or not
0/2 Accounting Studio currently has stock rights
outstanding for 2,000 common shares. The exercise
price of these shares is Php 20. The options were
issued in January of 2023. The average market price
of the related common stock during the year 2023
was Php 25. The average market price of the related
common stock during 2024 was Php 21 and during
60 2025 was Php 19. The company's fiscal year ends on
Correct answer December 31 of each year. How should these stock
144 rights be treated in the earnings per share calculation
for the year ending December 31, 2024?*
The conversion of preference shares into ordinary 1/1
shares requires that any excess of the par value of the
ordinary shares issued over the carrying amount of The stock options are antidilutive and should not be
the preference shares being converted should be* included either in basic or diluted earnings per share.
1/1 The stock options are dilutive and should be included
Reflected currently in income. in diluted earnings per share in the amount of 2,000
Reflected currently in other comprehensive income. shares.
Treated as a prior period adjustment. The stock options are dilutive and should be included
Treated as a direct reduction of retained earnings. in diluted earnings per share in the amount of 95
The stock options are dilutive and should be included Its incremental EPS is less than 1.00 after considering
in diluted earnings per share in the amount of 400 any stock options, rights, and warrants.
Correct answer
The effect of recording a 100% stock dividend would
Its incremental EPS is less than basic EPS after
be to?*
considering any stock options, rights, and warrants.
An entity is covered by PFRS for SMEs if*
Leave working capital unaffected, decrease earnings
per share and decrease debt to equity ratio
Decrease the current ratio, decrease working capital It has a total assets or total liabilities are more than
and decrease book value per share the Php 100,000,000 floor threshold.
Leave working capital unaffected, decrease earnings It has a total assets or total liabilities are below the
per share and decrease book value per share Php 3,000,000 floor threshold.
Leave inventory turnover unaffected, increase It has a total assets more than Php 100,000,000 to
earnings per share and increase book value per share. Php 350,000,000 or with total liabilities more than
The EPS computation that is forward-looking and Php 100,000,000 to Php 250,000,000
based on assumptions about future transactions is* It has a total assets more than Php 350,000,000 or
1/1 with total liabilities above Php 250,000,000
Correct answer
Diluted EPS.
Basic EPS. It has a total assets more than Php 100,000,000 to
Extraordinary EPS. Php 350,000,000 or with total liabilities more than
Continuing operations EPS. Php 100,000,000 to Php 250,000,000

What is the correct treatment of a stock dividend Accounting Studio currently has stock rights
issued in mid-year when computing the weighted outstanding for 2,000 common shares. The exercise
average number of ordinary shares outstanding for price of these shares is Php 20. The options were
earnings per share purposes?* issued in January of 2023. The average market price
1/1 of the related common stock during the year 2023
was Php 25. The average market price of the related
The stock dividend should be weighted by the length common stock during 2024 was Php 21 and during
of time that the additional shares are outstanding 2025 was Php 19. The company's fiscal year ends on
during the period. December 31 of each year. How should these stock
The stock dividend should be ignored since no rights be treated in earnings per share calculations for
additional capital was received. the year ending December 31, 2023?*
The stock dividend should be included in the 1/1
weighted average number of shares outstanding only
if the additional shares result in a decrease of three The stock options are dilutive and should be included
percent or more in earnings per share only in diluted earnings per share in the amount of
The stock dividend should be weighted as if the 400 shares.
additional shares were issued at the beginning of the The stock options are dilutive and should be included
year. both in basic and diluted earnings per share.
For companies with a complex capital structure, a The stock options are antidilutive and should not be
convertible security is potentially dilutive if* included either in basic and diluted earnings per
0/1 The stock options are dilutive and should be included
Its incremental EPS is equal to basic EPS after both in basic and diluted earnings per share in the
considering any stock options, rights, and warrants. amount of 400 shares.
Its incremental EPS is less than basic EPS after Potential ordinary shares include all of the following,
considering any stock options, rights, and warrants. except:*
Its incremental EPS is greater than basic EPS after 1/1
considering any stock options, rights, and warrants.
Share options and other employee plans that allow
employees to receive ordinary shares as part of their

Shares which would be issued upon satisfaction of

certain conditions resulting from contractual
arrangement, such as the purchase of a business.

Financial liabilities or equity instruments, including

preference shares, that are not convertible into
ordinary shares.
Share warrants.
The statement of financial position at the date of
transition to IFRS for SMEs is best described as*

Provisional statement of financial position

Opening statement of financial position
Originating statement of financial position
Closing statement of financial position

If an SME that uses the PFRS for SMEs in the current

year breaches the ceiling of the size criteria at the end
of the current year, the entity is required to transition
to full PFRS*

At the current year-end if the event that caused the

change is significant and continuing
At the current year-end
At the discretion of management
In the next year if the event that caused the change is
significant and continuing
Which of the following shareholder rights is most
commonly enhanced in an issue of preference


The right to vote on major corporate issues.

The right to maintain one's proportional interest
The right to vote for the board of directors
The right to receive a full cash dividend before
dividends are paid to other classes of share capital
What is the basic loss per share?*


Correct answers
(64) or 64

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