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Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SBI
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Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI,
SBI, NABARD examinations of 2020-2021. Computer Awareness MCQs
for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer Awareness for IBPS PO,
IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and other entrance / competitive
21. Who was associated with the first large-scale digital computer known as
the Harvard Mark I or the IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator?
[A] Clifford Berry
[B] Howard Aiken
[C] Konrad Zuse
[D] John Atanasoff
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Correct Answer: B [Howard Aiken]

The first large-scale digital computer was built by mathematician Howard
Aiken which was sponsored by IBM and thus called as the Howard Mark I
or IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator.

22. What was the name of the first vacuum tube invented by Lee de Forest
in 1906?
[A] Colossus
[B] Leedion
[C] Audion
[D] Radion
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Correct Answer: C [Audion]

Audion was the first vacuum tube invented in 1906 by Lee de Forest. It was
the size of a person’s thumb and glowing red hot like a tiny electric light
bulb. This bagged him the nickname as “the father of radio”.
23. How do the Analog computers perform arithmetic operations?
[A] With the help of Non-Measurable quantities
[B] With the help of Measurable quantities
[C] Both 1 and 2
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: B [With the help of Measurable quantities]

An analog computer performs arithmetical operations with the help of
measurable quantities like mechanical movement, rotation of gears etc.
24. How is data transmitted in analog computers?
[A] Continuous Signals
[B] Discrete Signals
[C] Intermittent Signals
[D] Interrupted Signals
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Correct Answer: A [Continuous Signals]

In Analog computers, data is transmitted for operation in the form of
continuous signals.

25. Which was the first desktop hybrid computing system?

[A] Colossus
[B] Zeta
[C] Hycomp 250
[D] HYDAC 2400
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Correct Answer: C [Hycomp 250]

Hycomp 250 was the first desktop hybrid computing system which was
released by Packard Bell in 1961.
26. Who among the following is most likely to operate a personal computer?
[A] End-user
[B] Technician
[C] Software Engineer
[D] All of the above
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Correct Answer: A [End-user]

A personal computer is basically a multipurpose computer which is
designed specifically for individual use. It is thus more likely to be used by
an end-user.
27. Who had invented the magnetic card system for program storage?
[A] Pier Giorgio Perotto
[B] Stan Frankel
[C] John Mauchly
[D] Victor Glushkov
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Correct Answer: A [Pier Giorgio Perotto]

Pier Giorgio Perotto had first developed the magnetic card system for
program storage. It is a type of card which can store data by modification
of tiny iron-based magnetic particles on a band of magnetic material on a
28. Which of the following machines were referred to as 1977 trinity?
[A] Commodore PET
[B] Apple II
[C] TRS-80
[D] All of the above
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29. Which of the following functions are associated with a Workstation?
[A] Computer-Aided design
[B] Drafting and Modeling
[C] Computation-intensive scientific and engineering calculations
[D] All of the above
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Correct Answer: D [All of the above]

A workstation is a high-end personal computer which was originally made
for technical, mathematical and scientific applications. They are used for
computer-aided design, drafting and modelling, computation-intensive
scientific and engineering calculations, processing of images etc.
30. Which of the following are characteristics of a gaming computer?
[A] Powerful Video Card
[B] Great Memory
[C] Powerful Processor
[D] All of the above
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Correct Answer: D [All of the above]

A gaming computer is basically a simple desktop computer which has
high-performance hardware like a powerful video card, memory and
processor. These are essential for the handling of video games. These are
called PC games.

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