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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
About the Author
Copyright © [2023] by [Jenna Kent]
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the
publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.

Created with Vellum
Jenna is a steamy lesbian romance author of fast-paced instalove romance.
Expect them to be over-the-top, absurdly ridiculous–but always with a
happy ending.

Trigger Warnings

ariah's book will be the darkest of the four since she is the darkest of
the sisters. After their father's death, Zariah encounters a newfound
awareness of herself. She isn't the monster her family assumes--or is
she? Key to saving the Blackburns from destruction, they must come
together--mending fences and rebuilding broken bonds. Zariah isn't as
dominant as she supposes; she's a wild fox that needs someone fearless
enough to tame her. Can Cassie face the challenge of taming Zariah, an
untamed creature without fear of death?

P lease take heed to these trigger warnings.

Attempted sexual assault.

Extreme violence
Knife play
Menta/Verbal/Physical Abuse


itting in my office, I ponder over the newspaper. My father, Zillian
Blackburn has passed away. I'm unsure of what to feel in regard to my
father's death: should I shed a tear or rejoice in the fact that my
tormentor is finally gone? Throughout my entire life, I was blamed for my
mother's death as she died from complications during my birth. For this
reason, even my siblings; Zaria, Zane and Zuri have always treated me like
an abomination. It comes as no surprise that they've been trying to initiate
contact with me lately. But I reject any attempts of forming an impromptu
relationship; I'm content with how things are now. Besides, I'm about to
become a state senator and I have wonderful pets who take good care of me.
However, groaning involuntarily, I slam the paper down when Cassie
crosses my mind. That beautiful coffee shop owner - we locked eyes just
three weeks ago and ever since then, nothing has been the same. All of a
sudden, I have no desire to be intimate with my pets - it repulses me.
Cassie is nothing like my sisters-in-law, those submissives, bending to
my sister's will. I'll never be able to bend Cassie in the same way. But when
I think of her I can't help a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.
Cassie likes doing the bending; a true dominant femme, something that has
never caught my attention before. Thoughts of all the ways she can bend me
over, tame me, fucking me until I'm on my knees calling her mistress flood
my mind. I wonder if she's into spanking? Surely I'd willingly bend over
and let her spank me. My face scrunches up in annoyance as a sharp knock
pounds against my office door. Who the hell is knocking at this hour? I
stand from my desk and open a drawer, grabbing my pistol and holding it
firmly at my side. With my father dead, Zara and Taz Brizzi ruling together
in his place—the Blackburns are in danger of war. This patriarchal rulership
won't stand for a woman leading them; they'll kill us all before they allow
it. They've been waiting for an opportunity to strike, just biding time
waiting for my father to die, and now that chance has come. Have they
decided to come for me first?
“Come in,” I say and the door screeches open. Julian Galloway saunters
in, brusquely shutting the door behind him. I roll my eyes as I set my pistol
back into its drawer. Just another damn Galloway; nothing for me to be
worried about. Circling around from my desk, I fold my arms across my
chest, thinking about what he could possibly want from me. Probably
Jacob's way of sending a message again; madly in love with me since I was
fifteen, yet so salty that I'm a lesbian. Ugh, not wanting to touch him with a
ten-foot pole, but still, he continues to try his luck.
“What?” I ask, arching an eyebrow. He came alone—strange. Jacob
usually accompanies him. I’m sure he’s concocting a nefarious plot to
eliminate my family and enslave me as his sex toy. Is Julian here to warn
me? Everyone labels me the most unhinged Blackburn sister, but I'm not
more deviant than any other... Or am I? Tilting my head, I ponder this
“Your father is dead.” Julian's voice is stern as he announces the news.
Tall, big-built, and similar in features to his brother, Julian's eyes stand out
in a darker shade of brown -- almost black. His dreadlocks are usually
flowing down his shoulders and back; today they're pinned up like he's
preparing for battle. Will I cry and throw my arms around him like a good
little cousin? I don't care that Zillian Blackburn is dead. He didn't give a shit
about me when he was alive.
“What a pity,” I murmur as I lean against my desk, waiting for his next
move. I want him out of my office so I can refocus my energy on thinking
about Cassie - the love of my life, much to my dismay.
“You aren't safe anymore,” he declares. I smirk at him. Ah, I understand
his implicit offer: to side with Jacob and betray my sisters.
“Did Jacob send you here?” I ask, a sharp laugh slipping out. This is
hilarious. I know my sisters think I will betray them—their dirty looks
when I'm around is enough to show it. They despise me; no one comes
close except Zane, but she traded in our fun for domestication and the role
of dutiful wife. I gag at the thought. We used to be inseparable, now it's like
she's the chosen one and I'm the reject, just like the rest.
Fucking traitor.
“Tell Jacob I’ll consider it,” I reply, though no consideration is required.
No matter my sister's rejection of me, I will always fight for them until my
last breath; despite it all, I still love them dearly. And I love my sisters-in-
law and nieces and nephews -- even though Emma and Zoe want me
nowhere near their children. I accept this. I endure every bit of it. Because I
am Zariah Blackburn, the darkest of the four sisters. Julian comes closer to
me, taking off his suit jacket and throwing it in my visitor chair. What is he
doing? He then rolls up his sleeves. A smile spreads across my face. Is he
trying to make a move on me as well? I sigh; they still don't understand that
I'm gay?
“Julian...” Before I can utter another syllable, his hand connects with
my face, striking me so hard stars dance across my vision. Gravity pulls me
down to the cold floor, and I desperately cradle my aching cheek. I feel the
warm trickle of blood in my mouth and slowly look up at him. His sinister
smile confirms he desires to play this twisted game. So this is how he wants
to play.
Alright then.
His strong grip closing around my neck, he lifts me off the ground as if I
weigh nothing and throws me against my desk. His hand pushing my face
down onto the hard wood surface, bending me over it. With my office dress
riding up my ass, there's no hiding my predicament. Ah, I think
despairingly, it's Julian, my own cousin Jacob sent him to rape me. Great,
just fucking great.
“Jacob wants you unharmed, but all the Blackburns need to go.” He
growls, pinning me to the table and lifting my dress over my ass. He tears
my panties from my flesh and discards them to the floor. My eyes
frantically dart around the desk in search of something to stab him with. But
I should let him have his way, since what I'm planning to do after he
finishes will make him regret ever starting. A sinister chuckle escapes my
lips as I hear him fumbling with his buckle and unzipping his pants. I
squirm against him, completely disgusted by his erection, yet I need a
“Julian wants to play,” I say, teasing him. “Will you put it in my ass
first? It's a virgin you know? An untouched asshole. You should put it in
there first.” His grip tightens around the back of my neck as he slams my
face onto the desk with a bone-jarring force. Pain radiates through my body,
and I wince from the impact.
“You're nothing but a dirty slut. I'm gonna enjoy breaking you.” His
venomous voice drips with malice. My eyes fall on the shiny letter opener
in my pencil holder. In one swift motion, I knock over the cup and seize the
weapon, gripping it tightly in my hand. So, this is how I'm going to be
“Do it.” My voice is a low growl, my body trembling yet still as I
prepare for the worst. I shut my eyes and call to mind Cassie because fear
won't help me here. Not even screaming will do me any good. I've relied on
my Blackburn clout to save me before. I don't know how to defend myself
if not with my cleverness, charm, funds, and bloodline. With my father
gone, it's become clear that power has evaporated far too quickly. I'm
quivering, grinding my teeth together while awaiting this monstrous man's
taking of whatever he desires from me. Nevertheless, nothing occurs. His
grip abruptly releases from around my neck and he moves away from me,
totally quiet. Is he having second thoughts? No. He ought to finish what he
started because I'll take whatever pleases me in revenge regardless, and I
need a motive.
“Having second thoughts, Julian?” I taunt. “Don't do that. Let's have
some fun.” Cutting off his dick once he's finished seems like a fair trade to
me: five minutes of pleasure for a lifetime of pain.
“Did you really think I was gonna let you hurt my sister?” My head
shoots up at the sound of Zara's voice. She came to save me? Zuri is already
at my side, adjusting my dress and lifting me up. Instantly she's in doctor
mode, reaching out for my face, but I swat her hand away and shoot a
glance over to Zara. Julian stands there frozen, his trousers still pulled down
and his manhood exposed, the barrel of Zara's gun trained straight on him.
“Sorry sis, I got here as soon as I could.” She tells me.
“We had cameras set up all through your office complex. We knew the
Galloways would try something,” Zuri clarifies. I glare at them. Zara moves
the gun away from Julian's head and directs it towards his legs, then fires a
shot right into his knee. He cries out in agony as he drops to the floor.
“It doesn't matter if you put me in the ground," he yells, "cause y'all are
gonna' die anyway. Everyone. Even the children!” I grin at him and then
glance to Zuri.
“Zuri, I know you keep a scalpel in your back pocket. Give it to me.”
My palm rises towards her in demand. Zuri’s gaze glowers at me. Does she
really believe I'm unaware of her nefarious appetite? How she savors
dismembering men for the seven families? She takes out the scalpel from
her pocket and slides it free of its sheath, placing it in my hand. Zara grins,
evidently understanding what I intend to do. Pain shoots down my jaw as I
walk over to Julian who's clutching his leg. Zara swiftly kicks him so he
topples on his back and thrusts the gun back to his head.
“You tried to rape my sister,” Zara grins devilishly. “Now, I think it's
time for Zariah to have some fun with your dick.” Placing her boot on his
shoulder, she pins him down.
“If you move, if you so much as touch my sister, I'll blow your brains
out.” She threatens him with a level of menace that makes his skin crawl. I
drop to my knees, gripping the scalpel tightly in my hand and holding onto
his cock. Zuri kneels beside me, restraining his hands as I work.
“Make a clean cut, sis.” Zuri directs me, yet I scowl at her and begin
haphazardly sawing into Julian's genitalia. His cries are so loud they could
shatter the walls while I rip away at his skin. Zuri can't help but be taken
aback from the sprays of blood, yet I recognize the excitement in her eyes.
Once it's fully severed, I stand upright and Zuri releases Julian's hands,
allowing him to wail uncontrollably as he tremors and bleeds all over my
office floor. Meanwhile, I'm proudly clutching a detached penis and
handing Zuri back her scalpel.
“I want to hand-deliver this to Jacob. Right now,” I say, my voice low
and threatening. Zara and Zuri glare at me in response, but they know better
than to argue with me. After all, I have a powerful message to transmit to
the Galloways. If they want bloodshed, then war is what they'll get. My
sisters exchange a knowing look before Zane enters the room, adjusting her
suit. She surveys my battered exterior - clothes drenched in blood, severed
dick in one hand - and Julian lying motionless on the floor, his eyes vacant
while he slowly bleeds out. Death is likely only minutes away.
“Looks like we got Zariah on board.” Zane smiles, and I smile back at


ara glances back at me from the driver's seat before parking her truck.
"Are you sure about this?" she asks, but I'm already out of the
backseat and heading for the door.
As I stride towards the entrance of Greek Town's underground city, I
hear Zara grumble a curse. The door opens effortlessly for me, the security
guards recognizing me. They don't bother to stop me, but their eyes take in
my disheveled appearance - blood covering my clothes and face, with a
severed penis clutched tightly in my hand. I make my way downstairs to the
lobby, already knowing where to find Jacob. He'll be at the underground
fights in the VIP lounge, probably receiving oral pleasures from some
woman while wishing it was me. I used to spend a lot of time here with my
pets, but lately I've been consumed with my senate run and my growing
desire for Cassie. Despite that, I have important business to attend to - a
delivery to make. As I push through the crowd, I can feel my sisters trailing
behind me, but I refuse to turn back and acknowledge them. The crowd
parts for me as they catch sight of me, a reminder of my Blackburn power
and influence still present in this area.
As I enter the fighter's lounge, security doesn't even attempt to stop me
as I push past and make my way up the stairs to the private VIP area.
Without hesitation, I kick in the door and storm inside where Jacob is
surrounded by two voluptuous women, scantily dressed. Positioning myself
directly in front of him, I block his view of the fight and he immediately
becomes wide-eyed when he sees me. Zara, Zane, and Zuri quickly enter
with their weapons drawn and ready, prepared for a potential firefight over
me. Without hesitation, I toss the severed cock into Jacob's lap, causing the
women to squeal and flee while his eyes widen in horror at the gruesome
sight before him.
"What the fuck!" He shouts, struggling to push the blood-soaked
member off his lap. I grin, relishing in his discomfort. As he does so, his
henchmen brandish their guns and aim them at me and my fellow sisters.
“Special delivery from Julian Galloway.” I run my fingers over my
bruised cheek and swollen bottom lip.
“Next time you send someone to attempt to sexually assault me, you
should join in for the thrill,” I say to him. With a struggle, Jacob removes
the severed penis from on top of him and stands up, his eyes burning into
mine as he tries to process what I just revealed. To my surprise, he doesn't
appear angry that I have just mutilated his brother's genitals and left him
bleeding out in my office.
“I told him to keep his hands off you.” Jacob snarls and looks over at
my sisters. He holds his hands up and glares at Zara, pulling his pistol from
his holster.
“So, this is what we are doing? We’re going to have that war right
now?” he asks, raising his weapon right at Zara. Zara smiles at him,
pointing her pistol directly at him.
“I have more than enough reasons, Jacob.” She tells him. Jacob groans,
his frown intensifying.
“Fuck you, bitch!" He snarls, and I fearlessly step forward to stand
directly in front of Jacob's pistol, boldly resting my head against the cold
metal. I know his love for me is an all-consuming fire that will never be
extinguished. It's a dangerous obsession that he can't seem to control. But as
soon as the pistol is aimed at my face, he weakly drops his weapon. I smirk
with satisfaction at the power I hold over him.
“I didn’t send him, Zariah.” He tells me and I don’t believe him. I don’t
believe him in the slightest. I narrow my eyes at him. He tries to reach out
to touch me, but I swat his hand away.
“You wanted a war, Jacob. Now, you’ll get it.” I turn away from him
and I hear his men charging their weapons, preparing to shoot at me.
Jacob snarls, "Stand the fuck down!" I grin at my sisters, who appear
pleasantly taken aback. Did they really think they were entering a gunfight?
To be frank, after the previous attack, I didn't know what to expect. I am
aware that Jacob intends to eliminate my sisters and claim me for himself,
but that won't take place without a struggle. And he certainly won't be
engaging in a shootout where I could potentially get hurt. After all, his love
for me has clouded his judgement and consumed him with desire. I stride
towards Zara and place my hand over her pistol, forcing her to lower it. She
glares at me with narrowed eyes."
“Not the place, nor the time.” I wink at her and she groans. Zane and
Zuri lowers their weapons.
"Return to your families. Cherish your wives and children. I am not as
monstrous as you may think. I will allow you the courtesy of bidding them
farewell," Jacob declares with a menacing grin.
“I can't wait to blow your fucking brains out, Jacob,” Zara seethes. I
instinctively place my hands on her chest, trying to hold her back from
starting a fight. She resists at first, but eventually lets me push her out of the
VIP area. I pause at the door and turn back to look at Jacob.
“Julian is in my office, bleeding out. I want his body out of there and
my office cleaned by tomorrow morning.” I tell him with a glare, then I
slam the door shut and follow my sisters out of the VIP.
“What the fuck Zariah?” Zara snarls at me once I reach the bottom of
the stares. I look to Zuri who is also confused, but Zane doesn’t seem
surprised at all.
Because she knows.
“Jacob has been in love with Zariah for years. It’s a sick obsession. He
wants her. If he comes after us,” Zane explains, but Zara cuts her off.
“No, when he comes after us,” Zara corrects, glaring at me.
As Zane finishes, "When he comes after us, Zariah will be the one he
wants to keep," I put my hands in my coat pockets and let out a heavy sigh.
I am determined to use my cunning intellect to get us out of this situation.
Julian's words still ring in my ears - he wants my entire family dead,
including the innocent children. Time is of the essence, and I must act
quickly. The seven families thrive on politics, and as the politician of our
group, it is up to me to use my skillful speech to negotiate our survival.
Engaging in a shootout will only escalate the violence and put us all in
grave danger.
“Take me home so I can clean myself up.” Zara glares at me.
“What? There’s no going back home, Zariah. You’re coming to my
house in Farmington Hills. We are stronger together. No separation.” I gape
at her. That domesticated family home? Hell no, I’m not going there. Not a
chance. My face scrunches up in disgust.
"The feeling is mutual, Zariah," Zara sneers. "And your pets? Not
happening." I shoot them a defiant glare, but I know it's useless to resist.
The determination in Zara's eyes makes it clear that I have no choice but to
go with her.


