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Class-2 or For the Class as Decided by Book Selection Committee/Teachers’ Concerned , @yaini J @n BESS, a) Jasika Khera M.Sc. (Maths), M.Phil. (Maths) Authors apr Pp amet RENAN Published by MONOPOLY EDUCATION {An imprint of Playpen International) 1-4/58 (FF) Sector-16, Rohini, New Delhi-110085, Plot-1, Mohkampur Industrial Area, Phase-ll, Dethi Road, Meerut | First Published 2019 Authors ‘Ayush Gupta Jasika Khera Printed & Bound in india at: Guider Printline Layout, Setting & Illustrations given by: Publication Unit (Schoo! Division) Copyright© PLAYPEN INTERNATIONAL ening Kaonnecge co <_S-————__—_— 1. Revision Drill 3 2. Numbers up to 500 6 3. Even and Odd Numbers 12 4. Addition up to S00 14 5. Addition with Regrouping 16 6. Repeated Addition and Skip Counting 19 7. Subtraction up to 500 21 8. Subtraction with Regrouping 23 9, Regrouping Digits 26 10. Money 28 11. Multiplication 32 12. Division 38 13. Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers 41 14. Word Based Problems 44 15. Time 49 16. Calendar 52 17. Metric Measurements 55 18. Geometrical Shapes 60 19, Patterns 62 20. Data Handling 63 © Challenger (8 Guess Papers) 65-80 apes Ga Ree a) Date... {score] J 1. Write down the numerals in each of the following. Number name Tens Ones Seventeen Thirty-eight Twenty-six Fifty-seven Eighty-nine Forty-four Seventy-five . Arrange the following in descending order. a. 12 49 86 34 90 37 71 Teacher’s Signature ......... Banas 3. Arrange the following in ascending order. 49 68 28 79 | | ] 73 71 98 94 72 61 57 | at IE 4. Write the number coming between. 32 34 2 [| 70 72 a [| | 43 [| 50 37 [|__| 5. Write the numbers before and after. 27 93 389 [ ] 4o[ | [| 64 L } a [| 32 [ ]s7 [] 92 Ma ais 2 Teacher's Signatut...... [_ GSaeS 6. Write the numeral in the boxes. 2tens+5ones= Stens lone 3tens+7ones= 9tens Oone A4tens+Oone = Atens 9ones= 8tens+4ones= 7tens 6ones= 6 tens +7 ones= Stens Gones= . Ineach of the following compare the numbers and fill the circles with >, , [8]7/8/817] «[tle[t al ae a Saree objec H\ve= NI [81 ears ©) [2] 8 6, OU ZS Sie i 4) (ot : a7Nt ol Genes Gees We slates peasant Pe ml (ah La ‘oleae’? ol lal, te [al SaaS (Store| __| Oate..... 1. Find out the following. a. 84+8+84+8+8+848+8+8 300 is greater than the smallest 3-digit number by 30 toys divided equally among 10 children gives the division sum 30+ 10=. 96=... weet 75 The multiplications 8 x 5 and 5 x 8 give the same product which is 57=4tens+ 930 marbles — 135 marbles = ... marbles 265 =200+30+ 86 caps+ 104 caps= 184=1 hundred + Metal Nai? Teacher's Signature OSees 2. Fillinthe blanks. a. 481 comes just after b. The place value of 3 in the number 236 is e. . Find out the following: is1 less than 217. b. Arrange is ascending order. 485 329 476 392 458 469 hundreds + Which is greater, 2 hundreds + 7 tens + 6 ones or 2 hundreds +6 tens +9 ones? Observe the pattern and fill in the blanks. 100, 120, ED estat 2 Teacher's Signature fSnae 1. Find out the following. a. 3 weeks = b. 8x. c. Price of cap is 40 rupees. Price of 4 caps is rupees. d. Lhour—15 minutes = minutes centimetre . Fillinthe blanks. a. 2 hundreds + 18 tens = 3 hundreds + tens b. There are tens in 300. c. which is greater, 498 or 400+ 80+9? ANSWEP 2... cecesceeeeeees d.The month of october comes between e. Write the sum in numerals: 33 tens+ 1 hundreds = f. 60 taken away from 15 tens give vee Teacher's Signature ee] is as in descending order. 486 328 263 375 480 COCICICicd . Ajar contains 280 grams of salt. If 180 grams of salt is taken out from the jar[ how much salt will remainin the jar? ANSWET! ...ssscsesseesneeeees . The shortest hand of a clock is between 5 and 6 and the longer hand is on6. The time is... Vani reads 10 pages of a book in one day. How many pages can she read in 8 days? ANSWEF 3 ..ccesseeseeseesees . Inan examination Bhavin got 76 marks. Dhruv got 12 more marks than Bhavin. How many marks did Dhruv get? ANSWET! oe sseesesseeeeseeee . Find out the following. a. Lhour 20 minutes = b. 340-0 63 c. 258—2 hundreds = Gaeae (score | . Myra has 35 balls with her. She distributed 7 balls each to her 5 friends. Write this as a division sum. . The longer hand of a clock is on 3 and the shortest hand is on 4. The time is . The longer hand of a clock is on 9 and the shortest hand is between 12 and 1. The time is . Put the correct symbol of comparison (<,> or=) inthe circle. 300+60+9 (_) 3hundreds+9tens+6 ones . Arrange in descending order. 