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PHẦN I. Thì hiện tại đơn và hiện tại tiếp diễn 8. The child seldom ____________ (cry) .

Task 1. Put the verbs into the correct tense 9. I ____________ (not/ do) anything at the moment.
1. Where's John? He ____________ (listen) to a new CD in his room. 10. ____________ (watch/ he) the news regularly?
2. Don't forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it Task 3. Rewrite sentences using words given
always ____________ (rain) in England. 1. He/ often/ have/ breakfast/ late.
3. Jean ____________ (work) hard all day but she ____________ (not _________________________________________________________.
work) at the moment.
2. You/ do/ the housework/ at the moment?
4. Look! That boy ____________ (run) after the bus. He____________
(want) to catch it. _________________________________________________________?

5. He ____________ (speak) German so well because he ____________ 3. I/ not/ go/ to school/ on weekends.
(come) from Germany. _________________________________________________________.
6. Shh! The boss ____________ (come). We ____________ (meet) him in 4. John's girlfriend/ wear/ a red T-shirt/ now.
an hour and nothing is ready!
7. ________ you usually _________ (go) away for Christmas or _________
5. They/ like/ beer or wine?
you _________ (stay) at home?
8. She ____________ (hold) some roses. They____________ (smell) lovely.
6. What/ he/ usually/ do/ at night?
9. Oh no! Look! It ____________ (snow) again. It always____________
(snow) in this country. _________________________________________________________?
10. Mary ____________ (swim) very well, but she ____________ (not run) 7. The teacher/ never/ lose/ his temper.
very fast. _________________________________________________________.
Task 2. Put the verbs into the correct tense 8. Why/ you/ listen/ to music/ loudly now?
1. Look! He ____________ (leave) the house. _________________________________________________________?
2. Quiet please! I ____________ (write) a test. Task 4. Choose the right answer
3. She usually ____________ (walk) to school. 1. My grandfather ______ collecting stamps.
4. But look! Today she ____________ (go) by bike. A. is loving B. are loving C. loves
5. Every Sunday we ____________ (go) to see my grandparents. 2. She ______ her friends at a bar right now.
6. He often ____________ (go) to the cinema. A. waiting B. is waiting C. waits
7. We ____________ (play) Monopoly at the moment. 3. Nguyen Nhat Anh is a writer. He ______ a short story about a dragon.
A. is writing B. writes C. are writing Task 6. Complete the paragraph
4. I never ______ home late. It (0. be) ____________ is Sunday evening and my friends and I (1. be)
____________ at Jane's birthday party. Jane (2. wear) ____________ a
A. come B. is coming C. am coming
beautiful long dress and (3. stand) ____________ next to her boyfriend. Some
5. My boss ______ high heels to work. guests (4. drink) ____________ wine or beer in the corner of the room. Some
A. doesn’t wear B. aren’t wearing C. don’t wear of her relatives (5. dance) ____________ in the middle of the room. Most
people (6. sit) ____________ on chairs, (7. enjoy) ____________ foods and
6. She usually ______ much.
(8. chat) ____________ with one another. We often (9. go) ____________ to
A. doesn’t talk B. don’t talk C. isn’t talking our friends' birthday parties. We always (10. dress) ____________ well and
7. This spaghetti ______ awful. (11. travel) ____________ by taxi. Parties never (12. make) ____________
us bored because we like them.
A. tastes B. is tasting C. taste
Task 7. Put the verbs into the correct tense
8. I ______ he is a good man.
1. A: What is Molly doing now?
A. thinks B. think C. am thinking
B: She ________________ (wash) dishes in the kitchen.
9. As the ceremony ______ at 7∶30 a.m, we have to be there early.
2. ________________ (Molly / decorate) her sister’s birthday cake right
A. is starting B. start C. starts now?
10. Kate ______ a cup of coffee every morning. 3. My mother usually ________________ (wash) the dishes after meals.
A. is drinking B. drinks C. drink 4. ________________ (your young sister/ wear) a T-shirt and a flower skirt?
Task 5. Put the verbs into the correct tense 5. He rarely________________ (play) chess with his friends.
1. A: Where is Molly? B: She __________________ (feed) her cat 6. My daughter________________ (learn) English in an extra-class this
downstairs. evening.
2. __________________ (she/ need) to go and see a doctor? 7. We ________________ (move) to the USA and visiting our grandfather in
3. She usually _______________ (wash) the dishes after dinner. November.
4. __________________ (your sister/ wear) sunglasses? 8. She often ________________ (clean) her room after dinner.
5. He frequently __________________ (do) yoga. 9. My family________________ (go) on holiday to Cornwall this spring.
6. We __________________ (move) to Canada in August. 10. When ________________ (the dinner party/ start)? I’m hungry!
7. My son _______________ (not practice) the piano every day. Task 8. Put the verbs into the correct tense
8. I __________________ (not like) to take selfies. 1. He always (go) ________________ class lately.
9. Megan _________________ (go) on holiday to Cornwall this summer. 2. Sit down! A strange dog (run) ________________ to you.
10. When __________________ (the film/ start)? 3. That baby (cry) ________________ loudly in the party now.
4. Lan (travel) ________________ to London every Sunday. 3. I have done/have been doing housework all day, and I’m so tired.
5. My brothers (not/drink) ________________ tea at the moment. 4. I have read/have been reading the book, so you can borrow it.
6. We (have) ________________ a holiday in July every year. 5. How many movies have you watched/have you been watching?

