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JSMU Batch 2016


1.egg on side of heart : transposition of great vessels

2.fluid filled rash on face and mouth : chicken pox, Measles

(MACULOPAPULAR), kawasaki, rubella

3.membrane of diphtheria most commonly present on : tonsils, palate (A/c to

Pervaiz Akbar and kundi : tonsils, pharynx or larynx)

4.DPT which cause most reactive side effects : pertussis, diphtheria,

tetanus, all 3 combined cause it

5.barking cough : acute laryngotracheobronchitis(croup)

6.thumb sign on x ray : epiglottitis

7- polycythemia hematocrit: >65%

8- IQ 50-70: mild mental retardation, moderate, severe

9-g6pd Inheritance x recessive, xd, ad, ar

10-coarctation of aorta does not have : notch ribs ,ejection systolic murmur at
scapula, plateau pulse, radio femoral delay.

11-hypoxemic encephalopathy grading have miosis :2 grade

12-koch phenomenon in which vaccine-BCG

13- BCG contraindicated in : Hiv patients, active TB

14-pertussis contraindicated: family hx of seizure disorder, serious illness,

child with previous encephalopathy after vaccine of not known cause

15- rabies : transmitted quicker by bite of rabid animal on face or hand,

spread by fomites, remains active in environment for a long time
16- varicella vaccine: can be given with MMR, single dose,im route

17 - which vaccine is included in epi for meningitis: Hib and Pneumococcal,

opv & IPV

18-cholera diarrhoea mechanism: secretory,osmotic ,invasion

19-delay cord clamping for prevention : hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia,sepsis ,


20-jaundice, mother A-ve child AB+ve, coombs strongly positive? Rh

incompatibility, ABO incompatibility

21-Congenital nephrotic syndrome present most commonly at: 3 months,


22- one parent carrier of CF, calculate risk in each pregnancy: 1:1, 1:2, 1:4,
1:3 (the q was incomplete bec they did not mention if the other parent was
normal or a carrier or had the disease)

23- which is not a glycogen storage disease: methylmalonic acidemia,

pompes,forbes, von gierke

24- best Investigation for HIV detection in newborn: HIV PCR, viral load, viral
load+ antiHIV antibodies, anti HiV abs

25- Penicillin in uncomplicated pneumococcal meningitis given for how long:

5-7 days, 7-10 days, 10-14 days(kundi)

26- ABO incompatibility cells? Spherocytes,


27- Sudden episode of breathlessness and cough in 2 year old child SaO 90%
next best inv: abg, chest x ray, crp, cbc

28- child with status asthmaticus in 2ER, which route of bronchodilator in

emergency? Oral, IV, nebulizer(correct), inhaler
29- 1 yr old child fever spiked and went away in 72 hrs, Morbilliform pink rash
found on trunk, which disease: roseola infantum ,measles,

30- Erythema Nodosum? 30-50%unknown cause in children, asymmetrical,


31-which of the following is least likely given in the treatment of diarrhoea in

children:Antibiotics, probiotic (it's not recommended usually, hence least
likely given.), zinc, ORS

32- stranger anxiety starts in:9-11months,6-8 months, 3-5 months

33-when a child can't walk- when to refer to paediatrician: 18 months(kundi) ,

15 months(comprehensive) , 12months

34- child presents with jaundice on 3rd day, Mother with AB positive(no
antibody) blood group and child with O -ve blood group: physiological
jaundice, abo incompatibility

35- child with rash over body, some are fluid filled and some are crusted -
chicken pox

38-Newborn, heartbeat 100 bpm stimulation, respiratory

distress,management: CPR, ⁹⁹⁹ppositive pressure ventilation by bag and
mask, oxygen, adrenaline

39- child with gum hyperplasia, bleeding and rosary costochondral junction -
Vit C deficiency scurvy

40- child had h/o jaundice, seizures and exchange transfusion as a neonate,
now is 2 yrs old cant sit stand walk, hasnt spoken, all 4 limbs spastic:
kernicterus cerebral palsy

41-Philadelphia chromosome poor prognosis in? - ALL, burkitt, hodgkins,


42-whole cystic fibrosis case with repeated resp infections: sweat chloride
44- not a feature of Increased intracranial pressure? seventh Nerve palsy ,
systemic HTN, bradycardia, pupillary dilatation

45- Post auricular + ant cervical+ occipital lymphadenopathy, fever and rash
on 3rd day, red eyes: german measles, kawasaki, measles, chickenpox

