Ancient Mushrooms Boost Brain Power and Release Stress

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1. Lion’s Mane .........................................................Page 6

2. Chaga ....................................................................................Page 8

3. Reishi ......................................................................................Page 10

4. Cordyceps

...............................................................Page 12

5. Maitake ..........................................................................Page 14

6. Shiitake ............................................................................Page 16

7. Oyster Mushrooms ...................Page 18

8. Turkey Tail .............................................................Page 20

9. Poria Cocos ........................................................Page 23

10. Black Hoof Mushroom ...Page 25

Your brain needs fuel just like the rest of your body!

And no, we’re not just talking about the energy that is
derived from fats and glucose.

Your brain needs a broad range of vitamins, minerals, and

antioxidants, all of which will improve its function and
reduce hyperactivity and anxiety.

But did you know that certain foods can provide all of this?
They’ll not only regulate the effect stress has on your brain,
but they’ll calm your nervous system, enhance focus, and

make your brain more efficient overall.

If that sounds like something you’d like for your brain, then
this is the ebook for you.

In this book, we’re going to look at the amazing nutrients

that enhance brain function, all of which are derived
specifically from mushrooms.

These mushrooms have some pretty fascinating properties

that will benefit your brain health, sharpen your mental
function, improve clarity and focus, and manage stress.

Read all the way to the end to make sure you know which
eight mushrooms you should add to your daily diet and
supplement regimen to enhance overall brain activity.

Page 5

The Hericium erinaceus mushroom gets its name because

it slightly resembles the mane of a lion. However, the lion’s
mane mushroom packs more than just good looks!

Research has highlighted a lot of pretty amazing benefits of

this mushroom, most notably its ability to protect your brain
against the decline common with age¹.

Lion’s mane mushrooms contain erinacines and hericenones,

two potent compounds that can stimulate the production
of new brain cells. By creating new brain cells, these
compounds help to replace the old brain cells that
deteriorate with age. The new brain cells take over in the
brain and maintain healthy function.

There are also benefits specifically for Alzheimer’s patients².

Science has discovered that lion’s mane mushrooms can
reduce the buildup of beta-amyloid plaque in the brain,

Page 6
which is a known contributor to Alzheimer’s. In fact, it not
only reduces buildup but also mediates the damage the
plaque causes to your brain cells.

One study³ found that those who took lion’s mane


mushroom supplements scored significantly higher on

cognitive performance tests after nearly a year than those
who only took a placebo.

Lion’s mane mushrooms can also increase the production of

nerve cells, enhancing nervous system function.

For people living with anxiety, depression, and/or stress,

lion’s mane mushrooms can be a game-changer. Research
has found that the mushroom’s anti-inflammatory effects
can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression⁴, and lion’s
mane can trigger the growth of new cells specifically in the
hippocampus⁵, the part of the brain that stores memories
and controls emotional responses.

Finally, lion’s mane mushrooms have potent anti-

inflammatory properties that will protect your entire body—
including your brain—from oxidative stress⁶.

Without a doubt, lion’s mane mushrooms are a truly amazing

antioxidant-rich superfood that will benefit your brain

Page 7

Native to Siberia and Asia, chaga mushrooms have been

used in home remedies for thousands of years. Modern
research has proven that they can have some pretty amazing
benefits that make them worth including in your daily diet.

Chaga mushrooms have powerful anti-inflammatory

properties and can reduce inflammation⁷—not only in your
body, but also your brain.

One animal study conducted in Japan⁸ also found that chaga

mushrooms can protect against memory loss. Mice given
this mushroom showed reduced oxidative stress in their
brains, and they performed noticeably better on cognitive

In another study⁹, chaga mushrooms were shown to have

two amazing benefits: 1) they are anti-apoptotic, meaning
they stop cells from being killed off; and 2) they modulate

Page 8

oxidative stress, preventing it from deteriorating the brain

and contributing to Alzheimer’s and dementia.

But the brain-boosting benefits of chaga mushrooms aren’t

only limited to your brain...

Experts¹⁰ believe that chaga can decrease inflammation in

your gut, preventing conditions like inflammatory bowel
disease as well as improving gut health.

By improving gut health, the mushrooms increase your

body’s ability to absorb the vital nutrients necessary for
healthy cognition. And, given that the gut-brain connection
is very real¹¹, anything that improves your gut health will also
directly benefit your brain function.

Page 9

Reishi mushrooms are one of the best-known mushrooms

around. They’ve become hugely popular in the world of
health and wellness thanks to their many scientifically
proven natural benefits.

For example, they are known to both fight cancer¹² and

improve your immune response¹³. There is some evidence
linking them to possible health benefits for your heart,
blood sugar, and cholesterol levels.

However, what makes them really popular is their brain-

boosting effects. Specifically, their ability to improve your
brain function by enhancing your sleep quality.

Our brains need sleep in order to function. During the

hours when we sleep, our brains categorize and store the
information we’ve absorbed during the day, repair damaged
or decaying cells, and combat inflammation. Sleep loss

Page 10
can be a massive contributor to decreased neurological

Which is where reishi mushrooms come in...