Three days later

reat, here she comes. Zariah, the source of my frustration. She strides
into my coffee shop, her figure encased in a suit dress that
accentuates her curves. It ends at her knees and her heels elongate her
legs. I'm drawn to the madwoman, but I know better than to touch her with
a ten-foot pole. She keeps coming back daily, never letting up. Today she's
not alone; two large guards accompany her and her thick dark-brown hair
cascades down her shoulders. A beautiful smile exposes her perfect white
teeth, but I can't help noticing the nasty bruise on her cheek - who would
hurt this goddess? Her heels click against the floor as she approaches me. I
stand behind the counter, gaping like an idiot. But I must remain strong. I
have resisted for weeks now, but I feel myself losing control and giving in
to her will. Because Zariah is a formidable woman.
But I'm no pushover. I've worked so hard to build this business for
myself. I want to have a family--build a life of my own someday. Zariah
isn't the type of woman with whom I can do that with. Maybe some hot,
earth-shattering sex, but a domesticated wife? Not Zariah! She'll tear apart
my whole life in an instant.
“Cassie, you always make my day with those entrancing eyes of yours.”
She purrs and oh, good lord her sweet little voice sends warmth to the
deepest corners of my soul. Maybe I should give in and let her have me?
But I know touching Zariah in that way will send me down a never-ending
abyss. Zariah is so perilous, dangerously tempting. If I venture that way
with her, I'm inviting an eternity of chaos.
“Zariah, it's always great to see your beautiful face.” I flirt back. What
am I thinking? Why did I just flirt with her? Though I try to deny it, I'm
drawn to Zariah like a moth to a flame. I grab an oversized cup and make
my way to the espresso machine, preparing her usual order--a large caramel
macchiato with extra caramel. The carnal beast in me muses whether she
tastes as sweet as caramel between her legs. My tongue darts out,
moistening my lips as I watch the steaming liquid fill two small cups from
the machine, trying to concentrate on that instead of Zariah. Because if I
look at her one more second, I'll be tempted to yank her over the counter
and sample her sweetness in my office.
Damn, what is wrong with me?
After I set her drink down, I push it towards her. She reaches for money
in her pocket but I refuse payment. I've had many customers come to this
coffee shop, yet Zariah's the only one whose order I know by heart. I take
an everything bagel off the shelf and wrap it up for her.
“It’s on me, Zariah.” I offer her. She moistens her lips and leans
forward, propping herself up against the counter.
“When are you gonna quit playing hard to get and let me have a taste?”
She teases, and damn, the way her curves stand out when she arches over
the counter. Still, I tear my eyes from her breasts and drill into those
gorgeous hazel eyes. I don't know what she sees in me. I'm not the type of
woman she typically chases after. She's all about femmes, whereas I'm far
from that—a tomboy lesbian—a world away from what she likes. Indeed, I
can't make sense of this attraction. Is she experimenting with me? I'm no
woman to bow down for anyone, not even Zariah. Or perhaps she wants me
to tame her? God, how much I long to dominate her so bad, yet that bruise
on her face weighs more on me than anything else. Who the hell hurt her?
I feel an uncontrollable rage surging through me. I want to make the
bastard pay for what he did to Zariah; it doesn't matter if she deserved it.
This woman is mine – no one else's – MINE! Then, reality hits me like a
truck and I ask myself: What the hell is wrong with me? Zariah isn't mine. I
need her out of my coffee shop so I can get back in touch with reality...
because right now, it feels so far away.
“Oh, Cassie, giving away freebies?” I cringe at the familiar voice that
radiates from behind Zariah. It’s Gloria, a patron who has a crush on me.
Zariah's beautiful hazel eyes darken and her lips twist into a menacing
smile. Gloria isn't from around here; she's new to town and doesn't know
about the Blackburns or, more importantly, Zariah. She leans back from the
counter as Gloria moves closer to it. Zariah folds her arms across her chest,
sizing up Gloria. Gloria is lovely with bright green eyes and wavy dirty
blonde hair. She beams me a warm smile, completely unaware of Zariah's
piercing death glare.
“I'm just joking around; I’ll take a coffee and plain donut. I'm not
looking for a free meal.” She gives Zariah an audacious grin and I silently
say a prayer for her because she has no idea of the fierce woman she's being
flippant with. Zariah can't control her instincts. She acts immediately on her
intrusive thoughts. That's the sort of woman who gets in an elevator and
presses all the buttons rather than the one she needs while everyone else
stares in disbelief.
I mumble Zariah's name, but it's a lost cause. It's already too late for
Gloria. Zariah grips her by the back of her neck and crashes her head onto
my countertop with such forcefulness I'm certain she has either broken her
nose or lost some teeth in the process.
“Cassie isn't for you, sweetheart,” Zariah threatens gently as she raises
her from the counter, positioning her so she can get a better view of her
handy work.
“She’s mine and if you don’t back off, you are going to lose your life in
this coffee shop.” I spin around the counter, grabbing Zariah by the wrist.
She giggles, obviously pleased that I chose her instead of helping Gloria. If
I did that, it would only confirm Gloria's fate. No, it's best to ignore her and
let Gloria confront her injuries alone. Because Zariah is so unpredictable,
and for the life of me I don't know why, but I love it. I fucking love it.


assie pulls me behind the counter and into her back office, slamming
the door shut and leaving Blake and Sam to deal with Gloria. I make a
mental note to find out where Gloria lives and have a chat with her for
being such a snobby bitch. But right now, all I can think about is being
alone with Cassie. Should I tell her that I'm not wearing any panties? My
arousal intensifies as she pushes me against her desk and I feel the
dampness between my legs. The desire for this woman is so strong, I might
just climax from looking at her.
“What the hell, Zariah?” Cassie snarls, her tone sharp and defensive.
“This is my place of business. You get your coffee, bagel, and leave, don't
harass my customers.” I grin at her, knowing she's just putting on a show to
hide her true feelings. Her dark brown eyes reveal her pleasure underneath
her facade of anger. She loves it when I act wild and unpredictable - she
loves crazy bitches like me. I pout my lips and run my hand over her chest,
feeling the firmness of her breasts that always make my mouth water. I can
already imagine how wet she would be for me if I slid my hand into her
boxer briefs. My hands trail down her body, stopping at the waistband of
her pants. She doesn't try to stop me because deep down, she wants me just
as badly as I want her.
I can’t help what I’m feeling here. It’s an all-consuming feeling, that
overtook me the moment I locked eyes with Cassie. Just three weeks ago, I
was drowning in work with press releases and family scandals. I needed
coffee to keep me going, and that's when I stumbled upon her newly opened
shop in Downtown Detroit. Meeting her was unexpected, but it changed
everything for me - my heart, my mind, and my body. Love at first sight
may seem silly, but I can't deny the overwhelming pull she has on me. It's
even affecting my relationships with my pets - all I can think about is being
with Cassie. This desire for her is so intense that it sickens me to even
consider anyone else. All I want is for her to dominate me, to bend me to
her will and make me submit.
“Zariah, we talked about this,” she reminds me with a hint of
exasperation in her voice. Oh, yes, the talk. I’ve been relentlessly trying for
the past three weeks to get this woman to give in and be mine, but she won't
budge. She's unbreakable. How is she able to resist me? It frustrates me
beyond belief. Zara, Zane, and Zuri had no trouble finding their forever
partners, but here I am struggling with the most difficult one. However, I
can see it in her eyes - she wants me just as much as I want her. Her
beautiful dark brown eyes and tan skin drive me wild. She's tall and strong,
more than capable of handling me. As her hand grazes over my bruise, I
can't help but feel annoyed that she's more focused on that than on taking
me right here and now. We should be getting down to business - lots of
fucking. I want her to make me scream in her office loud enough for the
customers to hear, then throw me out and make me beg for more. She's a
dominant femme and I know what she's capable of. But instead, here she is
being gentle and tender with me. I frown and groan in frustration, but
ultimately let Cassie have her way because deep down, I want to stay with
her. My sisters will only allow me out of the mansion if I take Blake and
Sam with me, and apparently my behavior has started to scare Emma and
Zoe. Bella is the only sister-in-law who doesn't have a problem with me; in
fact, we get along quite well. But that might also be because she has a
darkness in her too - she's equally yoked to Zane and I couldn't be happier
for my sister."
She’s still a fucking traitor though.
“Who did this to you?” Cassie asks, concern evident in her voice. I stare
at her with confusion. Why is she so invested in the bruise on my face?"
"Do you really want to know?" I ask her with caution. I'm not sure if
she's ready for the harsh realities of my life. But she surprises me by leaning
in and placing her forehead against mine, a gesture of love that I've never
experienced before. It's rare for anyone to get close to me, even my own
pets. But Cassie seems determined to hold onto me, as if someone hurting
me deeply affects her too. Does she truly care for me? It's a foreign concept,
but one that I find myself wanting more and more, especially with Cassie.
As my hands move from the edge of her pants to her hair, I'm struck by how
beautiful she is. Her thick, black curly hair is pulled into a neat bun,
showcasing the intricate tattoos running down her neck and muscular arms.
She's stunningly unique and captivating.
“Yes, baby. Please tell me who did this to you." I smile softly as she
presses her lips against my forehead. It doesn't seem to bother her that I
caused a scene, hurting Gloria on Cassie’s counter, blood dripping from her
broken nose. Is she like me? A dark soul with a taste for revenge? That
would be quite thrilling if it were true.
I confess, "My cousin tried to rape me," to her. She sharply jerks her
head back and glares at me with a newfound fury. Would she defend me?
Take a life for me? Oh, how intriguing this discovery is.
"I handled it, don't worry. My sisters arrived just in time and I cut off his
dick, personally delivering it to his brother. He may have bled out in my
office, but everything is cleaned up now. I have no idea what happened to
the rest of his body," I say with a nonchalant smile and shrug. Cassie's
expression softens as she strokes my cheek. Did she hear what I just said?
She doesn't seem phased in the slightest.
“Good.” She says, not even batting an eye. Not even a wince. Huh?
“If you hadn’t gotten to him I would have done it myself.” Cassie says,
and then she pulls back from me. Just when I thought I’m about to get laid,
she pulls back. I grit my teeth at her.
“Come back,” I taunt, “let’s have some fun. Make me come before you
go back to your customers.” I brazenly pull up my dress, revealing my lack
of underwear and sit on her desk, legs spread wide for her. She smirks, her
eyes lingering on my bare sex as if admiring it. But then she hesitates.
"Did you get rid of your pets like I told you to?" I groan inwardly,
knowing this conversation all too well. Every time I yearn for her touch, the
conversation of how I have to get rid of my beloved pets or she won't even
consider me.
“I haven’t slept with anyone since I first saw you three weeks ago. It's
like I'm under a spell, consumed by thoughts of only you. I've never gone
this long without satisfying my physical desires. Would you like me to
humble myself and beg for your attention?” I mutter, crossing my legs
tightly. She crosses her arms and glares at me, the tension between us
“But you still have them?” I huff at her. “Even after I told you to get rid
of them?” Why is it so important to her? I can't sleep with my pets, not now
that I have my forever woman. She owns me completely. But I won't give
up my pets just because she said so. Who does she think she is? Cassie lets
out a sigh and gestures towards the door, stepping aside.
“Get out of my office, Zariah.” My eyes widen at her. Get out of her
office? What the fuck? She stands firm, her face unmoving. Oh, my god,
she’s serious.
“Zariah, I'm not some plaything,” she says firmly. “I want something
real. If you want me, you need to give me what I want – you, without any
other attachments. Either get rid of them or don't bother coming back.” I
take a deep breath and step down from her desk, pulling my dress down to
regain my composure. The sting of rejection hits me like a wave, and it's
almost unbearable. Fighting back tears, I smooth out my dress and walk out
of her office, refusing to look at her.
I hear her voice calling out my name, “Zariah”. I don't bother turning
back. Fine, she'll get what she wants. I make my way over to Blake and
Sam, who are diligently wiping the counter clean of blood. Gloria is
nowhere in sight, probably warned by them to lay low because I haven't
finished with her yet. And I won't be done until I find that bitch later.
"Come on, Blake, Sam," I pout, gesturing for them to follow me. "We
have to go to my apartment. I need to get rid of my pets." Their eyes widen
in disbelief and I give them a stern look, hands on my hips. But Blake's
smile turns sinister as he looks away from me, and I catch Cassie's
victorious expression behind the counter. A smug grin that makes me want
to slap it off her face right now.
“Let’s go.” I snarl and storm out of the coffee shop.
This better be fucking worth it.


oday was certainly an eventful day. But above all, Zariah. This
commanding woman has a grip on me that twists my perception and
leaves me reeling. It's like being on a never-ending roller coaster ride
with her - always exhilarating and fast-paced. I should probably check on
Gloria, since Zariah really did a number on her. Oddly enough, Gloria lives
in the same apartment building as me. But I quickly dismiss the thought.
Zariah would not only rip off Gloria's head, but she’d also serve it to me in
a box for Christmas without batting an eye. Yeah, I definitely don't need her
going off the deep end. God, I'm whipped for this woman. I rub my face
wearily and pull out my keys to lock up the store. I lost business today
because Zariah instilled enough fear in people to keep them away from
here. But for some reason, I don't mind. I love her madness. She's wild and
untamed, and oddly enough, she begs me to dominate her and make her
submit to my will. Make Zariah bend? I chuckle to myself and switch off
the lights in my cafe, setting the alarm and securing the door before
stepping outside. My apartment building is only a few blocks away, so
there's no point in taking my car out of the garage unless necessary. A brisk
walk home also helps clear my head.
My mind is constantly consumed by thoughts of Zariah. Her alluring
curves, confident demeanor, and unpredictable nature captivate me. She is
wild and untamed, yet dangerously enticing. Death seems to follow her
every step, but I can't help but crave her in every way. As I make my way to
my apartment, my hands shoved deep in my pockets, she dominates my
thoughts. I am puzzled by the irresistible hold she has over me.
She is relentless in her pursuit of me, never giving up even as I push her
away time and time again. Zariah is determined to have me, but I am
equally determined to set boundaries. Being a Blackburn means nothing to
me, their privilege and entitlement hold no sway over my decisions. I may
be risking their wrath by rejecting Zariah, but I refuse to live in fear of their
retribution. Let them try to destroy me, I will not back down.
As I reach my building, I promptly retrieve my keys and unlock the
entrance. Before proceeding further, I make a quick stop at my mailbox to
collect the three-days' worth of mail. Despite it being mostly junk, I know I
have to clear it out or risk having it marked as abandoned by the carrier.
After discarding the unsolicited mail, I opt to take the stairs instead of the
elevator - living on the fifth floor gives me a good excuse for some extra
exercise. With my small business taking up most of my time, I've had to let
go of three employees due to limited hours.
As I reach my floor, I take slow and cautious steps towards my
apartment. My heart drops when I see the same two hulking men who had
been guarding Zariah at the coffee shop now stationed outside my door. The
Blackburns have a strange way of showing up unannounced. One of them
notices me and flashes a knowing smile, but they don't budge from their
post. There's no point in trying to reason with them; this is all about Zariah
getting her way. And truth be told, I could put up a fight if I wanted to. But
for now, I stand still in front of the door, waiting for them to move aside and
let me enter. The larger one towers over me with an arrogant smirk,
tempting me to knock it off his face. But I know better than to start a brawl
right now. "Could you two just move? I'm trying to get into my own damn
apartment," I snap, showing my irritation through my expression and tone.
“You’re gonna tame Zariah? I never thought I’d see the day.” He sneers
and I glare at him.
My voice drips with venom as I snarl, "Get the fuck out of my way!"
The men just laugh and slowly move aside from the door. I don't even
bother fumbling for my keys, knowing they're probably already unlocked
for me. Turning the knob, my suspicions are confirmed and I open the door,
stepping inside. Kicking off my shoes, I quickly lock the door behind me.
Those men are persistent -they might have keys or will likely kick in the
door to get to Zariah. With a heavy sigh, I follow my usual routine and
empty my pockets, setting my keys on the counter. But when the lamp in
my living room suddenly flicks on, I freeze. Zariah sits on my sofa, holding
up several collars with long chains attached to them.
“You wanted them gone, so here they are. They’re gone.” She drops the
collars to the floor with a loud clunk against my hardwood floor. I try not to
show my shock as I take in a sharp breath. Zariah Blackburn, the powerful
woman who I haven't even slept with yet, has just fulfilled my request and
gotten rid of her pets for me. It must mean she wants me bad – really bad.
My heart beats frantically in my chest as I struggle to find the right
words. She stands up from the couch and my eyes takes in her alluring
form. Dressed in a tight black dress that accentuates every curve, she
exudes an irresistible aura. Her full breasts threaten to burst out of the
fabric, drawing my attention like a magnet. As she approaches me, swaying
her hips seductively and puckering her lips for a kiss, I feel myself melting.
How can I resist? But as her hands brush against my chest and she presses
her soft lips against mine, I remember that this woman is dangerous, not
only because of her power and influence but also because of her dark past.
I've never seen her settle down with anyone, always keeping eye-candy
femmes by her side at public events. We all know these women are just pets
to her, but no one dares to speak about it openly. Zariah's family, the
Blackburns, hold immense political sway and she herself has connections
that reach far beyond our circle. She could make someone disappear
without a trace if she wanted. Despite knowing all this, I can't help but melt
into her kiss, savoring the feeling of being welcomed home after a long
day's work. It's almost like she's been waiting for me, ready to pamper and
please me in every way possible. But as she pulls away, I narrow my eyes at
her, wondering what her true intentions are behind this sweet gesture.
“So, you really got rid of your pets?” I ask her and give her a
disbelieving glare. Because I don’t believe her. I don’t believe her one bit
that she’s gotten rid of her human pets.
“The collars are here,” she says, her voice dripping with superiority.
“They would be on my pets if I still had them.” She runs a hand over my
chest, her eyes focused on my breasts. Maybe she's a breast woman? I
wouldn't mind, since my nipples are super sensitive and it turns me on
quickly, but right now I need to stay focused. As much as I want to fuck this
stunning woman, I have something important to discuss with her. I firmly
grip her wrists and pull her away from me. Her beautiful hazel eyes harden
and her lips twist into a deep frown. She feels rejected once again, and
rightfully so, but I have to do things this way - Zariah will destroy me if I


