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NAME: ________________ DATE:

6th Grade

I.Put the following regular verbs into the Past Simple (scrieţi forma de trecut simplu a
următoarelor verbe regulate): 20 points
Ex: work - worked
Play - stop –
Cry - visit –
Plan - close –
Shop - reply –
Carry - move -

II. Put the following irregular verbs into the Past Simple (scrieţi forma de trecut simplu a
următoarelor verbe neregulate): 20 points
Ex. Write - wrote
break – cut -
run – come -
put – buy -
take – go -
be - meet -

III. Choose the right past tense form of the verb (alegeţi forma corectă de trecut a verbului)
10 points
1. She ............. (cook) dinner yesterday evening.
a) cooking b) cooked c) cook
2. Mum ............ (lose) her keys last week
a) lose b) lost c) losed
3. My classmates ......... (drink) a lot of coke at the party last weekend.
a) drank b) dranked c) drinking
4. Sarah’s parents .............(plan) a trip to Spain.
a) planed b) planned c) plans
5. The boy ............ (cry) a lot when he hurt his arm.
a)cryed b) cried c) crying
IV. Turn the following affirmative sentences into negative sentences (transformaţi propoziţiile
afirmative în propoziţii negative) 20 points
Ex: I played games yesterday.
I didn’t play games yesterday.
1. Mike watched films on TV at the weekend. _______________________________
2. Maria came to my party. ______________________________________________
3. The policeman wanted to know the truth. _________________________________
4. My aunt sold her house last month. ______________________________________
5. She chatted a lot with her friend. ________________________________________

V. Write the correct past simple form of the verb (scrieţi forma corectă a verbului):
Ex: Maria was bored at the cinema. 10 points
1) It ..................(be) cold yesterday.
2) She ...................(be) hungry.
3) We ....................( not/ be) late for the meeting.
4) I ......................(be) tired last night?
5) The exam ................... (not/ be) difficult.

VI. Shortly describe what you did yesterday (descrieţi pe scurt ce aţi făcut ieri): 10 points
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

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