Reflection Paper

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Reflection paper

I realize that many people believes that the earth is flat despite all the proofs scientist
shown every year, despite the words of the people who have seen the earth with their
own two eyes. I actually believe that earth is sphere, may not be a perfect circle but a
round one. I have watch a lot of video explaining why earth is not flat, why earth can’t be
flat because a flat earth will have different diversity from what we have right now. Like
the difference in gravity.

Flat-Earth ideas are based on basic scientific misunderstandings that can be easily
refuted. For most people, even those who have no physics background, the evidence
for a spherical Earth is obvious. They even test, like how Aristotle test the earth to prove
that earth is flat. But the result is like how Aristotle prove the earth is round not flat. But
instead of believing that the earth is round they give a different explanation on why the
result is like how Aristotle describe the earth. They even say that it was because of
someone more powerful that a president but it wasn’t a God.

I stand with the scientist, physicist and astronaut who have given enough proof and still
proving that the earth is sphere. With the amount of pictures and theory that prove that
earth is round nothing can make me believe that earth is rather flat than a sphere.
Having a flat earth has an effect on gravity. First of all, a pancaked planet might not
have any gravity. It’s unclear how gravity would work, or be created, in such a world,
says James Davis, a geophysicist at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth
Observatory. That’s a pretty big deal, since gravity explains a wide range of Earthly and
cosmic observations. The same measurable force that causes an apple to fall from a
tree also causes the moon to orbit the Earth and all the planets to orbit the sun.

Also how come that we have different time zone all around the world if the earth is flat?,
If the earth is flat every places in the world would be only either night and day.
Second problem is in the solar system. Then there’s the sun. In the scientifically
supported model of the solar system, the Earth revolves around the sun because the
latter is much more massive and has more gravity. However, the Earth doesn’t fall into
the sun because it is traveling in an orbit. In other words, the sun’s gravity isn’t acting
alone. The planet is also traveling in a direction perpendicular to the star’s gravitational
tug; if it were possible to switch off that gravity, the Earth would shoot away in a straight
line and hightail it out of the solar system. Instead, the linear momentum and the sun’s
gravity combine, resulting in a circular orbit around the sun.

Flat-earth people believing that earth is flat, can’t even provide evidences to prove their
point, instead they are just making a theory based on the theory that was already made
by scientist.

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