46- h/o Sle, best initial test to see kidney involvement? Biopsy, creatinine,
kidney u/s,urine dr

47- newborn forcep delivery has jaundice, 2 siblings died in the past as
neonates? Kernicterus, hypoglycemia, inborn errors of metabolism, sepsis

48- Juv idiopathic arth which pattern of nephrotic synd- Mcd, Fsgs,
amyloidosis, membranous

49- Child foc 47 wt 10.5kg, length 75cm What age? 10 mo, 1y,2y,3y

50- Ileum resection what anaemia now - b12, iron,

51- Newborn with bulging fontanelles, dilated scalp veins,increased head

size? Hydrocephalus , rickets

52-how long does it take for complement level to go back to normal in PSGN -
6 weeks, 8 wk, 1 wk, 4wks

54- 5 yr boy pure vegetarian, hb 8,anaemia? Megaloblastic, gpd, HS, sicklei

55- red urine after antibiotics - G6PD deficiency

56- periodic breathing is of significance in - preterm child, term child, post

term, lga

58- A child with ecchymotic swelling on the scalp crossing midline? Caput
Succedaneum,Cephalohematoma, epidural haemorrhage, subgaleal

60-RDS seen in- prematurity

61- Non bacterial cause of bloody diarrhoea? Giardiasis, amoebiasis, rota

62-Most common extrapulmonary manifestation of tb:lymph nodes, spine,
meninges, abdominal.

63-Child undergoing minimal change treatment had got oliguria, hematuria

and flank pain and palpable kidney suddenly, which complication of treatment
is this? Lupus,hus,hsp, renal vein thrombosis

64- AFP raised in? hepatoblastoma, neuroblastoma,wilms,

65-child born with skin shiny like a plastic bag, which skin condition?
Ichthyosis vulgaris, ichthyosis follicularis, x linked ichthyosis, ichthyosis

66-Child with history of recurrent sore throat, now presents with murmur grade
3/6, systolic murmur: mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, tricuspid

67-child w anemia, mallory prominence, hepatosplenomegaly (thalassemia)

which pattern: microcytic hypochromic anaemia with increased retic
count, micro hypo w dec retic count

68-child with fever of unknown origin, urine dr shows, ph 5.5, no proteins,

glucose, nitrites. RBCs are 10-14/hpf, wbc 1-4/hpf, diagnosis? microscopic
hematuria, urinary alkalosis, pyuria

69-2 year old child with diarrhoea, presents with dehydration, sunken eyes,
eager to drink, skin pinch goes back very slowly, treatment? 75ml/kg water in
4 byhrs, 100ml/kg in 4 hrs, 150ml/kg in 6 hrs, give 100 ml ors after passing
stool every time

70- child with a complaint of oliguria and burning micturition,bladder palpable,

best investigation for accurate diagnosis? Urine C/s, urine d/r (its uti wont d/r
diagnose it and then cs will tell organism?)

71- Uncircumcised boy with 2 day urine retention with palpable bladder and
dehydration,emergency management:Foley's, peritoneal dialysis, antibiotic,
IV ringers
72- VSD heart in finding on chest x ray: cardiomegaly, clear lung fields, boot
shaped heart

73- neonatal sle: Heart Block is permanent( Kundi), maternal igm cross
placenta and cause, non cardiac symptoms permanent,

74- petechial rash on arms and legs, low plts- itp

Henoch-Schonlein purpura, HUS, Kawasaki

75- rbs 120 mg/,dl in a child, urine osmolality -50 - diabetic insipidus, dm,
bronze diabetes, monogenic diabetes

76- kayser fleischer ring in eye in a child, what will be urine findings: inc urine
copper,inc albumin

77- child has recurrent episodes where he cries, becomes cyanosed and
loses consciousness also has occasional seizures later, diagnosis:
vasovagal syncope, epilepsy, cyanotic heart disease, Breath Holding Spell
(breath-holding spells: In this type of breath-holding spell, often triggered by a
sudden pain or fright, the child turns a pale, greyish colour, becomes sweaty or
clammy, and loses consciousness. The heart rate slows, and the child's limbs
sometimes twitch and the child may urinate on themselves Often, a breath-holding
attack starts with crying in reaction to pain, fear, or anger)

78-obesity in child - 97th percentile (wrong question), 90th, 50th

79- red eyes, sore throat, rash- measles

80- Child with iron deficiency anaemia and hookworm, what to do to prevent
worms in the future?- deworm, maintain hygiene, don't walk barefoot

