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Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Ly

Page 1

1. In my free time
- go out for walking
- watch TV
-listen to music
- go shopping with my friends
+ No ,I don’t have a busy social life , I plan my activities ,so every day I have free time .

2 . I think I have an active life ,every week I participate in activities with young people , my spirit is always
comfortable and full of energy .

3 . Last the few years ,many changes in my life :

- More friends
- New experience
- Travel to many places

4. I want changed :
- have many friend
- usually do exercise
- read more books
- participate in more volunteer activities

Page 2
1 .One of the best cities I have ever visited is DA NANG city
- I came and lived in DN for 6 months
- It is known for : people friendly ,delicious food ,clean and fresh environment...
- Many entertainment centers
2. I think the major attraction :
- Cultural
- Tourist attraction , interesting activities and places
Page 3
1 . Make a good city :
- Education
- Community
- Economic development

2 . Benefits of living in the city :

- Job opportunities
- Good quality human care center and service
- Diverse entertainment centers
- Quality education
3 .The negative :
- High cost of living
- Living spaces is cramped
- Traffic jam
- Air pollution ( smoke from vehicles)
- Noise pollution

4 .The government should :

- Propagate and mobilize people to join hands to protect the environment .

- Strict management plans and measures from central to local levels.

5 .People can improve air pollution by :

- Use public transport or electric vehicles instead of private cars

- Plant many green trees
- Participate in environment protection activities
- Use oganic ,environmentlly friendly product

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