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7% anguage ish Literature & Languag A Book of English With ‘Communicative Approach os i) Anubhuti Gupta M.A. (English), B.Ed. E s5FB05 tera) Arunesh Gupta & t are MA. (English) Enriched with Comprehensive Exercises, Vocabulary, Grammar, Speaking and Writing Skills Published by MONOPOLY EDUCATION (An Imprint of Playpen International) 1-4/58 (FF) Sector-16, Rohini, New Delhi-110085 Plot-1, Mohkampur Industrial Area, Phase-II, Delhi Road, Meerut | First Published 2019 Authors Anubhuti Gupta Arunesh Gupta Printed & Bound in India at: Guider Printline Layout, Setting & Illustrations given by: Publication Unit (School Division) Copyright© PLAYPEN INTERNATIONAL Enrching knowedge No part of this publication may by reproduced, stored in a retrieval system transmitted in any form ‘or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers, Every attempt has been made to contact holders of copyright of the photographs used in this book. The teaching material Is meant for enlightening students and inculcating the right values in them. It ‘has been published pursuant to an undertaking given by the authors that the contents do not violate any existing copyright. In the absence of complete information, it has not been possible to identify the source of materials used. In the event if any copyright has been inadvertently infringed, please ‘notify the publisher for any corrective action. ‘A Product of india me Inside the Book ‘Hello! English Reader’ for classes 1 to 8 is a comprehensive course in English. It equips learners to express themselves in English in real-life situations in today’s world. The series is designed on the recommendations made byas per the latest syllabus of educational boards of India. The goal of ‘Hello! English Reader’ is to help students make the transition from the “sheltered” reading material provided in ordinary classes to the material that they are expected to work with in mainstream academic settings ‘The series covers a wide range of skills to help students develop their overall knowledge of English and use the language effectively for their academic requirement and social mobility. Many of the chapters in the series contain theme-related stories and poems. Each section in the book is followed by a comprehensive four-part skills check that is developed to meet the needs of school students and is consistent with the general scope and sequence of curricula as prescribed by educational boards. In the books at each level, there is a gradual but progressive development of the students’ speaking and writing skills. This series is a sincere attempt to fulfil the needs of educators as well as learners and to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Itis our hope that both teachers and students will enjoy the course and provide us with valuable feedbackin the years to come, Online Teacher Resources obtineles!” ama Online Test Generator~ Evaluation now becomes an easy task. Test Generator is an online aid for teachers to design exam papers, test papers from extensive pool of questions such as multiple choice questions, fill ups, short answer and long answer questions. Android App Audio E-book Great care has been taken to present the e-reader app that has important features for using e-textbooks inthe classroom. ‘Some functionality of e-book are mentioned below: 1. Zoom in/Zoom out: When you want to get closer to the interactive content, Zoom in/Zoom out option helps you to get a closer look ata high-quality image that deserves a more detailed and deep study. 2. Search: When you want to look at some important words inside the content, Search option helps youtosteerstraight to the desired words. 3. Bookmark: When you want to add some interesting part as a bookmark, Bookmark feature allows you to add a bookmarkand also you can jump to specific bookmarks. 4, Thumbnail: When you want to see every larger image at an instant click without opening it, Thumbnail feature reflects a small image of a larger image, thus make it easier and quicker to look and manage a group of large images. ipbook: | you are facing problems in interaction with e-books, Fipbook feature unites the ease of interaction with the efficiency and increased value offered in today's era of e-reading technology. MCQs True or False Fillin the Oral Questions provide the provides a blanks are most useful platform for asked to fill tool of all the students the incomplete the objective togivea sentences have been given in order type quick with appropriate || to promote understanding questions. response. words. of the text. KEY FEATURES Colcsr qari sreel| sa KEY FEATURES a Sante trax aa Mets} ; Eran Miateci reeteColi ete YUE ren Ty ey Bore Tears practical | Bere -Senee allow FMM Ute een) ony ina thoughtful and F Petts rernn nS Convent samen soenunig statis TENTS AT A GLANCE 1. Tarzan, The Taxi Car 7 2. The Fearless Prince 13 3. John in Luck 18 4. The Stately Lady (Poem) 23 ___) Tear-awayWorksheet-2 8 5. Cat and Mouse 30 6. The Young Giant 35 7. The Cat Princess 40 8. The Rainbow (Poem) 45 > Tear-away Worksheet 29 | DTESTPAPERI = 8 9. The Four Friends 52 10. A Fox and a Stork 57 11. John is Ready for School 62 12. Tall Trees (Poem) 68 D Tear-awayWorksheet3 72 13. The Sheep and The Sheep-Dog 73 14. Two Frogs 79 15. The Skilful Hunter 84 16. An Apple (Poem) 89 | © me; ‘Tarzan, The Taxi Car y Inti caper, we shally that one shold flow he afer and be honest. AI Tarzan is a happy little blue taxi car. It takes people up and down every day. It takes Mr. Oliver to the market every Sunday. At other times, it gives a lift to tourists in the city. Uncle Kapil missed the city . bus last Friday. Then Tarzan took him to the railway station. " tourists: those people who make a tour; missed: lost last: final mT Tarzan always obeys traffic rules. It