81-child with itch on axillary region mother also has had itch worse at night
that before : scabies

82-laryngotracheobronchitis organism- parainfluenza virus B

83-mother had urti, later child developed respiratory distress and wheezes
and runny nose rhonchi no infiltrates on x ray treatment - oxygen and
hydration, antibiotics, bronchodilator

84-correct about vsd: membranous type is common

85-correct regarding coarctation of aorta: can be anywhere from transverse
aorta to bifurcation of iliac arteries, is twice as common in es females than
males, 25% below origin of subclavian

87-hepatosplenomegaly, lymphadenopathy with anaemia : leukaemia,

aplastic anaemia

88- child is 2 yrs and presents w swelling in neck moving with deglutition,
which inv? Thyroid scan, serum iodine plus tsh, tsh ft3 ft4

89- child w umbilical hernia and other hypothyroid symtoms, inv?- ft3+ tsh,
ft4+ tsh

90- red reflex absent- retinoblastoma

91- child with recurrent leg pain worse on running, with limp in walk: slip
upper femoral epiphysis, transient synovitis, osteomyelitis

92- child with nephrotic synd of kidney but steroid resistance, what pattern will
be in kidney: fsgs

93- best for Iron deficiency anaemia assessment? TIBC and serum ferritin,
serum iron, serum ferritin

94–Hyperpigmentation all over the body: cafe au lait spots

95.impending pattern of respiratory failure and apnea: tachypnea and deep

breathing, Bradypnea and irregular breathing

97-hilly area swelling in neck, most likely cause: endemic goitre

98.unvaccinated child lower lobe consolidation which cause of pneumonia ?

Strep pneumo, ecoli, group b strep

99. Child taking salbutamol 3 times a day now having nocturnal symptoms
and salbutamol more than 3 times, still her symptoms are not controlled, what
to do next: systemic steroids, leukotriene inhibitors,
100. Hb dec with mchc inc: hereditary spherocytosis

Child w hypothyroid symptoms, no uptake on scan, tx? Thyroxine

Good prognostic factor in leukemia? Age >1y, age >10y, wbcs >6k, age bw

Irritable child rash on arms and legs which deficiency - niacin, vit c, iron, vit d

Dark coloured scanty urine, htn, edema, tender hepatomegaly, gallop rhythm,
resp distress. -psgn -hus -nephrotic (looks like RHF sec to kidney failure,
maybe RPGN due to ASGN)


