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1st Monthly Examination in General Biology 1

NAME: _______________________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

TEACHER: SIR JESSIE F. PERALTA JR. Date: _________________ SCORE: _____

I. Fill in the Blanks. (5 points)

Direction: Engage your critical thinking skills by carefully examining the sentences or passages
provided. Elevate your comprehension as you skillfully select and place the most fitting words or
phrases into each blank.
1. Robert Hooke examined a piece of________ and found little structures in it which he compared to
2. Leuwenhoek found moving protist and sperm, which he collectively termed __________.
3. In order that an organism may be considered living, it must have_________.
4. The cell theory, states that ___________ are created from pre-existing cell.
5. Micrograph is the image produced by a ____________.

II. Modified True or False (10 points)

Direction: Write T if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word or group of words to
make the statement true. Write it on the space provided.

__________6. The atom is the basic unit of life.

__________7. All non-living organisms are composed of cell.
__________ 8. The Plasma Membrane is the outering covering that separates the cells interior from its
__________ 9. The Lysosomes serve as digestion slots for cellular materials that are due for expiration or
are no longer useful.
__________ 10. The mitochondria have one membrane that are similar in composition to the cell
__________11. The three major parts of the cell are Cell Membrane, Centrioles, and Nucleus.
__________12. Cytoplasm is composed of water, proteins and salt.
__________13. Nucleolus serves as the site of ribosomes synthesis.
__________14. The hollow portion of Endoplasmic Reticulum tubules is called Golgi Apparatus.
__________15. Centrosome assist in arranging microtubules (hollow tubules of protein) to be utilized for
cell division.

IV. Short Paragraph (10 points)

Direction: Read the following paragraph describing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells carefully. Afterward,
respond to the question below. In your answer, explain a significant structural difference between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells and describe how this difference relates to their respective functional complexities. Provide a clear
and concise response.

 Central Idea of your answer is clear-5 points

 Organization of ideas -3 points
 Grammar -2 points

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are the two primary types of cells found in living organisms.
Prokaryotic cells, typically smaller and simpler, lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles,
such as the mitochondria or endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, eukaryotic cells are larger and more
complex, featuring a distinct nucleus and numerous membrane-bound organelles that enable specialized
16-25. What is a key structural difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and how does it
relate to their functional complexity?
V. Essay (5 points)

Direction: Read the essay question and any accompanying information or passages provided carefully.
Write a well-structured essay that addresses the question comprehensively. Your response should have an
introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.


 Central Idea of your answer is clear-2 points

 Organization of ideas -2 points
 Grammar -1 point

26-30. How do cell parts harmoniously function to keep the cell alive?

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