stops when the light turns red. It gets ready when the light turns yellow. It goes ahead when the light turns green. Tarzan loves little children the most. It runs slowly when it is carrying them to school every Monday. It blows horn at every crossing and turn. Children wash and polish Tarzan till it shines happily. One Friday morning, Tarzan found a book lying on the seat, “Oh no! Mr. Sharma , a teacher, has forgotten his book. | had better to go and give it to him,’ said Tarzan. Tarzan drove down to the school. Mr. Sharma was very happy to get his book back. A. Tick (V) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. Uncle Kapil missed the city bus last z @ a. Tuesday @ b. Friday 8 c. Sunday a ay ay 2. At other times, Tarzan gives a lift to . a. children 0 b. Mr. Oliver © c. tourists a 3. Tarzan stops when the light turns . a. yellow 0 b. green O@ cred B 4. Tarzan takes Mr. Oliver to the every Sunday. a. market © b. school © c. railway station (i B. Answer the questions orally. 1, What is the colour of Tarzan? 2. Whom does Tarzan love the most? 3. What did Tarzan find on its seat? C. Answer the questions in writing. 1. Where does Mr. Sharma work? 2. How does Tarzan run when it carries children to the school? 3. What does Tarzan do when the traffic light turns yellow? 4. What does Tarzan do at every crossing and turn? VOCABULARY . D. Complete the spellings of the following words. E. Learn and speak the words aloud. Cn LANGUAGE IN USE A word that tells us what a person, animal or thing does is called a verb. A verb is an action word. Examples : 1. Suman plays football. 2. | read book. F. Look at the picture and write the action words. g 1 your books. S40 2. in the river. 3. the newspaper. 4. your hands. fe 5. your milk. LEARNING TIME... G. Observe the car and label these items on the right place. Headlight, Side view mirror, Door, Steering wheel, Tyre, Mirror H. Write a few lines according to the given pictures. Write what you will say to your friend. FUN TIME. l. Hichildrent! | ama traffic light. Colour me. J. Fill colours in the traffic lights. 1. ‘Stop’ when the light turns 2. ‘Get ready’ when the light turns OOO 3. ‘Go’ when the light turns SPEAKING SKILLS. If someone disobeys the traffic rules, we say: — Do not drive your car fast. — Do not walk on the wrong side. K. Now if you see some people to do so, what will you say? Complete these boxes with EE words, @ Do not drive your bike e@ Do not come ahead from the crossing line when the light is @ Always wear a when you are driving. WRITING SKILLS L. Imagine that you and your friend are going on a bicycle and he is ri fast. What will you say? Write your answer in the given space. LY sy Identify these pictures and write their names. hah sa “travelling, he reached a giant's castle. The giant caught him and sent him to fetch a magic apple. The brave prince brought back the magical apple and gave it to the giant. _ During his journey, the prince had become friendly with a lion, who had given him a magical ring. Now, the greedy giant wanted the ring too, but the prince refused to give it. The giant tricked the prince into a fight. However, the lion saved the prince and killed the giant. The prince carried on with his journey. Soon, he reached a mansion where a cursed princess was locked. To save the princess, the prince stayed up for three nights in the haunted mansion. He suffered much torture by the ghosts of the mansion, but finally saved the princess. The prince returned home with the princess and lived happily ever { greedy : wanting more; mansion :a large house; finally: at last Ey any A. Tick (W) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. A young prince set out on : @ a. travelling ( b. ahorse i c.anadventue (i 2. The giant caught the: a. young prince {i b. apple i c.magicalring © 3. The greedy giant wanted the: a. apple (0) b. magical ring OD c. fight B 4. The prince returned home with the: a. princess OB b. ghost Oc. giant a B. Answer the questions orally. 1. Who caught the young prince? 2. Did the young prince fetch a magic apple? 3. Who saved the life of the young prince? C. Answer these questions in writing. 1, While travelling where did the young prince reach? 2. Where did the giant send the young prince? 3. How many days did the prince stay up in the haunted mansion? 4, Who gave a magical ring to the prince? VOCABULARY . D. Write the words as shown. Q 1. every + day =__ everyday 2. fear+less = 3. after + noon = 4. cheer + ful. = 5. fare+well = 6 care + ful = Sua Complete the spellings of the following words. . adve ture 2. ma ical 3. ca____ ght 4. ha___ nted LANGUAGE IN USE. We will now learn how to use ‘has’ and ‘have’. These words are also called verbs. ‘Has’ is used with singular words. ‘Have’ is used with plural words. Examples : 1. | have two pens. 2. He has a car. F. Complete the following sentences with ‘has’ or ‘have’. One has been done for you. 1d have a magical box. 2. Suman and Tanvi anice storybook. 3. An elephant a long trunk. 4. They completed the work. 5. | two hands. G. Match the words with their opposites. 1. good a, day 2. beautiful b. dishonest 3. honest c. cold 4. night d. bad 5. warm e. ugly LEARNING TIME H. Pick out the words from the box and fill in the blanks. 1, The___ bark at the stranger. 