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11 ABM-A

1. Ethnography

- I believe that this is ethnography because this is the most appropriate design for
this study, it involves the study of a culture. In this case, the Egyptian culture.
The researcher wants to understand the practices and beliefs of the Egyptian
society and ethnography allows for an in depth exploration of the culture. These
includes observations, interviews, and participation in cultural events.

2. Phenomenology

- From my point of view, I believe that Phenomenology is the appropriate design

for this study because it focuses on the subjective experiences of the survivors.
The researcher wants to understand how the survivors perceive and make sense
of their experiences during the outbreak. Phenomenology allows for an in-depth
exploration of their lived experiences, including their thoughts, feelings and

3. Case Study

- For me, Case study is the most appropriate design for this study because it
involves an in-depth exploration of a single case or a small number of cases. The
researcher wants to understand the lessons behind the uncle’s behavior. Case
study allows for a detailed examination of the individuals behavior, including his
background, environment, and interactions with others.
4. Narrative

- I believe that narrative is the most appropriate design for this study because it
involves the telling of a story. The researcher wants to understand the reasons
behind Rea’s sudden decision to break up with her fiancé. Narrative allows for an
in-depth exploration of the story, including the events, characters, and themes
involved. This approach allows for the exploration of subjective experiences,
emotions, and motivations, providing a nuanced and comprehensive view of the

5. Historical

- I believe that historical research is the most appropriate design for this study
because it involves the examination of historical records and artifacts. This
qualitative research design would allow for a nuanced exploration of the
historical question regarding Jose Rizal and Josephine Bracken, providing a
detailed and evidence-based analysis of whether they had a child together.
Historical research allows for an in-depth examination of historical documents
includes letter, diaries, and other primary sources.

6. Phenomenology

- For me, I think that Phenomenology is the most appropriate design for this study
because it focuses or recognizes that each experience is unique or meaningful in
this question researcher would seek to gain insight into the lived experiences.
Phenomenology seeks to describe and understand the essence of phenomena,
which are the things as they appear in our subjective experience. Phenomenology
is a research approach that seeks to understand and describe the essence of an
experience or phenomenon as perceived by the participants. In this case, the goal
would be to delve into the unique and subjective experiences of these individuals
in their academic pursuits.

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