hat the actual fuck? I just abandoned my beloved pets who always
took care of me, even though I stopped showing them affection.
And now she's still pushing me away? What more does she want?
Why isn't our love enough? I can't make sense of this. It seems like this
love-at-first-sight thing is broken with me. Cassie forcibly grabs my wrists
and pushes me backwards, and I shoot her a furious glare.
"Is it not enough?" I nearly growl, frustration clear in my tone. What
more could this woman possibly want from me? A sudden gasp escapes me
as she catches me off guard, releasing my wrist and wrapping a strong arm
around my waist, pulling me flush against her. Our faces are just inches
apart, and I can't help but get lost in the depths of her dark, beautiful eyes.
“Zariah, what do you want from me?” She inquires with such sugary
tones. My wants are insatiable, although I am aware it is not wise. I am
currently embroiled in a fierce battle against the seven families. By being
near this alluring woman, I am putting her in grave danger. But alas, I am
powerless to resist her. The pain of not having her in the way I yearn for is
unbearable. Her eyes exude dominance, and her lips curve into a satisfied
smirk when she witnesses my surrender.
"Yo—you," I stutter, and she chuckles, shoving me back until we reach
her compact kitchen. With surprising strength, she lifts me and sets me on
the counter. Her hands rest on either side of me, trapping me in place.
“I don't think I'm your type. You've never dated a butch lesbian before,”
she says, her voice riddled with self-doubt. I shrug, unable to explain my
attraction to her. How can I? Now that I've found Cassie, the woman I want
to spend forever with, it's finally dawning on me the type of person I've
been. A monster, a savage creature who has never had to answer for her
actions. It's ironic how I used to care about nothing until I met her. And
now, all I want is to be better for her. But can I really change?
Today, I harmed a woman, Gloria. And I don't feel any remorse for my
actions. The fiery wrath and envy that consumed me were too powerful to
keep contained. My only desire was to see Gloria suffer and the sinister part
of me wants to return and finish what I started. I know she lives in this
building and I even know her apartment number. The only thing preventing
me from making my way down to her floor and paying her a visit is
Cassie's hold on me. I lick my lips, pondering what thoughts are swirling in
that alluring mind of hers. She's such a strong and resilient person - it's one
of the things I admire most about her.
"I want you," I whisper again, my voice heavy with desire. "I want all of
you." She leans in, her lips gently brushing against mine. It's a sweet, loving
kiss that leaves me breathless. But before I can wrap my arms around her,
she pulls away and I let out a frustrated groan. My sexual frustration is
almost unbearable in this moment.
“Let me be clear, Zariah. I won't be manipulated by your Blackburn
power or your family's intimidation tactics. You don't scare me. This is not a
game, sweetheart. And if you want to be with me, you'll have to behave.” A
sly smile crosses my lips at her words, but I nod obediently like a little girl.
Damn, this woman has a hold on me that drives me crazy. I spread my legs
and pull up my dress, revealing my silk panties. I know she wants me; I can
see it in her eyes. So, what are we waiting for? Her eyes moves downwards,
right where it should be, between my legs. Her hands glide over my thighs,
teasing and stroking them gently.
“It's been a long day. I’m starving and I'm sure you are too,” she says,
noticing my hungry stare. “Let me cook dinner for us. How do you feel
about chicken alfredo?” My body aches for her touch, but she seems
oblivious as she grabs jars of alfredo sauce from the cabinet. I want to grab
her, but she's too focused on the meal preparations. I sit there, stunned and
“As someone who was raised in a privileged lifestyle, you seem
oblivious to when someone wants to look out for you.” I let out a frustrated
groan and purse my lips. Cassie always knows how to read me like a book.
I bite my tongue, tugging at my dress to cover more skin, but she halts me
with a firm hand on my thigh.
“Leave it up,” she commands, her breath hot against my ear as she leans
in for another kiss. My body practically melts at her touch. “I want
something to look at while I cook you dinner.” Her words send shivers
down my spine and I can’t help but bite my lip in anticipation. “Don’t
worry, sweetheart. I’m going to eat your pussy for dinner. Since you've
decided to be mine,” she pauses, looking me directly in the eyes, “I'll show
you exactly what I expect from you.” All I can do is nod, my core already
on fire from her suggestive promises. I sit on the counter quietly, watching
as she expertly cleans and seasons the meat while simultaneously heating
the pan. How is she still so full of energy after a long day?
“I can always order something.” She looks up at me with her beautiful
brown eyes that just leaves me speechless.
“Why would I do that?” She questions, giving me a scrutinizing look.
“You will submit to me completely, Zariah. It’s for the best that I take care
of you and ensure you are well-nourished.” I am taken aback by her words.
Full submission? Okay, maybe in the bedroom, but to surrender
completely? Despite my initial shock, I find myself keeping quiet and
allowing her to cook me dinner. She grins, clearly pleased with my
submissive behavior. Confused about my own actions, I question what is
wrong with me. Instead of arguing with her, I just sit quietly and let her
have her way. Something inside me is changing uncontrollably and I can’t
seem to stop it. Maybe I should go find Gloria and use her as an outlet for
my pent-up frustration, so I can come back to reality. Right now, it feels like
I am riding a wave of pleasure that I can't snap out of.
“What’s it like being a Blackburn?” She asks and I just stare at her
curiously. I’ve never made small talk with anyone. I shrug, and stare at her.
“Absolute chaos,” I reply, as memories of growing up under my ruthless
father Zillian Blackburn flood my mind. Every dinner was a gruesome
scene with blood and brains scattered across the table. Would it bother
Cassie that I have come to enjoy such macabre meals? Darkness is all I
know, raised in it by my father until his dying day. Watching my sisters find
love while I remain trapped in this world is a constant reminder that I may
never have someone who will truly love me. But then I met Cassie, and she
has shown me patience and kindness despite my chaotic nature. Does she
see the little girl inside me, yearning to break free from this torment? I pray
that she does, because I am exhausted. College was supposed to be my
escape from my father's political games, but now politics itself has become
my prison. My destined role as a Senator for Michigan is not one I desire,
but my father saw the power of words in me and pushed me towards it.
My sister Zane had a knack for arguing her way out of any legal
situation, while I possess the power of persuasion. My father quickly
realized this and pushed me to further develop my abilities. Now, I find
myself in a position of power that I care little for. It's only now, with Cassie
by my side, that I realize the emptiness and discomfort of my past
ambitions. In the past, I've always sought out warmth and comfort on my
own. Despite having the protection of my sisters, they always saw me as an
outcast. A being who should have never existed. And every single person
blames me for the death of our mother, as if I could have prevented the
complications during my birth.
“Absolute chaos? Care to elaborate, Zariah?” She raises an eyebrow at
me while she fills the pan of fried chicken with spinach and alfredo sauce.
Damn, it smells so good. I run my hand over my tummy, suddenly hungry.
“Do you have the time?” Yearning to open up about my trauma, I'm met
with Cassie's radiant smile. Her tousled bun unravels, calling me to run my
fingers through her luscious locks. As I begin to inch away from the
counter, she scurries back from the stove and presses a hand against my
stomach, forcing me to stay put.
“I said I want you to stay. I want to watch you while I cook you dinner.
And we aren’t finished talking.” I gape at her, but I comply.
Because I want nothing more than to be a good girl right now.
So she can eat my pussy.


he first step in taming this wild, exquisite creature of a woman is
gaining her trust. Zariah appears to be in great emotional pain, yet she
expertly masks it. My ultimate goal is to bring her joy and
contentment. Despite her facade, I know that Zariah is not truly happy. But
before I can take control, she must trust me with her deepest vulnerabilities
and fears. Without her trust, I cannot assert dominance over her.
"I have all the time in the world for you, Zariah. In fact, I have forever."
My words push against her, and she stares at me with a bewildered
expression. I can't help but let out a light chuckle as I watch her squirm on
the kitchen counter. Did my words make her panties wet? Good, because
this is going to be a long night for her. But one night won't be enough to
satisfy my desire for this woman. No, it will take much more work and
effort to tame her, but Zariah is worth it. Who am I kidding, trying to fight
this intense attraction between us? The more time I spend with her - even if
it's just mere minutes - the stronger my urge becomes to taste her, to feel her
writhing beneath me. But I know I must maintain control. Someone has to
be in control or else we'll destroy each other. That's why I need to offer
Zariah balance. After finishing the chicken, I quickly prepare the sides and
fix her a plate. Grabbing a fork from the drawer, I walk over to her. She
smiles, almost as if she's not used to receiving such endearments. Surely
there have been other women who have fallen in love with her before. She
reaches for the plate, but I deny her by pulling it back. With a shake of my
head and a teasing smile, I refuse to give in to her immediately.
“No, baby. Let me feed you.” Zariah groans and throws her hands up.
“Are you trying to seduce me? Pulling out all the tricks?" She spreads
her legs, showing off her damp blue silk panties. It makes me smile and my
mouth starts to water.
"I will feed you and care for you while we talk. I want to know you,
Zariah," I state firmly. She clenches her jaw and shoots me an eye roll,
clearly wanting to disrupt our conversation. But she refrains, shutting her
mouth with an audible snap after a deep sigh. It's almost comical,
witnessing Zariah Blackburn fight against her instincts, but she does it for
my sake.
“Open your mouth,” I demand, scooping some food onto the fork and
holding it out for her. She narrows her eyes at me but complies. I wait for
her to finish chewing before giving another scoop.
“I can imagine being a Blackburn is not easy, especially with your
political status.” Zariah shrugs and swallows down her food before she
"Does it even matter now? My father is gone." I shift the plate to one
hand and reach out to stroke her cheek with the other. Her expression
remains inscrutable as she speaks, leaving me to wonder about her true
feelings towards her father.
“I’m sorry for your loss, baby.” I tell her, but she just shrugs.
“My father never gave a damn about me. Only my abilities. To him, I
was the woman responsible for his wife's death - my own mother. She
passed during childbirth because of me. They claim it shattered something
in him, and he couldn't even bear to look at me. He only tolerated my
presence because I resembled my mother the most out of all his children.”
My heart aches at the pain she endured growing up in such a cruel
“And your sisters?” I ask her, and she shrugs again.
“They all blame me for my mother’s death,” Zariah says darkly. “I was
close with Zane.” She smirks at me, her expression twisted with a
malevolent glee. “Zane and I shared similar tastes; we enjoyed dominating
our women and keeping them as pets. But then she met Bella and pretty
much cut off contact. She's always been closer to me, but deep down I
know she also blames me for our mother's death." Zariah looks away, her
eyes shimmering with unshed tears that she refuses to let fall. I can sense
the weight of her past traumas weighing heavily on her, and it is clear she
has shed enough tears for a lifetime. Her mind is trying to escape the pain,
but I won't let her. With a firm hand, I draw her attention back to me and
continue feeding her spoonful’s of food. She takes each one willingly,
allowing me to nourish her body while she tries to heal her soul. We sit in
silence for a moment, lost in our own thoughts until the plate is half empty
and I set it aside. Then I go over to the cabinet and grab a bottle of wine and
a glass.
I grin wickedly at her question, "Aren't you going to eat?" Raising an
eyebrow, I can tell from the way she shifts on the counter that her panties
are even wetter now. Good - that means dinner will be especially delicious
for me tonight. I pour her a short glass of wine, just enough to wash
everything down and help her relax. I don't want her getting too tipsy.
Zariah has been through so much - abused and left to fight her loneliness all
by herself. But it doesn't matter anymore. She has me now, and I'll make
sure to take care of her."
I’m just wondering what it’s going to cost me.
This woman is dangerous. I can sense danger lurking in the shadows,
watching us at this very moment. That's why she is heavily guarded. I
haven't even heard her whole story yet, but knowing she defended herself
against the person who hurt her brings me some comfort. Because I would
have done the same for her. She downs her wine quickly and holds out the
empty glass for a refill, as if she wants me to take care of her. But I can't,
not anymore.
"I gently place the glass down on the counter next to her, my hands
instinctively moving to her waist as I lift her up. She grins and lets me carry
her towards my bedroom. But before we get there, I pause and kneel down,
picking up one of the collars scattered on the floor. Tonight, Zariah will be
wearing one of these, so that she knows who she truly belongs to.


inally, after nearly a month of waiting, I am finally getting laid. My
eyes scan her hand as she grips a collar and carries me to the bedroom.
A sense of fear and excitement fills me. Is she going to dominate me
tonight? Despite my nervousness, my core is on fire from her touch. I have
been waiting for this moment with Cassie for so long, but now that it's here,
what am I supposed to do? Wait? I can't take it anymore. I want to put that
collar around her neck and take control of the situation. The thought of
being with anyone else repulses me now that I've met Cassie. As we enter
the room, she places me gently on the bed and meets my eyes, holding up
the collar. I feel a twinge of discomfort at the thought of it. Maybe because
deep down, I know what it represents - being Cassie's pet instead of her
equal. She notices my hesitation and looks at me curiously.
“What’s the matter, Zariah? Why don’t you want to wear it?” She asks
"Will I just be your pet?" I ask, my eyes flickering to the collar in her
hand. But to my surprise, she doesn't try to put it on me. Instead, she drops
it to the floor without a word.
“No more human pets, Zariah. If you want me, you’ll give yourself to
me. I'm not a toy for your experimentation. Find someone else if that's what
you're after." I edge closer to the bed and envelop her in my arms, shaking
nervously. "This isn't just a fling. And I don't see you as a pet. I just want
you, Zariah.” she confesses, and relief washes over me as Cassie smiles.
She then gazes down at my thighs, and without hesitation, she spreads them
"Good, then it's settled. Lie back so I can have my dinner," she
commands with a hint of amusement in her voice. My body responds
instantly, falling back onto the bed and going limp for her. I spread my legs
wide, giving her full access as she pleases. With my eyes fixed on the
ceiling, I can't help but shake from the intense sensations coursing through
me. I'm no stranger to sex, but this feels different. Is she making love to
me? The idea of making love is foreign to me - I've been a certified whore
who's used sex as a means of manipulation. But with Cassie, it feels like
something more. Her hands massage my thighs, occasionally pausing to
kiss my skin. I lift my head up, expecting her to slide down my panties and
take what she wants from me. But instead, she just stares at my pussy. It
makes me wonder…is she really capable of making love? And am I capable
of receiving it?
What the hell is she waiting for? Impatient, I shift my hips and catch her
eyes. A slow smile spreads across her face as she climbs on top of me,
pulling my dress off with lazy movements. I'm left in just my bra and
panties, and her hands glide over my body, teasing and caressing. Her soft
lips press against mine, igniting a fire within me. She nibbles playfully on
my lip before deepening the kiss, causing my back to arch in pleasure. I pull
her closer, desperate for more of her touch. She slowly undoes my bra,
freeing my breasts and sending shivers down my spine. Moving down to
my neck, she bites down hard enough to leave a mark but not break the
skin. As she continues to tease and please me, I can't help but moan and
whimper in ecstasy.
A low moan escapes my lips as I arch my back, her tongue trailing
down my neck and over my body. Before I can even comprehend what is
happening, she has latched onto my nipple with a fervent hunger. My senses
are overwhelmed by the intensity of it all, my body thrashing in desperate
need for release. In a frenzy, she grabs both of my breasts, squeezing them
together and bringing both nipples into her mouth. The pleasure is almost
too much to bear as my eyes roll back and toes curl. I've had great sex
before, but this love-making with Cassie is pushing me to new heights,
unraveling every part of me. As I try to wrap my legs around her, she stops
me and moves down between them. My thighs automatically part as she
positions herself and I am at a loss for words or action. My hands fall
limply to my sides, unable to do anything against the overwhelming
sensations coursing through my body under her complete control. Her
hands tug at my panties, slowly revealing more of me until they are
discarded on the floor. The foreplay has left me hot and bothered beyond
measure. With a gentle touch, she teases at the folds of my wet sex and I am
completely at her mercy.
“So wet, Zariah,” she murmurs, and I almost climax just from the
friction. Is that her intention? Her thumb presses against my clit and my
hips involuntarily arch up, but then her hand forcefully pushes me back
down onto the bed.
“Stay down, baby. Take what I'm giving you,” she says huskily. I blink
several times, lost in a haze of lust and desire. My head falls back and my
eyes close as I bite down on my lip, almost drawing blood. As soon as her
warm, wet tongue touches me, I am overcome with pleasure. Cassie knows
exactly what to do, holding my hips firmly in place while she plunges her
tongue inside me.
“Ah!” I cry out, gripping the sheets, thrashing my head from side to
“You taste incredible,” I gasp, barely able to form words as she expertly
works her tongue against my throbbing core. Her skills leave me in awe,
driving me to yet another climax. She seemingly knows my body
intimately, hitting all the right spots with perfect precision. My legs tremble
over her shoulders and I gaze down at her in amazement. She is a goddess
of pleasure, bending me effortlessly to her will.
“Yes, baby,” she purrs against my sex before diving her tongue back
inside me. My mind goes blank as the intensity of the sensation overwhelms
me. I feel like I'm spinning out of control, completely at her mercy. And yet,
I want more. I want her to dominate me, to make me her submissive. She
brings me to another orgasm, this one even more powerful than the last. It's
so intense that I can't help but scream, feeling like every inch of my body is
on fire with pleasure. In this moment, all I want is to submit to her
completely and become her willing slave.
“Ah, fuck!” I yell out, my voice a raw howl. Sweat drenches my body
as I pant like a wild beast. She finally looks up at me, a twisted smirk on her
face as she sinks her teeth into my thigh.
"You're not done yet. You haven't even covered my face with your
come," she states, a sadistic grin spreading across her face. My eyes widen
in shock. I just climaxed twice in her mouth. But before I can process her
words, she grabs my thighs and swiftly flips me onto my stomach. Her body
presses against mine as she climbs on top of me, burying her face in my
neck. I feel a sudden surge of fear as she restrains me by gripping my wrists
and pushing them above my head.
“Now let’s have some real fun.” She whispers into my ear, and my eyes
widen because I know my legs are going to be wobbly for days.