2. The gives us milk. aay ay 3. Please don’t 4, The moves round the sun. FUN TIME. 1. Colour our National Flag. SPEAKING SKILLS. You are going on a tour and somebody is trying to tease you, ‘you say’: — Just hold your tongue. — Do not cross your limit. J. According to the given pictures, what will you say? ° ® gh) WRITING SKILLS ... K. Imagine that you are a prince. If you are caught by anyone in a forest, what will you do? Write your views in the given space. ao Wee John in Luck In this chapter, we shall read about a man who exchanged his things to others and reached the house with empty hands. John was a cheerful boy. He had happily served his master for seven years. Now, he left for home. As a farewell gift, his master gave him a lump of gold. During his journey, John met a horseman. Seeing the man ride merrily, John exchanged his gold for the horse and trotted away. (hierful pleasant served s employed farewell: eave taking. goodbye: merrily: with oy TY ey However, when John pushed the horse to run faster, he was thrown off. Then, John saw a countryman with a cow. John traded his horse for the cow. After some time, John stopped at a moor to milk the cow. A butcher passing by told John that his cow was too old to be milked. John took the butcher's goat in exchange for his cow. Next, John met a mason and exchanged his goat with the mason's grindstones. The heavy stones soon tired John. He went to a well to drink water and dropped the stones inside by mistake! John ran home, empty-handed but still happy. mE 4S A. Tick (V) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. John served his master for: a. seven years © b. eight years Oc. six years B 2. John exchanged his gold for the: a. Cow b. horse 1 c. stones a 3. John stopped at a moor to the cow. a. sell @ b. beat @ cmilk B au 4, John dropped the ____ into the well by mistake. a. stones 1 b. cow @ c. goat B B. Answer these questions orally. 1. What type of boy John was? 2. What did John drop into the well by mistake? 3. Why did John go to the well? C. Answer these questions in writing. 1. What did John’s master give him as a farewell gift? 2. Ina moor, who was passing by John? 3. During his journey whom did John meet first? 4, What did John get in exchange of the pig? VOCABULARY . D. Match the words with their meanings. 1. happy a. a shapeless mass @ 2. farewell b. prize 3. gift c. joyful 4. lump d. good-bye Es soe the eens meson 2, ampty 3%: hoars 4. gled LANGUAGE IN USE By adding ‘s’ ina word, we can make a word plural. Carefully read the following words. Examples: Book + s = Books Bat +s = Bats ay ey F, Add ‘s’ to the following words and make them plural. 1. lion 2. cat 3. horse 4. table We often begin sentences with ‘There is’ or ‘There are’: Examples: There are many fish in the pond. There is a five rupee coin in my pocket. G. Now, look at the pictures and write your answer using ‘There is/There are’. 1. How many books are there? 2. How many ships are there? 3. How many balls are there? 4, How many computers are there? LEARNING TIME H. Fill in the blanks with the given words. 1. We should traffic rules. 2. We should not about others. 3. One should one’s neighbour. 4. Always the poor. 5. We should our parents. |. Write one sentence about your teacher. FUN TIME J. Can youname the body parts of a cow? Label and colour the picture. { ae i f SPEAKING SKILLS. K. Look at the pictures and according to the story, tell your friends what John is saying. | WRITING SKILLS ... L. Write a small story according to the given line and understand the moral. God helps those who help themselves. ES £27 my; The Stately Lady In this poem, we shall study about nature. itis a precious gift of God. 7 When we go to a garden, we see many things. Look at some of them and name them. Isawa stately lady Inagreengown, * When the moon was shooting Silver arrows down. aN And the stately lady In her gown of green, — Made the prettiest cartsey Ihadeverseen. =) stately : majestic; arrows : pointed sticks that are shot from a bow; gown :a special long dress worn by a woman; cartsey : bend one’s knees to show respect to someone, feminine salutation “Little lonely lady You must be a queen, In your yellow satin And your gown of green”. “But the stately lady Bowed her gracious head, “| was made a tulip Not a queen.’ She said. —Flora Sandstorma A. Tick (V) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. A stately lady was in a: a. yellow gown J b. green gown Gc. red gown BS 2. The moon was shooting down. a. silver arrows —{§ b. yellowarrows = _c. white arrows 3. The little lady was: a. sad © b. lonely © cc. happy B 4. The stately lady bowed her: a. gracious hand i b. gracious shoulder (Jc. gracious head EIT £17 B. Fill in the blanks using help box. a 1. The girl saw a lady in the garden. 2. The moon was in the sky. 3. The stately lady has worn gown. 4. The girl did not see such a lady. 5. The stately lady said that she was not a C. Answer these questions orally. 1. What did the poet see in the garden? 2. In which dress the stately lady was? 3. Who was the stately lady? D. Answer these questions in writing. 1. When did the poet see the stately lady? 2. In which outfit the stately lady was? 3. What did the poet tell the lady? 4, What reply did the lady give? VOCABULARY ..... E. Match the rhyming words. 1. gown a. stately @ 2. green b. said 3. lonely c. down 4. head d. seen F. Match the following. 1. slip a. saw 2. see b. made a 3. kill c. told 4. tell d. slipped 5. make e. killed = LANGUAGE IN USE. Articles : There are two types of articles: a. Indefinite articles b. Definite article ‘A’ and ‘An’ are called indefinite articles and ‘The’ is called a definite article. a, e, i, o and u are called vowels, We write ‘an’ before words that begin with a, e, i, o and u letters. We write ‘a’ before consonant letters. Read the following sentences carefully. 1. This is an ant. 2. This is acchair. G. Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1. That is elephant. 2. Sumit can drive car. 3. Rohit is good student. 4 orange is a very delicious fruit. 5. Leat apple in breakfast. The Comma : If in a sentence, we have more than two similar words, we separate them by commas. For example : Sumit has a bat, a ball and stumps. H. Put commas in the right places. 1. [havealready visited the Taj Mahal the Red Fort and the Qutab Minar. 2. Tanvi goes to school on Monday Wednesday and Saturday. 