Tree 01

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Title: Mandatory Tree Plantation and Maintenance Act

Preamble: Whereas the preservation and enhancement of greenery are crucial for environmental
sustainability, ecological balance, and public welfare, Whereas it is imperative to regulate the
plantation and maintenance of trees to mitigate climate change and improve air quality, Be it
enacted by the [Legislative Body] as follows:

Section 1: Definitions:

 "Tree": Any perennial woody plant with a single main stem or trunk and having a distinct
crown or canopy.
 "Property Owner": Any individual, entity, or organization that holds legal title to real
property within [Jurisdiction].
 "Local Authority": The [Name of Local Government or Authority] responsible for
administering and enforcing this Act.

Section 2: Mandatory Tree Plantation Requirement:

. Every property owner within [Jurisdiction] shall be mandated to plant and maintain a
specified number of trees on their property, as determined by the [Local Authority].
. Trees shall be planted in suitable locations on the property to maximize environmental
benefits and minimize potential hazards.

Section 3: Tree Species and Planting Guidelines:

. Property owners shall plant tree species native to the region or those recommended by
the [Local Authority] for ecological suitability and biodiversity conservation.
. The [Local Authority] shall provide guidelines and assistance to property owners regarding
suitable tree species, planting techniques, and maintenance practices.

Section 4: Maintenance and Care of Trees:

. Property owners shall be responsible for the regular maintenance and care of planted
trees, including watering, pruning, and protection from pests and diseases.
. Trees posing safety hazards or causing nuisance to neighboring properties shall be
addressed promptly by the property owner.

Section 5: Monitoring and Compliance:

. The [Local Authority] shall monitor compliance with the provisions of this Act through
periodic inspections and assessments.
. Property owners found to be in violation of this Act shall be subject to enforcement
measures, including fines, penalties, or corrective actions, as determined by the [Local Authority].

Section 6: Incentives and Support:

. The [Local Authority] may provide incentives, grants, or tax benefits to encourage tree
plantation and maintenance efforts by property owners.
. Educational programs and outreach initiatives shall be conducted to raise awareness
about the importance of tree plantation and environmental stewardship.

Section 7: Implementation and Regulations:

. The [Local Authority] shall promulgate regulations, standards, and procedures necessary
for the effective implementation and enforcement of this Act.
. The [Local Authority] may collaborate with relevant stakeholders, including environmental
organizations and community groups, to support the objectives of this Act.

Section 8: Severability: If any provision of this Act is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the
remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 9: Effective Date: This Act shall come into force on [Insert Effective Date].

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