7. You (play) ________________ football once a week. 6. How long have you watched/have you been watching the movie?

8. The moon (circle) ________________ around the earth. 7. Why haven’t you repaired/haven’t you been repairing the car yet?

9. You always (teach) ________________ me new things. 8. There’s so much snow on the road. Has it snowed/Has it been snowing
all night?
10. Look! Those people (climb) ________________ the mountain so fast.
9. The most amazing film I have ever watched/have ever been watching is
Harry Potter.
PHẦN II. Thì hiện tại hoàn thành và hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn
10. We have bought/have been buying a carpet.
Task 1: Fill in the blank
1. Tommy ____________ (read) a book for 2 hours, and he’s still reading Task 3: Put the verbs into the correct tense

it. A: Michelle, how long ______(you/learn) Spanish?

2. Jennie ____________ (visit) five countries recently. B: For about 3 years.

3. Jennie ____________ (travel) for 3 months, and she’s visiting Tokyo at A: What a lovely smell!
the moment. B: Thank you. My mother ______(make) a lot of cookies.
4. Peter ____________ (play) the piano to become a musician since he was A: Why is your finger bleeding?
very small. B: Oops. I ______ (already/cut) my finger.
5. Peter ____________ (win) the piano competition three times. A: ______(you/read) the book yet?
6. They ____________ (make) a lot of famous films since they graduated. B: I ______ (read) the book you recommended. I really like it, but I’m not
7. They ____________ (make) films since they graduated. finished.
8. The box is empty. Someone ____________ (eat) all candies. A: Why does she look so tired?
9. The population of China ____________ (increase) since 1990 and B: Because she ______ (run) for 3 hours.
there’s no sign of stopping. A: How much coffee ______(he/drink) this morning?
10. I ____________ (drink) more water lately, and I feel better. B: Maybe three cups of coffee.
Task 2: Choose the correct answer A: Can you go out with me this weekend?
1. David has run/has been running 2 kilometers today. B: Sorry, I cannot. My exams are in a few weeks, so I ______(study) a lot
2. David has run/has been running for 2 hours today.
A: ______ (you/buy) the train ticket yet? 5. You / promise / help / me / several times!
B: I ______(just/buy) it. _________________________________________________________.
A: ______(he/stay) there for 3 hours? 6. I / read / book / you / give / me / but / I / be / still on / chapter 3.
B: Yes. He’s still there.
A: How many times ______(you/visit) Paris?
7. She / not / visit / parents / so long / because / she / be / busy.
B: About twice.
Task 4: Write True (T) or False (F) and correct the mistakes
8. He / play / volleyball / since / he / be / so small.
1. She looks exhausted these days. She has worked too hard recently.
2. Mary has never been studying abroad before. _________________________________________________________.
3. I have been waiting three hours already! Task 6: Complete the paragraph with the given words
4. How long has he worked as a teacher?
educate study get behave realize
5. She has written a letter and has sent it to her friend.
help talk cook win promise
6. We have painted my room, and we think it looks nicer.
7. I have called Liz for hours, but she hasn’t answered. Dad: Do you know where our kids are?
8. We have been knowing Mike for ages. Mom: They____________________ (1) dinner since 4pm.