3. Aadhar is fond of playing chess watching cartoons and collecting stamps. 4. Youheand | wentto market yesterday. ay oF LEARNING TIME |. Write five qualities of a good student. One sentence has been done for you. 1. . . 2. 3. 4. 5. FUN TIME. J. Here are given pictures of some flowers. Name them. SPEAKING SKILLS. When you go in a garden, you feel very happy to see the surroundings. But you should not harm anything there. If you see someone to destroy the garden, what will you suggest? K. According to the given pictures say some words. WRITING SKILLS ... L. You know plants and trees play an important role in our life. How can we save them? Write your views in the given space. Bele nea ol dciatei-y 1. Fill colours in the traffic lights. 1. ‘Stop’ when the light turns oO 2. ‘Get ready’ when the light turns O 3. ‘Go’ when the light turns % 2. Imagine that you and your friend are going on a bicycle and he is riding fast. What will you say? 3. According to the given pictures, what will you say? 1 ‘5. Plants and trees play an important role in our life. How can we save a j Maen Cat and Mouse In this chapter, we shall study about the world that is full of selfish persons. We should stay away from them. There are some animals that save food for winter. Tick (/) those animals. re ae TZ aN Once, a cat and a mouse were good friends. One day, they decided to save some food for winter. Thus, they stole a : pot of fat and hid itina church. Now, the greedy cat wanted to eat the fat. So, she lied to the mouse, “I have been invited to the decided : arrived at conclusion; stole : took without permission; greedy : wanting more church for a christening!” Then, she ate the fat off the top of the pot. When she returned, she told the mouse that the baby was named Top- Off. The second time, she ate half the fat, and told the mouse that the baby was named Half-Done. The third time, she ate all the fat, and said that the baby’s name was All-Gone. When winter came, the two went to get the pot of fat. The mouse saw the empty pot and said angrily, “Now I understand the meaning of those names!” But the cat jumped on the mouse and ate him too. A. Tick (/) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. Acat and a mouse were friends. @ a. bad 8 b. good OO c. greedy oO 2. They decided to save some food for: a. winter © b. summer OS c. church B 3. The mouse was to see the empty pot. a. happy Ob. sad @ c.angry a 4. The cat wanted to eat the fat. a. greedy Ob. fat Oc. angry B B. Answer these questions orally. 1. Who were the good friends? 2. For which season did they decide to save food? 3. Where did they hide the pot? C. Answer these questions in writing. 1. Why did the cat lie to the mouse? 2. Why did the cat go to the church? 3. In the end of the story, what happened to the mouse? 4. What did the cat and the mouse steal? VOCABULARY . D. Complete the spel E. Choose and write the opposite qualities. One has been done for you. g gs of the following words. Soft Night Clean High Tall Fat i oe: LANGUAGE IN USE. F. Answer these questions as shown: 1. Is this a burger? Yes, this is a burger. 2. Is this a tubelight? No, this is a torch. 3. Is this a ball? He is selfish. — He never cares for others. J. According to the story, fill in the blanks. 1. | have been invited to the church fora 2. The baby was named 3. The cat jumped on the mouse and him too. WRITING SKILLS .. K. If one of your friend selfish and greedy, what special care you follow? Write your views in the given space. -And overtops the trees, And builds a road from Earth to sky, Is prettier far than these. —Christina Rossetti A. Tick (/) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. Boats sail on the . @ a. sky (8 b. clouds OD c. rivers B 2. The rainbow is like a road from to the sky. a. Earth (0) b. trees 8 c. heaven B 3. The clouds sail the sky. a. from © © c. across B 4. are prettier than boats and ships. a. Seas (§ b. Clouds c. Trees B B. Answer these questions orally. 1. Who sails across the sky? 2. Where do ships sail? 3. Does the rainbow sail on the rivers? C. Answer these questions in writing. 1. Where does a rainbow build a road from? 2. What is the shape of a rainbow? 3. What is the bow that bridges the heaven? 4. What are prettier than boats and ships? VOCABULARY . D. Put these words in the correct order and rewrite the sentences. 1. the trees / overtops / the bow. 2. clouds / across/sail / the sky. 3. the / there / bridges / are / on / rivers. 4. boats / on / sail / rivers / the. <7 £7 E. Match the words with their meanings. R 1. help a. remarks 2. gift b. prize 3. able c. aid 4. comments d. fit LANGUAGE IN USE. Short Forms We often join groups of words like I will, he is, you are, etc. But we can also write them as: lam as I'm Wehave as © We've F. Match the words with their short forms. 1. lam a. you're R 2. she is b. they’ve 3. you are c. I'm 4, they have d. we'll 5. we will e. she’s G. Rewrite these sentences using the short forms of the bold words. 1. Heis the youngest boy in the class. 2. You are waiting for your friends. 3. They have completed their work. 4. She is walking in the rain. 5. I shall go to a movie next Sunday. FUN TIME... H. The rainbow has seven colours. Fill these colours in the given picture. SPEAKING SKILLS I. If we see a rainbow, all of us become surprised. What will you say if you see a rainbow. WRITING SKILLS .. J. Nature has given us many things. Write some words about nature. a oF alee NA eld Citaieyag Student's Name: . According to the story ‘Cat and Mouse’, fill in the blanks. 1. I have been invited to the church for a : 2. The baby was named . 3. The cat jumped on the mouse and him too. 2. Your family is going to see the circus. You are also going with them. How will you invite your friend? 