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One day girls called Emma, Lia and Rose saw a glistening tube while walking in corridor.
“What is it?”, doubted Rose.
After they have been teleported to another planet.
“Where are we!”, yelled Lia.
“I do not know!”, shouted Rose.
Everything there was green even sunshine.
Also, there was green fog that was covering some people. Then girls saw bunch of green
people walking around!
“Who are they?!” screamed Emma.
After they saw another bunch of green people walking around, but this time they had
substantial guns on their nasty, slimy and greenish hands, green people pointed guns to the
“No, we did nothing wrong!!” cried out Lia.
“Hello, my name is Biba”, said one of the green people.
“Hi!” howled Lia.
“What is it in your hand?” asked Biba.
“Teleporter, I think?” answered Rose.
“Give it for us!” said Biba.
“Why?” asked Lia.
“Give it for us or we’re going to kill you!!” shouted Biba.
Boom! Now girls were in another planet!
They saw singing flowers and flying dogs!!!
“Who are you!” screamed Lia.
“We are Mimi- in your language flying dogs” replied one of Mimis.
“Why do all of you have strange names?” questioned Emma.
“Can you help us to go back home!” said Lia.
“Then give me sparkling tube!” admitted Mimi.
“Why you all need this thing?” asked Rose.
Then Mimis took out some ropes and started to attack girls. Immediately, after they teleported
to another planet. It was so cold there that everything was covered in ice. Girls saw a large
palace. The next thing they saw was a blue monster that smelled so nasty.
“Oh my god! Who are you?” yelped Rose.
“I am Kiki” answered the monster.
“Give me that sparkling thing!!” yelled Kiki.
“No!!” yelled girls
At that point the girls started running as fast as they could, Kiki followed them.
Unfortunately, while running Kiki fell down. A time later girls saw a forest.
“Who are you?” asked deer.
“Can you talk?!” shouted Emma.
“Give me that tube!” commanded the deer.
Suddenly, the girls found themselves teleported to another planet again. This time, everything
was covered in lava, even the floor! The girls then saw a mountainous lava bear.
"Give me that sparkling tube, or I'm going to eat you!" the lava bear commanded.
"Why do you need it?" Lia asked bravely.
The lava bear then ran, grabbed the girls in his hands, and took them to his palace.
"Put us down!" the girls yelled in unison.
The lava bear then locked them in a strange room with a musty smell. There were many
spiders and rats as well.
"Somebody, help us!" Rose cried out in desperation.
The girls found themselves teleported again, this time to another planet! Everything was
covered in lava, even the floor. As they looked around, they saw a strange, mountainous lava
"Give me that sparkling tube, or I'll eat you!" the lava bear ordered atrociously.
"Why do you need it?" Lia asked courageously.
The lava bear then rushed towards them, picked the girls up in his enormous hands, and
carried them to his palace.
"Put us down!" the girls yelled in unison.
The lava bear locked them in a strange room filled with a fusty smell. Spiders and rats
scooted around at their feet.
"Somebody, help us!" Rose cried out desperately.
Suddenly, a small lava bear cub entered the room.
"Do you need help?" the little lava bear asked warmheartedly.
"Yes, please! How can we get out of here?" Lia replied.
"Oh no, my dad's coming! I'll help you next time," the little lava bear said before hurrying
Moments later, the large lava bear entered the room. He grabbed the girls and dragged them
towards the kitchen.
"Hey chef, these are our dinner!" the lava bear declared hoarsely before leaving.
In moments of deep despair, the girls began to beg for help from the chef who was an
enormous, intimidating creature.
"Help us, please!" Lia begged.
"No way, I'm cooking you!" the chef smiled menacingly.
He grabbed the girls, but before he could do anything, they teleported again!
This time, they found themselves in a completely different land covered in pink. A giant,
pulsating heart floated in the air before them.
"Hello, girls," the heart greeted them in a booming voice.
"Hi," Rose said, trying to stay calm. "Can you help us? We need to get back to Earth."
"Firstly, don't shout at me! Secondly, if you want my help, hand over that sparkling tube!" the
heart boomed.
"No, I won't give it to you!" Lia stated decidedly.
"Then DIE!" the heart screamed, as countless smaller hearts with sharp, crown-like points
emerged from the ground, ready to attack. Suddenly, the girls found themselves teleported yet
again! They landed on a planet entirely made of cacti.
"Hello!" a friendly voice greeted them.
"Hi, can you please help us?" Emma asked cautiously.
"Yes, but first, hand over that sparkling tube, or we'll sting you with our spikes!" the cactus
warned playfully.
"Take it!" Lia exclaimed, throwing the tube at the cactus.
In a flash of light, the girls were teleported once more, this time landing back at their school!
This harrowing experience taught them to be more careful about what they touched.

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