he's more submissive than I ever imagined. I expected a struggle, but
she just gives in, her body too drained from the constant power
struggle. Zariah doesn't seek power, only security. And it seems she
finds that in her human pets. I've run into her more than she knows. She
frequents the Greek Town Underground, where illegal fights and brothels
thrive. It's a haven for lesbians seeking no-strings-attached flings. Zariah is
always there, with another beautiful girl on a leash, sitting in one of the VIP
chairs lost in thought. I've coveted her for years but seeing her with others
made me think she wouldn't even notice me.
It was nearly closing time when she entered my coffee shop, looking
weary and fumbling with multiple devices, likely juggling work and family
responsibilities. But then our eyes locked, and everything changed. It was a
moment of pure magic, as I saw her and felt my heart skip a beat. Her
hypnotic hazel eyes seemed to reach deep into my soul. I've been in love
with her for what feels like eternity, though she's unaware of it. The desire
to claim her as mine consumes me, almost driving me insane. As if under a
spell, I cannot even glance at another woman now that I have her.
“Keep your ass here.” I command her, my words laced with authority
and dominance. She instantly freezes, submitting to me without hesitation.
It brings a wicked grin to my lips, but I can't help but want her to push back,
to challenge me. But she remains obedient, as if afraid to fight against me
for some unknown reason. Little does she know, she had me from the
moment she walked into my coffee shop. I've been fighting the urge to
claim her ever since, afraid that she may destroy me and shatter my heart in
the process. But I'm not intimidated by her family's status as Blackburns; I
have my own power and strength. Having grown up in the darkest parts of
Detroit and serving in the military, I know how to protect myself and
survive in this treacherous world. Slowly, I peel off my clothes while
admiring her round ass wiggling on the bed. She's so quiet it makes me
slightly uneasy. She has nothing to fear from me; I am here to take care of
her no matter what. Fully naked now, I climb back on top of her and press
my body against hers. She moans and backs her ass against me, igniting a
fire within me that burns hotter with each touch of my clit. And it feels so
damn good.
“Jesus!” I blurt out, immediately regretting it as Zariah's smile curls in
satisfaction. I take action and smack her ass hard, causing a yelp from her,
but she doesn't stop. She continues to tease and tantalize me with her skilled
movements. I try to make her stop by smacking her ass again, but it only
fuels her determination. Zariah has no idea how amazing it feels to have her
beautiful ass on my pussy. I can't resist any longer and grip her hips, pulling
her back against me and grinding into her. Our bodies glisten with sweat as
we both reach the peak of pleasure.
“Come on my ass, baby.” She purrs and she wiggles her ass as I grind
into her.
I gasp, unable to control my body as I push against her. With each
thrust, I smack her ass and pant desperately, the overwhelming pleasure
consuming me. I want to stop, but I can't resist her. Her body feels too good
against mine. As I reach my climax, my nails dig into her hips and I
continue to grind against her until I come so intensely that I forget to
"Fuck!" I exclaim, grabbing her and pulling her towards me. She pushes
against my chest, her back pressing into my front. My hand wraps around
her neck, gently pulling her head back as I press my lips forcefully against
hers. Our bodies mold together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces coming
together. My hand moves to her breast, caressing and teasing her nipple
while our tongues entwine in a passionate dance.
“There’s no need to demand submission from me, Cassie. I’m yours.
I’ve been yours since I first laid eyes on you.” She murmurs when we break
the kiss.
“That’s not how this is supposed to work,” I tell her jokingly, and she
laughs, then tries to pull away from me, but I keep her close.
“You wore me down, but we aren’t finished,” she purrs as she wiggles
her ass against me. Instantly, my arousal peaks. Zariah is a quick learner,
already familiar with my sweet spot: her perfect, plump ass. I stole another
kiss before finally releasing her. She collapses onto the bed and I follow
suit, pulling the blanket over us. I hold her close, and she turns to rest her
head on my chest as I wrapped my arms around her.
“The men outside of my apartment, why are they guarding you?” I ask,
my grip on her tight. It doesn't matter to me though, as I've already made up
my mind to stay with Zariah. She remains silent for a moment but lets out a
high-pitched squeal when I squeeze her ass.
“Talk to me, baby. I need to know what’s going on with you.” She sighs
but nods nervously.
“My father is dead,” she murmurs, “and now Zara is next in line for
leadership. Along with Taz Brizzi, the father of her son. But there are those
who won't accept a gay woman and a gay man as leaders. They're planning
to kill us.” I grip her tightly, pulling her close as fear consumes me at this
“The moment my cousin Julian found out about my father's death; he
didn't hesitate. He barged into my office and tried to rape me. However,
unbeknownst to me, Zara had installed cameras throughout the building,
allowing her to monitor my every move. She intervened before any real
damage could be done.” I gently cup her bruised cheek, but she flinches
away as I lean in for a kiss.
“I shouldn't be doing this. It's so wrong. I'm in the middle of a war that
will end up killing me, but I couldn't resist seeking out true love before they
finish me off." I forcefully clasp her face, feeling a surge of rage and
passion coursing through my veins. Take her from me? No one will ever
take Zariah away from me. She belongs to me. She's mine! MINE!
“I’ll never let anything happen to you, baby.” I assure her. But I know
she doesn’t believe me. Because she doesn’t know that I’m more than
capable of protecting her.
And I’ll fight for Zariah until my last breath.


drift off in Cassie's arms, relishing the warmth and comfort she provides
me. Her touch is gentle yet passionate, her kisses making me feel like
royalty. But a sudden knock on the door during the early morning hours
breaks the spell, annoyance mixing with a twinge of fear. Blake and Sam
are supposed to be keeping watch. Perhaps they need a bathroom break. I
open my eyes to find Cassie standing over me, gun in hand. She signals for
silence and I grin, touched by her protective instincts. Is she trying to
protect me? She hands me an oversized t-shirt which barely covers my
bottom as I slide it on, grateful for the extra layer of comfort.
“It’s probably Blake and Sam needing to use the bathroom.” Cassie
groans as she narrows her eyes in annoyance. She snatches her gun and
holds it behind her back before leaving the bedroom to answer the door. I
quickly follow behind her, but stop at the doorway when I see her fierce
expression. It's both endearing and frightening how much my forever
woman wants to protect me. Despite the fluttering feeling in my stomach
from being so in love, a surge of uncontrollable rage overtakes me when I
hear that familiar, annoying voice as Cassie opens the door.
“She broke my goddamn nose!” Gloria growls as she barges into the
apartment. Blake and Sam follow closely behind, roughly pushing past
Cassie. I'm not offended by their actions - they're just doing their job of
protecting me. But the question remains: how does this woman know where
my future wife lives? Have they had a fling? I step out of the bedroom,
dressed in Cassie's t-shirt and savoring her scent on my skin. Cassie shuts
the door behind her, clearly annoyed by the commotion so early in the
morning. I lean against the door, watching as Blake and Sam make
themselves at home - using the bathroom, raiding the kitchen for food, and
lounging on the couch. Meanwhile, Gloria continues to angrily point at her
nose while stalking after Cassie, who is dressed only in a sports bra and
boxers. I lick my lips as I take in the sight of her - damn, she's built. Her
toned arms, chiseled torso, and sculpted legs make me want her to bend me
over all over again.
“What are you doing here, Gloria?” Cassie demands, her eyes full of
disdain. I emerge from the bedroom, my footsteps echoing on the polished
wood, grabbing Gloria's attention. She spins around and I take in my
handiwork - a bandage wrapped around her nose - and I smirk with
satisfaction. Her eyes widen and dart back to Cassie questioningly.
“You look visibly hurt to see that Cassie’s already chosen.” I taunt her,
grinning wickedly.
“You brought this fucking bitch into your home after what she did to
me?” Cassie groans and shakes her head, then opens her door.
"Gloria, get the hell out of here," Cassie snaps warningly, but it's too
late. I've already stormed into the kitchen and retrieved a butcher knife from
the drawer. The thought of finishing her off myself fills me with a twisted
satisfaction, because let's face it, she’s getting on my nerves. Cassie's eyes
widen in shock as I emerge from the kitchen brandishing the sharp blade at
Gloria's back. She knows exactly what I'm about to do, and part of her
seems to understand why. After all, I did warn Gloria earlier today that she
might end up losing her life. But clearly, she didn't take my threat seriously
enough. Quick as lightning, Cassie grabs Gloria by the collar and forcefully
throws her out of her apartment, her body slamming into the wall just as I
bring down the knife with all my pent-up rage. In a split second, Cassie has
my wrist in a firm grip and twists it expertly, easily disarming me without
causing any pain. My hand involuntarily releases its hold on the knife,
which Cassie snatches from me and drops it to the floor before stepping
away. She meets my burning gaze with an intense glare of her own.
“I’m gonna call the cops!” Gloria snarls, her threat hanging in the air
like a storm cloud. Cassie turns to face her, and I instinctively wrap my
arms around her waist, seeking comfort and protection. She doesn't move
away from me as I press myself against her back, burying my face in her
neck. Cassie is my shield, my sanctuary in this chaotic moment.
“Go ahead,” Cassie warns, “They won’t come here for a Blackburn. You
need to get better acquainted with Detroit because you’re gonna get
yourself killed.” I give Gloria a wicked grin and taunt her by planting a kiss
on Cassie’s cheek. She doesn’t push me away, instead slamming the door in
Gloria’s face before turning to face me. As I release her, she groans and
reaches out to cup my cheek.
"She sighs and shakes her head, "Baby, we need to work on those
intrusive thoughts of yours." I brace myself for her anger and disgust, but
instead she just stares at me and shrugs. She picks up the knife from the
floor and takes it back to the kitchen, tossing it into the sink with a loud
thud. When she returns, she folds her arms and glares at Blake and Sam as
they lounge on the sofa, eating sandwiches and watching TV. There's a quiet
tension in the room as she seems lost in thought. I want to go to her, but I
stay rooted to my spot, waiting for her to call me out for trying to kill
Gloria. But I don't feel guilty about it; in fact, I plan on finishing what I
started later.
"They refuse to leave, bound by my sister Zara's command to watch
over me. Despite my protests and struggles, they remain steadfast in their
duty. I've learned it's futile to resist, so I allow them to do their job without
a fuss." I explain to Cassie, who looks up at me with a mix of understanding
and pity. She then moves from the kitchen doorway and approaches me,
wrapping her arms around my waist and guiding me back towards the
“Let’s go back to bed,” she says, her tone surprisingly calm despite the
gravity of her words. “In the morning, we'll visit your sister Zara and gather
more information about this danger you're in.” I stare back at her, a mixture
of shock and confusion coursing through me. Has Cassie lost her mind? But
before I can protest, she grabs my hand and begins leading me towards the
bedroom, giving my ass a playful yet forceful spank along the way.


don’t bother opening my store today, because I’m determined to find out
how to keep my woman safe. Nothing is more important than figuring
out how to protect Zariah, who now belongs to me after last night's
intense lovemaking session. She resists as she puts on her dress, freshly
washed from our morning shower. Her frustration is evident as I insist on
accompanying her back to her sister's lavish estate in Farmington Hills. She
crosses her arms over her chest as I hand her shoes to her.
“Let’s go, baby.” I whisper to her, coaxing her to get ready. She pouts
and reluctantly slips on her shoes, but I can see the fight in her eyes. I wish
I could reward her for being so obedient. It's important for her to know that
I not only see her, but also appreciate the effort she puts into fulfilling my
“This is dangerous,” she grumbles as I stand from the bed, finishing
tying my boots. I walk over to her and pull her into my arms. Zariah looks
up at me with pouting lips, and I can't help but find it adorable. “You want
to meet my family? See how they really feel about me?”
"What are you really worried about, Zariah?" I ask, my voice gentle yet
insistent. Her eyes snap up to mine in surprise. Does she not realize that my
love for her is unwavering? I let out a deep sigh and pull her close, pressing
my lips to hers in a tender kiss that makes her melt into me.
“Zariah,” I gasp, my heart still racing from the attempt on Gloria’s life.
“When will I finally win your heart?” With a groan, Zariah pulls me into a
fierce kiss, her lips conveying all the love she has for me. When she breaks
away, I'm left feeling breathless and dizzy. The intensity of my desire for
Zariah hits me like a ton of bricks. Despite its craziness and chaos, I want
her love more than anything. My hand slides down her back, coming to rest
at the curve of her supple ass. My mouth waters at the thought of tasting her
again, perhaps with her riding my face in reverse cowgirl style. I know it's a
dirty thought, but something tells me Zariah wouldn't be put off by my
desires. She understands me in ways no one else ever could.
“I’m also very worried that I’m putting you in danger.” Zariah
confesses, burying her face in my neck. I pull back and narrow my eyes at
“Well, you should have thought about that before you decided to keep
coming back into my coffee shop, baby.” She pouts her lips at me and I pop
her ass, and it forces a smile on her lips.
“To be honest, Zariah, I’ve been watching you for a long time. Years. I
know about the underground fights and brothels in Greek Town. It’s the best
place for us lesbians to get a one-night stand without any extra bullshit.”
Zariah pulls back, glaring at me.
“Who did you fuck in there?” She places her hands on her hips and I
roll my eyes at her. Is she serious right now? She’s got a lot of nerve getting
“Zariah, knock that shit off.” I snap at her, going to the closet to grab a
couple of coats. She’s still glaring, her mind going a million miles a minute.
Should I be jealous of the pets she’s had in the past? Or the ones I just made
her get rid of? No, because what matters is that I have her now, fully.
“If you’ve been watching me, why did you never make a move? Are
you saying I could have had you a long time ago?” She looks so
disappointed and it makes me want to fuck her so that she can calm down.
“Because you typically go after femmes. What would I look like as a
butch lesbian trying to make a move on you when you’ve only showed
interest in femmes. No, I was content coveting you from a distance until I
knew I stood a chance.”
“Can you at least tell me who you’ve been with at the brothel?” I glare
at her.
“So you can kill them? No, baby. We are leaving the past in the past and
starting a new future.” I tell her, and she pouts again. Knowing Zariah, she’s
probably going to attack everyone in that place to find out, I should have
kept my mouth shut. I try to hand her one of my coats, but she declines at
first, but immediately softens when I place it over her shoulders.
“It’s cold out, and you’re going to wear a jacket. I don’t care if it’s just a
short walk to the car.” She gives me a warm smile and complies.
“I love it when you take charge,” she says, her words putting a huge
grin on my face. I can't contain my happiness even if I wanted to. Zariah's
submission means everything to me. As she emerges from the bedroom, she
glances back at me while I check and load my weapon before tucking it into
my holster and hiding it beneath my shirt. She doesn't question why I'm
carrying it, which surprises me. Perhaps Zariah is starting to trust that I can
handle myself. Blake and Sam are beaming at me as I join them outside the
bedroom, while Zariah gives them both death glares with her piercing gaze.
“What?” I say, glaring at them. Zariah’s already introduced and
explained to me who’s-who, but still, I don’t like them at all. Blake shrugs.
“We’ve never seen Zariah tamed,” Sam cackles, clapping
enthusiastically. “Just wait until you see the look on her sisters' faces when
they find out Zariah is submissive. They’ll eat it up.” Zariah groans and
grips my hand tightly, leading me out of my apartment. I quickly lock up,
but deep down I know I won't be coming back here again. Leaving with
Zariah means leaving everything behind - including my thriving coffee shop
which I poured my heart and soul into. But in this moment, as we walk
away hand in hand, I know there's no turning back. My love for Zariah is
stronger than any attachment to material things and I'll choose her above all


groan as Sam drives us through the gates of my sister's lavish
Farmington Hills mansion. Home sweet home, I sarcastically mutter to
myself. I give Cassie's hand a reassuring squeeze, grateful for her
presence by my side. They all despise me here, especially Emma. And
honestly, I can't blame her. I may have kept one of her closest friends as my
personal pet and indulged in some twisted fantasies with her, but when our
time together came to an end, I made sure she was well taken care of. It was
always a business deal - a contract with a clear end date. And yet, they all
take the money and run without looking back. Mya was no different. But
Emma will never understand that our arrangement was consensual and even
initiated by Mya herself. A small smile tugs at my lips as I remember just
how fun Mya was and how willing she was to explore new forms of
pleasure. She even let Sam join in on the fun while she...Cassie snaps me
out of my thoughts with a gentle squeeze on my leg, reminding me that we
have arrived at the house.
“Where were you just lost in thought?” She asks, and I shrug
noncommittally as she helps me out of the backseat of the truck. Blake and
Sam are beaming with excitement to be back home. Although they have
their own homes and families outside of the city, they reside in the beach
house at the back of our mansion while on duty. As soon as we step into the
grand foyer, Blake and Sam are immediately relieved of babysitting duties.
I am grateful for this, as I am tired of being treated like a child. I miss
having fun and being carefree. But thanks to Blake and Sam's constant
supervision, I have been on my best behavior - especially since pursuing
Cassie has been an uphill battle. Even now, I am still seething at the
immense effort it took to win her heart. But looking back, I am grateful for
it because our relationship is genuine and not forced. Cassie set high
standards for me and made it clear that she was willing to let me go if I
didn't meet them. As we enter the mansion, Cassie's eyes widen in awe at
the sheer opulence of my family's wealth.
"Damn, I knew you were all rich, but this is rich-rich," she comments,
kissing my cheek. The aroma of breakfast cooking in the kitchen wafts into
the foyer, making my stomach growl. We hang up our jackets and Cassie
pulls me close in a warm embrace, her kiss melting me from within. As
much as I want to take her to my bedroom for some alone time, my hunger
prevails. Cassie had suggested grabbing fast food on our way, but I've come
to love Zara and Bella's home-cooked meals. Despite being an outsider, it
feels good to be a part of this loving family atmosphere. Zara and Bella
bickering over who gets to cook, Emma and Zoe focused on the children,
and even Zuri and Zane having their own cute arguments over sports and
books - it's all so heartwarming. And yet, I can't help but feel like an outcast
sometimes. They think I'm the creepiest one in the family, probably because
of my past experiences with human pets. But what about Zane? She’s had
them too, yet she isn't condemned for it like I am. It's a stigma that has
haunted me most of my life, and I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about
it now.
Cassie's confident grip on my hand nearly brings tears to my eyes as I
guide her through the mansion and into the kitchen. And to my surprise,
everyone is peacefully engaged in their morning routine. Bella and Zara,
who usually bicker, are working together to prepare a delicious breakfast.
Zane and Zuri have little Zerk and Zala snuggled on their laps, while Zoe
and Emma nurse their newest additions - Emma's daughter Anna and Zoe's
son Blake, named after his godfather. It seems they've exhausted all the Z
And thank fucking god for that because even I’m getting lost here.
As I enter the room, everyone falls silent and turns to stare. I force a
smile, but inside I'm seething. Another uncomfortable gathering where I am
obligated to be present. The feeling of being unwelcome washes over me,
and I resent it. All I want is to retreat back to Cassie's warm embrace, where
I feel truly loved and at peace.
I strut into the room, Cassie's hand tightly clasped in mine. "Just craving
a little breakfast," I announce to the surprised faces at the table. "Oh, and
this is Cassie, my forever woman. Thought it was time for her to meet the
family." Their shocked expressions mirror my own surprise at bringing
Cassie here, but I couldn't resist. One look at her and I just knew she was
the one. This tough, masculine woman had me wrapped around her finger
and I didn't give a damn about anything else. Zara drops her spatula and
rushes over to Emma, mouth agape and eyes wide. She gently takes their
daughter from Emma's breast and helps her adjust her shirt before settling
the baby in the portable bassinet with a pacifier. It never ceases to amaze
me how hands-on Zara is as a wife and mother, especially considering her
second life as a ruthless killer.
Zara is completely fixated on Emma, and it's clear she will stop at
nothing to have her. It's unsettling how much power Emma holds over Zara,
and the sacrifices she's willing to make for her are concerning. While Zane
and Zuri also dote on their significant others, their intensity pales in
comparison to Zara's obsession with Emma. It reminds me of my own
parents' tumultuous relationship, and I can see our father's ruthless nature
reflected in Zara. She couldn't care less about ruling over the seven
families; all she wants is to be with Emma and her children. It's a shame
we'll have to leave this life behind, but perhaps I can convince Cassie to
come with me. For now, I must focus on my plans to save us all. No one
will understand my actions, but they are necessary. Maybe I'll be hated even
more for what I'm about to do, but it's the only way.
I have to save them. I have to save my family.
And Cassie.