1. Turner syndrome- widely spaced nipples

2. G6pd -X linked recessive
3. G6PD - post primaquine
4. Perinatal period- 20th week to 7 days
5. Sit without support 6 months
6. Tet spells- no murmur
7. Meningococcal meningitis- prevention give rifampin
8. Robersonian translocation of 21 means 100% risk of Down
9. Give both HBIG and VACCINE ASAP if
10. DKA: Initial management = normal saline 0.9
11.MCC cong. hypothyroidism dysgenesis.
12. 1st line Rx of MCD is oral prednisolone 60mg/m²
13. Efficacy of 9 month measles vaccine dose is >85%
14. Random glucose of greater than 200 mgl/dl for diabetes
15. Thumb sign : epiglotitis
16. Koch’s phenomenon= BCG
17. Post term after 42 weeks.
18. Rubella case.
21 Enteric fever , case was classic fever ,coated tongue ,
hepatosplenomegaly and lymphaedenpathy
22Thalasemia- hypochromic microcytic with increased reticulocyte count
23RDS incidence in preterm of less than 28 wks: 60-80%?
24.Galactosemia does not cause congestive heart failure.
25- Hypocholermic hyperkalemic metabolic alkalosis in cystic fibrosis.
27.Vitamin c
28:neonatal seizures phenobarbital 2 questions.
29: impaired speech: Dyslexia
30: under 5 year mortality rate 65.
31: Pale stool dark urine Biliary atresia
32.Scabies - itching between fingers and family had same complain
34. Secondary assessment mai: Focused history and examination
35. Habitual cough: which disappear in night and refractory to treatment
36: neonatal sle case: it results from the passive transfer of , maternal IgG
autoantibodies to the fetus, heart block is permanent?
37: 1.4 kg born at 32 wks, wt is? very low birth weight, or low
38: egg heart : TGA
39:HIB for meningitis.
40. Presence of Philadelphia chromosome is poor prognosis in: ALuL
41: Child was irritable and had rash on arms and legs, deficiency of
niacin(web md)
42:systolic murmur at left sternal border, sweating with eating: tof.
43.fixed wide splitting of S2 Atrial septal defect.
44.polymucosacchride investigation; lysosomal enzyme
45.chickpox scenerio pustules,crusts etc.
46. Bone marrow biopsy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
47. Major symptom of rehmu8⁸tic fever: Erythema marginatum
48. Physiological jaundice bilirubin level upto 12.9mg/dl.
49. One scenerio on physiological jaundice. that a baby after 3 days
develops yellow discolouration
50Yellow discolouration first inv Bilirubin
51. Lumber puncture site in 10 year (Book says Blw L3 and L5 but option nahi
tha )
52.PSGN: Best test is increased ASO titer
53. Minimal change disease Type of congenital nephrotic syndrome which
responds well to steroids
54. Vitamin b12 - Vitamin deficiency seen in patients post ileal resection
55. Scurvy
57. Milksmaid grasp: Sydenham chorea
58.encephalitis, mri showed temp involved: hsv, japanese encephalitis,
/59. Hodgkin lymphoma- reeop\d Sternberg cell
60. Neuroblastoma (hypertension and adrenal calcification)
61. CMV??? What question
62. Seizure, lymphocytes, neutrophils- Meningitis
64. Mumps- parotid swelling
65- Mumps- does not have EPI coverage
66.scrotal edema and eye puffiness every morning? Nephrotic,. Barter
syndrome, poliomyelitis
67.between child and adulthood: adolescence
68.hypothyroidsim case;
69: Bloody diarrhoea- HUS
70- hashimoto thyroditis: 10 yr old girl firm non tender swelling, constipation,
cold intolerance, not gaining weight urine after taking cyclophosphamide…hemorrhagic cystis
72.hypoglycemis at night hyperglycemia in morning - somogoyi phenomenon.
73.Gbs, ( hx of loose stool now can't get up early in morning + symmetrical
ascending lower limb weakness.
71: Influenza treatment: Oral oseltamivir
72: Plasmodium Vivax treatment: primaquine+ arthemether+ lume..
73. Thyroxine tsh >100
74. GBS case. Ans: Lumbar puncture of the csf, nerve conduction studies
74. Mass on the lower back from birth which is fluctuant and covered with
skin. No defects. (lipoma, dermoid tumor, mylocele and meningocele)confirm, i
think meningocele hai, even google says so.
75 coarctation of aorta
76 acute laryngotracheobronchitis
77 celeic disese
78 asthma
79 hyperpigmentation all over the body? Cafe lu spots.
80 honey colour crust on lips and chin? Complications? Acute
81. ALL with best prognosis: mature B-cell? Pre B cell, calla -ve, t-cell
82- fetal well being pre natal u/s showed hydronephrosis and distended
bladder with oligohydramnios now after birth which test? Fetal kub u/s

83: chest indrawing+ cant drink milk. severe disease.

84. F-75? 75 cal in 100ml
85. Which bone fractures more commonly during delivery and labour? Clavicle
(Femur, scapula, clavicle,humerus)
86. Child had nephritic picture and resp distress too? Rapidly progressive
gmn? Lupus nephritis?
87. Skin pigmentation (streptoccocal infection; lab findings (inc ASO, dec
88. Post auricular + ant cervical lymphadenopathy, fever and rash on 3rd day:
german measles
89. Child has chronic ear inf : ct scan, mri
90.Neuroblastoma scenerio, a child with raccon eyes and adrenal mass
something like that.
91. ABO Incompatibility , Baby was O positive and Mom was AB positive(no
it was physiological jaundice mother was Ab positive)

92 . inheritance of Thalasemia is : X linked Recessive ( i don't remember this

in our shift)
93. Was chr giardiasis an option: child had diarhea and wasn't thriving
well ig.
94. A question w racemic epinephrine and humidified oxygen as options: child
had 100 temp, gradual onset, chest indrawing, some trouble while eating
maybe, best initial treatment? (not sure of the exact case)
95. A child w no issue of bt, pt or aptt, but still had some bleeding issue and
was newly born shayad: f13 def or vit K?
96. Best source of vit k in newborns - Inj vit k
97. Lumber puncture site in child - L3-4, L5-s1?
98. Child w morning peri orbital edema daily w scrotal swelling: nephrotic
98. Growing pains related ques
Common in age grp 1-2 yrs? Aching type? Defective gait? Another option was
Something like pain related to growing part of the bone
99. Risk increases with rota virus vaccine? INTUSSUSCEPTION