9. How many books has she ever read? Dad: They____________________ (2) us a lot since the beginning of June.
10. I have worked hard all day and I need a rest. We don’t have to do much anymore.
Mom: Yeah, I__________just __________ (3) that. I didn’t notice that
Task 5: Rewrite sentences using words given
1. She / drink / ten / glasses / wine.
Dad: I think we_________________ (4) them right.
_________________________________________________________. Mom: __________you __________ (5) to Jackson’s teacher?
2. She / eat / candies / all morning / so / she / feel / sick. Dad: Not yet. Why?
_________________________________________________________. Mom: I talked to her yesterday. He_________________ (6) hard since the
beginning of this semester.
3. We / paint / room / all day / and / it / not finish / yet.
Dad: He_________________ (7) well since then, too. He used to be a
_________________________________________________________. naughty kid.
4. He / clean / bathroom / so / everything / be / neat. Mom: Lucy__________just __________ (8) to practice harder this year. I
believe she will keep her promise.
Dad: This quarter, she_________________ (9) 2 competitions so far. And
she_________________ (10) good grades, too.
PHẦN III. Thì quá khứ đơn và quá khứ tiếp diễn 15. While the children ______________ with others my husband and I
______________ to have a cup of tea. (decide, play)
Task 1. Put the verbs into the correct tense
Task 2. Choose the correct answer
1. John ______________ off the ladder while he _______________ the
ceiling of his room. (paint, fall) 1. Alice saw/ was seeing the accident when she was catching the bus.
2. They ______________ the house in 2004. At that time it 2. What were you doing/ did you do when I called?
_______________ £ 150,000. (cost, buy) 3. I didn’t visit/ weren’t visiting my friends last summer holiday.
3. My father ______________ interested in buying a new phone. (not be) 4. It rained/ was raining heavily last July.
4. My brother ______________ for me at the airport terminal when I 5. While people were talking to each other, he read/ was reading his book.
______________. (arrive, wait)
6. My sister was eating/ ate hamburgers every weekend last month.
5. A few nights ago, I ______________ a book when suddenly I
______________ a noise outside. A few teenagers ______________ loud 7. While we were running/ ran in the park, Mary fell over.
music. (play, read, hear) 8. Did you find/ Were you finding your keys yesterday?
6. The fire still ______________ when the first firefighters 9. Who was she dancing/ did she dance with at the party last night?
______________ at the scene. (arrive, burn)
10. They were watching/ watched football on TV at 7 p.m. yesterday.
7. My sister ______________ for a job when she ______________ across
Task 3. Underline and correct the mistakes
an interesting ad in the newspaper. (look, come)
1. I was play football when she called me.
8. I ______________ someone call my name. I ______________ around
and ______________ my dad standing at the back of the queue. I ____________________________________
______________ so surprised. (see, turn, be, hear) 2. Was you study Math at 5 p.m. yesterday?
9. Vy ______________ a bright summer dress when I ______________ her ____________________________________
at the performance. (wear, see)
3. What was she do while her mother was making lunch?
10. I ______________ preparing dinner at and I ______________ still
at it when my mother ______________ home. (be, come, start) ____________________________________