3. In the school you obey your teachers when they say something. How will you teach others to follow the traffic rules? Fill in the blanks with suitable words. i i i i i i i \ 1. Look at the road * : 2. Obey the traffic i 3. Always walk on the i i x 4, Everyone should serve his/her duty with devotion. Write some words on it. 5. How many colours does a rainbow have? Name them. . Nature has given us many things. Write some words about nature. Dea A. Tick (/) the correct a. yellow a. princess a. seven years 4. John exchanged a. cow a. gracious hand a. winter 7. A farmer had a: a. tall son a. seven years . Tarzan takes Mr. C._ Fill in the blanks usi happy, bigger, . Mr. Sharma was . The ae oy 2. The prince returned home with the: 3. John served his master for: 8. The giant looked after the boy for: SS ait answer. (MCQs) 1. Tarzan stops when the light tums: (@ b. green @ b. ghost cc. giant @ b. eight years his gold for the: @ b. horse 9 six years cc, stones 5. The stately lady bowed her: (@ b. gracious shoulder {i c. gracious head 6. The cat and the mouse decided to save some food for: @ b. summer cc. church @ b.tiny son » giant | i | e ° @ b.two years many years B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. Oliver to the market every Sunday. 1 2. Ina mansion, the prince saw a cursed princess. 3. John's master gave him a lump of gold. 4. John dropped the stones into the well by mistake. 5. The stately lady said that she was a queen. 6. In winter, the mouse saw an empty pot in the church. 7. The giant looked after the boy for many years. 8. The farmer was speechless to see the young giant. ing help box. little, apple, prince, book, horse, church . Tarzan is a happy blue taxi car. very happy to get his back. 1 2 3. The brave prince gave the magical to the giant. 4. suffered much torture by the ghosts of the mansion. sHBEEEEEB-s pee ee|ee EB BR 5. 6. 7. 8. . The little girl was . John exchanged his gold for the to see the stately lady. The cat and the mouse stole a pot of fat and hid in the .. The farmer son was not than his palm. Answer the following questions in writing. PASS SP 9. 10. What are prettier than boats and ships? Join the words and make a new word. As 3. 5. Rearrange the spellings. 1. 3. Every+day = . Cheer+ful = . Fare+well = osntati uracgios 5. neriesps Complete the following sentences with ‘has’ or ‘have’. a beautiful car. 1 2 3. 4. = . My father Raman and Vikas }. Our principal . All of us d a two rupee note. BN 2. 4. 6. What does Tarzan do when the traffic light turns yellow? Where did the giant send the young prince? Who gave a magical ring to the prince? During his journey whom did John meet first? In which outfit the stately lady was? Why did the cat lie to the mouse? What did the giant do with the tiny boy? What did the mouse say when he saw the empty pot of fat? What did the princess give to the old miller? . After+noon= . Care+ful . Fear+less lascte glopuh neahve a very nice storybook. a long stick to beat. two hands. Match the following common nouns with proper nouns. yaeeo Book . Mountain . Teacher River Boy pense Mr. Sharma Rohit . The Bible |. The Alps . The Yamuna 30 = The Four Friends In this chapter, we shall study about unity. We are only strong when we are united and weak when we are divided. Once there were four friends - a donkey, a dog, a cat anda cock. When they became old, their master decided to kill them. And so, they decided to run away. On their way, it became dark. They decided to rest ina orest. The cock saw the light of a house in the distance. The four friends started alking towards the house. When they reached there, they saw a group of thieves gathered around a table piled with food. The four friends were very hungry. They started singing loudly. The thieves though that they were gho got frightened. However, the leader of the thieves was not frightened, He sent one of his men to examine the house. The four friends pounced A. Tick (7) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. There were friends. @ a. four OD b. three @ ctwo B 2. The cock saw the of a house in the distance. a. light 0) b. roof Oc. wall B 3. The four friends started walking the house. (§ b. across @ c. towards B aE 4. The table was with food. a. decorated © b. piled @ c. lack a B. Answer these questions orally. 1. Who were the four friends? 2. When did they decide to rest? 3. Was the leader of the thieves frightened? C. Answer these questions in writing. 1. Why did the master decide to kill them? 2. What did they see in the house? 3. Why did the leader of the thieves send his man? 4, Why did the thieves run away from the house? VOCABULARY . D. Match the items with their sellers. R 1. fruits a. 2. books b. Fa 3. medicines c 4. clothes d. E. Match the words with their opposites. 1. like a. fat @ 2. begin b. busy 3. clean c. dirty 4. free d. dislike 5. thin e. end LANGUAGE IN USE A pronoun is a word which is used in place of a noun. Examples : Mike will not come today because he is ill. It is a comfortable chair. F. Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns. 1 am a student. 2, are a teacher. 3. played a match. 4, passed the examination. 5. have completed the work. G. Pick out the pronoun from the following sentences and write against them. 1. You are a good boy. 2. She taught us English. 3. These are good pens. 4, They are born great. 5. 1am not learning lesson. LEARNING TIME H. Complete the following words with the help of suitable letters. J. When you go to a shop, you ask the shopkeeper for some thing. Complete these lines. 1, Please show me 2. Do you have a? 3. What is the cost of this ? WRITING SKILLS .. K. According to you, what does the author want to say with the help of the story? Write a few lines. a ey nce there were two friends - a fox and a stork. The fox was very selfish. One day, the selfish : devoted to personal profit; invited : requested courteously; place : home; shallow : having) little depth; bill : beak With a sly smile the fox said, “I am sorry that the soup is not to your liking.”The stork could do nothing and she said, “Oh, please do not apologize.” | hope you will return this visit and come to dine with me.’ Finally, a day appointed and the stork invited the fox. This time the stork ser soup in a very long-necked jar with a narrow mouth. The stork drank the soup easily but this tit the fox was helpless. He could not insert ‘his The fox had to remain hungry. A. Tick (VY) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. The fox was very . @ a. shy @ b. selfish © c. good B 2. The fox invited the stork to : a. dinner © b. lunch © c. breakfast B a Ay 3. The stork served in a very long-necked jar. a. food {8 b. soup ® c. juice a 4. The fox could not insert his mouth into the : a. plate @ b. glass @ c.jar B B. Fill in the blanks. 1. The fox served some soup in a very dish. R 2. The stork could only wet her z 3. The drank the soup easily from the jar. 4. The fox had to__ hungry. C. Answer these questions orally. 1. Who were the two friends? 2. In which thing did the fox serve the soup? 3. Was the stork selfish? D. Answer these questions in writing. 1, Where did the fox invite the stork? 2. Why could the stork not drink the soup? 3. After the dinner what did the stork say to the fox? 4. Why could the fox not drink the soup? VOCABULARY . E. Complete the following sentences. 1. The fox said, “ to your liking.” 2. The stork said, “. apologize.” 3. The stork served soup in a with a narrow mouth.” 4. The fox could not insert F. Correct the spellings of the following words. Ie shollaw 2 remina 3; apolgioze mm Dua 4. appoitned 5 naorrw 6. inesrt LANGUAGE IN USE A preposition is a word used wit or time. a noun or pronoun to show place, position Examples: a. They live in Mumbai. b. He came from Meerut. G. Underline the preposition in the following sentences. 1. What are you aiming at? 2. My elder brother lives in Japan. 3. The function will be held on Monday. 4. He came by the evening train. H. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given in the box. 1. Itistwo my watch. 2. He is going his father. 3. Yogesh is coming market. 4. He is fond singing. LEARNING TIME 1. When we wish to invite a person to our place, we should remember: —> to speak politely. — to mention the time. Now, invite your friend at your home. <7 cy FUN TIME J. Colour the picture of the fox. SPEAKING SKILLS... K. Discuss the topic: “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” WRITING SKILLS .... L. If you invite someone at your place, how do you serve him/her? Write a few lines. © John is Ready for School Today John is very happy. He is going to school. It is his first day in class I. He has packed his school bag himself. His school bag is in blue colour. John has put two pencils, one eraser and a ruler in his pencil b He also put a packet of crayons. Een on 27 He has kept all the books neatly in his bag. is mother has already prepared his lunch box and a bottle of water. “May | go to school by bus?” He asks his mother. “No, my dear! Your father will drop you by car today. He will also pick you up today after school. You may go by bus after two days. John is little bit unhappy. He looks at his father anxiously. He is searching for the car's keys. John finds the keys lying on the dining table. He picks them up and gives them to his father. Father says, “Thank you, John.” | Mother is serving breakfast to@ 39 lf) his grandfather and AR grandmother. |} John bids good-bye to all of them. “Bye, John. Have a nice day in school.” They follow him out of the house. They wave back to him. " prepared : made ready; drop : leave; anxiously : attentively; searching : finding, seeking A. Ti q, 1 @: 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 2. 3. 4 ick (V) the correct answer. (MCQs) . John is going to a. market {8 b. school © c. hospital . John’s mother has prepared his . a. lunch box ( b. breakfast @ c. dinner . John’s father will drop him by . a. bus ( b. scooter @ ccar . Mother is serving breakfast to his a. father (0 b. grandparents =} c. sister B. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements. . John is going to school. . John’s mother has not prepared the lunch box. . John’s father was searching scooter’s key. . John’s mother was serving breakfast to his grandparents. . John bade good-bye to all of them. C. Answer these questions orally. . Where is John going? . What is the colour of John’s bag? . Who will drop John at school? . What is John’s father searching for? D. Answer these questions in writing. 1. In which class John first day is? . What has John put in his bag? After how many days John will go to school by bus? . Where does John see the keys? a ey VOCABULARY . E. Write who said these statements. 1. “May I go to school by bus?” 2. “No my dear!” 3. “Thank you, John.” 4. “You may go by bus after two days.” Said by F. Complete the sentences. q 1. The school building is 2. The class is very neat and very 3. The students are very 4. Teacher teaches us LANGUAGE IN USE. : EN G. We have already read about ‘articles’ Apostate to pictures, write ‘a’ or ‘an’ before them. 1. orange o NX 4. 5. chair pen ox J , 4 apple @ . H. Correct the following sentences. 1. LEARNING TIME . This is an pencil. . This is an chair. .. This is an monkey. . This is a apple. @ This is a orange. |. Complete the dialogues. FUN TIME... J. Write five sentences about yourself. 