1. we got a research module question wth??? question was about

professor doing research, and he divided people in 2 groups according
to gender, then he picked people rom those groups. What type of
sampling? Cluster - systematic - random - startified question from
research module :)
2. mother gives birth to twins, one boy and one girl. auntie of the mother
takes the girl and keeps her to herself, and she gives baby boy to her
sister. Twins most likely? Monozygotic - dizygotic - conjoined twins
and one more option (wtf was this question??)
3. Alot of renal cases and GIT Cases and anaemia.
4. investigation for post urethral valve - voiding cystourethrogram
5. Teeth eruption. Which are the initial teeth to erupt. Mandibular central
incisors, maxillary incisors - maxillary central incisions
6. Mother brings anemic child who has been on exclusive cow milk since
birth what levels will you check to confirm? serum ferritin (cow milk is
a poor source for iron) levels,accor to p I’m erveis Akbar folate
deficiency mostly commonly occur with cow milk folate, or mcv b 110
tha km evels, serum vitamin b12 levels,
7. Galactosemia - x linked recessive, autosomal recessive inheritance ,
autosomal dominant inheritance, x linked dominant.
8. Whats the average weight of a 1 year old child- 13kg,12kg,11kg,10kg
9. Child came to clinic heights 10.5kg, length 75cm, FOC (forgot) how old
is child?- 1 year, 3 years, 2 years, 8 months old

