Reilly. 2020. The Role of ESWT in Return To Competition of Endurance Runners

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PM R xx (2019) 1–2

Clinical Letter
The Role of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Return to
Competition for Endurance Runners: Two Case Reports

Maffulli et al defined tendinopathy as a clinical syn- her toes. Symptoms were refractory to PT. Examination
drome of pain, swelling, and impaired performance.1 His- revealed focal tenderness to palpation over the proximal
topathological features of tendinopathy include collagen hamstring, a mild strength deficit with supine plank and
fiber disorganization, angiofibroblastic hyperplasia, and 30 resisted hamstring curl, and intact strength with 90
increased mucoid ground substance.1,2 First-line treat- resisted hamstring curl. Slump test was negative.
ment is nonsurgical, involving physical therapy (PT) with Runner A was offered PT and interventional treatment
an eccentric training program based on work by Alfredson of injection (platelet rich plasma [PRP] or prolotherapy)
et al.3 Although PT is primary treatment, interventions or R-SWT to her primarily symptomatic left Achilles ten-
may be considered to promote the healing process.2 don. Runner B’s options included PT along with possible
Few interventions exist that allow athletes to continue R-SWT, peritendinous corticosteroid injection, or PRP
training throughout treatment. Radial shockwave ther- injection. The use of injections would require modified
apy (R-SWT) is a lower energy form of shockwave and activity to optimize treatment; no consensus for guide-
has been described in allowing elite athletes safe return lines on postprocedure activity exist for R-SWT.
to competition.4–6 As compared to focused shockwave Each runner stated goals to continue running and both
therapy, in which the greatest force generated occurs elected to proceed with R-SWT. Five weekly sessions of
at a certain depth within the structure being treated, in R-SWT for 3000 pulses each with C15 (ceramic) and D20
R-SWT the maximum force occurs at the skin surface, (standard oscillator) at 15 Hz were performed by the senior
with subsequent dispersion of force with increased author. R-SWT was administered at 2.0-3.0 bars of air pres-
depth.4 We present two cases of chronic tendinopathy sure for Runner A (Figure 1) and 4.5 bars for Runner B. The
successfully treated in endurance runners using R-SWT. “clinical focusing” technique was employed, which directs
Runner A was a 25-year-old female marathon runner treatment at the point of maximal tenderness as specified
who presented with an atraumatic 3-month history of left by the patient.6 Postprocedure instructions included
greater than right Achilles tendinopathy. She was prepar- avoiding use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ing for the Chicago Marathon, running up to (NSAIDs) and minimizing ice. Each patient was rec-
110 km/wk. Pain was refractory to treatment of PT with ommended additional PT with eccentric components and to
an eccentric loading program and trial of a walking boot. advance activity as tolerated. No insoles or orthotics were
On examination, she had pain on palpation and thickening prescribed.
of the midportion Achilles tendon. She was able to per- Each patient noted significant improvement in pain
form single leg calf raise but reported pain. Ultrasound along with continued PT. Runner A reported ability to
examination revealed evidence of thickening and heter- run 32 km/wk following first treatment. She advanced
ogenous echogenicity of the midportion of her bilateral training and completed the Chicago Marathon 6 weeks
Achilles tendon with no discrete tearing or retraction after beginning treatment. Runner B reported ability to
with dynamic plantar flexion. Color Doppler did not run 12-15 km per training session while receiving treat-
reveal abnormal signal overlying the Achilles tendon. ment. Four months following initial treatment, she fin-
Runner B was a 25-year-old female ultramarathon run- ished second in the women’s race over 100 km with
ner who presented with a 3-month history of atraumatic 23 000 ft of elevation. Neither runner experienced wors-
right proximal hamstring tendinopathy (PHT). Initially, ening symptoms during the race. Runner A and Runner B
she could run 64-80 km/wk. However, she subsequently are both back to full training without pain at 16 and
developed pain while sitting and bending forward to touch 10 months from time of initial treatment, respectively.

© 2019 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
2 Shockwave for runners with tendon disease

is not routinely reimbursed by insurance companies; both

patients incurred out-of-pocket costs for treatment. The
individual patient goals and prior treatments were con-
sidered in decision-making. Both patients expressed high
satisfaction with their treatment outcome.
These cases highlight the potential use of R-SWT for
athletes who desire to remain active in sport during treat-
ment. Larger studies may help to determine optimal
treatment protocols and which athletes and conditions
respond best.


We are grateful to both patients who provided consent

to publish this case report.
Julia M. Reilly, MD and Adam S. Tenforde, MD

Figure 1. Example of Extracorporeal shockwave therapy applied to the References

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J.M.R. and A.S.T. Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Charlestown, MA. Address Funding: No funding was received to support this research.
correspondence to: A.S.T.; e-mail:
Disclosure: none. Submitted for publication February 10, 2019; accepted April 19, 2019.

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