Reishi mushrooms can improve your sleep in a number of


1. They improve gut function and influence the brain-gut


2. They increase the production of the neurotransmitters

that play a critical role in sleep.

3. They have a sedative quality that will help you relax and
drift off.

4. They can help to combat mental stress, soothing your

mind and helping you to calm down at the end of a
stressful day.

Also, reishi mushrooms have potent antioxidant properties

that will reduce oxidative stress and mediate free radical-
induced brain damage.

Finally, the mushrooms have been linked to reduced fatigue,

depression and anxiety¹⁶.

Put this all together—better sleep quality, less stress on your

brain, anxiety, depression, and less fatigue—and you’ve got
a recipe for better focus, clarity, and mental energy all day

Page 11

Cordyceps mushrooms can do something very important

for your brain: they increase the production of ATP energy,
which is the primary source of energy needed for brain

The mushrooms can increase your body’s ability to produce

ATP energy from the protein you eat. This not only leads to
better brain function, but also enhanced muscle function
and athletic performance.

Animal studies have linked the cordyceps mushroom to

improved brain function¹⁸. Research has shown that the
mushrooms can not only improve memory and recall, but
also neutralize free radicals that damage the brain.

Of course, the anti-inflammatory properties of Cordyceps

mushrooms are also amazing for your brain. The mushrooms
are capable of suppressing the production of inflammatory

Page 12
proteins¹⁹, which, in turn, prevent that inflammation from
decreasing or interfering with brain function.

Another benefit of the Cordyceps mushroom is its ability to

improve blood flow in the body²⁰. Increased blood flow to

your brain specifically increases the amount of oxygen your

brain cells receive, which, in turn, enhances performance and
improves your brain’s ability to eradicate damaged cells.

Cordyceps mushrooms can also stimulate both your adrenal

glands and central nervous system to maintain a steady
production of energy throughout the day. Rather than being
“wired” first thing in the morning and crashing in the early
afternoon, these mushrooms sustain your physical and
mental energy throughout the day. This amazing mushroom
has been shown²¹ to prevent age-related cognitive decline
and reduce the impact that aging has on your brain. It
can slow the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s, speed
up recovery time from brain injuries²², and enhance both
memory and learning capacity.

Finally, cordyceps can aid in the production and regulation of

the hormones that play a role in your mood. The mushrooms
can reduce feelings of anxiety and stress, fight off
depression, and improve your mental and emotional health.

Page 13

Maitake mushrooms are packed with some pretty amazing

nutrients, including Vitamin D, beta glucan, niacin, and
riboflavin. All of these are critical to the healthy functioning
of your brain and body overall.

Research²³ has linked maitake mushrooms to a number of

health benefits that can directly impact your brain health:

• Reduced cancer risk

• Improved blood sugar control and lower diabetes risk

• Decreased blood pressure and lower hypertension risk

• Immune system stimulation

• Improved gut health and increased activity of the

beneficial bacteria in your intestines

Page 14

However, for the brain specifically, the micronutrients and

antioxidants in maitake mushrooms can protect against the
cognitive impairment that increases your risk of dementia
and Alzheimer’s as you age.

One study²⁴ even found that eating two servings of maitake

mushrooms per week led to a 52% decrease in cognitive
impairment risk.

Now that’s a very good reason to add more of these amazing

mushrooms to your diet starting today!

Page 15

Shiitake mushrooms have been shown to directly benefit

your brain specifically by clearing through “brain fog”.

The term “brain fog” doesn’t refer to any one condition.

Instead, it describes any number of causes that limit your
ability to think and impair your focus.

Brain fog can be caused by a wide range of things²⁵:

• Pregnancy

• Medications

• Multiple sclerosis

• Menopause

• Cancer

• Cancer treatments

Page 16
• Sleep disorders

• Depression

• Lupus

• Chronic fatigue syndrome

• and more...

All of these conditions can impair your ability to think clearly

and focus for any extended period of time.

Enter the amazing shiitake mushroom...

Shiitake mushrooms are rich in B vitamins, which have been

proven to boost metabolism and enhance brain function.
They can balance hormones, cut through brain fog²⁶, and
restore your focus and concentration.

As a bonus, thanks to their high copper content, they can

also improve your circulation.

Healthier blood flow in your body also translates into better

brain function. After all, the blood flowing through your
veins, arteries, and capillaries brings oxygen and nutrients to
your brain and removes waste.

Improving circulation is one of the best ways that you can

improve brain function.

Page 17

Oyster mushrooms are an amazing source of antioxidants

and have potent anti-inflammatory properties, making them
an excellent food for brain health.

Free radicals and oxidative stress can accelerate the

deterioration of your brain cells and can increase the
damage done to your brain. Thankfully, antioxidants can
stop free radicals and prevent oxidative stress. They’ll
neutralize the potential damage and protect your brain.

Inflammation won’t necessarily damage your brain, at

least not at first. Initially, inflammation is often a defense
mechanism your body uses to shield itself from damage.
However, over time, as the inflammation persists, your
body is unable to absorb sufficient nutrients or eliminate
waste. This can lead to a decrease in cellular turnover rate
and prevent your brain from creating new, healthy, high-
functioning cells.