he room goes so quiet when the three sisters take sight of me you can
hear a pin drop. Damn, is it that obvious? Still, I release Zariah’s hand
after she makes the introduction.
"Hello," I state, my hand remaining close to my weapon, just in case. I
am familiar with all of the sisters and know that Zara, the oldest, is likely
the one I need to address first. She is fully engrossed in tending to her wife
Emma, who looks well-cared for. It seems that Zara not only provides for
her physical needs, but also makes sure to attend to Emma's emotional
needs as well. Emma returns Zara's affection with a smile, clearly enjoying
the attention. Eventually, Zara pulls back but continues to caress Emma's
waist and eye her breasts longingly, as if wanting a taste of the milk she just
provided for their daughter. I briefly glance at Zoe, who approaches Zuri
cautiously and stands by her side. Meanwhile, Bella is focused on cooking
breakfast while Zane keeps a watchful eye on her wife.
“So, Zariah is a submissive? That's hard to believe,” Zara scoffs, finally
releasing Emma. Emma gives Zariah a sharp glance and runs her fingers
through her hair. I turn to look at Zariah, curious about the exchange. My
sweetheart lets out a frustrated sigh as the three sisters erupt into laughter.
It's obvious they enjoy tormenting Zariah, who seems to be their favorite
target based on my brief observation. And it irks me to no end. I shoot all of
them an icy glare, causing Zara to quickly stifle her laughter and eye me
with curiosity. Meanwhile, Zariah clings to my waist from behind, seeking
comfort and protection from their teasing.
“Ah Zariah, lighten up. We’re just joking around.” Zara says, fanning
her hand off at us. Then she steps up to me, extending her hand in greeting.
“It’s nice to meet you. Cassie Brown is it?” Zara's phony smile doesn't
fool me. She already knows who I am, and I can tell she's trying to provoke
me. I refuse to acknowledge her greeting, not after the insult she just hurled
at my future wife. Before I can say or do anything, Zariah steps in front of
me, ready to defend me. But I don't need protection, especially from these
two. Blake and Sam enter the kitchen, probably called in for backup by one
of the sisters. Zariah turns to them with a malicious grin on her face.
“Perfect!” She announces, then she saunters over to Sam, gently
brushing her hand over his arm.
“Sam, don’t you remember how much fun we had with Mya? How you
fucked her ass while she ate my pussy? Oh, the way you pounded that
woman’s ass. It made her eat me even harder. Good sex!” Zariah's voice is
husky and seductive as she recalls their past sexual adventures. Sam grins
and I'm left gaping in shock. Did she really just…But before I can finish,
something seems to have snapped in Emma. Despite Zara's attempts to calm
her down, Emma pulls away and storms after Zariah, her rage palpable.
“You fucking bitch! I’m gonna fuck you up!” Emma's hand comes
across Zariah's face with a sharp crack, causing her features to contort in
pain. She starts to strike again, but I grab her arm before she can follow
through. Despite the provocation, Zariah just smiles and tenderly touches
her cheek. But how much more can she take? While Zariah may have
deserved that slap, I won't let anyone harm my future wife. Right or wrong,
Emma is not going to get away with this. As we stand there, weapons drawn
and pointed at each other, I can sense the simmering rage building in Zara
that I was expecting.
“I don’t give a shit if Emma was in the wrong for slapping Zariah, you
don’t touch my wife!” Zara snarls. I immediately release Emma’s arm and
she relaxes, but I keep my weapon held up.
“I feel the same about my woman, Zara. I don’t care if Zariah was
wrong. Keep your hands off my wife!” I look back at Emma and she
"See the power you hold, Emma? You could put an end to all of this.
Just give the command." Zariah's words grate on my nerves. I want her to
shut up, especially with innocent children in the room. The last thing we
need is a shootout. Zoe and Zuri quickly usher the children away before
they can witness what is unfolding.
I snarl at Zariah, my voice dripping with venom. "Shut the fuck up and
sit down!" She huffs but follows my demand without argument. The room
falls silent once again as Zariah takes a seat beside Zane in the empty spot
left by Zuri. I can sense everyone's surprise at her obedience, but I couldn't
care less. They can all go to hell. I am not going to allow Zariah to be
abused while I stand by and do nothing. Emma runs her hand through her
hair, clearly struggling to keep her composure. She walks over to me with a
deathly glare, but it quickly softens when she reaches Zara standing next to
me. With a firm grip on Zara's wrist, Emma forces her to lower the weapon
she’s pointing at me. Immediately following suit, I holster my own pistol.
"There will be no killing tonight," Emma snaps, seething at Zara and the
reckless display of weapons in front of the children. Zara's hand reaches out
to check for injuries on Emma's wrist, but Emma forcefully pulls away.
"She didn't hurt me, Zara baby," Emma assures, but it does nothing to
calm Zara down. Zara's hand reaches for Emma's face, stroking her cheek
gently. Emma doesn't resist, instead taking deep breaths to try and calm
herself. She looks over at Zariah with a fierce frown, gritting her teeth hard
enough that I fear they may shatter as she forces out an apology through
clenched jaws.
“I apologize for hitting you, Zariah. Your words may have provoked me,
but it was still wrong for me to lay hands on you. Please forgive me.” I
shoot a stern look at Zariah as she appears to be taken aback by Emma's
accountability. Is she surprised that Emma is showing remorse? Zariah
should do the same and show some courtesy.
“Ahem!” I loudly clear my throat, glaring at Zariah. Zariah stands from
her seat and gives Emma a sorrowful look.
“I apologize, Emma,” Zara says, and the room falls silent once more. I
glance at her, knowing we'll have a private conversation later. But honestly,
I welcome it - a good argument would be a nice distraction. Because while
I'm here for the drama, one thing I won't tolerate is anyone going after my
woman. It doesn't matter if she's in the wrong; Zariah is mine and I'll
always protect her. Bella approaches us with a breakfast platter and places it
on the nearby table.
“Are we finished fighting? Time for breakfast.” She stands with her
hands on her hips, wearing a lovely blue apron like Zara's. Her striking red
hair is swept into a neat bun, and her brilliant green eyes sparkle as she
smiles at me. I can tell Bella thrives in this kind of chaos. I release a sigh,
knowing that this chaotic life is what I signed up for when I chose to be
with Zariah. But it's all worth it to have her by my side.


he slap left me with no desire to eat, but Cassie insisted on making
two plates and carrying them up the stairs as I sulk ahead towards my
bedroom. In a fit of anger, I fling open the doors to my master
bedroom, frantically searching through my closet for a new outfit.
Meanwhile, Cassie leisurely settles on my sofa, unabashedly enjoying her
“Damn, this is really good!” she muses, biting into her bacon.
“It’s all GFS food, a bunch of processed shit that they heat up.
Apparently, the house as grown so much that it’s just easier for pre-prepped
meals. Plus, it cuts back on all the bickering between Bella and Zara. Zara
loves to cook just as much as Bella.”
“Zariah, what was that all about down in the kitchen? Why did you
taunt Emma like that?” She asks me and my eyes snap up at her. Should I
tell her what I have planned? She may try to stop me.
“I needed to put something in her ear,” I explain, stripping off my dress
and yesterday's underwear. Cassie pauses mid-bite, drawn to my naked
body as she sets her plate down beside her. She stares intently, licking her
lips with hunger. It's time to seduce her, to distract her from what happened
downstairs. My words to Emma were cruel, but necessary for her to
understand her own power. She holds the position of matriarch now, just
like my mother did before she died. Everyone thinks the dominant has all
the control, but really it's the submissive who holds the most power. That's
why I always made sure my submissives knew how important they were to
me. Emma may never forgive me for what I've done, but she needs to
realize the strength she possesses. She's the one who can save us all. With a
seductive wink and blown kiss, I strut past Cassie towards the bathroom.
The thought of wearing yesterday's panties makes me snicker; another
shower is definitely in order. But before I can even turn on the water, Cassie
has wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards her. She shuts
the door behind us and places her gun on the counter as she turns me around
and kisses me deeply. Her hand caresses my face tenderly and I melt into
her touch.
“I’m tired of people hitting you, Zariah. And I don’t like the way your
family treats you.” I try to wrap my arms around her neck, but she pushes
me back, then pulls her shirt over her head.
“You aren’t showering alone.” Her words send a shiver down my spine
as I grin back at her. Sharing a shower with Cassie is always so intimate,
and I am more than happy to do it again. After grabbing a wash cloth from
the linen closet, I turn on the shower and watch as she undresses
completely. She steps into the shower with me, and I revel in the feeling of
her hands roaming over my wet skin. Her lips trace along my neck as her
hands explore every curve of my body, eventually settling on my breasts.
Before I know it, she has me pressed against the shower wall with one leg
lifted in her grip. Her hand gently wraps around my throat as she kisses me
with such love and devotion that tears prick at the corners of my eyes. As I
gasp for air between our kisses, she breaks away with a satisfied smile.
“Let’s get you cleaned up. I want you riding my face.” She tells me and
I have to blink a few times, because I’m so delirious and hot for her right
now I don’t even realize she’s washing me until I feel the warm cloth
between my legs.
“I don’t even think you need all of this,” She murmurs into my ear,
kissing my cheek, “But then again I’m nasty, I like my pussy with some
tang to it.”
I let out a string of curses, unable to control myself as she laughs and
pulls me under the showerhead to rinse off. She carefully cleans every inch
of my body with such tenderness that I start to tremble with emotion. When
she finishes, she turns off the water and steps out first, grabbing a towel to
wrap around me. With one hand on my waist, she leads me out before
wrapping a towel around herself. Her beautiful eyes meet mine with so
much love and I feel myself being lifted effortlessly onto the bed. She
gently removes the towel from me and climbs on top, parting my legs and
kissing me fiercely. It's like an explosion of passion between us.
Her voice is low and commanding as she declares, "You belong to me
now, Zariah. I'll rescue you from this wretched place and give you the life
you deserve." My mind races with conflicting thoughts, but before I can
voice them, her hand slipped between my legs, expertly teasing and
stroking my sex. Our tongues tangled in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire
within me. She nibbles on my lip with a seductive hunger, making me feel
like the only woman in the world. I can't resist her hold over me, especially
when she grinds against me and our clits brushed together in an electrifying
sensation. Every touch, every kiss feels impossibly good, sending me into
an ecstatic frenzy. I eagerly wrap my legs around her, surrendering to the
pleasure she brings me.
“I want to feel you against me, baby. You’re coming with me. Even if I
have to fuck you into submission.” She tells me.
I let out a low moan as she grinds against me, her clit brushing against
mine in a deliciously intense friction. My hands grip her ass and I push her
to grind into me harder, feeling myself panting and the wetness between us
building. It's too much - all this love and affection is breaking down my
willpower to resist this incredible woman. The orgasm builds within me,
burning hotter and hotter until she kisses me with so much tenderness that it
nearly brings me to tears. I explode beneath her, digging my nails into her
ass as she continues to grind into me. She pants against my lips, her kisses
making me feel like I'm the only woman in the world. And then she
climaxes too, grunting and moaning as I grip her ass and push her into me
even harder because I want it all. But first, I have to make sure my family is
safe. If I leave without settling things with the seven families, they'll be in
danger. And I can't let that happen. When Cassie pulls back, she looks into
my eyes and gently strokes my cheek. Finally, I exhale the words I've been
desperate to tell her since I first saw her in the coffee shop.
“I love you.” I say, and her eyes widen, then a wicked smile flashes over
her face and she presses her lips to mine hungrily.
“I want you on my face, right now.” She murmurs into my ear and
goddamn, she can have me. She can have it all.


roll onto my back, pulling Zariah on top of me effortlessly. Her love is a
precious gift and I want to give her everything in return. As she grinds
into me, her moans fill the room and I can't help but smile in
satisfaction. I reach down and smack her ass, eliciting another loud yelp
from her. She wants to come again and I am more than happy to oblige, but
I want her orgasm to happen right on my face. Gripping her hips firmly, I
lift her over my head and lower her onto my waiting tongue. With each
swirl and thrust, I slap her ass repeatedly, urging her to grind harder against
me. Her hands grip the headboard tightly as she rides my face, lost in
ecstasy while I devour her sweetness. But as much as I want this moment to
last forever, I know we have things to do. I need to fuck her senseless and
convince her to leave with me. It's time for us to start our new life together.
Despite her hesitation, I will make sure she knows that nothing will hold us
back from being together.
Why does she stay loyal to this abusive family? I must break her free
from their grasp, for she will keep enduring this endless cycle of pain. My
hands roam from her buttocks to gently caress and pinch her nipples as she
mounts my face, grinding against me with primal fervor. She is panting,
pushing harder and faster, taking everything she needs from me. I grip her
firmly, guiding her to the brink of madness until she climaxes and falls
apart in my embrace. My touch moves down to her backside as I hold her
close, letting her pleasure wash over me. She feels so amazing and this feels
so right. For Zariah, I would give up everything and start anew. This is the
forever I've been longing for. As she lays back in exhaustion, I cradle her
waist and lay her beside me on the bed. We spend the entire day wrapped up
in each other's arms, shutting out the outside world while I worship her and
revel in Zariah's chaotic nature. My wild woman. I'll be patient with her and
provide all the support she needs. Before she drifts off to sleep, I cup her
face and make her meet my eyes because what I'm about to say is real and
“I love you, Zariah. I’ve loved you for a long time, before you even
knew me.” She gasps and tears escape her eyes and I pull her lips to mine,
kissing her with so much love and devotion, holding her close until she falls
Sleep evades me as my mind races with plans to escape from here with
Zariah. I know I'll have to face off against Zara, the leader of this group,
who is dead set on keeping her here. But why? Zara treats Zariah no better
than her own siblings, looking at her like she's a burden. I've offered to take
care of her and give her the love and care she deserves, but there's no use
fighting for a family that doesn't want her. Even I can see it. As Zariah
sleeps peacefully in my arms, I quietly slip out of bed and start gathering
clothes for us to leave. We only need enough for our journey - I'll buy her
new ones once we're far enough away to start over. First, I'll have to empty
my bank account at the bank before we go completely off the grid.
“Baby, what are you doing?” My head snaps up at Zariah, who’s sitting
up on the bed, rubbing her eyes, looking at all the clothes on the bed. She
reaches over the bed and grabs a night dress, pulling it over her head before
she climbs out of bed, walking over to me.
“I’m taking you out of here.” I tell her and Zariah sighs, shaking her
"No," she says, defiance clear in her voice. "I can't leave. I have to
stay." I gape at her in disbelief. How could she want to stay in this toxic
environment? Our relationship is still new and fragile, and I don't want to
force her into anything. But I can't let her stay here, with people who don't
appreciate or deserve her. She takes my hand and guides it to her chest,
where I feel the rapid thumps of her heart. In that moment, I know that she's
afraid but determined to stay. My eyes close as I take a deep breath with
her, trying to calm my own racing heart and find a way to convince her to
leave with me.
“You have to trust me, Cassie,” she pleads with desperation in her voice.
“My family is in grave danger and if I leave them behind, they will surely
die. I know what must be done to save them, and if we try to run, they will
never stop chasing us until they find me. That's the cruel reality of this life
and I can't bear to see you get dragged into it.” Her fingers tremble as she
delicately caresses my face, tears welling in her glossy eyes.
"Cassie, I love you more than anything. I'm not like my sisters. I love
you enough to not put you through this. I'm willing to make this sacrifice
for us. But please, trust me." My grip on her waist tightens, a fiery anger
coursing through my veins. Is she threatening to leave me? Never! Not in a
million years! I wish she was more selfish like her sisters. She can't let me
go. And I won't let her. I'll fight with all my might for our love.
“Zariah,” I start to say, but before I can finish, a faint knock interrupts
me. Zara slips into the room, shutting the door softly behind her. She stands
with her arms crossed, surveying the clothes scattered on the bed. My heart
races as I wonder if this twisted woman installed hidden cameras in her own
sister's bedroom.
“Going somewhere?” Zara muses with a smile. Zariah moves to stand in
front of me, pushing me behind her and I glare at her. I’m not afraid of Zara
Blackburn. I’ll beat this bitches ass over my woman.
“You’re a sick bitch. Were you watching us?” Zara rolls her eyes at me
in response to my statement, then goes over to the sofa and sits down.
“The Galloways destroyed our family home. Taz Brizzi was inside,
taking care of business when they took him out. We're next in their sights,”
Zariah gasps and tightly holds onto my hand, her body trembling with fear
at this shocking revelation.
“Then it’s good that we’re leaving.” Zara stands from the sofa, slowly
approaching us. I place my hand at my side, ready to pull my weapon
because she’s not taking Zariah from me.
“Cassie, you really are impressive,” She muses, moving close to us.
“I’ve never seen fear in Zariah until now. Zariah isn’t afraid of anything,
not even death. But you…” Zara points her finger right at me, “You’ve got
her trembling. Interesting.” She smiles, then her eyes go to Zariah.
“As head of this family I’m ordering you to stay here. Keep your
woman here with you if you’d like. But you will stay here and guard the
rest of the family while I make preparations for our departure. It’s time for
us to leave.”
“We aren’t fucking staying!” I snap, and Zara smiles. I’m so fucking
ready to tango with this smug bitch.
"Zariah is my sister and I'm responsible for her safety. I won't let her run
blindly into danger like a lamb to the slaughter. You have no clue what kind
of monsters are out there waiting for her. So do me a favor and keep your
mouth shut while I figure out how to protect us all. Or else, I'll knock you
out.” Zara threatens. Grabbing the back of Zariah's nightdress, I pull her
behind me and stand face-to-face with Zara, my eyes locking onto her
stunning hazel eyes.
"Alright, Zara," I say sharply. "Let's dance." Without warning, I raise
my fist and deliver a sudden punch to her jaw, catching her off guard.