11. Our housekeeper ______________ the vase. As she ______________ up 4. Where did you went last Sunday?
the pieces, she ______________ her middle finger. (break, cut, pick) ____________________________________
12. They suddenly ______________ that they ______________ in the 5. They weren’t sleep during the meeting last Monday.
wrong direction. (drive, realize)
13. She ______________ a great skier when she was young. (be)
6. He got up early and have breakfast with his family yesterday morning.
14. I ______________ Mary in town while I ______________ the
shopping. (do, meet)
7. She didn’t broke the flower vase. Tom did.
____________________________________ (cook) the dinner.
8. Last week my friend and I go to the beach on the bus. 5. George ______________ (fall) off the ladder while he ______________
(paint) the ceiling.
6. Last night, I ______________ (read) in the bed when suddenly I
9. While I am listening to music, I heard the doorbell.
______________ (hear) a scream.
7. _____________________ (you, watch) television when I phoned you?
10. Peter turn on the TV, but there was nothing interesting.
8. Ann ______________ (wait) for me when I ______________ (arrive).
9. I ______________ (not/drive) very fast when the accident
Task 4. Complete the paragraph ______________ (happen).
In my last holiday, I went to Hawaii. When I (1. go) ______________ to the 10. I ______________ (break) a plate last night. I ______________ (do) the
beach for the first time, something wonderful happened. I (2. swim) washing-up when it ______________ (slip) out of my hand.
______________ in the sea while my mother was sleeping in the sun. My
Task 6. Complete the paragraph with the given words
brother was building a sand castle and my father (3. drink) ______________
some water. Suddenly, I (4. see) ______________ a boy on the beach. His give see be cook have call meet listen appear walk discuss watch start ring go
eyes were blue like the water in the sea and his hair (5. be) ______________ enter make play wait write
beautiful black. He was very tall and thin and his face was brown. My heart 1. While I ___________ in the middle of watching TV, my friend
(6. beat) ______________ fast. I (7. ask) ______________ him for his name ___________ from out of town.
with a shy voice. He (8. tell) ______________ me that his name was John.
He (9. stay) ______________ with me the whole afternoon. In the evening, 2. The children ___________ in the garden when it ___________ to snow
we met again. We ate pizza in a restaurant. The following days we (10. heavily.
have) ______________ a lot of fun together. At the end of my holiday when 3. As I ___________ to the bus stop, I ___________ my aunt there.
I left Hawaii I said goodbye to John. We had tears in our eyes. He wrote me
4. When we ___________ dinner, the lights suddenly ___________ out.
a letter very soon and I answered him.
5. She ___________ excited in reading a famous novel while I ___________
Task 5. Put the verbs into the correct tense
dinner in the kitchen.
1. Yesterday evening Tom ______________ (have) a bath when the phone
6. While they ___________ about the project, the boss ___________ the
______________ (ring). He got out of the bath and ______________
room and ___________ some drinks to them.
(answer) the phone.
7. I ___________ to music when the phone accidentally ___________ for the
2. I ______________ (see) Tony in the park. He ______________ (sit) on
4th time that evening.
the grass and ______________ (read) a book.
8. As they ___________ a movie, their mischievous cat ___________ some
3. While I ______________ (walk) in the garden, I ______________ (hurt)
scary sounds in the kichen.
my back.
9. While I ___________ for the train, I ___________ a beautiful rainbow in
4. Tommy ______________ (burn) his hand when he ______________
the sky.
10. When I ___________ her, she ___________ an email to her teacher to new furniture.
be absent yesterday. 8. I (carry) _______________ that box for you because it looks heavy.
PHẦN IV. Thì tương lai đơn và tương lai tiếp diễn 9. My mom (cook) _______________ dinner when my dad comes home
Task 1. Put the verbs into Future Continuous tense tomorrow.
1. This time tomorrow, I (sit) _______________ on the beach and enjoying 10. I (meet) _______________ a colleague for lunch at City Plaza. Would
the sun. you like to join us?
2. At 8 p.m tonight, they (have) _______________ dinner at their favorite 11. We (learn) _______________ how to operate this machine in this training
restaurant. section.
3. By the time you arrive, we (watch) _______________ the movie. 12. When (you/come) ________________________ here this evening?
4. She (study) _______________ for her exam at this time next week. 13. By 2022, she (obtain) _______________ the TOEIC certificate.
5. They (travel) _______________ to London this time next month. 14. At this time tomorrow, I (have) _______________ dinner with my best
