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KHÓA HỌC ANH VĂN 10 – 11 – 12

Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. skull B. pump C. duty D. lung

2. A. plumber B. rumple C. plum D. accomplish

3. A. ample B. airplane C. birthplace D. caplet

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others

4. A. disease B. nervous C. balance D. healthy

5. A. digestive B. allergic C. skeletal D. intestine

Choose the correct answer

6. Fish, poultry, beans, or nuts ______ half of the dinner plate.

A. make B. make out C. make up D. make of

7. Aliments are caused by a (n) ________ of yin and yang.

A. imbalance B. unequal C. abnormal D. ineffectiveness

8. In some remote parts of the world, herbs may be the only treatment ______ to the
majority of people.

A. leading B. available C. easy D. access

9. There are foods that can help you fall asleep or keep you ______.

A. wake B. waking C. waking up D. awake

10. Liver is a large organ in the body which _____ the blood.

A. cleans B. cleans up C. is cleaning D. is cleaning up

11. The Healthy Eating Pyramid reminds us to _______ our intake of salt and added

A. limit B. stop C. avoid D. remote

12. When acupuncture ________ correctly, it is very safe for patients.

A. performs B. will be performed

C. is performed D. will have performed

13. You should see a doctor if your nosebleed ______ by an injury, such as a punch/

A. caused B. were causing C. was caused D. will be caused

14. If your retina records the image well, your brain _______ the image, and you
______ the image clearly.

A. will intercept – will see

B. intercept – see

C. is going to intercept – are going to see

D. is intercepting – are seeing

15. At your eye exam you _____ read from an eye chart.

A. will probably ask B. are going to ask

C. will probably be asked D. are asking

Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.

There are health benefits, too. Being active could possibly mean I am less (16)
_______ to develop diabetes or any other issues related weight. As I grow older, I
want to (17) ________ as independent as I possibly can. I don’t want to be dependent
on other people.

The final benefit is the (18) _____ side to keeping fit. Whether you choose (19) _____
a gym, a walking group or a football club, these clubs are often so friendly, warm, and
welcoming to new members. I’ve met so many like – minded and positive people
through getting fit. It has been great (20) _______, too.

16. A. like B. likely C. unlikely D. alike

17. A. delay B. begin C. seem D. remain

18. A. social B. society C. sociable D. socially

19. A. to join B. to join in C. joining D. joining in

20. A. fun B. funny C. enjoyable D. fitness

Read the passage below and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.

Alzheimer’s disease impairs a person’s ability to recall memories, both distant and as
a few hours before. Although there is no yet a cure for the illness, there may be hope
for a cure with a protein called nerve growth factor. The protein is produced by nerve
cells in the same region of the brain where Alzheimer’s occurs. Based on this
relationship, scientists from the University of Lund in Sweden and the University of
California at San Diego designed an experiment to test whether doses of nerve growth
factor could reverse the effects of memories loss caused by Alzheimer’s. Using a
group of rats with impaired memory, the scientists gave half of the rats doses of nerve
growth factor while giving the other half a blood protein as a placebo, thus creating a
control group. At the end of the four-week test, the rats given the nerve growth factor
performed equally to rats with normal memory abilities. While the experiments do not
show that nerve growth factor can stop the general process of deterioration caused by
Alzheimer’s, they do show potential as a means to slowing the process significantly.

21. With what topic is this passage mainly concerned?

A. impaired memory of patients

B. cures for Alzheimer's disease

C. the use of rats as experimental subjects

D. nerve growth factor as a cure for Alzheimer's.

22. The word "impairs" in line 1 is most similar to which of the following?

A. affects B. destroys C. enhances D. diminishes

23. According to the passage, where is nerve growth factor produced in the body?

A. in nerve cells in the spinal column

B. in red blood cells in the circulatory system

C. in nerve cells in the brain

D. in the pituitary gland

24. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "region" as used in
line 4?

A. vicinity B. plain C. expanse D. orbit

25. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "doses"?

A. measures B pieces C. injections D. stipends

26. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. Alzheimer's disease is deadly.

B. Though unsuccessful, the experiments did show some benefits derived from nerve
growth factor.

C The experiments did not show any significant benefits from nerve growth factor.

D More work needs to be done to understand the effects of nerve growth factor.

27. The passage most closely resembles which of the following patterns of

A. chronological order B. statement and illustration

C. cause - effect D. alphabetical order

28. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "deterioration"?

A. depression B deduction

C. decline D. disconnection

29. Which of the following could best replace the word "significantly"?

A. considerably B. knowingly

C. suggestively D. tirelessly

30. The relationship between nerve growth factor and a protein is similar to the
relationship between Alzheimer's and ______

A. forgetfulness B. a disease

C. a cure D. a cancer

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