h, come on, this is not happening right now. Cassie and Zara engaged
in a brutal fight. Zara, a highly trained assassin since she was a
teenager, is clearly at an advantage with her lethal skills. But to my
surprise, Cassie effortlessly blocks Zara's punches and kicks, holding her
own in the intense battle. I can't help but wonder where on earth Cassie
learned to defend herself like this. She's almost as good as Zara. However,
Zara eventually gains the upper hand and violently flips Cassie over her
shoulder, causing her to crash onto the ground. As if that isn’t enough, Zara
then pulls out a gun and aims it at Cassie's head, ready to deliver the final
“STOP!” I scream.
“I’m not going to kill your forever woman, Zariah. What do you take
me for?” Zara sneers at me, shoving her pistol back into its holster. I
scramble to reach Cassie, collapsing onto my knees and cradling her in my
“You don’t understand, Cassie,” Zara says as she paces back and forth.
“You've put yourself in the line of fire. And as much as I wish it didn't have
to be this way, it is. My sister will survive and I'll do whatever it takes to
keep our family united. Whether you approve or not.” Zara strides over to
the mirror and studies her reflection. She winces at the already darkening
bruise on her cheek.
“Damnit. How am I supposed to explain this to Emma?” She grumbles.
She sighs and shakes her head, coming back over to us.
"Zariah, you can't leave this mansion. Your enemies are after you more
than any of us." I glare at her as Zara exits the room, leaving us alone.
Cassie sits up and I rub her back gently, helping her sit up. She looks up at
me, clearly confused by Zara's words. That fucking Jacob Galloway. I'll
never understand that man. He's been trying to win my affections ever since
we were teenagers, but he just can't seem to grasp that I'll never see him in
that way. For one, he's my goddamn cousin. And two, I'm gay.
“Jacob Galloway, my treacherous cousin, seeks to destroy my family
and claim me as his trophy. If he has indeed killed Taz Brizzi, then the war
has already begun and he will soon come for me. This is why Zara has
implored me to remain here.” I squeeze my eyes shut and release a heavy
breath. I should have never involved her in this dangerous game. But how
could I resist? My family's cursed affinity for love at first sight consumes
me. I cannot deny my need for Cassie. She means everything to me.
“I think Zara will let you go if you wish it.” I tell her and my fucking
heart feels like it’s going to burst right out my chest when I say it. Cassie
leans into me with a menacing glare.
"I will never leave you, Zariah. Not even in death. Now get dressed and
let's talk to your family about a plan." Cassie stands up and holds out her
hand to help me up, effortlessly lifting me from the bed. I grab some
underwear from my drawer and quickly pull on a pair of sweatpants while
Cassie waits for me. We head downstairs, where Zane, Bella, Emma, and
Zoe are gathered around the kitchen table, discussing something. They fall
silent as soon as they see us enter the room.
“I don’t like this at all. It feels like a trap, to get Zara out of the
mansion.” Zane complains, folding her arms over her chest. And she may
likely be right.
“Zuri left with her?” I ask, and everyone nods. Cassie grips my waist,
pulling me close to her. Zane looks over to me and Cassie and she shares a
knowing look with Cassie.
"Blake and Sam are guarding, but we need another set of eyes on watch.
Zariah, you'll keep an eye on Emma, Zoe, and the children with Bella while
Cassie and I patrol. I've witnessed your skill with a weapon, Cassie. And
that bruise on Zara's face tells me you can hold your own in a fight. No one
has ever taken her down like that before." Zane winks at her. Cassie nods,
unholstering her pistol and keeping it by her side. She turns to give me a
tender kiss before leaving with Zane. Awkwardly, I glance at everyone. Zoe
refuses to meet my gaze. Bella comes over, wrapping an arm around my
“How does it feel to have a badass forever woman?” I don’t reply, just
chuckle and lean closer to her. When I glance at Emma, she’s glaring
daggers at me. I know she's still angry about earlier, but I needed to plant
the seed in her mind. And I'll do it again if necessary. She may not see it,
but she's the key to our survival. The Blackburn family needs a strong
matriarch – someone unafraid of making tough decisions. Zara is simply a
pawn in this game. The true power lies within Emma.
“Tell me, Emma. How does it feel to be Queen of the Blackburn
family?” Emma folds her arms over her chest and grits her teeth.
“You’re just trying to goat me into fighting with you again. Well guess
what? It’s not going to happen.” I grin at her. She’s witty, and a lot stronger
than she looks. I draw in a deep breath. Time to use that power of influence.
“Did you know that my mother was once the true ruler of the seven
families? It wasn’t my father. It was always my mother.” I tell her and she
looks up at me incredulously.
“Now that my father is dead, that power goes to you.”
“Shut up Zariah. You’re talking shit. And if that were true, why are they
trying to kill us?” I stalk over to her and Bella tries to stop me, but I snatch
my arm away from her, walking right over to Emma.
“I know you don’t owe me anything and I'm probably the last person
you want to deal with. But we need to stick together to survive. I know how
to end this madness and escape these monsters. But I need your trust. Can
you do that?” Emma gives me a skeptical look but doesn't refuse. Before
she can say anything, the power abruptly shuts off and the room plunges
into darkness. I inhale deeply, trying to calm my nerves.
So it begins.
Time for battle.


ane's intuition proved true. Zara, the deadliest of them all, is out of the
mansion and now Jacob has a clear shot at taking Zariah. While
patrolling with Zane, I learned the full extent of the situation. Zane
adjusts her weapon and releases a heavy sigh. We both understand the risks,
but we must make an attempt - if only to secure the safety of our women
and children.
“Zariah should be guiding them down to the cellar for the escape route.
I’ll hold them off for as long as I can. Go make sure they get out.” I nod and
start to leave, but Zane catches my arm.
“Make sure Bella knows how much I love her. She means everything to
me.” As Zane's last words echo in my mind, I force myself to stay
composed. Inside, I feel the weight of her heartbreak and fear as she faces
her inevitable fate. But I have to keep going for her, for all of us. I take off
running towards the study, dodging bullets as they fly past me. When I
reach the study, Zariah is already opening the cellar door and helping Zoe
and Bella gather the children. Emma stands ready with a diaper bag and gun
in hand, while Zariah hands her a small package.
"Take this burner phone, the garage keys, some cash, and directions to a
hidden motel. Make it look like you're heading to the Muskegon cabin, then
go off-road. I'll send Zara after you once I catch up with her," Emma says,
shaking her head at Zariah in disbelief.
“No—You’re not coming?” She asks her. Zariah shrugs her shoulders.
“It’s better I go out this way anyway.” Emma shakes her head and grabs
her wrist.
“No, you have to come.” Emma tells her, but she pulls Emma’s hand
from her wrist.
“It’s alright, Emma. Get my nieces and nephews safe. I need you to trust
me.” She tells Emma. Tears well in Emma’s eyes, the gun fire drawing
closer and I can hear Bella’s cries for Zane.
“Emma! Let’s go!” Zoe yells. Emma cries and throws her arms around
Zariah and for a moment, Zariah freezes, but then she softens and embraces
Emma, holding her close, sobbing with her.
"Despite our differences, Zariah, you are still my sister and I trust you,"
Emma's words hang in the air as Zariah fights back tears. She envelopes
Emma in a tight embrace, unable to hold back the flood of emotions. After
releasing her, she ushers Emma into the cellar and locks the door behind
her. With weapon in hand, Zariah stands guard at the door, ready to protect
her sister at all costs.
“Before you say anything, I’m not going with them. I’m staying and
fighting with you.” I let out a frustrated sigh and quickly position myself in
front of her, gripping her wrist tightly as I guide her out of the room. We
move cautiously down the dark hallway, the sound of gunfire subsiding and
leaving us frozen in fear.
“Zariah, baby. Come on out.” Jacobs voice blares from the foyer of
Zara’s mansion.
“There are bombs all over this mansion, Zariah. You have five minutes
to come out before we blow with it. And I’m not leaving without you baby.”
Jacob’s footsteps draw closer and when I look back at Zariah, I groan
because she’s got her gun pointed at me.
“He just wants me. And I love you. He’ll kill you if I don’t go with
him.” Tears pour from her eyes as she whispers this to me.
“Zariah, baby.” I try but she steps around me, shaking her head.
“I’ll always put you first. Go back to your coffee shop, live a happy
“There is no life without you, Zariah. Fight with me baby, I’ll get us out
of here, I swear it.” I plead with her. But she’s not hearing any of that from
“Blake and Sam, your guards, they're gone. Zane is probably dead
somewhere nearby. You have no protection left. Come out and I'll take care
of you,” Jacob warns. Zariah sobs, keeping the gun pointed at me. Please,
dear god, don't let her go out there. Because if she does, I fear I'll never see
her again. I'd rather die than live a life without her by my side.
Zariah whispers, "I love you so much." As she starts to back away, Zane
quietly emerges from the corner and strikes Zariah in the back of the head
with her pistol, knocking her unconscious. She falls into Zane's arms and is
effortlessly lifted over her shoulder. Gesturing for me to follow, I hesitate.
They need a distraction, but I need my baby out of here and safe. I knew
what I was getting into when I professed my love for Zariah. All I want now
is a quick death. Zane shakes her head and signals for me to come, but I
ignore her and head towards the foyer, forcing her to leave without me.
Time is running out, so I face Jacob head on as his men aim their weapons
at me, ready to shoot. He smirks - I know exactly who this piece of shit is.
“You’re not who I was expecting, but you'll have to do. Zariah will
come for you regardless.” Jacob signals his men to approach me. I toss my
pistol aside, knowing a firing squad is unnecessary, but I refuse to go down
without a fight. Jacob's smirk widens as I raise my fists in defense. The men
swarm around me, and I swing back with all my might, knocking several of
them down before getting overwhelmed. I take every blow they deal out
until I'm forced to my knees, while Jacob watches from afar with an evil
"Why bother fighting for the Blackburns? It's a lost cause," Jacob
sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "We've been waiting for this
moment for a long time, all of us. Zariah probably gave you a chance to
run. You should have taken it." He strides towards my beaten form,
crouching down to meet my gaze.
"Don't worry," he sneers, "I'm not gonna kill you just yet. I want Zariah
to witness your demise." I dig my nails into the floor, trying to muster the
strength to fight back, but my body refuses to obey. Darkness envelopes me
as I feel my lifeless form being hauled out of the mansion.
“Hurry, we have less than a minute!” Jacob's voice booms as his men
forcefully pull me down the steps of the mansion and shove me into one of
the trucks. Blood fills my mouth, spilling from my lips as we speed away
from the explosion behind us. My body trembles from the force of the blast,
but all that matters is Zariah's safety. I am willing to die for her without


y eyes flutter open to Zane, Zuri, and Zara looming over me. Zara
paces anxiously, while I sit up and hold the back of my head. Taking
in my surroundings, I frantically search for Cassie but she's nowhere
to be found. We're about a block away from Zara's demolished Farmington
Hills home, smoke still lingering in the air from the explosion. The sound of
police sirens and fire trucks blare in my ears. Where is she? Where is my
woman? I look up at Zane, but all she can do is close her eyes and shake her
head. Ignoring the pain coursing through my body, I force myself to stand,
wobbling as I do. Zane catches me and steadies me by gripping my waist.
“Jacob took her. She’s not dead.”
"Not yet," Zuri adds. I close my eyes as the words sink in. They have
Cassie. My woman, captured by them. This can't be happening right now.
This can't be real! A wave of nausea hits me, a sickening dread that rises
bile in my throat and forces me to vomit from sheer panic. Zane holds back
my hair while Zara paces anxiously.
“Emma and the girls did not make it to the cabin. Where the fuck are
they?” Zara snarls. Zuri closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Zane rubs
my back soothing me until my belly is empty. I wipe my mouth and sit up,
glaring at Zara.
“I told them to go to a motel off grid.” Zara angrily storms over to me
and grips me by the throat.
“Where the fuck is Emma! Where are my children?” I slap her hand
away from me and strike her hard against her face.
“Did you not just here Zane? Jacob has Cassie!”
“Where is my wife?” Zara hisses through clenched teeth, tears
cascading down her face. Excellent. She's finally panicking. The only phone
they have is a burner, and I made sure to warn them against using it to
contact us. We can't risk being traced. Not that I had much faith in their
ability to follow instructions, but for now things are going according to
plan. Zara's panic is necessary, because she'll be of no use in getting Cassie
back if she's not.
“Why should I help you? You don’t give a damn about me. You never
have. None of you have!” Zara shakes her head at me.
“I've made nothing but sacrifices for this family. While you, Zane, and
Zuri were off gallivanting in college, I was trapped in this darkness, so
FUCK YOU!” Zara's voice rises to a scream as she directs her anger at me.
She takes a deep breath and tries to compose herself.
“Zariah, Emma is my entire world. I can’t live without her. I won’t. I
fucking won’t.”
"Just admit it," I say, my voice shaking with emotion. "I want you to say
it first. That you blame me, just like father did. You think I'm the reason
mom is dead, the reason why you all cast me out. The reason I've always
been labeled as creepy. Meanwhile, both you and Zane had human pets of
your own. Yet I was always the monster, always the freak." She hangs her
head, not even bothering to deny their accusations. None of them ever do.
“I will get Cassie back on my own. I don’t fucking need any of you.” I
storm over to Zane and snatch her phone, dialing the burner phone and
putting it on speaker. Zara’s eyes light up when Emma answers on the first
“Zara?” Emma says, and Zara falls to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
“It’s Zariah. We are fine, Emma. Everyone is alive.” Emma sighs into
the phone and I can hear Zoe and Bella sobbing happily.
“And Cassie too?” She asks and I just swallow because I can’t answer,
fighting back tears.
“Are you at the motel?”
“Yes, I did exactly as you told me to.”
“Zara, Zane, and Zuri will be there within the hour.” I say, then I
quickly end the call. I toss the phone back to Zane and walk off. I’m done
with this family. Fuck the Blackburns. But before I can cross the street,
Zara grabs my arm, pulling me back onto the sidewalk.
“I never blamed you for mom, Zariah. Dad yes, but I never thought it
was your fault. I’m sorry I never stood up for you.” I snatch my arm away
from her.
“You're just like our father,” I accuse, my words laced with bitterness.
“Snatching Emma up and forcing her to be with you. That poor woman
never stood a chance because you never even cared about what she wanted.
You, Zane, and Zuri just took. But I'm the monster, right? I'm the one
everyone should be afraid of?” Zara doesn't respond, but her head hangs
low in shame as I confront her.
“I can’t do this without you, Zariah. And you’re right. I’m a monster.
I’m no better than our father. But if you give me a chance, I swear to you
I’ll do better. Just please, stay with us.”
“For what?” I throw my hands up at them. “I have to live a life alone
while you enjoy your women.”
“We’ll get her back, Zariah. Jacob isn’t going to kill her. Not until he
gets you first.” I run my hand over my face, trying to calm down. I’m so
angry right now that I want to burn this entire city down.
"I love you, Zariah. I never said it, but I do. You're my baby sister. And I
always gave you a hard time because you were the youngest. I was jealous
of all of you for getting out while I was stuck here. I'm sorry." I gaze up at
Zara in disbelief. Is she actually taking responsibility for her actions? How
is this even possible?
“I know how to save us. But I need you to trust me. I need all of you to
trust me. Do you think you can do that?” I ask them. Zara nods so fast I
can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. She holds her hand out for me.
"You're my last hope, Zariah. I'll do anything if you can help me save
my family." I turn to see Zane and Zuri gazing at me with desperate
expressions. Taking a deep breath, I grasp Zara's hand and allow her to pull
me into a comforting embrace as I release all my pent-up emotions through
uncontrollable sobs.
“I love you, sis. I love you so much.” I let go. I let it all go. All the pain,
all the agony. Zane and Zuri join in, wrapping their arms around me,
holding me while I sob.
“We’ll get her back, Zariah. Cassie is our family now too. We aren’t
leaving without her. I swear it.” Zane says.
“I swear it.” Zuri chimes in.
“I swear it, Zariah.” Zara finishes. I draw in a breath, savoring the feel
of the love I’ve been desperate to feel from them for so long. I break away
from them, wiping my tears and look up at Zara.
“Zara, I want you to call Matteo Brizzi and schedule a meeting with the
families.” Zara narrows her eyes at me.
“Why the fuck would we do that? They’ll kill us the minute we step
inside! Taz is dead. By default, it’s my fucking fault. He wants me dead.
There’s a bounty on my head. Or did you miss that part?”
“Shut the fuck up Zara and do it. Are you gonna trust me or should I do
this on my own?” Zara growls in response, but she pulls her phone out of
her back pocket, unlocks it, and makes the call.
Now for the next step.
Getting Emma on board.