6. We (play) _______________ tennis at the sports club tomorrow afternoon.
15. I (call) _______________ you back after I finish my class.
7. By this time next year, he (work) _______________ for the company for a
decade. 16. (you/turn) ________________________ the volume down please? It’s too
late and I need to sleep.
8. At 10 a.m tomorrow, I (attend) _______________ a meeting with the client.
17. When he comes here tomorrow, I (do) _______________ housework with
9. Next week, Mary (celebrate) _______________ her birthday with a party.
my mom.
10. By the time they get here, we (decorate) _______________ the house
18. She (not/work) _______________ in the main office this time next week.
for the celebration.
She will visit the new branch in Tokyo.
Task 2. Put the verbs into correct tense
19. Dinner is almost ready. I (set) _______________ the table immediately.
1. This time next week, Josh (take) _______________ his final exam.
20. I (visit) _______________ my relatives in the countryside next Saturday.
2. Don’t worry! I (help) _______________ you prepare for the party.
21. In a few minutes when the clock trikes 8, I (wait) _______________ for
3. At 8 am tomorrow, Claire (have) _______________ an important meeting you here.
with a client.
22. If you call her at 6, she (probably practise) _______________ the piano.
4. It (be) _______________ wonderful when scientists find a cure for cancer.
23. If he work hard, he (pass) _______________ the entrance exam to the
5. The company (not/ launch) _______________ its new products until the university.
engineers have done the final check.
24. If you come at seven, I (work) _______________ in my garden.
6. At this time next Thursday, Sarah (travel) _______________ to New York
25. We (be) _______________ pleased if our school win the match.
on her business trip.
26. Tomorrow afternoon at this time, we (fly) _______________ to Carribean
7. Once you finish your assignment, we (go) _______________ shopping for
27. You (not forget) _______________ to lock up the house before you go a) will write b) will be writing c) write
out, will you? 9. In two months, they _______ the construction of the new building.
28. Don’t call him at 7 o’clock tonight . He (watch) _______________ his a) will complete b) will be completing c) complete
favourite television programme.
10. By next Christmas, she _______ to play the guitar.
29. I (help) _______________ her to look for it until she finds it.
a) will learn b) will be learning c) learns
30. It (probably rain) _______________ when you get back tonight.
Task 4. Write True (T) or False (F) and correct the mistakes
31. I (stay) _______________ here until he answers me.
1. By this time, they will be already at the party.
32. If you take a taxi , you (catch) _______________ the train.
2. Next week, she will have finished her project.
33. Who (look) _______________ after the children when you are away?
3. By the end of the month, he will have painted the entire house.
34. The teacher hopes we (pass) _______________ our exam.
4. In two years, they will live in a different city.
35. He (wait) _______________ for you when you get back tomorrow.
5. At 11 AM tomorrow, they will be having a meeting.
Task 3. Choose the correct answer
6. By next summer, he will work at that company for five years.
1. By this time next year, we ________ around Europe.
7. By this time next year, we will be living in our new house.
a) will travel b) will be traveling c) are traveling
8. By the time we come back, the kids will be watching TV.
2. Tomorrow, at 8 PM, he ________ for his final exam.
9. Next month, they will not be traveling around the world.
a) will study b) will be studying c) studies
10. By next year, we will not be performing at the theater.
3. In five years, she ________ in a different country.
11. At this time tomorrow, she will be hiking in the mountains.
a) will live b) will be living c) lives
12. By the end of the week, he will have completed the marathon.
4. By the time you arrive, we ________ dinner.
13. Next year, they will be living in a different country.
a) will prepare b) will be preparing c) prepare
14. At 3 PM tomorrow, they will be discussing the project progress.
5. Next summer, we ________ our vacation in Hawaii.
15. In two years, they will not own a beach house.
a) will spend b) will be spending c) spend
16. By next summer, he will have published his first book.
6. This time, I _______ a conference in New York.
17. In a month, she won't be starting her own business.
a) will attend b) will be attending c) attending
18. By this time next year, they will be working on a top-secret project.
7. By 2030, scientists ________ a cure for that.
19. Next month, they won't be attending the international conference.
a) will find b) will be finding c) find
20. In five years, she won't have achieved her career goals.
8. At 10 a.m tomorrow, I _______ a report for the meeting.

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