296 240 398 257 320 189 LIC }LJ . Jayesh subtracted a number from 490 and got answer 286. Which number did he subtract? ANSWEF 3... ec ceeceeeeeeees sone? Teacher's Signature Ganae 7. Fillinthe blanks. . There are days in an ordinary year. 2 day= hours minutes days make a week. Ayear with days is aleap year. In which number is the place value of 5 greater, 285 or 258?. ..+1=280 2 hundred + 26 tens + 27 ones = hundreds + The day after Thursday is Thereare. .... months in a year. exe comes before September. The sixth month ofa year is . The month of August has . Thesecond month of the year is If today is Saturday, Yesterday was p. Thesecond last month of a year Neat atts:? Teocher’s Signature S5888 1. The longer hand of a clock is on 10 and the shortest hand is between 1 and 2. The time shown bythe clock is . The difference between the smallest 2-digit and 3-digit number is . Fillinthe blanks. less than 498. b. we 458 hundreds c. 350+150=50x d. 480-.. 286 @.54+54+54+545+5454+5= f. There are days ina fortnight. g. 2hundreds + 14 ones = h.2 rupee 50 paise less than 6 rupees is . Aarush went on a tour on 13th August and returned on 6th September. How many days WaS he ONTOUN? .........eceeceeeeeee days. 5. Yashvi bought 8 cloths, each of length 85 cm. sess? CE The total length of cloths = .........sssssssssseesees =. -m . Find the following and write teh answer. a. Whatis 20 less than 8 hundreds? b. 150+55+290=190+ c. How muchis 6 times 250g? ...........- Ch eeeceeseeeseee 50-paise coins make 10 rupees. e. 35 days make f. We measure the quantity of a litres and millilitres. g.... ...*20=4 hundreds h. 2hundreds +7 tens+5 ones = i. Whichis more, 22 metre of 300 cm?............ . 20sets of 8 chocolates = 8 sets of chocolates. 8. Arrange in descending order: 425 452 405 428 482 490 | | 9. 300 oranges are packed equally in 6 boxes. Each box contains oranges. Meriol Maths? Teacher‘s Signature ......... Beans (Soxe] . A vegetable seller had 93 kg of potato. If he sold 46 kg of potato, how much potato was remaining with him? . The longer hand is on 12 and the shortest handis on8. Thetimeis hours from 9 o’clock in the morning to 2 o’clock afternoon on the same day. . The smallest 3-digit number is . then the greatest 2-digit number. . Observe the pattern and fill in the blanks. 200 250 . Fillinthe following blanks. a. There are 180 minutes in b. A footballis... c. The length of one ribbon is 75 cm. Length of 4such ribbons is d. The difference between the greatest 2-digit number and the smallest 3-digit number is one: CER SSess e. The sum of two numbers is 370. If one of the numbers is 161, which is the other number? ANRSWEP Sesvssseveserxesvses f. 35 minutes more than 3 hours 25 minutes = ... hours g. 3hours 20 minutes = h. Write in standard form: 5x10+10x20+9x10= i, Whichis more, 2m 80cm or 285 cm? ANSWEF 3. .eseeseesceeseeeee . Find out the following. a. Which is greater, 44 tens + 86 ones or 46 tens +28 ones? ANSWER Sccscccnvesersesvessersen b. One flower has 12 petals. 10 flowers have Ge eeceeteeee 50-paise coins make 3 rupees. e. What should be subtracted from 457 to get 283? ANSWER! ......0scseseeeee f. There are tens in 500. acl ahs? Teacher's Signature GaesS DON ses cenausf ncscaae [Scone] 1. Which is more, 6 rupees of 620 paise? ANSWET : ..csecsessesssseseeee . Fill in the circle with the correct symbol of comparison (<,>or=). 3 hundreds +9 ones O 3 hundreds +8 tens . Fillin the blanks. Acoinis in shape. . Weget twenty 10-rupee notes in exchange of .. .. 100-rupee note. We measure a liquid in . Which is less, 3 metre or 396 centimetre? AMSWEP 2 v.seeseeseseteeseeeee . We express the height of a building in Aspherehasa .... SUrface. The length of a piece of cloth is measured i and Nesta ais-2 Teacher's Signature SSea8 j. lrupee= k. 1kilogram= 4. 2 hundreds + 22 tens + 36 ones = ............ hundreds + 5. The difference in the place values of 9 in 394 and 369is 6. The place value of 5 in 485 is... the place value of 5 in 352. 7. Find the following and write the answer. 100 + 250+ 43=300+ hundreds + ones =368 The numbers that come just before and after 208 are 271is 1 more than 207 comes just after If the opposite sides of a plane figure are equal, itisa ntl Nats-2 Teocher’s Signature... GaEaS . Write the followingin expanded form. a. 298= . Circle the greatest number in each row. a. 391 369 380 389 396 308 b. 328 428 246 482 254 381 . Write the missing digits in boxes. 47 -2 7 _| SSaas . Write the following in numerals. a. Four hundred sixteen-two = b. Three hundred ninety-four = c. Two hundred twenty-eight = . Write the following using symbols >,

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