ara rushes to the door of the motel, bursting through it with urgency.
The sudden noise startles Emma and the others awake. Emma quickly
springs out of bed, brandishing the pistol I gave her. Meanwhile, Bella
and Zoe eagerly reunite with their wives, their love almost consuming them
in a passionate embrace. Zuri and Zoe, as always, share an intense
connection, their foreheads pressed together as they silently bask in the
moment while Zuri holds their daughter Zala. Amidst all this chaos, it's
Emma who brings a smile to my face. She stands firm with her pistol
trained on Zara, finally reaching her breaking point. Zara cautiously
approaches with her hands raised, but Emma shakes her head in defiance.
“No, no more.” She murmurs.
“Emma, baby.” Zara whispers, slowly stepping towards her.
“I can’t do this anymore, Zara. I’m a mother now. I did everything you
wanted. But this. I can’t do this.” Zara stops in her tracks. I can see it in her
eyes. She looks like she’s ready to pounce on Emma.
"No more," Emma interrupts, her voice shaky as she tightens her grip on
the weapon. "I swear to God, I'll pull the trigger. Let me go, let me give our
children a chance at a better life. Please, I beg of you." Her hands are
trembling now, but she remains steadfast in her stance, gun still pointed at
Zara. But Zara continues to advance towards her without fear.
“Emma, I have been a monster. But please, don't leave me. I'll do
anything for you. I know you love me." Zara pleads, but I know it's all a lie.
Emma isn't going anywhere, and she knows it too. The power dynamic has
shifted, and it's time for Emma to make her demands. Tears stream down
her cheeks as I give her a nod, silently encouraging her to take charge and
become the matriarch of our family. Deep down, she already holds that title
- she just needs to realize it.
Zara walks right up to the gun and presses her forehead against the
barrel, closing her eyes.
“End my suffering, baby. I can't go on without you.” Emma gasps and
lets out a shrill cry, causing Zara to swiftly disarm her and take the gun
from her trembling hands. Emma continues to scream, but Zara holds her
tightly, weeping against her in desperation.
“I’ll do anything, Emma. I’m yours to command,” Zara begs, dropping
to her knees and bowing her head in submission. "I'm yours, baby. Please
don't give up on me." I feel a surge of hope as she grovels before Emma. I
close my eyes and let out a sigh, knowing we can make it through this.
Emma lifts her eyes back to me, determination shining in her eyes.
“Zariah, can you really save us?” I smile and nod at her. She closes her
eyes and draws in a breath, then looks down at Zara, cupping her face.
“I trust you, Zariah. I don’t want to live like this anymore. I want to
raise my children in peace. I want them to have the life I never had. Emma
demands. Zara looks up at Emma.
“You'll have it, Emma. You'll have it all. Just please don't leave me,”
Zara pleads with desperation in her voice. Emma closes her eyes and gives
a gentle nod, confirming Zara's hopes. With overwhelming love and
devotion, Zara pulls Emma down into her arms and passionately kisses her.
I can't help but feel nauseated by their display of affection while I'm left
alone once again. My supposed soulmate is having a sleepover with my
unstable cousin who has an unhealthy obsession with me. It seems like I
can't catch a break. Suddenly, Zoe appears in front of me with her daughter
Zala, extending the child towards me. The toddler beams up at me
innocently. I plaster on a fake smile, feeling completely forced. Without
saying a word, Zoe shoves the child into my arms and hands me a diaper
and a pack of baby wipes.
“You’re on diaper duty, Aunt Zariah,” Zoe says with a smirk. I glare at
her but melt when I see my niece's face, with those same hazel eyes that I
inherited from our mother. She may be gone, but she lives on through us.
How do I change a diaper though? I've held babies for photo ops countless
times, but this is uncharted territory. Zoe sits in Zuri's lap, watching me
with amusement.
“Don’t worry, Zariah. Your womanly instincts will kick in. Go on, bond
with your niece.”
“So, when do we do this?” Zane suddenly asks as I put Zala down,
holding up the diaper, trying to figure out how to use the thing.
“We meet in three days,” I say, tapping my foot anxiously. “I need to
call Jacob tonight and make sure he keeps his promise not to harm Cassie as
long as I agree to his demands. He'll bring her to the meeting and release
her when I arrive.” As I open the diaper, my stomach churns at the
overwhelming stench of baby poop. I can't help but gag, quickly covering
my mouth with a hand. My sisters, Zoe and Zuri, laugh at my reaction while
Emma struggles to get our oldest sister, Zara, off her. But it's no use. Zara is
too strong and determined to cling onto Emma. In that moment, Zara's
resemblance to our abusive father sends shivers down my spine. It's like
he's still alive inside of her, living on as a fucking monster. Emma continues
to fight against Zara's grip while I hold my breath and focus on changing
the diaper.
“Zala, what the hell have they been feeding you?” I say, gagging again.
Bella comes over to help with the diaper, guiding me through the process.
As Zane takes Bella and the used diaper outside, I cradle little Zala in my
lap, reveling in her cooing and playful touch against my face. But even this
sweet moment can't fully distract me from the guilt and regret gnawing at
my conscience for bringing Cassie into this dangerous situation. I know that
once I get her out of here, I have to let her go free. She doesn't belong to
me, and I refuse to make her suffer any longer. It's a painful decision, but
it's the right one - no matter how much it tears me apart inside.


Three days later: The meeting

promised Zariah you'd be in one piece. I need this woman to fully
"I submit to me, so clean yourself up or I'll have some men do it for
you," Jacob says sharply, tossing a towel and fresh clothes at my feet.
“Fuck you!” I snarl at him, but he just laughs and places his hands in his
“You have no idea the world you just walked into,” Jacob sneers. “You
should have stayed out of it, but I get it. Zariah is fucking amazing with her
craziness and tenacity.” His tongue darts out to lick his lips, making my
stomach churn. I resist the urge to punch him in the face and instead storm
away, grabbing a towel and clothes before locking myself in the bathroom.
My body aches from another round of fighting with Jacob's men, and I can
feel the bruises forming on my jaw. Ignoring the pain, I quickly shower and
dress myself, bracing myself for the inevitable chains that would bind me
once again. As the men lead me out of Jacob's warehouse, I can't help but
glance at the murky waters of the Detroit River, wondering if this is where
my life will end.
Once they have me in the truck, the drive to the meeting location is only
a few minutes away. The truck parks in the back, and I immediately notice
heavy guard presence from front to back. There's no chance of escape. I'll
need all the grace of God to walk out of here unscathed. Taking a deep
breath, I mentally prepare for my possible demise, wishing I could see my
beloved Zariah one more time. As we arrive and I'm pulled out of the truck,
I'm escorted into a busy office building where everyone avoids making eye
contact, as if seeing me bound is none of their business. I don't bother
screaming or asking for help; it's useless. My escort takes me to the
twentieth floor in an elevator with Jacob, and all I can do is pray for a quick
As we arrive, Jacob's grip on my arm tightens and he commands the
guards to stand down. He guides me forcefully down a long hallway until
we reach a conference room, which I enter with growing horror. The leaders
of five of the seven families are present, accompanied by their wives. Jacob
sits me in the only empty chair at the end of the table before taking his
place next to Matteo Brizzi, the sole Italian representative among the
families. Matteo is older and his son was meant to succeed him, but their
family lost power to the Blackburns - something I'm sure they resent
greatly. I overheard the phone call: Zariah is supposed to enter this room
with her three sisters, but none will leave alive. Taz Brizzi is dead and
Matteo and his wife seek revenge against the Blackburns for their son's
death. I've barely had time to settle into my seat before the tension in the
room explodes. All conversation stops as footsteps echo through the
doorway, and I shut my eyes and draw a sharp breath at the familiar sound
of Zariah's heels clacking against the floor. I know that sound intimately -
it's etched into my memory: her graceful stride, her hip-swaying walk, the
rhythm of her steps as she enters a room. When I open my eyes, I can sense
Zara, Zane, and Zuri standing behind me, but I don't turn to look at them.
My focus is solely on Zariah as she ignores me completely, clad in an
exquisite dress and a long black coat as she approaches Jacob who watches
her like a ravenous predator.
“I'm here, as promised.” she says coolly, shrugging off her jacket. Jacob
rises from his seat and approaches her. The rage inside of me bubbles over,
making me want to leap out of my chair and strangle him for the way he
handles her. He encircles her waist with his hands, bringing her closer to
him. My heart sinks when she doesn't resist. Instead, she wraps her arms
around his neck, and they share a passionate kiss that almost fools me into
thinking she's truly into him. But I know my Zariah, this isn't like her. She
must be up to something. After their embrace, Jacob sits back down and
pulls her onto his lap before producing a small black box and placing it on
the table in front of them.
“Shall we begin?” He asks, and she giggles before leaning in to kiss him
again. “Once you put that ring on your finger, agreeing to be my wife, your
precious Cassie will be free to go.” Zariah stares straight at me, causing my
breaths to slow and a sickening dread to fill my stomach. With a wicked
grin that I know all too well, she taunts me. Did she really discard me for
my safety? No, she couldn't have. My mouth falls open and my heart rate
slows as she reaches over the table, never breaking eye contact, and opens
the box, sliding the ring on her finger.
“A perfect fit.” She muses, then she looks over to Matteo Brizzi.
“Now that I’m engaged to a Galloway, I have a request.” She tells
Matteo. He glares at her.
“You think merging our families will save your sisters, Zariah? Your
naivety is astounding. This isn't about saving lives, it's about vengeance for
my son's death. And I'll take a life in return. Choose one sister to die, and
the others may live.” Zariah takes a deep breath before standing up from
Jacob's lap. She leans down to kiss him once more, but this time there is a
sense of desperation behind it. As she pulls away, her face hardens with
"And what about my other request? Our private conversation?" She
reminds him, her voice sharp. Matteo groans but reluctantly nods. My eyes
track Zariah as she moves aside and two guards appear, restraining Jacob
and securing handcuffs around his wrists to the chair.
“What the fuck!” He yells, but once he’s secure the men release him.
Zariah sighs and leans down to me Jacob’s eyes.
"Matteo Brizzi owes me a favor," she smirks, her voice laced with
venom. "And since I'm on my death bed, I've decided to cash in my chips.
Once this is done, I'm gonna shoot your dick off." She leans back with a
sinister grin, relishing in the fear of the families before her.
"You want us dead? The Blackburns, who have dutifully served your
every political, legal, and dark desire for generations. My sister Zane has
never flinched at handling your dirty work in the courtrooms, while Zuri
tended to your medical needs. And Zara, she has done unspeakable things
for you. Yet now, you want to eradicate us simply because we were born
into this life? It was our father's legacy, not our choice. I plead with the
seven families to grant us clemency and let the Blackburns disappear. Zara
never wanted this role as the heiress of Zillian Blackburn. In honor of his
memory, I call for a vote to spare my family. All who are in favor of sparing
the Blackburns' lives, say 'aye'. Silence fills the room as only her siblings
cast their votes. As the truth sinks in that no one here will come to our aid, I
close my eyes and take a deep breath.
“Alright then, let the games begin.” She says, and then a wicked grin
crosses her face.


knew all of them wanted my family dead. Which is why I spent years
building collateral to keep us alive. I knew they’d bring the wives. This
is a special event. The Blackburns are going to die today. Or so they
"Do you have any final words, Zariah?" Matteo inquires, and I give him
a resolute nod. It's time to unleash my secret weapon - the beauty of being a
femme is sometimes one can hide it well. With bated breath, I press my
palms against the table, hoping beyond hope that one of my accomplices in
this room hasn't switched sides and become loyal to their husband.
“Ladies.” I call out and I let out a low breath, the sound ringing in the
spacious room. None of us are armed, not even Zara, as no one had thought
to search the wives. The four women, seated obediently beside their
husbands, now stand, aiming pistols at their heads. A twisted smile spreads
across my face as I glance over at Cassie.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was not truthful about getting rid of all my pets.
But I will rectify that now." The men erupt in anger and the guards move to
intervene, but Matteo raises his hands and the guards immediately back off.
“Unhappy marriages plague the seven families. This love at first sight
quirk may run in our blood, but it doesn’t always lead to happily ever
after’s. You’ve spent years keeping these women under your control and
denying them their freedom. You saw them as mere objects, trophies to be
displayed, rather than listening to their needs and desires. But while you
were neglecting them, I listened.”
I begin with Tanya, the matriarch of the Abawi family. She was forced
into marriage at eighteen by her parents at the behest of her husband. I walk
over to her and plant a gentle kiss on her lips. He is screaming and cursing
in fear, likely having soiled himself. I approach Amelia, the unfortunate
wife of the Bancroft family who was sold into marriage through sex
trafficking - just another pawn in Zara's mission to take down the seven
families involved in the industry. But it's a futile effort. We can't stop
something so deeply ingrained in our political system. I lick Amelia's cheek
and she leans into me, playing the role of a good girl perfectly. Aria, from
the Drakos family, is heavily abused by her husband and kept locked away
in their mansion. I had to carefully plan my spa days around when she
would be allowed out, just for this moment. As I pinch her nipple, she
squirms but smiles up at me, enjoying the sensation. Moving on to Julia
from the Lenkov family - her husband is actually a decent guy but she
wants out. Figures. She enjoys being spanked and presents her ass for me to
deliver a hard slap as I pass by her and round the table to Cassie. Giving her
shoulders a gentle massage, she relaxes - thank God. I look down at her
with a forced smile, trying to maintain my façade of strength. This will be
my last time dominating anyone. I'm done with this.
I’m tired.
“I never doubted you for a second, baby.” Cassie murmurs to me. I
smile at her. As much as I want to collapse in tears, I know I have to hold it
together until this is all over. I inhale deeply and turn my eyes to the four
women I've been secretly harboring, catering to their every wish behind the
scenes, and promising them the freedom they craved was within reach. And
now, finally, we're here.
“Ladies, you have served me well. As your mistress, I do not deserve
such loyal devotion. But I must confess, my heart has been captured by
another. It is time to release you from your bonds and set you free.” My
eyes shifts to Jacob, who is seething with anger. Did he truly believe I
would not anticipate his reaction? I glance at the wives, expecting them to
lower their weapons now that they are no longer under my control. Instead,
they hold firm, aiming their guns at their husbands' heads in defiance.
“Why the fuck aren’t they disarming?” Jacob growls, his voice tight
with frustration. I turn to Matteo's wife and she smiles knowingly, as if she
understands exactly what's happening.
“According to the law of the seven families, we are not allowed to
intervene in marital matters. What happens between a husband and wife is
not our concern. However, the Matriarch of the seven families has the
power to put a stop to it. Emma, would you please come forward?” I call
out, and Emma looks at Zara before squeezing her hand and approaching
the table. Matteo grins at her, understanding the situation. One thing about
Italians - they know how to treat their wives well enough to keep them
loyal. Can't say the same for the other four families. Jacob, leader of the
Galloways, never married as he was waiting for me. How ridiculous.
"Emma Blackburn, matriarch of the seven families and mother to
Matteo Brizzi's heir, I implore you: spare these husbands from their wives."
Emma inhales deeply, her hands clenching nervously into tight fists. This is
the moment of decision, the line in the sand that will determine the fate of
all involved. All she needs to do is utter the words and the most difficult
part will be done.
"May it be your will," she says. I close my eyes, relieved that it's over.
The screams of husbands echo in the room, begging for their wives to show
mercy, but all we hear is four rounds of gunfire. Blood and bits of brains
splatter everywhere, some even hitting me and Emma's faces. Emma gags
and presses her hands against the table. Zara wants to comfort her, but I
shake my head. Not yet, we aren't finished. Amelia slides a set of keys over
to me – master keys to remove the handcuffs. I hand them to Zane who
begins uncuffing Cassie while I walk back over to Jacob, sitting on the
table. My gaze shifts to Matteo and his wife as they watch me fearlessly.
I turn to the small group of remaining families, now reduced to just
three. "Shall we vote again?" I ask, a wicked grin spreading across my face.
I know how much Matteo desires the power that he lost to my father years
ago. He prides himself on loyalty and honor, but most of all, keeping his
word. As the wives leave the room as free women - it's the law, after all - I
feel a sense of pity. If these men would have taken better care of their
wives, I would have never been able to infiltrate them the way I had. Now,
four dead men lie scattered in the room, when it should have been me and
my sisters. But this isn't over yet. Our release from Matteo's grasp hinges on
his words. And I have one last weapon in my arsenal that I must use to
secure our freedom.
“You will not get my vote, Zariah. A life for a life.” He tells me. And I
smile, because I was expecting him to say that.
“Emma, did you get the evidence?” She slides the tablet towards me,
then doubles over in a fit of vomiting. "She's such a weakling," I mutter
under my breath as I grab the tablet and hand it to him. My sisters
immediately gather around Emma, tending to her while I focus on the task
at hand. Matteo's eyes are fixated on the tablet, watching the incriminating
footage of Jacob planting bombs around our father's home. In this moment,
Emma's display of weakness is insignificant compared to her bravery in
obtaining this critical piece of evidence.
“Jacob thought he disabled all the cameras. He didn’t know we planted
more.” I look to Jacob and smile at him and his face falls.
“I didn’t know he was in the building.” He tries to defend himself.
“LIES!” Matteo’s wife snarls. She screams in a rage, blurting out curse
worse in Italian towards Jacob. Matteo sets the tablet down.
“Zariah, your work here is truly magnificent. You are the rightful leader
of the Blackburn family. Please consider staying on and let me grant you
the power and recognition you deserve. Your family has never appreciated
you, treating you as an outcast all these years.” I look up at my sisters, tears
streaming down my face. But I realize it no longer matters. We are finally
free from our past, from the darkness that consumed us. And even though
none of us asked for this life, we can now choose to step into the light.
“May it be my will.” I tell him. He sighs heavily, his face disappointed.
But he holds out his hand for me.
"I cannot halt your adversaries, Zariah Blackburn," Matteo speaks, his
voice gravelly and weary. "But the Blackburns will always have my
support. You are free to leave." I watch Emma's reaction with satisfaction as
she gasps and embraces Zara tightly, tears streaming down her face. I grab
Matteo's hand and seal our newfound freedom with a kiss. As I pull back, I
flash a grin at him.
I inquire, "May I borrow a firearm?" Matteo's gaze sharpens, but he
motions to one of his guards to place a gun on the table. I rip off the
grotesque engagement ring Jacob had dared to give me and fling it at him
with disdain.
“Sorry, Jacob, you should know better than to go after a woman that’s
already taken.” I tell him.
“I do not want Jacob Galloway dead.” Matteo declares and I beam a
smile at him.
“No problem, I’m just going to shoot off his dick.” I say, grabbing the
gun. I aim it right at his dick and fire the weapon without hesitation.
“Goddamnit!” Emma blurts out, and Zara narrows her eyes at Emma.
“Don’t even go there.” Emma fusses and Zara snaps her mouth shut.
Meanwhile, Jacobs screaming, wailing in his seat.
“There’s still time to stop the bleeding before he goes cold,” I say,
placing the gun on the table with a loud clatter. My sisters quickly make
their exit, but Cassie lingers by the door, waiting for me. She extends her
hand and I take it, following her out of the office. As soon as we step
outside, I release a sharp exhale, as though I've been holding my breath for
too long. Cassie pulls me close, enveloping me in her embrace as I break
down into uncontrollable sobs.
"Baby, thank you. You saved us all." She murmurs against me. But did I
really? I can't shake the feeling that she has just seen the most sinister and
calculating side of me.
“Damn, Zariah. It must have taken you years to convince those women
to join us,” Zane remarks, a smug grin on her face. I pull back from Cassie
and cradle her face in my hands, gazing into her deep brown eyes. Our time
is up - we have to disappear. Despite our escape from the control of the
seven families, there are still those who want us dead. We can’t stay here
any longer; Detroit is no longer safe for us. A wave of sadness washes over
me as I know what I have to do - let her go. It will break me, but it's the
only way to protect her.
“Zariah baby, it’s okay.” She tells me, and I pull her into a kiss long
enough to enjoy this last feel of her. Then I push her away and go to stand
beside Emma. Emma looks up at me, gently pushing my hair from my face.
“Are you sure you want to do this, Zariah? You don’t have to…”
“Yes, I do, Emma.” I reply before my eyes shifts to Zuri and I give her a
subtle nod. Cassie gives me a puzzled look, as if she can't comprehend the
situation, but it buys enough time for Zuri to swiftly take action. The needle
pierces Cassie's neck before she can even react and her body crumples to
the ground almost immediately.
“Zariah.” Cassie says, looking up at me, but I just sob.
“I love you.” I tell her, then turn away as she falls to the floor