1 Pens SPEAKING SKILLS... K. How will you describe your mother about your first day in school? Discuss now. WRITING SKILLS L. What should we not do in school? Write a few lines. Tall Trees A tree has many parts. Look at the picture and label it. With their feet in the earth And their heads in the sky, The tall trees watch The clouds go by. When the dusk sends quickly The birds to rest, The tall trees shelter them Safe in a nest. And then in the night ith the tall trees peeping, The moon shines down a world that's sleeping. —Eileen Mathias A. Tick (7) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. The feet of trees are in the a @ a. clouds © b. Earth (§ c. branches a 2. The tall trees watch the goby. a. clouds 0 b.birds OB c.dusk B 3. Thetall trees shelter birds safe ina: a. hut b.hole O c.nest B 4, Inthe night, the moon shines . a.up (0 b.down 65 c.nowhere B B. Fillin the blanks using help box. 1. The trees’ feet are in the : @ 2. Thetrees’ are inthe sky. 3. Thetalltreesarethe________forbirds. 4. Thetall trees. inthe night. 5. Thetrees are forus. C. Answer these questions orally. 1. Where are the heads of trees? 2. Who shelter the birds in their nest? 3. Whatdo the tall trees do in the night? D. Answer these questions in writing. 1. What is meant by the feet and the head of the tree? 2. What happens when the dusk comes? 3. Dothetall trees shelter birds safely? 4, What do the trees do standing on their feet? VOCABULARY E. Complete these lines with the given words. 1. Treesare_____forus. R 2. Trees give us not only butalso. 3. Trees give us . 4. Weshould__trees. F. Learn these words. LANGUAGE IN USE. A conjunction is a joining word. It joins words, groups of words or sentences. Examples: 1. Lucy and Pucy are sisters. 2. Sumitis fat but Sambhav is thin. G. Underline the conjunctions in these sentences. 1. Suman and Sudha are good friends. . Keep quiet or go away. . Heis absent because he is ill. . He passed but his sister failed. . Yesterday Hari came here but he did not work. aay gy WU RwWN H. Fillin the blanks with ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘because’ or ‘or’. 1. Ram Shyam are friends. 2. Sumitis intelligent careless. 3. She must weep. she will die. 4. He will notcome to school heisill. 5. Mr. Sharma cannot run fast. heis old. LEARNING TIME I. Correct the following spellings. 1. arth 2. tres 3. clud 4. sheltar 5. niest 6. monn FUN TIME J. Collect some leaves of different trees and plants and paste them in your notebook. SPEAKING SKILLS Have a group discussion on the given topic “Trees are important for us”. K. Your point for discussion. 1. Why should we planta tree? 2. Where should we planta tree? 3. Why do people cut trees? 4. Howcan we protect trees? WRITING SKILLS .. L. Make a drawing of a tree and write some sentences about it. \ eas Tear-away Workshee Student's Nam« When you go to a shop, you ask the shopkeeper for some thing. Complete these lines. 1. Please show me 2. Doyouhave_ I? 3. What is the cost of this ? Write the moral of the lesson ‘The Four Friends’. If you invite someone at your place, how do you serve him/her? Write a few lines. What should we not do in school? Write your answer. Nature plays an important role in our life. Write a few lines on it. A friend in need is a friend indeed. What does it mean? The Sheep and The Sheep-Dog In this chapter, we shall study about some people who protect and serve us without Look at the pictures and (/) those which a shepherd has. WY ho R= .. Once there was a shepherd lived in a village. He had many sheep. The sheep gave him wool, lambs and milk. He also had a sheep-dog to watch and protect the always have an eye on them. shepherd: a person who takes care of sheep; protect: to save from harm; have an eye: watchful } RE === In his presence, no wolf would ever dare come near the sheep. The sheep-dog always obeyed his master. The shepherd also loved him, He would feed him with his own hands. He would, often pat him. Seeing this the sheep grew jealous. One day, a sheep said to the shepherd, “Master, | have a complai The shepherd was surprised. He asked, “Tell me, what is your problem?” “We give you wool, lambs and milk, yet you ignore us. While, the sheep-dog doesn't give you anything, yet you slove him so much. You do not treat us equally,” said the ©x sheep. The shepherd smiled gently. He was about to give a reply, suddenly the sheep-dog said, “O dear, it is true that | may not give anything to master but | protect all of you. Without me all of you would be stolen by thieves or killed by the wolf” Hearing this the " sheep went away. ser; owner; jealous: envious; ignore: to pay no attention; suddenly: unexpectedly A. Tick (Y) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. The sheep gave him % R a. wool Ob. cheese @ c. puppy 2. The sheep-dog was very a. shy Ob. weak BD c. strong 3. The sheep were of sheep-dog. a. happy @ b. jealous O c.sad 4. The sheep-dog the sheep. a. protected © b. killed c eaten B. Fillin the blanks using help box. 1. The sheep gave the shepherd wool, lambs and 2. The sheep-dog always have an onthe sheep. 3. Thesheep-dogalways_ his master. 4. Theshepherd smiled on sheep complaint. 5. Hearing the answer of sheep-dog, the__—=—=—SSSs wernt away. C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statement. 1. Ashepherd had many sheep. R 2. The shepherd had a wolf to watch and protect the sheep. 3. The shepherd loved the wolf. 4. One day, a sheep complained the shepherd. 5. The shepherd was surprised at the sheep’s complaint. D. Answer these questions orally. 1. Where did the shepherd live? Bua 2. Who would never come in sheep-dog’s presence? 3. Who obeyed his master? E. Answer these questions in writing. 1. What did the sheep give to the shepherd? 2. Who would feed the sheep-dog with his own hands? 3. Who complained to whom? 4, Who answered the sheep? VOCABULARY ..... F. Complete the sentences by using extract. 1. Once there was a : @ 2. The sheep-dog always 3. The master. the sheep-dog with his hands. 4. The shepherd smiled . 5. You would be stolen by or killed by G. Match the characters with their statements. 1. “Master, | have a complaint.” 2. “Tell me, what is your problem?” 