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Unknown History


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The Unknown History

Lost Colony
Imagine sending hundreds of people to
a small island to form a small colony and then
when you come back, all of them disappeared.
Well that is exactly what happened. In 1585,
more than 100 people were sent to Roanoke
island (Island in North Carolina, United
States) in an attempt to colonize the land and
set up a colony. A second group of people was
sent in 1587 but it was delayed and they
arrived in 1590. When they arrived, the first
group of people had mysteriously

In 1612, William Strachey concluded

that the people in the first colony were “all In fact, an x-ray analysis of an ancient
dead”. But this assumption made no sense, the map of the 16th century revealed the
people who had arrived in 1590 saw no signs location of a fort called Site X that was
of killings or massacre. One possibility is that traced in invisible ink.
the colonists moved with the Weapemeoc
“Indians”. In fact, this tribe was friendly with There were no signs of a fort in Site X had
the British columnist and even sent envoys to a high number of 16th century artifacts
the island in 1586. If they did join the which may indicate that some of the 100
Weapemeoc, where are they? And why did people settled in this location
they carve the cryptic message
“CROATOAN” on a fence post in Roanoke Sources:
Island? Sadly, we don't have the answers to all Emery, T. (2015). The Roanoke Island Colony: Lost,
of these fascinating questions but we do have and Found?. New York Times, 10.
Parramore, T. C. (2001). The" Lost Colony" Found:
A Documentary Perspective. The North Carolina
One theory is that they resettled to Historical Review, 78(1), 67-83.
Hatteras island of which 16th century
gunware were found. Nicholas Lucketti, an
archeologist states that some may have settled
in Bertie County, North California.
Exorcism of Unknown History

Roland Doe
In 1949, a newspaper posted a
story about how a boy who was allegedly
possessed by a demon. In the same year,
exorcisms would be performed on the
boy to heal him.

Prior to the exorcism, the boy was

an ordinary kid who went to school and
also liked board games. One day, his aunt
introduced him to a new board game: the
Ouija board which the boy enjoyed.
Allegedly, on January 15, 1949, the family
heard dripping sounds but the faucet was
closed. Then, they heard scratching
sounds but no one was scratching. At
night, the scratching began again, the
family thought it was rats or rodents but
they did not find any. 11 days later, Aunt Mental asylums of the 1920s and beyond
Harriet passed away. The scratching were inhumane and treated their patients
sound had faded but new sounds cruelly. So, what do you think? Was the
appeared like sounds of shoes walking boy suffering from mental illness or was
and squeaking. he possessed by a demon?
Apparently, the school desk of the
little boy at school was moving by itself of
which the teacher believed the boy was
moving it. On Sunday, the chair started to
rise and fell down. The increase Sources:
paranormal activity led them to calling Allen B. Thomas (1993). Possessed: The True Story
exorcists. of an Exorcism

Fakhoury, W., & Priebe, S. (2007).

Some say that it is merely a case of Deinstitutionalization and reinstitutionalization:
mental illness being mistreated as the major changes in the provision of mental healthcare.
understand of mental illness at that time. Psychiatry, 6(8), 313-316.
This does make sense considering that
people treated mental illness like demonic
Pages 11-22 were omitted
The next pages may contain some shocking images or content ( either
hidden in the embed links or in the general picture). Please read with
Unknown History

Unit 731
We’ve often heard about the brutal
Nazi experiments but have you heard of the
brutal experiments of imperial Japan? In 1932
was the creation of “The Epidemic prevention
and Water Purification Department”
(Hammond, 1) in the puppet state of
Manchuria during WW2 which would
commit brutal human experiments. In charge
was Unit 731. Unit 731 would conduct illegal
human experiments in an attempt to develop
biological weapons. Its victims were 70%
Chinese and 30% being Koreans, Mongolians
and russians.

The humans that were carried to be

experimented upon were called logs since they Subjects were also tested for frostbite
operated in a lumber mill. Trigger warning: where they were frozen alive. Some were
this is a picture of what the “logs” look like. left there until they unfroze which “made
Once the “logs” were inside the facility, all their arms and legs turned gangrenous”
kinds of human experiments will be done on (Hammond 1). The final goal of Unit
them. Some were injected the blood of 731 was to infect San Francisco with
animals, some exposed to syphilis, some were plague but the plan was never executed
being hung upside down until death, some (one reason for that is that Japan
had their arms removed and reattached to the surrendered before their plan could be
other side. carried out).

Hammond, S. (2018). The Experiments of Unit 731:
Unit 731 also extensively tested the
Torture in the Name of Warfare. Pacific Atrocities
usage of biological weapons of which it tested Education. Retrieved February, 19, 2022.
germ bombs, plague bombs and poison gas
where the subjects were forced to stand still. Keiichi, T. (2010). Unit 731 and the Japanese
Imperial Army’s biological warfare program (Vol.
Afterwards, the researchers would analyze 25). London: Routledge.
how long it took for the subjects to die from
the bombs or gas they projected at them. Working, R. (2001). The trial of Unit 731. The Japan
Times June, 5, 2001.
Blood Eagle Unknown History

The Blood Eagle Ritual was a torturous
execution method done by the Vikings and it
was one of the most gruesome ways to die.
But what was the Blood Eagle Ritual?

The blood eagle ritual happened as

early at the 12th-13th century. The process
for this ritual is different depending on the
sources. One source dictates that the victim
was attached and then an eagle was drawn by
painfully scratching the back of the victim.
Afterwards, salt is poured on the wounds
which inflicted intense pain to the victim. In
another source, the ribs of the victim were
made to penetrate the skin so that the rib
would penetrate the back of the victim. I
don't recommend you pressing on this next Nevertheless, this method of execution
link but here’s is a picture of what it may have was extremely brutal and even through
looked like. we feel we have evolved from that, many
brutal forms of torture have been
In another source, the victim was torn performed, even in the modern era.
so that the ribs would form wings around its
body. But how was this done? Well, first of
all, the victim would have to remain alive
through the process. The skin and the muscles
would have the be cut off and removed using a
very sharp knife. Muscles around the shoulder Sources:
blade would have to cut off as to reveal the ribs Murphy, L. J., Fuller, H. R., Willan, P. L., & Gates,
M. A. (2022). An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The
of the victim. Afterwards, the ribs and the
Practicalities of Viking Torture. Speculum, 97(1),
spine would have to be separated which would 1-39.
be an extremely difficult maneuver. It is also
possible that the ribs were fractured in order Frank, R. (1984). Viking atrocity and Skaldic verse:
the rite of the Blood-Eagle. The English Historical
to create the Blood Eagle Review, 99(391), 332-343.

Pages 26-28 were omitted
Illustration credits
Cover by Hung Quash, Shark. License: Free for commercial use, no attribution required.

St-Augustine Monster. Public domain. Picture taken in 1896, author unknown.

William Ludwell Sheppard and William James Linton. Roanoke Colony. 1876. License: No

Codyvanscyoc. Christian Cross.

Zeitfaenger. “Outlast the time”. Creative Commons License: Attribution 3.0 Unported

Todd, Gary Lee. Diorama of Unit 731 "Human Logs" for Experimentation

Study period at Roman Catholic Indian Residential School, [Fort] Resolution, Northwest


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