y eyelids struggle to open and I lift my aching neck, pressing my
head against the seat as I survey my surroundings. Damn, my head
is throbbing. I'm in a truck parked outside my closed coffee shop.
Zara and Zuri relaxing in the front seats of the truck.
“We didn’t wanna do this, but Zariah made us promise in exchange for
our lives.” Zara explains, staring at me from the rearview mirror.
Zara's words shakes me to my core. "She doesn't want this life for you.
We never gave our wives a choice. Just like our father did to our mother."
She reaches over to unlock the truck door, but I remain frozen in my seat.
How can I leave? How can I live without Zariah by my side?
“Zariah never pushed me to do anything. I wanted her from the very
beginning.” I tell them. Zuri keeps her head down, not speaking a word.
“I made a promise, Cassie. And I keep my word. Now get out of the
truck before I drag you out.” She snarls at me.
“Then do it. Because that’s the only way you are getting rid of me. I
don’t fucking like you Zara. But I love your sister. And I’m not giving up
on Zariah. Take me to her right now.” Zara groans and turns in her seat.
“This isn’t over for us, Cassie. We still have enemies. This is just giving
us the head start we need to go off the grid. You want to live the rest of your
life in the shadows always looking over your shoulder? I just lost two of my
best guards, Blake and Sam. They have watched over me since we were
children and they put their lives on the line for me, and my family. We are
trying to save you from this darkness. Get out of the fucking truck.”
“NO!” I snarl at her. Zara opens the driver’s side door and starts to step
out. She’s gonna snatch me out of the truck. I decide to say the words that
Emma and Zariah murmured at that blood fest of a meeting, hoping it will
save me from losing Zariah forever.
“May it be my will!” I blurt out, and Zuri’s head snaps up with a wide
smile and Zara freezes.
“Goddamnit, Cassie. Goddamnit.” Zara mumbles with a heavy groan.
She pulls her leg back in the truck and closes the door. Zuri finally looks
back at me.
“You have no idea how bad I was praying you’d utter those words. So
glad you catch on quickly.” She winks at me, then turns her head back to
the front passenger seat.
“If Zariah shoots me, I’m gonna fuck you up.” Zara seethes as she starts
the engine and speeds through the bustling city streets. We eventually arrive
at a private airport in Ann Arbor, where a commercial jet awaits takeoff. As
we pull up to the gate, I spot Emma standing next to a stoic Zariah, holding
her hand. The tinted windows of the truck prevent them from seeing me in
the backseat. After parking a few feet away, Zara shuts off the engine,
leaving us in an eerie silence.
“I swear to fucking god, she better not shoot me.” Zara grumbles as she
gets out of the truck, followed by Zuri's laughter. I step out of the back
passenger and Emma's face lights up with a smile. Zuri walks over and
reaches for my forehead, but I quickly slap her hand away. All I want in this
moment is to see Zariah Blackburn, my love. Ignoring Zuri's antics, I turn
to Zara who looks back at me with a glare that could burn down a city. She
raises her hands in surrender.
“May it be her will!” Zara quickly defends herself. Emma looks to
“Zariah, I may not like the circumstances of how I became a part of this
family, but I don’t regret it. Some of us are happy here. I love Zara and this
family. You have a right to love too." Zariah's eyes shifts from Zara to
Emma, tears welling in her eyes. Emma returns her smile before leaning in
for a tender kiss. As Emma and Zuri board the jet, Zara remains behind,
fulfilling her role as protective older sister. Zariah sobs, shaking her head in
“I set you free.” She murmurs when I cup her face. My head is
pounding so hard I can barely think straight, but I’m fighting through it
because Zariah is worth it. She’s fucking worth it.
“And I told you, I’m keeping you. Forever. I don’t want a life without
you. I’m coming with you, whether you like it or not. I love you, Zariah
Blackburn.” I tenderly hold her face, drawing her lips to mine in a fervent
kiss that overwhelms Zariah and causes her to lose consciousness in my
embrace. Though my body is weak, Zara is there to catch her and carry her
away, cradling her unconscious little sister in her arms.
“Come on sis, let’s get the fuck out of here.” Zara says with a wink. I
follow them with a sigh of relief, not looking back because nothing behind
me matters. My focus is solely on Zariah Blackburn, the love of my life.
She's carried up the stairs by Zara as I trail behind, with Zuri and Zane
assisting the staff in preparing for takeoff. Zara gently places Zariah on the
sofa to sleep, while Emma and Zoe take the children to the private bedroom
and shut the door behind them.
"Listen, Cassie. If Zariah wakes up and shoots me, you better believe
I'm gonna come after you. You don't know her temper like I do. There was a
time when we were kids and she chucked a whole damn dollhouse at me.
That shit hurt. And don't even get me started on what she did to me as a
teenager before my dad shipped me off." I chuckle, gently caressing
Zariah's peaceful face. I sink back into my seat, grateful that she's still here
with us. Zuri appears with a drink for me and I shoot her a pointed look.
“Um, hell no, I’m not taking a drink from you after you drugged me.”
Zuri rolls her eyes.
“Shut the fuck up and take the drink sis.” She snaps, pushing the drink
towards me and handing me two aspirin. I look to Zara and she shrugs.
“You’ll get used to it. Zuri’s just in doctor mode. Always has to take
care of everyone.” I groan and gulp down the pills with the drink before
handing it back to her.
“Welcome to the family, Cassie Brown,” Zuri informs me before
striding away. I turn to Zara and she arches an eyebrow at me, sending a
stern message that harming her sister won't be tolerated. I smile in response
and give her a reassuring nod. Finally, Zara softly caresses Zariah's cheek,
displaying a deep love and protectiveness towards her little sister.
“I was an asshole to Zariah. But that changes now. She's the spitting
image of our mother, and I never showed it, but I love her with all my
heart.” Zara leans in and plants a soft kiss on her sister's forehead before
rising and giving me a pat on the shoulder. She then walks off to join her
wife and kids. I turn my attention back to Zariah, gently caressing her cheek
as the plane takes off. I have no clue where we're heading, but honestly, I
don't care. All I know is that the only life worth living right now is one with
Zariah by my side.
My sweetheart, my crazy Blackburn.


Four years later

ur nomadic lifestyle doesn't allow us to stay in one place for too long.
But it doesn't matter, because we are a close-knit family bonded by
unbreakable ties. Zariah, my wife, is happier than I've ever seen her -
even during her days dominating femmes in the underground fights of
Greek Town. She's an amazing aunt and our temporary home in Jamaica has
brought out the best in her. Our next destination is always on the horizon,
with Zara and Zane already planning and plotting. We never stay anywhere
for more than six months to a year. Zara, skilled at killing, works behind the
scenes to take out our enemies before they catch up to us, with me as her
trusty sidekick. Zane handles all legal and financial matters, while Zuri
takes care of any medical issues that arise. Emma and Zoe are loving
parents and caretakers of the children, while Bella makes sure everyone is
well-fed. And then there's Zariah - my wild card of a wife. Life is never dull
with her around, but she has a way with words that can get us out of sticky
situations with customs when we have to travel. Zariah may now live in the
light, free from darkness, but her darker nature still resides within her. And
although she struggles with her impulses and jealousy, I wouldn't change
her for the world because she chose me.
We are spending a rare day together as a family on the beach, fulfilling
our promise to always make time for each other. It’s much needed since we
are constantly on the go. I watch as Zariah plays in the water with her niece
and nephew, Zerk and Zala, Zoe and Emma laugh and bond nearby. I sit in
the sun with Zane, Zuri, and Zara, relishing in this brief moment of
tranquility. It’s taken some time for me to fully integrate into this tight-knit
family, with Zara being the most hesitant to accept me. She was fiercely
protective of Zariah, always worried about my ability to handle her
unpredictable behavior. But I remained patient with Zariah, knowing that all
she needed was time and understanding. And if she never came around, I
promised myself to never give up on her. Zara lets out a content sigh and
leans back with her hands behind her head, enjoying the warm rays of the
"It's almost time for another move," Zara announces. Zane and Zuri
groan in response, not wanting to discuss it at the moment - I understand
their exhaustion. But like my sister-in-law, I am constantly vigilant for our
family's safety.
“Zane, what’s the new location? And do you have the passports?” Zane
groans at her.
“Do we have to talk about this now. We are finally having a family day.
Save that shit for after dinner.” Zara chuckles and goes back to relaxing.
Zara ponders, "It's been ages since I cooked us a nice dinner. I miss it."
She's been solely focused on our safety lately that she hasn't had time to
cook. She's either training with me, strategizing for our next hit, or
executing those plans on our target. And when she's not doing any of that,
she's spending quality time with her wife and children. Emma has taken on
a matriarchal role and has become more assertive with Zara. She insists on
being treated as an equal, which I admire. The only submissive in our
household is Zariah - because she wants to be. She's tired of living a life she
didn't choose and just wants to relax and be taken care of. And I gladly take
on the role of providing for her every need without hesitation.
“Cassie, we need to squeeze in another training session. Our next hit is a
bit tricky.” She tells me.
"Okay, but first let me make sure Zariah is okay. It's been too quiet."
She chuckles, understanding my concern. I sit up, scanning the beach for
Zariah. Surprisingly, she is no longer with the children. They are now under
the supervision of Zoe and Bella, busy building a sand castle. Emma is by
the water's edge, gesturing towards Zariah who is just standing in the water,
a serene smile on her face.
“Wait, where’s the scuba diver trainer?” I ask, looking around. Zane
“Zariah is drowning her.” Zane confirms.
As soon as Zara and I hear Zane's words, we both spring into action and
rush to stop her. That scuba diver has been causing trouble all day, flirting
with us while our wives try to ignore it. But Zariah isn't one to let things
slide. Emma, Zoe, and Bella are just watching on from the shore, but I
know they're probably secretly pleased that someone is finally standing up
to the woman. I quickly wade into the water and pull the diver out by her
swimsuit, barely conscious and gasping for air."
“Baby, why didn’t you say something?” Zara chides Emma. Emma’s got
her hand on her hips, glaring at the scuba diver.
“I’ve dealt with my fair share of rude women when it comes to you,
Zara. But that one...” Emma bites out, her anger palpable. Her
transformation into a more aggressive person seems to be escalating by the
day. I quickly guide the weak diver towards the shore, gently setting her
down as she coughs and gasps for air. Zariah immediately embraces me
from behind, seeking comfort in my presence. She knows I won’t lash out
at her; I'm not even remotely irritated.
“Don’t be angry with me,” Zariah pleads. “She was trying to make a
move on you. I didn’t like the way she was flirting.” I groan and turn to face
my wife, tenderly cupping her face in my hands. Her beautiful hazel eyes
gaze up at me, and I can't resist leaning down to capture her lips with mine.
Our kiss is full of love and devotion, as I prove to her just how much she
means to me. Zariah is my entire world, and I love every bit of her - even
the chaos in her eyes that makes her who she is.
My unpredictable, fiery wife, Zariah Blackburn.


fter the scuba diver's harrowing ordeal that ended with Cassie and
Zara giving her a serious warning, Cassie escorts me back to our
cabin for some intimate time. I know I shouldn't have lashed out at
that woman, but my protective instincts took over. She needed to learn not
to mess with my wife. As soon as we enter the cabin, Cassie closes the door
and locks it behind us. I lower my head in apprehension, unsure of what
consequences await me.
"I'm surprised you haven't grown tired of me yet, Cassie. I can never
seem to control myself. I don't know how." I scramble to defend myself as
Cassie's eyes flash with fury. I always expect her to reach her breaking
point and give up on me, but it never happens. She grabs the back of my
neck, pulling me into a forceful kiss that makes me weak in the knees.
Whenever I get into trouble, she knows just how to make it all better. Not
waiting for her command, I strip off my clothes while she leads me to the
bedroom, throwing me onto the bed. Without hesitation, I assume her
favorite position: ass in the air, head resting on a pillow, wiggling my hips
for her. Cassie undresses and joins me on the bed, gripping my hips tightly.
Her hand comes down hard on my ass, causing me to cry out in pleasure.
She continues to spank me repeatedly before sliding her fingers between my
legs, checking for wetness.
"I should have fucked you before scuba training, but you probably
would've killed the other woman anyway," she growls, sinking her teeth
into my ass cheek as she plunges three fingers inside me. I push back,
panting and matching her thrusts as she spanks me hard. She taunts me by
pulling her fingers out and tasting them, then shoving them back in for
My body jolts with a mix of pleasure and pain as I cry out, reveling in
the sensations that Cassie is giving me. She spreads my ass cheeks and
dives into my pussy, her tongue exploring every inch of me and hitting all
the right spots. I can feel my orgasm building, radiating from deep within
me until it crashes over me with such force that I can't help but grind my ass
against her face. She holds onto my hips tightly, keeping me in place as she
sucks every last drop out of me, pushing me to another orgasm. With a swift
movement, she flips me onto my back and straddles me. I waste no time
sliding my fingers between her legs, teasing her clit while she grinds into
me. Our lips meet in a passionate kiss, tasting each other's desire. Cassie
loves to take control and I love it when she does. As she moves against me,
I grab onto her ass with my free hand, matching her rhythm as she drives us
both to the brink of pleasure. Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through
my body, causing my breasts to bounce with the intensity of our connection.
“I love you so fucking much, Zariah,” she says with a wicked grin.
She's about to climax and I have just enough energy to flip her over and
take control. Cassie groans in pleasure and doesn't resist as I position
myself on top of her. She willingly spreads her legs wide for me, eager for
my touch. I quickly move my head down between her legs and expertly use
my tongue to pleasure her slick folds before she can stop me. It's a rare
moment when Cassie gives up control, but she does it as an act of love and
devotion towards me. She knows how happy it makes me to please her in
this way. As I swirl my tongue around inside her, hitting all the right spots,
Cassie grabs onto the sheets tightly, holding back from grabbing me
because she wants me to have complete control. With one hand on her
breast and the other pressed against her belly while I continue thrusting my
tongue in and out of her, she bucks her hips in response, helping me bring
her orgasm to the surface.
“Zariah!” She exclaims with a smile, pulling my face closer and guiding
my thumb to her clit. The sensation is overwhelming, she feels so perfect,
so right. And as she climaxes against my mouth, I can't help but love her
even more. Cassie grunts and moans, grinding her hips against me, relishing
in the movements of my tongue as she reaches her peak. But it's only a
matter of time before she pulls me up above her, positioning my pussy
against her face and commanding me to ride her. And so, I do, surrendering
myself to her desires.
Grinding my hips, letting her smack my ass so hard it stings, holding
her face while I ride her, grinding into her, riding the wave because it feels
so good. She feels so fucking good.
I whimper as she slaps my ass again, grinding into her harder and
harder. With another hard swirl of her tongue, I explode onto her face. She
grips my hips, keeping me in place, draining me of my orgasm as I
uncontrollably shake on top of her. I fall weak on the bed and she quickly
sits up, repositioning me in her arms. Cassie is always so good about
aftercare, holding me close to her chest and gently kissing my forehead
while rubbing soothing circles on my back. I love it when we make love.
“This is just a breather; I hope you know that. We're far from done
here," she whispers in my ear, her words sending shivers down my spine.
"You've been so naughty today, Zariah. I'm going to make you come until
you can't take it anymore." I tremble with anticipation at her punishment, as
masochistic as it may seem. Days of soreness will be well worth the
pleasure. I plant a kiss on her heaving chest before lifting my head to
passionately kiss her lips.
“I love you, Cassie. Thank you for never giving up on me.” I tell her.
Cassie smiles and gently strokes my face. Then she smacks my ass.
“If I remember correctly, it was you who never gave up on me. You
came into my coffee shop for three straight weeks. And I will always love
you for that.” Her words bring tears to my eyes as I throw myself on top of
her, kissing her hungrily. Whenever she speaks like this, all I can think
about is how badly I want her to consume me completely. For so long, I
believed I was damaged and worthless, but Cassie has shown me that I am
more than just a Blackburn. I am Zariah.
Cassie’s forever woman.
The end…

Jenna Kent
Jenna Kent, coffee lover, and book lover of all things romance with a sweet spot for masculine
dominant femmes resides in Wayne Michigan, just about 20 miles from Detroit, Michigan. Jenna is a
steamy lesbian romance author of fast-paced instalove romance. Expect them to be over-the-top,
absurdly ridiculous–but always with a happy ending.
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