10. Child with hookworm disease and anaemia. What will you tell
parents for future protection against hookworm disease for the Child ?
deworm+ iron supplements
11.most likely cause of left to right shunt seen in? VSD
12. 1 year old Child bought clinic, what is expected correct sequence of
vaccination according to epi? BCG, OPV 3, ROTA 2, Pnemococcal 3
,pentavalent 3 ,measles 1 - BCG, opv2, ROTA 2, pemococcal 2,
penta2, MEASLES 2 - BCG, opv1,ROTA 1, Pnemococcal 1, penta 1 -
13. question about a child with raised catecholamines in urine
something, abdominal mass- neuroblastoma, nephroblastoma
14. barking cough case, diagnosis? : Croup (acute
15. question about ALL with best prognosis ?? Mature-B cell, , t cell,
call-a negative
16. Bilateral parotid gland swelling on face .. MUMPS
17. Necrotic syndrome tx steroids
18. FOC 47, weight 10 , height 75 .. on which age ? ( 1 year , 2 year,
and etc .)
19. IQ 50-70: mild mental retardation, moderate, severe
20. laryngotracheobrochitis causative organism- para influenza virus.
21. 2 cases on colic initial investigation x-ray kub
22. rbs 120 mg/,dl in a child, urine osmolality -50 - diabetic insipidus,
dm, bronze diabetes, monogenic diabetes
23. MCC cong. hypothyroidism thyroid dysgenesis.
24. IVH grading? 4 - 3-2-1
25. Apgar score includes which of the following? Heart rate (Heart rate n
pulse rate are same so that's why) - BP - head circumference - arm
26. Fluiid filled rash vesicles thy characteristic of measles (google)
27. 7 day child presents with Inspiratory stridor, Lyrangomalacia
28. Long Case :weak lower limb pulses upper limb bp was 100 and
lower limb systolic bp was 80? Critical coarctation, ASD, VSD
29. Name of most common causes tb in human? (Myobacterium
31 child have tb . He got tb from ? ( Child of neighborhood with tb , (adult
with tb at home✓) , child with tb at home, Adult with AIDs at home
32 2ER, which route of bronchodilator in emergency? Oral, IV,
nebulizer(correct), inhaler
33. which is not a glycogen storage disease: methylmalonic acidemia,
34 polycythemia hematocrit: 65%
35 mycoplasm treatment ( erythromycin )
35 water loss in diarrehea ( 10ml/kg/h in infants and 200g/kg/h in older
36 Pancreatic insufficiency? cystic fibrosis (correct).
37 Dont eat meat ( vitamin b12 defiency )
38 ileum cut due to perforation and ulcer, which dificency most likely to occur
in child? vitamin b12 dificency - Vitamin B6- zinc - iron.
39. fresh red blood, rectal polyp, spotting fresh blood in stool, child anemic.
Likely diagnosis? Thalassemia major - Iron deficiency anaemia -
megalosblastic anaemia - one more option
40. vaccine at birth ( Hep b )
41. Child microcytic hypochromic, blood smear shows 85% Hba hbf
2‰,5HbA2. Cause? Alpha trait, beta thalesemia trait, iron deficiency
42. Child has fresh blood per rectum, dropping of blood after pooping,
diagnosis? Rectal polyp, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis
43.empyema thoracic 2 bcqs49
44. skip lesions seen in? Crohns disease - ulcerative colitis -
45. 2 cases on mitral regurgitation: murmur which radiates to back
46. Hyperpigmentation of skin and buccal mucosa hyponatremia and
hyperkalemia - Addison Disease
46 test for renal scarring DMSA
48. Mother comes to clinic with 5 day preterm birth baby is 2.1 kg
what will u give( q was abt vaccination)bcg and 6month exc BF
49. Definition of anaemia
50.use of dexamethasone in meningitis caused by Hib
51. Cardiomegaly is a cardinal feature of pompey disease, Mc Ardle,
Anderson disease
52. Brain abscess case, hypodense ring enhancing lesion treatment:
53. Contraindication of indomethacin: Pt <50,000, Hb <10, Leukocyte <7000
54. Viral infection- leukocytosis+ lymphocytosis
55. What is true regarding Fifth disease- also called slapped cheek
syndrome, caused by parvovirus
56. When will you investigate for height of child? 0 SD, -1 SD, -2sd, -3SD
57. Organism causes empyema thoracic staph aureus
59 case of scabies in
60 Afp raise in hepatoblastoma
61 Murmur radiat to axilla MR
62 case of grave disease
63 Cerebral palsy case -scissoring posture
64 sickle cell anaemia
65 port wine laser treatment
66 febrile seizure present on day 1
67 face rashes with pain in joint investigation ANA
68 5 year old child with anaemia trear according to imnci
69 Fluid therapy plan C two year child 100ml/kg in 6hr
70 5 mobty with 52rt with chest indrwaing cough classify acc to imci
71 child with severe headache lethargy other symptoms dnt remeber
progressed since 1 month now has hyper reflexia and flexed position what will
u do < dnt know the correct ans but marked admit nd do admishion and
71 erythema marginatum
72 child with asthma not on medication has daily night time and day time
symptoms options were— severe persist asthma , moderate persist.
73 sit without suport – 8months
74 vesicles filled fluid on mouth gums and lips they spread to buttocks thighs -
chicken pox, hsv,
75 joint pain with face rash – ANA
75 pernatal period 28 week gestation to 7 days after birth ( pervez akbar 10 th
edition )in pak we count from 20*? so we just disregard what book says ?, 20
weeks gestation till 7th day (this is correct according to ppa),
76 pavement like rash persistent diarrhoea — vitamin b3 called niacin
77mitral murumur is pansystolic
78 vitamin A case
79 organizational fistula in epyema thorax
80mature pencil grip- 2years, 6-9months, 12 months,
81 after cseaction heart rate low do bag and mask
82 endo intubation indication is when child fail to reduce pco2 (confirmed? in
shock we maintain IV line first and give fluids depend on the type mostly
83 what factor leads to TB in child AIDs in child(imunodeficient state)
84. Girl with nephrotic syndrome, has taken Prednisone for 6 weeks. Still has
nephrotic syndrome, next step?
cont.oral prednislone, renal biopsy, switch for cyclosporine? , stop medication
85 murmur without thrill is noosed poor feed systolic ejection murnur TOF
87 after birth neonate cynosed TGA
88 red colour urine and features if PSGN
89 birth asphyxia precipitated by - meconium stained fluid, clear amniotic
fluid, normal maternal bp, weight 3.2kg
90)mucous diarrhoea and perianal erythma. Stool culture negative, no ova,
parasites or anything on stool DR. On microscopy rbc and wbc present. Child
was on formula milk and BF? rotavirus or cow milk allergy? Ameba Dysentry?
91 aplastic anaemia case
92 hemolytic anaemia mechanism mechanical breakdown
93 murmur without thrill grading 3
94 child presenting with fever, murmur, infection symptoms. What to do next.
Cbc, Echo,blood culture,prophylactic broad spectrum antibiotics
95 cole classification and edema related question
96 child had infection then presentation with symmetrical weakness of lower
limb, absent ankle reflexes, well oriented and other features - GBS, transverse
97 case of peritonitis

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