Prova 6 - 7

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Book 6-8


PROVA TEÓRICA: _________

FREQUÊNCIA: ___________


A. Complete with verb to be.

1. My cat _ black and white. 9. Canada _ south of the US. (not)

2. He ____ inside the house. (not) 10. A horse ______ an animal.
3. Mum and Dad away. 11. The students _______ noisy.
4. Grandma __ here. 12. _______ you his friend?
5. The Grass __ green. 13. Beans ________ purple. (not)
6. The sun __yellow. 14. They ________healthy.
7. _____ the sea blue? 15. I_________ hungry.
8. New York __a city in the US. 16. _________you from America?

B. Now answer the questions.

1. What time do you get up? __________________________________________________________________

2. What time do you go to school? _____________________________________________________________
3. What time do you have lunch? ______________________________________________________________
4. What time do you go to bed? _______________________________________________________________
5. What time do you have dinner? _____________________________________________________________

C. Write a paragraph about your plans for the future after you fish school. (25 words)

D. Reading

The Ice Hotel

I’m Vanessa, I’m 16 and I’m Canadian. I live in Quebec, the eastern province of Canada. Quebec’s weather
is often very bad and cold in winter with abundant snowfalls. I like winter weather and winter sports, in
particular skiing and snowboarding, so I like living here! I’m a very good skier and I’m in the local
snowboarding team, too. My dad works at the Ice Hotel. It’s a wonderful hotel made of snow and ice! It’s
only five minutes away from Quebec City, where I live with my family. It’s the first ice hotel in North
America and it is open only in winter from January to April. In the hotel there is a church, a theatre, a
restaurant and a bar. Everything in the hotel is made of ice: the pillars, the sculptures but also the
furniture, for example the beds, the tables and the shelves. It is very strange and so people from all over
the world come here to sleep in one of its 51 rooms. In the hotel guests sleep in Arctic sleeping bags at a
temperature of about -8°! Staying at The Ice Hotel is really expensive: a room for a night costs about $ 300.
The Ice Hotel is also open to visitors from 10 am to midnight and there are guided tours. My dad works in
the big hall of the hotel, he is a receptionist there: he welcomes and helps visitors and answers the phone
at the reception of the hotel. Every morning he gets up at half past six, he has a big breakfast and then he
drives to the hotel. He has lunch at the hotel, in the kitchen. He usually comes home at eight o’clock in the
evening. He never sleeps at the hotel but he sometimes works on Sunday afternoons.

1. Are the sentences True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG)?

a) Vanessa likes living in Canada. T F NG

b) Vanessa is a good ice-skater. T F NG
c) Her dad works in an ordinary hotel. T F NG
d) Vanessa lives in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. T F NG
e) The Ice Hotel is the third ice hotel in North T F NG
f) The Ice Hotel has got more than 40 rooms. T F NG
g) The Ice Hotel guided tours are expensive. T F NG
h) Vanessa’s dad is the manager of the hotel. T F NG

2. Choose the correct option.

1. Winters in Canada are usually 3. Staying for a night in a room at The Ice
a) very cold. Hotel is
b) rainy and cool. a) quite cheap.
c) mild. b) not very expensive.
d) warm and windy. c) really cheap.
d) really expensive.
2. Everything in The Ice Hotel is made of
a) concrete and stones. 4. You can go on a guided tour of the
b) bricks and wood. hotel
c) ice and compact snow. a) before 10 o’clock in the morning.
d) iron and plastic. b) from ten in the morning.
c) after midnight.
d) at 9 am.
E. Answer these questions.

1. How old is Vanessa? ______________________________________________________________________

2. What’s her nationality? ____________________________________________________________________
3. Where does she live? _____________________________________________________________________
4. What’s her dad’s job? _____________________________________________________________________
5. When is The Ice Hotel open? ________________________________________________________________
6. What time does Vanessa’s dad get up? _______________________________________________________
7. Where does he have lunch? ________________________________________________________________

F. Do you prefer winter or summer? And What do you usually do? (25 words)


G. Complete using present continuous

1. I am watching TV and my brother ___ a book. 5. Are you studying now? Yes, I ___
a) reading a) do
b) is reading b) am
c) reads c) are

2. Thomas and Patrick ___ outside in the yard 6. ___ are you doing? I’m taking a test.
now. a) What
a) are playing b) Where
b) is playing c) When
c) plays
7. I can’t talk to you right now, because I ___.
3. ___ doing? I am washing dishes. a) am study
a) What are you b) are studying
b) What you c) am studying
c) What do you
8. He usually goes for a walk at this time, but he
4. They ___ eating their dinner right now ___ for a walk now.
because their food is too hot. a) doesn’t go
a) not b) not go
b) don’t c) isn’t going
c) aren’t
9. It’s very noisy upstairs? What ___? 11. ___ right now? Yes, he is.
a) are they doing a) He sleeps
b) they doing b) Is he sleeping
c) do they do c) He sleeping

