Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt Review

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Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt review 15/07/2022, 20:45

Trang của tôi / Khoá học / Học kỳ III năm học 2021-2022 (Semester 3 - Academic year 2021-2022)
/ Chương Trình Chất Lượng Cao dạy bằng Tiếng Anh (High-Quality training program )
/ Khoa Quản lý Công nghiệp (Faculty of Industrial Management) / Tài Chính / Economics (IM1013)_Trần Duy Thanh (CC_HK213) / QUIZ
/ Quiz 1: Introduction 1

Đã bắt đầu vào Thursday, 2 June 2022, 8:14 PM

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Hoàn thành vào Thursday, 2 June 2022, 8:35 PM
Thời gian thực 20 phút 49 giây

Câu hỏi 1
Resources are
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. plentiful for households but scarce for economies.

b. scarce for households and scarce for economies.

c. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies.

d. scarce for households but plentiful for economies.

Câu hỏi 2
The study of how society manages its scarce resources is most closely associated with which field of study?
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. economics

b. management

c. environmental studies

d. accounting

Câu hỏi 3
The word "economy" comes from the Greek word oikonomos, which means
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. "environment."

b. "production."

c. "one who makes decisions."

d. "one who manages a household."

Câu hỏi 4
For most students, the earnings they give up to attend college are
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Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt review 15/07/2022, 20:45

Hoàn thành

Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. not considered true costs by an economist.

b. a minor cost when compared to the costs of tuition, room and board, and the like.

c. about equal to the costs of room and board at college.

d. the single largest cost of their education.

Câu hỏi 5
Ramona decides to spend two hours taking a nap rather than attending her classes. Her opportunity cost of napping is
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. the value of her nap minus the value of attending class.

b. nothing, since she valued sleep more than attendance at class.

c. the value of the knowledge she would have received had she attended class.

d. the $24 she could have earned if she had worked at her job for those two hours.

Câu hỏi 6
The marginal benefit Susie gets from purchasing a third pair of gloves is
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. the total benefit she gets from purchasing four pairs of gloves minus the total benefit she gets from purchasing three
pairs of gloves.
b. more than the marginal cost of purchasing the third pair of gloves.

c. the total benefit she gets from purchasing three pairs of gloves minus the total benefit she gets from purchasing two
pairs of gloves.
d. the same as the total benefit she gets from purchasing three pairs of gloves.

Câu hỏi 7
The property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources is called
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. productivity.

b. equality.

c. externality.

d. efficiency.

Câu hỏi 8
For markets to work well, there must be
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. a central planner.

b. abundant, not scarce, resources.

c. market power.

d. property rights.

Câu hỏi 9
The famous observation that households and firms interacting in markets act as if they are guided by an "invisible hand" that
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leads them to desirable market outcomes comes from whose 1776 book?
Chấm điểm của
Chọn một:

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Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt review 15/07/2022, 20:45

Chọn một:
a. David Ricardo

b. John Maynard Keynes

c. Adam Smith

d. Thorstein Veblen

Câu hỏi 10
The term used to describe a situation in which markets do not allocate resources efficiently is
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. the effect of the invisible hand.

b. economic meltdown.

c. market failure.

d. equilibrium.

Câu hỏi 11
Which of the following firms is most likely to have market power?
Hoàn thành

Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. a convenience store in a suburb

b. the only gasoline station in a rural area

c. a grocery store in a metropolitan area

d. a pub in a college town

Câu hỏi 12
Which of the following is an example of an externality?
Hoàn thành

Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. Gloria watches a scary movie.

b. Antonio's dog barks loudly during the night, waking his neighbors.

c. Harold sells a book to Cathy, who reads the book and then gives it to James as a gift.

d. Annie purchases a new dress.

Câu hỏi 13
Which of the following is true about how the "invisible hand" influences economic activity through prices when a product has
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lower demand than supply?
Chấm điểm của
Chọn một:

a. The price must increase, causing less buyers to buy and more sellers to sell.

b. The price must increase, causing less buyers to buy and less sellers to sell.

c. The price must decrease, causing more buyers to buy and less sellers to sell.

d. The price must decrease, causing more buyers to buy and more sellers to sell.

Câu hỏi 14
Which of these activities will most likely impose an external cost?
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. A secretary smokes a cigarette in a crowded break room.

b. A construction worker eats a hotdog during his lunch break.

c. An athlete works out at a gym.

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Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt review 15/07/2022, 20:45

c. An athlete works out at a gym.

d. A young mother pushes her baby in a stroller.

Câu hỏi 15
Which of these activities will most likely result in an external benefit?
Hoàn thành

Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. An elderly woman plants a flower garden on the vacant lot next to her house.

b. A college student buys a deck of cards to play solitaire in her dorm room.

c. An executive purchases a book to read on a business trip.

d. A ten-year-old uses his allowance to buy new Nike shoes.

Câu hỏi 16
Large or persistent inflation is almost always caused by
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. higher-than-normal levels of productivity.

b. excessive growth in the quantity of money.

c. foreign competition.

d. excessive government spending.

Câu hỏi 17
Most economists believe that an increase in the quantity of money results in
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. higher inflation in the long run.

b. an increase in the demand for goods and services.

c. All of the above are correct.

d. lower unemployment in the short run.

Câu hỏi 18
The fact that different countries experience different standards of living is largely explained by differences in those countries'
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. locations.

b. populations.

c. productivity levels.

d. None of the above is correct. Economists are puzzled by differences in standards of living around the world.

Câu hỏi 19
The short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment implies that, in the short run,
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. an increase in the growth rate of the quantity of money will be accompanied by an increase in the unemployment rate.

b. policymakers are able to reduce the inflation rate and, at the same time, reduce the unemployment rate.

c. a decrease in the growth rate of the quantity of money will be accompanied by an increase in the unemployment rate.

d. policymakers can influence the inflation rate, but not the unemployment rate.

Câu hỏi 20
To promote good economic outcomes, policymakers should strive to enact policies that
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Quiz 1: Introduction 1: Attempt review 15/07/2022, 20:45

Câu hỏi 20
To promote good economic outcomes, policymakers should strive to enact policies that
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Chấm điểm của Chọn một:

a. result in a rapidly-growing quantity of money.

b. enhance productivity.

c. enhance individuals' market power.

d. All of the above are correct.

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