Japanese Money

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課題 3 – お金

1. 個人の価値観に基づいた経済的決定とは何ですか?
2. 過去分詞。

a. Buy Bought i. See Seen

b. Do Done j. Sell Sold
c. Drive Driven k. Smile Smiled
d. Make Made l. Spend Spent
e. Give Given m. Take Taken
f. Lend Lent n. Want Wanted
g. Ride Ridden o. Write Written
h. Save Saved

3. 文章を完成させてください。
f. A : Has he ever cooked for more than ten peopl
a. I’ve never given money to charity.
b. A : Have you ever sold anything on eBay?
B : No, he hasn’t. What about you?
B : Yes, I have. Several times.
g. She has helped me several times, she’s very kin
c. She has lived in lots of different countries.
d. I know that restaurant, we’ve eaten there b
h. My car’s never broken down and it’s more than
efore. The food’s excellent.
ten years old.
e. I’ve never sung in front of a large group of p
i. How many times they have seen this film?
eople, and I never want to.
j. We’ve never tried this, so it’ll be new experienc

4. この文章の間違いを修正。

a. Have you ever climbed a mountain? e. She has broken her leg two times.
b. I’ve never seen that film. f. I’ve worked in a hospital for long time ago.
c. Have you ever gone to Canada? g. In your life, how many times have you moved
d. Where have you been on holiday last year? house?
h. When we went to London, we’ve visited Kew
5. 質問に答えて。

a. Are you saving up for anything at the moment? c. Do people often ask for discounts in shops
What for? How much money do you need? in your country? How about in markets? Ar
e you good at getting discounts?
Right now, I’m saving up for a vacation and there’s som
e music concert that I want to watch. As for how much In my country, people do sometimes ask for discou
money I need, it depends on the destination and the se nts in shops, especially during sales or when buying
6. 質問に答えて。
a. 導入段落は、この記事が従来の銀行を超えてローンを取得したりお金を借りたりするための代
b. はい正解。
c. 記事を読む。どのテキスト (1 ~ 4)
1). 同じことが 2 か所で起きたのでしょうか?
テキスト 1 では、フランツ・ヘルマン・シュルツェ・デリッチュが日本の二宮尊徳の村で行っ
たのと同様の組織を創設したと述べています。つまり、テキスト 1 の 2 か所で同じことが起

2). ビジネスを始めるために融資を受けることができますか (x3)?

テキスト 1 では、人々は起業などさまざまな目的でお金を借りることができると述べていま

テキスト 3 では、人々がビジネスを始めるために資金を募るクラウドファンディングについて

テキスト 4 では、貧しい人々や発展途上国の人々が融資を求めるクラウドファンディング We
b サイト、Kiva.com について言及しています。中には起業のためのものもあります。

3). ビジネスを始めるためにたくさんの人にお金を要求しますか (x2)?

テキスト 3 では、クラウドファンディングについて説明します。クラウドファンディングでは、ビ

4). 銀行から融資を受けていますか?

テキスト 1 では、フランツ・ヘルマン・シュルツェ・デリッチュが銀行に代わる融資を提供する

5). このアイデアは発展途上国の人々を助けますか?
テキスト 2 では、バングラデシュの人々に少額の融資が行われ、発展途上国の問題に対処

テキスト 4 では、特に貧しい人々や発展途上国の人々を対象としたクラウドファンディング
Web サイト、Kiva.com について説明します。

6). 人々は教育のためにお金を要求しますか?

テキスト 4 では、起業に加えて教育資金を求める借り手もいる Kiva.com について言及して


d. 質問に答えて。なぜ?

3). Franz Hermann Schulze-Delitzsch started hi 1). The music group asked fans for money thro
s credit union because he was fed up with b ugh crowdfunding because they needed fu
anks and wanted to help other people. He c nds to make an album. They offered their f
reated the organization as an alternative to ans the opportunity to contribute money w
traditional banks, allowing people to pay a l ith the promise of receiving some of the pr
ittle money each month and borrow money ofits later on. This approach allowed the ba
when needed. nd to gather financial support from a large
4). Dr. Muhammad Yunus started his "Village B number of people who were interested in t
ank" (microcredit initiative) in response to t heir music.
he problems faced by poor and hungry peo 2). Hans Fex asked for money through crowdfu
ple in villages in Bangladesh. He provided v nding for his Mini Museum. He creates tiny
ery small loans to individuals, enabling the 'museums' that people can put in their poc
m to start small businesses such as making kets, featuring items like rock from the mo
furniture or engaging in farming. The aim w on and pieces of dinosaur egg. By asking for
as to address the financial challenges faced funds through crowdfunding, he was able t
by those who couldn't get loans from norm o gather financial support from 5,030 peopl
al banks.The music group ask fans for mone e, raising $1.2 million to fund his project.

c. 記事内のこれらの数字が何を指すのかを書き留めてください。

1). $25: The minimum loan amount on Kiva.c 4). $1.2 million: The amount Hans Fex raised from
om that borrowers can request. 5,030 people through crowdfunding for his Min
2). 100: The maximum borrowing period (da i Museum.
ys) mentioned in Text 1, where people in 5). 8.81 million: The number of borrowers in 81,39
Ninomiya Sontoku's village could borrow 2 villages associated with Dr. Muhammad Yunu
money for up to 100 days. s's 'Village Bank' in 2015, as mentioned in Text
3). £26,000: The amount the London music g 2.
roup received from a thousand fans in 20 6). $1.02 billion: The total amount lent through Kiv
07 through crowdfunding to make their a a.com by 1.5 million lenders to 2.5 million borr
lbum. owers in 83 countries.
7. メールを書く。

Subject: Heartfelt Gratitude for Your Support in our Charity Fundraising Efforts
Dear Amelya,
I hope this message finds you well. I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I write to express my sincere thank
s for your incredible support in our recent charity fundraising endeavor. Together, we have raised an impre
ssive $1,000 for Inheritance Charity.
Our success is a testament to the collective dedication and generosity of each one of you. Through a series
of collaborative efforts such as bake sales, a charity auction, and a community walk, we were able to surpa
ss our initial fundraising goal. It is heartening to see how our shared commitment to making a positive imp
act has yielded such remarkable results.
The selected charity, Inheritance Charity, is devoted to give something positive can be inherited. The funds
we raised will directly contribute to our positive activities. Your contributions have not only helped us achi
eve our financial target but have also contributed to a cause that will make a tangible difference in the live
s of those in need.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. Your involvement has been instrumental in the succes
s of this initiative, and I am truly grateful to have friends like you who share a passion for making a positive
impact in our community.
Warm regards,


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