Page 18

Any existing damage will only be compounded by

inflammation. Your brain won’t be able to mitigate or repair
the damage, so it’ll just increase over time until it may
eventually develop into a serious problem.

Thankfully, the anti-inflammatory properties of oyster

mushrooms will decrease the inflammation in your brain and
ensure that it has the ability to make those necessary repairs
to prevent any existing damage (caused by oxidative stress
or the standard deterioration that comes with age) from

As if that wasn’t enough, these mushrooms also improve

blood sugar regulation (so your brain has enough glucose
to produce energy but not so much that it causes damage),
lower cholesterol levels (preventing clogs and clots that
could lead to strokes), and improve your blood pressure
(preventing hypertension, which can lead to brain fog and
more serious damage).

Page 19

The next mushroom on our list, is the turkey tail mushroom.

The neuroscientists at the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery

Foundation wrote an entire paper summarizing all of the
amazing things this particular mushroom can do for your

According to the paper, “Compounds in turkey tail

mushrooms have antioxidant properties, which may be
neuroprotective.” This was based on one clinical trial and a
number of laboratory studies that proved the antioxidants
in this particular mushroom can reduce oxidative stress and
free radical-induced damage to the brain.

Turkey tail mushrooms are known to increase immune

system response, which is critical for protecting your body
against viral, bacterial, fungal, and other pathogenic threats.

Page 20

There is also research²⁸ that suggests that an increase in

your immune system’s efficiency can reduce the cellular
damage caused by oxidative stress.

One study²⁹ found that turkey tail mushrooms can also

directly benefit your brain beyond their antioxidant content
and improved immune response. Thanks to their high
phenolic compound content, turkey tail mushrooms have
significant anti-radical activity, protecting the brain against
free radical damage and oxidative stress.

The flavonoids and quercetins in turkey tail mushrooms

also inhibit the production of acetylcholinesterase, an
enzyme that accelerates the breakdown of acetylcholine.
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a critical role
in a number of brain and body functions, including muscle
contractions (necessary for movement and involuntary
muscle function) and memory.

By preventing acetylcholinesterase from breaking down

acetylcholine, turkey tail mushrooms ensure healthy

Page 21

functioning of the critical neurotransmitter.

And, of course, turkey tail mushrooms also have a number of

health benefits for the rest of your body that can ultimately
improve brain function, including³⁰:

• Improved immune function

• Inhibition of cancer cell growth and spread

• Reduction of negative effects tumors have on your body

• More efficient combating of specific viruses, including


• Hepatoprotective effects that improve liver function and

mitigate damage to liver cells

• Improved gut health

• Boosted metabolism and athletic performance

It’s pretty clear that turkey tail mushroom is a truly amazing

superfood that can improve your overall brain and body

Page 22

The Poria Cocos mushroom has been used in Traditional

Chinese Medicine for more than 2,000 years, but recent
scientific studies have revealed it has some fascinating
benefits on brain health.

According to data collected³¹, this particular mushroom

has potent anti-inflammatory properties and is a powerful
antioxidant that can decrease oxidative stress and free
radical damage in your brain and body.

The antioxidants in the mushroom also help to get rid of

the beta-amyloid plaques that accumulate in your brain and
contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. By reducing and removing
the plaque, the mushroom can provide significant long-term
benefits for your cognitive function, memory, and recall.

In addition, the Poria mushroom can lower inflammation in

your brain’s frontal cortex, which in turn can lead to

Page 23

an increase in dopamine and serotonin. This has proven

potentially effective for combatting depression.

As a bonus, the mushroom can increase the production

of GABA, a neurotransmitter that plays a critical role in
your sleep. Increasing GABA will improve sleep quality and
duration—and, as we all know, a good night’s sleep does
wonders to improve your focus and reduce stress.

Page 24

The black hoof mushroom, aka Phellinus linteus, is a

mushroom native to China, Korea, and Japan, and has been
used in traditional remedies dating back centuries.

Data from scientific studies³² suggests that this particular

mushroom can stop bacteria from spreading in your body,
boost your immune system, and even protect your liver.

The mushroom can also³³ protect your brain against

carcinogenic cells, reducing the spread and growth of cancer.
It also affects the cellular processes involved in apoptosis,
proliferation, and chemoprevention.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can combat

inflammation in your gut that could impair both gut health
and neurological function.

Page 25
By now, you should understand that though these
mushrooms may look simple, they can significantly improve
brain health.

They all have antioxidants, fiber, anti-inflammatory

compounds, and micronutrients that are incredible for your

Start including one or more of them into your daily diet.

Your brain already faces so many challenges on a daily

basis—everything from overwork to environmental toxins to
stress to health conditions that push your cognitive function

and brain health to their limits.

But by feeding your brain these amazing mushrooms, you

can give it a fighting chance against oxidative stress, free
radical damage, age-related decline, and stress.

It’s a simple solution that can pay off in a big way in the
decades to come!

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