3. “I protect all of you.” 4. “You do not treat us equally.” aa ay LANGUAGE IN USE H. Rearrange these jumbled sentences. 1. A shepherd / in a village / lived. 2. The sheep-dog / strong / was very. 3. The master / very much / the sheep-dog / loved. 4. Sheep / a complaint / have / with the sheep-dog. 5. Went away / this / hearing / the sheep. I. Write the meaning of the following words using help-box. c& Help Box save, big, powerful, master ) 1. strong 2. protect 3. owner 4. large LEARNING TIME... J. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. 1. Do not about others. 2. Do not here and there. 3. Do not anyone. 4, Donot______—_the poor. 5. Always your elders. FUN TIME... K. Listen to the teacher as he or she sings the poem. Early to bed, Early to rise, Makes a man, Healthy, wealthy and wise. SPEAKING SKILLS L. The sheep were displeased with the sheep-dog. They complained to the shepherd. If you are displeased with someone, what will you say to your parents? WRITING SKILLS ... M. Imagine that youarea seshed and the sheep complaints you, what would be your answer? Write your answer in the given space. Two frogs were friends. Their names were Jen and Yen. They lived in a pond. One day _ ss a house. They jumped here and | there and looked many things. Both of them were very happy. uddenly they felt thirsty. They aw a pot in the corner. They thought that there was water in it. They jumped into it. Soon they realised that they are in the pot of turd. They tried to come out again and again but all in in. By this continuous effort they were tired. Yen sai “Friend, lam very tired. | am going to be drowned.” Jen said, “Don't lose your heart and try again.” Yen said, “There is no hope; we shall be drowned.’ Jen continued swim in the pot and tried hard. But Yen gave up his effort and was soon drowned. Jen placed his hind legs on the bottom of pot hard and jumped out. Thus, he saved his life. ‘thirsty : feeling the need to drink; realised : become aware of a situation; in vain : useless; effort : endeavour; drowned : died under water A. Tick (/) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. The two frogs were : @ a. friends (8 b. enemies 1 c. neighbours B 2. One day they decided to see the a. kitchen © b. pond Bc. world B 3. Jen and Yen thought that there was in the pot. a. milk (@ b. curd OO c. water B 4. Jen placed on the bottom of pot hard and jumped out. a. hind legs © b. front legs 0 c. mouth B B. Tick ‘true’ or ‘false’. . The two frogs jumped into 2. Both of them decided to see the water pot. the pond. True False True ©, False ©, 3. Jen and Yen were friends. 4. Yen was drowned. True False True False C. Answer these questions orally. 1, Where did the two friends live? 2. What were the names of frogs? 3. What did they see in the corner? D. Answer these questions in writing. 1. What did both of the frogs decide? 2. In which pot did they jump? 3. Who drowned into the pot? 4. Did Jen save his life? VOCABULARY E. Write the opposite of the following words wit the help of help box. 1. tall 2. man 3. day 4. friend 5. happy LANGUAGE IN USE F. We can make some words by adding some letters. Make some new words. One has been done for you. me a G. Find out the words from the text which have same meanings. 1. try hard 2. felt 3. worthless 4. died under water LEARNING TIME ... H. Join the following words using ‘and’. One has been done for you. 1. here, there 3 here and there . milk, butter . pen, pencil . cup, plate . man, woman ne oy OU RWN FUN TIME. I. Doyouhelp your friends in their need? Write a few lines. SPEAKING SKILLS When we see one of our friends in difficulty, we probably sa — Tell me your problem. — lam always with you in your dark side. — Do not lose your hope. J. Now complete these boxes. 1. Yen, do not lose your . Ee 2. Try hard, we shall 3. Hard work is the key of = WRITING SKILLS ..... K. Imagine that you are Jen and your friend is in danger. How will you motivate him? Write your answer in the given space. Daz The Skilfull Hunter Once there lived a brave hunter. One night, he met three giants ina forest. He told them that he had never missed a » shot. The giants wanted him to get the princess who lived in a castle outside the forest. The hunter agreed and went into the castle. Without disturbing anyone, he picked up a sword and returned to the forest. He tricked the giants and chopped off their heads one by one with his sword. The king heard and proclaimed, “Whoever killed the giants will marry my daughter!” But the princess did not want to marry just anyone and left the palace. She started living in a hut in the forest. One day, the hunter was passing by. The princess recognised her x= m oe “_4 father’s sword. She realised that the brave hunter had killed the giants and agreed to marry him. The two were soon married and red happily sword : keen edged cutting or thrusting weapon; chopped : cut into pieces; heard : listened to; __proclainmed : announced, declared; recognised : identified A. Tick (/) the correct answer. (MCQs) 1. The hunter was @ a. coward b. lamb Oc. brave B 2. The giants wanted him to get the ‘ a. princess © b. king © c. sword B 3. The hunter picked up a from the castle. a. sword © b. princess OS c. prince a 4. The princess started living in a in the forest. a. castle ©) b. care Oc. hut B B. Tick ‘true’ or ‘false’. 1. The hunter was coward. 2. The giants wanted to get the princess. True False True ©, False ©, 3. By using tricks, the hunter 4. The princess started living killed the three giants. in a palace. True False True False C. Answer these questions orally. 1, Whom did the hunter meet in the forest? 2. Did the hunter disturb anyone in the castle? 3. What did the hunter pick up from the castle? 9 Answer these questions in writing. 1. What did the hunter never miss? 2. What did the hunter do with the sword?

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