10. Are they working now? No, they ___. 12. Why are we waiting? Who ___ for?
a) aren’t a) we are waiting
b) don’t b) are we waiting
c) isn’t c) we wait

H. Answer the following questions about your personal information.

a) What 's your name? ___________________________________________________________________

b) How old are you? _____________________________________________________________________
c) What do you like? _____________________________________________________________________
d) When is your birthday? _________________________________________________________________
e) Where do you live? ____________________________________________________________________
f) Where do you study? __________________________________________________________________
g) How many people are there in your family? ________________________________________________
h) What color do you like? ________________________________________________________________
i) What color do you hate? _______________________________________________________________
j) What fruit do you love? ________________________________________________________________
k) How often do you eat bread? ____________________________________________________________
l) How often do you eat soup? ____________________________________________________________
m) What animal do you like? _______________________________________________________________
n) What animal are you afraid of? __________________________________________________________
o) What kind of music do you like? __________________________________________________________
p) What movie do you enjoy watching? ______________________________________________________
q) What sport do you like to practice? _______________________________________________________
r) What sport do you dislike? ______________________________________________________________
s) What do you do in your free time? _______________________________________________________

I. What is your dream job? Why? (20 words)


J. Complete the information about yourself.

Good morning teacher and classmates. My name’s _________________.

I’m _________ years old. I have __________ eyes, __________________
Hair. I’m ______________ than my _____________. I believe that I'm a _____________________ person.
I am from ____________________, At the moment I live in_____________. I study at ______________.
There are______________ people in my family. My _____________________________________________ and
me. Now I would like to talk about my likes and dislikes. I like _____________________________________, but
I don’t like __________________________________________________________ I love___________________
____________________________ but can’t stand _______________________________________. I always eat
(food) _____________________________, but I never eat _________________________. I also like
(animal)________________________ and I’m afraid of ______________________________. I like listening
to (music/song) _______________________________________ I enjoy watching (movie)__________________
___________________ I’m interested in (sport) __________________________________, but I’m bored with
In my free time, I___________________________________________________________________________ In
the future, my dream job is __________________________ because___________________________________
________________________________________ . That’s all for now. Thank you for listening and I hope to learn
more English.

K. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. Choose the right option.

My bedroom

Hello! My name is Karen and this is my bedroom. I share it with my brother, Peter. In this picture, we are
on the floor. I’m reading a book. I like reading. My brother is drawing. He loves drawing. My bedroom is
big. The walls are painted in yellow and the floor is green. There are two beds, a desk and two shelves. The
desk is between the two beds, it’s behind us. There is a computer and a camera on the desk. My brother’s
bag is next to his bed. There is a ball on his bed. My notebook is on my bed. My brother’s tricycle is in front
of my bed. The bin is between my brother’s bed and the desk. Do you like my bedroom?

a) Where are Karen and her brother? ________________________________________________

b) What’s she doing? _____________________________________________________________
c) Is her brother drawing? _________________________________________________________
d) What color are the walls? ______________________________________________________
e) How many shelves are there? ____________________________________________________
f) Where are the computer and the camera? __________________________________________
g) Where’s Peter’s bag? ___________________________________________________________
h) Where’s Karen’s notebook? ______________________________________________________
i) Where is the tricycle? ___________________________________________________________
j) Where is the bin? ______________________________________________________________
L. Fill in the gaps with: some, any, no.

a) I can’t see it .........thing.

b) Does want a drink?
c) Do you have .......... where to stay for the night?
d) This year we’re going .......... where else for our holidays.
e) I went to the bar but there was there.
f) There's .............. thing in my eye.
g) I have no job and ............. where to live.
h) We had ........... thing to eat for three days. We were very hungry.
i) There's ..........thing in this box. It’s empty.
j) Has phoned about the car?
k) If you can’t make it Friday, we can invite else.
l) Did you do ............. thing interesting?
m) I can’t find my passport ..........where.
n) There must be .............where to eat cheaply in this town.
o) My wallet must be around here .............where

M. Complete with comparative, superlative.

a) Tall

I’m __________________.
I’m ________________________ you.
I’m _________________________ in my class.

b) Large

Asia is _______________.
Asia is _________________________ Africa.
Asia is _____________________________continent.

c) Hot

Venus is __________.
Venus is ________________________________Jupiter.
Venus is ______________________________________planet.

d) Easy

Walking is ________________________.
Walking is ________________________________ running.
Walking is __________________________________________.

e) good

Dogs are _________________________ pets.

Dogs are _______________________________ cats.
Dogs are ___________________________________pets you can have.

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